DEARBORN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING October 16, 2012 9:30 a.m., Commissioners Room County Administration Building 215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana EXECUTIVE SESSION– 8:30 am to 9:15 - I.C.5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(6)(A) Motion made to have Andrew Baudendistel, County Attorney and Terri Randall, County Administrator to work with Bill Black to resolve the situation. CALL TO ORDER Present: Jeff Hughes, Shane McHenry, Tom Orschell, Gayle Pennington, County Auditor, Andrew Baudendistel, County Attorney, Terri Randall, County Administrator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OLD BUSINESS: OKI Funding Contract / Agreement (tabled till Nov.) NEW BUSINESS: LifeTime Resources – Carla Burkhart – Presented Property Declaration and Property Lien Release for the owner occupied rehabilitation for the property of Chester and Lois Kinnett, 9606 Texas Gas Rd., Dillsboro, IN. A motion was made by Shane McHenry to approve and seconded by Tom Orschell. All in favor, motion carried. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Highway Superintendent – Tim Greive - Updates - Chip seal moving along. Konradi Road cannot be done, it is too late in the year so Tim would like to pull this road from the contract. Permission was requested to go to council to purchase a new machetes tractor. A motion was made by Shane McHenry to give permission to go to council to purchase a new mover tractor. Motion seconded by Tom Orschell. All in favor, motion carried. Highway Engineer – Todd Listerman – Updates Contract between Dearborn County and United Consulting for State Line Road, Road slide and embankment correction, not to exceed $84,650.00. A motion was made to award the contract not to exceed $84,650.00 by Shane McHenry. Motion seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. ADMINISTRATOR – Teresa Randall - Award of Votaw Building Demolition – Recommend AFM for both buildings or Westside Paving if one building. Tom Orschell made a motion for a special joint meeting with Council, Commissioners, and City of Lawrenceburg. Motioned was seconded by Shane McHenry. All in favor, motion carried. Morgan Hedrick – suggested more target training to defend the courthouse from potential shooters. Saturday training recommended. Commissioners agreed this training is important. Tentative date is November 10, 2012. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington - Connie Fromhold filled in for Gayle Pennington. EMT Vouchers for training were presented. A motion was made by Jeff Hughes to sign the EMT Vouchers, Tom Orschell seconded. All in favor, motion carried. A motion was made by Jeff Hughes to sign claims, Tom Orschell & Shane McHenry did not review the claims, but accepted a motion to review and then sign the claims after the meeting. Therefore motion carried.
ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel- nothing. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Jeff Hughes – nothing. Shane McHenry - Shane talked to Phil Weaver about voters avoiding metal detector. No one has complained and he thinks it should stay as is. Does not see a way of avoiding that. Tom Orschell – nothing. LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION - None PUBLIC COMMENT - None With no further business before the Board Jeff Hughes made a motion to adjourn at 10:50 a.m. The motion was seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously.
__________________________ Jeff Hughes, President _________________________ Shane McHenry, Member __________________________ Tom Orschell, Member Attest: ____________________________ Gayle Pennington, Auditor Dearborn County