DEARBORN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING November 7, 2012 (Wednesday meeting) 6:00 p.m., Commissioners Room County Administration Building 215 B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana Present: Jeff Hughes, Shane McHenry, Tom Orschell, Gayle Pennington, Auditor, Andrew Baudendistel, County Attorney, Teresa Randall, County Administrator. Pledge of Allegiance Tom Orschell congratulated the winning candidates and applauded the losing candidates for a race well run. OLD BUSINESS: OKI Funding Contract Motion to Table until the new Commissioners take office Moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: Ratify Signature on Vehicle Title Transferring Ownership to City of Lawrenceburg Motion by Shane McHenry to ratify Jeff Hughes signature on the title transfer of a 2005 Pontiac GTO, VIN 6G2VX12U95L368889 from Dearborn County Special Crimes to Lawrenceburg City. Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. Property in Villages of Sugar Ridge, LLC – Certificate did not sell at Tax Sale County attorney to research Macke bankruptcy and Commissioner Sale code. Knights of Columbus – Request to use the Court House Square – January 18, 2013 for Prayer on the Square. Motion to approve moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Highway Superintendent – Tim Greive Updates Highway Engineer – Todd Listerman Todd presented a Supplemental for Stateline Rd. slip repair with INDOT for additional funding. Total now $230,054.40. Motion to approve and sign moved by Tom Orschell, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. Bridge #34 bid award to Holman Excavating, Versailles, In. for $482,193.20. Motion by Shane McHenry to authorize Commissioner Hughes to sign the bid award. Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. Change order for Bridge #224 presented. Shane McHenry made a motion to approve and sign Change order Bridge #224 to decrease the cost by $2,854.56 Motion passed unanimously.
Change order #2 in the amount of $3,139.72 for the North Dearborn realignment to add a catch basin along highway. Dearborn County is responsible for 20% and the State is responsible for 80% Tom Orschell made a motion to approve and sign Change Order #2, Seconded by Shane McHenry. Motion passed unanimously. Jeff Hughes asked Todd a question about why the Bright wishing well had been destroyed by the property owner. Todd said the ROW was sold by Tucker with the agreement of the new owner to donate the well. Documents did not get sent out by Beam Longest & Neff. It is a confusing mess. Andy weighed in. No documents back yet but buyer agreements were signed by new owners to donate. Todd will get together a timeline for the public as to why the well was destroyed. ADMINISTRATOR – Teresa Randall presented Bill Black would like to have approval and signatures so that he can apply for a Grant for new copier and printer in the amount of $4,054.00. Motion to approve and sign the EMA performance Grant in the amount of $4,054.00 moved by Tom Orschell. The motion was seconded by Jeff Hughes. Shane McHenry did not vote. Motion carried. Winter Awareness Preparedness Week Declaration. Motion to approve and sign the Winter Awareness Preparedness Week declaration moved by Shane McHenry. Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. Business to Business – Department Relocation Recommendation for the Administrative Building Motion to accept the recommendation and implement the project moved by Shane McHenry. Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. Update Votaw/Shumway – Presented by Hrezo Engineering. Shane is in favor of taking the full plan before Council because he does not want the project ½ finished. He wants to also make it clear that this is to be Employee parking. Tom and Jeff agree that it is needed, so prepare an additional. Motion by to have the County Administrator approach Council for an additional appropriation of $133,903.50 to demo and pave. Jail updates. Tom Orschell stated that he was not comfortable making a decision above the 9 mil on this project since he will not be continuing as a Commissioner next year. Shane McHenry made a motion to pay Rosser for their design work up to this point. The motion was seconded by Tom Orschell. Jeff Hughes abstains. Jeff agrees with Tom and respects his idea of transition. Shane McHenry made a motion to give Terri permission to set up a special commissioners meeting for Monday Nov. 26, 2012. Tom Orschell’s condition is that he will not be voting on the project. Shane McHenry amended his motion as such, Seconded by Tom Orschell. Motion passed unanimously. AUDITOR – Gayle Pennington presented Accounts Payable Claims for signature. Shane McHenry made a motion to accept and sign the Accounts Payable Claims. Tom Orschell seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioners Dockets were presented for signatures. Shane McHenry made a motion to accept and sign the Commissioners Dockets. Tom Orschell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Payroll was presented for signatures. Shane McHenry made a motion to accept and sign the Payroll Dockets. Tom Orschell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Minutes for the October 16th meeting were presented. Shane McHenry made a motion to accept the October 16th meeting minutes as presented. Tom Orschell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Minutes for the October 2nd meeting were presented. Shane McHenry made a motion to accept the October 2nd meeting minutes as presented. Tom Orschell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. ATTORNEY – Andy Baudendistel had nothing to present. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Jeff Hughes - Congratulations to all candidates. Shane McHenry - Congratulations to all candidates. LATE ARRIVAL INFORMATION - None PUBLIC COMMENT - None With no further business before the Board Tom Orschell moved to adjourn at 7:59 p.m. Shane McHenry seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
_____________________________ President, Jeff Hughes
_____________________________ Shane McHenry Attest: _____________________________ Tom Orschell ________________________________ Gayle L. Pennington, Auditor