a single member of the legislative body cannot act for the body to make work assignments, compensation, grievances, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2012 RECORDER & NEWS advancement or a performance PAGE 1 evaluation without prior authority of a majority of the body and therefore without such authority by the majority he/she will not be in the direct line of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE APPLICATION OF A VARIANCE OF USE supervision. See, [IC 36-4-6-11] [IC 36-5 -2-9.4]. 7. The City of Rising Sun, Indiana, finds that a sinRISING SUN, INDIANA Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of July, gle member of governing bodies with authority over 2012, at 7:00 P.M., a public hearing will be held by employees in the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, canthe Rising Sun Board of Zoning Appeals in the Con- not act for the governing body to makework assignference Room of the City Administration Building, ments, compensation, grievances, advancement or 200 N. Walnut St., Rising Sun, Indiana, for the pur- a performance evaluation without prior authority of pose of considering a proposed Variance of Use of a majority of the body, when a statute provides that the real estate located at 103 Downey Street, Rising a majority is needed to act, and therefore, without Sun. The legal description and the details of the such authority by the majority the single member proposal are on file in City Administration Building, will not be in the direct line of supervision. See, (insert statute cite e.g. park board, plan commission 200 N. Walnut Street, Rising Sun, Indiana. Project description and request: Petitioner re - etc.). quests to legally establish existing antennas and 8. All elected and appointed officials and employees ground equipment on the water tower in an R-1 – of the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, are hereby di Residential District and to provide for technological rected to cooperate fully in the implementation of improvements including installing additional anten- the policies created by this Ordinance and demonstrating compliance with these same policies. nas and cable lines to the tower. The application and file on this matter is available 9. Failure to abide by or cooperate with the implefor examination during regular business hours at mentation, compliance and certifications connected City Hall, 200 N. Walnut Street, Rising Sun, Indiana. with the Nepotism Policy is a violation and may reVerizon Wireless, by Clark, Quinn, sult in the discipline, including termination, of an employee or a transfer from the direct line of superMoses, Scott & Grahn vision or other curative action. An elected or ap /s/ Russell L. Brown pointed official of the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, Attorney for Petitioner who fails to abide by or cooperate with the imple317-637-1321 C-6-21-RSR-2t mentation, with the compliance and with mandated C-6-21-OCN-2t certifications of either the Nepotism Policy may be subject to action allowed by law. IN THE DEARBORN CIRCUIT COURT. 10. Failure to abide by or cooperate with the impleSTATE OF INDIANA mentation, compliance and certifications connected CAUSE NO. 15C01-1205-AD-10 with the Contracting with Unit by a Relative Policy IN THE MA ITER OF THE ADOPTION OF is a violation and may result in the discipline, in DAYTON RYLEY OLDING, Minor Child. cluding termination, of an employee or a curative NOTICE OF ADOPTION action. An elected or appointed official of the City of Dustin Aaron Smith is notified that a petition for Rising Sun, Indiana, who fails to abide by or coopadoption of a child, named Dayton Ryley Olding, erate with the implementation, with the compliance born to Nicole Marie Olding on December 12, 2001 and with mandated certifications of either the Nepowas filed in the office of the Clerk of Dearborn Cirtism Policy or the Contracting with Unit by a Relacuit Court, 215 West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Intive Policy may be subject to action allowed by law. diana 47025. The petition for adoption alleges that 11. The polices created by this Ordinance are the consent to adoption of Dayton Ryley Olding is hereby directed to be implemented by any of the not required because he has not seen, communifollowing actions: a) posting a copy of this Ordi cated, nor supported the child for more than nine nance in its entirety in at least one of the locations (9) years. in the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, where it posts employer posters or other notices to its employees; If Dustin Aaron Smith seeks to contest the adopb) providing a copy of this Ordinance to its employtion of the child, Dustin Aaron Smith must file a moees and elected and appointed officials; c) providtion to contest the adoption in accordance with IC ing or posting a notice of the adoption of this Ordi31-19-10-1 in the above named court not later than nance; or d) any such other action or actions that thirty (30) days after the date of service of this nowould communicate the polices established by this tice. Ordinance to its employees and elected and ap If Dustin Aaron Smith does not file a motion to conpointed officials. Upon taking any of these actions test the adoption within thirty (30) days after servthese policies are deemed implemented by the City ices of this notice the above named court will hear of Rising Sun, Indiana. and determine the petition for adoption. The con12. A copy of the provisions of IC 36-1-20.2 and IC sent to adoption of Dustin Aaron Smith will be ir 36-1-21 effective July 1, 2012, are attached hereto. revocably implied and Dustin Aaron Smith will lose 13. Two (2) copies of IC 36-1-20.2 and IC 36-1-21, the right to contest either the adoption or the validand as supplemented or amended, are on file in the ity of Dustin Aaron Smith's implied consent to the office of the Clerk or Clerk-Treasurer for the City of adoption. Rising Sun, Indiana, for public inspection as maybe No oral statement made to Dustin Aaron Smith rerequired by IC 36-1-5-4. lieves Dustin Aaron Smith of Dustin Arron Smith's Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force obligations under this notice. and effect immediately after its passage and ap This notice complied with Ie 31-19-4.5-3 but does proval by the Mayor of the City of Rising Sun, Indinot exhaustively set forth a person's legal obligaana, and after proper publication and posting as retions under the Indiana adoption statutes. A person quired by law. being served with this notice should consult the InPASSED AND APPROVED by the Common Council diana adoption statutes. of the City of Rising Sun, Indiana Dated this 31 day of May, 2012. this 7th day of June, 2012. Phillip D. Weaver Steve Skack Clerk of Dearborn Circuit Court Mike Padgett P-6-14-RSR-3t Gary Kinneet NOTICE OF UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION Dennis Radcliff ESTATE NO. 58C01-1206-EU-005 Roy Powell In the Circuit Court of Ohio County, Indiana. Presented by me to the Mayor of the City Notice is hereby given that Janice L. West was on signature this 7th day of June, 2012. the 4th day of June, 2012, appointed Personal RepRae Baker Gipson, Clerk-Treasurer resentative of the Will of Constance J. Webb, de - This Ordinance duly approved and signed by me on ceased. this 7th day of June, 2012. All persons having claims against said Estate, Branden Roeder, Mayor whether or not now due, must file the same in said ATTEST: court within three months from the date of the first Rae Baker Gipson, Clerk-Treasurer publication of this notice or said claims will be forChapter 20.2. Nepotism ever barred. Sec. 1. This chapter applies to all units. Dated at Rising Sun, Indiana, this 4th day of June, Sec. 2. An individual who is employed by a unit on 2012. July 1, 2011, is not subject to this chapter unless ANNIE JO JACKSON, the individual has a break in employment with the Clerk of the Ohio Circuit Court unit. The folowing are not considered a break in emDouglas R. Denmure, Attorney ployment with the unit: 402 Second St., P.O. Box 36 (1) The individual is absent from the workplace Aurora, IN 47001 while on paid or unpaid leave, including vacation, 812-926-1227 sick, or family medical leave, or worker's compenC-6-14-RSR-3t sation. (2) The individual's employment with the unit is terORDINANCE NO. 2012- 4 minated followed by immediate reemployment by ORDINANCE REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH the unit, without loss of payroll time. HEA 1005 Sec. 3. For purposes of this chapter, the performCONFLICT OF INTEREST AND NEPOTISM ance of the duties of: WHEREAS, in 2012 the Indiana Legislature passed, (1) a precinct election officer (as defined in IC and the Governor signed, HEA 1005 entitled Nepo- 3-5-2-40.1) that are imposed by IC 3; or tism; Conilict of Interest; (2) a volunteer firefighter; is not considered employWHEREAS, IC 36-1-20.2, as added by P.L. 135-2012, ment by a unit SECTION 7, requires the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, Sec. 4. As used in this chapter, "direct line of superto establish a policy concerning nepotism; vision" means an elected officer or employee who WHEREAS, IC 36-1-21, as added by P.L. 135-2012, is in a position to affect the terms and conditions of SECTION 8, requires the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, another individual's employment, including making to establish a policy concerning contracting with decisions about work assignments, compensation, relatives of elected officials; grievances, advancement, or performance evaluaWHEREAS, these two new chapters, IC 36-1-20.2 tion. The term does not include the responsibilities Nepotism and IC 36-1-21 Contracting with a Unit, re- of the executive legislative body, fiscal body of a spectively, are effective July 1, 2012; unit, as provided by law to make decisions regardWHEREAS, in both of the new Indiana Code chap- ing salary ordinance, budgets, or personnel policies ters, the municipal legislative bodies are mandated of the unit. to adopt a policy that includes, as a minimum, the Sec. 5. As used in this cbapter, "employed" means requirements set forth in those new chapters; an individual who is employed by a unit on a WHEREAS, in both of the new Indiana Code chap- full-time, part-time, temporary, intermittent, or ters "relative" is defined as a spouse, parent, step- hourly basis. The term does not include an individparent, child (natural or adopted), stepchild, ual who holds only an elected office. The term inbrother, halfbrother, sister, half-sister, stepbrother, cludes an individual who is a party to an employstepsister, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, ment contract with the unit daughter-in-law or son-in-law; and, Sec. 6. As used in this chapter, "member of the fire WHEREAS, after thoughtful consideration and in or- department" means the fire chief or a firefighter apder to comply with the two new chapters of the Indi- pointed to the department ana Code mentioned above, the City of Rising Sun, Sec. 7. As used in this chapter, "member of the poIndiana, believes it is in the best interests of its citi- lice department" means the police chief or a police zens to adopt as its policies the minimum require- officer appointed to the department. ments of IC 36- 1-20.2 Nepotism and IC 36-1-21 Con- Sec. 8. (a) As used in this chapter, "relative" means tracting with a Unit as stated in the said new chap- any of tbe following: ters of the Indiana Code. (1) A spouse. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM- (2) A parent or stepparent. MON COUNCIL OF THE (3) A child or stepchild. CITY OF RISING SUN, INDIANA, states as follows: (4) A brother, sister, stepbrother, or stepsister. 1. The City of Rising Sun, Indiana, finds that it is (5) A niece or nephew. necessary and desirous to adopt a policy of con - (6) An aunt or uncle. duct with regard to nepotism in the employment (7) A daughter-in-law or son-in-law. with the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, and in contract- (b) For purposes of this section, an adopted child of ing with the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, in order to an individual is treated as a natural child of the indicontinue to be able to provide local government vidual. services to its residents and to comply with the new (e) For purposes of this section, the terms "brother" laws effective July I, 2012, known as IC 36-1-20.2 and "sister" include a brother or sister by the half and IC 36-1-21, respectively. blood. 2. On July 1, 2012, the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, Sec. 9. (a) This chapter establishes minimnm re shall have a Nepotism and a Contracting with a Unit quirements regarding employment of relatives. The by a Relative Policy that complies with the mini - legislative body of the unit shall adopt a policy that mum requirements of IC 36-1-20.2 (hereinafter includes, at a minimum, the requirements set forth "Nepotism Policy") and IC 36-1-21 (hereinafter in this chapter. However, the policy may: "Contracting with a Unit by a Relative Policy") and (1) include requirements that are more stringent or implementation will begin on said date. detailed than any provision in this chapter; and 3. The City of Rising Sun, Indiana's Nepotism Policy (2) apply to individuals who are exempted or ex is hereby established effective July 1, 2012, by cluded from the application of this chapter. The unit adopting the minimum requirements provisions of may prohibit the employment of a relative that is IC 36-1- 20.2, and including all future supplements not otherwise prohibited by this matter. and amendments thereto which become law from (b) The annual report filed by a unit with the state time to time, and making them a part hereof as if board of accounts under IC 5-11-13-1 must include fully set out herein. In addition a copy of IC a statement by the executive of the unit stating 36-1-20.2 Nepotism in effect on July 1 is attached whether the unit has implemented a policy under hereto. this chapter. 4. The City of Rising Sun, Indiana's Contracting with Sec. 10. Individuals who are relatives may not be a Unit by a Relative Policy is hereby established ef- employed by a unit in a position that results in one fective July 1, 2012, by adopting the minimum re- (1) relative being in the direct hire of supervision of quirements provisions of IC 36-1-21, and including the other relative. all future supplements and amendments thereto Sec. 11. (a) This section apples to an individual which become law from time to time, and making who: them a part hereof as if fully set out herein. In addi- (1) is employed by a unit on the date the individual's tion a copy of the IC 36-1-21 Nepotism in effect on relative begins serving a term of an elected office of July 1 is attached hereto. the unit; and 5. The City of Rising Sun, Indiana, finds that both IC (2) is not exempt from the application of this chap36-1-20.2 and IC 36-1-21 specifically allow a unit to ter under section 2 of this chapter. adopt requirements that are "more stringent orde- (b) Unless a policy adopted under section 9 of this tailed" and that more detailed are necessazy. chapter provides otherwise, an individual may re6. The City of Rising Sun, Indiana, further finds that main employed by a unit and maintain the individa single member of the legislative body cannot act ual's position or rank even if the individual's em for the body to make work assignments, compensa- ployment would violate section 10 of this chapter. tion, grievances, advancement or a performance (c) Unless a poliey adopted under section 9 of this evaluation without prior authority of a majority of chapter provides otherwise, an individual desribed the body and therefore without such authority by in subsection (b) may not: the majority he/she will not be in the direct line of (1) be promoted to a position; or supervision. See, [IC 36-4-6-11] [IC 36-5 -2-9.4]. (2) be promoted to a position that is not within the
ual's position or rank even if the individual's em ployment would violate section 10 of this chapter. (c) Unless a poliey adopted under section 9 of this chapter provides otherwise, an individual desribed in subsection (b) may not: (1) be promoted to a position; or (2) be promoted to a position that is not within the merit ranks, in the ease of an individual who is a member of a merit police department or merit fire department; if the new position would violate section 10 of this chapter. Sec. 12. This chapter does not abrogate or affect an employment contract with a unit that: (1) an individual is a party to; and (2) is in effect on the date the individual's relative begins serving a term of an elected office of the unit. Sec. 13. Unless tbe poliey adopted under section 9 of this chapter provides otherwise, a sheriff's spouse may be employed as prison matron for the county under IC 36-8-10-5 and the spouse may be in the sheriff's direct line of supervision. See. 14. Unless tbe policy adopted under section 9 of this chapter provides otherwise, an individual: (1) who served as coroner; (2) who is currently ineligible to serve as coroner under Article 6, Section 2(b) of the Constitution of the State of Indiana; (3) who, as coroner, received certification under IC 36-2-14-22.3; and (4) whose successor in the office of coroner is a relative of the individual; may be hired in the position of deputy coroner and be in the coroner's direct line of supervision. See. 15. If the township trustee's office is located in the township trustee's personal residence, unless the policy adopted under section 9 of this chapter provides otherwise the township trustee may hire only one (1) employee who is a relative. The em ployee: (1) may be hired to work only in the township trustee's office; (2) may be in the township trustee's direct line of supervision; and (3) may not receive total salary, benefits, and compensation that exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) per year. Sec. 16. Each elected officer of the unit shall annually certify in writing, subject to the penalties for perjury, that the officer has not violated this chapter. An officer shall submit the certification to the executive of the unit not later than December 31 of each year. Sec. 17. If the state board of aecounts finds that a unit has not implemented a policy under this chapter, the state board of accounts shall forward the information to the department of local government finance. Sec. 18. If a unit has not implemented a policy under this chapter, the department of local govern ment finance may not approve: (1) tbe unit's budget; or (2) any additional appropriations for the unit; for the ensuing calendar year until the state board of accounts certifies to the department of local government finance that the unit is in compliance with this chapter. Chapter 21. Contracting With a Unit Sec. 1. This chapter applies only to a unit. Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "elected official" means: (1) the executive or a member of the executive body of the unit; (2) a member of the legislative body of the unit; or (3) a member of the fiscal body of the unit. Sec. 3. (a) As used in this chapter, "relative" means any of the following: (1) A spouse. (2) A parent or stepparent. (3) A child or stepchild. (4) A brother, sister, stepbrother, or stepsister. (5) A niece or nephew. (6) An aunt or uncle. (7) A daughter-in-law or son-in-law. (b) For purposes of this section, an adopted child of an individual is treated as a natural child of the individual. (c) For purposes of this section, the terms "brother" and "sister" include a brother or sister by the half blood. Sec. 4. (a) This chapter establisbes minimum re quirements regarding contracting with a unit The legislative body of the unit shall adopt a poticy that includes, at a minimum, the requirements set forth in this chapter. However, the policy may: (1) include requirements that are more stringent or detailed than any provision in this chapter; and (2) apply to individuals who are exempted or ex cluded from the application of this chapter. The unit may prohibit or restrict an individual from entering into a contract with the unit that is not otherwise prohibited or restricted by this chapter. (b) The annnal report filed by a unit with the state board of accounts under IC 5-11-13-1 must include a statement by the executive of the unit stating whether the unit has implemented a policy under this chapter. Sec. 5. (a) A unit may enter into a contract or renew a contract for the procurement of goods and services or a contract for public works with: (1) an individual who is a relative of an elected official; or (2) a business entity that is wholly or partially owned by a relative of an elected official; only if the requirements of this section are satisfied and the elected official does not violate IC 35-44-1-3. (b) A unit may enter into a contract or renew a contract with an individual or business entity described in subsection (a) if: (1) the elected official files with the unit a full disclosure, which must: (A) be in writing; (B) describe the contract or purchase to be made by the unit; (C) describe the relationship that the elected official has to the individual or business entity that con tracts or purchases; (D) be affirmed under penalty of perjury; (E) be submitted to the legislative body of the unit and be accepted by the legislative body in a public meeting of the unit prior to final action on the contract or purchase; and (F) be filed, not later than fifteen (15) days after final action on the contract or purchase, with: (i) the state board of accounts; and (ii) the clerk of the circuit court in the county where the unit takes final action on the contract or pur chase; (2) the appropriate ageney of the unit: (A) makes a certified statement that the contract amount or purchase price was the lowest amount or price bid or offered; or (8) makes a certified statement of the reasons why the vendor or contractor was selected; and (3) the unit satisfies any other requirements under IC 5-22 or IC 36-1-12. (c) An elected official shall also comply with the disclosure provisions of IC 35-44-1-3, if applicable. (d) This section does not affect the initial term of a contract in existence at the time the term of office of the elected official of the unit begins. Sec. 6. Each elected officer of the unit shall annually certify in writing, subject to the penalties for perjury, that the officer is in compliance with this chapter. An officer shall submit the certification to the executive of the unit not later than December 31 of each year. Sec. 7. If the state board of accounts finds that a unit has not implemented a policy under this chapter, the state board of accounts shall forward the information to the department of local government finance. Sec. 8. If a unit has not implemented a policy under this chapter, the department of local government finance may not approve: (1) the unit's budget; or (2) any additional appropriations for the unit; for the ensuing calendar year until the state board of accounts certifies to the department of local government finance that the unit has adopted a policy under this chapter. C-6-21-RSR-1t C-6-21-OCN-1t CITY OF RISING SUN ORDINANCE 2012-5 DEMOLITION WHEREAS, the City of Rising Sun believes that the establishment of an Ordinance regulating demolition is in the best interest of the citizens of Rising Sun, Indiana. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RISING SUN, INDIANA as follows:
establishment of an Ordinance regulating demolition is in the best interest of the citizens of Rising Sun, Indiana. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RISING SUN, INDIANA as follows: Section 1. Permit Required It shall be unlawful to wreck or demolish any building or structure in the city without first a permit therefore. Section 2. Application for Permit (A) An application for a permit to wreck or demolish any building or structure in the city shall be made in writing to the Zoning Administrator. Such application shall give the location of the building or structure, the date when wrecking or demolition is to commence and the approximate time which such wrecking or demolition shall take. (B) The Zoning Administrator shall notify other parties that may be affected by the proposed demolition (utilities, property owners, governmental entities) as he/she may deem necessary before the start of demolition. Section 3. Fees, Inspections and Evidence of Insurance Before a permit is issued: (A) The applicant shall pay to the City Clerk/Treasurer a fee as prescribed by Ordinance 2006-3 of the City of Rising Sun Zoning Ordinances, plus a fee scale for moving any utility facilities. A late permit fee of $250.00, plus a fee scale for moving any utility facilities will be charged for any demolition work commenced without a demolition permit. (B) An authorized representative of the City of Rising Sun shall inspect the premises where the wrecking and demolition work is to take place, and ascertain that provision for proper care has been made so as not to endanger any sewer or water connections with the city's sewer and water sys tems, or any electrical wires or installations, and report to the Zoning Administrator; and (C) Evidence showing that adequate liability insurance has been obtained by the applicant, or the contractor or agent acting on their behalf. Section 4. Issuance of Permit The zoning administrator may issue a permit for such wrecking or demolition upon submittal of an appropriate application and compliance with Sections 2 and 3. Section 5. Inspection of Property After Demolition (A) To ensure that the property is in a proper and safe condition after wrecking or demolition, the property will be inspected by an authorized representative of the City of Rising Sun. (B) By PROPER AND SAFE CONDITION it is meant that all debris is cleared away, and that if any excavation is to be used for any purpose within two months of such wrecking or demolition, then adequate barricades, lighted at night, shall be installed around the perimeter of such excavation. Section 6. Care and Protection During Demolition All work of such wrecking or demolition shall be performed in a workmanlike manner and with the least amount of noise possible. Care shall be taken to protect neighboring structures with adequate shoring and whatever else is needful to protect such structures. Adequate protection shall be provided to prevent injury to any city or public utility or pertinence. It shall be the duty of all persons working on or responsible for such wrecking or demolition to see to it that children are warned away from such premises and are not permitted to play in or on or frequent such structures. Section 7. Excavation and Filling (A) If excavation is necessary from wrecking or demolishing, it is to be filled in and the material to be used for such fill should consist of clay, and/or bank run, gravel (or equivalent), and no appliances, such as stoves, refrigerators, freezers and similar items, shall be used, no wood materials are to be used for filling, and no brick, concrete block, from either the demolished structure, from the demolition site, or from off site , shall be used to fill the excavation cavity. In the filling of such excavation the provisions contained in Fees, Inspections and Evidence of Insurance shall be adhered to as it relates to danger to sewer or water connections, or electrical wires or connections. Such tilling shall also provide for proper and adequate drainage. Any backfill shall be placed in lifts and properly compacted. (B) Basement walls, or other subgrade structures, including basement floors, if present on the demolition site, shall be completely removed and the resulting cavity backfilled as prescribed by (A) above. (C) The demolition site shall be properly graded and seeded, or properly graded and stoned or paved (if it is to be a parking area). If a new structure is to be built on the demolition site within thirty (30)days of the date of the completion of demolition, the site may be allowed to be unseeded. However, if construction does not commence after said period of time, the site shall be seeded. Section 8. Supervision by Authorized Representative of the City of Rising Sun An authorized representative of the City of Rising Sun shall supervise such wrecking or demolition or filling and shall inspect such premises as neces sary during such wrecking or demolition and filling and the required capping of taps, or abandoned sewer or water lines. Section 9. Enforcement (A) Upon completion of demolition, the City shall inspect the property to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Chapter. If the demolition work is properly completed, the City shall issue a "Completion Certificate" to the property owner. This certificate shall allow the Owner to redevelop the property according the requirements of the City of Rising Sun Zoning Ordinance and other applicable regulations, or to use the property as a yard. (B) If the inspection performed by the City deter mines that the applicant is not in full compliance with the requirements of the demolition permit and this Chapter, the Zoning Administrator shall advise the applicant in writing of the terms of non-compliance. The applicant shall have thirty (30) days from the date of the notice to comply and, if full compliance is made, the City shall issue a completion certificate. (C) In the event that the applicant fails to comply within thirty (30) days of the notice given pursuant to (B) above, the applicant shall be in violation of this ordinance which violation shall be treated as a nuisance subject to abatement and enforcement as all other nuisance violations. Section 10. Penalty Any person or firm or corporation violating any provisions of Section 1 through 9 above shall be fined not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense, plus court costs and other expenses incurred in the enforcement of the said sections, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. This penalty is in addition to any penalties provided for in Section 9(C). ADOPTED AND PASSED BY THE BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RISING SUN, INDIANA THIS 7TH DAY OF JUNE, 2012. "AYE" Steve Slack Dennis Radcliff Mike Padgett Roy Powell Gary Kinnett Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Rising Sun, Indiana, his approval and signature this 7th day of June, 2012. Rae Baker Gipson, Clerk-Treasurer This Ordinance duly approved and signed by me on this 7th day of June, 2012. Branden Roeder, Mayor ATTEST: Rae Baker Gipson, Clerk-Treasurer C-6-21-RSR-1t C-6-21-OCN-1t