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tion only.

REAL ESTATE FOR 11 HOUSES SALE Aurora-Dollhouse cottage, 2 bedrooms, basement, C/A, new gas furnace, covered front porch, detached garage. Price reduced to $66,000, $3000. down land contract. 209 Pattison St. Call 812-926-0240 immediate possession. Greendale 2 story, 4 bedroom, 1 bath, w/drive in basement, C/A, new roof, siding, deck, flooring, fridge, W/D, Freezer. Wayne Avenue, $95,000. 812-584-3522

Remodeled home for sale, Greendale, In. Cape Cod with 3-bed, 1.5-baths, full basement, single car detached garage, new water heater, new kitchen, new bathrooms. Nice, clean home- ready to move in. Contract for deed considered with 15% down at asking price of $139,900. Call 812-584-6071.

Aurora 1BR, furnished, 2nd floor. No pets/smoking. Utilities paid by tenant. Free laundry room short/long term. Prime location office retail space also. Leave message Renovated 2 story Victo(812)926-1083 rian home on 11/2 acres in Milan. 4 bedrooms, 2 full Aurora- Aspen Ridge 1BR, baths, new windows, newly remodeled, rear plumbing, wiring and insulation. Refinished hard - deck, water & sewer in $495/month wood floors and new ce- c l u d e d , ramic tile flooring. 2 new 513-532-8933 gas furnaces and central Aurora- Aspen Ridge 3&4 air. 2 car oversized ga - BR apartment, 2 baths garage, 3 outbuildings. Ma- rage, equipped kitchen, ture trees, blacktop park- laundry hook-up, gas FP, ing. All city utilities. Lots of rear deck, $895/month amenities. $135,000. 513-532-8933 812-654-2911 AURORA-1 BR APT.



Abandoned Doublewide with land, Please Take Over, $2,000 deposit. 888-221-4503 Riverview Crossing - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2003 Fleetwood, 1200 sq. ft. $29,000. Willing to con sider reasonable offers. Unable to rent or lease. Call (513)485-5223. West Harrison- 3BR, 2 bath in Mill End Estates, $16,000.00. Recently remodeled. Possible lease option with $5000.00 down and $400/month for 3 years. 812-655-9439


Lender- Ordered Lake Liquidation Sale!! 2 acres with FREE boat slips only $29,900. Was $69,9000. Boat, ski, fish on 160,000 acre Kentucky Lake. All infrastructure completed. Greendale 2 story, 4 bed- Own for pennies on the room, 1 bath, w/drive in dollar. Excellent financing. basement, C/A, new roof, Call now 1-800-704-3154. X-3766 siding, deck, flooring, fridge, W/D, Freezer. Wayne Avenue, $95,000. 812-584-3522


Greendale 3 bedroom, 11/2 bath, 2-car garage, full basement. Asking $129,900 owner will pay closing cost. Please Call 513-505-2837.

Aurora - 1 bdrm, newer carpet, open/lg. living rm., kitchen, & dining rm. Utilities separate. Very clean. No pets. $400.00 per month. Call 744-5675.


0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bedroom at Village Square House for sale by owner. Apartments in downtown Greendale- 4-bedroom Harrison. Free heat! $425 cape cod , finished base- and up. (513)367-6366. ment, 2-bath, newer roof, new windows, 1-car ga- 0 steps! Miamitown, large rage. $124,800 firm. 1 or 2 bedroom at Via Manor Apts. Private patio, 812-584-0196 lovely grounds. $395 and up. Free heat! House with 20 acres-Ris- (513)353-0398. ing Sun, 3-bedroom, appliances stay, hardwood 2 Bedroom duplexes for floors. 48x72 barn, 3 horse rent in Aurora, $500 & stalls & fenced pasture, $600/month. References 80x100 round pen, 30x30 r e q u i r e d . Call detached garage, 10x24 812-926-0256 deck, hot, 2 stone foun 2-1/2 room basement tains, stone walking. apartment, fully furnished, $229,000 513-520-0117 recently remodeled. No pets, no smoking. Naples Florida Area! Bank $300/month, all utilities furacquired luxury condo only nished. References re $169,900. Same unit sold quired, 812-926-1028. for $428,895 Own your brand new condo for pen- A 3 bedroom, Dillsboro, renies on the dollar. Granite frigerator & stove fur counters, tile floors, stain- nished, by grade school, less appliances, more. En- sewer & water furnished. joy the pool, clubhouse, fit- HUD applicants accepted. ness center. Walk to over $575/month, $600 deposit, apartment 20 resturants/100 shops! s t u d i o Must see. Hurry - 90% $350/month, $400 deposit sold out! Call 1-866-2825, references required. Call 812-438-2640. x431


859-485-1330 1 ¾ ac. Northern Switzerland Co.-3 bd & 2 ba single wide, 2 decks, flat pasture, city water, $59,900.00, $4,000.00 down, $535 per mo. 11 ac. East Enterprise - pasture, woods, small creek, semi-private, fronts Hwy 250, city water, $42,900.00, $2,000.00 down. 2 ac. Vevay area - Hwy 129, larger brick farmhouse, 4 bd & 1 ba, fixer upper, 2 car detached garage, $75,900.00, $5,000 down, $667 per mo. 4 1/2 ac. Patriot area - partly wooded, small pond, mobiles welcome, city water avail., $28,900.00, $1,000.00 down.

Many other properties to choose from. Can’t list all properties. Call today to find out the other land we have for sale.

Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. Paragon West Apts. Private patio with breathtaking view of the valley. Free heat! $450 and up. No pets. Visit (513)845-4141. Harrison, OH-Tippecanoe Apartments, Spa cious remodeled 1BR $545.00, 2BR $640.00 dishwasher, balcony, very, very clean. Water & sewer included, no pets. 812-637-1787, 513-574-4400 Harrison, Ohio apartment for rent. 2 bedroom, washer/dryer connections, business and fitness centers, pool. Great location! Call Brittany for more information. (513)367-4999.

In Harrison, 1 bedroom apartments, starting at $450, heat paid. Laundry facilities on site. Call for move in specials. Aurora-Energy efficient, (513)515-2569. 2-bedroom, 1-bath duplex. Lawrenceburg 2 bedroom Tile, laminated wood floor- condo, new construction ing, newer appliances, for sale or rent, land conbasement w/garage, and tract available. Rent $925 w/d hookups. $650.00 month. 513-532-8933 monthly $650.00 deposit. Tenant pays utilities. Abso- Lawrenceburg 3 bedroom, lutely no pets. Contact 1 bath, utilities included, $800. month. 2 bedroom, Jennifer 812-584-0006. 1 bath, $600 month. Dillsboro Maple Glen Please call 812-537-5371. Apartments, 2 bedroom apartment available. Call Lawrenceburg- Everything new, large 3BR 11/2 bath, 812-432-5697. laundry hook-up, C/A, Dillsboro Townhouses- 1 fenced yard. $750 plus deand 2 bedroom units avail- p o s i t . No pets. able. Also accepting appli- 8 1 2 - 5 8 4 - 4 9 2 3 or cations for subsidized 812-537-0013 housing. No pets. Call Quality Property Manage- Lawrenceburg/ Aurorament, 432-3230 o r Duplex, 3 BR, 2 bath, garage, laundry, $795/ month 800-479-1920 plus deposit. Dillsboro- 2BR, laundry 513-549-3418 room, garage, $550/month, $500 deposit. Milan- Nicer 11/2 bedroom W/D hook-up, You pay all utilities. No in- w i t h door pets, no indoor smok- stove/fridge, AC, fur nished. No smoking. Serving. Call 812-432-5410 ice animals only, Duplex available, 2 bed- $440/month plus deposit room, basement, fenced and utilities, available July yard, quiet dead-end 1st. 812-374-7706 street, 543 W. High St. Utilities, deposit & refer- New Build Duplex- Rising ences r e q u i r e d . Sun, 2 bedroom, bath and 513-276-5884 a half, all wood laminate 812-290-4490-Residential and ceramic floors, all new Cleaning, You Make The appliances including dishwasher, washer and dryer Mess Weʼll Do The Rest. hook-up only, nice overEfficiency apartment for size garage. rent in Lawrenceburg, $800.00/month. Please walking distance to most call 812-438-3366. Leave needs. Satellite TV message or e-mail for aphookup, 250 channels plus plication. all utilities paid. 812-655-2762 New Haven - Near HarriFor Rent: Efficiencies son. Efficiency apartment. $160.00 per week utilities Living room/bedroom. included. Deposit required. Equipped kitchenette. Full Large private deck. Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in bath. Laundry facilities. Very Lawrenceburg. Deposit n i c e condition. required. 859-512-3899 $375/month. Glenn Meadows Apart- (812)623-2524. ments. Rising Sun Indiana on the Majestic Ohio Opera House Apartments2-bath loft, River. Golf Cart friendly 2 - b e d , community, park like set- $850/month plus deposit. ting with all the conven- All utilities included iences. No subsidized 513-218-7404. housing. Call for more Second floor 2BR apartinformation ment for rent, C/A, electric 812-438-2300. heat, on-site W/D, recently Greendale - 1 bedroom remodeled, $550/month deposit. apartment, 2nd floor, p l u s equipped k i t c h e n , 513-319-8784 washer/dryer hook-up, car- Spectacular 2,600sqft peted, $450 + deposit & condo on HVL, 3 large utilities. Call evenings bedrooms, 2/12 bath, 812-623-4130. many, many extras. ReferHarrison - One bedroom ences and deposit re apartment. Heat/water in- quired. 812-537-0775 cluded. $410 per month, plus deposit. Very quiet home like atmosphere. 301 S. Hill Street. No pets. Call (513)984-0035. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath DuHarrison - Tippecanoe plex. New tile. SR 48, Apts. Spacious remod- Manchester, $700 month, eled 1BR $540, 2BR 1 year lease. No pets. $610, dishwasher, bal- Cell (513)593-3191. cony, very, very clean. Water & sewer included. Aurora- 4BR, 2 bath, 150 No pets. 812-637-1787, Lincoln St. Has refrigerator, dishwasher, range, 513-574-4400 and W/D hook-ups, $800/month. Harrison area. 1 bedroom, 812-655-9439 newly remodeled, apart- Farmhouse 3 bedroom, ment for r e n t . Dillsboro area, Milan (513)260-0465. Schools, $650 month + electric. Deposit required 812-432-5793 No appliances furnished, no pets.




Harrison Move-in special. Newly remodeled 1-2 bedroom w/patio or balcony, pool, wooded area $470 and up. No pets. (513)202-0715. Section 8 accepted.

SR 48 to Bellaire Dr. Lawrenceburg, IN 1 Bedroom $500/month 2 Bedroom $600/month 3 Bedroom/Townhouse $775/month Call for availability 1 year lease, Deposit same as rent. No pets, washer / dryer hookup. Lawrenceburg schools Close to Ludlow Hill Park. Apartments also available in downtown Lawrenceburg.

CALL 812-221-0425


House-Duplex, large living room, dining room and kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, utility room with washer & dryer hook-up. Off street parking with deck on back porch. $900 a month, 1 month deposit. 859-512-3899 HVL-main floor of very secluded 2 bedroom on 3 wooded lots. Great room w/beam cathedral ceiling, large master bedroom, wraparound deck over looking woods. Washer/dryer, gym and carport down. $975 month includes all utilities and cable. Ideal for non smoking single or empty nesters. $800 deposit and refer ences. 812-537-9305


Call for an appointment * Foreclosure Special * Equipped kitchens * Laundry facilities * Heat included * 24 hour emergency maintenance * Minutes from I-275

* Ask about Deposit Special * Lots of closet space * Children play area * Walk to Ludlow City Park * Extra Storage * Pets Welcome

NOW LEASING 1 & 2 bedroom apartments

HOMES 23 MOBILE FOR RENT 3 units for rent $450,$475, $525/ month plus utilities on Scotts Ridge Rd. Call 812-623-4454 or 859-240-0126 Trailer for rent 2 bedroom, 1 bath, total electric in Rising Sun, No pets. 812-438-2176



Garage space for rent small medium and large $275 and up 220 electric business or storage Call Tom (513)477-8848

Lawrenceburg nr. - Randall Ave off Route 50 150acres, 8,000sqft. bldg+720sqft office under construction next to Dearborn Co bldgs & Southeastern Beverages bld to suit, financing available, sale or lease I-74 & N.Bend-6 ofc bldgs, land avail, 7 locs. Realtors welcome V & G Rack 513-574-7661.

25 Driver Trainees Needed! Learn to drive for Stevens Transport! Earn $800 per week! No experience needed! Local 15 day CDL Training at TDI!!! WIA, VA & Carrier funding! 1-877-649-3156.

ATTENTION FLATBED DRIVERS: Great Starting Pay & Benefits. Fuel, Safety & Referral Bo nuses. Home Weekends. Call & apply for a new caw i t h Office / warehouse / retail r e e r space for lease in Law - renceburg, 1500 sqft to 866-317-6556. ext. 7 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100. Bartender/Pro-shop attendant, some weeknights, all weekend nights and some weekend days. Bartending, cleaning, pro-shop duties, and some cooking required. Apply at Country View Golf Course. 812-576-5000




Class-A CDL driver. All local deliveries, Monday-Friday, 1st shift, 30K plus to start. Call Tod at 513-738-2500


PCM is looking for RN’s and LPN’s for in-home care in Lawrenceburg, IN. Min 1+ years exp. RN-$32/hr, LPN-$25/hr. Varied shifts and flexible scheduling. Apply online at www.www. or call 866-902-7187. EOE

nurses aides STNA’s • 12-hour shifts - 7a-7p

Florence Park Care Center, located conveniently off of I-75, just 15 minutes from Lawrenceburg, is hiring Nurse Aides. Kentucky certification is required, but we can help with the paperwork if you are certified in Indiana! If you are a dependable, hard working Nurse Aide looking to work in a great long term care facility, apply today! We offer excellent pay and benefits! Applications are accepted in person at 6975 Burlington Pike, Florence KY 41042 or online at

Maintenance Manager/Technician Looking for a self-motivated, detail-oriented person with good organizational skills to perform and track machine repair & building maintenance. Skills/Experience in building maintenance, industrial electrical wiring, and PLC programming and repair strongly preferred but not required. REQUIREMENTS: Must be willing to work overtime when needed even when unexpected breakdowns occur, must not care to get hands dirty, and must work hard consistently and have a positive attitude. Company offers many benefits including health insurance and 401K. Will pay depending on skill level of applicant.

“Can You Dig It” We will train, certify & provide lifetime assistance landing work. Hiring in Indiana. Start digging as a heavy equipment operator. 866-362-6497 AC1213 Company in Cleves, Ohio, is seeking an individual with at least 5 years experience in office proce dures, including HR, A/P, A/R and general accounting. Must have good computer skills. Competent salary & benefits. Send resume to: Dedicated Drivers Needed! Exceptional Pay and Benefits package. Run regionally, be home weekly! New Trucks in 2012! Call Today 888-409-6033 or visit online

MECHANIC Southeastern IN REMC, an equal opportunity employer, seeks an experienced mechanic for mtce/repair of our fleet vehicles/equipment. Seeking a HS/Technical graduate with training/certifications in gas, diesel and hydraulic mtce/repair. Class A CDL required. Please send resume by July 20,2012 to Human Resources/Mechanic, Southeastern IN REMC, 712 S Buckeye St, Osgood, IN 47037


Journal-Press & Harrison Press Rising Sun Recorder/Ohio Co. News Register & The Market Place Lawrenceburg Office Fri. 10am Lawrenceburg Office Mon. 3pm Lawrenceburg OfficeTues. 10am Rising Sun Office Fri. 10am Rising Sun Office Mon. 3pm Rising Sun Office Tues.. 10am

Whitewater Township - 3 bedroom house with small yard. Stove and fridge, washer/dryer hook-up, full basement. $675 plus deposit. (513)515-0707.

Register Publications is seeking a part time creative graphic artist. Applicants must have excellent computer skills and working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite. Must be able to work well under pressure and meet specific deadlines. Applicants must also be willing to learn and perform other composition department tasks, such as editing photos,class flow and legal preparation. Please send resume and desired compensation to


Please send résumé to: Mr. Kris Fugate 6965 US 50 West • Aurora, IN 47001 FAX: 812-926-6201 No Phone Calls!

Applications are being accepted at FCN Bank for a full time position as Human Resources Generalist at the main bank in Brookville. The ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent with three to five years experience in Human Resources. Skills necessary include good interpersonal skills to communicate with co-workers, numeric and detail aptitude, and basic computer experience. The successful candidate will administer bi-weekly payroll for 95 employees, prepare tax and government related reports. In addition the individual will assist with the implementation of all benefits and compensation policies, equal employment practices, medical, life and disability insurance, and recruiting. Applications are available at the Main Bank at 501 Main Street and all branches during banking hours 8:30am-4:00pm. Interested candidates should submit an application, or cover letter, resume, and salary history to: FCN Bank, Arthur K. Hildebrand, President/CEO, P.O. Box 37, Brookville, IN 47012, or fax #765-647-2680.



Aurora Casket Company is accepting applications for an over-the-road truck driver. Candidates will be required to drive and deliver products across the US and into Canada, including trips to the West Coast. Qualified individuals should possess a current Class A CDL, a current DOT physical card, an excellent attendance record, a clean driving record, pass a background check and have the ability to work in a team atmosphere. We offer a competitive benefit package including: .498 per mile, medical, life, retirement, vacation, holiday pay and assigned equipment. Please send a resume and salary history to:

Aurora Casket Company Labor Relations 10944 Marsh Road Aurora, IN 47001 Fax: 812-926-4441


HELP WANTED Front Desk & Housekeeping Great Working Environment Apply in Person Monday-Friday 9am to 3pm Riverside Inn 515 East Eads Pkwy Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

Southeastern Indiana REMC, an Equal Opportunity Employer, is currently taking applications for two positions of Apprentice Lineman. A valid minimum Class B CDL (with air brake endorsement) is required within the first six months of employment. Must have a minimum HS diploma and relocate or live within a reasonable distance of the REMC. Candidate must successfully complete the 4 year Hoosier Energy Apprenticeship Training Program. Previous electric utility construction experience is desired. Submit resume/ application to Human Resources/ Apprentice, Southeastern IN REMC, 712 S Buckeye St, Osgood, IN 47037 by July 20, 2012.






PAGE 10 Drivers - CDL-A Drivers Needed! Up to $5,000 Sign-On Bonus for Experienced Drivers! New student pay and Lease Program now available! 877-521-5775 Drivers: OTR 10-14 days out. $1000 Sign-on, Great Pay, Benefits! Haven't driven lately? No problem! CDL-A 1yr. exp. w/Clean MVR1(877)412-7209.

Established company is looking for drivers in the Lawrenceburg area. If you have a good driving re cord, like to help people, and would like to supplement your income, please call 812-663-9990 to schedule an interview.

Join the Schilli Companies New Pay Package! Van and flatbed positions. Class A CDL 1 year rec. OTR exp. min. 23 years old. 1-877-261-2101

Subscription based newspapers continue to be the best way for local businesses to attract new customers and the qualified candidate will have the opportunity to help clients grow their business by assisting with their marketing campaigns. Candidates need to be self motivated, results oriented and possess good communication skills. Attention to detail and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment is a must. We offer a base hourly rate plus generous commission. Newspaper/ advertising sales experience preferred but not required – we will train the right candidate. We are an equal opportunity employer. Full and part-time positions are available. Please submit resume and compensation requirements to:


Neighbors Caring For Neighbors


ULTRASOUND TECH - Part time opening on Days


PHLEBOTOMIST - Part time opening on Evenings, but includes some Days. Previous phlebotomy experience preferred. PHARMACY TECH - Occasional openings, varied hours including some weekends


APPLICATIONS ANALYST - Part time opening in Information Systems. Associates degree in I. S. or Hospital I.S. operations/ applications support experience preferred AVAILABLE FOR FULL & PART-TIME EMPLOYEES

• Vacation at 6 months • 403(b) program • Health & dental insurance • Tuition reimbursement • Competitive Salary

• 3 WEEKS VACATION AFTER 1 YEAR FOR FULL TIME (812) 537-8120 (513) 564-8000 ext. 8120 FAX (812) 537-1977

For an up-to-date listing of job opportunities at DCH, visit our website at or call our JOB HOTLINE at 537-8121 or 1-800-676-5572, 24 hours a day. EOE.

Fast growing security printing company in Harrison is looking for qualified candidates who possess a “can-do” and TEAMWORK attitude, careful attention to detail and high expectation for quality. Positions available are: Journeyman Flexo Press Operator, Journeyman Sheet-Fed Press Operator, Roll Finishing Equipment Operator • Perform production activities to meet work order specifications • Monitors time and performance standards, waste and spoilage during production • Perform in-line quality checks • Reports production data in an accurate & timely manner into reporting system • Maintain equipment and area cleanliness

• • • • • • • • • •

• • • •


Midwest Cylinder is now accepting applications for Drivers, Class A CDL HazMat Endorsement re quired. Applications are available M-F 8a.m.-4p.m. at: 6001 Dry Fork Rd., Cleves, Ohio 45002 (513)367-6227.


Part-time cook needed 2 days per week. Call 537-4422 or apply with at Pine knoll Assisted Living, 607 Wilson Creek Road. Southwest Local SchoolsSubstitute bus drivers needed: School days, $12.90/hr. Responsible candidates with excellent moral character and good driving record should apply in person: 230 S. Elm Street, Harrison, Ohio 45030.

Adoption - Affection, love & security await your newborn. Expenses paid. Marnie Hope & Anthony, 1-866-644-1213. Are you pregnant? A childless, happily married couple seeks to adopt. Will be full-time mom/devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses paid. Shirley and Tony. 888-882-8290



ABC Academy After School Care-Aurora now enrolling, open to school-age children K-6. Open daily till 6p.m. Snacks/homework assistance/crafts, activities, more. Starting at $10-per day. 926-0636

Come play with us at Kidz Are Us Daycare. Full & Stable help needed after Part-time openings availschool and weekends. able for summer fun! Call Need hard working, reli- 539-2854, Michelle Neace. able, motivated local teen preferably near Rising Sun Mother of 2 provides dayarea. $12 to $17 a day. care in my home. Meals 812-438-2992 and snacks included, reasonable rates, LawrenceStone Belt Freight Lines burg School District, close Needs Owner Operators to hospital. 812-290-5558 Now! Run 48 & Canada. Percentage Plus 100% Mother of 2 providing Fuel Surcharge. Plate Pro- in-home daycare in Rising gram & Insurance Avail- Sun all shifts, any age. able. Call K e l s e y 812-551-5149 1-800-489-2332.


Ryan Oswald c/o Register Publications P.O. Box 4128, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 or e-mail to: No Phone Calls Please

600 Wilson Creek Rd. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

Miami Savings Bank Teller position available, please apply in person at: 8008 Ferry St Miamitown OH 45041.

Looking for Lube Technician, experience sug gested but not required. Work 40 hours weekly. Must have own hand tools. Apply online, call Now hiring busers, 812-537-2525. part-time at Woodlands, 9680 Cilley Rd., Cleves, Ohio 45002. Call for appointment, (513)353-2593. Supplement your income.

This growing newspaper group is seeking to fill positions on its inside and outside sales staff to help us continue our growth by establishing new accounts and servicing existing clients.




Sunman, Indiana Com pany Hiring Full-time Maintenance Techs Experience Required, All Shifts. Email r e s u m e t o 1-A Landscaping - ing & trimming, tree services, bobcat and dump Sunman, Indiana Com - truck services, lawn & yard pany Hiring a Full-time care. Veteran owned. InQuality Manager Previous sured. Member Cincinnati Management Experience BBB. Required, Strong planning, www.lawnshark.yolasite. organizational and leader- com ship skills. Minimum 2 (513)607-8672. years work experience in Quality Assurance. Achs Services - Heating Email resume t o and Air conditioning. All types and models, hot water heaters, light electrical Sunman, Indiana Com - and plumbing. Licensed pany In need of Ware - and insured. house Personnel: Ship - (513)668-3775 ping/Receiving/Returns/M (765)647-0439. aterial Handler Full-time, Experience Required Email Resume t o Affordable Timber Tech Tree Service. Tree trimSunman, Indiana Com - ming, removal, stump repany Production Shift Su- moval. Fully insured, free estimates, best rates. pervisors. Experience Re- 8 12-654-6499 or quired. Email resume to 812-290-1658 Bowman Painting and genS unman, Indiana Com - eral contractor. Interior /expany Warehouse Supervi- terior painting, commercial sor, 3rd Shift, Excel, Word and residential. Roofing remodeling, custom and ERP Systems experi- and staining, high pressure ence required. Email re- washing. Free estimates. sume to Call (812)689-6771 or (812)537-4677.


TIG Welder/Fabricator Blueprint knowledge and stainless steel experience necessary Competitive pay and benefits Conveyor Solutions, LLC. Appointment needed. (p) 513-367-4845 (f) 513-367-4846 Attn: Nichole nichole@

Bowman Tree Service. Trimming, topping, tree removal, lot clearing, storm damage, fully insured and free estimates. Call (812)537-4677.

Monroe Excavating, Hauling, LLC Limestone, Topsoil, Fill Dirt, Mulch, Sand, Gravel, Driveways Demolition, Digging, Basements, Dump Truck, Bobcat, Track Hoe Work Call or Truck Driver Trainees ( 8 1 2 ) 9 2 6 - 1 9 9 5 Needed! Let us help you (513)310-0835 put your life in drive! Local Professional 16-day train- Greendale Self - Storage ing w/Roadmaster avail. Indoor storage available Financial Assistance Avail 24 hour access. Call or for those who qualify! Ap- ( 8 1 2 ) 5 3 7 - 3 1 3 1 proved for Veterans Train- (812)637-1787. ing. Call Today To See If You Q u a l i f y ! Hers & His Professional 1-866-467-1836 AC-0205 Services grass cutting, trash removal & home cleaning, partners in life and in business. We are honest, dependable peoVacation Time? Need a ple working for you. house-sitter or dog-sitter? Please give us a chance Call Laurie 812-689-3263. to earn your business. Bonnie & Steve Telinda Reasonable. Call (513)703-4416 Aurora, Ind.


AIRLINE CAREERS - Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA ap proved training. Financial aid if qualified. Housing available. Job placement assistance. AC0901 Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 888-242-3197.

Jim Jones Painting. Second generation painting a tits best. Interior/ exterior, pressure washing, decks, we spray finish, cedar siding, vinyl, aluminum siding, log homes. Local refer ences. Residential commercial HVL resident. Fully insured. 812-539-4929 or 513-379-4204.


Flexo Plate Maker Produce photopolymer plates---based on customer specifications Perform equipment maintenance as needed High level of accuracy and attention to detail Basic math aptitude required Maintain a clean work area Learn other plate making technologies

50 Years Experience Superior Construction Over 10,000 Buildings Constructed Trusses 4' or 5' on Center No 8' or 9' Spacing Poles Double Plated • #1 Metal 15 Colors Available We Sell Sliding Door Track & Windows Pole Building Packages Available 24 x 24 with 2 doors • $3,887 40 x 50 with 2 doors • $10,500

Printing Production Planner Item Master, BOM, Routing maintenance Work Order, Job Packet creation Production scheduling Post production data review Previous experience with SAP, JDE, or other ERP system required Shipping & Receiving Associate Experience in Inventory Control Experience in shipping, receiving and picking Quality Focused with attention to detail Computer skills a must

Lisaʼs Cleaning Service Residential, office, rentals and apartments. Monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, or one time. Fully insured. Dependable. Call (812)637-9171 or cell (513)256-0698. Quality Photography by Bob Mattingly Family groups, sports, wed dings, groups and general photography. Call 812-438-3182









44 LOST & FOUND 45





2012 Wheat Straw will be ready around June 15, 2012, conventional combine, long cut straw, heavy type bright straw, small bales. Also 2nd cutting alfalfa with very little grass ready around June 15, 2012. Call Norris and Carolyn Works, East Enterprise, Indiana. 812-534-3471, 812-534-3472, cell 513-405-8054, 513-405-6672. Honeybees For SaleGreendale, In. 5-Frame NUCS $95.00, Italian Queens. Also, honey for sale. 812-584-0196. Tim Hess, 114 Tebbs Ave., Greendale, IN 47025. Local, spring never heated, strained. Call 812-438-3182, leave message.

honey, lightly Shawn, please


potted black raspberry plants, $2.50; potted persimmon tree seedlings, $3, for sale on left-hand table at Chanʼs Plant Sale, 109 N. High St. (Ind.56), Rising Sun. Also herbs, perennials, winter onions, garlic. Call 812-438-3182 Wanted to buy cattle and horses. Crippled or sound. Also buying wild cattle. Will pay cash. (859)620-5860.



Ace Appliance, 150 Front St., Lawrenceburg, 812-537-0032. Refrigerators, ranges, washers/dryers, freezers. Recondi tioned with warranty. Delivery available. Parts and repairs also. Financing available.



70 Posted Column

No hunting. No trespassing. No fishing. No entry on the property of Kathleen Holland. 2485 Salem Ridge Road. Rising Sun. Always buying antiques, 9-27-12 collectibles, jewelry, old coins, old military, uni forms, medals, weapons, No trespassing, no fishing, swords, helmets etc. ,27 no hunting, no trapping. years experience. Call Bob Not responsible for accidents or injuries. Violators at (812)637-5369. will be prosecuted. Rick DeCamp, 2703 Salem Instant cash paid for Ridge, Rising Sun, IN baseball cards, coins, 47040 1-13 gold, silver, diamonds, pocket watches, old toys, trains, comic No trespassing, no fishing, books, antiques, mili - no hunting or artifact hunttary, autographs, NAS- ing. Nick Domaschko, CAR, large collections, Ohio County, 9748 St. estates. We pick up. Rd. 56 N., Aurora, In 47001 Scott, (513)295-5634.




Massey Furguson 1010 4x4 with loader dual Save your back, Call wheels asking $6500.00 Scrappin Jack, picking up 812-926-2835 appliances, metal, cars, etc. Call 812-571-0962. Phillips Berry Patch- Blue Berries, you pick or We buy and haul junk cars pre-picked. Hours Mon-Fri. & trucks with titles. Call 9-6, Sat. 9-4, Sun 10-3. 812-621-0961 or email You may call ahead for davesautosalvage@dishpre-picked berries. Call 812-623-1433


RV pull-behind camper for sale. 2007 Zinger 27ft., 2-doors on front side, king bed, 2-lounge chairs & couch, like new. Asking $10,000 only. Call 812-537-3598.

Not responsible for accidents or injuries. No hunting, no fishing or trespassing on the properties of: Paul E. & Clara Lou Fredenburgh, State Road 262 and Cass-Union Road. 1-13 There is absolutely no hunting or trespassing on Walcott property, not responsible for what might happen to you. Trespassers will be prosecuted. Raymond Walcott. A tree stand was stolen & owner is looking.

Call 537-0063 to place a classified ads.

LEGALS NOTICE OF UNSUPERVISED ADMINISTRATION ESTATE NO. 58C01-1206-EU-005 In the Circuit Court of Ohio County, Indiana. Notice is hereby given that Janice L. West was on the 4th day of June, 2012, appointed Personal Representative of the Will of Constance J. Webb, de ceased. All persons having claims against said Estate, whether or not now due, must file the same in said court within three months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Dated at Rising Sun, Indiana, this 4th day of June, 2012. ANNIE JO JACKSON, Clerk of the Ohio Circuit Court Douglas R. Denmure, Attorney 402 Second St., P.O. Box 36 Aurora, IN 47001 812-926-1227 C-6-14-RSR-3t

HERBS and perennials for sale on porch and in yard at Chanʼs Plant Sale, 109 N High St. (Ind.56), Rising Sun. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Large selection, low p r i c e s ! S e e B u g s , FOR THE APPLICATION OF A VARIANCE OF USE RISING SUN, INDIANA Blooms, & Vittles blog on this paperʼs website Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of July, for list of whatʼs avail- 2012, at 7:00 P.M., a public hearing will be held by able, or c a l l the Rising Sun Board of Zoning Appeals in the Con812-438-3182 ference Room of the City Administration Building, 200 N. Walnut St., Rising Sun, Indiana, for the purMoving Sale June 29-30, pose of considering a proposed Variance of Use of 8-2, 19317 Par Dr., HVL. Drumset, rocker, x-mas the real estate located at 103 Downey Street, Rising decor, books, jeans, bed- Sun. The legal description and the details of the ding, winter clothes, Tup- proposal are on file in City Administration Building, perware, movies, games, 200 N. Walnut Street, Rising Sun, Indiana. Project description and request: Petitioner re hats, shoes, misc. quests to legally establish existing antennas and Tyson Gym Rummage ground equipment on the water tower in an R-1 – Sale, July 6th & 7th, Residential District and to provide for technological 9a.m.-4p.m. 100 S. High improvements including installing additional St., Versailles. $5 per tote nas and cable lines to the tower. (tote not included). The application and file on this matter is available for examination during regular business hours at City Hall, 200 N. Walnut Street, Rising Sun, Indiana. Verizon Wireless, by Clark, Quinn, Moses, Scott & Grahn /s/ Russell L. Brown 12 Colors • Custom Trim Available Attorney for Petitioner Next Day Service • Buy Factory Direct & Save 317-637-1321 $1.99 SF #1 • $1.69 Surplus #1 • $.99 SF Scratch & Dent C-6-21-RSR-2t C-6-21-OCN-2t MADISON METALS 812-273-5214 •

Metal Roofing & Trim 25406


Residential Cleaning, you make the mess, weʼll do the rest. Insured/Bonded. Specializing in construction and estates. “Clean is my middle name” 812-290-4490. Gift CertifiHirlinger Motors cates. All New Happy Jack Xylecide shampoo: treats alFor Great deals on Warrenʼs Cleaning lergy and fungus related new and used trucks, Service, skin infections on dogs check out: Residential, Commercial, and horses without sterWeekly, Bi-Weekly, oids. Orscheln Farm & Monthly, Spring Cleaning. Home Stores. www.happywarrencleaningservice For a clean house or Bed teeth? Extractions business thatʼs a and immediate dentures reflection of you. using oral sedation. Low 1987 Dodge Dakota 4x4 812-637-3577 fees. Dr. Levin. Info and with cap $1200.00 O.B.O. 513-373-8601 photos: www.immediate- 812-926-2835 Free Estimates! 317-596-9700 2006 Corvette Coup, 2LT equipment, automatic, aluCorn Furnace, Corn minum wheels, transparCleaner, and Gravity ent removable roof, blue Money found in Wal-Mart Wagon- $2,200.00. Oak parking lot, call with Table/4 chairs- $250.00. exterior, gray interior, amount and description. 2,000 Forest River Sierra 11,000 miles. 513-544-3488 leave mes- 32 FT travel trailer, Bum- Serious buyer only. (513)367-2186. sage. mer Hitch- $7,200.00. Call 812-290-4426 Hirlinger Motors Corn hole game bags. For Great deals on new Red, navy blue, green, ABC Academy Preschool orange, black, bright and used cars, check out: now enrolling for fall ages blue purple, maroon, 3-5, certified elementary gold, gray & brown. teacher, comprehensive $15.00 for set of 8 bags. Will Buy & Haul Scrap curriculum, small class Call (812)537-1207. Cars & Trucks sizes, structured learning environment, space is lim- For Sale 1986 - 2840 John (812)716-0781. ited. 926-0636 abcacad- Deere tractor lows hours; 4845 - New Idea Bailer, New Holland Haybine, StiHigh School Diploma! lex hay feeder. Call Paul Graduate in 4 weeks! Free Griffin 812-438-2871 Brochure. Call Now 1-866-562-3650 ext. 837 Wanted: Kayak Pools is Thank you Jesus, Mary & for favors looking for demo home- Joseph sites to display our mainte- granted. nance-free Kayak Pools. Save thousands of $$$ PGG with our pre-season Sale! Call Now! 800-315-2925 Discount Code: 607L16

GOSMAN INC. 812-265-5290

ALL candidates must be able to work a flexible schedule, including night/day shift coverage. Email resume to No phone calls please.

Multi-family, June 29-30, Friday/Saturday, 8-3, 18397 Collier Ridge, off 48. Boys clothes, infant 18/months, girls clothes 10-18, several baby items 1997 4.3 Liter Vortec GMC including toys/furniture, up- Sierra pick-up, 63,000 original miles, automatic, right freezer/brand new. overdrive, sliding rear window, new battery, ties. 21-25 MPG highway, A-1, asking $4,995. 812-623-2779 Labradoodle Pups- F1 $500, F1B $900. Yellow, Ford E150, 2005, work Chocolate, black, family van, power package with raised and hypoallergenic. positrac, 142,000 miles, Call Rob 513-623-2577. ladder rack, pipe bin, shelving, have service records, newer tires$5000.00. 812-623-4313

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