Board Meeting Minutes South Dearborn Community School Corporation Monday, June 4, 2012 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Daryl Cutter, Gene Ferguson, Anthony Hummel, Terry Luhrsen, Karla Raab, Patricia Rahe, and Roger Rullman OTHERS PRESENT Thomas Book, Robert Rollins, Larry Eaton – Board Attorney, Angie Conety– Recording Secretary ,, Elaine Marshall, Rob Moorhead, Lisa Moorhead, Martina Mosley, John Mehrle, Rachel Ranson, Lynn Lillis, Guinevere Emery, Jason Cheek, Stephen Mendell, Jeremy Baney, Casey Gilmour and Amy Barlow. Mr. Cutter, President, opened the meeting with the traditional custom at South Dearborn in reciting the Pledge to the Flag. Those wishing to participate were invited to do so. MINUTES Mrs. Raab made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 7, 2012 board meeting. Mr. Hummel seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. PERSONNEL A. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Russell, Mr. Book recommended the Board approve Ms. Bobbi Cornett to fill the position of 5th and 6th grade girls cheerleading coach at Dillsboro Elementary beginning with the 2012 – 2013 school year. After discussion, Mr. Hummel made a motion to approve Ms. Cornett for the position of 5th and 6th grade girls cheerleading coach at Dillsboro Elementary. Mr. Rullman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
B. Mr. Book requested the Board approve to appoint Mrs. Lisa Moorhead to fill the position of Director of Guidance at SDHS. After discussion, Mrs. Rahe made a motion to approve Mrs. Moorhead for the position of Director of Guidance at SDHS. Mrs. Raab seconded the motion and the vote was 5-2 in favor of the motion. Mr. Hummel and Mr. Ferguson opposed the motion.
C. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Moorhead and Mr. Fentress, Mr. Book recommended the Board approve Mr. Justin Pettit for the boys’ reserve soccer coach at SDHS beginning with the 2012 season. After discussion, Mrs. Rahe made a motion to approve Mr. Pettit for the position of boys’ reserve soccer coach at SDHS. Mr. Rullman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. OVERNIGHT FIELDTRIP REQUEST A. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Book, Mr. Jeremy Baney requested the Board’s permission to take 25 South Dearborn High School cross country team members to Whitewater Memorial State Park in Liberty, Indiana. The camp takes place July 16 - 19, 2012. Mrs. Raab made a motion to approve the overnight fieldtrip request. Mr. Hummel seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. TEXTBOOK ADOPTION Mr. Heller requested the Board adopt the visual arts, family and consumer science, business and engineering textbooks as recommended by the textbook adoption committees. After discussion, Mr. Ferguson made a motion to adopt the textbooks as recommended by the textbook adoption committees. Mrs. Rahe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. GIFTS AND DONATIONS South Dearborn High School class of 2013 received a donation in the amount of $500.00 from CASA to support prom transportation charges to and from prom. Mr. Rullman made a motion to accept the gift/donation as presented. Mrs. Rahe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
PAYROLL CLAIMS Mrs. Rahe made a motion to approve the payroll cClaims as presented. Mr. Rullman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous, CLAIMS VOUCHERS Mrs. Raab made a motion to approve the claims vouchers as presented. Mr. Ferguson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. JULY BOARD MEETING DATE Mr. Book recommended the Board consider the July meeting set for July 2, 2012 to be rescheduled to July 9, 2012 due to the July 4th holiday. The Board took no action, keeping the meeting on the regularly scheduled date. LAWRENCEBURG GRANT Mr. Heller presented the Board with a copy of a letter which was sent to Mayor Carr and Council thanking them for the generous grants approved by council on May 21, 2012. Mr. Heller stressed the importance of letting Mayor Carr and Council know how much we appreciate the approval of the grants and how the funds will be used for the programs outlined in our grant requests. TECHNOLOGY UPDATE Mr. Rollins briefed the Board on the following proposed changes to the technology program:. • The timeline for wireless account and wireless policy. • Exploring outsourcing technology support. • 1-1 computing in the future. The Board is to direct any questions or concerns to Mr. Rollins. SMOKE FREE BUILDING POLICY 4.0-27 Mr. Cutter question if the current board policy was in compliance with the new state law. The Board expressed interest in seeing South Dearborn campuses going smoke free. The policy will be revisited at the July meeting. BOARD REORGANIZATION POLICIES 2.0-11-1; 2.0-11-2; 2.0-1-1; 2.0-21-1-2 The Board Reorganization Policiesy 2.0-11-1; 2.0-11-2; 2.0-1-1; 2.0-21-1-2 reference reorganizing the School Board offices at the July Board meeting each year. Due to a change in the School Board Candidate Election which is now taking place during General Elections, the Board policy will need to be modified. The Board discussed a motion to be presented at the July meeting to extend current Board offices until January. INFORMATION • The Board received information regarding procedures for School Board Candidate Election, 2012 which ISBA sent to assist candidates running for the school board. Central office will make copies available to individuals upon request. • The Board received a document from the American Heart Association showing funds raised by the South Dearborn Community Schools. . • The Board received a copy of the Administrative minutes from the May 24, 2012 Administrative meeting.