theHarrisonpress Here for you since 1925
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Harrison, West Harrison, Crosby, Harrison & Whitewater TWPs.
Whitewater TWP. absorbs health care hike for now At the May Whitewater Township meeting, Trustee Hubert Brown opened a discussion about the rising cost of health insurance and how the township should respond as officials prepare to sign another year’s contract with provider United Healthcare. As a “best case scenario,” the township can look forward to roughly a 25 percent increase in costs to insure its 13 full-time employees. That comes to about $30,000 more a year. “There’s so many mixed messages coming out of Washington about healthcare …” said Brown. He stated he believed the nation had turned the corner on healthcare but “was sadly mistaken.” Brown later explained the increase will not cripple the township. He has no illusions the cost hike will affect the budget but said the township can absorb the costs without any major strains. “We’re not broke, but the thing is you have to look at trends. You have to look at five years down the road. Where are we going to be in five years?” United Healthcare is not the only provider increasing costs. The township looked at several other providers and other plans from United, but Whitewater officials agreed the township has the most affordable healthcare available. The consensus among officials was to retain the policy for anoher year in hopes that prospects will be better in 2015. With the current plan, employees have a copay with a $500 deductible. “It’s somewhat affordable for the township,” said Whitewater Fiscal Officer Tim McDonald. “If we had stuck with a conventional plan, costs would probably be double what they are now.” Brown met with McDonald Thursday, June 12, to discuss trends in the budget and possible strategies for saving money. They discussed the economy and its affect on the township. They also looked at trends to determine what the future budget might reflect, and discussed strategies for dealing with the township’s financial needs. “Our revenue has been going down for a few years. I’m hoping that trend reverses in the next year or two,” said McDonald. “We are doing better than most.” To maintain a healthy budget, the township spends only when necessary, he said. The health care issue will have no affect on the township’s 13 full-time employees, said Browning. “You can’t replace those thirteen people with part-time help. You can’t replace the fire chief with part-time help. You can’t replace the maintenance department with part- time help just to circumvent the healthcare. No, you can’t do that,” he said. Patricia Huelseman Harrison Press Staff Writer
Harrison gears up for 4th parade Harrison’s July Fourth celebration will kick off with a starspangled hometown parade. The line-up begins at 9 a.m. and parade participants march off an hour later. Floats could nab one of three awards: Grand Marshall, Mayor’s, or Harrison Recreation Committee. Download an application at or pick one up at the Harrison Community Center, open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Deadline for applications is Friday, June 27. This year’s grand marshall is Jack Tidwell. Many activities, including free children games, facepainting, clowns, and caricature artists, will be available at the community center beginning at 5 p.m. There will be plenty of food and cold drinks available to purchase from local groups. The band GenX, which features a variety of music, will play from 7 p.m. until fireworks from Rozzi begin.
They Walk the Talk
Harrison Relay 4 Life
photos by Patricia Huelseman/Harrison Press
Twenty-three teams and more than 238 participants joined forces in the battle against cancer at the 13th Annual Harrison Relay For Life Friday, June 13. In past years, the event took place at the Harrison High School track but was moved to the Activity Center parking lot because of construction of a new track. The Harrison Relay was working towards a goal of $89,272 in donations this year.
College grad, Mom hook up to send books to soldiers Elle Ventre, Harrison, just with a bachelor’s early childhood and special education, and she is “spreading” the love of reading person to person.” That’s because she is following the theme of the World Book Night, an organization dedicated to spreading the love of reading to light and non-readers. Through the organization, Ventre was awarded a grant to send about 25 books to troops in Afghanistan. She worked with her mother, Laura Ventre, and Laura’s sixth-grade class at Whitewater Valley Elementary to send the books and other supplies to American troops overseas. It all began when Ventre was assigned a project in her education class at Ohio Valley University, West Virginia, to practice writing grants. The project required students to work through the WBN, and when Elle learned she had been awarded the grant, she set her plan into motion. From, she found an address for SGT Brandon Leatherwood’s Platoon of the U.S. Army stationed out “in the middle of nowhere” in Afghanistan. The troop’s base is Fort Bliss, Texas, but they have been stationed in Afghanistan since January 2014. “I know a great handful of the troops don’t have much family sending anything,” Leatherwood posted on the Web site. “It sucks seeing most the guys go without. The guys love beef jerky and candy, anything like that. Wet wipes help out keeping clean. We have a lack of water here and must limit showers to once a week,” said Leatherwood. Elle wanted to create an opportunity for her mom’s stugraduated Patricia Huelseman Harrison Press Staff Writer degree in
dents to extend their gratitude to the troops who sacrifice so much for our freedom. Laura already had cards sent to troops, now the students could send books and other supplies. With the grant, Elle had a list of about 60 books from which to choose. Her pick was This Boy’s Life by Tobias Wolff. “I figured that was probably the most adult-type book “They just need that we could send over to the troops,” said Elle. some supplies Only a few destination to boost the points are set up in Greater Cincinnati for the international morale.” organization, among them, the - Elle Ventre Lawrenceburg Public Library. Providing Supplies After Elle picked up the specially printed WBN editions of the books, she returned to Laura’s classroom. According to World Book Night guidelines, the books were to be distributed on Wednesday, April 23, International Day of the Book, and Shakespeare’s birthday, but Elle waited until Tuesday, June 3, so she could be involved with the project on her return home from college.
Other gifts sent too
Meanwhile, Elle and Laura encouraged the students to bring other gifts to send along with the books. Students boxed up novels, candy, beef jerky, wipes, pens, paper, and other items to send to the See Books, soldiers. Page 10 “They just need some
Harrison Council presses on with Colerain tax partnership proposal Harrison City Council has approved a formality that paves the way for a ship with Colerain Township that could mean about $75,000 a year for the city if Colerain Township voters approve a Joint Economic Development District in the Tuesday, Nov. 4 General Election. Harrison was selected over three other municipalities to collect revenues from the possible JEDZ, in which businesses or future businesses in the zone would be assessed a Joe Awad Harrison Press Editor Copyright Register Publications, 2014
89th Year, No. 25
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special income tax. A township, by Ohio law, cannot collect an income tax but can team up with a city which has the power. Harrison’s Finance Department has experience with the similar Joint Economic Development District that Harrison formed with Harrison Township. A JEDZ is a specified area that already contains some existing businesses, while businesses are recruited for JEDDs land set aside See Colerain, in a township. For its exPage 10
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OBITUARIES Ethel L. Grubbs
Grubbs, Ethel L. (nee Ripperger). Beloved wife of the late Russell Grubbs. Dear mother of Melvin “Chubby” Grubbs, Donna (Jim) Renck, Karen Holley, JoAnn “Jo Momma” (Ray) Wandsnider, and Sandy (the late Danny) Sykes. Devoted sister of the late Mary Westendorf, Bud Ripperger and Helen Harrell. Loving grandmother of Travis (Amy) Renck, Angie (Boonie) Neff, Ryian (Debbie) Grubbs, Kayla Wandsnider, Kevin (Jennifer) Collins, and Danielle Sykes, 10 step-grandchildren, 11 great
grandchildren, and 14 step great grandchildren. Passed away Monday, June 9, 2014. Age 96. Resident of Harrison. Mass of Christian Burial was held Friday, June 13, 2014, at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Harrison. Visitation was held on Thursday, June 12, at Brater-Winter Funeral Home, 201 South Vine St., Harrison, Ohio 45030. Memorials may be made to St. John the Baptist Church, or Association of the Blind through the funeral home. Condolences: www.braterfh. com.
Bill Baird says farewell My first dealings with The Harrison Press was in the 1960s after watching Father Keller’s The Christophers when the TV stations signed off the air in these early years. The program was about successful business leaders who had sold newspapers as a boy. My son, Bill, was a gradeschool student when he started a Harrison Press paper route in Miamitown and Blue Jay. After several years, my son gave the paper route to his sister Risa in 1972 when he went to Boy Scout camp in New Mexico. She was the only kindergarten student at Miamitown School with a paying job. My wife also sold The Harrison Press at her Hooven Grocery for 23 years. In the meantime, Chuck Biddle started The Record in Harrison. When he needed a writer from Miamitown, I got the nonpaying job in the early 1970s. Chuck and I had half the people in the area angry due to our opinion writings. I asked Chuck why he wrote the way he did. He replied he didn’t like to take crap off of people. I replied, “me too!” He hired the late Kate March as editor. Kate had been with The Enquirer and taught me what I could write and not write. I also started putting the same column in The Press. My wife told me that the column was going to my head. I saw this famous writer on the Christophers who replied that when someone told him they had read what he had written it was good for his ego. I was talking to my CG&E coworker Estal Lozier in the Harrison Kroger when it was on New Haven Road. Many people, mostly female, came up to me like they knew me. Estal asked how I knew all of these people. My reply was, “I don’t know these people, they know me.”
Jerry Wilson, commander of American Legion Post 199, Campbell Road, Harrison, left, and Post Chaplain Al Buxton dispose of American flags properly Saturday, June 14, at the post. The men said they had an usually large number of flags. Perhaps folks are replacing their tattered Old Glories for new ones as the Fourth of July approaches.
After a few BILL years, The Record folded. I BAIRD wrote for The Press until I burned out. Through the years, I wrote off and on. In 1999, I took the job of writing Looking Back for pay at first until they run out of money. In 2000, I mentioned the death of actress Claire Trevor in April at the end of the Looking Back. The upstate owner liked old movies and I wrote about old movies until I would go on a tangent with my opinions. If I had a space to fill every week I would continue writing but I don’t plus the fact that I am getting old and tired out with health problems including lung cancer. After almost 50 years of writing, I am calling it quits. This column will be my last to appear in this paper while I am alive. If the paper outlives me my paid obituary column which begins, “This is my last column ever because at (time) (day) (date) I died. My thanks to you for reading the column through the years. Bill Baird is a Whitewater Township resident who writes a weekly column about old movies and Hollywood trivia. Good luck, Bill.
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THE HARRISON PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 3 THE HARRISON PRESS, Thursday, September 27,2014, 2012,
Around Town June 18 Ladies Auxiliary Meeting Wednesday, June 18, 7:30 p.m., 10700 Campbell Road, Harrison. June 19 Shaker Farms Garden Club Thursday, June 19, 2 p.m., Beth Harnist presents “Fairy Gardens for Children,” Harrison Branch Library. Grades 3-6. Reservations with Library. June 20 North Dearborn Legion Post Fish/Chicken Breast Dinner
Friday, June 20, 7:30 p.m., 25329 Legion Road, New Alsace. Fish/Chicken breast, french fires, coleslaw desserts, $6.50, drinks extra. Hamburgers and cheeseburgers available. 812-623-2771, 812-576-4186, 812-623-4158. June 21 Flea Market Saturday, June 21, 8-1, Harrison VFW, 9160 Lawrenceburg Road. 7 a.m. for sellers. Sellers needed. Space $10; tables not provided. Sellers call Tina at 673-1334; leave a message. Morgan Township Historical Society. Saturday, June 21, 10 a.m., Administration Building, 3141 Chapel Road, Okeana. Local Butler County historian, Thomas Stander, presents the 167th O.V.I. Morgan, Ross, Reily and Oxford Township’s 100 Day Men. For information, 738-0810. Harrison Avenue Baptist Church Block Party June 21, Harrison Community Center. Noon - 4 p.m. Food, games, prizes, free. Block Party Elizabethtown Church Saturday, June 21, 6 p.m. Wayne and Gaines avenues. Bring dish to share, lawn chair. Live Bluegrass music. June 22 North Dearborn American Legion Euchre Tournament Sunday, June 22; sign-ups noon, play starts 1 p.m., 45329 Legion Road, New Alsace. $5, lunch available, public invited. 812-576-4186, (812)623-2771. June 24 Free Tuesday Night Music Tuesday, June 24, 7 p.m., The Naked Karate Girls, Harrison Community Center. Bring lawn chairs and blankets. No coolers permitted. Food and drinks available for purchase. Proceeds benefit Mayor’s Fund. Bring canned good donation for Mayor’s Fund. June 25 American Legion Riders Meeting Wednesday, June 25, 7 p.m., 10700 Campbell Road, Harrison. June 26 Garden Club Flower Show June 26-28, Harrison Branch Library. Open to public, free admission. For more information, call Gail Chuck at 3670483. June 27 Harrison Free Movie Night June 27, starts at dusk, Harrison Community Center, behind garage. Despicable Me 2. Free popcorn, snow-cones, water and pizza from LaRosa’s (limited supply). Bring lawn chairs and blankets. No coolers permitted. Collecting canned goods for Mayor’s Fund. DJ Terry Beasley Friday, June 27, 8 p.m., Harrison VFW Cabana on the Whitewater, 9160 Lawrenceburg Road. Open to the public. No cover charge. North Dearborn American Legion Fish/Chicken Breast Dinner
Friday, June 27, 7:30 p.m., 25329 Legion Road, New Alsace. Fish/Chicken breast, french fires, coleslaw desserts, $6.50, drinks extra. Hamburgers and cheeseburgers available. 812-623-2771, 812-576-4186, 812-623-4158. June 28 Harrison Ave. Assembly of God Block Party Yard Sale June 28, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; 949 Harrison, Ave., Harrison. Public invited. Dr. John Hembree, 367-6109. July 4 Harrison Recreation 4th of July Parade and Fireworks Friday, July 4, line up at 9 a.m., Harrison Community Center. Parade starts at 10 a.m. 5 p.m., Community Center activities, games, face painting, clowns, and more. Food, drinks available for purchase form local groups. 7 p.m. GenX band until fireworks by Rozzi. July 11 North Dearborn Legion Fish/Chicken Breast Dinner
Friday, July 11, 7:30 p.m., 25329 Legion Road, New Alsace. Fish/Chicken breast, french fires, coleslaw desserts, $6.50, drinks extra. Hamburgers and cheeseburgers available. 812-623-2771, 812-576-4186, 812-623-4158. Other Announcements Cruise-In/DJ John Summers Every Thursday, 5 p.m.-9 p.m., Harrison VFW Cabana on the Whitewater, 9160 Lawrenceburg Road. Prizes, food and drinks. Open to the public. No cover charge.
Submitted Photo/Harrison Press
Harrison students gather around a body bag just before observing the cadaver within at Cincinnati State in April.
Hands-on learning with cadavers Patricia Huelseman Harrison Press Staff Writer
Harrison High School 11th- and 12th-grade students in Susana Maldonado’s bio-medical science classes were literally holding human lungs at Cincinnati State in April. The two classes, about 25 students, viewed, felt, and even held the separated parts of two dissected human cadavers. The outing is a part of Harrison High School’s Biomedical Science class taught by Maldonado, a Great Oaks career center employee and a part of Project Lead the Way, designed to help students decide on a career in medicine and take practical steps in that direction. The bio-med program is a combination of several intense courses that begin in the sophomore year. By the time the students graduate, they have the potential to have earned 12 college credit hours. All courses, even the sophomore courses, offer the opportunity to earn college credits. “The first year is where they get a little taste of what the program is about,” said Maldonado. “They get a taste of what, really, college is going to be like...” she said. “I do push them because they’re capable of a lot.” In the sophomore course, Principals of Biomedical Sciences, students deal predominantly with molecular and cellular biology. Even in that first year of the course, many students determine whether or not they think medicine is the field for them. Those that wish to continue, move on to Human Body Systems, she said. The junior course is very focused in anatomy and physiology. “They learn about all the body systems and how they’re interrelated to each other,” said Maldonado. Students are given scenarios for which they de-
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termine the symptoms and what is causing the issue. They make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment, and discuss prevention. “After my Human Body Systems, then we move on to my seniors, Medical Intervention,” said Maldonado. The course is intense, and, more than the other two years, a concrete example of what college medical courses entail. Each course builds off the previous so students have a well-rounded, in-depth knowledge of the human body. By the time the students see the cadaver, they have learned, in an academically intense setting, about the body and its workings. This year, a male cadaver and female cadaver were examined. The bodies were preserved in a chemical, similar to formaldehyde, and had been dissected. Students held the lungs, heart, stomach. Some were instructed to return the extracted remains to their place in the body. Many agreed the lungs were much larger than expected and were described as squishy, soft, huge. Students had dissected a sheep heart in the classroom. Looking at the human heart, they were surprised to see
how similar the two are. They identified leg muscles they had studied. They noted, or at least tried to determine, the difference between the large and small intestine. They discussed the cause of death and other medical issues for each cadaver and looked for evidence. The female had a rare congenital disease called Idiopathic Pulmonary fibrosis, which caused intense and obvious damage to her lungs. The male died of cancer. Many students found that looking at the cadavers was fascinating, but they did not look at the faces. In the first viewing of a cadaver, many instructors will
shield the face because it is too difficult to view for many first-timers. The bio-med course at Harrison was a pilot for Great Oaks for the entire Cincinnati area. Maldonado and many others agree the course is a fantastic opportunity for students. Many of the students already have a college major in mind, including nursing, pathology, and pre-med. The bio-medical course has shaped the students and allowed them the opportunity to step into a career from which they might have otherwise shied away.
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Harrison Press
307 Harrison Ave. (Historic Downtown Harrison)
In our winter newsletter, I mentioned to our clients that we were on baby watch for the birth of our first grandchild. Elizabeth Irene Landfried was born on January 16, 2014. As a new grandfather, I cannot help myself with showing her around the office whenever her mother and father bring her by. As a Registered Financial Consultant, I cannot help myself with planning little Elizabeth’s future. I can already tell she will be a fast learner, so I decided to calculate what future college costs are going to be when Elizabeth turns 18. Since I attended the University of Cincinnati (UC) and three of our five children have attended UC, I decided to use my alma mater for this calculation. Current average cost of attendance at UC inclusive of tuition, fees, books, room and board, and other miscellaneous expenses is $27,206 per year or $108,824 for four years. To run the calculation, I took the current cost of college and assumed a 5% college inflation rate per year. Assuming that in 18 years a college-bound Elizabeth will attend UC for 4 years as a full-time student, the future cost of attendance would be $282,203! That’s a big shocking number! I then wanted to know what would be required to reach this goal of $282,203. I assumed a college savings account rate of return of 6% on average per year over the next 18 years. In order to cover 100% of Elizabeth’s cost of attendance, one would need to save $662 per month faithfully. Elizabeth is our first grandchild, but not our last. So “Nana” and “Big Rog” (phonetically said “Rodge”) plan to help out, but not pay 100%. When I went to college, it was all on me to make it happen. I borrowed and worked my way through college. I can remember on my 40th birthday gathering my wife and kids around our kitchen table celebrating and writing my last student loan repayment check. It was a good feeling, and yes, spending money on my education was the best money I ever spent.
However, my wife’s experience was different from mine. Her parents paid for her college education. And to this day, she is eternally grateful that they did. So as in most marriages, we came from two different experiences when it came to paying for college. Needless to say, my wife’s preference was to extend her college funding experience to our five children as long as it was affordable for our budget. I added a few rules to the equation: our children had to be respectful of their mother at all times, they had to apply themselves to school, and needed to make good grades which would lead to scholarships. Education in our house was and always has been valued. I threw in no tattoos and no body piercings. If they followed these simple rules, we would pay for their college. So far this has worked out, but not without sacrificing elsewhere in our family budget. We are in the final year of having three tuition payments, and I am blessed to have attended a Master’s Graduation Ceremony for one of my sons in May. So, now back to Elizabeth… WOW…$282,203! This is a very big number, and “Nana” and “Big Rog” want to help out. But Elizabeth - and this is in print, courtesy of our local paper – we want you to be respectful to your parents at all times, apply yourself, and make good grades. Also, no tattoos and no body piercings or whatever teens are doing 18 years from now. One final note to those reading this article: one should never sacrifice retirement to pay for college as there are many factors that come into play. We are happy to discuss your individual situations. We are equally happy to discuss the best way to save for college if that is your decision, and if you email we have an Information Sheet called “Paying for College” that we’d love to share with you.
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Roger Ford
Sports broadcasting may be in danger Boehner should reverse B H Obama’s wrong doings
Editor: Dear Mr. Boehner, I would like to know, Mr. Boehner, how long are you and the other members of congress and senate who have any love in our country and our way of life, our freedom, how long are you going to sit on your hands while Barack Obama destroys the United States carrying on like the insane Marxist dictator he really is? How bad do things have to get to get members of the congress and senate to throw this man and his sick administration on their ears? The incident with the veteran’s hospitals and then releasing the worst terrorists on our shores…what more do you and your associates need! My father and father-in-law served in World War II and both damn near got killed defending our freedom against the emperor of Japan! Barack Obama has slapped us all in the face over and over again and the senate and congress appear scared to death to confront this man and his plans to turn America into a third world nation - one executive decision at a time! Obama and his administration have thrown our constitution out the window and we’re living under their anarchy! I am demanding that you and all those who have sworn to protect our freedoms to act immediately to throw this man out of the White House. I’m sick of hearing this man tell us what he’s going to shove down our throats whether we like it or not! I’m expecting you to act swiftly to defeat all of the insane programs this man has forced on this country since his first election. So are all the thousands and thousands of men and women who have bled and died serving our country to protect our freedom. The in-action of the congress and senate is a pathetic embarrassment to our citizens and also to the rest of what’s left of the free world. Sincerely, Mark Volle 11801 Hamilton-Cleves Road, Hamilton, Ohio, 45013
Great community support Editor: Cub Scout Pack 408 thanks the Harrison community for supporting our inaugural pancake breakfast. Proceeds go a long way toward our mission of providing fun and unique experiences for our boys, who grow into outstanding young men. We thank our sponsors who made the event possible: Innovative Custom Woodworking, Minges Greenhouse, Day Precision Wall, Cakes by Kylee, Adams Water, NAPA Auto Parts, Tristate Elevator, Swath Design, and SR1 Self Storage. It is a blessing to have great community support. Joe Combs, Cub Master 10713 Stone Ridge Way Harrison, Ohio 45030
Guest columnists sought The Harrison Press always is eager to publish the opinions of our readers regarding local, state, national and international issues and topics. There is a need in all communities we cover for experts and residents to express their voices on the many issues that we face at home, in our own back yards and throughout the world. Take a little time to air your opinion. You never know how many people you might affect. It’s easy. Type your column and email it to Include your name, general living location and phone number for questions and confirmation. Also include a 25-30-word biographical sketch to help our readers gain an understanding of your interest in a partcular subject. Call Joe Awad at 513-367-4582 with questions, or just to chat about an idea.
The Harrison Press USPS 236-100
Ryan Oswald, General Manager Joe Awad, Editor Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus The Harrison Press is an independent weekly newspaper devoted to the interest of Harrison and the surrounding area. The Harrison Press (USPS 236-100) is published each Wednesday by Register Publications, 307 Harrison Ave.,
I love when my felyle low Harrison Press columnist Jack Dominic writes about cable television because, as my lovely wife can attest, I love watching TV and I’m curious about where things are headed in the distribution of content. I’ve learned enough over the years to know that things aren’t likely to stay the same. Though I love the options cable TV offers, it seems clear it is not a business plan that can withstand the attacks coming its way over the next few years. For too long, cable stations got by with repurposing movies and older network TV shows, but that model has been spun to the point that nearly every cable network has developed its own programming. Filling this entertainment void has become so crucial that the broadcast networks, which long ceded the summer months to repeats, are now developing series year-round. ob
What about sports?
My concern for the future is what these changes will do to sports programming. Despite the many new programs being offered, it still remains cheaper for the networks to provide entertainment programming rather than produce live events like sports, particularly as rights fees demanded by amateur and professional sports have increased. Most of the big event programming in sports remains on the broadcast networks, but that has started to change. The national championship game in college football is now on ESPN. Beginning next spring, the NCAA basketball final four will be on TBS. Those are just the first shots fired across the bow. But if major sports programming is moving to cable and cable is taking body shots from Netflix, Hulu and who knows where in the next five years, what does this mean for the great American sports fan. I depend on Fox Sports Ohio for my Cincinnati Reds games and three or four cable networks that telecast Xavier University basketball games. Professional and college sports teams depend more on television revenue these days than they do for gate receipts.
Much was made of Xavier’s move to the Big East from the Atlantic 10 conference because it doubled the amount of TV revenue the school received. The Reds receive money from the Fox broadcast network, but also from cable networks ESPN and Fox Sports. The guaranteed income generated from these deals is one reason they signed Joey Votto to a $200 million contract. So if cable and dish operators are being threatened by Netflix and Hulu, can the cable business model withstand the attack simply on the backs of ESPN, TBS, and some of the other sports programming networks? They have to, don‘t they? The professional and amateur sports organizations of the world can’t afford to let the cable sports networks fail, but I doubt they have any idea how to keep the status quo in place. There will likely be some type of ala carte programming, but until ESPN can find a way to program directly into your house, be prepared for a rocky future and cable bills that will go even higher. Bob Hyle covers sports and writes a weekly column for The Harrison Press. He lives in Bright.
Plugged in
Cheap internet plan might work for you My friend recently took a new job and moved into an apartment in the Cincinnati area. Living on a modest income, she wanted to find the least expensive way to have access to the internet in her new digs. After shopping around, she found that she could get internet access from the local cable company but the local telephone company was not offering service to her new address. After considering all the rebates, specials, and other marketing hocus pocus, she found that if she opted for the cable internet service, her monthly bill would be about $50. Not being a big TV buff, she didn’t want to sign up for one of the “bundles” which would reduce the cost of the monthly internet access, but result in a higher total monthly bill, once the TV portion was added. She wanted dearly to find a less expensive option.
Jack Dominic
The solution
In our conversation she mentioned that she was going to need a smartphone. This opened up a new option. Many smartphones can also serve as Wi-Fi hotspots. The phone connects with the internet and then using a mini Wi-Fi router, it can connect to devices nearby and connect them to the internet as well. A laptop, iPad or any other Wi-Fi-enabled tablet can access the internet through the phone. In my friend’s case, there would be no need for another internet service in her apartment. She was required to get a 2 Gig. data plan that would support the increased data usage, but in the long run she got both a new smartphone and internet access for both her phone and
laptop in her apartment. This package was less than the cost of buying a smartphone plan and home internet plan separately. Caveat Emptor! This option is not for everyone. My friend is not an internet power user. She has a robust internet connection at work and accesses the internet at home essentially for email and some Facebook browsing. In other words she will not use much bandwidth. If she was going to watch movies, play online games and view endless YouTube videos at home, this option would be very expensive. Unlike most internet plans offered by the cable and phone companies which have unlimited data usage, the 4G and 5G wireless data plans offered by the major mobile carries like Verizon and AT&T do charge for using more bits and bytes than your monthly plan allows. So shop carefully before opting for a wireless plan. It is interesting to note that my friend first thought that she could live without internet access in her home since she would have it at work and the library was not far. After a short period she changed her mind. We all have become so dependent on having information at our finger tips. Some would say we are spoiled. Others would say it is progress. I vote for the latter. If you disagree, don’t forget to go down to the general store and get some oil for your lamps. You don’t want to run out! Jack Dominic, a Harrison Twp. resident is Executive Director of the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting and an adjunct professor at UC. You can read previously published articles at www.jacksnotesandbits.
Guest Column
Country needs shoe-leather reporting Lee Hamilton
There is a place for entertainment that plays off the news, but there is no substitute for dogged reporting and the traditional values of accuracy, truth and fairness.
These days, the scandal involving long-wait times at VA hospitals can feel like some made-in-Washington spectacle generated by politicians looking for headlines. But it isn’t. It had its genesis in a late-April report on CNN that as many as 40 veterans may have died waiting for appointments at VA hospitals in Phoenix. This investigative piece was notable for two reasons. It’s been a while since a news story so quickly provoked such a storm of public indignation that a cabinet secretary, deservedly or not, had no choice but to resign. And it’s a reminder of just how important old-fashioned shoe-leather reporting remains to our system of government, especially when it uncovers official misdoing. One of the basic truths about our representative democracy is that it does not work without solid information. Elected and appointed public officials need to know what’s happening in the communities they serve, and the people who live in those communities need to know what the government they elect and fund is doing in their name.
Blocking the info flow
Many forces try to distort or block
that flow of information, from officials not living up to our expectations, to politicians counting on public ignorance, to lobbyists and advocates hoping to sway public opinion. This is why the press, and by this I mean print, broadcast and online journalists, is crucial to our country’s health. It is, or ought to be, a steady, dispassionate, truth-seeking, skeptical and tough-minded force for public understanding. In an ideal world, our media would focus on the serious side of the news. It would explore and highlight the substance of issues, not simply the politics of issues.
The real issue
It would detail the facts underlying a story, rather than dwelling on the personalities at play in the story. There is a place for entertainment that plays off the news, as Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have amply demonstrated. In the search for an audience, however, news executives shouldn’t let entertainment become a substitute for dogged reporting and the traditional values of accuracy, truth and fairness. These are not easy times for journalists. I don’t pretend to understand all the forces reshaping what we see, hear and read in the news media, and I know that news executives are struggling with formidable economic and social challenges. Yet if the line between news and entertainment gets blurred, if loud opinion replaces accurate reporting, and if journalists take the easy road of covering politics and the horse race rather than the core of policy-making, substance, consensus-building, and the
painstaking search for remedy, then representative democracy is in trouble. New organizations and Web sites investigative outfits including ProPublica and the new wave of “explanatory” and data-driven sites including Vox and are trying to make up some of the ground that’s been lost in the years of news-industry turmoil. Their very presence suggests they see a void to be filled. Only a handful of news organizations in the country these days have the human and financial resources to spend weeks or months chasing an investigation. Given the cuts that have stripped newsrooms of the expertise they once contained, I wonder whether the kind of reporting that brought us Watergate and uncovered the Enron scandal could still occur. Make no mistake: we need maximum oversight. You and I need it if we’re to be certain that misdeeds cannot hide in the darker corners of government. Congress needs it if it’s to carry out one of its core responsibilities of overseeing the operations of government. All of us rely on the press to check abuses of power, see that laws are properly implemented, hold officials accountable, and tell those officials when their policies and operations are failing or going astray. Those in power could simply tell us what they want us to know, and we’d be none the wiser without a strong independent press. That is no state of affairs for a democracy. Lee Hamilton is director of the Center on Congress at Indiana University. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives 34 years.
COMMUNITY/SCHOOLS Shush! Not at Harrison Branch Library this July Stuff for all ages *Science Circus - Thursday, July 10, 10:30 a.m. It’s time for the Science Matters Circus that includes the Magic Mushroom Man, Egg-Mo the Magnificent, Balancing Barnaby, floating balls, flying toilet paper, and more! Stuff for kids *Collect the Prizes Book Club - Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - Thursday, July 31. For ages 12 and under. Read a book about science, complete the provided activity or write a review, and then choose a prize. Limit one prize per month. *Book Character Scavenger Hunt Tuesday, July 01 - Thursday, July 31, all day. For ages 12 and under. Help find your favorite characters who have escaped their books and get a prize. They hide in a new spots each day, so stop by as often. *Imagine, Discover, Explore Kids Club - Tuesday, July 1, 7 p.m. For ages 6 - 12. Hands-on activities help you imagine, discover, and explore the world around you. A new topic is explored monthly. Registration required. *Family Storytime - Wednesday, July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. For children and their caregivers. Enjoy books, songs, activities and more, while building early literacy skills. *Tales to Tails - Wednesday, July 2, 7 p.m. For ages 5 - 12. Practice reading to Peaches, our certified therapy dog. Call 369-4442 to sign up for a 10-minute session with Peaches. Registration required. *Brain Camp, Grosser than Gross Thursday, July 3, 1 - 4 p.m. For grades 1 - 5. Icky, creepy, slimy, and just gross science projects fill this afternoon of disgusting fun. Registration required. *Movers & Shakers - Monday, July 7, 14, 21 and 28, 10:30 a.m. For ages 1 - 4. You and your child will shake it together! Sing, dance and enjoy music, movement and fun! *Tween Game Night - Tuesday, July 8, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. For ages 8 - 12. Hang out and play video games with friends. Registration required. *Harrison 500 Hot Wheels Tournament - Tuesday, July 15, Time: 6:15 p.m. For ages 12 and under. Enter a Hot Wheels
or Matchbox-type car or just come watch the races! The winner receives a trophy! Registration begins at 6:15 p.m. Races begin at 7 p.m. Registration and caregiver required. *Edible Soil - Tuesday, July 29, 10:30 a.m. For ages 5 - 12. Participants introduced to composition, layers and life forms in our soil. They will use pudding, sprinkles, cookies and chocolate chips to learn about what soil is made from and how important it is to everyday life. Presented by the Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District. Registration required. Stuff for teens *Pages and Prizes Book Game - Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - Thursday, July 31. For grades 6 - 12. *Read any teen book by James Patterson and fill out an entry form for a chance to win a prize. *Gaming Night - Thursday, July 3, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. For grades 5 - 8. Play video games and hang out with friends. Registration required. *Solar Ovens - Thursday, July 10, 6 p.m. grades 6 - 12. Learn how to make solar ovens out of old pizza boxes! We will test them out by making S’mores if the weather cooperates. Registration required. *Young Adult Gamers- Saturday, July 12, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. For grades 9 - 12. Hang out, game, and compete in a tournament or two. Registration required. *Collage Art - Thursday, July 17, 6 p.m. For grades 6 - 12. Learn how to make collage art with colored sheets of paper and attempt to make an Eric Carle style picture book. Registration required. *Table Gamers - Thursday, July 24, 6 p.m. For grades 6-12. There will be a Dungeons and Dragons group and many other games as from Pokémon to Risk to Settlers of Catan. Registration required. *Harrison Teen Advisory Board Thursday, July 31, 7 p.m. Grades 6-12 only. Help make Harrison Branch Library an awesome place for teens while hanging out, and talking about books, movies, music, TV and video games. Snacks provided. Membership applications are required.
The Friday, May 23, ribbon cutting at Cronin Ford/Kia, Harrison marked the celebration of the car dealership’s new showroom. From left: Harrison Councilman Ryan Grubbs, owner Pat Cronin, Margie Cronin, Maggie Gruber, Harrison Councilman Jim Robertson, John Cronin (back) and Charlie Gruber.
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Harrison girl helps make ‘batiks’ for disease research Maddie Staubach, Harrison, was among McAuley High School Senior Studio students who designed and finished fabric pieces, called batiks, made by multiple color dying using hot wax, then auctioned at a charity event. Setterlin was approached by McAuley alumna Laura Neeb, class of 2009, to be part of a silent art auction for the Voices of Angels, a community celebration and fundraiser for Angelman syndrome treatment and research. Teacher Samantha Setterlin and her seniors enthusiastically agreed to the request. Neeb heard Marcia Brandstadt, presi-
dent and co-founder of Angelman Fragile X Alliance, speak at a civic awards events and was so inspired she offered to volunteer. Brandstadt’s daughter, Kendal, has Angelman syndrome, a neuro-genetic disorder linked to a single gene and chromosome. The free family celebration took take place at Rhinegeist Brewery in Overthe Rhine in May. It featured basket raffles, split-the-pot, photo booth, corn hole, Ping-Pong, craft beers, and a silent art auction, which included all the batiks. The seniors also met 5-year-old Kendal, further inspiring their batiks’ experience.
Maddie Staubach, Harrison, was among McAuley High School Senior Studio students who designed and finished fabric pieces, called batiks, left, made by multiple color dying using hot wax. They were auctioned at a charity event to raise money in the fight against Angelman syndrome, a neurogenetic disorder characterized by severe intellectual and developmental disability, sleep disturbance, seizures, jerky movements (especially hand-flapping), and frequent laughter.
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Looking Back 10 years ago - 2004 Harry and Mary Schulte will celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary on June 11, 2004. They were married in 1949 and have lived in Harrison throughout their marriage. They have four daughters, 11 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. *** After Crosby Elementary School principal Chris Brown was promoted to Southwest Local School District assistant superintendent, a new principal had to be chosen. Officials decided that Brown’s replacement could come from within the district and named Harrison Elementary School Assistant Principal Laura Meyers to fill Brown’s post. 15 years ago - 1999 Harrison librarian Robert Taylor was honored on his retirement after 30 years. Taylor took the job as a temporary librarian and it lasted for three
*** Joycelyn Chapman, Chad Kobman, Sara Mercer, and Kelli Kiehle, 1999 Harrison High School graduates, have each been awarded $500 scholarships from the Harrison Kiwanis Club. 20 years ago - 1994 The Harrison Elementary School PTA Board of Members recently elected Tama Hawk to receive the Friend of Children Award. Hawk has performed her duties as crossing guard for Harrison Elementary School for the past two years. She carries out her duties as crossing guard through rain, sleet, or snow, giving much more of herself than just her time. *** Cassandra Klemm, Amy Schoenig, Andrea Wesselman and Christina Schwind, students of Robin Brandenburg Dance Studios, are excited
about their August trip to the national “I Love Dance” competition after their recent overall high score performance for “Chim-Chim Cheree” during regional competition in Louisville. 25 years ago - 1989 Faulty wiring is being blamed for a fire late Saturday that caused more than $225,000 worth of damage to The Red Barn Fireworks and Bait Shop. “It was a real rough fire to fight because of all the fireworks in the place,” said New Trenton Chief Roger Maucher. “There were some times when the fireworks and ammunition in the barn started exploding and we had to keep everyone back out of the way,” said Maucher. *** Miamitown resident and gun-shop owner Bill Bram found hunting big game on a private African ranch not unlike hunting whitetail deer on a private Indiana farm. The animals he hunted in Africa, however, weren’t like anything one might find in an In-
diana hay-field. Bram collected nine different trophies: a nine-foot black mamba snake and an 800-pound Kudu were two of the most exotic. 30 years ago - 1984 Joseph William Meyer was born April 26, 1984 to Gary and Carla Meyer. Joseph was born at Good Samaritan Hospital, weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces and was 19 1/4 inches long. He is the Meyer’s first baby. *** Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Sperry are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter Deborah Birdsall to Mr. John Alexander Kerron Saturday, June 9th at the First Presbyterian Church, Harrison, Ohio. 35 years ago - 1979 Julie Byrd was the winner of Americana’s $13,000 Limited Edition Trans Am on Memorial Day Weekend. Julie was one of 300 contestants chosen to jump into 880 gallons of green Jello in search of the set of keys which would open the doors of the Trans Am. ***
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Davies Sr. will celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary with an open house Sunday, June 24th. They are devoted parents of Mrs. Carol Martin, Cincinnati Ohio; Mrs. Sue Booth, Cleves, Ohio; Mrs. Ruth Warpool, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. Linda Rasp, Lawrenceburg Ind.; and two sons David Jr., Ismo S. Carolina; and William of Anaheim California. 40 years ago - 1974 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Ashcraft Beth Robinson of Miamitown are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Joanna Marie. She arrived at Fort Hamilton Hospital, May 28 at 8 p.m. weighing in at 8 pounds 13.5 ounces. She is welcomed home by her brother Adam and grandparents Wilma Tomblin and Don Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. James Ashcraft. *** Marine First Lieutenant Myron K. Hollin - whose wife Shirly is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman N. Kollstedt, Harrison - qualified as
an expert with the M-16 rifle. He serves with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing at the Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point North Carolina. 45 years ago - 1969 Mr. Clarence Boyer, 74 years young completed his solo flight at Harrison Airport last week. He had taken preflight training at the Harrison Airport. *** Mrs. Thelma Freel wishes to announce the approaching marriage of her daughter, Judith Ann Brachenridge to Mr. Kenneth Franklin of Cincinnati, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Franklin. 50 years ago - 1964 Mrs. Floyd Davies, Harrison, is a national second place winner in the See-the Fair Sweepstakes conducted throughout the United States by bottles of Coca Cola. Mrs. Davies entered all three of the national Coca Cola Sweepstakes. Mrs. Davies will receive a five-day trip to the Fair for herself and Mr. Davies.
Worship at the church of your choice
ADDYSTON BAPTIST CHURCH 112 Church St., Addyston. Pastor: David Pitman. Phone: 941-4897. Sunday school: 9:30 a.m.; worship: 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Wednesday, 7 p.m.
AMAZING GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD 9961 New Haven Road. Pastor-Bill Ritchie - 859-4669224 Sunday worship: 10:30 a.m.; Sunday school and adult Bible class: 9:30 a.m.; (nursery available). ASSEMBLY OF GOD 949 Harrison Ave., Harrison. Pastor: Dr. John R. Hembree. Sunday school: 9:30 a.m.; morning worship, 10:30 a.m.; Bible study, Royal Rangers and National Girls Ministry, Wednesday, 7 p.m.; youth meeting, Monday, 6:30 p.m. AUBURN OLD TIME HOLINESS CHURCH 1077 Morgan-Ross Road, Millville. Phone: (513)756-0160. Pastor: Granville Sayler. Services: Tuesday and Saturday: 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school: 10:30 a.m.; Sunday: 6 p.m. BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH 24241 Stateline Road, Bright. Pastor: Charlie Davis. Phone: 637-5822. Sunday school: 10 a.m.; preaching: 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday: 7 p.m. BIBLE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP SOUTHERN BAPTIST 360 N. State St., Pastor: James Hundley, Phone: 765-698-2705 or 367-4225; Sunday Bible study: 10 a.m.; Sunday worship: 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Midweek Bible study: Wednesday; 6:30 p.m. BRIGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH 24457 Stateline Road, Bright. Jeff Stone, senior minister; Kevin Smith, Youth Evangelist; Linda Hutchinson, Children’s Director. 9 a.m.- worship & Sunday School classes; 10:30 a.m. worship & Sunday School classes. Services are interpreted for the deaf. BRIGHT PROVIDENCE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner of Stateline and Salt Fork Roads. Pastor: Rev. Jim Crank. Worship: 10:30 a.m. CHAPPELOW RIDGE BAPTIST CHURCH 28176 Chappelow Rd., West Harrison, IN. Pastor: Dawn Tropp (812) 637-3129.Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.; Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Eve Worship: 6:30 p.m.; 812-637-1868. CHAPPELOW RIDGE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 4740 Chappelow Ridge Road, West Harrison. Pastor Kegle.
Phone: (812)637-3129. Sunday school: 10:30 a.m.; Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday services: 7 p.m.
CHURCH ON FIRE 10544 Harrison Ave., Pastor Doug Combs. Service times: Saturday, 6 p.m.; Sunday 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m., Nursery provided. Wednesday classes 7 p.m., all ages. 367-7772. www. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 249-250 Sunset Ave., Senior Pastor: Rev., Ted Ralston, Pastor of Visitation: Arno Wilson. Youth Pastor: Rev. Trevor Bentley. Sunday school: 9:30 a.m.; worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday night service 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday prayer and Bible study and children /teens activities, 7 p.m. Nursery provided. Phone: 3679727 CLEVES CHURCH OF CHRIST 45 Pontius Ave., Cleves. Phone 941-0259. Sunday school: 9:30 a.m.; worship: 10:30 a.m.; evening service: 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday Bible study: 7 p.m. CLEVES PRAISE AND WORSHIP CENTER (Pentecostal) 508 Porter St., Cleves. Pastor: Mark Klette. Sunday school: 10 a.m.; worship: 11 a.m.; Thursday: 7 p.m. COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH OF HARRISON 10960 Edgewood Rd. (at the corner of Edgewood & Lees Creek). Pastor: Doug Wallin. Sunday School & Adult Bible Fellowship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Night Bible Study & Children’s Programs: 6:30 p.m. Phone: 513-367-1090. Email: Visit our web site at CROSSWAY COMMUNITY CHURCH 9091 New Haven Road, Harrison, OH 45030. Pastor: Mark Larimer, :202-1222. Sunday: 10:15 a.m. E-mail: baldheadedpreacher@hotmail. com DEARBORN HILLS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 25365 State Line Rd., ,Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. Pastor: Rev. Scott Stephans; Phone, 637-3993; 9 a.m., Sunday School - 10:15 a.m., worship; nursery provided each Sunday. ELIZABETHTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Wayne Street, Elizabethtown. Pastor: Dawn Trapp. Sunday school: 10:00 a.m.; Worship service: 10:30 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 117 Hill St. Pastor: Ronnie Wolfe. Sunday school: 10 a.m.;
worship service: 11 a.m.; evening service: 6 p.m.; Wednesday Bible study: 7 p.m.
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MIAMITOWN 5830 State Rt..128 Miamitown, Ohio 45041. Pastor: Bro. Joe Crumpler. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.; Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Call 513-353-2530 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEANA 6055 Jenkins Road, Okeana. Pastor: Rev. Millard O. Patrick. Sunday: morning and evening service; Wednesday Bible service. The end of your search for a friendly church. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 115 South Vine St., Harrison: Rev. Joshua Long: 367-4301; Holy Communion service, 8:30 a.m.; Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; morning worship service, 10:45 a.m.; Thursday service, 7 p.m.; nursery provided. Web site: http:// FULL GOSPEL CHRISTIAN CENTER 23036 Stateline Road, Bright, IN. Pastor: Frank Hedger. Sunday school: 10 a.m.; worship: 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Wednesday: 7 p.m. 637-2777. GLORYLAND WAY BAPTIST CHURCH 618 N. Maimi Ave., Cleves. Phone: 742-1158. Pastor Harley Duncan. Sunday school: 10 a.m.; Sunday evening worship: 6 p.m.; Wednesday evening Bible study: 7 p.m. GOSPEL OF GRACE CHURCH Ross, Ohio, Provident Bank meeting room, Intersection of Rt. 128 & Rt. 27, Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m., We believe and preach the doctrines of sovereign grace 513-738-4988. Visit our web site at GREATER VISION APOLISTIC MINISTRIES 111 N. Walnut Street, Harrison Phone 477-3057. Pastor Brandon S. Blevins. Sunday School, 1 p.m.; Worship, 2:15 p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study, 7 p.m. HARRISON ALLIANCE CHURCH 9940 New Haven Road, Harrison. Sunday school: 9:30 a.m.; morning worship: 10:30 a.m.; evening: 6:30 p.m. Programs for children and youth. Paster Mark Mears, 202-9991; church phone 367-9940. HARRISON AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 1125 Harrison Ave., Harrison. Pastor: Dan Rowland. Sunday school: 9:30 a.m.; worship service: 10:30 a.m.; evening worship: 6 p.m.; Wednesday evening: 6 p.m. Website:
HARRISON SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST FELLOWSHIP Meet at St. John’s United Church of Christ, corner of Broadway and Sycamore in Harrison. Bible Study, Saturday, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; Bible study and prayer Wednesday, 7 p.m. Child care provided. For more information, call Pastor Bob Helm, toll free, 866-938-9485 or visit HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 231 S. Miami Ave., Cleves. Pastor: Terry Bledsoe. Phone: 922-9025. Sunday school: 10 a.m.; morning worship: 11 a.m.; Sunday evening: 6 p.m.; Wednesday: 7 p.m. HOUSE OF POWER AND PRAYER 5129 Depot St., New Trenton, Ind. Pastor Sis Esterkamp. Service Sunday 10 a.m and 6 p.m.; Wednesday, 7 p.m., live music; Miracle Service, second Friday, 7 p.m.; Free breakfast, first Saturday, 7-11 a.m. For information, call (513)470-6261. LEGACY CHRISTIAN CHURCH 216 North Sycamore St., Corner of Park Ave. and Sycamore St.; 367-4316; Web site:; Mark A. Garrett, Lead Pastor; Willisa Redford, Children's Pastor. Sunday services, 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.; nursery provided; Kids Own Worship, 19 months to fifth grade; Youth groups Wednesday evenings. Life groups offered. LIBERTY TEMPLE 4040 North Dearborn Road, Logan. Pastor: Rev. Ryan David Tebelman. Phone: 637-2227. Full gospel church. Sunday school: 10:30 a.m Sunday services 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Main Street, Miamitown 45041; (513)353-2226. Preaching Minister, Dusty Delafield. Sunday worship, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Visit website at www.
MIAMI WHITEWATER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Harrison, 9700 Dry Fork Road, Harrison OH. (across from Harrison High School) Rev. Mike Bartel, Paster, two services 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. - childcare provided, Bible class for all ages. Tuesday study group at the church 6:30 p.m. www.mymw. org. 513-367-4990. NEW VISION CHURCH 10400 Carolina Trace Road, Harrison; Pastor Tom Gillespie, 367-9430; Sunday worship at 10:45 a.m.; Wednesday family ministry at 7 p.m.; visit www. MT. HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Mt. Hope and Strimple Roads. Pastor: John Niehaus. Phone: 367-0450. Sunday school (all ages): 10a.m.; Worship service: 11 a.m.; evening service: 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday: 7 p.m.: www. NEW BEGINNINGS WORSHIP CENTER 10418 North State , Harrison, Ohio 45030. Bishop Jim Metcalf. Service times - Sunday, 10:30 a.m., 6 p.m., Wednesday, 7 p.m. Phone: 367-5189. Visit www. Host site for Angel Food Ministries. NEW HAVEN ROAD CHURCH OF GOD 8985 New Haven Rd., Harrison. Pastor: Dave Garrett, Phone: 738-3800, Sunday School 10:00a.m., Sun. Morning Worship -11:00 a.m., Sunday evening service- 6 p.m.,Wed. Family Night -7 p.m.
LIFESPRING HARRISON Harrison High School, 9860 West Road; 522-7707; Sunday 10:45 a.m. service; Minister Jeff Duerler;
NEWSONG VINEYARD CHURCH 120 N. State St., Harrison; 10:15 a.m. Sunday; Pastor Chris Sheneman, 202-0654; nursery, children’s program;
LOGAN CREEK PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Ind. 46, one mile from Ind. 52. Pastor: Fred Marshall Jr. Services; Saturday: 7 p.m.; Sunday school 9:30 a.m.; Sunday worship: 10:30 a.m.; Wednesday: 7 p.m.
NORTH DEARBORN COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1920 North Dearborn Road, Bright. Phone: 637-0060 or 6738283. Pastor Benny Price. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m., worship 11 a.m. Sunday and 7 p.m. on Wednesday.
MACEDONIA CHRISTIAN CHURCH California and Drewersburg roads, Okeana. Minister Scott Holland. Sunday school: 9:45 a.m.; Morning worship:10:45 a.m. MIAMITOWN CHURCH OF CHRIST PO Box 304, Ohio 128 and
"Still at Whites Farm" • South of Brookville
ROCKDALE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1195 Johnson Fork Road, West Harrison. Phone: 637-3425. Pastor James Byerly, Sunday School, 10 a.m. Woship service w. nursery availalbe, 11 a.m. Group study for youth, women and men on Wednesdays 7-8 p.m. September - May.
SMYRNA BAPTIST CHURCH Ind. 52, New Trenton, Ind. Sunday school: 10 a.m.; worship service: 11 a.m.; evening service: 6 p.m.; Wednesday: 7 p.m. Pastor Chuck McMahon. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH 509 Harrison Ave., Harrison. 367-9086. Pastor: Rev. Jeffrey M. Kemper. Saturday Masses, 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.; Sunday Masses: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 7 p.m. Web site: ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Broadway and Sycamore streets. Pastor: Rev. H.W. Shackelford. Sundayschool: 9:15 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m. ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Leon, Ind. Fr. Scott Nobbe, Pastor. Saturday Mass: 5 p.m.; Sunday Mass: 8:15 a.m. ST. TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS 23670 Salt Fork Rd., Lawrenceburg, (Bright), Indiana. Weekend Masses: Sat. 6:00 p.m., Sun. 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Weekday Masses: Tues-Thurs 6:00 p.m. Fri-Sat 8:00 a.m. Holdy Day Masses, see bulletin for schedule. M. Rev. Aaron M. Jenkins, Pastor. TRINITY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 1356 Sample Road, Oxford, OH 45056 (Reily). Pastor: Aaron Carter. Phone 513-756-9100. Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Sunday morning worship; 11 a.m., Sunday night, 6 p.m.; one Saturday evening service per month - call for dates and times.
VINEYARD CHURCH NORTHWEST 9165 Round Top Road, Cincinnati, Sunday Services: 9:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.; Senior Pastor: Van Cochrane, 385-4888. Small groups, youth programs, nursery provided. <http://> WEST HARRISON PENTECOSTAL TABENACLE 752 Harrison-Brookville Road, West Harrison. Pastor: Rev. H.E. Bowling. Phone: 3671567. Sunday school: 10 a.m.; worship service: 11 a.m.; Sunday night: 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday service: 7 p.m.; Saturday service: 7 p.m. WHITEWATER CROSSING CHRISTIAN CHURCH 5771 Ohio 128, Cleves. Senior Minister: David Vaughan. 6615811. Worship Times: Sunday, 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.; Saturday, 5 p.m. Visit E-mail to:
Whitewater Valley Elementary kids learn how to survive disasters
Third grade-students at Whitewater Valley Elementary learned the connection between pillowcases and disaster preparedness when American Red Cross presenters visit their classrooms Monday, June2.
Students participated in the Red Cross Pillowcase Project, a nationwide effort sponsored by the Walt Disney Company to educate elementary school youth about how to prepare for and survive natural disasters. Students received specially designed pillowcases to decorate and to stock with items to create their own personal disaster kits. “Youth are encouraged to share with family and friends what they learn about protective actions and the importance of preparing for a disaster. The colorful pillowcases and the student workbooks will help them do that,” said Tammy Simendinger, lead Red Cross presenter and a Whitewater Valley mom. Students specifically studied on to prepare and survive tornadoes, she said. “This topic is especially pertinent because the presentation was on the anniversary of the deadly tornadoes that hit Harrison,” said Simendinger. Even though the students were not born then, they have heard stories about the devastation the tornado wrecked upon Harrison, she said. “Our aim is to empower students with knowledge and skills they can use to survive even a destructive force,” said Simendinger. In addition to tornado safety topics, students learned how to tend to their mental health through a technique called Breathing with Color. The technique teaches students how to calm themselves in any distressing situation, not just disasters. A limited number of pillowcases remain for the pilot project. Schools, scout groups, summer camps and agencies serving youth kids third through fifth grade that are interested in bringing the Pillowcase Project to their site should call the Red Cross at 579-3000.
Residents of Crosby Township enjoyed community bonding during the annual Crosby Day at Stricker’s Grove on Sunday May 18.
Harrison Knights of Columbus
Southwest TAG team takes awards three years running This is the third consecuThe Southwest TAG protive year that Southwest TAG gram is directed by Bev Haas, students have received awards gifted intervention specialist. in ABC, an education program through which children are introduced to architecture. Winners in the master craftsperson category: Sky High Park by Vinny Fiorino, Caroline McElroy, Josh Kathman, and Emma Roush from Whitewater Valley Elementary. Harrison Elementary student winners in the Master Urban Planner category: Rooftop Park by Anna Tumlin, Will Janszen, and Sophia Fanelli; The Wilderness Park of Cincinnati by Mickayla Kowalski, Nate Readnower, and Ryan Lewis; Clear Water Park by Samantha Farfsing, Thomas Waters, and Myles Readnower; and Park on Walnut Street by Eve King, Kaitlyn Hart, and Krissy Kowalski. Since 1996, about 1,300 children have been involved in the program from Greater Cincinnati. Thirty-six schools were involved this year,. UC DAAP students and area architects were mentors. The winning models will be displayed downtown into the summer. Students were challenged to design activities, architectural, and site features of the “four covers” over Fort Washington Way between Elm and Main streets. They incorporated sustainability and “green” concepts while building to scale. Models were built out of recycled and found materials. This is the third consecutive year Southwest TAG students have received awards. Winners in the master craftsperson: Sky High Park by Vinny Fiorino, Caroline McElroy, Josh Kathman, and Emma Roush from Whitewater Valley Elementary. Winners in the Master Urban Planner category: Rooftop Park by Anna Tumlin, Will Janszen, and Sophia Fanelli; The Wilderness Park of Cincinnati by Mickayla Kowalski, Nate Readnower, and Ryan Lewis; Clear Water Park by Samantha Farfsing, Thomas Waters, and Myles Readnower; and Park on Walnut Street by Eve King, Kaitlyn Hart, and Krissy Kowalski. All of these students are from Harrison Elementary.
Bingo Every Friday 7PM
Reception Hall, Picnic Grounds, Ball Field Weddings, Parties, Meetings Dances, Reunions 10490 N. State St. Harrison, Ohio Call 513-367-0367 Web Site:
COMMUNITY CALENDAR CITY GOVERNMENT •Harrison City Council, first and third Tues, 7:30 p.m., Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. Meetings broadcast on Warner cable television, Channels 15 & 17, Sunday, 3 p.m.; and Channel 24, Monday, 11 p.m. • Harrison Planning Commission, second Tues, 7:30 p.m., Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. Meetings broadcast live, Channel 4, replay Saturday, 6 p.m., Channel 4. •Harrison Recreation Commission, second Thursday, 7 p.m. • Harrison Board of Zoning Appeals, fourth Tues, 7 p.m., Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. • Harrison Mayor’s Court, first and third Thursday, 3 p.m., Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. • Harrison Civil Service Commission, meets as needed , Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. • Harrison Recreation Commission, fourthThursday, 7 p.m., Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. • West Harrison Town Council, second Monday, 6:30 p.m., 100 Railroad Ave., West Harrison. TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT • Crosby Township Trustees, second Monday, 7 p.m., Community Center, 8910 Willey Road, New Haven. • Harrison Township Trustees, third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Harrison Community Center. •WhitewaterTownshipTrustees, third Monday, 7 p.m.,Whitewater Community Center, 6125 Dry Fork Road. SCHOOL BOARDS • Southwest Local School District, third Thursday, 7 p.m., Meetings take place at district schools. Call 367-4139 for location. • Sunman-Dearborn School District, second Thursday, 6:30 p.m., administration office, Lawrenceville Road. GROUPS, CLASSES, AGENCIES • Alcoholics Anonymous, Tues, 8 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 115 S. Vine St., Harrison. • Amazing Grace Quilters - 1st & 3rd Monday of the month, 10-3. Amazing Grace Church, 9961 New Haven Road. (513) 202-0688. • American Legion Bingo - American Legion Bingo will be held every Thursday, doors open at 6 p.m., bingo starts at 7:15 p.m. at 10700 Campbell Road. • American Legion Trivia - Trivia is held every Wednesday at American Legion Post 199, 10700 Campbell Road, 8 p.m. • Beta Sigma Pi Sorority XI Eta Iota Chapter, second Monday, 7:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 115 S. Vine St., 267-4301. • Bountiful Hearts, third Saturday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Harrison Church of the Nazarene, 249 Sunset Ave. Free, hot meals served and clothing available. Bob Tau, 367-0316. • CAP Harrison Cadet Squadron,Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Harrison Airport,West Rd. Come fly with us! 367-4669. • Crosby Senior Center Crochet - Have you ever wanted to learn to crochet? A Free beginners class taught by Sue Corson on the first Tuesday of each month at the Crosby Senior Center beginning at 1 pm. Bring your own needles and yarn. • Crosby Township Historical Society, third Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Senior Center, Willey Road. • Fernald Community Alliance, first Monday, 6:30 p.m., Fernald Preserve Visitor Center, Willey Road. •Greater Harrison Rotary - Every Thursday 7:30 a.m. Cracker Barrel, 615 Ring Road, Harrison; www. • Ham Shoot - A ham shoot will be held every Sunday at 11:45 a.m. except the third Sunday of each month at Harrison VFW, 9150 Lawrenceburg Road. Sign-ups begin at 10:45 a.m. • Harrison High School Athletic Boosters, second Monday, 7:30 p.m., Harrison High School, 9860West Road. • Harrison High School Drama Boosters, fourth Tuesday, 7 p.m., high school commons, 367-4169. • Harrison High School Music Boosters, fourth Monday, 7 p.m., Harrison High School, 9860West Road, music department, 367-4169. • Harrison Kiwanis, first and third Thursday, noon, Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, 9961 New Haven Road, 367-2015. • Harrison Nazarene Food & Clothing Ministry, open Thursdays, 12 to 3pm or call Suzanne Spangler (513) 252-3155 or Donna Duncan (812) 926-2066 for an appointment. Also open in conjunction with the“Bountiful Hearts Ministry”during their free, hot meal served the 3rd Saturday of each month at our location.We are operating a non-food pantry through partnership with Love, Inc. If you’re in need of non-food items, please call Love, Inc. at 367-7746 to schedule an appointment to pick-up these items from the Harrison Nazarene Church at 249 Sunset Ave. in Harrison, OH. • Harrison Republican Club, first Thursday, 7 p.m., Harrison Community Center. • Harrison Veterans Color Guard - The Harrison veterans color guard 10700 Campbell Road Harrison, is looking for a few good people to join. We do 4 or 5 parades in the community and Veteran Day services at the schools. If interested please contact Al Buxton at (513)225-1489 or Gary Hembree at (513) 312-4887. • Harrison Weight Watchers, Tuesdays, 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 115 S. Vine St. • Miami Historical Society of Whitewater Township, second Thursday, 7 p.m., Miamitown Hall. • MOMS Club ofWest Harrison, thirdWednesday, 10 a.m., St. John’s United Church of Christ, Broadway and Sycamore Streets, Harrison, 637-1947. • Overeaters Anonymous, Wednesdays, 7 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, Broadway and Vine Streets. 910-7032. • Shaker Farms Garden Club, fourth Wednesday, 367-9379. • Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church - corner of Broadway & Vine Streets., Donna Cooper, 367-1125. • Water aerobics classes - Water aerobics classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays by certified water aerobics instructor Sarah O’Connor. Lifeguard provided for each class. No class fee, donations accepted. For additional information call Brandon Loveless (812) 576-4811 or email bsloveless@ . • West Side Democratic Club, second Wednesday, 7 p.m., Harrison Bowl, 1152 Stone Drive. E-mail to
Soccer coach meets Dutch World Cup athletes Bob Hyle Contributing Writer
As the World Cup pool play continues this week in Brazil, Michael “Ski” Vaught will be watching all the action closely, particularly the play of his favorite team, Holland.
Born and raised in Harrison, Vaught is a fan of the American team as well, but his association with a pair of former players on the Dutch national team has made him a fan of the Orange. “I love and cheer on our U.S. national teams, but I love the Orange Army,” says Vaught.
Orange fever
Vaught first caught orange fever through his connection with Jack Hermans, the former men’s coach at Xavier University. Through Hermans, a former player on the Dutch national team, Vaught was introduced to the play of Ruud Gullit, one of the top players in the history of Holland. When Vaught found out that Gullit was going to visit the Dayton area and host a clinic, Vaught used his connections to get invited. The Dutch national team sponsors two teams in the U.S., one in the Dayton area and one in Texas. The Dayton team, the Dayton Dutch Lions, plays in the new soccer facility at West Carrollton High School that Vaught says, “If
there is a Field of Dreams for soccer, that’s it.” Earlier this spring, Vaught and his 10-yearold girls’ team from Cincinnati West, attended a Dayton Dutch Lions game and Vaught was shocked when he was told someone would come by to get him before halftime.
Surprise of a lifetime
At halftime, armed with a copy of Vaught’s resume that his friends had sent to the Dayton Dutch Lions, he was introduced to the crowd and photographed with his old friend Hermans and his new friend, Ruud. Vaught believes it is an excellent idea for Dutch teams to help develop American players and eventually recruit them for teams in the Dutch league. “There are more resources here in the U.S. than in any country in the world,” he said. Meeting Ruud Gullit was the highlight for Vaught. “He’s been a phenomenal player over the years,” said Vaught. “I just wanted to meet him and now we are keeping close ties.” Vaught has lived in Harrison his entire life. The 60-year-old graduated from Harrison High School in 1972 and his wife, Diane, graduated in 1974. The couple have been married for 40 years. Diane joined him on the pitch as he was honored. “I’m a pretty emotional guy so I needed her with me,” he said. Vaught was excited about Holland’s 4-1 win over Spain last week. Spain is the defending World Cup champion. Holland has never
Harrison’s Michael “Ski” Vaught, right, is thrilled to know two soccer stars, Holland’s Jack Hermans, middle, and Ruud Gullit, left. Both played for the Dutch national team. won the cup before. He worries about the U.S. team because of the difficult draw in their pool. The U.S. team played Monday to open their schedule against Ghana.
Group of Death
“I like Jurgen Klinsmann (the new U.S.
coach), but every World Cup there’s a pool called the Group of Death and the U.S. is in that pool this year with German, Portugal, and Ghana,” said Vaught. German is one of the favorites to win the cup, Portugal is led by the man considered the best player in the world, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Ghana has knocked the U.S. out of the Cup in 1010 and 2006.
Harrison grad still throwing hard
Brandon Foley, a 2012 graduate of Harrison High School, recently completed his sophomore season as a member of the track and field team at Ohio Northern University.
Bob Hyle Contributing Writer
Harrison’s Casey Boyle, defensive line, joined Justin Conners, running back, and AJ Glines, wide receiver at the 39th Southwestern Ohio Football Coaches Association/Ron Woyan East-West All-Star game on Thursday, June 12.
Harrison rival inducted to East Central Hall of Fame It’s nice to see that East Central High School has started an athletic hall of fame. I won’t go through all the names on the list, but it is fitting that Rod Ballart is in the first class.
Ballart served two stints as football coach of the Trojans and led them to their greatest heights. He epitomized the rivalry between Harrison and East Central when those two schools did not like each other one little bit. The rivalry seems to have toned down a bit these days. I’m told the athletes at Harrison take greater pleasure at beating Ross than they do East Central. Throw in the fact that Harrison and Ross are each members of the Southwest Ohio Conference and you can understand the reasoning. I believe one reason the rivalry has toned down a bit is that fewer Indiana kids are playing youth sports in Ohio these days. The Bright community has developed strong programs in baseball and football so the days when kids would play together all through grade school and then against each other in high school are waning.
Foley, a civil engineering major at ONU, helped the team to a third-place finish in the Ohio Athletic Conference. At the ONU meet, Foley set a career high with a throw of 38.34 meters (125-09) in the discus, which earned him 13th place in the event. Foley had career highs this season of 13.06 meters in the shot put; 12.34 meters in the weight throw; and 34.09 meters in the hammer throw. Foley was a member of the track team at Harrison Brandon Foley High School under the tutelage of coach Greg Zuleger. He also played football for the Wildcats.
Strong rivalry
As I said, Ballart fueled that rivalry. I remember seeing him pull up to Harrison’s final football scrimmage each year on his motorcycle with the cocky grin that rarely left his face. I could rarely get a nice word from the Harrison coaches about Ballart and I believe he wore that like a badge of honor. Ballart led his team to some glorious heights, including a loss in the state championship game in 1993 and finally a state title in 1994 at the old Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis.
Someone’s missing
Something that bothered me about the East Central Hall of Fame list—and the Harrison hall of fame people will appreciate this—is that Josh Martini, who won the Mr. Football award and led the Trojans to that state title, is not among the initial entries into the hall. Doesn’t make much sense that the most honored athlete in your school’s history in not among the first class of inductees.
Ladycats basketball
The Harrison Ladycats are hosting their annual summer basketball league again this year on Tuesday and Thursday nights with two games scheduled simultaneously beginning at 6 p.m. In addition to the Ladycats, competitors in-
From left: Harrison High School coach Chad Dennis, wrestling team captian Angelo Scarlato, FCN Bank Harrison Office Manager Andrew Kobs, and FCN Bank Director Kevin Lyons. Every year, FCN Bank is a platinum sponsor for the Harrison High School wrestling program’s golf outing, held this year on Friday, June 13.
Controlled deer, waterfowl hunts
Applications are now being accepted for controlled deer and waterfowl hunts on selected Ohio public areas during the 2014-2015 season, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Hunters have until Thursday, July 31, to submit permit applications for a random drawing. These special hunts are held on selected public areas to provide additional opportunities for Ohio’s hunting enthusiasts. All applicants, youth and adult, must possess a 2014-2015 Ohio hunting license and meet the age requirements in order to apply for a controlled hunt. Hunters can apply for the controlled hunts by completing the application process online using the Wild Ohio Customer Center at or by calling 800-WILDLIFE (9453543) and requesting a mail-in application. There is a nonrefundable application fee of $3 per hunt. Hunters will be randomly drawn from submitted applications. Successful applicants will be notified and provided additional hunt information by mail and e-mail. Applicants are encouraged to visit the Wild Ohio Customer Center to view the status of their application and, if selected, print their controlled hunt permit. More specific information about hunt dates and locations, including opportunities dedicated to youth, women and mobility-impaired hunters, can be found at ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at For more information, contact: Matt Eiselstein, ODNR Office of Communications 614-265-6860 or Vicki Ervin, ODNR Division of Wildlife 614-265-6325.
BASKETBALL, FROM PAGE 8 clude Colerain, Mother of Mercy, McAuley, Seton, St. Ursula Academy, Taylor, and Fairfield. The league will conclude in the first week of July. Mark Cron, who has served as varsity assistant to Stuart Scrivner the last three seasons, is running the league along with junior varsity coach Troy Kinnett. Scrivner retired from teaching last month and is not allowed to be involved in any school activities for 60 days. The fact there currently is no coaching search underway to replace Scrivner leads one to believe that he will be offered a coaching contract at the end of the summer.
Basketball camp
Meanwhile, the Harrison girls’ basketball camps will take place next week for girls heading into grades three through six and seven through nine. The camp for the younger girls covers three days from Monday, June 23 through Wednesday, June 25. They will play from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. and the cost is $30, which includes a T-shirt. The older girls play four days from Monday, June 23 through Thursday, June 26 with the camp starting at 11 a.m. and ending at 1:30 p.m. The cost for this camp is $40 and includes a T-shirt. Speaking of southeast Indiana, the Milan community will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Milan Indians winning the state basketball championship next Saturday, June 21, outside the Milan museum. The Milan basketball team was the source for the movie Hoosiers. I’ve yet to make the museum, but no less an authority than former East Central High School principal Jim Helms tells me that it is worth the visit. There will be a parade, a dance, and dinner with many members of the 54 Milan team.
Brandon Foley, a 2012 Harrison High School grad, has continued his athletic career at Ohio Northern University where he played a key role in the track and field’s third place finish at the Ohio Athletic Conference. Foley reached 38.34 meters in the discus, 13.06 meters in the shot put, 12.34 meters in the weight throw, and 34.09 meters in the hammer throw this season.
Test your gear and skills against some of the biggest catfish in Ohio during the New Moon Showdown Catfish Tournament at Miami Whitewater Forest Saturday, June 28, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Weigh in your largest six fish to win. Registration, which includes boat rental, begins one hour before the tournament starts. The cost is $60 a team. A valid Great Parks of Hamilton County Motor Vehicle Permit ($10 annual; $3 daily) is required to enter the park. For directions and more information for either event visit, or call 521-7275.
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photo by Patricia Huelseman/Harrison Press
Elle Ventre worked with her mom, Laura Ventre, and Laura’s sixth-grade class at Whitewater Valley Elementary to send several copies of Tobias Wolff’s This Boy’s Life along with supplies to American soldiers in Afghanistan. Elle was awarded a grant by World Book Night to pay for the books.
Books, From Page 1 supplies to boost the morale,” said Elle who’s brother, Derrick, graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and returned from Afghanistan in May, 2013. Elle also sent a letter explaining to the troops that if they have other needs, she will send items at her own expense. For their part, the students were happy to have an opportunity to do something for the
military men who do so much for them. Jenna Schorsch brought in pens and notpads so soldiers could write to their families.
Students happy to help
She also brought in candy, explaining that soldiers are fed once daily and often eat the same kind of food.
“It’s not very healthy but it tastes different,” said Schorsch. Jenna’s next door neighbor, Chad, is in the Army, her uncle was in the Marines, her basketball coach served in the Marines, and her grandfather fought in the Army during Vietnam. Alex Sipniewski also brought in supplies. “I brought in beef jerky to remind them of
home,” he said, adding his grandpa served in the Air Force during Vietnam. “It makes me feel good because it reminds them of home, and to know that they’ll be home soon if they’re close.” Though students previously sent letters to troops, they are still awaiting replies.
Colerain, From Page 1 pertise and work, Harrison would collect about $75,000 a year, according to Mayor Joel McGuire. Ohio’s law establishing JEDDs and JEDZ is 18 years old, but several townships began to show interest about four years ago, when the state initiated funding cuts for local government. A third of Ohio’s 51 development districts have been created in the past four years. “This will be an entire area, some parts which may not even have a development in
it. It has to be approved by Colerain Township voters in November. This is one of the prerequisites for them to put it on the ballot” said McGuire regarding the resolution passed 6-0 Tuesday, June 3. The resolution appoints a six-person review council that will determine if the plan of the contracting parties, Harrison and Colerain Township, is in the best interest of the proposed JEDZ. When asked by Councilman Jim Robertson, “What’s this do for us?” McGuire
The Harrison Press, The Dearborn County Register and The Rising Sun Recorder & Online, reaching over 38,000 readers!
Get your advertising hitched to our Weddings section and get more customers down your aisles! Our Weddings section features content, photos, checklists and planning tips local brides find essential to making their special day truly special. Placing your advertising message in this section will allow you to tell couples how your business can benefit them on their big day and in their new life together.
said McGuire. Councilman Randy Shank added that discussions with Harrison Economic Development Director Jennifer Ekey confirmed other townships may look to Harrison as a JEDZ collection agent if the Colerain partnership proves successful. “Jennifer has bent over backwards to establish relationships with Colerain Township trustees and its administrator that put us in the front seat to get this,” said McGuire.
20 14
Deadline: July 11 Publish: July 23 & 24
responded: “We make money off of it and do very little.” He explained $1 million in tax revenue is projected by Colerain officials per year, and Harrison’s 7.5 percent cut would come to $75,000 annually. “Basically, we would levy the income tax bills to businesses there using our income tax authority to collect those, and return 92 1/2 percent to Colerain while we keep 7 1/2 percent for ourselves, which, again, is something our finance department is doing anyway,”
812.537.0063 513-367-4582
This special supplement on family living will include fascinating articles on many topics that are common in family life.
Advertising Deadline: July 18, 2014 Publishes: July 30 & July 31 in the Harrison Press, Dearborn County Register, Rising Sun Recorder & Ohio County News.
Reserve your space today!
812.537.0063 • 513-367-4582
June 17th - June 19th, 2014 The Journal Press
The Harrison Press
The Rising Sun Recorder & Ohio County News
The Dearborn County Register
To place an ad call: Lawrenceburg 812-537-0063 • Harrison 513-367-4582 • Rising Sun 812-438-2011
Publisher reserves the right, at any time, in its sole discretion and without notice, to reject or cancel any advertising copy. Publisher’s ad takers have no authority to bind Publisher to publish an ad. Only publication of an advertisement will constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order.
Publisher cannot be responsible for inaccuracies in any advertisement -- classified, classified display, display or legal -- following the first publication of the advertisement. Subsequent repeated errors are the responsibility of the advertiser. Publisher is responsible for the space occupied by the error in the initial inser-
tion only.
HOUSES FOR BUSINESS/IND APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT 11 15 21 21 21 21 SALE 22 Bright, Ind. Completely remodeled large 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath brick ranch. Hardwood floors, ceramic tiles, new carpet, new HVAC, new roof, new kitchen cabinets w/granite countertops, and new stainless steel appliances, 2 fireplaces, finished basement, 2 car garage, sunroom and deck. $169,900. 23595 Stateline. (513)582-7365. Harrison - Beautiful completely remodeled 2 bedroom, 1 bath home, 1 1/2 story. Pre approved only. $79,900. (513)225-8661.
NEW LOG CABIN ON 5 ACRES w/LAKE ACCESS ONLY $89,900! Includes FREE BOAT SLIP! ONE DAY SALE-Saturday, June 28th, 3BR, 2BA cabin ready for your finishing touches. Close to white sand beach. SAVE THOUSANDS! Excellent financing. Call now 2002 double wide, 80x30, 877-888-0267 x. 135 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, large entertainment room, extra insulation, 3.5 acres, in Milan, $110,000, 812-926-0886
Homosassa FL, 3BR/2BA, Tile floors except 2BR, oversize 2/car garage. 7 acre/lot, Hurricane/room & shutters, generator Jacuzzi Bath. $169,500. More details call 352-628-3418 or Iscudder3@tampabay.rr.c om
Historic Neff Shoe Store business and building for sale. Three apartments above and three retail spaces below. 9600 sq. ft. 513-310-6645
2 bedroom newly remodeled Duplex, Lawrenceburg. $525, call Aurora-2 acre Commercial 812-584-6404 Property, concrete mulch 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, bins & building. 99 Ford stove & refrigerator fur S450 Dump, Bobcat & nished, central air. $500 trailer. BE YOUR OWN mo./$450 deposit. No pets. BOSS. $92,000 OBO, Elsbury CT. Greendale 513-255-2057 (812)537-1608 after 5 pm. Camp Site For Sale. 3280 2 Bedroom-Greendale; North Landing Road, Ris- large, completely remoding Sun, IN. 47040, 6 eled apartment, w/new acres, Deep creek front- eat-in kitchen; quiet, maage for your boat to the ture living in great neighOhio river! Water, Septic borhood; deck; off-street and Electric on property. parking; central-air; launAsking $49,000.00 Will do dry; no pets; deposit & refland c o n t r a c t . erences required $625/mo. 812-438-3366 812-537-3368 2 BR Rising Sun, Private Decks with River View, Laundry, off-street parking, 812-438-2300
2BR $650.00, Harrison OH-Tippecanoe Apartments. Spacious remodeled, diswasher, bal cony, very clean & great 0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bed- location. No pets. room at Village Square 812-637-1787, Apartments in downtown 513-574-4400 Harrison. Free heat! $425 2BR upstairs Apt. in and up. (513)367-6366. Greendale. $595/mo. 0 steps! Miamitown, large 812-637-2005 1 or 2 bedroom at Via Aurora – Energy efficient, Manor Apts. Private patio, 2-bedroom duplex. Tile, lovely grounds. $395 and laminated wood flooring, up. Free h e a t ! newer appliances, W/D (513)353-0398. hookups. Tenant pays utili1 & 2 Bedroom apartments ties. No pets. $550/month for rent in Aurora, $475 & $550/deposit. $500/month. References 812-532-3000 M-F, 8-5. required. C a l l Aurora- Second Street, 812-926-0256 1BR, furnished, 2nd 1 BEDROOM APART - floor. No pets/smoking. MENTS, LOCATED IN Utilities paid by tenant. RISING SUN OR DILLSAlso Office and Retail BORO. BOTH 2 N D Space available for Rent. Leave message FLOOR. NO PETS. CALL 812-584-3537 (812)926-1083
Abandoned Doublewide with land, PLEASE TAKE OVER $3500 deposit. 888-221-4503 Used Singlewide 3BR/2BA Set up $4500 859-371-3386
BRIGHT: NEW LISTING! Incredible setting! Charming 1700 sq ft ranch home w/2 bed & 2 bath on 8.4 wooded acres. $214,900 BATESVILLE: Well maintained ranch home on level lot with 3 bed, 2 bath. $144,900 HVL: All brick ranch w/3 bed, 2.5 baths, partially finished LL, & 8x44 deck. Immediate occupancy! $144,900 HARRISON: 2 bed, 2 bath ranch condo w/ attached 2 car garage & home office in the Legacy Community. $144,900 AURORA: Excellent multi-purpose facility w/ over 16,000 sq ft & M-1 zoning on over 8 acres in Aurora’s Industrial Park. Possible lease. $324,900 LOGAN: Lot 5 of Morgan’s Ridge Subdivision, all city utilities available, .76 acres. $24,900 LOGAN: Lots 3 & 4 of Morgan’s Ridge Subdivision. Large lake, 6.78 acres, all city utilities available. $124,900
2 1/2 Room newly fur nished Apt. including washer & dryer. No pets, no smoking. Renter pays all utilities. $350/mo + deposit. Walker St. 812-926-1028
Selling Harrison One “Yard” at a Time
Nancy Fisher
Beautifully updated and presented 3 bdrm, 2.5 ba brick home on beautiful Sugardale Dr. in Harrison. New HVAC in May 2014. Must See! MLS#1402195. Search the entire MLS at
513-367-3650 513-403-1221
Aurora- 2 bedroom apt with all appliances including washer & dryer. Huge living room with hardwood floors. 2nd floor. No smoking or pets. $700.00 per month.Tenant pays Duke. Landlord pays gas, water and sewer. Call 812-926-1677 Aurora-2 Bedroom, 1.5 bath, Apartment with all appliances including washer/dryer. Hardwood floors throughout. 2nd floor. No smoking or pets. $725 per month. Tenant pays Duke. Landlord pays gas, water and sewer. Call 812-926-1677 Cleves/North Bend, 1 and 2 bedrooms, heat, water, equipped kitchen, no pets. Call (513)546-8330. Country Hill Apts. STUDIO $380, No Steps, Carports, Laundry On-site, across from Ludlow Hill Park
Country Hill Apts., 1BR $475, No Steps, Carports, Laundry On-site, across from the Ludlow Hill Park 812-539-4339 For Rent Downtown Lawrenceburg, 1 Bedroom nicely furnished Apart ment. References required and deposit. 812-655-1565 For rent when available, 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, utilities included, AC, no pets. Deposit required. Call (812)537-5796, (812)432-9605, (812)584-3822.
Harrison - 1 bedroom apartments available, $450-$475 per month. Call for details, and move in specials. (513)515-2569.
PUBLIC NOTICE The one bedroom wait list at Lawrenceburg Village Apartments is currently closed. Applications are being accepted for two and three bedroom apartments only at this time. Phone: 812-537-4913, Voice/TTY 1-800-553-0300 Equal Housing Opportunity
Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom apt., Leasing special, $495, $595/month incl. water, sewer, garbage. Laundry on site. Security deposit required. Rising Sun Efficiency, 2nd (513)205-5555. Floor of 2 Family. Very nice on River Front, AppliHarrison, 1-2 bedroom. ances, includes all utilities, Paragon West Apts. Pri- Non-smoking, References, vate patio with breathtak- Deposit, No pets, $600. ing view of the valley. Free 812-667-7679 heat! $460 and up. No pets. (513)845-4222. Rising Sun-1BR, 1 block from River Front, Appli Harrison-660+ Quality 2 ances, deck, Tenant pays bedroom in amenity-rich own utilities. No pets, community. Available Non-smoking, Deposit, References, $450. w/vaulted ceilings and 812-667-7679 electric fireplace. With or w/out W/D hook ups. Call to set up a tour, West Harrison, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, across from post (513)367-4999. office. No pets. $410 plus deposit. (513)403-7829. Leave message. Huntley RidgeNewly Renovated 1 & 2 BR Apts. All new fixtures including new appliances/cabinets/carpet.Pet friendly, on-site laundry. Call Amanda for information or showing. 513-364-0786
Lawrenceburg - 1 bed room apt. in nice 18 unit brick building, 1 block from For rent- 2 bedroom Hollywood Casino. All utiliapartment, 1.5 bath; 772 ties included. $530/month, 208 Elm St. East Carr Street, Milan, (812)537-4116. Indiana; $550/month+deposit; $50 extra per month for pets; Milan Lawrenceburg Downtown, school; references re - 2 bedroom Condo, new quired. Open immedi - construction, water and ately 812-744-3857 sewage included. Rent For Rent: Efficiencies $925/mo. 513-532-8933. $165.00 per week utilities included. Deposit required. Lawrenceburg- 1 bedroom Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in apartment on Short Street Lawrenceburg. Deposit across from Central required. 859-512-3899 School. All utilities paid. Greendale- 2 bedroom, Call for more details. rear patio, 1 bath, garage, 812-537-1559. laundry hookup, finished lower level. $785/month New Haven Near Harrison. plus d e p o s i t . 1 bedroom apartment. 513-532-8933. Equipped kitchen with Greendale-2BR Studio large pantry. New flooring. Apt. nice yard, off street Central, A/C. Very nice parking, carpeting, water & condition. $500/month. sewer included, deposit (812)623-2524. and references required. No pets or smoking. North Street, Dillsboro$550/mo. 812-537-4060 Beautiful, one bedroom, Greendale: Apartment 5 upstairs apartment. Lamirooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 nated wood flooring. bath, large kitchen, W/D Newer appliances. Electric H/U, gas heat, AC, baseboard heat. Tenant off-street p a r k i n g . pays electric. $450 de $545/month + util + sec. posit, $450 monthly. dep. 812-537-2846 812-532-3000.
OPEN 1-3 SUNDAY JUNE 22, 2014
3/BR Ranch, 1.5 BA, full basement, attached garage, recently remodeled, Harrison Schools, $1200 + deposit. 513-258-7014, 513-227-9311
(513) 367-2171
Fred Clark Ohio/Indiana
Lawrenceburg- Center St.1 bedroom house with storage building. Stove, refrigerator & washer/dryer furnished. You pay electric, water & sewer. Small back yard & off street parking. References, deposit & lease required. $550/month 812-926-1705 Ludlow Hill 1 BR/1.5BA, AC, W/D, Appliances, Fence in yard, Deck, down stair patio, private drive. Available June 17, $650 + deposit. 812-655-3757 Moores Hill farmhouse3 bedroom, remodeled bath, new natural gas heat/AC, energy efficient windows, W/D hookup, large yard; $850/month, deposit, utilities, refer ences; no pets; 812-654-3051
Addyston, OH 1 Main Street 45001
1 BR-$445
(regular price $470)
2 BR-$550
(regular price $575)
June Special $25 off
per month for 12 months
Near Mt. St. Joe, W. Hills Shopping Center Three Rivers School District Heat & Water Paid
Aurora-Retail Space for lease. Beautiful remodeled building up to 5000 sq ft. Parking lot, central heat and air. $1000 per month plus utilities. Call 812-926-1677 Office / warehouse / retail space for lease in Law renceburg, 1500 sqft to 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100.
2 Motivated Automotive Salespeople Needed. No Experience Necessary, Will Train! Great Pay, full Benefits, 401K, Great working environment. Apply in person at Tom Tepe Autocenter Milan IN.
Concord Square Apartments SPECIAL
Studio Deposit Only $200.00 1BR Deposit Only $300.00 114 Concord Square Drive (off Pribble Road)
Cathy WassOn
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
(812) 537-4022
Harrison- Apartment building w/4 units. 2 currently rented. $119,900. Harrison- Ranch home on almost 1 ac. 3BR, 1BA, 1 car gar, 2 storage sheds. Sold as is. $106,500. W. Harrison- Ranch home w/3BR, 1BA. Has been used as a rental with good tenant history. $84,900. Ready to buy or sell? Call us for all your real estate needs!
Great 3 BR, 2.5 BA brick ranch on OVER 2 ACRES!!!! Fireplaces, tile floors and showers, cedar closet, stainless steel appliances, & hardwood floors. Has a full basement and a pole barn also. This is a must see!!!!! MLS#281042 Call Niki Campbell 513.888.0387
OPEN SUN. JUNE 22, 1-5 Pm
WEST HARRISON: Quality abounds in this 3206 sq. ft. ranch w/additional 2492 sq. ft. finish in the rear exposed basement! 4BR, 4.5 BA, paver patio leads to in-ground pool, outbuilding, 7.5 acres, 2 kitchens, & so much more! $799,900. MLS 281125.
7619 SR 56 AURORA, IN - HISTORIC FEDERAL with river and valley views! 4 BR/2.5 BA. Hardwood flrs & authentic FPs, high ceilings, new kitchen, front & back staircases. All on 3 acres w/ outbuildings! Great condition overlooking the river valley! DIRECTIONS: from LAwREnCEBuRG uS50 w., Left on SR56 in AuRORA Property on Right outside RISInG Sun Call Kathy or text 0533882 to 79564. $204,999
800-544-5776 812-932-8000
Lawrenceburg, Nice Tri-Level Home up on Hill. 3BR/2BA, 2-car garage, fenced yard. $975/mo., + deposit. 812-577-5542 Call between noon-6pm Only
Yorkville area-Burtzlebach Road, 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, completely reno vated, central air, off street parking, close to I-74 and I-75, $850/month plus $850 deposit, Hidden Valley area-3 BR, 513-255-2057 2 BA, duplex, one car garage. Laundry room, all appliances. Pets O.K. $850 per month. Sunman Dearborn Schoosl. Available June30th . (513)652-9921. Aurora- in shopping plaza with Subway, 1770 sq. ft. for lease, high traffic. 513-532-8933.
Bischoff Realty
Milan-3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage. $800/month plus $800 deposit. Re frences and credit check required. For Rent or For Sale. Call 812-221-6256.
Greendale house/duplex $675.00 2 bedroom, 2 bath, some pets O.K.,non-smoking, no utility deposit; 812-290-3310
6967 Stonegate Guilford-Looking for a fantastic home with an incredible yard, wonderful floor plan and extra garages? Great room w/ wbfp & beamed ceiling, eat-in kit w/counter bar, formal DR w/walkout to deck.(2) 2 car attached garages w/work bench in one. Full unfinished basement.5 min to St.Leon exit at I74.Home is NOT subject to Stonegate restrictions or homeowner fees or an easement and maintenance for brick pillar. 1 year home warranty. $224,900 Betty Poynter 513-623-3460
Englewood Place
Apartments Senior Living - 62 & up
$99.00 MOVE IN SPECIAL NOW LEASING! Spacious 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments •On Site Management •Community Room •Laundry Facility •Inside Mail Delivery •Water, Sewer & Trash Included OffICE HOurS MONdAy - THurSdAy • 8:30a - 3:30p
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
SEE YOUR HELP WANTED AD HERE! Call 812-537-0063 or 513-367-4582
Experienced Trainer EssEnTial duTiEs includE:
Experienced Trainer to utilize your experience and talents to conduct manufacturing-related training. Develop new training programs, methods, materials;and update current programs to reflect the most recent process changes and/or developments. Candidate must have Microsoft office skills, Organizational and planning skills, Interpersonal skills, HS diploma/GED plus 2 years of experience as trainer and ADP is preferred. Please send resume to or mail to: Deufol Sunman, HR Department 924 S. Meridian St. • Sunman, IN 47041 Attn: Lisa Nichols
Immediately hiring CNA’s & HHA’s for West Harrison & Bright Come join the Advantage Team and enjoy things like, One on One Patient Care, Health Care Benefits, Weekly Pay, Direct Deposit, Flexible Scheduling, Minimal Traveling, Great Office Personnel and Much Much More!!!
Also accepting applications for RN’s & LPN’s
Advantage Home Care 800-807-6839 or 812-537-0325 406 Ridge Avenue Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 EOE
Averitt Express New Pay Increase for Regional Drivers! 40 to 46 CPM + Fuel Bonus! Also, Post-training Pay Increase For Stu dents! (Depending On Domicile) Get Home EVERY Week + Excellent Benefits. CDL-A req. 888-362-8608 Apply at Equal Opportunity Employer Females, minorities, pro tected veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Baldwin Cleaning Service Residential and business cleaning. Non-janitorial. Location: Bright, Ind. Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. M-F Part-time $7.75 per hour. Call (812)637-5861.
Drivers SOLO & TEAM COMPANY DRIVERS & OWNER OPERATORS No touch, temperature controlled, elite high pay freight. 1 Year Exp. CDL-A Clean Record. TQI 888-466-0613 Drivers Wanted. Class A CDL. Clean Driving Re cord. Experience a Plus. Hourly Pay. Koppʼs Turkey Sales 513-367-4133 DRIVERS! Stone Belt Freight puts drivers first! Competitive pay! Home weekends! Excellent benefits! Pre-loaded trailers. Call Kelsy, 888-272-0961. Drivers- CDL-A DRIVERS NEEDED- TOTAL Re spect- TOTAL Success. Start up to .38/mile. OTR & Regional Runs. CDL Grads Welcome. 700+ Trucks & Growing! 888-928-6011
CDL-A Truck Driver-Solo & Teams. Up to $5,000 Sign-on Bonus & $.56 CPM! Dedicated Opportunities Available! Great Miles & Time Off! Call 7 day/wk! EOE 866-402-3449 Gorden Drivers: $ign-on Bonus! Great Pay/Benefits! Paid Class A Drivers-Regional Vac/Holidays! NO Hazmat Runs from our Florence, req'd. OTR. CDL-A. KY location. Home 2-3 (877)412-7209 x3 nights per week! Great Pay & Benefits. Excellent Assigned Equipment CDL-A, 18 mos. exp. reg. or 24 mos. out of past 48. Drivers: Carter Express – Hazmat & Tanker End. CDL-A Dedicated Routes Call Today 800-818-0922 Romulus, MI to Smyrna, ext. 102 TN Average 2695 miles/wk Solos up to 37 cpm to start. Also other Dedicated Cleaning Position Avail- Routes: Solos up to 37 able. Part time/Full time. cpm to start.Teams up to Looking for energetic, 47 cpm to start Home reliable, flexible and pre- Weekly. No Slip Seat. No sentable person to help Touch, Newer Equipment. clean residential and (855) 347-2703 commercial jobs. M-F, hours vary. Submit re- Drivers: Home Nightly Florence, KY Flatbed sume Openings! Great Pay, m Benefits! CDL-A, 1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Construction company Apply: looking for experienced 1(866)336-9642 concrete finisher pay based on experience. Drivers: Local/Regional Please call (513)630-7314. Great Pay, Excellent Benefits, Awesome Home DRIVER T R A I N E E S Time. Sign-on bonus. NEEDED NOW at Stevens S t e a d y Employment. Transport! New drivers CDL-A. 2yrs exp req. earn $750 per week! NO 1(888)208-5112 EXPERIENCE NEEDED! CDL & Job ready in 15 Drivers: days! 1-877-649-3156. Local/Regional/OTR New Enhanced Pay, PackDriver: CDL-Flatbed, age Based on Exp. Excel$.40/mi, Tarp Pay $75, lent Benefits. Consistent Stop Pay $20, New MilesDaily/Weekly/BiTrucks/Trailers, Weekly Weekly Hometime CDL-A Hometime, 1yr OTR exp Bonuses/Raises! Requires 855-842-8498 6 month OTR exp. 855-748-5618 www.drivek- Dump Truck Driver-Dump Trailer & Single Axle.
FT/PT. Alvis Materials, 513-353-3333, e-mail resume,
1200 Whitlatch Way Milan, Indiana 47031 812-654-2231 We are now accepting applications for:
HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT Full Time and Part Time RN - Part time days in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit.
Please Apply in Person or at No Phone Calls Please
RNFA or Surgical Assistant - Full time days (includes some evenings) in the O.R. RN - Part time openings in the E.D. on evening and night shifts.
Occupational Therapist - Part time day shift. Indiana license required.
PHYSICIAN OFFICES Medical Assistant - Part time opening in physician practice in Lawrenceburg. Certified Medical Assistant preferred, suitable medical office experience required.
Technical Specialist - 2 Temporary openings our information Systems department providing support to computer and network systems. AVAILABLE FOR FULL & PART TIME EMPLOYEES 403(b) Program • Health & Dental Insurance Tuition Reimbursement • Competitive Salary 3 Weeks Vacation after 1 Year Full Time • EOE
600 Wilson Creek Rd. • Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 (812) 537-8120 • (800) 676-5572 ext 8120 For an up-to-date listing of job opportunities at DCH, visit our website at
k ec t! Ch Ou It
Hidden Valley Lake Pool will be hiring certified lifeguards who are available to work from mid August through September afternoons, evenings and weekends.
Part-Time Maintenance Person Needed for Local Apartment Community. The ideal candidate must have experience, a valid driverʼs license and their own tools. Please fax resume to: 812-438-3545 This institution is an equal Experienced Diesel Me- opportunity employer chanic-must have own (EOE) tools. Shop supplies spe- cialty tools, uniforms. Must have clean driving record. Applications available at “Partners in Excellence” 4101 East Highway 50, O T R Drivers APU Dillsboro, IN. Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. Experienced industrial 2012 & Newer equipment. maintenance technicians 100% NO touch. Butler with a minimum of 4 years Transport 1-800-528-7825 experience in a technical maintenance position for 2nd/3rd shift positions. Tan Tara Transportation Email resume to Corp. is hiring Flatbed Truck Drivers and Owner Flatbed Drivers- Starting Operators. Regional and Mileage Pay up to .41cpm. OTR Lanes Available. Call us @ 800-650-0292 or apHealth Ins., 401K, $59 ply online at daily Per Diem pay, Home Weekends. 800-648-9915 or The Waters of Rising Sun General Maintenance is now hiring for part-time Electric, plumbing, paint- cooks and dietary aides. ing, carpentry knowledge Apply at 405 Rio Vista Ln needed; involves climbing, or call 812-438-2219 for bending, lifting, operating details. forklift, tools supplied by company. Good driving re- Wanted, Part-time farm c o r d r e q u i r e d . C a l l maintenance help. Experience and references re(513)367-9900, x157. quired. Near Gabbards Mill Heartland Engineered on Carolina Trace. Contact. (812)637-2013. Products – Harrison, OH Is accepting application for Werner Enterprises is HIRthe following positions. Industrial Painter 1st and ING! Dedicated, Regional, & OTR opportunities! 2nd shift, Experienced Machine Op- Need your CDL? 3 wk training avail. Donʼt wait, erator 2nd shift Includes Brake Press - Hy- call today to get started! 1-866-467-1836 draulic punch press Experienced Welders 1st Western Cincinnati and 2nd shifts Bookkeeper/ Apply within at: 355 Indusoffice manager trial Drive Harrison, OH Property management 45030 Call Gary Mullins@ company in western Cin513-452-1073 email cinnati seeking experi enced part-time book gmullins@ keeper/office manager. Flexible schedule, beneHelp Needed - Laborer & fits. Send resume: Forman. Landscaping ex- perience preferred. Send resume to: Mr. Wilson, P.O. Box 491, Dillsboro, Whitewater Processing is now accepting applications Indiana 47018. for male/female full time Looking for full time de - work. 513-367-4133 pendable concrete Fin isher/Laborer to start immediately. Must be able to form, pour, finish, hand wipe, and good with hand tools. Some travel may be Experienced Home Health required. Send resume to Care Nurse is looking for or work in the Lawrenceburg area. Available anytime, fax 812-537-5377 Days/Evenings/Weekends. Midwest Cylinder and Can Provide references. Kaplan Industries are now Please call 812-744-4513 accepting applications for full-time General Laborers. Applications are available M-F 8 a.m.- 4 p.m., 6001 Dry Fork Rd., Cleves, Ohio AIRLINE CAREERS begin 45002 (513)367-6227. here- Get FAA approved Aviation Tech training. Delta, Southwest, Boeing and many other hire AIM grads! Job placement assistance. CALL AIM 877-523-5807 AC0901
Experienced Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! $1500 Sign On Bonus, $60-$70K Annually! Dedicated Customer, Home Weekly, and Excellent Benefits. Call 888-409-6033 or apply online
The New Direction In Senior Living
June 17th - June 19th, 2014
ADOPT We are a devoted married couple wishing for a baby to cherish. Nurturing home for you baby, much love, secure future. Expenses paid. Walt/Gina 1-800-315-6957
Adopt: Devoted loving couple wishes to adopt newborn into secure home filled with care, love & happiness. Expenses paid. Anthony/Tim, call 855.975.4792, text 917.991.0612,
GEOFFʼS ROOFING AND PAINTING New Roofs and repair. Interior painting, handyman service, also clean out basements, attics, garages. Free Estimates. 812-577-2907 Geoff Washnock
High School diploma or equivalent Current Lifeguard/ First Aid Training Certificate Current CPR/AED/Professional Rescue Excellent communication skills. Must be able to work independently. Ability to demonstrate good judgment when dealing with guests. Please complete an application and drop off at the Hidden Valley Lake Property Owners Association 19303 Schmarr Drive Attn: Angie Ruberg the application is available at For questions regarding this position please contact Angie Ruberg at 812-537-1707 or via email at
Greendale Self - Storage Indoor storage available 24 hour access. Call (812)537-3131 or (812)637-1787.
For Sale-Hay 1000 lb. covered round bales on pallets. $30.00 ea. Call 513-266-7802
Hers & His Services Grass Cutting, Trash Removel, Free Estimates, Partners in Life and in Business. Bonnie & Steve Telinda Aurora IN. 513-703-4416, 513-309-9460
Freezer beef home born and raised, hormone & antibiotic free, low fat choice, qualified for certified Angus program. Spring/early summer delivery. 812-654-3337
Lisaʼs Cleaning Service Residential, office, rentals and apartments. Monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, or one time. Fully insured. De pendable. Free estimates. Call (812)637-9171 or cell (513)256-0698.
Small squares, mixed grassed $2 to $3; Timothy or orchard $4.50; 4x5 grass $20 to $30 stored inside; Call 513-417-1185 or 812-438-3757
Wanted to buy cattle and horses. Crippled or sound. Perkins Asphalt- pavement Also buying wild cattle. sealcoating, sealcoating W i l l pay cash. driveways and parking (859)620-5860. lots/line stripping, cracked filling repairs. All Brewer products. Sealcoat cost example: driveway 200x10 $240. Cracked repair 25cents per foot. 30 years Ace Appliance, Heating, experience. C a l l and Air Conditioning812-926-9950/ Reconditioned appliances 513-564-8932 with warranty. Also sell parts and repairs in home/shop. 254 Charles A. Liddle Dr. #7 Lawrenceburg, 812-537-0032
Local financial planning firm in Harrison, OH is seeking professional Marketing Coordinator. Primary purpose of position is to manage and implement the firm’s marketing events including mail/email campaigns, seminars, and client appreciation events. Along with exceptional phone skills and an above average understanding of Excel and Word, this position requires creativity, attention to detail and organization, and an engaging personality. To be considered for this position, please call 513/400-3743 in addition to e-mailing your resume to
!!!-A-A-A YARD SALE DEADLINE BEFORE 10 A.M. FRIDAYS Please Call for Early Holiday Dealines $15 four papers 25 words or less
Actively scan, recognize and provide rapid response in all emergency situations. Prevent accidents and minimize or eliminate unsafe situations.
Residential Cleaning. You make the mess, weʼll do the rest. Insured/bonded. Specializing in commercial or residential, office and home. Assist in moving in/out. 812-290-4490.
Absolutely no trespassing of any kind for any reason. No exceptions. Not re sponsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex pense. Property located at Preschool, plus all day 8692 Willey Rd., Harrison, care in Harrison. Licensed OH. Molly Jansen, Cathy teacher fosters social and Maher, Mary Ison. emotional development. Full preschool curriculum, Absolutely no trespassing, fenced yard. 2 minutes hunting, fishing, swim from I-74. 2 openings ming, trapping, horseback available for fall. Erica riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quad runners, (513)368-7271. or 4-wheelers allowed for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone, Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the full extent A.B.C. Lawn Service. of the law on the property Mowing, lawncare, of G.E. Stacy, 27357 seeding work Stacy Lane, 1905 Pinhook (513)738-4410. Rd., West Harrison, Ind., 47060. Bowman Tree Service. Trimming, topping, tree removal, lot clearing, storm LakeFront Home on Norris damage, fully insured and Lake, Maynardville, TN. free estimates. Call Real Estate Auction, June 28, 1PM. Furrow Auction (812)537-4677. Co. 1-800-4FURROW. TN Lic. Monroe Excavating, Hauling, LLC Limestone, #62 Topsoil, Fill Dirt, Mulch, Sand, Gravel, Driveways Wanted Standing Timber. Demolition, Digging, Highest Prices Paid. Li Basements, D u m p censed, bonded, and inTruck, Bobcat, Track sured. Free estimates. Hoe Work C a l l Christman Logging, Madi(812)926-1995 o r son IN. Buyer Keith Christman 812-599-0134 (513)310-0835
Welcome residents into the pool area by verifying residence
Enforce Hidden Valley Lake pool policies and procedures. Administer first aid if necessary.
Call Harrison Press (513)367-4582 or Lawrenceburg (812)537-0063. 107 Parkside, Greendale Friday 6/20, 8-5 and Saturday 6/21, 8-1. Lots of treasures and kids items. 5th Annual Lawrenceburg Main Street Community Yard Sale, Saturday July 12th. Rain or Shine 8am-1pm. Lots of vendors along downtown Law renceburg sidewalks and parking lots. Booth rental is $5.00 if reserved by July 9th, after July 9th is $10.00. For more information call 812-537-4507 or visit
The NEW Register Publications Websites! Exciting New Features! E-Editions • Blogs • & More!
June 17th - June 19th, 2014
Beauty with Benefits, The Greendale Garden Summer Tour. Sunday June 22, 2014, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. $10 per ticket, chil dren free. Tickets can be purchased the day of tour at the Fuller Residence, 203 Oakey Ave. Greendale. Advance tickets available at Greendale Utility Building, McCabes Greenhouse & Floral, Caseyʼs Outdoor Solutions & Florist.
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
Large Multi-family Yard Sale - June 20 and 21, 8-2. 324 and 325 Meadowgreen Drive, Harrison. Camping gear, yard tools, childrenʼs clothes, toys and more!
Multi-family Sale - June 21& 22, 8-3. 315 Whitewater Dr., Harrison. Childʼs JD Gator, Cri Cut scrapbooking machine and supplies, Precious Moments, antiques, Cinti-memorabilia, kinck-nacks, furni Friday and Saturday, June ture, clothing, toys, bikes. 20th and 21st, 8:00-3:00, 29103 St. Joe Drive, West Harrison (St. Leon). Mens, womens, girls clothes; Multifamily Yard Sale, Fri. household items; plus 6/20-Sat. 6/21, 8-4. Baby much more. items, Kids clothing, Men/Womenʼs clothing, Toys, snowblower (great GREENDALE-1179 Marie condition), power lift, Misc. Street (behind Schnebelt garage and household Pond), Thursday, June items. 25453 Legion Rd 19 and Friday, June 20, (New Alsace) 8am to ?. Ladies clothes size 14 and up, mens L to 2X, most clothes are $1, corn Hole bags, pic- Yard Sale - Harrison tures, glassware, rice 10023 Dick Road, June cooker, luggage, white 20, 21. Lots of miscellanehobnail Fenton, hand ous, everything must go. tools, scroll saw, shovels, axes, sledge hammers, tool chest with drawers, fishing poles, Yard Sale-15 Robinson Drive, Greendale, June 19 coolers, lots more. and 20, from 9am-4pm. Tools, N Scale Train Cars, Beer Memorabilia, Much Huge garage/moving sale More. No furniture. Sunday June 22nd through 23rd. 9518 Dockery Road, Aurora. 9:00-6:00. Furniture, collectibles, hand tools, power tools, lawn and garden equipment, some Need loving home, 2 male decorations, appliances, cats, declawed and neuPlease call childrenʼs clothing, house- t e r e d . (513)615-7146. hold items.
58 MISCELLANEOUS 58 MISCELLANEOUS 66 MOTORCYCLES 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column FOR SALE
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GUN SHOW!! Lafayette, IN- June 21st & 22nd, Tippecanoe County Fair grounds, 1010 Teal Rd., Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-3 For information call 765-993-8942 Buy! Sell! Trade! HOMEOWNERS WANTED!! Kayak Pools is looking for demo homesites to display our maintenance-free pools. Save thousands of $$$ with this unique opportunity. CALL NOW! 800-315-2925 Discount code: 607L314
2007 Heritage Soft Tail, 19,000 miles, $10,500 OBO. 1956 210 Sedan Rolling Chassis with org. drivetrain, rust free Texas car, $12,500 812-212-6573
2008 Chevy Colorado 4x4, 156,000 miles. Very good condition. 4 cylinder, auto, A/C, cruise. $9,600. (513)367-9454 or (406)850-9521
2002 Ford Mustang, V6, new tires, well maintained, $4,000; 3-year-old saddle, western, w/ 2 blankets, Always Buying ,antiques, bucking strap, chest strap, estates or partial estates, hackamore, $500, negotiaold military items, guns, ble. Phone 513-508-6013. swords, old advertising signs, and clocks, toys, jewelry, pottery, etc. Call Will Buy & Haul Scrap Bob 812-637-5369 Cars & Trucks (812)716-0781.
70 Posted Column
Absolutely no dogs, hunting, trapping, fishing, swimming, trash dumping of any kind, wire fence cutting/breaking, horse riding, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres New Gloria Vanderbilt We buy and haul junk cars passing for any reason, jeans size 8, $15 each. & trucks with titles. Call unless written permission. Queen bed quilt, bed skirt 812-621-0961 or email Violators will be prose and linens, red and cream, davesautosalvage1@gmai cuted. Not responsible for Leaf blower, like new $70. accidents or injuries on the (812)290-5829. property. Dennis and Gail Connelly, 6651 Stimson Road, Aurora, IN 47001 12-14
post frame buildings Winter speCial
Absolutely no fishing, no swimming, no hunting, or trespassing permitted. Not responsible for any injuries or accidents on the property belonging to : Rod and Brenda Cafouras, 12476 Gordon lane, Dillsboro, IN 47018 3/19/15
Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: John Stegemiller, 24569 Hiltz Rd., Absolutely no fishing, no Guilford, IN 47022. swimming, no hunting, or 9-11-14 trespassing permitted. Not responsible for any injuries Absolutely no hunting, or accidents on the prop- trapping, woodcutting, moerty belonging to: Mark & torized bikes, or trespassEva Roll, End of Diefen- ing for any reason or purbach Road, Bright IN pose. These activities are 47025 strictly forbidden and will 09-4-14 not be tolerated. Violators will be prosecuted at their Absolutely no hunting or own expense. Also not retrespassing. No dirt bikes sponsible for accidents on or motorized vehicles of the property of: Rodney & any kind. Not responsible Arlene Miller 8824 North for accidents, injuries or fa- Hogan Rd., Aurora, IN talities on the property of 47001 Helen Amm & Teresa 08-12-14 Stone, 18060 Union Ridge, Aurora, In 47001. Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim 9/18/14 ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized veAbsolutely no hunting, fish- hicles, firearms, or tres ing, dog running, woodcut- passing for any reason. ting, dumping, animal Violators will be prose abandonment, motorized cuted. Beware of dog. Not vehicles, bikes, trapping, responsible for accidents firearms, swimming, tree or injuries on the property cutting, snowmobiling, of: Perry & Tracy Boone, creek rock hunting, turning 18002 Lost Creek Lane, around in private circle Lawrenceburg, IN 4-2-15 drive or trespassing of any kind for any reason . Not A B S O L U T E L Y no responsible for accidents, hunting/trapping, no fishinjuries or fatalities to per- ing, no riding motorized sons or personal property. vehicles or animals, and Activities of any kind will NO trespassing of any not be tolerated. Violators kind for any reason on the will be prosecuted at their properties owned by: own expense to the fullest Nolte Farms, LLC – Nolte extent of the law on the & Bells Branch Rds, Caeproperties of:John Nie- sar Creek Twp, Dearborn haus, 16827 St. Rt. 148, County, Dillsboro, IN and Aurora, Ind., 47001. Floyd P & Teresa Martini 08/28/14 – North Hogan & Holt Rds, Manchester Twp, County, Milan, Absolutely no hunting, fish- Dearborn IN. NO exceptions! Not ing, or trespassing. Not re- responsible for any accisponsible for accidents on dents or injuries of any the property of: Richard kind. Violators will be Noggler, 7334 St. Rd. 48, prosecuted at their own 6521 St Rd. 48 Aurora, expense. IN 47001 1-1-15 11/13/14
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, hunting, trapping, swimming or open fires. No motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. We are not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the property. Ryan Stroud Heartland, Homestead Land Trust 3/26/15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property be longing to: Patricia Stewart, 13409 Wynnʼs Way, Moores Hill, IN 47032. 10-9-14 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason including motorized vehicles - hunting of any kind (bow or gun - nor trapping) or sledding. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their expenses to the fullest extent of the law on the property of Irvin J. Hartman & Frances M. Hartman, 221 Locust St., Greendale, IN 47025 1-15-15 Absolutely No trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Robert & Deborah Lischkge, 9794 Alans Branch, Moores Hill, IN 47032 2-19-15
20x24 • $3,995 w/ 2 doors Absolutely no hunting, fish24x40 • $5,495 w/ 2 doors ing or trespassing for any Absolutely no swimming, Absolutely No Trespassing 40x60 • $11,900 w/ 2 doors reason w/o written permis- fishing, hunting or tres - for any reason. Violators Built on your lot! 50 Years Experience
Large selection of colors & sizes Material packages available
gosman inC. 812-265-5290
sion on the properties owned or leased by us. No excuses. Violators will be arrested and prosecuted. Harry and John Hud dleston, 8731 SR 56N, Aurora, IN or 5311 Yorkridge Road, Guil ford, IN 10/23/14
passing permitted, not responsible for any injuries or accidents on any property or lakes belonging to: Ralph Eugene Clark, Jr. and Mary Clark, 1505 Water Street, Hardin town, Lawrenceburg, IN Anyone caught in the auto salvage yard or above property will be prose cuted. 09-2-14
Absolutely no trespassing - of any kind - for any reason. It is illegal to tres pass. No hunting, trapping, trash dumping, wood cutting, swimming, discharging firearms or explosives of any kind, riding animals or bicycles, or any motorized vehicles including ATVʼs, quad runners, motorcycles, motor bikes, etc. Not responsible for property damage, accidents. Injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This is a 44 acre tract bounded on the south by Lutz Road and on the north by Harley Springs Subdivision. Welbourne G. Williams, 4738 Lutz Rd., Guilford, Indiana. 04-23-15
24'x36'x8' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 40'x64'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-9'x7' Garage Door 1-20' Split Slider Truss on 4½' Center Truss on 4' Center 24'x45'x8' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 50'x80'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-9'x7' Garage Door 2- 24' Split Slider Truss on 4½' Center Truss on 4' Center 32'x40'x12' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 60'x80'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-16' Split Slider 2- 24' Split Slider Truss on 4' Center Truss on 4' Center
Check our prices on garage doors!
METAL ROOFING - 40 YEAR Warranty - choice of 16 colors • Lumber • Hardware • Plumbing Supplies • Paint & Supplies Vinyl siding •Windows & Doors • Ammunition Laminated Floor • Greenhouse & Garden Supplies 5123 W. Co. Rd 550 South - Holton, IN 47023 (812) 689-6276 (or leave a message) From Versailles, take US 421 S. Turn right onto Co. Rd. 550 S. (watch for sign). Located approx. 3 miles on the left. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am - 5:00 pm • Sat. 8:00 am - 4 pm
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property. Belonging to: S. Graves Keegan, 4920 Speier Rd. Dillsoboro IN. 47018 5-21-15 Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the The properties of: Bowlins, Bordering on Lipscomb Dr., Mud Lick Creek and Rainbow Road, Manchester Township and 7327 Kaiser Drive, 2-5-15 ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING FOR ANY REASON. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. 19150 COLLIER RIDGE GUILFORD, IN 47022. 09/11/14
Metal Roofing & Trim
12 Colors • Custom Trim Available • Delivery Available Next Day Service • Buy Factory Direct & Save $1.89 Lin Ft #1 • $1.69 Lin Ft #2 • $.99 Lin Ft Scratch & Dent Madison Metals 812-273-5214 •
will be prosecuted at there own expense. No vehicles including ATVʼs, Motorcycles etc. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of P.A.W.S. Humane Center, 200 Charles A. Liddle DR. Lawrenceburg, IN. 47025 01-15-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason, not responsible for accidents or injuries. Violators will prosecuted at their own ex penses.: The Beverly J. Neihardt Trust, 14950 Old State Road 350, Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14
Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason, no fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, wood cutting, or swimming, no motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense, not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Gale Banta, 4304 State Road 48, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 4-2-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents of injuries on the property of: Tom & Kathy Klump Tower Rd., Lawrence burg Trojan Rd., Extending to Beneker Rd., St. Leon Kildeer Ln., Guilford Mosmeier Rd., Sunman,St rd 46 property, North Dearborn property 4-9-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Hidden Valley Lake, Inc, Hidden Valley Golf Club, Rupel Development Corp., Country Acreage, Inc., Jacob Properties, bor dered by Georgetown Road, Fairway Drive, Alpine Drive and Oberting Road, Miller Township and City of Greendale. 03-19-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Will not be responsible for any accidents or fatalities. Violators will be fined and prosecuted on the property of: Mark & Bonnie Pennington, 12947 N. Hogan Rd., Aurora, In 47001 4-16-15
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
June 17th - June 19th, 2014
70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, no hunting, trapping, swimming, no motorized vehicles, firearms, trash dumping, open fires, wood cutting, horseback riding, 4 wheelers, bikes. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, fatalities. No trespassing, soliciting, or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent from Ron and Debbie Seaver, 23718 James Lake Road, Guilford, IN 47022 04-23-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the James, properties of Wilma, Samuel Goff and Carolyn Goff/Brown, 13337 Goff Lane, Moores Hill,In 09-25-14
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of Robert L. Kist, Matter horn DR, lot 1090, Hidden Valley Lake. 4-16-15
Absolutely No Trespassing of any kind, for any reason at any time. No Excep tions! Owner not responsible for any accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Tresa Manford 11510 North Hogan Road Aurora, IN 47001 5-7-15
Absolutely no trespassing, for any reason. No hunting or trapping. No motorized v vehicles, 4-wheelers etc. without written permission from owner. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Grimsley Farm on Grimsley Rd. Moores Hill IN 47032 04/02/15
Absolutely no trespassing of any kind allowed on all properties belonging to Ola & Julie Miller. No exceptions. Not responsible for injuries, accidents or fatalities. No vehicles of any kind, horseback riding, etc, unless written permission is given. Ola & Julie Miller, 11302 N. Hogan Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 3-19-15
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, firearms, woodcutting, trapping. No motorized vehicles of any kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Also not responsible for any injuries, accidents or fatalities on the property of: James Chrisman, Yorkridge Road, Guilford, IN 5-28-15
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, woodcutting, quad or cycle riding. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Jim & Larry Gabbard, Lattire Farm, Gregory Bier (The Land) Union Ridge Road, Aurora, IN 47001 5-21-15
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my property for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone. Violators will b e prose cuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of: The Gary Steinmetz Farm, 9783 Wesseler Road, Sunman, IN 05-14-15
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, quads, dirt bikes, or wood cutting. Not re sponsible for any injuries or accidents. Property consists of 10 acres. Richard and Melanie Wiedeman, 18554 Collier Ridge, Guilford, IN 47022 05-21-15
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quad runners or 4-wheelers allowed for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of: Darrell & Susan SexAbsolutely no trespassing, ton, 17537 Hillcrest Dr., IN hunting, trapping, trash L a w r e n c e b u r g , dumping, tree cutting, tree 470205. 3-12-15 damaging in any way, tree stands, firearms, bows, knives, or loitering. Not re- Absolutely no trespassing, sponsible for accidents, hunting, fishing, boating, personal injuries, property swimming, trapping, modamage, or fatalities. Vio- torized bikes, 4 wheelers, lators will be prosecuted to RVʼs, woodcutting, horsethe fullest extent of the law back riding, firearms. Vioat their expense of the lators will be prosecuted at properties of Gerald their own expense. Not reConn, Cove Circle East sponsible for accidents or lots 2534 and 2535, Hid- injuries on the property of: den Valley L a k e . Robert & Carolyn K. Holtegel, 12466 Rullman Dr. 08-14-14 Dillsboro, IN 47018 03-15
Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no walking, no sightseeing, no motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their ex penses. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Patrick Holland 14130 Brown Rd. Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14
Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no 4-wheeling, no quad running. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Ronald W. Fields, 2488 Sneakville Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 4-30-15
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June 17th - June 19th, 2014
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column
No fishing, swimming, hunting, four wheelers, or trespassing on the Hostetler Farms, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill. They will be prosecuted. Harry Hostetler, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill, IN 12-4-14
No hunting or shooting, no woodcutting,, littering or dumping, no motorized vehicles, machinery or trespassing. Not liable or responsible for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prosecuted if found on property of: Dennis G. and Ann J. Elder, 17800 Duncan Lane, Aurora, IN 7-14-14
No hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing or ATVʼs. Violators will be prosecuted at own ex pense, Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of, Dennis and Cindy Meyung, 10998 County Farm Rd, Aurora, IN, 47001, 01-15
No hunting, four wheeling, hiking, gardening, or trespassing of any kind. Joan Fidler will not be held liable for any injuries ac quired on the property on both sides of 10419 Chesterville Road, next to 10095 Chesterville Road, and across from 10386 Chesterville Road. ViolaNo hunting, fishing or tres- tors will be prosecuted. 4-2-15 passing and not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Jerome No hunting, no ATV/bike & Ruth Martini, York riding, no wood cutting Ridge Rd., Leatherwood without written permission. Rd., York Township. Not responsible for per 4-9-15 sonal or property injury on property owned by: MiNo hunting, fishing or treschael and Roberta Hankpassing of any kind. Not ins, 27106 Cranes Run responsible for property or Road, W. Harrison IN personal injury on the 47060 1/15/15 property of: Maria Teresa Maturana, 21940 Lake No hunting, no fishing, no Tambo Rd., Manchester, bike riding, absolutely no IN 01/22/15 trespassing on the propNo hunting, fishing, or tres- erty of: Irene Beckett Espassing without written tate, 1005 Nowlin Avepermission on the Chip- nue, Property on west man farm. 7442 White side of Tanners Creek Road, Rising Sun, Indi- 08-21-14 ana . Violators will be No hunting, no motorized prosecuted. bikes or vehicles, no tres4-30-15 passing of any kind and No hunting, fishing, or tresnot responsible for accipassing for any reason dents on the property of: and not responsible for John McKay any injuries occurring on 11307 N. Dearborn Rd. the property owned by: Sunman, IN 47041 12-14 Hidden Valley Lake Property Owners Associa - No hunting, no motorized tion, Bordering on State- bikes or vehicles, no tresline Road and George- passing of any kind and town Road, Lawrence- not responsible for acciburg, In 04/09/15 dents, violators will be No hunting, fishing, swim- prosecuted on the property ming or trespassing and of: Stanley Harmeyer & not responsible for acci- Sondra Lewis 22643, dents on the property of: 22747, 22915 Jackson Robert & Beth Baylor, Ridge, Lawrenceburg, 6155 St. Rd. 48, Law - IN renceburg, IN 04-09-15 09-4-14
No hunting, fishing or trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property owned by: Stonegate Property Owners, Bordering on Stonegate Dr. & Essex Lane. 05-28-15
No hunting, trespassing, quad or dirt bike riding on the property of Bill and Donna J. Fisher located at 6919 E. Laughery Creek Road, Aurora. 9-25-14 No hunting, woodcutting or trespassing and not re sponsible for accidents on the property of: Joseph and Edna Imholt, 8289 Leatherwood Road, Yorkville, Guilford, IN 4-30-15 No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injuries. Marshall Alford 15778 W. County Line Rd. Moores Hill, IN 10-9-14 No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their own expense on the properties of: Wm. G. Rudicil, Barber Rd., Gobblerʼs Knob Rd., W. Harrison, IN 2-12-2015 No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, Injuries, fatalities or personal property. This applies to all property owned by us.Beware of dog. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expence. Randy & Mary Lynn Hayes, 3382 Sneakville Rd., Law renceburg IN, Also Goose Run, Aurora, IN 1/29/15 No Trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or property. The Kremer Family 28483 Barber Rd. West Harrison, IN 47060 9-11-14 NO TRESPASSING for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, injuries or any fatalities on property of Betty J. Weber, Bloom Road Moores Hill, Indiana 47032. Violators will be prosecuted at their expense. 7-22-14
No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any injuries or acci dents. 20042 Stateline RD. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 10-2-14
No trespassing, hunting, fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Cindy & Michael McAndrew, 19446 No trespassing of any kind Anderson Rd., Law for any reason on the renceburg, IN 47025. properties of the Tri-Town- 4-9-15 ship Water Corporation. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex - No trespassing, hunting, or pense. Also not responsi- fishing for any reason on ble for any accidents, inju- the properties of Knigga ries, or fatalities. Tri-Town Properties LLC, and Water Corporation 75 Ja- Knigga Holdings LLC, mison Rd., 24192 State owned by Tim, Nancy, and Line Rd., 1813 Morgan Casey Knigga. These inRd., 25333 Henderson clude properties bordering Rd., 6483 Gaynor Ridge, South Fork, Kirkpatrick, Goodner and Aberdeen 902 Justis Rd. Roads. Also not responsi 4-9-15 ble for any accidents, injuNo trespassing of any kind ries, or fatalities. Violators on property of : All Rite will be prosecuted at their Ready Mix Of Indiana, own expense. 3-19-15 LLC, 10513 Morgans Branch Road, Aurora, IN No trespassing, motorized 4-9-15 vehicles, hunting, trapping, No trespassing of any kind fireworks or explosives of on the properties & private any kind, discharge of firedrive of Marvin Zimmer arms or shooting of arrows 28817 Evergreen Lane, on or onto the approximate West Harrison, IN 47060 23 acres of Lot #8 in Miller Ridge Estates. Also not re08-14-14 sponsible for any acci No trespassing without dents or injuries occurring written permission and not on this same property. and Connie responsible for accidents M i k e or injury on the property of Crossley, Lot #8 Miller Jim and Beth Marting, Ridge, 22102 Hickory 6960 Nelson Road, View Lane, Guilford, IN Aurora, IN 47001 - in Ohi 47022 12-11-14 County. 9-25-14
No Trespassing! Abso lutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not responsible for property damage, accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: Joseph F. Bayer, Jr. & Donna S. Bayer, 17365 Church Rd., Lawrenceburg, In 47025 1-15 No trespassing! Absolutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not re sponsible for property damage, accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: David L. Shuter & Deborah L. Shuter, Church Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 01-15 No trespassing! No hunting, tree stands, firearms, bows, trapping, fireworks, motorcycles or quads. Not responsible for accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense. Lowell & Donna Hollins, 10625 St. Rt. 262, Dillsboro, IN. 10/23/14 No trespassing, hunting or fishing. The Browning Farm, 9516 & 9321 Texas Gas Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 12-14 No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motor vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries of any kind on the property of: Mark & Roberta Klem, Seldom Seen Estates, Lot #1,#2, #3, 22505 State Line Rd., Bright, IN 06-11-15 No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motorcycles. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on the property of: John Kemme, 24464 State Line Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 9-4-14 No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling, dirt bikes. Not responsible for accidents on the property of Ronald Henry 8680 Lower Dillsboro Rd. Aurora, IN 47001 05-21-15
No trespassing, hunting, fishing, trapping or dumping of any kind. Absolutely no motorized vehicles, bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my property. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities. Beware of dogs. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense to the fullest extent of the law. Jeffrey Long, 9027 Old St. Rd 350 & 13385 Dean Rd., Aurora, In 47001. 9-14
No trespassing, no fishing, no hunting or artifact hunting. Nick Domaschko, Ohio County, 9748 St. Rd. 56 N., Aurora, In 47001 6-11-15 No trespassing, no hunting or fishing. Absolutely no 4 wheelers or motorized vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Earl & Thomas Sullivan, 18253 & 18350 Keller Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 5-21-15 No trespassing, no hunting, violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Glen & LaVerne Burkhardt, Corner of Keller Rd., & SR 48, Lawrenceburg, In 1-8-15 No trespassing, not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Midwest Data Inc., 326 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 4-9-15 No trespassing, or hunting, on the farm of : Barry & Judy Pruss, Rt. 50 Mt. Tabor Rd., Aurora, IN 4-2-15 No trespassing, soliciting , or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent by Billie R. Powell on my properties located on North Hogan Rd.Billie R. Powell 10514 North Hogan Rd. Aurora, IN 47001. 3-23-15 No Trespassing. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Larry and Kim Jackson, 6720 Lipscomb Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 9/18/14
Oxbow Inc. and Oxbow of Indiana, Inc. (”Oxbow”) are the owners of property located in the area com monly known as Horse shoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana. Most of Oxbowʼs land is located between I-275 to US 50 exit ramp, the CSX tracks, and the levee along US 50 and the Argosy entrance road. Oxbow also owns land immediately west of I-275 between the CSX tracks and the Ohio River, as well as land east of I-275 between the CSX tracks, the Ohio River, and the state line. Maps of Oxbowʼs properties are available on our website at Oxbow,Ind. land is a wildlife sanctuary. Hunting, trapping, discharge of firearms, and the shooting of arrows is prohibited except in certain designated areas and only with the written permission of Oxbow. ATVʼs may not be operated on Oxbow property at any time. Operating other motorized vehicles (except for the purpose of ap proved farming and land management operations) off clearly established roads or on a road in any manner contributing to the need to repair the road is prohibited. Those who operate a motor vehicle on Oxbow property do so at their own risk, and are advised that the dirt roads may be impassable when wet. Under no circum stances will Oxbow be responsible for damage to a vehicle or injury to its occupants. Bank fishing only with appropriate license is al lowed and is monitored by conservation officers. Camping, bonfires, and overnight parking are prohibited. Swimming in streams, lakes and other watercourses is strictly prohibited, as are motorized watercraft of any sort. Removing, destroying or disturbing wildlife and plants, or farm crops with out express written consent of Oxbow is prohibited. Oxbow property is regularly patrolled by law enforcement officers who have been instructed to prosecute all violators. Activities such as bird watching, hiking and the activities not expressly prohibited by these rules or state law may be done at ones own risk. Oxbow is not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property for those wishing to visit. Those in doubt of the lawfulness of their activity on Oxbow properties are encouraged to first contact: Oxbow, 854 Ligoria Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45218 04-23-15
Private property. Abso lutely no trespassing of any kind on all properties belonging to Dana and Phyllis Weisickle. No exceptions. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, or fatalities. No vehicles of any kind allowed to drive through or park without written permission. Dana & Phyllis Weisickle 12904 Probst Rd, Aurora, IN 47001 4-14
LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Council for the City of Harrison will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2015 County Budget. Said hearing will be held on July 1, 2014 at 7:15 p.m. in council cham bers at 300 George Street, Harrison, Ohio 45030. Persons with ques tions or comments may present them at this time.
Carol Wiwi, Clerk, Harrison City Council City of Harrison 25-2tcl
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coupon magazine! No trespassing. No fishing, no swimming, no hunting or four wheelers. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on my property. Barb Hornberger and family 9758 E. Co. Rd. 1350 N, Sunman, IN 47041 07-14 No trespassing. Not re sponsible for accidents or injury. We will prosecute trespassers on property owned by: Robert & Deborah Schroeder, Gary & Pam Schroeder, Ridge Drive, Lake Tambo & Knopf Roads, Man chester Township. 10-13
No trespassing. Not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Rita Bennett, 170 and 172 Conwell Street, Aurora, IN 47001 No trespassing, hunting, 05-21/15 fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for acci- Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities dents. No hunting, fishing, of any persons or personal woodcutting, swimming, property. Violators will be recreational 4x4 riding, or prosecuted at their own trespassing on the propexpense. Debi & Stephan erty of: Hassel W. and Kraeling 7233 Bonnell, Pamela M. Brashears Possum Ridge Road Guilford, Indiana 47022 04-30-15 Aurora, IN 03-5-15
I-275 Enterprises, Inc., is the owner of property located in the Horseshoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana, bounded on the West and North by the right-of-way of interstate Highway 275 and on the South by the Chessie Railroad right-of-way and on the eastern edge of the I-275 Lagoon (hereinafter called “the property”). Hunting, trapping, dis charging firearms, shooting arrows, fishing, turtle hunting, dog running, tree cutting, woodcutting, dumping, animal abandonment, hiking, bicycling, motor biking, operating quads or after ATV vehicles, horseback riding, sledding, ice skating, snowmobiling, bird watching, camping, operation of aircraft, swimming, row boating, motor boating, sailing, creek rock hunting, turning around or trespassing of any kind on the property for any reason is absolutely forbidden without written and signed permission of a duly authorized agent of I-275 Enterprises, Inc., I-275 Campgrounds, Inc., and-or Horseshoe Camp grounds. I-275 Enter prises, Inc. 10860 In deco Drive, Cincinnati OH 45241 09-4-14 No bikes, skateboards, roller blades. No trespassing for any reason; not responsible for injuries or accidents on property of: Dillsboro Civic Club, 9824 Central Ave. and 12930 North St., Dills boro, IN (formerly Doctors Bldg .) 8-28-14
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