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Dearborn County register


154TH YEAR ISSUE NO. 25 $1

TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014

Long-time Aurora dispatcher heading west



A good crowd gathered for the Miller-York Volunteer Fire Department Car Show and Chicken Fry Sunday, June 22, at Perfect North Slopes. Above: Babe Martini, Yorkville, takes breaded chicken from MillerYork Volunteer Fire Department Assistant Chief Skippy Stutz. Right: This Mercury being check out by a car show attendee is one of 90 cars in car show.

Would a theme help Moores Hill economy?

Board talks about capitalizing on history By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter

What if Moores Hill's Carnegie Hall offered theatre productions? Or the town boasted little shops grouped around a central theme? These and other ideas were thrown around at the June Moores Hill Town Council meeting after a video proposal by Satolli Glassmeyer, Milan. Glassmeyer's company History in Your Backyard creates videos designed to promote the history of a town, he said. The town can use the videos in promotions as well as post them to the town's website. Moores Hill, for instance, has a historic Methodist Church as well as Carnegie Hall. “People from outside of the area don't know about this,” said Glassmeyer. But people are looking for things to do, places to go, from motorcycle riders to families, and videos like his give them ideas. His usual price is $1,999 for the first 10 videos (10 different subjects,) but he would charge Moores Hill only $599 since he lives nearby in Milan, he said. Additional videos would cost the town $29.95 each. The videos could be part of the town's website if council wants to create one, said council member Paul Grimsley. But there would have to be 10 sites, he mused, suggesting they could include the Methodist church, the Baptist church, the old railway, Carnegie Hall, the old hotel – and if not strictly in town, Sparta church. Across from the Methodist Church


was a Studebaker sales location, said Grimsley. And Miller's hardware store site was a sawmill, added council president Lanny Dell. “We try to hit the weird sites most people don't know about,” said Glassmeyer. Council took no action on his proposal. Establishing a redevelopment commission should be the town's next step, said town attorney John Watson. Town officials should decide where they want to put a tax increment finance district and decide if they are going to seek a big development or try to reduce blight and attract small businesses, he said. One community decided to create a place for artists and that worked for it, he said. With Carnegie Hall's college-related history, there should be some way for Moores Hill to capitalize on its history and heritage. Some of the other cities and towns he's studied came up with a theme, then offered a tax abatement for shops related to that theme. It's worked in some places, he said.

Grants, benefits & cash

In other business, clerk-treasurer Guinevere Emery announced the town received a $9,827 grant from Lawrenceburg Grant Program Phase 2 for police in-car computers and equipment; and the town received certificates of appreciation from Southeast Regional Community Corrections and from Dearborn County Solid Waste District. The council waived the fee for use of the senior center for a Sept. 13 Faith Freewill Baptist Church fund raiser; discussed acquisition of Forest Hill Cemetery; discussed street paving remediation promised by Globe Asphalt Paving; and approved a change in the personnel policy to allow overtime to be paid after 40 hours in a town employee's work week regardless

of whether the initial 40 hours was worked or was taken as vacation or other time off. Both Dell and Grimsley are town employees. In May, the council passed fair housing and drug free workplace ordinances, both required before OCRA would consider the town's application for a comprehensive planning grant, according to the May minutes. Council also discussed the blight elimination program, for which the application deadline is in July. Houses must be residential and have structural damage to qualify. Watson said the BEP would provide $25,000 for a house with a basement and $15,000 for a house without a basement for demolition and site cleanup. Council also discussed TIF district requirements and how a redevelopment commission would work with council. Then the council turned to personnel issues, with sick pay to be accumulated up to 120 days, but no payment made upon termination or retirement for unused sick days. Grimsley suggested the town pay for all of an employee's insurance cost, saying that had been done in the past. The town covers 82 percent of the insurance cost, with Grimsley the only full-time employee currently receiving health insurance benefits. Council members also discussed having the town's number of employee holidays increased to match the county's holiday schedule. Emery, however, reminded them the town had received less so far this year in riverboat gambling revenue sharing funds, just $40,000 in the first four months of 2014, and cautioned them about continuing to add benefits packages, payroll hours and more paid holidays for the town's seven employees.

INSIDE TODAY OPINION............................4


See THEME, Page 2

York joined Aurora EmerBy Chandra L. Mattingly gency Rescue in 1971, graduStaff Reporter ating from Dearborn County's first emergency medical techAurora Police Clerk Denny nician training in 1974. Ten York credits his stage four years later he was certified colon cancer diagnosis for as an emergency medical dissaving his life. Not only did patcher, then as an advanced he survive the cancer, but EMD. He also received state also the two live-threatening and national certification as a aneurysms found during re- full operator. “I made a lot of ambulance lated scans. York, 63, Aurora, was rec- runs with Denny,” said Hastognized Monday, June 16, by ings, also a former member Aurora Mayor Donnie Hast- of AER. ings for “loyal and dedicated service to the people of Aurora.” An Aurora native, York is moving with his wife Lynn But in 2005, York was to Palm Desert, Calif., at the diagnosed with stage four end of June. cancer. Survival, he said, deThe 1969 Aurora High pends on where the cancer is School graduate grew up on located, and his oncologist Aurora's Conwell Street, at- Dr. Mary Albers told him, tended college, then went “We can fix this.” So he went into banking at age 20. He through radiation, surgery worked for Peoples Building and chemotherapy. and Loan in Aurora for 10 Overweight and suffering years beginning in 1972, then from high blood pressure, he at American State's Aurora was ripe for his aortic aneubranch until 1988, when he rysm to burst. But fortunately went to work in Rising Sun he lost weight, got his blood for 10 years. pressure under control, and During those 10 years, he had a valve replacement besaw the Ohio County bank fore that could happen. change from Rising Sun State “The triple A is a widow Bank to Merchants Bank maker,” said York. “If it and Trust to National City hadn't been for the cancer and then to PNC, he said. they never would have found His final banking years were those.” spent back with American Albers told him most of the State in Aurora until 2003 time aneurysms are located in when it was sold and staff autopsies, he added. were downsized. York said his experiences Meanwhile, though, York with cancer changed him. had a second career. He was “I realized how precious hired as a part-time Aurora and how fragile life is. … It Police Department dispatcher made me look at everything under Aurora's then-chief Jim differently,” he said. He realWismann, became a reserve ized if there was anything he police officer a year later, and wanted to do, he'd better do continued working as a part- it and quit worrying about time dispatcher through 1991, tomorrow or what's going to then again from 2004 until happen next week, he said. Aurora turned dispatching “It also made me underduties over to the county in stand how wonderful research March, whence he became a is,” added York. And he gathpolice clerk. He also worked ered a great respect for nurse part-time as a dispatcher in practitioners, especially the Ohio County during some of one at the Indiana University those years.

Changed by cancer

See WEST, Page 2


Aurora Mayor Donnie Hastings awards a plaque of appreciation to longtime Aurora Police Dispatcher Denny York, now police clerk, at the Monday, June 16, Aurora City Council meeting. York is moving to California in July.


Today: High: 92 Low 72

Wed: High: 91 Low: 70

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Plans for Indiana crisis cooling assistance released

The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority has released plans for the 2014 summer cooling program through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which began on June 16, and concludes Aug. 30. IHCDA and its administrative partners provided over 130,000 households with $47.8M in benefit assistance during the 20132014 LIHEAP winter heating season. Because most

of the program funds were expended during the winter months, Indiana will not run a summer cooling assistance program this year. The summer cooling program has traditionally provided a $50 benefit directly to utility companies for households who qualified for and participated in the recent winter heating assistance program. Due to funding constraints related to program expenditures during the unusually harsh

winter, households will not be receiving the $50 benefit this summer. IHCDA recognizes that crisis situations still may occur through Indiana; therefore administrating agencies with any remaining funds may provide crisis assistance in the amount of $200 or less to eligible households who received disconnection notices through August 2014. Additionally, summer cooling program partici-

pants may be eligible to receive: Air conditioners (after submission of required medical affidavits) Existing clients who received air conditioners before May 30, 2009 or prior years may be eligible for new units. Households who received units between June 1, 2009 and August 30, 2013 are ineligible at this time. Households with central air conditioning are ineli-

NEWS BRIEFS Art from the Heart helps non-profits

Indiana, at 2:30 p.m. July 26. The deadline to reserve a canvas and participate is BATESVILLE- The Ripley Coun- Friday, June 27. ty Tourism Bureau is partParticipating teams must nering with the Tri-State pay a $40 entry fee and fill Artisans Art Gallery in out the application www. Batesville for a very unique event, “Art from the Heart, non-profit.html, which covThrow Paint Like Pollock,” ers all of the supplies needSaturday, July 26, begined, including paint and a ning at 2:30 p.m. on canvas. Registered teams George Street in Batesville. may also set up a booth to The event is designed to promote their non-profit bring creativity together organization and/or sell with a fun way to raise pre-approved items. Each money for non-profit orga- team will take their canvas nizations. with them, and sell it or Zanesville, Ohio, artist and use it to decorate. firefighter Allen Deaver is Teams are encouraged to helping organize the event, bring large support teams, as well as artist and gallery to help cheer them on and owner Jaime Mustaine of help them win the big Batesville. vote. Everyone can vote on “One of our passions is their favorite painting for helping local non-profit or- $1, and the painting/team ganizations raise money to that receives the most continue doing great votes will receive all of the things in our community,” voting funds. More inforsaid Mustaine. mation about the event is Non-profits from all over available by calling 1-812the tri-state area are invit528-5748. ed to participate, bringing In addition to the Art from a team of three to five indi- the Heart event, The Trividuals to represent their State Artisans Gallery will organization. Each team be hosting Art with a Twist, will be given a 30x40 cana wine and canvas event, vas, paints, and instrucand Speed Painting for tions on creating Pollockthose who wish to try style art (with artist assisthem out. Free, or for a dotance if desired). Teams are nation, events will include to meet at the Tri-State Ar- face painting, make 2-taketisans Gallery, 125 E. pieces of art, art games, George Street, Batesville, earring making, and make

WEST, From Page 1

Cancer Center who knew everything about his condition and what was likely next, and kept his family updated. In addition to his wife, whose computer applications instructor job is leading the couple to California, York has two children, Angela Robey, Amelia, and Jeremy York, Noblesville, and four grandchildren. Denny York plans frequent visits back home to visit them, his mom Dorothy York, a lifelong Aurora resident now living in Delaware, Ohio, near her daughter, and his friends. While Denny York's wife

Corrections/ Clarifications The Journal-Press will correct errors of substance. To request a correction or clarification, call Erika Schmidt Russell for editorial, news or trends pages and Jim Buchberger for sports pages. Russell and Buchberger can be reached at 1-812-5370063.

Indiana’s network of Community Action Agencies. Cnsult the Indiana Community Action Association’s CAA map to locate the agency which serves your county: http://www.incap. org/energyinfo.html. For further information on LIHEAP programs please contact Lynell Westbrook, IHCDA Community Programs Manager at

OBITUARIES a recycled art project. Randy’s Roadhouse is providing live entertainment, and some artists will be setting up demonstrations. Non-profit organizations will also have booths, some with activities. The Ripley County Tourism Bureau is sponsoring a reception from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at The Sherman House Restaurant and Inn, 35 S. Main St., Batesville. The winning team will be announced at the reception at 8:30 p.m.

Change made in emergency board meeting dates LAWRENCEBURG- Meeting changes have been for the Dearborn County emergency management advisory council and local emeregncy planning committee. It was decided at the May meeting to hold the last meeting for the year in December instead of November due to year end business that needs to be approved. The revised EMA meeting schedule for the remainder of 2014 is 7 p.m. Aug. 14 and Dec. 11. The LEPC will meet at 6 p.m. Aug. 14 and Dec. 11. All meetings are held here at the EMA office, 401 W. High St., Lawrenceburg.

Wilma Elmer

Wilma J. (nee Brickner) Elmer, 84, of Sun City Center, Fla., passed away June 5, 2014. She was born in Bright, Ind., and worked at the same company for 40 years as a senior benefits accountant at Fernald Ohio. She was a member of the Prince of Peace Catholic Church. She served the Daughters of American Revolution as a member of their scholarship committee and as recording secretary for several years. She was active in The American Business Woman’s Association and was a long time friend and supporter of the Tillers and Toilers as well as many other community, civic and charitable organizations. She and her husband, Bob Elmer, were supporters and volunteers at the food pantry for many years and the Sun City Center Security Patrol. She was preceded in death by her late husband, Bob Brickner. They were married for 50 years. She is survived by her husband Bob Elmer of 12

THEME, From Page 1

will continue at College of the Desert, Palm Desert, Calif., after four years of teaching via the Internet, he's leaning toward volunteering at McCallum Theatre on campus and at the Living Desert Zoo. “They have a huge model train exhibit,” said York, noting he's always been interested but never had a model train display of his own.

But his service in Aurora also included: president of the former Aurora Chamber of Commerce, Aurora Public Library District Board member; Aurora Lions Club member and president; Aurora Farmers Fair Board member. He also served with the Indiana Army National Guard and, in 1975, was Indiana's National Guardsman of the Year. A few years later, in 2001, he was Dearborn County Chamber of York's work with APD Commerce Volunteer of the has spanned six police Year. chiefs and four different po“It's been fun,” said York, lice stations, during which looking out the window he helped chiefs Dana Cot- of the APD clerk's office ton and Josh Daugherty with at Main and Third streets. implementation of the Com- “This corner's always pulled puter Assisted Dispatch Sys- me back to it.” tem now in use.

Other business included a sidewalk replacement query, uncut grass and weeds, the need for a reserve police officer in town, and a trade-in on the town's Bobcat miniexcavator, which was approved at a $1,961 trade-in

years, three sons, Doug (Stephanie), Greg (Stacey) & Glenn. Additionally - her brother, John Blaisdel, two sisters, Lois (Norman) Gellert and Alice (George) Rustemeyer, three grandchildren (Elizabeth, Michael & Van), 56 nieces and nephews and hundreds of wonderful friends and neighbors. A celebration Mass will be held in her honor at 11 am. Friday, June 27, 2014, at Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Sun City Center, Fla. A light lunch will follow Mass and then a trip to Fellowship Cemetery, her final resting place. We ask that in lieu of flowers, memorials be made to the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. You can click on the link below to be forwarded to the site. There is a place to donate in honor of someone in the middle of the page, www. All of us that knew Wilma will miss her warm smile, her dynamic spirit, kind words and her gentle heart. She will be truly

missed in each of our lives. Arrangements by Sun City Center Funeral Home, Sun City Center, Fla.

fee. The sidewalk request from resident Mike Emery asked for the town to pay for sidewalk installation. Watson clarified that residential sidewalks put in five to seven years ago on Main Street and in other areas of the town were approved by town council at that time: Willie Woolums and Robbie

Taylor. Clerk-treasurer was Renee Hall. Then-council did not choose to bill residents for the cost at that time, said Watson. None of the current town officials were on council then, said Watson, advising council it need take no action on the request.


TEER, C. WANDA (BEASLEY)- 74, Milan, died Wednesday, June 18, 2014. Laws-CarrMoore Funeral Home, Milan, is in charge of arrangements. HELTON, RONNIE- 76, Aurora, died Thursday, June 19, 2014. He was a United States Army veteran. Rullman Hunger Funeral Home, Aurora, is in charge of arrangements. LEHAN, KATHLEEN E.- 71, Lawrenceburg, formerly of Aurora, died Friday, June 20, 2014. Rullman Hunger Funeral Home, Aurora, is in charge of arrangements. AUSTING, G. RONALD- 82, Dillsboro, died Wednesday, June 18, 2014. Brater Funeral Home, Harrison, is in charge of arrangements.

'It's been fun'

Correction June Siekman is new Aurora Police Officer Jason Siekman’s grandmother. His mother is Jessica Siekman Ketcham. A wrong name was given in a story in the Tuesday, June 10, Journal-Press.

The Journal-Press (USPS 037-880)

■■ Publication: The Journal-Press is published each Tuesday at Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. The Lawrenceburg office is at 126 W. High St. ■■ Telephone: 1-812-537-0063. ■■ Annual subscription prices: Sold in combination with The Dearborn County Register: $41.55 for Dearborn County residents; $63, Indiana (outside Dearborn County), Ohio and Kentucky; $91.90, all other states. All subscriptions payable in advance. Single copy price is $1. Periodicals postage paid at Lawrenceburg and additional mailing offices. ■■ Postmaster: Send address changes to The Journal-Press, 126 W. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. ■■ Advertising: This newspaper is liable for errors in advertising only for the space occupied by the error, and not the entire portion of the advertising. ■■ Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus

gible for this assistance. Hoosiers who heat their homes through deliverable fuels, like propane, wood or oil, may apply for the summer fill program. Clients wishing to participate must provide documentation as required during the winter heating season. Eligible clients can receive up to an additional $400 in crisis assistance. The Summer Cooling Program is administered by

JULY 4th Early Deadlines

In celebration of the July 4th holiday, our offices will be closed on Friday, July 4th, 2014. Deadlines for the 7/8 Journal Press, the 7/9 harrison Press, Classifieds and Journal Press legal advertising will be thursday, July 3rd, 2014 at 10:00am. Our offices will reopen on Monday, July 7th, 2014.

Have a safe and happy holiday!









Open house for new treatment center June 30




Staff Report An open house for Unity House, the residential component of the Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment Program of Community Mental Health Center, Inc., Lawrenceburg, will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, June 30, at Unity House, 608 Wilson Creek Road, Lawrenceburg. Unity House is a 10-bed residential treatment facility for individuals who have dual diagnoses of serious and persistent mental illnesses and substance use problems. An interdisciplinary team of therapists, nurses, case managers, employment specialists, and program technicians work together with consumers to help them begin the journey of recovery and to maintain their progress on the journey. The event will include a ribbon-cutting ceremony with representatives from CMHC’s community partners on the Unity House project: Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Dearborn County Hospital, and the City of Lawrenceburg Redevelopment Commission. “We appreciate the support of DMHA, DCH and the City of Lawrenceburg on this project. They have made it possible for us to bring our services to a population of individuals truly in need of a specialized level of treatment,” said Tom Talbot, executive director of Community Mental Health Center, Inc. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend the open house, and light refreshments will be available. The entrance to Unity House is located behind Community Mental Health Center’s Main Center and the Dearborn County Hospital Federal Credit Union. CMHC’s Main Center is located at 285 Bielby Road (Ind. 48) in Lawrenceburg. “Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment is an evidencebased practice for providing mental health and substance abuse treatment services,” said Bridget Bascom-Hinkle, IDDT Program Director. “Decades of research for this model have shown positive outcomes for individuals in treatment by reducing the risk of homelessness, reducing hospitalizations and involvement in the criminal justice system, increasing opportunities for employment, and improvement in quality of life in general.” “Unity House is the residential component of the program. The IDDT Team follows the treatment model and provides intensive community-based services to individuals in our communities in need of this specialized treatment. Services include case management, skills building, counseling, medication management, crisis intervention and employment services in the home and in the community,” said Bascom-Hinkle. CMHC uses a network of facilities in Batesville, Brookville, Lawrenceburg, Rising Sun, St. Leon and Vevay to provide services in the counties of Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, Ripley and Switzerland in Southeastern Indiana. The Center offers an array of services – from outpatient counseling to inpatient services to community and school-based services to housing services for individuals with serious and persistent mental illnesses – throughout this network. CMHC employs professional staff, including case managers, nurses, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists, to provide these services. “Mental health is integral to overall health,” said Talbot.

See CENTER, Page 8


Above: Rachel Thies, left, receives the Dearborn County 4-H Citizen of the year honors during the Dearborn County 4-H and Community Fair last week. Thies, pictured with her husband, Robbie, center, and son, Dustin, has been a leader with the Manchester Rowdies Club for more than 30 years. Top left: 4-H Prince & Princess Hunter Roessler and Emma Gutfreund. Bottom left: 4-H Queen & King Emily Harm and Caleb Schwier.

Think safety when having fun at fairs, festivals While Dearborn County’s fair is over, other county fairs as well as communnity festivals are still going strong in Southeastern Indiana. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security, the Indiana State Board of Animal Health, Indiana State Department of Health and Indiana State Police remind all Hoosiers to remember basic safety tips when at-

tending summertime county fairs, local festivals and carnivals.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings ■■Pay attention to weather forecasts and know where to go should inclement weather arise. Storms can approach quickly and if the conditions are right, they can turn severe; ■■Keep a watchful eye on children so they do not become separated in large

crowds. Have an established family meeting location where family members would reconnect if separated. Some event organizers offer contact tags children can wear.

Animal Safety

■■Wash hands or use hand sanitizer after touching animals, and don’t consume any food inside of the barns. ■■Never attempt to pet any

Levee board will demolish unused, possibly unsafe amphitheater By Chris McHenry Contributor A concrete amphitheater on the Lawrenceburg levee may soon be just a memory. Built during the 1990s as an outdoor entertainment venue it has never been used for public events, because it fails to meet Americans with Disabilities Act and other safety standards. Paul Seymour, superintendent of the Lawrenceburg Conservancy District, which oversees the city’s levee and flood control complex, told members of the board of directors Thursday, June 19, that he is worried that individuals climbing around on the structure could be injured. LCD Board Chairman E. B. Seitz suggested the construction committee look

into the cost of demolition and report back to the next regular LCD board meeting. LCD is still struggling with meeting federal requirements for its flood relief wells located at the inside toe of the levee. They are intended to syphon off any water that seeps under the levee during flood conditions. The problem is no one can find the original specifications for the wells when the levee was built and there is no definitive number as to how many there are. At this point, consultants and the LCD have located 140 of the wells, out of a possible 172 or more. Many of the wells have long since been filled in or covered over by private construction, and there is

a question as to whether it would be better to try to rehabilitate those that exist or abandon them and start over. The LCD will ask for a meeting among their consultants, construction committee and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to reach a final decision, but Seymour would like to begin rehabilitating at least some of them in the near future. His proposal was approved by the board. Seymour predicted that it could cost as much as $2.3 million to make all of the wells functional. Until the relief wells meet Corps of Engineers demands, the levee system will not be re-certified even though the Corps has already approved the levee itself as “robust.”

animal at the fair without receiving explicit permission from the animal’s owner.

Amusement Rides ■■Don’t board a ride if there are broken parts, sign of improper maintenance or an inattentive operator. Report problems to fair organizers or call the IDHS amusement ride hotline at 1-888-203-5020; ■■Every ride should have a prominently displayed, cur-

rent permit issued by IDHS. If one is not displayed or current, call the IDHS amusement ride hotline at 1-888203-5020; ■■Read and follow all posted rules, and listen to instructions given by ride operators; and ■■Know any physical conditions or limitations before boarding an amusement ride.


The City of Lawrenceburg, IN is currently seeking a qualified professional to fill the position of Utility Director to oversee the electric distribution system, the sewer collection system, and the utility billing office. This position requires professional, technical, and administrative work in the management of a variety of municipal utilities projects. The position requires a dynamic leader that can handle both management and professional roles. Associate or Bachelor Degree preferred; Utility management experience required; experience in all three utilities expected, however experience in electric public power is essential. To be considered, qualified applicants may email resume and salary requirements to Jenny Felix at before July 11, 2014. The City of Lawrenceburg is an Equal Opportunity Employer / ADA compliant employer.

Weddings The City Office, Utility Office and City Garages will be closed on Friday, July 4th, 2014 for Independence Day Observed. There will be no garbage collection for the SOUTH end of the city. Normal garbage collection will resume on Monday, July 7, 2014


20 14

Deadline: July 11 Publish: July 23 & 24

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Get your advertising hitched to our Weddings section and get more customers down your aisles! Our Weddings section features content, photos, checklists and planning tips local brides find essential to making their special day truly special. Placing your advertising message in this section will allow you to tell couples how your business can benefit them on their big day and in their new life together.




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Dearborn County register

theJOURNALpress Erika Schmidt Russell, Editor Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus CONTACT REGISTER PUBLICATIONS: Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 / P.O. Box 4128 / (812) 537-0063 USPS 037-880


Broken sink? Call the guy with the unmarked van and briefcase

Mather threw the deadbolt mother.” and turned, back against the “My mother died thirty door, to stare at the man he years ago.” had pulled inside. “Then they’ll think it’s “Did anyone see you?” about time.” The man shook his head. Mather left the kitchen, “Not that I could tell,” he closing the door, and went said. “No one outto the hall. The bell side, blinds closed C.G. rang again. He threw ...” the dead bolt, SCAVOLA open “The Farnams are cracked the door, always peeking,” and slid one eye to Mather said. “Your van is ...” look through the crack he “Unmarked,” the man had made. Another eye stared said. “Nothing about it says back at him. ‘plumbing,’ not even ...” “Hello, Mather,” said the “Shhhh!” hissed Mather. eye. “Ethel just made brown“Don’t say the P word. They ies and she insisted I bring might be listening.” you some.” The Farnams?” “Put them through the mail “Them, too. All of them. slot,” said Mather. They’re always listening.” “Jumbo brownies, too big,” The man blinked and said, said the eye. “Where is the pl ... er, the Mather opened the door problem thing you called a bit farther and Farnam about?” wedged himself into the hall. “It’s not under the sink,” He peered over Mather’s said Mather. “It’s not any- shoulder then said, “Nice where near the sink. In fact, I looking van parked outside. don’t think I’ve had a sink for Your accountant?” several years.” “My undertaker,” said The man shifted his feet Mather without thinking. and said, “The toil ...” “Gimme the brownies.” “I don’t have those either,” “Brownies?” said Farnam. said Mather. “I don’t have “Oh. Guess I walked out of any pl ... er, anything that has the house without them. Unanything to do with running dertaker?” water.” Farnam started to push The man nodded and said, on into the hall but Mather “Well, let’s go into the kitch- stepped back to block his way en, then, and have a little and said, “It’s my Mmm ... snack. Do you keep your my Goliath.” bread under where the sink “You’re having your cat would have been, if you had embalmed?” said Farnam. “In a sink?” your kitchen?” “Definitely,” said Mather, “He always loved the kitchas he sighed and followed the en,” said Mather. “It seemed man into the kitchen. so ...” In the kitchen, water was The kitchen door burst seeping out from under the open and the plumber barged sink and running in a little past the two others in the rivulet to a corner of the room hall, yelling over his shoulwhere it disappeared beneath der, “Run for it! That giant the baseboard. The man from cat jumped on the spanner the van looked and said, as I was loosening the main “That’s some of the worst ... connection. It’s every man for bread I’ve ever seen.” himself.” “It’s okay, we can talk Goliath was atop the wave here,” said Mather. “I have of water that followed the the room soundproofed and plumber, riding a large bakI check it for electronic bugs ing pan. Farnam’s mouth every day. Forgive me for fell open. Mather considered being evasive in the hall; it’s leaving him to drown, then just that I’ve never had to call slammed his jaw shut and ... call ...” dragged him toward the door “There, there,” said the as the wave swept over them. man. “There is always a first Ethel, holding a plate of time a handyman has to call a jumbo brownies, was complumber.” ing up the sidewalk as they “I’m so ashamed,” sobbed washed over the porch steps. Mather. She said, “You forgot to take “That’s why I’m a stealth ...” and became part of the plumber,” said the plumber. flotsam that engulfed the un“No markings, tools in a marked van in the driveway. briefcase, this suit over my As they floated on the work clothes. If the neighbors van toward the cul-de-sac on saw me, they thought I was a Maple St., Farnam plucked lawyer or an accountant.” a brownie from the plate Mather’s eyes bulged. Ethel still held and said, “The “Or maybe an undertaker.” condo association isn’t going “Let’s hope. Can you fix to like this.” my leak?” Mather pushed him off the The man peeled off his van. Ethel smiled and offered business suit, reached into his Mather a brownie. Goliath briefcase for a large wrench, scooped one into his mouth. and opened the doors of the From the snorkel that poked sink cabinet. Water gushed out of the roof of the van, the onto the floor. The man knelt undertaker said, “Me, too.” and stared grimly into the cabinet. Copyright 2014, Robert A. “Well?” said Mather, and Markwalter. For more from the doorbell rang. C.G. Scavola and Bob Mark“I need five minutes,” said walter, visit www.straylake. the plumber. “Stall them. Tell com, home of the Stray Lake them I’m embalming your Signal-Gazette.

Submit a guest column ■ As another means of enabling our readers to express themselves, we invite you to submit materials for guest columns. ■ Personal experiences, in the first person, are particularly sought. Topics of personal interest or about another person are of interest to

our readers. ■ Guest columns can be submitted to Register Publications, 126 W. High St., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025; or via e-mail at


How sweet it is

Beelieve it or not, the sweetest part Two days ahead of time, Thursday, I'll might have slipped back inside the suof beekeeping for most backyard bee- go through the hives, set the honey pers. At that point, those bees are glad keepers isn't the honey harvest. supers to be taken above the hives' to get out of the hot boxes and simply It's seeing that their honeybees have inner covers, and place a bee escape in fly away, heading home. survived another winter – the inner cover hole. By the After a couple of stops to repeat the especially when the winter CHANDRA L. following day most if not all process, if needed, I'll park the truck was like this last one! bees should have gone in a closed warehouse to await our MATTINGLY the But folks who are interdown into the brood boxes Saturday morning trip to Jim's. There, ested in beekeeping as well of the hive, where they we'll use a heated de-capping knife as beginning beekeepers can get a good have additional to remove the idea of what honey harvesting is like honey stored as caps from the come Saturday, June 28. Jim Orem, a well as pollen, honeycombs, member of the Southeastern Indiana and raise their which are built Beekeepers Association, is offering his young. within wooden Milan area honey house and his help Because I'm frames. Then that day for his Spring Sling. not a weight the frames will Newbees and SIBA members who lifter and value be put in an have honey to extract may use his fa- my back, I'll extractor and cilities that day, but must call or email remove about whirled to sling him to set up a time: 1-812-571-0118 or half the frames out the honey from each full – hence the Even better, prospective beekeepers super, keeping event's name may come and discuss beekeeping and them covered, – and drained learn how to extract honey by helping. and carry that into food-grade Even folks who just are interested in much at a time buckets. honeybees and honey are welcome to to a shady spot (And this SUBMITTED PHOTO year I'll rememshow up and learn through experience in the yard. how it's done. When I have Cindy Cottingham uses a heated decapping ber the lids The process will begin at 10 a.m. all the honey knife to cut honeycomb cappings from a for the honey with honey off my hives, but folks supers off the frame of honey at a Spring Sling near Milan. containers so should call Jim ahead of time for direc- hives and in the The frames of honey then go into an extrac- I don't have to tions and the best time to show up. shade, I'll use a tor where centrifugal force is used to sling send the spouse Once again, this strain of honeybees shop vacuum in the honey from the honeycomb cells. back home to I care for has produced a heck of a lot reverse to blow get them!) of honey. In 2013, all three hives I had any remaining honeybees off the honFinally, all the empty supers will be wintered over, and I took off about 300 eycombs. returned to the hives for the bees to lb. of honey that June. This last winter, Then I'll put the bee-less honey- clean out, or, if a nectar flow continues, thanks to divisions, I had four hives, all combs in a clean super, always keeping to refill. of which wintered well. At this point, the boxes covered. When I have a full it looks as if they've produced just box, I'll load it into the back of our Chandra L. Mattingly is a staff reas much and probably more than last pickup truck. porter for The Journal-Press and The spring. When all the honey is on the truck, Dearborn County Register. In her spare So, for those wondering about how I'll drive a few blocks away, then open time she cultivates a large garden, and one “robs” the bees, here's the process. the lids to release any honeybees that tends bees, chickens and horses.

What happens when constitutions fail? Do we put too much stock in constitu- powers of the political branches. tions? What if securing liberty is harder But there is more to it than that. We work than putting words on paper? will let a friend of legal talent explain: Our foundation tried to answer that “Denying that a taxpayer has standing question 20 years ago this month. It filed to bring an action against a political a lawsuit against the Indiana Legisla- branch unless he can demonstrate a ture, which had hidden a pay raise in a distinct harm particular to himself is the package of bills. means by which courts have declined The Indiana Constitution, of course, to intervene in what they regard as pospecifically and exactly prohibits such litical questions,” the friend notes. This trickery. Article IV, Section 19: “An so-called Political Questions Doctrine act, except an act for the codification, is historically a measure of judicial revision or rearrangement of laws, shall “modesty and deference” to the political be confined to one subject and matters branches. properly connected therewith.” Our little lawsuit, it turns out, joins a There are obvious reasons for that. larger argument at the national level, one The authors suspected that future Hoo- outlined in a recent column by George sier legislators would from Will. We have a president in CRAIG time to time try to slip one by the White House who does the citizenry. The General As- LADWIG not feel obligated to “take sembly that year simply concare that the laws be faithfirmed the suspicion. fully executed.” The Court nonetheless turned its back And the editors of the Wall Street on the case. The justices held that we Journal have added up the cost of such had no “standing,” a term of legal art to dereliction, particularly of allowing that which we will return in a minute. same Political Questions Doctrine to Now, anyone who tries to make sense block the legal standing of citizens, of Congress or a statehouse can imag- particularly congressmen, who would ine how better things would be today otherwise sue: if every member had to vote up or “To the extent individuals have not down on each individual bill. The nation suffered concrete injuries that the courts would be brimming with accountability. traditionally redress, (President Barack Reform would be a matter of course. Obama) feels he can act without conseJustice Brent Dickson, in his minority quence to create whole-cloth regulatory opinion, argued that the resulting public regimes. This makes the inherent Article good in itself justified taking up our I powers of Congress irrelevant, with case. He called the majority’s decision perhaps permanent damage to the sepato the contrary “an enormous, if not a ration of powers and political accountprohibitive, obstacle to citizens seeking ability. If Mr. Obama gets away with it, access to the courts upon claims that the next president probably will too.” the General Assembly has exceeded the We still hold, then, that the Indiana limits of its constitutional powers.” He Legislature was profoundly wrong. And hinted that the court had abdicated its there has been no serious counter arguresponsibility to define the extent of the ment, i.e., that it has a right of conve-

nience to bundle unpopular measures with popular ones and thereby render the legislative processes incomprehensible to the rest of us. Nor is there any judicial interpretation that would prevent a majority in Indianapolis from passing a law next session reaffirming Article IV, Section 19, and then, on the signature of the governor, faithfully abiding by it. Oh, but there is a reason, isn’t there? Our politicians, or at least the more powerful among them, would be kings and not mere subjects of old laws. That is true to the degree that they are unabashed in ignoring the words of their own state Constitution — not refuting them, mind you, or even misinterpreting them, but simply ignoring them. History tells us that is concerning. The very reason legislatures and parliaments exist is to constrain the always tyrannical impulse of government. If, instead, they choose to act as governors themselves, and the judiciary thinks it unwise to intervene, your liberty is for sale or trade. We discovered at some expense that there is no quick fix for that here at least, no lawsuit that can be filed one day and magically rebalance our political system the next. With legal and constitutional remedies blocked, representative democracy is what we have left, and it is a messy, grinding, uncertain slog — neighborhood by neighborhood, district by district, legislator by legislator. That slog, however, has begun. This spring’s upset-filled GOP primary is portend. And no court need be consulted. Craig Ladwig is editor of the quarterly Indiana Policy Review.

THEY WORK FOR YOU Have something to say about the recent federal government shutdown? Is there a state issue sticking in your craw? Here is contact information for national and state lawmakers.

U.S. Government The President

Barack Obama, D: 1-202-456-1414, The

White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. 20500. Term runs through 2016.

U.S. House, Sixth District

Luke Messer, R:1-202-225-3021 508 Cannon House

State Government Governor

Mike Pence, R: 1-317-232-4567; Statehouse,

Room 206, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Term runs through 2016.

Lt. Governor

Sue Ellspermann, R: 1-317-232-4545; State-

house, Room 333, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Term runs through 2016.

Office Building, Washington D.C. 20515. Indiana offices: 107 W. Charles St., Muncie, IN 47305; phone: 765-747-5566; Senate, 43rd District Richmond Municipal Building, 50 N. 5th St., Richmond, IN Johnny Nugent, R: 537-0628; 523 W. Eads Park47374; phone: 765-962-2883; 2 Public Square, Shelbyville, IN way, U.S. 50, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. Indianapolis: 1-317-23246176; phone: 317-421-0704. District is composed of Dear9541 or 1-800-382-9467; Statehouse, 200 W. Washington St., Inborn, Ohio, Ripley, Franklin, Jennings, Jefferson, Bartholomew, Decatur, dianapolis, IN 46204. The 43rd District is composed of parts of Shelby, Rush, Fayette, Union, Wayne, Hancock, Henry, Randolph and Dearborn, Ripley, Decatur and Jennings counties, and all of Ohio Delaware counties, and part of Scott County. Term runs through 2014. County. Term runs through 2014.

U.S. Senate

Dan Coats, R: 1-202-224-5623; fax: 1-202-

Statehouse, 67th District

Randy Frye, R: Indianapolis: 1-800-382-9841; e228-1820. 493 Russell Office Building, Washington, D.C. mail; Statehouse, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapo20510-1403. Indiana: 1-317-554-0750; 1650 Market Tower, lis, IN 46204. The newly redrawn 67th House District is composed 10 W. Market St., Indianapolis, IN 46204; or 1-812-218-2317. of parts of Dearborn, Ripley, Jennings, Decatur and Jefferson coun1201 E/ 10th St., Suite 106, Jeffersonville, IN 47130. Term runs ties, and all of Ohio and Switzerland counties. Term runs through 2014. through 2014. Statehouse, 68th District Joe Donnelly, D: 1-202-224-5011; 720 Hart Jud McMillin: 1033 Cliff St., Brookville, IN 47012; Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510; 10 West Market Indianapolis: 1-800-382-9842; Statehouse, 200 W. WashingSt., Suite 1180, Indianapolis, IN 46204, phone: 1-317-226ton St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. The 68th House District is composed of most of Dearborn County, all of Franklin Coun5555; 205 West Colfax Ave., South Bend, IN 46601, phone: ty, and part of Union County. Term runs through 2014. 1-574-288-2780. Term runs through 2018.

WHAT’S GOING ON Ongoing events Breast Cancer Support Group meets third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. in the Dearborn Room, second floor, at Dearborn County Hospital in Lawrenceburg. Everyone is welcome. Contact: Jan Tyler, 812926-3927, or Terri Jones, 812376-6781. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Milan Public Library and the third Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at Dearborn County Hospital, Ohio Room – 2nd Floor, in Lawrenceburg. For more information: 888-422-2691 or www. Eating Disorder Support Group Sponsored by “Living in Truth Ministries,” this group is for women with anorexia or bulimia or who compulsively overeat. For more information, contact Rae Lynn DeAngelis at 513-5057386. Eating Disorder Support Group of Southeastern Indiana meets every Friday at 6 p.m. at Lawrenceburg Community Center. Contact info: Lara Komon at 859496-1206 or larakomon@yahoo. com Overeater’s Anonymous meets every Monday evening 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Lawrenceburg Community Center 431 Walnut St. Lawrenceburg, Ind. Parkinson’s Disease Support Group meets from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month March - November. For more information please call Sandy Wuest at 812-537-4974. The Stroke Support Group meets the first Thursday (2nd Thursday in July) of each month at 6 p.m. The meetings are informal with occasional guest speakers. Participants will have time to socialize, express concerns, share coping strategies and celebrate milestones. For more information please call DCH Speech Pathologist, Angie Knoop at 513-3671519. Food Pantries The Clearinghouse is a community backed food pantry that strives to help individuals in basic need of food, clothing, and financial need. We serve five counties with four locations to facilitate your needs. Food Service: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: MondayFirst Presbyterian Church, 215 Fourth St., Aurora; Tuesday-Zion United Church, 40 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg; Wednesday-First Presbyterian Church, 215 Fourth St., Aurora; Thursday-Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 495 Ludlow, Greendale. The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry located at 210 Fifth Street, Aurora. Regular weekly schedule, open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. to 12 noon to serve you. For further information, call us at 812926-1637. First Baptist Church’s Food Pantry, 45 Tebbs Ave., Greendale, Ind., is available the second Monday of every month from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. North Dearborn Pantry, 2517 North Dearborn Road, West Harrison, has exciting news to share with you – the Pantry has a new website and new email! Email- Facebook page- North Dearborn Pantry, Inc. Twitter- @ NDPantry Phone- 812-637-2841. Moores Hill Food Pantry The pantry site is behind the Moores Hill Methodist Church, on South Manchester in the gray building behind the recycling bins. For emergencies you may call Kim at 513-305-7285. Just leave a message. Singin’ Time in Indiana The second Saturday evening of each month, the Highlights Quartet will be hosting a free gospel sing called “Singin’ Time in Indiana, at Dearborn Adult Center, 311 W. Tate St., Lawrenceburg. Bingo Every Monday night at Sunman Legion Post 337 beginning at 6:30 p.m. For information: 812623-2972. Woodturners Southeastern Indiana Woodturners, local chapter of the American Association of Woodturners, invite men and women of all ages to learn to turn at Jerry Williams shop, 8896 Baseline Road, Holton, Ind., on the second and fourth Monday of the month

Join the fun at Hillforest this summer!!! ■■July 14, 15, 16, 17 American Girl Day Camp One-day camp for girls 5-14. You and your doll are invited! Dress up, attend tea party, make a craft, and more! Cost $28 Reservations required. Call 812-926-0087 or visit for more information.

from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. All skill levels are welcome. For more information call Gerald Williams, 812-689-6545, or Charles Martin, 812-926-2218 Cross Eyed Riders #752, Christian Motorcyclists Association meets the first Friday of the month at 7 p.m. for food and fellowship. Meeting held at The Gathering Place, 1932 Jamison Road, Bright, Ind. Call 513-2189707 or 513-574-6550 or email for directions or other information. Hillforest Museum Open For Tours- The 1855 Victorian home of Thomas and Sarah Gaff, 213 Fifth Street, Aurora offers guided tours Tuesday through Sunday. Admission is $6 - 14 and up, $3 for students (ages 7-13), and children 6 and under are free. An exhibit entitled Bags, Bonnets, & Bloomers...a Victorian Lady’s Secret” features antique hats, purses, and ladies unmentionables from Hillforest’s private collection. For information call 812-9260087 or visit Bingo and Kitchen Everyone welcome every Friday night at VFW Post #5312, Aurora. Earlybirds at 6:30 p.m. and regular games start at 7 p.m. Kitchen opened from 5 to 8 p.m. New Hours-Aurora VFW #5312 is NOW open 7 days a week. Monday through Saturday 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Through May: $1.50 beer. We The Hoosiers meet monthly, the second Thursday at the Lawrenceburg Fire House at 7 p.m. Aurora Eagles Bingo Every Saturday night at 7 p.m. at 101 Third Street, Aurora. Upstairs open for non-smokers. Phone: 812-926-0031, Web: The Dearborn County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors meets monthly on the second Thursday at 8 a.m. at the USDA Service Center, 10729 Randall Avenue, Aurora, in the Aurora Industrial Park, 4 miles west of Aurora. All interested persons are welcome to attend. Bright Farmers Market will host Jim McBride and his one man band on Fridays, June 20, July 18 and Aug. 15 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy the market, bring a lawn chair and be entertertained. On Fridays, June 27, Aug. 15 and Sept. 12 we will have Molly from the Dearborn Recycling center. Stop by to chat and learn the lastest on recycling. She willl be there approximately 3 to 6:30 p.m. The market is located at the intersection of State Line Rds and Salt Fork in the Presbyterian Church parking lot every Friday from 3 to 6:30 p.m. All is weather permiting. For more information contact Linda Johnson 812-637-3898 Summer Display City of Spires Museum, 111 Fifth Street in Aurora announces the theme for this summer’s display: The Historic Churches of Aurora. Artifacts and old pictures from the churches will be on view along with brief histories of the congregations. City of Spires will be open on the first and third Sundays of June, July, August, and September from 1 to 4 p.m. and also by appointment, and there is no charge. Call 812-9260944 for information.

Through Thursday, June 26 Vacation Bible School Tanner Valley Methodist Church, 19235 Ind. 1. Lawrenceburg, Sunday, June 22-Thursday, June 26, 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Dinner provided. Ages going in kinder-


THE JOURNAL-PRESS garten to going in 6th grade.

Saturday-Sunday, June 28-29 Through Wednesday, June 25 Vogt’s Annual Blueberry FestiVBS New Life Baptist Church , 19936 Schaefer Road, Sunman. June 23, 24, 25, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. each evening. Come and enjoy a funfllled evening with Bible stories, games, and all kinds of good things. For info contact Dwayne and Tammy Barrows, 813-5370245; Cell 812-655-4532


val Blueberry treats, live music, horse-drawn trolley rides, crafts, petting zoo, pony rides, paddle boat rides, 12115 N. Ind. 129, Batesville, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. No admission charge. Jerry Vogt, 812-934-4627.

Monday, June 30

2014 Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing-Great fun, great networking and of course, a great Wednesday, June 25day to work on your golf at HidFriday, June 27 den Valley Golf Club. Singles and Art Camp for Kids at Hillforest Teams wanted; $100/individual Museum Wednesday, June 25-Friday, June 27, 9 a.m. to 12 or $400/team. 9 a.m. Registranoon Budding artists (ages 7-14) tion; 10 a.m. Shotgun Start. Registration and payment deadline will learn several painting techniques on different types of ma- Friday, June 13. Registration is terials. Cost for one-day $25, All offered on a first-come, firstthree days $60. Instruction pro- served basis To make reservations call 812-537-0814 or go on vided by art teacher Ruth Ann line to www.DearbornCounBatta. Student art exhibition on Friday evening. For reservations call 812-926-0087 or visit www. Hillforest is located Wednesday, July 2 Blood Drive Wednesday, July 2, at 213 Fifth Street, Aurora. 1 to 6:30 p.m. at American Legion Hall, 412 Eastern Avenue, Friday and Saturday, Sunman. Sponsored by AmeriJune 27 and 28 can Legion and Hoxworth. The Yankee Doodle Presented by Rural Alliance for Saturday, July 5 the Arts, will be on Friday and The Best of the Bayou Saturday, June 27 and 28 at 7 Hillforest Museum is hosting “The p.m., and Sunday, June 29 at 3 Best of the Bayou” a new Orleansp.m. at Batesville High School style party at Veraestau Historic Auditorium. Tickets are $12 for Site in Aurora beginning at 6:30 adults, $10 RAA members, and p.m. The evening includes a three$8 for students. Tickets can be course dinner featuring dishes purchased at the door or in adfrom the Bayou region, wine and vance by calling the RAA at 812- beer, entertainment provided by 933-0355. For more information the Near Great Jazz All Stars of on Rural Alliance for the Arts visit B&B Riverboats, and much more. Come for the party and stay for the show as the evening will end with a BANG with the viewing of Friday, June 27Aurora’s fireworks display at 10 Sunday, June 29 p.m. from the greatest vantage Peter Pan The East Central Drama Club will point in town. Reservations may present their summer production be placed at or of Disney’s Peter Pan on Friday, call 812-926-0087. Cost: Hillforest June 27 and Saturday, June 28 at members $45, Non-members 7 p.m. and Sunday, June 29 at 3 $50. Event proceeds benefit Hillp.m. Tickets are $7 for adults, $5 forest Victorian House Museum, for students and senior citizens. Co-sponsored by Indiana Landmarks Foundation. F.A.R.M. Club Antique Tractor & Engine Show featuring: PreTuesday, July 8 1939 tractors, trucks, and engines. Saturday parade at 1 p.m. Meeting Reminder Tuesday, July 8, 6 p.m., at Milan Kids Pedal Pulls 7 p.m. Friday and 6 p.m. Saturday. Steam en- Public Library. Support Group Leader, Karen Brandt. gines, working blacksmith, threshing, hay press, demonstra- Cool Trees, Reforestation and the Taking Root Campaign: Tom tions, flea market, and much Borgman, Hamilton County Parks more. Ripley County Fairwill inform us about some great, grounds, 524 West Beech St., uncommon trees to plant on Osgood. No general admission charge. Parking $2. Grandstand your property and how the Great Parks of Hamilton County acadmission charge. Chris complishes large scale reforestaSchmaltz 812-654-3949,, www. tion projects Tuesday, July 8, 7:30 p.m. at 301 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, the Oxbow, Inc. office. We will also learn how Saturday, June 28 and why Taking Root is encourFaith in Action Festival Community fund-raiser for Chil- aging people to plant 2,000,000 dren’s Advocacy Center of South- trees by 2020. east Indiana, Dillsboro Community Food Pantry, Dillsboro EMS, Friday, July 11, Dillsboro Volunteer Fire DepartSaturday, July 12 ment, Oakdale Cemetery Trust VBS Fund on Saturday, June 28 at Bible Baptist Church, Greendale corner of Central Avenue and is having Vacation Bible School Main Street in Dillsboro. 5K Run/ on Friday, July 11 from 6 to 9 Walk-registration 7 to 7:45 a.m., p.m. and Saturday, July 12 from race starts at 8 a.m. Registration 2 to 6 p.m. Bus Service will be forms available at Trinity Luther- provided. Call 812-539-4088 for an Church; live music beginning information. at noon to 6 p.m.; hog roast beSaturday, July 12 ginning at noon while supplies Community Yard Sale last; crafts, booths, activities all afternoon by local churches and 5th Annual Lawrenceburg Main Street Community Yard Sale, organizations. Crafters needed. Saturday July 12. Rain or Shine Bring your lawn chairs. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lots of vendors “Days of Noah” Conference along downtown Lawrenceburg Saturday, June 28, 10 a.m. to sidewalks and parking lots. noon at Triple Cord Ministries, Booth rental is $5 if reserved by 11334 Gatch Hill road, Aurora. Lunch provided. “As it was in the July 9, after July 9 is $10. For days of Noah, so shall it be when more information call 812-5374507 or visit www.thinklawrencethe Son of Man returns.” Call 812-926-0240 for reservations.


Mrs. Sizemore’s AM Preschool Class made special hats to celebrate Dr. Seuss Week. Pictured are: Harrison Miller, Adam Cundiff, Cameryn Eads, Chase Lewis, Spencer Whitaker, and Mrs. Sizemore.

South Dearborn Middle School kids benefit from Ivy Tech

During the month of May, students in Valerie Caudill and Tammy Mullalley’s 7th grade science classes at South Dearborn Middle School were covering Indiana Academic Standards related to life science. Students had the privilege of having Mrs. Tedesco from Ivy Tech Community College come into their science classrooms each Friday. Each student was given the opportunity to hands-on learning using microscopes to observe cells. During the first lab, stu-

dents learned about the parts of a microscope and how to properly handle and use a microscope. In several other labs, students used their microscope skills to observe a variety of prepared slides of cells. The students were able to see how cells are very tiny and can only be studied by using microscopes. Students were thankful that Mrs. Tedesco came into their classrooms and provided a fun and educational environment looking at cells and learning how to use a microscope.

MAKING THE GRADE University of Southern Indiana honors

incomplete or missing grades for the term, and earning letter grades of computable point In recognition of outstanding acvalue (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactoademic achievement, the Honors ry and Pass/No Pass graded List has been released for the courses do not apply) in 12 or 2014 spring semester at the Unimore semester hours, with a seversity of Southern Indiana. Dr. mester GPA between 3.5 and 4.0 Ronald Rochon, provost, reportare named to the list. ed that 1,983 undergraduates Included were: Taylor Marshall were named to the Honors List. and Hannah Schmahl, both of Semester honors are not awardAurora; Katilyn Miller, ed to master’s degree students Batesville; Kirsten Ellis, Lucas or Doctor of Nursing Practice Herbert, Megan Wess, all of Lawstudents. renceburg; Rebeccah Davis, Undergraduate students must Milan; Robert Schlotterbeck, achieve a 3.5 or better GPA (on a Moores Hill; Courtney Potter, Ris4.0 system) to be named to the ing Sun; Virgina Ertel, Sunman. Honors List. Students earning no


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June 18

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Rising Sun returns to '14 SIRC-it Rising Sun is back on the Southeastern Indiana Racing Circuit (SIRC-it) 5K road racing series schedule for July of 2014. Ohio County will host the third in the series of five Saturday morning 3.1-mile races run in Southeastern Indiana, all of which support cross country programs at local schools. The 2014 SIRC-it kicks off Saturday, July 12, at 8:30 a.m. with the eighth annual Trojan Trot 5K Run/ Walk at St. Leon American Legion Post 464, a fundraiser for East Central High School boys and girls cross country. Brookville's fifth annual Lakeside 5K follows Saturday, July 19, at 8:30 a.m. at Franklin County High School. Rising Sun, formerly the host of the Beast of the Southeast 5K cross country race, returns to the SIRC-it Saturday, July 26, at 8:30 a.m. with the first annual Shiner Dash 5K Run/Walk. It starts and finishes at Rising Sun High School. Aurora's 12th annual Knight Flight 5K Run/Walk gets an 8:30 a.m. starting gun Saturday, Aug. 2, in front of series sponsor Weber Sport, at Second & Main Streets, downtown. The longest-running SIRC-it race, Batesville's Bulldog Chase 5K Run/ Walk, concludes the series Saturday, Aug. 9, at 8:30 a.m. at Batesville Middle School. Runners and walkers who participate in at least four of the five SIRC races will have their names entered in a drawing for cash prizes following the Bulldog Chase. Those who participate in all five SIRC races get their names entered twice. Series-ending cash awards are given out by random drawing in two age groups: 19 and under and 20 and above. Awards in each of these two groups are $200, $150, $100, $50, thanks to corporate sponsor Weber Sports. Each SIRC-it series event will be chip-timed by Stuart Road Racing, LLC. For complete details and entry forms for all five races go to:

Tiger Open Golf Scramble set for July 5 Lawrenceburg Athletic Department's 2014 Tiger Open Golf Scramble is set for Saturday, July 5, with an 8 a.m. shotgun start at Hoosier Links Golf Course, Milan. Registration will be from 7-8 a.m. at Hoosier Links. Entry is $240 per team, which includes greens fees, cart rental, skins games, food and beverages. First-place team wins $400, with $200 to the second-place team. Longest drive contest winners, male and female, win $25 each. Closest-to-pin contests, on two separate holes, will net the winners $25, as well. Advance registration, with checks payable to LHS Activites, will be accepted by July 3. There will be no refunds for no-shows. All donations to the athletic departments and Tiger Pride are gratefully accepted. For more details contact Joe Vogelgesang at 537-7210 or e-mail:jvogelgesang@lburg. Or contact Judy Reese at 537-7222 orjreese@, or Doug Kinnett at (513) 404-2440.

TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014


Knights try to break down cycle SD slipped to 9-15 mark with youngest lineup BY JIM BUCHBERGER Sports Editor AURORA – After finishing with its head just above water level in 2013, South Dearborn baseball slipped back under the surface, at 9-15, this spring. Coach Jay Malott's Knights, who played well enough at times to see daylight at the end of a long, dark tunnel, will be tasked with breaking the cycle of three losing campaigns in the past four years when they take the field again in 2015. “This was the youngest team we've had,” said 20year veteran SD head coach, whose 2010 team was a 17game winner. “Our varsity was younger than some of the jayvee teams we played. You try to be patient. But what we really need is to rebuild team chemistry.” That's a tall order for a varsity roster that listed five sophomores and five freshmen – to go with two seniors and four juniors – this past spring. Three sophs and three frosh turned out to be regular contributors, with four of those 10 full-time starters. A 9-15 finish, including a 2-10, eight-place run in the expanded Eastern Indiana Athletic Conference (both Connersville games were rained out), wasn't a surprise, especially with the


Sophomore Wyatt Schwing fields a grounder at third base prior to throwing out a Madison runner earlier this season. The second-year starter led a 9-15 South Dearborn team with a .444 batting average and 4-4 mound mark. EIAC fieldling strong veteran teams like No. 7-ranked (3A) Greensburg, sectional champion Batesville and East Central. What perplexed about South Dearborn was how well the Knights played at regular season's end, against unfamiliar opponents in Carmel's Greyhound Classic tourney. SD won two of three against solid opponents with winning records (West Vigo, Seymour) and dropped a 7-2 decision against the host Hounds late. Characteristic of young teams, Knights were mostly

their own enemy in 2014. They batted .294 abd scored 109, but a young pitching staff with no discernible ace allowed opponents to score 157 times and hit .289. Knights' leaky defense was evidenced in the fact that only 74 of those 157 opponents' runs were earned. Also, SD batters struck out a whopping 124 times, as opposed to its own hurlers' 88 strikeouts. Obviously, all those figures need to reverse if South Dearborn baseball is to have a shot at turning it around

H.S. baseball

SOUTH DEARBORN Knights 2014 Season Wrapup

■■RECORD: 9-15 (2-10 EIAC, 8th). Lost to Rushville 5-0, Class 3A sectional 1st round. ■■GRADUATING SENIORS: C/P James Dreyer, IF Jake Williams ■■TOP RETURNEES: 3B/1B/P/C/OF Wyatt Schwing, CF K.J. Probst, 2B/SS/P Ian Rutzel, 3B/P/1B Caleb Rudisell, 1B/P Alex Smith, SS Dakota Gibbs, OF/P Hunter Brindley, C Asa Trentman

See KNIGHTS, Page 7

Lakers coach retires with title Staff Report INDIANAPOLIS – Shakamak High School’s Lakers erased a2-0 deficit to Rockville with three runs in the bottom of the fifth inning to send coach Chip Sweet into retirement with the Class A baseball state title Saturday. No. 3-ranked Lakers (276) defeated No. 5 Rockville (28-4) for their second state championship in any sport, capping Sweet’s 22nd year as head coach, his second stint overall (1990-2006, 2010-14). Shakamak also won the Class A baseball crown in 2008, also at Victory Field. Lakers scored all their runs with a two-out rally in the home fifth, following the Rox single-run innings in the top of the first and third. Brett Yeryar’s RBI single to right scored Tanner Yeryar, who had walked and moved to third on a throwing error, followed by another Shakamak single. Two batters later, Mike Huddleston hit a 1-2 pitch for JIM BUCHBERGER/Journal-Press a two-RBI base hit to right, scoring Luke Sweet and Brett Shakamak’s Braxton Yeryar (7) pitched a completeYeryar, putting the Lakers up game six-hitter, striking out three without a walk, for for good. the Lakers’ second Class A baseball state title (2008), Rockville, stopped short in 3-2 over Rockville, Saturday afternoon at Victory Field its quest for the school’s first in Indianapolis.


state title in any sport, was coached by 13-year veteran Bob Kyle. Shakamak senior Brett Yeryar was named winner of the IHSA’s L.V. Phillips Mental Attitude Award for Class A baseball after Saturday’s first of three state finals. In other class division baseball state championship games last weekend at Victory Field: Class 4A Noblesville 2, Terre Haute North 1 In Friday night’s Class 4A final, No. 8 Noblesville plated the go-ahead run in the top of the sixth inning and held on for its first baseball state title. Coach Justin Keever’s Millers (28-8) used three pitchers to strand 10 Terre Haute North baserunners for the seventh title in school history, and the first since its 1999 boys golf team won state. Dax McLochlin’s triple over the centerfielder’s head scored Zack St. Pierre, who had walked, all the way from first base with the winning run. That followed the Millers’ tying run in the third inning, which came on Brian McLean’s deep sacrifice fly to right-center, scoring pinch-


Class 2A Wapahani 2, Evansville Mater Dei 0 Saturday’s second of three baseball state finals saw No. 1 Wapahani – which had ended No. 3 Lafayette Central Catholic’s 38-game tournament win streak in the June 14 semistate – blank No. 7 Evansville Mater Dei. The Raiders (30-4) marked their 17th-straight win this season, the school’s most successful under 31-year coach Brian Dudley. It was Wapahani’s first baseball state crown and the fourth in school history, with three previous volleyball titles. Dudley picked up his

See FINALS, Page 7

Columbus North teammates boys golf finals co-medalists Staff Report

David Disbro (left), Dearborn County native and 16-year head basketball coach at East Central, was part of the umpire crew for Saturday's IHSAA Class A baseball state championship game at Victory Field in Indianapolis. Fellow crew members, from left, were Madison veteran Hugh Garner (home plate), Michael Albert and Jeffrey Green. Shakamak downed Rockville 3-2 for the Class A state title.

runner Austin Shirley. Cory Conway (5-1), who came on in the top of the fifth in relief of starter Garrett Christman, was credited with the win. North (25-8) was looking for the school’s second baseball state title and its first in 40 years. Terre Haute North senior Nathan Will was named winner of the IHSAA’s L.V. Phillips Mental Attitude Award for Class 4A baseball afterward.

FRANKLIN, Ind. – Columbus North’s Christian Fairbanks and Michael VanDeventer tied for low medalist honor in last Wednesday’s final round of the IHSAA boys golf state tournament at The Legends Club. The pair led coach Doug Bieker’s No. 2-ranked Bull Dogs to a wire-to-wire state championship victory (299292 – 591), 11 strokes in front of defending champion Westfield. Columbus North won the school’s second boys golf state crown, its first in 80 years, dating back to 1934.

Bull Dogs finished state runner-up twice in the last four springs, including 2011, when they dropped to second on the fifth-player tiebreaker. They had finished state runner-up a record six times. Fairbanks (71-70 -- 141) and VanDeventer (70-71 -141), both seniors, became the first teammates in the 87-year history of the state tournament to tie for medalist honors and the third and fourth Bull Dogs win the individual state championship. Normal protocol calls for a playoff to determine the overall winner in case of first-place individual ties.

See GOLF, Page 7



Emily Prather, Indpls. Roncalli Michelle Rogers, Indpls. Scecina McKenzi Jordan, Southmont Q: Seconds from clinching Brittany Gray, Greenwood a round of 16 berth in stopEllen Barrett, South Dearborn page time, the USA Men’s Lisa McIntosh, Jennings County IHSAA STATE FINALS National Soccer Team conAlaynie Woollard, New Castle At Victory Field, ceded the tying goal to PorBailey Benefiel, Pendleton Hts. Indianapolis tugal for a 2-2 draw in World Mena Fulton, Bloomington South Friday, June 20 Emily Goodin, Evansville Mater Dei Cup group play Sunday in CLASS 4A – Noblesville 2, Terre Kayala Hoppenjans, Heritage Hills Brazil. When was the last Haute North 1 Tiffany Summers, Tecumseh time the U.S. won back-toSaturday, June 21 Gabbi Jenkins, Floyd Central back World Cup games? CLASS A – Shakamak 3, RockSECOND TEAM ville 2 Breanna Boyle, Andrean CLASS 2A – Wapahani 2, Evans- Kaitlyn Carnahan, W.Lafayette ville Mater Dei 0. Harrison CLASS 3A – Andrean 6, Gibson Kiley Jones, Portage Southern 0 Taylor Michalski, Munster Alexis Holloway, Crown Point EASTERN INDIANA Cassie Young, Mishawaka Marian ATHLETIC CONFERENCE Haley Nixon, Northridge 2014 All-Conference Team Jamie Young, Mishawaka Marian GREENSBURG (12-2) Abigail Oyler, Eastern (Greentown) Macy Holdsworth Allie Vodde, Columbia City Collin Rigney Kayla Bear, Indpls. Ben Davis Andy Meadows Morgan McCord, Decatur Central Tom Lawrence Katie Wede, Carmel 1995 – In the Stanley Cup Josiah Bell Maddie Maloof, Hamilton SE finals, the New Jersey DevEAST CENTRAL (11-3) Zoe Schaefer, Noblesville ils complete a surprising Mitch Schuman Sarah Thompson, Center Grove four-game sweep of the Ethan Kramer Jessie Noone, Elwood Cody Tallon Detroit Red Wings with a Kendra Saunders, Yorktown Ty Poindexter 5-2 triumph at Brendan Adie Lorsung, New Palestine BATESVILLE (9-5) Samantha Turner, East Central Byrne Arena in East RuthBryan Hoeing – Conference Paige Harpenau, Gibson Southern erford, New Jersey. It is the MVP Kayla Horn, South Spencer first Stanley Cup title in the Zach Britton Carolyn Wilmes, Evansville history of the Devils franWes McKinney Mater Dei chise. New Jersey captured Connor Schuck Nicolette Eckert, Jasper the first three games of the CONNERSVILLE (7-5) Alex Davidson, Salem series, 2-1, 4-2 and 5-2. Adam Smith THIRD TEAM Detroit poted the best reAvery Siebert Mallory McKee, Chesterton Jordan Clark cord in the NHL at 33-11-4 MacKenzie Dunlap, Kankakee Valley FRANKLIN COUNTY (7-7) during the 1994-95 regular Laurren Ladwig, Lake Central Jake Schnecker Emma Littrell, Lowell season, shortened to 48 Cameron Meyers Alyssa Pokropski, Lowell games by a player lockout. LAWRENCEBURG (3-11) Veronica Rodriguez, South Bend Clay New Jersey was a fifth seed Logan Scudder Katy Guebard, Carroll (Ft. Wayne) in the Eastern Conference Sam Fette Hannah Herbster, LaVille after going 22-18-8. Devils RUSHVILLE (3-11) Kelly Welsh, South Bend St. Joseph are 16-4 in the playoffs Brad Busald Haley Hostetler, Woodlan under coach Jacques LeMitchell Wagoner Caitlyn Bradley, Clinton Central maire, who played on eight SOUTH DEARBORN (2-10) Regan Sharp, Fishers Wyatt Schwing Stanley Cup winners with Jaclyn Kneder, Carmel COACH OF THE YEAR: Scott the Montreal Canadiens Marleah Fossett, Indpls. Ritter Holdsworth, Greensburg Kelsey Marlow, Terre Haute South from 1968-79. Denisa Brooks, Columbus North Kooper Vertz, South Dearborn Alix DeDreu, Rising Sun Baltimore Orioles pitcher/ EASTERN INDIANA Lexi Gray, Frankton outfielder Kirtley Baker, ATHLETIC CONFERENCE Leslie Sims, Hauser born 1869 in Aurora, Ind. 2014 All-Conference Team Alisha Webb, Tecumseh Blue Jays first baseman SOUTH DEARBORN (14-0) Lillian Hughes, Providence Juan Francisco, born 1987. Ellen Barrett – Conference MVP Beka Engelhardt, South Spencer Kooper Vertz Taylor McClure, Floyd Central Tara Bailey Sydney Seger, Evansville Mater Dei Pit Gates Open: 4 p.m. General Admission Gates Open: 5 p.m. Morgan Wolfer Hot Laps: 6 p.m. Heavenlee Wilson Racing: 7 p.m. GREENSBURG (12-2) Britney Biltz LAWRENCEBURG SPEEDWAY Haylee Owens 2014 Event Schedule Chelsea Hersley IHSAA STATE FINALS JULY 5 – MERRILL DOWNEY MEEAST CENTRAL (10-4) June 17-18 MORIAL Plus Budweiser UMP Hannah Sprague At The Legends GC, Modifieds, Late Models Taylor Wullenweber 13 – USAC INDIANA SPRINT Franklin Sami Turner WEEK - Plus Budweiser UMP (Par 72 – 6,736 yards) RUSHVILLE (6-8) Modifieds TEAM SCORES – Columbus Nicole Hoeing 19 – Night of Destruction – North 299-292 – 591, Westfield School Bus Races, Monster Truck 306-296 – 602, Hamilton SE Catie Liggett Freestyle, Mini-Van Demo Derby, Brooke Niehoff 303-300 – 603, Carmel 302much more CONNERSVILLE (5-9) 302 – 604, Pendleton Hts. 30526 – Budweiser Fan Appreciation Kelsey Rader 299 – 604, Center Grove 310Night Lawrenceburg Chevrolet Samantha Girot 302 – 512, Ft. Wayne Dwenger Sprints, Budweiser UMP ModiLAWRENCEBURG (3-11) fieds, Impact Sports Pure Stocks, 305-308 – 613, Bloomington Paxton Parris Bessler’s U Pull & Save Hornets South 318-309 – 627, Yorktown Casey Larson AUGUST 2 – Family Night at The 317-311 – 628, NorthWood 318BATESVILLE (3-11) Race 2 - Lawrenceburg Chevrolet 318 – 636, Sullivan 320-320 – Sprints/BOSS Sprint Car Series, Katie Thomas 640, Plainfield 322-321 – 643, Budweiser UMP Modifieds, ImHannah Putnam Boone Grove 326-330 – 656, pact Sports Pure Stocks, Bessler’s FRANKLIN COUNTY (3-11) Evansville Memorial 329-327 – U Pull & Save Hornets Summer Libecap 656, Homestead 319 339 – 658 16 – DICK GAINES MEMORIAL/ Brooke Otto Dog Daze of Summer - Lawrence- Top 10 finishers: COACH OF THE YEAR – Tim Bar- burg Chevrolet Sprints, Budweiser T1. Christian Fairbanks (Columrett, South Dearborn UMP Modifieds, Impact Sports bus North) 71-70 – 141 Pure Stocks, Bessler’s U Pull & T1. Michael VanDeventer (Co2014 COACHES Save Hornets lumbus No.) 70-71 – 141 ALL-STATE TEAM 23 – LUCAS OIL LATE MODEL 3. Dylan Meyer (Evansville CenIndiana Coaches of SERIES - Plus Budweiser UMP tral) * 70-72 – 142 Modifieds Girls Sports Association 30 – Racing In All Classes - Law- 4. Michael Makris (Mishawaka FIRST TEAM renceburg Chevrolet Sprints, Bud- Marian) 75-68 – 143 Miranda Elish, Crown Point T5. Jake Brown (Carmel) 73-72-145 Ashley Yoways, Hanover Central weiser UMP Modifieds, Impact Sports Pure Stocks, Bessler’s U T5. Johnny Deck (Westfield) Liz Seymour, Lake Central Pull & Save Hornet 75-70 – 145 Kaitlin Doud, Portage SEPTEMBER 6 – RODEO – FullT5. Trevar Denney (Pendleton Nickole Finch, Wheeler blown professional rodeo, barrel Erin Rethlake, Huntington North racing, bullriding, calf roping, tie- Hts.) 73-72 – 145 T5. Mitchell Frederick (CorydMackenzie Joecken, Penn down roping, much more on Central) * 73-72 – 145 13 – NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS/Final Mikeila Boroff, Lakewood Park Points Race - Lawrenceburg Chev- T5. Timothy Wiseman (CoryChristian rolet Sprints, Budweiser UMP Modi- ton Central) * 72-73 – 145 Brianne O'Dell, Northridge T10. Chris Heck (Center fieds, Impact Sports Pure Stocks, Jaclyn Delagrange, Lakewood Bessler’s U Pull & Save Hornets Grove) 73-73 – 146 Park Christian 27 – FALL NATIONALS/Pretty In T10. Preston VanWinkle (HeriMaggie McBeth, Perry Meridian Pink – USAC Sprint Cars, Budtage Hills) * 73-73 -- 146 Ashlyn Montgomery, Lebanon weiser UMP Modifieds * - Individual state qualifier


H.S. baseball

A: Seconds from clinching a round of 16 berth in stoppage time, the USA Men’s National Soccer Team conceded the tying goal to Portugal for a 2-2 draw in World Cup group play Sunday in Brazil. When was the last time the U.S. won back-toback World Cup games?

Today in


H.S. softball

Auto racing

H.S. boys golf

This special supplement on family living will include fascinating articles on many topics that are common in family life.

Publishes: July 30 & July 31 in the Harrison Press, Dearborn County Register, Rising Sun Recorder & Ohio County News.


KNIGHTS, From Page 6

next spring. Having the bulk of its roster back as second, third and even fourth-year varsity regulars in 2015 shouldn't hurt. Knights graduated two seniors in May, with only first-year full-timer James Dreyer (.293, 11 runs, 6 RBI and 1-1, 4.50 ERA in 14 innings pitched) contributing significant numbers. Athletic juniors K.J. Probst (.414, 19 runs, 17 RBI, 14 walks, 10 steals), in centerfield, and Ian Rutzel (.303, 13 RBI, 13 runs and 1-3, 5.11 ERA in 26 IP), infielder and pitcher, had solid third varsity seasons. But SD's best talent skewed younger, led by sophomore Wyatt Schwing. The Knights' lone all-conference player, the second-year starter batted a team-high .444 (10 doubles, one HR, 16 runs, 14 RBI), playing all over the field, at third base, shortstop, catcher and outfield. Schwing also was SD's top pitcher at 4-4 (1.59 ERA, 38 Ks, 20 walks in 44 innings). Second-year third baseman/pitcher Caleb Rudisell mostly avoided the sophomore slump, batting .300 (9 doubles, 11 runs, 12 RBI) and posted a 1-4 mound mark (4.27 ERA, 18 innings). Move-in Dakota Gibbs filled a glaring need at shortstop most of the season, but his bat (.212, 7 RBI) needs to come around. Strapping freshman Alex Smith proved equal to the challenge of getting thrown into the varsity fire, holding down the first base spot all year with a potent stick (.343, 12 runs, 7 RBI) and eating up 24 innings on the mound (0-3, 2.92 ERA, 10 Ks, 6 walks). Two other South Dearborn frosh who got a taste of varsity action were outfielder/

FINALS, From Page 6

659th career win, having led the Raiders to 2A state runner-up spot in 2004. Raiders left-hander Zach Thompson (120) went the distance for the win, allowing five hits and striking out nine. Mater Dei finished state runner-up for the fourth time, its second in three years. Class 3A Andrean 6, Gibson Southern 0 Gibson Southern’s Titans, ranked No. 9, joined their softball team as Class 3A state runner-up, shut out by No. 1 Andrean (314), of Merrillville, in Saturday night’s Victory Field finale. The Lake County school marked its fourth baseball title in the last 10 years. The 59ers became one of five schools with four or more baseball crowns – including LaPorte (8), Lafayette Central Catholic (7) and Jasper (5). All four Andrean baseball titles have come under 35th-year coach Dave Pishkur, No. 3 on the state’s all-time list with 865


From Page 6 But tournament officials met with the two players after the final hole and comedalists were declared. Wednesday’s state championship final round was the sixth time a tie for first place had occurred and the first since 1963. Nick Waskom (81-75 -- 156), Ian Coffey (77-76 -- 153) and Zack Lee (85-89 - 174), all seniors, as well, were the other scoring players for Columbus North. VanDeventer shared the lead with Evansville Central's Dylan Meyer after Tuesday's opening round. Meyer, 2012 state runner-up, finished one stroke back of the winners in third

LegaL Notice LEGAL NOTICE The Dearborn County Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 8th, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. in the Dearborn County Administration Building, 3rd Floor Commissioner's Room, Lawrence burg, Indiana 47025 on the following: Donna Redlinger is requesting a Front, Side and Rear Yard Variance for an accessary structure on West Laughery Creek Road in Section 36 of Caesar Creek Township. Fastland, LLC is requesting Side Yard Variances for a houses on Oakmont Court in Villages of Sugar Ridge Subdivision on three separate buildable lots (#88, 90 & 91) in Section 24 of Miller Township. Interested persons are requested to appear and voice their opinion with respect thereto. Nicole Daily Enforcement Officer 49128 C-6-24-JP-1t hspaxlp NOTICE OF INTENT Timberline Homes & Development (fka A & B Quality Homes), 181 E. U.S. 50, Suite 202, Greendale, IN. 47025 is submitting a Notice of Intent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of 327 IAC 15-5 to discharge storm water from construction activities associated with Soap Hill Meadows Subdivision, Aurora, IN. Runoff from the project site will discharge to North Hogan Creek. Questions or comments regarding this project should be directed to Mike Hall at (812) 537-5384. C-6-19-R-1t 49045 C-6-24-JP-1t hspaxlp

Advertising Deadline: July 18, 2014





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NOTICE TO BIDDERS "INVITATION TO BID" The City of Lawrenceburg Special Crimes Unit Building Notice is hereby given that the City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, will receive sealed bids for the City of Lawrenceburg Special Crimes Unit Building at the Lawrenceburg Clerk-Treasurer's Office, 212 Walnut Street, until 4:00 PM (local time) on Monday, July 21,2014. The Bids will be opened and read aloud at approximately 6:00 PM (local time) on Monday, July 21, 2014 at the Lawrenceburg Administration Building, 230 Walnut Street at the regularly scheduled Board of Works Meeting. The Bids will be taken under advisement and awarded at the Board of works meeting at approximately 6:00 PM on Monday August 4, 2014.


Caleb Rudisell posted a 1-4 mound mark in 18 innings of work and batted .300 with nine doubles, 12 RBI, as a second-year sophomore starter for South Dearborn baseball.

pitcher Hunter Brindley (1-0, 3.77) and backup catcher Asa Trentman (.250). “Basically, all our starters are coming back next year, and all our pitching is back,” said Malott. “We ended up with 15 players at the end of this season. All their stats showed improvement over 2013. We may have some decent freshmen coming up. We're playing them a lot in summer ball right now. We even had five left-handed batters in our lineup during one our first summer game. We have the chance to be better again.” coaching victories. Matt DeSomer (9-0) went 5-1/3 innings for the win, allowing four hits with 10 strikeouts. He became just the second athlete to win state championships both as a football quarterback and winning pitcher in the same year, following Lafayette Catholic’s Austin Munn (2011-12). The 59ers beat state tourney opponents by a combined score of 81-11, putting up double-figure runs in 18 of 35 games this season. After scoring single runs in the first, fourth and fifth innings, Andrean blew it open with three in the seventh. Nick Podkul’s two-RBI triple to right was the big blow in the seventh, with Podkul also scoring on a throwing error by the right-fielder. Gibson senior Matthew Harpenau as named IHSAA L.V. Phillips Mental Attitude Award winner for Class 3A baseball after the game. Saturday’s total attended for three state finals games at Victory Field was 5,162. Combined with Friday’s crowd of 4,961 for the 4A final, total attendance at this year’s baseball state finals was a new record 10,123. place at 70-72 -- 142. Mishawaka Marian's Michael Makris came in fourth after carding the best second round score (-4) to finish 75-68 -- 143. Top-ranked Hamilton Southeastern finished 12 strokes back, in third place, at 303-300 -- 603. Carmel (302-302 -- 604) and Pendleton Heights (305-299 -- 604) NOTICE TO BIDDERS "INVITATION TO BID" tied for fourth. The City of Lawrenceburg VanDeventer was named winner of the Special Crimes Unit Building IHSAA’s Fredgiven A. that Keesling AtNotice is hereby the CityMental of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, willfor receive sealed for the the City of titude Award boys golfbids after final Lawrenceburg Special Crimes Unit Building at the round. Lawrenceburg Clerk-Treasurer's Office, 212 Walnut VanDeventer school July caStreet, until 4:00 PMended (local his time)high on Monday, 21,2014. reer with four-straight top 20 finishes at the The Bids will be and aloud at approxistate finals andopened helped hisread team to its fourth mately 6:00 PM (local time) on Monday, July 21, consecutive top four finish, including this 2014 at the Lawrenceburg Administration Building, 230 Walnut Street at the regularly and scheduled Board year's state championship a pair of ofrunner-up Works Meeting. The Bids will be taken under adseasons.

visement and awarded at the Board of works meeting at approximately 6:00 PM on Monday August 4, 2014. This project is being bid as a Lump Sum Project. The scope of work shall include but not limited to the construction of a 60' x 80' pre-engineered metal building at 611 West Center Street being the southwest terminus of the Lawrenceburg City Garage Compound. The building will consist of 60% fin ished office space and 40% unfinished garage. The proposed location is currently gravel over old fill immediately adjacent to the City's salt building. Site work will entail the construction and coordination of all related utilities along with grading and an exterior concrete parking area per the plans and specifications prepared by Land Consultants / K4. The City will provide the Geotechnical testing re quired. Bids shall include the completed City of Lawrenceburg Bid Form, Standard Questionnaire Form No. 96, including the non-collusion affidavit, project schedule, and the company's complete financial statement. Each bid shall also include the com pleted Conflict of Interest / Nepotism affidavit and the E- Verify forms provided. Each bid shall be accompanied by an acceptable bidders bond, certified check or a nonrevocable letter of credit prepared in substance and in form satisfactory to the City of Lawrenceburg, in the amount of five (5) percent of a lump-sum amount. Wage rates for this project shall not be less than the current prescribed scale of wages as deter mined and provided in the project bid package. The contractor receiving the award shall furnish an approved Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each for one hundred (100) percent of the lump-sum amount, along with written proof of insurance before receiving the Notice to Proceed. Packets with detailed specifications and the re quired forms, may be picked up at the office of the Lawrenceburg Clerk-Treasurer during normal working hours up to the mandatory Pre Bid Meeting. The mandatory Pre Bid Meeting will be held at 10:00 AM (local time) on Monday, June 30,2014 at the Law renceburg Administration Building, 230 Walnut Street. Bidders shall be pre-qualified with the City at least 72 hours prior to submitting bids. Any questions shall be directed to Eric Lang of Land Con sultants @ (812) 537-2145. The City of Lawrenceburg is an Equal Opportunity / A.D.A. Compliant Employer. Jackie Stutz Clerk-Treasurer City of Lawrenceburg Leslie Votaw Attorney City of Lawrenceburg C-6-17-JP-2t 48949 C-6-19-R-2t hspaxlp






The Indiana State Police are asking the public to help identify a fraud suspect. In late May, the Friendship State Bank reported an unidentified, middle-aged male had entered five branches of the Friendship State Bank in Dearborn, Ohio and Ripley counties. The man then cashed fraudulent checks amounting to over $15,000, said ISP Sgt. Noel Houze, public information officer. Anyone who may have any information or who can identify the individual in these photos is urged to call the ISP Versailles Post at 812-689-5000 or 800-566-6704 (in Indiana only.)


Rummel Road, Sparta Township, will be closed from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, June 27, said Dearborn County highway supervisor Tim Greive. Traffic from 13474 Rummel Road should go toward Ind. 350, and traffic from 13746 Rummel road should go twoard the town of Moores Hill.

CENTER, From Page 3

“People need to care for their mental health so they can respond to the stress of daily life and the challenges it presents. We encourage everyone to learn about steps they can take to enhance their

mental health and balance both mind and body. We believe this will help make healthy individuals who then can participate in healthy communities.” “At CMHC, our mission statement is ‘Partnering for Wellness: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Life.’ We believe this mission statement reflects where we see the field of health care evolving and how we see CMHC’s role now and in the future.”

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2 bedroom newly remodeled Duplex, Lawrenceburg. $525, call 812-584-6404

Aurora – Energy efficient, 2-bedroom duplex. Tile, laminated wood flooring, newer appliances, W/D hookups. Tenant pays utili2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, ties. No pets. $550/month stove & refrigerator fur - $550/deposit. nished, central air. $500 812-532-3000 M-F, 8-5. mo./$450 deposit. No pets. Elsbury CT. Greendale (812)537-1608 after 5 pm. Aurora- Second Street, 1BR, furnished, 2nd 2 Bedroom-Greendale; large, completely remod- floor. No pets/smoking. eled apartment, w/new Utilities paid by tenant. Also Office and Retail eat-in kitchen; quiet, maSpace available for Rent. ture living in great neighLeave message borhood; deck; off-street (812)926-1083 parking; central-air; laundry; no pets; deposit & references required $625/mo. Aurora- 1 bedroom apt, 812-537-3368 downstairs, 3rd Street, 2 BR Rising Sun, Private $575, everything included; Decks with River View, also- 1 bedroom apt, Laundry, off-street park- downstairs, 2nd Street, washer/dryer included, ing, 812-438-2300 owner pays heat/water, 2BR $650.00, Harrison $525, 513-885-0565 OH-Tippecanoe Apartments. Spacious remodeled, diswasher, bal - Cleves/North Bend, 1 and cony, very clean & great 2 bedrooms, heat, water, location. No pets. equipped kitchen, no pets. 812-637-1787, Call (513)546-8330. 513-574-4400

0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bedroom at Village Square Apartments in downtown 1 Level Acre in Logan Harrison. Free heat! $425 (Dearborn Co.) IN. Lot and up. (513)367-6366. Size 140ʼ X 313” on Saw- 0 steps! Miamitown, large don Ridge near Lutz Rd. 1 or 2 bedroom at Via Close to a l l Manor Apts. Private patio, Sunman-Dearborn lovely grounds. $395 and Schools. Covenient locaup. Free heat! tion! $29,900 OBO. Call (513)353-0398. 513-518-7189 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments for rent in Aurora, $475 & 2BR upstairs Apt. in $500/month. References Greendale. $595/mo. required. C a l l 812-637-2005 812-926-0256 Aurora- Downtown, 2nd Aurora-2 acre Commercial 2 1/2 Room newly fur - floor, 2 bedroom. Water Property, concrete mulch nished Apt. including and sewage included, Tenbins & building. 99 Ford washer & dryer. No pets, ant pays electric. Laundry S450 Dump, Bobcat & no smoking. Renter pays room available. No pets. trailer. BE YOUR OWN all utilities. $350/mo + de- $550/month and $550 BOSS. $92,000 OBO, p o s i t . Walker St. deposit 1yr lease. 513-255-2057 812-926-1028 812-577-5334


For Rent Downtown Lawrenceburg, 1 Bedroom nicely furnished Apart ment. References required and deposit. 812-655-1565 For rent when available, 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, utilities included, AC, no pets. Deposit required. Call (812)537-5796, (812)432-9605, (812)584-3822.

For rent- 2 bedroom apartment, 1.5 bath; 772 East Carr Street, Milan, Indiana; $550/month+deCountry Hill Apts., 1BR posit; $50 extra per $475, No Steps, Carports, month for pets; Milan Laundry On-site, across school; references re quired. Open immedi from the Ludlow Hill Park ately 812-744-3857 812-539-4339

More Real Estate and Rentals on Page 2!!

(513) 367-2171

Fred Clark Ohio/Indiana

812-932-8000 812-584-2025

Downtown Harrison - first floor, 1 bedroom apart ment,utilities included. $475/month. (513)678-2250.

Bischoff Realty

OPEN Sat. JuNE 28 • 12-2

10126 Gilday LN, Dillsboro, IN - Very extensively updated 3BR 3BA brick ranch on 14 acres! Full finished w/o basement, stocked fishing pond, large polebarn. Quartz counters, HW flors, gas FP, Trex deck, bar, rec room. MUST SEE master bath! $329,000.

Downtown Harrison - 1 bedroom, second floor $450 per month, $450 deposit, plus utilities, water paid. No pets. H.I.S. Management. (513)348-2348.

460-1313 Your own piece of tranquility! Over 58 acres of beautiful rolling land w/ a well cared for farmhouse. Screened in porch, new furnace, newer 3- dimensional roof, creek frontage & kayak pool! only $265,900!!! Call Niki Campbell 513.888.0387


Cathy WassOn Ohio/Indiana


W. Harrison- 125 acre farm. Home has 4BR, 1BA, large barn and several outbuildings. County water and Cinti phones. $650,000. W. Harrison- 3BR, 2BA, raised ranch on 8 acres. Remodeled interior, large covered front deck. $110,000. Ready to buy or sell? Call us!


GolF Guide 16022 HWY 250 Rising Sun, IN



Dearborn Country Club “The Jewel of Southern Indiana”

Monday - Friday

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9 Holes with cart - 2 players • $30 (812) 576-5000 •

7211 Hyland Road • Guilford, Indiana 47022 20 mins North of Lawrenceburg just off Rt. 1, 1.5 miles South of I-74 St. Leon exit

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9 Holes with Cart

Book your tee time (812) 926-1747

170 Country Club Ln. • Aurora, IN •



18 Holes with Cart $


Restaurant opens daily at 11am for lunch

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The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register

APARTMENTS APARTMENTS 21 APARTMENTS 21 21 22 FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT For Rent: Efficiencies $165.00 per week utilities included. Deposit required. Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in Lawrenceburg. Deposit required. 859-512-3899 Greendale- 2 bedroom, rear patio, 1 bath, garage, laundry hookup, finished lower level. $785/month plus deposit. 513-532-8933.

Milan- Hoosier Country Square Apts. 2BR with dining room, fridge, stove, dishwasher, on-site laundry facilities, patio area, $550/month $550 deposit. No pets. Harrison- 660+ Quality 812-577-6781 2BR in amenity-rich 513-265-8460 community. Available w/vaulted ceilings and North Street, Dillsboroelectric fireplace. W/D Beautiful, one bedroom, upstairs apartment. LamiHookups Available. Great area! nated wood flooring. Call to set up a tour, Newer appliances. Electric baseboard heat. Tenant (513)367-4999 http://www.shakerpoint.c pays electric. $450 de posit, $450 monthly. om/ 812-532-3000. Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. Paragon West Apts. Private patio with breathtaking view of the valley. Free heat! $460 and up. No pets. (513)845-4222.

Greendale-2BR Studio Apt. nice yard, off street parking, carpeting, water & sewer included, deposit and references required. No pets or smoking. L a w r e n c e b u r g Apt. $550/mo. 812-537-4060 2BR/1BA, with balcony. $650 plus deposit. or Greendale: Apartment 5 5 1 3 - 2 6 5 - 8 4 6 0 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 812-577-6781 bath, large kitchen, W/D H/U, gas heat, AC, Lawrenceburg Downtown, off-street p a r k i n g . 2 bedroom Condo, new $545/month + util + sec. construction, water and sewage included. Rent dep. 812-537-2846 $925/mo. 513-532-8933.

Rising Sun Efficiency, 2nd Floor of 2 Family. Very nice on River Front, Appliances, includes all utilities, Non-smoking, References, Deposit, No pets, $600. 812-667-7679

Harrison - 1 bedroom apartments available, $450-$475 per month. Call for details, and move in specials. (513)515-2569.

Rising Sun-1BR, 1 block from River Front, Appli ances, deck, Tenant pays own utilities. No pets, Non-smoking, Deposit, $450. Lawrenceburg- 1 bedroom R e f e r e n c e s , apartment on Short Street 812-667-7679 across from Central School. All utilities paid. Call for more details. 812-537-1559.

Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom apt., Leasing special, $495, $595/month incl. water, sewer, garbage. Laundry on site. Security deposit required. (513)205-5555.

Lawrenceburg-1BR/1BA, newly remodeled, 1st floor unit, with appli ances, water & sewer included. No pets. $525/mo + $525 deposit. 513-265-8460


Barb Jedding 100 W. Main Street, Milan - Close to town business building with great income potential. Would do a 3-5 year lease on Contractual Agreement and good earnest money down payment. Also, would prefer to sell property to a ready willing able person.

Barb Jedding 812-584-5253




GUILFORD: NEW LISTING! Exceptional home & setting! 4 bed, 5.5 bath home w/heated pool, hot tub, finished LL, 3 car attached, & 3 car detached garages on 3.4 acres. $549,900 HARRISON: Nice 2nd level 2 bed, 2 bath condo in the Legacy Community. With home office & 1 car attached garage. Immediate occupancy. $132,500 BRIGHT: Immediate occupancy on a 2 bed, 3 bath condo w/finished LL and screened in patio. $134,900 GUILFORD: Nice home with 3 large bedrooms, 2.5 bath, bonus rm on upper level, finished LL w/walk-out. $219,900 WEISBURG: Former country store w/ residence. Rough condition, sold as is. $39,900 LOGAN: Mostly wooded 9.8 ac w/ 30x38 concrete block garage. $87,500

Yorkville area-Burtzlebach Road, 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, completely reno vated, central air, off street parking, close to I-74 and I-75, $850/month plus $850 deposit, 513-255-2057




Drivers: Carter Express – CDL-A Dedicated Routes Romulus, MI to Smyrna, TN Average 2695 miles/wk Solos up to 37 cpm to start. Also other Dedicated Routes: Solos up to 37 cpm to start.Teams up to 47 cpm to start Home Weekly. No Slip Seat. No Touch, Newer Equipment. (855) 347-2703

DRIVERS: Good Freight, Pay & Home Time. Vans, Flatbed. Buchanan Hauling, Rigging. Company & Owner Operators. 2 Yrs OTR. Class-A CDL. 1-866-573-3113 Office / warehouse / retail space for lease in Law renceburg, 1500 sqft to Drivers: Home Nightly Florence, KY Flatbed 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100. Openings! Great Pay, Benefits! CDL-A, 1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: 1(866)336-9642 Aurora- in shopping plaza with Subway, 1770 sq. ft. for lease, high traffic. 513-532-8933.





Midwest Cylinder and Kaplan Industries are now accepting applications for full-time General Laborers. Applications are available M-F 8 a.m.- 4 p.m., 6001 Dry Fork Rd., Cleves, Ohio ADOPT: Lots of love, 45002 (513)367-6227. laughter & security await a NEED CLASS A CDL baby. Expenses paid. & John, TRAINING? Start a CA- D a w n REER in trucking today! 1-800-818-5250 Swift Academies offers PTDI certified courses and offer “Best-In-Class” training. *New Academy Classes Weekly *No Child care M-F 6am-6pm Money Down or Credit in the Bright/Hidden Valley Check* Certified Mentors Please call Ready and Available *Paid A r e a . (While Training With Men- 812-655-2094. tor) *Regional and Dedicated Opportunities *Great Preschool, plus all day Career Path *Excellent care in Harrison. Licensed Benefits Package. Please teacher fosters social and Call: (866) 950-5815. emotional development. Painters Needed-Experi- Full preschool curriculum, fenced yard. 2 minutes enced only. High end, new from I-74. 2 openings residential work. Apprenavailable for fall. Erica tice also. Good opportu(513)368-7271. nity. Established company. 812-637-5813





Perkins Asphalt- pavement sealcoating, sealcoating driveways and parking lots/line stripping, cracked filling repairs. All Brewer products. Sealcoat cost example: driveway 200x10 $240. Cracked repair 25cents per foot. 30 years experience. Call 812-926-9950/ 513-564-8932 Residential Cleaning. You make the mess, weʼll do the rest. Insured/bonded. Specializing in commercial or residential, office and home. Assist in moving in/out. 812-290-4490.

MISCELLANEOUS 49 SERVICES/NOTICES Absolutely no trespassing of any kind for any reason. No exceptions. Not re sponsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex pense. Property located at 8692 Willey Rd., Harrison, OH. Molly Jansen, Cathy Maher, Mary Ison.

Drivers: Local/Regional Great Pay, Excellent Benefits, Awesome Home Time. Sign-on bonus. Steady E m p l o y m e n t . “Partners in Excellence” OTR Drivers APU CDL-A. 2yrs exp req. $1500 Sign On Bonus, 1(888)208-5112 Equipped Pre-Pass $60K-$70K Annually! ExEZ-pass passenger policy. A.B.C. Lawn Service. perienced Class A CDL Drivers: 2012 & Newer equipment. Mowing, lawncare, Local/Regional/OTR Drivers Wanted! Dedicated 100% NO touch. Butler seeding work Absolutely no trespassing, Customer, Home Weekly, New Enhanced Pay, Pack- Transport 1-800-528-7825 (513)738-4410. and Excellent Benefits. age Based on Exp. Excel- hunting, fishing, swim 3/BR Ranch, 1.5 BA, full Call 888-409-6033 or ap- lent Benefits. Consistent ming, trapping, horseback basement, attached ga- p l y Pater Architectural Cus- Bowman Tree Service. riding, woodcutting, motoro n l i n e MilesDaily/Weekly/Birage, recently remodeled, Weekly Hometime CDL-A tom Woodworking Busi- Trimming, topping, tree re- ized bikes, quad runners, Harrison Schools, $1200 + ness is looking for-expe- moval, lot clearing, storm or 4-wheelers allowed for 1yr OTR exp deposit. 513-258-7014, rienced cabinet makers, damage, fully insured and any reason. Not responsiATTENTION: Operate a 855-842-8498 513-227-9311 woodworkers and entry Mini-Office Outlet from Experienced Diesel Me- level workers. Ask about free estimates. Call ble for accidents or injury to anyone, Violators will be 3BR/2BA, 1-car garage. home. Free online training, chanic-must have own our Apprenticeship pro- (812)537-4677. prosecuted at their own Near Milan on 1 acre. flex. hrs, great income. tools. Shop supplies spe- gram. Immediate openexpense to the full extent $750/month, $750 deposit. http://jakeandrach.yourcialty tools, uniforms. Must ings! Call 812-926-4845 Monroe Excavating, of the law on the property All appliances furnished have clean driving record. Hauling, LLC Limestone, of G.E. Stacy, 27357 with W/D hookup. Utilities Applications available at Stone Belt Freight Lines Topsoil, Fill Dirt, Mulch, not included. N o Baldwin Cleaning Service - 4101 East Highway 50, Needs Owner Operators Sand, Gravel, Driveways Stacy Lane, 1905 Pinhook pets/smoking. References Residential and business Dillsboro, IN. Now! Run 48 & Canada. Demolition, Digging, Rd., West Harrison, Ind., 47060. required. 812-654-2021. Percentage Plus 100% B a s e m e n t s , Dump cleaning. Non-janitorial. Experienced driver or re- Fuel Surcharge. Plate ProTruck, Bobcat, Track Location: Bright, Ind. Aurora- Pine Run Mobile cent Grad? With Swift, you gram & Insurance AvailWanted Standing Timber. Hoe Work Call Home Park. 3-bedroom; Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. can grow to be an a b l e . Highest Prices Paid. Li Call Kelsy (812)926-1995 M-F Part-time $7.75 per o r 2-bath newer mobile award-winning Class A 1-800-489-2332. censed, bonded, and inhour. Call (812)637-5861. (513)310-0835 home in nice park setCDL driver. We help you sured. Free estimates. ting. $775/month w/ $775 achieve Diamond Driver Werner Enterprises is HIRChristman Logging, MadiCDL-A Truck Driver-Solo deposit required. Ph status with the best sup- ING! Dedicated, Regional, Greendale Self - Storage son IN. Buyer Keith Christ& Teams. Up to $5,000 513-265-8460. port there is. As a Dia - & OTR opportunities! Indoor storage available man 812-599-0134 Sign-on Bonus & $.56 mond Driver, you earn ad- Need your CDL? 3 wk 24 hour access. Call 812-577-6781 CPM! Dedicated Opportu- ditional pay on top of all training avail. Donʼt wait, ( 8 1 2 ) 5 3 7 - 3 1 3 1 or Dillsboro-1BR House for nities Available! Great the competitive incentives call today to get started! (812)637-1787. Rent. Call 812-290-1300 Miles & Time Off! Call 7 we offer. The very best, 1-866-467-1836 day/wk! EOE Greendale house/duplex 866-402-3449 Gorden - choose Swift. Great Miles, Whitewater Processing is Hers & His Services Great Pay, Late-Model now accepting applications Grass Cutting, Trash Re$675.00 2 bedroom, 2 Equipment Available. Re- for male/female full time movel, Free Estimates, bath, some pets gional Opportunities, Great O.K.,non-smoking, no utilPartners in Life and in work. 513-367-4133 ity deposit; 812-290-3310 Class A Drivers-Regional Career Path, paid vacaBusiness. Bonnie & tion, excellent benefits. Runs from our Florence, Steve Telinda Aurora IN. Hidden Valley area-3 BR, KY location. Home 2-3 Please call 866-950-5815 513-703-4416, Blueberries: you pick 2 BA, duplex, one car ga- nights per week! Great 513-309-9460 and pre-picked. Hours rage. Laundry room, all ap- Pay & Benefits. Excellent Experienced industrial maintenance technicians AIRLINE CAREERS begin 9am-6pm Monday-Fri Equipment pliances. Pets O.K. $850 A s s i g n e d with a minimum of 4 years here- Get FAA approved Lisaʼs Cleaning Service - day, Saturday, 9-3, Sunper month. Sunman Dear- CDL-A, 18 mos. exp. reg. experience in a technical Aviation Tech training. Residential, office, rentals day, 9-3. You may call born Schoosl. Available or 24 mos. out of past 48. June30th . (513)652-9921. Hazmat & Tanker End. maintenance position for Delta, Southwest, Boeing and apartments. Monthly, ahead for large orders of 2nd/3rd shift positions. and many other hire AIM weekly, bi-weekly, or one pre-picked. Phillips Call Today 800-818-0922 Email resume to House for Rent-St. Leon, 3 ext. 102 grads! Job placement as- time. Fully insured. De - B e r r y P a t c h , 9 4 2 9 bedrooms, natural gas sistance. CALL AIM pendable. Free estimates. Yorkridge Road, Guilford heat. Call for Details, Call (812)637-9171 or cell ( N e w Alsace). Flatbed Drivers- Starting 877-523-5807 $1000/mo. 513-284-6760 (513)256-0698. (812)623-1433. DRIVER T R A I N E E S Mileage Pay up to .41cpm. AC0901 Milan-3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 NEEDED NOW at Stevens Health Ins., 401K, $59 car garage. $800/month Transport! New drivers daily Per Diem pay, Home plus $800 deposit. Re - earn $750 per week! NO Weekends. 800-648-9915 frences and credit check EXPERIENCE NEEDED! or required. For Rent or For CDL & Job ready in 15 General Maintenance days! 1-877-649-3156. Sale. Call 812-221-6256. Electric, plumbing, paintMoores Hill/Milan-2BR, Drivers SOLO & TEAM ing, carpentry knowledge AC, garage, oak floors, full COMPANY DRIVERS & needed; involves climbing, basement, dual porches, OWNER OPERATORS No bending, lifting, operating some appliances, dual lot, touch, temperature con- forklift, tools supplied by fenced yard, out Bldg.,, trolled, elite high pay company. Good driving repleasant area. $725. freight. 1 Year Exp. CDL-A c o r d r e q u i r e d . C a l l (513)367-9900, x157. 812-926-3202 Clean Record. TQI Heartland Engineered 888-466-0613 Rising Sun- nice 3 bed Products – Harrison, OH room, 2 bath ranch on 2 acres; 2 car garage; Drivers Wanted. Class A Is accepting application for washer and dryer; no CDL. Clean Driving Re - the following positions. We will be hosting a job fair in search of local smoking; $1000/month; cord. Experience a Plus. Industrial Painter 1st and 2nd shift, talent with energy and enthusiasm to fill leading deposit s a m e ; Hourly Pay. Koppʼs Turkey Experienced Machine Op812-926-1311 Sales 513-367-4133 roles in a variety of positions! Full-time and erator 2nd shift Includes Brake Press - Hypart-time opportunities will be available. draulic punch press Experienced Welders 1st and 2nd shifts Apply within at: 355 IndusJust past Walmart at 1200 Sycamore Est. Dr. trial Drive Harrison, OH 45030 Event Center Housekeepers Call Gary Mullins@ 513-452-1073 email Event Center Front Desk Agents • Dealers All units have W/D hook ups and kitchen appligmullins@ Cocktail Servers • Event Center Hotel Supervisors ances including dishwasher and microwave.


Sat. JUne 28 • 2p-4p


June 24 - June 26, 2014









Hollywood Casino & Event Center

Job Fair

Are you Red Carpet ready?

L’Burg~WaterView Apts.

Check out the previews below of what we have to offer:

812-655-9753 Now accepting applications for Our 1, 2, & 3 BR apt. homes.

$199 security deposit Call Rhonda for the “Special of the week”

Concord Square Apartments SPECIAL

Studio Deposit Only $200.00 1BR Deposit Only $300.00 114 Concord Square Drive (off Pribble Road)

Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

(812) 537-4022

Englewood Place

Apartments Senior Living - 62 & up

$99.00 MOVE IN SPECIAL NOW LEASING! Spacious 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments •On Site Management •Community Room •Laundry Facility •Inside Mail Delivery •Water, Sewer & Trash Included OffICE HOurS MONdAy - THurSdAy • 8:30a - 3:30p


Help Needed - Laborer & Forman. Landscaping experience preferred. Send resume to: Mr. Wilson, P.O. Box 491, Dillsboro, Indiana 47018. Immediately hiring for night auditor, must have sales and marketing and office experience. Apply in person at Holiday Inn Express, Harrison. LOCAL COMBO DRIVER $1,500 Sign-on Bonus! Excellent Hourly Pay, Home Every Day, CSA Friendly Equipment, Excellent Benefits & more! We promote from within, so donʼt miss this great opportunity. CDL-A w/1 yr exp. & HM req. Call: 931-528-3116 or Apply Online: Equal Opportunity Em ployer - Females, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


Addyston, OH 1 Main Street 45001

1 BR-$445

(regular price $470)

2 BR-$550

(regular price $575)

June Special $25 off

per month for 12 months

Near Mt. St. Joe, W. Hills Shopping Center Three Rivers School District Heat & Water Paid



F & B Supervisors • And Much More!

Tuesday, July 1st • 10am - 6pm

Ivy Tech Community College, 50 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, IN Visit to find out more about these opportunities and submit your application online. If you have any questions regarding this job fair please call 812-539-8350.

NURSING RN - Part time days in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit. RNFA or Surgical Assistant - Full time days (includes some evenings) in the O.R. RN - Part time openings in the E.D. and the Birthing Center.

CLINICAL SUPPORT Occupational Therapist - Part time day shift. Indiana license required.

PHYSICIAN OFFICES Medical Assistant - Full time and Part time openings in physician practices in Lawrenceburg. Certified medical Assistant preferred, suitable medical office experience required. AVAILABLE FOR FULL & PART TIME EMPLOYEES 403(b) Program • Health & Dental Insurance Tuition Reimbursement • Competitive Salary 3 Weeks Vacation after 1 Year Full Time • EOE

600 Wilson Creek Rd. • Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 (812) 537-8120 • (800) 676-5572 ext 8120 For an up-to-date listing of job opportunities at DCH, visit our website at

June 24 - June 26, 2014

The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register


Freezer beef home born and raised, hormone & antibiotic free, low fat choice, qualified for certified Angus program. Spring/early summer delivery. 812-654-3337

Fuel Tank on 2 foot Stand with hose and filter. Ap proximately 2ft. x 3.5 x 5. Make offer. 812-926-3696 Graystone Farm supplies a variety of high quality and locally grown produce. Open Tuesday-Friday 10am-6pm and Saturday/Sunday 9am-5pm at 15412 Wilson Creek Rd, Lawrenceburg, IN. Visit us at the Bright and Lawrenceburg Farmers markets, like us on Facebook, for more information. Small squares, mixed grassed $2 to $3; Timothy or orchard $4.50; 4x5 grass $20 to $30 stored inside; Call 513-417-1185 or 812-438-3757 Wanted to buy cattle and horses. Crippled or sound. Also buying wild cattle. Will pay cash. (859)620-5860.



2-Portable AC units on wheels, in excellent condition. Asking $150 & $175 . 812-577-3363 Ace Appliance, Heating, and Air ConditioningReconditioned appliances with warranty. Also sell parts and repairs in home/shop. 254 Charles A. Liddle Dr. #7 Lawrenceburg, 812-537-0032 !!!-A-A-A







3-Family Yard Sale, 6/26, 6/27, 6/28,8am-?, 20 Dorman Ave. Greendale. Tons of kids clothing all sizes, Brand names, lots of misc.

St. Leon Multi-Family Yard Sale, Household, toys, clothing, boys bike, semi-formal dresses, misc. Wed-June 25, 8-3, FriJune 27, 8-?. Follow signs to St. Leon Multi-Family Yard Sale125 Tebbs in Greendale. Dishes, Baby, Toddler & Yard Sale - June 28, 7-3. Girls name brand cloth- Rain or shine. 29494 ing, crib bedding set, Chappelow Hill, West Hartoddler bedding, nick rison. Lots of baby clothes, knacks, Household toys etc. Lots more! items, women’s & men’s clothing & shoes. Dog crate, small pet habitat - A little of everything! Saturday, June 28 from 1 large wheelchair, 1 9am - ??. No early birds Hoyer lift, 1 Hospital bed please! with mattress and side rails. All in excellent conBig Yard Sale-5030 Cass dition. Asking $500 or Union Rd. Rising Sun. make individual offer. Rain or Shine. June 812-537-1585 26,27,28, 8am-7pm. Professional skill saw, Router Bad teeth? Extractions table, 5 ft. bush hog, cloth- and Dentures using oral ing for men, women, girls, sedations. Free Consultanewborn to size 5, Home tions. Dr. McCall info,beInterior items, plus a lot fore/after photos at more. m 317-596-9700 Four Person Yard Sale Thursday, Friday, Satur- DirectTV- 2 Year Savings day, June 26,27,28. 857 Event! Over 140 channels Main ST. Rising Sun, Rain only $29.99 a month. Only DirectTV gives you 2 or Shine YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call Garage Sale Fri. & Sat. 1-800-246-2073 June 27 & 28, 9-2. 9209 West Rd., Blue Jay, Cleves. Cleaning out DISH TV Retailer- Starting auntʼs house! Kitchen, at $19.99/month (for 12 lamps, pictures, lots more! mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where Garage Sale- Three fam- available.) SAVE! Ask ily, Friday, Saturday, June About SAME DAY Installa27th, 28th, 9:00-3:00. tion! CALL Now! Logan- 3550 North Dear- 1-800-283-0560 born Rd, across from li brary. Tools, girlʼs clothing, HOMEOWNERS many miscellaneous WANTED!! Kayak Pools is items. looking for demo homesites to display our mainteLarge Garage Sale-611 W. nance-free pools. Save Conwell, A u r o r a . thousands of $$$ with this 812-926-1243. Collection unique opportunity. CALL of Tools, Lightening Rod NOW! 800-315-2925 Bulbs, and much more. June 26,27,28, 8am-5pm. Discount code: 607L314


REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole-home FRIDAYS Satellite system installed Please Call for at NO COST and programEarly Holiday Dealines Please Call for ming starting at Early Holiday Dealines $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new Saturday June 28th, callers, SO CALL NOW $15 four papers 25 words or less 9am-6pm. Furniture, Cloth- 1-800-914-5307 $15 four papers ing, Kitchen items, some Callor less 25 words wedding supplies. 3206 Harrison Press Discount State Route 262, Rising R O O F I N G (513)367-4582 Call Economy Dimensional Sun. Passed Valley Supor Lawrenceburg Harrison Press (812)537-0063. ply on right passed bridge. Shingles $16 per bundle, (513)367-4582 Multi-Color Shingles only or Lawrenceburg $8 per bundle, great for (812)537-0063. Barns, Sheds & Garages, 3205 Madison Avenue, Indianapolis Local financial planning firm in Harrison, OH is (317)788-0008 BEFORE 10 A.M. FRIDAYS BEFORE 10 A.M.

Multi Family Garage Sale, Friday 6/27, 8-4, Saturday 6/28, 8-2. Rookwood Estates off Tower Rd. Lawrenceburg


seeking professional Marketing Coordinator. Primary purpose of position is to manage and implement the firm’s marketing events including mail/email campaigns, seminars, and client appreciation events. Along with exceptional phone skills and an above average understanding of Excel and Word, this position requires creativity, attention to detail and organization, and an engaging personality. To be considered for this position, please call 513/400-3743 in addition to e-mailing your resume to

Part-time merchants Bank & trust

Now hiring a Part-time Teller to deliver a high level of customer satisfaction with courteous, accurate, and responsive attention. Flexibility with hours is required including every Saturday. Must be able to lift heavy coin and stand for a long periods of time. We offer paid vacation and a great environment! Please send resume and hourly salary requirement: E-mail: Fax: Sandra Melillo at 812-637-0269 Mail: Sandra A. Melillo, Human Resource Director Merchants Bank 111 N. State Street West Harrison, IN 47060 EEO/M/F/D/V

Sale of Personal Property to enforce liens: Unit 12-Davenport, Unit 34-Kuhling. July 12 at 9:00, Bright Self Storage, 23903 State Line Road, Bright, IN.





Always Buying ,antiques, estates or partial estates, old military items, guns, swords, old advertising signs, and clocks, toys, jewelry, pottery, etc. Call Bob 812-637-5369



2007 Heritage Soft Tail, 19,000 miles, $10,500 OBO. 1956 210 Sedan Rolling Chassis with org. drivetrain, rust free Texas car, $12,500 812-212-6573

67 RECFORVEHICLES SALE 1977 Glastron Bass Boat Excellent condition, ga rage kept. 55 Evinrude motor, Motorguide trolling motor, fishfinder, many accessories. Photo on Lisa McMichael Facebook. (812)637-5938. $2,500.

BASS Tracker 175-boat, motor and trailer. Trolling motor, 40lb. Thrust, power trim & tilt, fish finder, 2 new tires, cover, 2 new batteries Tracker Boat Center. Just paid to have a 34 point inspection including running the motor. $5800. Call 812-537-5047, leave message if no one answers.



1980 Fiat Spider for sale; $5500; brown; 51,300 miles; comes with car cover; needs new top; engine needs work; call James at 812-577-7170

1989 Lincoln Town Car; dark blue; 82,000 original miles; mint condition; must see to appreciate; non-smoking; garaged; asking $7,300; call 812-537-1405.

2002 Ford Mustang, V6, new tires, well maintained, $4,000; 3-year-old saddle, western, w/ 2 blankets, bucking strap, chest strap, hackamore, $500, negotiable. Phone 513-508-6013.

Will Buy & Haul Scrap Cars & Trucks (812)716-0781.

Also accepting applications for RN’s & LPN’s

Advantage Home Care

800-807-6839 or 812-537-0325 406 Ridge Ave. • Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 EOE

Absolutely no dogs, hunting, trapping, fishing, swimming, trash dumping of any kind, wire fence cutting/breaking, horse riding, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason, unless written permission. Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property. Dennis and Gail Connelly, 6651 Stimson Road, Aurora, IN 47001 12-14

Absolutely no hunting, trapping, woodcutting, motorized bikes, or trespassing for any reason or purpose. These activities are strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Also not responsible for accidents on the property of: Rodney & Arlene Miller 8824 North Hogan Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 08-12-14

Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. Violators will be prose cuted. Beware of dog. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Perry & Tracy Boone, Absolutely no fishing, no 18002 Lost Creek Lane, swimming, no hunting, or Lawrenceburg, IN 4-2-15 trespassing permitted. Not responsible for any injuries A B S O L U T E L Y no or accidents on the prop- hunting/trapping, no fisherty belonging to : Rod ing, no riding motorized and Brenda Cafouras, vehicles or animals, and 12476 Gordon lane, Dills- NO trespassing of any boro, IN 47018 3/19/15 kind for any reason on the properties owned by: Absolutely no hunting or Nolte Farms, LLC – Nolte trespassing. No dirt bikes & Bells Branch Rds, Caeor motorized vehicles of sar Creek Twp, Dearborn any kind. Not responsible County, Dillsboro, IN and for accidents, injuries or fa- Floyd P & Teresa Martini talities on the property of – North Hogan & Holt Helen Amm & Teresa Rds, Manchester Twp, Stone, 18060 Union Dearborn County, Milan, Ridge, Aurora, In 47001. IN. NO exceptions! Not 9/18/14 responsible for any accidents or injuries of any Absolutely no hunting, fish- kind. Violators will be ing, or trespassing. Not re- prosecuted at their own sponsible for accidents on expense. the property of: Richard 11/13/14 Noggler, 7334 St. Rd. 48, 6521 St Rd. 48 Aurora, IN 47001 1-1-15 Absolutely no swimming, Absolutely no hunting, fish- fishing, hunting or tres ing or trespassing for any passing permitted, not rereason w/o written permis- sponsible for any injuries sion on the properties or accidents on any propowned or leased by us. No erty or lakes belonging to: excuses. Violators will be Ralph Eugene Clark, Jr. arrested and prosecuted. and Mary Clark, 1505 Harry and John Hud - Water Street, Hardin dleston, 8731 SR 56N, town, Lawrenceburg, IN Aurora, IN or 5311 Anyone caught in the auto Yorkridge Road, Guil - salvage yard or above property will be prose ford, IN cuted. 10/23/14 09-2-14 Absolutely no hunting, fishing, dog running, woodcut- Absolutely no trespassing ting, dumping, animal - of any kind - for any reaabandonment, motorized son. It is illegal to tres vehicles, bikes, trapping, pass. No hunting, trapping, firearms, swimming, tree dumping, wood cutcutting, snowmobiling, trash ting, swimming, dischargcreek rock hunting, turning ing firearms or explosives around in private circle of any kind, riding animals drive or trespassing of any or bicycles, or any motorkind for any reason . Not vehicles including responsible for accidents, ized ATVʼs, quad runners, moinjuries or fatalities to per- torcycles, motor bikes, etc. sons or personal property. Not responsible for propActivities of any kind will erty damage, accidents. not be tolerated. Violators or fatalities. Violawill be prosecuted at their Injuries tors will be prosecuted to own expense to the fullest the full extent of the law. extent of the law on the This is a 44 acre tract properties of:John Nie- bounded on the south by haus, 16827 St. Rt. 148, Lutz Road and on the Aurora, Ind., 47001. north by Harley Springs 08/28/14 Subdivision. Welbourne G. Williams, 4738 Lutz Absolutely no hunting, Rd., Guilford, Indiana. trapping, fishing, swim 04-23-15 ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres - Absolutely no trespassing passing for any reason. for any reason, not responViolators will be prose - sible for accidents or injucuted. Not responsible for ries. Violators will proseaccidents or injuries on the cuted at their own ex property of: John Ste- penses.: The Beverly J. gemiller, 24569 Hiltz Rd., Neihardt Trust, 14950 Guilford, IN 47022. Old State Road 350, Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14 9-11-14


Stedman Machine Company, Aurora, is looking for an experienced welder. General shop knowledge required, along with reading & understanding weld symbols, understanding welding & fabrication drawings and welding processes. Heavy lifting required. Must be a high-school graduate or must have passed state GED exam. A full job description is available at Apply at Job No. 8590525.

Immediately hiring CNA’s & HHA’s for West Harrison & Bright

Come join the Advantage Team and enjoy things like, One on One Patient Care, Health Care Benefits, Weekly Pay, Direct Deposit, Flexible Scheduling, Minimal Traveling, Great Office Personnel and Much Much More!!!

70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column

Absolutely no fishing, no swimming, no hunting, or trespassing permitted. Not responsible for any injuries We buy and haul junk cars or accidents on the prop& trucks with titles. Call erty belonging to: Mark & 812-621-0961 or email Eva Roll, End of Diefendavesautosalvage1@gmai bach Road, Bright IN 47025 09-4-14



Seeking an activity professional for Long Term Care setting to provide recreational activities to facility residents. Would prefer a candidate with experience, may consider an eligible applicant for specialized training. If interested, may apply in person at Shady Nook Care Center, 36 Valley Drive, Lawrenceburg.


Experienced Trainer EssEnTial duTiEs includE:

Experienced Trainer to utilize your experience and talents to conduct manufacturing-related training. Develop new training programs, methods, materials;and update current programs to reflect the most recent process changes and/or developments. Candidate must have Microsoft office skills, Organizational and planning skills, Interpersonal skills, HS diploma/GED plus 2 years of experience as trainer and ADP is preferred. Please send resume to or mail to: Deufol Sunman, HR Department 924 S. Meridian St. • Sunman, IN 47041 Attn: Lisa Nichols


Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation is seeking candidates to fill a General Maintenance position. Requirements: High School Diploma or equivalent; Mechanical, electrical, HVAC experience preferred; CDL with bus endorsement or willing to obtain as condition of employment; Valid driver’s license and ability to pass an expanded background check. Salary/Wage: $15 per hour; classified staff benefits. Hours/Duties: 8:30am - 5:00pm; duties assigned by Director of Maintenance such as mechanical, electrical, HVAC troubleshooting/repair, maintenance of buildings and grounds. (Requires some lifting) Apply To: Lawrenceburg Community Schools, Attn: Judy Ferguson, 300 Tiger Boulevard, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025 812-537-7205 Contact Mr. Don Caudill, Maintenace Director at (812) 537-7244 or with any specific questions.

Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Will not be responsible for any accidents or fatalities. Violators will be fined and prosecuted on the property of: Mark & Bonnie Pennington, 12947 N. Hogan Rd., Aurora, In 47001 4-16-15

Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the The properties of: Bowlins, Bordering on Lipscomb Dr., Mud Lick Creek and Rainbow Road, Manchester Township and 7327 Kaiser Absolutely no trespassing Drive, 2-5-15 for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not re- Absolutely no trespassing sponsible for any acci - for any reason. Violators dents or injuries on the will be prosecuted. Not reJames, sponsible for any acci properties of Wilma, Samuel Goff and dents or injuries on the Carolyn Goff/Brown, properties of Hidden Val13337 Goff Lane, Moores ley Lake, Inc, Hidden ValHill,In ley Golf Club, Rupel De09-25-14 velopment Corp., Country Acreage, Inc., Jacob Absolutely no trespassing Properties, bor for any reason. No fishing, dered by Georgetown hunting, trapping, dump- Road, Fairway Drive, Aling, woodcutting, or swim- pine Drive and Oberting ming. No motorized vehi- Road, Miller Township cles of any kind or 3 and City of Greendale. wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own 03-19-15 expense. Not responsible for any accidents or inju- ABSOLUTELY NO TRESries on the property be longing to: Patricia PASSING FOR ANY REAStewart, 13409 Wynnʼs SON. VIOLATORS WILL Way, Moores Hill, IN BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. 47032. 10-9-14 19150 COLLIER RIDGE GUILFORD, IN 47022. Absolutely no trespassing 09/11/14 for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci - ABSOLUTELY NO TRESdents of injuries on the PASSING FOR ANY REASON. VIOLATORS WILL property of: BE PROSECUTED AT Tom & Kathy Klump Tower Rd., Lawrence - THEIR OWN EXPENSE. 7152 KAISER DR. LAWburg Trojan Rd., Extending to RENCEBURG, IN 47025 09/11/14 Beneker Rd., St. Leon Kildeer Ln., Guilford Mosmeier R d . , Absolutely no trespassing Sunman,St rd 46 prop- for any reason; no fishing, erty, North Dearborn hunting, trapping, swimproperty 4-9-15 ming or open fires. No motorized bikes, 4-wheelers Absolutely No Trespassing or other motorized vehifor any reason, no fishing, cles. Violators will be hunting, trapping, dump- prosecuted at their own ing, wood cutting, or swim- expense. We are not reming, no motorized bikes, sponsible for any acci 4-wheelers or other motor- dents or injuries on the ized vehicles. Violators will property. Ryan Stroud be prosecuted at their own Heartland, Homestead expense, not responsible Land Trust 3/26/15 for any accidents on the property of: Gale Banta, 4304 State Road 48, Law- Absolutely no trespassing renceburg, IN 47025 for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their 4-2-15 own expense. Not responfor any accidents or Absolutely no trespassing sible injuries on the property of for any reason including Robert L. Kist, Matter motorized vehicles - hunt- horn DR, lot 1090, Hiding of any kind (bow or den Valley Lake. gun - nor trapping) or sled- 4-16-15 ding. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their expenses to the fullest extent of the law on the property of Irvin J. Hartman & Frances M. Hartman, 221 Locust St., Greendale, IN 47025 1-15-15

Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at there own expense. No vehicles including ATVʼs, Motorcycles etc. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of P.A.W.S. Humane Center, 200 Charles A. Liddle DR. Lawrenceburg, IN. 47025 01-15-15 Absolutely No trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Robert & Deborah Lischkge, 9794 Alans Branch, Moores Hill, IN 47032 2-19-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property. Belonging to: S. Graves Keegan, 4920 Speier Rd. Dillsoboro IN. 47018 5-21-15

Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, no hunting, trapping, swimming, no motorized vehicles, firearms, trash dumping, open fires, wood cutting, horseback riding, 4 wheelers, bikes. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, fatalities. No trespassing, soliciting, or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent from Ron and Debbie Seaver, 23718 James Lake Road, Guilford, IN 47022 04-23-15 ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING OF ANY KIND, FOR ANY REASON OWNER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCI DENTS, INJURIES, OR FATALITIES. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR EXPENSE. SHELIA BLOCK 9163 OLD S.R. 350 AURORA, IN 47001 9-25-14 Absolutely No Trespassing of any kind, for any reason at any time. No Excep tions! Owner not responsible for any accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Tresa Manford 11510 North Hogan Road Aurora, IN 47001 5-7-15

Now acceptiNg applicatioNs for part time maiNteNaNce. interested candidates call 812-537-3141 and ask for mJ. SoutheaStern Career Center

Job opening

Digital Media instructor Candidates will need excellent computer skills in a pC environment. the position requires the knowledge and ability to teach the construction and design on websites, digital graphics, and multi-media software applications like adobe products and audio/Videa studio production. applicants will need a minimum of 8 years document work experience in the listed areas of instruction. Send all resume/application materials attention human resources.


The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register

June 24 - June 26, 2014

70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column

Absolutely no trespassing of any kind allowed on all properties belonging to Ola & Julie Miller. No exceptions. Not responsible for injuries, accidents or fatalities. No vehicles of any kind, horseback riding, etc, unless written permission is given. Ola & Julie Miller, 11302 N. Hogan Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 3-19-15

Absolutely no trespassing, for any reason. No hunting or trapping. No motorized v vehicles, 4-wheelers etc. without written permission from owner. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Grimsley Farm on Grimsley Rd. Moores Hill IN 47032 04/02/15

Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, firearms, woodcutting, trapping. No motorized vehicles of any kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Also not responsible for any injuries, accidents or fatalities on the property of: James Chrisman, Yorkridge Road, Guilford, IN 5-28-15

Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, boating, swimming, trapping, motorized bikes, 4 wheelers, RVʼs, woodcutting, horseback riding, firearms. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Robert & Carolyn K. Holtegel, 12466 Rullman Dr. Dillsboro, IN 47018 Absolutely no trespassing, 03-15 hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my Absolutely no trespassing, property for any reason. hunting, fishing, swim Not responsible for acciming, woodcutting, quad dents or injury to anyone. or cycle riding. Not responViolators will b e prose cuted at their own expense sible for accidents or injuries on the property of: to the full extent of the law Jim & Larry Gabbard, on the property of: The Lattire Farm, Gregory Gary Steinmetz Farm, Bier (The Land) Union 9783 Wesseler Road, Sunman, I N Ridge Road, Aurora, IN 47001 5-21-15 05-14-15

Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, quads, dirt bikes, or wood cutting. Not re sponsible for any injuries or accidents. Property consists of 10 acres. Richard and Melanie Wiedeman, 18554 Collier Ridge, Guilford, IN 47022 05-21-15

Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quad runners or 4-wheelers allowed for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of: Darrell & Susan SexAbsolutely no trespassing, ton, 17537 Hillcrest Dr., hunting, trapping, trash Lawrenceburg, IN dumping, tree cutting, tree 470205. 3-12-15 damaging in any way, tree stands, firearms, bows, knives, or loitering. Not reAbsolutely no trespassing, sponsible for accidents, no hunting, no woodcutpersonal injuries, property ting, no 4-wheeling, no damage, or fatalities. Vioquad running. Violators will lators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible at their expense of the for any accidents on the properties of Gerald property of: Ronald W. Conn, Cove Circle East Fields, 2488 Sneakville lots 2534 and 2535, Hidden Valley L a k e . Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 4-30-15 08-14-14

Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no walking, no sightseeing, no motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their ex penses. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Patrick Holland 14130 Brown Rd. Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14

No hunting, fishing or trespassing and not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Jerome & Ruth Martini, York Ridge Rd., Leatherwood Rd., York Township. 4-9-15

No hunting, no motorized bikes or vehicles, no trespassing of any kind and not responsible for accidents, violators will be prosecuted on the property of: Stanley Harmeyer & Sondra Lewis 22643, 22747, 22915 Jackson Ridge, Lawrenceburg, No hunting, fishing or tres- IN passing of any kind. Not 09-4-14 responsible for property or personal injury on the property of: Maria Teresa Maturana, 21940 Lake Tambo Rd., Manchester, No hunting or shooting, no IN 01/22/15 woodcutting,, littering or dumping, no motorized vehicles, machinery or tres- No hunting, fishing or trespassing. Not liable or re- passing for any reason. sponsible for injuries or ac- Not responsible for any in- No hunting, trespassing, cidents. Violators will be juries occurring on the quad or dirt bike riding on prosecuted if found on property owned by: Sto- the property of Bill and property of: Dennis G. negate Property Owners, Donna J. Fisher located and Ann J. Elder, 17800 Bordering on Stonegate at 6919 E. Laughery Duncan Lane, Aurora, IN Dr. & Essex Lane. Creek Road, Aurora. 7-14-14 9-25-14 05-28-15

Service Directory APARTMENTS


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June 24 - June 26, 2014

The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register


70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column

I-275 Enterprises, Inc., is the owner of property located in the Horseshoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana, bounded on the West and North by the right-of-way of interstate Highway 275 and on the South by the Chessie Railroad right-of-way and on the eastern edge of the I-275 Lagoon (hereinafter called “the property”). Hunting, trapping, dis charging firearms, shooting arrows, fishing, turtle hunting, dog running, tree cutting, woodcutting, dumping, animal abandonment, hiking, bicycling, motor biking, operating quads or after ATV vehicles, horseback riding, sledding, ice skating, snowmobiling, bird watching, camping, operation of aircraft, swimming, row boating, motor boating, sailing, creek rock hunting, turning around or trespassing of any kind on the property for any reason is absolutely forbidden without written and signed permission of a duly authorized agent of I-275 Enterprises, Inc., I-275 Campgrounds, Inc., and-or Horseshoe Camp grounds. I-275 Enter prises, Inc. 10860 In deco Drive, Cincinnati OH 45241 09-4-14

No bikes, skateboards, roller blades. No trespassing for any reason; not responsible for injuries or accidents on property of: Dillsboro Civic Club, 9824 Central Ave. and 12930 North St., Dills boro, IN (formerly Doctors Bldg .) 8-28-14

No fishing, swimming, hunting, four wheelers, or trespassing on the Hostetler Farms, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill. They will be prosecuted. Harry Hostetler, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill, IN 12-4-14

No hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing or ATVʼs. Violators will be prosecuted at own ex pense, Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of, Dennis and Cindy Meyung, 10998 County Farm Rd, Aurora, IN, 47001, 01-15

No hunting, four wheeling, hiking, gardening, or trespassing of any kind. Joan Fidler will not be held liable for any injuries ac quired on the property on both sides of 10419 Chesterville Road, next to 10095 Chesterville Road, and across from 10386 Chesterville Road. Violators will be prosecuted. 4-2-15

No hunting, fishing, or trespassing for any reason and not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property owned by: Hidden Valley Lake Property Owners Associa tion, Bordering on Stateline Road and Georgetown Road, Lawrenceburg, In 04/09/15

No hunting, fishing, or trespassing without written permission on the Chipman farm. 7442 White Road, Rising Sun, Indiana . Violators will be prosecuted. 4-30-15

No hunting, no motorized bikes or vehicles, no trespassing of any kind and not responsible for accidents on the property of: John McKay 11307 N. Dearborn Rd. Sunman, IN 47041 12-14

NO TRESPASSING for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, injuries or any fatalities on property of Betty J. Weber, Bloom Road Moores Hill, Indiana 47032. Violators will be prosecuted at their expense. 7-22-14

No hunting, fishing, swimming or trespassing and not responsible for accidents on the property of: Robert & Beth Baylor, No hunting, woodcutting or 6155 St. Rd. 48, Law trespassing and not re renceburg, IN 04-09-15 sponsible for accidents on the property of: Joseph and Edna Imholt, 8289 Leatherwood Road, Yorkville, Guilford, IN No Trespassing for any 4-30-15 reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any injuries or acci dents. 20042 Stateline RD. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 10-2-14

No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injuries. Marshall Alford 15778 W. County Line Rd. Moores Hill, IN 10-9-14

No hunting, no ATV/bike riding, no wood cutting without written permission. Not responsible for per sonal or property injury on property owned by: Michael and Roberta Hankins, 27106 Cranes Run Road, W. Harrison IN 47060 1/15/15

No hunting, no fishing, no bike riding, absolutely no trespassing on the property of: Irene Beckett Estate, 1005 Nowlin Avenue, Property on west side of Tanners Creek 08-21-14

No Trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or property. The Kremer Family 28483 Barber Rd. West Harrison, IN 47060 9-11-14

No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their own expense on the properties of: Wm. G. Rudicil, Barber Rd., Gobblerʼs Knob Rd., W. Harrison, IN 2-12-2015

No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, Injuries, fatalities or personal property. This applies to all property owned by us.Beware of dog. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expence. Randy & Mary Lynn Hayes, 3382 Sneakville Rd., Law renceburg IN, Also Goose Run, Aurora, IN 1/29/15

No trespassing of any kind on property of : All Rite Ready Mix Of Indiana, LLC, 10513 Morgans Branch Road, Aurora, IN 4-9-15

No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motor vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries of any kind on the property of: Mark & Roberta Klem, Seldom Seen No trespassing without Estates, Lot #1,#2, #3, written permission and not 22505 State Line Rd., responsible for accidents Bright, IN 06-11-15 or injury on the property of Jim and Beth Marting, No trespassing, hunting, 6960 Nelson Road, fishing, trapping or dumpAurora, IN 47001 - in Ohi ing of any kind. Absolutely County. no motorized vehicles, 9-25-14 bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my No Trespassing! Abso - property. Not responsible lutely no hunting, trapping, for accidents, injuries or fatrash dumping, woodcut- talities. Beware of dogs. ting, discharging firearms Violators will be prose or fireworks or explosives cuted at their expense to of any kind, riding motor- the fullest extent of the ized vehicles or animals. law. Jeffrey Long, 9027 Not responsible for prop- Old St. Rd 350 & 13385 erty damage, accidents, in- Dean Rd., Aurora, In juries or fatalities. Violators 47001. 9-14 will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest No trespassing, hunting, extent of the law on the fishing, wood cutting, four property of: Joseph F. wheeling or tree cutting. Bayer, Jr. & Donna S. Not responsible for acciBayer, 17365 Church dents, injuries, or fatalities Rd., Lawrenceburg, In of any persons or personal 47025 1-15 property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own No trespassing! Absolutely expense. Cindy & Mino hunting, trapping, trash chael McAndrew, 19446 dumping, woodcutting, dis- Anderson Rd., Law charging firearms or fire- renceburg, IN 47025. works or explosives of any 4-9-15 kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not re - No trespassing, hunting, sponsible for property fishing, wood cutting, four damage, accidents, inju- wheeling or tree cutting. ries or fatalities. Violators Not responsible for acciwill be prosecuted at their dents, injuries, or fatalities own expense to the fullest of any persons or personal extent of the law on the property. Violators will be property of: David L. prosecuted at their own Shuter & Deborah L. expense. Debi & Stephan Shuter, Church Rd., LawKraeling 7233 Bonnell, renceburg, IN 47025 Guilford, Indiana 47022 01-15 04-30-15

No trespassing of any kind for any reason on the properties of the Tri-Township Water Corporation. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex pense. Also not responsible for any accidents, injuries, or fatalities. Tri-Town Water Corporation 75 Jamison Rd., 24192 State Line Rd., 1813 Morgan Rd., 25333 Henderson Rd., 6483 Gaynor Ridge, No trespassing! No hunting, tree stands, firearms, 902 Justis Rd. bows, trapping, fireworks, 4-9-15 motorcycles or quads. Not responsible for accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense. No trespassing of any kind Lowell & Donna Hollins, on the properties & private 10625 St. Rt. 262, Dillsdrive of Marvin Zimmer boro, IN. 10/23/14 28817 Evergreen Lane, West Harrison, IN 47060 No trespassing, hunting or 08-14-14 fishing. The Browning Farm, 9516 & 9321 Texas Gas Rd., Aurora, IN post frame 47001 12-14

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No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motorcycles. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on the property of: John Kemme, 24464 State Line Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 9-4-14 No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling, dirt bikes. Not responsible for accidents on the property of Ronald Henry 8680 Lower Dillsboro Rd. Aurora, IN 47001 05-21-15

No trespassing, hunting, or fishing for any reason on the properties of Knigga Properties LLC, and Knigga Holdings LLC, owned by Tim, Nancy, and Casey Knigga. These include properties bordering South Fork, Kirkpatrick, Goodner and Aberdeen Roads. Also not responsi ble for any accidents, injuries, or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. 3-19-15 No trespassing, motorized vehicles, hunting, trapping, fireworks or explosives of any kind, discharge of firearms or shooting of arrows on or onto the approximate 23 acres of Lot #8 in Miller Ridge Estates. Also not responsible for any acci dents or injuries occurring on this same property. Mike and Connie Crossley, Lot #8 Miller Ridge, 22102 Hickory View Lane, Guilford, IN 47022 12-11-14 No trespassing, no fishing, no hunting or artifact hunting. Nick Domaschko, Ohio County, 9748 St. Rd. 56 N., Aurora, In 47001 6-11-15 No trespassing, no hunting or fishing. Absolutely no 4 wheelers or motorized vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Earl & Thomas Sullivan, 18253 & 18350 Keller Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 5-21-15 No trespassing, no hunting, violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Glen & LaVerne Burkhardt, Corner of Keller Rd., & SR 48, Lawrenceburg, In 1-8-15

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METAL ROOFING - 40 YEAR Warranty - choice of 16 colors • Lumber • Hardware • Plumbing Supplies • Paint & Supplies Vinyl siding •Windows & Doors • Ammunition Laminated Floor • Greenhouse & Garden Supplies 5123 W. Co. Rd 550 South - Holton, IN 47023 (812) 689-6276 (or leave a message) From Versailles, take US 421 S. Turn right onto Co. Rd. 550 S. (watch for sign). Located approx. 3 miles on the left. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am - 5:00 pm • Sat. 8:00 am - 4 pm

No trespassing, not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Midwest Data Inc., 326 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 4-9-15 No trespassing, or hunting, on the farm of : Barry & Judy Pruss, Rt. 50 Mt. Tabor Rd., Aurora, IN 4-2-15 No trespassing, soliciting , or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent by Billie R. Powell on my properties located on North Hogan Rd.Billie R. Powell 10514 North Hogan Rd. Aurora, IN 47001. 3-23-15

No trespassing. No fishing, no swimming, no hunting or four wheelers. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on my property. Barb Hornberger and family 9758 E. Co. Rd. 1350 N, Sunman, IN 47041 07-14

No trespassing. Not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Rita Bennett, 170 and 172 Conwell Street, Aurora, IN 47001 05-21/15

No trespassing. Not re sponsible for accidents or injury. We will prosecute trespassers on property owned by: Robert & Deborah Schroeder, Gary & Pam Schroeder, Ridge Drive, Lake Tambo & Knopf Roads, Man chester Township. 10-13

Not responsible for accidents. No hunting, fishing, woodcutting, swimming, recreational 4x4 riding, or trespassing on the property of: Hassel W. and Pamela M. Brashears Possum Ridge Road Aurora, IN 03-5-15

Oxbow Inc. and Oxbow of Indiana, Inc. (”Oxbow”) are the owners of property located in the area com monly known as Horse shoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana. Most of Oxbowʼs land is located between I-275 to US 50 exit ramp, the CSX tracks, and the levee along US 50 and the Argosy entrance road. Oxbow also owns land immediately west of I-275 between the CSX tracks and the Ohio River, as well as land east of I-275 between the CSX tracks, the Ohio River, and the state line. Maps of Oxbowʼs properties are available on our website at Oxbow,Ind. land is a wildlife sanctuary. Hunting, trapping, discharge of firearms, and the shooting of arrows is prohibited except in certain designated areas and only with the written permission of Oxbow. ATVʼs may not be operated on Oxbow property at any time. Operating other motorized vehicles (except for the purpose of ap proved farming and land management operations) off clearly established roads or on a road in any manner contributing to the need to repair the road is prohibited. Those who operate a motor vehicle on Oxbow property do so at their own risk, and are advised that the dirt roads may be impassable when wet. Under no circum stances will Oxbow be responsible for damage to a vehicle or injury to its occupants. Bank fishing only with appropriate license is al lowed and is monitored by conservation officers. Camping, bonfires, and overnight parking are prohibited. Swimming in streams, lakes and other watercourses is strictly prohibited, as are motorized watercraft of any sort. Removing, destroying or disturbing wildlife and plants, or farm crops with out express written consent of Oxbow is prohibited. Oxbow property is regularly patrolled by law enforcement officers who have been instructed to prosecute all violators. Activities such as bird watching, hiking and the activities not expressly prohibited by these rules or state law may be done at ones own risk. Oxbow is not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property for those wishing to visit. Those in doubt of the lawfulness of their activity on Oxbow properties are encouraged to first contact: Oxbow, 854 Ligoria Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45218 04-23-15

No Trespassing. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Larry and Kim Jackson, 6720 Lipscomb Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. Private property. Abso lutely no trespassing of 9/18/14 any kind on all properties belonging to Dana and Phyllis Weisickle. No exceptions. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, or fatalities. No vehicles of any kind allowed to drive or park without 12 Colors • Custom Trim Available • Delivery Available through written permission. Dana Next Day Service • Buy Factory Direct & Save & Phyllis Weisickle 12904 Probst Rd, Aurora, $1.89 Lin Ft #1 • $1.69 Lin Ft #2 • $.99 Lin Ft Scratch & Dent IN 47001

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LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING On the Whitewater Township Budget Rec. Code Sec. 5705.30. Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of July, 2014, at 6:00 oʼclock p.m., a public hearing will be held on the Budget pre pared by the Fiscal Officer of Whitewater Township of Hamilton County, Ohio, for the next succeeding fiscal year ending December 31st, 2015. Such hearing will be held at the office of the Whitewater Township Community Center, 6125 Dry Fork Road, Cleves, Ohio, 45002.

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Council for the City of Harrison will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2015 County Budget. Said hearing will be held on July 1, 2014 at 7:15 p.m. in council cham bers at 300 George Street, Harrison, Ohio 45030. Persons with ques tions or comments may present them at this time.

Carol Wiwi, Clerk, Harrison City Council City of Harrison

Township Trustees of Whitewater Township



Robert H. Grauvogel, Clerk The Western Joint Ambulance District 7998 Main Street P.O. Box 802 Miamitown, Ohio 45041

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Hamilton County Board of Zoning Appeals on Wednesday, July 9th, 2014, in Room 805, County Administration Building at 1:00 P.M. for the purpose of: Case Number: Harrison 2014-03 (ZVHT201403) Subject Property: Harrison Township: 10411 Marvin Road (Book 560, Page 150, Parcel 72) Applicant: Debbie Parrott (applicant); Michael Parrott (owner) Request: Requesting approval for construction of a pole barn that exceeds the maximum size permitted on property. Plans are on file and open for public inspection in Room 801, County Administration Building, 138 East Court Street, during normal business hours. Office hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Office Phone: (513)946-4550



Notice of Public Meeting Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of July, 2014 at 5:30 oʼclock p.m. a public hearing will be held on the budget prepared by The Western Joint Ambulance District of Hamilton County, Ohio, for the next succeeding fiscal year ending December 31, 2015. Such hearing will be held at The Western Joint Ambulance District Headquarters at 7998 Main Street, Miamitown, Ohio 45041.

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