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Dearborn County register


154TH YEAR ISSUE NO. 27 $1


G’dale man dies in Ohio Co. motorcycle crash


Staff Report A Greendale man died in a motorcycle wreck Saturday, July 5, in Ohio County. Larry David Jones III, 23, was killed after his motorcycle went left of center on Nelson Road, just over the Dearborn-Ohio county line, and crashed into a Ford Explorer driven by Edward McCord, 54, Vevay, said Ohio Count Sheriff’s Deputy Dee Smith. The crash was reported at 1:15 p.m. The impact knocked Jones off the motocycle and over the embankment into

Above: Braden & Alaina McDaniel pourdly show off a 9-inch blue gill caught druing the Greendale 4th of July Fishing Derby at Schnebelt’s Pond. Right: The rockets’ red glare light up the sky over the Ohio River in Aurora Saturday, July 5.

Moores Hill council talks redevelopment, paving, yard sale, annexation & more By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter

Above: Myiah Beyer, 2, finds the natural night lights preceding Aurora’s fireworks show fascinating as well, as her mom Lori Sonderman, Lawrenceburg, offers a firefly to her daughter at Lesko Park, Aurora. Right: Kain Hedger was happy to reel in a 13-inch catfish during the Greendale Fishing Derby.

PHOTOS BY JIM BUCHBERGER, BOB MATTINGLY & BRUCE MCLEASTER/The Journal-Press Left: Starfire Productions starts setting up early Friday, July 4, at Greendale Cabin for the fireworks. The fireworks drew a somewhat larger than usual crowd this year with pleaseant temperatures and no rain or storms.

Aurora fire dept. busy Fourth of July weekend Firefighter injures ankle

two fires. A firefighter was injured as firefighters fought the first blaze, a fully-involved garage fire at Ernie and Mary By Chandra L. Mattingly Worthington's residence, Staff Reporter 1113 Sunnyside Ave., Aurora, said Aurora Fire Chief JefFire was in the works over fery Lane. Taken to Dearborn the extended Fourth of July County Hospital, LawrenceSUBMITTED PHOTO weekend as Aurora and other burg, by Aurora Emergency A detached garage on Aurora’s Sunnyside Avenue was a See FIRE, Page 8 fire departments responded to total loss Thursday, July 3.


the creek, sais Sheriff Eldon Fancher, adding there is a slight curve in the road near the crash location, and with summer foliage it has limited visibility. Jones was pronounced dead at the scene. Assisting at the scene were Dearborn County Sheriff’s Department, Ohio County Coroner’s office, Aurora Fire Department, and Rising Sun and Aurora life squads. A full obit for Jones is on page 2.

INSIDE TODAY OPINION............................4


At its Monday, July 1, meeting, Moores Hill Town Council created a redevelopment commission, dealt with a paving issue, learned its revenue from riverboat gambling is down, and decided to advertise a community yard sale. The new redevelopment commission consists of Moores Hill Council President Lanny Dell, councilman Paul Grimsley, Moores Hill Clerk-treasurer Guinevere Emery, John Case, Ray Rodmaker and South Dearborn Community School Board member Bill Lane. A redevelopment commission can establish tax increment finance districts, among other things. Later in the meeting, the council decided to turn over to the commission a blighted property for economic development, once the existing structure has been removed and the site restored. The property, at 14551 Wood St., Moores Hill, has been put on the list by the county for the blight elimination program. Turning to the unsatisfactory paving last year by Globe Asphalt, council members and town attorney John Watson discussed a proposed contract from Globe. The paving company offered to re-do all the cracked pavement on Manchester and Main streets for an additional $2,500, and to apply two coats anywhere over 50 percent of the material applied last year is coming off. “Every time it rains, more comes off,” said town employee Rodmaker. Councilman Jaime Berry agreed. “I say two coats on all of it, and we're not paying $2,500,” said Dell. And the company must use a better barrier system than binder twine to keep traffic off the newly-applied material for the required 24 hours, he added. “A two-year warran-


Today: High: 89 Low 68

Wed: High: 85 Low: 61

ty would be nice,” added Berry, and Rodmaker noted the material is supposed to last seven years. Council members agreed the work must be done before school starts, suggesting Aug. 2 as a completion date. Watson said he would include the specifications in the town's counter offer to Globe, which had indicated July 14 as a starting date for the work. Residents will need to park on opposite sides of the street than their homes while their side of the street is being treated, noted Rodmaker. He suggested they arrange with their neighbors to use each other's driveways. As for riverboat gambling revenue sharing, the town has received $113,216 in the first six months of 2014, said Emery. That compares to $124,792 in the first six months of 2013, a difference of $11,576. “The budget should be cut. It was cut 10 percent last year,” she said. But for 2015, it should be cut at least 15 percent. She noted the budget calendar includes proposed budget publications the weeks of Sept. 9 and 18; the first reading of the budget by the town council Sept. 22, and the second reading and final adoption by council Oct. 7. Council approved spending $150 on advertising a Moores Hill CommunityWide Yard Sale, to be Friday, July 18, and Saturday, July 19.

Recovering $4,000

In other business, the council discussed recovering funds for the Moores Hill Senior Center, how to handle town business when the clerk-treasurer's office is unmanned, took the first step toward annexing Forest Hill Cemetery, and agreed to revise the town's personnel policy, clarifying that the clerk-treasurer and council members may attend training and conferences and be reimbursed.

See TALK, Page 8

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NEWS BRIEFS Girl Scouts party arty LAWRENCEBURG- Come and discover the joy of fused glass making, pottery, painting and Girl Scout traditions while having fun with other girls who love art! There will be fused glass making, pottery classes and painting classes at the Framery, 575 Main St., Suite 1, Lawrenceburg. Fused glass making class will be taking place Tuesday, Sept. 9 and 16 from 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pottery classes will be taking place Wednesday, Oct. 8 and 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Painting classes will be Tuesday July 22 and 29 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This event is open to all girls not currently in Girl Scouts entering grades first through eighth. A flyer and registration form will be posted on the Framery’s website. Return the completed registration forms to Mary Helen Crook (of the Framery) via email at, call at 1-812-537-4319 or post mail by July 19. The costs of fused glass making and pottery classes are $27.50. The costs of painting classes are $17.50 for one or $30 for both. Payment can be included with registration or upon arrival. For questions, contact Christine Sevindik at 1-513-6191438 or christinesevindik@

INDOT opens new facility AURORA- The Indiana Department of Transportation is hosting an open house Wednesday morning, July 9, at its new 17,797 sq. ft. subdistrict facility located at 10995 Marsh Road on U.S. 50, just west of the Aurora Casket Company. The public is invited to tour this $4 million operations center which serves as a hub for INDOT maintenance activities across Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, Switzerland and parts of Decatur and Ripley counties. Wednesday’s open house hours are 10 a.m. to noon. Special recognition of the Aurora Fire Department will be made at 10:15 a.m. for its fa-

cility support to INDOT until the new subdistrict complex could be constructed. The Aurora Subdistrict services 975 lane miles of state highways and interstates within the district. Roadways include Interstate 74 and I-275; State roads 1, 46, 48, 56, 62, 101, 129, 148, 156, 229, 250, 252, 262 and 350, and U.S. highways 50, 52 and 421.

Teachers sell supplies at treasures sale HUBBELL’S CORNER- Early reading skill books, books for pleasure reading, games, art supplies, maps, posters, CDs, student workbooks with teacher’s guide, teachers’ editions— these are just some of the things available at the awardwinning Teachers’ Treasures Sale to be held Friday, July 25, 9:00-4:00 at St. John’s Lutheran Church on North Dearborn Road east of Sunman. Parents, public school teachers, private school teachers, home-schoolers, or anyone interested in supplementing his student’s education is invited. All kinds of materials for use in the classroom, for homeschooling, or for supplemental materials for parents are available for very low prices. Members of the Dearborn County Retired Teachers have collected their own personal materials and good, useable materials from area schools to resell to others interested in supplementing their lesson plans. Recognized by the National Retired Teachers Association With Our Youth! for its innovative and creative use of materials to benefit students, proceeds for the sale will be used to fund the annual Dearborn Co. Retired Teachers Award/ Grant available to any active public school teacher in the county. With very little if any funding being made available from the nation or the state for supplemental materials, the Teachers’ Treasures Sale is a perfect opportunity to provide for the classroom and the needs of the students. The Teachers’ Treasures Sale is

sponsored by the Dearborn County Retired Teachers’ Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to helping the students in our local communities. All donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible For additional information about the program, contact DCRTA president Denise Kaffenberger, at 1- 812-537-3520, or educator grant/award chair Betty Bourquein, 1-812-934-4454.

ISP: Hot cars are dangerous for kids INDIANAPOLIS-With summer in full swing and people traveling to summer destinations, citizens are reminded to take extra caution as it relates to small children and hot cars. Tragically each year, particularly during the summer months, there are reports of child deaths as a result of being left in hot cars. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, cars parked in direct sunlight can reach internal temperatures of 131 to 170 degrees Fahrenheit when outside temperatures are 80 to 100 degrees. Even outside temperatures in the 60s can cause internal car temperatures to rise well above 110. Even with the window rolled down two inches, the interior temperature of the car can rise to well over 100 degrees in as little as 15 minutes. Here are tips to help avoid a tragedy:

■Never ■ leave a child unattended in a vehicle. not even for a minute! ■If ■ you see a child unattended in a hot vehicle call 9-1-1. ■Be ■ sure that all occupants leave the vehicle when unloading. Don’t overlook sleeping babies. ■Always ■ lock your car and ensure children do not have access to keys or remote entry devices. If a child is missing, always check the pool first, and then the car, including the trunk. Teach your children that vehicles are never to be used as a play area. ■■Keep a stuffed animal in the car seat and when the child is put in the seat place the animal in the front with the driver. Or place your purse or briefcase in the back seat as a reminder that you have your child in the car. ■Make ■ “look before you leave” a routine whenever you get out of the car.


Dearborn Community Foundation Grant administrator Denise Sedler with Greendale Fire Chief Shannon Craig and new air packs purchased with a DCF administered Lawrencebur Community Grant. The $100,000 grant covered 19 new Scotts Air Packs, 44 air tanks, and two rapid intervention kits. The intervention kits are an emergency air supply in case a firefighter runs out of air or there is a tank malfunction. The new air packs were put into use in May, and have seen fires, said Craig. The old air packs have a year left in them before they expire in 2015, so some were given to the Aurora Fire Department, while the rest were donated to the firefighting program at the Southeastern Career Center.


Thelma Hart

Thelma (nee Hawley) Hart, 99, passed away Thursday, July 3, 2014, at her residence. She was the beloved wife of the late Carl Hart and Forrest Hurley; dear mother of Daniel (Kay) Hurley; loving grandmother of Darryl (the late Debbie) Hurley, Tina (Darryl) Mills, and Dana Hurley and great-grandmother of Brandon, Daniel and Derek Mills, and Selena, Brooke and Dexter Hurley; dear sister of Charlotte Pennington and preceded in death by nine siblings. Visitation will be Wednesday, July 9, 2014, from 11 a.m. until the time of the funeral service at 1 p.m. in Brater-Winter Funeral Home, 201 S. Vine Street, Harrison. Memorials may be made to Bright Christian Church, Special Olympics or Community UMC through the funeral home.

Corrections/ Clarifications The Journal-Press will correct errors of substance. To request a correction or clarification, call Erika Schmidt Russell for editorial, news or trends pages and Jim Buchberger for sports pages. Russell and Buchberger can be reached at 1-812-537-0063.

The Journal-Press (USPS 037-880)

■■ Publication: The Journal-Press is published each Tuesday at Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. The Lawrenceburg office is at 126 W. High St. ■■ Telephone: 1-812-537-0063. ■■ Annual subscription prices: Sold in combination with The Dearborn County Register: $41.55 for Dearborn County residents; $63, Indiana (outside Dearborn County), Ohio and Kentucky; $91.90, all other states. All subscriptions payable in advance. Single copy price is $1. Periodicals postage paid at Lawrenceburg and additional mailing offices. ■■ Postmaster: Send address changes to The Journal-Press, 126 W. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. ■■ Advertising: This newspaper is liable for errors in advertising only for the space occupied by the error, and not the entire portion of the advertising. ■■ Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus

Charles Kelly

Charles M. Kelly, 79, of Rising Sun, Ind., passed away at 6:45 p.m. Thursday, July 3, 2014 at his residence. Charles was born in Aurora, Ind., on May 1, 1935, a son of the late Ellen E. (Bruce) and Willard M. Kelly. O n March 20, 1955, he married Sylvia (Fancher) Kelly who passed away in 2007. CharCharles Kelly lie and Sis were married 52 years. He worked in quality control at Seagrams Distillery in Lawrenceburg, Ind., retiring in 1990 after many years of service. Charlie and Sis operated the Ohio County Sportsman Club for several years. Charlie was also a member of the CB Club and the Ohio Valley River Cats. Charlie enjoyed trap shooting, fishing, hunting and playing poker. Charles is survived by a daughter, Christie Gregory (Tony) of Patriot, Ind.; by grandchildren, Gina Kincaid, Jodi Funke (Steve), Jason Gregory (Carrie), Christopher Kelly, Angie Kelly, Steven Kelly (Marcie), Keith Kelly, Dawn Kelly and Missy Rucker; great-grandchildren; Keegan, Kelly, Elysia, Bella, Landon, Jensen, Brody, Kole, Acee, Payton, Brock, Cooper, Jackson, Mason, Kaine, Tearra, Kiya, Trey and Kaiden,

and by two sisters, Myra Gulley (Onlie) of Mason, Ohio, and Patty Burris (George) of England. He was preceded in death by his parents; by his wife, Sylvia; by sons, Michael “Rocky” and Charles Kelly and by a sister, Vivian Callaway. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Wednesday July 9, at the Markland Funeral Home in Rising Sun, Ind. Friends are invited to call Tuesday 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Markland Funeral Home. Interment will be at the Rising Sun New Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Ohio County or Switzerland County Animal Shelters or the Ohio Valley River Cats.

in Marion, Ind., son of Larry Jones and Tanya (Willoughby) Jones. He is survived by his parents, Joe and Diana Grace, Greendale, Ind., and Tanya Jones, Las Vegas, Nev.; daughter, Aubrielle Jones of Milan, Ind.; two half sisters, Danielle (Jones) Bedwell and Tawnie Fuller; special cousins, Josh and Nick Grace and Demi House; special aunt Angela Goodpaster; grandparents Kay Grace and Dale Willioughby and great-grandmothers, Betty Willioughby and Wilma Pease. Family and friends will be received on Wednesday, July 9, 2014, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Fitch-Denney Funeral Home, Greendale. Funeral services will be held at Hamline Chapel United Methodist Larry David Jones III, 23, Church, Thursday, July 10, of Greendale, Ind., passed 2014, at 11 a.m., with Pastor away Saturday, July 5, 2014. Nancy Nichols officiating. Contributions may be made He was born Sept. 6, 1990,

Larry Jones III

Richard “Dickie” Clark November 11, 1950 - July 8, 2012

You fell asleep without goodbye, But memories of you will never die. Love and miss you, Sheila

to the Larry David Jones III Memorial Fund, to benefit Aubrielle Kriston Jones, at UCB Bank.


CARTER, B. KEITH- 57, West Harrison, died July 3, 2014. Brater Winter Funeral Home, Harrison, is in charge of arrangements. BOWLING, HARLEY T.- 84, West Harrison, formerly of Burlington, Ky., died Sunday, July 6, 2014. he was a U.S. Army veteran. Jackman Kercheval Meyers

Funeral Home, Harrison, is in charge of arrangements. SPAULDING, VICTOR RAY- Aurora, died Friday, July 4, 2014. He was a U.S. Army Vietnam War veteran. Rullman Hunger Funeral Home, Aurora, is in charge of arrangements. JOHNSON, DENNIS “D.J.” Sr.- 69, West Harrison, died June 25, 2014. Jackman Kercheval Meyers Funeral Home, Harrison, is in charge of arrangements.


At Lutz Auction Center

Take I-74 to St. Leon-Lawrenceburg exit, then south on SR 1 for 3 miles to Dover, IN. East on N. Dearborn Rd for 1.4 miles to Auction Ln. From Lawrenceburg, take SR 1 North to Dover, right on N. Dearborn Rd to Auction Ln.

Friday Evening, July 11, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. Doors open at 4 p.m.

Antique & modern furniture; collectibles; household items; washer & dryer; Cub Cadet utility vehicle with dump bed; and complete contents of a garage of nice lawn and garden items. Craftsman tool chests, wrenches and tools. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is not a complete listing. Check for details, pictures, and late additions. The Estate of Delores Strunk Knippenberg & Various Consignors - Owners Dale & Randy Lutz – Auctioneers AU01030327, AU10100126, AH29900027 513-266-1859 / 513-266-1860 TERMS: Cash or check with ID. No Buyers Premium

Outstanding antique estate auctiOn

dutton James Hewetson estate OWens auctiOn seRVice

Saturday, July 19th, 2014 @ 10:00AM

Located @ 1265 Monteray Circle Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 / Hidden Valley furNIture, CroCks, tooLs, quILts, toys, pottery, gLassware, oIL LaMps, Cast IroN, fIsHINg & taCkLe, artIfaCts, adVertIsINg & MuCH, MuCH, More! go to www.auCtIoNzIp.CoM for fuLL saLe bILL & pICtures!!!

Auctioneers Note: Due to the passing of Mr. & Mrs. Dutton James Hewetson the following estate will be offered @ Auction. Items are in very good, clean condition! Bring your lawn chair & spend the day! Lunch & drinks will be served! Port O Let will be onsite! Terms: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Cash & Check’s w/ Driver’s Lic. or photo ID. NO EXCEPTIONS. There is a 3% charge when using credit cards. Announcements made the day of the sale will take precedence over any written material. Not responsible for Accidents, Omissions or Errors.

Auctioneer: Dennis Owens, Jr. • AU #09200254 Email: Home: (812) 584-3096 OR (812) 583-3097




Women win Risk It business competition In mid-May, the Southeast ISBDC hosted our third annual Risk It: Indiana, a 13-county business idea pitch competition. “We hosted seven innovative competitors from across Southeast Indiana to a packed house and put the pressure on three knowledgeable judges to determine a winner. We also allowed the audience to get involved by selecting their favorite with our Audience Choice Award – Cold Hard Cash,” said Kelsey Brown, Southeast ISBDC marketing coordinator. Competitors ranged from the Land Zeppelin, a polycarbonate enclosure that mounts to any standard bicycle and protects the cyclist from inclement weather, to Natural Furnishings, a handmade artisan furniture manufacturer started in Floyd County. Also competing were Flatrock Flatbread Company’s new idea for Belgium Street Waffles; a four way traffic signal to take the guess work out of stop signs; and organic skin care products from Royal Pampering Day Spa. All four of the previous winners have been men, but the 2014 Risk It: Indiana winners were both women entrepreneurs: Dawn Andrews with garb2ART Cosmetics of Columbus taking first place and Audience Choice, and Jyll Stuart of Veracity Technologies of New Albany taking second place. Both of these innovative women business owners are making strides to radically change their markets, and here are their stories. Jyll Stuart is the Founder and CEO of Veracity Technologies, which focuses on embedded hardware and software solutions, customized web applications, and custom software solutions. Stuart’s Risk It: Indiana pitch revolved around an innovative product for personal protection and quality of life for endangered persons; such as the elderly, persons with mental/debilitating diseases, children, patients, etc. She has developed a product that can be embedded into a silicon band, bracelet, or necklace to monitor exact location for real time data access with a designated mobile

Grants awarded for recycling, Special Olympics, Heart House & more form RS Foundation The Rising Sun Regional Foundation (RSRF) awarded a total of $250,005 in 14 new grants at its June 25, 2014 meeting.

device. Stuart is still in the design stages so is working on light up mascara as well. the product does not yet have a name, but While the lights are a very handy, Andrews she wants to change the way people think knows that the novelty could wear off, but about personal location deher customers keep comvices. ing back again and again Dawn Andrews started for the high quality of the garb2ART a few years ago actual makeup she sells. because she was concerned Andrews wants to exabout recycling and has pand garb2ART into a full since morphed the business service cosmetics firm in into a full cosmetics line. Columbus, filling her own She is well known to her product to keep absolute online social media followcontrol of quality and to ing for posting fun photos sell internationally. of her and her customThese two innovative ers before/after makeover entrepreneurs proved to shots along with videos of the audience that they deherself buying truckloads served to be on top. In of packaging that would fact, the audience choice have made it to the land voting mirrored the judge’s Dawn Andrews talks about votes within 10 of 670 total fill. Garb2ART Cosmetics her business, garb2ART. votes. motto is “we are here to “While I am not in need create a unique awareness for recycling of a personal location device, I can say that while adding a little light and a lot of color,” I use some garb2ART Cosmetics products and Andrews does just that. and am looking forward to seeing what the Her flagship product is LipGarb, a light Risk It: Indiana winners have in store for up, high quality lip gloss with an integrated Southern Indiana,” said Brown. mirror that makes touching up your lipstick For anyone that would like to compete, effortless and has now been expanded into Southeast ISBDC is accepting applications an organic line. for the next round of Risk It competitors at She now has light up nail polish and

These grants included: ■$20,000 ■ to the City of Aurora toward the implementation of a voluntary curbside recycling program. ■$2,500 ■ to Ohio County Convention, Visitors, and Tourism Bureau toward expenses with “A Roar of Thunder” regatta, to be held Aug. 1617, 2014 in Rising Sun. ■$30,000 ■ to the Ohio County Sheriff’s Department toward the purchase of in-car cameras. ■$14,774 ■ to Rising Sun/ Ohio County Rescue toward the installation of and training on new lift equipment. ■$32,000 ■ to the Rising Sun Volunteer Fire Department toward the purchase of self-contained breathing apparatus, masks, and spare bottles. ■$4,502 ■ to Special Olympics Indiana (Ripley, Ohio, Dearborn Counties) toward the purchase of folding tables and chairs and related equipment. ■$20,000 ■ to Heart House toward the purchase of a minivan. ■$2,229 ■ to LifeTime Re-

sources toward the installation of a security camera and lighting. ■$30,000 ■ to Milan ‘54 toward the restoration of the historic Nichols Barbershop. ■$21,000 ■ to the Town of Versailles toward necessary improvements to its water utility. ■$24,000 ■ to Delaware Volunteer Fire Department for the purchase of bunker gear. ■$30,000 ■ to Jac-CenDel Community School Corporation toward the purchase of interactive boards, cases, and computer carts ■$15,000 ■ to Milan Community School Corporation toward the purchase of computer carts, Apple TVs, and other related equipment. ■$4,000 ■ to the Batesville Youth Football League toward the purchase of safety equipment. The Rising Sun Regional Foundation began its grantmaking program in early 1997, which it has continued to implement. It is funded by the Rising Star Casino Resort, owned by Full House Resorts, Inc., which makes monthly contributions to the foundation based on a percentage of its Adjusted Gross Revenue.

PUBLIC RECORD The following arrests list was obtained from the county sheriff. It contains arrests made by police agencies in the county. ■Robert ■ Michael Wright,32, of 1032 Greenwood Ave., Hamilton, Ohio, was arrested at 2:38 a.m. Monday, June 23, for public intoxication. ■Keith ■ Michael Kaufhold, 26, of 7532 N. Spades Road, Milan, was arrested at 9:20 a.m. Monday, June 23, for probation violation. ■Alexander ■ Jackson Pfister McClanahan, 20, of 6815 U.S. 50, Heart House, Aurora, was arrested at 9;44 a.m. Monday, June 23, for burglary, theft and attempted theft. ■Andrea ■ Christine Newton, 31, of 18155 Hudley Road, Metamora, was arrested at 12:30 p.m. Monday, June 23 for probation violation and operating a motor vehicle after lifetime suspension. ■Douglas ■ C. Hunt, 19, of 10274 Tule Lane, Harrison, was arrested at 12:30 p.m. Monday, June 23, for theft, attempted theft and conspiracy. ■Jason ■ Michael Schwab, 26, of 8249 Fairmeadows Drive, Aurora, was arrested at 4:33 p.m. Monday, June 23, for probation violation. ■Damon ■ John Meister, 38, of 12530 Lenover St., Dillsboro, was arrested at 7:21 p.m. Monday, June 23, for driving while license suspended (susp/ prior). ■Damon ■ Aaron Miller, 21, homeless, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at

8:37 p.m. Monday, June 23, for failure to appear in court, probation violation and escape/failure to return to lawful detention. ■Shannon ■ Eugene Peelman, 28, of 127 S. Meridian St., Sunman, was arrested at 10 p.m. Monday, June 23, for nonsupport of a dependent child. ■Gregg ■ Allen Plyman, 46, of 13112 Bank St., Dillsboro, was arrested at 2:28 a.m. Tuesday, June 24, for domestic battery. ■Michelle ■ Nichole Hensley, 24, of 2889 S. County Road 350E, Dillsboro, was arrested at 5:12 a.m. Tuesday, June 24, for burglary and conspiracy. ■Troy ■ Wayne Coleman, 42, of 108 Sycamore No. 2, Harrison, was arrested at 10”58 a.m. Tuesday, June 24, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated with a prior. ■William ■ Ray Hicks, 49, of 15604 Decoursey Pike, Morning View, Ky., was arrested at 11:21 a.m. Tuesday, June 24, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■Nicole ■ Lynn Farmer, 21, of 20878 Burtzelbach Road, Guilford, was arrested at 11:19 a.m. Tuesday, June 24, for probation violation. ■Matthew ■ Blair Ivey, 23, of 8586 Bengal Lane, Aurora, was arrested at 2:05 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, for invasion of privacy invasion of privacy with prior and probation violation. ■Dawn ■ Michelle Beard, 31, of 346 Short St., Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, for

drug court violation. ■Kathleen ■ Sue, Bailey, 22, of 130 Market St., Aurora, was arrested at 3:26 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, for drug court violation. ■Scott ■ T. Huy, 34, of 7839 Lincoln, Cincinnati, was arrested at 3:55 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, for dealing in narcotic drug (heroin). ■Joshua ■ David Dixon, 26, of 21171 Bellmeade Drive, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 7:25 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, for probation violation. ■Joshua ■ Michael Justis, 32, of 16746 Scenic Drive, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, for possession of marijuana under 30 grams. ■Kerry ■ Joe Lynn, 40, of 407 Ellis St., Milan, was arrested at 9:06 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, for probation violation. ■Jennifer ■ Lynn Chipman, 33, of 624 Fourth St., Rising Sun, was arrested at 11:13 a.m. Wednesday, June 25, for probation violation. ■Jason ■ C. Boone, 32, of 575 Main St., Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 11:19 a.m. Wednesday June 25, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■Joyce ■ J. David, 33, of 113 Scudder Circle, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 12:04 p.m. Wednesday, June 25, for burglary, theft and attempted theft. ■Richard ■ Chance Evans, 19, of 11502 Ind. 350, Moores Hill, was arrested at 6:11 p.m. Wednesday, June

PAWSitively Awesome!

25, for probation violation. ■William ■ Clinton Smith, 41, of 7740 N. Thomas Road, Wilkinson, Ind., was arrested at 10:27 a.m. Thursday, June 26, for probation violation. ■William ■ Anthony Bills III, 30, of 10:50 a.m. Saturday, June 26, for probation violation. ■David ■ L. Shoemaker, 60, of 3122 Harrison-Brookville Road, West Harrison, was arrested at 9:48 p.m.

Thursday, June 26, for battery- injury. ■Dennis ■ Edward Graf Jr., 44, of 44 Scudder Drive, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 3:23 a.m. Friday, June 27, for invasion of privacy, public intoxication and possession of a controlled substance schedule II. ■Alex ■ Dickhaus, 20, of 10730 Caroline Pines Drive, Harrison, was arrested at 5:11 p.m. Friday, June 27,

for probation violation. ■Brandon ■ Lee Eldridge, 20, of 7756 N. Spades Road, Milan, was arrested at 5 p.m. Friday, June 27, for probation violation. ■Shane ■ Michael Iles, 35, of 10009 Calava Court, Union, Ky., was arested at 2:05 a.m. Saturday, June 28, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated with a prior.



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Dearborn County register

theJOURNALpress Sow summer seeds soon for fall food Erika Schmidt Russell, Editor Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus CONTACT REGISTER PUBLICATIONS: Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 / P.O. Box 4128 / (812) 537-0063 USPS 037-880


It’s all relative, so give peas a chance, or have some 3.14159

“The theory of relativ“Want an aspirin?” said ity means that everything is Lavinia. “I emptied the medrelative.” icine cabinet into my back Lavinia stuck up her hand pack before I got on the bus and said, “My Aunt Thun- this morning. Some of it is derstruck is relative.” already mooshed up with my “To what?” said Mr. Flag- lunch, but ...” staff. Mr. Flagstaff thought “To me. She’s my aunt, about his plans to work relatively.” for NASA, program satel“You mean that you are lites and planetary landers, related to her.” maybe even take a flight. “No, I was an accident.” He thought about Bunny FoMr. Flagstaff rubbed his rensi and the Boom Boom forehead and regretted once Room. He thought about the again the night before the fi- decimal he had left out of nals when he had run the equation on into Bunny Forensi C.G. the entrance exam at the Boom-Boom SCAVOLA ... “Give me a Room. If he had just not been hung over handful.” he might have passed the ... “Red, green, yellow, or an “I’m also accidentally re- assortment?” lated to ...” “Yes.” “No, let me guess. Your “I have beer, vodka, or mother?” bottled water to wash that “Do you know my moth- down.” er? Oh yeah, you had an “Yes.” overnight last year after the “Then can we get back to science fai ...”” Gregory the monk? It was “Does anyone remember just getting interesting. I Gregor Mendel?” need some new stuff to post “No, I don’t think he has on ...” done an overnight.” “Media? No. Nononono, “He’s dead.” don’t mention my name.” “That’s not necessarily a “Bunny Forensi mentions disqualifier, but I still don’t it all the time.” remember him.” “Bunny ...” “Gregor Mendel cultivat“You ran into her at the ed peas.” Boom Boom Room the night “I am enthused.” before your finals. You told “He cross-bred them.” her about that monk and his “I am getting even more peas. She says it changed her enthused.” life. She works for NASA, “And he contributed and didn’t even get laid off mightily to science. or away or whatever when “Oh jeez, you had to ruin everyone else did.” it.” Mr. Flagstaff held out his “Gregor Mendel pollinat- hands and Lavinia dug into ed different kinds of peas, her back pack. one with another,” Mr. Flag“Oooh! Some cream-colstaff explained. ored ones. They sort of got “And he got arrested?” smooshed with my ...” “No, he was a monk on “Yes.” a farm.” “Okay, but my nail polish Lavinia folded her arms, doesn’t taste ...” looked at Mr. Flagstaff, and As Mr. Flagstaff downed scowled. the pills, Lavinia looked at “Monkeys don’t grow her phone and said, “Hey, peas,” Mr. Flagstaff guessed. Bunny Forensi says she’d “They grow bananas,” ex- like to be friends with you.” plained Lavinia. “Tell her I’ll see her to“Ah, but a monk is some- night at the Boom Boom one who lives a cloistered Room.” life and grows peas,” said “Mr. Flagstaff, you and Mr. Flagstaff. that monk and his peas are “My Uncle Luther lives in just hopeless. She wants to a cloister where they grow be friends on the phone ... oh weeds. He races motorcy- wait, she also wants you to cles,” said Lavinia. stow away on a Mars lander “Maybe ‘commune’ is with her.” what you mean to say,” said Mr. Flagstaff’s eyes Mr. Flagstaff. glazed and he mumbled, “Maybe Uncle Luther “Bunny ... Mars ...” doesn’t seem to care where “That sounds like a long he is while he smokes peas” trip. Don’t forget to take a said Lavinia. can of peas.” “Could you score me some? No, forget I said Copyright 2014, Robert that.” A. Markwalter. For more “I forget almost every- from C.G. Scavola and Bob thing you say,” said Lavinia. Markwalter, visit www.stray“Thank you,” agreed Mr., home of the Stray Flagstaff. He rubbed his Lake Signal-Gazette. forehead again.

Is it too late to plant a garden? summer/fall crop. crops, but should be watched for pests and Not at all! While it might be harder to get Peas planted now may produce come nibbling bunnies. In our garden, which cool-weather crops such as lettuce, spinach fall, and you can choose standard or snap essentially has been organic for decades, and beets to germinate, there peas. I've always had better wasps and other predators carry off the cabare other vegetables that will CHANDRA L. luck with the latter, especially bage worms for the first half of the summer pop right out of the ground and MATTINGLY as fall crops. Plan on some sort to feed their young. Once those young are get to work. of support; even so-called non- raised, we begin seeing cabbage worms on And even the cool-temperastaking varieties do better with the brassica. ture crops may germinate if covered with a light fence or string to keep the delicate At that point, you can squash the catershade cloth and kept moist, or started inside vines off the ground. pillars, pick them off and feed them to your under lights for transplanting. Even potatoes can still be planted and chickens, or spray Bt or rotenone. If you So, what should you plant first? Sweet will produce taters, though perhaps not use rotenone or other pesticides, be sure to corn. I usually am able to get a late crop of large ones. The difficulty with late potatoes dust or spray early in the morning or in the sweet corn, even full-season varieties such is the hungry insects; they never seem to late evening, when honeybees and other as Silver Queen, if I plant it by July 15. go after the early potatoes as voraciously. pollinators are less active. You can soak the seeds overnight and water There are organic products that work on Speaking of honeybees, my home hives them in well to get a quicker start. potato beetles, with limitations. are thriving, as frequent rains are keeping Bush green beans planted now also have Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a bacterium the white yard clover blooming. enough time to mature, as do cucumbers. which is effective with early larval stages. We took honey off in late June, a sweaty Even summer squash are likely to produce Beauveria bassiana is effective against all job I wrote about in advance in an earlier some edibles, though it's probably too late larval and adult stages, but doesn't work blog, and ended up with about 360 lb. of for winter squash and watermelon. well in temperatures above 80 degrees F. honey from four overwintered beehives (up Carrots will mature in what's left of the Both are organisms which occur naturally. to six hives at the moment with divisions.) summer but can be tricky to get up, espeCabbage and broccoli seeds also can While I did the heavy, clothes-drenchcially in clay soils. Try planting the seeds be planted directly in the garden for fall ing work of removing honey supers from in broad rows, water, the hives, volunteers at Jim then cover the area Orem's Spring Sling in Milan with a wide board. did most of work involved Check the area daily, in extracting: decapping the keeping it moist, and combs, loading and running remove the board as the extractor, unloading the soon as seeds germiextractor, and cleaning up capnate. Keep watering pings, etc. regularly until the So here's thanks to Jim little carrots are well Orem, Brianna Johnson, Alestablished. lison and Matt Knue, Chris Or you can try and Darrell Hosmer, and Doncovering your carrot nie Flannery and his son Seth seeds with a mixture Flannery. Others there when of sand and soil to we were included Randy Salakeep the ground from tin and daughters Mary and crusting. Again, keep Emma Salatin, Ted Cooley, the area watered. Virginia Tidman, Jim Rector The same treatand Bert Fischesser. ment works with beets, but only if the Chandra L. Mattingly soil is cool enough. is a staff reporter for The BOB MATTINGLY PHOTO Journal-Press and The DearBeet seeds won't germinate well at higher Helping extract journalist and beekeeper Chan Mattingly's spring born County Register. In her temperatures. Yet if honey crop are, clockwise from front left: Chris and Darrell Hosmer, spare time she cultivates a you can get them up, Milan; Mattingly, Rising Sun; Brianna Johnson, Aurora; and Allison large garden, and tends they make a great late and Matt Knue, Sunman. bees, chickens and horses.


Western-style democracy not one-size-fits-all

On June 15, 2014 commentator Christo- the Chinese economy fed with resources pher Walker wrote in the Washington Post and expanding. Recently this has taken on that China and Russia were in effect con- more nationalist tinges as the Chinese push spiring against the U.S. and against western their claims over ocean and resource areas democracy in a systematic way. As a re- against similar claims by other countries. tired U.S. diplomat with an on-hands sense But the above amounts to less than for foreign affairs I have a different view. a top-down directed conspiracy. Call it Mr. Walker overstates his a coincidence of malevolent case. He is making more of D. THOMAS factors but I don’t think it is the evidence than is there. Yes, LONGO more than that. I believe also taken as a whole the actions of that Putin and China choose to Russia and China are contesting perceive democracy, especially what they see as arrogant, condescending as practiced by the U.S., as more a failure and righteous western, especially U.S., de- than success. mocracy. But I see that as a coincidence of Their perception is self-serving, of those nations pursuing their own interests course. Yet, our political impasses in Washrather than something being directed or ington and the shallow, low and banal coordinated from Moscow and/or Beijing. nature of our domestic political discourse It’s not like Moscow heading the world hardly gives confidence to them and should communist movement in the bad old Cold not to us. They do have some genuine fear War days. that, as they see it, those crazy backward Russia’s (Vladimir Putin’s) interests cowboy gun- and self-image-loving, righare nostalgia for Soviet empire, meaning teous arrogant Americans could lurch out nowadays suzerainty over the former So- unpredictably. viet Socialist Republics. Plus, important They look also at the record of democto him is preserving the power and posi- racy where we have recently tried to extend tion of himself and his cronies. Moreover, same in ways that appear to them that reflecting longstanding Russian mentality, we, the exceptional city-on-a-hill, think we Putin feels his people cannot be trusted with know what’s best for others. Yes indeed, democracy. Lenin put that in the guise of look at the successes of our promoting Paldictatorship of the proletariat led of course estinian democratic elections (led to Hamas by his Communist Party and himself. Putin in Gaza) and in Iraq (Maliki). “Democraputs it in the guise of a leading role for his cy” in Egypt begat Morsi who, like Maliki, United Russia party. blew it. The jury is still out on Afghanistan. China’s interests are in preserving the So what to do? Putting on the hat of political monopoly of their Communist the author of post-World War II anti-comParty while milking the rest of the world munist “containment,” George Kennan, my for whatever benefits they can gain to keep sense is the following:

■ As another means of enabling our readers to express themselves, we invite you to submit materials for guest columns. ■ Personal experiences, in the first person, are particularly sought. Topics of personal interest or about another person

are of interest to our readers. ■ Guest columns can be submitted to Register Publications, 126 W. High




47025; or via email at erussell@

D. Thomas Longo, Lawrenceburg, is a retired U.S. Foreign Service Officer, and U.S. Navy veteran. His diplomatic career saw him serving in Europe and the Middle East. Retirement brought him to Dearborn County so he could be close to his children and grandchildren.

THEY WORK FOR YOU Have something to say about the recent federal government shutdown? Is there a state issue sticking in your craw? Here is contact information for national and state lawmakers.

U.S. Government The President

Barack Obama, D: 1-202-456-1414, The

Submit a guest column

We have to drop our arrogant as perceived by others fixation on extending “democracy.” As the Palestinians, Iraqis, Egyptians and likely the Afghans have amply demonstrated, much of the world is simply not ready for it. Riven by ignorance, religious rivalries and tribalisms they are not ready and willing to embrace and respect pluralism. Rather, we need to make our peace with the concept of accepting autocracies here and there and to hope and work over the long term to steer those autocracies toward more benevolent and not brutal treatment of their people. We already do try to do this with Saudi Arabia and others albeit with limited success. The Obama administration seems to be trying to do likewise with authoritarian leader Sissi’s Egypt. Yes, this would be a return to apparently illiberal cold-blooded realpolitik. But the long-term advantage is still with our side. The dynamism, innovatedness and entrepeneurship of North America’s still relatively very free economic and private sectors and to a degree those of Western Europe, India, Australia, Japan and South Korea will continue to leave others in the dust. The latter will wallow in their medievality and authoritarianisms and wind up either tearing themselves apart by fighting or trying to adopt degrees of modernity.

White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. 20500. Term runs through 2016.

U.S. House, Sixth District

Luke Messer, R:1-202-225-3021 508 Cannon House

State Government Governor

Mike Pence, R: 1-317-232-4567; Statehouse,

Room 206, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Term runs through 2016.

Lt. Governor

Sue Ellspermann, R: 1-317-232-4545; State-

house, Room 333, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Term runs through 2016.

Office Building, Washington D.C. 20515. Indiana offices: 107 W. Charles St., Muncie, IN 47305; phone: 765-747-5566; Senate, 43rd District Richmond Municipal Building, 50 N. 5th St., Richmond, IN Johnny Nugent, R: 537-0628; 523 W. Eads Park47374; phone: 765-962-2883; 2 Public Square, Shelbyville, IN way, U.S. 50, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. Indianapolis: 1-317-23246176; phone: 317-421-0704. District is composed of Dear9541 or 1-800-382-9467; Statehouse, 200 W. Washington St., Inborn, Ohio, Ripley, Franklin, Jennings, Jefferson, Bartholomew, Decatur, dianapolis, IN 46204. The 43rd District is composed of parts of Shelby, Rush, Fayette, Union, Wayne, Hancock, Henry, Randolph and Dearborn, Ripley, Decatur and Jennings counties, and all of Ohio Delaware counties, and part of Scott County. Term runs through 2014. County. Term runs through 2014.

U.S. Senate

Dan Coats, R: 1-202-224-5623; fax: 1-202-

Statehouse, 67th District

Randy Frye, R: Indianapolis: 1-800-382-9841; e228-1820. 493 Russell Office Building, Washington, D.C. mail; Statehouse, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapo20510-1403. Indiana: 1-317-554-0750; 1650 Market Tower, lis, IN 46204. The newly redrawn 67th House District is composed 10 W. Market St., Indianapolis, IN 46204; or 1-812-218-2317. of parts of Dearborn, Ripley, Jennings, Decatur and Jefferson coun1201 E/ 10th St., Suite 106, Jeffersonville, IN 47130. Term runs ties, and all of Ohio and Switzerland counties. Term runs through 2014. through 2014. Statehouse, 68th District Joe Donnelly, D: 1-202-224-5011; 720 Hart Jud McMillin: 1033 Cliff St., Brookville, IN 47012; Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510; 10 West Market Indianapolis: 1-800-382-9842; Statehouse, 200 W. WashingSt., Suite 1180, Indianapolis, IN 46204, phone: 1-317-226ton St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. The 68th House District is composed of most of Dearborn County, all of Franklin Coun5555; 205 West Colfax Ave., South Bend, IN 46601, phone: ty, and part of Union County. Term runs through 2014. 1-574-288-2780. Term runs through 2018.


WHAT’S GOING ON Ongoing events Breast Cancer Support Group meets third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. in the Dearborn Room, second floor, at Dearborn County Hospital in Lawrenceburg. Everyone is welcome. Contact: Jan Tyler, 812926-3927, or Terri Jones, 812376-6781. Parkinson’s Disease Support Group meets from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month March - November. For more information please call Sandy Wuest at 812-537-4974. The Stroke Support Group meets the first Thursday (2nd Thursday in July) of each month at 6 p.m. For more information please call DCH Speech Pathologist, Angie Knoop at 513-367-1519. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, sponsors Family Support Groups in Lawrenceburg & Batesville for family members of those with mental illness. Trained NAMI family member volunteers lead the group. Meetings in Lawrenceburg are held the first Wednesday of every month 6:.30 to 8 p.m. at CMHC, 427 W. Eads Pkwy, behind Fifth Third. Batesville meetings are held the third Monday of every month, 6:30-8 p.m. at Batesville Memorial Public Library, 131 North Walnut. Questions call: 812-667-5429 or visit Singin’ Time in Indiana The second Saturday evening of each month, the Highlights Quartet will be hosting a free gospel sing called “Singin’ Time in Indiana, at Dearborn Adult Center, 311 W. Tate St., Lawrenceburg. Bingo Every Monday night at Sunman Legion Post 337 beginning at 6:30 p.m. For information: 812623-2972. Cross Eyed Riders #752, Christian Motorcyclists Association meets the first Friday of the month at 7 p.m. for food and fellowship. Meeting held at The Gathering Place, 1932 Jamison Road, Bright, Ind. Call 513-2189707 or 513-574-6550 or email for directions or other information. National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Association, Indiana Chapter 0813, has a monthly meeting at 10 a.m., on the third Tuesday of each month at the Ponderosa Steakhouse, corner of North Lincoln St. and Fourth St., Greensburg, Ind. Optional lunch afterward. Come meet your current and retired Federal Employee comrades. The next meeting is July 15. For more information call 765-629 2720. Hillforest Museum Open For Tours- The 1855 Victorian home of Thomas and Sarah Gaff, 213 Fifth Street, Aurora offers guided tours Tuesday through Sunday. Admission is $6 - 14 and up, $3 for students (ages 7-13), and children 6 and under are free. For information call 812-926-0087 or visit Bingo and Kitchen Everyone welcome every Friday night at VFW Post #5312, Aurora. Earlybirds at 6:30 p.m. and regular games start at 7 p.m. Kitchen opened from 5 to 8 p.m. New Hours-Aurora VFW #5312 is NOW open 7 days a week. Monday through Saturday 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Through May: $1.50 beer. We The Hoosiers meet monthly, the second Thursday at the Lawrenceburg Fire House at 7 p.m. Aurora Eagles Bingo Every Saturday night at 7 p.m. at 101 Third Street, Aurora. Upstairs open for non-smokers. Phone: 812-926-0031, Web:

Join the fun at Hillforest this summer!!! ■■July 14, 15, 16, 17 American Girl Day Camp One-day camp for girls 5-14. You and your doll are invited! Dress up, attend tea party, make a craft, and more! Cost $28 Reservations required. Call 812-926-0087 or visit for more information.



The Dearborn County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors meets monthly on the second Thursday at 8 a.m. at the USDA Service Center, 10729 Randall Avenue, Aurora, in the Aurora Industrial Park, 4 miles west of Aurora. All interested persons are welcome to attend. Bright Farmers Market will host Jim McBride and his one man band on Fridays, July 18 and Aug. 15 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy the market, bring a lawn chair and be entertertained. On Fridays, Aug. 15 and Sept. 12 we will have Molly from the Dearborn Recycling center. She willl be there approximately 3 to 6:30 p.m. The market is located at the intersection of State Line Rds and Salt Fork in the Presbyterian Church parking lot every Friday from 3 to 6:30 p.m. All is weather permiting. For more information contact Linda Johnson 812-6373898 Summer Display City of Spires Museum, 111 Fifth Street in Aurora announces the theme for this summer’s display: The Historic Churches of Aurora. Artifacts and old pictures from the churches will be on view along with brief histories of the congregations. City of Spires will be open on the first and third Sundays of July, August, and September from 1 to 4 p.m. and also by appointment, and there is no charge. Call 812926-0944 for information.

Tuesday, July 8

Meeting Reminder Tuesday, July 8, 6 p.m., at Milan Public Library. Support Group Leader, Karen Brandt. Cool Trees, Reforestation and the Taking Root Campaign: Tom Borgman, Hamilton County Parks will inform us about some great, uncommon trees to plant on your property and how the Great Parks of Hamilton County accomplishes large scale reforestation projects Tuesday, July 8, 7:30 p.m. at 301 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, the Oxbow, Inc. office.

Sunday, July 13

Join skilled birder Jack Stenger Sunday, July 13, 8 a.m. in the upper Oxbow parking lot at the main entrance to the Oxbow for what should prove to be a pleasant summer morning visit into the Oxbow. Jack suggests bringing sunscreen, insect repellant and water to make your visit more comfortable. The trip will end around 11 a.m. If you have any questions feel free to contact Jack, 513-503-3389,

Sunday, July 13, Thursday, July 17

VBS First Baptist Church of Aurora. This year our church is a stampede of excitement as we visit Avalanche Ranch! Our Ranch program will provide fun, memorable Bible-learning activities for kids through grade 5. Avalanche Ranch begins on Sunday, July 13 and continues through Thursday, July 17. Meet atFirst Baptist Church of Aurora (6060 Blair Road) each day from 6-8 p.m. For more information please call 812-926-1900.

Monday, July 14, Friday, July 18

VBS Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church, 45 Tebbs Avenue, Greendale/Lawrenceburg. Hours are 9 a.m. to noon July 14 – 18. Open to ages 4 through those going into 5th grade. For more information or to register a child, contact the office at 812537-1642 or visit the church website at

VBS Bible Baptist Church, Greendale is having Vacation Bible School on Friday, July 11 from 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, July 12 from 2 to 6 p.m. Bus Service will be provided. Call 812-539-4088 for information. Community Yard Sale 5th Annual Lawrenceburg Main Street Community Yard Sale, Saturday July 12. Rain or Shine 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lots of vendors along downtown Lawrenceburg sidewalks and parking lots. Booth rental is $5 if reserved by July 9, after July 9 is $10. For

Garden Tea Party

The public is invited to attend a “garden tea party” hosted by the Dearborn County Historical Society. Guest speaker and Master Gardener, Carolyn Stewart will unveil the newly planted gardens and grounds at the recently renovated at the 1818 Vance-Tousey House in Lawrenceburg. The home was once that of Samuel C. Vance, Lawrenceburg’s founder. This historic home is set apart by its soaring spiral staircase and grand riverfront façade and is considered one of the finest examples of Federal architecture in the State of Indiana. Before the levee, beautiful tree lined garden paths led to the river’s edge. Thanks to a generous grant from the Dearborn County Community Foundation Inc., the Vance home is once again surrounded by beautiful landscape planting beds. Design plans by Purdue University students, Vince Beam and Maria Gulley, include everything from vintage apple trees to a parterre. Casey’s Outdoor Solutions Landscaping was chosen as the landscaping installer. With the continued volunteerism of the Master Gardeners of SE Indiana led by President Carolyn Stuart, the newly landscaped grounds will be well maintained. Please join the DCHS, at no charge, for the “garden tea party” and a stroll through the gardens on Sunday, July 13, at 2 p.m. at the Vance Tousey House located at 508 W. High Street. Established in 1984, the Dearborn County Historical Society is the sole repository of historical materials pertaining to all people in all times of Dearborn County’s past. While the Society’s mission is to preserve its collection of artifacts, photographs, documents and research materials for the education of future generations, today’s visitors can enjoy Dearborn County history through the Society’s exhibits, genealogical research assistance.

Lawrenceburg Community Schools Registration 2014-2015 School Year First Student Day July 31, 2014 Lawrenceburg Primary School Central Elementary School Greendale Middle School Lawrenceburg High School Registration Dates: ■■Tuesday, July 15 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. ■■Wednesday, July 16 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ■■Thursday, July 17 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Tuesday, July 15

Freshman Orientation on Tuesday, July 22 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon.

Saturday, July 19

Sunman Elementary Supply List 2013-2014

Meeting Reminder Alzheimer’s support meeting Tuesday, July 15, 7 p.m. at Dearborn County Hospital, Ohio Room – 2nd Floor. Support Group Leader, Karen Brandt. Hog Roast/Car show with Rivercity Classics Saturday, July 19, 1 to 4 p.m. Eagle 99.3 broadcasting.

Friday, July 25

Friday, July 11, Saturday, July 12

Saturday, July 12

more information call 812-5374507 or visit

Teachers’ Treasures Sale to be held Friday, July 25, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church on North Dearborn Road east of Sunman. For additional information about the program, contact DCRTA President Denise Kaffenberger, 812-537-3520, or Educator Grant/Award Chair Betty Bourquein, 812-934-4454.

Friday, July 25Sunday, July 27

The Rivertown Players presents Lerner & Loewe’s, Brigadoon July 25, 26, and 27, 7 p.m. at Lawrenceburg High School. $10 Adults, $8 under $17. Tickets available at or 812-532-3078

East Central High School

New Student Enrollment Day is Monday, July 28, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. Call Mrs. Pelsor at 812-576-4811 extension 11915 beginning the week of July 21 to schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor to enroll. Book days are scheduled for Wednesday, July 30, and Thursday, July 31, from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. and also, Friday, Aug. 1, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. The building will be open all three days for students and parents to locate lockers and classrooms only during the hours specified. East Central’s Open House will be Tuesday, Aug. 5, from 5:30 until 7 p.m. We will be having a grillout with food and drinks. More detailed information will be available on Book Days. First student day will be on Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014.

St. John’s - Dover

Summer Festival

Saturday, July 19 • 5 pm - midnight • Food Fest • Beer Garden • Music by Inner Soul

Sunday, July 20 • 11 am - 9 pm Chicken Dinner 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Carry~out until 6 p.m. • Country Store • Raffle & Games Beer Garden & Entertainment Music by DJ Dan Morris SR 1, 2 miles south of I-74 at Lawrenceburg -St. Leon Exit

Kindergarten ■■Regular Size Schoolbag (No Suitcases on wheels) ■■2 Large Pink Eraser ■■4 Solid glue sticks – large ■■Large box of Kleenex ■■2 containers of Clorox Wipes ■■Pair of ear buds for the computer lab ■■Elmers Glue ■■2 Dry Erase Markers ■■1 (8 pack) washable markers First Grade ■■2 boxes of Crayons (24 count) ■■2 bottles of Elmer’s Glue w/ orange cap (no gels) ■■8 glue sticks ■■Fiskar Scissors ■■4 Pink Erasers ■■6 dry erase markers and 1 dry marker eraser ■■2 Large Boxes of Kleenex ■■40 Regular-Sized yellow #2 pencils (sharpened) ■■Plastic School Box (5 x 8) ■■Backpack or School Bag (No Suitcases on wheels) ■■1 container of Clorox Wipes ■■1 (2 pocket) folder (w/3 prongs) ■■2 Highlighters ■■Pair of ear buds for computer lab ■■MUSIC: 1 plain yellow pocket folder 1 pocket folder (design of choice) ■■ART: old oversized T-shirt w/child’s name on FRONT ■■PE: Tennis Shoes (heels & toes covered-NO WHEELS) 1 pocket folder (any color) Second Grade ■■Mrs. Honchell’s class ONLY (2 bottles of School Glue) ■■Mrs. Honchell’s class ONLY (1 box quart zip lock bagsgirls) ■■Mrs. Honchell’s class ONLY

Lawrenceburg Primary School 537-7239 Central Elementary School 5377279 Greendale Middle School 5377259 Lawrenceburg High School 537-7219

GMS and LHS - $2. Adults - $2.50

School Meal prices: Breakfast - $1 for all schools/$1.25 for adults Lunch - LPS - $1.50 CES - $1.75

A cafeteria representative will be available during registration so parents may place money into their child’s cafeteria account. Reminder that only cash or money orders are accepted. Information regarding Bus Routes will be available. Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation would like to thank the Lawrenceburg Schools Endowment Corporation and the City of Lawrenceburg for paying 100 percent of textbook rental and other school fees for the 2014-2015 school year. Future revenues for the Lawrenceburg Schools Endowment Corporation are uncertain, so money may not be available to fund textbook fees at 100 percent in future years.

(1 box gallon zip lock bagsboys) ■■All other classes: 2 Glue Sticks/1 bottle Elmer’s School Glue ■■Fiskar Scissors (pointed) ■■2 Pink Erasers ■■Crayons (Box of 24) (no markers, gel pens or ink pens) ■■Pkg of 12 (#2) pencils (sharpened if possible)(not mechanical) ■■Pencil bags (2 large ones) ■■Backpack or School Bag (No Suitcases on wheels) ■■NO TRAPPER KEEPERS ■■2 Lg. Boxes of Kleenex ■■1 Single-Subject, wideruled, spiral-bound notebook ■■3 pocket folders (no prongs) ■■1 container Clorox wipes ■■1 yellow highlighter ■■1 pkg dry erase markers ■■1 Black Sharpie (thin) ■■1 box of colored pencils ■■Pair of ear buds for computer lab ■■MUSIC: 1 plain green pocket folder 1 pocket folder (design of choice) ■■ART: old oversized T-shirt w/child’s name on FRONT ■■PE: Tennis Shoes (heels & toes covered-NO WHEELS) 1 pocket folder (any color) Third Grade ■■1 Elmer’s Glue w/orange cap ■■1 glue stick ■■1 pack of #2 yellow pencils ■■3 Boxes of Kleenex ■■2 pkgs Loose Leaf WideRule Note Book Paper ■■1 Three-Subject, wide-ruled, spiral-bound notebook ■■1 Box Colored Pencils ■■1 Box Crayons ■■Pencil Bag, (NO SCHOOL BOX) ■■Scissors – pointed (Fiskars) ■■2 Pink Erasers ■■3 (2 Pocket) folders with prongs ■■1 Black Sharpie Permanent Marker ■■Back Pack or School Bag (No Suitcases on wheels) ■■NO TRAPPER KEEPERS

■■1 Yellow Highlighter ■■1 PLASTIC – 2 pocket folder ■■Pair of ear buds for computer lab ■■ART: old oversized T-shirt w/child’s name on FRONT ■■MUSIC: 1 plain blue pocket folder ■■1 pocket folder (design of choice) ■■PE: Tennis Shoes (heels & toes covered-NO WHEELS) 1 pocket folder (any color) ■■1 container of Clorox Wipes ■■1 Black Dry Erase Marker (Expo-wide point) Fourth Grade ■■Pencils (NO INK PENS) (no mechanical pencils) ■■2 boxes (24 count crayons) ■■Scissors ■■1 bottle of liquid glue ■■3 Pink Erasers ■■3 Boxes of Kleenex ■■(1) 1” – 3 ring notebook binders with view cover ■■4 Highlighters (different colors) ■■Backpack or School Bag (No Suitcases on wheels) ■■NO TRAPPER KEEPERS ■■2 pkgs Loose-leaf Notebook Paper ■■1 pkg subject/tabbed dividers 3-hole punched (min of 8) ■■1 Accordian File Folder (minimum of 9 pockets) ■■1 (2 pocket) folders ■■2 spiral notebooks ■■2 pkgs Index Cards ■■Clorox Wipes ■■Pencil Bag (no boxes) ■■Pair of ear buds for computer lab ■■ART: old oversized T-shirt w/child’s name on FRONT 24 count box of crayons bottle of glue ■■MUSIC: bring your recorders at the beginning of school year 1 plain red pocket folder 1 pocket folder (design of choice) ■■PE: Tennis Shoes (heels & toes covered-NO WHEELS) 1 pocket folder (any color)

All students must pre-register for the new school year for the purpose of updating the student information. Please register at the building your child will be attending. Registration Forms are on each school’s website if you would like to print out the forms and complete them prior to coming to registration.


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Eighth annual Trojan Trot 5K opens SIRC-it Staff Report ST. LEON – Southeast Indiana Racing Circuit (SIRCIT) opens its five-race series of Saturday morning 5K races with Saturday's eighth annual Trojan Trot Run/ Walk at St. Leon American Legion Post 464. A fund-raiser for the East Central High School boys and girls cross country teams, the 3.1-mile event starts at 8:30 a.m. Race day entry fee is $20, including an official race tshirt, while supplies last, or $15 without the t-shirt. Trojan Trot race course is relatively flat on asphalt county roads, starting and finishing at the American Legion Post. Awards will be given the the overall male and female winners for both the 5K Run and Walk, along with the top three in each runners' age group and winner in each walk age group. Age groups for both male and female runners include: 12 & under, 13-14, 15-16, 17-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-69 and 70 and over. Walkers age groups include: 19 & under, 20-39 and 40 & over. Contact race director Steve Cotherman for more information at (812) 5374429 or e-mail: Drawings for door prizes will be made at the postrace awards ceremonies. Participants must be present to win. Runners and walkers who participate in at least four of the five SIRC-it races will have their names entered in a drawing for cash prizes following the fifth and final event in the series, Batesville's Bulldog Chase Saturday, Aug. 9. Those who participate in all five SIRC races get their names entered twice. Series-ending cash awards are given out by random drawing in two age groups: 19 and under and 20 and above.

See TROT, Page 7

Trivia Q: Four Cincinnati Reds were announced Sunday night as members of the 2014 National League AllStars – pitchers Johnny Cueto and Aroldis Chapman, 3B Todd Frazier and catcher Devin Mesoraco. What is the Reds’ record number of All-Stars in a season? A: Eight in 1956, including C Ed Bailey, 1B Ted Kluszewski, OF Gus Bell, P Brooks Lawrence, SS Roy McMillan, P Joe Nuxhall, OF Frank Robinson and 2B Johnny Temple.

Today in

1905 – At the age of 18, May Sutton becomes the first American – and the first non-British women – to win the singles title at Wimbledon, defeating England’s Dorothea Douglass, backto-back champion in 190304, by the scores of 6-3, 6-4. Born in Plymouth, England, Sutton moved to Pasadena, California, with her family at the age of six. During the 1905 tournament, Sutton rolls up her sleeves to bare her elbows and wears a skirt that shows her ankles – shocking the prim Victorian society. Sutton and Douglass will meet again in the Wimbledon final in the next two years, with Douglass winning in 1906 and Sutton in 1907.


Reds catcher Ivey Wingo, born 1890. Pirates pitcher Bob Kipper, born 1964.



Purple power on July 4th Elder runners dominate top 5K echelons BY JIM BUCHBERGER Sports Editor

GREENDALE – Utilizing Greendale's 19th annual Fourth of July 5K Run/ Dan Schuler Memorial Race for a mid-summer training run/confidence-builder, the purple-clad Panther cross country runners of Cincinnati's Elder High got plenty of boost Friday. Elder runners, coached by Steve Spencer (14 Greater Cincinnati League titles, four state championships) since 1976, have been a familiar group on Greendale's fast, flat 3.1-mile street course for several years now. They made Friday's traditional red, white and blue holiday event resemble the Elder Invitational – taking the top four spots in the 5K Run, eight of the top 10 and 12 of the top 20. Panthers senior-to-be Eric Huff, 17, of Cincinnati, was first to the finish line in a chip-timed performance of 16:51.865. Huff marked Elder's first Greendale 5K overall title since Jake Clark's 2011 win in 17:15. He beat out runner-up Elder alum Keith Schenkel, now a Xavier University senior runner, who clocked 17:11.894. Current Panthers senior Nick Rackers finished third (17:20.62), with sophomore brother Ryan Schenkel fourth at 17:41.52. Fifty-year old Terry Wyatt, of Union, Ky., struck a blow for the older generation, breaking up Elder's pack runners with a fifth-place finish in 17:45.09. Top local finisher Justin Noppert of Lawrenceburg, 38, came in sixth (17:54.83). Panther thinclads, David Meyer, 17; Jacob Greiser, 16; Nick Ellerhorst, 17; and Bready Bohon, 15; claimed four of the next five spots. Xavier Univerity cross country graduate Anna Ahlrichs, Greendale 5K women's


Xavier University graduate Anna Ahlrichs won Friday's Greendale 4th of July 5K Run women's overall title, outkicking 15-year old Elder runner Duncan Rackers (right) to the finish in a time of 19:29.31. Cincinnatian Ahlrichs was Greendale women's champ for the first time in 2011. overall champion in 2011, did Lawrenceburg's it again Friday, finishing 18th Sara Chipman, overall in a time of 19:29.31. 31; Aurora naThe Cincinnati Mercy High tive Megan Mcproduct placed 17th three Graw, 45, now of years ago, in a time of 20:13. Scottsdale, Ariz.; ■■1995– Leo Turchyn, Batesville – 16:06 (143 finishers) Naturally, Elder sophomore Lawrenceburg's ■■1996– Jason Hussel, 18, Cincinnati – 15:28 (182 finishers) Duncan Rackers (19:40.28) Laura Moorre, ■■1997– Jason Hussel, 19, Cincinnati – 15:43 (219 finishers) chased Ahrlrichs to the finish 42; Cindy Batta ■■1998– Ernie Ziegler, 19, Harrison, Ohio – 15:41 line, smiling all the way. of Harrison, 47; ■■1999– Jason Hussel, 21, Cincinnati – 16:30 (282 finishers) 5K Run age group trophy Greendale's Mary ■■2000– Jason Hussel, 22, Cincinnati – 16:14 (225 finishers) winners on the men's side Kramer, 51, and ■■2001– Justin Hussel, 20, Cincinnati – 16:10 (297 finishers) Friday included: Cincinnati's Theresa Canfield, ■■2002– Ernie Ziegler, 23, Harrison, Ohio – 16:46 (488 finishers) Brandon Rinear, 14; Huff and 58; Sherry Hyden ■■2003– Rob Grote, 18, Batesville -16:31 (446 finishers) Keith Schenkel, Paul Sulli- of Hamilton (60) ■■2004– Rob Grote, 19, Batesville – 16:03 (467 finishers) van of Cleves, 29; Lawrence- and Guilford's ■■2005– Steve Swartz, 19, Middletown, Ohio – 16:06 (515 finishers) burg's Bryan Wagner (30); Arlene Wilgen■■2006– Matthew Peters, 19, West Chester, Ohio – 16:03 (482 finishers) Noppert; John Robinson of busch, 72. ■■2007– Matthew Peters, 20, West Chester, Ohio – 16:21 (509 finishers) Hebron, 40; Cincinnati's Dillsboro's ■■2008– Zach Koehler, 21, Union, Ky. - 15:35 (412 finishers) Jamie Crombie, 48; Wyatt; Daniley Elder, 51, ■■2009– Joshua Goodall, 18, Lawrenceburg – 15:11 (468 finishers) Noel Rutt of Florence, 57; won Friday's 19th ■■2010– Brad Fortuna, 19, Aurora – 15:54 (470 finishers) and Fairfield's Wayne Doehl- annual Greendale ■■2011– Jake Clark, 17, Cincinnati – 17:15 (459 finishers) man Sr., 69. 5K Walk champi■■2012– Brad Fortuna, 21, Aurora – 16:50 (562 finishers) Women's 5K Run age onship in a time ■■2013– Brad Fortuna, 22, Aurora – 15:55 (425 finishers) group winners were: Law- of 35:22.920. ■■2014– Eric Huff, 17, Cincinnati – 16:51.865 (441 finishers) renceburg's Alexis DeLong, Lawrenceburg 14; Lindsey Potzick of Har■■MEN’S COURSE RECORD: Joshua Goodall, Lawrenceburg, 15:11 (2009) S ee PURPLE, rison, 17; Ahlrichs; Kelli ■■WOMEN’S COURSE RECORD: Ann Sorenson, Rising Sun, 18:58 (1999) Page 7 McFadden of Cleves, 28;

GREENDALE 5K WINNERS Plus Total Finishers

NC's Hoffman wins Downey Memorial

Beats brakeless Kramer for the $4,444.44 prize Staff Report

LAWRENCEBURG – Lawrenceburg Speedway roared back into action for the second half of its 2014 racing schedule with perfect weather for Saturday night's third annual Merrill Downey Memorial feature. The third annual Downey – which pays $4,444.44 to win the 44-lap feature race for Budweiser UMP Modifieds – drew field of 52 cars for what turned out to be a thrilling run

to the finish. When the dust settled, it was Nick Hoffman of Mooresville, N.C., in the No. 2 car, who raced multiple track champion Joey Kramer to the wire to take the top prize. At the drop of the green flag in the 44-lap A-main, polesitter Hunter Rasdon,, driver of the No. R5 car from Jonesboro, Ark., jumped out and led the first laps. Defending Downey Memorial champion Kramer, from Hanover, gave chase. On lap six, Kramer passed Rasdon on the high side to assume command. As he has done so many times, Kramer and his No. 77 car pulled away from Rasdon and the

rest of the field. Hoffman, making his first trip to Lawrenceburg, proceeded to get the No. 2 car around Rasdon for second. The furious pace then settled down, as Kramer began to lap cars - with Hoffman pacing him, about two seconds behind. With 36 laps complete, a yellow flag bunched the field again, however. On the restart Hoffman came up to challenge Kramer for the lead in what would be a thrilling race to the finish. It was learned after the race that Kramer's car had lost his brakes, with the driver holding on as much as he could. But Hoffman was able to withstand the challenge and

hold on to the lead for the final four laps. Kramer's No. 77 bounced off the wall in the late going, but he was able to hold on to take second place, ahead of top-five finishers (in order) Bryan Barber, Trent Green and Levi Kissinger. Modifieds heat race winners Saturday included Bryan Barber, Kissinger, Hoffman, Kramer, Brian Shaw of Robinson, Ill., and Hunter Rasdon. Rasdon won the Sign-ARama Winners Dash. Three Mods B-Mains races Saturday were won by Bloomington driver Derek Groomer, Jerry Bowersock of Wapakoneta, Ohio, and Winchester, Ohio's Weasel Rhoades.

TIM THOMAS/L'burg Speedway

Modified cars driven by Elliott Despain (73E, left), of Campbellsville, Ky., and Kelly Craddock (41), of Union, Ky., and a third unidentified vehicle, were involved in this collision in the third B-Main semifinal during Saturday's Merrill Downey Memorial event at Lawrenceburg Speedway. None of the drivers were seriously injured.

Budweiser UMP Modifieds racing action returns to Lawrenceburg on this Sunday, July 13, alongside the USAC Indiana Sprint Week series stop.

Jameson Wins

Lawrenceburg's own Jason Jameson led for all 20 laps in the No. 12 rare to win Saturday's rare Late Model division feature race at Lawrenceburg Speedway. A field of 13 Late Models ran the 20-lapper. Richmond's Duane Chamberlain, driving the No. 20C car, tried an ill-fated outside move on Jameson early. It ended with Chamberlain running out of racetrack, bouncing the No. 20C off the turn four wall. The driver wasn't seriously injured. Following Jameson across the line were top-five finishers, in order, John Gill of Mitchell, Ind.; Greg Johnson of Bedford; Zak Blackwood and Ethan Burgess. Late Models heat race winners Saturday were Jameson and John Gill. Late Models return to Lawrenceburg Aug. 23, when the Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Car Series comes to town. Lawrenceburg Speedway's next event is Sunday's USAC Indiana Sprint Week date – race number 3 in the sevenrace National Sprint Car circuit mini-series. Racing will feature USAC Sprint Cars and Budweiser UMP Modifieds.



GREENDALE 4TH OF JULY 5K RUN/WALK Dan Schuler Memorial Race Friday, July 4 At Greendale Park 5K RUN (3.1 miles) OVERALL MALE WINNER 1. Eric Huff, 17, Cincinnati, 16:51.865 OVERALL FEMALE WINNER 18. Anna Ahlrichs, 22, Cincinnati, 19:29.311 Top 10 finishers: 1. Eric Huff, 17, Cincinnati, 16:51.865 2. Keith Schenkel, 21, Cincinnati, 18:11.894 3. Nick Rackers, 17, Cincinnati, 17:20.620 4. Ryan Schenkel, 15, Cincinnati 17:41.528 5. Terry Wyatt, 50, Union, Ky., 17:45.097 6. Justin Noppert, 38, Lawrenceburg, 17:54.832 7. David Meyer, 17, Cincinnati, 18:06.470 8. Jacob Greiser, 16, Cincinnati, 18:08.294 9. Nick Ellerhorst, 17, Cincinnati, 18:18;798 10. Jamie Crombie, 48, Cincinnati, 18:21.163 Top 10 women’s finishers: 18. Anna Ahlrichs, 22, Cincinnati, 19:29.311 44. Megan McGraw, 35, Scottsdale, Ariz., 21:42.905 45. Lindsey Potzick, 17, Harrison, Ohio, 21:46.098 46. April Zieger, 18, Harrison, Ohio, 21:46.757 50. Hayley Miller, 15, Cincinnati, 22:02.552 54. Rebekah Martin, 24, Lawrenceburg, 22:32.320 59. Ashley Sedler, 15, Aurora, 22:42.490 69. Kelly McFadden, 28, Cleves, Ohio, 23:23.376 77. Laura Moore, 42, Lawrenceburg, 23:48.456 80. Sherry Hyden, 60, Hamilton, Ohio, 24:10.109 Age group winners: MALE 14 & UNDER – 35. Brandon Rinear, 14, Cincinnati, 21:05.830 MALE 15-19 – 1. Eric Huff, 17, Cincinnati, 16:51.865 MALE 20-24 - 2. Keith Schenkel, 21, Cincinnati, 18:11.894 MALE 25-29 – 15. Paul Sullivan, 29, Cleves, Ohio, 19:08.761 MALE 30-34 – 26. Bryan Wagner, 30, Lawrenceburg, 20:10.146 MALE 35-39 - 6. Justin Noppert, 38, Lawrenceburg, 17:54.832 MALE 40-44 – 66. John Robinson, 40, Hebron, Ky., 23:10.611 MALE 45-49 - 10. Jamie Crombie, 48, Cincinnati, 18:21.163 MALE 50-54 - 5. Terry Wyatt, 50, Union, Ky., 17:45.097 MALE 55-59 – 48. Noel Rutt, 57, Florence, Ky., 21:56.984 MALE 60-69 – 39. Wayne Doehlman Sr., 69, Fairfield, Ohio, 21:30.149 FEMALE 14 & UNDER – 86. Alexis DeLong, 14, Lawrenceburg, 24:22.687 FEMALE 15-19 – 45. Lindsey Potzick, 17, Harrison, Ohio, 21:46.098 FEMALE 20-24 - 18. Anna Ahlrichs, 22, Cincinnati, 19:29.311 FEMALE 25-29 – 69. Kelli McFadden, 28, Cleves, Ohio, 23:23.376 FEMALE 30-34 – 130. Sara Chipman, 31, Lawrenceburg, 26:49.146 FEMALE 35-39 – 44. Megan McGraw, 35, Scottsdale, Ariz., 21:42.905 FEMALE 40-44 – 77. Laura Moore, 42, Lawrenceburg, 23:48.456 FEMALE 45-49 – 117. Cindy Batta, 47, Harrison, Ohio, 26:10.281 FEMALE 50-51 – 87. Mary Kramer, 51, Greendale, 24:25.043 FEMALE 55-59 – 138. Theresa Canfield, 58, Lawrenceburg, 27:14.717 FEMALE 60-69 – 80. Sherry Hyden, 60, Hamilton, Ohio, 24:10.109 FEMALE 70 & OVER – 291. Arlene Wilgenbusch, 72, Guilford, 37:02.649 5K WALK (3.1 miles) OVERALL WOMEN”S WINNER 1. Daniley Elder, 51, Dillsboro, 35:22.920 OVERALL MEN ’S WINNER 4. James Givan, 53, Lawrenceburg, 38:34.254 Top 10 finishers:

1. Daniley Elder, 51, Dillsboro, 35:22.920 2. Sandy Greenwood, 56, Lawrenceburg, 35:30.373 3. Danielle Bischoff, Harrison, Ohio, 37:11.317 4. James Givan, 53, Lawrenceburg, 38:34.254 5. John Davis, 47, Greendale, 39:04.041 6. Barb Feilhauer, 65, Harrison, Ohio, 39:31.221 7. Colleen Pope, 49, Cincinnati, 39:42.527 8. Julie Dietz, 55, Lawrenceburg, 40:17.992 9. Meredith Seamon, 19, Lawrenceburg, 40:20.677 10. Lisa Collins, 43, Lawrenceburg, 40:31.661 Age group winners: MALE 14 & UNDER – 75. Hunter Mattlin, 12, Guilford, 51:00.167 MALE 15-19 – 45. Jon Hart, 17, Lawrenceburg, 47:42.837 MALE 20-24 – 32. Clay Tyler, 21, Aurora, 44:57.607 MALE 25-29 – 65. Corey Mitchell, 25, West Harrison, 50:04.719 MALE 30-34 – 14. Stephen Weber, 31, Greendale, 41:47.574 MALE 35-39 – 24. Brian Knight, 39, Greendale, 44:02.823 MALE 40-44 – 22. Kevin Renner, 41, Aurora, 44:00.008 MALE 45-49 - 5. John Davis, 47, Greendale, 39:04.041 MALE 50-54 - 4. James Givan, 53, Lawrenceburg, 38:34.254 MALE 55-59 – 31. Robert Platt, 56, Cincinnati, 44:50.051 MALE 60-69 – 12. Don Siemers, 68, Lawrenceburg, 41:38.701 MALE 70 & OVER – 71. Jim Scott, 71, Lawrenceburg, 50:32.006 FEMALE 14 & UNDER – 28. Kayleigh Lamkin, 11, Aurora, 44:18.727 FEMALE 15-19 – 9. Meredith Seamon, 19, Lawrenceburg, 40:20.677 FEMALE 20-24 – 21. Shelby Carr, 20, Aurora, 43:53.129 FEMALE 25-29 – 15. Lindsay McFelea, 26, Lawrenceburg, 42:40.470 FEMALE 30-34 – 11. Tammy Abbott, 34, Lawrenceburg, 41:29.193 FEMALE 35-39 – 18. Stephanie Roberts, 35, Lawrenceburg, 43:19.752 FEMALE 40-44 – 10. Lisa Collins, 43, Lawrenceburg, 40:31.661 FEMALE 45-49 – 7. Colleen Pope, 49, Cincinnati, 39:42.527 FEMALE 50-54 – 1. Daniley Elder, 51, Dillsboro, 35:22.920 FEMALE 55-59 – 2. Sandy Greenwood, 56, Lawrenceburg, 35:30.373 FEMALE 60-69 – 6. Barb Feilhauer, 65, Harrison, Ohio, 39:31.221 FEMALE 70 & OVER – 19. Mary McCann, 77, Lawrenceburg, 43:36.853 SOUTHEAST INDIANA RACING CIRCIT 2014 SIRC-it Schedule Saturday, JULY 12 – Trojan Trot 5K Run/Walk – St. Leon American Legion Post 464, 8:30 a.m. – Race director: Steve Cotherman Saturday, JULY 19 – Lakeside 5K Run/Walk – Franklin County High School, Brookville, 8:30 a.m.– Race dierctor: Brian Holland Saturday, JULY 26 – Shiner Dash 5K Run/Walk – Rising Sun High School, 8:30 a.m. – Race director: Caitlin Sauerhage - Saturday, AUGUST 2 – Knight Flight 5K Run/Walk– Weber Sports, 238 Main St., Aurora, 8:30 a.m. – Race director: Jeremy Baney - Jeremy.Baney@ Saturday, AUGUST 9 – Bulldog Chase 5K Run/Walk – Batesville Middle School, 8:30 a.m. – Race director: Lisa Gausman - WEBER SPORTS – 238 Main Street, Aurora, IN 47001 - puts up $1,000 that is given away at the Bulldog Chase by random drawing. You get your name in the drawing once for participating in 4 events and twice for par-

ticipating in all 5 events. Each event will be chip timed by Stuart Road Racing LLC For details, on-line entry, go to

Auto racing

LAWRENCEBURG SPEEDWAY Saturday, July 5 Budweiser UMP MODIFIEDS MERRILL DOWNEY MEMORIAL FEATURE (44 laps) – 1. Nick Hoffman (Car No. 2), 2. Joey Kramer (77), 3. Bryan Barber (10), 4. Trent Green (14), 5. Levi Kissinger (8K), 6. Don Adams (13A), 7. Hunter Rasdon (R5), 8. Derek Groomer (D48), 9. Shawn Brown (97), 10. Shon Flanary (98), 11. Jerry Bowersock (X), 12. Roy Bruce Jr. (XX) 13. Kyle Herbert (15L), 14. JT Ayers (28), 15. Keith Smith (1S), 16. Trent Young (10Y), 17. Matt Westfall (54), 18. Kyle Schornick (23), 19. Andrew Corbin (19), 20. Weasel Rhoades (59), 21. Brian Shaw (1SS), 22. Devin Gilpin (1G), 23. Matt Hamilton (9H), 24. Daryl Herbert (32K), 1ST HEAT – 1. Bryan Barber (10) 2ND HEAT – 1. Levi Kissinger (8K) 3RD HEAT – 1. Nick Hoffman (2) 4TH HEAT – 1. Joey Kramer (77) 5TH HEAT – 1. Brian Shaw (1SS) 6TH HEAT – 1. Hunter Rasdon (R5) DASH – 1. Hunter Rasdon (45) B-MAIN 1 – 1. Derek Groomer (D48) B-MAIN 2 – 1. Jerry Bowersock (X) B-MAIN 3 – 1. Weasel Rhoades (59) LATE MODELS FEATURE (20 laps) – 1. Jason Jameson (Car No. 12), 2. John Gill (75), 3. Greg Johnson (15), 4. Zak Blackwood (93), 5. Ethan Burgess (18), 6. Jerry Bowersock (95J), 7. Dustin Nobbe (5N), 8. Steve Pyles (30), 9. Mick Sansom (20M), 10. Jeff Simonton (20), 11. Duane Chamberlain (20C), 12. Matthew Berry (20K), 13. David Webb (13W) 1ST HEAT – 1. Jason Jameson (12) 2ND HEAT – 1. John Gill (75) LAWRENCEBURG SPEEDWAY 2014 Event Schedule JULY 13 – USAC INDIANA SPRINT WEEK - Budweiser UMP Modifieds, Late Models 19 – Night of Destruction – School Bus Races, Monster Truck Freestyle, Mini-Van Demo Derby, much more 26 – Budweiser Fan Appreciation Night - Lawrenceburg Chevrolet Sprints, Budweiser UMP Modifieds, Impact Sports Pure Stocks, Bessler’s U Pull & Save Hornets AUGUST 2 – Family Night at The Race 2 - Lawrenceburg Chevrolet Sprints/BOSS Sprint Car Series, Budweiser UMP Modifieds, Impact Sports Pure Stocks, Bessler’s U Pull & Save Hornets 16 – DICK GAINES MEMORIAL/ Dog Daze of Summer - Lawrenceburg Chevrolet Sprints, Budweiser UMP Modifieds, Impact Sports Pure Stocks, Bessler’s U Pull & Save Hornets 23 – LUCAS OIL LATE MODEL SERIES - Plus Budweiser UMP Modifieds 30 – Racing In All Classes - Lawrenceburg Chevrolet Sprints, Budweiser UMP Modifieds, Impact Sports Pure Stocks, Bessler’s U Pull & Save Hornets SEPTEMBER 6 – RODEO – Fullblown professional rodeo, barrel racing, bullriding, calf roping, tiedown roping, much more 13 – NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS/ Final Points Race - Lawrenceburg Chevrolet Sprints, Budweiser UMP Modifieds, Impact Sports Pure Stocks, Bessler’s U Pull & Save Hornets 27 – FALL NATIONALS/Pretty In Pink – USAC Sprint Cars, Budweiser UMP Modifieds Pit Gates Open: 4 p.m. General Admission Gates Open: 5 p.m.

ader of the Week e R AliCe HArrer lawrenceburg


ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Dearborn Commissioners will receive bids for the 2014 County Road Paving Project, Dearborn County, Indiana, all in accordance with the Contract Documents, and Specifications. Bids will be re ceived until 9:00 AM, prevailing time, on July 31, 2014, at the Dearborn County Highwayʻs office, You could be Randall the next Reader the Week! 10255 Ave., Aurora,of Indiana 47001. Bids Subscribe today! 812-537-0063 will be publicly opened on July 31, 2011 at 9:10 AM in the Dearborn County Highway Office. Bids re ceived after that time will be returned unopened. The work shall consist of HMA paving on various county roadways, layout, traffic control, cleanup and associated work. Contract Documents are on file and may be examined at the Dearborn County Highwayʻs office, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 10255 Randall Ave., Aurora, Indiana 47001 The Dearborn Commissioners will receive bids for C-7-8-JP-2t the 2014 County Road Paving Project, Dearborn 49607 C-7-10-R-2t hspaxlp County, Indiana, all in accordance with the Contract ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Documents, and Specifications. Bids will be re ceived until 9:00 AM, prevailing time, on July 31, The Dearborn Commissioners will receive bids for 2014, at the Dearborn County Highwayʻs office, the 2014 Line Stripping, Dearborn County, Indiana, 10255 Randall Ave., Aurora, Indiana 47001. Bids all in accordance with the Contract Documents, and will be publicly opened on July 31, 2011 at 9:10 AM Specifications. Bids will be received until 9:00 AM, in the Dearborn County Highway Office. Bids re - prevailing time, on July 31, 2014, at the Dearborn ceived after that time will be returned unopened. County Transportation and Engineering office, The work shall consist of HMA paving on various 10255 Randall Ave., Aurora, Indiana 47001. Bids will




You have won a $10 Gift Certificate to Comb’s Pizza in Aurora! Coming to your mailbox soon!

Hot Laps: 6 p.m. Racing: 7 p.m. Amsoil/USAC 2014 INDIANA SPRINT WEEK Schedule Friday, JULY 11 - Gas City, IN Gas City I-69 Speedway Saturday, JULY 12 - Kokomo, IN - Kokomo Speedway Sunday, JULY 13 - Lawrenceburg, IN - Lawrenceburg Speedway Wednesday, JULY 16 - Terre Haute, IN - Terre Haute Action Track Thursday, JULY 17 - Putnamville, IN - Lincoln Park Speedway Friday, JULY 18 - Bloomington, IN - Bloomington Speedway Saturday, JULY 19 - Haubstadt, IN - Tri-State Speedway

H.S. football

17th Annual CROSSTOWN SHOWDOWN FRIDAY, AUGUST 22 Ryle (Ky.) at Cooper (Ky.), 7 p.m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 28 Fairfield (Ohio) vs Cincinnati Withrow (at Lockland Stadium), 7 p.m. Madeira (Ohio) at Norwood (Ohio), 7 p.m. Clinton-Massie (Ohio) at Blanchester (Ohio), 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 Cincinnati Turpin at Cincinnati McNicholas, 5:30 p.m. Lakota West (Ohio) vs. Loveland (Ohio) (at Yager Stadium, Oxford), 6 p.m. Middletown (Ohio) vs. Dayton (Ohio) Marshall (at Welcome Stadium, Dayton), 7 p.m. Cincinnati Sycamore at Cincinnal Walnut Hills, 7 p.m. TAYLOR (OHIO) at LAWRENCEBURG, 7 p.m. Cincinnati Elder at Cincinnati Oak Hills, 7:30 p.m. EAST CENTRAL at HARRISON (OHIO), 7:30 p.m. Cincinnati Colerain vs. Cincinnati LaSalle (at Yager Stadium, Oxford), 8:30 p.m. Cincinnati Moeller vs. Pickerington North (Ohio) (at Crew Stadium, Columbus), 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 Covington Catholic (Ky.) at Dixie Heights (Ky.), 1 p.m. Bellevue (Ky.) vs. Finneytown (Ohio) (at Sheakley Athletics Center, University of Cincinnati), 2 p.m. East St. Louis (Ill.) at Cincinnati St. Xavier, 3 p.m. Anderson (Ohio) vs. Cincinnati Northwest (at Sheakley Athletics Center, University of Cincinnati), 5 p.m. Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy vs. Middletown Fenwick (Ohio) (at Kings High School), 7 p.m. Carlisle (Ohio) vs. Franklin (Ohio) (at Monroe High School), 7 p.m. Stebbins (Ohio) at West Carrollton (Ohio), 7 p.m. Beechwood (Ky.) vs. Mt. Healthy (Ohio) (at Sheakley Athletics Center, University of Cincinnati), 8 p.m. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Conner (Ky.) at Simon Kenton (Ky.), 7 p.m. Campbell County (Ky.) at Newport Catholic (Ky.), 7 p.m. Oxford Talawanda (Ohio) at Kings (Ohio), 7:30 p.m. Winton Woods (Ohio) at Hamilton (Ohio), 7:30 p.m. Information, tickets: http://

Sprint Week at Speedway this Sunday Staff Report LAWRENCEBURG - In addition to seven nights of racing totaling more than $150,000 in purse money, participants in the 27th edition of the Amsoil USAC National Sprint Car Indiana Sprint Week will be competing for added bonus incentives. Lawrenceburg Speedway will host the third of seven races in the midsummer USAC Sprints mini-series Sunday night, July 13. From the ISW opener July 11 at Gas City's I-69 Speed-

PURPLE, From Page 6

race walker James Givan, 53, crossed the finish line fourth (38:34.254) for the 5K men's title. Age group 5K Walk women's winners were Aurora's Kayleigh Lamkin, 11; Lawrenceburg's Meredith Seamon, 19; Shelby Carr of Aurora, 20; Lindsay McFelea of Lawrenceburg, 26; Lawrenceburg's Tammy Abbott, 34, Stephanie Roberts, 35, and Lisa Collins, 43; Colleen Pope of Cincinnati, 49; Elder; Greendale's

way, through Lawrenceburg and the July 19 series finale at Tri-State Speedway in Haubstadt, drivers will be competing for the new Hinchman Checkered Flag Award. Sponsored by Hinchman Racing Uniforms of Indianapolis, the Checkered Flag Award will result in the race winner at each event receiving the official feature race flag, signed by all drivers competing in the event. Each winner also receives a nontransferable gift certificate toward any item Hinchman sells. Sandy Greenwood, 56; Harrison's Barb Feilhauer, 65; and Lawrenceburg's Mary McCann, 77. Men's 5K Walk age group winners included: Guilford's Hunter Mattlin, 12; Lawrenceburg's Jon Hart, 17; Aurora's Clay Tyler, 21; Corey Mitchell of West Harrison, 25; Greendale's Stephen Weber, 31, and Brian Knight, 39; Aurora's Kevin Renner, 41; Greendale's John Davis, 47; Givan; Cincinnati's Robert Platt, 56; and Lawrenceburg's Don Siemers, 68, and Jim Scott, 71.


Each SIRC-it series event will be chip-timed by Stuart From Page 6 Road Racing, LLC. For complete details and Awards in each of these on-line entry forms for all two groups are $200, $150, five races go to: www.Stuar$100, $50, thanks to rate sponsor Weber Sports.


TUESDAY, JULY 8 Age Group Swimming ■■Southeastern Indiana Swim Association Championships at Greensburg High School (South Dearborn Sea Dragons, Hidden Valley Lake Gators, Batesville Swim Team, Decatur County Tiger Sharks, Milan Indians Swim Team, Hoosier Hills Otters), Morning Session (Boys-Girls Ages 10 & Under) 8:30 a.m., Afternoon Session (Boys Girls Ages 11 & Over) 1:30 p.m. THURSDAY, JULY 10 Amateur Baseball ■■Lawrenceburg Summer Baseball at South Dearborn Summer Baseball (Highlander Field, South Dearborn H.S., Aurora – 2), 5 p.m. FRIDAY, JULY 11 Motorcycle Racing ■■Lawrenceburg Motorcycle Speedway – Motorcycle Trophy Classes, Go-Kart Classes, ATV Classes, Gates Open 5 p.m., Sign-in 5-7 p.m., Practice 6 p.m., Racing 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 12 Running

■■2014 Southeastern Indiana Racing Circuit (SIRC-it) Race No. 1 – 8th Annual Trojan Trot 5K Run/Walk at St. Leon American Legion Post 464, 8:30 a.m. - First in 5-race summer 5K road racing series benefitting local high school cross country teams – On-line entry & information: Race director: Steve Cotherman: (812) 537-4429, e-mail: SUNDAY, JULY 13 Auto Racing ■■Lawrenceburg Speedway – USAC Amsoil National Sprint Car Series Indiana Sprint Week Race No. 3 – USAC Sprints, Budweiser UMP Modifieds, Late Models, Pit Gates Open 4 p.m., General Admission Gates Open 5 p.m., Hot Laps 6 p.m., Racing 7 p.m. MONDAY, JULY 7 Amateur Baseball ■■Switzerland County at Lawrenceburg Summer Baseball (Pat O'Neill Field, Lawrenceburg H.S.), 6 p.m.

This special supplement on family living will include fascinating articles on many topics that are common in family life.

Advertising Deadline: July 18, 2014 Publishes: July 30 & July 31 in the Harrison Press, Dearborn County Register, Rising Sun Recorder & Ohio County News.


Reserve your spaceNOTICE today! PUBLICATIONS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Core Metals Group (with corporate offices at 324 TM

TRUSTED SOURCE FOR HOMETOWN NEWS TheYOUR Dearborn Commissioners will receive bids for the 2014 Line Stripping, Dearborn County, Indiana, all in accordance with the Contract Documents, and Specifications. Bids will be received until 9:00 AM, prevailing time, on July 31, 2014, at the Dearborn County Transportation and Engineering office, 10255 Randall Ave., Aurora, Indiana 47001. Bids will be opened at 9:15 AM, prevailing time, on July 31, 2014, at the Dearborn County Transportation and Engineering office, 10255 Randall Avenue, Aurora, Indiana 47001. C-7-8-JP-2t 49609 C-7-10-R-2t hspaxlp

1/2 Penco Rd, Weirton WV 26062) is submitting an NOI (Notice of Intent) letter for our Aurora facility (located at 133 Franklin Street, Aurora, IN 47001) to notify The Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the re quirements under 327 IAC 15-6 to discharge storm water exposed to industrial activities. Run-off from the facility will be discharged into Hogan Creek. Questions or comments should be directed to Dennis Wheeland, Plant Manager at the above men tioned facilities address. 49596 C-7-8-JP-1t hspaxlp

NOTICE Core Metals Group (with corporate offices at 324 1/2 Penco Rd, Weirton WV 26062) is submitting an NOI (Notice of Intent) letter for our Aurora facility (located at 133 Franklin Street, Aurora, IN 47001) to notify The Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the re quirements under 327 IAC 15-6 to discharge storm water exposed to industrial activities. Run-off from

LEGAL NOTICE The City of Greendale is accepting sealed bids to mill and pave various roads in Greendale for 2014. Bids are available at the City of Greendale 510 Ridge Ave. Greendale IN. Sealed bids are due at the same address by 5pm July 9, 2014. C-7-3-R-1t 49318 C-7-8-JP-1t hspaxlp

812.537.0063 • 513-367-4582



From Page 1 Rescue, the injured man was treated for an ankle injury and released, said Lane. Aurora and Lawrenceburg firefighters were dispatched to the Worthington fire at 8:13 p.m. Thursday, July 3, said Lane. “When I turned the corner, it was already gone … It (fire) was rolling out the front,” he said. The blaze was “shooting black smoke up in the air. … You could see it for miles.” Twenty-five firefighters battled the fire and were able to keep it from spreading to the residence, just 10 to 15 feet away, he said. The garage was a total loss, said Lane, estimating damages at $50,000. Used for storage of various items, it contained no vehicles at the time. The blaze also damaged some siding and the house's porch, made of some sort of material which melted, he said. “I'm surprised the house didn't catch fire, to be honest,” said Lane. The fire, which started in the attic, has been ruled accidental, he said. Aurora Fire Department was dispatched to another fire at 12:14 a.m. Saturday, July 5, said Lane. Responding to a call for a structure fire at the Gary Tice residence, 436½ Park Ave., firefighters found the fire had been extinguished by Tice and Aurora Police Officer Clint Holmstrom. The men had used two fire extinguishers to put out the blaze, located outside the structure, said Lane. Firefighters had to peel some siding off to be sure there was no fire smoldering beneath it, he said. “That was basically precautionary,” he said. He estimated “very minor” damages to the aluminum siding at between $5,000 and $10,000. The fire was ruled accidental. Lawrenceburg Emergency Rescue assisted at the scene.

Hoxworth blood drives in Batesville, G’dale Cinema

Two chances are coming up to give blood that could save another person’s life. Margaret Mary Health has partnered with Hoxworth Blood Center, University of Cincinnati to host a community blood drive from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 23. The Hoxworth Donor Bus will parked on the lot, located at 312 Mitchell Ave., in Batesville. To schedule your appointment, please www. or call the laboratory at 1-812-933-5274. Hoxworth recognizes that blood donors’ time is valuable. Priority will be given to donors who have scheduled an appointment. Walkin donors are welcome and will be seen as soon as possible. Donating blood is safe and easy. Donors must be at least 17 years old, or 16 with a signed parental consent, and in good health. Individuals must weigh at least 110 pounds and bring identification to donate. It is recommended that donors eat a good meal and drink plenty of water within four hours before donating. Meanwhile, Greendale Cinema has partnered with Hoxworth Blood Center to host a community blood drive 12:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Friday, July 18. The Hoxworth Donor Bus will be parked on the cinema lot, located at 1605 Flossie Drive, in Greendale,. Registration will be inside at the Party Room, and blood donation will take place on the Donor Bus. To schedule your appointment, visit or call Hoxworth Blood Center at 1-800-830-1091.



Detours part of I-275/I-74 repairs Patricia Huelseman Harrison Press Staff Writer

The Ohio Department of Transportation has embarked upon a $27.9 million repair and reconstruction project of Interstate 275 that will leave certain ramps closed and traffic rerouted to Whitewater Township. Overall, repair and reconstruction will involve pavement and bridge work on 5.5 miles of I-275 between the Interstate 74 interchange and Colerain Road exit, according to ODOT. In late July or early August, two separate ramps will be closed at separate times. During the closures, crews will work on ramps that are otherwise too narrow to work on during normal traffic hours, said Elizabeth Lyons, ODOT District 8 public information specialist. The I-74 W to I-275 N ramp will be closed, and, then at a different time the I-275 S to I-74 E ramp will be closed. A re-routing plan, called a Texas Turnaround, has been developed to handle traffic during construction. “Basically it’s a big Uturn for I-74 and I-275,” said Lyons. Motorists headed from

TALK, From Page 1

Dell explained he received notification that about $4,000 belonging to the Moores Hill Retirement Center, Inc., was about to be given over to the state. `He contacted the town's payroll manager, Laura Ankenman, who said she could help the town recover the funds for the Moores Hill Senior Center for a fee of about $100. The town won't be charged any penalties, just a $15 fee, he said, explaining they just needed someone to sign the paperwork. Apparently, no one on the retirement board filed the required paperwork from its establishment in 1999 till now, said Dell. Watson said the town council could re-establish the board or, if there isn't enough interest, manage the funds for the advantage of the retirees using the senior center. Dell noted due to the grant funding to build it, the center has to be available to seniors as long as they want to use it. The town already cleans and takes care of the building, noted Rodmaker. He recalled how the funds were acquired. “At meal times, they would donate money into a pot,” and the funds were deposited in a checking account, he said. The center continues to be a Lifetime Resources meal and activities site for seniors. The town uses the basement of the center, 16610

A re-routing plan, called a Texas Turnaround, has been developed to handle traffic during reconstruction reconstruction of Interstate 275 near Miamiown in Whitewater Township. The Ohio Department of Transportation has embarked upon a $27.9 million repair and reconstruction project of Interstate 275 that will leave certain ramps closed and traffic rerouted to Whitewater Township. I-74 W to I-275 E towards Cincinnati will stay on I-74 W until the Ohio 128 exit in Miamitown. From there, they can re-enter the interstate, this time headed east, and take the 275 E exit. Likewise, drivers on I-275 W headed to I-74 E will have to pass their typical exit and head to the Miamitown exit before entering I-74 E from Ohio 128.

Drivers using the turnaround will not have to wait for the traffic signal at Ohio 128, and normal traffic on Ohio 128 will not be affected by rerouted traffic because the Texas Turnaround will have an express lane. During construction, the Miamitown Park & Ride will be closed. The Texas Turnaround is projected to

North Broadway St., as the town office. But the absence of the clerk-treasurer at a training meeting caused some difficulties recently, said Dell. A camera purchased for the wastewater treatment plant arrived with a customs charge, and the deputy clerktreasurer could not issue a check. Instead, Grimsley wrote a personal check, for which council voted to reimburse him July 2. But the deputy clerk-treasurer must be added to the account so she can sign checks if needed, said Dell. Emery said appointments have been set up with the town's checking account bank twice and the deputy missed both. Dell then noted the deputy is on vacation this week and with Emery working a fulltime job elsewhere, town business essentially is shut down. Emery replied she fulfills the clerk-treasurer's duties in every way. Dell also asked if the clerktreasurer's office couldn't resume payroll duties, with the necessary budget cuts in mind. Emery replied having Ankenman's business handled payroll had proved more cost-effective. The Forest Hill Cemetery annexation will take two steps, Watson said, explaining the council needed to approve the fiscal plan this month and complete the annexation next month. Dell said the cost of plots would go up $100 immediately, from $350 to $450. Finally, the council heard

town marshal Brent Casebolt's progress report on acquiring computers and other equipment for the town's police cars, funded with a $9,827 grant from the Lawrenceburg Grant Program Phase 2. \He is waiting on the computers, which are on back order, but has acquired the printers and bar code scanners, he said. Berry then said Main Street near his home is “like a drag strip” and Rodmaker agreed. Casebolt asked if there was less speeding when he was in the area in his police car, and was told the speeders were almost right behind him as he left the street recently. Finally, visitor Michael Walterman asked if the town would stop charging him sewer fees for a property he is renovating at 14421 Main St. The house has no plumbing thanks to folks who stole all the copper from it, and has been vacant for four or five years, he said. He spoke to the state board of accounts office and was told the town could waive sewer fees for a house with no water usage. Watson, however, said state board of accounts auditors previously had come down on the town for waiving sewer fees in any circumstances where there was a sewer hookup. State code seems to indicate the same, he said. But he said he would call the individual at the state board of accounts and see what he has to say.


% off any one item

when you donate $1 or more to the Dearborn County Register’s


Providing New Winter Clothes for Needy Children to help purchase shoes for deserving children in our community

add about five minutes to commutes under normal traffic conditions. The work will take about 60 days though it is just a portion of a major twoyear effort that will include resurfacing I-275 between Blue Rock Road and Colerain Avenue, and resurfacing ramps to Ronald Reagan Highway and Blue Rock Road.

Work on I-275 between the I-74 interchange and Blue Rock Road will involve reconstruction and resurfacing of I-275. Inside median shoulders in this stretch will be widened from 4 to 6 feet. The contract, with a bid of $27,993,563, was awarded to John R. Jurgensen Co., which should begin work next week.


Wed - Thurs 11am - 9pm • Fri - Sat 11am -10pm 329 Second St. • Aurora, IN




ACROSS 1. Corn on the ____ 4. Provoke 8. Thin 12. Fleecy mama 13. Zoomed 14. Italian dough, once 15. Raises 17. Leave out 18. “You ____ So Beautiful” 19. Intrude 21. Frosh’s home 24. Put together 26. Pass into law 28. Convent member 29. “____ Smart” 32. Dopey’s pal 33. Signed 35. Beam 36. Biblical ship

37. Wiggly fish 38. Sneer 40. Applied 42. Lazy 43. Consent to 47. Melded 49. Tunnel fee 50. Cosmetic item 55. Milky gem 56. Hardens 57. “____ Got to Be Me” 58. Talking bird 59. Fence opening 60. Went before DOWN 1. So-so grade 2. Night hooter 3. Hive builder 4. Heavenly twinkler

5. ____ pole 6. Rage 7. Remains 8. Pig’s food 9. Luxury auto 10. Garden bloom 11. Companion 16. Flirt 20. Darns 21. Word from a crib 22. Skunk feature 23. Granite 25. Foot-to-leg joint 27. Bind 29. Grating 30. “Duke of ____” 31. Toddler 34. Emergency funds 39. Skirt length 41. Lived 43. Small particle 44. Imitation 45. Family group 46. Jazz’s Fitzgerald 48. Other than 51. Positive response 52. Zero 53. First female 54. ____ carpet


July 8th - July 10th, 2014 The Journal Press


The Harrison Press


The Rising Sun Recorder & Ohio County News


The Dearborn County Register

To place an ad call: Lawrenceburg 812-537-0063 • Harrison 513-367-4582 • Rising Sun 812-438-2011



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FOR HOMES 11 HOUSES 12 MOBILE 21 APARTMENTS 21 APARTMENTS 21 APARTMENTS 21 APARTMENTS 21 APARTMENTS SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT 3 bedroom 1300 sqft home 1 bath, on 1.3 acres. Newly remodeled, geothermal hvac system. 30x70 shop and party barn. Price $155,000. (513)479-6502.

2002 double wide, 80x30, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, large entertainment room, extra insulation, 3.5 acres, in Milan, $110,000, 812-926-0886

0 steps! Miamitown, large 1 or 2 bedroom at Via Manor Apts. Private patio, lovely grounds. $395 and up. Free heat! (513)353-0398.

68 acres on Huseman Rd. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments garage home. Will sell to- Used Singlewide 3BR/2BA for rent in Aurora, $475 & gether or separate. Set up $ 4 5 0 0 $500/month. References 812-584-3340 859-371-3386 required. Call 859-322-4183 812-926-0256 For Sale By Owner 718 Wilson-Rising Sun, 2 bedroom duplex in 2Bdrm/2Bath, front-back Greendale all utilities inporch, all appliances, new washer & dryer, lots of up- Camp Site For Sale. 3280 cluded, fenced yard, W/D dates. 812-290-4693 North Landing Road, Ris- hook-up stove and fridge, off street parking, no Very nice 2 story home in ing Sun, IN. 47040, 6 AC, pets. $780/month + de Aurora. 3BR, 1 B A , acres, Deep creek front- posit. Call 812-926-3204. equipped kitchen, front age for your boat to the porch with tree shaded Ohio river! Water, Septic back yard and deck. For and Electric on property. more information call Asking $49,000.00 Will do 2 Bedroom-Greendale; land c o n t r a c t . large, completely remod812-926-0522 or visit eled apartment, w/new www.homesteadforsale- 812-438-3366 eat-in kitchen; quiet, ture living in great neighborhood; deck; off-street parking; central-air; laundry; no pets; deposit & references required $625/mo. 812-537-3368 Abandoned Doublewide with land, PLEASE TAKE OVER $3500 deposit. 2- one bedroom apart 888-221-4503 ments, downtown Aurora. For Sale: Mobile Home 3 Water, sewage, heat paid. bedroom 11/2 bath. 0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bed- Stove/fridge furnished. No $3,500 or o.b.o. Willing to room at Village Square pets. One apartment comremodeled. trade for vehicle. In Dry Apartments in downtown p l e t e l y Fork Park. Call Luke at Harrison. Free heat! $425 Lease/security deposit re(513)202-0866. quired. 812-926-2219 and up. (513)367-6366.




Mobile home on 1/2 acre private lot. 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, 16x80, front covered deck, shed. Asking $52,000. 4750 Layhigh Rd., Hamilton, Ohio (513)505-2978.



2BR $650.00, Harrison OH-Tippecanoe Apartments. Spacious remodeled, diswasher, bal cony, very clean & great location. No pets. 812-637-1787, 513-574-4400

Aurora, 416 Broadway St., large 1 bedroom, 1st floor apartment with yard, washer/dryer. Pets possible. $450 month, plus $450 deposit. References required. Call 812-290-1403.

Aurora- Downtown, 2nd floor, 2 bedroom. Water and sewage included, Tenant pays electric. Laundry room available. No pets. $550/month and $550 deposit 1yr lease. 812-577-5334

Aurora- 2BR/1BA, completely renovated, washer /dryer, $650 per month + utilities. Credit check, deposit required. 513-373-2635

For rent when available, 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, utilities included, AC, no pets. Deposit required. Call (812)537-5796, (812)432-9605, (812)584-3822. For Rent: Efficiencies $165.00 per week utilities included. Deposit required. Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in Lawrenceburg. Deposit required. 859-512-3899

Harrison, efficiency apartment, $350 monthly + $350 deposit plus utilities. Call (765)647-0439 or (513)479-5155. Please call after 4 p.m. Harrison- 660+ Quality 2BR in amenity-rich community. Available w/vaulted ceilings and electric fireplace. W/D Hookups Available. Great area! Call to set up a tour, (513)367-4999 http://www.shakerpoint.c om/

Greendale- 2 bedroom, rear patio, 1 bath, garage, laundry hookup, finished Cleves/North Bend, 1 and lower level. $785/month 2 bedrooms, heat, water, p l u s d e p o s i t . Lawrenceburg 2 room effiAurora – Energy efficient, equipped kitchen, no pets. 513-532-8933. ciency apartment. 2-bedroom duplex. Tile, Call (513)546-8330. $125/weekly. Utilities furlaminated wood flooring, Greendale- 419 Ludlow nished. $400 deposit Refnewer appliances, W/D Street. $550/month plus erences required. immedihookups. Tenant pays utilioccupancy . ties. No pets. $550/month Country Hill Apts., 1BR deposit. Pay own utilities. a t e $475, No Steps, Carports, 1-2 bedrooms, full kitchen, 812-537-0897 $550/deposit. Laundry On-site, across dining room, living room, 812-532-3000 M-F, 8-5. Lawrenceburg Apt. laundry. 812-290-1662. from the Ludlow Hill Park 2BR/1BA, with balcony. 812-539-4339 Greendale: Apartment 5 $650 plus deposit. Aurora- Second Street, rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 5 1 3 - 2 6 5 - 8 4 6 0 or 1BR, furnished, 2nd bath, large kitchen, W/D floor. No pets/smoking. Downtown Harrison - 1 H/U, gas heat, AC, 812-577-6781 Utilities paid by tenant. bedroom, second floor o f f - s t r e e t p a r k i n g . Lawrenceburg Downtown, $450 per month, $450 de- $545/month + util Also Office and Retail + sec. 2 bedroom Condo, new Space available for Rent. posit, plus utilities, water dep. 812-537-2846 construction, water and paid. No pets. H.I.S. ManLeave message sewage included. Rent agement. (513)348-2348. (812)926-1083 Greendale: Duplex 1BR, $925/mo. 513-532-8933. upstairs, $425/mo + deLawrenceburg in town effiposit. Call 513-266-1383 ciency apartments w/ utiliAurora large 1 bedroom For Rent Downtown Law2nd floor apartment with renceburg, 1 Bedroom Harrison - 1 bedroom ties paid. Satellite TV inrange, refrigerator, water nicely furnished Apart - apartments available, cluded. 812-655-2762 sewage furnished. $450 + ment. References required $450-$475 per month. Call leave message. electric. 812-584-0376 and deposit. 812-655-1565 for details, and move in Lawrenceburg-1BR/1BA, specials. newly remodeled, 1st (513)515-2569. floor unit, with appli Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom ances, water & sewer inapt., Leasing special, c l u d e d . No pets. $495, $595/month incl. wa- $525/mo + $525 deposit. ter, sewer, garbage. Laun- 513-265-8460 dry on site. Security deposit r e q u i r e d . Milan- Hoosier Country Square Apts. 2BR with (513)205-5555. dining room, fridge, Patrick & Teresa Martini Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. s t o v e , dishwasher, Paragon West Apts. Pri- on-site laundry facilities, JUST LISTED! Well-maintained, 3 bdrm, brick ranch vate patio with breathtak- patio area, $550/month features living & dining room combo, full basement with ing view of the valley. Free $550 deposit. No pets. $460 and up. No 812-577-6781 family rm & office, all kitchen appls including washer & heat! pets. (513)845-4222. 513-265-8460

108 Parkside ave. Greendale

FRED CLARK Ohio/Indiana





Price Reduced! W. Harrison- 3BR, 2BA, raised ranch on 8 acres. Remodeled interior, large covered front deck. $99,900. Harrison- Apt. building w/4 units. 3 currently occupied. $119,900.

dryer, Immediate occupancy! $114,900 w/1yr HOW

812-623-8811 513-460-2754

Ready to buy or sell? Call us!

More Real Estate and Rentals on Page 2!!


GolF Guide 16022 HWY 250 Rising Sun, IN



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The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register

APARTMENTS 21 APARTMENTS 21 22 FOR RENT FOR RENT Newly Remodeled 1/BR Apt., Large deck on quiet street. Will except HUD. 859-380-4495, 859-866-5492 Nice Rising Sun Town house, 2 bedroom duplex, 1.5 baths, private laundry, basement, AC, Tenant pays utilities. No pets, non-smoking, $535, same deposit, references. 812-438-2902 North Street, DillsboroBeautiful, one bedroom, upstairs apartment. Laminated wood flooring. Newer appliances. Electric baseboard heat. Tenant pays electric. $450 de posit, $450 monthly. 812-532-3000.

Rising Sun-1BR, 1 block from River Front, Appli ances, deck, Tenant pays own utilities. No pets, Non-smoking, Deposit, References, $450. 812-667-7679 Small Rising Sun quiet upper one bedroom apt. Closets, appliances, AC. Tenant pays electric. Free water, no pets, non-smoking, References, $400, same deposit. 812-438-2902



Aurora- Pine Run Mobile Home Park. 3-bedroom; 2-bath newer mobile home in nice park setting. $775/month w/ $775 deposit required. Ph Rising Sun Efficiency, 2nd 513-265-8460. Floor of 2 Family. Very 812-577-6781 nice on River Front, Appliances, includes all utilities, Non-smoking, References, Harrison - 3 bedroom, 1 Deposit, No pets, $600. bath, appliances, 1 car garage, full walk-out base812-667-7679 ment, A/C. Tenant pays utilities. $650/month plus Rising Sun, 1st Floor, 1BR deposit references re No pets. on River Front, beautiful, q u i r e d . no pets, no smoking, refer- (513)519-8374. ances. Includes all utilities and laundry. $750/mo. Harrison- 2BR, 1BA, re812-667-7679 cently remodeled, nice backyard, Southwest local Rising Sun- 1 bedroom schools.$850/month +deapartment on first floor posit+utilities. Call Wen with private entrance. 513-604-6522. Washer/dryer provided. Water and sewage in - House for Rent-St. Leon, 3 cluded. $450/month. Ref- bedrooms, natural gas erences & deposit re - heat. Call for Details, $1000/mo. 513-284-6760 quired. 513-607-0438

12549 North Street • DillSboro




American Development is hiring for new construction site in Harrison, Ohio. Must have experience in framing, concrete and carpentry work. Email resume to Moores Hill-2/BR, 1 car American.development@y garage, hardwood floors, or call AC, W/D hookup, large (513)367-4999. yard, no pets. $650/mo, deposit the same. APPLY NOW! DO 812-744-2520 TAXES! Goepperʼs Liberty Tax Nice 2 story, 3 bedroom Work 9-1,1-5 or 5-9 country home in Cedar Choose 3-7 shifts Grove, Franklin County Hourly+Bonus=$14Schools, service animals $16/hour only, no smoking, refer FREE Tax Training ences required. Small book fee $650/month plus deposit. Lawrenceburg, Harrison, (513)439-0549. Colerain Call 513-801-9129 Rising Sun- nice 3 bed by Aug 30 room, 2 bath ranch on 2 acres; 2 car garage; washer and dryer; no smoking; $1000/month; ATTENTION: Operate a deposit s a m e ; Mini-Office Outlet from home. Free online training, 812-926-1311 flex. hrs, great income. Milan- 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage. $800/month plus deposit. References required. For rent or for sale. Call 812-221-6256.


Country Setting-Newly Remodeled; 2BR/2BA, W/D hookup, appliances. $575/mo., deposit, utilities. 812-667-6102, available July 1st.

BUSINESS PROP. 24 FOR RENT/LEASE Aurora- in shopping plaza with Subway, 1770 sq. ft. for lease, high traffic. 513-532-8933.

Automotive/diesel technician opening. Local dealership seeking experienced SELF- MOTIVATED individual. Ford/ASE certification preferred. Must be willing to participate in Ford continuing enrollment training. Base pay plus performance based bo nuses. Please apply in person at 811 N Buckeye Osgood, IN 47037 or send resume to struckmandford@gmail. com

Office / warehouse / retail Bus Driver Wanted- Respace for lease in Law sponsible school bus drivrenceburg, 1500 sqft to ers needed in Lawrence5000 sqft. 812-537-1100. burg area. Valid CDL with proper endorsements. Meet all certification and statute requirements for State of Indiana. Pass an expanded Background Check. Training is available. Competitive wages and benefits. Please call 812-537-7201



1700+ sq.ft. home has potential and great curb appeal! 4BR, 1BA, hardwood floors and detached garage. $47,900. MLS 280976.

800-544-5776 812-932-8000 Bischoff Realty (513) 367-2171

Your own piece of tranquility! Over 58 acres of beautiful rolling land w/ a well cared for farmhouse. Screened in porch, new furnace, newer 3- dimensional roof, creek frontage & kayak pool! All this for only $265,900!!! Call Niki Campbell 513.888.0387


$1500 Sign On Bonus, $60K-$70K Annually! Experienced Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! Dedicated Customer, Home Weekly, and Excellent Benefits. Call 888-409-6033 or app l y o n l i n e

Career opportunity for locally owned landscaping company. Experienced preferred but will train. Pay depends on experience. Must have valid drivers license and clean record. Email resume

Highview Apartments

We currently have 2-BR apartments available. Affordable Living for Families & Individuals Accepting rental applications Wednesday & Thursday • 10:00am - 3:00pm 100 Highview Dr, Lawrenceburg, IN 47001 Phone: 812-537-0437 For hearing impaired TDD 800-743-3333 This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer

L’Burg~WaterView Apts.

812-655-9753 Now accepting applications for Our 1, 2, & 3 BR apt. homes. Just past Walmart at 1200 Sycamore Est. Dr.

All units have W/D hook ups and kitchen appliances including dishwasher and microwave.

$199 security deposit Call Rhonda for the “Special of the week”

Candlewood Apartments

We currently have 1-BR apartments available. Affordable Living for the Elderly(62+) or Disabled Accepting rental applications Tuesday 9:00am- 3:00pm 1115 Burgess St, Rising Sun, IN 47040 Phone: 812-438-2133 For hearing impaired TDD 800-743-3333 This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer




GUILFORD: NEW LISTING! Exceptional home & setting! 4 bed, 5.5 bath home w/heated pool, hot tub, finished LL, 3 car attached, & 3 car detached garages on 3.4 acres. $549,900 HARRISON: Nice 2nd level 2 bed, 2 bath condo in the Legacy Community. With home office & 1 car attached garage. Immediate occupancy. $132,500 BRIGHT: Immediate occupancy on a 2 bed, 3 bath condo w/finished LL and screened in patio. $134,900 GUILFORD: Nice home with 3 large bedrooms, 2.5 bath, bonus rm on upper level, finished LL w/walk-out. $219,900 WEISBURG: Former country store w/ residence. Rough condition, sold as is. $39,900 LOGAN: Mostly wooded 9.8 ac w/ 30x38 concrete block garage. $87,500



CDL-A Truck Driver-Solo & Teams. Up to $5,000 Sign-on Bonus & $.56 CPM! Dedicated Opportunities Available! Great Miles & Time Off! Call 7 day/wk! EOE 866-402-3449 Gorden DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW at Stevens Transport! New drivers earn $750 per week! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! CDL & Job ready in 15 days! 1-877-649-3156.

Driver/Class A Dedicated $1500 sign on bonus Jacobson Transportation is currently seeking full-time Class A drivers $1000-$1200/wk Home weekly. Additonal incentive based bonus pay. No touch freight. Great family benefits (BCBS) jacobson Companies. Call today! 866-511-1134 or apply online at



July 8 - July 10, 2014


Help Needed - Laborer & A+ TAX SCHOOL Forman. Landscaping exGoepperʼs Liberty Tax perience preferred. Send FREE tuition resume to: Mr. Wilson, Apply now, limited space P.O. Box 491, Dillsboro, Certified instructors Indiana 47018. 8 Weeks, 2 class times/wk Mornings or Evenings Midwest Cylinder and Small Book Fee Kaplan Industries are now Call 513-801-9129 accepting applications for Classes Start Sept. 8 Can full-time General Laborers. lead to employment Applications are available Lawrenceburg, Harrison, M-F 8 a.m.- 4 p.m., 6001 Colerain Dry Fork Rd., Cleves, Ohio 45002 (513)367-6227. AIRLINE CAREERS begin New Pay-For-Experience here- Get FAA approved program pays up to Aviation Tech training. Job $0.41/mile. Class A Pro- placement assistance. fessional Drivers Call Delta, Southwest, Boeing 877-968-7986 for more de- and many other hire AIM tails or visit grads! CALL AIM 877-523-5807

“Partners in Excellence” OTR Drivers APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825 Drivers short haul & re - gional tractor/trailer jobs: `Pater Architectural Cusstart now! Top pay! Paid tom Woodworking Busiholidays, paid vacations, ness is looking for-expeguaranteed hometime, rienced cabinet makers, great benefits. Class A woodworkers and entry CDL 8 7 7 - 2 6 1 - 2 1 0 1 level workers. Ask about our Apprenticeship proDrivers Wanted. Class A gram. Immediate openCDL. Clean Driving Re - ings! Call 812-926-4845 cord. Experience a Plus. Stone Belt Freight Lines Hourly Pay. Koppʼs Turkey Needs Owner Operators Sales 513-367-4133 Now! Run 48 & Canada. Drivers-Van or Flatbed. Percentage Plus 100% Home Weekends $50K + Fuel Surcharge. Plate Proannually. buchannan Haul- gram & Insurance AvailCall Kelsy ing and Rigging. Company a b l e . and Owner Operators . 2 1-800-489-2332. years OTR. class A CDL Tan Tara Transportation 1-866-683-6688 Corp. is hiring Flatbed Truck Drivers and Owner Drivers: Home Nightly Operators. Regional and Florence, KY Flatbed OTR Lanes Available. Call Openings! Great Pay, us @ 800-650-0292 or apBenefits! CDL-A, 1yr Exp. p l y online at Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: Want a Career as a HVAC 1(866)336-9642 Technician? Accelerated Drivers: Local/Regional Hands on Training & CertiGreat Pay, Excellent fications offered. National Benefits, Awesome Home Average 18-22 Hourly! Time. Sign-on bonus. Lifetime Job Placement Steady Employment. Assistance. VA Benefits CDL-A. 2yrs exp req. Eligible! 1-877-994-9904 Tony: 1(888)208-5112 Drivers: Regional & OTR. Want a Career Operating $1,000 plus per week + Heavy Equipment? BullBenefit Pkg. 100% No dozers, Backhoes, ExcaTouch F r e i g h t . vators. “Hands On TrainWeekly/Bi-Weekly Home- ing” & Certifications Of Time. CDL-A 1yr. OTR fered. National Average 18-22 Hourly! Lifetime Job exp. (855)842-8498 Placement Assistance. VA Experienced Diesel Me- B e n e f i t s Eligible! chanic-must have own 1-866-362-6497 AC1213 tools. Shop supplies specialty tools, uniforms. Must Werner Enterprises is HIRhave clean driving record. ING! Dedicated, Regional, Applications available at & OTR opportunities! 4101 East Highway 50, Need your CDL? 3 wk training avail. Donʼt wait, Dillsboro, IN. call today to get started! Flatbed Drivers- Starting 1-866-467-1836 Mileage Pay up to .41cpm. Health Ins., 401K, $59 Whitewater Processing is daily Per Diem pay, Home now accepting applications Weekends. 800-648-9915 for male/female full time or work. 513-367-4133


Stedman Machine Company, Aurora, is looking for an experienced welder. General shop knowledge required, along with reading & understanding weld symbols, understanding welding & fabrication drawings and welding processes. Heavy lifting required. Must be a high-school graduate or must have passed state GED exam. A full job description is available at Apply at Job No. 8590525.


The City of Aurora is seeking to fill the position of City Manager. City Government in Aurora is comprised of a Mayor, five Councilmembers and a Clerk-Treasurer, all who serve four-year elected terms. The Mayor appoints the City Manager subject to the consent of the City Council. The City Manager works closely with the Mayor and Council to assist them in formulating policies and programs and is responsible for the efficient ongoing operation of all City services as set forth by the Mayor and Council. Minimum requirements include education and/or experience equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in public or business administration combined with successful experience as a local government or private sector manager or assistant manager. Ideal experience includes strategic planning, public entity budget development, downtown revitalization and economic development and redevelopment. The ideal candidate will understand elements of economic sustainability in an historic downtown rural community. The successful candidate must clearly possess and apply superior communication, organizational management and leadership skills and abilities. This position offers excellent benefits and a salary range of $50,000 to $60,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. Residency is strongly preferred but not required. Apply in confidence by July 25, 2014 with email submission of a cover letter and resume with references to: Jeff Stratman Aurora City Attorney Email:

The City of Aurora is an Equal Opportunity Employer



Absolute Internet Auction. 36 Residential Income-Producing Properties, Anderson, IN. Bid through July 30-2pm. AbsoluteInvestmentAuction.c om UC-Coffey Realty & Auction & Jacksons Auction & Real Estate Company. Dennis Jackson Lic#Au9100175 317-797-2117 Seller: Jack and Darlene Meyer. See terms on website. ADOPT We are a devoted married couple wishing for a baby to cherish. Nurturing home for you baby, much love, secure future. Expenses paid. Walt/Gina 1-800-315-6957 ADOPTION We promise your baby a lifetime of LOVE, laughs and security forever. Expenses pd. Gloria & Walter. 1-800-523-7192. Email: gloriawalteradopt@gmail. com Bloomington Land Auction 138+/-miles to US Weimer Rd. Bloomingtonʼs Largest parcel of undeveloped land Bidding Ends 7/23 2pm Bid now! INProp 812-824-6000 UC-Coffey Realty & Auction Lic@AC30200042/#AU19 600056 Seller: Sudbury


TLC Daycare- state li censed child care home, Lawrenceburg. Openings available. Newborn to 4. Call for information. 812-584-5808 or 812-584-5804. Accepting River Valley Resource vouchers program.



A.B.C. Lawn Service. Mowing, lawncare, seeding work (513)738-4410. Bowman Painting- interior and exterior; house painting and roofing; 812-689-6771 or 812-537-4677 Bowman Tree Service. Trimming, topping, tree removal, lot clearing, storm damage, fully insured and free estimates. Call (812)537-4677. Monroe Excavating, Hauling, LLC Limestone, Topsoil, Fill Dirt, Mulch, Sand, Gravel, Driveways Demolition, Digging, Basements, Dump Truck, Bobcat, Track Hoe Work Call (812)926-1995 or (513)310-0835 Greendale Self - Storage Indoor storage available 24 hour access. Call (812)537-3131 or (812)637-1787. Hers & His Services Grass Cutting, Trash Removel, Free Estimates, Partners in Life and in Business. Bonnie & Steve Telinda Aurora IN. 513-703-4416, 513-309-9460 Lisaʼs Cleaning Service Residential, office, rentals and apartments. Monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, or one time. Fully insured. De pendable. Free estimates. Call (812)637-9171 or cell (513)256-0698. Perkins Asphalt- pavement sealcoating, sealcoating driveways and parking lots/line stripping, cracked filling repairs. All Brewer products. Sealcoat cost example: driveway 200x10 $240. Cracked repair 25cents per foot. 30 years experience. Call 812-926-9950/ 513-564-8932

Residential Cleaning. You make the mess, weʼll do the rest. Insured/bonded. Specializing in commercial or residential, office and Affordable childcare in Hid- home. Assist in moving den Valley. Immediate in/out. 812-290-4490. openings for all age groups, before and after school. Please call (513)260-7366 spots are limited. References availMedical Coding-CPC able. Exam Prep, 12 week EVENING class forming in Lawrenceburg. Enroll now for 7/22/14. Contact Child care M-F 6am-6pm AAPC Certified Instrucin the Bright/Hidden Valley t o r s , Theresa Area. Please c a l l 513-608-5159 or Nancy 812-655-2094. 513-518-5210 for details.





Dedicated Run


Crum Trucking is a family-owned and operated company that wants to help you succeed! Drivers are eligible for 1 week of vacation after 6 months, and 2 weeks after a year. $2,000 Loyalty Bonus* for new Crum Drivers. Dedicated Run 1 – Round Trip Relay between Batesville, IN & Highland Park, MI Tuesday - Saturday - Leave by 1am arrive MI 7am. Load by 8am. Arrive Batesville 2pm. Leave hooked. Est weekly pay is $968.00 Dedicated Run 2 – Round Trip Relay between Batesville, IN and Highland Park, MI Mon-Thurs+Sat- Leave by 3pm arrive MI at 9pm, Load by 10pm. Arrive back to Batesville, 4am. Leave hooked. Est weekly pay is $968.00 For more information, visit If interested, call Alisha at 888-542-4197 x 91.

SOCIAL SERVICES harrison 2x Openings to provide Fatherhood Engagement, other home-based casework and therapy in the INDIANA counties of: Decatur, Ripley, Shelby, Bartholomew, Jennings and surrounding counties. Casework requires a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, Sociology, Psychology or related field. Therapists require a Master’s degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field. Training provided. Must be able to work evenings and have reliable transportation. Caseworker requires one weekend day to be a workday. Therapists work a flexible schedule. Must be determined, assertive, organized, and have mature judgment. Bilingual preferred. We offer competitive pay and benefits. To see more information about openings and to apply: Ireland Home Based Services, LLC Resumes can be sent to: eoe

July 8 - July 10, 2014

The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register

MISCELLANEOUS 53 FARM/PRODUCE 55 49 SERVICES/NOTICES Absolutely no trespassing of any kind for any reason. No exceptions. Not re sponsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex pense. Property located at 8692 Willey Rd., Harrison, OH. Molly Jansen, Cathy Maher, Mary Ison. Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quad runners, or 4-wheelers allowed for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone, Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of G.E. Stacy, 27357 Stacy Lane, 1905 Pinhook Rd., West Harrison, Ind., 47060. Clean-Up Man-will clean-up yards, garages etc. for scrap. Also haul wood and burnable items for scrap or money. Call anytime. Dan 812-290-7277



Blueberries: you pick and pre-picked. Hours 9am-6pm Monday-Fri day, Saturday, 9-3, Sunday, 9-3. You may call ahead for large orders of pre-picked. Phillips B e r r y Patc h, 9429 Yorkridge Road, Guilford (New Alsace). (812)623-1433. Small squares, mixed grassed $2 to $3; Timothy or orchard $4.50; 4x5 grass $20 to $30 stored inside; Call 513-417-1185 or 812-438-3757

Wanted to buy cattle and horses. Crippled or sound. Also buying wild cattle. Will pay cash. (859)620-5860.



!!!-A-A-A YARD SALE DEADLINE BEFORE 10 A.M. FRIDAYS Please Call for Early Holiday Dealines $15 four papers 25 words or less Call Harrison Press (513)367-4582 or Lawrenceburg (812)537-0063.

3 family yard sale- July 11th & 12th, 9:00-3:00, 936 Nowlin Ave, Greendale. Baby items, girls clothes 0-18 months, wide assortment of items. Rain/shine.

Garage Sale - Sat. July 12, 9-2. 560 South State St., #1, Harrison, Ohio. Snow blower, household items, computer stand, action figures, vinyl albums, old tools and lots more!

Large Multi-family Yard Sale - July 11&12, 9-3. 2452 Judd Dr., Bright.Fireplace mantel, furniture, dishes, tools, collectibles, electronics, toys, swim ming pool, clothes and much more!

Immediately hiring Homemakers

Come join the Advantage Team and enjoy things like, One on One Patient Care, Health Care Benefits, Weekly Pay, Direct Deposit, Flexible Scheduling, Minimal Traveling, Great Office Personnel and Much Much More!!! Contact Rhonda today to get started! Also accepting applications for RN’s & LPN’s

Advantage Home Care

800-807-6839 or 812-537-0325 406 Ridge Ave. • Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 EOE


58 MISCELLANEOUS 61 AUTOS WANTED 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column

DISH TV Retailer- Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-283-0560

We buy and haul junk cars & trucks with titles. Call 812-621-0961 or email davesautosalvage1@gmai

GUN SHOW!! Crown Point, IN - July 12th & 13th, Lake County Fair grounds, 889 Court St., Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-3 For information call 765-993-8942 Buy! Sell! Moving Sale-9454 Ches- Trade! terville Rd. Moores Hill, Fri. Sat. Sun. July HOMEOWNERS 11,12,13. 9am-4pm. Lots WANTED!! Kayak Pools is of misc. items and furni- looking for demo hometure. sites to display our mainteMulti-family g a r a g e nance-free pools. Save thousands of $$$ with this sale-July 17-18-19, 9am-? unique opportunity. CALL 5747/5748/5757 Jandel NOW! 800-315-2925 Dr. Aurora. Antiques, lectibles, furniture, bas kets, dolls, electric dryer, Discount code: 607L314 household items, women clothes sizes 9-10. No Hustler Zero Turn Lawn Mower. 48 in. cut with Early Birds? 23HP Kawasaki motor. Multi-family garage sale. 812-277-7618 Saturday July 12, 9:00-3:00. Stonegate Es- Lift Chair, new, $879, sell tates, 6816 Essex, Guil- for $550. Malibu Pilates ford. Grill, microwave, vac- exerciser, CDʼs $50. uum, college dorm com- (513)515-8788. forter set, trumpet, high chair, clothing, jewelry, household items, much Metal Trench Drains - Four 4 ft. and four 5 ft. with 6 more. inch top grate - Price $15 Multi-family Yard Sale - a ft. (812)576-4242. Sat. July 12, 8-1. 313 & 315 Rawling Dr., Hickory REDUCE YOUR CABLE Flats, Harrison. House - BILL! Get a whole-home hold, decoration items, Satellite system installed childrenʼs items. at NO COST and programstarting at Yard Sale - July 10,11&12, m i n g FREE 8-1. 505 South St., West $ 1 9 . 9 9 / m o . Harrison. Crafts, linens, HD/DVR Upgrade to new purses, books, baskets, callers, SO CALL NOW lots of stuff. Priced right 1-800-914-5307 come check it out! ROOFINGDiscount Yard/Bake Sale - July 11 & Economy Dimensional 12, 9-? Rain or shine. 329 Shingles $16 per bundle, Weathervane, Harrison. Multi-Color Shingles only Household items, clothes $8 per bundle, great for (adult and child) lots of Barns, Sheds & Garages misc.!, 3205 Madison Avenue, Indianapolis (317)788-0008

1977 Glastron Bass Boat Excellent condition, ga rage kept. 55 Evinrude motor, Motorguide trolling motor, fishfinder, many accessories. Photo on Lisa McMichael Lewis Face book. (812)637-5938. $2,500.

MOVING SALE - Fri. and Sat. July 11 & 12, 8-2. Rain or shine. 10550 Winding Way, Harrison. Everything priced to sell! File cabinets, GPʼs, rugs, steamers, storage (cabinets, shelves, bins, closet cubicles) crock pots, iron skillets, Tupperware, yard decor, hose cart, spreader, nails, screws etc., paint and supplies, craft sup plies (flora, wood, paint, Christmas) Christmas decor, jewelry, Vera Bradley.



All New! Happy Jack DuraSpot: Kills & repels fleas, ticks and larvae. Repels mites, lice and mosqui toes. contains Nylar IGR. Orschein Farm & Home. Chihuahua puppy, one male six weeks old. Jack Russel Patterdale mix puppies, 8 weeks. Call for information. (812)637-0518.


1 large wheelchair, 1 Hoyer lift, 1 Hospital bed with mattress and side rails. All in excellent condition. Asking $500 or make individual offer. 812-537-1585 3 Wheel Pride Scooter with cover in great condition. $800 OBO. 812-926-0526 Bad teeth? Extractions and Dentures using oral sedations. Free Consultations. Dr. McCall info,before/after photos at m 317-596-9700 DirectTV- 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirectTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800-246-2073



2003 Forest River Sierra 5th Wheel, 28 ft., very clean, original owner, 2 slide outs. $10,500 OBO. Brookville, Ind., area. (513)907-9658.



Will Buy & Haul Scrap Cars & Trucks (812)716-0781.

70 Posted Column

Absolutely no dogs, hunting, trapping, fishing, swimming, trash dumping of any kind, wire fence cutting/breaking, horse riding, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason, unless written permission. Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property. Dennis and Gail Connelly, 6651 Stimson Road, Aurora, IN 47001 12-14 Absolutely no fishing, no swimming, no hunting, or trespassing permitted. Not responsible for any injuries or accidents on the property belonging to: Mark & Eva Roll, End of Diefenbach Road, Bright IN 47025 09-4-14

Absolutely no fishing, no swimming, no hunting, or trespassing permitted. Not responsible for any injuries or accidents on the property belonging to : Rod and Brenda Cafouras, Always Buying, antiques, 12476 Gordon lane, Dillsestates or partial estates, boro, IN 47018 3/19/15 old military items, guns, swords, old advertising Absolutely no hunting or signs, and clocks, toys, trespassing. No dirt bikes jewelry, pottery, etc. Call or motorized vehicles of any kind. Not responsible Bob 812-637-5369 for accidents, injuries or faTyʼs Vintage Sports - talities on the property of Looking to buy vintage Helen Amm & Teresa sports cards prior to 1960. Stone, 18060 Union Ridge, Aurora, In 47001. (513)616-6013. 9/18/14 m Absolutely no hunting, fishing, or trespassing. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Richard Noggler, 7334 St. Rd. 48, 6521 St Rd. 48 Aurora, IN 47001 1-1-15




Register Publications is seeking a part time creative graphic artist. Applicants must have excellent computer skills and knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite. Must be able to work well under pressure and meet specific deadlines. Applicants must also be willing to learn and perform other composition department tasks, such as editing photos, class flow and legal preparation. Please send resume and desired compensation to

Absolutely no hunting, fishing, dog running, woodcutting, dumping, animal abandonment, motorized vehicles, bikes, trapping, firearms, swimming, tree cutting, snowmobiling, creek rock hunting, turning around in private circle drive or trespassing of any kind for any reason . Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or personal property. Activities of any kind will not be tolerated. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the properties of:John Niehaus, 16827 St. Rt. 148, Aurora, Ind., 47001. 08/28/14

Absolutely no trespassing - of any kind - for any reason. It is illegal to tres pass. No hunting, trapping, trash dumping, wood cutting, swimming, discharging firearms or explosives of any kind, riding animals or bicycles, or any motorized vehicles including ATVʼs, quad runners, motorcycles, motor bikes, etc. Not responsible for property damage, accidents. Injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This is a 44 acre tract bounded on the south by Lutz Road and on the north by Harley Springs Subdivision. Welbourne G. Williams, 4738 Lutz Rd., Guilford, Indiana. 04-23-15 Absolutely no hunting, fishing or trespassing for any reason w/o written permis- Absolutely no trespassing sion on the properties for any reason. Violators owned or leased by us. No will be prosecuted. Not reexcuses. Violators will be sponsible for any acci arrested and prosecuted. dents or injuries on the Harry and John Hud - properties of Hidden Valdleston, 8731 SR 56N, ley Lake, Inc, Hidden ValAurora, IN or 5311 ley Golf Club, Rupel DeYorkridge Road, Guil - velopment Corp., Counford, IN try Acreage, Inc., Jacob 10/23/14 Properties, bor dered by Georgetown Absolutely no hunting, Road, Fairway Drive, Altrapping, fishing, swim - pine Drive and Oberting ming, trash dumping, Road, Miller Township woodcutting, motorized ve- and City of Greendale. hicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. 03-19-15 Violators will be prose cuted. Beware of dog. Not Absolutely no trespassing responsible for accidents for any reason. No fishing, or injuries on the property hunting, trapping, dumpof: Perry & Tracy Boone, ing, woodcutting, or swim18002 Lost Creek Lane, ming. No motorized vehiLawrenceburg, IN 4-2-15 cles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be Absolutely no hunting, prosecuted at their own trapping, fishing, swim - expense. Not responsible ming, trash dumping, for any accidents or injuwoodcutting, motorized ve- ries on the property be hicles, firearms, or tres - longing to: Patricia passing for any reason. Stewart, 13409 Wynnʼs Violators will be prose - Way, Moores Hill, IN cuted. Not responsible for 47032. 10-9-14 accidents or injuries on the property of: John Ste- Absolutely no trespassing gemiller, 24569 Hiltz Rd., for any reason. Will not be Guilford, IN 47022. responsible for any acci9-11-14 dents or fatalities. Violators will be fined and Absolutely no hunting, prosecuted on the property trapping, woodcutting, mo- of: Mark & Bonnie Pentorized bikes, or trespass- nington, 12947 N. Hogan ing for any reason or pur- Rd., Aurora, In 47001 pose. These activities are 4-16-15 strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated. Violators Absolutely no trespassing will be prosecuted at their for any reason; no fishing, own expense. Also not reno hunting, trapping, swimsponsible for accidents on the property of: Rodney & ming, no motorized vehiArlene Miller 8824 North cles, firearms, trash dumping, open fires, wood cutHogan Rd., Aurora, IN ting, horseback riding, 4 47001 wheelers, bikes. Violators 08-12-14 will be prosecuted at their expense. Not responABSOLUTELY n o own sible for any injuries, accihunting/trapping, no fish- dents, fatalities. No tresing, no riding motorized passing, soliciting, or visivehicles or animals, and tation from strangers, famNO trespassing of any or friends without writkind for any reason on the ily, ten consent from Ron and properties owned by: Debbie Seaver, 23718 Nolte Farms, LLC – Nolte James Lake Road, Guil& Bells Branch Rds, Cae- ford, IN 47022 sar Creek Twp, Dearborn 04-23-15 County, Dillsboro, IN and

Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the James, properties of Wilma, Samuel Goff and Carolyn Goff/Brown, 13337 Goff Lane, Moores Hill,In 09-25-14 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of Robert L. Kist, Matter horn DR, lot 1090, Hidden Valley Lake. 4-16-15

Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property. Belonging to: S. Graves Keegan, 4920 Speier Rd. Dillsoboro IN. 47018 5-21-15 ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING FOR ANY REASON. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. 7152 KAISER DR. LAWRENCEBURG, IN 47025 09/11/14 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, hunting, trapping, swimming or open fires. No motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. We are not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the property. Ryan Stroud Heartland, Homestead Land Trust 3/26/15 ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING FOR ANY REASON. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. 19150 COLLIER RIDGE GUILFORD, IN 47022. 09/11/14 Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the The properties of: Bowlins, Bordering on Lipscomb Dr., Mud Lick Creek and Rainbow Road, Manchester Township and 7327 Kaiser Drive, 2-5-15

Floyd P & Teresa Martini – North Hogan & Holt Rds, Manchester Twp, Dearborn County, Milan, IN. NO exceptions! Not responsible for any accidents or injuries of any kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. 11/13/14

Absolutely no swimming, fishing, hunting or tres passing permitted, not responsible for any injuries or accidents on any property or lakes belonging to: Ralph Eugene Clark, Jr. and Mary Clark, 1505 Water Street, Hardin town, Lawrenceburg, IN Anyone caught in the auto salvage yard or above property will be prose cuted. 09-2-14

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The City of Lawrenceburg Clerk-Treasurer is taking applications for the following position in her office: Position: Clerical “A” Wages: $22.73 per hour/beginning salary: 1st 6 months at 75% of pay rate / 2nd 6 months at 90% of pay rate. After one year full pay. Work Schedule: Monday through Friday 40 hour work week - 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM A High School Diploma is required and a business or accounting degree is preferred. This person must be proficient with numbers. Must have a valid Driver’s License and must be 21 years of age or older. Must be able to get along well with others, follow instructions and perform all related duties assigned. Required to attend City night meetings when asked. The duties include to help oversee the front counter of the ClerkTreasurer with customers and phone calls in a respectful and professional manner, hand complaints from the public when necessary and report them to the proper office holder. Receive and follow verbal orders from the Clerk-Treasurer or other office staff as designated. Handle various record request as submitted to the Clerk’s Office. Also handle phone calls, permits and any other business required by the Building Commissioner. Applications may be picked up at the Clerk’s office at 212 Walnut Street and must be returned with attached resume to the Clerk’s Office no later than July 17, 2014 by 4:00 P.M.


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The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register

July 8 - July 10, 2014

70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column

Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason, no fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, wood cutting, or swimming, no motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense, not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Gale Banta, 4304 State Road 48, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 4-2-15

Absolutely No trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Robert & Deborah Lischkge, 9794 Alans Branch, Moores Hill, IN 47032 2-19-15

Absolutely no trespassing for any reason including motorized vehicles - hunting of any kind (bow or gun - nor trapping) or sledding. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their expenses to the fullest extent of the law on the property of Irvin J. Hartman & Frances M. Hartman, 221 Locust St., Greendale, IN 47025 1-15-15

Absolutely No Trespassing of any kind, for any reason at any time. No Excep tions! Owner not responsible for any accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Tresa ManAbsolutely No Trespassing ford 11510 North Hogan for any reason. Violators Road Aurora, IN 47001 5-7-15 will be prosecuted at there own expense. No vehicles including ATVʼs, Motorcycles etc. Not responsible ABSOLUTELY NO TRESfor any accidents or inju- PASSING OF ANY KIND, ries on the property of FOR ANY REASON P.A.W.S. Humane Cen- OWNER NOT RESPONSIter, 200 Charles A. Liddle BLE FOR ANY ACCI DR. Lawrenceburg, IN. DENTS, INJURIES, OR 47025 01-15-15 FATALITIES. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR EXPENSE. SHELIA BLOCK Absolutely no trespassing 9163 OLD S.R. 350 for any reason. Violators AURORA, IN 47001 will be prosecuted. Not re- 9-25-14 sponsible for any acci dents of injuries on the Absolutely no trespassing property of: of any kind allowed on all Tom & Kathy Klump Tower Rd., Lawrence - properties belonging to Ola & Julie Miller. No exburg Trojan Rd., Extending to ceptions. Not responsible for injuries, accidents or faBeneker Rd., St. Leon talities. No vehicles of any Kildeer Ln., Guilford Mosmeier R d . , kind, horseback riding, etc, Sunman,St rd 46 prop- unless written permission erty, North Dearborn is given. Ola & Julie Miller, 11302 N. Hogan property 4-9-15 Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 Absolutely no trespassing 3-19-15 for any reason, not responsible for accidents or inju- Absolutely no trespassing, ries. Violators will prose- for any reason. No hunting cuted at their own ex - or trapping. No motorized penses.: The Beverly J. v vehicles, 4-wheelers etc. Neihardt Trust, 14950 without written permission Old State Road 350, from owner. Violators will Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14 be prosecuted at their own expense. Grimsley Farm post frame on Grimsley Rd. Moores Hill IN 47032 04/02/15 buildings

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Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, boating, swimming, trapping, motorized bikes, 4 wheelers, RVʼs, woodcutting, horseback riding, firearms. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Robert & Carolyn K. Holtegel, 12466 Rullman Dr. Dillsboro, IN 47018 03-15

Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, woodcutting, quad or cycle riding. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Jim & Larry Gabbard, Lattire Farm, Gregory Bier (The Land) Union Ridge Road, Aurora, IN 47001 5-21-15

Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, trapping, trash dumping, tree cutting, tree damaging in any way, tree stands, firearms, bows, knives, or loitering. Not responsible for accidents, personal injuries, property damage, or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law at their expense of the properties of Gerald Conn, Cove Circle East lots 2534 and 2535, Hidden Valley Lake. 08-14-14

Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, firearms, woodcutting, trapping. No motorized vehicles of any kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Also not responsible for any injuries, accidents or fatalities on the property of: James Chrisman, Yorkridge Road, Guilford, IN 5-28-15

Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no walking, no sightseeing, no motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their ex penses. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Patrick Holland 14130 Brown Rd. Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14

Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no 4-wheeling, no quad running. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Ronald W. Absolutely no trespassing, Fields, 2488 Sneakville hunting, fishing, swim - Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN ming, trapping, horseback 47025. 4-30-15 riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quad runners or 4-wheelers allowed for I-275 Enterprises, Inc., is any reason. Not responsi- the owner of property loble for accidents or injury cated in the Horseshoe to anyone. Violators will be Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Dearborn prosecuted at their own T o w n s h i p , expense to the full extent County, Indiana, bounded of the law on the property on the West and North by of: Darrell & Susan Sex- the right-of-way of interton, 17537 Hillcrest Dr., state Highway 275 and on Lawrenceburg, I N the South by the Chessie Railroad right-of-way and 470205. 3-12-15 on the eastern edge of the I-275 Lagoon (hereinafter called “the property”). trapping, dis Absolutely no trespassing, Hunting, charging firearms, shoothunting, fishing, swim - ing arrows, fishing, turtle ming, trapping, horseback hunting, dog running, tree riding, woodcutting, motor- cutting, woodcutting, ized bikes, quadrunners or dumping, animal abandon4-wheelers allowed on my ment, hiking, bicycling, property for any reason. motor biking, operating Not responsible for acci- quads or after ATV vehidents or injury to anyone. cles, horseback riding, Violators will b e prose - sledding, ice skating, cuted at their own expense snowmobiling, bird watchto the full extent of the law ing, camping, operation of on the property of: The aircraft, swimming, row Gary Steinmetz Farm, boating, motor boating, 9783 Wesseler Road, sailing, creek rock hunting, Sunman, I N turning around or trespass05-14-15 ing of any kind on the property for any reason is absolutely forbidden without written and signed perAbsolutely no trespassing, mission of a duly authorhunting, quads, dirt bikes, ized agent of I-275 Enteror wood cutting. Not re - prises, Inc., I-275 Campsponsible for any injuries grounds, Inc., and-or or accidents. Property con- H o r s e s h o e Camp sists of 10 acres. Richard grounds. I-275 Enter and Melanie Wiedeman, prises, Inc. 10860 In 18554 Collier Ridge, deco Drive, Cincinnati Guilford, IN 47022 O H 45241 05-21-15 09-4-14

No bikes, skateboards, roller blades. No trespassing for any reason; not responsible for injuries or accidents on property of: Dillsboro Civic Club, 9824 Central Ave. and 12930 North St., Dills boro, IN (formerly Doctors Bldg .) 8-28-14

No hunting, fishing, swimming or trespassing and not responsible for accidents on the property of: Robert & Beth Baylor, 6155 St. Rd. 48, Law renceburg, IN 04-09-15

No hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing or ATVʼs. Violators will be prosecuted at own ex pense, Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of, Dennis and Cindy Meyung, 10998 County Farm Rd, Aurora, IN, 47001, 01-15

No fishing, swimming, hunting, four wheelers, or trespassing on the Hostetler Farms, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill. They will be prosecuted. Harry Hostetler, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores No hunting, four wheeling, Hill, IN 12-4-14 hiking, gardening, or trespassing of any kind. Joan No hunting or shooting, no Fidler will not be held liwoodcutting,, littering or able for any injuries ac dumping, no motorized ve- quired on the property on hicles, machinery or tres- both sides of 10419 Chespassing. Not liable or re- terville Road, next to sponsible for injuries or ac- 10095 Chesterville Road, cidents. Violators will be and across from 10386 prosecuted if found on Chesterville Road. Violaproperty of: Dennis G. tors will be prosecuted. and Ann J. Elder, 17800 4-2-15 Duncan Lane, Aurora, IN 7-14-14 No hunting, no ATV/bike riding, no wood cutting No hunting, fishing or treswithout written permission. passing for any reason. Not responsible for per Not responsible for any insonal or property injury on juries occurring on the property owned by: Miproperty owned by: Sto- chael and Roberta Hanknegate Property Owners, ins, 27106 Cranes Run Bordering on Stonegate Road, W. Harrison IN Dr. & Essex Lane. 47060 1/15/15 05-28-15 No hunting, fishing or trespassing of any kind. Not responsible for property or personal injury on the property of: Maria Teresa Maturana, 21940 Lake Tambo Rd., Manchester, IN 01/22/15 No hunting, fishing or trespassing and not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Jerome & Ruth Martini, York Ridge Rd., Leatherwood Rd., York Township. 4-9-15

No hunting, no fishing, no bike riding, absolutely no trespassing on the property of: Irene Beckett Estate, 1005 Nowlin Avenue, Property on west side of Tanners Creek 08-21-14 No hunting, no motorized bikes or vehicles, no trespassing of any kind and not responsible for accidents on the property of: John McKay 11307 N. Dearborn Rd. Sunman, IN 47041 12-14

No hunting, no motorized bikes or vehicles, no trespassing of any kind and not responsible for accidents, violators will be prosecuted on the property of: Stanley Harmeyer & Sondra Lewis 22643, 22747, 22915 Jackson No hunting, fishing, or tres- Ridge, Lawrenceburg, passing for any reason IN and not responsible for 09-4-14 any injuries occurring on the property owned by: No hunting, trespassing, Hidden Valley Lake Prop- quad or dirt bike riding on erty Owners Associa - the property of Bill and tion, Bordering on State- Donna J. Fisher located line Road and George- at 6919 E. Laughery town Road, Lawrence- Creek Road, Aurora. 9-25-14 burg, In 04/09/15

No hunting, fishing, or trespassing without written permission on the Chipman farm. 7442 White Road, Rising Sun, Indiana . Violators will be prosecuted. 4-30-15

No hunting, woodcutting or trespassing and not re sponsible for accidents on the property of: Joseph and Edna Imholt, 8289 Leatherwood Road, Yorkville, Guilford, IN 4-30-15

NO TRESPASSING for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, injuries or any fatalities on property of Betty J. Weber, Bloom Road Moores Hill, Indiana 47032. Violators will be prosecuted at their expense. 7-22-14

No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, Injuries, fatalities or personal property. This applies to all property owned by us.Beware of dog. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expence. Randy & Mary Lynn Hayes, 3382 Sneakville Rd., Law renceburg IN, Also Goose Run, Aurora, IN 1/29/15

No Trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or property. The Kremer Family 28483 Barber Rd. West Harrison, IN 47060 9-11-14

No trespassing of any kind on property of : All Rite Ready Mix Of Indiana, LLC, 10513 Morgans Branch Road, Aurora, IN 4-9-15 No trespassing of any kind on the properties & private drive of Marvin Zimmer 28817 Evergreen Lane, West Harrison, IN 47060 08-14-14

No trespassing without written permission and not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of Jim and Beth Marting, 6960 Nelson Road, Aurora, IN 47001 - in Ohi County. 9-25-14 No trespassing! Absolutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not re sponsible for property damage, accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: David L. Shuter & Deborah L. Shuter, Church Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 01-15

No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their own expense on the properties of: Wm. G. Rudicil, Barber Rd., No Trespassing! Abso Gobblerʼs Knob Rd., W. lutely no hunting, trapping, Harrison, IN 2-12-2015 trash dumping, woodcutNo trespassing for any ting, discharging firearms reason. Not responsible or fireworks or explosives for accidents or injuries. of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Marshall Alford 15778 W. County Line Not responsible for property damage, accidents, inRd. juries or fatalities. Violators Moores Hill, IN will be prosecuted at their 10-9-14 own expense to the fullest No Trespassing for any extent of the law on the reason. Violators will be property of: Joseph F. prosecuted at their own Bayer, Jr. & Donna S. expense. Not responsible Bayer, 17365 Church for any injuries or acci - Rd., Lawrenceburg, In dents. 47025 1-15 20042 Stateline RD. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 10-2-14 No trespassing! No huntNo trespassing of any kind ing, tree stands, firearms, for any reason on the bows, trapping, fireworks, properties of the Tri-Town- motorcycles or quads. Not ship Water Corporation. responsible for accidents. Violators will be prose - Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex - cuted at their expense. pense. Also not responsi- Lowell & Donna Hollins, ble for any accidents, inju- 10625 St. Rt. 262, Dills10/23/14 ries, or fatalities. Tri-Town boro, IN. Water Corporation 75 Jamison Rd., 24192 State Line Rd., 1813 Morgan No trespassing, hunting or Rd., 25333 Henderson fishing. The Browning Rd., 6483 Gaynor Ridge, Farm, 9516 & 9321 Texas Gas Rd., Aurora, IN 902 Justis Rd. 4-9-15 47001 12-14

DEADLINE IS EVERY FRIDAY AT 10AM FOR THE NEXT ISSUE Call or bring in your ad to one of our offices: 126 W. High Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 235 Main Street, Rising Sun, IN • 307 Harrison Avenue, Harrison, OH No refunds or credit given if your items/ads are sold or rented or cancelled after ad or ads are submitted. NO EXCEPTIONS.

If you would like to place your CLASSIFIED AD by mail, fill out the bottom and send to: Register Publications • 126 W. High Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025


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July 8 - July 10, 2014

The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register


70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column

No trespassing, hunting, 4 wheeling etc. on property owned by Ken and Kathy Scherzinger or other owned entities on North Hogan Rd. between SR 48 and Holt Rd., Dear born County Indiana. Not responsible for any accidents of any kind. 7-02-15

No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motor vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries of any kind on the property of: Mark & Roberta Klem, Seldom Seen Estates, Lot #1,#2, #3, 22505 State Line Rd., Bright, IN 06-11-15

No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motorcycles. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on the property of: John Kemme, 24464 State Line Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 9-4-14

No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling, dirt bikes. Not responsible for accidents on the property of Ronald Henry 8680 Lower Dillsboro Rd. Aurora, IN 47001 05-21-15 No trespassing, hunting, fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Debi & Stephan Kraeling 7233 Bonnell, Guilford, Indiana 47022 04-30-15

No trespassing, hunting, fishing, trapping or dumping of any kind. Absolutely no motorized vehicles, bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my property. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities. Beware of dogs. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense to the fullest extent of the law. Jeffrey Long, 9027 Old St. Rd 350 & 13385 Dean Rd., Aurora, In 47001. 9-14

No trespassing, hunting, fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Cindy & Michael McAndrew, 19446 Anderson Rd., Law renceburg, IN 47025. 4-9-15

No Trespassing, hunting, four wheelers, dirt bikes, fishing, swimming for any reason. Rick & Dawn Gilb 1075 ST. RTE. 48 Sunman, IN 47014 7-2-15

No trespassing, hunting, or fishing for any reason on the properties of Knigga Properties LLC, and Knigga Holdings LLC, owned by Tim, Nancy, and Casey Knigga. These include properties bordering South Fork, Kirkpatrick, Goodner and Aberdeen Roads. Also not responsi ble for any accidents, injuries, or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. 3-19-15

No trespassing, motorized vehicles, hunting, trapping, fireworks or explosives of any kind, discharge of firearms or shooting of arrows on or onto the approximate 23 acres of Lot #8 in Miller Ridge Estates. Also not responsible for any acci dents or injuries occurring on this same property. Mike and Connie Crossley, Lot #8 Miller Ridge, 22102 Hickory View Lane, Guilford, IN 47022 12-11-14

No trespassing, no hunting or fishing. Absolutely no 4 wheelers or motorized vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Earl & Thomas Sullivan, 18253 & 18350 Keller Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 5-21-15 No trespassing, no hunting, violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Glen & LaVerne Burkhardt, Corner of Keller Rd., & SR 48, Lawrenceburg, In 1-8-15

No trespassing, not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Midwest Data No trespassing, no fishing, Inc., 326 Walnut St., Lawno hunting or artifact hunt- renceburg, IN 47025 ing. Nick Domaschko, 4-9-15 Ohio County, 9748 St. No trespassing, or hunting, Rd. 56 N., Aurora, In on the farm of : Barry & 47001 Judy Pruss, Rt. 50 Mt. 6-11-15 Tabor Rd., Aurora, IN 4-2-15

No trespassing, soliciting , or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent by Billie R. Powell on my properties located on North Hogan Rd.Billie R. Powell 10514 North Hogan Rd. Aurora, IN 47001. 3-23-15 No Trespassing. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Larry and Kim Jackson, 6720 Lipscomb Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 9/18/14

No trespassing. No fishing, no swimming, no hunting or four wheelers. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on my property. Barb Hornberger and family 9758 E. Co. Rd. 1350 N, Sunman, IN 47041 07-14

No trespassing. Not re sponsible for accidents or injury. We will prosecute trespassers on property owned by: Robert & Deborah Schroeder, Gary & Pam Schroeder, Ridge Drive, Lake Tambo & Knopf Roads, Man chester Township. 10-13

No trespassing. Not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Rita Bennett, 170 and 172 Conwell Street, Aurora, IN 47001 05-21/15

Not responsible for accidents. No hunting, fishing, woodcutting, swimming, recreational 4x4 riding, or trespassing on the property of: Hassel W. and Pamela M. Brashears Possum Ridge Road Aurora, IN 03-5-15

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ship with the Southwest Local School District. The Board of Education reClassifieds-6 The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. serves the right to waive formalities, to accept or reject any and all, or parts of any and all bids. The successful bidders will Oxbow Inc. and Oxbow of Private property. Abso be required to furnish a Indiana, Inc. (”Oxbow”) are lutely no trespassing of satisfactory performance the owners of property lo- any kind on all properties BIDS FOR SCHOOL BUS bond for 100% of the concated in the area com - belonging to Dana and tract price. monly known as Horse - Phyllis Weisickle. No ex- Separate, sealed propos- The successful bidders will shoe Bottoms, Lawrence- ceptions. Not responsible als for each of the require- be required to complete a burg Township, Dearborn for any injuries, accidents, ments set forth below will delinquent personal propCounty, Indiana. Most of or fatalities. No vehicles of be received at the office of erty tax affidavit. Oxbowʼs land is located any kind allowed to drive between I-275 to US 50 through or park without the Treasurer of the Board No bids may be withdrawn exit ramp, the CSX tracks, written permission. Dana of Education of the South- for at least 90 days after and the levee along US 50 & Phyllis Weisickle west Local School District, the scheduled closing time and the Argosy entrance 12904 Probst Rd, Aurora, 230 S. Elm Street, Harri- for receipt of bids. road. Oxbow also owns IN 47001 son, OH 45030, Hamilton This notice is also posted land immediately west of County Ohio, until 10:00 on the Southwest Local I-275 between the CSX a.m. local time, July 16, School District website. 4-14 tracks and the Ohio River, 2014. Bids shall be pubas well as land east of By order of the licly opened and read I-275 between the CSX aloud immediately after Board of Education tracks, the Ohio River, and closing time for said bids. of the Southwest Local the state line. Maps of OxSchool District Sealed bids are requested bowʼs properties are availfor one (1) 77 passenger Jeffrey P. Bidle able on our website at PUBLIC HEARING conventional school bus. President NOTICE Oxbow,Ind. land is a wildBids will be for one (1) Steven R. Bain SPECIAL MEETING life sanctuary. Hunting, newly manufactured bus, Treasurer NOTICE trapping, discharge of firewhich must meet the miniThe Harrison City Council arms, and the shooting of mum specifications avail27-2tc arrows is prohibited except of the City of Harrison will able at the Treasurerʼs ofhold a public hearing and in certain designated areas and only with the writ- a special meeting for the fice at the address above ten permission of Oxbow. purpose of considering en- or at ATVʼs may not be oper- tering into a contract to www.southwestschools. ated on Oxbow property at designate a Joint Eco - org (Departments/Treasurany time. Operating other nomic Development Zone erʼs Office). motorized vehicles (except Bid is to be for a complete for the purpose of ap - (JEDZ) under Ohio Re - unit bus. vised Code Section proved farming and land All bidding shall be in acmanagement operations) 715.691 for the Colerain cordance with Section Township Colerain Corrioff clearly established roads or on a road in any dor Joint Economic Devel- 3313.46 of the Ohio Remanner contributing to the opment Zone. Said hear- vised Code. need to repair the road is ing will be held on July 22, The bids will state that the prohibited. Those who op- 2014 at 6:00 p.m. with the buses, when assembled erate a motor vehicle on special meeting following and prior to delivery, comOxbow property do so at at 6:15 pm. Both hearing ply with all school district their own risk, and are adspecifications, all safety vised that the dirt roads and meeting will be held in regulations and current council chambers at 300 may be impassable when Ohio Minimum Standards wet. Under no circum - George Street, Harrison, for School Bus Construcstances will Oxbow be re- Ohio 45030. Persons with sponsible for damage to a questions or comments tion of the Department of vehicle or injury to its oc- may present them at this Education adopted by and with the consent of the Dicupants. time. rectors of Highway Safety Bank fishing only with appursuant to Section propriate license is al 4511.76 of the Revised lowed and is monitored by Caroll Wiwi, conservation officers. Code, as well as meeting Clerk Camping, bonfires, and the latest minimum stanHarrison City Council overnight parking are prodards set by federal legisCity of Harrison hibited. Swimming in lation or regulations. streams, lakes and other Copies of the specifica watercourses is strictly 28-2tc tions, instructions to bidprohibited, as are motorders, and proposal forms ized watercraft of any sort. may be obtained at the ofRemoving, destroying or PUBLIC HEARING fice of the Treasurer, 230 disturbing wildlife and NOTICE South Elm Street, Harriplants, or farm crops with son, Ohio 45030. Contact out express written consent of Oxbow is prohib- The Council for the City of person: Ron Mandery, ited. Harrison will hold a public (513) 738-2900. Oxbow property is regu- hearing on the proposed Each bid must be accomlarly patrolled by law en- 2015 County Budget. panied by a bid guarantee forcement officers who Said hearing will be held in the form of a bond for have been instructed to prosecute all violators. Ac- on July 15, 2014 at 7:15 100% of the amount of the tivities such as bird watch- p.m. in council cham - bid, or a certified check, ing, hiking and the activi- bers at 300 George cashierʼs check, or a letter ties not expressly prohib- Street, Harrison, Ohio of credit equal to 10% of ited by these rules or state 45030. Persons with ques - the bid. law may be done at ones tions or comments may Factors the Southwest Loown risk. Oxbow is not re- present them at this time. cal School District will consponsible for any injuries sider shall include, but will occurring on the property not be limited to, reference for those wishing to visit. checks with previous cliThose in doubt of the lawCarol Wiwi, ents and the prior relationfulness of their activity on Clerk ship with the Southwest Oxbow properties are enHarrison City Council Local School District. couraged to first contact: City of Harrison The Board of Education reOxbow, 854 Ligoria Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio serves the right to waive 45218 04-23-15 27-2tc formalities, to accept or reject any and all, or parts of any and all bids. The successful bidders will be required to furnish a satisfactory performance bond for 100% of the contract price. The successful bidders will be required to complete a delinquent personal property tax affidavit. No bids may be withdrawn J3462 • MSRP $31,020 for at least 90 days after 2 aT THIS PRICE the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids. This notice is also posted on the Southwest Local School District website.

70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column



News • The Dearborn County Register

July 8 - July 10, 2014

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