All those red heads are not auditioning for rolls as members of the Harry Potter books’ Weasley clan, nor is their firey hair Photoshoped or dyed, they’re all natural and all on East Central’s football team this year and caught the eye of sports editor Jim Buchberger. From left: Matthew Lewis (21), Austin Bowling (29), Zach Sprague (60), Roger McConnell (69), Connor Lynch (88), Chase Sutherland (56), Gabe Eckstein (51), Luke Patton (9).
Inside: Cowboy cabbage; Private school ISTEP+ scores
Dearborn County register
154TH YEAR ISSUE NO. 32 $1
Board: Durbin Plaza unsafe
By Erika Schmidt Russell Editor
Lawrenceburg Board of Works affirmed city building inspector Carl Fryman’s order declaring Durbin Plaza unsafe, and gave the building owner 180 days to come up with a scope of work for repairing the building. The affirmation of the order after an unsafe building hearing Thursday, Aug. 7, started the 10-day clock for the building owner to appeal the board’s decision in court. Durbin Plaza is owned by DIY LL/Alice Daniel. Fryman declared the building unsafe in June. The order came after the building was shut down by the Dearborn County Health Department in early 2014 for a sewerage backup into the building’s basement, and after numer-
Above: Collier Ridge Bridge after it was closed in 2011. Top Right: The 1920 iron structure and part of the decking is torn down. Bottom right: All that is left are the piers.
County and state work mean detours for motorists By Denise Freitag Burdette Assistant Editor
Four years after a critical fracture in a cord resulted in closing Collier Ridge bridge in York Township, the bridge was removed this week. The iron bridge, built in 1920, was used by many drivers as a cut through between York and Manchester townships. In 2011, the Indiana Department of Transportation awarded Dearborn County $1 million in Federal Highway Administration Bridge Funds for the replacement of the bridge. INDOT recently awarded a bid for the work to Force Construction Co Inc., Columbus, Ind., in the amount of $1,172,562 The county will pay a match of 20 percent of the cost as part of the bridge fund grant. Work is expected to be completed by Dec. 19.
For about 3 1/2 months, the bridge over Interstate 75 along Ind. 46 in St. Leon is scheduled to be closed for demolition and reconstruction. The bridge is located between Lakeview Lane/Trojan Road and Post 464 Road. The official detour route will utilize I-74, Ind. 1 and Ind 101. But anyone who knows the
area will likely be skipping the official detour for routes a little faster and more direct. That is why both Dearborn County and the St. Leon town board are working on ways to keep the roads surrounding the construction safe as the volume of traffic is expected to rise. During the Tuesday, Aug. 5, Dearborn County commissioners meeting, county transportation director Todd Listerman said the “unofficial” Indiana Department of Transportation detour is Schuman and Trojan roads, which run passed Sunman-Dearborn Middle School and East Central High School. An agreement was to be signed with INDOT, which would take a camera to document the roads before the expected additional traffic started. INDOT would then repay any repairs needed to the roads due to the extra wear and tear of vehicles driven by motorists working their way around the road closure. Dearborn County Commissioner Kevin Lynch asked if any additional signs would be needed for the area. Listerman said he talked to INDOT, because it is already a tough intersection. A three- or four-way stop is being considered at Schuman, Ind. 1 near the BP gas station to make that area safer. Commissioner president Shane McHenry asked Listerman to contact the Dearborn
ous other problems and complaints from tenants. If the building owner does appeal, then there will be a completely new hearing before a judge, said the city’s attorney Joe Votaw. “The judge doesn’t look at the hearing the city had,” he added. In the hearing last Thursday, the board heard from Fryman, Lawrenceburg Fire Chief Johnnie Tremain, and engineer Tim Jensen with the Veridus Group representing the city. Property owner Alice Daniel was represented by attorney William Geisen, with structural engineer Steven Schaefer detailing his findings at the property. Jensen reviewed two reports detailing structural problems and air quality issues showing high mold levels in parts of the plaza.
See UNSAFE, Page 3
Jail tour Saturday County Sheriff’s Department about providing extra patrols in the area to watch for speeders. Meanwhile, the St. Leon Town board also discussed ways to keep the area safe. St. Leon Town Marshall Bill Wendt said they expect many drivers to also use Post 464 Road, Old Hickory and Trackville as a detour route. He warns drivers there will be aggressive enforcement of speed on those roads, with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour. “We just want to make sure everyone is safe,” said Wendt, adding he does not enjoying writing tickets. According to INDOT, Duncan Robertson, Inc., of Franklin is the state’s contractor for a $2.1 million bridge project, which includes replacing the Ind. 46 bridge’s aging superstructure. Steel beams will be used in place of existing concrete beams. Piers will be re-
paired. New bridge approaches will be built. And a new bridge deck will be constructed atop the four-span 258-foot-long structure. The project will require single-lane closures of I-74 at the bridge site while work is being done overhead or on adjacent bridge piers. Interstate motorists will experience short-term directional closures when steel beams are hoisted into the place during nighttime hours. More than 4,100 motor vehicles per day cross the Ind. 46 bridge. Meanwhile, the Stateline Road slip repair, 1.5 miles north of U.S. 50, bids have Paul Rohe as the apparent low bidder. Listerman has requested INDOT to award contract. Rohe bid $200,959.05. McAlister, O’Mara, and Sunesis also bid on the repair with ranges from $263,030.43 to $282,773.91.
Staff Report The long-discussed and evaluated jail expansion is nearly complete with the additional inmate housing component expected to be accepting inmates late August or early September 2014. The new building provides dormitory-style housing for up to 208 additional inmates. The current facility has 216 beds and is averaging over 260 inmates on any given day. The Dearborn County Board of Commissioners and sheriff Mike Kreinhop are hoping by inviting interested citizens to take a look inside the new jail addition before they begin housing inmates in the unit, will give citizens a rare opportunity to understand life while incarcerated and demonstrate that public safety is a top concern for the county. With security precautions in place, the public may tour the new facility Saturday, Aug. 16. The new facility is divided
into sight-and-sound separated pods that allow for more flexibility in appropriately classifying inmates depending on their criminal history, severity of conviction, and potential impact on their fellow inmates and jail staff. It also provides one male and one female specialty dormitory area for participants in the Jail Chemical Addiction Program. These inmates reside together as a support system for one another and have a classroom and instructor in close proximity to facilitate ongoing education and rehabilitation. In an expansion of the JCAP program to come in the near future, a smaller “step-up” section allows inmates who have completed the JCAP program an opportunity to spend their last several days prior to release engaged in more intensive education aimed at preparing them for reintegration into society, skills such as finding a job, dealing with financial issues, continuing their chemical addiction
See JAIL, Page 3
Aurora cemetery gains historic registery listing By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter
Dearborn County has gained yet another listing on the National Register of Historic Places: River View Cemetery just outside Aurora. The architect-designed cemetery's listing was announced Thursday, Aug. 7, during the Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis. Several River View Cemetery Board members attended, as well as Aurora Public Library District Director Mary Alice Horton, who wrote the application. Cemetery board president Randy Turner credited others for the work involved. “I was hoping for Shirley (Meyer) because this is more something she and David (Hizer) had pushed, and Mary Alice,” said Turner. “They put forward a lot of effort.”
“Fantastic!” is how Hizer describes the result. “To be the fourth cemetery in Indiana to obtain that (listing,) that to me was indescribable,” he said. Meyer, a longtime cemetery board member, is well-versed in River View history, having conducted tours of the landscaped site for years. Unfortunately, she was unable to attend the presentation Thursday by Indiana Department of Natural Resources Director Cameron F. Clark and Mitchell K. Zoll, director of the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology within DNR. Those attending included Hizer, Horton and Diane Peters. The non-profit River View Cemetery actually has two boards, a corporate board that meets annually, and a board of managers that meets monthly. Meyer is on the corporate board; Turner, Hizer and Peters are on both.
See CEMETERY, Page 3
INSIDE TODAY OBITUARIES.......................2
River View Cemetery, Aurora, board members, folks from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Aurora Library Director Mary Alice Horton celebrate the cemetery’s listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
Today: High: 86 Low 64
Wed: High: 87 Low: 65
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Cole Lane crash was fatal A Cole Lane, Aurora, resident died early Sunday in a crash on Cole Lane, said the Dearborn County Sheriff’s Department. James Whitaker, 20, of 10538 Cole Lane, Aurora, was pronounced dead at the scene, said a department news release. His vehicle and another, driv-
en by Steven Ray charge of operating a Hollin, 27, of 826 vehicle with a blood Briarwood Way, alcohol content of beGreensburg, collidtween .08 and .14, aced around 5 a.m., cording to jail booking said county police. records. Whitaker was arThe wreck occurred rested and booked Steven Ray in the 9900 block into the Dearborn Hollin of Cole Lane, and County Law Enwas investigated by forcement Center on a Dearborn County Sheriff’s
deputies Charles Olsen and Craig Elliott, and Captain Gaylord Hartsburg, said the sheriff’s department, which is continuing to investigate the fatality. The Dearborn County coroner, Aurora police and fire departments, and Indiana State Police assisted at the scene.
NEWS BRIEFS State has first ‘14 human West Nile case INDIANAPOLIS- The first human case of West Nile virus in Indiana for 2014 has been reported in Porter County. Hoosiers are encouraged to take steps to protect themselves from West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne diseases. In addition to the human case, mosquitoes in 18 counties have tested positive for the virus so far in 2014. Those counties include: Allen, DeKalb, Delaware, Dubois, Greene, Hamilton, Howard, Jefferson, LaGrange, Lake, Marion, Marshall, Morgan, Pike, Rush, Steuben, Sullivan and Vanderburgh. However, West Nile virus may be circulating in all 92 Indiana counties and Hoosiers should take precautions to prevent mosquito bites. To learn more about West Nile virus, visit
Pence appointees Dearborn resident to board INDIANAPOLIS- Gov. Mike Pence recently named appointees to multiple boards and commissions, including a Dearborn County resident. Catherine “Katie” Morris was appointed to Native American Indian Affairs Commission. her four-year term lasts until July 31, 2018. The Indiana Native American Indian Affairs Commission studies and makes recommendations to appropriate federal, state and local governmental agencies in areas of concern to our state’s native and nonnative people and communities. The ultimate objectives are to bring the native communities together, help identify and provide opportunities to the Native American community, and enhance social, cultural, community
The Journal-Press (USPS 037-880)
■■ Publication: The Journal-Press is published each Tuesday at Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. The Lawrenceburg office is at 126 W. High St. ■■ Telephone: 1-812-537-0063. ■■ Annual subscription prices: Sold in combination with The Dearborn County Register: $41.55 for Dearborn County residents; $63, Indiana (outside Dearborn County), Ohio and Kentucky; $91.90, all other states. All subscriptions payable in advance. Single copy price is $1. Periodicals postage paid at Lawrenceburg and additional mailing offices. ■■ Postmaster: Send address changes to The Journal-Press, 126 W. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. ■■ Advertising: This newspaper is liable for errors in advertising only for the space occupied by the error, and not the entire portion of the advertising. ■■ Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus
and economic development in Indiana.
Stop by praise, worship service AURORA- First Baptist Church of Aurora is having a Praise & Worship Service at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 30, 6060 Blair Road, just across from the Aurora Fire Department. Join them for an evening with Craig Aven, who will be sharing in music and the Word. Come out to join them and bring a friend too. For more information call 1-812-926-1900.
Workshop aimed at producers with livestock MILAN- The Hogan Creek Watershed Project, along with the Dearborn and Ripley County Soil and Water Conservation Districts, will provide an educational opportunity for producers with grazing livestock. A field day will be held Friday, Aug. 22, at Jeff and Leah Meinders’s Farm, 3687 W. Co. Rd. 500E, Milan, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. The workshop is free to attend and includes a catered lunch thanks to local sponsors. Speakers will be present including, Ron Lemenager, Purdue Beef - Nutrition and Management; Victor Shelton, NRCS Grazing Specialist/ Agronomist, and David Walton, Jr., Veterinarian - Herd Health. If you would like more information or to register, contact the SWCD at 1-812-926-2406 ext 3 or email: heather.
INDOT corrects slide Ind. 262 DILLSBORO- Indiana Department of Transportation maintenance crews from the Aurora Subdistrict are making repairs at a slide located on State Road 262 approximately three miles south of Dillsboro. INDOT has scheduled slide correction operations to begin
tomorrow morning (AUGUST 12). Work to correct slide conditions is expected to continue for several days. Flaggers will be present to direct traffic around workers and equipment at the site which is situated between Martin and Huesman Roads. INDOT officials advise motorists to expect delays.
Results of voter list refresh revealed INDIANAPOLIS -Secretary of State Connie Lawson gave an update on the results of the voter list refresh project. In June, the Secretary of State Election Division mailed 755,848 postcards to Hoosier voters asking them to update their voter registration information. This was the second round of postcards following more than 4.4 million postcards mailed in May. Approximately 47,493 voters in Indiana participated in the voter list refresh project by updating their voter registration by July 24 due date. Approximately 450,208 postcards from the second mailing were returned by the post office as undeliverable as addressed with the remainder continuing to trickle in each day. “I am committed to protecting the voting process here in Indiana by making sure that each county has accurate voter registration lists,” said Lawson. “We’ve been able to identify 731,585 records that either needed updating or were no longer valid. By updating these records or adding them to the inactive list, we are one step closer to getting a more accurate picture of voter turnout and protecting the integrity of our elections.” County election officials have been using the information from the voter list refresh to update Indiana’s list of voters. The counties take the mailings that identify inaccurate voter registration information and mark those voters’ records as inactive. To date, 696,407 voter registrations have been marked inactive. Aug. 6 was the federal dead-
line for counties to process data from the voter list refresh before the November 2014 election. Counties will resume processing this data after the election. In Dearborn County, the percentage of voter registrations records identified as inaccurate was between 10 percent to 15.9 percent. A voter on the inactive list can still vote in November. Being on the inactive list simply means a voter did not update or confirm their information. If the voter casts a ballot from that address in November, their record will be reclassified as active. If an inactive voter does not vote in November, they can still vote in the municipal elections of 2015 and the federal elections of 2016. If they do not vote in any election prior to January 2017, the county voter registration office will remove their record from the poll lists. If there is any discrepancy, there are electronic records of each card and the counties will have access to the hard copies. The voter list refresh project will also give Hoosiers a more accurate view of voter participation in future elections. When voter lists are bloated with inaccurate information, turnout statistics are artificially lowered. For example, if the voter registrations that Indiana moved to the inactive list were excluded from the overall number of registered voters used to calculate turnout for the May 2014 Primary Election, actual turnout would have been more than 17 percent, instead of 13 percent. In the 2012 General Election, Indiana would have had more than 71 percent voter participation instead of 58 percent. This would have put Indiana in the top states in the country for turnout. All voters can check their voter registration information at or at their local county clerk’s office and update their information if necessary. Voters may contact the Secretary of State’s office with questions at 1-866-IN-1-VOTE, sos@sos. or 200 W. Washington Street Room 201, Indianapolis, IN 46204.
OBITUARIES Vincent Andres
Vincent C. “Shorty” Andres, age 85, resident of Harrison, Ohio, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014. He was born Feb. 6, 1929, to Peter & Ella (nee Woerst) Andres, and was one of 12 children. Shortly after graduation, he began working at CG & E as an operator and retired after nearly 40 years. On July 14, 1950, Vincent married Betty Lou Smith and they had four children; Vincent, David, Dennis and Julie. Vi n c e n t served our country in the United States Army during the Korean War. He was one of the founding members of the St. Leon American Legion Post 464, was a past commander, and has been a charter member for 61 years. Vincent was also a member of the St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Parish for many years. He will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him. Those surviving who will honor Shorty’s memory include loving sons: Vincent (Barb), David, and Dennis; cherished grandsons, Tom, Doug, Eric and Alex Andres; beloved sister, Mary Schott; devoted sistersin-law, Nettie Andres, Bernita Andres, Shirley Andres, Charol Andres, Dorothy Hinssen, Annalee Cole, Janet Crum and brother and sister-in-law, Katie (Carl) Schaefer. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Betty Lou (nee Smith); daughter, Julie Andres; siblings, Richard (Viola), Ruth (Warren) Walker, Paul (Nora), Wilbur (Frances), Ella Florence (Red) McGlothin, Edmund William, Leo, Edgar, Victor, and Joseph Andres, and brothers-in-law, Jim Hinssen, Russ Cole, & Bill Crum. Visitation will be Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014, from 9 a.m. until
the time of Mass at 11 a.m at St. John the Baptist Church, 509 Harrison Ave., Harrison, OH 45030. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to Children’s Hospital or St. Leon American Legion Post 464 through the funeral home.
KEMPLIN, ELIZABETH “BETTY”- 92, Cincinnati, died, Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2014. Jackman Kercheval Meyers Funeral Home, Harrison, is in charge of arrangements. MCBRIDE, CLIFTON- 72, West Harrison, died Monday, Aug. 4, 2014. Jackman Kercheval Meyers Funeral Home in Harrison, is in charge of arrangements. SOSBY, JESSE L.- 70, Harrison, died Friday, Aug. 8, 2014. He was a U.S. Army veteran. Jackman Kercheval Meyers Funeral Home, Harrison, is in charge of arrangements. ROWLETT, KATHY LYNN SPICER- 53, of Deputy, Ind., died Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014. She was a U.S. Army veteran. Morgan & Nay Funeral Centre, Madison, is in charge of arrangements. GUTZWILLER, JOE E.- 78, West Harrison, died Aug. 9, 2014. Brater-Winter Funeral Home, Harrison, is in charge of arrangements. VAUGHT, CLIFTON “JOE” J. SR.- 86, West Harrison, died Aug. 9, 2014. Brater-Winter Funeral Home, Harrison, is in charge of arrangements. DOOLEY, BETTY J. - 81, Bright, died Aug. 8, 2014. Jackman Kercheval Meyers Funeral Home, Harrison, is in charge of arrangements.
ESTATE AucTion (Raymond Crowe) What A Grand Sale! Mr. Crowe was a lifetime member of ORCA (Old Reel Collections Association) and has amassed hundreds of collectibles - “Something for Everyone” SIMPLY TOO MUCH TO LIST
Sat., Aug. 16th - 10:00am Location: Jefferson county 4-H Fairgrounds, Madison, Indiana. JUST A SAMPLING: Over 500 Collector Reels, Guns, Hundreds of Lures, Rods, Baits, Advertising Sugns (Keene Kutter, Fishin, Lures, Beer Signs) Ocean Fishing Gear, The Nymph, Trolling Motors, Gretach Boys, Stoneware, Mantle Clocks, Bakelite Radios, Store Seals, Showcases, Porcelain Table, Hoosier Cabinets, Clipper Ship, Fiesta, Glassware, Smoker Stand, Quilts, Early Crosby Refrigerator, Wire Milk Carrier w/ Bottles, Aladdin Lamps, Cast Pig Bank, Cast Bull Dog Door Stop, Derby Glasses, Knives - SIMPLy Too MUch To LIST - ThoUSANdS of ITeMS - IT woULd TAke A book To cATALoG! Auctioneer: Mike Taylor • AU19800057 • 812-599-8194 Note: See pictures and two ads on
PAWSitively Awesome!
The Journal-Press will correct errors of substance. To request a correction or clarification, call Erika Schmidt Russell for editorial, news or trends pages and Jim Buchberger for sports pages. Russell and Buchberger can be reached at 1-812-537-0063.
PUBLIC AUCTION At Lutz Auction Center
Take I-74 to St. Leon-Lawrenceburg exit, then south on SR 1 for 3 miles to Dover, IN. East on N. Dearborn Rd for 1.4 miles to Auction Ln. From Lawrenceburg, take SR 1 North to Dover, right on N. Dearborn Rd to Auction Ln.
Saturday, August 16, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Doors open at 8 a.m.
Large volume of items from homeowners downsizing. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Check for details, pictures, and late additions. Various Consignors - Owners Dale & Randy Lutz – Auctioneers AU01030327, AU10100126, AH29900027 513-266-1859 / 513-266-1860 TERMS: Cash or check with ID. No Buyers Premium
We really appreciate the PAWS Pet Page in The Register because it makes people aware of what great pets we have for adoption and the Center. People often come in and say that they’ve seen a certain pet on the pet page. I believe that this wonderful exposure has helped find homes for dozens of our precious furry friends! We want to thank the sponsors for making this page possible!
CEMETERY, From page 1
'Proud and elated'
“They kept me well informed,” said Meyer by phone, crediting Hizer as well as Horton for the application. “I was very proud and very elated. … I can't believe that we finally did it,” said Meyer. Seeking historic listing for River View has been on her mind for decades, every since former Hillforest Historical Foundation director Jeff Huntington encouraged it, she said. “I think everything that I ever wanted to happen to me, everything's coming to fruition that I had plans for in the City of Aurora,” she said. That includes a hitching post from Manchester Street getting moved to the Hillforest mansion parking lot, and all the various sites in Aurora being accepted in the past to the List of Historic Places, from the George Street Bridge to the historic downtown churches to the Aurora City Building. “I don't think the average citizen in Aurora understands what that means,” said Meyer. But the nonprofit cemetery is expensive to maintain, with roads to pave, grass to cut, fallen trees to remove and trees to replant, she said. “The cemetery needs money. I'm hoping that will be an incentive for people to donate,” said Meyer, encouraging folks to visit and enjoy the cemetery. “Lot sales is what carries the cemetery. … It's a struggle,” agreed Turner. “I don't know what the future holds as far as maintaining the cemetery.” “It's a lovely place to be after your demise. I've got my loved ones down there. It's spectacular, always has been to me,” said Meyer, encourage folks to buy burial lots. The cemetery has 27 species of native and exotic trees identified by literature and signage, as well as eight sites and structures which are considered historically contributing. Those include a boulder from the Civil War Battlefield at Gettysburg, two prehistoric archeological sites, three mausoleums, a chapel and a well house, wrote Horton. She worked on the application for at least the four years since Hizer joined the board, he said.
UNSAFE, From Page 1
Carndo collected samples April 9 and April 15. Carndo representatives found evidence of leaks and standing water in parts of the plaza, and in the basement of the antique store found about 2 feet of standing raw sewage and water April 9. On April 15 there was no standing water “but evidence of its impacts were visible on the wall surfaces....” The mold spore samples from Dollar General, the screen printing shop, and the medical training facility “were within normal tolerances similar to those measured outdoors.” The measurements taken at the antique store and the skateboard shop were above those of the outdoor air sample. Cardno also tested for asbestos and lead paint. It found lead based paints on “several areas of the building exterior,” and only one place with asbestos in floor tiles. The roof inspection report noted “active roof leaks ... in almost all of the tenant’s (sic) work areas with the most severe located in the Antiques Mall store.” The inspector also called attention to the metal roof being rusted, and that the waterproof membrane was not installed properly. Flashing was not installed and “water intrusion was being reported in the area where the re-roofing had occurred.” “We recommend that the installation of a new roofing system be considered at the earliest convenience. It is our opinion that a catastrophic roof membrane failure could occur at any time. The existing standing seam metal roof has rusted to the point of failure. The attempt to cover the standing seam metal roof with OSB board and an EPDM membrane was a bad idea and done poorly. .. The entire application exhibited poor workmanship, no wind uplift resistance, no fire resistance and was not installed in accordance with building codes or good roofing practice....” On the structural inspection the report quotes the inspector “The building is experiencing a number of problems that must be addressed immediately to prevent further degradation and/or collapse of portions of the building.” The engineer doing the structural assessment divided the plaza into four exterior components and an interior component.
NO GO building
Tremain noted various problems at the former antique mall, as well as water running through the ceiling from the leaking roof into and near circuit break-
From Page 1 program and support meetings, turning away from the habits and relationships that led them down the wrong path and ensuring they make better life choices going forward. County council, other county elected officials, and employees of the county will be given opportunities to tour the
THE JOURNAL-PRESS “And I think longer than that,” he added. “... It (the listing) speaks very well of the cemetery and how it's been maintained, and the vision that the original founders had. They could have just bought some land and put a fence around it, but they found somebody who knew what he was doing.” That somebody was architect William Tinsley, the designer of Christ Church in Indianapolis; Cavalry Church, Cincinnati; and Center Hall on the Wabash College campus, Crawfordsville, among others. An Irish native, Tinsley followed the design for a “rural” cemetery, popular at the time, designing a landscaped cemetery with curvilinear and contoured drive paths and radial burial arrangements. A distinct architectural feature was a pond basin just inside the entrance gate, but the triangular area was drained after maintenance became impractical years ago, wrote Horton in the application. Kept as a grassy lawn, it still creates an architectural impact on those entering the cemetery. And the cemetery founders and architect incorporated an Indian mound into the plan without disturbing it, said Hizer. “They had a lot of insight and a lot of foresight,” he said. But his favorite part of the cemetery is the curving and linear aspects, the circular drives, and the way the design worked with the lay of the land, which gives the site a “great feel,” he said. “Touring the cemetery in the different seasons, it's beautiful,” said Meyer. “I don't care what season you go down, it's spectacular.” She plans to be there when a bronze plaque announcing its historic registry listing is mounted at the gate sometime in the future, no matter what, she added. The cemetery is located just off Ind. 56 south of Aurora off East Laughery Creek Road. Other members of the board of managers include Jim Blair, Sr., John Borgman, Mike Crider, Larry Giffin, Dennis Meister, J.D. Moritz, Jr., Julie Whitaker and John Wunderlich. All of the managers also serve on the corporation board, which also includes Jimmy Adams, Bill Bachman, Helen Brauer, Doug Denmure, Bob Laker, Luther Rice, Roger Rullman and Tom Ward.
County Catholic schools’ scores surpass state’s Staff Report The average statewide passing percentages for spring 2014 ISTEP+ scores are 80.7 percent for English/Language and 83.5 for Math. The three Dearborn County Catholic grade schools had no problem passing by those makrs with passing percentages in the 90s for both subjects. At St. Paul Catholic School, New Alsace, scored an overall passing percentage of 95 percent in English/Language and 90.5 percent in Math. St. Mary Catholic School has 90.2 percent for English/Language and 93.5 percent for Math. St. Lawrence Catholic School had 94.5 percent pass English/Language and 92 Math. Meanwhile, Dearborn County public school corporations also have overall English/Language and Math passing percentages higher than the state average. ISTEP+ results from the Dearborn County public schools appeared in the Thursday, Aug. 7, Dearborn County Register.
ers at the Blacklist skateboard shop as well as Dollar General. An inspection by Deputy Chief Rob Schutte resulted in the building being designated “no go” in 2009, and that hasn’t changed. A “no go” building means firefighters will not enter a structure in the event of a fire, he said. Fryman said he met with a real estate representative earlier this year. On one ocassion water was “running through the ceiling into an electric panel at Dollar General,” and on “numerous other occassions water was pouring through the ceiling onto the floor.” The Dearborn County Health Department had been contacted about the sewerage smell prior to the shutdown of the building in April due to the sewerage back up. “Dollar General also had the place stripped and cleaned on several occassions prior to that,” said Fryman. Geisen, who specializes in construction law, said “You just heard general broad statements saying the building is unsafe. The fact of matter is, it is subjective opinions not supported by any objective evidence that they have.” The roof replacement suggested by Cardno is “based solely on visual inspection, not component sampling,” said Geisen, adding Schaefer did a number of objective tests. Meanwhile, Schaefer focused on the structural issues only in his presentation, which was noted in questioning by board members Mario Todd and Donnie Bryant. Geisen said the owner, his client Alice Daniels, is willing to make a commitement in the building and there is a $150,000 list of repairs as part of the presentation. Near the end of the hearing, Fryman and board member Todd noted the repairs were mainly structural, and did not have anything to do with fixing the roof, which was the primary source of many of the building’s problems. A construction company representative for the building owner said his company’s estimate did call for sending a camera through the sewer line for breakage or blockage, and then fixing what was found. Geisen before introducing Schaefer also said the engineer would prove the building is sound, and that tenants could move back in while it was being repaired. Shaefer and Todd went round and round over the roof metal’s gauge, how far the building was out of plumb, the roof’s load for snow, a lack of expansion joints, and whether the building could stand up to severe weather.
Schaefer declared the 1959 building structurally sound, although he said “it wasn’t built very well.” He called a large zig zagging crack Mother Nature’s expansion joint, since most buildings in the 1950s and 60s did not have expansion joints, basically a vertical space between a parts of a building covered over with caulk so the building can expand and contract. Just because a building is structurally sound, does that make it safe? asked Todd, who is Lawrenceburg Construction supervisor. In some instances, while sound, a wall could still be sucked out in heavy winds, and several large plate glass windows are resting on bare brick with nothing to hold them in place, said Todd. But that has nothing to do with the overall structural soundness of the building, said Schaefer.
new addition as well during their lunch hour Friday, Aug. 15, or earlier on Saturday prior to the public tour. Citizens interested in touring should arrive at the Dearborn County Justice Center Saturday, Aug. 16, by 10:30 a.m. for the first tour or by 11:30 a.m. for the second round of tours. While the tour is geared toward adults, teens and young adults ages 13 and older may participate when accompanied by an adult.
You are asked to leave personal belongings locked in your vehicle or with the jail officer posted at the entrance. No photographs or videography will be permitted. Questions about the tour may be directed to the commissioners office at 1-812-537-1040, ext. 0, or via email to or the county administrator, Terri Randall,
Hard hats & grocery carts
Todd and Bryant noted water coming through the roof Schaefer declared structurally sound, caused ceiling tiles to collapse in the Dollar store, and lights to flicker. While ceiling tiles aren’t structural, “I don’t think you want one falling on your head. Should you have to pick up a hard hat with your grocery cart?” said Todd. Geisen asked for a short recess to discuss a proposal with Votaw. Votaw and Geisen had their discussion, and Geisen after the board reconvened asked the board to table the decision and let his client begin repairs. Geisen wanted the building to be able to be occupied, but Votaw said the city does not. Geisen said any liability for an accident would fall on his client, not the city. Todd laughed “Oh, no our pockets would be invaded.” After people hear about the testimony from the meeting, the city would be sued for any accident as well, said Bryant. “We’re painted in a corner. Morally if we feel it is unsafe, and don’t take action,” and an accident results, it would be the city’s problem, said Todd. Fryman said the building is unsafe. A section of the International Building Code quoted by Schaefer in his report is not used in the State of Indiana. Also when considering whether a building is safe, it must be fit for human occupation, and with water leaking through the roof causing electrical shorts and sewerage backing up into it, Durbin Plaza is unsafe. Any permits for repairs, meanwhile, will have to go through the state building department because it is a commercial structure.
Here are the Dearborn County private school results for the spring 2014 ISTEP+ tests. The first number listed is the number of students who passed, followed by the percent of students who passed in that grade level/category. Statewide, 80.7 percent of Indiana students passed the English/Language Arts portion of the test. In Math, 83.5 percent passed statewide.
St. Paul Catholic School
2014 English/Language Grade 6- 12, 100 percent Overall- 19, 95 percent
2013 English/Language Grade 5- 10, 83.3 percent Overall- 17, 70.8 percent
2014 Math Grade 6- 11, 91.7 percent Overall- 19, 90.5 percent
2013 Math Grade 5- 12, 100 percent Overall- 22, 88 percent
2014 English/Language Grade 3- 10, 90.9 percent Grade 4- 11, 91.7 percent Grade 5- 15, 100 percent Grade 6- 17, 100 percent Grade 7- 14, 70 percent Grade 8- 16, 94.1 percent Overall- 83 90.2 percent
2013 English/Language Grade 3- 11, 91.7 percent Grade 4- 15, 88.2 percent Grade 5- 17, 94.4 percent Grade 6- 12, 70.6 percent Grade 7- 12, 70.6 percent Grade 8- 11, 78.6 percent Overall- 78, 82.1 percent
2014 Math Grade 3- 11, 100 percent Grade 4- 11, 91.7 percent Grade 5- 14, 93.3 percent Grade 6- 17, 100 percent Grade 7- 16, 80 percent Grade 8- 17, 100 percent Overall- 86, 93.5 percent
2013 Math Grade 3- 12, 100 percent Grade 4- 17, 100 percent Grade 5- 17, 94.4 percent Grade 6- 15, 88.2 percent Grade 7- 17, 70 percent Grade 8- 12, 85.7 percent Overall- 90, 94.7 percent
2014 English/Language Grade 3- 33, 100 percent Grade 4- 26, 92. 9 percent Grade 5- 29, 100 percent Grade 6- 25, 92.6 percent Grade 7- 24, 100 percent Grade 8- 17, 77.3 percent Overall- 154 94.5 percent
2013 English/Language Grade 3- 28, 100 percent Grade 4- 29, 100 percent Grade 5- 30, 96.8 percent Grade 6- 24, 100 percent Grade 7- 23, 95.8 percent Grade 8- 18, 81.8 percent Overall- 152 , 96.2 percent
2014 Math Grade 3- 28, 84.8 percent Grade 4- 23, 82.1 percent Grade 5- 29, 100 percent Grade 6- 27, 100 percent Grade 7- 23, 95.8 percent Grade 8- 20, 90.9 percent Overall- 150, 92 percent
2013 Math Grade 3- 27, 96.4 percent Grade 4- 29, 100 percent Grade 5- 31, 100 percent Grade 6- 23, 95.8 percent Grade 7- 24, 100 percent Grade 8- 21, 95.5 percent Overall- 155, 98.1 percent
St. Mary Catholic School
St. Lawrence Catholic School
*Due to federal privacy laws, student performance data may not be displayed for any group of less than 10 students.
60 and still kick’n
Dearborn County register
theJOURNALpress Senses shimmer with summertime delights Erika Schmidt Russell, Editor Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus CONTACT REGISTER PUBLICATIONS: Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 / P.O. Box 4128 / (812) 537-0063 USPS 037-880
Talking animals? Must be Colorado
Once there was a prin- either.” cess who lived in the forest Who? surrounded by smiling little “The prince, silly.” animals. And so a silly prince rode “I must be in Colorado,” out of the forest and ... she said. “That’s not what I meant!” “Oh no,” said a chip“Anybody wanna buy a munk. “You are in ...” duck?” said the prince, hold“Smiling little animals ing up a mallard. that talk,” said the princess. “Oh, jeeze,” said the prin“Far out.” cess. “Put that thing down “Not that far,” said a ... no, fling it at the beaver squirrel. “You are in a fairy dam.” tale.” “Beaver?” said the The princess took a deep prince. “Did you hear the breath, inhaled, sat for a few one about the three beavers seconds, and said, “Yeah, who walked into a bar and I guess so. Do I have a ordered ...” name?” Just then the smiling little The smiling little animals animals returned from rebegan to chatter among pairing the beaver dam. The themselves. The beaver was smiling princess took her C.G. and slapping his phone from her SCAVOLA tail on the ground. purse, sat down by The chipmunk and a stump, and startthe squirrel were ed a game of solitaire. And dancing. And the fox played just then ... a fiddle. “Hold on there,” said a “Wow, I’m in Colorado,” raccoon who was leading a said the prince. discussion beside a fallen The princess stamped her tree. “We need to name this foot. girl before we can get on “I thought I was sitting by with things.” a tree stump.” The princess smiled and You can still stamp your continued her game. The an- foot. imals chattered, and finally “No you can’t. Try it.” a skunk cleared his throat The prince stamped his and said, “Rumpelstiltskin.” foot. “Uh, I don’t think so,” “I didn’t mean him!” said the princess. “I may be Unfortunately, the prince hanging around here like a was sitting on his horse and dumb cluck, but I ain’t that his spurs dug into the steed’s dumb. I am ...” sides. The horse reared, “Pinocchio!” cried a fox. whinnied, and said, “This “How’d you like a splin- is not in my contract. I was ter up your nose?” said the supposed to bring you to princess. “No, my name is this glade where the prin...” cess and little animals were “Mud,” said a beaver who ...” walked dripping wet into the “Shhh,” said the princess. gathering. “Technically, it’s still a fed“You ever had your tail eral crime.” curled?” said the princess. “Whatever,” said the “No, I mean I need mud. horse. “Anyway, I was supFor my dam. It’s leaking and posed to deliver this guy, I’m afraid it will burst. Who then I get to wander off into will help me get mud for my a meadow to nibble some dam?” grass and maybe even find “Not I,” said a little red a neat little filly who would hen. ...” “Did I mention that my “I think we’re already in dam is upstream?” said the over our heads,” said the beaver. princess. “Let’s not com“But then who wants to pound it.” be typecast?” said the hen, “Come pound with and all the animals rushed me,” sang the beaver as he off to help the beaver patch slapped the ground with his dam. his tail. “Come pound, let’s The princess mused about pound away.” her name. “That’s the worst Sinatra “I guess I’m really not I’ve ever heard,” said the that vacant, if I can muse,” princess. she mused. “So, how about “Oh,” said the beaver. Floyd? Oops.” “This isn’t a musical?” Just then ... “Oh, yes it is,” said Jerry “You’re not going to wait Garcia as he strolled in. until the dam is fixed?” “Gotta be in Colorado,” Not a chance. So just then said the prince. ... “You’re sure about this? You’re not tampering with Copyright 2014, Robert the storyline?” A. Markwalter. For more Oh, we’re way past that. from C.G. Scavola and So ... Bob Markwalter, visit www. “Make him very, very, home of the handsome. Rich won’t hurt, Stray Lake Signal-Gazette.
Submit a guest column ■ As another means of enabling our readers to express themselves, we invite you to submit materials for guest columns. ■ Personal experiences, in the first person, are particularly sought. Topics of personal interest or about another person
are of interest to our readers. ■ Guest columns can be submitted to Register Publications, 126 W. High
47025; or via email at erussell@
Which is better, to bite into an ear and the Ambition red shallots from solutely HUGE, though it doesn't of sweet corn that went straight from seed in early February. look quite as big wearing the cowthe garden into the boilIn the emptied area we boy hat my daughter suggested. I'd ing water, or to slice and CHANDRA L. planted two varieties of guess it weighs about 10 lb., though. devour a sun-ripened red seedlings, Wind- Sunflowers line three sides of our big MATTINGLY broccoli tomato? sor and Nutribud, plus garden, and the chatter of goldfinches Ah, summertime, when Snow Crown cauliflow- is constant now. The seeds have no the garden is in full swing and the er and savoy cabbage. And lettuce chance to mature for winter birdseed! eating is good. seeds. The brassica were started in- But the birds and the flowers are a This week we're eating our first doors July 8 and should have time delight, and I take some of the heavy homegrown Silver Queen corn, to mature, depending, always, on stalks indoors to enjoy. I make sure I though a Rising Sun friend had ma- weather. grow the kind that DO have pollen so ture corn over a month ago! He manAs usual, by the time I got done they also are good for honeybees and aged to plant in just the right early I was grubby and slick with sweat. other pollinators. window and got corn up despite the That's part of summertime, too, I Other flower varieties make a walk cool spring weather. guess, and as sensual in its way as all through the backyard a scentsational We got our first Early Girl tomato the gustatory sensations! trip. The oriental lilies are done for the July 3, and are absolutely inundated Soon I'll plant beet, spinach, kale, year, but the moonflowers have started with round red – and a few orange – collard and carrot seeds for fall and with their overwhelming fragrance, the globes. There's nothing like a plateful overwintering crops, as well as gar- tea roses provide a lovely scent from of ripe tomatoes with cottage cheese lic cloves for next summer's har- time to time, and the slightly-dusty – or slices of an Orange Jubilee with vest. This year's garlic, on trays in scented phlox and sweet pink resurrecchicken, swiss or mozzarella cheese, the garage, has dried about long tion lilies are blooming as well. salad dressing and homegrown oreg- enough to be stored for winter. Black-eyed Susan, gaillardia and ano on sandwich bread. Maybe I'll get some braided this year! purple coneflowers vibrate with color, I started more varieties of toma- Meanwhile, the spring broccoli con- and salvia, balloon flower and dragtoes this year than usual, though tinues to send out side shoots, the onhead provide shades of blue and Early Girls are my husband's fa- most recent of which got blanched purple. And at the very back of the vorite. The Tigerellas are a small- for broccoli, bacon, and raisin salad. yard, the apiary is abuzz as honeybees er, slightly striped variety, which We got our first large head of Gypsy wing their way in and out of their hives cracked consistently while we were broccoli June 29 from seeds planted with loads of nectar and pollen. getting frequent rains. Now that the in late March, and our first cabbage Ah, summertime. A sensual experirains are more spaced out, they're head a few days earlier from the same ence in so many ways. staying whole – and they do have a planting date. good flavor. I'm still weighing in on This year and last I got a cabChandra L. Mattingly is a staff my favorites, but the Big Boy and bage mix from Pineseed which pro- reporter for The Journal-Press and Abe Lincoln are way ahead of the vides a variety of red and green The Dearborn County Register. In Super Tasty and Supersteak – though cabbages, including early and larg- her spare time she cultivates a large the latter has decent flavor in its huge er, later maturing plants. One of garden, and tends bees, chickens and tomatoes should you want to grow the heads that's ready now is ab- horses. them for bragging rights. They're great for jumbo hamburgers, but a little large for eating out of hand. Sungold and my own saved-seed red cherry tomatoes are probably what I eat most, simply because they're so productive. And a cherry tomato is easy to pop into my mouth as a quick snack! With all the rains, the green beans have produced like gangbusters, finally slowing for this last picking. A second planting is up and almost ready to bloom, but this first planting suddenly has loads of buds and blooms coming so may not get pulled up after all. And for once, the bean beetles have not overloaded the older plants. We did lift onions and shallots this week, and I pondered how appropriate is that verb as I gently tugged the round and elongated globes from the ground. They'll lay out under the carport roof for about a month to cure, though some will be sauteed and eaten much sooner. I've taken to growing Utah Spanish and Red Long BOB MATTINGLY PHOTO of Tropea onions, the latter growing OK, so this cabbage really didn't grow eyes and a mouth. But when your daughinto tall red ovals. I start both those ter wants to know if it's the right size for a cowboy hat, what's one to do?
GUEST COLUMN Why government fails, and what we should do about it As election season approaches, I’ve eral government has fallen short. been pondering a crucial issue about Yet the issues surrounding govthe role of government in our society. ernment performance don’t stir the It’s that our government often fails passions. Progress comes slowly, the — and that we need to address this. media’s not especially interested in What’s odd is that while the frequent the tedious story of building comfailures in government’s performance petence, and politicians themselves are very much on ordinary people’s look for home runs, not singles. They minds, politicians don’t talk want to make grand proposmuch about fixing them. als, not spend their time digTrue, you might hear a ging into the nuts and bolts few words about the issue of fixing bureaucracies. when members are back in Moreover, as political their districts this month scientist Paul C. Light has revving up their re-election amply demonstrated, govcampaigns, but for the most ernment failures happen for part they’ll be focused on a long list of reasons that issues like jobs and the econcannot be fixed easily, painomy. This is understandable, lessly or quickly. Sometimes because that’s what their LEE problems are rooted in policonstituents expect to hear cies that were ill-conceived, HAMILTON too complicated, or not well about. But it’s also a shame, becommunicated. Sometimes cause we need a healthy dialogue the policies were fine, but the reabout why government often fails and sources necessary to implement them how to fix it. There’s ample cause were inadequate or misused. Politics for concern. The VA appointments often gets in the way of good policy, scandal; the botched launch of the with efforts to undermine programs Affordable Care Act; duplicative pro- by making their implementation difgrams to help low-income families; ficult or by cutting staffs and budgets. the 28 years of missed inspections There are organizational and inthat led to the explosion of the fertil- stitutional problems, poor oversight, izer plant in West, Texas; scandals at poor leadership — no matter how the General Services Administration good a policy, if good people aren’t and the Secret Service; a broken fed- available to carry it out, it will fail eral appointments process; the regu- — and government’s alarming diflatory screwups that contributed to ficulty attracting and keeping highly the Great Recession; auto recalls that qualified administrators. Often, leadshould have happened much sooner ers are bored by the nitty-gritty of than they did; the failure to prevent management. the 9/11 terrorist attacks by sharStill, these are challenges, not baring information within government; riers. If our political leaders wanted bridge collapses and infrastructure to focus on improving government failures.... There’s a long and dispir- management and policy implementaiting list of occasions when the fed- tion, there’s no shortage of fixes they
could make.
■They ■ could ensure that federal agencies use pilot and trial programs much more frequently than they do now. ■They ■ could mandate better and more rigorous evaluation procedures and the use of metrics that lay bare what works and what doesn’t. There’s more attention being paid these days to efficacy than there used to be, but it’s still a trickle compared to what’s needed. ■They ■ could avoid rushing to announce programs, strive to get it right rather then get it quickly, and pay as much attention to followthrough as to the launch. Think about long term, not the next election, and make sure the mission is sharply defined. ■They ■ could devote far more attention to how government will recruit, retain, and train the smart, highly qualified workers we need to carry out ever-more-complex programs. And they could vow to reduce the number of political appointees in favor of filling most positions on the basis of merit. ■They ■ should certainly flatten the chain of command and reduce the layers of bureaucracy within federal departments and agencies, so that it’s easier for top administrators to see what’s taking place on the front lines. In the case of Congress, it needs to ensure that vigorous oversight of programs becomes a habit, not the rarity it is now. All of us want government to fail less often, whatever our political stripe. So here’s my suggestion: As election season approaches, insist that your favored candidate work harder on making government more effective and efficient. Lee Hamilton is Director of the Center on Congress at Indiana University. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 34 years.
WHAT’S GOING ON Ongoing events Breast Cancer Support Group meets third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. in the Dearborn Room, second floor, at Dearborn County Hospital in Lawrenceburg. Everyone is welcome. Contact: Jan Tyler, 812926-3927, or Terri Jones, 812376-6781. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Milan Public Library and the third Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at Dearborn County Hospital, Ohio Room – 2nd Floor, in Lawrenceburg. For more information: 888-422-2691 or www. Food Pantries The Clearinghouse is a community backed food pantry that strives to help individuals in basic need of food, clothing, and financial need. We serve five counties with four locations to facilitate your needs. Food Service: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: MondayFirst Presbyterian Church, 215 Fourth St., Aurora; Tuesday-Zion United Church, 40 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg; Wednesday-First Presbyterian Church, 215 Fourth St., Aurora; Thursday-Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 495 Ludlow, Greendale. The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry located at 210 Fifth Street, Aurora. Regular weekly schedule, open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. to 12 noon to serve you. For further information, call us at 812926-1637. First Baptist Church’s Food Pantry, 45 Tebbs Ave., Greendale, Ind., is available the second Monday of every month from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. North Dearborn Pantry, 2517 North Dearborn Road, West Harrison, has exciting news to share with you – the Pantry has a new website and new email! Email- Facebook page- North Dearborn Pantry, Inc. Twitter- @ NDPantry Phone- 812-637-2841. Moores Hill Food Pantry The pantry site is behind the Moores Hill Methodist Church, on South Manchester in the gray building behind the recycling bins. For emergencies you may call Kim at 513-305-7285. Just leave a message. Bingo Every Monday night at Sunman Legion Post 337 beginning at 6:30 p.m. For information: 812623-2972. National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Association, Indiana Chapter 0813, has a monthly meeting at 10 a.m., on the third Tuesday of each month at the Ponderosa Steakhouse, corner of North Lincoln St. and Fourth St., Greensburg, Ind. Optional lunch afterward. We have guest speakers on a variety of topics and items. Come meet your current and retired Federal Employee comrades. The next meeting is Aug. 19. For more information call 765-629 2720. Hillforest Museum Open For
Tours- The 1855 Victorian home of Thomas and Sarah Gaff, 213 Fifth Street, Aurora offers guided tours Tuesday through Sunday. Admission is $6 - 14 and up, $3 for students (ages 7-13), and children 6 and under are free. For information call 812-926-0087 or visit Quilts of Yesteryear Exhibit at Hillforest September-October Tour Hillforest Victorian House Museum and view on exhibit antique quilts from Hillforest’s private collection. Bingo and Kitchen Everyone welcome every Friday night at VFW Post #5312, Aurora. Earlybirds at 6:30 p.m. and regular games start at 7 p.m. Kitchen opened from 5 to 8 p.m. Open 7 days a week. Monday through Saturday 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Aurora Eagles Bingo Every Saturday night at 7 p.m. at 101 Third Street, Aurora. Upstairs open for non-smokers. Phone: 812-926-0031, Web: The Dearborn County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors meets monthly on the second Thursday at 8 a.m. at the USDA Service Center, 10729 Randall Avenue, Aurora, in the Aurora Industrial Park, four miles west of Aurora. All interested persons are welcome to attend. Bright Farmers Market will host Jim McBride and his one man band on Friday, Aug. 15 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy the market, bring a lawn chair and be entertained. On Fridays, Aug. 15 and Sept. 12 we will have Molly from the Dearborn Recycling center. Stop by to chat and learn the latest on recycling. She will be there approximately 3 to 6:30 p.m. The market is located at the intersection of State Line and Salt Fork in the Presbyterian Church parking lot every Friday from 3 to 6:30 p.m. All is weather permitting. For more information contact Linda Johnson 812637-3898 Summer Display City of Spires Museum, 111 Fifth Street in Aurora announces the theme for this summer’s display: The Historic Churches of Aurora. Artifacts and old pictures from the churches will be on view along with brief histories of the congregations. City of Spires will be open on the first and third Sundays of August, and September from 1 to 4 p.m. and also by appointment, and there is no charge. Call 812926-0944 for information. Bingo Every Wednesday at 7p.m. at American Legion #239, 201 Second Street, Lawrenceburg. For more info: 812-537-0349. Nar-Anon Family Support GroupA new group is forming in Southeastern Indiana. Join them on Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. at the Lawrenceburg Community Center, Walnut Street. Contact: Angela Arndt at 812-926-4610. Website: Narcotics Anonymous is another new group. Meetings are held on Monday evenings, 7 p.m. at St.
Deadline for emergency assistance for livestock, honeybees, farmraised fish program extended U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Juan M. Garcia announced today that the enrollment deadline for the 2012 and 2013 Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP) has been extended to Friday, Aug. 15. Originally, program sign-up was scheduled to end Aug. 1. The new deadline gives livestock, honeybee, and farmraised fish producers who experienced losses because of disease, adverse weather, wildfires or colony collapse disorder between Oct. 1, 2011 and Sept. 30, 2013, an additional two weeks to enroll in ELAP. “Because ELAP is an important safety net for key sectors of American agriculture, we’ve provided this two week extension so that producers can submit required documentation and apply for program benefits,” said Garcia. Producers are encouraged to contact their local FSA service center or visit FSA’s website at for additional information regarding ELAP. ELAP was authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill, which builds on historic economic gains in rural America over the past five years, while achieving meaningful reform and billions of dollars in savings for taxpayers. Since enactment, USDA has made sig-
nificant progress to implement each provision of this critical legislation, including providing disaster relief to farmers and ranchers; strengthening risk management tools; expanding access to rural credit; funding critical research; establishing innovative publicprivate conservation partnerships; developing new markets for rural-made products; and investing in infrastructure, housing and community facili-
Teresa Benedicta Church in Bright. Contact: Fred Fox @ 812637-2177. Views and Thoughts of Today’s Alaska: Oxbow President Jon Seymour’s daughter moved to Alaska in 2010 and he has since visited her three times taking different excursions each time. Tuesday, Aug. 12, 7:30 p.m. at 301 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg. The Oxbow, Inc. Office, Jon will discuss Seward, Denali, Fairbanks, Homer and Valdez to get a picture of modern Alaskan industry and the current state of the climate and the wildlife in these areas.
Registration Form ____WALK ____RUN NAME:_________________________________________________________ PHONE:____________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
Register for Bethlehem Lutheran Preschool, Greendale, registration for the 2014/2015 school year. Call 812-537-5243 or come to orientation night Wednesday, Aug. 13 at 6:30 p.m.
T-SHIRT SIZE: Please circle one. SM
Thursday Aug. 14
“Good Government Begins at Home” Thursday Aug. 14, 7 p.m. A discussion focused on becoming informed on local and state issues. Meeting is at Lawrenceburg Fire Dept., Tate St. The public is encouraged to attend. Sponsored by We the Hoosiers, a Tea Party + group.
Friday Aug. 15
Meet in the upper Oxbow parking lot at the main entrance to the Oxbow Friday Aug. 15, 6:30 p.m. Leader: Jay Stenger, 513522-8147, jaystenger@cinci.rr. com The focus of this trip will be birds, specifically early fall migrants through the Oxbow. Jay plans to hit several spots in and around the Oxbow including Lost Bridge over the Great Miami. The trip will end around dusk. Feel free to contact Jay if you have any questions.
Saturday, Aug. 16
John Klump Memorial Annual Motorcycle Ride Saturday, Aug. 16. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. Kickstands UP! at Noon. Leaving from the Harrison VFW, Lawrenceburg Road, Harrison, Ohio. $10 per person. Raffles, music, food and Fun! Everyone Welcome! Cars/ trucks can follow the bikes. Celebration PARTY at the last stop! Proceeds benefit the John Klump Memorial Scholarship Fund and FOP Lodge 113 of South West Ohio. For more information, or to donate door prizes, please contact Debbie at 513-490-5360. Oxbow Butterfly Count Meet at the East end of the Oxbow parking lot Saturday, Aug. 16, 11 a.m. Trip Leader: Bob Nuhn, a retired naturalist with the Hamilton County Park District, has been a compiler for the North American Butterfly Counts in SW Ohio, and his passion for butterflies is contagious. This trip will last approximately 2 hours. If there is time, we may visit Shawnee Lookout to look for more butterflies. Most of the walking will be on flat dirt roads, but may be rocky at times. Water and Sunscreen are recommended. RSVP to Kathy McDonald at mk-
(T-shirts will be available day of the event) Postmarked before Aug. 20: $10
Postmarked after Aug. 20: $15
Mail check to: Alzheimer’s Support Groups of Southeast Indiana, Inc. P.O. Box 3962 Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025 The Alzheimer’s Support Groups of Southeast Indiana, Inc. will make every attempt to have the Walk, however, if inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances occur, the Walk may be canceled. No refunds will be given. T-shirts will be available for pick-up at (to be determined). WAIVER: In consideration of the acceptance of entry, I, for myself, my executors, and assignees, do hereby release and discharge Alzheimer’s Support Groups of Southeast Indiana, Inc., the City of Lawrenceburg, the Walk Directors, and all sponsors, workers, officials and volunteers from any claim whatsoever arising from my participation in this event. I understand the risks for such an event and I have trained adequately in preparation. I attest and verify that I am sufficiently, physically fit for the walk. Participant’s Signature:________________________________________________________ Date:______________________ Parent’s Signature:___________________________________________________________ Date:______________________ (If participant is under 18 years of age) Come show your support for Alzheimer’s Awareness and for putting an end to Alzheimer’s Disease. Friends and family members of all ages are welcome to participate. or call 513748-0281. P.A.W.S 11th Annual Bark & Brew Gala Saturday, Aug. 16 at the Dearborn Country Club. Evening will include a buffet dinner, beer tasting from Crescent Brewery, fun(d) raising activities including a silent auction of themed baskets, a Raining Cats & Dogs raffle and the traditional Wagon of Cheer raffle. Tickets are $50 each and are available by phone, 812-537-9870 or at the P.A.W.S Humane Center. Prevent Child Abuse of Dearborn/Ohio Counties, Inc. presents “Movies with Mom”, Saturday, Aug. 16 10:30 a.m. It’s a free showing of “Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked” at Greendale Cinema. Spread the word! Inviting all mothers, grandmothers, stepmoms, aunts, mentors, scout groups, school clubs, children, and families. No child admitted without a chaperone. It’s our way to thank moms for all they do, and to promote
the importance of mothers and families. A donation of a new school supply is appreciated. For more information, call 513.260.5252 and “friend” us on Facebook for the latest information and event notifications! Free popcorn for all kids courtesy of Friendship State Bank. If you suspect abuse and or neglect, please call 1-800-800-5556.
Tuesday, Aug. 19
Blood Pressure/Sugar Checks Service provided at the North Dearborn Village Apartments, 25795 Unity Street, West Harri-
son, Ind., at 10:15 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 19, by the Dearborn County Hospital’s Nursing Department. This is a free service and is open to the general public. For more information call Vickie Ulmer at 812-432-6280.
Thursday, Aug. 21
National Tooth Fairy Day Come join the fun and excitement Thursday, Aug. 21, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Children’s Dental Care, 1239 Ind. 229, Batesville. Open to the public. For more information: 812-934-6166; www.
ties to help improve quality of information, visit www.usda. life in rural America. For more gov/farmbill.
ing Now Enroll for AUGUST
Parent Meeting
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Sunday, August 17th
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The area’s
Registration and pre-event activities begin at 8 a.m. Ivy Tech Lobby with music, food and prizes Run Begins at 8:30 a.m. ***** WALK Begins at 9:30 a.m. Beautiful Dearborn Trail, Downtown Lawrenceburg Early registration: Before Aug. 20: $10 (includes T-shirt) Registration after Aug. 20: $15 (includes T-shirt while supplies last) Free Parking-Restrooms available For more information call: Our toll free hotline 1-888-422-2691; Sue Manford at 812-7443914 or Charlene Haire at 812-537-4612 Website: us on Facebook
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Walk to End Alzheimer’s 5K Walk / Run Saturday, Sept. 13
Tuesday, Aug. 12
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ACROSS 1. Desist 5. Downturns 9. Tailor’s tool 12. Volcanic output 13. Motel room 14. Metal-bearing rock 15. Yaks 16. Stick around 17. Bagel topper 18. Hawk, e.g. 19. Knockout number 20. Refusal word 21. Authorize 24. Not at work 27. Hurried 28. Vocal solos 32. Trick 34. Grasp firmly 35. Jeans fabric
36. Owing 37. Florida island 38. Claims 41. Kitchen wrap 44. “Tell ____ About It” 45. Cuts 49. Kindled 50. Open wide 51. Mean monster 52. Pub brew 53. Sermon response 54. Skirt feature 55. Health club 56. Season before Easter 57. Edges DOWN 1. Untidy person 2. Urban vehicle 3. Higher than 4. Chinese animal
5. Cleaning crew’s utensil 6. Trainee 7. Baby grand, e.g. 8. Pigpen 9. Italian traveler 10. Press 11. Following 20. No longer are 22. End-of-year dances 23. Type of parking 24. Ancient 25. Service payment 26. Enthusiast 29. Writing liquid 30. King-topping card 31. Timid 33. Clock feature 34. Up-to-date 36. Become darker 39. Embarrass 40. Move through water 41. Signal 42. Slick 43. Bit of gossip 46. Flirty look 47. ____ and proper 48. Matched groups 50. Lassie
page 6
LegaL Notice Notice of Public Meeting The Board of Trustees of Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation will hold a public meeting on Monday, August 25, 2014, 5:30 p.m. at Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation Administration Office Board Room, 300 Tiger Boulevard, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025, pursuant to Ind. Code 20-26-5-4.3, on the proposed contract for the Superintendent at which public comment shall be heard in support of and objections thereto. The annual terms of the proposed contract are: Salary of $102,907; 261 work days; 20 vacation days; 10 days sick leave; 3 days personal business leave; Term is 3 years commencing July 1, 2014; Health Insurance: Corporation to pay premium of Plan E; $15,024 plus $3000 into HSA; Corporation pays all but $1 for dental insurance, vision insurance, long term disability insurance and a group term life insurance policy of $200,000; Corporation will contribute 4% of the base salary to a 401 (a) fund. Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation Board of Trustees C-8-12-JP-1t 50724 C-8-14-R-1t hspaxlp NOTICE OF 30 DAYS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Preliminary Findings Regarding an Air Permit for Whitewater Mill, LLC in Dearborn County, No. F029-34057-00045. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has received an application from Whitewater Mill, LLC at 707 Harrison Brookville Road, West Harrison, Indiana. The application and IDEM始s preliminary findings are available at: North Dearborn Branch Library 25969 Dole Road West Harrison, IN 47060 and IDEM Southeast Regional Office 820 West Sweet Street Brownstown, Indiana 47220-9557 The preliminary findings are available on the Internet at: You may comment during the Public Notice. You may request that IDEM hold a public hearing. If a public hearing or meeting is held, IDEM will make a separate announcement of the date, time, and location of that hearing or meeting. Comments and supporting documentation, or a request for a public hearing should be sent in writing to IDEM at the address below. If you comment via e-mail, please include your full U.S. mailing address so that you can be added to IDEM始s mailing list to receive notice of future action related to this permit. If you do not want to comment at this time, but would like to receive notice of future action related to this permit application, please contact IDEM at the address below. Please refer to permit number F029-34057-00045 in all correspondence. Comments should be sent to: Hannah L. Desrosiers IDEM, Office of Air Quality 100 North Senate Avenue MC 61-53 IGCN 1003 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2251 (800) 451-6027, ask for extension 3-9327 Or dial directly: (317) 233-9327 Fax: (317)-232-6749 attn: Hannah Desrosiers E-mail: For additional information, please see the preliminary findings. 50519 C-8-12-JP-1t hspaxlp LEGAL NOTICE The Dearborn County Plan Commission will hold a meeting on Monday, August 25th, 2014 at 7.00 P.M. in the Dearborn County Administration Building, 3rd Floor Commissioner's Room, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025 on the following: Daniel Badinghaus is requesting a Zone Map Amendment from Residential (R) to Restricted Business (B-1) to allow a woodworking operation, office space(s), and potentially other types of business uses. This property, which contains 4.2 acres, is located in Section 1 of Miller Township. Dana & Phyllis Weisickle are requesting to vacate one street (Water 81.) and two unnamed alleys in the Town of Wilmington plat. The affected property, which contains .276 acres, is located in Sections 35 and 36 of Hogan Township. Proposed ordinance changes to the Dearborn County Zoning Ordinance. Interested persons are requested to appear and voice their opinion with respect thereto. Mark McCormack Director of Planning 50723 C-8-12-JP-1t hspaxlp NOTICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SALE Dearborn County Indiana Beginning 10:00:00 AM, 9/18/2014 215 B West High Street Comm. Room 3rd Floor Local Time Dearborn County Pursuant to the laws of the Indiana General Assembly, notice is hereby given that the following de scribed property is listed for sale for delinquent taxes and/or special assessments. The county auditor and county treasurer will apply on or after 9/2/2014 for a court judgment against the tracts or real property for an amount that is not less than the amount set out below and for an order to sell the tracts or real property at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to the right of redemption. Any defense to the application for judgment must be filed with the Dearborn County Circuit Court and served on the county auditor and treasurer before 9/2/2014. The court will set a date for a hearing at least seven (7) days before the advertised date of sale and the court will determine any defenses to the application for judgment at the hearing. The county auditor and the county treasurer are entitled to receive all pleadings, motions, petitions, and other filings related to the defense to the application for judgment. Such sale will be held on 9/18/2014 at the 215 B West High Street Comm. Room 3rd Floor and that sale will continue until all tracts and real property have been offered for sale. Property will not be sold for an amount which is less than the sum of: (A) the delinquent taxes and special assessments on each tract or item of real property; and (B) the taxes and special assessments on the real property that are due and payable in the year of the sale, whether or not they are delinquent; and (C) all penalties due on the delinquencies, and (D) an amount prescribed by the county auditor that equals the sum of: (1) twenty-five($25) for postage and publication costs; and (2) any other costs incurred by the county that are directly attributable to the tax sale; and (E) any unpaid costs due under IC 6-1.1-24-2(b) from a prior tax sale. No property listed below shall be sold if, at any time before the sale, the Total Amount for Judgment is paid in full. If the real property is sold in the tax sale, the amount required to redeem such property will be 110% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed not more than six (6) months after the date of sale, or 115% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed more than six (6) months after the date of sale, plus the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the real property plus five percent (5%) per annum on the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the property. All taxes and special assessments upon the property paid by the purchaser subse quent to the sale, plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on those taxes and special assessments, will also be required to be paid to redeem such property. In addition, IC 6-1.1-25-2 (e) states the total amount required for redemption may include the following costs incurred and paid by the purchaser or the purchaser始s assignee or the county before redemption: (1) The attorney始s fees and cost of giving notice under IC 6-1.1-25-4.5; (2) The costs of title search or examining and update the abstract of title for the tract or item of real property. The period of redemption shall expire on Friday, September 18, 2015 for an initial offering. The period of redemption may expire Friday, January 16, 2015 for certificates not sold.
search or examining and update the abstract of title 151400055 005-000077-00 $2,515.83 Ryan, Joseph for the tract or item of real property. The period of D 02-81 GLENNS ADD 20PT 27X17 DILLSBORO redemption shall expire on Friday, September 18, 20PT 12933 North St The journal-press 2015 for an initial offering. The period of redemption 151400056 005-000234-00 $3,883.40 Moore, Norma may expire Friday, January 16, 2015 for certificates Jean 02-112 LENOVERS ADD 8 12675 North St not sold. 151400057 005-000298-00 $3,762.45 Muncy, VerIf the tract or item of real property is sold for an non 03-97 GLENN'S ADD 8PT, 8PT 12888 North St amount more than the minimum bid and the prop- 151400058 005-000317-00 $2,471.74 Carlton, Ray erty is not redeemed, the owner of record of the Wayne & Geraldine Garn 03-163 DILLSBORO 85PT property who is divested of ownership at the time 33.37FT Us 50 W, Left onto State Rd 262, Right the tax deed is issued may have a right to the tax onto Rullman, Left onto Central Ave and Right onto sale surplus. Oak StNext to 2944 Oak St Dillsboro, IN The Auditor and Treasurer specifically reserve the 151400059 006-000020-00 $6,865.48 Gill, V Taylor right to withhold from the sale any parcel which has & Karen A 1-06-02 PT SE E 1/2 .83A 1-7-1 29483 been listed in error, or which otherwise becomes in- Stout Rd eligible for sale either prior to 9/18/2014 or during 151400063 006-000159-02 $7,736.11 Beckwith, the duration of the sale. Dawn B 9-04-02-02 SE COR 12-7-1 28188 J Tex This notice of real property tax sale, and the tax Lane sale itself are undertaken and will be conducted 151400064 007-000113-00 $6,890.96 Euson Holdpursuant to the requirements of the laws of the ings, Llc 02-63 GODLEY 62, 63 (.111A) PT VA State of Indiana which regulate the sale of land for CATED MOORE ST (.044A) PT TRACT 4 (50'X44.06') delinquent taxes, pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-24-1 et seq. 007-000113-00 and 007-000114-00 are to be sold and The County does not warrant the accuracy of the redeemed together. Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline Rd, street address or common description of the prop- 1st Right onto Jamison Rd, Jamison becomes S erty, and a misstatement in the key number or State St, Left onto Short St, 1st Right onto Maple St, street address does not invalidate an otherwise Property on Left. valid sale. 151400065 007-000114-00 $536.32 Euson Holdings Dated: 8/12/2014 LLC 02-64 PT .09A (4321.7 SQ FT) PT TRACT 4 Registration For Bidding On the Tax Sale: 007-000113-00 and 007-000114-00 are to be sold and If you are interested in bidding on the tax sale for redeemed together. Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline Rd, an Indiana county, you may register online at 1st Right onto Jamison Rd, Jamison becomes S St, Left onto Short St, 1st Right onto Maple St, tion/. This registration is good for all counties that Property on Left. SRI services. You need to register only once for all 151400066 008-000231-00 $310.42 Horn, Charles counties. If you do not have access to a computer 14-12-04-02 PT E1/2 SW LOCATED ON ST RD 350 with internet service you may register the morning ADJ TO 7750 Us 50 W, Left onto St rd 350, Property of the sale. on Left between 7750 & 7732 St Rd 350 Please arrive the morning of the tax sale at least 30 151400067 008-000293-00 $1,089.60 Hankins, minutes before the beginning time to be assured Donna K 15C-63 -64 WILMINGTON 64, 63 WPT you will receive your bid number before the start of MOORES ADD Us 50 W Left onto State Rd 350, Left the sale. onto Probst Rd, Right onto King St Next to 7000 Please bring your registration form and W9 form King St. with you the morning of the tax sale. You will be 151400073 009-000216-00 $6,848.00 Meadows, able to print these forms from the registration web Joan E 12-01 PT NW 11983 North Dearborn Rd site. 151400076 011-000157-00 $279.88 Steele, William 151400001 002-000016-00 $611.97 Taylor, Rebecca 06-9 E1/2 S1/2 W1/2 SE .75A Next to 28556 1-05 PT SW 4-4-1 1.5A 11481 SR 56 Lakeview Ln, Brookville, IN 151400008 002-000187-00 $3,332.39 Myers, Mi - 151400079 012-000280-00 $1,140.82 Bawn, Walter chael A 6-01 PT NW NW 9-4-1 12.93A 3886 E J Jr & Nancy 9-13-01 PT NW 9-5-1 .66A Laughery Creek Rd 012-000280-00 and 012-000293-00 are to be sold and 151400009 002-000208-00 $189.48 Bultman, John redeemed together. 653 Wilson Creek Rd Charles 8-01-07 PT SW 7-5-1 10.75A 151400081 012-000293-00 $373.69 Bawn, Walter J 002-000208-00, 019-000281-00 and 019-001360-00 Jr & Nancy Lee 9-13-06-06 PT NE SW 9-5-1 .675A are to be sold and redeemed together. Same as 012-000280-00 and 012-000293-00 are to be sold and 162747 State Rt 148 Aurora, IN redeemed together. 653 Wilson Creek Rd 151400012 002-000305-02 $5,074.08 Linkmeyer, 151400084 012-000297-04 $174.09 Betty Fette LLC Michael A & Tracey L 10-18-01-03 SE QR 18-5-1 9-17-01-01-02-01 .227A SW QR 9-5-1 2.343A 5120 Country Hills Dr 012-000297-04 and 012-000341-01 are to be sold and 151400017 003-000234-00 $1,830.49 Banet, Ronald redeemed together. Next to 3782 Tower Rd Law J Sr 09-421 HULBURTS 4 W1/2, 5 E1/2 EAST1/2 renceburg, IN 127 Conwell St 151400085 012-000341-01 $559.36 Betty Fette LLC 151400018 003-000262-00 $12,741.07 Best Buy 15-01-02-01 .361A NW QR 16-5-1 012-000297-04 Properties Inc 09-366 HURLBURTS 6 137 East and 012-000341-01 are to be sold and redeemed toConwell St gether. Next to 3782 Tower Rd Lawrenceburg, IN 151400019 003-000353-00 $1,333.29 Chipman Con- 151400086 012-000347-00 $153.61 Link's Developcrete Construction, Inc 09-36 CHRISMANS ADD 11 ment Corp 15-03-02 TRACT A PT NW .348A 3687 DO 10PT, 10PT LAND IN CHRISMANS ADD Tower Rd 003-000353-00 and 003-000354-00 are to be sold and 151400087 012-000347-41 $549.02 Link's Developredeemed together. US 50 W, Left onto George St ment Corp 15-03-02-02 TRACT B PT NW .349A 151400020 003-000354-00 $7,959.51 Chipman Con- Next to 15507 Rockwood dr Lawrenceburg, IN crete Construction, Inc 09-37 CHRISMANS ADD 12, 151400088 012-000601-00 $585.57 Lannan, Paul J 13 003-000353-00 and 003-000354-00 are to be sold & Dimple Rose-1/2 Richard E Lan 27B-47 and redeemed together. US 50 W, Left onto George HARDINSBURG 47 Us 50 E, Right into Hardintown, St Right onto West St 151400021 003-000357-00 $1,593.70 Chipman, 151400089 012-000607-00 $420.61 Lannan, Paul J Timmy L & Pamela Christine 09-429 AURORA & Dimple 27B-51-01 HARDINSBURG 51 PT ALSO: 44PT US 50 W, Left onto Exporting St, Right onto PT VACATED STREET .027A PER ROAD VACAConwell, Property next to 107 Conwell St E TION ORDINANCE 2011-012 11-9-11 151400022 003-000373-00 $1,148.37 Rial, Kenneth 012-000607-00 and 012-000610-00 are to be sold and Lee & Lisa Kay 08-168 PT SE 31-5-1 0.247A 116 redeemed together. Us 50 E, Right into Hardintown, Conwell St W Left onto West St. 151400023 003-000389-00 $3,394.70 Duquette, 151400090 012-000610-00 $475.92 Lannan, Paul J Sonny 07-426 CHEEK ADD 10 407 Sunnyside Ave & Dimple 27B-52-02 HARDINSBURG 52PT ALSO : 151400024 003-000766-02 $1,961.89 Worthington PT VACATED STREET .003A PER ROAD VACACabinetry, Inc 02-198 LOT 77 HILLVIEW ACRES TION ORDINANCE 2011-012 11-9-11 SEC G PLATTED 6-15-04 Us 50 W , Right onto 012-000607-00 and 012-000610-00 are to be sold and Billingsley Dr, Left onto Woodlawn Ave, Right onto redeemed together. Us 50 E, Right into Hardintown, Sunnyside Ave, 1st left onto Hillview Dr, Near 113 Left onto West St. Hillview Dr Aurora 151400091 012-000823-00 $332.20 Hassenpflug, 151400025 003-000766-03 $2,006.72 Worthington Derek G & Elizabeth E Lakamp Trustees: Derek G Cabinetry, Inc 02-199 LOT 78 HILLVIEW ACRES Hassenpflug & Elizabeth E Lakamp Revocable Trust SEC G PLATTED 6-15-04 Us 50 W , Right onto 39-1297 HVL LOT 1297 Us 50 E Left on Stateline Billingsley Dr, Left onto Woodlawn Ave, Right onto Rd then Alpine Rt on Hidden Valley Dr then Hickory Sunnyside Ave, 1st left onto Hillview Dr, Near 113 Rd, Rt on Ivy Hill Dr then Cresthaven Dr Property afHillview Dr Aurora ter 258 Cresthaven Dr 151400026 003-000895-00 $3,855.55 Lacey, Ru - 151400093 013-000218-00 $8,270.16 Linkmeyer Dedolph H & Edna 09-250 AURORA 223 311 Fifth St velopment LLC 10-73 PT NE1/4 SE1/4 21-5-1 .667A 151400027 003-000933-00 $3,955.17 Equity Trust 013-000218-00 and 013-000219-00 are to be sold and Company Custodian FBO Lyn R Lawlor III IRA redeemed together. Us 50 W, Next to 1130 W Eads 08-93 PT SW 31-5-1 .23A (306 INDIANA AVE) 306 Pkwy Lawrenceburg, IN Indiana Ave 151400094 013-000219-00 $5,783.16 Linkmeyer De151400029 003-001038-00 $2,391.49 Neff, George velopment LLC 10-76 PT SW 21-5-1 .318A E 09-474 AURORA 58PT, 59PT, 5PT 133 Market St 013-000218-00 and 013-000219-00 are to be sold and 151400030 003-001066-00 $3,296.18 Kephart, Mary redeemed together. Us 50 W, Next to 1130 W Eads 09-362 HULRBURTS ADD 8W1/2 151 Conwell St Pkwy Lawrenceburg, IN 151400031 003-001070-00 $308.40 Bradley, Cecil 151400095 013-000236-00 $3,494.28 Rigacci, PamW & Shannon L 08-82 COCHRAN 141 604 Rail - ela 04-378 LYNDALE SD 1 .35A UNRECORDED road Ave PLAT 191 Bielby Rd 151400032 003-001089-00 $11,528.72 Ashcraft, 151400096 013-000256-00 $27,791.85 Linkmeyer Larry B Sr 09-307 AURORA 6PT, 7PT 136 Fourth Development LLC 10-75 PT SW 21-5-1 2.912A PT St West NE 1/4 SE 1/4 21-5-1 .083A 151400034 003-001225-00 $427.67 Lukie, Michael J also:15-07-21-402-013.000-013 1130 W Eads Pkwy & Loraine 09-360 HURBURTS ADD 9W1/2 155 151400099 013-000558-00 $3,423.88 Schultz, JoConwell St seph Jr & Alice M 01-177 PT SW 1/4 PT SE 1/4 151400035 003-001382-00 $3,280.87 Schwab, Mark 4-5-1 1.00 A 491 Bielby Rd A 07-312 J WALKERS ADD 8 PT 30, 29-5-1 206 151400102 013-100402-01 $20,160.99 Linkmeyer Hanover Properties LLC 10-90-01 LOT 1 WATERVIEW 151400037 003-001421-00 $3,255.59 Kephart, Mary COMMERCE PARK US 50 W, Left onto Sycamore 09-363 HURLBURTS ADD 8E1/2 149 Conwell St Estates Dr. Aurora, 151400038 003-001423-00 $36,126.38 Woods, Ron- 151400103 013-100402-05 $30,969.14 Linkmeyer nie 09-365 HURLBURTS ADD 7E1/2 141 Conwell Properties LLC 10-90-05 LOT 5 WATERVIEW 151400039 003-001464-00 $15,202.37 Woods, COMMERCE PARK US 50 W, Left onto Sycamore Timothy 09-331 CONWELLS ADD 9 W1/2 138 E Estates Dr. Aurora, Conwell St 151400104 013-900094-02 $483.96 Linkmeyer De151400041 003-001831-00 $454.09 Johnson, Rus- velopment, LLC 10-80 PARCEL A .070A WILSON sell R & Suzanne 09-463 LANGLEY HGHTS 104 CREEK BUSINESS PARK 013-900094-02 and Gibson Ave 013-900094-03 are to be sold and redeemed to 151400042 004-000038-00 $324.44 Lannan, Dimple gether. Behind 1055 Green Blvd, Aurora, IN Rose 3-04-04-02 PT NE 004-000038-00 and 151400105 013-900094-03 $1,383.12 Linkmeyer De004-000040-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - velopment, LLC 10-82 R/O/W .413A WILSON gether. Same as 10193 Us 50 Aurora, IN CREEK BUSINESS PARK 013-900094-02 and 151400043 004-000040-00 $5,447.68 Lannan, Dim- 013-900094-03 are to be sold and redeemed to ple Rose 3-04-06 PT NE 004-000038-00 and gether. Behind 1055 Green Blvd, Aurora, IN 004-000040-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - 151400106 013-900615-10 $1,358.51 Linkmeyer gether. 10193 Us 50 Kroger LLC 10-96 PT 21-5-1 11.349A 151400044 004-000115-03 $1,201.77 Hudson, Les- 013-900615-10 and 013-900617-11 are to be sold and lie D 60-03 HICKORY HEIGHTS SD LOT 3 2.367A redeemed together. Us 50 W, Right on Tanner PLATTED 9-10-04 10055 Texas Gas Rd Creek Dr 151400045 004-000314-01 $420.22 Collins, Susan 151400107 013-900617-11 $805.50 Linkmeyer W 14-09-02-02 S PT S 1/2 SW Next to 14599 Us 50 Kroger LLC 11-15 PT 22-5-1 6.352A 013-900615-10 Dillsboro, IN and 013-900617-11 are to be sold and redeemed to151400046 004-000329-00 $214.22 Clift, Carl C & gether. Us 50 W, Right on Tanner Creek Dr Rhonda S 15-05-08 PT 004-000329-00, 151400108 016-000005-00 $2,011.75 Barrett, An004-000333-00, 004-000827-00 and 004-000828-00 drew J & Sarah 09-788 LANES 32 21 Brown St are to be sold and redeemed together. Same as 151400109 016-000085-00 $1,073.92 Beckemeyer, 15283 Lake Dilldear Vicki L 08-445 WESTSIDE 1 016-000085-00 and 151400047 004-000333-00 $176.15 Clift, Carl C & 016-000086-00 are to be sold and redeemed to Rhonda S 15-05-12 PT 004-000329-00, gether. Same as 316 Rand Dr, Corner of Rand and 004-000333-00, 004-000827-00 and 004-000828-00 Nowlin are to be sold and redeemed together. Same as 151400110 016-000086-00 $4,791.30 Beckemeyer, 15283 Lake Dilldear Vicki L 08-430 PT SW 3-5-1 1.48A PT SW 3-5-1 151400048 004-000622-01 $217.33 Cunningham, .38A 016-000085-00 and 016-000086-00 are to be Barton W & Melissa Ann 22-06-04 PT SW1/4 Next sold and redeemed together. 316 Rand Dr to 9356 Dennis Rd Dillsboro, IN 151400111 016-000187-00 $10,701.68 TATH Real 151400049 004-000687-09 $183.35 Hamilton, Rod- Estate Partnership 09-794 LANES 2, 3 210 Ridge ney P 59-03 CLIFT'S ACRES SD PT LOT 2 PLAT Ave 11-3-05 FROM K# 28-01-02 Next to 8691 Noah Lane 151400113 016-000664-00 $7,732.69 Dobel House Dillsboro, IN 47018 Corp 09-779 STEPHEN LUDLOW'S ADD PT LOT 7 151400050 004-000803-00 $504.21 Huber, Donald L 305 Ridge Avenue % Dillsboro Ros 37-52 LAKE DILLDEAR 52 Us 50 151400114 016-000950-00 $641.22 Herndon, Cody W, Left onto Lake Dilldear, 1st Left on Lake Dilldear 09-720 LUDLOWS 16PT .144A 475 Sheldon St 151400051 004-000827-00 $604.50 Clift, Carl C & 151400115 016-000994-00 $37,671.04 Linkmeyer Rhonda S 37-87 LAKE DILLDEAR 87 Greendale LLC %Brian Bischoff 08-110 PT NE 004-000329-00, 004-000333-00, 004-000827-00 and PER SURVEY 1530 Nowlin Ave 004-000828-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - 151400116 016-000994-04 $5,099.90 Linkmeyer gether. Same as 15283 Lake Dilldear Greendale LLC %Brian Bischoff 08-114 B-4 UNIT 151400052 004-000828-00 $2,923.04 Clift, Carl C & 404 ARMITAGE CONDOMINIUM G-404 PHASE I Rhonda S 37-88 LAKE DILLDEAR 88 PLAT 6-5-06 FROM P# 16-994 1530 Nowlin Ave 004-000329-00, 004-000333-00, 004-000827-00 and 151400117 016-000994-11 $3,351.50 Linkmeyer 004-000828-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - Greendale LLC %Brian Bischoff 08-121 B-1 UNIT gether. 15283 Lake Dilldear 108 ARMITAGE CONDOMINIUM UNIT 5 GARAGE 151400053 004-000851-00 $864.91 Wittich, Edward UNIT 5 PLAT 9-18-06 FROM K# 16-994 1520 Now& Gail 37-123 LAKE DILLDEAR 123 004-000851-00 lin Ave 108 and 004-000852-00 are to be sold and redeemed to- 151400118 016-000994-12 $3,349.10 Linkmeyer gether. 15355 Kristen Dr Greendale LLC %Brian Bischoff 08-122 B-1 UNIT 151400054 004-000852-00 $499.99 Wittich, Edward 106 ARMITAGE CONDOMINIUM UNIT 6 GARAGE & Gail 37-124 LAKE DILLDEAR 124 004-000851-00 UNIT 6 PLAT 9-18-06 FROM K# 16-994 1530 Nowand 004-000852-00 are to be sold and redeemed to- lin Ave 106 gether. Same as 15355 Kristen Dr. Dillsboro 151400119 016-001181-01 $3,620.15 Western Min151400055 005-000077-00 $2,515.83 Ryan, Joseph erals Corporation 09-762 TRACT C 10-5-1 1.028A D 02-81 GLENNS ADD 20PT 27X17 DILLSBORO Us 50 W, Left onto Ridge Ave, Left onto Brown St. 20PT 12933 North St 151400120 016-001402-00 $1,611.30 Weaver, Larry 151400056 005-000234-00 $3,883.40 Moore, Norma N & Linda D 07-55 PT 2-5-1 .384A 016-001402-00, Jean 02-112 LENOVERS ADD 8 12675 North St 016-001403-00, 016-001404-00 and 016-001405-00 151400057 005-000298-00 $3,762.45 Muncy, Ver- are to be sold and redeemed together. Us 50 E, Left
151400119 016-001181-01 $3,620.15 Western Minerals Corporation 09-762 TRACT C 10-5-1 1.028A TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2014 Thursday, September 27, 2012 Us 50 W, Left onto Ridge Ave, Left onto Brown St. 151400120 016-001402-00 $1,611.30 Weaver, Larry N & Linda D 07-55 PT 2-5-1 .384A 016-001402-00, 016-001403-00, 016-001404-00 and 016-001405-00 are to be sold and redeemed together. Us 50 E, Left onto Bellview, Dr, Left onto Craig Ave. 151400121 016-001403-00 $1,941.70 Weaver, Larry N & Linda D 07-56 PT SW 1/4 2-5-1 .54A 016-001402-00, 016-001403-00, 016-001404-00 and 016-001405-00 are to be sold and redeemed to gether. Us 50 E, Left onto Bellview, Dr, Left onto Craig Ave. 151400122 016-001404-00 $9,744.35 Weaver, Larry N & Linda D 07-53 S PT SW 2-5-1 1.04A 016-001402-00, 016-001403-00, 016-001404-00 and 016-001405-00 are to be sold and redeemed to gether. Us 50 E, Left onto Bellview, Dr, Left onto Craig Ave. 151400123 016-001405-00 $19,728.80 Weaver, Larry N & Linda D 07-59 PT SW 1/4 2-5-1 4.50A 016-001402-00, 016-001403-00, 016-001404-00 and 016-001405-00 are to be sold and redeemed to gether. Us 50 E, Left onto Bellview, Dr, Left onto Craig Ave. 151400124 018-000335-00 $6,058.85 Hudson, Harry Lee, Sr 12-23 PT SE 20-7-1 .66A 4020 N Dearborn Rd 151400125 018-000423-48 $3,581.05 Rodriguez, Teresa C 54-48 BROOKESTONE WAY SD LOT 48 PLAT 8-15-01 FROM K# 15-02 25915 Carr Rd 151400126 018-000424-06 $1,667.74 Weldishofer, Paul & Randall Weldishofer 60-05 BEL AIR SD LOT 5 PLAT 10-14-05 FROM K# 15-03 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline Rd, Left onto N Dearborn Rd, Right onto Carr Rd. Next to 25627 Carr Rd West Harrison, IN 151400128 018-000504-03 $9,089.33 Hudson, Harry Lee 16-25-02 PT E 1/2 SW 28-7-1 10.00A 25469 Dole Rd 151400130 019-000208-10 $746.59 Kemper, Richard W & Esther M Jnt Tnts, R/O/S 9-12-01-04 PT W1/2 Same as 9921 N Hogan Rd Aurora, IN 151400131 019-000229-01 $7,886.57 Chipman, Tim L & Pam C 10-05-01-01 PT NW QTR 10-5-2 1.7218A 16857 Possum Ridge Rd 151400132 019-000281-00 $177.14 Bultman, John Charles 12-06-12 PT SE 12-5-1 .50A 002-000208-00, 019-000281-00 and 019-001360-00 are to be sold and redeemed together. Same as 162747 State Rt 148 Aurora, IN 151400133 019-000284-00 $3,456.78 Boyles, Casey A 12-06-15 PT SE 12-5-2 .46A 16446 SR 148 151400135 019-001019-00 $3,885.03 Toelke, Richard C 36-05-01 PT E1/2 1-6-3 1.666A 019-001019-00 and 019-001020-01 are to be sold and redeemed together. 12075 N Hogan Rd 151400136 019-001020-01 $323.35 Toelke, Richard C 36-05-03-01 PT E 1/2 NE 1-6-3 .650A 019-001019-00 and 019-001020-01 are to be sold and redeemed together. Same as 12075 N hogan Rd Aurora, IN 151400137 019-001113-02 $1,249.79 Fuson, William Tony 43-10-03 1.295A SW QR 14-7-3 13880 Holt Rd 151400138 019-001289-00 $1,780.73 Hollin, Ernest & Betty 53-02-01 PT W1/2 SW 36-7-3 2.35A 12855 Hogan N Rd 151400139 019-001360-00 $6,283.33 Bultman, John Charles 58-01 EWBANK SD 1 002-000208-00, 019-000281-00 and 019-001360-00 are to be sold and redeemed together. 16274 SR 148 151400140 019-001370-00 $1,364.67 Morris, Deborah R 59-08 LOT 8 GREEN BRIAR ESTATES 3.539A Us 50 W, Right onto St Rd 48, Right onto Collier Ridge Rd, 1st left onto Briarway Ct, Next to 8116 Briarway Ct. Guilford 151400142 020-001200-00 $7,108.52 Adams, Wendell W & Terry J 33-405 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 405 SEC 3 SEC 23Z24-6-1 20318 Cedarview Ct 151400143 020-001305-00 $2,097.46 Rossell, Bruce C & Kathleen J 33-510 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 510 SEC 3 SEC 23,24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr., Left onto Oak Ct 151400144 020-001484-00 $1,342.18 Schmohe, Kent & Angela 35-677 HVL LOT 677 SEC 4 SEC 13, 23, 24-6-1 Next to 1254 Sunset Dr Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 151400145 020-001520-00 $875.64 Lysne, Craig A & Kimberly S 35-713 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 713 SEC 4 SEC 13Z23Z24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left onto State Line Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr, Right onto Hollyhedge Ln, Left onto Chalet Ct. 151400146 020-001575-00 $475.36 Porter, Eric W 35-768 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 768 SEC 4 SEC 13, 23, 24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr. Next to 20837 Lakeview Ct Lawrenceburg 151400148 020-002068-00 $510.85 Ellis, Bruce A & Mary Ann 39-1267 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 1267 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline, Left onto Alpine, Right onto Hidden Valley Dr, Right onto Hickory Rd, Right onto Ivy Hill Dr. Next to 289 Ivy Hill 151400149 020-002116-00 $1,371.03 Spangler, Augustine J & Suzanne 40-1339 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 1339 Next to 858 Greentree Rd Law renceburg, IN 151400151 020-002914-00 $875.64 Cuthbert, Daniel J & Maureen M 42-2245 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 2245 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline, Left onto Lakeview Dr, Right onto Alpine, Left onto Sanda mont Dr 151400152 020-002915-00 $808.71 Cuthbert, Daniel J & Maureen M 42-2246 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 2246 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline, Left onto Lakeview Dr, Right onto Alpine, Left onto Sanda mont Dr 151400153 020-002947-00 $991.62 Tam, Steven S & Barbara, Trustees O Steven S T 42-2278 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 2278 Us 50 E Left onto Stateline Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr, 1st Rt onto Alpine Dr, Left onto Matterhorn Dr, 3rd rt onto Liesl Ct Next to 1673 Liesel Ct 151400154 020-003653-00 $1,519.13 Staab, David J 46-2973 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 2973 Us 50 E, Left onto Bellview, Right onto State Rd 1, Right onto Georgetown Rd, Right on Morningside Dr, 1st left on Bellmeade Dr, Right on Fox Ridge Rd 151400155 020-004424-01 $1,878.54 Bretzel Property Holding, Inc & W.r Techmology, Inc 76-97-01 MOUNTAIN MEADOWS EST SEC 2 LOT 97Pt CONT .1483A Lawrenceburg 151400156 021-000001-00 $376.94 Thompson, Harley & Brian Thompson Life Est/Peggy 1-01 W 1/2 NW 5-4-2 30.8262A 021-000022-00 and 021-000001-00 are to be sold and redeemed to gether. Same as 11828 Pollard Rd Moores Hill, IN 151400157 021-000022-00 $4,507.69 Thompson, Harley & Brian Thompson Life Est/ Peggy 2-04 E1/2 NE 6-4-2 44.0238A 021-000022-00 and 021-000001-00 are to be sold and redeemed to gether. 11828 Pollard Rd 151400160 021-000115-00 $545.58 Eckert, Denise 8-09-04 1.00A PT SE 18-5-2 11513 SR 350 151400161 021-000117-00 $694.49 Stopher, Denver & Eloise % Dennis & Juli 8-11 PT SW 1/4 18-5-2 .35A 15320 Klein Acres Rd 151400164 021-000644-01 $456.46 Bressert, Daniel R & Misty N 28-06-02 PT E 1/2 NE 23-6-3 1.867A 021-000644-01 and 021-000645-00 are to be sold and redeemed together. Same 14699 Castletine Rd Moores Hill, IN 151400165 021-000645-00 $2,166.11 Bressert, Daniel R & Misty N 28-06-01 23-6-3 1.00A E 1/2 NE 021-000644-01 and 021-000645-00 are to be sold and redeemed together 14699 Castletine Rd 151400166 021-000712-04 $1,024.65 Foster, Bill D & Jill M 30-13-04 PT E1/2 5.0000 PT E1/2 2.0000A 09-25-800-015.005-12 12276 Chesterville Rd 151400167 021-000737-00 $881.57 Mc Clain, Emily V 31-08 PT E 1/2 NW ALSO: -016 Us 50 W, Right onto State Rd 3650,Left onto Old State Rd 350, Left onto Stitts Hill, Right onto Chesterville Rd Left onto Cold Springs Rd 151400170 022-000009-00 $1,004.00 Good, Steven O 02-259 PT SW 10-6-3 0.78064 16538 South Broadway 151400171 022-000052-00 $336.57 Robbins, Nadena L & Gail L Zeisler 02-223 SE NE 10-6-3 .07A ALSO:15-09-10-204-083.000-022 15-09-10-204-082.000-022 022-000052-00 and 022-000053-00 are to be sold and redeemed to gether. Same at 14507 Main St Moores Hill, IN 151400172 022-000053-00 $2,482.32 Robbins, Nadena L & Gail L Zeisler 02-222 SE NW 10-6-3 .414A CHURCH'S ADD PT LOT 10 022-000052-00 and 022-000053-00 are to be sold and redeemed together. 14507 Main St 151400173 022-000065-00 $6,113.65 REM Capital Investments Inc 02-176 PT NW 10-6-3 .48A 16589 North Broadway 151400174 022-000103-01 $159.49 Metz, William B
Q: Rory McIlroy won the 96th PGA Championship Sunday at soggy Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, finishing at 16-under-par to beat Phil Mickelson by one stroke. McIlroy also won back-to-back majors, having also won the British Open in July. Name the last golfer to win two consecutive major titles. A: McIlroy became the first back-to-back golf major winner since Ireland’s Padraig Harrington, who also won the British Open and PGA Championship in 2008. He’s won his last three starts, including the World Golf Championships – Bridgestone Invitational Aug. 2.
151400123 016-001405-00 $19,728.80 Weaver, 1.7218A 16857 Possum Ridge Rd Larry N & Linda D 07-59 PT SW 1/4 2-5-1 4.50A 151400132 019-000281-00 $177.14 Bultman, John 12-06-12 PT SE 12-5-1 016-001402-00, 016-001403-00, 016-001404-00 and Charles TUESDAY, 12, 2014 THE .50A JOURNAL-PRESS THURSDAY,AUGUST SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 016-001405-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - 002-000208-00, 019-000281-00 and 019-001360-00 gether. Us 50 E, Left onto Bellview, Dr, Left onto are to be sold and redeemed together. Same as Zigan, 51, Versailles, American Holton, 1:41.30 Craig Ave. 16274718:59 State Rt 148 Aurora, INLegion Post 464, 151400124 018-000335-00 $6,058.85MEN Hudson, Harry 151400133 $3,456.78 55-59 – 29. Leo Tur- 019-000284-00 8:30 a.m. (Men’s Boyles, 5K RunCasey 9. Matthew Bruner, 15, DillsA 12-06-15 PT SE Winner: 12-5-2 .46A SR 148 Lee, Sr 12-23 PT SE 20-7-1 .66A 4020 N Dearborn chyn, 57, Greensburg, 19:51 Joe16446 Rector, 17:40; boro, 1:43.40 Rd 151400135 019-001019-00 $3,885.03 Toelke, RichMEN 60-69 – 52. Wayne DoeWomen’s 5K Run Winner: 36-05-01 PT E1/2 1-6-3 1.666A 10. Sam Rector, 14, Aurora, 151400125 018-000423-48 $3,581.05 Rodriguez, ard C 019-001019-00 019-001020-01 are to be sold Teresa C 54-48 BROOKESTONE WAY SD Sr., LOT69, 48 Fairfield, hlman Ohio,andLisa Andi, 19:08; Men’s 5Kand 1:48.28 PLAT 8-15-01 FROM K# 15-02 2591521:45 Carr Rd redeemed together.Walk 12075 N Hogan Winner: BillRdCannon, 14th Annual 151400126 018-000424-06 $1,667.74 Weldishofer, 151400136 019-001020-01 $323.35 Toelke, Richard MEN 70 & UP – 164. Jim 33:08; Women’s 5K Walk BULLDOG CHASE Paul & Randall Weldishofer 60-05 BEL AIR SD C 36-05-03-01 PT E 1/2 NE 1-6-3 .650A 2nd Annual E, Left LOT 5 PLAT 10-14-05 FROM K# 15-03 Us 5073, Rector, Aurora, 29:43 Jennaare Baumgartner, 019-001019-00 andWinner: 019-001020-01 to be sold and DONALD BOWMAN 5K RUN/WALK onto Stateline Rd, Left onto N Dearborn Rd, Right redeemed together. Same as 12075 N hogan Rd SCHOLARSHIP 33:54) Saturday, August 9 onto Carr Rd. Next to 25627 Carr Rd West Harrison, Aurora, IN WOMEN UNDER151400137 12 – 78. 019-001113-02 Saturday,$1,249.79 JULY 19 –Fuson, Lakeside 5K RUN/WALK At Batesville IN WilKyla Ryan, 9, West Harri5K Run/Walk – Franklin Saturday, August 9 151400128 018-000504-03 $9,089.33 Hudson, Harry liam Tony 43-10-03 1.295A SW QR 14-7-3 13880 Lee 16-25-02 PT E 1/2 SW 28-7-1son,23:25 10.00A 25469 Holt Rd County High School, At Vineyard Golf Course, 5K RUN Dole Rd 151400138 019-001289-00 $1,780.73 Hollin, Ernest WOMEN12-13 39. Megan Brookville, 8:30 a.m (Men’s Quercus Grove (3.1 miles) 151400130 019-000208-10 $746.59 Kemper, Rich- & Betty 53-02-01 PT W1/2 SW 36-7-3 2.35A 12855 13, Versailles, 20:30 5K Winner: Joe Rector, 17:42; ard W & Esther M Jnt Tnts, R/O/S Cole, 9-12-01-04 PT Hogan N Rd OVERALL MEN ’S WINNER W1/2 as 9921 Hogan Rd Aurora, IN 151400139 019-001360-00 $6,283.33 Bultman, 5K RUN Women’s 5K Run Winner: 1. JimSame Turchyn, 28,N Urbana, 151400131 019-000229-01 $7,886.57 Chipman, Tim John Charles 58-01 EWBANK SD WOMEN 14 – 70. Alexis DeLisa Andi, 19:03; Men’s 5K 1 (3.1 miles) Ill., 16:51 L & Pam C 10-05-01-01 PT NW QTR 10-5-2 002-000208-00, 019-000281-00 and 019-001360-00 Winner: Bill Bannon, 1.7218A PossumWINNER Ridge Rd Long,14, Lawrenceburg, are to be sold andWalk redeemed together. 16274 SR OVERALL MEN ’S WINNER OVERALL16857 WOMEN’S 151400132 019-000281-00 $177.14 23:11 Bultman, John 148 31:43; Women’s 5K Walk 1. Zach Martini, 16, Rising 10. Lisa Andi, 32, West HarriCharles 12-06-12 PT SE 12-5-1 .50A 151400140 019-001370-00 $1,364.67 Morris, DeboWOMEN 15 35. Mary PolWinner, Lindsay McFelea Sun, 18:35 son, 18:30 002-000208-00, 019-000281-00 and 019-001360-00 rah R 59-08 LOT 8 GREEN BRIAR ESTATES track, 15, Batesville, 20:23 38:50) are Same as 3.539A to be sold and redeemed together. Us 50 W, Right onto St Rd 48, Right onto OVERALL WOMEN’s WINNER 162747 Rt 148 Aurora, IN Collier Ridge Rd, 1st left ontoJULY Briarway Next to 7. Amie Tighe, 39, Dillsboro, WOMEN 16 - 37. Shelby Saturday, 26 –Ct, Shiner Top 10State finishers: 151400133 019-000284-00 $3,456.78Pake, Boyles, Casey 8116 Briarway Ct. Guilford 16, Greensburg, 20:27 Dash 5K Run/Walk – Rising 25:08 1. Jim Turchyn, 28, Urbana, A 12-06-15 PT SE 12-5-2 .46A 16446 SR 148 151400142 020-001200-00 $7,108.52 Adams, WenWOMEN 17 – 60. Kelsey Sun High School, 8:30 a.m. Ill., 16:51 019-001019-00 $3,885.03 Toelke, Rich- dell W & Terry J 33-405 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE 151400135 ard C Moster, 36-05-0115, BatesPT E1/2 1-6-3 1.666A Gausman, 17, Batesville, (Men’s 5K Run Winner: Justin LOT 405 SEC 3 SEC 23Z24-6-1 20318 Cedarview Ct Top 10 finishers: 2. Caleb 019-001019-00 and 019-001020-01 are to be sold and 151400143 020-001305-00 $2,097.46 Rossell, 22:19 Noppert, 18:26; Women’s 5K 1. Zach Martini, 16, Rising ville, 17:39 redeemed together. 12075 N Hogan Rd Bruce C & Kathleen J 33-510 HIDDEN VALLEY 18 – 101. Alexis Run Winner: Laura SchSun, 18:35 3. Dustin Beach, 17, Dills151400136 019-001020-01 $323.35 WOMEN Toelke, Richard LAKE LOT 510 SEC 3 SEC 23,24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left Schoenefeld, 18, Lawrenceweitzer Haefele, 19:06; Men’s 2. Matt Yocum, 17, Rising C 36-05-03-01 PT E 1/2 NE 1-6-3 .650A onto Stateline Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr., Left onto boro, 17:52 019-001019-00 and 019-001020-01 are to be24:43 sold and Oak Ct burg, 5K Walk Winner: Bill Cannon, Sun, 19:41 4. Justin Noppert, 38, Lawredeemed together. Same as 12075 N hogan Rd 151400144 020-001484-00 $1,342.18 Schmohe, WOMEN 19-24 -Kent 45. &Grace 33:16; Women’s 5K Walk 3. Claudio Gallegos, 16, Risrenceburg, Aurora, IN 17:54 Angela 35-677 HVL LOT 677 SEC 4 SEC 13, Yeaton, 19,WilBatesville, 21:17 Winner: Bobbie 39:38) ing Sun, 19:45 151400137 019-001113-02 Fuson, 23, 24-6-1 Next to 1254 Sunset Dr Purvis, Lawrenceburg, 5. Cole Nuhring, 17, Bates-$1,249.79 liam Tony 43-10-03 1.295A SW QR 14-7-3 25-29 13880 -IN58. 47025 WOMEN Kelli Mc- Saturday, AUGUST 2 – Knight 4. Colton Henry, 15, Rising ville, 18:09 Holt Rd 151400145 020-001520-00 $875.64 Lysne, Craig A Fadden, 28. Cleves, Ohio, Flight 5K Run/Walk– Weber Sun, 21:48 6. Tyler Roell, 26, Indianapo151400138 019-001289-00 $1,780.73 Hollin, Ernest & Kimberly S 35-713 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 22:10 Sports, 238 Main Aurora, & 53-02-01 PT W1/2 SW 36-7-3 2.35A 12855 713 SEC 4 SEC 13Z23Z24-6-1 Us 50St., E, Left onto 5. Ronnie McAllister, 49, lis,Betty 18:12 Hogan N RdBell, 17, Batesville, Line Rd, Left onto Lakeview WOMEN 30-34 -State 10. Lisa 8:30 a.m. (Men’sDr, 5KRight Run onto Batesville, 22:33 7. Connor 151400139 019-001360-00 $6,283.33 Bultman, Hollyhedge Ln, Left onto Chalet Ct. Andi, 32, West Harrison, Winner: Joe Rector 17:22, 6. Luke Shorter, 14, Laurel, 18:22 Charles John 58-01 EWBANK SD 1 151400146 020-001575-00 $475.36 Porter, Eric W Women’s 5KLOT Run768Winner: 002-000208-00, 019-000281-00 019-001360-00 35-768 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE SEC 4 SEC 24:53 8. Reid McClintic, 15, Greens-and18:30 are to 18:25 be sold and redeemed together. 16274 SR -13, 23,Amie 24-6-1 Us 50 E, Andi, Left onto Stateline WOMEN 35-39 55. Lisa 18:37, Men’sRd, 5KLeft 7. Amie Tighe, 39, Dillsboro, burg, 148 onto Lakeview Dr.Walk Next to 20837 Lakeview Ct Law- 25:08 Tighe, 39, Dillsboro, 21:47 Winner: Bill Cannon, 9. Sean Groves, 16, Dillsboro, 151400140 019-001370-00 $1,364.67 Morris, Debo- renceburg WOMEN 40-44 -151400148 46. Lee Fox, 31:48, Women’s 5K Walk rah R 59-08 LOT 8 GREEN BRIAR ESTATES 18:27 020-002068-00 $510.85 Ellis, Bruce A & 8. Lucy Carrigan, 14, Rising 3.539A 50 W, St Rd42, 48,Lawrenceburg, Right onto Mary21:10 Ann 39-1267 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT Sun, 25:58 Winner: Alecia Fryman, 10. LisaUs Andi, 32,Right Westonto HarriCollier Ridge Rd, 1st left onto Briarway Ct, Next to – onto Stateline, Left onto Alpine, 9. Josh Graves, 36, Law1267 50 E, Left41:55) WOMEN 45-49 125.UsCindy son, Briarway 18:30 Ct. Guilford 8116 Right onto Hidden Valley Dr, Right onto Hickory Rd, Batta, 47, Harrison, Ohio, Saturday, AUGUST renceburg, 26:08 Ivy Hill9 – Bull151400142 020-001200-00 $7,108.52 Adams, Wen- Right onto Ivy Hill Dr. Next to 289 dell W & Terry J 33-405 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE 26:09 dog Chase 5K Run/Walk – 10. Tye Sullivan, 35, Vevay, 151400149 020-002116-00 $1,371.03 Spangler, Top 10 women’s finishers: Augustine J & Suzanne 40-1339 HIDDEN VALLEY LOT 405 SEC 3 SEC 23Z24-6-1 20318 Cedarview Ct – WOMEN 50-54 152. Dena Batesville Middle School, 8:30 26:10 10. Lisa Andi, 32, West Harri151400143 020-001305-00 $2,097.46 Rossell, LAKE LOT 1339 Next to 858 Greentree Rd Law Steiner,VALLEY 54, Lawrenceburg, a.m. – (Men’s 5K Run Win son, 18:30 Bruce C & Kathleen J 33-510 HIDDEN renceburg, IN 28:09 ner: Jim$875.64 Turchyn, 16:51; Daniel Top 10 women’s finishers: Cuthbert, LAKE LOTPoltrack, 510 SEC 15, 3 SEC 23,24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left 151400151 020-002914-00 35. Mary Batesonto Stateline Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr., Left55-59 onto – J & Maureen WOMEN 146. Kathy M 42-2245 Women’sHIDDEN 5K RunVALLEY Winner:LAKE 7. Amie Tighe, 39, Dillsboro, ville,Ct20:23 Oak LOT 2245 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline, Left onto Kramer, 57, Sunman, 27:36 Lisa Andi, 18:30; Men’s 5K 25:08 37. Shelby Pake, 16, Greens151400144 020-001484-00 $1,342.18 Schmohe, Lakeview Dr, Right onto Alpine, Left onto Sanda 60-69 94.Dr Sherry Walk Winner: Bill Cannon, 8. Lucy Carrigan, 14, Rising Kent Angela 35-677 HVL LOT 677WOMEN SEC 4 SEC 13, – mont burg,&20:27 23, 24-6-1 Next to 1254 Sunset DrHyden, Lawrenceburg, 151400152 $808.71 Cuthbert, 61, Hamilton, Ohio,020-002915-00 31:58; Women’s 5K WalkDaniel Sun, 25:58 39. Megan Cole, 13, VerJ & Maureen M 42-2246 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE IN 47025 24:11 Winner: Lisa Horn, 43:14). 13. Ashley Bowling, 26, Rissailles, 20:30 151400145 020-001520-00 $875.64 Lysne, Craig A LOT 2246 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline, Left onto WOMEN & UP – 200. Dr, Ar- Right onto Alpine, Left onto Sanda - ing Sun, 28:02 Lakeview & S 35-713 LAKE70LOT 45.Kimberly Grace Yeaton, 19,HIDDEN Bates- VALLEY DrGuil713 4 SEC 13Z23Z24-6-1 Us lene 50 E,Wilgenbusch, Left onto mont 73, SOUTHEAST INDIANA 16. Emma Powell, 17, Dillsville, SEC 21:17 State Line Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr, Right onto 151400153 020-002947-00 $991.62 Tam, Steven S ford, 37:01 RACING CIRCUIT boro, 28:58 46. Lee Fox, 42, Lawrence& Barbara, Trustees O Steven S T 42-2278 HIDDEN Hollyhedge Ln, Left onto Chalet Ct. LEADER BOARD 151400146 burg, 21:10020-001575-00 $475.36 Porter, Eric W VALLEY LAKE LOT 2278 Us 50 E Left onto State- 21. Krista Hensley, 34, Dills35-768 HIDDEN VALLEY LOT MALE 768 SEC 4 SEC line Rd, Left onto Total Lakeview Dr, -1st Rt onto Alpine boro, 30:40 FINISHERS – 112 Times Final 47. Sarah Poltrack, 15,LAKE Batesonto Matterhorn Dr, 3rd rt onto 13, 23, 24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline Rd, Left Dr, Left FEMALE FINISHERS – 105 Through August 9 Liesl Ct Next 23. Megan Hays, 23, Louisville, 21:33 onto Lakeview Dr. Next to 20837 Lakeview Ct Law- to 1673 Liesel Ct TOTAL RUNNERS – 217 (After 5 Events) renceburg 49. Sarah Oehlman, 21, Guil151400154 020-003653-00 $1,519.13 Staab, David J ville, Ky., 31:14 46-2973 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 2973 Us 50 E, 24. Abby Friend, 32, Rising 151400148 020-002068-00 $510.85 Ellis, Bruce A & ford, 21:40 Mary Ann 39-1267 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT Left onto Bellview, Right onto State Rd 1, Right Sun, 32:10 5K WALK TOP 10 WOMEN 55. Amie Tighe, 39, Dillsboro, 1267 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline, Left onto Alpine, onto Georgetown Rd, Right on Morningside Dr, 1st (3.1Hickory miles) Rd, left on Bellmeade Dr, 1. Lisa 32, West 30. Annette Gentrup, 41, Ris21:47onto Hidden Valley Dr, Right onto Right RightAndi, on Fox Ridge RdHarriRight ontoMcFadden, Ivy Hill Dr. Next to 289 IvyOVERALL Hill MEN ’S WINNER 020-004424-01 son, 1:34.46 151400155 $1,878.54 Bretzel Prop- ing Sun, 33:53 58. Kelli 28. Clev151400149 020-002116-00 $1,371.03 ertyWest Holding, 1. BillSpangler, Cannon, 38, Har-Inc &2.W.r KelliTechmology, McFadden,Inc 28, 76-97-01 Cleves, 31. Heather Powell, 34, Auroes, Ohio, 22:10 Augustine J & Suzanne 40-1339 HIDDEN VALLEY MOUNTAIN MEADOWS EST SEC 2 LOT 97Pt CONT rison, 31:58 Ohio, 1:53.59 ra, 34:20 LAKE LOT 1339 Next to 858 Greentree Rd Law - .1483A Lawrenceburg OVERALL WOMEN’S WINNER 3. Isabella Gramaglia, 17, Har- 32. Teri Martini, 48, Guilford, renceburg, 151400156 021-000001-00 $376.94 Thompson, Age groupINwinners: 151400151 020-002914-00 $875.64 Cuthbert, Daniel45, ley & Brian Thompson Life Est/Peggy 2. Lisa Horn, Batesville, Versailles, 1:56.28 1-01 W 1/2 35:09 MEN UNDER 12 – 36. Dillon J & Maureen M 42-2245 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE NW 5-4-2 30.8262A 021-000022-00 and 43:14 4. Sherry Hyden, 61, Hamil Murray, LOT 224511,UsBatesville, 50 E, Left20:27 onto Stateline, Left onto 021-000001-00 are to be sold and redeemed to onto Sanda - gether. Same as 11828 ton, Ohio, Age group winners: Lakeview Dr,–Right onto Alpine, Left Pollard2:03.06 Rd Moores Hill, IN MEN 12-13 43. Brayden mont Dr13, West Harrison, $4,507.69 41, Thompson, Top 9 finishers:151400157 021-000022-00 5. Angie Whitaker, GuilMEN UNDER 15 - 6. Luke Ryan, 151400152 020-002915-00 $808.71 Cuthbert, Daniel Harley & Brian Thompson Life Est/ Peggy 2-04 1. Bill Cannon, 38, West Har- ford, 2:10.42 Shorter, 14, Laurel, 24:53 21:07 J & Maureen M 42-2246 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE E1/2 NE 6-4-2 44.0238A 021-000022-00 and rison, 31:58 6. Amanda Blanton, 32, LOT E, Gregory, Left onto Stateline, Left onto 021-000001-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - MEN 15-19 - 1. Zach Martini, MEN2246 14 – Us 23. 50 Gus Lakeview Dr, Right onto Alpine, Left onto Horn, Sanda45, - gether. 11828 Pollard Rd 2. Lisa Batesville, Greendale, 2:11.57 16, Rising Sun, 18:35 14, Greensburg, 19:22 mont Dr 151400160 021-000115-00 $545.58 Eckert, Denise MEN 25-29 – 15. Zac Coffey, 43:14 7. Emma Roark, 15, VerMEN 15 2. Caleb Moster, 151400153 020-002947-00 $991.62 Tam, Steven S 8-09-04 1.00A PT SE 18-5-2 11513 SR 350 3. MartyHIDDEN Ryan, 45, West Harsailles, 2:15.38 & Trustees O Steven S T 42-2278 15,Barbara, Batesville, 17:39 151400161 021-000117-00 $694.49 Stopher, Denver 26, Greendale, 28:21 VALLEY LAKE LOT 2278 Us 50 E Left onto State& Eloise % Dennis & Juli 8-11 PT SW 1/444, 18-5-2 MEN 30-39 - 9. Josh Graves, rison, 45:10 8. Leanna Weissmann, MEN 16 - 9. Sean Groves, 16, line Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr, 1st4. RtConnie onto Alpine .35A49, 15320 Klein Acres Rd 2:17.43 Mitchell, LawAurora, 36, Lawrenceburg, 26:08 Dillsboro, 18:27 Dr, Left onto Matterhorn Dr, 3rd rt onto Liesl Ct Next 151400164 021-000644-01 $456.46 Bressert, Daniel renceburg, 45:10 9. Lauren Weissmann, MEN 17Liesel - 3. Dustin Beach, to 1673 Ct R & Misty N 28-06-02 PT E 1/2 NE 23-6-3 13, 1.867A MEN 40-49 - 5. Ronnie McAl151400154 020-003653-00 $1,519.135.Staab, David J 021-000644-01 021-000645-00 are to be sold and lister, 49, Batesville, 22:33 Brenda Bruns, 55, Law- andAurora, 2:17.57 17, Dillsboro, 17:52 46-2973 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 2973 Us 5046:17 E, redeemed together. Same 14699 Castletine Rd MEN 50-59 – 18. George renceburg, 10. Donna Hartman, 63, LawMENonto 18 –Bellview, 13. Jordan Brown, Left Right onto State Rd 1, Right Moores Hill, IN 6. Julie Gray, 55, Milan, 47:42 renceburg, 2:36.42 18, West Harrison, 18:47 onto Georgetown Rd, Right on Morningside Dr, 1st 151400165 021-000645-00 $2,166.11 Bressert, Dan- Selix, 58, Rising Sun, 29:25 left on19-24 Bellmeade RightSeon Fox Ridge Rd Cooperiel 7. Dawn 53,R Greens & Misty N 28-06-01 23-6-3 1.00A E 1/2 NE MEN 60 & UP – 27. Denny MEN – 53.Dr,Ethan 151400155 020-004424-01 $1,878.54 Bretzel Prop- 021-000644-01 andTOP 021-000645-00 burg, 47:44 10 MEN are to be sold and Carrigan, 61, Rising Sun, bastian, 19, Greensburg, erty Holding, Inc & W.r Techmology, Inc 76-97-01 redeemed together 14699 Castletine Rd 8. Kim Buttery, 56, Liberty, 1. Dustin Beach, 17, Dills33:18 21:46 MOUNTAIN MEADOWS EST SEC 2 LOT 97Pt CONT 151400166 021-000712-04 $1,024.65 Foster, Bill D 1:32.33 .1483A Lawrenceburg & Jill M 30-13-04 boro, PT E1/2 5.0000 PT E1/2 2.0000A MEN 25-29 - 1. Jim Turchyn, 47:44 151400156 021-000001-00 $376.94 Thompson, Har- 09-25-800-015.005-12 12276Groves, Chesterville 9. Mark Heckman, 52, Bates- 2. Sean 16, Rd Dillsboro, WOMEN UNDER 15 – 8. Lucy 28, Urbana, Ill., 16:51 ley & Brian Thompson Life Est/Peggy 1-01 W 1/2 151400167 021-000737-00 $881.57 Mc Clain, Emily ville, 47:59 1:33.34 Carrigan, 14, Rising Sun, MEN 30-34 Bryan WagNW 5-4-2 – 31. 30.8262A 021-000022-00 and V 31-08 PT E 1/2 NW ALSO: -016 Us 50 W, Right 3. Adam Rector, 16, Aurora, 021-000001-00 are to be sold and redeemed to onto State Rd 3650,Left onto Old State Rd 350, Left 25:58 ner, 30, Lawrenceburg, 20:00 gether. Same-as 11828 Pollard Rd Moores IN onto onto Chesterville Rd Left onto WOMEN 15-19 – 16. Emma MALE Hill, FINISHERS – 3Stitts Hill, Right 1:35.38 MEN 35-39 4. Justin Nop151400157 021-000022-00 $4,507.69 Thompson, Cold Springs Rd FEMALE FINISHERS – 6 4. Ronnie McAllister, 49, Powell, 17, Dillsboro, 28:58 pert, 38, Lawrenceburg, Harley & Brian Thompson Life Est/ Peggy 2-04 151400170 022-000009-00 $1,004.00 Good, Steven TOTAL WALKERS 9 1:36.21 16538 South E1/2 and O – 02-259 PT SWBatesville, 10-6-3 0.78064 17:54NE 6-4-2 44.0238A 021-000022-00 021-000001-00 are Chris to be Lehmsold and redeemed to - Broadway 5. Dwayne Steele, 36, VerMEN 40-44 – 24. 151400171 022-000052-00 $336.57 Robbins, gether. 11828 Pollard Rd SOUTHEAST INDIANA sailles, 1:38.23 an, 43, Batesville, 19:23 151400160 021-000115-00 $545.58 Eckert, Denise Nadena L & Gail L Zeisler 02-223 SE NE 10-6-3 RACING 8-09-04 1.00A– PT 18-5-2 11513 SR 350 CIRCUIT MEN 45-49 17.SE Ronnie .07A A L S O6.: 1Chris 5 - 0 9 -Weissmann, 1 0 - 2 0 4 - 0 8 3 .15, 0 0 0Au-022 15-09-10-204-082.000-022 022-000052-00 and 151400161 DenverSchedule 2014 SIRC-it rora, 1:40.14 McAllister, 021-000117-00 49, Batesville,$694.49 Stopher, & Eloise % Dennis & Juli 8-11 PT SW 1/4 18-5-2 022-000053-00 be Pruitt, sold and Alex 15,redeemed Lawrence-to 18:5115320 Klein Acres Rd .35A gether. Same at 14507 Main St Moores Hill, IN Saturday, JULY 12 – Trojan burg, 1:40.23 MEN 50-54 – 20. David 151400164 021-000644-01 $456.46 Bressert, Daniel 151400172 022-000053-00 $2,482.32 Robbins, R & Misty N 28-06-02 PT E 1/2 NETrot 23-6-3 1.867A Nadena 5K Run/Walk – St. LLeon Michael Bradley, & Gail L8.Zeisler 02-222 SE 17, NW 10-6-3 021-000644-01 and 021-000645-00 are to be sold and .414A CHURCH'S ADD PT LOT 10 022-000052-00 redeemed together. Same 14699 Castletine Rd and 022-000053-00 are to be sold and redeemed toMoores Hill, IN gether. 14507 Main42; St Cindy Batta, 47; Lawman and Aurora's Jim Rector, 151400165 021-000645-00 $2,166.11 Bressert, Dan- 151400173 022-000065-00 $6,113.65 REM Capital 73. E 1/2 NE Investments Inc 02-176 renceburg's 54; PT NW Dena 10-6-3Steiner, .48A 16589 iel R & Misty N 28-06-01 23-6-3 1.00A 021-000644-01 021-000645-00 are toWomen's be sold andBulldog Fromand Page 8 North Broadway Chase Sunman's Kathy Kramer, 57; 151400174 022-000103-01 Metz, William B redeemed together 14699 Castletine5K Rd Run age group winners Hyden $159.49 and Guilford's own 151400166 021-000712-04 $1,024.65 Foster, Bill D & Ruth R 02-243 MOORES HILL 2PT CONT. .085A Murray, 11; West Harrison's were Harrison's Kylaand Arlene Wilgenbusch, 73. & Jill M 30-13-04 PT E1/2 5.0000 PT E1/2 West 2.0000A 022-000103-01 022-000152-00 are to be sold and Brayden Ryan, 13; Gus Gregredeemed Same as 14627 College 09-25-800-015.005-12 12276 Chesterville Rd 9; Megan Ryan, Cole,together. 13; Joining Cannon, Andi, St Hyden ory, 14; Moster; Dillsboro's 151400167 021-000737-00 $881.57 Lawrenceburg's Mc Clain, Emily 151400176 022-000124-00 $6,179.49asKennedy, Alexis Deand Doehlman SIRC-it Earl age V 31-08 PT E 1/216 NW(9th ALSO: -016 Us 50 W, Right R & Ella 02-221 MOORES ADD 11 14552 College Sean Groves, overLong, 14; Mary Poltrack, group winners in all five 2014 onto Rd 3650,Left onto Old State Rd 350, Left St all); State Beach; West Harrison's onto Stitts Hill, Right onto Chesterville Left onto 15;Rd Shelby Pake, 16; Kelsey events were Groves, Noppert 151400177 022-000131-00 $1,252.56 Fields, Bryan Jordan Brown, 18; Ethan Se02-287 COLLEGE 2ND ADD 29, 30, 31 Us Cold Springs Rd Gausman, 17;& Holly Lawrenceand McAllister. 151400170 022-000009-00 $1,004.00 Good, Steven 50 W, Right onto Us 350 Left onto Main St, Left onto bastian, 19; Turchyn; LawAlexisAdams SchoeneWilgenbusch, Rector, 16538 South O 02-259 PT Bryan SW 10-6-3 0.78064burg's St. Next to 16315 S Adams St.Joe Moores Hill, renceburg's Wagner, feld, 18; GraceIN Yeaton, 19; Steiner, McFadden, Megan Broadway 30, and Justin Noppert, 38 151400171 022-000052-00 $336.57 151400178 022-000152-00 $6,806.43 William Kelli Robbins, McFadden, 28; Andi; Cole and IsabellaMetz, Gramaglia Nadena L & GailChris L Zeisler 02-223 SE NE 10-6-3 B & Ruth R 02-244 COLLEGEVILLE 1PT CONT (4th overall); Lehman, Dillsboro's Amie Tighe, 39; won age group titles in four .43; 0 7 AMcAllister: ALSO : 1 5 - 0 9Zigan, - 1 0 - 2 0 4 - 0 8 3 . 0 0 0 - 0 2 2 .256 022-000103-01 and 022-000152-00 are to be David Lawrenceburg's Fox, of this year's five races.St 15-09-10-204-082.000-022 022-000052-00 and soldLee and redeemed together. 14627 College 51; Leo Turchyn, 57; Doehl022-000053-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - 151400179 022-000161-00 $8,187.76 Smith, Chargether. Same at 14507 Main St Moores Hill, IN les Jr & Barbara E 02-288 COLLEGE 2ND ADD 57, 151400172 022-000053-00 $2,482.32 Robbins, 58 16288 Noble St Nadena L & Gail L Zeisler 02-222 SE NW 10-6-3 151400180 023-000327-00 $17,528.78 Aurora Lodg.414A CHURCH'S ADD PT LOT 10 022-000052-00 ing Associates, Llp 7-01-09 7-01-04-01-06 PT W1/2 and 022-000053-00 are to be sold and redeemed to- 11-4-2 2.57A PT W1/2 11-4-2 .12A ALSO: gether. 14507 Main St 11-11-200-027.000-023 7535 US 50 151400173 022-000065-00 $6,113.65 REM Capital 151400185 026-000980-00 $2,235.02 K & K Assets, Investments Inc 02-176 PT NW 10-6-3 .48A 16589 LLC 02-684 LAWBG 32PT 311 W Center St North Broadway 151400186 026-001059-00 $842.74 Geisler, Greg S 151400174 022-000103-01 $159.49 Metz, William B & Brenda S 02-750 LAWBG 141 PT 2933.9 SQ FT & Ruth R 02-243 MOORES HILL 2PT CONT. .085A 608 High St Lawrenceburg, IN 022-000103-01 and 022-000152-00 are to be sold and 151400187 026-901010-00 $1,419.53 T-N-T Food redeemed together. Same as 14627 College St Brokerage, LLC 02-866 PT INLOT 177 PT INLOT 151400176 022-000124-00 $6,179.49 Kennedy, Earl 178 (OLD FIREHOUSE) ORIGINAL PLAT OF LAWR & Ella 02-221 MOORES ADD 11 14552 College RENCEBURGH 124 Short St St Total Properties: 133 151400177 022-000131-00 $1,252.56 Fields, Bryan I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true list of & Holly 02-287 COLLEGE 2ND ADD 29, 30, 31 Us lots and land returned delinquent for the nonpay50 W, Right onto Us 350 Left onto Main St, Left onto ment of taxes and special assessments for the time Adams St. Next to 16315 S Adams St. Moores Hill, periods set forth, also subsequent delinquent taxes, IN current taxes and costs due thereon and the same 151400178 022-000152-00 $6,806.43 Metz, William are chargeable with the amount of tax, etc., with B & Ruth R 02-244 COLLEGEVILLE 1PT CONT which they are charges on said list. .256 022-000103-01 and 022-000152-00 are to be Given under my hand and seal this 5th day of sold and redeemed together. 14627 College St August, 2014. 151400179 022-000161-00 $8,187.76 Smith, CharGayle Pennington, Auditor les Jr & Barbara E 02-288 COLLEGE 2ND ADD 57, Dearborn County Indiana C-8-12-JP-1t 58 16288 Noble St C-8-5-JP-1t 151400180 023-000327-00 $17,528.78 Aurora Lodg- 50324 50725 C-8-14-R-1t C-8-7-R-1t hspaxlp ing Associates, Llp 7-01-09 7-01-04-01-06 PT W1/2
Today in
1984 – Umpires eject 13 individuals during a 5-3 Padres win over the Braves at Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium. The heated afternoon starts when Atlanta pitcher Pascual Perez hits leadoff batter Alan Wiggins with the first pitch of the game. In the second inning, San Diego hurler Ed Whitson throws a ball at Perez’s head, which continues to be the target of near-misses by both Whitson and reliver Buddy Booker. In the eighth, Craig Lefferts makes the fourth attempt to hit Perez, and finally connects. A vicious 10-minute brawl erupts. Five fans are arrested and umpire John McSherry clears both benches of all players not participating in the game.
Reds manager & Tigers pitcher Fred Hutchinson, born 1919. “Black Sox” catcher Ray (Cracker) Schalk, born 1892. WOMEN 20-24 - 23. Megan Hays, 23, Louisville, Ky., 31:14 WOMEN 25-29 - 13. Ashley Bowling, 26, Rising Sun, 28:02 WOMEN 30-39 - 7. Amie Tighe, 39, Dillsboro, 25:08 WOMEN 40-49 - 30. Annette Gentrup, 41, Rising Sun, 33:53
SPORTS THIS WEEK TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 H.S. Girls Golf ■■Lawrenceburg, Union County at East Central (Grand Oak GC, West Harrison), 4:30 p.m. ■■Madison at South Dearborn (Dearborn CC, Aurora), 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 H.S. Girls Soccer ■■Beechwood (Ky.) at South Dearborn (Aurora) (Varsity Scrimmage), 5:30 p.m. H.S. Girls Golf ■■South Decatur at South Dearborn (Dearborn CC, Aurora), 5 p.m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 H.S. Volleyball ■■Lawrenceburg at South Dearborn (Aurora) (Varsity & Reserve Scrimmage), 5 p.m. H.S. Girls Golf ■■South Dearborn, Switzerland Co. at Lawrenceburg (Hidden Valley GC), 4 p.m. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15 H.S. Football ■■Lawrenceburg at East Central (Trojan Field, St. Leon) (Varsity Scrimmage), 7 p.m. ■■South Dearborn at Milan (Varsity Scrimmage), 7 p.m. 5K WALK (3.1 miles) OVERALL MEN ’S WINNER 1. Jay Jones, 35, Carrollton, Ky., 33:43 OVERALL WOMEN’S WINNER 2. Christie Jones, 31, Carrollton, Ky., 33:50 Top 10 finishers: 1. Jay Jones, 35, Carrollton, Ky., 33:43 2. Christie Jones, 31, Carrollton, Ky., 33:50 3. Calleigh Powell, 13, Bennington, 39:27 4. Brooke Johnson, 11, Bennington, 39:27 5. Justin Powell, 18, Patriot, 40:25 6. McKayli Scudder, 15, Vevay, 40:25 7. Brittany Smith, 15, Aurora, 41:31 8. Lauren Philpot, 22, Dillsboro, 42:30 9. Shay Brown, 23, Rising Sun,, 42:31 10. Ginny Philpot, 20, Rising Sun, 42:37 Age group winners: MALE FINISHERS: 23 FEMALE FINISHERS: 61 TOTAL WALKERS: 84
ader of the Week e R John & KAthY CooleY lawrenceburg
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Cannon sweeps, Andi wins 4th in SIRC-it
Lady Trojan linksters 9th in G'burg Invite Batesville dominates Staff Report GREENSBURG – East Central girls golf finished ninth in the 18-team Greensburg Invitational, first major meet of the high school fall season, Saturday at Greensburg Country Club. Coach Mark Sandmann's Lady Trojan linksters improved on their 2013 finish of 12th place, scoring 413 on the par-71 Greensburg layout. A total of 83 individual golfers competed, making the Invitational one of the state's largest early-season girls golf events. Columbus North's Bull Dogs won the Invitational team title at 335, with Columbus East runner-up at 344. Top EIAC contender Batesville finished third at 368. East Central junior Skylar McMahon fired a personalbest 88 to place eighth in the individual medalist standings. McMahon rattled off five consecutive pars on the back nine holes for her best career day yet for East Central. EC senior Stephanie Bedinghaus, playing in her fourth Invitational, scored a career-best 97. Trojan senior Megan Whitaker began the day with a near-hole-in-one, settling for birdie on Greensburg's par-three 17th hole, where she teed off the tournament. Whitaker finished at 119. Freshman newcomers Kristi Ryan and Kasey McMahon tallied 115 and 113, respectively, in the varsity golf debuts for the Lady Trojans. East Central girls golf team is rounded out by seniors Savannah Shoemaker and Lindsey Altum, with juniors Lucy Herth and Kaitlyn Mortimer, sophomores Ryle Seaver and Kaylee Gardner and freshmen Jackie Ketcham and Michelle Lemaster. EC golfers host a threeway meet with Lawrenceburg and Union County today (Tuesday) at Grand Oak Golf Course, West Harrison.
Tom Cochran golf tourney set Sept. 13 LAWRENCEBURG – The annual Tom Cochran Scholarship Fundraiser Golf Scramble is set for Saturday, Sept. 13, at Sugar Ridge Golf Club. Shotgun start is 8:30 a.m. for the event, which funds scholarships for local students from Lawrenceburg, South Dearborn, East Central and Rising Sun high schools. The event includes skins games, closest to pin, longest drive, hit the green and best score. Players will be allowed only one shot for event holes. Every team is included in skins, with $20 per team calculated into the skins payout. Entry fee of $65 per person, for a full team ($260 per foursome), includes lunch, served around 1 p.m. Gift bags will be provided to all participants who preregister prior to Sept. 1. After Sept. 1, entry fee will be $75 per person, or $300 per team. Check-in will be at 8 a.m. at the clubhouse. Entry forms should be dropped off or mailed to: Lawrenceburg Police Dept., 349 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, IN, 47025. For more information contact Tony Cochran at (812) 221-0019 or e-mail:
in Bulldog Chase 5K summer series ender Staff Report BATESVILLE – A strong field of 217 runners, including 50-some race day entrants, saw the hometown dominate in Saturday's 14th annual Bulldog Chase 5K. Batesville native Jim Turchyn, 28, now of Urbana, Ill., beat his 2013 runner-up time (behind South Dearborn senior Joe Rector) with a winning effort of 16:51 for the fifth and final leg of the 2014 Southeast Indiana Racing Circuit five-race series. West Harrison mom Lisa Andi, 32, won for the fourth time on this year's SIRC-it 5K series, finishing 10th overall in 18:30, just five seconds shy of her course record 2013 time of 18:25. A small field of just nine race walkers took part in the slightly drizzly event, which started and finished at Batesville Middle School. Maybe they all knew there was no use trying to beat Bill Cannon. Cannon, 48, of West Harrison, swept all five SIRC-it 5K walk races for the second time in three years, finishing 11-plus minutes ahead of his nearest competitor in 31:58 Saturday. South Dearborn senior Dustin Beach, 17, of Dillsboro, finished third in Saturday's 5K run, trailing Batesville High School rival Caleb Moster, 15, to the wire, 17:52-17:39. But Beach made a statement for endurance as the top men's runner on the SIRC-it series leaderboard after all five races, clocking a total time of 1:32.33. Beach cracked the top five in all five events, with a top finish of runner-up at Rising Sun's Shiner Dash
Dillsboro’s Dustin Beach, 17, topped the 2014 Southeast Indiana Racing Circuit series men’s and overall leaderboard at the conclusion of five 5K races Saturday, posting a total time of 1:32.33, with a top finish of second at Rising Sun July 26. 5K July 26. He finished third in both Brookville's Lakeside 5K Run July 12 and SD's own Knight Flight 5K one week earlier, with a top time of 18:18 at Aurora. Beach opened the 2014 SIRC-it with a fifth-place finish in the Trojan Trot 5K July 12 at St. Leon. Andi's dominant two-year run in SIRC-it series events topped the women's leaderboard for 2014 with a total time of 1:34.46. She was the top female finisher in the Trojan Trot (7th overall, 19:08), Lakeside 5K (4th, 19:03), and Knight Flight 5K (3rd, 18:37), shattering her own Aurora course record in the latter. Only world-class mountain runner
West Harrison’s Lisa Andi, 32, won four of five 2014 SIRC-it series races, including Saturday’s Bulldog Chase 5K at Batesville, topping the women’s leaderboard with a total time of 1:34.46.
Laura Schweitzer Haefeli managed to beat the West Harrison mom, in the Shiner Dash 5K. Final 2014 age-graded results for the Southeast Indiana Racing Circuit proved that longevity will win out. Masters runners Wayne Doehlman Sr., 69, of Fairfield, Ohio, and Sherry Hyden, 60, of Hamilton, Ohio – both familiar figures in area road races for many years – both finished on top according to the World Masters Athletics age/gender-weighted average scale. Doehlman's combined finishes graded 79.65 percent on the WMA scale, just .35 percent shy of National Class runners of his age. Hyden's ef-
forts constituted an WMA average of 78.37 percent. Both Ohio Masters runners were age group champions in all five SIRC-it events this summer. Andi finished second to Hyden on the WMA women's scale, as well, at 78.30 percent, for an outstanding summer series run. Aurora native Ronnie McAllister, a budding Masters runner himself at 49, and now a Batesville resident, was runner-up to Doehlman in the men's age-graded stakes, at 75.95 percent. Men's 5K Run age group winners at Batesville Saturday included Dillon
See BULLDOG, Page 7
Martini, Tighe, winners in Bowman 5K Night Run Staff Report QUERCUS GROVE – Rising Sun High School's Zach Martini won Saturday's Donald Bowman 5K Scholarship Night Run in the gloaming at the Vineyard Golf Course. Martini, 16, led a pack of four Shiner cross country runners who topped the field of 52 runners – and 84 walkers - who turned out for the second annual event, which honors the race namesake by providing local students with educational opportunities. The Shiner junior studentathlete clocked a winning time of 18:35 for the 3.1-mile run, leading a group of teammates that included runner-up Matt Yocum, 17, at 19:41; classmate Claudio Gallegos, 16, third in 19:45; and sophomore Colton Henry, 15, fourth in a time of 21:48. Martini's winning effort also constituted the Bowman 5K's top age-graded time, which translated to 73.70 percent on the World Masters Athletics weighted average for age and gender, a regional class performance. Masters runner Ronnie
track and cross country assistant coach, was Saturday night's top women's finisher in a time of 25:08, good for seventh place overall. Tighe finished just ahead of Rising Sun's own Lucy Carrigan, 14, who came in eighth with a 25:58 finish. Rounding out the women's top five 5K runners were 26-year old Ashley Bowling of Rising Sun (13th, 28:02) and Emma Powell, 17, and Krista Hensley, 24, both of Dillsboro, at 28:58 and 30:40, respectively. Night Run 5K men's age group winners Saturday inDANIKA BRINDLEY cluded Luke Shorter, Drenden Bowman, race helper and grandson of the Donald Bow- 14; Martini; Greenman Scholarship 5K Night Run namesake, gets a hug from mom/ dale's Zac Coffey, 26; Lawrenceburg's Josh race director Danika Brindley before sunset at Saturday night’s Graves, 36; McAlbenefit event at the Vineyard Golf Course. lister; Rising Sun's George Selix, 58; and McAllister, 49, Aurora na- five runners in 22:33. tive and longtime Batesville Aurora's Amie Tighe, the Denny Carrigan of Rising resident, rounded out the top 39-year old South Dearborn Sun, 61.
Basketball tournament proposal presented to IHSAA committee Staff Report INDIANAPOLIS - The final proposal to alter high school basketball state tournaments was presented to the IHSAA Executive Committee Thursday for its consideration. Following the next realignment, which begins with the 2015-16 school year, the largest 64 schools by enrollment would make up Class 4A. Sixteen 4A class sectionals would be played, containing four teams each, with all games would be played on a Saturday. The remaining schools in Classes 3A, 2A and 1A - approximately 114 in each would be evenly distributed among 16 sectionals in each class, and contain would either seven or eight schools each.
Those games would be played as they are now, in a Tuesday-Wednesday-FridaySaturday format. Currently, teams are equally distributed across all four classes, with an average of 101 schools in each. The proposal was the result of two years of comprehensive study by the Indiana Basketball Coaches Association (IBCA), in cooperation with the Indiana Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (IIAAA) and the IHSAA. The Executive Committee will vote on it at its next scheduled meeting October 2. IHSAA football state tournament was conducted last year using a similar model, with the top 32 teams making up Class 6A with the next 34 making
up 5A. The proposal attempts to address concerns school administrators and basketball coaches have voiced including: * The discrepancy in the size of schools from the largest to smallest within Class 4A. * Competitive balance in that similar numbers of schools would be placed in each sectional. An additional part of the proposal calls for the IHSAA staff to determine host sites at each level of the state tournament, with the same site hosting both years of the alignment window. In recent years, school administrators within each sectional have determined the host site, often with some rotation between sectional schools.
Lucy Carrigan led Bowman Scholarship 5K Run age group winners, who included Powell; Megan Hays of Louisville, 23; Bowling; Tighe and Rising Sun's Annette Gentrup, 30. Race walker Jay Jones, 35, of Carrollton, Ky., topped a strong field of 5K walkers in 33:43, with wife Christie Jones, 31, finishing second in 33:50. Bennington youngsters Calleigh Powell, 13, and Brooke Johnson, 11, finished third and fourth among 5K walkers, crossing the finish line in identical 39:27 times. Patriot's Justin Powell, 18, finished fifth among walkers in a time of 40:25.Bowman Scholarship Night Run's unique team competition was won by the Raving Glow Sticks crew, a seven-person group consisting of Hunter Hensley (sixth), Krista Hensley (10th), Joseph Sanchez (14th), Heather Powell (17th), Kerrie Ohlmansiek (20th), Allie Powell (30th) and Rileigh Powell (31st). They combined for a winning time of 2:45.45, with 67 total places.
ECST’s DeLong, Ketcham get four top eights at Zone meet Staff Report GENEVA, Ohio – Two East Central Swim Team athletes combined for a total of four top-eight relay and individual event finishes at the USA Swimming Central Zone Championships Aug. 1-3 at the Spire Institute near Cleveland, Ohio. Representing Team Indiana, Alexis DeLong teamed up in girls 13-14 age group 200-meter freestyle relay for a fourth-place finish. She also was a member of the 13-14 girls sixth-place 400 freestyle relay team. ECST’s Jackson Ketcham swam a leg on Team Indiana’s 11-12 boys age group eighth-place 400meter freestyle relay. Ketcham added an individual eighth in 11-12 boys 400-
meter freestyle. DeLong also recorded individual 12th and 17thplace finishes in the 13-14 girls 50-meter freestyle sprint and 100-meter freestyle, respectively. Ketcham swam three more individual events, placing16th in boys 11-12 200 freestylem 18th in 100meter freestyle and 23rd in 200 individual medley. Central Zone is one of four subdivisions under the USA Swimming organization. Local committees from Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Lake Erie, Michigan, Midwestern, Minnesota, Missouri Valley, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ozark, South Dakota and Wisconsin all are included in Central Zone.
August 12th - August 14th, 2014 The Journal Press
The Harrison Press
The Rising Sun Recorder & Ohio County News
The Dearborn County Register
To place an ad call: Lawrenceburg 812-537-0063 • Harrison 513-367-4582 • Rising Sun 812-438-2011
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Fred Clark Ohio/Indiana
Brick ranch on quiet no outlet street. New/roof, windows, granite/kitchen, concrete, landscape, freshly/painted. Open 27x27L-shaped/familyroom, bay-window, gas-fireplace. 3BR/2BA, oversized/garage. Cov ered plus extra patio. $139,000 812-537-5640 Cleves- 4792 E. Miami River Road; ranch home; 3 bedroom; 2 bath; Three Rivers school district; large back yard; $55,000; Sue Miller 513-368-6715
Rising Sun: 3BR/2BA Ranch, attached garage, full basement on partially wooded 5 acres on private drive. $140,000 812-532-9959 or 606-348-5505
Camp Site For Sale. 3280 North Landing Road, Rising Sun, IN. 47040, 6 acres, Deep creek frontage for your boat to the Ohio river! Water, Septic and Electric on property. Asking $49,000.00 Will do land contract. 812-438-3366
Abandoned Doublewide with land, PLEASE TAKE OVER $3500 deposit. 888-221-4503
Complete Remodel-Must Used Singlewide 3BR/2BA Set up $4500 See! 0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bed859-371-3386 15198 SR 148, Auroraroom at Village Square 3BR,1BA, Ranch style, on Apartments in downtown 1.45 acres. New kitchen, Harrison. Free heat! $425 Full walk-out basement, and up. (513)367-6366. 1.5 car garage (heated), Refinished hardwood, New 0 steps! Miamitown, large siding, New roof, New 1 or 2 bedroom at Via walks, Newer septic. 10866 Carolina Trace, 2.5 Manor Apts. Private patio, acres, working, approved lovely grounds. $395 and $110,000 by Owner. Call 513-460-8584 for Ap- septic. (435)248-9096. up. Free heat! pointment (513)353-0398. Hidden Valley Lake (Par 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments Dillsboro- 14053 U.S. 50; Drive- on golf course) 3 bedroom, 1 bath single 82ʼx160ʼ Asking $22,900 for rent in Aurora, $475 & $500/month. References family home; 1432 sq .ft; Ph. 513-265-8460. required. Call 2.27 acre lot; lease or 812-926-0256 cash; call for details 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments 855-664-8357. in Dillsboro and 2 Bed For Sale By Owner room Home in Osgood. 718 Wilson-Rising Sun, Contact Quality Property 2Bdrm/2Bath, front-back Bed Queen PillowTop Mat- Management. porch, all appliances, new tress Set- NEW- still in 812-432-3230. washer & dryer, lots of up- plastic $200 812-219-3877 dates. 812-290-4693
1 BR/2BA, Spacious 3rd Floor Apt. for rent in Dillsboro. $500/mo, plus deposit and utilities. 812-667-5072
Aurora- Downtown, 2nd floor, 2 bedroom. Water and sewage included, Tenant pays electric. Laundry room available. No pets. $550/month and $550 1yr lease. 1-Aurora 3/BR Duplex, d e p o s i t $835/mo., available after 812-577-5334 August 15th. Call Tom 812-717-0338 Aurora- Second Street, 1BR, furnished, 2nd 1BR $560, 2 B R floor. No pets/smoking. $650-$665 Harrison-Tip- Utilities paid by tenant. pecanoe Apts. Spacious Also Office and Retail remodeled, dishwasher, Space available for Rent. balcony, very clean, No Leave message pets. 812-637-1787, (812)926-1083 513-574-4400
Price Reduced! Guilford - 4BR, 3BA, 3 half baths, part fin LL, ingrd pool w/pool house, stocked lake, horse barn w/3 stalls, corral, 2 fenced pastures. 14 acres. $415,000. W. Harrison - 125 acre farm, farmhouse w/ 4BR, 1BA, large barn, several outbuildings, Cinti phones, county water. $650,000.
Ready to buy or sell? Call us!
Dillsboro- Nice 2 bedroom; stove, refrigerator; all utilities furnished; $350 de posit; $350 bi-weekly; 812-667-5072
Aurora- 2 bedroom, stove/refrigerator, off street parking, 2nd floor, no pets; $500/month plus deposit; includes water, sewage, and trash; For Rent Downtown Law2 bedroom apartment/du- 812-926-3204. renceburg, 1 Bedroom plex in Cedar Grove, IN. nicely furnished Apart Gas heat, central air, appliment. References required ances included. No smok- Aurora-newly remodeled 2 and deposit. 812-655-1565 ing. No pets. $560/month. bedroom duplex, laminate Call (765)647-5834. wood flooring, newer appliances, W/D hookup, elecbaseboard heating. 2 bedroom nice apartment tric Tenant pays all utilities. No in Lawrenceburg, . Deposit pets. required. No pets. Call $550/mo. + deposit For rent when available, 812-438-4883. 812-532-3000 2 and 3 room furnished 1BR, 2nd Floor Apt. in Aurora. All utilities paid. $550/mo + deposit. 513-328-0145
For Rent- Rising Sun- All new, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, handicap friendly. Full kitchen; stove, refrigerator, microwave in cluded. Pantry room with washer/dryer hook-up (washer/dryer not fur nished). Ceramic wood grain pattern tile through-out. Lawn care provided. High efficiency heat and air systems for economical utility bills. 1 pet may be allowed with certain requirements. $700.00 per month. Call 812-438-3366 or email baminks@gmail for an application
For Rent: Efficiencies $165.00 per week utilities included. Deposit required. Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in Lawrenceburg. Deposit required. 859-512-3899
Greendale- 2 bedroom apartment. Nice yard, off apartments, utilities in- street parking, carpeting, 2 BR Rising Sun, Private cluded, AC, no pets. De- water & sewer included, Decks, On-Site Laundry, Cleves/North Bend, 1 and posit required. Call deposit and references required. No pets or smokLow Utilities, Off-Street 2 bedrooms, heat, water, (812)537-5796, ing. $550/mo. Parking, Great Location! equipped kitchen, no pets. (812)432-9605, Call (513)546-8330. 812-537-4060/ 438-2300 (812)584-3822. 812-584-8796
Bischoff Realty (513) 367-2171
Cathy WassOn
Country Hill Apts., 1BR $475, No Steps, Carports, Laundry On-site, across from the Ludlow Hill Park 812-539-4339
• 10 ac, Brooks Rd. Whitewater Twp, $55,000. MLS#1402859 • 5 ac, Cin-Brookville Rd. Morgan Twp, $68,000. MLS#1413363 • 1 ac, Dogwood Ct. West Harrison, $29,900. MLS#280899 • 58 ac w/ 2br home, Cross Rd. Aurora, $265,900. MLS#28110 • 54 ac, Peppertown Rd. W. Harrison, $249,900. MLS#276522 • 5 ac, Ivy Hill Rd. HVL, $9900. MLS#281492 • 1/4+ac, Cedar Cliff Dr. HVL Lakefront, $79,000. MLS#281587 • 1/4 + ac, Lakeview Dr, HVL, $17,900. MLS#281585 • 40 ac w/4br home, Red Oak Ln. Laurel, $199,900. MLS#281645 Call Niki Campbell 513-888-0387 OR Todd Bischoff 513-616-0655
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812-537-0063 or 513-367-4582
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The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
APARTMENTS APARTMENTS 21 21 FOR RENT FOR RENT 22 Greendale- 2 bedroom duplex, 1 full bath, den, W/D hookups, central air, gas heat, 1 car garage, $800/month plus deposit, no pets, no smoking, 812-584-3542
Greendale- 56 Dorman Ave; 2 bedroom in duplex with appliances. On quiet street. No pets. $650/month plus deposit and references. Call 513-515-3548
Lawrenceburg Efficiency Unit- $515/month with all utilities included. Laundry facilities on site. 513-265-8460 812-577-6781 Lawrenceburg-1BR/1BA, newly remodeled, 1st floor unit, with appli ances, water & sewer included. No pets. $525/mo + $525 deposit. 513-265-8460
Greendale: Apartment 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, large kitchen, W/D H/U, gas heat, AC, off-street parking. $545/month + util + sec. dep. 812-537-2846
Lawrenceburg Downtown, 2 bedroom Condo, new construction, water and sewage included. Rent $925/mo. 513-532-8933.
West Harrison, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, across from post office. No pets. $410 plus deposit. (513)403-7829. Leave message.
9141 SR 62 • DillSboRo
Charming 4 BR home with a large yard! Numerous updates, hardwood floors, 3 seasons room, large patio & attached garage! MLS 280596. $112,000
800-544-5776 812-932-8000
Nicer 2 bedroom, 2 bath located in Shady Lane MHP, Aurora, IN. $525/month plus $525 deposit. Tenant pays utilities. 3 bedroom house in 812-438-3651. Aurora, large yard, off street parking, W/D Sunman- double wide; 3 hook-up, energy efficient bedroom, 2 bath on 3 prifurnace, new paint, remod- vate acres; South Deareled. No pets. $700/mo + born school district; North deposit. Manchester Rd; 812-926-3204 $600/month plus deposit; 812-623-3172 or Aurora-3/Room Cottage - 812-525-5164 Furnished, no smoking, no pets, off-street parking. $300/month plus utilities plus deposit. 812-926-1028
Caring First Home Health is currently accepting applications for Home Health A i d e s a n d Attendant/Homemakers in the Lawrenceburg/Rising Sun areas. Please call 812.576.2600 for immediate interview CDL DRIVERS WANTED! 100% No touch, 90% Drop and Hook. Make .50 CPM! STeady work-full benefits. Call today ! 888-360-8574
CDL-A Truck Driver-Solo & Teams. Up to $5,000 Sign-on Bonus & $.56 CPM! Dedicated Opportunities Available! Great Aurora- for rent: profes - Miles & Time Off! Call 7 EOE sional office; 3 offices and d a y / w k ! large reception area; 866-402-3449 513-312-4382
Church Secretary/Treasurer - 20 hours, flexible, weekly $200. Need computer, internet, and bookkeeping skills and helpful attitude. Email resume: For Rent or Lease, I-275-US 50-Greendale TRAINEES IN. 40ftX60ft Warehouse D R I V E R with Office for storage or NEEDED NOW at Stevens use of Business $1500 Transport! New drivers per month. 812-537-1074, earn $750 per week! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! 513-218-5406 CDL & Job ready in 15 Office / warehouse / retail days! 1-877-649-3156. Aurora- in shopping plaza with Subway, 1770 sq. ft. for lease, high traffic. 513-532-8933.
space for lease in Law - Drivers Flatbed Owner Oprenceburg, 1500 sqft to erators or Company Driv5000 sqft. 812-537-1100. ers with steel experience, Home often. Excellent Pay and Benefits available! Call Amanda for a quick interview 855-400-6939
$1500 Sign On Bonus, $60K-$70K Annually! Experienced Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! Dedicated Customer, Home Weekly, and Excellent Benefits. Call 888-409-6033 or app l y o n l i n e APPLY NOW! DO TAXES! Goepperʼs Liberty Tax Work 9-1,1-5 or 5-9 Choose 3-7 shifts Hourly+Bonus=$14$16/hour FREE Tax Training Small book fee Lawrenceburg, Harrison, Colerain Call 513-801-9129 by Aug 30
ATTENTION: Operate a Mini-Office Outlet from home. Free online training, flex. hrs, great income. Greendale-3BR/1BA, 1160 http://jakeandrach.yoursq.ft. house. No pets, No indoor smoking. $800/mo. + deposit. Utilities are not Aurora- Seeking mature, furnished. trustworthy and responsiCall 513-765-0763 ble individual to manage a Harrison - 3 bedroom, 1 small retail operation. Must have management experibath, storage shed carport ence. This is a full time ponice yard, central air. $795 sition. If interested, please plus u t i l i t i e s . send resume with back(513)738-2406. ground experience and House for Rent-St. Leon, 3 salary requirements to: P.O. Box 3544, Lawrencebedrooms, natural gas burg, IN 47025. heat. Call for Details, $1000/mo. 513-284-6760 AVERITT EXPRESS New Lawrenceburg-3BR/2 full Pay Increases For Re BA, Duplex. 1700 sq. ft. gional Drivers! 40 to 46 living space w/1car at- CPM + Fuel Bonus! Also, tached garage $900/mo. Post-Training Pay In + $900 d e p o s i t . crease for Students! (Depending on Domicile) Get 513-265-8460 Home EVERY Week + ExNice 2 story, 3 bedroom cellent Benefits. CDL-A country home in Cedar req. 888-602-7440 Apply Grove, Franklin County @ Schools, service animals Equal Opportunity Em only, no smoking, refer - ployer - Females, minorir e q u i r e d . ties, protected veterans, ences $650/month plus deposit. and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to (513)439-0549. apply. Single family three bedroom house, Kitchen appli- Baldwin Cleaning Service ances, laundry, carport, Residential and business C/A, gas/heat, yard, no cleaning. Non-janitorial. pets, non-smoking. Tenant Location: Bright, Ind. pays utilities. $650, same Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. M-F Part-time $7.75 per deposit, references. hour. Call (812)637-5861. 812-438-2902
L’Burg~WaterView Apts.
812-655-9753 Now accepting applications for Our 1, 2, & 3 BR apt. homes. Just past Walmart at 1200 Sycamore Est. Dr.
All units have W/D hook ups and kitchen appliances including dishwasher and microwave.
$199 security deposit Call Rhonda for the “Special of the week”
August 12 - 14, 2014
1175 Wayne St. Greendale. House for Rent. $550 mo. + deposit. 1 yr. lease required. 812-744-4203
Milan- Hoosier Country Square Apts. 2BR with dining room, fridge, stove, dishwasher, on-site laundry facilities, patio area, $550/month $550 deposit. No pets. 3BR/2BA, on 3 acres in Aberdeen. W/D hookup, Harrison - 1 bedroom 812-577-6781 No pets, No smoking. apartments available, 513-265-8460 $725/mo. + utilities, $450-$475 per month. Call first/last mo. rent deposit. for details, and move in New Haven Apartments - 812-290-1101 Near Harrison. 4 rooms specials. with equipped kitchen. (513)515-2569. Central heating, A/C. New All electric 2BR/1BA on Harrison - 1 bedroom, 2nd tile and laminate flooring. dead end street in Milan. floor, in 3-family building. Very nice condition. All appliances included. $650.00 a month plus deHeat, hot water included, $575/month. posit and utilities. very quiet area No pets. (812)623-2524. 812-926-6025 ext.222 $450/month plus deposit. (513)477-1975 or New Haven Near Harrison. (513) 295-2154. 1 bedroom apartment. Aurora- 3-bedroom house with river view. Renter Harrison - One bedroom Equipped kitchen with pays all utilities. No pets. apartment. Heat/water in- large pantry. New flooring. $700/month and $700 decluded. $420 per month, Central, A/C. Very nice posit. References re plus deposit. Very quiet condition. $500/month. quired. Call after 6 pm. home like atmosphere. (812)623-2524. 812-584-5519 301 S. Hill Street. No pets. Nice Rising Sun Town - 812-532-9112. Call (513)984-0035. house, 2 bedroom duplex, Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom 1.5 baths, private laundry, Aurora- Available Sept.1stapt., Leasing special, basement, AC, Tenant 3 bedroom, 1 bath; $495, $595/month incl. wa- pays utilities. No pets, stove/refrigerator; W/D ter, sewer, garbage. Laun- non-smoking, $535, same hookup; large yard; dry on site. Security de- d e p o s i t , r e f e r e n c e s . $625/month plus deposit plus utilities; 812-926-4735 posit r e q u i r e d . 812-438-2902 (513)205-5555. Aurora/Moores Hill/MilanHarrison, 1-2 bedroom. Rising Sun, 1st Floor, 1BR 2 bedroom, 3 car garage, Paragon West Apts. Pri- on River Front, beautiful, oak floors, AC, some applivate patio with breathtak- no pets, no smoking, refer- ances, fenced, out building view of the valley. Free ances. Includes all utilities ings, dual porches, picturheat! $460 and up. No and laundry. $750/mo. e s q u e . $700-$790. 812-667-7679 pets. (513)845-4222. 812-926-3202. Harrison- 660+ Quality Rising Sun- 1 BR effi 2BR in amenity-rich ciency apartment. Up - Bright – Large 3 bedroom, community. Available stairs. No smoking and No 2.5 bath, 2 car garage on w/vaulted ceilings and animals. Partially fur - 3/4 acre lot. Newly remodelectric fireplace. W/D nished. $550 includes utili- eled. $1025 monthly + deHookups ties, $250 deposit. posit. (513)479-5155 or (765)647-0439 after 4 p.m. Available. Great area! 812-926-2258 Call to set up a tour, Downtown Harrison - 3 (513)367-4999 Small Rising Sun quiet uphttp://www.shakerpoint.c per one bedroom apt. bedroom home, 208 South Sycamore. Nice yard, very om/ Closets, appliances, AC. good condition, equipped Tenant pays electric. Free kitchen. $900/month plus Lawrenceburg 2 room effi- water, no pets, non-smok- utilities, plus deposit. No ciency a p a r t m e n t . ing, References, $395, pets. Tom (513)738-3499. deposit. $125/weekly. Utilities fur- s a m e nished. $400 deposit Ref- 812-438-2902 2-Story-Farm-House, erences required. immedi3BR/1.5BA on IN 56 beate occupancy . Spacious 2 bedroom du- tween Rising Sun and plex in Greendale, large Aurora. Rising Sun 812-537-0897 kitchen, shed, stove, refrig- Schools. $675/mo. + utiliLawrenceburg Apt. erator, washer/dryer all fur- ties, $675/deposit. Refer2BR/1BA, with balcony. nished. $675 month + utili$650 plus deposit. ties, no pets. Call Regina ences needed, no indoor pets, no smoking. 513-265-8460 o r at 812-584-4218. 438-3483 812-577-6781
SUNMAN: NEW LISTING! Clean open floor plan ranch with full basement, oversized garage, covered patio on nearly 2 aces. 1st floor laundry, concrete driveway, wooded backdrop. $219,900 BRIGHT: 3 bed, 3 full bath ranch condo w/hardwood flrs, finished LL, & covered rear deck overlooking woods. $132,500 MANCHESTER: Neat country setting. 3 bed, 2 bath home on 2 ac w/heated pool, bonus rm, & 2 car detached garage. $189,900 BRIGHT: Well maintained open floor plan ranch w/3 bed, 2 bath, hardwood floors, part finished LL, & covered deck. $159,900 BATESVILLE: Well maintained ranch home on level lot with 3 bed, 2 bath. $142,500 HVL: All brick ranch w/3 bed, 2.5 baths, partially finished LL, & 8x44 deck. Immediate occupancy! $144,900 AURORA: Excellent multi-purpose facility w/over 16,000 sq ft & M-1 zoning on over 8 acres in Aurora’s Industrial Park. Possible lease. $324,900 LOGAN: Lot 3 & 4 of Morgan’s Ridge Subdivision. Large lake, 6.78 acres, all city utilities available. $124,900 LOGAN: Lots 5 of Morgan’s Ridge Subdivision, all city utilities available, .76 acres. $24,900
Drivers Wanted. Class A CDL. Clean Driving Re cord. Experience a Plus. Hourly Pay. Koppʼs Turkey Sales 513-367-4133 DRIVERS! Stone Belt Freight puts drivers first! Competitive pay! Home weekends! Excellent benefits! Pre-loaded trailers. Call Kelsy, 888-272-0961. Drivers: CDL-A Lots of Money & Miles Several Different Dedicated Routes. 100% Hands OFF Freight Home Weekly. Newer Equipment. (855) 347-2703 Drivers: Dedicated Lanes! $2000 Sign-On Bonus! Average salary $60k $65k. Excellent Comprehensive Benefits! No-Touch get home weekly! 2yrs CDL-A Exp. Call Penske Logistics: 1(855)971-6287 Drivers: Home Nightly. Florence, KY Flatbed Openings! Great Pay, Benefits! CDL-A, 1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: 1(866)336-9642 Drivers: Local Delivery Openings! $3,000 Sign-On Bonus! Average $55-$60,000/yr! Paid Holidays, Vacation! 2yrs Class-A CDL, Call Penske Logistics: 1(855)971-7417 DRIVERS: Money & Miles… New Excellent Pay Package. 100% Hands OFF Freight + E-Logs. Great Home time/Monthly Bonus. 1 yr. OTR exp./No Hazmat 877-704-3773
Drivers: NEW MANAGETEACHERS MENT Home Almost Daily Great Pay, Excellent Nationally accredited and Benefits Sign on Bonus, star rated full day early childhood program looking CDL- A 2 YRS EXP REQ for qualified teachers. 1(888)208-5112 CELC Harrison (513)367-2129 part time Experienced Customer positions available Service Rep needed for Fax or email resume to growing local business. (513)367-5537 Must have excellent munication and computer skills. Knowledge of medical terminology preferred. Full time opening for day shift M-F. full benefits that include health care, vacation, IRA, company match- The Jac-Cen-Del Commuing contribution and paid nity School Corporation is holidays. Send resume to seeking a Licensed Greene Respiratory, 424 Speech Pathologist preThird St. Aurora, Attn: ferred. Position requires a Manager minimum of a bachelorʼs Experienced HVAC in - degree in speech, lan staller. Full time with bene- guage, and hearing sci fits. Call 513-941-0075 or ence or equivalent bachelorʼs degree. Please proemail resume to vide a letter of interest, rebillspadeelectric@ sume, and a copy of li cense. Please contact Mr. Flatbed Drivers-experi - Travis Rohrig, 723 North enced Drivers needed im- Buckeye Street, Osgood, mediately for regional flat- I N 47037, phone bed operation. Call 812-689-4144, or email 888-888-7996 Today trohrig@ Hiring CNAʼs. Waters of Rising Sun seeking CertiWerner Enterprises is HIRfied Nurse Aides. Shift DifING! Dedicated, Regional, ferentials offered for 2nd & OTR opportunities! and 3rd shifts. Competitive wages and benefits avail- Need your CDL? 3 wk able. Apply at 405 Rio training avail. Donʼt wait, call today to get started! Vista Lane, Rising Sun. IN. 1-866-467-1836 Call 812-438-2219 for information Immediately hiring for front desk clerk and house keeper. Must have 1 year experience. Apply in person at Holiday Inn Ex press, Harrison. Janitorial- cleaning positions available in Law renceburg after 8 a.m. Up to 8 hours per day. $9/hour. Call 859-307-4971.
Laborer- accepting applications until August 22, 2014. Apply in person at: SDRSD 370 West Eads Parkway, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Looking for experienced cook. Apply at The Hickory House, 147 Main Street, Rising Sun or call 812-438-2204. Looking for experienced pizza makers. Apply at Caudillioʼs Pizza, 120 North Walnut Street, Rising Sun or call 812-438-4380.
“Partners in Excellence” OTR Drivers APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825
Register Publications has part-time open positions in mailroom, stuffing inserts. Starts daily between 7-8 a.m. Must have reliable transportation, valid drivers license and be able to stand for long periods of time. Must be 18 years old or older. Apply in person at Register Publications, 126 West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana. EOE
Now accepting applications for: RNs, LPNs, CNAs, & 1 full time dietary position. Apply within. No phone calls please. 403 Bielby Road, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Whitewater Processing is now accepting applications for male/female full time work. 513-367-4133
Youthland Academy on Stateline is seeking re sponsible employees. Must have HS diploma/GED, be 18 years old, have experience in childcare. Call 513-353-0209
Aurora- Seeking mature, trustworthy and responsible individual to manage a small retail operation. Must have management experience. This is a full time position. If interested, please send resume with background experience and salary requirements to: P.O. Box 3544, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025.
For Sale-Apt. Building with 3 apartments and store front. 1-Two Family house and 1-Single Family house. Reasonable Offer . Call 513-532-0708 or 513-310-2502
HOME HEALTH AIDES All Shifts Available Experience Preferred Benefits/Bonuses Apply in Person at: 4343 Bridgetown Road Cincinnati, OH 45211 513-598-6648
nurses aides Are you tired of applying for position after position?
If you are looking for a Nurse Aide position at a great facility offering excellent benefits and compensation, then come meet us at Florence Park Care Center! Applicants are encouraged to apply online at but inperson application are accepted daily! We offer full time, 12-hour shifts, three shifts per week including every other weekend. Available shifts are 7a-7p or 7p-7a. Not certified in KY? We can assist with reciprocity from Ohio or Indiana! Florence Park Care Center 6975 Burlington Pike, Florence KY 41042 (Just a short drive from Lawrenceburg!)
August 12 - 14, 2014
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE & 33 WORK WANTED 49 SERVICES/NOTICES 58 MISCELLANEOUS 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 55 YARD SALES
Need a hand with elder care? I am seeking a part time relief care giving position in the local area. Excellent references pro vided. Call 513-667-4549
UNITED RENTALS selling equipment in a no reserve internet auction ending Tuesday Aug. 19. Bid now on pickups, service trucks, dump truck, SUV and more.
A+ TAX SCHOOL Goepperʼs Liberty Tax FREE tuition Apply now, limited space Certified instructors 8 Weeks, 2 class times/wk Mornings or Evenings Small Book Fee Call 513-801-9129 Classes Start Sept. 8 Can lead to employment Lawrenceburg, Harrison, Colerain
ROOFINGDiscount Economy Dimensional Shingles $16 per bundle, Multi-Color Shingles only $8 per bundle, great for Barns, Sheds & Garages, 3205 Madison Avenue, InEstate Sale - Fri. Aug. 15 dianapolis (317)788-0008 and Sat. Aug. 16, 8-2. 560 South State St., Harrison. Furniture, collectibles, lots of Christmas items, and more!
Estate Sale - Aug. 16 & 17, 9-? 6111 Morgan Road, off Harrison Ave. Tractor wood plainer, bush hog, welder, lawn mower, tools, F350 W/2 500 gallon water tanks.
Garage Sale - Fri., Aug. 15, 8-2. 5956 Jenkins, Okeana. Collectibles, Pro-Duce-It. Tomatoes. Oddessy Game, baskets, Peaches. Corn. Water - household items and melon. Cantaloupe. Two STUFF. No clothes. locations. Eads Parkway next to Jeff Wyler in Law- Large Flea Market AIRLINE CAREERS begin renceburg. Harrison Ave Fridays and Saturdays, 9 here- Get FAA approved across from Monk's in Har- a.m. to 3 p.m. 8600 Harrison Pike, Cleves. Aviation Tech training. Job rison. Under tents. placement assistance. Delta, Southwest, Boeing Small squares, mixed Large Multi-family Yard and many other hire AIM grassed $2 to $3; Timothy Sale - Aug. 14 & 15, 9-? grads! CALL AIM or orchard $4.50; 4x5 Rain cancels. 9141 New 877-523-5807 grass $20 to $30 stored in- Haven Rd., New Haven side; Call 513-417-1185 or Village, Harrison. Clothes, Employers n e e d 812-438-3757 Disney collectibles, stuffed work-at-home Medical animals, antique record Transcriptionists! Get the Wanted to buy cattle and player. online training you need to horses. Crippled or sound. fill these positions with Also buying wild cattle. Moving Sale - Aug. 16 & training through Ivy Tech. W i l l pay c a s h . 17, 9-3. 204 S. Sycamore Train at home to work at (859)620-5860. St., Harrison Apt. 2. Most home! Visit things for sale, all kinds of to WORK BOOT SALE! different stuff! start training for your Redwing-Thorogoodwork-at-home career to- Woolverine, 25% to 40% Moving Sale: 404 Hillview day. off at Neff Shoe Store in Dr., Aurora. August 15th & Aurora In. 16th, 8:00-3:00, kitchen tables, dressers, picnic table, grill, smoker, household items, clothes, and much more.
Ace Appliance, NEW LOCATION. Reconditioned washer/dryers, refrigerators/freezers, stoves. We ADOPT: Lots of love, also sell parts and do relaughter & security await a pairs. 812-537-0032, 254 baby. Expenses paid. Charles A. Liddle Dr. #7 Dawn & John, 1-800-818-5250
Knose/Noes/Nose Reunion Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014. Miami Whitewater Park. Bluebird Glen Shelter. Lunch at 1 p.m. Pot luck, bring your famous dish! (513)638-9265.
Bowman Painting- interior and exterior; house painting and roofing; 812-689-6771 or 812-537-4677
Whole House Sale Everything inside must go! 21001 Sunny Ridge Hidden Valley August 15th & 16th 8am-3pm
Please Call for Early Holiday Dealines $15 four papers 25 words or less Call Harrison Press (513)367-4582 or Lawrenceburg (812)537-0063.
Busse Excavating, Bush Hogging and Lawn Service. Dozer Work, Ponds, Driveways, Clearing, Finish Grade, Building Prep, Demolition, Bush Hogging, Lawn Mowing. 30 years experience 812-926-0823
16588 State Road 148, Aurora. August 15 & 16, 9am-? Household items, plus size clothing, many other items. Rain date the following Fri & Sat
Lisaʼs Cleaning Service Residential, office, rentals and apartments. Monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, or one time. Fully insured. De pendable. Free estimates. Call (812)637-9171 or cell (513)256-0698.
Absolutely no trespassing of any kind for any reason. No exceptions. Not re sponsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex pense. Property located at 8692 Willey Rd., Harrison, OH. Molly Jansen, Cathy Maher, Mary Ison. Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quad runners, or 4-wheelers allowed for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone, Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of G.E. Stacy, 27357 Stacy Lane, 1905 Pinhook Rd., West Harrison, Ind., 47060. DIRECTV starting at $24.95/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX. FREE RECEIVER Up grade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some exclusions apply- Call for details 1-800-319-1528. I Nick McQueary, of Cincinnati OH, is seeking Title of a 2008 Ford Crown Victoria from Shawn Aracaro of Harrison OH. Please call 513-646-4986 Need Information on the where abouts of Kevin Pflum Jr regarding a car title issue. Please call, 513-941-5042
Wanted: consignmentsfarm machinery. Lawrence Siekman 812-655-6092 or Denny Brown 812-438-4624. For sale on Sept 13 at Rising Sun fairgrounds.
We buy and haul junk cars & trucks with titles. Call 812-621-0961 or email davesautosalvage1@gmai
Classic 1989 VW Cabriolet Convertible Red w/white top and interior. Very good condition. New top in 2005. Well taken care of. Great gas mileage! Sharp little car. Asking $4,999 (513)367-6927. Will Buy & Haul Scrap Cars & Trucks (812)716-0781.
Yard Sale - Aug. 15 & 16, 9-3. Rain or shine. 10183 Locust St., New Baltimore. Lots of kids clothes, Absolutely no dogs, huntbunches of everything, ex- ing, trapping, fishing, cepting offers! swimming, trash dumping of any kind, wire fence cutYard Sale- Pine Knoll As- ting/breaking, horse riding, sisted Living, Lawrence- woodcutting, motorized veburg. August 14th & 15th. hicles, firearms, or tres 9:00-? passing for any reason, unless written permission. Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property. Dennis and Gail Bad teeth? Extractions Connelly, 6651 Stimson and Dentures using oral Road, Aurora, IN 47001 sedations. Free Consulta12-14 tions. Dr. McCall info,before/after photos at m Absolutely no fishing, no 317-596-9700 swimming, no hunting, or trespassing permitted. Not GUN SHOW!! Lafayette, responsible for any injuries IN- August 16th & 17th, or accidents on the propTippecanoe County Fair- erty belonging to: Mark & grounds, 1010 Teal Rd., Eva Roll, End of DiefenSat. 9-5, Sun. 9-3 For in- bach Road, Bright IN formation c a l l 47025 765-993-8942 Buy! Sell! 09-4-14 Trade!
21423 Salt Fork Rd, Lawrenceburg. August 14th through 17th, 9am-6pm. Rain or shine. Large variety. Off of State Route 1 and Stateline Road at Bright.
COMMUNITY YARD SALE! Vendors Wanted! Sat, Aug 30, 8am-1pm. Harrison Bowl, 1152 Stone Drive, Harrison. $15 Greendale Self - Storage adults, $5 kids. Mark, Indoor storage available 24 hour access. Call (513)276-3017. Benefits (812)537-3131 o r Greater Harrison Rotary fundraising. (812)637-1787. Hers & His Services Grass Cutting, Trash Removel, Free Estimates, Partners in Life and in Business. Bonnie & Steve Telinda Aurora IN. 513-703-4416, 513-309-9460
Always Buying, antiques, estates or partial estates, old military items, guns, swords, old advertising signs, and clocks, toys, jewelry, pottery, etc. Call Bob 812-637-5369
70 Posted Column
Bowman Tree Service. Trimming, topping, tree removal, lot clearing, storm damage, fully insured and free estimates. Call (812)537-4677.
Monroe Excavating, Hauling, LLC Limestone, Topsoil, Fill Dirt, Mulch, Sand, Gravel, Driveways Demolition, Digging, Basements, Dump Truck, Bobcat, Track Hoe Work Call (812)926-1995 or (513)310-0835
Multi-Family-Sale-Saturday 8/16, 9am-1pm. 25590 West CountyLine Rd. Sunman, In. Tools, 65Mustang/parts, Mini-Fridge, Microwaves, Rear-Seat Entertainment video cassette Player, bookcase and desk.
REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-914-5307
Part-time merchants Bank & trust
Now hiring a Part-time Teller to deliver a high level of customer satisfaction with courteous, accurate, and responsive attention. Flexibility with hours is required including every Saturday. Must be able to lift heavy coin and stand for a long periods of time. We offer paid vacation and a great environment! Please send resume and hourly salary requirement: E-mail: Fax: Sandra Melillo at 812-637-0269 Mail: Sandra A. Melillo, Human Resource Director Merchants Bank 111 N. State Street West Harrison, IN 47060 EEO/M/F/D/V
Absolutely no fishing, no swimming, no hunting, or trespassing permitted. Not responsible for any injuries or accidents on the property belonging to : Rod and Brenda Cafouras, 12476 Gordon lane, Dillsboro, IN 47018 3/19/15
Drivers! Holland is hiring at its Cincy, OH terminal. 21 yr old w/ 1 year or 50k miles exp, w/ tanker & hazmat. Local drivers are home daily, Regional Drivers are home weekly. Company paid health ins. Find your direction at! EEO/AAE Minorities/Females Persons with Disabilities/ Protected Veterans
Absolutely no hunting or trespassing. No dirt bikes or motorized vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities on the property of Helen Amm & Teresa Stone, 18060 Union Ridge, Aurora, In 47001. 9/18/14
Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: John Stegemiller, 24569 Hiltz Rd., Guilford, IN 47022. Absolutely no hunting, fish- 9-11-14 ing, or trespassing. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Richard Noggler, 7334 St. Rd. 48, Absolutely no hunting, 6521 St Rd. 48 Aurora, trapping, woodcutting, motorized bikes, or trespassIN 47001 1-1-15 ing for any reason or purpose. These activities are Absolutely no hunting, fish- strictly forbidden and will ing, dog running, woodcut- not be tolerated. Violators ting, dumping, animal will be prosecuted at their abandonment, motorized own expense. Also not revehicles, bikes, trapping, sponsible for accidents on firearms, swimming, tree the property of: Rodney & cutting, snowmobiling, Arlene Miller 8824 North creek rock hunting, turning Hogan Rd., Aurora, IN around in private circle 47001 drive or trespassing of any 08-12-14 kind for any reason . Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to per- A B S O L U T E L Y no sons or personal property. hunting/trapping, no fishActivities of any kind will ing, no riding motorized not be tolerated. Violators vehicles or animals, and will be prosecuted at their NO trespassing of any own expense to the fullest kind for any reason on the extent of the law on the properties owned by: properties of:John Nie- Nolte Farms, LLC – Nolte haus, 16827 St. Rt. 148, & Bells Branch Rds, CaeAurora, Ind., 47001. sar Creek Twp, Dearborn 08/27/15 County, Dillsboro, IN and Floyd P & Teresa Martini – North Hogan & Holt Absolutely no hunting, fish- Rds, Manchester Twp, ing or trespassing for any Dearborn County, Milan, reason w/o written permis- IN. NO exceptions! Not sion on the properties responsible for any acciowned or leased by us. No dents or injuries of any excuses. Violators will be kind. Violators will be arrested and prosecuted. prosecuted at their own Harry and John Hud - expense. dleston, 8731 SR 56N, 11/13/14 Aurora, IN or 5311 Yorkridge Road, Guil ford, IN 10/23/14 Absolutely no swimming, fishing, hunting or tres Absolutely no hunting, passing permitted, not retrapping, fishing, swim - sponsible for any injuries ming, trash dumping, or accidents on any propwoodcutting, motorized ve- erty or lakes belonging to: hicles, firearms, or tres - Ralph Eugene Clark, Jr. passing for any reason. and Mary Clark, 1505 Violators will be prose - Water Street, Hardin cuted. Beware of dog. Not town, Lawrenceburg, IN responsible for accidents Anyone caught in the auto or injuries on the property salvage yard or above of: Perry & Tracy Boone, property will be prose 18002 Lost Creek Lane, cuted. Lawrenceburg, IN 4-2-15 09-2-14
Deliver the new cincinnati bell telephone Directories • be your own boss • work a minimum of 6 daylight hours per day • Must have vehicle with proof of insurance • Must be 18 years or older with a valid drivers license and social security card • also looking for clerks & loaders Delivery begins septeMber 5th in anD arounD aDDyston & harrison ohio as well as Dearborn county inDiana. call 513-768-6547 between 8aM-4:30pM Mon-Fri reFer to job # 60001-c eoe
nited Community Bank is seeking a dynamic, energetic and community oriented Assistant Branch Manager for our Aurora location. Candidates will assist in the daily operations of the branch, along with focusing on growing the branch in both lending and deposits. Candidates must possess outstanding organizational, interpersonal skills and customer service. Pervious banking and lending experience is preferred but not a requirement. Proficiency with Word, Excel and other computer software is required.
RN’s / LPN’s HHA’s / CNA’s Late Evenings & Night Shift
Come join the Advantage Team and enjoy things like, One on One Patient Care, Health Care Benefits, Weekly Pay, Direct Deposit, Flexible Scheduling, Minimal Traveling, Great Office Personnel and Much Much More!!!
Advantage Home Care
Warehouse Manager
Supervision, safety management, managing processes,and inventory control experience. Knowledge and experience in measuring/ benchmarking warehouse operations.
Please send resumes to: or mail to: 924 s Meridian st. sunman, In 47041 attn: amber haas
The Quikrete Companies, the leading producer of packaged concrete and related products, is now accepting applications for experienced TractorTrailer drivers at our Cincinnati, Ohio facility.
We offer a competitive pay and benefits package that includes health insurance, 401(k), paid vacation days, and holidays. Position requirements include: • A minimum of 25 years of age • Possess a Class A CDL with 1+ years of driving experience • Clean MVR • Ability to operate flatbed and pneumatic equipment • Must be able to pass a DOT physical and controlled substance test Relocation assistance is not available for this position, local applicants only. Interested candidates should send their resume and salary requirements via e-mail to: or apply in person to below address:
800-807-6839 or 812-537-0325 460 Ridge Ave. • Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 EOE
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason including motorized vehicles - hunting of any kind (bow or gun - nor trapping) or sledding. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their expenses to the fullest extent of the law on the property of Irvin J. Hartman & Frances M. Hartman, 221 Locust St., Greendale, IN 47025 1-15-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of Robert L. Kist, Matter horn DR, lot 1090, HidAbsolutely no trespassing den Valley Lake. for any reason. Will not be 4-16-15 responsible for any accidents or fatalities. Violators will be fined and prosecuted on the property Absolutely no trespassing of: Mark & Bonnie Pen- for any reason, not responnington, 12947 N. Hogan sible for accidents or injuRd., Aurora, In 47001 ries. Violators will prosecuted at their own ex 4-16-15 penses.: The Beverly J. Neihardt Trust, 14950 Old State Road 350, Absolutely no trespassing Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14 for any reason; no fishing, no hunting, trapping, swimming, no motorized vehicles, firearms, trash dump- Absolutely no trespassing ing, open fires, wood cut- for any reason. No fishing, ting, horseback riding, 4 hunting, trapping, dumpwheelers, bikes. Violators ing, woodcutting, or swimwill be prosecuted at their ming. No motorized vehiown expense. Not respon- cles of any kind or 3 sible for any injuries, acci- wheelers. Violators will be dents, fatalities. No tres- prosecuted at their own passing, soliciting, or visi- expense. Not responsible tation from strangers, fam- for any accidents or injuily, or friends without writ- ries on the property be ten consent from Ron and longing to: Patricia Debbie Seaver, 23718 Stewart, 13409 Wynnʼs James Lake Road, Guil- Way, Moores Hill, IN ford, IN 47022 47032. 10-9-14 04-23-15
Please send resume to Bridget Davidson at 500 Green Blvd. Aurora, IN 47001 or via e-mail at
Our Tractor-Trailer drivers are HOME EVERY NIGHT each week, operate modern equipment, and experience job satisfaction that can only be found with an industry leader.
Find the Perfect Job and be Sure to Keep It! Looking for
Absolutely no trespassing - of any kind - for any reason. It is illegal to tres pass. No hunting, trapping, trash dumping, wood cutting, swimming, discharging firearms or explosives of any kind, riding animals or bicycles, or any motorized vehicles including ATVʼs, quad runners, motorcycles, motor bikes, etc. Not responsible for property damage, accidents. Injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This is a 44 acre tract bounded on the south by Lutz Road and on the north by Harley Springs Subdivision. Welbourne G. Williams, 4738 Lutz Rd., Guilford, Indiana. 04-23-15
The QuIkRETE Companies 5425 kilby Rd. Harrison, OH 45030 (513) 367-1920 (Fax)
NURSINg RNFA or Surgical Assistant - Full time days (includes some evenings) in the O.R. RN - Part time openings in the Emergency Department and Medical Surgical Units. RN in Home Health - Full time.
CLINICAL SUPPORT Occupational Therapist - Full time day shift. Indiana license required. Athletic Trainer - Occasional day/evening position. National Athletic Trainer Certification required. Occupational Therapy Aide - Occasional day shift position.
PHYSICIAN OFFICES Medical Assistant - Full time openings in physician practices in Lawrenceburg. Certified Medical Assistant preferred, suitable medical office experience required.
ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Clinical Applications Analyst - Full time position in I.S. Department supporting clinical information systems. Must be able to support Allscripts ProEHR and Allscripts PM. Must have experience with Crystal Report writing. Bachelors degree in Information Systems related field required.
AVAILABLE FOR FULL & PART TIME EMPLOYEES 403(b) Program • Health & Dental Insurance Tuition Reimbursement • Competitive Salary 3 Weeks Vacation after 1 Year Full Time • EOE
600 Wilson Creek Rd. • Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 (812) 537-8120 • (800) 676-5572 ext 8120 For an up-to-date listing of job opportunities at DCH, visit our website at
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
August 12 - 14, 2014
70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the James, properties of Wilma, Samuel Goff and Carolyn Goff/Brown, 13337 Goff Lane, Moores Hill,In 09-25-14
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, hunting, trapping, swimming or open fires. No motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. We are not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the property. Ryan Stroud Heartland, Homestead Absolutely no trespassing Land Trust 3/26/15 for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumpAbsolutely No Trespassing ing, woodcutting, or swimfor any reason. Violators ming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 will be prosecuted at there wheelers. Violators will be own expense. No vehicles prosecuted at their own including ATVʼs, Motorcycles etc. Not responsible expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injufor any accidents or injuries on the property. Be- ries on the property of longing to: S. Graves Kee- P.A.W.S. Humane Cengan, 4920 Speier Rd. Dill- ter, 200 Charles A. Liddle DR. Lawrenceburg, IN. soboro IN. 47018 5-21-15 47025 01-15-15 Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents and or injuries on the property of: Gerald&Charlene Powell 8964 Sycamore St 9098 Stitts Hill Rd. Moores Hill, In. 47032 7-9-15
Absolutely No trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Robert & Deborah Lischkge, 9794 Alans Branch, Moores Hill, IN 47032 2-19-15 Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of: The Bowlins, Bordering on Lipscomb Dr., Mud Lick Creek and Rainbow Road, Manchester Township and 7327 Kaiser Drive, 2-5-15
Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason, no fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, wood cutting, or swimming, no motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense, not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Gale Banta, 4304 State Road 48, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 ABSOLUTELY NO TRES4-2-15 PASSING FOR ANY REASON. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT Absolutely no trespassing THEIR OWN EXPENSE. for any reason. Violators 19150 COLLIER RIDGE will be prosecuted. Not re- GUILFORD, IN 47022. sponsible for any acci - 09/11/14 dents or injuries on the properties of Hidden Valley Lake, Inc, Hidden Val- ABSOLUTELY NO TRESley Golf Club, Rupel De- PASSING FOR ANY REAvelopment Corp., Coun- SON. VIOLATORS WILL try Acreage, Inc., Jacob BE PROSECUTED AT Properties, bor - THEIR OWN EXPENSE. dered by Georgetown 7152 KAISER DR. LAWRoad, Fairway Drive, Al- RENCEBURG, IN 47025 pine Drive and Oberting 09/11/14 Road, Miller Township and City of Greendale. ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING OF ANY KIND, 03-19-15 FOR ANY REASON OWNER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCI Absolutely no trespassing DENTS, INJURIES, OR for any reason. Violators FATALITIES. VIOLATORS will be prosecuted. Not re- WILL BE PROSECUTED sponsible for any acci - AT THEIR EXPENSE. dents of injuries on the SHELIA BLOCK property of: 9163 OLD S.R. 350 Tom & Kathy Klump AURORA, IN 47001 Tower Rd., Lawrence - 9-25-14 burg Trojan Rd., Extending to Absolutely no trespassing Beneker Rd., St. Leon of any kind allowed on all Kildeer Ln., Guilford Mosmeier R d . , properties belonging to Sunman,St rd 46 prop- Ola & Julie Miller. No exerty, North Dearborn ceptions. Not responsible for injuries, accidents or faproperty 4-9-15 talities. No vehicles of any post frame kind, horseback riding, etc, unless written permission buildings is given. Ola & Julie Miller, 11302 N. Hogan speCial Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 20x24 • $3,995 w/ 2 doors 3-19-15
30x30 • $5,995 w/ 2 doors 40x60 • $11,900 w/ 2 doors Built on your lot! 50 Years Experience
Large selection of colors & sizes Material packages available
gosman inC. 812-265-5290
Absolutely No Trespassing of any kind, for any reason at any time. No Excep tions! Owner not responsible for any accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Tresa Manford 11510 North Hogan Road Aurora, IN 47001 5-7-15
Absolutely no trespassing, for any reason. No hunting or trapping. No motorized v vehicles, 4-wheelers etc. without written permission from owner. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Grimsley Farm on Grimsley Rd. Moores Hill IN 47032 04/02/15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, firearms, woodcutting, trapping. No motorized vehicles of any kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Also not responsible for any injuries, accidents or fatalities on the property of: James Chrisman, Yorkridge Road, Guilford, IN 5-28-15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, woodcutting, quad or cycle riding. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Jim & Larry Gabbard, Lattire Farm, Gregory Bier (The Land) Union Ridge Road, Aurora, IN 47001 5-21-15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my property for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone. Violators will b e prose cuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of: The Gary Steinmetz Farm, 9783 Wesseler Road, Sunman, IN 05-14-15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, quads, dirt bikes, or wood cutting. Not re sponsible for any injuries or accidents. Property consists of 10 acres. Richard and Melanie Wiedeman, 18554 Collier Ridge, Guilford, IN 47022 05-21-15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quad runners or 4-wheelers allowed for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of: Darrell & Susan Sexton, 17537 Hillcrest Dr., Lawrenceburg, IN 470205. 3-12-15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, trapping, trash dumping, tree cutting, tree damaging in any way, tree stands, firearms, bows, knives, or loitering. Not responsible for accidents, personal injuries, property damage, or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law at their expense of the properties of Gerald Conn, Cove Circle East lots 2534 and 2535, Hidden Valley Lake. 08-14-14 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, boating, swimming, trapping, motorized bikes, 4 wheelers, RVʼs, woodcutting, horseback riding, firearms. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Robert & Carolyn K. Holtegel, 12466 Rullman Dr. Dillsboro, IN 47018 03-15 Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no 4-wheeling, no quad running. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Ronald W. Fields, 2488 Sneakville Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 4-30-15 Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no walking, no sightseeing, no motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their ex penses. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Patrick Holland 14130 Brown Rd. Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14
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I-275 Enterprises, Inc., is the owner of property located in the Horseshoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana, bounded on the West and North by the right-of-way of interstate Highway 275 and on the South by the Chessie Railroad right-of-way and on the eastern edge of the I-275 Lagoon (hereinafter called “the property”). Hunting, trapping, dis charging firearms, shooting arrows, fishing, turtle hunting, dog running, tree cutting, woodcutting, dumping, animal abandonment, hiking, bicycling, motor biking, operating quads or after ATV vehicles, horseback riding, sledding, ice skating, snowmobiling, bird watching, camping, operation of aircraft, swimming, row boating, motor boating, sailing, creek rock hunting, turning around or trespassing of any kind on the property for any reason is absolutely forbidden without written and signed permission of a duly authorized agent of I-275 Enterprises, Inc., I-275 Campgrounds, Inc., and-or Horseshoe Camp grounds. I-275 Enter prises, Inc. 10860 In deco Drive, Cincinnati OH 45241 09-4-14 No bikes, skateboards, roller blades. No trespassing for any reason; not responsible for injuries or accidents on property of: Dillsboro Civic Club, 9824 Central Ave. and 12930 North St., Dills boro, IN (formerly Doctors Bldg.) 8-28-14 No fishing, swimming, hunting, four wheelers, or trespassing on the Hostetler Farms, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill. They will be prosecuted. Harry Hostetler, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill, IN 12-4-14 No hunting or shooting, no woodcutting,, littering or dumping, no motorized vehicles, machinery or trespassing. Not liable or responsible for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prosecuted if found on property of: Dennis G. and Ann J. Elder, 17800 Duncan Lane, Aurora, IN 7-9-15 No hunting, fishing or trespassing of any kind. Not responsible for property or personal injury on the property of: Maria Teresa Maturana, 21940 Lake Tambo Rd., Manchester, IN 01/22/15 No hunting, fishing or trespassing and not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Jerome & Ruth Martini, York Ridge Rd., Leatherwood Rd., York Township. 4-9-15 No hunting, fishing or trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property owned by: Stonegate Property Owners, Bordering on Stonegate Dr. & Essex Lane. 05-28-15 No hunting, fishing, or trespassing for any reason and not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property owned by: Hidden Valley Lake Property Owners Associa tion, Bordering on Stateline Road and Georgetown Road, Lawrenceburg, In 04/09/15 No hunting, fishing, or trespassing without written permission on the Chipman farm. 7442 White Road, Rising Sun, Indiana . Violators will be prosecuted. 4-30-15 No hunting, fishing, swimming or trespassing and not responsible for accidents on the property of: Robert & Beth Baylor, 6155 St. Rd. 48, Law renceburg, IN 04-09-15 No hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing or ATVʼs. Violators will be prosecuted at own ex pense, Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of, Dennis and Cindy Meyung, 10998 County Farm Rd, Aurora, IN, 47001, 01-15 No hunting, four wheeling, hiking, gardening, or trespassing of any kind. Joan Fidler will not be held liable for any injuries ac quired on the property on both sides of 10419 Chesterville Road, next to 10095 Chesterville Road, and across from 10386 Chesterville Road. Violators will be prosecuted. 4-2-15 No hunting, no ATV/bike riding, no wood cutting without written permission. Not responsible for per sonal or property injury on property owned by: Michael and Roberta Hankins, 27106 Cranes Run Road, W. Harrison IN 47060 1/15/15 No hunting, no fishing, no bike riding, absolutely no trespassing on the property of: Irene Beckett Estate, 1005 Nowlin Avenue, Property on west side of Tanners Creek 08-21-14 No hunting, no motorized bikes or vehicles, no trespassing of any kind and not responsible for accidents, violators will be prosecuted on the property of: Stanley Harmeyer & Sondra Lewis 22643, 22747, 22915 Jackson Ridge, Lawrenceburg, IN 09-4-14
No hunting, no motorized bikes or vehicles, no trespassing of any kind and not responsible for accidents on the property of: John McKay 11307 N. Dearborn Rd. Sunman, IN 47041 12-14
No hunting, trespassing, quad or dirt bike riding on the property of Bill and Donna J. Fisher located at 6919 E. Laughery Creek Road, Aurora. 9-25-14 No hunting, woodcutting or trespassing and not re sponsible for accidents on the property of: Joseph and Edna Imholt, 8289 Leatherwood Road, Yorkville, Guilford, IN 4-30-15 No Trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or property. The Kremer Family 28483 Barber Rd. West Harrison, IN 47060 9-11-14 No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injuries. Marshall Alford 15778 W. County Line Rd. Moores Hill, IN 10-9-14 No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, Injuries, fatalities or personal property. This applies to all property owned by us.Beware of dog. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expence. Randy & Mary Lynn Hayes, 3382 Sneakville Rd., Law renceburg IN, Also Goose Run, Aurora, IN 1/29/15 No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any injuries or acci dents. 20042 Stateline RD. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 10-2-14 NO TRESPASSING for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, injuries or any fatalities on property of Betty J. Weber, Bloom Road Moores Hill, Indiana 47032. Violators will be prosecuted at their expense. 7-23-15 No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their own expense on the properties of: Wm. G. Rudicil, Barber Rd., Gobblerʼs Knob Rd., W. Harrison, IN 2-12-2015 No trespassing of any kind for any reason on the properties of the Tri-Township Water Corporation. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex pense. Also not responsible for any accidents, injuries, or fatalities. Tri-Town Water Corporation 75 Jamison Rd., 24192 State Line Rd., 1813 Morgan Rd., 25333 Henderson Rd., 6483 Gaynor Ridge, 902 Justis Rd. 4-9-15 No trespassing of any kind on property of : All Rite Ready Mix Of Indiana, LLC, 10513 Morgans Branch Road, Aurora, IN 4-9-15 No trespassing of any kind on the properties & private drive of Marvin Zimmer 28817 Evergreen Lane, West Harrison, IN 47060 08-14-14 No trespassing without written permission and not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of Jim and Beth Marting, 6960 Nelson Road, Aurora, IN 47001 - in Ohi County. 9-25-14
No trespassing! Absolutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not re sponsible for property damage, accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: David L. Shuter & Deborah L. Shuter, Church Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 01-15
No Trespassing! Abso lutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not responsible for property damage, accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: Joseph F. Bayer, Jr. & Donna S. Bayer, 17365 Church Rd., Lawrenceburg, In 47025 1-15 No trespassing! No hunting, tree stands, firearms, bows, trapping, fireworks, motorcycles or quads. Not responsible for accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense. Lowell & Donna Hollins, 10625 St. Rt. 262, Dillsboro, IN. 10/23/14
No trespassing, hunting, fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Cindy & Michael McAndrew, 19446 Anderson Rd., Law renceburg, IN 47025. 4-9-15 No Trespassing, hunting, four wheelers, dirt bikes, fishing, swimming for any reason. Rick & Dawn Gilb 1075 ST. RTE. 48 Sunman, IN 47014 7-2-15
No trespassing, hunting, or fishing for any reason on the properties of Knigga Properties LLC, and Knigga Holdings LLC, owned by Tim, Nancy, and Casey Knigga. These include properties bordering South Fork, Kirkpatrick, Goodner and Aberdeen Roads. Also not responsi ble for any accidents, injuries, or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. 3-19-15 No trespassing, motorized vehicles, hunting, trapping, fireworks or explosives of any kind, discharge of firearms or shooting of arrows on or onto the approximate 23 acres of Lot #8 in Miller Ridge Estates. Also not responsible for any acci dents or injuries occurring on this same property. Mike and Connie Crossley, Lot #8 Miller Ridge, 22102 Hickory View Lane, Guilford, IN 47022 12-11-14
No trespassing, hunting or fishing. The Browning Farm, 9516 & 9321 Texas No trespassing, no fishing, Gas Rd., Aurora, IN no hunting or artifact hunting. Nick Domaschko, 47001 12-14 Ohio County, 9748 St. Rd. 56 N., Aurora, In No trespassing, hunting, 4 47001 6-11-15 wheeling etc. on property owned by Ken and Kathy Scherzinger or other No trespassing, no hunting owned entities on North or fishing. Absolutely no 4 Hogan Rd. between SR wheelers or motorized ve48 and Holt Rd., Dear - hicles of any kind. Not reborn County Indiana. Not sponsible for accidents or responsible for any acci- injuries on the property of: dents of any kind. Earl & Thomas Sullivan, 7-02-15 18253 & 18350 Keller Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 5-21-15
trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling, dirt bikes. Not responsible for accidents on the property of Ronald Henry 8680 Lower Dillsboro Rd. Aurora, IN 47001 05-21-15 No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motor vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries of any kind on the property of: Mark & Roberta Klem, Seldom Seen Estates, Lot #1,#2, #3, 22505 State Line Rd., Bright, IN 06-11-15
No trespassing, no hunting, violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Glen & LaVerne Burkhardt, Corner of Keller Rd., & SR 48, Lawrenceburg, In 1-8-15 No trespassing, not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Midwest Data Inc., 326 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 4-9-15
No trespassing, or hunting, on the farm of : Barry & Judy Pruss, Rt. 50 Mt. No trespassing, hunting, Tabor Rd., Aurora, IN 4-wheeling or motorcycles. 4-2-15 Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind No trespassing, soliciting , on the property of: John or visitation from strangKemme, 24464 State ers, family, or friends withLine Rd., Lawrenceburg, out written consent by BilIN 9-4-14 lie R. Powell on my properties located on North Hogan Rd.Billie R. Powell No trespassing, hunting, 10514 North Hogan Rd. fishing, trapping or dump- Aurora, IN 47001. 3-23-15 ing of any kind. Absolutely no motorized vehicles, No Trespassing. Not rebikes, quadrunners or sponsible for accidents or 4-wheelers allowed on my injury on the property of: property. Not responsible Larry and Kim Jackson, for accidents, injuries or fa- 6720 Lipscomb Rd., Lawtalities. Beware of dogs. renceburg, IN 47025. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense to 9/18/14 the fullest extent of the law. Jeffrey Long, 9027 No trespassing. No fishing, Old St. Rd 350 & 13385 no swimming, no hunting Dean Rd., Aurora, In or four wheelers. Not re47001. 9-14 sponsible for accidents or injury of any kind on my property. Barb HornNo trespassing, hunting, berger and family 9758 fishing, wood cutting, four E. Co. Rd. 1350 N, Sunwheeling or tree cutting. man, IN 47041 Not responsible for acci- 07-16-15 dents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal No trespassing. Not re property. Violators will be sponsible for personal or prosecuted at their own property injury on the propexpense. Debi & Stephan erty of: Rita Bennett, 170 Kraeling 7233 Bonnell, and 172 Conwell Street, Aurora, IN 47001 Guilford, Indiana 47022 04-30-15 05-21/15
No trespassing. Not re sponsible for accidents or injury. We will prosecute trespassers on property owned by: Robert & Deborah Schroeder, Gary & Pam Schroeder, Ridge Drive, Lake Tambo & Knopf Roads, Man chester Township. 10-13 Not responsible for accidents. No hunting, fishing, woodcutting, swimming, recreational 4x4 riding, or trespassing on the property of: Hassel W. and Pamela M. Brashears Possum Ridge Road Aurora, IN 03-5-15 Oxbow Inc. and Oxbow of Indiana, Inc. (”Oxbow”) are the owners of property located in the area com monly known as Horse shoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana. Most of Oxbowʼs land is located between I-275 to US 50 exit ramp, the CSX tracks, and the levee along US 50 and the Argosy entrance road. Oxbow also owns land immediately west of I-275 between the CSX tracks and the Ohio River, as well as land east of I-275 between the CSX tracks, the Ohio River, and the state line. Maps of Oxbowʼs properties are available on our website at Oxbow,Ind. land is a wildlife sanctuary. Hunting, trapping, discharge of firearms, and the shooting of arrows is prohibited except in certain designated areas and only with the written permission of Oxbow. ATVʼs may not be operated on Oxbow property at any time. Operating other motorized vehicles (except for the purpose of ap proved farming and land management operations) off clearly established roads or on a road in any manner contributing to the need to repair the road is prohibited. Those who operate a motor vehicle on Oxbow property do so at their own risk, and are advised that the dirt roads may be impassable when wet. Under no circum stances will Oxbow be responsible for damage to a vehicle or injury to its occupants. Bank fishing only with appropriate license is al lowed and is monitored by conservation officers. Camping, bonfires, and overnight parking are prohibited. Swimming in streams, lakes and other watercourses is strictly prohibited, as are motorized watercraft of any sort. Removing, destroying or disturbing wildlife and plants, or farm crops with out express written consent of Oxbow is prohibited. Oxbow property is regularly patrolled by law enforcement officers who have been instructed to prosecute all violators. Activities such as bird watching, hiking and the activities not expressly prohibited by these rules or state law may be done at ones own risk. Oxbow is not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property for those wishing to visit. Those in doubt of the lawfulness of their activity on Oxbow properties are encouraged to first contact: Oxbow, 854 Ligoria Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45218 04-23-15
Private property. Abso lutely no trespassing of any kind on all properties belonging to Dana and Phyllis Weisickle. No exceptions. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, or fatalities. No vehicles of any kind allowed to drive through or park without written permission. Dana & Phyllis Weisickle 12904 Probst Rd, Aurora, IN 47001
Early Deadlines In observance of the Labor Day holiday our offices will be closed
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Deadlines will be as follows: RETAIL ADVERTISING: Journal Press & Harrison Press • Thursday 8/28, 10am Rising Sun Recorder/Ohio Co. News • Friday 8/29, 10am Dearborn County Register • Tuesday 9/3, 10am (Regular Deadline) LEGAL ADVERTISING: Journal Press & Harrison Press • Thursday 8/29, 10am Rising Sun Recorder/Ohio Co. News • Friday 8/30, 10am Dearborn County Register • Tuesday 9/2, 10am (Regular Deadline) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: All Classifieds (JP, HP, RS, RG) • Thursday 8/28, 10am Market Place • Tuesday 9/2, 10am (Regular Deadline)
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August 12 - 14, 2014
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Winter weather is just around the corner and children in Dearborn County need your help!
How can I help, you ask?
It’s easy! Please fill out the form below indicating how you would like Pantone Black to help children in need this year and submit itProcess to:
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Or stop by our office at 126 W. High Street in Lawrenceburg. You can also reach our office at 812-537-0063 for information or questions, or to sign up to be a volunteer shopper. * Families interested in receiving help must contact Kimberly Elliot at SIEOC 812-926-1585 or toll free at 888-292-5475 or visit 110 Importing St, Aurora, IN 47001. Enclosed is my donation to
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FOSTERS NEEDED! Pantone Process Black Pantone Proces The PAWS @ 55%Shelter opacityis at capacity@ 39% and is in need of fosters to provide short term care for dogs or cats until they are adopted! Fostering can last a few weeks to a few months. All veterinary care is paid for by PAWS.
If you can help, contact PAWS today!
Please make check payable to Warm the Children. Donations are tax deductible.
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