Dearborn County register
154TH YEAR ISSUE NO. 33 $1
One seriously hurt in wreck
By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter
A scrimmage between East Central High School, St. Leon, and Lawrenceburg High School Friday, Aug. 15, wasn’t pretty with interceptions, fumbles and turnovers galore. Both teams are hoping for better results as the regular season starts this Friday, Aug. 22.
Three people were injured, including one who was AirCared, in a wreck Sunday evening, Aug. 17, said Dearborn County Sheriff's Chief Deputy David Lusby. The wreck originally was dispatched at 6:03 p.m. as a two-car head-on collision on Ind. 148 near Briarwood Drive, said Dearborn County Dispatcher Richard “Skippy” Stutz. Lusby said he was off duty but came to the scene. “There was only one car over the hill,” he said, indicating only one vehicle was involved. The vehicle had contained three Hispanic men, who spoke no English, and the language barrier caused difficulties even though an interpreter was used, said Lusby. Of the three, two were standing on the road when
rescue crews arrived, including the vehicle's owner Jose Huerta Ojeda, 26, Batesville, said Lusby. The third, Salvadore Govea, age and address not given, was pinned in the truck, a maroon 1994 Ford Ranger inverted down an embankment, said Lusby. Aurora Fire Department and Aurora Emergency Rescue responded to the scene, with Govea taken by University AirCare to University of Cincinnati Hospital, said Lusby. Govea's injuries probably were internal, added Lusby. The other two men were taken to Dearborn County Hospital, Lawrenceburg, said Lusby. One appeared to have a shoulder injury and the other had bruises and cuts to his head. The wreck remains under investigation, with the sheriff's department trying to determine who was driving the vehicle, said Lusby.
Former L’burg deputy clerk takes plea for fraud the payee of the check to the defendant’s name and retain the check.” A check in the name of A former Lawrenceburg a different employee also deputy clerk-treasurer has was issued, and the name taken a plea agreement for changed later, according wire fraud stemming from to the information for the an investigation into em- charges filed with the court. bezzling more than The checks to $40,000 from the the different emcity between Januployees also were ary 2012 and April recorded in city 2013. records as having Theresa Bruenbeen voided. ing was charged in The checks U.S. District Court, p a s s e d Southern Diselectronically in intrict, New Albany terstate commerce, Thursday, Aug. 14, so were governed and entered into by Federal regulaTheresa the plea agreement Bruening tions. the same day. “As a result of Bruening was placed on the scheme to defraud, paid leave April 30, 2013, between January 2012 by Lawrenceburg Clerk- and March 2013, approxiTreasurer Jackie Stutz. mately 40 checks totaling As the investigation $40,551.78 were issued progressed, Stutz consult- with in the name of the ed then city attorney Joe defendant” or other emVotaw who told her to place ployees, according to court Bruening on unpaid leave. records. That happened June 14, “Thirty-nine of the 40 2013, said Stutz. checks were negotiated Bruening’s employment by the defendant and the was terminated in a let- proceeds retained by her. ter from Stutz dated August In total the defendant re31, 2013. ceived proceeds totaling According to court docu- $37,491.38.” ments, Bruening issued The wire fraud plea is a herself a second payroll felony and punishable by check five times between up to 20 years in prison, and February 2012 and April a fine of up to $200,000, as 2013, “in an amount equal well as up to three years of to or less than her initial supervised release followpayroll check knowing that ing any prison sentence. she was not entitled to the In the plea agreement, second payroll check.” As Bruening agreed to pay resa result of the scheme, she titution, and cannot change netted additional pay of her plea if she does not like $4,746.31. the sentence. Another 34 times, BruShe and the United ening issued additional States district attorney, checks in the name of a however, can each appeal “purported” city employee. the sentence imposed by After creating the check, the judge. Bruening would “change By Erika Schmidt Russell Editor
Dillsboro reviews requests, accepts manager’s resignation to Catch-a-Ride. In addition, SEIRP was included for the first year on the titles of vehicles purchased by Catch-a-Ride, making At its August meeting, Dillsboro them responsible had there been an acTown Council turned down requests to cident, he said. be a pass-through funding agency for “There's a lot of paperwork involved Lifetime Resources Catch-a-Ride, and and a lot of risk … if the funds would to make a resolution supporting Israel's be misused in some way,” said Fortner. right to defend itself. But acting as pass-through The council did – reluctanthas worked pretty well for ly – accept the resignation of SEIRP for the past 10 years, town manager Scott Fortner, he added. Councilman Tom effective Friday, Aug. 15. Wafford made a motion to And the town received a deny the request, with a secmap proposing the downtown ond by councilman Andy area be designated the DownSeaver. It passed unanimoustown Dillsboro Redeveloply. ment Area from its redevelopDillsboro resident Lynn ment commission. This would Kennedy passed copies of a not be a tax increment finance proposed resolution to coundistrict, redevelopment chair Scott Fortner, cil members, asking them to Jim Deaton told the council longtime Dills- support “Israel's right to exist Monday, Aug. 11. Nor was the boro town man- and to defend itself.” commission asking the council ager, resigned After praising Dillsboro as last week. for any action at this time. a community, Kennedy said “We're just trying to get she was appalled at the loss of life in ahead of the game,” to get a jump on Israel and Gaza. Israel was established a redevelopment plan for Dillsboro, he as a consequence of World War II, in said. which Dillsboro residents served, she “I don't see any problem with it, but said. I think that we need to involve the pub“Dillsboro … has a long and proud lic,” said councilman Rick Fields. He history of sending its young men and suggested the redevelopment commis- women to defend and protect the persesion have a public meeting to introduce cuted, downtrodden and innocent,” said the idea and get the public's input. Kennedy in the resolution itself. The pass-through funding was re“I'd like to see their memory honored quested by Catch-a-Ride to handle grant for freeing the concentration camp prisfunds it was awarded, said Fortner. oners,” she told the council, also noting Southeast Indiana Regional Plan- some residents of the town are Jewish. ning had acted as the non-profit's passTown attorney John Watson, howthrough but its board was told in an ever, said the town “is not empowered audit it should not do so, as it had no with anything beyond our town limits” control over the funds once they went with minor exceptions. “I doubt the citBy Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter
ies and towns have the legal authority to do something like this.” Fields and Wafford said there was nothing in the proposed resolution with which they disagreed, but they could not act on it as a representative of the town. Resident Verneda Wendelman asked about the requirements for salesmen to operate door-to-door in town. Watson said the town requires them to have a background check, check in at the town offices, and purchase a peddlers' license. If someone questions whether a sales person is legitimate, they can call the town office during regular business hours or county dispatch to have a police officer check it out after business hours, said town police chief Ryan Brandt.
Parks, utilities, more
Fortner reported new bleachers purchased with Ross Foundation funds were assembled and waiting for concrete pads to be poured for their placing at the town park. Summer ball in the park is completed, and soccer’s now up and running, he said. Turning to utility matters, he said the water line loop from Front to East Adams streets is completed, with cleanup to come. “We did break a couple of our valves” and replaced them, including one broken during the winter, said Fortner. The town's smaller water storage tank is badly chipped and needs to be repaired, with Leary Construction offering a price of $4,500 to do so and “touch up” the tower, he said. A company which formerly did the
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NEWS BRIEFS Job fair exceeds 65 employers LAWRENCEBURG- More than 200 job seekers came through Ivy Tech Community college and had the opportunity to meet one-onone with over 65 employers from across the region last week at the 6th Congressional District Job Fair in Lawrenceburg. The 6th District Job Fair in Lawrenceburg was hosted in conjunction with WorkOne Southeast and the Dearborn County Commissioners. This is the second year Congressman Luke Messer has teamed up with WorkOne Southeast and the Dearborn County Commissioners for the Lawrenceburg Job Fair.
Comment on mill air permit findings INDIANAPOLIS- The public may comment on preliminary findings regarding an air permit for Whitewater Mill, LLC, located at 707 Harrison Brookville Road, West Harrison.
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management has received an application from Whitewater Mill, LLC. The application and IDEM’s preliminary findings are available for viewing at North Dearborn Branch Library, 25969 Dole Road, Logan Township or at idem-caats/. The public may make comments during the 30-day comment period. The public also may request IDEM hold a public hearing. If a public hearing or meeting is held, IDEM will make a separate announcement of the date, time, and location of that hearing or meeting. IDEM will decide whether or not to hold a public hearing. Comments most likey to affect final permit decisions are those based on the rules and laws governing this permitting process (326 IAC2), air quality issues and technical issues. IDEM does not have legal authority to regulate zoning, odor or noise. Comments and supporting documentation, or a request for a public hearing
should be sent in writing to IDEM at Hannah L. Desrosiers, IDEM, Office of Air Quality, 100 North Senate Ave., MC 61-53 IGCN 1003 Indianapolis, Ind. 462042251. If you comment via e-mail, include your full U.S. mailing address so that you can be added to IDEM?s mailing list to receive notice of future action related to this permit. If you do not want to comment at this time, but would like to receive notice of future action related to this permit application, you can also contact IDEM. The email adress is Refer to permit number F029-34057-00045 in all correspondence. You may also call 1-800451-6027, ask for extension 3-9327, or dial directly:, 1-317-233-9327.
Town to interview for new manager
DILLSBORO- the Dillsboro town council will meet at 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 12, in executive session to To receive information about and interview prospective employees.
Squirrel hunting season begins INDIANAPOLIS- The 2014-2015 fall hunting season has arrived with the opening of squirrel hunting season Aug. 15. Squirrel season will continue through Jan. 31. Hunters may harvest both gray and fox squirrels, and can harvest up to five squirrels per day. Indiana’s abundant squirrel populations offer great hunting, and squirrel season can be an opportunity to introduce beginners to hunting. When hunting, be sure of your target and beyond, respect property rights and get permission, and drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. To hunt squirrels, Indiana residents must purchase the annual hunting license for $17 or $7 youth consolidated license, and nonresidents must purchase the $80 annual hunting license or the $31 five-day hunting license, or $17 annual youth hunting. The DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife has begun providing beginner squirrel hunting workshops as part of its “Hunt, Fish, Eat” program.
This fall’s workshop will be at J. E. Roush Fish & Wildlife Area Saturday, Sept. 27. For registration information on this workshop, see http:// To purchase a hunting license, go to IndianaOutdoor. Additional information on regulations and licensing is at
Teachers have treasures for sale AURORA- Parents, Homeschoolers, public school teachers, private school teachers, or anyone interested in having good teaching materials, come to the Teachers’ Treasures Sale 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 6, at the Aurora Lions’ Club. New and different supplemental teaching materials are available for a donation to the Dearborn County Retired Teachers annual Educator Grant/Award. Retired teachers have collected their own personal items and good, useable materials from area schools to share with oth-
ers interested in supplementing their lesson plans. Early reading skill books, books for pleasure reading, games, art supplies, maps, posters, CD’s, student workbooks with teacher’s guide, teachers’ editions are just some of the available items. Recognized by the National Retired Teachers Association With Our Youth! for its innovative and creative use of materials to benefit students, the retired teachers have been able to help those interested in providing materials to their students. The Teachers’ Treasures Sale is sponsored by the Dearborn County Retired Teachers’ Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to helping the students in our local communities. All donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible. For additional information about the program, contact DCRTA President Denise Kaffenberger, 1-812-5373520, or Educator Grant/ Award Chair Betty Bourquein, 1-812-934-4454.
Ellen Dubay Sarah Ellen (nee Keith) Dubay, 71, of Lawrenceburg, Ind., passed away Aug. 13, 2014. She graduated from Aurora High School, received a bachelor’s degree from Ball State University, and a master’s degree from the University of Cincinnati. She taught business classes at Lawrenceburg High School for 30 years. She enjoyed playing cards, talking with friends and family, and spending time with her grandchildren. She was predeceased by her parents, Warren and Sarah (Stark) Keith. She is survived by her daughter Lori (Dubay) Dennler, son-in-law Brian Dennler, and grandchildren Zane and Ally. A private service will be held. Interment will be in Greendale Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her honor to the American Lung Association, 4050 Executive Park Drive No. 402, Cincinnati, OH 45241. Personal notes of remembrance to the family would appreciated and can be sent to 409 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025, or rememberingellen@
Delores Hoffbauer
Delores (nee Batta) Hoffbauer, 97, West Harrison, Ind., passed away Aug. 16, 2014. She was the dear mother of Albert (Barbara), Michael (Denise), William (Nancy) and the late: Ralph and Robert (Donna) Hoffbauer; loving grandmother of 13 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren; devoted sister of Leona Weiler, Viola Westrich, Annabell Suttmiller, and Bernard Batta and the late Dorothy Roell, Florence Heinrich, Arnold, Richard, Raymond, Howard and Clifford Batta, and aunt to many nieces and nephews. Mass of Christian Burial will be held 11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 22, 2014, at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Harrison. Visitation will be held Friday from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Brater-Winter Funeral Home, 201 S. Vine St., Harrison. Memorials may be made to St. Jude Hospital or Childrens Hospital c/o the funeral home.
Arriest Terry
Arriest Harrell Terry, 93, of Holton, passed away
Thursday, Aug. 14, 2014, at the Ridgewood Health Campus in Lawrenceburg. She was born near Delaware Jan. 2, 1921, the daughter of Louis and Margaret Plump Anderson. She was married to Wilfred Harrell in 1951 and he preceded her in death July 17, 1986. She was married to Earl Udey in 1988 and he preceded her in death Oct. 28, 1999, and she was married to Okla Terry March 17, 2004, and he preceded her in death in 2012. Survivors include stepson David Terry and stepdaughter Janice Dougherty; one sister, Louise White of Milan and several nieces and nephews. She was also preceded in death by her parents, her sister, Neva Huntington, and her brothers, Martin, James, and Robert Anderson. Mrs. Terry attended the Delaware Elementary School and was a 1938 graduate of Delaware-Jackson High School in Napoleon. She received her bachelor’s degree in education from Ball State University and spent 24 years teaching in the McCordsville, Burney, Napoleon, Cross Plains, Holton, and South Ripley school systems. She was a member of the St. John Lutheran Church in Lawrenceburg and a former member of the Holton Christian Church. Arriest was also a member of the
Ripley County Historical Society and the Ripley County Retired Teachers. Funeral services will be held Sunday, Aug. 17, at 3 p.m. at the Holton Christian Church with Bro. Bob McCreary and Mitch Harrell officiating. Burial will be in the Holton Cemetery. Visitation will be Sunday from 1 p.m. until time of services at the church. Memorials may be given to the Holton Cemetery, Holton Christian Church, or St. John Lutheran Church in care of the Stratton-Karsteter Funeral Home, Versailles.
Aldine Sommer
Aldine M. Sommer, age 92, of Bear Branch, passed away Sunday, Aug. 17, 2104, at Ripley Crossing in Milan, Ind. Aldine was born June 20, 1922, in Caesar Creek Township to Robert Vinup and Ida Bushman Vinup. She attended school at Stoney Point for six years, before attending Famers Retreat Public School. In 1941 she graduated from Dillsboro High School. Following graduation she was employed at Seagrams part-time and helped her parents on the farm On April 27, 1946, she
The Journal-Press
Corrections/ Clarifications The Journal-Press will correct errors of substance. To request a correction or clarification, call Erika Schmidt Russell for editorial, news or trends pages and Jim Buchberger for sports pages. Russell and Buchberger can be reached at 1-812-537-0063.
of Bear Branch and Jason Sommer and his wife, Andrea, of Indianapolis; six great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews and cousins and many friends. Funeral services for Aldine will be Thursday, Aug. 21, at 11 a.m. at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Bear Branch, with Pastor Pamela Theide officiating. She will be laid to rest next to her husband at St. Peter Lutheran Cemetery in Bear Branch. Friends may meet her family Wednesday, Aug. 20, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Devries Funeral Home in Dillsboro. Memorials may be given to St. Peter Lutheran Church Building Fund.
CONNELY, JAMES LOUIS- 62, Milan, died Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014. Laws-CarrMoore Funeral Home, Milan, is in charge of arrangements.
PUBLIC AUCTION At Lutz Auction Center
Take I-74 to St. Leon-Lawrenceburg exit, then south on SR 1 for 3 miles to Dover, IN. East on N. Dearborn Rd for 1.4 miles to Auction Ln. From Lawrenceburg, take SR 1 North to Dover, right on N. Dearborn Rd to Auction Ln.
Saturday, August 23, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Doors open at 8 a.m.
Large volume of items from homeowners downsizing. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Check for details, pictures, and late additions. Various Consignors - Owners
(USPS 037-880)
■■ Publication: The Journal-Press is published each Tuesday at Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. The Lawrenceburg office is at 126 W. High St. ■■ Telephone: 1-812-537-0063. ■■ Annual subscription prices: Sold in combination with The Dearborn County Register: $41.55 for Dearborn County residents; $63, Indiana (outside Dearborn County), Ohio and Kentucky; $91.90, all other states. All subscriptions payable in advance. Single copy price is $1. Periodicals postage paid at Lawrenceburg and additional mailing offices. ■■ Postmaster: Send address changes to The Journal-Press, 126 W. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. ■■ Advertising: This newspaper is liable for errors in advertising only for the space occupied by the error, and not the entire portion of the advertising. ■■ Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus
married Earl Sommer at St. Peter Lutheran Church,and to this union two children were born, Barbara and Robert. Aldine and Earl made their home on the farm near Bear Branch, where they lived all their life. Aldine was a member of the W.E.L.C.A, sang in the church choir, taught Sunday school and sang in a trio with her two nieces. She was a life-long member of St. Peter Lutheran Church in Bear Branch. Aldine was preceded in death by her husband, Earl, following 66 years of marriage; her parents; two brothers, Lester and Curtis Vinup. Surviving is her daughter, Barbara Bedel, and her husband, Gary, of Batesville; her son, Robert Sommer of Bear Branch; four grandchildren, Jeff Bedel and his wife, Carrie, Lisa Bedel and her husband, Brian, all of Batesville, Brian Sommer
Dale & Randy Lutz – Auctioneers AU01030327, AU10100126, AH29900027 513-266-1859 / 513-266-1860 TERMS: Cash or check with ID. No Buyers Premium
Early Deadlines In observance of the Labor Day holiday our offices will be closed
Monday, September 1st
Deadlines will be as follows: RETAIL ADVERTISING: Journal Press & Harrison Press • Thursday 8/28, 10am Rising Sun Recorder/Ohio Co. News • Friday 8/29, 10am Dearborn County Register • Tuesday 9/3, 10am (Regular Deadline) LEGAL ADVERTISING: Journal Press & Harrison Press • Thursday 8/29, 10am Rising Sun Recorder/Ohio Co. News • Friday 8/30, 10am Dearborn County Register • Tuesday 9/2, 10am (Regular Deadline) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: All Classifieds (JP, HP, RS, RG) • Thursday 8/28, 10am Market Place • Tuesday 9/2, 10am (Regular Deadline)
Offices will reopen Tuesday, September 3rd 812-537-0063 Main Office 513-367-4582 Harrison Office 812-438-2011 Rising Sun Office
Real estate auction
C Offered by Cornerstone Realty, Inc. / Lutz Auction Service LLC
95 ACRE FARMSTEAD located at 23781 Brush Ford Rd, Guilford, IN.
From Lawrenceburg take SR 1 north 9 miles, turn right on Sawdon Ridge 2miles, turn right on Brush Fork Rd. From I-74 in St. Leon take SR 1 south 3 miles, left on North Dearborn Rd, 2 miles right on Sawdon Ridge, 2.5 miles left on Brush Fork.
thursday, september 11, 2014
at 6:00 p.m. call to arrange private showing
This 95 acre farm offers some of the most splendid views in the area. The farm includes a 6 room older farmhouse; a newer livestock barn and a farm shop. The property consists mainly of hay and pasture ground. For the hunters, there is rougher terrain and wooded areas running along Brush Fork creek. TERMS: The successful bidder(s) will give a Ten Thousand Dollar ($10,000) non-refundable down payment made payable to sellers, sign a real estate sales contract and close the sale on or before 30 days after the auction. There are no contingencies, have financing and inspections completed before the auction. Possession is 30 days after final closing. Final bid is subject to owners approval. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: You just have to see this setting! Great location 30 minutes to Cincinnati or airport. The Landrum family have owned this farm since 1916. A rare opportunity to purchase a farm as a whole.
Tom Landrum and Barb Branigan – Owners
Dale & Randy Lutz – Auctioneers AU01030327, AU10100126, AH29900027 513-266-1859 / 513-266-1860 TERMS: Cash or check with ID. No Buyers Premium Log onto for more information and pictures. Announcements made day of auction take precedent over printed material.
G’dale moves on Homestead park; landfill fix
By Chris McHenry Contributor
The Dallas Moore Band performs during Music on Main Friday, Aug. 15, in Rising Sun. The accomplished Southeastern Indiana group was the 2014 recipients of the Guardian Award from the Outlaw Music Hall of Fame, and is with Bright-based Sol Records.
Resident: Hanover water line work subpar By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter
Aurora's water line replacement project on Hanover Avenue and Westside Drive was not done “technically” the way it should have been, resident Jeff Muncy told Aurora Utility Board at its August meeting. McGraw Excavating, which did the work, did not put down road plates, said Muncy, 412 Hanover Ave. And there's too much flex in the plastic water pipes McGraw installed, plus the company used sand as fill, he said. Who will cover the costs when the pipes fail, he asked. “Every rain, I go out in front of my house and shovel up two buckets full of sand,” said Muncy. Sand won't compact, yet McGraw “dumped tons of sand on that street.” Meanwhile, the area between the sidewalk and street is “all up and down” and the depth of the water meters vary from one to another, with one jutting 8 inches above ground, and another 4 inches below. “Was there any forethought in getting the job done?” he asked. Living on Hanover Avenue is like living on a dusty gravel road, he said. The original intent was to get working fire hydrants into the neighborhood, replied utilities superintendent and Aurora Clerk-treasurer Randy Turner. After a 1904 water line supplying Westside broke, the water supplied to the area and its water hydrants was not sufficient for fire fighting. A new water line was laid under Hogan Creek, and the sediment-clogged old lines replaced. But the utility board decided to put new water meters in as well, said Turner. As for McGraw's work,
Turner said there's been no problem with similar work the company did on Conwell Street four or five years ago. Unfortunately, the water line project on Westside and Hanover wasn't completed last fall due to the company's work as a contractor on the Ind. 56 state highway project in downtown Aurora, said Turner. So parking lanes weren't blacktopped, just the center of the street. Then, come spring, McGraw had other obligations, so the city had Darryl Weaver and Chipman Contracting finish up. 'Built on the fly' “We built it on the fly. … the original intent was this was going to be a $1 job for a $5 result,” said Turner. The cost to have the project designed by an engineer would have been as much as the city had available to spend for the water line project, said city attorney Jeff Stratman. Now the city has decided to repave the street and replace all the sidewalks, along with a 6-inch curb on Hanover Avenue, said Turner. The city will hire Mark Hall and Bob Coghill to design the specifications, then bid out the project. “I don't want to see concrete work after Halloween. … There's not enough time to get that done,” said Turner, noting the contract won't be awarded until late September. So Turner recommended all the patching be done this year, and said he told Weaver to start on the cuts in the driving lanes. “Whatever he can get done I feel is worth it, with the aggravation of everything being torn up,” said Turner. He explained Weaver's costs are higher than some other companies, but he is available now and
they aren't. The project will include repaving Hanover Avenue and Westside Drive and all their side streets, but new curbs and sidewalks will be go only on Hanover, not side streets, said Turner. By this time next year, will it all be cleaned up, asked Muncy. City officials had hoped to have it done this fall, but at this point it would increase the cost to do so, said Aurora Mayor Donnie Hastings. By putting the work out for bids this winter, city officials hope to get a better price. “We're trying to do the best we can with what funds we have, “ said Turner, explaining city funds, not grant money, are being used on the Westside work. “... This has turned into more than I wanted.” The city is shooting for a July completion, he said. In other business, the utility board, which consists of city council members, learned the recycling truck for the city has been ordered. Stratman said the vehicle cost about $14,000 and should be delivered within five or six weeks. The board briefly discussed archeological inspection of the proposed route of the city's new force main to the regional sewer plant in Lawrenceburg. Stratman said the city's engineering firm GRW was to contact American Electric Power about an above-ground route through its property to avoid additional archeological study costs and potential finding of relics. The latter could be costly as well as greatly delay the project. GRW will put together a new construction cost estimate, said Stratman.
Former police chief gets suspended sentence By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter
Former Aurora police chief Bryan Fields pleaded guilty to one count of domestic battery, a Class A misdemeanor, through a plea agreement in Dearborn Superior Court I, Friday, Aug. 8. Originally charges with three Class A misdemeanor counts, Fields pleaded guilty to battery against his stepson Darren Cochran, according to the joint motion in tender of conditional negotiated plea agreement signed by himself, his attorney Bob Ewbank, special prosecutor Ric Hertel, Ripley County prosecutor, and Dearborn Superior Court I Judge Jonathan N. Cleary. Fields was sentenced to 365 days incarceration with 361 days suspended and credit given for two days time served as well as good time credit, a total of four days.
As part of the agreement, the “state shall not oppose a petition for expungement after one year probation and six months,” said the plea agreement. Fields was required to pay $168 court costs, $50 each probation user's fee and administrative fee, and $20 monthly probation fee. The charges stemmed from a domestic disturbance at 407 Harrison Ave., to which state and county police responded early Sunday morning, Dec. 15. An investigation revealed Fields and his wife, Holly Fields, had a physical confrontation resulting in her hospitalization and his arrest, Indiana State Police Sgt. Noel Houze, public information officer, said at the time. In addition to allegedly punching his wife in the ribs with his fists, Fields head-butted his stepson Derrec Fields and punched Cochran in the head, according to the probable cause affidavit filed by ISP Trooper Brian Earls,
investigating officer. Bryan Fields was hired by the City of Aurora as a police officer Jan. 1, 1998, according to APD records. At some point he was assigned to the Dearborn County Special Crimes Unit, and in 2008 Fields said he had been a police officer for nearly 14 years. Holly Fields, who was hired as an APD dispatcher in 1999, began work as a dispatcher at the Dearborn Communications Center in 2008. Bryan Fields resigned from APD effective Jan. 10, 2014. Aurora Mayor Donnie Hastings appointed then-APD Sgt. Joshua Daugherty, who had been serving as acting chief, to the chief's position. Fields had been appointed acting police chief Tuesday, July 28, 2009, by Hastings after former police chief Dana Cotton resigned that month. Hastings officially appointed Fields police chief Monday, Aug. 17, 2009. Cotton pleaded guilty later that
Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Dearborn County that for property taxes due and payable in 2015 and thereafter, local government budget notices including budget and tax levy information will be available at or by calling the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance at (888) 739-9826. Beginning with taxes due and payable in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper and will only be available at or by calling (888) 739-9826.
year to a Class D Felony charge of conflict of interest. Over the years, APD has had several officers resign after they were charged with crimes. Most prominent while Fields was chief was the resignation of former Aurora assistant police chief Dennis Lewis, who pleaded guilty in July 2010 to one count of child solicitation, a Class C felony. But at least two former officers resigned after they were charged with battery. Former officer Jared W. Dausch was charged with a felony and two misdemeanors stemming from an alleged domestic battery May 25, 2008, and former officer Brett “Mooch” Hamilton resigned in October 2009, six months after he was charged with battery.
After resolution of a glitch that threatened the entire proposal, the project to add the former Homestead school property to an existing park is back on track. Greendale had reached an agreement with Dr. Harbanz Gill, owner of the deteriorated school building that required Gill to have the school razed, after which they would pay him $120,000 for the lot. The plan was to join the school lot with a nearby small park to create a much larger park area. At the last moment it was discovered that there is another city lot between the school and the present park which was not owned by Gill, bringing the whole process to a standstill. At the Aug. 13 city council meeting, Gill presented a deed for the lot in question at no cost to Greendale, clearing the way to complete the process and set a closing date for the school property. Council member Vince Karsteter reported that the Greendale Park Board had approved placement of three informational signs to announce events in the city. They will tentatively be placed on Oberting Road at Valley Woods, at Nowlin and Rand avenues, and near the Greendale firehouse. No final action will be
taken until firm prices for the project are obtained. Council agreed to continue its annual practice of donating $3,100 in the 2015 budget to Lifetime Resources, and added a grant of $3,560 to Lifetime Housing toward the repair of two homes belonging to low income Greendale residents. They gave unanimous consent to the Voices of Indiana for their annual Jingle Bell Run on city streets. At the Board of Works meeting, Greendale Assistant Police Chief Jeff Lane discussed the program of patrolling school bus stops from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. He added that occasionally police officers have even provided transportation to school for students who have missed their busses. City Manager Steve Lampert reported that closure of the former Greendale landfill is proving more expensive than originally thought. Excavations for a system to abate methane gas have dug up so much remaining garbage that the city has been forced to take 33 truck loads of trash to Bestway at a cost of $13,000. The landfill has not been used in more than 10 years. Council will meet in a special work session at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 15 to consider how to cut $200,000 mandated by state officials from their proposed 2015 budget. A public hearing on the final budget proposal will be Oct. 8.
Glass on his shoes link man to alleged burglary By Erika Schmidt Russell Editor
A West Harrison man is facing three felony charges in connection with breaking into the now closed West Harrison restaurant Zaracos in 2011. The man, Troy S. Foster, 34, had been working as a cook at the restaurant at the time of the alleged burglary in October 2011. Charges against Foster are burglary, theft, both felonies, and criminal mischief, a misdemeanor, were filed in Dearborn Circuit Court Monday, Aug. 11, 2014. According to the affidavit of probable cause by Dearborn County Sheriff’s Deputy Brian Jansen, Foster was an employee of Zaracos. Police were called to the restaurant Oct. 28, 2011, for a reported burglar. The restaurant’s glass door was broken and $200 was missing. County crime scene investigator Wally Lewis processed the scene, and collected glass from the broken door. Foster’s sister, Kelly, a West Harrison resident, said her brother had two pairs of shoes, and typically he wears work shoes at Zaracos. She also told deputies she thought he had tried to “break into her vehicle
last night. ... This morning she observed a bent kitchen knife along with a pair of scissors missing a handle inside a kitchen drawer....” A neighbor, Diane Feldman, told her she had seen Troy Foster trying to steal her car, and the broken scissor handle was found in Feldman’s car. Foster was convicted of attempted theft of Feldman’s car March 16, 2012, according to the affidavit. A friend of Troy Foster’s said they had been out at a bar, and Foster did not have any money to pay for drinks. Later Foster went to the friend’s apartment and had a lot of dollar bills, and a few fives, tens and twenties. Deputies also spoke to Foster’s sister again, and she showed them the shoes Foster normally wore to work, which deputies processed into evidence, finding glass embedded in the shoes. The glass found in the shoes matched the glass collected from the door according to a report for the Indiana State Police lab, wrote Jansen in the affidavit. Deputies spoke with Foster’s friends again in June 2014, and they remember Foster laughing when he told them he got some money “from his workplace.”
page 4
LegaL Notice NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826 Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 1Trojan Lane, Suite B; Sl Leon, IN. For taxes due and payable in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper and will only be available at or by calling (888) 739-9826. Notice is hereby given to 1axpayers of SUNMAN-DEARBORN COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION, Dearborn County, Indiana that the proper officers of Sunman Dearborn Community School will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Sunman Dearborn Community School not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, Sunman Dearborn Community School shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of Sunman Dearborn Community School will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing Thursday, September 11, 2014 Time of Public Hearing 7:00 pm Public Hearing Place East Central High School Date of Adoption Hearing Thursday, October 09, 2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 7:00 pm Adoption Meeting Place East Central High School Estimated Transportation Max Levy 4,200,000 Estimated Bus Replacement Max Levy 880,000 Funds Name
TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 19, 2012 2014 Thursday, September
The journal-press
Budget Estimate
Max. Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised Appeal included Tax Levy (Including appeals) in column 3 General 27,390,800 0 0 0 Debt Service 6,955,793 5,742,884 7,414,714 School Pension Debt 1,148,363 1,282,439 1,152,215 Capital Projects 4,283,000 4,845,862 2,325,354 Transportation 4,122,000 4,070,350 2,770,248 School Bus Replacement 868,000 769,201 888,773 TOTAL 44,767,956 16,710,736 14,551,304 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Complete details of the Capital Projects Fund plan may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at the following address: 1 Trojan Lane, Suite B; St. Leon, IN. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Sunman Dearborn Community Schools that the proper officers of Sunman Dearborn Community Schools will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 proposed Capital Projects Fund Plan pursuant to IC 20-46-6-11. Following the public hearing, the proper officers of Sunman Dearborn Community Schools may adopt the proposed plan as presented or with revisions. Public Hearing Date: September 11, 2014 Public Hearing Time: 7:00 PM Public Hearing Place: East Central High School Taxpayers are invited to attend the meeting for a detailed explanation of the plan and to exercise their rights to be heard on the proposed plan. If the proposed plan is adopted by resolution, such plan will be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance for approval. The following is a general outline of the proposed plan: EXPENDITURES Dept 2015 2016 2017 1) Land Acquisition and Development 4100 160,000 160,000 160,000 2) Professional Services 4300 765,000 765,000 765,000 3) Education Specifications Development 4400 15,000 15,000 15,000 4) Building Acquisition, 4510, 4520, 4530 1,190,000 1,190,000 1,190,000 Construction and Improvement 5) Rental of Buildings, Facilities and Equip 4550 200,000 200,000 200,000 6) Purchase of Mobile or Fixed Equipment 4700 630,000 630,000 630,000 7) Emergency Allocation 4900 150,000 150,000 150,000 8) Utilities (Maintenance of Buildings) 2620 850,000 850,000 850,000 268,000 9) Maintenance of Equipment 2640 268,000 268,000 10) Sports Facility 4540 55,000 55,000 55,000 11) Property or Casualty Insurance 2670 12) Other Operation and Maintenance of Plant 2680 13) Technology Instruction-Related Technology 2230 Admin Tech Services 2580 SUBTOTAL CURRENT EXPENDITURES 4,283,000 4,283,000 4,283,000 14) Allocation for Future Projects 15) Transfer From One Fund to Another 6010 TOTAL EXPENDITURES, ALLOCATIONS AND TRANSFERS 4,283,000 4,283,000 4,283,000 SOURCES AND ESTIMATES OF REVENUE 1) Projected January 1 Cash Balance 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 2) Less: Encumbrances Carried Forward from Previous Year 550,000 550,000 550,000 3) Estimated Cash Balance Available for Plan (Line 1 minus Line 2) 950,000 950,000 950,000 4) Property Tax Revenue 4,845,862 4,845,862 4,845,862 5) Auto Excise, CVET and FIT receipts 142,000 142,000 142,000 6) Other Revenue TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN (Add lines 3, 4, 5 and 6) 5,937,862 5,937,862 5,937,862 This notice contains future allocations for the following projects: Project - Location 2015 2016 2017 Future allocations as specified above will be subject to objections during the period stated in the Notice of Adoption to be published at a later date . NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Complete details of the Bus Replacement Fund plan may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at the following address: 1 Trojan Lane, Suite B, St. Leon, IN 47012. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of Sunman Dearborn Community Schools that the proper officers of Sunman Dearborn Community Schools will conduct a public hearing on the year 201S proposed Bus Replacement Fund Plan pursuant to IC 20-46-5-6.1. Following the public hearing, the proper officers of Sunman Dearborn Community Schools may adopt the proposed plan as presented or with revisions. Public Hearing Date: September 11, 2014 Public Hearing Time: 7:00 PM Public Hearing Place: East Central High School Taxpayers are invited to attend the meeting for a detailed explanation of the plan and to exercise their rights to be heard on the proposed plan. If the proposed plan is adopted by resolution, such plan will be submitted to the Department of Local Government Finance for approval. The following is a general outline of the proposed plan: No. of Buses to be Total Estimated Year No. of Buses Owned Replaced Replacement Total Contract Cost Cost 2015 23 2 170,000 698,000 2016 23 2 174,000 698,000 2017 23 2 202,000 698,000 2018 23 2 178,000 698,000 2019 23 2 240,000 698,000 2020 23 2 244,000 698,000 2021 23 2 250,000 698,000 2022 23 2 130,000 698,000 2023 23 1 105,000 698,000 2024 23 1 62,000 698,000 2025 23 2 255,000 698,000 2026 23 3 260,000 698,000
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826 Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 27968 State Road 1, West Harrison. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of ST. LEON CIVIL TOWN, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of ST. LEON CIVIL TOWN, will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of ST. LEON CIVIL TOWN within seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy that taxpayers object to. If a petition is filed, ST. LEON CIVIL TOWN shall adopt with its budget a finding concerning the objections filed and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, he proper officers of ST. LEON CIVIL TOWN will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing 9/8/2014 Time of Public Hearing 7:30 pm Public Hearing Place 28866 Post 464, Brookville Date of Adoption Hearing 10/62014 Time of Adoption Meeting 7:30 pm Adoption Meeting Place 28866 Post 464, Brookville Estimated Civil Max Levy 1,792 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 26,560 22,000 1,518 LOCAL ROAD & STREET 25,000 MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY 20,000 PARK & RECREATION 13,400 RIVERBOAT 448,160 TOTAL 531,120 22,000 1,518 C-8-19-JP-2t 50855 C-8-21-R-2t hspaxlp NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826 Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of the County Auditor始s Office at 215-B West High Street in Lawrenceburg. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of DEARBORN COUNTY, in Indiana, that the Dearborn County Council will conduct a public hearing on the 2015 budget. Following this meeting any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax levy, or tax rate by filing an objection with the proper officers of the political subdivision within seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy that the taxpayers object to. If a pertition is filed, the political subdivision shall adopt with its budget a finding concerning the objections filed and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the Dearborn County Council will meet at the Meeting Room in the County Administration Building on Friday, October 25, 2013 at 09:00 AM to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing 10/8/2014 Time of Public Hearing 9:00 am Public Hearing Place Meeting Rm - 215B West High Street Date of Adoption Hearing 10/24/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 9:00 am Adoption Meeting Place Meeting Rm - 215B West High Street Estimated Civil Max Levy Fund Fund Name Number 1001 1119 1121 1122 1123 1135 1136 1138 1152 1159 1168 1169 1176 1191 1216 1222 1224 2002 2101 2102 2151 2501 2502 4905 4906 4907 4909 4912 4913 4916 4919 4921 4926 4931 4933 7304 8116 8897 8898
9,095,000 Budget Estimate
County General 16,309,806 Clerk始s Perpetuation 29,877 COIT 3,714,162 Community Corrections 492,643 Community Transition Program 14,201 Cumulative Bridge 2,248,707 Cumulative Building Courthouse 359,408 Cum Cap Development 502,489 Local Emergency Plan 15,400 Health Department 686,200 Local Health Maintenance 74,913 Local Road & Street 650,000 County Highway 2,964,514 Riverboat Revenue 306,250 Auditor Inelegible Deduction 5,280 Statewide 911 700,150 2015 Reassessment 387,100 Superior Ct Probation Admin 42,801 Superior Ct Ad Prob Users 275,032 Adult Probation Users 58,959 Juvenile Probation Users 26,179 County's Jury Pay 39,500 Pre-Trial Diversion 247,537 Spec. Crimes/Seized Asset 65,475 Alcohol & Drug Program 324,444 Sheriff Work Release 30,000 Regional Sewer District 61,606 Bail & Pretrial Sup Court 1 51,523 Bail & Pretrial Sup Court 2 30,625 MVHA Substitute 1,650,000 Comm Corr Users Fee 573,820 Adult Protective Service 95,576 D.C. Juvenile Users Fee 10,000 Redevelopment Commission 100,000 911 Dispatching 50,439 Conv, Rec, & Visitors Prom 836,336 Victim Support Service 78,391 4-D New Law 99 Prosecutor 17,357 County School Distribution 0
LegaL Notice NOTICE Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Dearborn County, Indiana, that the County Council of Dearborn County will have budget hearings from Aug. 25th thru Aug. 29th, 2014 in the Dearborn County Administration Bldg., 215-B West High Street, 3rd Floor - Commissioners Room, Lawrenceburg, IN. The following Additional Appropriations that are in excess of the budget for the current year will be heard: AMOUNT REQUESTED
STATE WIDE 911 FUND IF SCHOOL CORPORATION IS SEEKING TO ACQUIRE OR CONTRACT FOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES THAT WILL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL SCHOOL BUSES OR BUSES WITH LARGER SEATING CAPAC- COMMUNICATIONS/911 ITY AS COMPARED WITH THE PRIOR SCHOOL YEAR, INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT ON THE IDACS Officer $ 770.00 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. 911 DISPATCHING The proposed plan includes additional school buses or school buses with larger seating capacity as Additional staff dispatcher $13,450.00 compared with the prior school year. Evidence of a demand for increased transportation services is detailed in the proposed plan. School corporation certifies/affirms that the additional buses it plans to ac- Taxpayers appearing at such meeting shall have a right to be heard thereon. The Additional Appropriaquire are for the purpose of replacement or having larger seating capacity. tion as finally made will be referred to the State Number of Additional Buses: _____ _ Cost of Additional Buses: _______ _ Board of Tax Commissioners, which Board, will make written determination within 15 days of re IF SCHOOL CORPORATION IS SEEKING TO REPLACE A SCHOOL BUS EARLIER THAN 12 YEARS AFTER THE EXISTING BUS WAS ORIGINALLY ACQUIRED OR IS REQUIRING A CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ceipt of Certified Copy of action taken. Gayle L. Pennington A SCHOOL BUS, INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT ON THE NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Dearborn County Auditor The proposed plan includes the replacement of a school bus earlier than its anticipated replacement C-8-14-R-1t date. Evidence of need for replacement is detailed in the proposed plan. 50748 C-8-19-JP-1t hspaxlp NOTICE OF REAL PROPERTY 2015 SOURCES AND ESTIMATES OF REVENUE TAX SALE 1) Projected January 1 Cash Balance 45,000 Dearborn County Indiana 2) Less: Encumbrances Carried Forward from Previous Year Beginning 10:00:00 AM, 9/18/2014 3) Estimated Cash Balance Available for Plan (Line 1 minus Line 2) 45,000 215 B West High Street Comm. Room 4) Property Tax Revenue 744,900 3rd Floor Local Time 5) Auto Excise, CVET and FIT receipts 78,100 Dearborn County 6) Other Revenue Pursuant to the laws of the Indiana General AssemTOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN (Add lines 3, 4, 5 and 6) 868,000 bly, notice is hereby given that the following de 50842 C-8-19-JP-2t hspaxlp scribed property is listed for sale for delinquent taxes and/or special assessments. The county NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS auditor and county treasurer will apply on or after 9/2/2014 for a court judgment against the tracts or The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826 real property for an amount that is not less than the Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of amount set out below and for an order to sell the this unit of government at 10700 Prospect Lane. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be tracts or real property at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to the right of redemption. Any printed in the newspaper. defense to the application for judgment must be Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of DEARBORN COUNTY SOLID WASTE, Dearborn County, Indiana filed with the Dearborn County Circuit Court and that the proper officers of DEARBORN COUNTY COUNCIL will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 served on the county auditor and treasurer before budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by 9/2/2014. The court will set a date for a hearing at filing an objection petition with the proper officers of DEARBORN COUNTY COUNCIL not more than least seven (7) days before the advertised date of seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or sale and the court will determine any defenses to tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, DEARBORN COUNTY COUNCIL shall adopt with the application for judgment at the hearing. The the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the county auditor and the county treasurer are entitled aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of DEARBORN COUNTY COUNCIL will meet to adopt the fol- to receive all pleadings, motions, petitions, and other filings related to the defense to the applicalowing budget: tion for judgment. Date of Public Hearing 10/8/2014 Such sale will be held on 9/18/2014 at the 215 B Time of Public Hearing 9:00 am West High Street Comm. Room 3rd Floor and that Public Hearing Place 215B West High Street sale will continue until all tracts and real property Date of Adoption Hearing 10/24/2014 have been offered for sale. Time of Adoption Meeting 9:00 am Property will not be sold for an amount which is Adoption Meeting Place 215B West High Street less than the sum of: Estimated Civil Max Levy 670,441 (A) the delinquent taxes and special assessments Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy on each tract or item of real property; and (B) the taxes and special assessments on the real appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) property that are due and payable in the year of the from max. levy limitations) sale, whether or not they are delinquent; and SPECIAL SOLID WASTE MGMT 959,228 690,000 652,581 (C) all penalties due on the delinquencies, and TOTALS 959,228 690,000 652,581 (D) an amount prescribed by the county auditor C-8-14-R-2t that equals the sum of: 50752 C-8-19-JP-2t hspaxlp (1) twenty-five($25) for postage and publication costs; and (2) any other costs incurred by the county that
Max. Estimated Excessive Levy Current Tax Funds to be Appeals Levy raised NOTICE OF REAL PROPERTY 7,150,000 6,690,049 TAX SALE 0 0 Dearborn County Indiana 0 0 Beginning 10:00:00 AM, 9/18/2014 0 0 215 B West High Street Comm. Room 0 0 3rd Floor Local Time 666,000 729,226 Dearborn County 316,000 345,999 Pursuant to the laws of the Indiana General Assem282,000 308,771 bly, notice is hereby given that the following de 0 0 scribed property is listed for sale for delinquent 498,000 488,341 taxes and/or special assessments. The county 0 0 auditor and county treasurer will apply on or after 0 0 9/2/2014 for a court judgment against the tracts or 0 0 real property for an amount that is not less than the 0 0 amount set out below and for an order to sell the 0 0 tracts or real property at public auction to the high0 0 est bidder, subject to the right of redemption. Any 235,000 234,316 defense to the application for judgment must be 0 0 filed with the Dearborn County Circuit Court and 0 0 served on the county auditor and treasurer before 0 0 9/2/2014. The court will set a date for a hearing at 0 0 least seven (7) days before the advertised date of 0 0 sale and the court will determine any defenses to 0 0 the application for judgment at the hearing. The 0 0 county auditor and the county treasurer are entitled 0 0 to receive all pleadings, motions, petitions, and 0 0 other filings related to the defense to the applica0 0 tion for judgment. 0 0 Such sale will be held on 9/18/2014 at the 215 B 0 0 West High Street Comm. Room 3rd Floor and that 0 0 sale will continue until all tracts and real property 0 0 have been offered for sale. 0 0 Property will not be sold for an amount which is 0 0 less than the sum of: 0 0 (A) the delinquent taxes and special assessments 0 0 on each tract or item of real property; and 0 0 (B) the taxes and special assessments on the real 0 0 property that are due and payable in the year of the 0 0 sale, whether or not they are delinquent; and 625,000 624,113 (C) all penalties due on the delinquencies, and C-8-14-R-2t (D) an amount prescribed by the county auditor C-8-19-JP-2t hspaxlp that equals the sum of: (1) twenty-five($25) for postage and publication costs; and (2) any other costs incurred by the county that are directly attributable to the tax sale; and (E) any unpaid costs due under IC 6-1.1-24-2(b) from a prior tax sale. No property listed below shall be sold if, at any time before the sale, the Total Amount for Judg ment is paid in full. If the real property is sold in the tax sale, the amount required to redeem such property will be 110% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed not more than six (6) months after the date of sale, or 115% of the minimum bid for which the tract or real property was offered at the time of sale, if redeemed more than six (6) months after the date of sale, plus the amount by which the pur chase price exceeds the minimum bid on the real property plus five percent (5%) per annum on the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the minimum bid on the property. All taxes and special assessments upon the property paid by the pur chaser subsequent to the sale, plus five percent (5%) per annum interest on those taxes and special assessments, will also be required to be paid to redeem such property. In addition, IC 6-1.1-25-2 (e) states the total amount required for redemption may include the following costs incurred and paid by the purchaser or the purchaser始s assignee or the county before redemption: (1) The attorney始s fees and cost of giving notice under IC 6-1.1-25-4.5; (2) The costs of title search or examining and update the abstract of title for the tract or item of real property. The period of redemption shall expire on Friday, September 18, 2015 for an initial offering. The period of redemption may expire Friday, January 16, 2015 for certificates not sold. If the tract or item of real property is sold for an amount more than the minimum bid and the property is not redeemed, the owner of record of the property who is divested of ownership at the time the tax deed is issued may have a right to the tax sale surplus. The Auditor and Treasurer specifically reserve the right to withhold from the sale any parcel which has been listed in error, or which otherwise becomes ineligible for sale either prior to 9/18/2014 or during the duration of the sale. This notice of real property tax sale, and the tax sale itself are undertaken and will be conducted pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the State of Indiana which regulate the sale of land for delinquent taxes, pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-24-1 et seq. The County does not warrant the accuracy of the street address or common description of the property, and a misstatement in the key number or street address does not invalidate an otherwise valid sale. Dated: 8/19/2014 Registration For Bidding On the Tax Sale: If you are interested in bidding on the tax sale for an Indiana county, you may register online at This registration is good for all counties that SRI services. You need to register only once for all counties. If you do not have access to a computer with internet service you may register the morning of the sale. Please arrive the morning of the tax sale at least 30 minutes before the beginning time to be assured you will receive your bid number before the start of the sale. Please bring your registration form and W9 form with you the morning of the tax sale. You will be able to print these forms from the registration web site.
deem such property. Gibson Ave & Dimple 27B-52-02 HARDINSBURG 52PT ALSO : 151400133 019-000284-00 $3,456.78 Boyles, Casey In addition, IC 6-1.1-25-2 (e) states the total amount 151400042 004-000038-00 $324.44 Lannan, Dimple PT VACATED STREET .003A PER ROAD VACATION A 12-06-15 PT SE 12-5-2 .46A 16446 SR 148 required forAUGUST redemption TUESDAY, 19, may 2014 and ORDINANCE 2011-012 11-9-11 012-000607-00 and 151400135 019-001019-00 $3,885.03 Toelke, RichPAGE 5 THE JOURNAL-PRESS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,include 2012 the following Rose 3-04-04-02 PT NE 004-000038-00 costs incurred and paid by the purchaser or the 004-000040-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - 012-000610-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - ard C 36-05-01 PT E1/2 1-6-3 1.666A 019-001019-00 purchaserʼs assignee or the county before redemp- gether. Same as 10193 Us 50 Aurora, IN gether. Us 50 E, Right into Hardintown, Left onto and 019-001020-01 are to be sold and redeemed toon the first and third Sundays of The Hogan Creek Watershed This free programgether. does not rechurch park shelter. Cost: $10; tion: (1) The attorneyʼs fees and cost of giving no- 151400043 004-000040-00 $5,447.68 Lannan, Dim- West St. 12075 N Hogan Rd August, from 1 and to 151400091 Project, along with the Dearborn advance registration. dinner includes ice tice under IC 6-1.1-25-4.5; (2) The costs of title ple Rose 3-04-06 PT and NE September 004-000038-00 012-000823-00 $332.20quire Hassenpflug, 151400136 019-001020-01 $323.35homemade Toelke, Richard 4 p.m. andsold alsoand by appointment, and Ripley SoilE and ToddlerDerek Time G C 36-05-03-01 cream. no wait. to be redeemed to - Derek G & County Elizabeth Lakamp Trustees: PT EUsually 1/2 NE 1-6-3 .650A search or examining and update the abstract of title 004-000040-00 are and there is no charge. Call 812for the tract or item of real property. The period VFW of gether. Hassenpflug & Elizabeth E Lakamp Revocable Water Conservation Districts Friday, Aug.Trust 22, 11 to 11:30 a.m.andSoutheast Indiana Conference 019-001019-00 019-001020-01 are to be sold and Hours-Aurora #5312 is10193 NOWUs 50 Ongoing events 926-0944 $1,201.77 for information. redemption shall expire on Friday,open September 151400044 Hudson, Les- 39-1297 HVL LOT 1297 Us 50 E Left at onthe Stateline Rd redeemed together. Same as 12075Lutheran N hogan Rd 7 days a18, week. Monday 004-000115-03 Breast Cancer Support (SWCDs) will be providing an Aurora Public Library. of the Evangelical BingoHEIGHTS SD LOT 3 2.367A then Alpine Rt on Hidden Valley Dr then Hickory Rd, Aurora, IN 2015 an initial offering. ofThe period of redempD to 60-03 through Saturday 3liep.m. 10 HICKORY Groupfor meets third Thursday educational opportunity for pro- This free program is for children Church in America will be hosttion may expire Friday, January 16,p.m. 2015 Sundays, for certifiPLATTED 9-10-04 Every 10055Wednesday Texas Gas at Rd7 p.m. at Rt on Ivy Hill Dr then Cresthaven Dr Property after 151400137 019-001113-02 $1,249.79 Fuson, Wil1 p.m. to 6 p.m. every month at 7 p.m. in the Dearducers with grazing ages 2-3. Talking,liam Reading, ing 1.295A the venerable cates not sold. 151400045 004-000314-01 $420.22#239, Collins, Susan 258 Cresthaven Dr livestock. American Legion 201 SecTony Play43-10-03 SW QRChristian 14-7-3 13880 born Room, second floor, at Dear- We The Hoosiers meet monthly, The field day will be held on Fri- ing and Singing are all activities music duo Lost and Found SatIf the tract or item of real property is sold for an W 14-09-02-02 S PT SStreet, 1/2 SWLawrenceburg. Next to 14599For Us 50 151400093 013-000218-00 $8,270.16 Linkmeyer Deond Holt Rd the second Thursday at the Lawborn County Hospital in Lawrenceamount more than the minimum bid and the prop- Dillsboro, IN day, Aug. 22 at Jeff andPTLeah that21-5-1 develop the skills that your urday, Aug. 23 at 6:30 p.m.Ernest in velopment LLC 10-73 NE1/4 SE1/4 .667A 151400138 019-001289-00 $1,780.73 Hollin, more info: 812-537-0349. renceburg Firethe House at 7 p.m. 004-000329-00 burg.isEveryone is welcome. erty not redeemed, theConowner of record of 151400046 $214.22 Clift, Carl C & 013-000218-00 and3687 013-000219-00 arechild to be sold andto & Betty in 53-02-01 the PT W1/2 SW 36-7-3 2.35A 12855 Meinders’s Farm, W. Co. will need succeed Milan High School auditoriAurora Bingo tact: Jan Tyler, property who 812-926-3927, is divested of or ownership at Eagles the time Rhonda S 15-05-08 PT 004-000329-00, redeemed 50 W, Next school. to 1130 Our W Eads Hogan N will Rd Rd. 500E, together. Milan, Ind.,Usfrom 8:30 staff member um. This will be a free concert night at 7 p.m. at 004-000827-00 and 004-000828-00 Pkwy Territax Jones, 812-376-6781. the deed is issued may have a Every right Saturday to the tax 004-000333-00, Lawrenceburg, IN 151400139 019-001360-00 $6,283.33 Bultman, National Tooth Fairy Day a.m. to 2:15 p.m. The workshop engage your child with stories with a goodwill offering taken to 101 Third Street, Aurora. Upstairs Bingo are to be sold and redeemed together. Same as 151400094 013-000219-00 $5,783.16 Linkmeyer De- John Charles 58-01 EWBANK SD 1 002-000208-00, sale surplus. Come join the fun and exciteis FREE to attend includes music.318A and the019-000281-00 kids have a andhelp support other future events. for non-smokers. Phone: Every Monday and nightTreasurer at Sunmanspecifically Le- openreserve The Auditor the 15283 Lake Dilldear velopment LLC and 10-76 PT aSW and 21-5-1 019-001360-00 are to be sold and ment Thursday, Aug.Clift, 21, Carl 8 a.m. catered lunch thanks to local with each This should be a wonderful event right to withhold from the sale any parcel which has 812-926-0031, Web: 151400047 004-000333-00 $176.15 C & 013-000218-00 gion Post 337 beginning at 6:30 and 013-000219-00 aregreat to betime soldinteracting and redeemed together. 16274 SR 148 to 4 p.m. atPT Children’s Dental been listed in error, 812-623-2972. or which otherwise becomes Bright Farmersin-Market Rhonda S 15-05-12 004-000329-00, p.m. For information: redeemed 50 W, Next other. to 1130 W Eadsregistration sponsors. together. Excellent Us speakers Advance not for all ages. For more informa151400140is019-001370-00 $1,364.67 Morris, Deboeligible sale either or during 004-000333-00, 004-000828-00 Pkwy IN Ron rah R 59-08 LOT 8tion GREEN BRIAR ESTATES 3.539A The market is located at the inter- 004-000827-00 Care, 1239 Ind.and 229, Batesville. HillforestforMuseum Openprior For to 9/18/2014 will beLawrenceburg, present including, required. contact Pastor Matthew the duration of the sale. home of section of State Line areand to Salt be Fork sold and redeemed together. Same $3,494.28 Rigacci, Pam- Us 50 W, Right onto St Rd 48, Right onto Collier ToursThe 1855 Victorian Open to the public. For more in-as 151400095 Lemenager,013-000236-00 Purdue Beef - NutriVoyer at St. John’s Lutheran This notice of real property tax sale, the tax 15283 Dilldear ela 04-378 LYNDALE SD 1 .35A UNRECORDED Ridge Rd, 1st left onto Briarway Ct, Next to 8116 in theand Presbyterian ChurchLake parking Thomas and Sarah Gaff, 213 Fifth formation: 812-934-6166; www. tion and Management, Victor Church, 812-537-2865 or Pastor sale itself are undertaken and will be conducted 151400048 004-000622-01 $217.33 Cunningham, PLAT 191 Bielby Rd Briarway Ct. Guilford Street, Aurora offers guided tours lot every Friday from 3 to 6:30 Shelton, NRCS Grazing Special“ShopLinkmeyer For A Cause” Robin Owen St. PaulAdams, Lutheran pursuant to the requirements of the laws of the Barton W & Melissa Ann 22-06-04 PT SW1/4 Next 151400096 013-000256-00 $27,791.85 151400142 020-001200-00 $7,108.52 Wenp.m. On Friday, Sept. 12 we will Tuesday through Sunday. AdmisOf IN The Civil War preState of Indiana which regulate the sale of land for to 9356 Dennis RdWomen ist/Agronomist, and David WalDearborn Highlands Arts Council Church-Crossroads, Batesville, Dillsboro, Development LLC 10-75 PT SW 21-5-1 2.912A PT dell W & Terry J 33-405 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE have Molly from the Dearborn Resion is $6 14 and up, $3 for studelinquent taxes, pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-24-1 et seq. 151400049 004-000687-09 Hamilton, Rod- N E Jr., 1Veterinarian /4 S E - Herd 1/4 2 1 -partners 5-1 . 0 8 3Macy’s A LOTSaturday, by$183.35 Judy Cook Thursday, 405 SEC 3 SEC 23Z24-6-1 20318 Cedarview Ct ton, with 812-934-3970 cycling center. Stop by to chat and sented dents (ages 7-13), 1130 Aug. W Eads Pkwy 151400143 020-001305-00 $2,097.46 The County doesand notchildren warrant6 the accuracy of the ney P 59-03 CLIFT'S PT at LOT PLAT also:15-07-21-402-013.000-013 Aug. ACRES 21, 7 to SD 8 p.m. the2AuroHealth. If you would like more 23. Customers can purchase Tigers Football ReunionRossell, of the learn the latest on recycling. She and under are free. For information street address or common description of the prop- 11-3-05 FROM K# ra 28-01-02 Next to Be 8691 Noah Lane 151400099 013-000558-00 $3,423.88 Schultz, Jo- Bruce C & Kathleen J 33-510 HIDDEN VALLEY Public Library. transported information or to register, please shopping passes ($5 each) from Ages is hosting a reunion on will be there approximately 3 to call 812-926-0087 or visit www. erty, and a misstatement in the key number or Dillsboro, IN 47018 seph Jr & Alice M 01-177 PT SW 1/4 PT SE 1/4 4-5-1 LAKE LOT 510 SEC 3 SEC 23,24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left to the time of the Civil War as contact theBielby SWCDRd at 812-926Dearborn Highlands Arts Council Rd, Saturday, 23 atDr., Agner 6:30 All is weather permitting. street address does not invalidate anp.m. otherwise 151400050 004-000803-00 $504.21 Huber, Donald L 1.00 A 491 onto Stateline Left onto Aug. Lakeview LeftHall onto folksongs of 50 151400102 contact Ros Judy Quiltssale. of Yesteryear Exhibit at Hill- For more information 2406 ext 3 or email: heather.$20,160.99 now. Linkmeyer To purchase Oak a shopping from 4 p.m. to midnight. All valid % Dillsboro 37-52Cook LAKEshares DILLDEAR 52 Us 013-100402-01 Ct 8/19/2014 Linda Johnson 812-637-3898. the era, along with written Properties W, Left onto Lake Dilldear, 1st Left onletters Lake Dilldear forest September-October-Tour Hill- Dated: LLC 10-90-01 LOT 1 WATERVIEW 151400144 020-001484-00 $1,342.18 Schmohe, pass or forCOMmore information, players, coaches and cheerleadForMuseum Bidding and On the Tax Sale: Summer Display 151400051 004-000827-00 $604.50 Clift, Carl C & MERCE forestRegistration Victorian House PARK US 50 W, Left ontocontact Sycamore Es - Highlands Kent & Angela HVLare LOT 677 SEC 4 SEC 13, by her great-great-grandparents. Lapsit Storytime Dearborn Arts 35-677 ers who available will particiRhonda S 37-87 LAKE DILLDEAR Dr.Aug. Aurora, 23,Street, 24-6-1 LawNext to pate 1254 in Sunset Dr Lawrenceburg, IN 111 Fifth view on exhibit antique quilts from City of Spires Museum, This multi-media presentation 87 tates Friday, 22, 10 to 10:30 $30,969.14 a.m. Council, 331 Walnut the reunion along with If you are interested in bidding on the tax sale for 004-000329-00, 004-000333-00, 004-000827-00 and 151400103 013-100402-05 Linkmeyer 47025 Street in Aurora announces the Hillforest’s private collection. will focus on the mothers, wives at the Aurora Public Library. Derenceburg, 812-539-4251. any fans or community meman Indiana county, you may register at 004-000828-00 to be sold and redeemed to - Properties LLC 10-90-05 LOT 5 WATERVIEW COM- 151400145 020-001520-00 $875.64 Lysne, Craig A theme online for this summer’s display: areand Bingo and Kitchen who watched signed for parents Dinner bers HIDDEN who would like toLAKE attend.LOT Same as 15283sweethearts Lake Dilldear MERCE PARK USor 50caregivers W, Left ontoChicken Sycamore Es - & Kimberly S 35-713 VALLEY The Historic Churches of Aurora. Everyone welcome every Friday their loved ones go off to war. tates Dr. Aurora, that tion/. This registration is good for all counties 713 SEC 4 SEC 13Z23Z24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left onto to interact with their children. At St. Paul United Methodist This fundraiser is to start “The 151400052 004-000828-00 $2,923.04 Clift, Carl C & night at VFW Post #5312, Aurora. Artifacts and old pictures from the SRI services. You need to register only once for all Rhonda S 37-88 LAKE DILLDEAR 88 151400104 013-900094-02 $483.96 Church, Linkmeyer De- two State Line Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr, Right onto This program includes movelocated miles south Meador Tradition Scholarship churches will be on view along Earlybirds at 6:30 p.m. and regular counties. If you do not have access to a computer 004-000329-00, 004-000333-00, 004-000827-00 and velopment, LLC 10-80 PARCEL A .070A WILSON Hollyhedge Ln, Left onto Chalet Ct. ment, music, finger-plays and of Sunman on Ind. 101, SaturFund”. Coach Meador will be in withthe briefmorning histories 004-000828-00 of the congre- are to be sold and redeemed to - CREEK games start atservice 7 p.m. Kitchen with internet you may register $475.36 Porter, Eric W Field Day stories forBUSINESS children up PARK to age 2.013-900094-02 day, Aug. 23,and 4 to151400146 6 p.m. in 020-001575-00 attendance. gations. City of Spires will be openLakeGrazing opened from 5 to 8 p.m. New of the sale. gether. 15283 Dilldear 013-900094-03 are to be sold and redeemed to - 35-768 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 768 SEC 4 SEC Please arrive the morning of the tax sale at least 30 151400053 004-000851-00 $864.91 Wittich, Edward gether. Behind 1055 Green Blvd, Aurora, IN 13, 23, 24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline Rd, Left minutes before the beginning time to be assured & Gail 37-123 LAKE DILLDEAR 123 004-000851-00 151400105 013-900094-03 $1,383.12 Linkmeyer De- onto Lakeview Dr. Next to 20837 Lakeview Ct Lawyou will receive your bid number before the start of and 004-000852-00 are to be sold and redeemed to- velopment, LLC 10-82 R/O/W .413A WILSON renceburg the sale. gether. 15355 Kristen Dr CREEK BUSINESS PARK 013-900094-02 and 151400148 020-002068-00 $510.85 Ellis, Bruce A & Please bring your registration form and W9 form 151400054 004-000852-00 $499.99 Wittich, Edward 013-900094-03 are to be sold and redeemed to - Mary Ann 39-1267 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT with you the morning of the tax sale. You will be & Gail 37-124 LAKE DILLDEAR 124 004-000851-00 gether. Behind 1055 Green Blvd, Aurora, IN 1267 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline, Left onto Alpine, able to print these forms from the registration web and 004-000852-00 are to be sold and redeemed to- 151400106 013-900615-10 $1,358.51 Linkmeyer Right onto Hidden Valley Dr, Right onto Hickory Rd, site. gether. Same as 15355 Kristen Dr. Dillsboro Kroger LLC 10-96 PT 21-5-1 11.349A 013-900615-10 Right onto Ivy Hill Dr. Next to 289 Ivy Hill 151400001 002-000016-00 $611.97 Taylor, Rebecca 151400055 005-000077-00 $2,515.83 Ryan, Joseph and 013-900617-11 are to be sold and redeemed to- 151400149 020-002116-00 $1,371.03 Spangler, 1-05 PT SW 4-4-1 1.5A 11481 SR 56 D 02-81 GLENNS ADD 20PT 27X17 DILLSBORO gether. Us 50 W, Right on Tanner Creek Dr Augustine J & Suzanne 40-1339 HIDDEN VALLEY 151400008 002-000187-00 $3,332.39 Myers, Mi - 20PT 12933 North St 151400107 013-900617-11 $805.50 Linkmeyer LAKE LOT 1339 Next to 858 Greentree Rd Law chael A 6-01 PT NW NW 9-4-1 12.93A 3886 E 151400056 005-000234-00 $3,883.40 Moore, Norma Kroger LLC 11-15 PT 22-5-1 6.352A 013-900615-10 renceburg, IN Laughery Creek Rd Jean 02-112 LENOVERS ADD 8 12675 North St and 013-900617-11 are to be sold and redeemed to- 151400151 020-002914-00 $875.64 Cuthbert, Daniel 151400009 002-000208-00 $189.48 Bultman, John 151400057 005-000298-00 $3,762.45 Muncy, Ver- gether. Us 50 W, Right on Tanner Creek Dr J & Maureen M 42-2245 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE Charles 8-01-07 PT SW 7-5-1 10.75A 002-000208-00, non 03-97 GLENN'S ADD 8PT, 8PT 12888 North St 151400108 016-000005-00 $2,011.75 Barrett, An- LOT 2245 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline, Left onto 019-000281-00 and 019-001360-00 are to be sold and 151400058 005-000317-00 $2,471.74 Carlton, Ray drew J & Sarah 09-788 LANES 32 21 Brown St Lakeview Dr, Right onto Alpine, Left onto Sanda redeemed together. Same as 162747 State Rt 148 Wayne & Geraldine Garn 03-163 DILLSBORO 85PT 151400111 016-000187-00 $10,701.68 TATH Real mont Dr Aurora, IN 33.37FT Us 50 W, Left onto State Rd 262, Right Estate Partnership 09-794 LANES 2, 3 210 Ridge 151400152 020-002915-00 $808.71 Cuthbert, Daniel 151400012 002-000305-02 $5,074.08 Linkmeyer, onto Rullman, Left onto Central Ave and Right onto Ave J & Maureen M 42-2246 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE Michael A & Tracey L 10-18-01-03 SE QR 18-5-1 Oak StNext to 2944 Oak St Dillsboro, IN 151400113 016-000664-00 $7,732.69 Dobel House LOT 2246 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline, Left onto 2.343A 5120 Country Hills Dr 151400059 006-000020-00 $6,865.48 Gill, V Taylor Corp 09-779 STEPHEN LUDLOW'S ADD PT LOT 7 Lakeview Dr, Right onto Alpine, Left onto Sanda 151400017 003-000234-00 $1,830.49 Banet, Ronald & Karen A 1-06-02 PT SE E 1/2 .83A 1-7-1 29483 305 Ridge Avenue mont Dr J Sr 09-421 HULBURTS 4 W1/2, 5 E1/2 EAST1/2 127 Stout Rd 151400114 016-000950-00 $641.22 Herndon, Cody 151400153 020-002947-00 $991.62 Tam, Steven S Conwell St 151400063 006-000159-02 $7,736.11 Beckwith, 09-720 LUDLOWS 16PT .144A 475 Sheldon St & Barbara, Trustees O Steven S T 42-2278 HIDDEN 151400018 003-000262-00 $12,741.07 Best Buy Dawn B 9-04-02-02 SE COR 12-7-1 28188 J Tex 151400115 016-000994-00 $37,671.04 Linkmeyer VALLEY LAKE LOT 2278 Us 50 E Left onto StateLane Greendale LLC %Brian Bischoff 08-110 PT NE PER line Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr, 1st Rt onto Alpine Properties Inc 09-366 HURLBURTS 6 137 East Conwell St 151400064 007-000113-00 $6,890.96 Euson Hold- SURVEY 1530 Nowlin Ave Dr, Left onto Matterhorn Dr, 3rd rt onto Liesl Ct Next 151400019 003-000353-00 $1,333.29 Chipman Con- ings, Llc 02-63 GODLEY 62, 63 (.111A) PT VA - 151400116 016-000994-04 $5,099.90 Linkmeyer to 1673 Liesel Ct crete Construction, Inc 09-36 CHRISMANS ADD 11 CATED MOORE ST (.044A) PT TRACT 4 (50'X44.06') Greendale LLC %Brian Bischoff 08-114 B-4 UNIT 151400154 020-003653-00 $1,519.13 Staab, David J DO 10PT, 10PT LAND IN CHRISMANS ADD 007-000113-00 and 007-000114-00 are to be sold and 404 ARMITAGE CONDOMINIUM G-404 PHASE I 46-2973 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 2973 Us 50 E, 003-000353-00 and 003-000354-00 are to be sold and redeemed together. Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline Rd, PLAT 6-5-06 FROM P# 16-994 1530 Nowlin Ave Left onto Bellview, Right onto State Rd 1, Right redeemed together. US 50 W, Left onto George St 1st Right onto Jamison Rd, Jamison becomes S 151400117 016-000994-11 $3,351.50 Linkmeyer onto Georgetown Rd, Right on Morningside Dr, 1st 151400020 003-000354-00 $7,959.51 Chipman Con- State St, Left onto Short St, 1st Right onto Maple St, Greendale LLC %Brian Bischoff 08-121 B-1 UNIT left on Bellmeade Dr, Right on Fox Ridge Rd crete Construction, Inc 09-37 CHRISMANS ADD 12, Property on Left. 108 ARMITAGE CONDOMINIUM UNIT 5 GARAGE 151400155 020-004424-01 $1,878.54 Bretzel Prop13 003-000353-00 and 003-000354-00 are to be sold 151400065 007-000114-00 $536.32 Euson Holdings UNIT 5 PLAT 9-18-06 FROM K# 16-994 1520 Nowlin erty Holding, Inc & W.r Techmology, Inc 76-97-01 and redeemed together. US 50 W, Left onto George LLC 02-64 PT .09A (4321.7 SQ FT) PT TRACT 4 Ave 108 MOUNTAIN MEADOWS EST SEC 2 LOT 97Pt CONT St 007-000113-00 and 007-000114-00 are to be sold and 151400118 016-000994-12 $3,349.10 Linkmeyer .1483A Lawrenceburg 151400021 003-000357-00 $1,593.70 Chipman, redeemed together. Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline Rd, Greendale LLC %Brian Bischoff 08-122 B-1 UNIT 151400156 021-000001-00 $376.94 Thompson, HarTimmy L & Pamela Christine 09-429 AURORA 44PT 1st Right onto Jamison Rd, Jamison becomes S 106 ARMITAGE CONDOMINIUM UNIT 6 GARAGE ley & Brian Thompson Life Est/Peggy 1-01 W 1/2 US 50 W, Left onto Exporting St, Right onto Con - State St, Left onto Short St, 1st Right onto Maple St, UNIT 6 PLAT 9-18-06 FROM K# 16-994 1530 Nowlin NW 5-4-2 30.8262A 021-000022-00 and well, Property next to 107 Conwell St E Property on Left. Ave 106 021-000001-00 are to be sold and redeemed to 151400022 003-000373-00 $1,148.37 Rial, Kenneth 151400066 008-000231-00 $310.42 Horn, Charles 151400119 016-001181-01 $3,620.15 Western Min- gether. Same as 11828 Pollard Rd Moores Hill, IN Lee & Lisa Kay 08-168 PT SE 31-5-1 0.247A 116 14-12-04-02 PT E1/2 SW LOCATED ON ST RD 350 erals Corporation 09-762 TRACT C 10-5-1 1.028A 151400157 021-000022-00 $4,507.69 Thompson, Conwell St W ADJ TO 7750 Us 50 W, Left onto St rd 350, Property Us 50 W, Left onto Ridge Ave, Left onto Brown St. Harley & Brian Thompson Life Est/ Peggy 2-04 E1/2 151400023 003-000389-00 $3,394.70 Duquette, on Left between 7750 & 7732 St Rd 350 151400120 016-001402-00 $1,611.30 Weaver, Larry NE 6-4-2 44.0238A 021-000022-00 and 021-000001-00 Sonny 07-426 CHEEK ADD 10 407 Sunnyside Ave 151400067 008-000293-00 $1,089.60 Hankins, N & Linda D 07-55 PT 2-5-1 .384A 016-001402-00, are to be sold and redeemed together. 11828 Pol151400024 003-000766-02 $1,961.89 Worthington Donna K 15C-63 -64 WILMINGTON 64, 63 WPT 016-001403-00, 016-001404-00 and 016-001405-00 lard Rd Cabinetry, Inc 02-198 LOT 77 HILLVIEW ACRES MOORES ADD Us 50 W Left onto State Rd 350, Left are to be sold and redeemed together. Us 50 E, Left 151400160 021-000115-00 $545.58 Eckert, Denise SEC G PLATTED 6-15-04 Us 50 W , Right onto onto Probst Rd, Right onto King St Next to 7000 onto Bellview, Dr, Left onto Craig Ave. 8-09-04 1.00A PT SE 18-5-2 11513 SR 350 Billingsley Dr, Left onto Woodlawn Ave, Right onto King St. 151400121 016-001403-00 $1,941.70 Weaver, Larry 151400161 021-000117-00 $694.49 Stopher, Denver Sunnyside Ave, 1st left onto Hillview Dr, Near 113 151400073 009-000216-00 $6,848.00 Meadows, N & Linda D 07-56 PT SW 1/4 2-5-1 .54A & Eloise % Dennis & Juli 8-11 PT SW 1/4 18-5-2 Hillview Dr Aurora Joan E 12-01 PT NW 11983 North Dearborn Rd 016-001402-00, 016-001403-00, 016-001404-00 and .35A 15320 Klein Acres Rd 151400025 003-000766-03 $2,006.72 Worthington 151400076 011-000157-00 $279.88 Steele, William 016-001405-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - 151400164 021-000644-01 $456.46 Bressert, Daniel Cabinetry, Inc 02-199 LOT 78 HILLVIEW ACRES 06-9 E1/2 S1/2 W1/2 SE .75A Next to 28556 gether. Us 50 E, Left onto Bellview, Dr, Left onto R & Misty N 28-06-02 PT E 1/2 NE 23-6-3 1.867A SEC G PLATTED 6-15-04 Us 50 W , Right onto Lakeview Ln, Brookville, IN Craig Ave. 021-000644-01 and 021-000645-00 are to be sold and Billingsley Dr, Left onto Woodlawn Ave, Right onto 151400079 012-000280-00 $1,140.82 Bawn, Walter 151400122 016-001404-00 $9,744.35 Weaver, Larry redeemed together. Same 14699 Castletine Rd Sunnyside Ave, 1st left onto Hillview Dr, Near 113 J Jr & Nancy 9-13-01 PT NW 9-5-1 .66A N & Linda D 07-53 S PT SW 2-5-1 1.04A Moores Hill, IN Hillview Dr Aurora 012-000280-00 and 012-000293-00 are to be sold and 016-001402-00, 016-001403-00, 016-001404-00 and 151400165 021-000645-00 $2,166.11 Bressert, Dan151400026 003-000895-00 $3,855.55 Lacey, Ru - redeemed together. 653 Wilson Creek Rd 016-001405-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - iel R & Misty N 28-06-01 23-6-3 1.00A E 1/2 NE dolph H & Edna 09-250 AURORA 223 311 Fifth St 151400081 012-000293-00 $373.69 Bawn, Walter J gether. Us 50 E, Left onto Bellview, Dr, Left onto 021-000644-01 and 021-000645-00 are to be sold and 151400027 003-000933-00 $3,955.17 Equity Trust Jr & Nancy Lee 9-13-06-06 PT NE SW 9-5-1 .675A Craig Ave. redeemed together 14699 Castletine Rd Company Custodian FBO Lyn R Lawlor III IRA 012-000280-00 and 012-000293-00 are to be sold and 151400123 016-001405-00 $19,728.80 Weaver, 151400166 021-000712-04 $1,024.65 Foster, Bill D 08-93 PT SW 31-5-1 .23A (306 INDIANA AVE) 306 In- redeemed together. 653 Wilson Creek Rd Larry N & Linda D 07-59 PT SW 1/4 2-5-1 4.50A & Jill M 30-13-04 PT E1/2 5.0000 PT E1/2 2.0000A diana Ave 151400084 012-000297-04 $174.09 Betty Fette LLC 016-001402-00, 016-001403-00, 016-001404-00 and 09-25-800-015.005-12 12276 Chesterville Rd 151400029 003-001038-00 $2,391.49 Neff, George 9-17-01-01-02-01 .227A SW QR 9-5-1 012-000297-04 016-001405-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - 151400167 021-000737-00 $881.57 Mc Clain, Emily E 09-474 AURORA 58PT, 59PT, 5PT 133 Market St and 012-000341-01 are to be sold and redeemed to- gether. Us 50 E, Left onto Bellview, Dr, Left onto V 31-08 PT E 1/2 NW ALSO: -016 Us 50 W, Right Craig Ave. 151400030 003-001066-00 $3,296.18 Kephart, Mary gether. Next to 3782 Tower Rd Lawrenceburg, IN onto State Rd 3650,Left onto Old State Rd 350, Left 09-362 HULRBURTS ADD 8W1/2 151 Conwell St 151400085 012-000341-01 $559.36 Betty Fette LLC 151400124 018-000335-00 $6,058.85 Hudson, Harry onto Stitts Hill, Right onto Chesterville Rd Left onto 151400031 003-001070-00 $308.40 Bradley, Cecil 15-01-02-01 .361A NW QR 16-5-1 012-000297-04 and Lee, Sr 12-23 PT SE 20-7-1 .66A 4020 N Dearborn Cold Springs Rd W & Shannon L 08-82 COCHRAN 141 604 Railroad 012-000341-01 are to be sold and redeemed to - Rd 151400170 022-000009-00 $1,004.00 Good, Steven Ave gether. Next to 3782 Tower Rd Lawrenceburg, IN 151400125 018-000423-48 $3,581.05 Rodriguez, O 02-259 PT SW 10-6-3 0.78064 16538 South 151400032 003-001089-00 $11,528.72 Ashcraft, 151400086 012-000347-00 $153.61 Link's Develop- Teresa C 54-48 BROOKESTONE WAY SD LOT 48 Broadway Larry B Sr 09-307 AURORA 6PT, 7PT 136 Fourth St ment Corp 15-03-02 TRACT A PT NW .348A 3687 PLAT 8-15-01 FROM K# 15-02 25915 Carr Rd 151400171 022-000052-00 $336.57 Robbins, West Tower Rd 151400126 018-000424-06 $1,667.74 Weldishofer, Nadena L & Gail L Zeisler 02-223 SE NE 10-6-3 .07A 151400034 003-001225-00 $427.67 Lukie, Michael J 151400087 012-000347-41 $549.02 Link's Develop- Paul & Randall Weldishofer 60-05 BEL AIR SD LOT ALSO:15-09-10-204-083.000-022 & Loraine 09-360 HURBURTS ADD 9W1/2 155 Con- ment Corp 15-03-02-02 TRACT B PT NW .349A 5 PLAT 10-14-05 FROM K# 15-03 Us 50 E, Left onto 15-09-10-204-082.000-022 022-000052-00 and well St Next to 15507 Rockwood dr Lawrenceburg, IN Stateline Rd, Left onto N Dearborn Rd, Right onto 022-000053-00 are to be sold and redeemed to 151400035 003-001382-00 $3,280.87 Schwab, Mark 151400088 012-000601-00 $585.57 Lannan, Paul J Carr Rd. Next to 25627 Carr Rd West Harrison, IN gether. Same at 14507 Main St Moores Hill, IN A 07-312 J WALKERS ADD 8 PT 30, 29-5-1 206 & Dimple Rose-1/2 Richard E Lan 27B-47 HARDINS- 151400128 018-000504-03 $9,089.33 Hudson, Harry 151400172 022-000053-00 $2,482.32 Robbins, Hanover BURG 47 Us 50 E, Right into Hardintown, Right Lee 16-25-02 PT E 1/2 SW 28-7-1 10.00A 25469 Dole Nadena L & Gail L Zeisler 02-222 SE NW 10-6-3 151400037 003-001421-00 $3,255.59 Kephart, Mary onto West St Rd .414A CHURCH'S ADD PT LOT 10 022-000052-00 09-363 HURLBURTS ADD 8E1/2 149 Conwell St 151400089 012-000607-00 $420.61 Lannan, Paul J 151400131 019-000229-01 $7,886.57 Chipman, Tim and 022-000053-00 are to be sold and redeemed to151400038 003-001423-00 $36,126.38 Woods, Ron- & Dimple 27B-51-01 HARDINSBURG 51 PT ALSO: L & Pam C 10-05-01-01 PT NW QTR 10-5-2 1.7218A gether. 14507 Main St nie 09-365 HURLBURTS ADD 7E1/2 141 Conwell PT VACATED STREET .027A PER ROAD VACATION 16857 Possum Ridge Rd 151400173 022-000065-00 $6,113.65 REM Capital 151400039 003-001464-00 $15,202.37 Woods, ORDINANCE 2011-012 11-9-11 012-000607-00 and 151400132 019-000281-00 $177.14 Bultman, John Investments Inc 02-176 PT NW 10-6-3 .48A 16589 Timothy 09-331 CONWELLS ADD 9 W1/2 138 E 012-000610-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - Charles 12-06-12 PT SE 12-5-1 .50A 002-000208-00, North Broadway Conwell St gether. Us 50 E, Right into Hardintown, Left onto 019-000281-00 and 019-001360-00 are to be sold and 151400174 022-000103-01 $159.49 Metz, William B 151400041 003-001831-00 $454.09 Johnson, Rus- West St. redeemed together. Same as 162747 State Rt 148 & Ruth R 02-243 MOORES HILL 2PT CONT. .085A 022-000103-01 and 022-000152-00 are to be sold and sell R & Suzanne 09-463 LANGLEY HGHTS 104 151400090 012-000610-00 $475.92 Lannan, Paul J Aurora, IN Gibson Ave & Dimple 27B-52-02 HARDINSBURG 52PT ALSO : 151400133 019-000284-00 $3,456.78 Boyles, Casey redeemed together. Same as 14627 College St 151400042 004-000038-00 $324.44 Lannan, Dimple PT VACATED STREET .003A PER ROAD VACATION A 12-06-15 PT SE 12-5-2 .46A 16446 SR 148 151400176 022-000124-00 $6,179.49 Kennedy, Earl Rose 3-04-04-02 PT NE 004-000038-00 and ORDINANCE 2011-012 11-9-11 012-000607-00 and 151400135 019-001019-00 $3,885.03 Toelke, Rich- R & Ella 02-221 MOORES ADD 11 14552 College St 004-000040-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - 012-000610-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - ard C 36-05-01 PT E1/2 1-6-3 1.666A 019-001019-00 151400177 022-000131-00 $1,252.56 Fields, Bryan gether. Same as 10193 Us 50 Aurora, IN gether. Us 50 E, Right into Hardintown, Left onto and 019-001020-01 are to be sold and redeemed to- & Holly 02-287 COLLEGE 2ND ADD 29, 30, 31 Us 151400043 004-000040-00 $5,447.68 Lannan, Dim- West St. gether. 12075 N Hogan Rd 50 W, Right onto Us 350 Left onto Main St, Left onto ple Rose 3-04-06 PT NE 004-000038-00 and 151400091 012-000823-00 $332.20 Hassenpflug, 151400136 019-001020-01 $323.35 Toelke, Richard Adams St. Next to 16315 S Adams St. Moores Hill, 004-000040-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - Derek G & Elizabeth E Lakamp Trustees: Derek G C 36-05-03-01 PT E 1/2 NE 1-6-3 .650A IN gether. 10193 Us 50 Hassenpflug & Elizabeth E Lakamp Revocable Trust 019-001019-00 and 019-001020-01 are to be sold and 151400178 022-000152-00 $6,806.43 Metz, William 151400044 004-000115-03 $1,201.77 Hudson, Les- 39-1297 HVL LOT 1297 Us 50 E Left on Stateline Rd redeemed together. Same as 12075 N hogan Rd B & Ruth R 02-244 COLLEGEVILLE 1PT CONT .256 022-000103-01 and 022-000152-00 are to be sold and lie D 60-03 HICKORY HEIGHTS SD LOT 3 2.367A then Alpine Rt on Hidden Valley Dr then Hickory Rd, Aurora, IN PLATTED 9-10-04 10055 Texas Gas Rd Rt on Ivy Hill Dr then Cresthaven Dr Property after 151400137 019-001113-02 $1,249.79 Fuson, Wil- redeemed together. 14627 College St 151400045 004-000314-01 $420.22 Collins, Susan 258 Cresthaven Dr liam Tony 43-10-03 1.295A SW QR 14-7-3 13880 151400179 022-000161-00 $8,187.76 Smith, CharW 14-09-02-02 S PT S 1/2 SW Next to 14599 Us 50 151400093 013-000218-00 $8,270.16 Linkmeyer De- Holt Rd les Jr & Barbara E 02-288 COLLEGE 2ND ADD 57, Dillsboro, IN velopment LLC 10-73 PT NE1/4 SE1/4 21-5-1 .667A 151400138 019-001289-00 $1,780.73 Hollin, Ernest 58 16288 Noble St 151400046 004-000329-00 $214.22 Clift, Carl C & 013-000218-00 and 013-000219-00 are to be sold and & Betty 53-02-01 PT W1/2 SW 36-7-3 2.35A 12855 151400180 023-000327-00 $17,528.78 Aurora LodgRhonda S 15-05-08 PT 004-000329-00, redeemed together. Us 50 W, Next to 1130 W Eads Hogan N Rd ing Associates, Llp 7-01-09 7-01-04-01-06 PT W1/2 004-000333-00, 004-000827-00 and 004-000828-00 Pkwy Lawrenceburg, IN 151400139 019-001360-00 $6,283.33 Bultman, 11-4-2 2.57A PT W1/2 11-4-2 .12A ALSO: are to be sold and redeemed together. Same as 151400094 013-000219-00 $5,783.16 Linkmeyer De- John Charles 58-01 EWBANK SD 1 002-000208-00, 11-11-200-027.000-023 7535 US 50 15283 Lake Dilldear velopment LLC 10-76 PT SW 21-5-1 .318A 019-000281-00 and 019-001360-00 are to be sold and 151400185 026-000980-00 $2,235.02 K & K Assets, 151400047 004-000333-00 $176.15 Clift, Carl C & 013-000218-00 and 013-000219-00 are to be sold and redeemed together. 16274 SR 148 LLC 02-684 LAWBG 32PT 311 W Center St Rhonda S 15-05-12 PT 004-000329-00, redeemed together. Us 50 W, Next to 1130 W Eads 151400140 019-001370-00 $1,364.67 Morris, Debo- 151400186 026-001059-00 $842.74 Geisler, Greg S 004-000333-00, 004-000827-00 and 004-000828-00 Pkwy Lawrenceburg, IN rah R 59-08 LOT 8 GREEN BRIAR ESTATES 3.539A & Brenda S 02-750 LAWBG 141 PT 2933.9 SQ FT are to be sold and redeemed together. Same as 151400095 013-000236-00 $3,494.28 Rigacci, Pam- Us 50 W, Right onto St Rd 48, Right onto Collier 608 High St Lawrenceburg, IN 15283 Lake Dilldear ela 04-378 LYNDALE SD 1 .35A UNRECORDED Ridge Rd, 1st left onto Briarway Ct, Next to 8116 151400187 026-901010-00 $1,419.53 T-N-T Food 151400048 004-000622-01 $217.33 Cunningham, PLAT 191 Bielby Rd Briarway Ct. Guilford Brokerage, LLC 02-866 PT INLOT 177 PT INLOT 178 Barton W & Melissa Ann 22-06-04 PT SW1/4 Next 151400096 013-000256-00 $27,791.85 Linkmeyer 151400142 020-001200-00 $7,108.52 Adams, Wen- (OLD FIREHOUSE) ORIGINAL PLAT OF LAW to 9356 Dennis Rd Dillsboro, IN Development LLC 10-75 PT SW 21-5-1 2.912A PT dell W & Terry J 33-405 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE RENCEBURGH 124 Short St 151400049 004-000687-09 $183.35 Hamilton, Rod- N E 1/4 SE 1/4 21-5-1 . 0 8 3 A LOT 405 SEC 3 SEC 23Z24-6-1 20318 Cedarview Ct Total Properties: 130 151400143 020-001305-00 $2,097.46 Rossell, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true list of ney P 59-03 CLIFT'S ACRES SD PT LOT 2 PLAT also:15-07-21-402-013.000-013 1130 W Eads Pkwy 11-3-05 FROM K# 28-01-02 Next to 8691 Noah Lane 151400099 013-000558-00 $3,423.88 Schultz, Jo- Bruce C & Kathleen J 33-510 HIDDEN VALLEY lots and land returned delinquent for the nonpayDillsboro, IN 47018 seph Jr & Alice M 01-177 PT SW 1/4 PT SE 1/4 4-5-1 LAKE LOT 510 SEC 3 SEC 23,24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left ment of taxes and special assessments for the time 151400050 004-000803-00 $504.21 Huber, Donald L 1.00 A 491 Bielby Rd onto Stateline Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr., Left onto periods set forth, also subsequent delinquent taxes, % Dillsboro Ros 37-52 LAKE DILLDEAR 52 Us 50 151400102 013-100402-01 $20,160.99 Linkmeyer Oak Ct current taxes and costs due thereon and the same W, Left onto Lake Dilldear, 1st Left on Lake Dilldear Properties LLC 10-90-01 LOT 1 WATERVIEW COM- 151400144 020-001484-00 $1,342.18 Schmohe, are chargeable with the amount of tax, etc., with 151400051 004-000827-00 $604.50 Clift, Carl C & MERCE PARK US 50 W, Left onto Sycamore Es - Kent & Angela 35-677 HVL LOT 677 SEC 4 SEC 13, which they are charges on said list. Rhonda S 37-87 LAKE DILLDEAR 87 tates Dr. Aurora, 23, 24-6-1 Next to 1254 Sunset Dr Lawrenceburg, IN Given under my hand and seal this 19th day of 004-000329-00, 004-000333-00, 004-000827-00 and 151400103 013-100402-05 $30,969.14 Linkmeyer 47025 August, 2014. 004-000828-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - Properties LLC 10-90-05 LOT 5 WATERVIEW COM- 151400145 020-001520-00 $875.64 Lysne, Craig A Gayle Pennington, Auditor gether. Same as 15283 Lake Dilldear MERCE PARK US 50 W, Left onto Sycamore Es - & Kimberly S 35-713 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT Dearborn County Indiana 713 SEC 4 SEC 13Z23Z24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left onto C-8-19-JP-1t 151400052 004-000828-00 $2,923.04 Clift, Carl C & tates Dr. Aurora, Rhonda S 37-88 LAKE DILLDEAR 88 151400104 013-900094-02 $483.96 Linkmeyer De- State Line Rd, Left onto Lakeview Dr, Right onto 50875 C-8-21-R-1t hspaxlp 004-000329-00, 004-000333-00, 004-000827-00 and velopment, LLC 10-80 PARCEL A .070A WILSON Hollyhedge Ln, Left onto Chalet Ct. 004-000828-00 are to be sold and redeemed to - CREEK BUSINESS PARK 013-900094-02 and 151400146 020-001575-00 $475.36 Porter, Eric W gether. 15283 Lake Dilldear 013-900094-03 are to be sold and redeemed to - 35-768 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT 768 SEC 4 SEC 151400053 004-000851-00 $864.91 Wittich, Edward gether. Behind 1055 Green Blvd, Aurora, IN 13, 23, 24-6-1 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline Rd, Left & Gail 37-123 LAKE DILLDEAR 123 004-000851-00 151400105 013-900094-03 $1,383.12 Linkmeyer De- onto Lakeview Dr. Next to 20837 Lakeview Ct Lawand 004-000852-00 are to be sold and redeemed to- velopment, LLC 10-82 R/O/W .413A WILSON renceburg gether. 15355 Kristen Dr CREEK BUSINESS PARK 013-900094-02 and 151400148 020-002068-00 $510.85 Ellis, Bruce A & 151400054 004-000852-00 $499.99 Wittich, Edward 013-900094-03 are to be sold and redeemed to - Mary Ann 39-1267 HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE LOT & Gail 37-124 LAKE DILLDEAR 124 004-000851-00 gether. Behind 1055 Green Blvd, Aurora, IN 1267 Us 50 E, Left onto Stateline, Left onto Alpine,
Thursday, Aug. 21
Saturday, Aug. 23
Friday, Aug. 22
LegaL Notice coNtiNued
Six Dearborn football seniors TSF nominees Three Lawrenceburg Tigers football seniors – quarterback Sam Fette, wide receiver, Jordon Kauffman and runningback Zach Steuer – are nominees for the 2014 Preseason All-TriStateFootball. com team. Also nominated are from Dearborn County are East Central senior wide receiver Hunter Kammer and senior linebacker Lucas Frick, as well as South Dearborn senior kick return specialist K.J. Probst. The regional high school football web site announced its yearly nominations Friday, Aug. 15. On-line voting by fans will continue until this Thursday, Aug. 21, at 11:59 p.m. Nominations come from three states, 170 schools and 29 conferences or districts. Every vote counts as uses a Borda Count method to determine the winner. That makes the position where each candidate finishes in the balloting critical. Fan votes will account for 25 percent of the final tally, with the TSF staff vote accounting for the remaining 75 percent. Fans may vote once per hour, per IP address. The official 2014 Preseason All-TSF Team will be announced this Friday, August 22, as part of our High School Football Tonight on ESPN 1530, at 6 p.m. Other area players nominated include Batesville quarteback Connor Schuck, Harrison QB Jake Weber, Greensburg runningback Trent Black, Harrison offensive lineman Connor Brown, Connersville defensive back Micah Kelley, Connersville athlete Colton Gonzalez, Harrison athlete Mitchell Hogue and Batesville kicker Peter Heil. To vote, go to: http://www.
Q: Defending national champion Florida State is ranked No. 1 in the Associated Press preseason college football poll, released Sunday. In the BCS era, only two teams ranked first in the preseason have gone on to win the national title. Name them. A: Florida State (1999) and Southern California (2004) are the only two teams in the Bowl Championship Series era to have been ranked No. 1 in both the preseason and final AP college football poll. Seminoles started the year No. 11 before winning the 2013 title.
Today in
1981 – The New York Mets sign veteran Mike Marshall as a free agent for what will be the last year of his career. Marshall had set two records in 1974 that will never be broken – most games pitched and most relief innings pitched. Marshall, a graduate of Michigan State University with a degree in kinesiology, appeared in an incredible 106 of the Dodgers’ 162 games that season, all in relief. He compiled a whopping 2081/3 relief innings pitched. Today, it’s rare for a reliever to throw more than 100 innings in a season. Overall in 1974, “Iron Man” Marshall posted a record of 15-12 with 21 saves and a 2.42 earned run average – at the age of 31.
Orioles shortstop J.J. Hardy, born 1982. Twins third baseman Gary Gaetti, born 1958.
EC coaches back for more
Veteran staffers returning to help football program BY JIM BUCHBERGER Sports Editor
ST. LEON – New East Central High School head football coach Justin Roden did an in-depth analysis of nearly everything after the Trojans' painful slip to 4-7 last fall. A combination of 22 graduated starters, a corresponding drop in size, skill and experience - not to mention green youngsters trying to grasp a brand-new system, plus decimating injuries that seemed to focus on certain position groups – resulted in EC's first losing campaign in 23 years. The final verdict was clear. “It's all a matter of being more astute on the details,” said the 37-year old Trojan mentor, a former assistant coach at Cincinnati powerhouse Colerain, where he also played for legendary coach Kerry Coombs, now an Ohio State staffer. “Things that have been taken for granted for years around here, we've got to try and get back to that.” How best to return East Central to the ranks of perennial contenders for a Class 4A sectional title, not to mention its accustomed dominance of Eastern Indiana Athletic Conference football? Roden answers before the question is even asked. “We've brought several East Central people back to
and two sectional crowns. “He's as good as it gets,” Roden said. “Tim is the kind of people you always need to have involved in the program. We're glad to have him back, full-time.” Behlmer's official title on the current Trojan roster is “Varsity Offensive Line – Run Game.” That is likely to translate into plenty of physical pounding, once again, for East Central opponents this season. Behlmer is not the only highly successful former EC coach who'll help boost the program again in 2014. Former defensive coordinator John Roth returns as a “defensive volunteer,” giving an added injection of his old sideline fire. Roth attends only Wednesday night practices, working mainly with the outside linebackers. Rumors that began surfacing late last spring also have proven true. While Stonefield is listed, as may be expected, only as “athletic director” on the varsity football roster, the word is the former eight-year head coach will be back this fall – on a “consulting” basis, primarily on the offensive side of the ball. JIM BUCHBERGER/Journal-Press “He's not on the roster as Former two-time East Central football head coach Tim Behlmer is back as the Troan official coach,” Roden jans' full-time offensive line boss and run game coordinator this fall, one of several noted. “And you probably former players and coaches back to help put last year's 4-7 slump behind. won't see him on the field. But he may be in the presscoach,” he said. line boss, as well as strength athletics director Don Stonebox on Friday nights, when He isn't kidding. and conditioning guru. field in 2011-12. he's not involved with his Foremost among the vetThe 6'3” Logan Township Now 59, Behlmer, a key responsibilities as athletic dieran EC staffers rejoining the native, a former University member of Ballart's underector. He's not coaching any program for the fall of 2014 of Cincinnati player, went feated 1994 Class 4A state specific position group. is former two-time head 24-12 in his first stint as head championship staff – and “We just want to take what coach Tim Behlmer – an coach, succeeding Indiana avowed disciple of power has been done before here original Trojan player (Class Football Hall of Famer Rod football – kept EC's football and apply all that knowledge of '74) and the program's Ballart from 2000-2002 and flame burning brightly, proSee COACHES, Page 7 longtime (34 years) offensive 16-5 in following current EC ducing three conference titles
Leary's No. 30 sprint car hot at Speedway Wins Dick Gaines Memorial for 3rd feature in a row Staff Report
LAWRENCEBURG – The No. 30 defending track champion sprint car now has won three feature races in a row at Lawrenceburg Speedway. CJ Leary, the defending track sprint car points champion, won the previous two Lawrenceburg Chevrolet sprint car division features. This past Saturday night, Chase Stockon of Elizabethtown, Ind., subbing for Leary, had no trouble leading in No. 30 from the drop of the green flag all 25 laps to take the Dick Gaines Memorial at Lawrenceburg. Stockon stayed in control from green to checkers and wasn’t even challenged much on an unseasonably cool August 16. But the race for second, third and fourth place proved to be intense. Westfield's Robert Ballou secured second in the No. 12X car, it appeared, until he nearly crashed in turn three. Ballou fell back to fourth and battled Columbus driver Joss Moffatt, in the No. 5J, and Daron Clayton
of Sikeston, Mo., driving No. 92, for the runner-up spot. The frontrunners dealt with lapped traffic for much of the race, but Saturday’s Gaines Memorial proved to be a clean 25 laps, without a single caution lap. Moffatt ultimately finished second, followed by Clayton, Ballou and Landon Simon of Tipp City, Ohio. Sprint car heat race winners Saturday were Clayton, Stockon, Marion's Scotty Weir and Max McGhee of Camby, Ind. The chase for the Lawrenceburg Chevrolet points standings championship stood tied after Saturday, with leader Shawn Westerfeld struggling to a 10th-place finish. Combined with Moffatt’s runner-up result, the TIM THOMAS/L'burg Speedway points race now is deadChase Stockon, of Elizabethtown, Ind., subbed for Lawlocked at 1,815 apiece. renceburg Speedway 2013 points champion CJ Leary in the No. 30 car, making it a winner for a third consecutive Hanover’s Joey Kram- week in Saturday night's Dick Gaines Memorial sprint er won for the third time car feature.
Kramer’s back
Pee Wee Night at Lawrenceburg Friday, Sept. 5
SIRC-it correction: Noppert topped summer 5K series
LAWRENCEBURG Lawrenceburg Tiger Pee Wee Night will take place during the Tigers' varsity football hame game Friday, Sept. 5. Pee Wee Tigers will be introduced prior to and during the varsity game against the Milan Indians, which kicks off at 7 p.m. First and second-grade teams will be introduced before kickoff. Third and fourth-grade teams will be introduced after the first quarter. Fifth and sixth-grade teams will be announed at the beginning of halftime.
It was Lawrenceburg's Justin Noppert who topped the 2014 Southeast Indiana Racing Circuit men's leaderboard at the conclusion of the five-race summer series Aug. 9 A scoring error resulted in incorrectly identifying South Dearborn senior Dustin Beach as the overall male total time leader for the SIRC-it, which benefits area high school cross country teams with its five-week series of 5K (3.1-mile) road races. Noppert, 38, was inadvertantly omitted from the final SIRC-it totals following the series-ending Bulldog Chase 5K Run at Batesville Aug. 9. He finished fourth overall in that race in a time of 17:54. Noppert's total time for all five events was 1:30.38, including an overall first-
place finish at Rising Sun's Shiner Dash 5K July 26. He was overall runner-up at Aurora's Knight Flight 5K Aug. 2 and Brookville's Lakeside 5K July 19 and placed third at St. Leon's Trojan Trot 5K July 12. Beach was the overall runner-up, with a total time of 1:30.38. Beach cracked the top five in all five events, with a top finish of runner-up at the Shiner Dash 5K. He finished third in both Brookville's Lakeside 5K Run and SD's own Knight Flight 5K one week earlier, with a top time of 18:18 at Aurora. Beach opened the 2014 SIRC-it with a fifth-place finish in the Trojan Trot 5K July 12 at St. Leon. West Harrison's Lisa Andi, 32, topped the women's leaderboard for 2014 with a total time of 1:34.46. She was the top female finisher in the Trojan Trot (7th overall, 19:08), Lakeside 5K (4th, 19:03), and Knight Flight 5K (3rd, 18:37), shattering her own Aurora course record in the latter.
in 2014, dominating in typical Kramer fashion. Driver of the No. 77 car, Kramer started on the outside of row three and powered his way to the front, taking over the lead on lap two of the 20-lap Budweiser UMP Modified class feature. Kramer never looked back, building a strong lead after a few laps, and never was threatened again. A few on-track incidents slowed the Mods field, allowing second-running Kyle Herbert, of Greensburg, to attempt a couple of slide jobs under Kramer on the restarts. But Herbert was not able to make the pass work. Herbert continued to run a strong second to the wire, followed by Sunman’s Kyle Schornick, Weasel Rhoades of Winchester, Ohio, and Harrison's David Spille. Modifieds heat race winners Saturday were Herbert, Rising Sun’s Scotty Kincaid and Kramer. Kincaid continues to
See HOT, Page 7
2014 high school Football Preview coming Thursday
Register Publications' first-ever full-color Football Preview will be included as a special section in this Thursday's (Aug. 21) edition of The Dearborn County Register. Full previews of the three county high school teams – East Central's Trojans, Lawrenceburg's Tigers and South Dearborn's Knights – will be published. They'll accompany fullcolor team photos of all three squads, plus team rosters, schedules and other items of interest to high school football fans.
23 – At Cincinnati Colerain, 12 p.m. 26 – At Connersville, 6:30 p.m. * 28 – At South Dearborn, 5 p.m. * SEPTEMBER 4 – At Franklin County, 5 p.m. * 9 – HARRISON (OHIO), 5 p.m. EAST CENTRAL Lady Trojans 13 – At Lawrenceburg, 12 p.m. * 2014 Varsity Schedule 17 – RUSHVILLE, 5 p.m. * AUGUST 18 – At Franklin County, 18 – CINCINNATI LASALLE, 5 p.m. 5 p.m. * 20 – At Mt. Vernon (Fortville) 19 – CINCINNATI SYCAMORE, 7 Marauder Classic, 9 a.m. p.m. 25 – GREENSBURG, 5 p.m. * 21 – At Lawrenceburg, 7 p.m. * 27 – RYLE (KY.), 2 p.m. 28 – SOUTH DEARBORN, 5 p.m. * 29 – At Batesville, 5 p.m. * SEPTEMBER 2 – CINCINNATI OCTOBER 4 – COVINGTON (KY.) COLERAIN, 7 p.m. CATHOLIC, 10 a.m. 4 – CONNERSVILLE, 5 p.m. * 8-11 – IHSAA Sectional at 9 – At Jennings County, 5:30 p.m. S.Dearborn, TBA 11 – At Harrison (Ohio), 5 p.m. * - Eastern Ind. Athletic Conf. 13 – LAWRENCEBURG, 10 a.m. * matches 16 – GREENSBURG, 5 p.m. * HOME MATCHES IN CAPS 17 – At Rushville, 6:30 p.m. * 18 – At Batesville, 5 p.m. * LAWRENCEBURG 24 – COLUMBUS NORTH Tigers 27 – At Center Grove Classic, 10 2014 Varsity Schedule a.m. AUGUST 19 – OLDENBURG 29 – BATESVILLE, 5 p.m. * ACADEMY 9-11 – IHSAA SECTIONAL, TBA 21 – At Jac-Cen-Del Matches start at 6 p.m. unless 23 – CONNERSVILLE, 12 p.m. * noted 25 – At Rising Sun, 5 p.m. HOME MATCHES IN CAPS 28 – BATESVILLE * * - Eastern Ind. Athletic Conf. SEPTEMBER 3 – FRANKLIN matches COUNTY * 6 – RUSHVILLE, 12 p.m. * LAWRENCEBURG Lady Tigers 10 – At South Ripley, 5 p.m. 2014 Varsity Schedule 11 – HARRISON (OHIO) AUGUST 18 – SWITZERLAND 13 – EAST CENTRAL, 12 p.m. * CO., 5 p.m. 16 – At South Dearborn * 21 – EAST CENTRAL * 23 – At Columbus North, 1 p.m. 18 – At Switzerland Co., 6:30 p.m. 23 – At Franklin County * 26 – RISING SUN, 5 p.m. 25 – TAYLOR (OHIO) SEPTEMBER 3 – At Franklin 27 – At Greensburg, 12 p.m. * County * 30 – At Landmark Christian 6 – At Rushville, 12 p.m. * (Ohio) 9 – At Batesville * OCTOBER 8-11 – IHSAA Section13 – At East Central, 12 p.m. * al, TBA 16 – SOUTH DEARBORN * Matches at 7 p.m. unless noted 18 – HARRISON (OHIO) * - Eastern Ind. Athletic Conf. 20 – TAYLOR (OHIO), 12 p.m. matches 23 – LANDMARK CHRISTIAN HOME MATCHES IN CAPS 25 – At Connersville * 27 – At Greensburg, 10 a.m. * SOUTH DEARBORN Knights OCTOBER 1 – OLDENBURG 2014 Varsity Schedule ACADEMY AUGUST 19 – RISING SUN 4 – ROSS (OHIO), 12 p.m. 21 – GREENSBURG, 5:30 p.m. * 7-11 – IHSAA Sectional, TBA 23 – RUSHVILLE, 12:30 p.m. * Matches start at 7 p.m. unless 25 – At Madison Shawe, 5:30 p.m. noted 26 – At Jennings County, 5:30 HOME MATCHES IN CAPS p.m. * - Eastern Ind. Athletic Conf. 28 – EAST CENTRAL * matches SEPTEMBER 2 – At Batesville, 5:30 p.m. * SOUTH DEARBORN Lady Knights 6 – At Connersville, 11 a.m. * 2014 Varsity Schedule 9 – At Franklin County, 5:30 p.m. * AUGUST 18 – OLDENBURG 11 – MADISON, 5:30 p.m. ACADEMY 16 – LAWRENCEBURG * 21 – At Greensburg, 5:30 p.m. * 18 – OLDENBURG ACADEMY 23 – At Rushville, 12:30 p.m. * 22 – At Harrison (Ohio) 26 – CINCINNATI COLERAIN, 6 25 – At Jac-Cen-Del p.m. 27 – UNION COUNTY, 10 a.m. 28 – At East Central * OCTOBER 2 – FRANKLIN COUNSEPTEMBER 2 – BATESVILLE, TY, 5:30 p.m. * 5:30 p.m. * 8-11 – IHSAA Sectional, TBA 4 – HARRISON (OHIO) Matches start at 5 p.m. unless 6 – CONNERSVILLE, 12:30 p.m. * noted 8 – RISING SUN * - Eastern Ind. Athletic Conf. 9 – FRANKLIN COUNTY * matches 11 – At Madison, 5:30 p.m. HOME MATCHES IN CAPS 16 – At Lawrenceburg * 27 – UNION COUNTY, 12 p.m. 30 – At Switzerland Co., 5:15 p.m. OCTOBER 2 – At Jennings CounEAST CENTRAL Lady Trojans ty, 5:30 p.m. 2014 Varsity Schedule 4 – At Conner (Ky.), 1 p.m. AUGUST 18 – GREENSBURG * 7-10 – IHSAA Sectional, TBA Matches start at 5 p.m. unless 21 – SOUTH DEARBORN * 23 – At Southport Invitational, 9 noted. a.m. HOME MATCHES IN CAPS 26 – At Rushville, 6 p.m. * * - Eastern Ind. Athletic Conf. 28 – BATESVILLE * matches 30 – At Columbus East, 9 a.m. SEPTEMBER 2 – At Oldenburg Academy 4 – LAWRENCEBURG, 5:30 p.m. * EAST CENTRAL Trojans 8 – RUSHVILLE, 6 p.m. * 2014 Varsity Schedule 11 – At South Dearborn * AUGUST 19 – At Columbus 15 – At Batesville * North, 5:30 p.m. 20 – At Ben Davis Invitational, 9 21- SHELBYVILLE, 5:30 p.m. a.m.
H.S. girls soccer
H.S. volleyball
H.S. boys soccer
THE JOURNAL-PRESS 22 – At Lawrenceburg, 6:30 p.m. * 24 – HARRISON (OHIO) 25 – CONNERSVILLE * 27 – At Jennings County, 9 a.m. OCTOBER 2 – At Milan 6 – SOUTH RIPLEY, 5:30 p.m. 7 – At Franklin County * 9 – At Greensburg * 14 – At Connersville * 16 – FRANKLIN COUNTY * 21-25 – IHSAA 4A Sectional at Columbus East, TBA * - Eastern Ind. Athletic Conf. matches HOME MATCHES IN CAPS Matches start at 5 p.m. unless noted LAWRENCEBURG Lady Tigers 2014 Varsity Schedule AUGUST 19 – CONNERSVILLE * 21 – At Taylor (Ohio), 7 p.m. 26 – GREENSBURG * 28 – At Oldenburg Academy 30 – At Madison Invitational, 9 a.m. SEPTEMBER 2 – At Batesville * 4 – At East Central * 9 – SOUTH DEARBORN * 11 – At South Ripley 17 – At Rushville, 7 p.m. * 18 – At Greensburg * 20 – L’BURG INVITATIONAL, 9 a.m. 22 – EAST CENTRAL * 24 – RUSHVILLE, 7 p.m. * 25 – At Franklin County * 29 – At South Dearborn * 30 – MILAN OCTOBER 2 – FRANKLIN COUNTY * 4 – At Connersville, 12:30 p.m. * 7 – At Rising Sun 9 – BATESVILLE * 14 – At Madison 16 – At North Decatur 18 – At Union Co. Invitational, 9 a.m. 21-23 – IHSAA 3A Sectional, TBA * - Eastern Ind. Athletic Conf. matches HOME MATCHES IN CAPS Matches start at 6:30 p.m. unless noted SOUTH DEARBORN Lady Knights 2014 Varsity Schedule AUGUST 18 – SOUTHWESTERN (Hanover), 6 p.m. 19 – At Milan, 6 p.m. 21 – At East Central, 5 p.m. * 23 - At Scottsburg Invitational, 9 a.m. 25 – At Madison 26 – CONNERSVILLE * 28 – RUSHVILLE * 30 – At Madison Invitational, 9 a.m. SEPTEMBER 2 – At South Decatur 4 – At Switzerland County 9 – At Lawrenceburg, 5 p.m. * 11 – EAST CENTRAL * 16 – FRANKLIN COUNTY, 5 p.m. * 18 – OLDENBURG ACADEMY, 5 p.m. 22 – GREENSBURG * 23 – At Rising Sun, 5 p.m. 25 – BATESVILLE, 5 p.m. * 27 – At Connersville, 10 a.m. 29 – LAWRENCEBURG, 5 p.m. * 30 – At South Ripley OCTOBER 6 – JAC-CEN-DEL 7 – At Batesville, 5 p.m. * 13 – At Greensburg * 14 – At Franklin County * 16 – At Rushville * 21-25 – IHSAA 3A Sectional, TBA * - Eastern Ind. Athletic Conf. matches HOME MATCHES IN CAPS Matches start at 5:30 p.m. unless noted
Auto racing
LAWRENCEBURG SPEEDWAY Saturday, August 16 Lawrenceburg Chevrolet SPRINTS DICK GAINES MEMORIAL FEATURE (25 laps) – 1. Chase
Stockon (Car No. 30), 2. Joss Moffatt (5J), 3. Daron Clayton (92), 4. Robert Ballou (12X), 5. Landon Simon (24), 6. Scotty Weir (18), 7. Nick Bilbee (17), 8. Jarett Andretti (18A), 9. Max McGhee (17M), 10. Shawn Westerfeld (89), 11. Logan Jarrett (29), 12. Dickie Gaines (44), 13. Garrett Abrams (32), 14. Justin Grant (11X), 15. Travis Hery (21H), 16. Aaron Farney (15F), 17. Matt Goodnight (39), 18. Justin Owen (26), 19. Mike Terry Jr. (85), 20. Tony Main (74T) 1ST HEAT – 1. Daron Clayton (92) 2ND HEAT – 1. Chase Stockon (30) 3RD HEAT – 1. Scotty Weir (18) 4TH HEAT – 1. Max McGhee (17M) B-MAIN – 1. Aaron Farney (15F) Budweiser UMP MODIFIEDS FEATURE (20 laps) – 1. Joey Kramer (Car No. 77), 2. Kyle Herbert (32K), 3. Kyle Schornick (23), 4. Weasel Rhoades (59), 5. David Spille (44), 6. Scotty Kincaid (K12), 7. Andrew Corbin (19), 8. Matt Hamilton (9H), 9. Rob Burdette (B31), 10. Kris Johnson (MJ23), 11. Chris Kruetzkamp (K4), 12. Chuck Griffis (R1X), 13. Jim Fliehman (70F), 14. Stan Freeman (K12X), 15. Adam Stricker (68), 16. Rick Hudson (38), 17. Austyn Mills (1AM), 18. Kyle Mitchell (99), 19. Pete Holt (11H), 20. Daryl Herbert (B5), 21. Cory Skipton (07), 22. Danny Teegarden (43), 23. Josh Walker (95), 24. Travis Pruitt (11T) 1ST HEAT – 1. Kyle Herbert (32K) 2ND HEAT – 1. Scotty Kincaid (K12) 3RD HEAT – 1. Joey Kramer (77) Impact Sports PURE STOCKS FEATURE (15 laps) – 1. Scott Hensley (Car No. 92), 2. Jeff Litchfield (715), 3. Don Grace (D7), 4. Houston Roark (04H), 5. Danny Blackwell (B1), 6. Corebin McRoberts (5C), 7. Jimmy Block (44G), 8. Scott Beeler (12), 9. Dalton Baird (3D), 10. Rick Vance (16), 11. Shane Andrews (13), 12. Paul Smith (7X), 13. Alan Ketcham (AK47), 14. Jim Wagner (86), 15. Joel Andrews (56), 16. Steve Upchurch (89), 17. Mark Ziepfel (21Z) 1ST HEAT – 1. Scott Hensley (92) 2ND HEAT – 1. Scott Beeler (12) Bessler’s U-Pull-N-Save HORNETS FEATURE (12 laps) – 1. Dalton Roark (Car No. 02D), 2. Mark Allen (40), 3. John Grace (J7), 4. Cody Perry (38), 5. Andrew Roark (06A), 6. Tim Schumacher (51), 7. Michelle Bischoff (15), 8. Josh Atkins (2A), 9. John Hampton (11J), 10. Gage Clark (49), 11. Chad Ackman (21C), 12. Kevin Penick (5), 13. Pat Tully (44), 14. Stetson Clark (7C), 15. David Baumgardner (52), 16. Tyler McGhee (9T), 17. Brandon Caudill (80), 18. Timothy Baird II (89), 19. Michael Hoffman (31) 1ST HEAT – 1. Dalton Roark (02D) 2ND HEAT – 1. Mark Allen (40) LAWRENCEBURG SPEEDWAY 2014 Event Schedule AUGUST 23 – LUCAS OIL LATE MODEL SERIES - Plus Budweiser UMP Modifieds 30 – Racing In All Classes - Lawrenceburg Chevrolet Sprints, Budweiser UMP Modifieds, Impact Sports Pure Stocks, Bessler’s U Pull & Save Hornets
COACHES, From Page 6
to what we're trying to do now. I'm the one who asked him to come out and help when he can.” Several former East Central players have come back to coach in recent years, including ex-UC player Doug Hoog (varsity runningbacks), former IU tight end Randy Maxwell (varsity tight ends/passing game) and former Trojan center Dan Foster (freshman O-line). Roden's off-season analysis found one glaring need in the coaching staff department. “We had lost a lot of assistant coaches, but we didn't have a lot of teaching openings,” he said. “It's getting
From Page 6 lead the Mods points standings race by a margin of 255 over Lawrenceburg's Jim Fliehman, who finished 13th in a field of 24 cars Saturday.
Hensley’s second
The top two drivers in the Impact Sports Pure Stock division points race were at the center of the action Saturday night. Louisville driver Scott Beeler jumped out to the lead in the No. 12 car to start the 15-lap feature, trailing points leader Scott Hensley by just 10 in the standings. Beeler led for several laps, but Aurora's Hensley, driving No. 92, was reeling him in. The two cars raced very close for several laps, avoiding contact. On lap 10, however, Hensley’s car hit an oily patch, sliding up into Beeler’s No. 12 Both almost spun out, but Hensley backed off the gas and allowed Beeler to regain control of his car, resuming the lead. Beeler’s problem occurred on the next lap, in turns 1-2. He got the No. 12 car sideways and spun, giving Hensley the lead. No contact actually was made, but Beeler was upset, in the belief that Hensley had spun him out. Beeler hung on the finish eighth. Hensley led the final
harder and harder to find young teachers and coaches who work in the same building day to day. I was actually the only one on our high school staff who worked in the high school building last year. We were really shorthanded in that regard.” Roden and staff were able to add two more young assistant coaches, both former Trojans, more recently. Former QB Jake Meiners was lured back from Franklin County to help with varsity quarterbacks and serve as jayvee offensive coordinator. Tyler Rohrbacher is helping out in the offensive line and with the reserve offense. “We wanted to add as many East Central people as possible,” Roden said. six laps to win his second Pure Stock feature of 2014 at Lawrenceburg. The rest of the top five consisted of Aurora's Jeff Litchfield, Rising Sun’s Don Grace, Dupont's Houston Roark and Danny Blackwell of Taylorsville, Ky. Pure Stock heat race winners were Hensley and Beeler. Scott Hensley increased his points standings lead to 65 over Beeler with Saturday’s result.
Roark’s fifth
Dupont drive Dalton Roark needed just one lap to pass Mark Allen for the lead, then never looked back in Saturday’s 12-lap Bessler’s U-Pull-N-Save Hornets class feature. As fans have seen so many times this year, Dalton Roark dominated the field in the No. 02D car, and looks primed to collect his first Lawrenceburg points standings title. He won for the fifth time this year Saturday. Good racing was witnessed for the rest of the top five spots, which finished, in order, with Allen, of Commiskey, Ind.; John Grace, North Vernon's Cody Perry and Dupont's Andrew Roark. Hornets heat race winners were Dalton Roark and Allen. Roark’s points race cushion climbed to 375 with Saturday’s fifth win of the season, with only a few points races remaining.
(Varsity & Reserve), 5:30 p.m. H.S. Cross Country ■■Jac-Cen-Del at Lawrenceburg H.S. Volleyball ■■Lawrenceburg, Rising Sun at (Hidden Valley GC), 4:30 p.m. ■■Lawrenceburg at North Bend South Dearborn (Aurora) (Boys & ■■South Dearborn, South Ripley (Ohio) Taylor (Varsity & Reserve), Girls Varsity), 6 p.m. at Milan (Hoosier Links GC), 4:30 5:30 p.m. H.S. Girls Golf p.m. ■■South Dearborn at East Central ■■East Central, North Decatur at H.S. Boys Tennis TUESDAY, AUGUST 19 (St. Leon) (Varsity, Reserve, South Decatur (Greensburg CC), ■■Madison at Lawrenceburg (VarH.S. Boys Soccer 5 p.m. sity & Reserve), 5 p.m. ■■East Central at Columbus North Freshman), 6 p.m. (Richard Wigh Soccer Complex) (Varsity & Reserve), 5:30 p.m. ■■Oldenburg Academy at Lawrenceburg (Varsity & Reserve), 5 & & p.m. ■■Rising Sun at South Dearborn (Aurora) (Varsity & Reserve), 5 p.m. H.S. Girl Soccer ■■Cincinnati Sycamore at East Winter weather is just around the corner and children Central (St. Leon) (Varsity & Rein Dearborn County need your help! serve), 5 & 7 p.m. H.S. Volleyball ■■Connersville at Lawrenceburg (Varsity & Reserve), 5:30 p.m. It’s easy! Please fill out the form below indicating how you would like ■■South Dearborn at Milan (Varto help children in need this year and submit it to: sity & Reserve), 6 p.m. H.S. Boys Tennis ARM THE HILDREN ■■Lawrenceburg at South Dearc/o Chip Munich born (Aurora) (Varsity & ReRegister Publications serve), 4:30 p.m. 126 W. High Street ■■Union County at East Central (St. Leon) (Varsity & Reserve), 5 p.m. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 H.S. Girls Golf Or stop by our office at 126 W. High Street in Lawrenceburg. ■■Lawrenceburg, Jac-Cen-Del at You can also reach our office at 812-537-0063 for information or questions, North Decatur (North Branch GC, or to sign up to be a volunteer shopper. Greensburg), 4:30 p.m. * Families interested in receiving help must contact Kimberly Elliot at SIEOC THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 812-926-1585 or toll free at 888-292-5475 or visit 110 Importing St, Aurora, IN 47001. H.S. Boys Soccer ■■Greensburg at South Dearborn Enclosed is my donation to WARM THE CHILDREN (Aurora) (Varsity & Reserve), 5:30 p.m. NAME: ■■Lawrenceburg at Jac-Cen-Del (Osgood) (Varsity & Reserve), 5 ADDRESS: PHONE: & 7 p.m. CITY: ZIP: ■■Shelbyville at East Central (St. Leon) (Varsity), 5:30 p.m. DO NOT include my name in the published list of donors (Circle One) ■■East Central at Shelbyville (Reserve), 7 p.m. YES ! I would like to make a donation and be a volunteer shopper. H.S. Girls Soccer YES ! I would like to make a donation only. ■■East Central at Lawrenceburg (Varsity & Reserve), 5 & 7 p.m. Please make check payable to Warm the Children. Donations are tax deductible. ■■South Dearborn at Greensburg
How can I help, you ask? W
ACROSS 1. Playmates 5. Sock front 8. Snatch 12. Disregard 13. Roadside stop 14. Having fancy trim 15. Squeezed 17. Card game stake 18. Conger’s kin 19. Begonia’s beginning 21. Mimicked 23. Evader 27. Battle 29. Dine in the evening 31. Boldness 32. Elaborate melody 34. Wiggly creature 36. Fence bar 37. Provide new
weapons 39. Obtain 41. Slick 42. Cut a rug 44. Immerses 46. Over 48. Soft drinks 51. Deafening 54. String of beads 56. Lighten 57. Roofing material 58. Recognized 59. Unrefined minerals 60. Star’s locale 61. Includes DOWN 1. Literary work 2. Bullets and bombs 3. Book minder 4. Belt
5. Muscle spasm 6. Small numbers 7. Open-____ 8. Happier 9. Sought office 10. Perform onstage 11. Toodle-oo! 16. Yeas 20. Long, long time 22. Expected to arrive 24. Pasture 25. Wrongdoing 26. Put faith (in) 27. Hospital division 28. Field of study 30. Wooden pin 33. Shopping malls 35. Ushered 38. Convened 40. Clock’s noise 43. Dos and ____ 45.____ dot 47. Summit 49. Excelled on 50. Attaches a button 51. Sign of the zodiac 52. Boat propeller 53. Exercise 55. Weep
PUBLIC RECORD The following arrests list was obtained from the county sheriff. It contains arrests made by police agencies in the county. ■■Joseph Paul Schlembach, 28, of 619 Chestnut, Hamilton, Ohio, was arrested at 3:21 p.m. Monday, July 28, for probation violation. ■■Corey Lee Jeremy Hedger, 24, of 537 Indiana Ave., Aurora, was arrested at 4:47 p.m. Monday, July 28, for neglect of a dependent. ■■Ronald Jason Dosbor, 38, of 469 Ludlow St., Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 4:06 a.m. Tuesday, July 29, for probation violation. ■■David Blankenship, 43, of 1203 Marie St., Greendale, was arrested at 5:49 a.m. Wednesday, July 30, for nonsupport of a dependent child. ■■Brittany Renee Miles, 22, of 16787 Manchester St., Moores Hill, was arrested at 11:10 a.m. Wednesday, July 30, for probation violation. ■■Michael Woodrow Reece, 35, of 10444 Millstone Drive, Aurora was arrested at 12:10 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, for probation violation. ■■Tyson Jay Dupps, 34, of 308 Exporting St., Aurora, was arrested at 1:26 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, for neglect of a dependent. ■■Jessica May Sturgeo, 32, of 224 Van Voast Ave., Bellevue, Ky., was arrested at 2:26 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, for probation violation. ■■Eric Allan May, 33, of 315 Elm St., Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 4:16 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, for dealing in a schedule I, II or III controlled substance. ■■Norman Wilhelm David Johnson, 22, of 313 Joseph Lane, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 12:42 a.m. Thursday, July 31, for domestic battery. ■■Patrick Logan Goins, 21, of 8372 Florence Hill Road, Florence, Ind. was arrested at 2:16 a.m. Thursday, July 31, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated- endangering a person. ■■Vyctorriah Alysee Heffelfinger, 18, of 12977 Bank St., Dillsboro, was arrested at 5:34 a.m. Thursday, July 31, for resisting law enforcement, residential entry, and failure to appear in court. ■■Kenneth Michael Grizzell, 26, of 407 W. Ellis St., Milan, was arrested at 10:19 a.m. Thursday, July 31, for probation violation. ■■Robert Lee Baker, 28, of 1217 Chalet Court, Hidden Valley, was arrested at 11 a.m. Thursday, July 31, for nonsupport of a dependent child. ■■Alice Mae Riley, 56, of Country Club Nursing Home, Batesville, was arrested at 7:27 p.m. Thursday, July 31, for battery. ■■Richard E. Streu, 55, of 10924 Shaker Point Way, Har-
rison, was arrested at 8:43 p.m. Thursday, July 31, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Ryan Oliver Griffin, 29, of 1857 Tuppence Trail, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 11:07 p.m. Thursday, July 31, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Zach Allen Powell, 19, of 26207 Short Road, Guilford, was arrested at 2:42 a.m. Friday, Aug. 1, for alcohol- minor transporting, possessing and/ or consuming. ■■Dustin James Schuman, 26, of 12971 N. County Line Road, Sunman, was arrested at 3:03 a.m. Friday, Aug. 1, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Jessica Lynn Gunter, 19, of 10088 N. County Road 400E, Batesville, was arrested at 3:09 a.m. Friday, Aug. 1, for alcohol- minor transporting, possessing and/or consuming. ■■Robert Bruce Fehrman, 77, of 1009 Sunnyside Ave., Aurora, was arrested at 1:55 p.m. Friday, Aug. 1, for probation violation. ■■Benjamin Dale Turner, 30, of 1152 S. Getty Road, Lexington, Ind., was arrested at 5:16 p.m. Friday, Aug. 1, for probation violation. ■■Jeffrey Franklin Overstreet, 45, of 1767 Asbury Way, Hebron, Ky., was arrested at 12:43 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 2, for domestic battery, interference with reporting a crime and criminal confinement. ■■Keith R. Adams, 31, of 3449 Garden Meadows, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 3:11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 2, for operatig a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Benjamin Carl Pater, 22, of 5298 Hartford Pikem Aurora, was arrested at 8:17 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 2, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Steven John Loge, 29, of 500 Oreil St., Ross, Ohio, was arrested at 8:31 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 2, for possession of marijuana under 30 grams and possession of paraphernalia. ■■Michael Ray King, 39, of 14633 Ind. 350, Moores Hill, was arrested at 11:21 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 2, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Joseph David Love, 43, of 5887 N. Course Place, West Bloomfield, Mich., was arrested at 2:31 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 3, for domestic battery. ■■Daniel Scott Terrill, 19, of 10618 Ind. 48, Sunman, was arrested at 7:14 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 3, for possession of marijuana under 30 grams and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. ■■Kyle Ross Williams, 30, of 127 E. High St., Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 1:57 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 3, for domestic bat-
tery with a child present. ■■Jacob Andrew Oliger, 23, of 10901 E. Haywood Drive, Seymour, was arrested at 4:10 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 3, for possession of marijuana under 30 grams and possession of paraphernalia. ■■Morgan Brittany Galloway, 22, of 585 Shawnee Court, Seymour, Ind., was arrested at 4:22 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 3, for possession of marijuana under 30 grams and possession of paraphernalia. ■■James Richard Blevans, 51, of 5132 East Laughery Creek Drive, Dillsboro, was arrested at 7:08 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 3, for possession of marijuana under 30 grams. ■■Kelly Ann Blevans, 41, 5132 E. Laughery Creek Road, Aurora, was arrested at 7:50 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 3, for possession of marijuana under 30 grams. ■■Rachel Bethany Sauntry, 26, of 111 Dewers St., Aurora, was arrested at 10:15 a.m. Monday, Aug. 4, for failure to appear in court. ■■James Lee Timerding, 916 Hickory Road, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 12:50 p.m. Monday, Aug. 4, for failure to appear in court. ■■Lorne Jason Carnine, 29, of 8874 U.S. 50, Aurora, was arrested at 4:53 p.m. Monday, Aug. 4, for probation violation. ■■Andrew Jeffrey Love, 23, of 134 Tebbs Ave., Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 11:43 p.m. Monday, Aug. 4, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated- endangering a person and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Rickey Dale Plowman, 51, of 572 Windemere Hill, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 5:53 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, for theft and attempted theft. ■■Timi Marie Woodrum, 22, of 2567 Steel Road, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 6:53 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, for public intoxication. ■■Brian Allen Davis, 34, of 5488 W. County Road, 800N, Osgood, was arrested at 9:31 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, for probation violation. ■■Kevin Maurice Smith, 37, of 18071 Pennington Drive, Detriot, was arrested at noon Tuesday, Aug. 5, for possession of marijuana under 30 grams. ■■Kevin Ray Hemingway, 27, of 9608 Markland Pike, Vevay, was arrested at 12:43 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, for nonsupport of a dependent child and probation violation. ■■Sarah Ann Widener, 27, of 1550 Fairway Drive, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 2:15 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, for nonsupport of a dependent child. ■■Diana Lynn Cutter, 46, of 9028 Bonnell Road, Guilford, was arrested at 2:27 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, for probation
to what his college degree is as she called for the vote. in, accounting. Fryman made Finally, Fields made a moa motion to accept, with a tion the council start the proFrom Page 1 second by Fields, and the cess to look for a new town town's water tower painting motion passed unanimously, manager, which also passed showed up but had no proof although Powers' voice broke unanimously. of insurance, he said. Dillsboro Clerk-treasurer Janice Sullivan recommended the cost be paid from the town's riverboat gambling sharing revenue. A motion made by council vice president David “Woody Lawrenceburg Fryman and seconded by Wafford passed unanimously. Meanwhile, GAI has delivCongratulations! ered copies of the proposed You have won a $10 Gift Certificate Dillsboro Comprehensive to Comb’s Pizza in Aurora! Plan and offered to review Coming to your mailbox soon! them with council Monday, Sept. 8, or Tuesday, Sept. You could be the next Reader of the Week! 9, said Fortner. He was told Subscribe today! 812-537-0063 by a Lawrenceburg official that the city's grant program would provide $4,000 toward the cost of the plan, he added. Finally, Fortner submitted his resignation, but said he would be available to help whomever is hired for the position. “It was not an easy decision,” he said, thanking “council and everybody in town for working with me for the past 14 years.” But it's time for him to take “this other career path.” Council president Mary Wed - Thurs 11am - 9pm • Fri - Sat 11am -10pm Lou Powers said accepting 329 Second St. • Aurora, IN his resignation was not what the council wanted to do, but noted Fortner is going back
ader of the Week e R KAren AshePA
violation. ■■Antonio Avila-Raya, 34, of 425 E. Rose St., Stockton, Calif., was arrested at 11:40 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated chemical test refusal and operator never licensed, ■■Brent Roy James Lutz, 29, of 322 South St., Batesville, was arrested at 3:55 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 6, for theft and attempted theft. ■■Micah Ray Lane, 35, of 442 Park Lane, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 10:55 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 6, for probation violation. ■■Clinton Edward Cramer, 24, of 15704 Elizabeth Drive, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 3:23 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 6, for theft and attempted theft. ■■Devon Wade Abdon, 23, of 15704 Elizabeth Drive, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 6:22 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 6, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and leaving the scene of an accident. ■■Donald Stano, 67, of 9500 Ind. 262, Dillsboro, was arrested at 2:29 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 7, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and leaving the scene of an accident. ■■Shawn Renea Hysell, 46, of 6424 White Road, Rising Sun, was arrested at 10:50 a.m. Friday, Aug. 8, for fraud on a financil institution, forgery, theft and attempted theft. ■■Christopher Michael Abner, 35, of 8489 Ind. 262, Dillsboro, was arrested at noon Friday, Aug. 8, for probation violation. ■■Robert L. Baldrick, 33, of 2520 Knoll Court, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. 8, for OWI with person less than 18 years of age. ■■Amanda Lynn Hatton, 27, of 522 Front St., Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 3 p.m. Friday, Aug. 8, for probaton violation. ■■Miles Daniel Ritzman, 25, of 1782 Cove, Lawrenceburg,
was arrested at 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 8, for probation violation. ■■Joshua D. Ehling, 32, of 6854 White Road, Rising Sun, was arrested at 1:34 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 9, for public intoxication and disorderly conduct. ■■Gregory Lee Hummel Jr., 23, of 2443 Salem Ridge Road, Riing Sun, was arrrested at 3:56 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 9, for public intoxication. ■■Thomas E. Flinchum, 50, of 4725 Salem Ridge Road, Aurora, was arrested at 4:02 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 9, for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. ■■Douglas Earl Sloan, 32,of 8703 N. Ind. 101, Sunman, was arrested at 12:58 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 10, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated- endangering a person. ■■Steven Ray Hollin, 27, of 826 W. Briarwood Way, Greensburg, was arrested at 6:48 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 10, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■David Lee Gehrke, 35, of 335 Moore St., Aurora, was arrested at 4:49 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 10, for theft, attempted theft and public intoxication. ■■Robert Owen Jackson, 42, of 411 Valley Drive, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 12:06 a.m. Monday, Aug. 11, for nonsupport of a dependent child. ■■David Louis Roberson II, 20, of 5310 Fox Road, Cincinnati, was arrested at 4:01 a.m. Monday, Aug. 11, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Edward Lee Smith, 54, of 607 Conwell St., Aurora, was arrested at 11:01 a.m. Monday, Aug. 11, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated- endangering a person. ■■Jonathan William McElfresh, 24, of 302 Center St., Aurora, was arrested at 2:05 p.m. Monday, Aug. 11, for probation violation. ■■Scott Thomas Jansen, 24, of
4331 Balence Drive, Cincinnati, was arrested at 2:06 p.m. Monday, Aug. 11, for probation violation. ■■David Michael Gillespie, 29, of 19341 N. Briarway Drive, Guilford, was arrested at 2:15 p.m. Monday, Aug. 11, for probation violation. ■■Misty Kay Engle, 41, of 9920 Ind. 262, Dillsboro, was arrested at 3:45 p.m. Monday, Aug. 11, for probation violation. ■■Kode Wayne Potts, 25, of 410 Fifth St., Aurora, was arrested at 10:19 p.m. Monday, Aug. 11, for domestic battery with a child present and strangulation. ■■Jack Lawrence Addison, 61, of 17018 Palmer Road, Moores Hill, was arrested at 12:47 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Sonia Elizabeth Mucker, 37, of 350 Tower Road Drive, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 3:12 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, for probation violation. ■■Michael Harland Smith, 52,of 223 Main St., Rising Sun, was arrested at 4:45 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, for probation violation. ■■Antonio S. Williams, 37, of 312 River Drive, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 5:33 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, for dealing in a narcotic drug within 1,000 feet of family housing complex, dealing in a narcotic drug (heroin), and maintaining a common nuisance. ■■Ricky A. Burford, 26, of 5378 W. Co. Road 425S Drive., Holton, was arrested at 7:58 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, for dealing in a narcotic drug within 1,000 feet of a family housing complex, maintaining a common nuisance, neglect of a dependent and failure to appear in court. ■■Andrew Jerome Niebuer, 35, of 46 Twin Lakes, Fairfield, Ohio, was arrested at 9:55 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12, for failure to appear in court.
Community Center
423 Walnut St. • 532-3535
Group Fitness schedule MONDAYS
Yoga Body Toning Stretch & Tone Silver Sneakers Mix It Up Mondays Zumba
THURSDaY MoRnIngS 10aM - noon aUgUST 14, 21, 31 & novEMBER 7
8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 6:00pm
Karen Heather Leigh Leigh Heather
august 28 • games, games, games! September 25 • iPad Tips & Tricks october 30 • free on-Line Learning Tools
8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am
Karen Heather Leigh Leigh
Yoga Body Toning Stretch & Tone Silver Sneakers Zumba THURSDAYS
Yoga Body Toning Stretch & Tone Silver Sneakers
Leigh Heather Leigh Leigh Heather Helen
8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 4:45pm 6:00pm
computers iii
laptops & tea $15 per session
THURSDaY EvEnIngS • 6:30PM Weigh In begins 30 minutes prior
overeaters anonomous
MonDaY EvEnIngS 6:30PM - 7:30PM no DUES oR fEES!
Yoga 9:00am Heather Zumba is $3 per class. All other classes are $2 per class. You may purchase a monthly pass for the morning classes Monday-Friday for $35 per month.
silver sneakers classic
nar-anon Family Group
$2.00/person (Silver Sneakers Members fREE!)
TUESDaYS 6:30PM foR MoRE InfoRMaTIon CaLL angELa aRnDT: 812-926-4610
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oil/acrylic paintinG
MonDaY, WEDnESDaY & fRIDaY 11-11:45aM
STRETCH & STREngTH TRaInIng $2.00/person (Silver Sneakers Members fREE!) MonDaY, WEDnESDaY & fRIDaY 10-10:45aM
EvERY SaTURDaY 10:15aM - 12:15PM
$10 per class
Will need Canvas Board, odorless Thinner, Small Coffee Can & Paper Towls. Must sign up in advance at front desk.
August 19th - August 21st, 2014 The Journal Press
The Harrison Press
The Rising Sun Recorder & Ohio County News
The Dearborn County Register
To place an ad call: Lawrenceburg 812-537-0063 • Harrison 513-367-4582 • Rising Sun 812-438-2011
Publisher reserves the right, at any time, in its sole discretion and without notice, to reject or cancel any advertising copy. Publisher’s ad takers have no authority to bind Publisher to publish an ad. Only publication of an advertisement will constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order.
HOUSES FOR ACREAGE FOR APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS 11 14 21 21 21 SALE SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT 22 Complete Remodel-Must See! 15198 SR 148, Aurora3BR,1BA, Ranch style, on 1.45 acres. New kitchen, Full walk-out basement, 1.5 car garage (heated), Refinished hardwood, New siding, New roof, New walks, Newer septic. $110,000 by Owner. Call 513-460-8584 for Appointment
Brick ranch on quiet no outlet street. New/roof, windows, granite/kitchen, concrete, landscape, freshly/painted. Open 27x27L-shaped/familyADJUSTMENT r o o m , b a y - w i n d o w , gas-fireplace. 3BR/2BA, For Sale By Owner OF ERRORS oversized/garage. Cov - 718 Wilson-Rising Sun, ered plus extra patio. 2Bdrm/2Bath, front-back Publisher cannot be $139,000 812-537-5640 porch, all appliances, new responsible for inaccuwasher & dryer, lots of upracies in any advertisedates. 812-290-4693 ment -- classified, clas- Cleves- 4792 E. Miami sified display, display or River Road; ranch home; 3 legal -- following the first bedroom; 2 bath; Three GREENDALE- FOR SALE publication of the adver- Rivers school district; large BY OWNER. 3+ bedrooms yard; $55,000; Sue with 2 full baths. Quiet tisement. Subsequent back Miller 513-368-6715 street, with large lot. repeated errors are the Owner has updated the responsibility of the entire first floor to include advertiser. Publisher is Dillsboro- 14053 U.S. 50; all new kitchen cabinets, r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e 3 bedroom, 1 bath single hardwood floors and new space occupied by the family home; 1432 sq .ft; tile surround around the error in the initial inser- 2.27 acre lot; lease or gorgeous wbfp. Full basecash; call for details ment has finished family tion only. room and bath as well as 855-664-8357. laundry and office. Home includes a two-car, de tached garage, nice-sized deck and covered porch to relax on. 2-bdrms on the first floor with 2 additional rooms upstairs. Seaside cottage charm inside and a relaxing in-ground pool outdoors. $158,000. OPEN HOUSE- AUGUST 23 & 24- 2pm-5pm. 529 Hayes Street. 513-478-1552. Can close and be out within 30 days! MUST SEE!!! Very nice 2 story home in Aurora. 3BR, 1BA, equipped kitchen, front porch with tree shaded back yard and deck. For more information call 812-926-0522 or visit www.homesteadforsale
Abandoned Doublewide with land, PLEASE TAKE OVER $3500 deposit. 888-221-4503 Used Singlewide 3BR/2BA Set up $4500 859-371-3386
ACREAGE FOR 14 SALE 10866 Carolina Trace, 2.5 acres, working, approved septic. (435)248-9096.
Hidden Valley Lake (Par Drive- on golf course) 82ʼx160ʼ Asking $22,900 Ph. 513-265-8460.
MISCELLANEOUS 17 FOR SALE Bed Queen PillowTop Mattress Set- NEW- still in plastic $200 812-219-3877 Camp Site For Sale. 3280 North Landing Road, Rising Sun, IN. 47040, 6 acres, Deep creek frontage for your boat to the Ohio river! Water, Septic and Electric on property. Asking $49,000.00 Will do land contract. 812-438-3366
2 BR Rising Sun, Private Decks, On-Site Laundry, Low Utilities, Off-Street Parking, Great Location! 438-2300
Greendale- 2 bedroom duplex, 1 full bath, den, W/D hookups, central air, gas heat, 1 car garage, $800/month plus deposit, no pets, no smoking, 4 Room apartment for rent 812-584-3542 in Aurora. All utilities paid by landlord including TV. Greendale- 2 bedroom, full $500 deposit, $500 per basement, nice yard, off street parking. Water & month. 812-290-5730 sewage included. Deposit Aurora- Second Street, and references required. No pets or smoking. 1BR, furnished, 2nd floor. No pets/smoking. $575/mo. 812-537-4060/ Utilities paid by tenant. 812-584-8796 Also Office and Retail Space available for Rent. Greendale- 56 Dorman Ave; 2 bedroom in duplex Leave message with appliances. On quiet (812)926-1083 street. No pets. $650/month plus deposit Aurora-newly remodeled 2 and references. Call bedroom duplex, laminate 513-515-3548 wood flooring, newer appliances, W/D hookup, elec- Greendale- very large, 1 tric baseboard heating. bedroom, refinished hardTenant pays all utilities. No wood floors, ornate firepets. place, marble floor, claw $550/mo. + deposit foot tub, oriental rug, ceil812-532-3000 ing fans, newer carpet, vinyl flooring and windows. Cleves/North Bend, 1 and Private enclosed patio 2 bedrooms, heat, water, area. $650/month plus deequipped kitchen, no pets. p o s i t plus utilities. Call (513)546-8330. 812-537-4764
0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bedroom at Village Square Apartments in downtown Harrison. Free heat! $425 Dillsboro- Nice 2 bedroom; stove, refrigerator; all utiliand up. (513)367-6366. ties furnished; $350 de 0 steps! Miamitown, large posit; $350 bi-weekly; 1 or 2 bedroom at Via 812-667-5072 Manor Apts. Private patio, lovely grounds. $395 and For Rent Downtown Lawup. Free h e a t ! renceburg, 1 Bedroom (513)353-0398. nicely furnished Apart ment. References required 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments and deposit. 812-655-1565 in Dillsboro and 2 Bed room Home in Osgood. For rent when available, Contact Quality Property 2 and 3 room furnished Management. apartments, utilities in812-432-3230. cluded, AC, no pets. posit required. Call (812)537-5796 1 & 2 bedroom, living (812)432-9605 room, dining room, bath, (812)584-3822 kitchen, water and sewage included. Quiet setting. For Rent- Rising Sun- All Walking distance to town. new, 2 bedroom, 1 bath(Aurora). Taking applica- room, handicap friendly. Full kitchen; stove, refrigtions, 513-309-4399. erator, microwave in 1 BR/2BA, Spacious 3rd cluded. Pantry room with Floor Apt. for rent in Dills- washer/dryer hook-up boro. $500/mo, plus de- (washer/dryer not fur posit and u t i l i t i e s . nished). Ceramic wood 812-667-5072 grain pattern tile through-out. Lawn care 1BR $560, 2 B R provided. High efficiency $650-$665 Harrison-Tip- heat and air systems for pecanoe Apts. Spacious economical utility bills. 1 remodeled, dishwasher, pet may be allowed with balcony, very clean, No certain requirements. pets. 8 1 2 - 6 3 7 - 1 7 8 7 , $700.00 per month. Call 513-574-4400 812-438-3366 or email 2 bedroom apartment/du- baminks@gmail for an applex in Cedar Grove, IN. plication Gas heat, central air, appliances included. No smok- For Rent: Efficiencies ing. No pets. $560/month. $165.00 per week utilities Call (765)647-5834. included. Deposit required. 2 bedroom nice apartment Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in Deposit in Lawrenceburg, . Deposit Lawrenceburg. required. 859-512-3899 required. No pets. Call 812-438-4883.
Greendale: Apartment 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, large kitchen, W/D H/U, gas heat, AC, off-street parking. $575/month + util + sec. dep. 812-537-2846 Harrison - 1 bedroom apartments available, $450-$475 per month. Call for details, and move in specials. (513)515-2569. Harrison - One bedroom apartment. Heat/water included. $420 per month, plus deposit. Very quiet home like atmosphere. 301 S. Hill Street. No pets. Call (513)984-0035. Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom apt., Leasing special, $495, $595/month incl. water, sewer, garbage. Laundry on site. Security deposit required. (513)205-5555. Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. Paragon West Apts. Private patio with breathtaking view of the valley. Free heat! $460 and up. No pets. (513)845-4222. Harrison- 660+ Quality 2BR in amenity-rich community. Available w/vaulted ceilings and electric fireplace. W/D Hookups Available. Great area! Call to set up a tour, (513)367-4999 http://www.shakerpoint.c om/
Lawrenceburg 2 room efficiency apartment. $125/weekly. Utilities furnished. $400 deposit References required. immediate occupancy . 812-537-0897
Aurora- Available Sept.1st3 bedroom, 1 bath; stove/refrigerator; W/D hookup; large yard; $625/month plus deposit plus utilities; 812-926-4735 or 513-310-7588
Lawrenceburg Apt. 2BR/1BA, with balcony. $650 plus deposit. 513-265-8460 or 812-577-6781
Bright – Large 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 car garage on 3/4 acre lot. Newly remodeled. $1025 monthly + deposit. (513)479-5155 or (765)647-0439 after 4 p.m.
Lawrenceburg Downtown, 2 bedroom Condo, new construction, water and sewage included. Rent $925/mo. 513-532-8933.
Downtown Harrison - 3 bedroom home, 208 South Sycamore. Nice yard, very good condition, equipped Lawrenceburg Efficiency kitchen. $900/month plus Unit- $515/month with all utilities, plus deposit. No utilities included. Laun- pets. Tom (513)738-3499. dry facilities on site. Greendale-3BR/1BA, 1160 513-265-8460 sq.ft. house. No pets, No 812-577-6781 indoor smoking. $800/mo. Lawrenceburg- large, spa- + deposit. Utilities are not cious 3 bedroom, 2 bath furnished. apartment with full size Call 513-765-0763 washer/dryer hookup. Harrison - 3 bedroom, 1 Close to Route 50, shop- bath, storage shed carport ping, and easy access to the interstate. Deposit re- nice yard, central air. $795 utilities. quired. Call 812-539-2818 p l u s (513)738-2406. Lawrenceburg-1BR/1BA, newly remodeled, 1st Lawrenceburg-3BR/2 full floor unit, with appli - BA, Duplex. 1700 sq. ft. ances, water & sewer in- living space w/1car atcluded. No p e t s . tached garage $900/mo. $900 deposit. $525/mo + $525 deposit. + 513-265-8460 513-265-8460 Milan- Hoosier Country Manchester-3BR/2BA, Square Apts. 2BR with Ranch. 2-car garage, large dining room, fridge, yard, no pets. Refs. stove, d i s h w a s h e r , $900/mo. + deposit. on-site laundry facilities, Call 812-427-2254 patio area, $550/month Nice 2 story, 3 bedroom $550 deposit. No pets. country home in Cedar 812-577-6781 Grove, Franklin County 513-265-8460 Schools, service animals New Haven Apartments - only, no smoking, refer required. Near Harrison. 4 rooms e n c e s with equipped kitchen. $650/month plus deposit. Central heating, A/C. New (513)439-0549. tile and laminate flooring. Very nice condition. Rent to Own. 3BR/1BA, Ranch style home on 1 $575/month. acre. Located at 11981 (812)623-2524. White Plains Rd. Rising Sun, 1st Floor, 1BR Call 812-926-4663 on River Front, beautiful, no pets, no smoking, referances. Includes all utilities and laundry. $750/mo. 812-667-7679 Nicer 2 bedroom, 2 bath Rising Sun- 1 BR effi - located in Shady Lane ciency apartment. Up - M H P , Aurora, IN. stairs. No smoking and No $525/month plus $525 deanimals. Partially fur - posit. Tenant pays utilities. nished. $550 includes utili- 812-438-3651. ties, $250 deposit. 812-926-2258 Sunman- double wide; 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 3 priSpacious 2 bedroom du- vate acres; South Dearplex in Greendale, large born school district; North kitchen, shed, stove, refrig- M a n c h e s t e r Rd; erator, washer/dryer all fur- $600/month plus deposit; nished. $675 month + utili- 8 1 2 - 6 2 3 - 3 1 7 2 or ties, no pets. Call Regina 812-525-5164 at 812-584-4218.
3BR/2BA, on 3 acres in Aberdeen. W/D hookup, No pets, No smoking. $725/mo. + utilities, first/last mo. rent deposit. 812-290-1101
CROMER REALTY (513) 675-6682
All electric 2BR/1BA on dead end street in Milan. All appliances included. $650.00 a month plus deposit and utilities. 812-926-6025 ext.222
4151 S. 750E, DillSboro
Aurora- for rent: profes sional office; 3 offices and large reception area; 513-312-4382
with Office for storage or use of Business $1500 per month. 812-537-1074, 513-218-5406
Office / warehouse / retail space for lease in Law Aurora- 3-bedroom house renceburg, 1500 sqft to with river view. Renter 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100. pays all utilities. No pets. $700/month and $700 deposit. References re quired. Call after 6 pm. 812-584-5519 812-532-9112.
L’Burg~WaterView Apts.
812-655-9753 Now accepting applications for Our 1, 2, & 3 BR apt. homes. Just past Walmart at 1200 Sycamore Est. Dr.
812.637.2220 CSTONEREALTY.COM LOGAN: NEW LISTING! 5.5 acre country setting with 1.5 story home, large attached garage plus a 34x50 detached heated with full bath workshop. $264,900 AURORA: NEW LISTING! 2 bed, 1 bath home on double lot w/ North Hogan Creek frontage. $49,900 LAWRENCEBURG: 3 bed, brick ranch home w/ WBFP, LL family rm, covered rear deck. $137,500 BRIGHT: Immediate occupancy on a 2 bed, 3 bath condo w/finished LL and screened in patio. $134,900 HVL: Immediate occupancy 3 bed, 2.5 bath, double lot, in ground pool, & 1st flr laundry. $199,900 GUILFORD: Nice home with 3 large bedrooms, 2.5 bath, bonus rm on upper level, finished LL w/walkout. $209,900 GUILFORD: Exceptional home & setting! 4 bed, 5.5 bath home w/heated pool, hot tub, finished LL, 3 car attached, & 3 car detached garages on 3.4 acres. $549,900 WEISBURG: Former country store w/ residence. Rough condition, sold as is. $39,900 LOGAN: Mostly wooded 9.6 ac lot. $64,900
Aurora- in shopping plaza with Subway, 1770 sq. ft. Addyston - Clean, modern for lease, high traffic. 3 bedroom, Three Rivers 513-532-8933. Schools. No pets. $695 For Rent or Lease, plus deposit plus utilities. I-275-US 50-Greendale (513)207-6940. IN. 40ftX60ft Warehouse
Relaxing mini-farm! 15.9 acres, 3 BR, newer updates, 2 barns with stalls, hayloft & tack room, pond, fruit trees and home warranty included! MLS 280540 $259,000.
800-544-5776 812-932-8000
All units have W/D hook ups and kitchen appliances including dishwasher and microwave.
$199 security deposit Call Rhonda for the “Special of the week”
Bischoff Realty (513) 367-2171 Fred Clark Ohio/Indiana
Cathy WassOn Ohio/Indiana
Harrison- Brick ranch w/3BR, 1 ½BA, new heat/ air, full bsmt, very clean home! $125,900. W.Harrison- Raised ranch w/3BR, 2BA, partial bsmt, completely remodeled interior, on 8 acres. $99,900.
Ready to buy or sell? Call us!
• 10 ac, Brooks Rd. Whitewater Twp, $55,000. MLS#1402859 • 5 ac, Cin-Brookville Rd. Morgan Twp, $68,000. MLS#1413363 • 1 ac, Dogwood Ct. West Harrison, $29,900. MLS#280899 • 58 ac w/ 2br home, Cross Rd. Aurora, $265,900. MLS#28110 • 54 ac, Peppertown Rd. W. Harrison, $249,900. MLS#276522 • 5 ac, Ivy Hill Rd. HVL, $9900. MLS#281492 • 1/4+ac, Cedar Cliff Dr. HVL Lakefront, $79,000. MLS#281587 • 1/4 + ac, Lakeview Dr, HVL, $17,900. MLS#281585 • 40 ac w/4br home, Red Oak Ln. Laurel, $199,900. MLS#281645 Call Niki Campbell 513-888-0387 OR Todd Bischoff 513-616-0655
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
$1500 Sign On Bonus, $60K-$70K Annually! Experienced Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! Dedicated Customer, Home Weekly, and Excellent Benefits. Call 888-409-6033 or app l y o n l i n e
Apartment owner needs qualified sub contractor to do miscellaneous maintenance, plumbing, light electrical, carpentry, etc. Please call (513)203-3633. APPLY NOW! DO TAXES! Goepperʼs Liberty Tax Work 9-1,1-5 or 5-9 Choose 3-7 shifts Hourly+Bonus=$14$16/hour FREE Tax Training Small book fee Lawrenceburg, Harrison, Colerain Call 513-801-9129 by Aug 30 “Can You Dig It?” Heavy Equipment Operator Training! 3 Weeks Hands On Program. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement Assistance. National Certifications. VA Benefits Eligible866-362-6497 AC1213 Church Secretary/Treasurer Dillsboro- 20 hours, flexible, weekly $200. Need computer, internet, and bookkeeping skills and helpful attitude. Email resume: DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW at Stevens Transport! New drivers earn $750 per week! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! CDL & Job ready in 15 days! 1-877-649-3156. Drivers Wanted. Class A CDL. Clean Driving Re cord. Experience a Plus. Hourly Pay. Koppʼs Turkey Sales 513-367-4133
Drivers: CDL-A Lots of Money & Miles Several Different Dedicated Routes. 100% Hands OFF Freight Home Weekly. Newer Equipment. (855) 347-2703
Drivers: Home Nightly Florence, KY Flatbed Openings! Great Pay, Benefits! CDL-A, 1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: 1(866)336-9642
Drivers: NEW MANAGEMENT Home Almost Daily Great Pay, Excellent Benefits Sign on Bonus, CDL- A 2 YRS EXP REQ 1(888)208-5112
Experienced Customer Service Rep needed for growing local business. Must have excellent communication and computer skills. Knowledge of medical terminology preferred. Full time opening for day shift M-F. full benefits that include health care, vacation, IRA, company matching contribution and paid holidays. Send resume to Greene Respiratory, 424 Third St. Aurora, Attn: Manager Experienced driver or recent Grad? With Swift, you can grow to be an award-winning Class A CDL driver. We help you achieve Diamond Driver status with the best support there is. As a Dia mond Driver, you earn additional pay on top of all the competitive incentives we offer. The very best, choose Swift. Great Miles, Great Pay, Late-Model Equipment Available. Regional Opportunities, Great Career Path, Paid Vacation, Excellent Benefits. Please call 866-950-5815
Part-time merchants Bank & trust
Now hiring a Part-time Teller to deliver a high level of customer satisfaction with courteous, accurate, and responsive attention. Flexibility with hours is required including every Saturday. Must be able to lift heavy coin and stand for a long periods of time. We offer paid vacation and a great environment! Please send resume and hourly salary requirement: E-mail: Fax: Sandra Melillo at 812-637-0269 Mail: Sandra A. Melillo, Human Resource Director Merchants Bank 111 N. State Street West Harrison, IN 47060 EEO/M/F/D/V
The Town of Dillsboro is seeking to fill the position of Town Manager. Town Government in Dillsboro is comprised of five Councilmembers and a Clerk-Treasurer, all who serve four-year elected terms. The Council appoints the Town Manager. The Town Manager works closely with Council to assist them in formulating policies and programs and is responsible for the efficient ongoing operation of all Town services as set forth by the Council. Minimum requirements include education and/or experience equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in public or business administration combined with successful experience as a local government or private sector manager or assistant manager. Ideal experience includes strategic planning, public entity budget development, downtown revitalization and economic development and redevelopment. The ideal candidate will understand elements of economic sustainability in a rural community. The successful candidate must clearly possess and apply superior communication, organizational management and leadership skills and abilities. This position offers excellent benefits and a salary range of $45,000 to $55,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. Residency is strongly preferred but not required. Apply in confidence by September 2, 2014, with email submission of a cover letter and resume with references to: Janice Sullivan, Town of Dillsboro Clerk-Treasurer Email: The Town of Dillsboro is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Experienced HVAC in staller. Full time with benefits. Call 513-941-0075 or email resume to billspadeelectric@
Stable help needed (1-3hrs) after school and weekends. Need hard working, reliable, moti vated local teen preferably near Rising Sun area. a day. Hiring CNAʼs. Waters of $ 1 2 - $ 1 7 Rising Sun seeking Certi- 812-438-2992 fied Nurse Aides. Shift Differentials offered for 2nd Stone Belt Freight Lines and 3rd shifts. Competitive Needs Owner Operators wages and benefits avail- Now! Run 48 & Canada. able. Apply at 405 Rio Percentage Plus 100% Vista Lane, Rising Sun. IN. Fuel Surcharge. Plate ProCall 812-438-2219 for in- gram & Insurance Availformation able. Call Kelsy Laborer needed - Must 1-800-489-2332. have basic computer knowledge; be willing to work in hot & cold weather; have good people skills as will be working with the public; apply in person at E-Town Landfill & Recycling (513)353-1200.
Laborer- accepting applications until August 22, 2014. Apply in person at: SDRSD 370 West Eads Parkway, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 Looking for experienced cook. Apply at The Hickory House, 147 Main Street, Rising Sun or call 812-438-2204. Looking for experienced pizza makers. Apply at Caudillioʼs Pizza, 120 North Walnut Street, Rising Sun or call 812-438-4380. Omni Technologies, Inc. is a problem-solving company. We design and manufacture solutions for our customers typically using engi neered plastics. Omni Technologies is growing and expanding its capabilities and is looking for motivated, high-energy, employees who possess good critical thinking skills. As a successful team member you will learn to process a variety of materials and develop your mechanical skills. Two positions are currently open for 1st shift Molder. Omni Technologies offers competitive compensation, health care benefits, 401(k) plan and a great work environment. If you want to join our team and have an opportunity to develop, both personally and professionally, please send your re sume to: dbrown@ or apply in person @ 779 Rudolph Way, Green dale, IN 47025. If called for an interview you must wear study leather work boots.“EEO-Minorities/Females/Disabled/Ve terans" “Partners in Excellence” OTR Drivers APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825 Register Publications has part-time open positions in mailroom, stuffing inserts. Starts daily between 7-8 a.m. Must have reliable transportation, valid drivers license and be able to stand for long periods of time. Must be 18 years old or older. Apply in person at Register Publications, 126 West High Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana. EOE
Drivers! Holland is hiring at its Cincy, OH terminal. 21 yr old w/ 1 year or 50k miles exp, w/ tanker & hazmat. Local drivers are home daily, Regional Drivers are home weekly. Company paid health ins. Find your direction at! EEO/AAE Minorities/Females Persons with Disabilities/ Protected Veterans
TEACHERS Nationally accredited and star rated full day early childhood program looking for qualified teachers. CELC Harrison (513)367-2129 part time positions available Fax or email resume to (513)367-5537
Medical Assistant - Full time openings in physician practices in Lawrenceburg. Certified Medical Assistant preferred, suitable medical office experience required.
ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Clinical Applications Analyst - Full time position in I.S. Department supporting clinical information systems. Must be able to support Allscripts ProEHR and Allscripts PM. Must have experience with Crystal Report writing. Bachelors degree in Information Systems related field required. AVAILABLE FOR FULL & PART TIME EMPLOYEES 403(b) Program • Health & Dental Insurance Tuition Reimbursement • Competitive Salary 3 Weeks Vacation after 1 Year Full Time • EOE
The Jac-Cen-Del Community School Corporation is seeking a Licensed Speech Pathologist preferred. Position requires a minimum of a bachelorʼs degree in speech, lan guage, and hearing sci ence or equivalent bachelorʼs degree. Please provide a letter of interest, resume, and a copy of li cense. Please contact Mr. Travis Rohrig, 723 North Buckeye Street, Osgood, IN 47037, phone 812-689-4144, or email trohrig@ Water Tower Painters Traveling Midwest & southern states. 55-60 hrs/week starting at $12 an hour, review after 6 mos. Send resume to or fax 317-462-1646 Weʼre Hiring. CDL-A Truck Driver-Solo & Teams. Up to $5,000 Sign-on Bonus & $.56 CPM! Dedicated Opportunities Available! Great Miles & Time Off! Call 7 day/wk! EOE 866-402-3449 Werner Enterprises is HIRING! Dedicated, Regional, & OTR opportunities! Need your CDL? 3 wk training avail. Donʼt wait, call today to get started! 1-866-467-1836
Employers need work-at-home Medical Transcriptionists! Get the online training you need to fill these positions with training through Ivy Tech. Train at home to work at home! Visit to start training for your work-at-home career today.
Absolutely no trespassing of any kind for any reason. No exceptions. Not re sponsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex pense. Property located at 8692 Willey Rd., Harrison, OH. Molly Jansen, Cathy Maher, Mary Ison. Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quad runners, or 4-wheelers allowed for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone, Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of G.E. Stacy, 27357 Stacy Lane, 1905 Pinhook Rd., West Harrison, Ind., 47060.
Knose/Noes/Nose Reunion Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014. Miami Whitewater Park. Bluebird Glen Shelter. Lunch at 1 p.m. Pot luck, bring your famous dish! DIRECTV starting at (513)638-9265. $24.95/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX. FREE RECEIVER Up grade! 2014 NFL Sunday Bowman Painting- interior Ticket Included with Select and exterior; house paint- Packages. Some excluing and r o o f i n g ; sions apply- Call for details 812-689-6771 o r 1-800-319-1528. 812-537-4677 Need Information on the where abouts of Kevin Pflum Jr regarding a car title issue. Please call, 513-941-5042
Office Help
Part-time office help needed. Must be familiar with computers. Good customer service skills, able to pay attention to details, must be able to work flexible daytime hours. Send resumes to:
Please Call for Early Holiday Dealines $15 four papers 25 words or less Call Harrison Press (513)367-4582 or Lawrenceburg (812)537-0063. 3 yards sales on Woods Road, Lawrenceburg. Friday & Saturday August 22nd & 23rd. 8:00-5:00 Bargains-Yard Sale-128 Tebbs, Greendale. Aug. 22&23-9:00-2:30, No sales before 9am. Fans, books, magazines, clothes, coats, vases, bikes, furniture, toys, dog crate, grill. COMMUNITY YARD SALE! Vendors Wanted! Sat, Aug 30, 8am-1pm. Harrison Bowl, 1152 Stone Drive, Harrison. $15 adults, $5 kids. Mark, (513)276-3017. Benefits Greater Harrison Rotary fundraising.
Deliver the new cincinnati bell telephone Directories • be your own boss • work a minimum of 6 daylight hours per day • Must have vehicle with proof of insurance • Must be 18 years or older with a valid drivers license and social security card • also looking for clerks & loaders Delivery begins septeMber 5th in anD arounD aDDyston & harrison ohio as well as Dearborn county inDiana. call 513-768-6547 between 8aM-4:30pM Mon-Fri reFer to job # 60001-c eoe
Whitewater Motor Company Milan, Indiana
Job Description: Responsibilities include washing, waxing, extracting of vehicles, as well as overall reconditioning of inventory. Job Requirements: Applicant must be dependable, have ability to work in fast paced environment and have auto detail experience (verifiable refrences) If you are an individual who is detail oriented, energetic, organized and wanting to excel in a customer service focused environment, we encourage you to apply. Accepting applications through August 28, 2014
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HOME HEALTH AIDES All Shifts Available Experience Preferred Benefits/Bonuses
August 19 - 21, 2014
Whitewater Processing is now accepting applications Bowman Tree Service. for male/female full time Trimming, topping, tree removal, lot clearing, storm work. 513-367-4133 damage, fully insured and free estimates. Call (812)537-4677. Pro-Duce-It. Tomatoes. Peaches. Corn. Water Monroe Excavating, Hauling, LLC Limestone, melon. Cantaloupe. Two locations. Eads Parkway For Sale-Apt. Building with Topsoil, Fill Dirt, Mulch, 3 apartments and store Sand, Gravel, Driveways next to Jeff Wyler in Lawrenceburg. Harrison Ave front. 1-Two Family house Demolition, Digging, and 1-Single Family B a s e m e n t s , D u m p across from Monk's in Harhouse. Reasonable Offer . Truck, Bobcat, Track rison. Under tents. Call 513-532-0708 or H o e Work C a l l Small squares, mixed 513-310-2502 (812)926-1995 o r grassed $2 to $3; Timothy (513)310-0835 or orchard $4.50; 4x5 grass $20 to $30 stored inGreendale Self - Storage side; Call 513-417-1185 or Indoor storage available 24 hour access. Call 812-438-3757 A+ TAX SCHOOL (812)537-3131 o r Wanted to buy cattle and Goepperʼs Liberty Tax (812)637-1787. horses. Crippled or sound. FREE tuition Hers & His Services Also buying wild cattle. Apply now, limited space pay cash. Grass Cutting, Trash Re- W i l l Certified instructors 8 Weeks, 2 class times/wk movel, Free Estimates, (859)620-5860. Partners in Life and in Mornings or Evenings Business. Bonnie & Small Book Fee Steve Telinda Aurora IN. Call 513-801-9129 513-703-4416, Classes Start Sept. 8 Can 513-309-9460 lead to employment Ace Appliance, NEW LOLawrenceburg, Harrison, Lisaʼs Cleaning Service - CATION. Reconditioned Colerain Residential, office, rentals washer/dryers, refrigeraand apartments. Monthly, AIRLINE CAREERS begin weekly, bi-weekly, or one tors/freezers, stoves. We here- Get FAA approved time. Fully insured. De - also sell parts and do reAviation Tech training. Job pendable. Free estimates. pairs. 812-537-0032, 254 placement assistance. Call (812)637-9171 or cell Charles A. Liddle Dr. #7 Delta, Southwest, Boeing (513)256-0698. and many other hire AIM grads! CALL AIM 877-523-5807
Apply in person at Whitewater Motor Company located at 200 Indian Trail MIlan, IN. 470031 from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.
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For an up-to-date listing of job opportunities at DCH, visit our website at
GARAGE & 55 YARD SALES Estate sale- 324 Mulberry Street, Rising Sun. 9am-1pm Saturday Aug. 23rd. Dressers, table and chairs, lamps, tools, glassware, vibrating sofa chair, other miscellaneous household items. Garage Sale - Sat., Aug. 23, 8-12. 212 Countryview Drive, Harrison. Furniture, pictures, fish tank, lots of picture frames, books, computer desk, miscellaneous items. Garage sale- August 21, 22, 23. 10577 Hueseman, Aurora. 9am-5pm. Furniture, paintings, art, frames, housewares, glassware, tapes, CDs, TVs, tools, many puzzles, jewelry, misc. Giant Yard Sale-Downsizing-Saturday Aug. 23rd, 8am-4pm?. 230 South Mulberry St, Rising Sun. Furniture, glassware, computer desk/chair, office chairs, Lots of misc. Greendale-215 Oakey Ave. August 21, 22, 23 9am-3pm. Lots of girls plus size 10 1/2-18 1/2, ladies clothes, toys, books, VHS tapes, pool pump, ladder Huge moving sale. August 22nd-23rd. 9am-3pm. 2213 N County Road 525 East, Milan. Between Hwy 50 and 300 N; JD Diesel 4100 Series DSL Tractor, Bush hog, Finish Mower, Plow; Cub Cadet 1860 model, 46 in Deck, and attachments; Log Splitter, DR Power Grader, DR Walk Behind, Utility Trailer, Outdoor Sohio Gas Sign, Antiques, 50ʼs Coke Cooler, Cast Iron #13, Crystal Bell, Copper Kettle, Indoor and Outdoor Furniture, 10x20 Canopy Tent. Items too numerous to mention. Something for everyone. Moving/Yard Sale - Aug. 22 & 23, 9-3. 23189 Hawley Dr., Bright. Curio grandfather clock, Jukebox, household goods, Toy Story collection, Coke collection, 2008 Harley Davidson Softail, womenʼs clothes. Multi-family garage sale. 8am-2pm Friday August 22nd. 26098 Pine Ridge Drive, West Harrison, IN. Furniture, antiques, and much more. New A to Z Browse About now open on 308 Second Street, Aurora. Consignment items. Something for everyone. Open 10-6 every day. Thursday/Friday/Saturday, August 21-23, 8am-6pm. 16835 Manchester St. Moores Hill (by Firehouse) Huge Sale/No Junk, Clothing-Men/Women/Children, Tires, Leather/Jkts, Appliances, Collectibles, Electronics, Toys, Purses. All Good Condition. Yard Sale - Sat. Aug. 23, 8-2. Rain date Aug. 30. 329 & 330 South Elm Street, Harrison. Household items, toys, misc.
CKC Registered Jack Russell puppies. 8 weeks old, wormed, and shots. Very adorable. Call Sharon at 812-667-5070 Free Kittens-One orange and white male and one Calico female to good home. Cute, playful affectionate. 9 weeks old. Please call 812-438-4440
Bad teeth? Extractions and Dentures using oral sedations. Free Consultations. Dr. McCall info,before/after photos at m 317-596-9700 GUN SHOW!! Alexandria, IN - August 23rd & 24th, Madison County Fair grounds, 512 E. 4th St., Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-3 For information call 765-993-8942 Buy! Sell! Trade! INDY 1500 GUN & KNIFE SHOW- Indianaʼs Largest! State Fairgrounds. Expo Building Fri Aug 29, 2-8pm. Sat Aug 30, 8-6pm. Sun Aug 31, 9-4pm. Bring this ad for $1 off 1 admission.
August 19 - 21, 2014
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
58 MISCELLANEOUS 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column
Machinists Tools-Jet Engine Lathe with many extra tools. Milling ma chine 2HP/1PH with many extra tools. Other Machinist tools for sale. Call 812-537-9678
Absolutely no fishing, no swimming, no hunting, or trespassing permitted. Not responsible for any injuries or accidents on the property belonging to : Rod and Brenda Cafouras, 12476 Gordon lane, DillsREDUCE YOUR CABLE boro, IN 47018 3/19/15 BILL! Get a whole-home Satellite system installed Absolutely no fishing, no at NO COST and program- swimming, no hunting, or ming starting a t trespassing permitted. Not $19.99/mo. F R E E responsible for any injuries HD/DVR Upgrade to new or accidents on the propcallers, SO CALL NOW erty belonging to: Mark & Eva Roll, End of Diefen1-800-914-5307 bach Road, Bright IN ROOFINGD i s c o u n t 47025 Economy Dimensional 09-4-14 Shingles $16 per bundle, Absolutely no hunting or Multi-Color Shingles only trespassing. No dirt bikes $8 per bundle, great for or motorized vehicles of Barns, Sheds & Garages any kind. Not responsible www.CardwellHomeCenfor accidents, injuries or, talities on the property of 3205 Madison Avenue, In- Helen Amm & Teresa dianapolis (317)788-0008 Stone, 18060 Union Ridge, Aurora, In 47001. 9/18/14 Absolutely no hunting, fishing or trespassing for any Always Buying, antiques, reason w/o written permisestates or partial estates, sion on the properties old military items, guns, owned or leased by us. No swords, old advertising excuses. Violators will be signs, and clocks, toys, arrested and prosecuted. jewelry, pottery, etc. Call Harry and John Hud dleston, 8731 SR 56N, Bob 812-637-5369 Aurora, IN or 5311 Wanted: consignments- Yorkridge Road, Guil farm machinery. Lawrence ford, IN Siekman 812-655-6092 or 10/23/14 Denny Brown Absolutely no hunting, fish812-438-4624. For sale on Sept 13 at Rising Sun fair- ing, or trespassing. Not responsible for accidents on grounds. the property of: Richard Noggler, 7334 St. Rd. 48, 6521 St Rd. 48 Aurora, IN 47001 1-1-15
We buy and haul junk cars & trucks with titles. Call 812-621-0961 or email davesautosalvage1@gmai
1993 Pace Arrow Class A Motor Home. Excellent condition, ready for travel. Asking $11,000. Call 812-926-1016
Will Buy & Haul Scrap Cars & Trucks (812)716-0781.
70 Posted Column
Absolutely no dogs, hunting, trapping, fishing, swimming, trash dumping of any kind, wire fence cutting/breaking, horse riding, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason, unless written permission. Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property. Dennis and Gail Connelly, 6651 Stimson Road, Aurora, IN 47001 12-14
Absolutely no hunting, fishing, dog running, woodcutting, dumping, animal abandonment, motorized vehicles, bikes, trapping, firearms, swimming, tree cutting, snowmobiling, creek rock hunting, turning around in private circle drive or trespassing of any kind for any reason . Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or personal property. Activities of any kind will not be tolerated. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the properties of:John Niehaus, 16827 St. Rt. 148, Aurora, Ind., 47001. 08/27/15
Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. Violators will be prose cuted. Beware of dog. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Perry & Tracy Boone, 18002 Lost Creek Lane, Lawrenceburg, IN 4-2-15
Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: John Stegemiller, 24569 Hiltz Rd., Guilford, IN 47022. 9-11-14
ABSOLUTELY no hunting/trapping, no fishing, no riding motorized vehicles or animals, and NO trespassing of any kind for any reason on the properties owned by: Nolte Farms, LLC – Nolte & Bells Branch Rds, Caesar Creek Twp, Dearborn County, Dillsboro, IN and Floyd P & Teresa Martini – North Hogan & Holt Rds, Manchester Twp, Dearborn County, Milan, IN. NO exceptions! Not responsible for any accidents or injuries of any kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. 11/13/14
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason including motorized vehicles - hunting of any kind (bow or gun - nor trapping) or sledding. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their expenses to the fullest extent of the law on the property of Irvin J. Hartman & Frances M. Hartman, 221 Locust St., Greendale, IN 47025 1-15-15
Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at there own expense. No vehicles including ATVʼs, Motorcycles etc. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of Absolutely no swimming, P.A.W.S. Humane Center, 200 Charles A. Liddle fishing, hunting or tres - DR. Lawrenceburg, IN. passing permitted, not re- 47025 01-15-15 sponsible for any injuries or accidents on any property or lakes belonging to: Absolutely No trespassing Ralph Eugene Clark, Jr. for any reason. Not re and Mary Clark, 1505 sponsible for any acci Water Street, Hardin - dents or injuries on the town, Lawrenceburg, IN properties of Robert & Anyone caught in the auto Deborah Lischkge, 9794 salvage yard or above Alans Branch, Moores property will be prose - Hill, IN 47032 2-19-15 cuted. Absolutely No Trespassing 09-2-14 for any reason. Violators Absolutely no trespassing will be prosecuted. Not re- of any kind - for any rea- sponsible for any acci son. It is illegal to tres - dents or injuries on the The pass. No hunting, trapping, properties of: trash dumping, wood cut- Bowlins, Bordering on ting, swimming, discharg- Lipscomb Dr., Mud Lick ing firearms or explosives Creek and Rainbow of any kind, riding animals Road, Manchester Townor bicycles, or any motor- ship and 7327 Kaiser ized vehicles including Drive, 2-5-15 ATVʼs, quad runners, motorcycles, motor bikes, etc. ABSOLUTELY NO TRESNot responsible for prop- PASSING FOR ANY REAerty damage, accidents. SON. VIOLATORS WILL Injuries or fatalities. Viola- BE PROSECUTED AT tors will be prosecuted to THEIR OWN EXPENSE. the full extent of the law. 19150 COLLIER RIDGE This is a 44 acre tract GUILFORD, IN 47022. bounded on the south by 09/11/14 Lutz Road and on the ABSOLUTELY NO TRESnorth by Harley Springs PASSING FOR ANY REASubdivision. Welbourne SON. VIOLATORS WILL G. Williams, 4738 Lutz BE PROSECUTED AT Rd., Guilford, Indiana. THEIR OWN EXPENSE. 04-23-15 7152 KAISER DR. LAWRENCEBURG, IN 47025 Absolutely no trespassing 09/11/14 for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dump- Absolutely no trespassing ing, woodcutting, or swim- for any reason; no fishing, ming. No motorized vehi- hunting, trapping, swimcles of any kind or 3 ming or open fires. No mowheelers. Violators will be torized bikes, 4-wheelers prosecuted at their own or other motorized vehiexpense. Not responsible cles. Violators will be for any accidents or inju- prosecuted at their own ries on the property. Be- expense. We are not relonging to: S. Graves Kee- sponsible for any acci gan, 4920 Speier Rd. Dill- dents or injuries on the soboro IN. 47018 5-21-15 property. Ryan Stroud Heartland, Homestead Absolutely no trespassing Land Trust 3/26/15 for any reason, not responpost frame sible for accidents or injuries. Violators will prosebuildings cuted at their own ex penses.: The Beverly J. speCial Neihardt Trust, 14950 20x24 • $3,995 w/ 2 doors Wood St., Moores Hill, IN 30x30 • $5,995 w/ 2 doors 8-28-14 40x60 • $11,900 w/ 2 doors Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents and or injuries on the property of: Gerald&Charlene Powell 8964 Sycamore St 9098 Stitts Hill Rd. Moores Hill, In. 47032 7-9-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Hidden Valley Lake, Inc, Hidden Valley Golf Club, Rupel Development Corp., Country Acreage, Inc., Jacob Properties, bor dered by Georgetown Road, Fairway Drive, Alpine Drive and Oberting Road, Miller Township and City of Greendale. 03-19-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Will not be responsible for any accidents or fatalities. Violators will be fined and prosecuted on the property of: Mark & Bonnie Pennington, 12947 N. Hogan Rd., Aurora, In 47001 4-16-15
Absolutely no trespassing, for any reason. No hunting or trapping. No motorized v vehicles, 4-wheelers etc. without written permission from owner. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Grimsley Farm on Grimsley Rd. Moores Absolutely no trespassing Hill IN 47032 04/02/15 for any reason; no fishing, no hunting, trapping, swimming, no motorized vehicles, firearms, trash dump- Absolutely no trespassing, ing, open fires, wood cuthunting, fishing, swim ting, horseback riding, 4 ming, trapping, horseback wheelers, bikes. Violators riding, woodcutting, motorwill be prosecuted at their ized bikes, quad runners own expense. Not respon- or 4-wheelers allowed for sible for any injuries, acciany reason. Not responsidents, fatalities. No tresble for accidents or injury passing, soliciting, or visito anyone. Violators will be tation from strangers, famprosecuted at their own ily, or friends without writ- expense to the full extent ten consent from Ron and of the law on the property Debbie Seaver, 23718 of: Darrell & Susan SexJames Lake Road, Guilton, 17537 Hillcrest Dr., ford, IN 47022 Lawrenceburg, IN 04-23-15 470205. 3-12-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property be longing to: Patricia Stewart, 13409 Wynnʼs Absolutely no trespassing Way, Moores Hill, IN for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their 47032. 10-9-14 own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or Absolutely no trespassing injuries on the property of for any reason. Violators Robert L. Kist, Matter will be prosecuted. Not re- horn DR, lot 1090, Hidsponsible for any acci - den Valley Lake. dents or injuries on the 4-16-15 James, properties of Wilma, Samuel Goff and ABSOLUTELY NO TRESCarolyn Goff/Brown, PASSING OF ANY KIND, 13337 Goff Lane, Moores FOR ANY REASON OWNER NOT RESPONSIHill,In 09-25-14 BLE FOR ANY ACCI DENTS, INJURIES, OR FATALITIES. VIOLATORS Absolutely No Trespassing WILL BE PROSECUTED for any reason, no fishing, AT THEIR EXPENSE. hunting, trapping, dump- SHELIA BLOCK ing, wood cutting, or swim- 9163 OLD S.R. 350 ming, no motorized bikes, AURORA, IN 47001 4-wheelers or other motor- 9-25-14 ized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own Absolutely no trespassing expense, not responsible of any kind allowed on all for any accidents on the properties belonging to property of: Gale Banta, Ola & Julie Miller. No ex4304 State Road 48, Law- ceptions. Not responsible renceburg, IN 47025 for injuries, accidents or fatalities. No vehicles of any 4-2-15 kind, horseback riding, etc, unless written permission Absolutely no trespassing is given. Ola & Julie for any reason. Violators Miller, 11302 N. Hogan will be prosecuted. Not re- Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 sponsible for any acci - 3-19-15 dents of injuries on the Absolutely No Trespassing property of: of any kind, for any reason Tom & Kathy Klump Tower Rd., Lawrence - at any time. No Excep tions! Owner not responsiburg Trojan Rd., Extending to ble for any accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators Beneker Rd., St. Leon will be prosecuted at their Kildeer Ln., Guilford Mosmeier R d . , own expense. Tresa ManSunman,St rd 46 prop- ford 11510 North Hogan erty, North Dearborn Road Aurora, IN 47001 5-7-15 property 4-9-15
Built on your lot! 50 Years Experience
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gosman inC. 812-265-5290
Early Deadlines In observance of the Labor Day holiday our offices will be closed
Monday, September 1st
Deadlines will be as follows: RETAIL ADVERTISING: Journal Press & Harrison Press • Thursday 8/28, 10am Rising Sun Recorder/Ohio Co. News • Friday 8/29, 10am Dearborn County Register • Tuesday 9/3, 10am (Regular Deadline) LEGAL ADVERTISING: Journal Press & Harrison Press • Thursday 8/29, 10am Rising Sun Recorder/Ohio Co. News • Friday 8/30, 10am Dearborn County Register • Tuesday 9/2, 10am (Regular Deadline) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: All Classifieds (JP, HP, RS, RG) • Thursday 8/28, 10am Market Place • Tuesday 9/2, 10am (Regular Deadline)
Offices will reopen Tuesday, September 3rd 812-537-0063 Main Office 513-367-4582 Harrison Office 812-438-2011 Rising Sun Office
24'x36'x8' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 40'x64'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-9'x7' Garage Door 1-20' Split Slider Truss on 4½' Center Truss on 4' Center 24'x45'x8' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 50'x80'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-9'x7' Garage Door 2- 24' Split Slider Truss on 4½' Center Truss on 4' Center 32'x40'x12' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 60'x80'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-16' Split Slider 2- 24' Split Slider Truss on 4' Center Truss on 4' Center
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METAL ROOFING - 40 YEAR Warranty - choice of 16 colors • Lumber • Hardware • Plumbing Supplies • Paint & Supplies Vinyl siding •Windows & Doors • Ammunition Laminated Floor • Greenhouse & Garden Supplies 5123 W. Co. Rd 550 South - Holton, IN 47023 (812) 689-6276 (or leave a message) From Versailles, take US 421 S. Turn right onto Co. Rd. 550 S. (watch for sign). Located approx. 3 miles on the left. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am - 5:00 pm • Sat. 8:00 am - 4 pm
I-275 Enterprises, Inc., is the owner of property located in the Horseshoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana, bounded on the West and North by the right-of-way of interstate Highway 275 and on the South by the Chessie Railroad right-of-way and on the eastern edge of the I-275 Lagoon (hereinafter called “the property”). Hunting, trapping, dis charging firearms, shooting arrows, fishing, turtle hunting, dog running, tree cutting, woodcutting, dumping, animal abandonment, hiking, bicycling, motor biking, operating quads or after ATV vehicles, horseback riding, sledding, ice skating, snowmobiling, bird watching, camping, operation of aircraft, swimming, row boating, motor boating, sailing, creek rock hunting, turning around or trespassing of any kind on the property for any reason is absolutely forbidden without written and signed permission of a duly authorized agent of I-275 Enterprises, Inc., I-275 Campgrounds, Inc., and-or Horseshoe Camp grounds. I-275 Enter prises, Inc. 10860 In deco Drive, Cincinnati OH 45241 09-4-14
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, firearms, woodcutting, trapping. No motorized vehicles of any kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Also not responsible for any injuries, accidents or fatalities on the property of: James Chrisman, Yorkridge Road, No bikes, skateboards, Guilford, IN 5-28-15 roller blades. No trespassing for any reason; not responsible for injuries or accidents on property of: Dillsboro Civic Club, Absolutely no trespassing, 9824 Central Ave. and hunting, fishing, swim - 12930 North St., Dills ming, woodcutting, quad boro, IN or cycle riding. Not respon- (formerly Doctors Bldg.) sible for accidents or inju- 8-28-14 ries on the property of: Jim & Larry Gabbard, No fishing, swimming, Lattire Farm, Gregory hunting, four wheelers, or Bier (The Land) Union trespassing on the HosRidge Road, Aurora, IN tetler Farms, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill. 47001 5-21-15 They will be prosecuted. Harry Hostetler, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill, IN 12-4-14 Absolutely no trespassing, No hunting or shooting, no hunting, fishing, swim - woodcutting,, littering or ming, trapping, horseback dumping, no motorized veriding, woodcutting, motor- hicles, machinery or tresized bikes, quadrunners or passing. Not liable or re4-wheelers allowed on my sponsible for injuries or acproperty for any reason. cidents. Violators will be Not responsible for acci- prosecuted if found on dents or injury to anyone. property of: Dennis G. Violators will b e prose - and Ann J. Elder, 17800 cuted at their own expense Duncan Lane, Aurora, IN to the full extent of the law 7-9-15 on the property of: The Gary Steinmetz Farm, No hunting, fishing or tres9783 Wesseler Road, passing of any kind. Not Sunman, I N responsible for property or personal injury on the 05-14-15 property of: Maria Teresa Maturana, 21940 Lake Tambo Rd., Manchester, IN 01/22/15 Absolutely no trespassing, No hunting, fishing or treshunting, quads, dirt bikes, passing and not responsior wood cutting. Not re - ble for accidents or injuries sponsible for any injuries on the property of: Jerome or accidents. Property conRuth Martini, York sists of 10 acres. Richard & Ridge Rd., Leatherwood and Melanie Wiedeman, Rd., York Township. 18554 Collier Ridge, 4-9-15 Guilford, IN 47022 No hunting, fishing or tres05-21-15 passing for any reason. Not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property owned by: StoAbsolutely no trespassing, negate Property Owners, hunting, fishing, boating, Bordering on Stonegate swimming, trapping, mo- Dr. & Essex Lane. torized bikes, 4 wheelers, 05-28-15 RVʼs, woodcutting, horseback riding, firearms. Vio- No hunting, fishing, or treslators will be prosecuted at passing for any reason their own expense. Not re- and not responsible for sponsible for accidents or any injuries occurring on injuries on the property of: the property owned by: Robert & Carolyn K. Hol- Hidden Valley Lake Proptegel, 12466 Rullman Dr. erty Owners Associa tion, Bordering on StateDillsboro, IN 47018 03-15 line Road and Georgetown Road, Lawrenceburg, In 04/09/15 Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no walking, no sightseeing, no motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their ex penses. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Patrick Holland 14130 Brown Rd. Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14
Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no 4-wheeling, no quad running. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Ronald W. Fields, 2488 Sneakville Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 4-30-15
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No hunting, fishing, or trespassing without written permission on the Chipman farm. 7442 White Road, Rising Sun, Indiana . Violators will be prosecuted. 4-30-15 No hunting, fishing, swimming or trespassing and not responsible for accidents on the property of: Robert & Beth Baylor, 6155 St. Rd. 48, Law renceburg, IN 04-09-15 No hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing or ATVʼs. Violators will be prosecuted at own ex pense, Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of, Dennis and Cindy Meyung, 10998 County Farm Rd, Aurora, IN, 47001, 01-15 No hunting, four wheeling, hiking, gardening, or trespassing of any kind. Joan Fidler will not be held liable for any injuries ac quired on the property on both sides of 10419 Chesterville Road, next to 10095 Chesterville Road, and across from 10386 Chesterville Road. Violators will be prosecuted. 4-2-15
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
August 19 - 21, 2014
70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column
No hunting, no ATV/bike riding, no wood cutting without written permission. Not responsible for per sonal or property injury on property owned by: Michael and Roberta Hankins, 27106 Cranes Run Road, W. Harrison IN 47060 1/15/15 No hunting, no fishing, no bike riding, absolutely no trespassing on the property of: Irene Beckett Estate, 1005 Nowlin Avenue, Property on west side of Tanners Creek 08-21-14 No hunting, no motorized bikes or vehicles, no trespassing of any kind and not responsible for accidents on the property of: John McKay 11307 N. Dearborn Rd. Sunman, IN 47041 12-14
No hunting, no motorized bikes or vehicles, no trespassing of any kind and not responsible for accidents, violators will be prosecuted on the property of: Stanley Harmeyer & Sondra Lewis 22643, 22747, 22915 Jackson Ridge, Lawrenceburg, IN 09-4-14 No hunting, trespassing, quad or dirt bike riding on the property of Bill and Donna J. Fisher located at 6919 E. Laughery Creek Road, Aurora. 9-25-14
No hunting, woodcutting or trespassing and not re sponsible for accidents on the property of: Joseph and Edna Imholt, 8289 Leatherwood Road, Yorkville, Guilford, IN 4-30-15
No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their own expense on the properties of: Wm. G. Rudicil, Barber Rd., Gobblerʼs Knob Rd., W. Harrison, IN 2-12-2015
No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, Injuries, fatalities or personal property. This applies to all property owned by us.Beware of dog. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expence. Randy & Mary Lynn Hayes, 3382 Sneakville Rd., Law renceburg IN, Also Goose Run, Aurora, IN 1/29/15
No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any injuries or acci dents. 20042 Stateline RD. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 10-2-14
NO TRESPASSING for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, injuries or any fatalities on property of Betty J. Weber, Bloom Road Moores Hill, Indiana 47032. Violators will be prosecuted at their expense. 7-23-15 No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injuries. Marshall Alford 15778 W. County Line Rd. Moores Hill, IN 10-9-14
No Trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or property. The Kremer Family 28483 Barber Rd. West Harrison, IN 47060 9-11-14
No trespassing without written permission and not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of Jim and Beth Marting, 6960 Nelson Road, Aurora, IN 47001 - in Ohi County. No trespassing of any kind 9-25-14 for any reason on the properties of the Tri-Township Water Corporation. Violators will be prose - No trespassing! Absolutely cuted at their own ex - no hunting, trapping, trash pense. Also not responsi- dumping, woodcutting, disble for any accidents, inju- charging firearms or fireries, or fatalities. Tri-Town works or explosives of any Water Corporation 75 Ja- kind, riding motorized vehimison Rd., 24192 State cles or animals. Not re Line Rd., 1813 Morgan sponsible for property Rd., 25333 Henderson damage, accidents, injuRd., 6483 Gaynor Ridge, ries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their 902 Justis Rd. own expense to the fullest 4-9-15 extent of the law on the No trespassing of any kind property of: David L. on property of : All Rite Shuter & Deborah L. Ready Mix Of Indiana, Shuter, Church Rd., LawLLC, 10513 Morgans renceburg, IN 47025 01-15 Branch Road, Aurora, IN 4-9-15
No Trespassing! Abso lutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not responsible for property damage, accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: Joseph F. Bayer, Jr. & Donna S. Bayer, 17365 Church Rd., Lawrenceburg, In 47025 1-15 No trespassing! No hunting, tree stands, firearms, bows, trapping, fireworks, motorcycles or quads. Not responsible for accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense. Lowell & Donna Hollins, 10625 St. Rt. 262, Dillsboro, IN. 10/23/14
No trespassing, hunting or fishing. The Browning Farm, 9516 & 9321 Texas Gas Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 12-14
No trespassing, hunting, 4 wheeling etc. on property owned by Ken and Kathy Scherzinger or other owned entities on North Hogan Rd. between SR 48 and Holt Rd., Dear born County Indiana. Not responsible for any accidents of any kind. 7-02-15
trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling, dirt bikes. Not responsible for accidents on the property of Ronald Henry 8680 Lower Dillsboro Rd. Aurora, IN 47001 05-21-15
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August 19 - 21, 2014
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column No trespassing, motorized vehicles, hunting, trapping, fireworks or explosives of any kind, discharge of firearms or shooting of arrows on or onto the approximate 23 acres of Lot #8 in Miller Ridge Estates. Also not responsible for any acci dents or injuries occurring on this same property. Mike and Connie Crossley, Lot #8 Miller Ridge, 22102 Hickory View Lane, Guilford, IN 47022 12-11-14
No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motor vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries of any kind on the property of: Mark & Roberta Klem, Seldom Seen Estates, Lot #1,#2, #3, No trespassing, no fishing, 22505 State Line Rd., no hunting or artifact huntBright, IN 06-11-15 ing. Nick Domaschko, Ohio County, 9748 St. Rd. 56 N., Aurora, In No trespassing, hunting, 47001 fishing, wood cutting, four 6-11-15 wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for acci- No trespassing, no hunting dents, injuries, or fatalities or fishing. Absolutely no 4 of any persons or personal wheelers or motorized veproperty. Violators will be hicles of any kind. Not reprosecuted at their own sponsible for accidents or expense. Debi & Stephan injuries on the property of: Kraeling 7233 Bonnell, Earl & Thomas Sullivan, 18253 & 18350 Keller Guilford, Indiana 47022 04-30-15 Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 5-21-15
No trespassing. Not re sponsible for accidents or injury. We will prosecute trespassers on property owned by: Robert & Deborah Schroeder, Gary & Pam Schroeder, Ridge Drive, Lake Tambo & Knopf Roads, Man chester Township. 10-13
No trespassing. Not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Rita Bennett, 170 and 172 Conwell Street, Aurora, IN 47001 05-21/15
Not responsible for accidents. No hunting, fishing, woodcutting, swimming, recreational 4x4 riding, or trespassing on the property of: Hassel W. and Pamela M. Brashears No trespassing, no hunt- Possum Ridge Road ing, violators will be prose- Aurora, IN 03-5-15 cuted. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Glen & LaVerne Burkhardt, Corner of Keller Rd., & SR 48, Lawrenceburg, In 1-8-15
No trespassing, hunting, fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Cindy & Michael McAndrew, 19446 Anderson Rd., Law - No trespassing, not re sponsible for personal or renceburg, IN 47025. property injury on the prop4-9-15 erty of: Midwest Data Inc., 326 Walnut St., LawNo trespassing, hunting, renceburg, IN 47025 fishing, trapping or dump- 4-9-15 ing of any kind. Absolutely No trespassing, or hunting, no motorized vehicles, on the farm of : Barry & bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my Judy Pruss, Rt. 50 Mt. property. Not responsible Tabor Rd., Aurora, IN 4-2-15 for accidents, injuries or fatalities. Beware of dogs. No trespassing, soliciting , Violators will be prose - or visitation from strangcuted at their expense to ers, family, or friends withthe fullest extent of the out written consent by Billaw. Jeffrey Long, 9027 lie R. Powell on my properOld St. Rd 350 & 13385 ties located on North HoDean Rd., Aurora, In gan Rd.Billie R. Powell 47001. 9-14 10514 North Hogan Rd. Aurora, IN 47001. 3-23-15 No Trespassing, hunting, No Trespassing. Not refour wheelers, dirt bikes, sponsible for accidents or fishing, swimming for any injury on the property of: reason. Rick & Dawn Gilb Larry and Kim Jackson, 1075 ST. RTE. 48 Sun- 6720 Lipscomb Rd., Lawman, IN 47014 7-2-15 renceburg, IN 47025. 9/18/14 No trespassing, hunting, or fishing for any reason on the properties of Knigga Properties LLC, and Knigga Holdings LLC, No trespassing. No fishing, owned by Tim, Nancy, and no swimming, no hunting Casey Knigga. These in- or four wheelers. Not reclude properties bordering sponsible for accidents or South Fork, Kirkpatrick, injury of any kind on my Goodner and Aberdeen property. Barb HornRoads. Also not responsi - berger and family 9758 ble for any accidents, inju- E. Co. Rd. 1350 N, Sunries, or fatalities. Violators man, IN 47041 will be prosecuted at their 07-16-15 own expense. 3-19-15
Oxbow Inc. and Oxbow of Indiana, Inc. (”Oxbow”) are the owners of property located in the area com monly known as Horse shoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana. Most of Oxbowʼs land is located between I-275 to US 50 exit ramp, the CSX tracks, and the levee along US 50 and the Argosy entrance road. Oxbow also owns land immediately west of I-275 between the CSX tracks and the Ohio River, as well as land east of I-275 between the CSX tracks, the Ohio River, and the state line. Maps of Oxbowʼs properties are available on our website at Oxbow,Ind. land is a wildlife sanctuary. Hunting, trapping, discharge of firearms, and the shooting of arrows is prohibited except in certain designated areas and only with the written permission of Oxbow. ATVʼs may not be operated on Oxbow property at any time. Operating other motorized vehicles (except for the purpose of ap proved farming and land management operations) off clearly established roads or on a road in any manner contributing to the need to repair the road is prohibited. Those who operate a motor vehicle on Oxbow property do so at their own risk, and are advised that the dirt roads may be impassable when wet. Under no circum stances will Oxbow be responsible for damage to a vehicle or injury to its occupants. Bank fishing only with appropriate license is al lowed and is monitored by conservation officers. Camping, bonfires, and overnight parking are prohibited. Swimming in streams, lakes and other watercourses is strictly prohibited, as are motorized watercraft of any sort. Removing, destroying or disturbing wildlife and plants, or farm crops with out express written consent of Oxbow is prohibited. Oxbow property is regularly patrolled by law enforcement officers who have been instructed to prosecute all violators. Activities such as bird watching, hiking and the activities not expressly prohibited by these rules or state law may be done at ones own risk. Oxbow is not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property for those wishing to visit. Those in doubt of the lawfulness of their activity on Oxbow properties are encouraged to first contact: Oxbow, 854 Ligoria Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45218 04-23-15
Private property. Abso lutely no trespassing of any kind on all properties belonging to Dana and Phyllis Weisickle. No exceptions. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, or fatalities. No vehicles of any kind allowed to drive through or park without written permission. Dana & Phyllis Weisickle 12904 Probst Rd, Aurora, IN 47001 4-14
Thank you SHofJ,BVM, ST.Jude,angels and saints for answered prayers. DW & ALS
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No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motorcycles. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on the property of: John Kemme, 24464 State Line Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 9-4-14
Crosby Township is seeking interested citizens willing to serve as a member on the Board of Zoning Appeals. This position is held for a five-year term. Interested applicants must reside in Crosby Township. Board members are paid a small stipend for each meeting. Individuals interested in this position are asked to please contact Rick Espel, Zoning Inspector, at (513)317-2884, or apply at the zoning office, 8910 Willey Road, New Haven, Ohio, on Monday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Public Hearing The City of Harrison Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed revisions to Chapter 1143 of the Harrison Zoning Code. Said hearing will be held on September 9, 2014 at 7:15 PM, at the Harrison Community Center, 300 George St.
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The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
August 19 - 21, 2014
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