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Christie’s International Jewellery Department




FRANÇOIS CURIEL Chairman, Europe fcuriel@christies.com +33 1 40 76 84 00

ASIA KAREN AU YEUNG Senior International Specialist kau-yeung@christies.com +852 2978 9921 HENRY BAILEY Specialist hbailey@christies.com +44 207 389 2382 VIOLAINE D’ASTORG Head of Department, Paris vdastorg@christies.com +33 1 40 76 85 81 KEITH PENTON Head of Department, London kpenton@christies.com +44 20 7389 2526

RAHUL KADAKIA International Head of Jewellery rkadakia@christies.com +1 212 636 2310 FUNG CHIANG Senior Specialist fchiang@christies.com +852 2978 9977 ANGELA BERDEN Senior Specialist aberden@christies.com +41 22 319 17 82 JESSICA ELLIOTT Specialist jelliott@christies.com +44 20 7389 2172 FREDERIK SCHWARZ Consultant, Berlin fschwarz@ christiespartners.com +49 175 524 4379 VICKIE SEK Chairman, Jewellery, Asia vsek@christies.com +852 297 89922 RONNY HSU Specialist rhsu@christies.com +852 2978 6979 LUKAS BIEHLER Jewellery Liaison, Geneva lbiehler@christies.com +41 22 319 17 79 MAX FAWCETT Head of Department, Geneva mfawcett@christies.com +41 22 319 17 38 MICHAELA SUHL Junior Specialist msuhl@christies.com +44 389 2860 JULIEN BRUNIE International Head, Private sales, Jewellery jbrunie@christies.com

+33 1 40 76 83 82 CAROLINE LIANG Specialist cliang@christies.com +86 212 226 1520 MAFALDA CHENU Associate Specialist mchenu@christies.com +33 1 40 76 72 59 MEI Y GIAM Private Sales Director mgiam@christies.com +44 20 7389 5104 CONNIE LUK Associate Specialist cluk@christies.com


+852 2978 9928 MARIE-CECILE CISAMOLO Associate Specialist mccisamolo@christies.com +41 22 319 17 61 JESSICA KOERS Head of Department, Amsterdam jkoers@christies.com +31 20 575 5915 LEO CRIACO Specialist lcriaco@christies.com

+41 22 319 17 44 JEAN-MARC LUNEL Senior International Specialist jlunel@christies.com

+41 22 319 17 37

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