Regis University Master Plan

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masterplan UPDATE

Cura Personalis Magis

Finding God in All Things

Men and Women for Others

Unity of Mind and Heart

Contemplatives in Action


masterplan UPDATE

S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 8 PR EPA R E D BY

5 1 8 1 7 T H S T R E E T, S U I T E 6 3 0 D E N VE R , C O 8 0 2 0 2 ( 3 0 3 ) 4 4 0 -9 2 0 0 WWW. M I G C O M . C O M

Dedication This Master Plan is the first revision of Regis University’s Master Plan in almost two decades. It is the result of 18 months of community discernment and analysis. I want to thank our students, faculty, staff and friends who participated in this labor-intensive yet revealing and exciting process. As the old adage goes – the value in such a process is in the planning, not the plan. We learned a tremendous amount from this process which inspired more than a little pride, excitement and imagination in our university! Conducting this Master Plan update has allowed us to dive into the interconnectedness of space, strategy and mission in order to serve our students and amplify our human capital. This Master Plan is the product of surveys, focus groups, charrettes, retreats and has included everyone from freshman students to community members to Trustees. As a result, the Master Plan builds upon our 140-year-old history in northwest Denver to embrace new opportunities along Federal Boulevard, to grow our capacity for much needed housing, dining and gathering space, to preserve beautiful open space in our Colorado home, and to ensure that Regis continues to deliver exceptional education to all students. This Master Plan will be a framework for decisions over the next 20 years to identify where facilities can and should go. It will allow us to thoughtfully respond to opportunities like gifts and partnerships in a manner that we know incorporates Regis’ core values and priorities and it will allow us to better engage with and serve our community. Now the fun begins – let us continue working together to build the campus that will best serve future Regis University students, employees, alumni, and friends in our community. Gratefully, John P. Fitzgibbons, S.J. President


Acknowledgements President Rev. John P. Fitzgibbons, S.J. (Board of Trustees, Cabinet) Board of Trustees Cabinet Janet Houser, Ph.D. | Barbara J. Wilcots, Ph.D. | Salvador D. Aceves, Ed.D. | Robert (Roby) Blust Myrna Hall | Kevin F. Burke, S.J. | Jeannette Grey Gilbert, J.D. Master Plan Task Force Mark Bashum | Sarah Behunek | Kim Frisch | Catherine Kleier Susan Layton | Erika Lourenco de Freitas | Linda Osterland | Ken Phillips Michael Redmond | Sue Scherer | Brent Vogel | Perry Wisinger Regis Community Council Vice President and General Counsel Erika Hollis, Esq. Owner’s Representative Kevin Thomas Regis University Students, Faculty, and Staff Project Team Jay Renkens | Mark De La Torre MIG Gabriel Durand-Hollis | Robert Moritz DHR Architects Charles Alexander | Nikki Silva Fehr & Peers Peter Buckley | Skip Cromley Martin/Martin Jeffery Elsner | Dan Sandblom RMH Group Charlie Johnson | Brandon Dowling | Christopher Budd Johnson Consulting

Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction


Chapter 2: Mission, Vision and Goals


Chapter 3: Space Need Analysis


Chapter 4: Development Plan


Chapter 5: Supporting Systems


Chapter 6: Implementation



INTRO D UCTION Regis University is the Rocky Mountain’s 141-year-old Jesuit, Catholic institution with an enviably diverse student demographic mix of 11,000 students across undergraduate, post traditional students and elite health care professional programs. The university has historically educated its students in multiple modalities and locations, but northwest Denver remains its historic and main campus. To date, the university has only developed fifty percent of its total real estate holdings. This Master Plan seeks to identify how it continues to provide a world class education with contemporary facilities grounded in Jesuit values by developing its underutilized real estate holdings into world class facilities where students and the community can learn, live and gather. This chapter discusses why the Master Plan is being updated now, the most impactful existing conditions on the campus and key constraints and opportunities to which the remainder of the Master Plan responds.


Why Now? Regis University’s transition from three colleges to five colleges, continuing stature in health care professional education, and growing enrollment of residential students has made urgent the need for flexible and contemporary classroom space, laboratories, student housing, recreational space and student gathering spaces. At the same time, new regional connections and nearby investments are setting up significant changes to the areas around the Campus. Further impetus for the Master Plan includes the 2016 Housing Master Plan and Campus Footprint Task Force where priorities were identified including: creating a wow factor; ensuring competitiveness; student housing; fitness center/recreational facilities; academic buildings; student center; arena/multi-purpose event space; and a new simulation hospital.

Regis’ Northwest Campus is largely organized around the iconic and visually stunning Boettcher Commons, however its’ eastern edge is largely comprised of fast food restaurants and underutilized parking lots.


The Master Plan provides a road map for providing an attractive, adaptable and effective 21st century learning environment which integrates study, gathering and contemplative spaces throughout the campus. The Master Plan best leverages the Universityowned land along Federal Boulevard, providing adequate student housing supply and choice, and improving a variety of services and amenities across the existing and future campus footprint. The Master Plan integrates all of these key elements along with architectural character, open space and pathway design, transportation, parking, utilities, drainage, signage, wayfinding and art to provide a comprehensive vision for future growth, evolution and change.

The existing athletic fields provide a visual and physical gap between the historic campus and the auto-oriented uses along Federal Boulevard.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

In 2014 the University adopted the Regis Rising Strategic Plan, which was updated in 2017 (“Strategic Plan�). The process to develop a new strategic plan will begin in Fall of 2019. The Master Plan Update identifies the facilities required to achieve strategic success for the future.


Location and Context

Regis University

Regis University’s Campus is in a rapidly changing real estate context. Surrounding neighborhoods are gentrifying, transportation networks are expanding and land use is evolving. All of this provides opportunities to evaluate how and where the campus intersects with its surroundings. Located just a few miles from Denver’s central business district, the campus is at the boundary between the Northwest corner of the City and County of Denver and Southwest corner of Adams County. The county line currently serves as the northern boundary of the campus. The campus is also bounded by Lowell Boulevard to the west, Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue to the south and Federal Boulevard (State Highway 287 and RTD’s 2nd busiest transit route) to the east.


Federal Boulevard, RTD’s second busiest transit route, is Regis University’s eastern border, currently supports small-scale commercial buildings and a single-family neighborhood.

Interstate 70 (I-70) and Interstate 76 (I-76) are each within a mile of Campus and provide easy and convenient access from around the region. The G Line light rail will run just north of I-76 with a stop at the new Clear Creek-Federal Station at approximately 60th Avenue and Federal Boulevard. Neighborhoods abutting the campus include Regis Neighborhood on the west and south, Chaffee Park to the east and a single-family residential area to the north in unincorporated Adams County. Denver’s Berkeley and Sunnyside neighborhoods are nearby just south of I-70. Immediate campus neighbors include primarily single-family homes to the north, west and south. There is a mix of fast food and class C commercial development on Federal Boulevard and a small eclectic commercial area at the intersection of 50th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard extending a short way south.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Campus History and Building Age Regis University was started in 1877 in Las Vegas, New Mexico, by a group of exiled Italian Jesuits and was originally known as Las Vegas College. In 1884, the Jesuits were invited to move to the Denver area by Bishop Joseph P. Machebeuf of the Diocese of Denver. A second venture, known as Scared Heart College, was started at Morrison, Colorado, while Las Vegas College continued to operate.

Regis University

In 1887, John Brisben Walker donated land at the corner of 50th Avenue and Lowell Boulevard for a new building that would house a boys only high school and college. The main structure was constructed in 100 days, though the interior took much longer. Las Vegas College and Sacred Heart College moved to the newly completed Main Hall where the joint operation was known as the College of the Sacred Heart. The College was renamed Regis College in 1921 in honor of St. John Francis Regis, an 18th century Jesuit missionary and saint revered for his exemplary work with poor people in the mountains of France. That same year, the school was formally split into Regis High School and Regis College.


Main Hall, St. John Francis Regis Chapel and Carroll Hall (top to bottom) were all constructed in different decades, but have recently undergone renovations and remain some of the most cherished icons on campus.

Regis College continued to grow and expand throughout the years with the completion of several new facilities in the 1960s, becoming a coeducational institution in 1968, adding adult education programs in the 1970s, and opening satellite campuses at several locations throughout the 1980s and 1990s. The high school and University coexisted on the

Northwest Campus and shared facilities until a separate building was built on campus for the high school in 1984. In 1989, Regis High School relocated to Parker, CO. That area is now called the Campbell Campus, and it houses both the Girls and Boys Divisions. In 1991, Regis College became Regis University with three constituent schools: Regis College, the School for Professional Studies, and the School for Health Care Professions. Initial campus buildings did not extend east of Julian Street and generally bounded the north and east edges of what is now Boettcher Commons. In addition to Main Hall, the oldest buildings on campus include O’Sullivan Fine Arts and Carroll Hall. The next wave of development on the campus framed the west and south edges of Boettcher Commons. The Field House and Claver Hall extended the campus beyond the main quad and the development of the Dayton Memorial Library and Pomponio Science Building separated Loyola Hall from the campus’ main green space. With the exception of the Chapel and the Jesuit House, all additional development has stretched the campus eastward, including the addition of Clarke Hall in 2012. Several buildings have undergone renovations over the years. From the oldest to most recent renovations, these include the Field House, Dayton Memorial Library, Carroll Hall, West Hall, Desmet Hall, O’Sullivan Fine Arts, Pomponio Science Building, St. John Francis Regis Chapel, Claver Hall and Main Hall. The Student Center is currently undergoing renovations that are intended to extend the life of that facility by approximately 10 years.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Existing Campus Buildings and Uses The Campus consists of twenty-four buildings located on approximately the western half of the contiguous property owned by the University. Of those, four are temporary trailer facilities serving as classrooms and offices.

Regis University

Classrooms, instructional laboratories, office space, library spaces, the student service, recreational space, and housing make up the majority of building space. Most Campus buildings serve a variety of uses and functions. However, the buildings may be classified into five major categories according to their most prominent use. These include the following building use types: Academic/Administrative, Religious/Cultural, Student Services, Housing and Recreation.


Academic/administrative buildings make up the majority of the campus. As in many traditional campuses, much of this activity centers around a major quadrangle. The buildings on the east side of Boettcher Commons were generally designed and constructed to support specific student support or academic programs and currently signify the heart of the campus. The eastern edge of the quad is bound by a major north/south spine, accommodating both fire access and quality pedestrian movement due

to the enhanced, brick paving and flanking vegetation. Five academic/administrative buildings are located away from Boettcher Commons, including Loyola Hall, Clarke Hall, Claver Hall and two temporary classroom facilities immediately northwest of Claver Hall. Religious and cultural facilities include St. Francis Chapel and O’Sullivan Fine Arts, both adjacent to Main Hall, but removed from Boettcher Commons. Buildings classified as student services include the Student Center and Dayton Memorial Library. These two buildings frame the southwest corner of Boettcher Commons. The Jesuit House is located in the far northwest portion of campus adjacent to St. Francis Chapel. All student housing, with the exception of one facility, sits off of Boettcher Commons east of most other campus facilities. West Hall is the outlier on the west edge of Boettcher Commons. Recreation facilities and fields currently demarcate the east edge of the campus. The campus’ recreation facilities are housed in the Coors Life Center. NCAA Division II athletic programs make up the majority of use in the Field House and the Ranger Dome. These facilities are then surrounded by athletic fields primarily utilized for soccer, lacrosse, baseball and softball.

The majority of traditional campuses have a relatively strong delineation between uses with the majority of buildings with the same or similar use clustered together in “districts” or “zones”. With the exception of recreational uses and some residential facilities, there are no clusters of like uses on the Regis campus. Instead, the majority of academic/ administrative uses, religious/cultural uses and student services are comingled, originally around Boettcher Commons and now to the north, south and east. Such an arrangement makes the campus less legible to new students and visitors. On the other hand, that can be turned into an opportunity to contribute to a better integration of uses and a stronger living learning environment if certain measures are taken to help convey building identity, purpose and location. The Master Plan provides a numbers of strategies to make use of those opportunities to create a strong sense of place throughout campus.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Landscapes and Natural Systems The Lowell Campus is situated atop the highest point in the City of Denver, overlooking much of the northwest metropolitan area, with views to the Rocky Mountains to the west and downtown Denver to the southeast. However, most facilities on the Campus have not been designed to capture the views. The landscape on the Regis campus is one of its greatest attributes. From the campus’ status as an Level 2 Accredited Arboretum to its recreation and athletic fields and from signature open space to spaces for reflection, the University’s landscape is beautifully maintained.

PERIMETER LANDSCAPING The perimeter of the campus is marked with a landscaped buffer setback from the street with stone columns, wrought iron fence and a sequence of evergreen and deciduous trees. There are several breaks in the fence for pedestrian and vehicular entries around the west, south and east edges of the campus.

Regis University



The Campus’ interior opens spaces serve multiple functions, from stormwater collection to park-like atmospheres.

The campus contains several areas of interior open space. Each of these areas serves a different functional use and activity. Boettcher Commons is the central signature open space and principal active open area on campus. It is large enough to support open-air ceremonies, activities, and passive recreation.

Medium-sized open spaces, such as the Grotto west of O’Connell Hall, are more informal, typically framed by large landscape features or buildings. There is a major drainage way and easement running north and south through the campus with the intramural fields and baseball field on the west and championship field and softball field on the east.

OPEN/ATHLETIC FIELDS The remaining components of campus open space are the athletic fields mentioned above. They are located directly to the east of the built part of campus and extend to just beyond the major north-south drainage way. The fields include two intramural/practice fields and the championship field along the north edge of Regis Boulevard. The baseball field is directly north of the intramural/practice fields and the softball field is east of the baseball field. The “beach”, an open lawn area between the Field House and the Residence Village and the grass field located in Adams County are often used for active and passive recreational activities.

ARBORETUM In 1999, Regis University earned designation as an accredited arboretum and established an educational tour, which encourages students, faculty, staff and the public to enjoy the breadth and beauty of the campus landscape. With more than 1,280 diverse trees and over 290 species, the University’s catalogue of species is impressive. Among the many trees and shrubs on campus are fourteen champion trees.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Mobility on Campus

Regis University

Over the years as the campus has grown, so have the number of points of entry. As a result, the Campus does not have a main entrance. Rather, for the traditional campus core, vehicular circulation and parking are accessed from four major access points serving separate destinations, as well as five additional minor access points which contribute to the confusion. These access points are located off the west and south perimeter roads, with two entries each off Regis Boulevard and Lowell Boulevard. Each of the four entries is located


The campus’s numerous parking lots are inevitably in the foreground of any views to and through campus.

to serve distinct facilities, with parking placed near each entrance to serve the parking needs of the adjacent facilities. The entrance along Regis Boulevard closest to Julian Street serves as the access point to the Coors Life Center, the Field House, Clarke Hall and several residence halls. The entrance along Regis Boulevard closest to King Street accesses parking directly behind Dayton Memorial Library and proximal to Loyola Hall, Carroll Hall and the Science Building. This entry and the southern entrance along Lowell Boulevard access parking at the corner of Regis Boulevard and Lowell Boulevard as well. The same southern entrance along Lowell Boulevard serves parking located long the western edge of the Student Center, West Hall and Main Hall. The northern entrance along Lowell Boulevard provides access to several small and large parking lots adjacent to Claver Hall and the northern side of the Residence Village. Additional entries exist for the east portion of the campus. The entrances primarily access remote parking lots serving the baseball and softball fields. There are multiple entrances along Federal Boulevard for parking and a strip mall owned by the University and one additional entry along Regis Boulevard to access these lots. This is important to note due to the fact the geo-located mapping applications (such as Google Maps and Apple Maps) directs its user to this edge of campus already as the primary point of entry.

Parking lots occupy much of the frontage of the campus along Lowell Boulevard, Regis Boulevard and Federal Boulevard. These parking lots poorly affect the campus perception for its’ visitors. The also contribute to the separation between the University and the surrounding neighborhoods. Additionally, these parking lots end up serving as de-facto lockers for commuter students, further exacerbating the over-utilization of the lots. Primary pedestrian entrances exist at the corner of Federal Boulevard and Regis Boulevard, the corner of Regis Boulevard and Lowell Boulevard and along Lowell Boulevard near 51st Avenue. However, these corner entrances deposit users into the middle of vast parking lots, greatly reducing the quality of the pedestrian experience. Many of the parking lots on the western half of the campus are connected with internal access drives. The combination of access drives and parking lots contribute to a relatively distinct front-of-house and back-of-house, and at times, serve as the most practical pedestrian path. Not surprisingly, the best pedestrian experiences are separated from parking lots by buildings and landscaping. The area between Desmet Hall and the Field House is especially poor for pedestrians and pedestrian connectivity to the east is challenging.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

To become the “Crown Jewel” of North Denver, Regis University needs contemporary academic facilities and event spaces. Such growth must take place both in existing facilities and along Federal Boulevard. In order to fully realize the tremendous opportunities in front of the University, the Master Plan Update must connect existing and new areas of campus, protect and create reflective and sacred spaces, address stormwater and drainage, better engage and serve the surrounding neighborhoods and community, rethink provision of utilities, consider changing transportation demands, and take advantage of key views.

Regis University






A Regis University education is held in high regard, however a significant portion of the classroom and gathering space is aging and outdated. The most notable example is Loyola Hall with outdated finishes, a lack of technology and a general feel that is reminiscent of an elementary school. Even those classrooms that do provide technology often require orienting students in a single direction. This type of arrangement and the lack of flexibility inhibits the use of newer pedagogies, such as team based learning, and stifles both creativity and collaboration. Many campus buildings also lack space for study, collaboration and gathering outside of the classroom. This prevents students from maximizing their time between classes, as well as the ability to program and host events on the campus. In addition, there are two temporary classroom buildings located east of Claver Hall. Although these structures are appointed well and have newer technology, they do not convey the sense of permanence and prestige befitting the University.

Regis University is currently in a deficit for on-campus student housing. An estimate from the 2016 Housing Study for the campus estimated a then current deficit of approximately 610 beds. Though efforts are underway to address this deficit, there still remains a notable need, especially for graduate students. The lack of student housing is impacting the University’s ability to matriculate and retain undergraduate students and attract professional and graduate students. In addition, the existing housing is generally of a more traditional double loaded corridor dormitory configuration. Except for the Residence Village, the vast majority of housing is unattractive to today’s students and their families. Some residential facilities on the campus lack elevators for ADA accessibility and nearly all fall short of providing the amenities that are provided at many other colleges and universities today. These include contemporary kitchen spaces, semi-private restrooms, student lounges, collaboration spaces, outdoor spaces and fitness facilities. The majority of students are willing to compromise their expectations for housing quality in the first year or two in school, but upper classman and graduate students desire additional housing choices.

The dramatic beauty of Boettcher Commons on the inside has inadvertently caused the campus to show its back to the outside. While Boettcher Commons is a quintessential traditional open space anchoring the western portion of campus, the rest of campus has a relatively poor sense of place and is not attractive for pedestrians. It is understandable that the majority of buildings are oriented toward Boettcher Commons, but that has resulted in the back of buildings, parking lots and associated service areas being oriented to Lowell Boulevard, Regis Boulevard and the space between Desmet Hall and the Field House. The eastern two-thirds of Campus lacks significant landscaping and any semblance of an organizing open space. Pathways and other connections east of the field house are sparse and there is virtually no tree canopy to speak of. In addition, contemplative spaces and art are concentrated in the western third of the campus.

The existing recreation facilities for the Campus are located in the Coors Life Direction Center. The facilities are extremely small for the existing population of students, faculty and staff. Equipment is located close together and there is not sufficient space for classes or a large variety of equipment. Furthermore there are no court facilities available on campus for non-athletes and very limited field space for intramural sports. As a result, many students, faculty and staff choose to utilize off-campus facilities. Similarly, there is insufficient space for the current athletic programs. The Field House and Ranger Dome are frequently programmed over 16 hours per day, The locker rooms, weight training facilities and athletic training facilities are outdated and of insufficient size to accommodate the twelve NCAA Division II programs currently offered the University. The high demand for the singular court space by the University’s athletic programs results in student athletes training early in the morning and late at night affecting their quality of life and studies.

UNATTRACTIVE AND INSUFFICIENT EAST-WEST CONNECTIVITY East-west connectivity across the campus is unattractive and lacking in several areas. On the west side of campus, east-west passage north of Main Hall and south of the Dayton Memorial Library are challenging for a variety of reasons. There is limited landscaping, the need to cross parking lots and access drives for vehicles and multiple service areas and loading docks. While there is a new pedestrian pathway being added north of the Field House, east-west connectivity to the east side of campus remains located along or in drive lanes and parking lots without any sense of access across acres of athletic fields. Many participants in the planning process suggested that walking east of Desmet Hall felt uncomfortable and unsafe. In fact, many student, faculty and staff significantly overestimated the distance from Boettcher Commons to Federal Boulevard largely due to the lack of interest, comfort and safety. These deficiencies stand is stark contrast to the ease of connectivity across Boettcher Commons and attractive paths with landscaping leading from Boettcher to the residence halls to the east.

LACK OF A CLEAR “FRONT DOOR” AND MAJOR ENTRIES While there are multiple entrances to the campus along Federal Boulevard, Regis Boulevard and Lowell Boulevard, it is unclear where the “front door” to the campus is located. The vast majority of the existing entries are vehicular in nature and access medium to large size parking lots. In addition, there are no buildings on the campus that are oriented to the outer perimeter. When the campus was originally developed, there was a long open procession leading to the front of main hall. There was no mistaking that the main entrance to the campus was located along 50th Avenue. The major pedestrian access points to the campus are located at the corner of Federal Boulevard and Regis Boulevard and at the corner of Regis Boulevard and Lowell Boulevard. Both of these ornate pedestrian entries lead directly into surface parking lots with no major entrances to buildings visible to the pedestrian.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



Regis University



Denver Business Journal




Over a 15 year planning horizon, the cabinet endorsed using anticipated enrollment growth from 11,000 current students to 14,000 students as a tool to develop the quantitative demand analysis; a five-year target of 11,500 students was established. The student population is expected to grow to 12,500 at the 10-year mark. And the 15-year target for the student population at Regis University is 14,000. With a 3,000 student increase expected over 15 years, 1,000 of those students are expected to be traditional undergraduates while the remaining 2,000 students are expected to be graduate or post traditional students. Much of that growth will occur on the Northwest Denver Campus either directly or indirectly through required support services. Banner programs that will be essential to meeting these growth targets include Physical Therapy, Nursing, Business and Cyber Security. Some of the post traditional student growth will be online. To continue to attract students to these programs, the University will need to provide contemporary facilities, additional housing choices, event spaces, new opportunities for community relationships and interaction, and technology to provide content to a variety of audiences.

In order to compete in today’s competitive higher education marketplace, Regis University must provide a true 21st century living learning environment that blurs the lines between the classroom and the rest of campus. Livinglearning environments provide opportunities for students with similar educational interest to learn, live and gather in close proximity. The 21st century living-learning environment includes great technology, collaborative spaces, maker space and opportunities to interact with existing businesses, professionals and the broader community. It is also important to consider sense of place, identity and the availability of contemporary amenities in the 21st century living-learning environment through campus open space, landscaping, public art, signage and wayfinding and architecture. Such amenities on the campus allow students to be more efficient with their time and participate as true members of the living-learning community.

The Regional Transit District of the Denver metropolitan area will soon open the G Line light rail just north of I-76. The Clear CreekFederal Boulevard Station is less than one mile north of the Regis University campus. When the G line opens, Regis University will be transit accessible from downtown Denver, Northwest Denver, Wheat Ridge and Arvada. In addition, Adams County, the City and County of Denver and the Colorado Department of Transportation have recently studied Federal Boulevard and developed a variety of improvements for the corridor. These include median islands, improved landscaping, complete sidewalks, better crossings and improved signal timing. With that said, the population of the metro area is increasing and several higher density housing projects are opening north of the campus. This is leading to increased traffic on Federal Boulevard and Lowell Boulevard, making the development of more attractive transportation options even more important. Additionally, growing investments in car-sharing services may also impact transportation options.

Due in large part to the meteoric growth that is occurring in the neighborhoods surrounding Denver’s urban core, there are significant development and redevelopment opportunities along Federal Boulevard on Regis-owned property and non-Regis-owned property. On Regis-owned property, large surface parking lots and the Regis Square shopping center provide ample opportunity for new development. Property north of Regis Square – owned by the University and others – is also ripe for redevelopment. Property across Federal Boulevard may also have redevelopment opportunities, building on the recent Aria development just north of campus. The update to Blueprint Denver has identified this area along and near Federal Boulevard as a community center and a community corridor. The intent of these designations is for higher density, mixed use development that will provide new jobs and housing for Northwest Denver. Through the Master Plan process, University leadership, faculty, staff and students expressed a desire for new campus development along Federal Boulevard to serve the nearby community. The Thornton Extension Campus, currently located near 84th Avenue and I-25, is one potential use. The Center for Counseling and Family Therapy provides low-cost counseling services to individuals, couples and families who might not otherwise be able to afford them.



Lowell Boulevard can be the main street complement to the community corridor along Federal Boulevard. In the Blueprint Denver parlance, Lowell Boulevard will be a local corridor providing goods and service to those living and working nearby. The development pressure from the south along Lowell and Tennyson is beginning to impact the segment of Lowell Boulevard just south of campus with increased activity and investment. Lowell Boulevard is primed to become a double loaded retail and commercial corridor with housing and offices above some ground floor retail uses. Businesses and activity can spill out onto an improved pedestrian realm with café seating, street trees and comfortable furnishings. The connection between the University and the main street along Lowell Boulevard can be strengthened with intersection improvements at Regis Boulevard and Lowell Boulevard. Additionally, the outward-facing facades of many of the University’s facilities in the southwest corner of campus, including the library and the student center, should be renovated to provide a more welcoming presence.

In Northwest Denver and across the region, there are an increasing number of partnerships and collaborations. From the regional collaboration to bring high capacity transit to the multi-jurisdictional and organizational focus on healthy corridor and healthy communities, the time has never been so ripe for interaction with the community and the exploration of compelling partnerships on and off campus. Universities and colleges across the country are embarking on new partnerships with industry and the professional community to provide students with better tools, experiences and understanding of life outside the University. In addition, public-private partnerships are increasingly effective mechanisms for the delivery of new and innovative developments and programs. Finally, there are opportunities to better serve and interact with surrounding neighbors and businesses in a variety of ways.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update




M IS SION, V ISION AND GOAL This chapter provides an overview of the spiritual foundation and aspirational vision for Regis University and the campus. It begins with the broader vision for the University and a discussion of how the Jesuit, Catholic values informed the entire planning process and this Master Plan. Through campus and broader community engagement, guiding principles emerged, which informed the planning process and should be utilized moving forward in decision making related to the physical form of the campus. The guiding principles are organized by a set of vision elements that emerged throughout the visioning phase of the planning process.


Master Plan Visioning

Father John P. Fitzgibbons, S.J. Vision Statement Affirming Regis University’s identity as a Jesuit, Catholic institution, we will seek the Magis by making a greater difference for the common good locally and globally be inspiring, challenging, and educating those who are willing and able to make a difference. Regis University will be a social projection, a community of teachers and learners – scholars all – that serves as leaven in the world; it is a sacred and privileged place where no question is unable to be engaged and pathways to viable answers are discovered.

The Regis University Campus Master Plan Update presents a tremendous opportunity to model and celebrate the Jesuit mission and values. The planning process and subsequent implementation will allow Regis University to extend their hand in aide and service to the common good of the campus community and surrounding communityat-large. Acts of service, when viewed in the light of development, can take the form of renovations, expansions, new construction, event space, open space, plazas, pathways, landscaping, mobility improvements, gateways, art and a variety of partnerships. The vision that emerged throughout the planning process is grounded in education and infused with balance. Participants in the process expressed strong desires to:

• Leverage the significant opportunities along the Federal Boulevard

corridor while not overlooking the importance of the historic core of campus closest to Lowell Boulevard;

• Locate community facing services and facilities to be visible and accessible to the stakeholders they serve

• Create a more inviting, legible and permeable edge to the campus that is balanced with the need to maintain and expand a campus that is organized around contemplative respites and gathering spaces;

• Be more sustainable and use the University’s land more responsibly and efficiently; and

• Create a pattern of development that incorporates ample open space and pragmatic transportation options.

The vision for the physical form of the campus builds upon Father Fitzgibbon’s vision of Regis University as social projection. The University will be a catalyst for inclusive and positive change in Northwest Denver and Southwest Adams County. And campus improvements will help to facilitate stronger communication and collaboration with local, regional and global populations and partners. The Regis University Campus will not only provide the backdrop for scholarly endeavors, as it grows and evolves, it will help to promote and facilitate diversity, exploration, application, reflection and service.


The Programmatic & Physical Manifestation of Jesuit, Catholic Values

The growth and evolution of the campus as a place for and engaged with the surrounding neighborhoods will facilitate the spirit of giving and providing service to those in need. The Campus Master Plan Update helps to frame how we can physically, socially and spiritually engage with our neighbors and the larger community through providing needed services, catalyzing positive development, supporting community building, and creating a platform for real and meaningful engagement and service.

Cura Personalis or Care for the Person With a dedication to promoting human dignity and care for the mind, body and spirit of the person, the Campus Master Plan Update strengthens the existing campus environment and ensures that it supports the development of the whole person. A more holistic environment will support development of the entire student by teaching and learning of all types, incorporating multiple options for healthier food choices; active living; exploration and appreciation of technology, art and music; intentional worship and praise; and caring for and serving the campus community and beyond.

Contemplatives in Action

Unity of Mind and Heart

The campus can and should provide places for thoughtful reflection, but it must never become an island or fortress amidst a sea of social angst. While the sense of place and character of the Regis University Campus should be strong and celebrated, the campus environment should promote action and help to create agents of change.

The physical campus provides the backdrop for some of the most transformative and memorable moments in our students’ lives. If done right, the campus – what it represents, exudes and cultivates – can be a special place that promotes the congruence of hearts and minds. Serving as a training ground, the campus can help to prepare our students to unify mind and heart in other environments through the rest of their lives.

Magis or “More”

Finding God in All Things

A physical campus cannot necessarily change our hearts directly, but it can help to cultivate and promote making the best choices in a given situation to better glorify or serve God. The entire master planning process was approached as an act of prayer and an exploration of the existing and potential dark and light across the campus. Celebrating and serving God will be achieved in how improvements are prioritized, how the community is engaged, and how the campus community acts as good stewards of the environment and limited financial resources.

The Regis University Campus should be a place that demonstrates how God is present everywhere and can be found in all things. The physical environment should embody God in various ways, including more overt expressions through art, architecture, viewsheds and landscape architecture, as well as through more subtle manifestations that promote the Jesuit and Catholic faith.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Men and Women for and With Others


Planning Process The Master Planning process was heavily influenced by the campus community and the community-at-large. A multi-disciplinary Campus Master Planning Task Force met throughout the planning process to provide input, feedback and guidance to the Master Planning Team (“the Team”). The Task Force helped to inform the inventory of existing assets, issues and opportunities, the vision and guiding principles, the programmatic direction for the campus, and development alternatives.

Regis University

The Team regularly met with the President’s Cabinet and Board of Trustees several times, including several retreats focused on the master plan. The Cabinet members and the Trustees helped to ensure the Master Plan supports the short- and long-term goals of the University, the University’s financial health, and Regis’ place within the broader community and an increasingly competitive higher education marketplace.


The Campus Community was engaged in multiple ways throughout the planning process. Select students, faculty and staff were invited to participate in one or more of over a dozen focus groups and listening sessions that helped to inform the vision, guiding principles and programmatic needs for the campus. The listening sessions helped to better understand

the campus from the user experience and add a rich qualitative aspect to the inventory of existing conditions.

organizations to cooperate in addressing several longstanding issues facing Northwest Denver and Southwest Adams County.

All students, faculty and staff were invited to participate in an online questionnaire assessing both existing conditions and the desirability of various types and locations of campus improvements. In addition, an open invitation was extended to all campus users to participate in workshops and open houses that allowed attendees to track along with the planning process, provide input on interim work products and inform the development alternatives.

The Team engaged Regis University Alumni during 2017’s Alumni Weekend events. Alumni attending the events provided input related to their motivation in selecting Regis University, their memories of the physical campus and the places on the campus that should be preserved and improved.

The surrounding neighborhoods were also engaged in several ways. A series of community workshops informed neighbors living near the campus about the plans for future development, especially along campus edges. The community provided input related to the types and location of uses and scale of potential development that they felt was appropriate in Southwest Adams County and along the other edges of campus. They also provided guidance related to the needs of the community and opportunities for the University to contribute to meeting some of those needs. The Team also met with the Regis University Community Council to further discuss opportunities for the University and the surrounding neighborhoods, businesses and

Finally, the Team met with potential partners from the City and County of Denver and Adams County to better understand and coordinate with concurrent and future efforts being led by each of those jurisdictions. The overall planning process was organized into five major phases:

• Phase 1: Existing Conditions • Phase 2: Visioning and Future Campus Requirements

• Phase 3: Master Plan Alternatives and Evaluation

• Phase 4: Preliminary Campus Master Plan • Phase 5: Final Campus Master Plan

The Master Planning Team conducted extensive background research on the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual conditions at Regis University. This included preparing a detailed Existing Conditions and Opportunities Analysis. The Team prepared highly-graphical mapping, a photo inventory, and presentations to summarize existing assets, issues and opportunities. The first phase of the process was also used to kick-off the meeting series with the Task Force and to finalize the overall outreach program that defined how engagement was conducted throughout the project.

Phase 2: Visioning and Future Campus Requirements

Phase 3: Master Plan Alternatives and Evaluation

Through extensive outreach to the campus community, the Master Planning Team identified and verified the facility needs engendered by the Regis University strategic plan. This included conducting listening sessions, workshops and other meetings with key stakeholders and the broader campus community. The Campus Vision and Guiding Principles developed in this phase of the planning process was complemented by a detailed inventory of the nature and quality of existing campus space and projections of future campus space needs.

Using the vision, values, guiding principles and space needs, the Master Plan Team developed multiple preliminary alternatives for the future development of the campus. The preliminary alternatives explored divergent directions for campus growth and development. The Master Planning Team worked with a broad range of campus and community stakeholders to evaluate and refine the preliminary alternatives until a preferred alternative was established.

Phase 4: Preliminary Campus Master Plan

Phase 5: Final Campus Master Plan

The fourth phase of the planning process involved refining the results of the previous phase and adding technical detail in a variety of areas, including campus design and land use, housing, landscape and open space, circulation and parking, infrastructure, wayfinding, and sustainability. The fourth phase also included extensive discussions with the Cabinet and Board of Trustees regarding the prioritization and phasing of the proposed campus improvements, as well as coordination with concurrent efforts.

The final phase of the planning process included incorporating feedback from key stakeholders and the broader campus and community constituencies into a final Campus Master Plan.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Phase 1: Existing Campus Conditions


Key Themes from the Engagement Process Several themes emerged through the engagement process that helped to inform how the vision, values and guiding principles shaped the preliminary master plan alternatives and the preferred alternative. A selection of these key themes is summarized below. Jesuit, Catholic Mission and Values Students, faculty and staff all agreed that the Jesuit, Catholic mission and values is a major differentiator and attractor to the University. Even those participants in the process that don’t identify as Catholic recognized that the core values of the faith and the unique approach that Regis University takes to those values creates a stimulating environment for learning, teaching and research. The existing opportunities for service learning and servantoriented leadership were identified as major assets and aspects of the campus that should be elevated and expanded upon.

Regis University

Small Campus Feel and Intimate Class Sizes Students continuously highlighted the attractiveness of a smaller campus and a more intimate size of classes across the majority of


programs. It was explicitly expressed that the master planning process should attempt to retain and bolster the small campus feel, even as the footprint of the campus expanded. And while the size of classes and classrooms was frequently cited as an attractive quality of Regis University, students, faculty and staff identified the need to update many facilities and add new facilities to accommodate more contemporary pedagogy and modern teaching modalities. Thus, there was strong interest in retaining the intimate feel of the campus, but also in providing a 21st century learning environment. Historic Buildings, Campus Open Spaces and Landscaping All participants in the planning process identified Main Hall and Carroll Hall as buildings that contribute to the sense of place on the campus and as assets that future development should take strong cues from. The quality and character of architecture for the Chapel was highlighted as an example of how a more contemporary building can learn from and tie to the strong history of the campus. Students, faculty and staff also highlighted a variety of campus open spaces, the quality of landscaping and the Arboretum trees as important to the overall sense of place and campus character.

Community Interface and Engagement The relationship with the surrounding neighborhoods was identified as a positive and negative throughout the planning process. On the one hand, participants in the process identified the quality of the surrounding building stock and some of the uses along Federal Boulevard as some of the things they liked least about the campus. On the other hand, all participants were excited about improving the interface with the surrounding community and helping to catalyze improvements including improvements to Federal Boulevard so that access to the campus is safer and more convenient. Students and community members were particularly interested in having more places to dine near the campus and all participants showed a strong desire to have more regular and meaningful interactions with Regis’ neighbors. High Quality and Well-Integrated LivingLearning Environments Students, faculty and staff recognized the importance of high quality and affordable housing options on and near the campus. Many existing University residential facilities were identified as being unattractive and lacking functionality. Updates to existing facilities were frequently recommended by process

participants. In addition, participants also discussed the need to provide more housing and more variety of housing types. Nearly all participants asked for better integration of collaborative work spaces, contemplative spaces and informal spaces for learning, living and gathering.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Student Support and Amenities Students frequently identified accessible support services and amenities as needs on the campus. From dining options to library facilities and from recreational facilities to health facilities, students did not feel that the quality or size of many student support functions and amenities matched the quality of education being provided at the University. Faculty and staff identified subpar recreational facilities and outdated and disparately located support facilities as potential obstacles to student success.


Foundation, Pillars and Guiding Principles

Regis University

Building on Father Fitzgibbon’s vision, the Master Planning Team synthesized the direction provided by the campus community into a set of vision elements and guiding principles. The vision elements provide areas of emphasis for the planning process based upon input from students, faculty, staff and the broader community. The vision elements


also provide the organizational structure for a set of guiding principles that were used throughout the planning process to inform and evaluate development alternatives and assess potential trade-offs of both large and small improvements across the campus. The vision elements are built upon as a foundation of education. Four pillars emerged from that foundation: gathering, reflection, mobility and service.

The vision elements and guiding principles are grounded in Jesuit, Catholic values.

The guiding principles serve three major purposes. The first purpose was to inform the development of master plan alternatives by serving as objectives that various approaches to development helped to achieve to varying degrees. The second purpose was to serve as a set of evaluation criteria to measure the master plan alternatives and related development concepts. The third and final purpose is to help guide future decision making related to unanticipated opportunities and obstacles.

Foundation EDUCATION GUIDING PRINCIPLE • Maximize flexibility and adaptability of all campus development to both encourage and allow for the optimal learning environment. • Serve all students, all the time, in a manner which is inclusive, embraces diversity, and is both locally and globally informed.

• Emphasize student success as expressed by the quality of the experience, profitability of programs and student retention.

The diversity and flexibility of gathering spaces that serve all students is an important tenant.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

• Integrate and showcase innovation in technology, design elements and sustainable landscaping and architecture.





• Balance the desire to maintain the small “family feel” with the establishment of a Northwest Denver destination that incorporates commerce, entertainment and sustainable development practices.

• Replicate the physical DNA of the campus core, incorporating both secular and non-secular sacred, reflective spaces in the architecture form, the interior configuration, and all of the open spaces in between.

• Add a “Colorado Outdoors” feeling to design when and where appropriate.

• Create carefully crafted views to, through and from the campus.

Regis University

• Create a series of diverse indoor and outdoor as well as formal and informal gathering spaces throughout the entire campus.


• Consider phasing and incremental results of growth as a means of creating flexible spaces and a true sense of place throughout implementation.

• Consider the multiple faces of facilities in the design of front, side and back of house uses and entry experiences. • Integrate art throughout the campus and embrace beauty as a spiritual element. • Ensure the physical campus reflects how the Regis University community is flourishing. • Reflect the campus’ unique location in the Rocky Mountain region.


• Create user experiences that enable to access and movement through campus elegantly and easily through transportation and other amenities.

• The physical form of the campus should embody men and women in service to others.

• Provide a sense of entry that evokes stature and prestige. • Promote transportation options and accommodate multi-modal mobility hubs that respond to movement patterns, sustainable practices, and accommodate phased development of campus. • Tie into the local and regional connectivity network. • Connectivity and wayfinding for all modes of transportation should benefit and accommodate the campus and community members.

• Catalyze investment, especially along Federal and Lowell to create facilities that respond to both University program and community needs. • Celebrate and highlight the exceptional community-oriented programs and opportunities on campus. • Establish a community face that is easily identified, inviting and engaging. • Locate private partners, non-profits or otherwise, that can provide additional activation, opportunity and campus and community amenities.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update




S PA C E NEED S ANALYSIS For this Master Plan Update, a detailed space needs analysis was performed to determine the specific, quantitative needs for classroom, lab, office, general and support spaces on campus. A needs analysis is an integral part of the Master Plan process and the foundation of a study to determine the actual space requirements of the various program elements that the campus will need to function in the short and long term. The analysis looks at both existing deficits, as well as future deficits based on projected student growth. This chapter summarizes the existing space deficits on campus, as well as projected deficits as enrollment increases over the next 20 years. In addition to the quantitative needs determined by the needs analysis and other analytical mechanisms, this chapter also highlights several qualitative deficits of the existing campus facilities. A combination of qualitative and quantitative assessment is essential for Regis to optimize learning, remain competitive and achieve a higher expression of the Jesuit, Catholic values that guide the University and this Campus Master Plan.


Existing Spaces Regis University’s Northwest Campus has engaging landscapes and some inspiring architecture. There are a number of spaces and facilities on campus that are truly remarkable. Main Hall, Carroll Hall and the Chapel are hailed as signature structures on campus and held in high esteem by community members as well. Renovations are currently underway across campus to not only extend the life of certain facilities, such as Main Hall and the Student Center, but to create truly exceptional places to learn, live and gather. Other facilities are coming online as the result of the University working with external partners, such as the off-campus Boryla Apartments at 49th Avenue and King Street.

outdated, lacks adequate technology, and simply does not reflect or advance the quality of education at Regis.

in learning technology require a significant update and investment in the University’s technology infrastructure.

Insufficient technology is not limited to Loyola and is prevalent throughout the campus, including in common areas and gathering spaces. In some of the older buildings, structural impediments hinder the ability to integrate up-to-date technology that is needed to optimize learning. Improvements

There is an acute lack of gathering space, both in small, nimble configurations and in large, community settings. The shortfall of gathering space is closely related to lost opportunities for contemplative respites as smaller spaces are increasingly overtaken for functional uses. Additionally, it limits the types

Analysis reveals that, despite recent improvements, there are still significant shortcomings in the quality and amount of classrooms, technology, gathering space, athletic space and housing on campus. Currently, Regis has a modest deficit in the quantity of classroom space. Qualitative assessment of the existing classroom space inventory highlights a more pressing concern. Many of classrooms are either too small or configured in such a way that they are not usable for contemporary pedagogies. Several classrooms are in temporary structures. The most used classroom building (Loyola) looks The campus is comprised of many different types of spaces.


There is only one athletic court on campus. There are three NCAA Division II teams that must use a court for play and practice

and countless others that use the court for intramurals, club sports and practice in inclement weather. Given the types of athletics that exist across campus -- from organized intramural and club sports to varsity and division level athletics -- there is a clear need for additional court facilities to improve both recreational opportunities on campus and the quality of life for student athletes. A recent feasibility study for a new

arena noted a critical lack of sufficient fitness, wellness and recreation space on campus. It found numerous benefits to developing a new arena for University athletic and event use. Benefits also include serving as a catalyst for on-campus living and commercial redevelopment on and around the campus which would appeal to enrolled and prospective students. Outside of the Residence Village, housing is generally perceived to be inadequate, in terms of both quality and quantity though the University is currently taking steps to address this both in renovations to existing facilities, and in off-campus housing solutions. Some of the student-centric and service-oriented programs on campus are tucked into the basement level of several campus facilities. Quality housing, a student hub, and recreation facilities could better cultivate and advance the Jesuit, Catholic value of Cura Personalis on campus. While this Master Plan Update is focused on addressing the shortcomings in the facilities on campus, it is important to note that Regis University has done and is doing many things quite well even within the context of aging and sometimes limited space. This Master Plan Update strives to build on these existing assets and advance the competitiveness of Regis and the Jesuit, Catholic values yet further.

Some of the spaces on campus are working well, while others are inadequate and need to be addressed.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

of events the University can host and creates unnecessary competition when multiple people are attempting to secure one of the few available spaces. Correcting such limitations can help to advance the Jesuit, Catholic values of ‘Contemplatives in Action’ and ‘Men and Women for and with Others.’


Projected Enrollment Across the University, Regis has a total enrollment of 11,000 students. Regis University’s Northwest Campus has a current population of approximately 4,500 students. Thirty-five percent are traditional undergraduate students.

Regis University

Over a 15-year planning horizon, the Master Plan assumes an enrollment growth of 3,000 students as a tool to develop the quantitative demand analysis. Approximately 1,000 of those students are expected to be traditional undergraduate students. The remaining 2,000 new students are expected to be graduate and post traditional students. A large portion of the growth will be related to projected enrollment increases in the Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions’ Nursing Program and the Anderson College of Business.


Post traditional undergraduate students are enrolled in four colleges: the College of Contemporary Liberal Studies (CCLS), the Anderson College of Business (ACB), the College of Computer Information Sciences (CCIS) and the Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions (RHCHP). Although the CCLS 10-year enrollment target is still unknown, the program has shown modest growth in recent years in its online coursework. Conversely, both Anderson College of Business

and CCIS are anticipated to grow by 5% in the next five years, with Anderson College of Business continuing to grow at that same rate in subsequent five-year increments. RHCHP is positioned for the highest growth over the next ten years with estimates between 10% and 20%. That growth will largely be dependent upon the addition of a new healthcare facility that includes a simulation hospital allowing for simulated clinicals. Graduate enrollment growth is largely driven by the physical therapy, nursing and counseling programs and Anderson College of Business. Graduate student enrollment growth will depend on the University’s ability to grow content-specific areas or to advance new methods of learning, such as online courses with limited residency requirements. Ultimately, all of the graduate programs are focused on stabilization of their enrollment in one form or another. The stabilization of these programs tracks with the growth projection goals established by the President’s Cabinet. One group that the Campus Master Plan Update has also taken into consideration in the programming and planning of the campus’ growth is the growing population of online students for both post traditional and online graduate students. While online student numbers are easy to track, their on-campus needs are evolving. At present, it is clear

that many students with a primary modality of online learning are still spending time on campus. Thus, those students have needs for temporary storage, a diversity of gathering and study spaces and better kitchen and dining arrangements. Achieving the University’s enrollment growth goals could be hindered by several policyrelated and physical constraints. Currently, Regis University policy limits the number of new traditional undergraduate students to approximately 600 per year, which would need to be raised to approximately 800 in order to grow by 3,000 students over the life of the Master Plan Update. The second constraint is an insufficient amount of housing. The final obstacle Regis University will face in the growth of their undergraduate student body will be a shortage of sufficient classroom and laboratory space and instructors to teach the classes. A general enrollment increase will provide growth opportunities in various athletic programs, including men’s and women’s track and field, tennis, junior varsity soccer and men’s lacrosse, which in turn will augment the demand for recreation facilities. This Master Plan provides recommendations as to how to best address the physical facility constraints to and subsequent impacts of enrollment increases over the planning horizon.

Methodology The foundation of the spatial needs analysis was based upon a detailed space planning model that considers projected enrollment during a planning period as well as the rationale behind those trends. Student enrollment was the central metric used to determine current and future facility demands and space needs. The model also considered: Student, Faculty and Staff Populations; Weekly Student Contact Hours; Existing Space; and Space Utilization Rates.

Enrollment is calculated in terms of full-time equivalent (FTE) students. Each full-time student counts as one FTE, while part-time students are assigned a percentage of an FTE according to their course load. Given the inevitable variability across some of the inputs in terms of both accuracy and completeness, and the degree of change that can occur even within a single planning process, a number of assumptions were made in order to standardize the results. Some of those assumptions for each space type included space classification, station sizes, faculty counts, library volumes, etc. In order to minimize the risk associated with this variation and associated assumptions,

the Master Plan process included additional methods to determine spatial needs for existing and future facilities on campus. While the model established the baseline assumption for the spatial needs of the campus, two secondary methods were employed to confirm the initial outputs. A peer review study, in which universities and colleges with similar programs and/or similar missions were put up along Regis’ facilities. In selecting peers for Regis University, an attempt was made to include several faith-based universities with comparable program sizes and student populations. With that said, given that the University also competes with other colleges and universities, a broader sample was selected.

Interviews were conducted with department heads and business unit managers. These individuals have direct, daily experience with the existing spaces and facilities on campus. They are key informants for the qualitative understanding of space needs, including both opportunities and challenges in how existing space is being and could be cross-utilized or re-purposed. The outputs of all three space need assessment methods were checked against one another. Comparison verified that the deficits and facility needs were within a similar range.

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• • • •


Existing Space Needs

Regis University

As it stands today, Regis University is operating at a spatial deficit for multiple types of space. The space planning model evaluated all use-types. Those use-types included Classroom, Laboratory, Office, Library, General Use (such as assembly, dining, student services, meeting rooms, etc.), Support space. Since classrooms and laboratories are time dependent, we looked at capacities, fill rates, schedules and the resulting utilization of those spaces. The target utilization goal of classroom spaces is 65%, while utilization targets for laboratory space typically falls between 25% and 35%. Utilization rates can be affected by scheduling practices and policies such as length of class, time of day and day of the week. Per current operating practices, which omits Friday from consideration due a general lack of scheduling, both classrooms and laboratories approach the target range, with an average peak utilization of 63% for classrooms and 26% for laboratories. In aggregate, it appears that classroom and lab spaces are currently being well utilized. These aggregate numbers mask some notable highs and lows within the utilization rates that relate to quality and functionality considerations discussed below.


If Friday was a consideration in the calculation, the average utilizations would drop to 57% for classrooms and 22% for laboratories; still relatively close to the targets. The model also included a number of odd occurrences where, due to a lack of existing space, classes are being programmed in spaces originally intended for use as conference rooms, art studios, and offices. Considering such space types are being relatively well utilized for their designated purpose, there are limits to the extent to which they can be repurposed for classes without creating demand for new space of their type. The quantitative assessment reveals that Regis University’s Northwest Campus is currently lacking approximately 10,400 square feet of classroom space that it could fill and program today. Additionally, it is lacking approximately 26,600 square feet of laboratory space. The below numbers do not include spaces that are qualitatively deficient and need significant upgrades or replacement to perform optimally. The implication of the overall spatial deficit, when considering the overall quality, far exceeds the quantitative deficit. The existing deficits and surpluses across all space types are as follows.

• • • • • •

Classroom: Deficit of 10,400 +/- sf Laboratory: Deficit of 26,600 +/- sf Office: Surplus of 46,400 +/- sf Support: Surplus of 5,200 +/- sf Library: Deficit of 3,800+/- sf General Use: Deficit of 3,000 +/- sf

The few surpluses are due, in part, to the fact that many of the historic buildings on campus do not lend themselves to uniform and efficient space layout. As a result, many offices are larger than they are functional. Thus, the existing office space surplus is not indicative of a block of space that could be readily repurposed to deficient uses. Another reason for apparent surplus is that within the categorization of the analysis, some program or facility spaces are difficult to assign due to space sharing and the nebulous nature of how they are used day to day. Finally, some pressing needs may not be fully accounted for, as is difficult to quantify their space needs without further study. For example, it quickly became apparent that a student success center (a hybrid student services model) was an integral element in the Master Plan, however, there is no national standard or best practice when it comes to scaling this type of facility. The size of this facility will best be determined through a more detailed programming study specific to this use.

Given the 15 to 20-year growth targets and aspirations for the University, space needs will increase at the Northwest Campus. In almost all categories in the space needs analysis, there will be a deficit at the 15-year planning horizon at the Northwest Campus. Office space is the lone exception (although there are functionality issues as noted above). It should be noted that many of the deficits will need to be addressed sooner than the 15-year planning horizon. The classroom deficit will reach its peak by the 10th year in the planning period. The projected 15-year deficits are:

• • • • • •

Classroom: Deficit of 34,000 +/- sf Laboratory: Deficit of 46,700 +/- sf Office: Surplus of 33,500 +/- sf Support: Deficit of 400 +/- sf Library: Deficit of 13,600+/- sf General Use: Deficit of 56,000 +/- sf

In addition to the above, laboratory and office space needs of approximately 4,000 square feet each that are needed to consolidate the Thornton campus of RHCHP to the Northwest Campus. Furthermore, the 2018 arena feasibility study quantified the space needs for a new arena and recreational facility at a range of 171,000 to 228,000 square feet, depending on the amount of support and meeting space included. It’s important to reiterate that these deficits are in part a product of current practices around class scheduling, including the practice of limiting classes scheduled on Friday. Most days of the week, classrooms operate near or around the target utilization rate of 65%; Tuesday’s classroom scheduling is over 70% utilized. However, Friday’s classroom utilization plummets to 34%. Per the listening sessions and stakeholder interviews that occurred during the Master Plan process, it was determined that increasing the proportion of classes scheduled on Friday was highly unlikely

to change. However, even if this practice did change, the combined classroom and laboratory deficit would still exceed 41,000 square feet and new facilities would still need to be considered. Finally, these figures do not speak to the layout inefficiency and qualitative deficiencies indicated above. About half of the existing and future classroom and lab space deficiencies are the result of the strong growth in RHCHP. Even if some of this need can be met in facilities scattered across the existing campus, consolidation of RHCHP program elements and the Thornton campus, along with the need for modern simulation hospital facility to underpin a competitive program, creates a strong rationale for a new RHCHP facility despite relatively modest campus-wide space needs deficit.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Projected Space Needs


Peer Study The peer review study, reviewing health, business, and computer and information science programs, was performed with numerous colleges and universities. In considering the scale and mission of the universities, the following eight were ultimately selected to determine an average size for the three programs. The availability of program information and facility size was also a determining factor.

• • • • • • • •

Gonzaga University University of Portland University of Denver Santa Clara University Creighton University Loyola Marymount University Seattle University University of San Francisco.

Regis University

In review of the above university’s, the following square footage ranges and averages were determined for the three programs.


• Health: 78 SF/student Range: 34 - 202 SF/student • Business: 55 SF/student Range: 12 - 114 SF/student • Computer Science: 68 SF/student Range: 12 - 171 SF/student Images of peer review study campus, starting clockwise from the top left (Gonzaga University, University of Portland, University of Denver, and Santa Clara University)

In applying the average square footage per student to the project enrollment for each program, an approximate sized was determined. That size was used . The potential facility sizes, per the average, are:

• Health: 96,876 SF • Business: 39,765 SF • Computer Science.: 16,592 SF

While these numbers were not used to determine the official master plan program, they were influential in the review of the findings from the detailed space planning model.

Images of peer review study campus, starting clockwise from the top left (Creighton University, Loyola Marymount University, Seattle University and University of San Francisco)

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

The same methodology was applied to ‘student success centers’. Given the lack of definition in the program type, the range was substantial. However, at the planning horizon, the average size of a potential student success center at Regis University, per the peer review study, is approximately 56,000 SF.


Quality Concerns on Campus

Regis University

Space quality across Regis University is diverse, however, there are some consistent factors that contribute to what is largely perceived as a decline in quality. When discussing the optimal learning environments and the flexibility that is often associated with those spaces, the rigidity of current spaces is a commonly reported shortcoming. During a listening session with a group of students evaluating the quality of the spaces across campus, one student noted the regular frequency of an unpleasant smell in Loyola Hall. All of the students in the session


confirmed the negative impact of this and many other spaces on efficient and effective learning. The extreme disparity in the quality of learning spaces across campus was a sore point for students and faculty alike. Conversely, there was unanimous support and esteem for the instructors for their ability to inspire in less-than-inspiring environments. Another telling anecdote came from individuals who led prospective students and their families on tours of campus. Tour guides noted that there were certain facilities that they omitted outright from the tours out of embarrassment. Those facilities, including housing and fitness, are often ‘selling points’ on a campus tour.

Technology stations in the Library, and many entry areas for faculty offices are dated in their service, as well as their material application. Lab space, though functioning, is in short supply.

These stories revealed how Regis can improve the quality of existing space on campus. It should be noted that a consistent theme of these discussions and listening sessions during the Master Plan process was to ensure the campus physically reflects the school that students love and respect. Faculty and staff also expressed a desire for spaces that better reflect the quality of the education available at Regis University and its Jesuit, Catholic values.

Across campus, the buildings are comprised of unique and diverse uses and spaces. Most facilities are also used by multiple programs and user types. Therefore, while each facility can be scrutinized as an individual structure within the larger campus fabric, the spaces across campus need to be reviewed as a whole. The experience of students, faculty and staff is much more comprehensive than one individual building. Through discussions with existing campus user groups, shortcomings in the quality of academic space were identified. In touring the facilities, a trustee noted that some of the facilities appear to have not changed since his time as a student during the early 1970s; this was not praise for Main Hall and Carroll Hall, but rather a critique of outdated space prevalent across much of campus. Even some of the newer facilities have been described as somber and sedate. It should be noted that many improvements have been made and technology is being infused in select learning spaces with great success. A primary quality concern is the amount and types of classroom spaces available. Many faculty and staff feel constrained by the lack of diversity and flexibility in existing classroom configurations. This can be

alleviated by creating collaborative, ‘smarter and faster’ classrooms to support the modern learning environment and incorporating the 4th row (an online/teleconferencing education model that gives remote students access to classroom teaching.) These types of spaces are the first of many steps to growing a student community that wants to learn in the space that is provided to them. For both break-out spaces and larger assembly-type settings., visual transparency – a staple of the 21st century classroom – can be a great tool in creating successful learning environments. The types and quality of spaces noted above should be considered as new facilities are programmed or existing facilities are either renovated or repurposed to address current and future deficits. Another concern expressed is the overly eclectic nature of design elements and lack of a cohesive design vernacular on campus. Many of the stakeholders mentioned the disparities across building design, quality, and functionality as well as across the campus in elements such as benches and wayfinding. To advance the value of Magis and attain the vision of being a “Crown Jewel,” design quality and cohesiveness are important considerations when adding and upgrading space.

Some spaces are better suited for adaptive re-use, such as Main Hall (bottom) given the renovations that have already occurred.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Current Quality of Space Types


Repurposing and Re-Use of Space 1) CAN WE UPDATE THE SPACE? Determining the campus program was a balanced process. It begins by acknowledging that Regis University has an environment in which students, faculty and staff are already striving. In looking to the ‘bones’ of the buildings on campus, there are numerous spaces that are inhibiting modern teaching and learning and are well-suited for varying degrees of renovation. Examples of successful renovation and modernization include the lower levels of Main Hall, Claver Hall, the Student Center and the Gronowski Innovation Incubator Lab in Clarke Hall.

Regis University



In addition to the renovation of existing spaces, which largely implies an enhancement of the current use, there are some situations in which an adaptive reuse of a single space or an entire facility may be most appropriate. The conversion or inclusion of a new use has multiple benefits and can address a number of potential constraints in the development process. For example, it is a method that can breathe life in the historic fabric of the campus Main Hall’s (top) renovation provides an excellent blueprint for future updates to the campus. Some renovations can have an even greater impact on the campus’ design.

with a new and invigorating use. Additionally, it allows for a more economically attainable accommodation of near-term spatial deficits. One method of understanding how space can be re-used or re-purposed to mitigate future facilities costs was through a high-level space utilization analysis of a single program use. The growth of RHCHP and its eventual relocation to a new facility is a cornerstone element in the growth strategy for Regis University’s Northwest Campus. Currently, a large portion of RHCHP classes are held in Claver Hall, with varying degrees of use in each classroom. In some cases, RHCHP has sole use of a classroom and, therefore, the recapture of those assignable hours and related square footage for other programs could be 100%. However, in cases where RHCHP only used a given classroom for 60% of the time, that use ratio (or percentage) was then applied to the square footage in terms of planning for a new facility. In each facility, both Claver Hall and a new health facility, there will be efficiencies gained on each side through shared use of supporting spaces, such as offices, conference rooms, restrooms, etc. It is important to note that this method, while helpful in confirming the space needs model, is high level and only applicable at the level of master planning. An architectural program analysis would be required to refine these findings before commencing design.

In order to obtain a more accurate understanding of the amount of square footage used by the RHCHP program in Claver Hall (PCH), a breakdown of classroom hours by room was conducted. First, PCH classroom numbers were gathered by limiting the HEGIS designation to the classroom category. Next, each classroom number was filtered individually by location. For each room, an inventory was created of which classes occurred in the room, the number of times the class occurred, the length of the class, and with which college the class was associated. The number of class hours associated with RHCHP was obtained by multiplying the number of times the class occurred by the length of the class. This number was divided by the total class hours in the room to provide a ratio of RHCHP to non-RHCHP use in the room. This ratio was then applied to the square footage of the room. This exercise effectively split the square footage of each room into space used by RHCHP classes and space used by all other classes. It also provided the number of re-assignable hours that will be available if RHCHP uses are moved to a new health facility. The process, of course, has its shortcomings, largely due to discrepancies or in accuracies in the data available. A more detailed description of this process can be found in an appendix to the Regis University Northwest Campus Master Plan 2018 Update.

3) DO WE BUILD NEW SPACE? If it was determined that renovating or adaptively reusing a space will be insufficient to meet the needs of existing or future programs, then a new facility was considered. This approach ensures that the final campus program contributes to resiliency. If the Master Plan Update campus program solely focused on new construction, it would largely be dependent upon external funding mechanisms and exclude opportunities for ‘quick wins’ within the existing built fabric of campus. With near-full utilization and an existing classroom and laboratory space deficit, repurposing and upgrades necessitate adding new temporary or permanent space. Building a new RHCHP and simulation lab facility in the near term would 1) add the needed facilities to keep this program competitive and growing 2) create space to hold other program classes during needed upgrades and 3) allow for the return of the Division of Counseling and Family Therapy (DCFT) program from the Thornton campus. Improvements to existing facilities can then be prioritized and phased.

Program Summary To address the existing and future deficit of academic and other spaces as identified through quantitative and qualitative analysis, a combination of reuse, renovation and expansion are recommended for many of the campus’ existing spaces, such as Main Hall, Claver Hall, Clarke Hall, Coors Life Center, the Library, the Student Center, and the Science Center. The focus on using existing buildings first helped to balance the introduction of new facilities, allowing for Regis’ past to fully integrate with the transition into current and future needs. New facilities, including a simulation hospital and health education facility, multi-purposes event center, housing, fitness and wellness center, mixed-use academic facility, admissions building, and structured parking address the determined deficit. These facilities are located to support operational and educational goals as well as to provide strong opportunities for meaningful community partnerships and financial support. This configuration also allows for a strategic blending of community and University uses to a more integrated whole. The final campus program, detailed in proceeding chapters, is comprised illustrates the range of facilities and spaces required to meet the needs of growing student body and achieve a higher expression of Jesuit values on the Regis University’s Northwest Campus.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Healthcare Facility/Claver Example



DEVEL OPMENT PLAN The Campus Master Plan shapes a campus that celebrates its historic character, integrates contemporary and flexible spaces, strengthens the surrounding neighborhood fabric, and most importantly, attracts and supports the growth of tomorrow’s service leaders. The appropriate design solutions for the University should not be limited to current trends, transportation methods or opportunities. A flexible and timeless framework can best facilitate the growth of the campus both spiritually and physically. The development plan is accompanied by specific recommendations that include but are not limited to: viable long-term connectivity strategies to enhance efficient circulation and access; “green� infrastructure and vibrant public space; redevelopment of the campus fabric that is congruent, synergistic and fosters good campus form; a symbolic heart for campus life; and spaces throughout the campus for congregation, celebration, and inspiration. This chapter provides an overview of the overall development plan for the campus, as well as priority projects and improvements.


Design Development Process The design process commenced after the substantial completion of the campus space needs analysis and refinement of the guiding principles summarized in Chapter 2. The guiding principles were used as evaluation criteria during concept development and refinement. The Master Plan Team worked closely with the Master Plan Task Force, President’s Cabinet and Board of Trustees in the development and refinement of the preliminary concept alternatives and refinement of those initial concepts into a preferred development plan for the campus. The preferred development plan was then shared with broader audiences on campus and the community. Input and feedback received throughout this phase of the planning process was used to adjust and strengthen the preferred development plan and associated recommendations.

The Board of Trustees participated in a campus tour, work session and Master Plan presentation.


While they helped to address and vet all aspects of the development plan, the Master Plan Task Force focused on informing the concept alternatives and preferred development plan from the user experience. The Task Force developed priorities for each user group, including faculty, staff, students, traditional undergraduate students, non-traditional undergraduate students, graduate students, and the community. By

approaching the physical form of the campus through these various lenses, the Task Force helped to ensure that the vision for the future campus development works well for all potential users. The President’s Cabinet helped to ensure that the development concepts were closely linked to the Jesuit, Catholic values, the vision elements and guiding principles of the Master Plan and the vision articulated by Father John P. Fitzgibbon, S.J. The Cabinet also provided strategic planning objectives, including short and long term enrollment, growth of signature programs, and the preferred future of programs currently offered at satellite locations. A major emphasis of the Cabinet throughout this phase of the process was identifying tangible ways for Regis University to better interface with and serve the surrounding communities. The Board of Trustees also played a very important role in evaluating preliminary concept alternatives, strengthening the preferred development plan and providing insight regarding prioritization and plan implementation. The Board of Trustees were engaged regularly throughout the entire planning process and participated in several work sessions related to the development concept, including a multi-day session that included facility tours, presentations from campus and community thought leaders, and topic area-specific working groups.

Program Categories

Student Housing and LivingLearning Environments Building upon the Student Housing Master Plan, participants in the design development process emphasized the importance of increasing the quantity and quality of student housing options on and near campus. Now reaching a critical shortfall that is impacting enrollment and retention, participants stressed the importance of providing a range of housing types, price points, amenity packages and locations for the University to remain competitive in attracting and retaining students.

Religious and Cultural Spaces All groups that contributed to the design development process expressed a strong desire to reflect the mission and values of the University in the physical form of campus, including architectural vernacular, contemplative outdoor spaces, reflection and prayer spaces indoors, and the integration of art throughout campus. There was also a strong desire to create inclusive spaces that are inviting to people of all backgrounds, cultures and beliefs.

Recreation and Athletics Athletics has been said to be “the front porch of a university – not the most important room, but the most visible”. The reach of Recreation and Athletics is broad. It is a place where alumni, students, faculty, staff and the community can interact. It offers opportunities to enhance branding, community involvement and the student experience. In Colorado, one of the fittest states in the country, recreation is a way of life. Therefore, the small size and low quality of both recreation and athletic facilities on the campus is off-brand for a Jesuit, Catholic school in Colorado that hinders recruitment of all community members. From the undersized recreation fitness facilities for faculty staff and students to the athletic training room and from the limited court space to co-ed locker rooms squeezed in spaces never intended for such a use, Regis University is playing catch up to other peer institutions when it comes to recreation and athletic facilities. A familiar quote at the University is “These students are coming from high schools that have far superior athletic facilities”. As a result, many coaches never show recruits the facilities.

The Third Place - Student Services and Success The places students learn, study and collaborate between classes and outside their home, is often called the “third place.” Regis has a profound deficit in the third place. In addition, Regis is focused on student success in the areas of retention, academic achievement, educational attainment and student advancement. Future campus development will address both. From the student center to the library re-envisioned as a student success center, the preferred development concept offers a holistic approach that addresses student needs in and out of the classroom as they progress through their college experience.

Mixed-Use Development A key opportunity that was explored in the design development process of was the potential for mixed-use development at the perimeter of campus. Participants emphasized two major benefits of mixed-use development at the edge of the campus. First, the University can begin to model the type of development envisioned for Federal Boulevard and Lowell Boulevard. Second, the University can utilize a portion of ground floor spaces to better support and serve the community. Third, commercial tenants can be partners in developing curriculum, internship opportunities and research.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

21st Century Learning Spaces An emphasis throughout the design development process focused on ensuring that Regis University is providing 21st century learning spaces in the form of classrooms, laboratories and collaborative spaces. There is a strong desire to accommodate best practices in teaching and learning with integrated technology, moveable furniture, natural light and other features found in flexible, collaborative and innovative spaces.


Preliminary Concept Alternatives CENTERING THE CAMPUS OPEN SPACE Key Elements • Shifting all athletic fields and open space to Adams County

• Loosely organizing collections of buildings around open space

• Allowing for an East/West axis through east campus with access to Federal Boulevard

• Consolidating student services in the center of campus

• Establishing a health facility as the flagship

building at the corner of Federal Boulevard and 50th Avenue/Regis Boulevard

Strengths • Establishes a strong edge along Federal Boulevard

• Re-centers the campus around the location of the existing Field House

• Creates a neighborhood-friendly transition Regis University

to neighbors to the north of campus


Weaknesses • Does not sufficiently stitch the existing campus core to new development to the east • Provides too much housing and relies on short to medium term housing development to connect the existing campus core to the Federal Boulevard edge of campus

• Does not maximize financing opportunities (bonds, P3, joint venture) • Misses the opportunity to place community facing uses closer to the community • Creates impediments to future campus expansion by locating near-term needs in locations with another likely higher and better use

• Community members expressed opposition to student housing in Adams County

EMBRACING THE CAMPUS EDGES Key Elements • Retaining a portion of the athletic fields in current locations

• Framing a strong east-west axis through the east portion of campus

• Focusing growth (and larger facilities) on the eastern edge of campus

• Concentrating development in higher

Strengths • Creates a strong urban edge along Federal Boulevard with opportunities for community serving uses and potential development partnerships

Relies almost entirely on campus-owned property and requires little to no property acquisition for long-term build out

• • Offers financing flexibility – bonding capacity, P3 and JV • Takes advantage of Federal Boulevard’s traffic patterns and public transportation Offers development advantages – density and infrastructure

Weaknesses • Creates a disconnect between the existing campus core and the compact urban development along Federal Boulevard

• Disperses student services around the

campus with poor legibility and adjacencies

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

density facilities to reserve the majority of property north of campus for future expansion


DEFINING THE CAMPUS CORE Key Elements • Retaining and relocating all of the athletic fields within the traditional campus boundary

• Focusing growth and larger facilities in the center of campus

• Reserving space along Federal Boulevard to create private/private partnerships for future development

• Weaving new academic facilities and

housing mostly within the new campus core

Strengths • Minimizes real and perceived walking

Weaknesses • Combines multiple program elements in a handful of very large structures that are out of scale

• Provides highest potential for income from

• Does little to enhance the identity and visibility of Regis • Creates traffic and parking concerns with all new facilities concentrated in one location

distances between buildings leveraging real estate assets

• Reserves the property north of campus for Regis University

future housing expansion


with existing campus development

embedded internally to the campus

• Does not take advantage of of Federal Boulevard’s traffic patterns and public transportation which is how most users arrive on campus

In order to better understand and describe the key elements of the future campus and the preferred development plan, the campus has been divided into three distinct, but interconnected character zones. The character zones will also be used to help organize the design guidelines for the campus.

HISTORIC LOWELL CAMPUS The Historic Lowell Campus is bounded by Lowell Boulevard on the west, Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue to the south, 53rd Avenue to the north and service drive and parking located between Desmet Hall and the Field House on the east. The existing service drive and parking facilities provide a strong north-south dividing line today and

STUDENT CORE The Student Core character zone is bound by the service drive and parking located between Desmet Hall and the Field House on the west, the drainage way between the existing baseball field and softball field on the east, Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue on the south and 53rd Avenue to the north. Existing facilities within the Student Core are limited and currently include Clarke Hall, the Field House, Residence Village, Ranger Dome, and several temporary office and classroom buildings. The rest of the area is primarily occupied by the baseball field and the intramural/ practice fields along Regis Boulevard. There is not a consistent architectural character within the Student Core character zone today.

Topography and drainage are important considerations within this character zone as there are the most dramatic grade changes with this area being generally lower than the Historic Lowell Campus and gradually stepping down in elevation from south to north.

FEDERAL EDGE The Federal Edge character zone is bounded by the drainage way between the existing baseball field and softball field on the west, Federal Boulevard to the east, Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue to the south and 52nd Avenue/53rd Avenue to the north. The Federal Edge character zone is the least defined today with regard to the University. Current campus elements outside occupying portions of the Regis Square strip shopping center include a large surface parking lot at the corner of Federal Boulevard and 50th Avenue and the championship field immediately west of that. A McDonald’s sits between Regis Square and the large University parking lot along Federal Boulevard near 51st Avenue. Development north of Regis Square includes a handful of older commercial buildings. The Federal Edge character zone provides the greatest opportunity for new development and establishing a new architectural vernacular that clearly ties to the Historic Lowell Campus but communicates the future of the University and Northwest Denver.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Character Zones

the character of facilities east of this area (Clarke Hall, the Residence Village, the Field House and the Ranger Dome) is quite distinct from facilities within the Historic Lowell Campus character zone. This first character zone generally takes the traditional campus form with a major quadrangle in the center, framed by brick buildings with relatively ornate detail and fenestration, and all surrounded by parking lots and access drives. With the exception of surface parking lots, there is very little capacity for new development in the Historic Lowell Campus character zone without the removal of existing buildings.


Transformative Elements of the Development Plan

Community Connection - Embracing the edges of campus and orienting attractive and positive uses and amenities to the surrounding neighbors, especially along Federal Boulevard and Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue.

Utilizing the strengths of each of the preliminary concept alternatives, the Master Plan team developed a preferred development plan. Working closely with key stakeholders, the team resolved many of the weaknesses associated with some of the preliminary concept alternatives as well. In broad strokes, the big moves and transformative elements of the preferred design include:

Values in Action - Showcasing existing and future service programs along the edge of campus to celebrate the University’s mission and values and improve access for those in need.

Balance - Balancing future investment between the Historic Lowell Campus, Student Core and Federal Edge with a combination of renovation, expansion and redevelopment within the Historic Lowell Campus, adaptive reuse and new development in the Student Core and new development along the Federal Edge. Visibility - Locating new facilities and entrances with signature programs along Federal Boulevard, including Health, Physical Training, ACB and CCIS.

Regis University

Partnerships - Creating opportunities for development and program partnerships, especially along the high traffic and high visibility corridor of Federal Boulevard.


Resourcefulness/Resiliency - Adaptively reusing existing facilities for new uses when new facilities are constructed in other areas of campus. Increase Open Space - Utilizing relocated athletic and recreation fields to create a park-like amenity for the campus and community along the northern edge of the campus.

Turn a Negative into a Positive - Integrating the drainage easement between the Student Core and the Federal Edge as a more naturalized amenity with ample planting, trails and frequent crossings. Improve Curb Appeal - Organizing new campus development to improved streetscapes or around existing and new campus open spaces. Improve Access - Creating a strong east-west axis through the campus generally aligning with 51st Avenue. Improve Parking - Adding new structured parking with active ground floor uses in strategic locations around the perimeter of campus. Reduce Traffic - Locating new facilities that generate a large number of trips to campus along the campus perimeter to reduce the impacts on the interior of campus. Beauty - Incorporating art and spaces for reflection and contemplation throughout the entire campus. Increase opportunities for growth and visibility in art and culture.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Preferred Development Plan

Regis University

The preferred development plan synthesizes the big moves and transformative elements into a single, cohesive master plan for how Regis University can live and breathe its vision, mission and values. With the aid of the Task Force, President’s Cabinet, Board of Trustees, campus community and broader community, the Master Plan team has prepared an illustrative site plan to communicate the general scale and location of buildings and open spaces, the intimate relationship between buildings and the surrounding landscape, and the critical pathways and connections to allow all users to move to, through and around the campus in a safe and enjoyable fashion. The following chapter describes each major campus system in greater detail and provides a high level overview of several key systems and elements of the preferred development plan.


Campus Uses. In broad terms, the preferred development plan creates several distinct academic experiences with ample opportunity and reason for interaction and collaboration outside of those a student, faculty or staff’s primary areas of emphasis. The Historic Lowell Campus maintains its role in providing the quintessential undergraduate campus experience while new academic facilities are located along the Federal Edge and focus more on professional and graduate student experience. No new academic facilities are envisioned for the Student Core. The built form, open space, and circulation paths must all work together in order to achieve the vision.

Student housing is largely focused in or immediately adjacent to the Student Core with a combination of new construction, expansion and renovation. New student housing is a priority along the Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue border east of Clarke Hall. Student and community services are distributed throughout the campus with more community facing facilities at the perimeter of campus and more internally focused University programs more centered in campus. A new student services center is envisioned at the heart of the Student Core. Religious and cultural facilities are envisioned as community facing campus uses along the Lowell Boulevard edge. Finally, athletic and recreation facilities are envisioned in the northern portion of the Student Core and Federal Edge. Open Spaces. In order to maintain several of the most appreciated aspects of the existing campus, it was important for the preferred development plan to incorporate a variety of open space and to use a combination of plazas, lawns, and natural areas as organizing elements for new campus development. Major pathways and promenades connect existing and new campus open spaces and buildings. Mobility. The preferred development plan attempts to limit the number of cars driving through campus by improving options for walking and biking, locating the majority of parking facilities at the campus edge, integrating shuttle and transit access to the campus from a variety of locations around the Denver metro area, and utilizing the surrounding roadway network rather than an internal ring road.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Historic Lowell Campus

Regis University



Three projects are envisioned to help the Historic Lowell Campus better connect to Regis Boulevard. A community contemplative space (e.g. meditation garden) is planned for the corner of Regis Boulevard and Lowell Boulevard. A new formal entry is envisioned south of the Dayton Memorial Library along Regis Boulevard. The entry will provide vehicle loading and drop-off, a fountain or other water feature and a grand forecourt to the library’s renovation and expansion to include student success center (see below). Loyola Hall can accommodate shifting uses throughout the earlier phases, however, it is planned for demolition and replacement with a parking structure eventually. The south edge of the parking structure will have commercial space integrated into it to provide a more attractive community facing façade and to improve visibility of one or more University service programs.



Expansions are planned for the Dayton Memorial Library, Pomponio Science Building and Desmet Hall. The Dayton Memorial Library is envisioned as a student success center with plans for renovation and expansion. The improvements will create a new south facing faรงade tying into the new formal campus entry along Regis Boulevard, provide better ADA accessible entrances, centralize academic support services and create more flexible collaboration space within the building. The expansion of Pomponio Science Building is intended to create more capacity for traditional science core programs which are key to enrollments in several programs, including traditional nursing. The expansion to Desmet Hall is intended to expand Freshman bed capacity and provide updated common spaces within the residence hall.

Claver Hall, Main Hall, the Student Center and Coors Life Center are planned for adaptive reuse. When a new facility is available to house the majority or all of Rueckert Hartman College for Health Professions classes and activities, Claver Hall can be repurposed as a general classroom building. The majority of classrooms are flexible and integrate technology. However, circulation, signage and wayfinding throughout the Claver should be improved. Main Hall is in the process of a multi-phase renovation. The preferred development plan assumes these renovations continue and that the third and fourth floors of the facility are converted to 21st century classrooms. The Student Center is currently under renovation with improvements that will extend the usefulness of the facility for another 10 years. At that point, the development plan assumes a new Student Center is constructed in the campus core and that the current facility is repurposed as a Fine Arts Center. The Coors Life Center is planned for adaptive reuse as an event space serving the Historic Lowell Campus once replacement fitness and student health facilities are constructed.

The commercial segment of Lowell Boulevard just south of the campus is experiencing a recent resurgence and is an ideal neighborhood pocket for local retail uses such as boutiques and restaurants. It is envisioned that Regis University develop its property south of Regis Boulevard along the west edge of Lowell Boulevard with mixed-use development incorporating student housing and a small amount of commercial space., making Lowell a double loaded retail corridor and turning into a campus and community amenity. Regis will continue to partner with local businesses and the City and County of Denver to help envision a revitalized streetscape, enhanced facades, and safer crossings along this segment of Lowell Boulevard.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



New entrances should be added to both sides of the Student Success Center. ADA access that is designed to visually integrate with the overall faรงade improvements. While the major mechanical stack is located on the center of the southern faรงade of the Dayton Memorial Library and it would be very costly to move these infrastructure elements, steps should be taken to screen or beautify them. In addition, a pair of major entrances should be created flanking the mechanical stack and tying to the grand stairs and ramps. An easy addition is to brand the south side of the library as Regis University with signage.

Regis University



The southern edge of campus currently lacks any sense of formal entry into the campus. With the improvements to the Dayton Memorial Library highlighted above, an improved campus entry is imagined south of the new Student Success Center. Major design considerations for the improved entry include making the entrance feel multi-modal,

whereby it feels safe and welcoming for everyone whether they choose to come to campus on foot, on bike, by car or by shuttle. A loading/unloading and drop-off area should be established at the south face of the Student Success Center. A signature design feature should be integrated into the island created by the drop-off and should include some combination of a water feature and art.

In addition to improving the accessibility and appearance of the Library, the proposed improvements are intended to help make the Historic Lowell Campus more inviting to neighbors and the surrounding community. The Student Success Center should incorporate meeting spaces, maker spaces and other resources that support the existing library functions and are accessible to and promoted to the community for their use.

Existing (top left) and Proposed (next page)

Student Core ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW CAMPUS CENTER As development of the campus expands the effective footprint of the campus westward, it is important to think about the daily experience of students, faculty and staff. A combination of recommended improvements will establish a new campus center at the heart of the Student Core of campus. A new Student Center adjacent to and on site of the existing Field House and will provide a common, centrally located destination for all students. The Student Center will be flanked by large open spaces that organize the Student Core and provide longer term opportunities for future campus expansion within the existing campus footprint.


Regis University

The new Student Center will sit along a major east-west axis stitching together all three zones of the campus. The axis will change in character as it moves through the various zones and will be a major pedestrian promenade through the Student Core. The promenade is envisioned to be tree-lined and include distinctive paving, benches, public art, landscaping, signage and wayfinding. The linkages to the adjacent character zones are critical to the overall success of the Master Plan. Rather than shoehorn these connections across a parking lot and over the drainage way, the linkages and transitions between character zones should become signature elements. The space between O’Connell Hall and Desmet Hall extending east and down to the current parking and driveway between the Beach and the Residence halls should include an informal amphitheater with a combination of stairs, seat walls, ramps and landscaping. The linkage across the drainage way to new campus development to the east should become a signature bridge element incorporating art and Jesuit, Catholic iconography.



While the existing athletic fields are in relatively good condition, their existing locations provide a significant barrier between the Historic Lowell Campus and the Federal Edge. Therefore, the preferred development plan assumes that all athletic fields eventually move to the north edge of the campus. This allows the recreational fields to become a community and university amenity. It also allows a parking structure to support the athletic programs attendance with Federal access and take advantage of the grade change. The integration of the drainage way, pathways, concessions and other smaller recreational amenities will make this area of the Student Core (and extending east to the Federal Edge) a campus and community amenity. It is important to note that the practice fields and Championship Field should retain a northsouth orientation to mitigate negative impacts of the sun. Similarly, the baseball field and softball field maintain an orientation whereby home plate is oriented southwest to mitigate solar impacts.

The northern and southern edges of the developed portions of the Student Core are planned to be student housing. Offering a compatible use to the existing neighborhood, the planning process resulted in a recommendation for new student housing to be prioritized along the south edge of campus along Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue. Four to five story student housing facilities should take advantage of the steep grade change at that edge of campus to create a walkout basement and one or more large ground floor balconies on the north side of the buildings. North of the new Student Center, space is reserved for an expansion of the Residence Village. Both locations for student housing place residents central to the overall footprint of campus and in close proximity to nearly all campus amenities. The locations also allow for the use of existing and planned parking resources nearby.

INCREASE IN COURT CAPACITY The removal of the Ranger Dome exasperates an existing deficit of court facilities on the campus. There is an existing shortage of court space on campus for student recreation, intramurals and athletics. Existing courts are fully programmed and there is a waiting list for additional use. When the Ranger Dome is removed, it will be important to replace that court capacity and add capacity. A temporary new court facility is planned north of the existing Field House that will nearly double the court capacity lost with the removal of the Ranger Dome. In addition, one potential use of the existing Field House once athletics moves to a new facility is to become a recreational court facility.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



The experience along the promenade approaching the new Student Center will provide variety and interest. A median island in the vehicular segment, roundabout and bridge will provide ample opportunity to integrate landscaping and art elements. A double row of trees is envisioned for both sides of the promenade with pedestrian scale lighting with sound and supports for banners integrated into them. A variety of seating options will decorate the promenade along with trash and recycling receptacles, wayfinding signage, interpretive elements, gardens and green infrastructure.

Regis University



The major east-west axis is a major element linking the Student Core to the adjacent campus character zones. From the east, the axis will align with 51st Avenue and will become a pedestrian promenade by the time it crosses the drainage way and enters the Student Core. The experience along this major entry and promenade is inspired by

the original layout of Main Hall and Boettcher Commons in the Historic Lowell Campus. In the earliest stages of campus development, there were clear site lines from 50th Avenue to Main Hall. The new Student Center should be designed as a signature campus structure with this same relationship in mind. The new Student Center will be the view terminus from the new main entry of the campus from Federal Boulevard.

Existing (top left) and Proposed (next page)

Federal Edge RELOCATION OF SIGNATURE PROGRAMS With the acquisition of properties along Federal Boulevard over the years, Regis University has an unparalleled opportunity to establish a brand new boundary of the campus on the most prominent and active street edge along its perimeter. In doing so, the University is balancing several objectives that tie back to the vision elements and guiding principles summarized in Chapter 2. There is a strong desire to make the campus edge more porous and accessible to community members. There is also a desire to integrate community uses and potential partners (see below) while retaining a strong identity for University. With the strong focus on co-locating campus and community and the ongoing efforts to make Federal Boulevard a healthy community corridor, the preferred development plan anchors the Federal Edge with a new health and clinic facility and a joint business and technology building. The intent of these facilities is to have strong Regis identity with a strong presence for Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions, the Anderson College of Business, and the College of Computer and Information Sciences with community serving uses integrated into them. Other anticipated uses of the Federal Edge include a fitness facility and a multi purpose event center.

Regis University



The new east-west axis will meet Federal Boulevard at approximately 51st Avenue. This new access point to the campus will provide a prominent main entry to the campus from Federal Boulevard. The entry is envisioned to be multi-modal in nature, providing safe and inviting access for people accessing the campus on foot, by bike, by shuttle or by car. The new east-west axis will provide vehicular access for the initial segment closest to Federal Boulevard and allow for drop-offs, as well as access to surface and structure parking planned north and south of the major entry along the Federal Edge.

CATALYST FOR REVITALIZED FEDERAL BOULEVARD With new campus development along the Federal Edge, Regis University has an opportunity to help catalyze additional improvements and redevelopment along Federal Boulevard. With the adjacent Aria development and planned improvements for Federal Boulevard, the University can make a significant impact on the appearance, safety, health and economic vitality of this key segment along the Federal Boulevard corridor. As Regis improves the west edge of the corridor, it is expected that the private sector will take cues from the style and quality of development to reinvest in the east side of the corridor as well. With the current and planned investments around the Clear Creek Federal RTD Station in Adams County and development pressure from south of I-70 in Denver, it is likely that the University can help set the tone for redevelopment and investment extending north and south of the University as well.

Development along the Federal Edge will better connect the University to the community. These connections can take various forms, but the preferred development plan integrates several. First, the planned health facility will include several health services including a community clinic that serves students, staff, faculty and the community, the Division of Counseling and Family Therapy from the current Thornton extension campus, which provides low-cost counseling services to individuals, couples and families who might not otherwise be able to afford them. It is also envisioned that this facility will include a simulation hospital in partnership with a local health care provider. The business and CCIS facility might integrate a simulation trading floor in partnership with a private partner and should include small commercial spaces at the ground floor for small business incubation. It is also anticipated that the new fitness facility may provide the opportunity for a partnership with a private provider in order to provide a larger facility that can accommodate campus and community users. Finally, the preferred development plan includes opportunities for retail, restaurant and hospitality uses along Federal Boulevard integrated into the ground floors of new buildings and as standalone structures.

TRANSITION TO ADAPTABLE STRUCTURED PARKING In order to accommodate the new uses along the Federal Edge and replace the parking that will be removed to make room for that development, the preferred development plan incorporates structured parking associated with development on the southwest corner of campus and with the multi-purpose event center envisioned north of the health building and south of the athletic fields. The parking structure associated with the multi-purpose event center will be integrated with the event center facility and will use the grade change on the west edge of Federal Boulevard to create several levels of parking below the Federal Boulevard grade, but accessible from multiple points along Federal Boulevard. The parking’s multi grade structure will also serve the athletic fields on the north end of campus. The structure located behind the business building will be accessible from the major entry at 51st Avenue and from Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue. Both structures should be designed with flat floors, sufficient load capacities and appropriate floor-to-ceiling heights to allow conversion to other types of structures (i.e., classrooms, housing, offices, etc.) at some point in the future.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



and either replicate or repeat lighting and furnishings on the campus. Development along Federal Boulevard should include engaging ground floor design and active ground floor uses as frequently as possible. In general, new structures along the Federal Boulevard edge of the campus are assumed to be two to six stories in height. Development will follow campus design guidelines and include a contemporary interpretation of the historic architectural vernacular of the Historic Lowell Campus. Entry monuments, signage and other gateway elements should be included along the new campus edge as well.

Regis University



The Master Plan Update and the Preferred Development Plan are setting the stage for Regis University to create a new edge to the existing campus. One important aspect of enhancing the relationship of the campus to the corridor is to set new buildings back from the Federal Boulevard right-of-way to provide space for an enhanced pedestrian realm, generous planting of trees and enhanced landscaping along this entire edge. Participants in plan development emphasized the need for the building/s on the southwest corner of campus to have setback sufficient enough to create a strong campus identity and

gateway element at the intersection of Federal Boulevard and Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue. Intersections and entrances along Federal Boulevard should be enhanced to convey the unique identity of Regis University. Improvements may include enhanced crosswalks, bulbouts and curb extensions, pedestrian refuge islands, and pedestrian enhanced signalization. A new signal or other traffic control device is envisioned at the new main entry at Federal Boulevard and 51st Avenue. Pedestrian lighting and other furnishings on the west edge of Federal along the campus boundary should be unique

Existing (top left) and Proposed (next page)

Regis University

Historic Lowell Campus Federal Edge

The following tables summarize the specific elements of the overall campus development program by character zone. For each character zone, the program summary tables list each specific project, its size, the anticipated delivery method and the expected program or programs that will occupy the renovated, expanded or new facility. The listed sizes represent rounded gross square footages for planning purposes. A greater level of specificity will be required for cost estimation and architectural programming.

Student Core

Program Summary


Historic Lowell Campus Size


Program and Uses

Loyola Hall

24,700 GSF 1 floor

Renovation / Demolition

Office, Meeting Rooms, Flex Space

Claver Hall

40,000 GSF 2 - 3 floors


Regis College Classrooms, Labs

Coors Life Directions Center

15,100 GSF 1+ floor


Event Center: Large Gathering Space; Food Warming/Prep Kitchen; Conference Room(s); Offices; Lobby

DeSmet Hall

24,400 GSF 4 - 5 floors

Renovation / Addition

Dormitory Housing

Library / Student Success Center

82,700 GSF 4 floors

Renovation / Addition

Standard Library Uses; Meeting Rooms; Small/Huddle Spaces; Digital "Resource" Labs (Computer Rooms); Media Rooms

Main Hall (3rd and 4th Floor)

39,200 GSF 2 floors (of 4)



O'Sullivan Fine Arts Gallery / Pilgrim Chapel

6,600 GSF 1 floor


Student Lounge: Informal Dining/Seat, Food Warming/Prep Kitchen, Informal Student Gathering Space

Science Center

26,000 GSF 3 floors


Classrooms, labs, office, rooftop observatory and greenhouse

Student Center

43,600 GSF 2 floors


Classroom, Office, Art Studio, Art Galley, Meeting Space, Food Warming/Prep Kitchen Event Space

West Hall

50,800 GSF 3 floors


Office, Alumni Center, Meeting Space, Conference Rooms

Parking Structure

75 spaces/floor 2 bays, 3 floors

New Construction


353,100 GSF GSF = Gross Square Feet

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



Student Core Project

Size 12,700 GSF 1 floor


Classroom, Office, Meeting Space

Ranger Dome

8,800 GSF 1+ floor


Indoor Soccer, Indoor Hitting Practice (Baseball)

Clarke Hall

37,400 GSF 2 floors


Office, Enrollment, Alumni Center

Field House

56,300 GSF 2 floors


Dedicated Gymnasium (Court Space); Locker Rooms; Large Meeting Rooms; Storage

Court Faciltiy

21,000 GSF 1+ floor

New Construction

Two Courts, Weight Room

New Student Center

43,600 GSF 1 - 2 floors

New Construction

Dining Hall; Student Pub; Stop-n-Go Shops; Bookstore; Diverse Gathering Spaces; Study Rooms - Various Sizes

Student Housing (300 bed)

85,900 GSF 4 - 5 floors

New Construction

Upper Classman, Dormitory Housing

Residence Village II

48,000 GSF 2 floors

New Construction

Townhouse Style Dwelling Units; Shared Common Area (located in largest building)

GSF = Gross Square Feet

Regis University


Modular Classrooms (PT)

313,700 GSF



Federal Edge Size



Regis Square

39,000 GSF 1 floor


Low Occupancy Retail Tenants

Fitness/Wellness Center

24,500 GSF 1 - 2 floor

New Construction

Weight / Fitness Room, Cycle / Spin Space, General Recreation Area, Locker Rooms, Additional Recreation Class Rooms, Lobby, Small-Scale Food Service (i.e., Juice Bar)

Health Building

126,200 GSF 2 - 3 floors

New Construction

Simulation Lab, Classrooms, Labs, Health-Specific Storage, Offices, Conference Rooms, Health Clinic, Counseling Center

Multi-Purpose Event Center/Arena

189,700 GSF 2+ floors

New Construction

"Refer to Appendix

Admissions/Welcome Center

8,400 GSF 1+ floor

New Construction

Offices, Large Lobby, Conference Room(s)

Business Building

25,500 GSF + Market Support 3 - 4 floors

New Construction

Classroom, Market Office, Mock Stock Market, Business Incubator Space


TBD: 72,000 GSF 3 - 4 floors

New Construction

Standard Program

Mixed Use

TBD: 50,000 GSF 3 - 4 floors

New Construction

Market driven (apartments, office, etc.)

Parking Structure(s)

150 spaces/floor (each) 3 bays, 3 and 4 floors

New Construction


552,800 GSF GSF = Gross Square Feet

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update




S U PP ORTING SYSTEMS This chapter focuses on the supporting systems that will be necessary to make the preferred development plan a reality. The supporting systems include considerations for character zones, building uses and key adjacencies; natural systems and open space; mobility and circulation; utilities and infrastructure; signage and wayfinding; and sustainability. As part of mobility and circulation, the feasibility of a connector shuttle and a variety of parking strategies were explored. The various systems described in the following sections are integral to the overall Master Plan and are largely interdependent. Successful implementation of the preferred development plan includes addressing all of the supporting systems at each step of development.


Proposed Building Use on Campus

EXISTING SUPPORT SYSTEMS Throughout the development of the Master Plan, the existing systems were integrated as both opportunities and constraints. Experts in each system were engaged in the development of preliminary design concepts and the preferred development plan. The recommendations for the supporting systems included in this Master Plan are, in part, an extension of the existing campus fabric. While strategies were employed to incorporate more modern considerations in design and development, building upon the existing systems was of upmost importance. In many cases, the location of buildings, open space and circulation elements was heavily influenced by the location of existing utilities. Similarly, the location of certain campus uses was influenced by the existing access, parking capacity and other supporting amenities.


In the past, due to its relatively small footprint, the Northwest Denver Campus required very little organization of building uses. Accordingly, many buildings served multiple functions and provided instruction to students in all five colleges. In this Master Plan Update, several organizational elements have been introduced to help inform locations of various programs and uses, as well as future design character and overall campus legibility and wayfinding. There are three larger character zones through which the campus uses are organized. Each character zone is distinct in terms of the mix of uses and intended character, but each employs the overarching approach of combining a variety of complementary uses to promote movement about campus and both formal and informal interactions among all campus users. The athletic and recreation fields in the northern portions of the Student Core and Federal Edge character zones are the lone exception to this overall approach. The first character zone is largely comprised of the existing campus core. The Historic Lowell Campus, centered around Boettcher Commons, is envisioned to retain the same types of uses over the course of implementing

the Master Plan Update, including academic, administrative, and student academic support services. The second character zone is the Student Core and is named for the shifting of the epicenter of auxiliary student services, student recreation and housing to the true geographic center of the campus. The third character zone is the Federal Edge, named for Federal Boulevard and the new edge that will be created along this high visibility corridor. The uses within this character zone, will focus on uses that serve both students and the external community such as healthcare, business incubators, post traditional students, athletic uses, and strategic commercial uses. As currently designed, the religious and cultural uses and spaces are woven throughout the campus fabric.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Open Space on Campus The ‘spaces in between’ are some of the most cherished spots on campus. Places such as The Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes and Hopkins Garden provide spaces for contemplation while the iconic Boettcher Commons is the heartbeat of the campus providing a way to organize buildings in a way that celebrates and highlights their impact on campus. These types of spaces are integral components to the future of the Northwest Campus. Taking a strong cue from the organizational development of the Historic Lowell Campus around Boettcher Commons, the majority of new facilities are organized around a variety of open space. While the spaces themselves are varied, they fit into six overarching categories. Those categories include:

Regis University

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Each campus open space has the opportunity to serve more than one function, whether it be passive gathering or stormwater detention.

signature open spaces; quadrangles (quads); stormwater detention; athletic fields; contemplative spaces; and entrances

The preferred development plan utilizes innovative stormwater management methods that integrates detention and plants in a way that changes what would be categorized as storm water detention into useful open space and places to gather.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Regis University 5.6




Signature opens spaces are typically the best-known open spaces on campus and serve as focal points for both the University’s most prominent buildings and uses that serve a large diversity of students, faculty and staff. These areas are best known for allowing unobstructed views of surrounding buildings and may be bordered by large or mature trees. Signature spaces promote a sense of grandeur to the campus and can be bisected by pathways that connect to opposite sides of the open space. The Master Plan has two signature spaces: Boettcher Commons and the new Central Commons, located to the east of Clarke Hall.

Quads are typically smaller than the signature spaces and are activated by the surrounding buildings and entry courts, with access from promenades and pathways. Quads are typically landscaped spaces, but can also include hardscaped plazas. These spaces primarily serve as an outdoor respite and gathering space for users of the immediately adjacent uses. An example of a quad in the preferred development plan is the new residence quad, located on site of the existing baseball field.

Today, stormwater detention on campus is largely a utilitarian response resulting in engineered channels and large swathes of nondescript depressed land for stormwater events. In the future, Stormwater detention is envisioned to be multi-purpose whereby these open spaces not only fulfill their functional needs and but also contribute to the social and recreational needs of the campus. These spaces offer an opportunity to provide gathering and exploration spaces with bridges, boardwalks, trails, and low-water green spaces and plazas.



Athletic fields, as the name suggests, include the array of outdoor athletic and recreational spaces. These spaces also include supportive uses, such as viewing areas, concessions, and play areas. Athletic field uses are located at the north edge of the Student Core and Federal Edge in Adams County for a number of reasons. The location of this open space type was influenced by input provided by community members and neighbors of University. A park-like setting is intended to bind these uses together providing open space needs for both the campus and the community at large. It should be noted that the transformation of this area will transpire during the life of the plan and is contingent on several strategic property acquisitions.

If signature open spaces and quads are the major organizational elements in the campus’ design, the contemplative spaces glue the various physical spaces and social and spiritual identities of the campus together. Not only integral to the practice of Jesuit, Catholic values and spiritual life, these spaces offer reflection and contemplation opportunities for all students, faculty, staff, neighbors, visitors and guests. These spaces should be integrated throughout the campus as there are no essential adjacencies.

Entrances captures the remnant spaces, entry courts and front lawns, associated with and created by new facilities. Entry courts serve as entrances to building clusters and are typically activated by two to three buildings with access via walkways and pathways. The south entrance to the new student success center is an example of an existing entry court. Front lawns are typically along the campus’ frontage. These spaces are accessed by walks and can serve as bioswales or stormwater detention areas as well. A significant portion of the campus frontage along Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue is an example of a front lawn.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



Mobility on Campus Mobility encompasses many topic areas in a Master Plan, including transportation, access and parking. In a holistic view of mobility on the Northwest Campus, the ultimate goal is to:

• help facilitate a shift away from reliance on the automobile and to promote walking, biking and transit use and

• manage the user experience to and through campus.

Regis University

As a campus with a large proportion of commuting students, Regis University will need to be cognizant of the vehicular needs of its student, faculty, staff and guests. However,


The future of transportation on campus should focus on multi-model networks and mobility hubs.

the focus in the preferred development plan is largely placed on elevating the other modes of transportation so that pedestrians, cyclists and transit users have safe and convenient options as well. Internal campus circulation is an important system within the overall design of a campus. To accommodate the various modes of mobility through campus, the existing pedestrian network that is quite robust in the Historic Western Campus was extended eastward, including interwoven pathways and larger promenades. The scaling of these pathways, and the use of enhanced paving materials where appropriate, will allow for service and emergency vehicle access. While vehicular entrances are intended to be more legible along the edges of the campus, vehicular circulation is largely limited to the periphery of campus. In a deviation from previous planning efforts, the preferred development plan relies on adjacent roadways as opposed to an internal ring road to provide access around the perimeter of the campus. The ring road creates both a physical and a psychological barrier for other non-vehicular modes of transit. By strategically allowing, yet controlling access about the perimeter and through campus, the experience is focused on the user who’s on campus. The Master Plan also recommends that new and remodeled facilities include robust storage and food prep facilities for day students, so it is easy for them to park their car and leave it for a day of classes.

Lots 1 (east), 3, 4 and 5 in the Historic Lowell Campus and the Student Core have largely been retained in their existing locations, with minimal alterations for stormwater detention and additional landscaping. Surface parking along the Federal Edge is replaced with structured parking and a new parking structured is planned for the site where Loyola Hall and Lot 1 (west) stands today to support both day students parking needs and residential facilities on Lowell and King Street. Entrance 2 becomes a vehicle drop off and secondary formal entrance into campus. As transportation technologies evolve and if parking demands decrease as many expect, surface parking lots can convert to higher and better uses. The overall parking strategy is described in greater detail in the parking section later in this chapter. One large concern for circulation is focused on universal access throughout the entire campus fabric. This Master Plan suggests a gentle sloping of open turf areas, in addition to its surrounding pathways, to overcome some of the existing grading challenges on the campus, such as areas in and around the existing baseball field, softball diamond and stormwater detention. Well integrated ramps should supplement stairs where steep grades are unavoidable, such as the current stairs connecting the Historic West Camps to Lot 1, and the stairs connecting Lots 4 and 5.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

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The signature east-west promenade is one of the primary organizational elements of the preferred development plan. The crossing of the major stormwater detention spine separating the Student Core and the Federal Edge, creates spectacular view opportunities atop a signature bridge. This primary east-west axis extends from Federal Boulevard to the new Student Core character zone and west to the Historic Lowell Campus. The scale and grandeur of this element allows for interconnected stormwater planters, robust tree allĂŠes, integrated art elements and enhanced paving treatments. Moments to pause along this spine are encouraged through the inclusion of seating and gathering spaces and entries from new and existing structures on the campus.

Smaller in scale than the signature promenade, the supporting promenades provide access from the signature promenade to other areas of campus. Aligned in the north-south direction, the supporting promenades extend from the signature promenade. This mobility type was modeled upon the existing north-south pathway that runs along the east edge of Boettcher Commons. While serving as an emergency fire lane, this supporting promenade is a high-quality element in the pedestrian network on campus due to its scale, enhanced paving, and adjacent trees and landscaping. This pathway type and material usage should be recreated as a binding design element throughout the campus.

Pathways are the interconnective tissue that tie the movement of campus together. These pathways, not dissimilar to the existing pathways that cut through Boettcher Commons, or that wind their way behind Carroll Hall. Pathways should provide unique experiences when moving from signature and supporting pathways into various campus facilities. The expansion of the pathway system eastward follows a relatively angular and geometric approach, aligning with expected desire lines and paths of travel created by the connections between existing and new campus uses and their expected entries. The conditions along pathways will vary and include open spaces and native vegetation, building edges and hardscape plazas. The scale of the pathways will vary to accommodate cyclists, and in some cases, service vehicles. Spaces ripe for the creation of pathways in the Historic Lowell Campus include the eastern and western edges of Main Hall, the sloped area between Claver and Main Hall, and along the north side of the Fieldhouse, connecting towards Federal.



Trails are connective elements that are largely limited to the stormwater detention spine. In the transformation of this important stormwater element, walking paths are integrated to provide opportunities for users to experience vegetated environments in a less manicured setting. Pause points along the trails will take the form of low-flow plazas that, during storm events, can be underwater without compromising the quality or integrity of the University’s investments. The trails in this area of campus provide a continuous northsouth connection from Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue to the athletic fields and 53rd Avenue.

To improve the quality of the experience for pedestrians and bicyclists, vehicular access has been strategically limited to the outer perimeter of campus. With that said, the preferred development plan also shifts several elements of vehicular circulation from the very edge of campus to create room for new buildings, uses and open spaces that better engage the surrounding neighborhoods. The scale of the promenades is such that, if the University deems it necessary for certain events, such as registration or commencement, public access could be allowed. Removable bollards will allow for promenades to easily be converted from pedestrian and bicycle-only routes to vehicular circulation as needed.

Service vehicles need to maintain a large degree of access to the campus at large. In the preferred development plan, key pathways and promenades have been scaled to accommodate such movement. Service vehicle access lanes can be beautiful and appealing for other mobility users, such as the service lane shown above that accommodates the east side of Boettcher Commons as shown in the picture above. Service vehicle access, however, should be limited during traditional hours to avoid potential conflicts with pedestrians and cyclists.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update




Regis University

An evolution of Federal Boulevard is underway, with a variety of current and planned improvements. Most notable of the projects to date is the Aria development, featuring different kinds of housing to encourage a diverse mix of people and gardens to promote social interaction. Aria celebrates their physical proximity to Regis University, noting the desire to foster unique learning opportunities and inspire community connections. In embracing the Federal Edge to establish a new front door for the campus, Regis University will become part of the change of Federal Boulevard that


serves their campus, their community and their faith. The primary entrance along Federal Boulevard is at an existing point of entry, aligned with 51st Avenue. Given the eventual intensity of uses that are being proposed along the Federal Edge, it is highly likely that the trip counts generated will warrant a traffic signal or other traffic control device (such as a signalized pedestrian crossing) at this intersection. At the conclusion of this Master Plan, discussions were under way with Colorado’s Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the City and County of Denver’s Department of Public Works (DPW) to confirm that this proposal met the necessary signal warrants. A second point of entry is located in alignment with 52nd Avenue at an already existing signal, to allow entry into the parking structure

serving the multi-purpose event center and athletic fields. This parking structure, along with the parking structure access located to the south create a parking loop. Each garage has two points of entry, one from their respective intersections (50th Avenue and Grove Street, and 52nd Avenue and Federal Boulevard) as well as from the interior of campus. The interior access is created through the round-a-bout that stems from the primary entrance at 51st Avenue and Federal Boulevard. The two points of entry for each garage allow vehicles to circle, or loop, through the campus property in a controlled manner. Setbacks along Federal Boulevard provide the opportunity to create a layered pedestrian circulation corridor, segmented by vegetation, tree canopies and small gathering spaces.

Primary campus access along Federal is marked by the golden arches of McDonald’s.

The following summarizes the transportation planning analysis of overall access to Regis University based on future campus requirements for transportation. Based on proposed Regis University development, there three new major points of access onto its adjacent roadways including 50th Avenue & Grove Street and Federal Boulevard and 51st Avenue. These intersections were analyzed to understand overall feasibility and likely needs for lane configurations and traffic control devices. Signal Warrants A signal warrant study was conducted for the intersections at Federal Boulevard & 51st Avenue and 50th Avenue & Grove Street to determine the volumes that would be necessary to warrant a traffic control device at these intersections. Under Chapter 4C: Traffic Control Signals Needs Studies in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, there are nine warrants for installation of signal controls. The three of the nine signal warrants that were evaluated include:

• Warrant 1 (8-hour vehicular volume) • Warrant 2 (4-hour vehicular volume) • Warrant 3 (Peak hour) DRCOG Regional Traffic Counts were used at 50th Avenue west of Federal Boulevard and

Federal Boulevard north of 50th Avenue. An annual growth rate of 1.19% was applied to the 2011 volumes based on the 20-year factor published by CDOT’s Online Transportation Information System (OTIS) to determine 2018 volume estimates. Counts from OTIS were also used to determine the hourly distribution volumes for the DRCOG counts. Both of these intersections were analyzed with multiple, potential lane configurations, including two lane major streets, two lane minor streets and one lane minor streets. The vehicular volumes necessary to warrant a traffic signal at these locations were analyzed in further detail. Ultimately, in review of the potential vehicle volumes that are likely to be produced by the proposed campus development as compared to the estimated trip generation and parking demand, it is

likely that these points of entry, primarily at Federal Boulevard and 51st avenue, will require traffic signals. The viability of that signal, from a system stand point, would require additional study and conversation with the appropriate parties, including CDOT and DPW. Though the installation of a traffic signal at Federal Boulevard and 51st does not meet the desired spacing standard, an additional analysis dependent on the signal progression could prove to be more fruitful. Ultimately, if the appropriate parties did not support the signalization of this intersection and it met warrants as predicted, the intersection could be modified to eliminate certain movements, such as left-turns out. Additional information pertaining to this study can be found in the appendix.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Access Analysis



Regis University

Unlike the Federal Edge, Lowell Boulevard has a long history of interacting with the campus. As the campus developed over time, the buildings that were located along that edge were separated by a continuous drive aisle and parking lane and largely screened by vegetation. While the vegetated buffer does screen back-of-house and services for West Hall and the Student Center for adjacent residents, it also creates another barrier between the University and the community at large. The two existing vehicular points of entry, and the one pedestrian stair are largely functional in nature, with no heightened design elements to signify that a user is entering Regis University. The vegetation should be strategically ‘thinned’ at areas intended for pedestrian points of entry. Those access points should also be expanded, to both create visual interest, establish the Regis brand, and provide equitable and universal access.


The Lowell Business District has a number of vacant storefronts that have the potential for desirable, active uses.

To the south of Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue, the businesses along Lowell provide a small-scale traditional college atmosphere with amenities that do not exist on campus. New investments are being made along the corridor and increases in visitation are notable. Given the properties that Regis owns, the University has the opportunity to play a large role in helping the community realize its vision for the corridor as a local main street. Lowell Boulevard can be enhanced with a consistent design palette, including street trees, site furnishings, and paving treatments. In addition to the traditional service-oriented amenities such as restaurants and cafes, other uses should be promoted to further increase pedestrian traffic to and from the University. Those uses could include retail components that complement campus programs and support student housing, such as art and supply stores and campus consignment stores.

The campus’ northern boundary currently aligns with the Adams County and the City and County of Denver’s boundary. However, Regis University’s property ownership actually extends north into Adams County. Additional property acquisition north of campus (if they are pursued), especially in the northern portions of the Student Core and Federal Edge would allow the University to concentrate and relocate the existing athletic fields and create a park-like atmosphere. The open space between athletic fields should provide more traditional amenities such as walking paths, shade structures and seating. New points of entry should be created along 53rd Avenue that prioritize pedestrians, bicyclists and service vehicles. The last major element would be the terminus of the stormwater detention spine that follows the natural topography and serves as a public open space amenity. Trail access along the stormwater drainage will be provided from 53rd Avenue. Managing parking during athletic events will require a number of transportation demand management strategies as to avoid any unwanted parking in the neighborhood. Those strategies include shuttle coordination; use of the parking structures on campus; and campus scheduling as to avoid conflicts.

ACCESS ALONG REGIS BOULEVARD/50TH AVENUE The southern edge of campus is bounded by Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue. During the master planning process, this roadway saw a significant change with the reduction of a lane of travel in each direction to provide bicycle lanes. The preferred development plan increases the physical porosity of this edge by establishing an architectural style that takes cues from Clarke Hall, and continues eastward to include additional student housing, a mixed-use wrapped parking garage, and a Anderson College of Business/CCIS academic facility. While existing vehicular points of entry are maintained, their forms have greatly evolved to create a more welcoming face. From the west, the existing parking lot entry on the southern edge of the existing library is transformed to include a formal drop-off. This drop-off area still connects with the parking lot to the west. The parking garage located to the east of this drop-off is wrapped (includes ground floor commercial space) with space to house many of Regis’ communityserving programs such as Father Woody. The stormwater detention spine will have trail access from Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue. The eastern point of entry is maintained; however, it now serves as one of three access points to the garage loop on the eastern edge of campus, connecting the southern garage to the primary east-west axis and the multi-purpose event center.

The northern edge of campus is utilitarian, while the southern edge as a decorative fence barrier.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



Parking Strategies

Regis University

A common university campus concern includes parking. With a large number of commuting students and limited transit options, parking is an important resource that requires active and creative management. While parking is an important component for most campuses, it should not be a major driver for the growth or design of campus. At Regis University’s Northwest Campus, there is sufficient supply to meet current parking demands. There is, however, a perception that there is not enough parking in close proximity to many popular campus destinations. The ideal parking ratio on a university campus is approximately 85%. The inner-ring parking lots on campus, for the most part, are currently utilized well over 90%. The outlier in this situation is Lot 7, located in the southeast corner of campus. With over 450 spaces, it is currently operating below a 25% utilization rate. As the campus grows eastward, a phasing strategy can allow for a near-term increase in the utilization of that parking lot prior to its eventual replacement with a parking structure. Prior to the execution of any major parking investment, such as a parking structure or a flagship facility, a parking study should be performed to determine the specific need.


Structured parking is a good solution for creating parking density to reserve adjacent land for higher and better uses and accommodate uses such as event centers and on/off-campus housing.

The Master Plan ultimately calls for some structured parking to relieve the existing lots and accommodate growth and change within the campus fabric. With the shift towards the densification of parking, other constrained lots, such as Lot 3 and even parts of Lot 4, can be relieved to accommodate more plaza-like settings and use, allowing restricted parking for mass and handicap users. Given the proximity to the Chapel and Main Hall, Lot 3 Structured parking also has the ability to change the external face of the campus which is currently all parking lots to a welcoming edge. There are three proposed parking structures. The first is located beneath the multi-purpose event center to park the facility and provide additional parking for the athletic fields in Adams County. The second structure would be a partial “Texas Donut� located to the west of the proposed ACB/CCIS mixed-use building, replacing Lot 7 to provide parking for student housing along Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue, the new academic facility, and the health facility located to the north. The third structure is recommended for the site where Loyola Hall and Lot 1 West is currently located and would provide parking for daily users, admission visitors, and users of the Event Center in the Coors Life Direction Building as well as students living on and near campus.


Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Shuttle Options at Regis

Regis University

Two conceptual shuttle routes with an operating plan and annual operating costs (found in the appendix) are provided for the potential routes to/from the Clear Creek Federal RTD station and Regis University. A campus shuttle will increase light rail mode share and overall campus mobility by better connecting Regis University to the Clear Creek - Federal Park and Ride Station. The Clear Creek - Federal Station is located on RTD’s G Line. Shuttle access to this station will allow Regis University students to better connect with downtown Denver and Union Station. Based on survey results, currently only about 2% of students, faculty, and staff are using public transportation as their primary mode of transportation to campus. However, 37% of students, faculty, and staff stated that public transit would be their preferred method of transportation to campus if there were viable public transportation options.


In the first option, departing Clear Creek - Federal Station, the shuttle would head south on Federal Boulevard, west on Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue, make a loop through campus at the existing Entrance #1, continue west on Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue, north on Lowell Boulevard, east on 54th Avenue,

and north on Federal Boulevard returning to Clear Creek - Federal Station. Stops could be co-located with existing RTD stops along Federal Boulevard and Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue. New curbside stops could be created where RTD stops do not exist, specifically along Lowell Boulevard. On-street bus stops and minimizing the number of stops within campus will minimize transit vehicle travel time while will providing convenient access to stops. The shuttle circulating campus with one internal loop will provide adequate service to all locations on campus. In the second option, after departing Clear Creek - Federal Station, the shuttle would head south on Federal Boulevard, west on Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue, make a loop through campus at the existing Entrance #1, and then return to Clear Creek - Federal Station along the same route. Both routes have similar operating characteristics. The proposed operating characteristics of the shuttle routes are:

• Separate operating plans for weekdays

when school is in session, weekends when school is in session and periods when school is not in session

• Hours of operation of the shuttle are 6 a.m.-7 p.m.

• The route’s round-trip run time is approximately 24 minutes

• The route’s expected headway by number of operating vehicles are:

One vehicle at 30-minute headways Two vehicles at 15-minute headways Three vehicles at 10-minute headways; this is sufficiently frequent that users do not need to rely on a schedule to catch the next bus

• A cost-effective vehicle type for the service is a 25-passenger shuttle bus

In addition to increasing light rail mode share, the shuttle would also improve overall campus mobility by better connecting the eastern and western areas of campus. To implement a campus shuttle, the University should develop a detailed operating plan that can be used for more refined cost estimates. Through the development of a detailed operating plan, the University should coordinate with RTD to determine what level of agreements are necessary to use existing RTD stops. Contracting with RTD to provide the service may be possible as well. However, it may be easier to contract with a third party to provide the service. It will likely be valuable to implement the service as a pilot (at least two to three years) to determine the shuttle’s ridership, mobility, and quality of life benefits before committing to permanent funding. The University should coordinate with DRCOG to understand whether grant funding (either regional, state, or federal) may be available to pilot the service.

Shuttle Analysis

Another transportation alternative instead of a conventional shuttle is a company called Chariot. Chariot is an app-based transportation service that would provide the University with several different transportation options. Chariot can cover an area within a distance from campus and provide fully customizable stops and provide dynamic routes based on the user demand. Chariot can also provide similar fixed route service and offer service to the general public which would provide greater revenue and potentially lower cost to the University. Lastly, Chariot can provide transportation for special events. Each vehicle provides seats for 14 passengers and riders can track all vehicles through the app and see real time estimated time of arrival.

Option 1, Option 2

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Although both of the conventional shuttle options have similar operating characteristics and costs, there are pros and cons to each option that ultimately may help select the best route. Option 1 is ideal because the loop provides access not only to and from Clear Creek - Federal Station, but also connects the east and west sides of campus. A negative aspect of this option is the shuttle traveling on 54th Avenue. 54th Avenue is a local street and often time residents take opposition to operating public transit on local streets. This option would require University outreach to local residents and may become challenging to implement if the residents are opposed. Conversely, if there’s any community interest to partner with the University in the securing and operation of a campus and community serving shuttle, as suggested by the Regis Community Council, the operations should be explored further in a subsequent study. Option 2 does not have the potential opposition from the public because the route does not travel on 54th Avenue, but as the shuttle travels back to Clear Creek - Federal Station from campus, it is necessary to take a left turn onto 50th Avenue. In general, it is challenging for buses to take left turns at unsignalized intersections because it causes unpredictable delay while the bus is waiting for a break in the traffic. In addition, this route does not directly serve the western border of campus along Lowell Boulevard. Also, bus stops eastbound on 50th Avenue and northbound on Federal Boulevard raise safety concerns because there are currently no marked crosswalks with enhancement devices adjacent to the stops.



Regis University

As the campus expands, all new buildings will be built to LEED Silver standards. This will mean that buildings will perform efficiently when it comes to energy, ventilation, refrigerant management, and water. However, sustainability is much more comprehensive, taking into consideration the long term social, environmental, and economic impacts of campus planning and design. Because sustainability can be applied to all campus systems, all systems must be taken into consideration, including the utility and infrastructure system, as well as the transportation system, and site and building design. A long-term consideration of the long-range economic impacts related to sustainable technology, planning, and design should be considered as well. The discussion of campus sustainability includes goals and recommendations to continuously ensure that Regis University solidifies its image as a campus of the 21st Century.


Regis University has much to gain from a long term sustainability approach to its decision making. As an educational institution, a more comprehensive, long-term evaluation of University practices, strategies, and policies that internalizes a long term view of the range of costs and benefits allows for more informed decision-making and should yield

greater net gains monetarily and otherwise. Investments into energy efficiency can yield monetary returns competitive with or exceeding other areas in the market. Transportation improvements improve campus beauty, increase campus safety and productivity, help with community relations and development, and preserve valuable land for future development or natural habitats. Green buildings can increase productivity, reduce absenteeism, and improve health. University students, professors and graduates could be at the center of this transformation that is encouraging technological research and development, creating new economic instruments, and redefining business-as-usual. The following outlines a general vision for Regis University to achieve sustainability by promoting a balance of economic, environmental and social considerations. Four primary, overarching sustainability objectives were taken into consideration in the development of the Master Plan:

• Reduce environmental impact; • Increase energy, water, and other resource efficiency;

• Improve health and productivity; and • Promote community involvement and ownership.

Additional sustainability considerations and recommendations, largely interwoven through the preferred development plan include:

• Pursue and employ sustainable

technologies in the built environment;

• Incorporate strategies to limit the

dependency on the automobile for campus access; and

• Establish design guidelines and standards to hold the University and its’ partners accountable to the greater good of the campus and broader community.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Solutions in sustainability are diverse, including solar technology, health awareness, stormwater detention and support for multi-modal transportation.


Utilities and Infrastructure An infrastructure assessment was conducted on campus to determine current conditions and future needs in terms of water, sanitary sewer, stormwater and energy.

WATER The current water system is operated under Denver Water and Berkeley Water and Sanitation District. A portion of the Campus on the west side is irrigated via potable water mains. The east side of the Campus and major sports field areas are irrigated by well water. However, the well water has a high salt content which can be problematic for plants and trees. As the University implements the preferred development plan, it is recommended that the campus switch over completely to potable water.

Regis University

It is expected future water main extensions and looping would be a minimum of 8� size to accommodate new fire hydrants, domestic water and fire water service lines related to new buildings projects. Available capacity will need to be verified by Denver Water and Berkeley Water and Sanitation District for any system expansion and water-modeling studies may be necessary to determine appropriate water main sizing.


SANITARY SEWER There are two districts which the campus can utilize for discharging sanitary flows: Denver Wastewater and Berkeley Water and Sanitation District. The campus within Denver

County discharges to Denver Wastewater and properties within Adams County discharge to Berkeley Water and Sanitation District. The majority of the campus outfalls to Denver Wastewater infrastructure located northwest of the campus on Lowell Blvd. The other major outfall on campus serves the existing Regis Square and uses a lift station that discharges sanitary flows into Denver Wastewater infrastructure located beneath Regis Blvd. The existing lift station would need to be replaced in order to meet current CDPHE requirements and meet the demands if academic halls, housing, or event center were to be developed on the east side of campus. Berkeley Water and Sanitation District has been willing to provide sanitary service to portions of the campus. However, Denver Water is not allowing this to occur in portions of the campus that are served by Denver Water. Denver Water has agreements in-place with Denver Wastewater to provide sanitary service for customers provided water from Denver Water. Areas north and west of the existing Residence Village within Denver County would benefit from the ability of using Berkeley Water and Sanitation for handling sanitary discharges due to proximity and the opportunity to gravity outfall the system. Denver Wastewater and Berkeley Water and Sanitation downstream infrastructure would need to be analyzed to determine available capacity in existing infrastructure based upon the discharge requirements of future development such as residence halls, campus facilities, and event center. Existing sanitary sewer mains on campus will likely need to be relocated or upsized to accommodate growth in both the central and eastern parts of campus.

STORMWATER Several future residence halls and campus facilities are proposed on previously open spaces which trigger an increase in detention and water quality needs. The improvements generally occur east of O’Connell Hall which is located along the natural ridgeline of the campus which forms a watershed basin. Fortunately, much of the open space remaining is to be utilized for sports fields, which does not negatively impact stormwater detention and water quality calculations, but makes the expansion of current stormwater facilities and placement of new stormwater facilities difficult. The Master Plan lends itself to the opportunity of smaller water quality ponds and/or rain gardens to be used in conjunction with underground detention to provide the necessary stormwater treatment and storage. The underground detention component would allow for useable open spaces to remain such as quads and sports fields while providing the necessary storage. The western portion of the campus pre-date modern day Denver stormwater requirements for water quality and detention. Any new impervious areas added to this side of the campus would require a pond or similar facility to meet the requirements of Denver stormwater regulations. Any development will trigger a capacity analysis of receiving waters and downstream infrastructure will need to be studied.

ELECTRICAL Electricity is provided by Xcel Energy. The system is laid out in a primary loop around the historic campus core, distributing high levels

existing meter capacity is exceeded, and with addition construction off campus highly probable the capacity of the line will need to be addressed before the Arena or Business building is constructed. An emphasis on the efficiency of gas fired heating in the first buildings constructed will help extend the time until natural gas systems must be upgraded. If upgrade costs prove excessive electric heating (either resistance or heat pump) could be considered but electrical power capacity would need to be considered.

ENERGY The campus currently has a central energy plant located in DeSmet Hall and serves eight major buildings on campus, with both a heating and cooling side. In addition to the central energy plant, there are three steam to hot water exchangers located in DeSmet Hall. Due to its large current capacity, it will be able to adjust to rapid changes and increases in hot water demand from future development.


The campus chiller plant currently consists of two cooling towers, one small and one large. The smaller tower will need to be replaced with a larger tower as the campus expands. The basin height of the new tower must be carefully considered, as its current height of the small tower is only a few feet above the level of the condenser water pumps, which has created a lot of problems in the past.

The total capacity and connected load of the utility’s existing 2� line running along Federal Boulevard is not known. Given the current and anticipated growth rate it is likely that Xcel will have to upgrade their system. An upgrade should not be required for the first 2-3 buildings constructed but once the

The campus steam plant consists of three boilers producing 15 psi steam on natural gas. Although one of the boilers is beyond its expected useful life, it is still in good condition and can be used until funds are available to replace it.

As the campus expands eastward, additional energy feed from the east side of campus would be beneficial as it would reduce the risk of power outages and provide more flexibility for maintenance.

Since the University has both a central district energy system and a decentralized HVAC system, they have flexibility in determining how they would like to proceed with future development. The Master Plan recommends installing small district heating systems for geographically close clusters of buildings, and remote buildings more than 150 yards apart to use decentralized heating and cooling. For building systems, all new buildings will be designed to a LEED silver standard. The first step in attaining energy efficiency will be reducing loads on the HVAC systems through increased insulation, high performance glazing systems, efficient lighting, as well as conscientious architectural design to enhance daylighting, reduce summer solar heat gain, and provide passive solar heating in the winter. Direct evaporative cooling, condensing boilers running at low heating temperatures, and, for some buildings, heat recovery units will also be leveraged to provide energy savings. Refrigeration systems will be selected to meet at least the minimum requirements for refrigerant management. Where practical displacement ventilation can increase energy efficiency and pairs well with evaporative cooling as higher cooling air supply temperatures are used. Electrical design strategies for LEED silver buildings will include efficient LED lighting to reduce lighting power densities and more sophisticated levels of lighting control in many spaces to comply with LEED pre-requisites and credits. A more detailed analysis of the utilities and infrastructure can be found in the appendix.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

of energy. From the primary loop, energy disperses into each individual building, making the power levels go down 480 V, 240 V, or 208 V, depending on the building size and use. The benefits to having a primary loop system like this is that if there are any faults or problems, it can be isolated and repaired without power outage on the entire campus. This arrangement, primary metering for the campus but utility ownership of the distribution on campus is a-typical. It benefits the University by providing some of the benefits of a campus primary system in terms of metering and load management without the costs of installing or maintaining the infrastructure. It is in the Universities interest to maintain this arrangement as long as the utility will allow and there are no serious problems with power distribution. If the responsibility of maintaining the primary system is shifted to the university the specialized maintenance of the medium voltage 13.4 system will require university staff with the skills to work on this system or arrangements with contractors who can provide maintenance services.


Regis University

Signage and Wayfinding/Branding


Regis University’s identity is a critical objective in the expansion of campus. Both physical and spiritual elements make Regis University the place that it is today. By embracing the physical identity and focusing on the physical manifestation of the spiritual identity, simple elements, such as signage and wayfinding, can help to establish, expand and celebrate the brand that is Regis University. Signage and wayfinding are essential to creating a legible and navigable campus environment. Although these terms are used interchangeably, they are, in fact, distinct. Signage helps people find their way through an environment. Wayfinding is more diverse and includes elements like clearly-defined pathways, prominent landmarks, locator maps, and printed guide pamphlets. Wayfinding solutions focus on recommendations for a cohesive and visually-unified signage system to successfully orient people to and on the campus. An overall signage and wayfinding program will not only knit the Northwest Campus together visually, it will also assist daily users and visitors in finding their way in and around the campus with convenience and ease. One method in achieving a unified system would be for the University to develop specific addresses for each facility on

campus to allow users to locate specific buildings easily using geo-location mapping applications and software. The goals for the signage and wayfinding concepts rely on three main objectives, which will provide clear direction for all future signage and wayfinding efforts. The University should consider replacing the master address approach for entire campus (3333 Regis Boulevard) to model that creates an address for each building on campus to improve wayfinding via mobile apps. The University would need to distinguish between the street addresses and the mailing address (which should remain 3333 Regis Boulevard.)

1. Promote a distinctive identity and unified character on campus One of the primary objectives for the campus’ signage and wayfinding package is to establish cohesive signage and gateway elements, including consistent material, designs and color palettes. Encouraging coherent material and color palettes that reflect the Regis vernacular -- such as brick, Jesuit iconography, and accent stonework -- will create a family resemblance among the various signs and will establish a strong visual character for the campus and its character zones. This material family extends to the selection of site furnishings, light fixtures, and railing types as well.

2. Establish a coherent signage and gateway hierarchy to navigate to and through campus. A key element in an effective signage and gateway program will be identifying suitable on and off-campus sign locations and determining the appropriate treatment of each of these locations. Creating a signage and gateway hierarchy will help to prioritize pertinent information, to organize and enhance communication and to improve legibility and navigation at both a campus and a regional level. This strategy will also provide users with the navigational cues they need to guide them from one point to the next with ease and efficiency.

3. Provide information about the physical layout and organization of the campus Developing a signage system that provides orientation, operational and warning information will assist people in locating and directing themselves within the campus environment. In addition to providing a map of the campus’ buildings and open spaces, these signs will also organize and give informational cues about the pedestrian, bicycle, accessibility, transit and parking networks.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

As part of a larger wayfinding strategy, signage can be part of a University’s branding strategy. Additionally, the integration of technology provides an interactive method to understand the campus.


Public Art The existing art at Regis University is a tremendous asset. In addition to the robust art program that can be found through the campus, there are two locations on campus that have consolidated collections of art, including the O’Sullivan Art Gallery and the Thomas J. Steele, S.J. Santo Gallery on the library’s third floor which houses over 1,000 Santos (depictions of Saints).

Regis University

“The O’Sullivan Art Gallery features the work of locally and nationally recognized artists and has a reputation among artists as a place where their work will be studied and appreciated by students, art critics, other artists, and the general public. Exhibitions and performances at the Gallery all have a lecture/ demonstration component, providing genuine dialog between the artist and audience. The setting for this interaction is intimate and informal, encouraging audience participation with questions and discussions. The O’Sullivan Art Gallery is a genuine forum for the celebration of art and ideas in the Jesuit tradition of discussion, learning and putting theory into practice.” - Regis University


This Plan aims to provide a larger campus canvas through which Regis University and its supporting artists can express and explore their own spirituality. Grounded in the Jesuit, Catholic religion, users can explore other faith traditions for spiritual exploration, through a multi-religion approach to the existing art program which can be expanded throughout the larger campus fabric. In consideration of some of the other, larger organizational elements, such as character zones and campus access, there are opportunities to integrate art in a thematic fashion to celebrate the unique and evolving nature of spaces on campus and to communicate to the world that Regis is not only functioning but “flourishing”. At points of intersection for the various campus pathways or along major axes, art is an essential tool in signifying the importance of space. Some art can only be fully appreciated through interacting with and experiencing it. In movement to and from contemplative spaces on campus, art should be incorporated to enhance the experience.

The continued expansion of the art program throughout the campus fabric should be balanced with a facility dedicated to art. At the edge of the planning horizon, a relocation of the uses within the existing Student Center will allow for adaptive reuse of that facility. The adaptive reuse should preserve and celebrate an expanded art program, as well as integrate elements from the Master of Art and Fine Art programs.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Art can take many forms - it can also be highly interactive.




The Plan provides a road map to the desired physical form of the campus. This chapter outlines the multiple routes and mechanisms to realize the vision for the campus. While the plan is intended to be visionary, it also recognizes that the many variables impacting timing and funding necessitate an approach to implementation that is nimble and flexible. As the University positions itself to take advantage of new and changing opportunities, the projects included in the Master Plan may be updated. More importantly, the order of operations suggested herein with regards to phasing can be adjusted in the majority of cases without significant impacts on the rest of the implementation strategy. For instance, many of the facilities in this Master Plan lend themselves to partnerships. Not only will partnerships reduce costs and risks for the University, they can also accelerate or otherwise impact the timing of design and construction. In addition, some facilities may be self-supporting and others will depend on debt financing, campus funds or gifts. Regardless of the funding mechanism ultimately employed for each project, each step in the implementation process must carefully allocate and deploy precious resources to maximize impact. The implementation strategy outlined throughout this chapter summarizes the phasing and development modules recommended to achieve the Master Plan vision for Regis University. The multi-faceted approach is based on the following considerations: • Uphold the foresight and guiding principles that support the vision for the preferred development plan. Planning recommendations and project phasing are based on identified planning and design goals that support the vision for this plan. • Employ a systems approach to campus development that focuses on three fundamental design and land use systems, including open space, buildings, and circulation. The approach recognizes that each of these systems is equally important to the success of the University and that each system is linked to the other two. A change to one system affects the others. • Expand the desired campus character. Emphasis should be placed on the importance of promenades, malls and open spaces as major organizing features and their importance in decision-making about campus uses and design. Design guidelines for new buildings will also reinforce the character of campus while ensuring that new development is consistent with the existing campus and the Master Plan. • Phase key improvements that will catalyze or support new projects. Construction of the appropriate improvements will stimulate or support other new projects in target locations, both on and off campus. • Ensure consistency with other planning efforts. The planning process resulted in strong coordination with concurrent and future efforts, as well as other documents and studies that affect the campus and the surrounding community. This level of coordination and collaboration should be continued after Plan adoption. 6.1

Phasing Strategies and Modules of Development Phasing is an essential part of the approach to implementing the Master Plan. The phases developed for the implementation strategy represent three time periods in order to organize campus priorities and optimize resources. To increase flexibility over the long run, projects were further reduced to modules allowing separate, independent development modules within each phase. This approach will significantly reduce the risk of a single delay or change stalling an entire phase of develop and overall progress. It also allows for greater flexibility in responding to potential funding and partnership opportunities throughout the life of the Master Plan.

PHASE 1 The first phase of development aims to achieve several critical milestones in the Master Plan within the first five years of the planning horizon. These milestones include:

• Establishing a Regis University presence on Federal Boulevard;

• Creating accessible community-serving amenities;

• Addressing the near-term spatial deficits; and • Providing additional student housing per the Housing Master Plan.

Within the first phase, there are four development modules that, collectively, help to guide the University towards its ultimate vision. In no particular order of priority, those development modules are described below.


Development Module 1A: • A flagship healthcare education facility, housing the Rueckert-Hartman College of Health Professions (RHCHP), establishes a strong, university presence along Federal Boulevard. The parking required to support this facility will be met by excess capacity available in Lot 6, and the remaining space in Regis Square. The creation of this facility helps to:

Create a simulation laboratory;

Increase enrollments in nursing and PT, which are currently capped due to facilities and internship opportunities.

Support interprofessional education; Bring home programs located on the Thornton and Colorado Springs campuses; and

• The removal of RHCHP program uses from

Claver Hall creates a supply of classroom space that can address a large portion of the near-term classroom and general space deficits.

Development Module 1B: • A new fitness and wellness facility should be constructed along Federal Boulevard. The size and services offered in this new facility would be more in line with national standards and would be similar in scale to public fitness facilities. The design should emphasize the Colorado outdoor, active life style that brings many to the area. The location on Federal Boulevard would be most conducive to community membership and also for future public/private partnership opportunities.

• A new clinic should be constructed and

attached to the new health-care facility. This clinic would serve faculty, staff, students and the community, replacing the existing campus clinics that are segregated by user types. The clinic could also be incorporated in development module 1A for simplicity.

• The removal of both the recreation center

and the clinic from the current Coors Life Direction Center allows for the conversion of that facility into an event center. This addresses the noted deficit in gathering and event space currently on campus. Other non-critical existing uses could be relocated as needed.

Development Module 1C: • Renovations should continue in Main Hall on the third and fourth floors, taking cues from recent renovations to the lower floors in the building. These floors would be converted to academic uses, such as classroom and general use space.

• The displaced uses (mostly office) from

Main Hall could be relocated to Clarke Hall (if and when module 1E occurs) and temporarily relocated to Loyola Hall. The classrooms displaced in Loyola Hall would partly make up the academic spaces being created in Main Hall. These classroom uses could either be located in Main Hall, or if development module 1A is complete, Claver Hall.

Development Module 1D: • This development module includes a new court facility to be located north of the existing field house, a demolition of the Ranger Dome, a northward shift of the existing practice fields including the addition of turf, relocating the maintenance yard and the construction of on campus student housing along Regis Boulevard (50th Avenue) to address current and expected traditional undergraduate housing deficits and the anticipated replacements of O’Connell and West Hall. During the construction process, the area reserved for stormwater detention should be designed in greater detail and should be constructed soon after the completion of the building. Fire-lane access can be created through Parking Lot 1 East, south of Clarke Hall and the existing western practice field. This sequence is explained in detail in the appendix.

Phase 1

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Development Module 1E: • The introduction of the Student Success Center at the expanded Dayton Memorial Library. The Dayton Memorial Library is renovated on the northern façade to accommodate ADA access. The Library’s southern façade and Lot 2 should be renovated to create a secondary entrance that is a more welcoming, community facing and universally accessible. The internal uses should adapt so that the Library functions as a student success center for all student types, with specific programming determined in a future study


PHASE 1 ALTERNATE The first phase of development is a critical phase for the development plan, as it will establish the momentum necessary to fully realize the vision. Therefore, in addition to the five development modules illustrated on prior pages, a Phase 1 alternative scenario has been explored in order to achieve some near-term goals while acknowledging recent developments in off-campus student housing opportunities without entirely shifting the focus to the Federal Boulevard edge. While many of the recommendations remain the same in this scenario, there are a few key changes to note. In no particular order of priority, those alternative development modules include:

Alternate Development Module 1A: • Expand the existing Field House to include a modern all student fitness and wellness facility – this renovation should include an eastward expansion. While there are inherent financing obstacles with this approach, mostly due to the bond boundaries and disincentives for potential private partners, this addresses the near term recreational deficit and provides proximity to the existing on campus students.

• Once the Ranger Dome has been

• The removal of both the clinic and

Alternate Development Module 1C: • Following on the development of the Boryla Apartments, construct through private partnership, sophomore housing on King Street and Regis Boulevard addressing all existing deficits for undergraduate housing.

recreation center from the current Coors Life Direction Center allows for the conversion of that facility into an event center. This addresses the part of the deficit in gathering and event space currently on campus.

Regis University

Alternate Development Module 1B: • After the construction of the temporary, two-court facility, the Ranger Dome should be disassembled, and the adjacent maintenance yard should be relocated. The Ranger Dome cannot be taken down prior to the construction of the temporary, two-court facility due to current lack of adequate practice/intramural space.


disassembled, the construction of two new intramural fields should begin, including the addition of turf. During the construction process, the area reserved for stormwater detention should be designed in greater detail and should be constructed soon after the completion of the building. Fire-lane access can be created through Parking Lot 1 East, south of Clarke Hall and the existing western practice field.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Phase 1 Alternate



Regis University

The second phase of development, encompassing the mid-term implementation of the planning period (years five to ten) is less complex in terms of space swaps and interdependencies, but does includes the introduction of a major facility, a major shift of a student-centric use in order to emphasize the new Federal Boulevard entry and the extension of an east/west axis into the core of campus.


Development Module 2A: • A new, flagship Multi-Purpose Event Center (MPEC), should be located at the NE corner of campus, along the Federal Boulevard edge. The parking demands would be met by a new, structured parking garage located beneath the facility. This requires the relocation of the softball field to property, already owned by Regis, in Adams County. The MPEC parking garage would provide for the Health facility as well, making the remainder of Regis Square available for new open space and the relocation of admissions. With the MPEC and the Court Facility accommodating the current uses in the Field House, the Field House can be converted (and expanded as appropriate) into a new gymnasium, satisfying the remaining recreation court needs and event space needs.

Development Module 2B: • A new admissions facility should be located to the west of the health care facility. This formalizes the entry sequence that was established in the prior phase. The architecture of this facility should highlight the student’s experience on campus, focusing on technology, sustainability and the Colorado outdoor lifestyle. Development Module 2C: • Once a critical mass of new facilities has come online, the integration of an open space and circulation network should follow suit, extending from the central promenade. Development Module 2D: • The addition of new square footage at the existing science building will address current laboratory deficits. Note that this particular improvement is not essential to this Phase and could be employed whenever the funding is secured and the project is approved

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Phase 2


PHASE 3 The third and final phase of Master Plan implementation, covering the ten to twenty year planning horizon, repositions the hub of student energy about the geographic center of campus, and builds out the campus corner at Federal Boulevard and Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue. This phase also assumes that the Federal Corridor and environs have matured, area demographics have evolved and populations and building densities have increased in the areas immediately adjacent to the campus. The development modules provide multiple routes to achieve this vision for build out of the Master Plan.

Development Module 3A: • A new mixed-use ACB/CCIS facility, that includes commercial office space and ground floor retail (such as a community business incubator) should be located at the corner of Federal Boulevard and Regis Boulevard/50th Avenue. The building should be set back to create an additional buffer with the corridor and allow for greater visibility of the northern buildings.

• The consolidation of the ACB/CCIS uses

opens Clarke Hall for other uses. Clarke Hall’s new capacity should accommodate both a new enrollment space, as well as an alumni area. The temporary office uses located in Loyola Hall during Phase 1 should also be located in Clarke Hall.

• With the temporary uses relocated to

permanent facilities, Loyola Hall can be demolished and replaced by a parking structure, if there is demand. The parking structure should be wrapped by Regis University’s service-oriented programs, such as Father Woody’s.

Regis University

Development Module 3B: • The new mixed-use ACB/CCIS facility will strain Lot 7’s surface capacity and thus a parking garage should be considered to accommodate all uses at the southwest corner of campus. The parking garage should be wrapped with ground-floor retail along the south edge to create a more approachable façade for the campus and the community.


• Once the parking structure is established,

the land to the west should be developed into a mixed-use, market driven project. One potential use is multi-family (graduate student-oriented) housing. This will screen the western façade of the parking structure and create a visual terminus for the signature open space that is framed by Clarke Hall, the Student Center and Student House.

Development Module 3C: • A new student center should be located at the site of or just to the east of the former Field House. The facility will act as a new terminus for the major east/west axis and entry.

• The former student center should be

adaptively reused and converted into a fine arts center. It could host the Campus’ existing art galleries, and education programs that included the Master of Arts and Fine Arts, as well as support and gathering space.

• The shift of the gallery space located in

the current Pilgrim Chapel (O’Sullivan Art Gallery) will allow for an adaptive re-use of that facility. The former Pilgrim Chapel should be used as a flexible student-service space that includes gathering and study areas, stop-n-go dining, etc.

Development Module 3D: • As market demand may evolve, locations on campus have been identified for an expansion of the resident village, and the integration of a hotel in association with the multi-purpose event center

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Phase 3


Cost Estimate Summary

Regis University

At a master planning level, cost estimation for an entire campus development plan that is expected to take 15 to 20 years to implement is necessarily high level, relying on assumptions and contingencies to produce a relatively conservative range for cost estimates. Actual costs will depend on inflation, programming refinement, general market conditions at the time of design and construction, the presence and nature of development partnerships, and financing options. The average of that range is what is presented in the following tables. A more detailed summary, clarifying details, assumptions and the specific approach to the cost ranges for the various buildings and spaces anticipated at the Regis University Campus over the next 15-20 years can be found in the appendix. Discrepancies found in the sizes listed between the Program Summary (pages 4.25 - 4.27) and the subsequent cost estimates are due to the assumptions made and the conversion between the gross square footage (GSF) used at the planning level, and the greater level of specificity required to produce a cost estimate. Costs estimates are presented by phase and delivery method.




This lens best illustrates the short, medium and long-term investments required to realize the Master Plan vision. As noted in prior sections, each phase is comprised of multiple development paths so that each phase is incrementally attainable.

This lens best illustrates the intent of the Master Plan as one that does not rely on only building the newest and shiniest of facilities, but rather looks to reuse, renovate and expand existing facilities in being good stewards of the University’s resources. Regis University is comprised of good, quality spaces that can be reimagined to solve many of the evolving needs of the University.

• • • •

Phase 1: $188,148,400 Phase 2: $255,039,600 Phase 3: $159,223,600 Total: $602,411,600

• • • •

Renovations and Expansion: $103,446,900 Demolition: $1,185,000 New Construction: $439,615,100 Site Development: $58,164,600

• Total: $602,411,600

Disclaimer: Cost estimates have been prepared without a detailed programming analysis which will eventually be required for each facility. Additionally, estimates exclude specialized FFE and facility onboarding costs. Multiple factors, including market forces, tariffs and operational priorities will affect the pricing of the ultimate construction of any particular facility.



Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



Cost Estimate Summary PHASE 2 COST ESTIMATE

Regis University






Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



Regis University 6.14

Overall Funding Strategy

Individual Funding Strategies

Full buildout of the preferred development plan with the high costs summarized above will require a variety of funding strategies. There are a few straight forward solutions. The Master Plan includes projects that are intended to be funded with debt financing, campus funds, donations and gifts, auxiliary partners, reserves and private partnerships. Funding strategies will also be influenced by how and why projects are initiated in the first place (i.e., planned building projects versus unanticipated donor gifts, as well as other opportunities that arise.)

1. Bonding: The bond issuance boundary governs bond fund access within the existing campus. In order to not go through the process of engaging the bond holders so soon after the last convening, improvements within the existing boundary should consider other funding sources as deemed possible, while improvements and facilities outside of that boundary may consider a new bond if appropriate.

5. Private Partnership: Federal Boulevard offers the most attractive locations for potential partnerships with private developers. By securing an external funding source, program elements that benefit both the campus and the community, such as a fitness and wellness center, have a potentially quicker path to execution.

2. Deferred Maintenance: Deferred maintenance, or a capital improvement fund, is another source of funding. Given the wide range of areas that this funding source covers, it should be used sparingly and strategically. Academic and administrative spaces are best fit for this type of funding as those uses do not have as wide a range of possibilities when it comes to external funding.

6. Naming Rights: Naming rights are a supplemental strategy to support the ongoing operational costs of various facilities. While the naming right may provide near-term dollars in securing a development deal, the ongoing right provides a revenue stream. This option is most attractive for facilities that may receive a lot of foot traffic or are located on prominent edges and corners.

3. Donations: Given the philanthropic base that a faith-based University has at its ready, donations are an excellent opportunity to further the University’s mission and vision through the physical representation of those values. Donations for spaces that directly benefit the alum or donor, or that provide a legacy opportunity (perhaps in tandem with naming rights) are two possible paths.

7. Leasing: For programs whose needs may not warrant an entire facility of the scale envisioned (such as ACB/CCIS), leasing some of the surplus space may prove to be a viable funding strategy, at least in terms of operational costs. Additionally, a strong street presence will be more enticing for these types of funding sources. Lastly, depending on the operations model for a given facility (such as a hotel), the University could consider a land lease, as opposed to a space lease if the University has no specific space needs within that facility.

4. Student Fees: Student fees are becoming an increasingly more attractive option for universities (included faith-based) to

address some of the existing amenities deficits including student centers, events spaces and recreation facilities. At Regis University, it is likely that this will not be the sole source of funding but may help to close the gap.

Potential Funding Strategies Bond

General Academic Space

Deferred Maintenance




Students Fees

Private Partnership




College of Business








Recreation Center





Court Facilities Clinic



















Student Center


Library/Student Success








Mixed Use





Health Education Facility

Event Space

Naming Rights





Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



Design Guidelines and Standards Design guidelines and standards are essential policy elements that universities can employ in order to ensure that both development and construction standards are maintained over a period time. Currently, there exists a loose set of construction standards that, though they’ve been effective in managing the incremental growth campus, need to be formalized in order to effectively manage the growth to come. These guidelines and standards should help to guide both built and open space improvements.

Building Development

Regis University



The architectural forms and grammar of the Regis University campus influences the diverse members of the campus community in important and lasting ways. Whether new buildings, or the renovation of existing buildings, all contribute to creating an exceptional shared campus experience for students, staff, and the larger University community. The goal of Architectural Standards is to establish requirements and recommendations that ensure high quality design. The intent of these standards is neither

to create a rigid uniformity, nor permit a free-for-all of architectural expression. Rather, these standards shall create flexible “guiderails” to keep future projects within a range of forms and grammar that result in buildings that are recognizably “Regis”, fostering the important sense of place, essential to a successful university campus experience.

CAMPUS-WIDE GUIDELINES Note: jurisdictional standards apply to all campus development, and supersede these guidelines in the event of conflict.

Guiding Principles and Intent • Create an overall campus environment that is well-designed, durable, and functional.

• Integrate new development into the

existing campus through building massing and the use of complementary materials and colors.

• Use new development as an opportunity

to enhance the existing campus fabric and strengthen relationships between buildings and between buildings and the landscape.

• Create high-quality buildings suitable to

the surrounding neighborhoods that also contribute to the character of the campus.

• Design new buildings and landscape to

complement existing campus features by framing views and celebrating significant buildings.

Prioritize viewsheds of natural and campus features for student oriented uses.

educational experience and daily campus life.

Exterior Massing Strategies • Orient buildings to take into account

proposed development in the immediate surroundings, as identified in the Master Plan

• Orient primary facades and entrances

towards existing and proposed campus and neighborhood features.

Orient primary facades in a manner that engages signature and major open spaces.

Facades fronting street, primary entrances or walkways should include design elements/ ornamentation/ branding that welcomes users to campus.

• Building entrances should be readily

identifiable, using massing, accent materials, fenestration, and lighting to convey their location and importance.

• Provide a welcoming pedestrian scale and orientation for all buildings facades facing public rights-of-way or primary campus walkways and open spaces.

• Facades fronting streets or prominent

campus areas should have appropriate fenestration.

• Strive for discrete, compact forms. Minimize sprawling, indistinct massing.

• Buildings should convey a ‘collegiate’ or ‘academic’ character.

• Set a target of 40% for an overall window-

to-wall ratio, with no façade having less than 20% fenestration.

Employ tall, vertically-proportioned windows for improved daylight penetration.

• Loading, outside storage, and service areas are to be located where not directly visible from public rights-of-way and campus walkways, to the greatest extent practical.

Where not practical these areas are to be screened from public view by walls or fences compatible with the building materials similar to the perimeter fence materials in place adjacent to the Chapel and Jesuit Housing, or with dense evergreen planting.

• Mechanical equipment is to be screened

from view, whether ground-mounted or on roofs.

Ground-mounted equipment shall be screened as noted above.

Use parapets, mansard roofs, or other methods for screening roof-mounted equipment.

Building Appearance and Materials • All buildings should be built to LEED Silver standards

LEED Certification should be determined on a case by case basis.

• Building materials should be chosen

for durability, ease of maintenance, and vandalism-resistance.

• Consider materials that are locally-sourced and with a minimal carbon footprint.

• Sustainable design features are to be incorporated into the building where appropriate.

• Materials should complement existing campus buildings.

Red-orange brick should be considered as the primary building material, with precast concrete matching Indiana Buff Limestone used as accents.

Where appropriate use Indiana Buff Limestone as accents.

Metal panels may also be used as building accents, where applicable.

• Colorado Red Flagstone and Carolina Brick

should be used for landscape elements and where applicable for building features.

• Window framing, and storefront and

curtainwall systems should be black.

• Materials used for visible pitched roofs to be hail-resistant, such as concrete tile.

• Building lighting to match campus

standards and be located to accent building features and enhance public safety.

• All buildings should include a 1% set aside for public art.

Character Zones Historic Lowell Campus • Consider symmetrical massing as a primary option.

• Where practical roofs should be gabled or hipped, with a minimum 8-in-12 pitch.

• Buildings in the Historic West Core

should take special care to complement the historic, iconic buildings of the Regis University campus, notably Main Hall and Carroll Hall.

Relegate new & remodeled buildings to ‘background’ status, leaving the focus on Main Hall and Carroll Hall

Frame views of the Signature buildings

Respect Boettcher Commons; strengthen the edges where possible

Maintain West Campus character through repeated use of existing exterior materials

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

• Commit to building sustainability into the


Student Core • Buildings along West Regis Boulevard / West 50th Avenue should extend the architectural grammar of the adjacent Clarke Hall.

Clear, compact massing

Vertical elements used to enliven the massing

Gabled or hipped roofs with a minimum 8-in-12 pitch

Easily identifiable entries

Use of similar materials Distinct separation of top, middle, and bottom on facades

• New and remodeled buildings in other

portions of the Central Core should be designed to transition from the academic style of the West Historic Campus to the more contemporary character of the Federal Edge, blending new and old vernacular.

Regis University


Smaller-scaled development such as proposed Housing should repeat themes from the West Historic area Larger-scaled development like the proposed Student Center and Recreation facilities can take on more of the character of the Federal Edge zone but should incorporate materials used on the West campus and maintain some small-scale elements and detailing

Federal Edge • Buildings along Federal Boulevard should strive to create a more urban, contemporary character than those in the Historic West Campus and Central Core zones, while still maintaining a sense of continuity with the older buildings.

• A strong street presence should be created: Taller, more vertical facades Strong street ‘edge’ Public-oriented ground-floor uses (where possible)

Fenestration designed to allow views into the buildings

Enhanced building and site lighting

• Use of exterior materials identified for the Historic West Campus and Central Core zones is encouraged

Different expressions of these materials should be explored

Red-orange brick should be incorporated into the façade in some manner

Materials not used in other zones may also be considered

HIERARCHY OF OPEN SPACE Intent: Preserve variety of types, sizes and location of major open spaces, which provide places for social interaction, study, contemplation and reflection, and stormwater management. The hierarchy of open spaces includes:

• Signature Open Space: Large open spaces defined by multiple campus buildings and activated by promenades and building entry courts

• Quad: Medium size open spaces defined

by a few campus buildings and activated by promenades and building entry courts

• Stormwater Detention: Spaces of varying size that satisfy both stormwater detention needs as well as another use, such as naturalized landscaping, social gathering and trail connectivity.

Contemplative Spaces: Various types of open spaces including natural areas, landscaped areas, and small intimate spaces intended to provide an opportunity to pause and reflect. Entrance: Along major public and campus streets, articulated with signature architecture, landscaping and entry features and activated by building entrances and multi-modal connections.

CAMPUS-WIDE GUIDELINES Major Open Spaces Intent: Provide a variety of well-connected open spaces (Signature Open Space, Quads, Stormwater Detention, Contemplative Spaces, and Entrances) that fulfill the different needs of the campus and community users (including, to the extent possible, universal/ADA accessibility,) promote way finding and strengthen campus life.

• Major open spaces should be preferably laid out such that their long axis is in the east-west direction to maximize their exposure to sunlight.

• Major open spaces should be designed to

provide users a respite from the summer and winter climate. Where possible, adjoining buildings and landscape elements such as a double row or concentration of trees should be used to protect the users from the heat and the snow.

• Groupings or bosques of trees can also be

used in the unprotected part of the space to allow sitting, reading, studying, and having conversation.

• Open spaces should include an interesting mix of passive and active subareas and activities that are intrinsic and essential to maintaining a vibrant campus community life. These activities include opportunities for walking, jogging, sitting, bicycling and general recreation, as well as reading, studying, relaxing, meeting other people, classes, forming and informal learning, ceremony, celebration and festivity.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update

Open Spaces


• The number of activities and sub-areas in

each open space will be determined by its shape, size and location. Generally, larger open spaces such as signature open spaces, as compared to contemplative spaces, should be designed to encourage more activities and sub-areas.

• The open spaces should emphasize

flexibility and multiuse spaces and subareas to allow for a variety of users and uses depending on the time of day and year.

• Each open space should have its own

special identity, while containing elements that are consistent with the other campus open spaces. The unique identity can be a result of its shape, slope, layout of paths and planting, selection of trees, sculpture, art, etc.

• The identity of each open space should

build upon its location and the type of buildings (academic, recreation, residential, etc) fronting the open space.

On-site parking Intent: Minimize visual impacts of parking while still allowing for safety through lighting and surveillance.

• Parking should not front onto signature open spaces or quads.

• Surface parking lots should be paved with pervious materials where feasible.

• Surface parking lot perimeters should be Regis University

buffered with landscaping.


• The majority of surface parking lots should be shaded with deciduous tree canopies.

• Drainage detention swales should

be considered for stormwater runoff interception, filtration and winter snow storage. Swales can be integrated into the landscaping plan in and adjacent to surface lots.

• Clear, safe and easily identifiable pedestrian circulation should be provided within surface parking lots

• Parking lots should be well lit and

appropriate lighting should be selected to minimize excessive light pollution (night sky cutoff) and maximizing energy efficiency.

• Parking lots should include ADA access and adequate ADA accessible parking spaces.

• Accessible parking and visitor parking should be provided close to major destinations on campus.

• Parking structures should be constructed of

materials and be articulated in a matter that respects the existing campus character.

• Parking structures should include active

ground floor uses along at least two edges of the building.

• Parking structures should be designed

and constructed in a manner (level floors, minimum floor-to-ceiling heights, etc.) to allow for a conversion of parts or all of the structure to other uses (office, classrooms, housing, etc.) if demand for parking significantly decreases in the future.

• Future (after the adoption of hte 2018

Master Plan Update) parking facilities should be tucked behind facades when possible and should not be a street facing use.

Intent: Provide planting that emphasizes visual variety and plant diversity, access to sunlight and physical protection from the elements, wayfinding, screening, ease of maintenance, and sustainability while expanding the arboretum and contributing to the overall character of the Regis campus.

• Plants should be located appropriately to

respond to the climatic considerations, protecting open spaces from winter conditions and allowing access to sunlight.

• Groups and/or rows of deciduous trees

should be planted along the east-west axis to provide maximum shade in the warm seasons.

• Shrubs and trees should be used to screen service and parking areas.

• Trees and other plants should contribute to the articulation of open space edges and can also help to articulate an otherwise expansive or nondescript space.

• Planting should facilitate wayfinding

through common design treatments on similar spaces, circulation ways and the arboretum path, and plants should be used in the creation of the three character zones.

• Plantings and trees should identify and

celebrate building entryways and frame viewsheds, both to the mountains and to downtown when available.

• Plant varieties should be suitable for the

campus’ setting, terrain and climate. The

campus is located in a cool high-altitude region. A detailed plant material palette should be provided in Regis University’s Instructions to Architects and Engineers.

A diverse plant palette is preferred; the greater diversity of plants translates to a greater chance of survival from climate change, pests, diseases, etc.

• The planting palette should consider

appearance and maintenance through all seasons. The palette should include a variety of colors, textures, and fragrances throughout the different seasons.

• Standard site furnishings (including, but

not limited to seating, benches, lighting elements, and wall design should be adopted throughout campus

Existing site furnishings (including the eight separate bench types that serve Boettcher Commons) should move to adopt this standard as well in order to tie all three character zones together as a cohesive whole.

• Low-maintenance and low-irrigation plants and trees should be considered and given preference for most planting schemes. Low water-use, drought-resistant, and climatically appropriate vegetation should receive preference for all new building landscaping.

• Plant selection that deviates from the above considerations should be reviewed against the University’s list of approved plants and the arboretum’s goal to support flora diversity.

• Plants and trees should reflect and reinforce the character of the existing campus landscape.

• Other landscape materials such as retaining walls, boulders, brick paving, etc. should be selected for optimal durability.

• The arboretum should maintain at least a

level two accreditation. As appropriate, the arboretum footprint should expand with any campus growth, focusing on diversity.

Future landscaping of the Student Core and Federal Edge should seek to meet Arboretum 2 status.

Northwest Campus | Master Plan Update



Appendix The following appendices can be provided upon request.

Regis University

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Appendix A1 – Scale Needs Model Summary Appendix A2 – Claver Hall Utilization Process Summary Appendix B – Online Survey Results Appendix C1 – Arena Feasibility Study Executive Summary Appendix C2 – Arena Feasibility Study Appendix D – Peer Study review Appendix E – Near Team Housing Recommendations Memo Appendix F1 – Cost Estimation Assumptions Appendix F2 – Cost Estimation Summary Appendix F3 – Cost Estimation Formula Back-Up Appendix G – Concept Alternatives Rating (Task Force Review) Appendix H – Architectural Character Studies Appendix H2 – Architectural Character Studies Appendix J – Campus Access and Shuttle Memo Appendix K – MEP Assessment Appendix L – Civil Infrastructure Assessment


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