College of the Sacred Heart had one building, some trees and plenty of room for baseball games.
HOW REGIS LOST ITS SACRED HEART BUT GOT ITS NAME BY Todd Cohen Photos courtesy of Regis archives
COMMON MISCONCEPTION IS THAT THE COLLEGE OF THE SACRED HEART BECAME REGIS COLLEGE 100 years ago to avoid the wrath of the anti-Catholic Ku Klux Klan, a rising political force in Denver at the time. The real reason, however, had to do with a president’s optimistic goals — and athletic trash talk.
The Very Rev. Robert M. Kelley, S.J, was very much the proverbial young man in a hurry when he arrived at the College of the Sacred Heart in Denver in late summer 1920.
Spring /Summer 2021 | R EG I S U N I V E R S I T Y M AG A ZI N E