Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan

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Continuing our role in

Pursuing Your Best

The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine’s Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan

Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan

2011 - 2016 Page 1

Continuing Professional Education

Introduction Lifelong learning has always been a commitment of the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Skills and technologies needed by clinicians and academics expand in response to innovations in treatment and organizational changes in the delivery of health care. The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine is dedicated to improving continuing education resources for clinical professionals, administrative leaders and academics. The strategy outlined in this document will ensure that rehabilitation professionals in Alberta and across Canada have opportunities to advance their knowledge and obtain formal recognition for learning and skills acquisition in key areas in rehabilitation. The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine is the only freestanding faculty of rehabilitation in North America Page 2

and is the only Faculty offering occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech-language pathology in the province of Alberta. As such, the Faculty has an obligation to have, as part of its primary role, not only the education and development of entry-level clinicians and rehabilitation researchers, but also the provision of continuing professional education for rehabilitation clinicians beyond the entry-level to practice. In order to provide continuing professional education for practicing clinicians and to develop inter-professional practices, the Faculty has positioned itself as a provincial hub for continuing professional education for allied health professionals and other service providers in rehabilitation. The Faculty’s continuing professional Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan






Strategic Direction

To be at the forefront of knowledge generation and scholarship in rehabilitation.

Through excellent teaching, research and service to the community, the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine is committed to enhancing quality of life, promoting participation and autonomy, and improving function for citizens in Alberta and beyond.

The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine’s Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan provides competency and evidence-based education to raise the level of knowledge, education and clinical skills for its professions, focusing on: education programs are designed to advance the healthcare system in Alberta and elsewhere through improved patient care outcomes and by enabling safer, quicker and more successful care of patients in health-care facilities and the community. Extensive consultations throughout the Faculty, university and rehabilitation community helped develop this plan. It is in line with and complementary to the University of Alberta’s Dare to Deliver academic plan as well the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine’s Pursuing Your Best Strategic Plan. This plan highlights the Faculty’s commitments and goals in continuing professional education. We are committed to continuing our role in pursuing your best. Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan

• Improving function of individuals and their participation in society • Promoting health, wellness, and injury/disease prevention • Improving quality of life and helping people develop to their fullest potential after injury, disease or developmental disabilities • Reducing the burden of injury on society • Providing individual and community-centred care Page 3



1. Establish an advisory committee to help guide the continuing professional education program. 2. Create strategic partnerships and alliances to align and support continuing professional education efforts. Potential partners include: other universities, colleges, professional associations and regulatory colleges, Alberta Health Services, government departments and private organizations. 3. Establish the University of Alberta as a centre for rehabilitation professional continuing professional education, playing a leadership role as a coordinating hub for entry level, post-professional and advanced continuing professional education, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary initiatives. 4. Secure dedicated financial and human resources to organize and sustain the continuing professional education, partnerships and programs which will include specialists, foreign-trained workers and therapy assistants. 5. Develop a continuum of offerings to meet the continuing professional education needs of practitioners at all levels of training and experience. 6. Incorporate a practice-driven, evidence-based philosophy into continuing professional education activities. 7. Ensure continuing professional education offerings are clinically responsive, evidence-based and accessible across Alberta, offering online courses and providing an archive library. 8. Establish links between continuing professional education, specialization and continuing competency programs. 9. Develop a formalized mentoring program for foreign students, practitioners, private practitioners and changing areas of practice through bridging opportunities for practitioners who want to upgrade or advance their skills.

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Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan

Our S trategic P artnerships and R elationships

To involve strategic partners, the Faculty will create an advisory committee to provide ideas and guidance for the continuing professional education program. This committee will consist of clinicians, graduates, employers and policy makers to ensure appropriate access, to build bridges, and to create opportunities and a common focus based on public health-care needs. The Faculty will work to create partnerships with regulatory bodies, provincial and national professional associations, Alberta Health Services, other faculties at the University of Alberta, other academic institutions, and government (Alberta Health & Wellness, Alberta Advanced Education & Technology, and federal departments involved in professional training and immigration). To enhance the educational aspect and to promote education of rehabilitation professionals, the Faculty will explore the possibility of joint appointments for clinicians involved in these partnerships.

Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan


P illars

The Continuing Professional Education Plan and Program will be built on four pillars that meet the vision and mission of the University of Alberta and the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine:

1. Modules, Webinar and Seminars 2. Master Classes and Certificates 3. New Doctoral Program Streams 4. Transitional Programs

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Modules, W ebinars And Seminars

Modules, webinars, and seminars offer more focused professional development sessions to meet the needs of clinicians. These sessions can be anywhere from one hour to two days and may be interdisciplinary or discipline-specific. They are informative sessions presented by our faculty and experts in the community. The sessions may be offered in collaboration with our various partners. They can be offered as stand-alone sessions, part of masters classes, or part of courses in the certificate programs. These online and/or face-to-face sessions can also be used for continuing professional education credits in the future. To date, the webinar sessions have drawn in several hundred participants and have been highly rated. Our IT support team (Rehabilitation Medicine Technology Group) is among the best at the University of Alberta. They have set up a user-friendly and flexible, distance-based format for clinicians to participate in webinars. The intent behind webinars (live presentation streamed over the Internet) is to deliver easily accessible continuing professional education directly to the participant’s home/workplace. Registrants can view the webinar live over the Internet or as a recording, viewed at a later date.

To pursue our best in this pillar, we will: • Cultivate relationships with our partners, including rehabilitation regulatory bodies and associations such as the Alberta College of Occupational Therapists, Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association, Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists and Alberta Speech-Language Association of Private Practitioners, as well as not-for-profit organizations and industry to provide the best and most informative sessions that will equip clinicians and meet their needs. • Create a schedule of offerings each year so clinicians know which sessions are available in advance. This schedule will be available on our website for people to register. • Increase quality of sessions by frequently surveying clinicians and alumni concerning the clinical relevance of the sessions, session quality as well as topics for future events to ensure we continue to meet clinician needs. • Expand our sessions by promoting our programs and instructors, increasing attendance and reaching out to the alumni and clinician community.

How will we know when we are there? The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine will be characterized by the innovative teaching and learning environments we provide. Session attendee evaluations will show that clinicians are receiving outstanding and clinically relevant professional development education at the University of Alberta and recognize the Faculty as a primary source for their continuing professional development. Faculty and guest lecturers will thrive and continue to be passionate about teaching rehabilitation professionals.

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Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan

Master Classes And Certificate Programs

The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine has taken the lead at the U of A and in Canada to develop graduate level credit certificate programs for rehabilitation and other health professionals. Each certificate program focuses on areas of specific interest, and is founded on the strongest evidence-based research, and is taught by leaders in each respective area. Additionally, the program addresses the need for continued professional development of practicing clinicians in both urban and rural settings across the province and country. Each certificate program requires completion of a minimum of three graduate level courses, totalling nine credits. In 2007, the Faculty, through the Department of Speech Language Pathology and in collaboration with Faculté St. Jean, offered its first credit certificate: Francophone Speech-Language Pathology. The first certificates in this program were awarded at graduation in November 2009. Additionally, the Faculty offers two interdisciplinary distance-based certificates: a Certificate in Pain Management and a Certificate in Stroke Rehabilitation. The first two courses of the Certificate in Pain Management have been offered as well as the first course in the Certificate in Stroke Rehabilitation. The stroke certificate was developed in partnership with the Alberta Provincial Stroke Strategy (APSS) and is partially supported by the Alberta Stroke Council. To date the two programs have attracted a diverse group of clinicians from across Canada and the courses have been highly rated. Master classes are individual graduate level credit courses designed as continuing professional education courses to give health-care professionals some specialist training in a specific area. Master classes may be stand-alone, used as continuing professional education credits or may, in some cases, be part of a certificate program or a doctoral program. These Master classes may be interdisciplinary or discipline specific. Students are evaluated using the same methods that are used in other university graduate courses.

To pursue our best in this pillar, we will: • Improve communication and encourage discussion with our strategic partners around which areas of specialization we should focus our offerings on in order to fully equip clinicians to serve patients/clients. • Review the curriculum of our certificate programs annually and engage in consultation to continue improving quality. • Continue to evaluate the program including follow-up with program registrants to ensure that knowledge gained through the certificate program courses is translated into practice resulting in improved patient care. • Promote our programs and classes widely to the clinician community in Alberta and beyond to increase attendance and position ourselves as the place to go for continuing professional education in rehabilitation. • Enhance links with our partners to jointly offer classes that meet the mutual goals of the departments and the provincial and national professional colleges and associations. • Recruit leaders in each area to deliver the offerings in order to ensure program registrants are receiving scientifically rigorous education based on the most current research evidence

How will we know when we are there? The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and the University of Alberta will be recognized not only as leaders in traditional post-secondary education, but also in professional development and certificate programs. We will be the destination choice for rehabilitation and other health professionals across the province because we offer the highest quality master classes and certificates. Clinicians and alumni will recommend our master classes and certificate programs as the best way to keep clinical skills and training up-to-date in order to give patients and clients the best rehabilitative care.

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New Doctoral Program Streams

The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta intends to develop innovative offerings in its doctoral level programs. In addition to the traditional stream, two concepts for doctoral training have been developed: a rehabilitation health clinician scientist doctorate with a strong clinical patient-centred research focus; and an advanced practice clinical specialist doctorate with a strong clinical focus, giving the individual the education and training to perform advanced practice activities in various fields of specialization. The rehabilitation health clinician scientist is a researcher in a clinical setting. This doctorate will be a post entry-level course and thesis-based program of study that would in most cases require a full-time commitment. Like the present PhD, it would be available to individuals interested in clinical patient-centred rehabilitation research. The unique aspect of the program would involve a clinical “Plus� or advanced clinical placement component that will enable the student to spend time in specialist clinical patient-centred research laboratories in the Faculty, in other U of A departments, other universities or clinical hospital-based research facilities in order to learn more about clinical patient-centred research and its application in the clinical setting. The topics would require extensive specialist clinical practice with patients in selected clinical settings. Because of this, students may take some clinical courses to give them a better understanding of the clinical aspects of their research area. This program would create a cadre of clinical leaders in the rehabilitation professions and has the potential of being developed in conjunction with other universities as co-partners. There is existing capacity in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine to provide the necessary academic supervision. The advanced clinical placement would be graded, and a satisfactory recommendation from the clinical mentors would be a requirement to graduate.

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Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan

The advanced practice clinical specialist is a research translator. The doctorate (RehabD) would be a post entry-level program of study which could be completed, full-time over two years or part-time over five years. It will be developed for practicing clinicians in physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology who would like to specialize in their certain field of practice. This advanced degree would require specialist clinical courses, research courses, clinical patient-based research experiences and advanced clinical practice training concluding with an evidence-based clinical patient-based project. Many of the courses could be offered online with weekend face-to-face sessions. This stream would be unique in Canada and would offer an opportunity to collaborate with leading clinical institutions as well as other educational institutions. Advanced practice describes not only the ability to use advanced clinical skills but also education, program development, critical appraisal, analytical abilities and research leadership skills that contribute to the knowledge, development and advancement of the health-care professions. The advanced practice clinical specialist could demonstrate within a particular clinical area, an advanced level of clinical reasoning, professional judgment, and clinical skills. These individuals could play key roles in multidisciplinary assessment clinics and teams that have been formed to effectively and efficiently provide conservative or surgical care. The development of rehabilitation practitioners as clinical specialists would maximize the use of existing human health resources and streamline efficiencies to reduce costs while maintaining quality and improving access to health care. These clinical rehabilitation specialists could provide leadership assessment, health promotion, disease or injury prevention, rehabilitation and palliative care. The advantages of formalizing the role of the advanced practice clinical specialist include economic benefits to the health-care system, increased retention of health-care workers, and improved access to specialized care. This doctorate stream provides a mechanism for training advanced practice clinicians to assume vital roles in triage, education, and case management of patients with specific conditions. The following areas of advanced practice could potentially be developed: • chronic disease management • musculoskeletal/sports rehabilitation • cardiovascular rehabilitation • cancer and palliative care

• developmental disorders • assistive technologies • aging • mental health

• sexual health • child language and literacy • neurogenic communication disorders

To pursue our best in this pillar, we will: • Establish new scholarships by aligning the program with Alberta Innovates Health Solutions studentships and by advancing our fund development efforts in order to support and fund our prospective doctoral students. Scholarships or similar funding will need be offered at a level that is attractive to students graduating from the professional entry-level masters programs to encourage them to move towards higher levels of education and training. • Review and restructure current course requirements to ensure graduates learn in-depth clinical topics that relate to their area of interest or specialization. • Initiate discussion with our strategic partners to ensure positions are created as demand for advanced practice clinical specialists increases to better serve patients. It is important to ensure these specialists are an integral part of the primary health-care model.

How will we know when we are there? The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine will boast two additional doctoral streams that contribute directly to the clinical community. The RehabD and health clinician scientist programs would be recognized for ensuring that patients receive the most appropriate health-care resources and professional care in the management of rehabilitation conditions. The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine would be known for its rehabilitation health clinician doctorate, allowing clinicians with a strong research interest to pursue a rewarding career in academia and research that would directly benefit patients.

Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan

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Transitional Programs

Transitional (or bridging) programs are connecting programs designed to provide health-care professionals additional mechanisms to improve their academic qualifications from a diploma to undergraduate degree or from an undergraduate degree to a graduate degree. Transitional programs may be used to meet several needs. Firstly, transitional programs can be used to upgrade individuals in the rehabilitation professions to the latest entry-level qualification for that profession. For example, a transitional or post professional masters program could be designed for occupational therapists or physical therapists who wish to obtain the equivalent of the entry-level graduate program/degree presently offered by the three professions in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Transitional programs could be developed to bring internationally trained clinicians to a suitable level to pass national examinations and to practice in Canada. As well, transitional programs could be developed to enable individuals in the rehabilitation field to “ladder” and increase their academic qualifications. Such a program would allow rehabilitation aides and assistants, massage therapists and other individuals with a diploma education to upgrade to a degree and then apply for masters entry-level programs.

To pursue our best in this pillar, we will: • Continue to develop transitional programs to allow rehabilitation professionals to upgrade their latest entry-level qualification or increase their academic qualifications as we have begun doing in the Department of Occupational Therapy. • Encourage growth and development of future transitional programs in order to provide optimal opportunities for individuals to upgrade. • Promote strong links with international partners and universities to create transitional programs that can help bring internationally trained clinicians to a suitable level to pass national examinations in Canada.

How will we know when we are there? There will be an increased interest among rehabilitation aides and assistants, massage therapists and other individuals with a diploma education to take part in our transitional programs and eventually pursue an MSc in one of our rehabilitation fields. Our alumni and clinicians in the community will see the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine as a place to go to improve their academic qualifications and pursue the best education and training in rehabilitation. Additionally, we will be recognized as an uplifting university that seeks to advance internationally trained clinicians who wish to practice rehabilitation in Canada.

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Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan


and process

In November 2009, David Magee, PhD, then Associate Dean, Professional Programs & Teaching, began the process of developing a continuing professional education strategy for the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. This initiated a sixmonth consultation process, including a literature review, a survey of rehabilitation alumni, a Think Tank on continuing professional education, and a number of documents and papers on advanced practice. A comprehensive document outlining the strategy was prepared and sent to faculty, staff and strategic partners for review. The priorities and commitments in this strategic plan are in line with University of Alberta’s Dare to Deliver academic plan as well the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine’s Pursuing Your Best Strategic Plan.

Resourcing the


Various resources support our continuing professional education strategy, programs and innovative ideas. The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine boasts talented teams within teaching, research and clinical service—our most powerful and effective resource to carry our strategic plan forward. As well, budgets have been allocated to support continuing professional education initiatives, including our increasingly popular webinars and certificate programs. The certificates program portfolio was formed to boost our activities in continuing professional education. We are engaging in an active fundraising program to generate the necessary funding to provide scholarships to support students who are interested in the RehabD and health clinician scientist advanced degrees. In addition, other funding for students in these programs may be available from Alberta Innovates Health Solutions and CIHR.

Managing Editor: Laurie Wang

Copy Editors: Martin Ferguson-Pell & David Magee

Writers: David Magee & Laurie Wang Photography: Jason Franson, Ryan Jackson, Jimmy Jeong, University of Alberta Marketing & Communications Design: Kelly Budd - Radius Creative

Special thanks to: Shawn Drefs, David Polvere, Alberta College of Occupational Therapists, Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association, Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Alberta Speech-Language Association of Private Practitioners and Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine faculty & staff

Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan

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Continuing Professional Education Strategic Plan

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