Brand Identity Guideline
Brand Identity Guideline CONTENTS 3 Introduction 4 What is a Brand? 5 Our Brand 7 The Primary Logo 11 The Secondary Logo 15 Isolation Zones 16 Positioning Rules 17 Incorrect Usage 18 Co-Branding 19 Primary Typeface 20 System typeface 21 Photography 23 Sample Applications
FESF Brand Identity Guideline
FESF Brand Identity Guideline
ABOUT FESF Family Educational Services Foundation (FESF) is a non-profit educational organization active in Pakistan since 1984. FESF is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all members of the community, especially those who are disadvantaged. We invest in educational development and provide innovative training programs and services to enable recipients to gain competency and self-sufficiency, empowering them to reach their full potential.
PROGRAMS The Deaf Reach Program provides deaf children and youth with education, literacy and training in marketable skills in an environment that enables them to excel. The program works to create an educational model to meet the great need for Deaf education in Pakistan through a holistic approach that includes the development of local teachers and sign language interpreters, training for parents and communities, advocacy, job placement assistance, and the development of educational resources for the Deaf. The MOVE (Motivated Volunteer Empowerment) Program trains and engages Pakistani youth in volunteerism and community development. The program directs and motivates volunteers to identify the needs in their communities, and plan and implement innovative solutions through social action projects. The Eduserve Program works to strengthen the educational infrastructure by training teachers, parents and administrators. The courses focus on teaching methodologies, pedagogy, child development and psychology for educators working in the field of mainstream and special education. Dast’khat is developed under the FESF domain to create employment opportunities, advocate and create awareness about the Deaf Community. It is an apparel and home textiles manufacturing unit which will function as a vehicle for medium scale production by deaf artisans. Dast’Khat will create awareness for the deaf community and prove to be a sustainable model to support the Deaf Reach Program as well.
Primary Logo Colour Family Educational Services Foundation (FESF) is a non-profit educational organization active in Pakistan since 1984. FESF is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all members of the community, especially those who are disadvantaged. We invest in educational development and provide innovative training programs and services to enable recipients to gain competency and self-sufficiency, empowering them to reach their full potential. Family Educational Services Foundation (FESF) is a non-profit educational organization active in Pakistan since 1984. FESF is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all members of the community, especially those who are
FESF Brand Identity Guideline
UNIVERSAL USAGE The logo is in colour for universal use and strength in all media. A reverse version of the logo (known as the ‘colour inverse’ version of the logo) is shown on the following page. The background where you are placing the logo should determine which version of the primary logo you use. The minimum size at which the primary logo is used should not be less than 20mm.
Minimum Size 20mm
Primary Logo Colour Inverse
FESF Brand Identity Guideline Minimum Size
PRIMARY USEAGE This page shows a Inverse version of the logo. The background on which you are placing the logo should determine which version of the primary logo you use. The minimum size at which the primary logo is used with the background (if needed) should not be less than 25mm.
Note: – CMYK file format is for printed items only – RGB file format is for digital items such as (internet, TV, Video, Powerpoint, etc)
Primary Logo Usage
FESF Brand Identity Guideline
PLACEMENT ON IMAGES This page shows how the ‘Primary Logo’ should be placed when used on photography. The photographic style is an integral part of the FESF brand and this is documented in further detail on page 20 of these guidelines.
Rules regarding isolation zones and positioning the logo are outlined on pages 14-15.
Use the standard “Colour Logo” over a light background to make it completely visible. In case of illegeblity; tweak the image and lighten the background to make it clear. Legeblity of the logo should always be taken into consideration.
Images for style reference only. These images are not rights released for use by the FESF brand.
Similarly, for an image with a dark background, use the “Colour Inverse Logo” (white). Make sure the background is not too busy to affect the logo’s readability. Consier the logo propotions at all time. Never make it too big or extremly small.
Secondary Logo Usage
FESF Brand Identity Guideline
PLACEMENT ON IMAGES This page shows how the ‘Secondary Logo’ should be placed when used on photography. These images should have enough space on both sides for the two logos to be placed symetrically. The logos will always be of equal size i.e not less than 20mm. Make sure the photography is well composed and the logos are not interfering the imagery.
Always make sure the the logos are symetrically aligned. The colours of the logo as mentioned before will be determined by the background. for lighter backgrounds us the “Colour Logo”, where as for a dark background, use the “Colour Inverse Logo”.
Images for style reference only. These images are not rights released for use by the FESF brand.
Never use the logos againt the symetry. Do not place them diagonally for your convienience. The brand esthetics should always be followed wether you are designing for print or for web. Make sure the quality and the image of the brand is never compromised.
Isolation Zone
FESF Brand Identity Guideline
COMPULSORY SPACE The examples below show the isolation zones when positioning the logo. The ‘X’ height changes proportionally according to the size of the logo but it is always determined by the width of the ‘band’ as shown below.
1/2 x 1/2 x
x- height
1/2 x 1/2 x
Positioning Rules
FESF Brand Identity Guideline
STANDARD PLACEMENT When the primary logo is used on its own it is always positioned as shown, adhering to isolation zone rules.
The logo will always be placed on the top right corner. The standand should always be folled to make the branding look consistent.
1/2 x
1/2 x
1/2 x 1/2 x
Incorrect Useage
FESF Brand Identity Guideline 10
DONT’S The examples below show examples of incorrect logo usage.
Colour Scheme
Do not use other colours.
Unusual angle
Do not use the FESF logo other than horizontally positioned on the page.
Disproportionately scaled The FESF logo should never be stretched disproportionately.
Drop shadow
Do not use drop shadows when reproducing the FESF logo.
The FESF logo should never be cropped.
Do not use tranparency when reproducing theFESF logo.
Co-branding EQUAL WIDTH When the primary logo or secondary logo is used in partnership with logos from other organisations the Redfern isolation zone (X) should be used.
FESF Brand Identity Guideline 11 The ‘X’ height changes proportionally according to the size of the logo but it always determined by the width of the ‘band’ as shown below. The partner logo(s) should be scaled so that they have equal visual weight.
Aligned through the center.
Aligned through the center.
Typeface Primary STANDARD TYPOGRAPHY The typeface family ‘Bree Serif’ has been selected for use by the FESF brand. The secondary typeface for body copy is ‘Roboto’.
Bree Serif
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()+{}”:?
FESF Brand Identity Guideline 12
Typeface Secondary Roboto Light
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()+{}”:? Roboto Light Italics
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()+{}”:? Roboto Meduim
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890!@#$%^&*()+{}”:?
FESF Brand Identity Guideline 13
Photography Style A distinctive photographic style has been developed. It is based on a sense of welcome. It should reflect what it is like to live, work and learn at FESF and make people want to visit the area. It should support our brand essence of ‘Welcoming spirit’ and our brand values: vibrant, living culture, diverse, forward-thinking. Mood Warm, friendly, fun, open, optimistic and positive. The main principles are: • Colourful: use of natural colour – no filters or colour cast light effects, no black-and-white unless intended for monochromatic application. • Believable situations: imagery should be real-life scenarios that depict people at FESF going about their day-to-day life. It should feel warm, friendly and engaging and make you feel that you will be welcome if you visited the area. People Shots should be simple, direct and feature real people, not fashion models. They should show interaction to reflect relationships between people. The people captured, can either be looking off camera or giving direct eye contact. People should look positive, approachable and natural with an appropriate mix of race, age and gender to reflect the area.
FESF Brand Identity Guideline 14 Location To provide authenticity locations should be from around the Organization area. Vibrant Context: FESF has a positive, exciting and transformative energy. People: Enthusiastic, engaged, inspirational Living culture Context: FESF has a rich, living culture drawn from its Indigenous heritage and its enduring creative and artistic associations. People: Creative, bohemian, respectful Diverse Context: FESF gives you the opportunity to experience something different and it may not be what you’re expecting. People: Eclectic, cosmopolitan, open-minded Forward-thinking Context: FESF has a history of innovation and interesting things continue to happen there – it is embracing the future with an understanding of the past. People: Aware, original thinkers, inquisitive
Photography Examples Images for style reference only. These images are not rights released for use by the FESF brand.
FESF Brand Identity Guideline 15
Creative: Grocode