4 minute read
More recently, the Twilight saga put vampires in vogue anew and prompted a worldwide phenomenon when it was translated to the big screen.
As a true reflection of the real world, Second Life couldn’t remain impervious to this phenomenon, and,thus, we can find every kind of vampire here. Maybe too many kinds.
“Vampires are banned from this sim because they became a nuisance, especially for newbies,” said a helper in a learning center who wasn’t sure he wanted to be identified by name or location. “Unlike their RL counterparts, though, SL vampires can roam freely day and night, and there’s no way to protect oneself from them; well, the only way is banning them.”
SL vampires who want to suck blood from their fellow residents usually send an animation invitation to their target. Since the invitation is clearly labeled as one to being bitten, seasoned avatars hardly fall for it, hence the preference among vampires to roam learning centers where newbies are more likely to be found.
“Exactly,” intervenes Val Alucard, chief and founder of Vamps on Wheels, a club for bikers who also roleplay as vampires. “We’ve been unfairly stereotyped as blood-thirsty, fearmongers, newbiechasers… but nothing could be farther from the truth. Yes, I admit there have been some rotten apples in our midst, but that doesn’t mean we all are like that.”

“Being a vampire is a lifestyle just as respectable as any other, you know? We provide people with a community, a sense of belonging, a purpose, a mission… They find a family here, they make friends, and of course, many of them find a life partner or, at least, a significant other. They go out on heroic quests and adventures. How dare they say we are a nuisance or a pest?” He’s right. Vampirism has evolved and left behind the days when its sole purpose was biting, sucking blood, and acquiring souls. If you’d like to experience what is like being a creature of the shadows, then dive into a centuries-old tradition of folklore and mythology and share the lifestyle of hundreds of fellow enthusiasts of the occult. You may want to visit Bloodlines’ point of entry and begin exploring what could well become your next passion. You may also visit Bloodlines’ website if you’d like more information.

Arya Braveheart
Ihave been prepping this scene for a few months, so I am pretty excited to show it to you all now. this perfect summer home can be used on the ground or on a platform. I have been creating this way up above my home on the ground so that I could leave it set up to work on slowly.
Danilo, the creator of this home and many of the items you will see today (as well as being the owner of KAZZA), released the house back in April as a part of Happy Weekend Sales and has been slowly releasing all of the furniture and decor items in the same weekend sale each week since.
So far the lounge, kitchen, outdoor area, bedroom, and child’s room furniture and decor have been released. Next up, I am hoping, will be the spare room and bathroom. I am excited to see what Danilo surprises us with here in the next few weeks.
In the meantime, you can enjoy the rooms I have decorated so far with the items that I rezzed to create each room and to add my own personal flair and touches.
I started decorating this house on the outside. It seemed the logical place to start— it was also the place I finished.The final touch was the diving board. I am going to make good use of that. It even has animations to give me the perfect dive! My favourite room to decorate in this build was the kitchen. It is always the space with the coolest stuff. Maybe it is the area that is the most real looking to me. This one is especially great, as it has all the fabulous shelving as well as the beautifully decorated dinner table.
The other room that was fun to set up was the child’s room. I have never decorated one of these before, but the KAZZA items are so wonderfully made and look so beautiful with the other items I added that it was simple and easy.
I am hoping to share the other rooms with you soon, but it will depend on the release of the next items to go in the empty areas. Watch this space!