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Compe Lockwood

Vino. The very word evokes a smile, a feel-good sensation, and memories in progress. The grapes of joy are poured over celebrations, milestones, and gatherings of family and friends. Indeed, with wine, any place is a happy place— and one such place is The Winery, where Second Life celebrates the fermented fruit of fantasy. Flanked by barrels of brew and vivacious vineyards, The Winery is the epitome of spirited grapes. With a bar, fine dining, and more, this one-stop beverage shop covers all checkpoints. Connoisseurs, aficionados, and those wanting a nice drink are the target market, which covers just about everybody.

The teleport lands visitors at the front entrance. Customers have a choice, self-serving or roleplay. “The Winery is full-pay-as-you-go fine dining for regular, mystory, and xeolife diners. It is managed by HecateWic of Wic Foods,” notes BOSL shop owner and creator, Jennifer Steele. “In addition, there are beautiful vistas.”

She continues, “It’s a romantic spot for that special somebody or a great place for an afternoon out. There’s also wine stomping vats and lots of other things to explore.”

Jennifer also notes, “All of our tables are automatically set to self-serve unless there is a reservation sign on the table. The tables with reservation signs are rented by our regular patrons.”

On entering, a cozy fireplace embedded in stonework is the focal point. The massive structure extends through the second floor. Wine racks are everywhere, featuring bottles of various vintages. Over-stuffed chairs and linen-lined tables invite sipping and sampling. And then we move upstairs.

Of course, wine is also available on the second floor, but so is fine dining near a piano bar. The kitchen is visible as workers prepare the night’s fare. Fine art adorns every wall. One has the option of dining in a more open setting or in little nooks for more private times.

Jennifer is uniquely qualified to bring adventures in vino to grape fruition. In real life, she is a renovation specialist, artist, and private chef. She resides in Ontario, Canada, in Niagara’s wine country. Her talents are exemplified in SL creations, including this one.

The owner credits her creativity to a mix of home learning and formal training. “I had a mentor at first, then I took classes at Builders Brewery, and the rest was self-taught,” she recalls.

About six months after joining SL, the previously mentioned mentor noticed her talent for scripting and building. “I was encouraged to learn everything I could about it,” Jennifer adds.

In addition, she says, “I’m in love with the buildings and vineyards and have a knack for building winerelated venues.”

The Winery has the most attentive details of any place in SL. Each table has settings of fruit, candles, and other soothing centerpieces. Creased napkins, crisp table clothes, fresh flowers, and plants punctuate every room.

Instructions are offered on how to dine, sit, and eat. Oh, and don’t forget the kids; the winery has booster chairs.

Once seated, click on your plate, navigate through the menu, and choose an item by clicking on it. If you wish to browse, click on the menu again. Another category opens with more delicious food choices. Caution: drooling on your computer may void its warranty.

When the food is rezzed, click on the food to eat it (Munching animations are clicked in your chair). Of course, there is a wide assortment of beverages. To drink, click on the coaster. Click it again to select your choice.

To consume the drink, pick it up; if you’re Xeolife or MyStory, it must be attached to consume. When attached, click it again. Drinks are bottomless. Then, pay your bill at the table.

Or try roleplay dining.

“We provide a special roleplay dining service for you and your guest(s) by reservation,” notes Jennifer. “The food is professionally served, catered to your needs, and attended to in your special evening.”

Reservations are made by contacting Elsmere Hecate Wic. A time is scheduled, and servers and chefs are booked. Reservations can include personalized gift bags of food and wine.

Other amenities include smooth jazz music, Bento couples dancing, and an open mic if you wish to book your own live entertainment for a group party.

As for future engagements: “Coming this autumn will be full wine tasting stations,” says Jennifer. “It will have a HUD that tracks favorite wines and take-home wine. In addition, we are planning wine tasting classes, hosted by BOSL. This is a joint effort between myself, Wic Foods, and BOSL.”

It is all there waiting to be served. Drop by for a quick drink or spend an evening with friends or someone special. The Winery offers all.

Jennifer emphatically believes, “Having the Winery here adds to the style and education of BOSL visitors. One of the better things in life is enjoying a nice glass of wine in good company.”

We agree. Cheers!

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