4 minute read
Sita Writer
“Wear Your Love Like Heaven”
In these uncertain times on so many levels, we seek to find a place in SL— a place of joy and welcome. A sanctuary of sorts, perhaps, even a dream. Sometimes, we think of a safe place as just a place with good-hearted peeps where you can just be. So, if this appeals to you, then check out a place called Mammoth Ridge where all reality melts into the horizon. A place where you might want to set down some roots; a place that you might just call home in SL. In Mammoth, you are free to sing and dance … to live… and just be.
We liked it so much, we decided to ask creator Jacob Crowley all about it. “Like many of us, I found Second Life through an old friend. At first, I didn’t get it and quickly grew frustrated and lost interest in it. But something kept calling me back. I eventually answered that call and never looked back. I created my ’original account’ 13 years ago and immersed myself in the community. I started out like everyone else, as a lost noob struggling to make sense of this massive world. Eventually, the gears started clicking, and I started to learn more about Second Life— allowing myself to hone my skills and actually create my dreams. “
Jacob doesn’t run Mammoth alone— who could! Here is the deal: as Jacbob tells me, “I Co-Own Mammoth Ridge with my sister Cristina Amore. I have seven children whom I adore and would do anything for. I am big on exploring all SL. I love to build and run projects. These attributes help with my mind always running a million miles and hour. My sister and I strive to bring Mammoth Ridge’s residents the very best of everything we offer.”
When asked what inspired Jacob to build Mammoth, he said, “I get inspired from multiple sources all around Second Life. There is so much beauty (new and old) in Second Life, that it captivates the mind and makes us see that the sky is the limit in this world. If you can dream it, then you can create it.”
I had to ask why Jacob called his build Mammoth Ridge – I thought perhaps it was named for some ancient dinosaur, but it was much more romantic than I expected, and we all love romance. “My sister Cristina and I went searching for the perfect mountain villages when we decided to start this journey. We went through hundreds of photos of mountain villages looking for inspiration, which eventually lead us to two villages called Mammoth. Mammoth, California, and Mammoth, Montana. We fell so in love with photos from both and their surrounding areas that we wanted to loosely base our village off of them. So we used the name Mammoth and added Ridge to the end to make it our own. We decided on Montana as the state where our village was located.”
Jacob continues to explain that, “Mammoth is an inspiration of family Role Play communities, and we love them. When we decided to go through with building Mammoth Ridge, we took a lot of inspiration from previous communities we have been a part of. We also took inspiration from RL; combining the two has given us such amazing tools to realize and create our dreams for Mammoth Ridge.”

In addition to many events and builds, Mammoth Ridge is an RP Community that focuses on community involvement. As Jacob says, “Aside from the normal aspects of a family Role Play, we strive to provide a town where all of the residents feel that they can be an active part of the community. We welcome our residents to create events, help vote for new additions, and be involved in shaping the town’s future. We have many amenities, including skiing, nature trails, a game room, an active school rp, and much more. Our residents host everything from live music events and science fairs to community yoga. The sky is the limit of what our community can bring to Mammoth Ridge.”

At the end of the day, Jacob put it best: “Whether you are looking for a place to hang out— resident or not— to feel empowered, to have fun, to create amazing RP’s, and to have an active part of the shaping of the community… we want everyone to feel welcome at Mammoth Ridge. Our community is the most important aspect of everything we do. As such, we will always work on improving our community. And, at the end of the day… just be and love.”