4 minute read
Sammie Audion
And again, another summer comes around. Typically, during the summer months, Second Life (SL) gets much more quiet compared to the rest of the year. People enjoy the beaches, their vacation, perhaps some mountain hikes in Real Life (RL). However, this is a summer unlike we have seen in what seems like an age. Hence, we could argue that all bets are off as far as this summer goes. Granted, COVID-based restrictions are mostly lifted— at least, as far the US goes. But that does not necessarily mean that this summer will be business as usual. Not everyone who can usually afford a summer vacation can this summer.
Whatever one’s options might be, the desire for sun and fun grew strong in most of us. We long for outdoor activities, some relaxation, and of course, unrestricted social interaction. If this describes you at least to some point, then this is where our journey begins.
‘Where our Journey Begins’ is the name of a wonderful beach-themed installment at Whispering Windz. Enjoy the rejuvenating waterfalls, relaxing beaches, the really cool venue, and much more to give you the feel of a splendid summer vacation. The place reminds much of one of the beach cities in Southern California. Get ready: Surfing, swimming, and outdoor dining is awaiting you.
The designer for this sim definitely had the photographers of SL in mind. Many perfectly decorated scenes create various summer impressions, giving you the feeling of actually being there. The fact that the place has people (well, not avatars, but ‘people’) really helps with making great shots. Lovely houses are certainly inspiring, and with the right light settings— whether preset by Windlights or done yourself using EEP —beautiful shots can be created. After all, taking pictures is a relaxing and creative hobby in SL, and shots from here would look great on any Flickr page.
The arrival area is at the entry of a nice courtyard, which has a lovely Italian-style pizzeria with just a couple of tables. They do have a serious Pizza oven inside, so the food might be amazing! There is also a little cafe serving heavenly sweets. What a perfect place to start this virtual vacation, don’t you think?
After a nice meal, the journey may commence. On the way down to the beach waits a little sitting area with an old typewriter. What an inspiring little spot for some creative writing— the story might almost flow over the sheets on its own. And this is just one of many sitting areas or photogenic scenes, as mentioned earlier. Might it be a little bench, some tables with chairs, or simply a towel laid out at the beach or a blanket draped over two branches of a low tree. There seems to be no end of motives— or settings for you (the motive) whatever style of photography you prefer.
When continuing the excursion along the beach, one might eventually arrive at this totally stylish pub. Depending if one took the long route to get here, some food might be indicated or perhaps simply a little refreshment— perhaps a nice glass of cool and fresh Rosé to relax and enjoy the sunny afternoon?
All over this idyllic island are lovely flowers, nice trees placed to create those secluded scenes perfect for a romantic getaway with a loved one . Limiting this place to photography only would be a serious
mistake. In fact, this is an ideal place for a date— for both a new love or one that has already lasted years. Why not celebrate the anniversary here?
It goes without saying that this is also a lovely place to ride your horse and enjoy nature at Whispering Windz— and there is certainly plenty of nature to explore here. A waterfall feeds a beautiful pond. Of course, nature is not limited to plants: you can find ducks on the pond, flamingos down at the beach. Can you find more animals? Looking closely, one can find so much more. A rocky arch is reaching over the sandy beach a little ways in the back there. Interested in checking out what’s behind it?
So, if you are looking for a little beach holiday, a romantic getaway, or simply a new photo destination, this truly can be ‘Where our journey begins’.