who follows you

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who follows you 12/31/2013 - 1/1/2014

b reilly shellito

2013 was the year i grew concave i picked at my skin to pull out an ingrown hair, but i split open. i grew so silent in the garbage  the marrow thequiet midnights not taciturn but mindful of the colours and the shapes

youre in the air about me breathes black and many layers but onlyskin is thin, mine broke so easily when youd hurt me i can see where it was too, and i see that a ghost was upstairs with you, but shes come down to my room now and i forgot how to talk to ghosts

is this a feeling

a thing

are the flashes and the people real ? ...‌c . we fell across the land

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 i cant believe its already 2557

there were leaves in the winds and i felt eyes my hands were always this cold, but winter was never so liquid to slide right past me

who are you shooting at? a collection of words That come from your throat you can make a sound and shape it with your mouth fortunately, it travels to me and goes into me but you couldnt have known that in every note is every other note ever

be a thing


what must you follow to reach the briny from here a feathered insect for the spaces between the virtues in my pockets i couldn’t see through the frost but let this be a reminder of the importance to know exactly who follows you

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