Spring Rein 2011

Page 1

Nic It In The Bud Photo by Cam Essick

2011 ~ Spring


18 David

12 Josh




8 Amber


24 Cathy


The food that someone else has in their bucket is ALWAYS better, than the food in your bucket.

Content 28 Tim Cox

~ The West, caught on canvas

30 Show wear

~ What’s hot and not in the show pen this season

32 Ask the Farrier ~ To shoe or not to shoe?

48 Squishy

& Fringe

42 Ask The Trainer: ~ Horsemanship with Scott Carmichael

34 Ask the Vet

~ Understanding Hypp

52 Ask the Horse

~ Fringe fields readers’ questions

54 Time for a new


~ Shopping guide basics

64 The Paddock ~ Business directory

66 Recipes

~ Dinner’s Ready! A main and desert. Dig in!

70 Equine Comedian ~ Beware the horse with a sense of humor

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Rein thanks Jennifer Vander Meer for her ‘Horse Rules’. You can find them at the bottom of our pages.


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36 Did you hear about the Barn Drama? ~ Avoiding it and paying the price for it


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Cover photo credit: Amber, Shawn Turner; Josh, Charles Hilton 2011 ~ Spring Rein



horseman does not look at the horse with his eyes, he looks at his horse with his

“Evony” Mounts Princess Scene, APHA Overo ~ owned by publisher, Susan Penlnell-Sebekos

“A true

heart.” ~ Unknown

Editor/Publisher Susan Pennell-Sebekos editor@reinmagazine.com

Photography Kristen Alynn Grace Tori Pennell

Circulation Beth Baker

Account Manager Lindsay Maybee


Evony, Sophie, Wimpy, and J.D. McCue

Executive Publisher

For the love of horses... It’s not just Rein’s mandate, but the passion that unites us as a community. This issue we are fortunate to bring the stories of four amazing horse people to you; each who use their own talent and passion to make the world better for us and our equine partners. Amber Marshall, star of CBC’s “Heartland” (now in syndication in many countries), has become a bridge into ‘our world’ for many, horseless viewers (those poor, poor people). Amber is not only an actress but a true horsewoman. When we watch Heartland, we know. We can tell she knows horses. David Carrico is the man behind the period-accurate tack of myriad films we have all enjoyed. While watching ‘True Grit’ I kept thinking, ‘Are they old saddles or did someone actually make them?’ So, I set out to find the man who made True Grit’s tack and found an amazing talent. (And face it, we all scrutinize every horse movie out there, don’t we?) Josh Lyons, inheriting the legendary talent of his father, John, is truly gifted with the ability to help us all enjoy, and help our horses enjoy, our lives together. Josh shares some wonderful tips to help us out. Cathy Atkinson. The name might not ring a bell, but her no-holds barred blog, ‘The Fugly Horse of the Day’ has been the topic of many heated debates online and at the barn. ‘Fugly’ sets out to shine the light on some of the worst horse abusers and hold them accountable. Horses come first. We hope you enjoy this issue of Rein, this ‘Spring Rein’, and we welcome any suggestions or comments. Happy trails,

Peter Sebekos


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Rein Magazine is published by Free Rein Publishing Publisher’s Agreement # 42046517

56 Glenridge Avenue St. Catharines, ON L2R 4X1

Vol 2 Issue 1 ISSN 1923-3604 (Print) ISSN 1923-3612 (Online)

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Photo credit: This page, Shawn Turner; Page 10, Andrew Bako

Born and raised in London, Ontario, Amber Marshall is now heading into her fifth season of portraying Amy Fleming on Heartland. Amber’s roles include the title character in “The Elizabeth Smart Story,” and she has also played the daughter to Rob Lowe in a TV Classic Christmas tale,“Christmas Shoes.”As Heartland films in Alberta, Amber has made a home for herself on a small ranch outside of Calgary where she is surrounded by her many animals, including horses,dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, chickens, turkeys, steers, and even a peacock.

Please tell us about your background with horses. I started taking English Hunter lessons when I was about 10 years old. My parents would drive me to a stable that was located only about 15 minutes away from my home and I rode many different lesson ponies. I then purchased my first horse, “Monty” when I was 13 years old. We had lots of fun together, as we were both learning. We took weekly lessons together and I had

with her and enjoyed his time as young colt. When I got the role of Amy on Heartland, I moved to Calgary, AB to be close to the set. I sold Laney to a girl I had known growing up because I was just too far away to give her the attention she needed. Pepsi stayed in Ontario where my mom looked after him until he was green-broke and ready to head west! He now lives with me and my two other horses that I have acquired along my

nature and there is nothing I love more than getting the chance to explore new areas with my horse. I have also come to enjoy Team Roping. My hope is that my new horse Tango and I can learn a little more about heading steers this winter. What discipline would you like to learn? Anything that presents itself! I always find it interesting to learn new ways of horse handling and riding. I would never

“I am an explorer by nature and there is nothing I love more than getting the chance to explore new areas with my horse.” a great intro into the horse world with him. I sold him a few years after and decided to get into the Western side of the horse world. This is when I got my AQHA Palomino mare, “Laney”. She and I had many adventures, including getting lost in the bush at dusk. It was Laney of course who found the way home. I just put my trust in her, dropped the reins and she jogged all the way home! With her it was all about having fun. We didn’t show or even take many lessons, just rode on the trails and hung out. While I had Laney my mom bought a little welsh cross weanling. That was to be her new project. He grew

journeys. “Tango” is a 7-year-old black Quarter Horse and “Cash” is my little buckskin colt. Do you have a favorite discipline? It is not as simple as “I like this the best” when picking a favorite discipline. Each and every form of bonding with an animal has its place in my world. Typically I ride in Western tack, or bareback ~ but if I am in a jumping mood I will bring out my English tack. In my world, it is all about forming a bond with an animal and the two of you having fun together. I enjoy riding in the mountains the best. I am an explorer by

turn down an opportunity to learn a new discipline or technique. Tell us about your own horses. At the moment I have three horses. Tango is my newest as I came to know him just before Christmas. He is a seven-year-old, jet-black Quarter Horse who is a big teddy bear. Nothing seems to faze him and he gets along so well with all my other animals. Cash is my little buckskin Quarter Horse that will be celebrating his 2nd birthday in April. I have had him on the farm since he was two months old, and I love him dearly. I can’t wait until late summer when I’ll be able to work from his back. >

many of the same values and ways to approach an animal situation. I am still quite new to learning different techniques and approaches to horse handling, but I am learning a lot through what my character does. How much riding do you do on set? The amount of riding on Heartland depends entirely on the episode. Each episode takes approximately seven days to film. Sometimes I can be on horseback every day, then on other episodes only a couple hours a week. But I am always certain to be around horses for the majority of the show.

This summer he came out to the mountain trails with me and my other horse Pepsi. We ponied Cash through the trails, over hills, and across the river, so that when his time came for me to ride him there, he would feel comfortable. Pepsi is a five-year-old Welsh cross who loves to get into trouble. He is very nosey and smart. When he is begin exercised regularly, both mind and body, he is much happier. How often do you get to ride for fun? I really don’t get to ride as often as I would like to. The truth is, during the shooting months (May-December) I just simply don’t have the time. We work such long days, it would be nearly impossible to ride during the week. I always try to get out at least once on the weekend. The weather is always so beautiful in the summer months and I like to take full advantage of that! In the winter I have more time, but the weather (and no indoor arena) makes that difficult. I do haul to a nearby arena every now and then to practise Team Roping, and on nicer days I go on the trails near my home.


Tell us the ‘story’ of how you were cast for the role of Amy? When the director and producers of Heartland were searching for their main cast, I was in Ottawa filming a pilot for a different show. I did not hear about the casting until it was only days before they went to camera. I was on the train coming home from Ottawa when my agent contacted me. He said this new show “Heartland” had still not found someone for their lead role and that I should audition as it was so well suited for me. I was sent the material over email and started learning the lines on the train home. We found a company to tape my audition in London and we sent it out bright and early the next morning. The director and producers must have seen my love of animals, as they hired me without meeting me in person! It was only three days after I had filmed the audition when I found myself on a plane to Alberta! How much alike are you and ‘Amy’? I think I am very similar to my character. Although “Amy” has better knowledge of horses than I do, I believe we share

What do you like best about working on Heartland? Heartland is a very special show. I’m not just saying that because I am involved in the process, I say that because it is very rare to find a job in the television industry where your time is primarily spent with animals in the great outdoors. When I think about the bigger picture I realize how lucky we all are on Heartland to be able to enjoy our summers outside in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Yes, some days can be cold ~ VERY COLD, and some days it rains all day and we get chilled, and some days it even hails on us. All in all I would never trade that for a show that was 95% interior studio location. That is what is so great about working on Heartland. Do you have favorite horse on the show? After four years of filming, I’ve become very close to my fellow cast members. There is no exception when it comes to the animals on the show. They are working just as hard as any of us humans, and, in my opinion they don’t get enough credit. The main animal character on the show is a black QuarterHorse named Spartan. In real life he goes by the name Stormy, and lives on a large ranch in Long View, Alberta. He knows his job just as all the other actors do. We always have to laugh on set when Stormy is sleeping in the crossties as we set up a shot, and then as soon as we roll the cameras he is alert and on his mark. Are there any horses on Heartland you’ve had a hard time with? The majority of the horses on set have done this whole “movie making thing” before. For the most part they are all very quiet and not bothered by all the people and gear. Every once and a while we bring in a specific horse character that requires us to use a horse that has

Always have ‘frosh week’ for the new kid ~ teaches them manners (most of the time) as soon as they step into your field.

never been on a set before. The grey horse my father bought me named Storm was a bit of a handful. He would get bored quickly as he is use to having his jumping workout and then going back to his stall or field. In the making of a scene there is a lot of stop and go. Storm did not find this fun and he would continually bob his head and dance around. It made certain shots a little more difficult. Do you have a stunt double for any of the riding? Over the four season of Heartland I have had numerous stunt doubles. It is not that I am not capable of doing most of the stunts; it is an insurance liability for me to risk anything. I do all of my own riding, but when falling, jumping, or a crazed horse is concerned, they bring in a stunt double. Sometimes I am able to talk the greater powers into letting me do certain stunts that I feel are safe to do. Do you have any input on the story lines? The writers of Heartland like to keep events that are to come hidden from the actors. I think they feel that we would be predicting our own futures if we were to know. I personally feel it is beneficial to know what is in my character’s future, because even though we all get caught up

2011 ~ Spring Rein

in the present of acting ~ this isn’t real life. When I have certain character ideas I always make a point of discussing it with the writers, and in the end, we can come up with something strong. Do you have a favorite scene? After four seasons on Heartland would make for about 3,350 scenes! Even though my character has not been in every one of those, to pick just one is impossible. I do always go back to a scene in Season Two. It was in episode seven and Caleb and Amy were at a rodeo. I had so much fun roping and riding and the weather was just beautiful. I think that has to have been one of my favorite episodes to film. Have you had to correct any incorrect equestrian issues on Heartland ? The majority of the cast and crew are very comfortable with horses now, and they have an understanding of the creatures; however, when it comes to things like tack, common routine, or techniques I usually find myself involved in the discussion. “Well do you think you would ever do it this way Amber?” I often hear. I love being able to be a part of building a horse scene.


How has Heartland changed your relationship with horses? Heartland has helped me look at the bigger picture and have the means to keep my horses at my home. This is something that helps the bond between us as I am the one who feeds them now, and visits with them morning and night. If you weren’t doing Heartland, what would you be doing now? I can’t even begin to think what I would be doing if Heartland had never existed. I am sure I would still be acting, and maybe even continuing my work at the Animal Hospital where I spent five years prior to Heartland. I know that in the future after Heartland something exciting will find me. I will always have animals in my life, and will always enjoy and find great satisfaction in what I am doing. c

In Canada, Amber can be seen in ‘Heartland’ on Sunday nights. Heartland is in syndication in the U.S., but it is playing regular runs on national networks in several countries, including France, Australia, the U.K., Germany, Spain, Mexico, all South American countries, all of Africa (through South African Broadcasting), Italy, Libya and Norway.


Living a Legacy

Communication. The word, its meaning, and its effect, is the very definition of Josh Lyons’. Watching Josh Lyons ride is to witness a silent conversation between man and horse. Every movement, every request has an objective. The conversation is not one-sided. Both horse and rider are an active part of the team. You can see it; you can feel it.

“Ride the whole horse,” Lyons tells his eager audience at one of his many North American clinics, “Don’t be a passenger.” Lyons describe himself as a horseman first, a teacher second. Like his father, John, Josh Lyons has been given the gift of communication. His audience is circled around the round pen. Lyons is working with a young horse, a Canadian this time. Although focused on the horse, he can take the time to drape his lanky frame on the rungs of the heavy steel round pen, and answer questions from the crowd. “What if your horse has become really hard to handle?” someone asks. Josh adjusts his microphone, smiles his trademark ‘I’ve got a good idea what you’ve been doing smile’, and says, “If you’ve had that horse longer than six months, you’ve taught him all that. Every moment we spend with our horse he’s learning from us.” He pets the young horse who has come closer to him. “So, time to figure out what you’ve been doing to make him the way he is.” He’s to the point, but not blunt. His good nature and humble humor gets his message across ~ peppered with analogies we can all relate to. He is, after all, imparting common sense. We get it as soon as he says it. Josh grew up on a cattle ranch in Colorado. Horses were not the family focus, but when his father, John Lyons, ‘America’s Most Trusted Horseman’, decided to share his horse training methods with others, Josh was there beside him, traveling the country and riding in the clinics. “I’d say the most important thing my dad taught me was that art of riding is learning you and the ground!” At the age of 16, Josh was already giving weekend clinics, training horses, and giving private lessons. “The day I graduated from high school, I went full-time into working with my dad.” In some years, more than 30 weeks of the year were spent on the road. And when at home, Josh assisted his father with the John Lyons Certification Program, a program he now conducts, manages, and owns. The Certification Program is designed to give in-depth knowledge and understanding to trainers and performers in the equine field. The program emphasizes the Lyons’ unique method of conditioned response training, “trust not trauma,” by modifying the owner’s attitude to the horse. Trail riders, hobby-horse owners, and top competitors in such diverse areas as reining, roping, and dressage, have all benefited from the physical and emotional rewards offered by a session with one of the most accredited and respected horse clinicians in the world. Would he have wanted anything else as a career? “There is nothing that I could have done in my life that would enjoy more,” he says. “Being creative, learning and teaching ~ this is what I enjoy the most.” His great gift of working with horses crosses over to working with people. It’s evident he teaches because he truly wants to help equestrians have better relationships with their horses. No matter the problem, there’s a Lyons’ solution. No matter the horse, there’s always a way to train it. “My horse is pretty old, I don’t think she could learn anything

There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse ~Robert Smith Surtees

Josh Lyons and ‘Flash’, demonstrating how to teach a horse to lie down. new at this point,” a woman from the back says, hopeful Lyons might be able to help. “Any horse can learn at any time. One time I was asked by a lady client to break a horse to ride.” He smiles again (you just know a good story is coming). “Her horse had been in her field for 19 years! Never broke. One day she just looked out at him in the field and decided she wanted to ride him.” Everyone listening is certain Lyons will say he told his client not to train an

old horse. But instead he says, “So I said all right. And she got to ride that horse. There isn’t a horse who can’t learn. You can change any habits or behavior at any time. The day a horse starts to learn is the day you decide to train him.” But, he explains, although all horses can learn, not every horse can excel in ever discipline. “No matter how much I liked and practised basketball,” Lyons says, “I don’t believe I’d ever be picked up by an NBA team. Some horses are just

better at different disciplines,” he says. “However,” he continues, “they can each learn the basic requirements of the discipline.” And it doesn’t hurt to try new disciplines with your horse. It’s a great way to keep them from getting bored. “Repetition can get a horse aggravated,” Lyons says. “Many riders get stuck. Stuck in repetition; stuck, without change. Repetition becomes aggravation and it will burn the horse out and creates more bad habits.”

Lyons suggests teaching your horse some tricks. It’s fun for both the owner and their horse. Tricks give the horse something to think about that’s not like work. “Tricks are great ~ like teaching a horse to lie down,” he says, “but don’t teach mouth tricks to a horse that’s mouthy already.” Josh remembers when he was young, he had a fairly mouthy horse; he wanted to teach him to catch a Frisbee. “My father said, ‘Nope, don’t do it.’ But of course, as a kid, I went ahead, It wasn’t a good idea.” A horse that liked to use his mouth learned to use it even better. When asked what is one of the biggest mistakes he sees, besides repetition and aggravating a horse, he says it’s having a false sense of security. “They think a helmet or protective vest with save them. No gadget can always save you. No horse is 100 percent safe,” he says. “You need to remember, no matter what you’re doing, that you’re in a dangerous situation. “When you’re riding a horse there are two ideas. What you want to do, and what the horse wants to do,” Lyons explains. “Now, one of two things are going to happen. The horse will either do what you want, or he won’t. Then, one of two things are going to happen; you’re either going to stay on that horse, or you’re going to fall off. And, if you fall, one of two things are going to happen; you’re either going to live or you’re going to die,” he smiles. “And if you die; one of two things are going to happen...” His clear, common sense approach breaks down our training issues with horses. Everyone at his clinic left with a smile and a new way of understanding their horse. b The Lyons travel across North America, and also offer DVDs if you can’t make it out to see them. Visit: www.joshlyons.com


A Sampling of Lyons’ Tips The

three - second rule

Situation: Your horse has just tried to kick you, or disrespect you in a big way. The cure: “For three seconds you scream like a stuck pig. Three seconds, no more, nothing more. You make him stop dead and wonder what the heck you’re going to do. Any more than three seconds is abuse. And do it the very moment the problem occurs or he won’t connect the bad behavior to your obvious insanity. “When your horse disrespects you in any way, he’s taken the first step toward his own little revolution. Act accordingly. Nature has programmed every horse to expect someone/ thing to be a leader. Some horses want to be the boss, others accept the job begrudgingly ~ but all horses expect a leader to exist. If you act the role of subordinate the horse will view that as a call to take over. Never hit a horse, because I can promise you, you will only make the situation worse. Even, if, God forbid, you came at the horse with a baseball bat, you think you have the power to do anything more than the horse that just kicked him in the field? You know, the one your horse just walked away from? If you do strike your horse he will learn something all right, he will learn you really don’t have any way to do much to him. Go ballistic for three seconds and make them worry what you might be capable of. Don’t show him what you aren’t.”

The Disrespectful Horse

“Sometimes it’s just fun when our horses misbehave. The next time he signals his displeasure at anything, even for an instant, you will drop what you’re doing, take his nose between your hands and pet and pet and pet.

Pet him like you’ve had a ‘snoot full’. Pet until he takes his head away ~ and you’ll grab it back and do it some more. Then you’ll start having fun with this. Push your horse a little. Dare him to show aggravation ~ and the moment he does, pet your fool head off. You’ve got to do this until the horse screams “enough!” and tries to pull away. More important, you have to have fun with it and look for excuses to do it. That is what makes you “active.” No longer are you waiting for an attack. Being active puts you in the driver’s seat and gains you respect. This same ‘fix’ works with horses that act like goofs when cinched up. You pull the cinch tight, they throw their head up or dance around, that sorta thing. You’ll need to do this for days if not weeks. It takes time. The beauty of this method is just this: First, acting like the teasing older sibling, antagonizing your horse, is just plain fun. Second, were you to hit your horse, he might be able to tell other horses “I bit her ‘cause she’s always hitting me. She asked for it.” But if you try the opposite approach (the maniacal petter) what’s he gonna say? “I bit her ‘cause she petted me”? You’ll find that when you don’t bring pain or anger into the picture that the horse isn’t so quick to travel to the dark side and that vices just sort of evaporate. This petting thing works because you’re being proactive, teaching the horse that sure, you can bring your teeth close ~ but I’m going to pet the devil out of you. What you’ll start to notice is that they start keeping to themselves, sort of hoping you don’t notice them and start getting all weird again. Ever see a 1200 pound animal try to wish himself invisible?” Photo credit: Page 12, 15, and 14: Kristen Alynn Grace; Page 13 and 14, Charles Hilton

If you rip apart your round bale quick enough, you can eat while you’re lying down; easy breakfast in bed.

2011 ~ Spring Rein




avid Carrico, luckily for movie goers, seems to have been born in the wrong century. “Whenever I do a period film,” says Keith Walters, propmaster of Paramount’s ‘True Grit’ “David is typically my first call.” David Carrico started building leather belts and tack in high school. I was rodeoing ~ roping calves ~ and I kept my friends and myself in belts and some tack because we couldn’t afford to buy it!” While attending college, Carrico took a ‘Living History’ class. He studied about the life of the Civil War soldiers, and took part in a battle reenactment. That was Carrico’s introduction to Civil War Reenacting. “I made my own saber belt and holster for the class, and since I had horses, I was in the cavalry. This introduced me to a completely different line of leather gear.” He graduated from Kansas State with a degree in Agriculture Education, but decided to pursue making replica Civil War horse equipment. “I had several

friends who gave me my first orders and encouraged me that there was a demand for such gear.” And now, Carrico has made over 300 McClellan saddles. “David Carrico is that type of craftsman who puts the maximum effort into each project he takes on,” says Keith Walters, “He researches primary sources, seeks out original patterns, pours his considerable talent and experience into it, and you know the piece you get is the correct piece” “I am always researching through museums, books, private collections. I’ve always liked the cavalry portrayed in the movies and quickly learned that they didn’t wear yellow bandanas! I guess the

Indian Wars period 1870s to 1880s is my favorite cavalry period, but I also like the cowboys and the cattle drive era. “I’ve always tried to make my products as authentic as possible, without modern flair. There are a lot of fine saddlemakers and holster makers out there they claim to make replica gear, but their items look nothing like what was offered from the saddlemakers of that time period. That’s what got me into the movie end of the business, they want something that looks right. I worked several years as a background rider in several productions, riding as a cavalry trooper mostly. The connections I made there, got me connected with Hollywood propmasters, producers, and directors who were looking for holsters, saddles, belts, etc., for their leading actors.” Production departments usually ask Carrico to make at least three sets of holsters/belts for the lead actors. “I usually rent them the gear, so I get it back. On occasion they like to keep it.” The saddles I make are built on

Quarter Horse bars, old original saddles are usually too brittle to be safe and too narrow for today’s horses. “Most directors don’t know the difference between a modern roping saddle and a period half seat a fork of the 1870s. They rely on the wranglers and propmasters to bring the right gear. Contrary to what some movie directors and producers may think, today’s

historian’s background and a working cowboy’s background, so a Western is a thing of the heart for me. Beyond that, I feel that in telling a story through film, or any medium for that matter, it is the collection of details that illustrate the story, and for the story to be credible, the details must also be credible. “Westerns have not always paid attention to correct details of the material

“The main difference in my saddles from the originals is they are built on wider trees. Horses back then were very narrow, most original saddles won’t fit today’s horses. Customers always ask ‘aren’t those uncomfortable without padding?’ I tell them that the people who rode those saddles back then put a lot more miles on them than we ever will,” Carrico laughs, “So toughen up!” audience knows the difference. If the story is set in the 1870s and the actor is riding a wrangler’s 1980 team roping saddle with rubber horn wraps, they might as well be driving a 1980 Chevy pickup across the screen as far as I’m concerned.” Accuracy in a period film is paramount for Keith Walters. “I came from both a


culture of the historical American West. Hollywood has come to the point of researching itself when it comes to Westerns, rather than looking at the artifacts and the sources of the time. “Working with filmmakers like Joel and Ethan Coen moves storytelling outside the usual Hollywood formula and makes historical accuracy an integral

part of the process.” Carrico crafted Jeff Bridges’ and Matt Damon’s gun belts, saddle bags, and rifle scabbards. He rented the studio about 12 saddles. “I try to rent all my saddles. They take too long to build, and if the movie company is in a hurry, which they always are, it doesn’t give me enough time to build a saddle. Whereas, I can make a lot of holsters, belts, saddlebags in a few weeks if needed.” Carrico feels fortunate to have worked with with a lot of today’s film stars. “They are very professional and down right good people.” When asked if he has any particular story that stands out, he says, no. “I don’t have one stand-out story, but could tell stories all night around the campfire!” d Some of Carrico’s other films, include: Appaloosa; Jonah Hex; The Alamo; The Last Samurai; The Missing; The Real Cowboys; 3:10 To Yuma; Bunker Hill; Into The West; Ride With The Devil; Wild, Wild, West; and many more TV movies and documentaries.

Try to aim your poop in the grain bucket. This helps minimize mucking time.

The Art of Aging

~ Keith Walters ~ “Making an article look as if it has been used and is not brand new is known as ‘aging’ and is part of creating both props and costumes. Various methods are used for various items. Leather goods typically go through a breaking in process. They are broken down in gradual stages, and then brought back with oils, greases, etc. to give them a used, but maintained appearance. The trick is to find the ‘broken in’ look and not make a piece worn out and ragged. People who depended on certain items took care of them. And one of the things that makes me the craziest is the idea that because you're making a film about an older time, everything in it should look old and worn out, or that because photos from the 19th century were in black and white there were no colorful articles. I try to approach a Western with a contemporary perspective, that is, contemporary to the particular time. There is a distinct difference in ‘broken in’ and ‘about to break’. For this same reason I rarely use antiques or original pieces unless they are in exceptional condition. And this puts craftsmen like David Carrico, and the other few I depend on, at a premium for me. They are able to recreate articles from the past so that they look as if they are in the same usable condition they were in 130 years ago.

Top Left: David Carrico in his shop Left: Saddle bags, signed by Jeff Bridges Right: ‘Rooster’s’ pommel holsters

Photo credit: Images from ‘True Grit’ pages 19-22, Dave Allocca / Starpix for Paramount Pictures. Photo, David Carrico, this page, Colleen Surridge/Parsons Sun

2011 ~ Spring Rein



“They told me you had grit, and that is why I came to you.” The time is the 1870s, the setting frontier America just after the Civil War, and the taleteller is Mattie Ross, who at 14 years old journeys to Fort Smith, Arkansas determined to extract justice for the death of her father, shot in cold blood. The Academy Award winning Coen brothers have never made a Western before, but filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen, stirring adaptation hones in on the plain-spoken humor, bold storytelling, and rough beauty of Charles Portis’ classic American novel. In 1968, The Saturday Evening Post published a serial novel that riveted readers with a story that immediately felt like a grand and timeless American legend, and kept them hungering for more. This was Charles Portis’ True


Grit. Laced with deadpan humor, rife with ruggedly individualistic characters, and cut through with richly American themes, the novel would take on a life of its own. It is this novel, not the 1969 John Wayne classic, that the Coen’s recreated in this Oscar-nominated film. Although, like the Duke, Bridges was asked to ride, reins in teeth, shooting with both hands. “I remember that day well,” says Jeff Bridges, who portrays Portis’ Rooster Cogburn, “You know [I felt] a little anxious ~ a little fear. I mean, I ride, but you know, to [hold the reins ] in my teeth?! But we did it, and it wasn’t as tough as I thought it would be actually. It was kind of cool. The horse kept the rhythm well and that’s basically it from

my point of view.” “We never considered leaving the scene out,” says co-producer Ethan Coen. “The scene shows the horsemanship of that period.” “The riding was fun,” says 14-year-old Oscar nominee, Hailee Steinfeld. “I used to ride English a couple years ago so to be able to pick up back on that, that was fun.” Hailee did all of the riding except some of the riding in the river . The movie has authenticity. “You know there are people who authenticity really matters to. It’s important and that the film have amazing props people like Keith Walters who is extremely wound up about that stuff and that’s great.” True Grit received ten Oscar nominations for 2011.

When in doubt ~ always send the new herd member to go first. That way you won’t get blamed if anything goes wrong.

2011 ~ Spring Rein




ho is Fugly anyway?

Opinionated, sarcastic, and does not suffer fools gladly. That’s Cathy Atkinson, Cathy is the voice behind the incredibly successful blog, ‘The Fugly Horse of the Day”. Roughly 35,000 unique visitors come each month to see what’s on her mind. And she doesn’t hold back letting anyone know. Some choice snippets of her targets (just to get the flavor of Fugly): Abusers I just want to tie them to a post so I know where they are ~ A title of her March 31/09 entry about an animal abuser who simply moved to a new state to continue her bad behavior. Stupid owners Wah! Wah! I broke it! I want a new one! ...if you managed to founder him in the few days you have owned him and ruin him for good, but guess what, sunshine, this is YOUR responsibility. Cowgirl up and at least have the decency to euthanize the horse that you broke, instead of putting him on Craigslist for a kill buyer to get. And if you think you can tell who is a kill buyer, you are even dumber than your spelling skills would suggest. ~ Feb 17/11. Pro-Slaughter It’s not better than starving, and they’re starving anyway! One of the lines I always have to hear from the pro-slaughter crowd is that slaughter is better than starving to death. While I myself consider this to be a questionable argument (somewhat akin to asking whether you’d rather die of pancreatic cancer or get stabbed to death by a serial killer in a dark alley), I also think that the availability of slaughter does not in the slightest affect the likelihood of starvation. ~


So what led to this popular rant/blog? One day, Cathy was browsing Craigslist and saw this broodmare who, in Cathy’s words, “was just... hideous. She was buckskin, and I am pretty sure that is why they bred her. She had a huge hammerhead, a long back, was post legged, camped under... there was just no limit to what was wrong with this mare. Yet, someone had bred her. I was going to just e-mail it to my horsey friends, which is what I normally did, but then I decided to put it on a blog. That was May 30, 2007.” And she, unfortunately, has not ex-

hausted the stories to blog about. Cathy grew up at a polo barn in Wisconsin, learning to ride on retired polo ponies who, she says, weren’t too thrilled with the experience, and spent a lot of time trying to off load her. “I got my first horse as a teenager out of that lesson string after he broke someone else’s neck. I trained and taught lessons as my primary occupation for a little over a dozen years, and consider myself to be a good basic hunt seat instructor ~ after about the two-foot fence mark, I passed them along to someone else and some of ‘my’ kids have done very well at the big shows.” She got out of the horse business and went back to school, and now, she says she’s “just another opinionated, middleaged horse owner with a non-horsey day

job.” She does a little bit of private rescue, by which she means that she picks up old mares out of the kill pen as the budget allows, and doesn’t try all that hard to adopt them out. “Typically, I just give them their last few years of enjoying proper care (as opposed to the condition they arrived in) until they are ready to go.” Cathy has one going blind right now, and another with DSLD (Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis). “In recent years, I have exercised and/or trained horses for several nonprofit rescues including Save a Forgotten Equine, Cowgirl Spirit, and Falcon Ridge Equine Rescue. And of course I’m still involved in polo ~ that’s my great love.” Although Cathy didn’t put her name on the blog, she doesn’t try to hide it. “I didn’t identify myself when the blog first >

Humility will come to all of those who sit on a high horse.

The Equine Experience

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2011 ~ Spring Rein



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by Tim Cox

began, but I didn’t try too hard to hide it either. Everyone has known who I am since 2008.” In the years Fugly has been around, some things have changed, and a lot stays the same, she says. “I think it’d be arrogant to say anything was directly due to my blog. The change I’ve seen in the industry in recent years is that people are not afraid to ask why something is being bred, and question that, rather than just cooing over foals and telling everybody their horse is beautiful. I do think that my willingness to be outspoken on the topic has emboldened others. People are tired of seeing senseless death and suffering, and as with dogs and cats, a lot of the senseless death and suffering in the horse world is related to over-breeding.” Over breeding is what sticks in her craw the most. “It’s like any other business. Why would you produce more product than there is a demand for? Too many people get caught up in their little fantasy world of horse breeding and forget to run it like a business. They don’t do their research, they don’t keep track of their expenses. It’s no wonder they keep winding up in trouble with more mouths than they can feed.” She feels that the most important impact of her blog is the wonderful emails she receives from people telling me that they took her advice about how to feed their senior horse, and he is fat again. If you choose to breed horses, there is nothing wrong with expecting you to train them appropriately to their age so that someone will want to buy them who is not a kill buyer. ~ “Fugly”

“They send pictures. Makes my day.” She has noticed a change on Internet boards. “I see people, now, on message boards who will soundly smack down anyone who says a horse is thin because he’s old ~ and that used to be commonly accepted (even though it was always false). Horses are skinny because of poor nutrition, teeth, ulcers, parasites, something... not because of age. Never because of age.” And, with over-breeding, comes the inevitable slaughter issue. Cathy rails against the argument that slaughter is needed or horses will just starve, she says, “I am always amused by this argument, because no fewer horses are being

slaughtered now than were slaughtered recently when we still had plants in the U.S. They are just being slaughtered in another location. The reason you see so many horses starving right now is that the U.S. economy is a disaster and ten percent of us are out of work. Of course people can’t feed their horses. Again, look at the economy, use common sense, and breed fewer horses. Raise the value of the ones you already bred by training them to do a job or compete in some way. “Bottom line, horses are a luxury. No one is required to own one, and no one should breed one without realizing they are doubling the cost of keeping the dam. If you choose to own horses, there is nothing wrong with expecting you to pay for euthanasia at the end of the animal’s life, just like we do with our dogs and cats. If you choose to breed horses, there is nothing wrong with expecting you to train them appropriately to their age so that someone will want to buy them who is not a kill buyer.” Much good has come from the Fugly efforts. She is particularly proud to have been a part of the media blitz about the Three Strikes Ranch disaster in 2009 that led to the seizure of all of the surviving horses. “I ended up being asked by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) to come to help with a round up from thousands of acres of sparse rangeland in Nebraska. A group, comprised of HSUS staff and volunteers, got 220 surviving horses, mostly unhandled, off that property with no injuries to horses or humans, and many of those horses are enjoying great lives today. And the perpetrator ~ a typical, egocentric idiot who thought he was a mustang trainer and a rescuer ~ got convicted of 145 counts of felony animal abuse. Cathy says that due to the efforts of Jason’s neighbor, Vicki Freiburger, who turned him in despite the very real fear of retaliation, the horses were saved. “That took a lot of courage. [The horses] would not have lasted much longer. I’d say that’s true in most of these neglect cases. The difference between life and death is the nosy neighbor with the guts to actually file a report. Be that nosy neighbor!” Does she have any regrets at unleashing her opinions to the world? “I do get death threats, but ultimately I figure that if I get shot by some angry target of the blog, my friends will name a polo tournament after me and that would be seriously awesome.” f

“I portray the cowboy because it is what I have known all my life, as far back as I can trace my family tree. It is the feeling of freedom, space, the outdoors, the magnificent landscapes, the light, the honesty and values of the western spirit and family. I couldn’t paint anything else. This is my passion and it is what I know and love.”


im Cox has been creating Western scenes all his life. His oil paintings allow us to glimpse into the lives of the modern cowboy ~ ranchers driving cattle, a bronc buster, a family trail ride, campfires on a snowy mountain, and the weather-worn cowhands with their faithful dogs. Now this remarkable artist has been given the post of President of the Cowboy Artists of America.

“A Well Earned Drink” ~ Tim Cox

surviving organization of fine art artists; they have just completed their 45th Annual Cowboy Artists of America Art Show and Exhibition, held at the Phoenix Art Museum. Tim has been painting professionally since 1975 and has received numerous awards including the 2003 “Prix de West Purchase Award” and “Express Ranches Great American Cowboy Award” in 2004 and 2007 from the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. In 2001, he received the “Will Rogers Western

“The older I get the more important it is for me to put down in paint the places and things in the west that I have seen before they disappear.” ~ Tim Cox Doing what he needs to do

Born in Safford, raised in Duncan, Arizona, Tim Cox aspired to be an artist his whole life. “The older I get the more important it is for me to put down in paint the places and things in the west that I have seen before they disappear. “Cowboys on horseback in country like this speak volumes about the deep affection that I have for good horses and wide open spaces.” In a 1975 high school English class essay, he wrote that one of his fondest wishes was to be a member of the Cowboy Artists of America. His wish was granted in 2007 when he was invited to join the prestigious group. After serving on the Board of Directors for a year, he is now the current President. The longest


Artist Award” for Artist of the Year from the Academy of Western Artists and the “Olaf Wieghorst Best of Show Award” from the Mountain Oyster Club three times. He won the purchase award at the Governor’s Invitational Art Show at Cheyenne Frontier Days three times as well. Tim was voted into U.S. Art Magazine’s “Print Hall of Fame” in 2000 and in 2008, Decor Magazine listed him as one of the fourteen “Most Enduring and Successful Poster Artists.”

the beauty is in the detail

Tim Cox’s work hangs in the permanent collections of the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, The Booth Western Art Museum in Cartersville, Georgia, and in the Old West Museum in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

While most of his time is consumed by painting, Tim regularly rides and works on various ranches throughout the West. He combines the basic ingredients of color, value, perspective, and pleasing design with his desire to be a perfectionist in portraying the real working cowboy. This perfectionism earned Tim the “Ayudando Siempre Alli Award” from the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association for his contributions to agriculture. Alisa Ogden, President of the Association said: “Along with lifting our spirits, Tim Cox’s special images keep the magic of the cowboy alive for literally tens of thousands of city folks across the nation and around the world.” “I portray the cowboy because it is what I have known all my life, as far back as I can trace my family tree. It is the feeling of freedom, space, the outdoors, the magnificent landscapes, the light, the honesty and values of the western spirit and family. I couldn’t paint anything else. This is my passion and it is what I know and love. “I paint the details because, in the agriculture business, it is the small details that make the difference between profit and loss; survival or failure. I paint for the people that live this life.” Tim now resides outside of Bloomfield, New Mexico, where he continues to raise a few cattle and train horses with his daughter Calla and wife Suzie.

If it crinkles, there is either a delicious treat or a horse hungry monster.

Your Show Style

What’s new, hot, and looks the best for this show season By Cindy Chesnutt


re you an arena fashionista or fashion faux pas? Let our tips for the 2011 show season help prepare you for the best look for your budget. So what’s in this year? Color! Pretty much anything goes as long as it complements your horse. Add to that, all the bling, glitz, and glamour you can afford. While black never goes out of style, you most often see it used in your accessories like hats, chaps, and boots. The new neutrals are well coordinated shades of brown, tan, and cream for all figure types and ages. Want to make sure you get seen on the rail and not lost half way across the arena? Try show tops in white with lots of colored crystals or colored appliqués. Even in the poorest lighting, the judge can still find you. Form-fitting show tops with tailored princess seaming still reign supreme in all your pleasure and horsemanship classes. Look for asymmetrical contrasting fabric, from the waistline down, for a trendy

body of the show top, are a very popular trend as well. Vests are out for now, but you will see a classy alternative in vest-like tops that have attached sleeves, usually in a patterned, lightweight complimentary fabric. They have the appearance of a vest that looks like it is layered over a blowsy dress shirt underneath, for a very feminine look. Hats at all levels are the crowning piece to your show wardrobe. The shape, color, crown, or brim size can make or break your entire look. Look for low set crowns and a narrower shaped crease for the latest style. White, sand, and cream hats are the hottest colors followed closely by various shades of brown and black. If you haven’t tried a white hat please do give serious consideration to adding one to your Western wardrobe. White helps to brighten and illuminate your face from a distance in addition to giving a clean sophisticated look when worn with tops that have white detailing. Brim trims using crystals along the edge or in a design, are still in vogue, but stay away from adding anything to the hat band. Look for asymmetrical contrasting fabric, Also, don’t forget to have from the waistline down, for a trendy look your hat cleaned, shaped that can also help hide problem areas. and blocked by your local professional before your first show. look that can also help hide problem Don’t forget to coordinate with a areas. Shorter lengths that can be worn matching saddle pad, that complements out over the top of your pants and chaps, and doesn’t detract, and you’re ready to can easily take you from one class to the show! a other without investing in several outfits. Showmanship classes will have the same What Color to Wear good styling, but with a longer jacket length and matching pants, for a clean on Your Horse? continuous look. Matching dyed boots will Gray Jewel Tones finish the look. (red, purple, Sorrel Stretch fabric tops, will continue to be Chestnut blue, fuchsia) popular for rail classes as they are very Bay Palomino comfortable to wear and easy to care Buckskin Black for. Look for these in heavily glittered Dun White or sequined fabrics that will reflect light Gray for high drama. Not enough sparkle? Neutrals Palomino Additional crystals can easily be purchased Buckskin (tan, sand, and applied to get the desired look. chocolate, Grulla Collar styles are pretty much what white) Sorrel/ we’ve seen for the last few years, but the Sorrels Chestnut oversized “French” or “Hollywood” style Chestnut cuffs are old school. The new classier look Earth Tones Bay is a straight sleeve, with lots of crystal (teal, green, Palomino embellishments, contrasting color fabric turquoise) or appliqués at the end of the sleeve that Black Bay coordinate with the rest of the top. Collars Looks good on Black and cuffs, made of the same fabric as the White any horse


Your horse will always prove you wrong with an audience present.

By Danvers Child, CJF

TO SHOE OR NOT TO SHOE? Whether you’re cruising horse sites on the Internet or flipping through the equine section at the supermarket newsstand, you’ll likely encounter some strongly held opinions. Currently, many of the opinions being forwarded are focused on hoof care; specifically, they’re focused on a debate about whether it’s better for your horse to be barefoot or to wear shoes. It’s the nature of debate that the middle ground is often ignored, and this debate stays the course, with each side tending to forward their belief as the way rather than as A way. Interestingly enough, the people at the extremes in this debate are ~ for the most part ~ not farriers and hoof care professionals. Instead, they’re primarily horse owners. In fact, the professional farrier is seldom involved in the decision as to whether a horse should be shod or not. More often than not, our clients specifically ask us to shoe their horse or to trim it; it’s rare that they ask our opinion on the matter. When the professional farrier is involved in making these decisions, however, the decision is not generic. Instead, knowledge and experience govern his decision making, and whether he articulates the criteria and variables or not, a number of factors (ranging from environment and usage to conformation) get consideration on a horse-by-horse basis. Ultimately, if the professional farrier opts to shoe rather than trim, his decision making will hinge on one (or more) of the three basic reasons for shoeing: to protect the foot, to address traction concerns, to alter or enhance gait. PROTECTION The idea of protecting the hoof encompasses a number of concerns. The obvious need occurs when a horse’s rate


of hoof wear exceeds his rate of hoof growth, which is most often seen when the horse is working hard on abrasive surfaces. Likewise, horses working on hard, uneven, or rough terrain may well need some extra protection to avoid breakage and/or bruising. Since the front limbs are more weight bearing than the hind and since they typically have less concavity, you will occasionally see farriers opt to protect the front with shoes, while leaving the hinds unshod. With many horses, this works quite well; however, it can cause problems with growth disparity, timing, traction, and other concerns. Additionally, a hoof that’s been compromised by injury or disease will often need to be protected in some manner, whether permanently or temporarily. While this might bring pictures of elaborate shoes to mind, it can sometimes be as simple as applying a conventional shoe to provide a solid base of support. TRACTION The leading edge of the bare hoof, along with its concavity and the texture and shape of the frog, provides a fair amount of traction. In fact, on many surfaces, the barefoot horse will have more traction than the conventionally shod horse. In some situations, however, it’s advantageous to add traction. Horses that are travelling on pavement, concrete, ice, and other slick surfaces will often need additional traction whether barefoot or conventionally shod. Likewise, horses working on turf can benefit from studs or concave shoes, and horses being asked to pull a load will often benefit from traction added to a conventional appliance. Just as we sometimes find the need to add traction, we occasionally find the need to take it away. Horses working in deep footing will often benefit from

shoeing that provides them with some sort of “flotation” that keeps them from getting too deep in the ground and laboring. Likewise, usage will sometimes dictate that a horse has some slippage, as with reining horses and ~ to a lesser extent ~ calf roping horses. In these cases, shoeing with a wide-webbed shoe, a plain-stamped shoe, extended heels and other specialty modifications or appliances can be beneficial. GAIT ALTERATION The idea of shoeing for gait alteration makes one think of gaited horses, weighted shoes, and exaggerated action. While attempting to modify or exaggerate a horse’s gait to meet some breed standard is among the reasons for shoeing, a more solid reason for shoeing to alter gait has to do with the horse’s health and safety. In this respect, shoeing for gait alteration is most often associated with a farrier attempting to keep a horse from hitting himself or interfering in some way. While this type of shoeing can get very technical on racetracks (especially with harness horses), it has its place in the work-a-day world as well. A good farrier can often make adjustments and fine tune an appliance to help a horse that’s over-reaching or forging. Likewise, he can make adjustments in breakover ~ through shoe placement, rolled toes, or rockered toes ~ to help compensate for uneven gaits. Whether you’re trimming or shoeing, a regular maintenance program provided by a competent farrier is essential to the health and well being of your horse. And it wouldn’t hurt to ask that farrier’s opinion about what’s best for your horse.


Danvers Child, CJF writes hoof care articles for the American Farrier’s Association (AFA). To learn more about the AFA, hoof care education, and farrier certification, please visit www.americanfarriers.org. Article reprinted with the author’s permission. All rights reserved.

Show clothes (preferably prior to showing) make wonderful napkins.

2011 ~ Spring Rein



Disclaimer: The advice given in these responses does not replace advice given by your own horse’s health care team. There is no warranty or liability assumed. These responses are for informational purposes only. Case-specific veterinary advice will not be given, as a valid practitioner-patient-veterinary relationship is not present.

Understanding HYPP


: I have a Paint mare and

recently discovered she has Impressive in her bloodlines (APHA doesn’t require n/n, etc on papers) what is HYPP’s symptoms, and what tests can be done?”


: To start, I am sure many people will want to know what HYPP stands for. HYPP is the acronym for Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis. “Hyper” means excess, “kalemic” means bloodstream potassium, “periodic” means off and on, and “paralysis” is loss of muscle functionality. The genetic mutation that gave rise to the HYPP gene that codes for this condition in horses originated in a Quarter Horse stud named “Impressive”. He sired an amazing 1,500 foals! He was valued for his great muscling and crisp muscle definition. It took a while to distinguish this clinical syndrome from tying up, or other


conditions known at the time, and it took even longer to identify the gene, and design feeding programs and lifestyle recommendations to limit potassium flux. Related breeds such as Paint, Appaloosas may also carry this gene, though the prevalence in these breeds is lower than in the Quarter Horse. The condition is coded for by a single gene (autosomal dominant) that controls the sodium channel in the cell membranes, so that if the horse gets one copy from a sire or dam, they will be N/H, and mildly afflicted. If both parents carry the gene, the horse will be H/H and be severely affected. In the Quarter Horse registry, a horse must be tested negative (N/N) before being allowed into the registry. Sodium channels and potassium levels are intertwined, and lack of closure of the sodium channels during depolarization of muscle cells provides a channel for potassium to leak out, increasing blood levels and leading to muscle malfunction. Both skeletal (striated) and

smooth muscles are affected so weakness signs include internal organs as well as locomotion muscles. The APHA does not require testing for this condition, but your veterinarian can arrange for DNA blood testing to be done if you wish to know whether your horse has the HYPP gene. For those who are unfamiliar with the signs of HYPP, they can vary in severity, and can recur with high or low frequency. If managed correctly with diet and lifestyle changes, signs may be well controlled to absent. Even young foals can show signs, so it is not just a condition of adult, exercising horses. Signs may include: • Twitchy superficial muscles that can be confused with fly swatting reaction • Weakness, respiratory noise from trouble breathing • Abnormal heart rhythm and ECG • Shaky muscles, muscle spasms, and unsteady gait

Stand on the south side of your barn - no wind/rain/snow on that side and the sun hits it first.

• Poor anesthetic recovery • Prolapsed third eyelid • Reluctance to get up or move • Collapse • Death from paralysis of heart or breathing muscles Preventive management includes avoiding high potassium feedstuffs such as alfalfa hay, reducing stress, moderating exercise, plenty of turnout, feeding schedule adjustments to minimize potassium influx, and using manufactured concentrates that are designed with low potassium content. Feeding small frequent meals of low potassium feed will help to reduce flux. As well, a low glycemic diet that minimizes insulin surges is ideal. If a horse requires anesthesia, very careful monitoring and adjunctive supportive measures will be required to ensure a good recovery. If it is a severe episode of HYPP, veterinary treatment with intravenous fluids and medications will be required. If you think your horse has HYPP signs, contact your veterinary care team promptly for assessment. Severe episodes are life threatening so do not wait for it to improve before calling the vet. r Dr. Kathleen Cavanagh has been an instructor for the Equine Guelph/University of Guelph Diploma and Certificate in Equine Studies for five years. She instructs in the courses Health and Disease Prevention, and Nutrition. Dr. Cavanagh is the Online Editorial Manager for the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, and their main “Ask the Expert” resource. She is an active veterinary education consultant and author/editor, with an Honours Specialized B.Sc. in Genetics, Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine, and Masters of Educational Technology degrees. She was awarded the Rankin Memorial Equine Scholarship in the DVM program, and has been an equestrian for 43 years, currently riding and showing her horse in the A Arabian circuit.

2011 ~ Spring Rein



If you’ve been in the horse industry long enough, you’ve either heard of it or lived through it: Barn Drama. Stressful, unproductive, and at times entertaining to outsiders. Heck, we should have a ‘Real Horse Wives’ reality show! “I had no where to put my horse,” says Amy Carson. “And I had no idea why every barn in the area was basically shunning me!” What Amy didn’t know then, but learned soon after, was that a disgruntled barn owner had been telling other barn owners in the area that Amy was a bad boarder and her horse was dangerous. “It’s not true. I never had a problem during all the time I boarded with her. She just got mad when I told her I had to leave because of constantly finding my horse’s stall wasn’t cleaned and a few other things.” Amy was a victim of “Defamation of character.”

Slander vs Libel “Defamation of character is a legal claim that includes libel and slander. ‘Slander’ is verbal defamation of character. ‘Libel’ is written defamation of character,”

explains, Rachel Kosmal McCart. Rachel is the founder of Equine Legal Solutions, PC ,and an equine attorney who practises in four states. Because the barn owner was spreading untruths, Amy could have taken legal action, but she didn’t. “I finally found a new barn, and I just wanted to put it all behind me. But the stress it caused was horrible. I couldn’t sleep for weeks,” she says. “In fact, sometimes I feel like I just want to go to all those other barn owners and tell them my side.” If, however, Amy’s former barn owner had been speaking about true events, she would have legally been in the right. “‘Truth’ is a defense to a claim based on slander,” explains Karen ThompsonHarry B.A.(Hons), JD. Barrister and Solicitor, Mediator, Arbitrator, Collaborative Family Lawyer, based in Erin, Ontario. “This [‘truth’] requires credible, admissible evidence to establish the truth of the defamatory allegation or innuendo.” “People talk, and gossip is inevitable. Gossip can be as innocent as a chat with a friend,” says Thompson. “It need not be ‘malicious’. Clearly, the best way to avoid ‘gossip gone wrong’ would be to always keep the lines of communication open by having regular open meetings

with the boarders, or a suggestion box? Encourage people to ask questions, without being defensive.

in the barn Barn owners have found their businesses destroyed by wagging tongues, both about them, and from their boarders talking about each other. Pauline Fiddick, of Fiddick’s Quarter Horses in Petrolia, Ontario, works hard to put the lid on gossip and drama. She explains what led to her taking a firm stand on barn drama. “I came to the conclusion that I cannot control what other people choose to spend their time doing. What I can control is myself and what I allow to affect my life,” she says. “This barn is a large part of my life. When [the drama] started to have a negative effect, things needed to change. When it was done, there were some unhappy people, but they were gone. The remaining boarders all were happier at the barn. Everyone was enjoying being in the barn more.” Amy agrees. “I am now at a barn where we all are friendly, but we don’t get too involved in each other’s lives. Maybe it’s better that way.” She ponders it for a minute then adds, “But even I know I enjoyed listening to gossip that seemed

to run rampant at the old place.” Amy feels bad, but it’s not unnatural for people to love to listen to the trials and tribulations of others. However, when it becomes malicious, and has the intent of ostracizing someone, no one wins. “I remember when a new person came to board at the old place. She was a bit different, her horse was pushy, and that started it.” Amy tells of how the other boarders and barn helpers would hate dealing with the new boarder’s horse, and then they all started picking at the smallest things and complaining to the barn owner about her. “Even though, when I think it through, that woman re-

reputation of the barn, and potentially cause financial loss for the owners of the stable. So first lesson is of course don’t exaggerate the truth, or more bluntly, don’t lie. “If you are going to lie be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions, which could result in your writing a significant check to cover the damage that you have caused. Don’t spread rumors. Go to the source to verify the accuracy of the ‘story’. In this case, go to the staff member and ask if the horse escaped because they did not latch the gate. “There is also the defence of ‘Fair Comment’, which is where someone can defend the action for libel/slander on

it is explained at that time our stand on gossip, drama, stealing, and that boarders should remember they are guests here. I do encourage them to come to me with any concerns or issues they have. I prefer they talk to me and I promise to listen. I don’t dismiss anyone with their concerns. That is not how I would want to be treated. “Discussion is a good thing. I want to know if another barn was robbed, or a certain type of fence is bad for horses. As a barn owner you need to be warned if a new boarder is thinking about coming to you that has been in five barns in six months, but I also want to hear that the group at another barn did really well at the last show. When you focus on positive things in a positive manner it makes for a nice environment to be around. I don’t like hearing about who’s cheating on who or that person spent way to much on a horse and they are not a good enough rider.”

Cyber drama

ally did nothing other than have a pushy horse, she ended up feeling unwelcome and disrespected. She left.” A barn owner that doesn’t put a halt to gossip, and often takes part in it, is open for situations that could spiral out of control. Thompson explains where communication derails. “When there is a discussion between two people that only involves them (i.e., a boarder challenging a staff member of being negligent by leaving the fence unlatched resulting in her horse escaping), this is not defamatory, as the conversation is only between these two people. But if, for example, the boarder is sharing this story with other boarders, and the story is not true, for example the horse kicked the gate and broke the latch, this would damage the


the basis that they gave an expression of opinion that they could honestly hold in light of the proven facts, even if the opinion was prejudicial or irrational. There must be a connection between the opinion and the facts.” Rachel Mc Cart advises barn owners that the best way to handle barn gossip is not to entertain it in the first place. “If the gossipers don’t perceive the barn owner as someone who will act on gossip, they won’t bother the barn owner with it. If the barn owner does happen to hear something troubling, they should do their own private fact-finding and if appropriate, take action to enforce barn policies.” Fiddick has a little chat with potential boarders when touring her facility. “When I give them a tour of the barns

Amy discovered that her former barn owner was spreading rumors by hearing through Facebook what she’d been saying. “I noticed an odd post on the Facebook page of a barn I had applied to board at,” she says. Although she wasn’t a friend of the barn owner, the new barn’s page was public, and the former owner had posted that Amy’s horse was destructive and she shouldn’t take them in. “I couldn’t believe what I was reading! I took a screen capture of it, and went right to the old barn owner. She said it wasn’t about my horse, but I know it rattled her.” Internet message boards and social media have given gossipers and drama divas more opportunities to spread their agendas. On message boards, many people hide behind what they think is an anonymous identity, posting harshly about others and without fear of being called on it. But message boards are not a safe haven for bullies. “Most of the time,” says Mc Cart, “defamatory chat board posts die out pretty quickly. For someone who has been defamed, it can be very tempting to log on and defend yourself, set the record straight. But, by acknowledging the defamatory remarks, you can give them more credibility than they otherwise would have, and unwittingly cause them to go viral and reach a much broader Always make friends with the lead mare.

2011 ~ Spring Rein



audience. Plus, legitimate businesses should take the high road and avoid engaging in he-said, she-said chat board arguments.” Owners of boards should be careful. There have been suits against defamatory comments on bulletin boards in the US. “If the site is moderated (i.e., the forum has a live person reviewing posts and deciding what stays and what goes), the website owner has potential liability, particularly if they are aware that specific remarks are defamatory and they decide to leave them up on the website,” explains Mc Cart. Thompson continues, “It is difficult of course when it is anonymous. Internet Service Providers (ISP) refuse to hand over voluntarily information that may identify an anonymous poster who is one of their subscribers. The plaintiff (or the one who feels wronged) would have to start a court action that establishes a case for libel/defamation against the anonymous poster. The court can then order the ISP to disclose the identifying information. Further the ISP could be ordered to preserve all of the evidence relating to this posting, pending the completion of the court action. So the ‘anonymous’ poster can be discovered.”


Can we Avoid the Drama? Reality TV didn’t become a hit accidentally. Producers know we all love to listen to the troubles of others. Some people enjoy it to help bolster their own self-esteem, some just like to hear about other’s lives. But although it seems to be a particular problem in the horse industry, it’s not. Fiddick says that she believes gossip is everywhere. “It is in every sport and every type group. I had to deal with it when my boys played hockey. You need to make an effort to not be a part of it.” Amy wonders if it’s due to the fact that most barns are filled with young girls. “I know that doesn’t sound politically correct, but I’ve boarded with men before, and they didn’t seem to get as involved as the females in the barn. They just came in, rode, and left,” she muses. “I also like boarding where a man owns the barn. Often, most young girls won’t go to a man to whine about another boarder.” McCart says, “A good rule to follow: Don’t act like you know what you’re talking about unless you actually do. For example, let’s say that there was an altercation between big-name trainers at a horse show. You weren’t at the show, but you read a chat board post about

the incident from someone who claimed to be there. Your friends are all talking about it at the next horse show. Your contribution should be nothing more than, “I wasn’t there, so I don’t know what happened.” Barn drama and horse industry gossip is not going to go away. And if you have genuinely witnessed abuse or mistreating of a horse, you should speak up. All too often, the opposite of gossip happens, and horse people don’t tell of their experiences and horses often end up taking the brunt of our inaction. c Rachel Kosmal McCart is the founder of Equine Legal Solutions, PC and an equine attorney who practices in four states. For more information about defamation in the horse industry and other equine legal topics, visit: www.equinelegalsolutions.com Karen Thompson-Harry B.A.(Hons), JD. Barrister and Solicitor, Mediator, Arbitrator, Collaborative Family Lawyer, Erin Ontario Pauline Fiddick, of Fiddick’s Quarter Horses in Petrolia, Ontario

Ponies are smarter than they are cute.

Clinic with Scott Carmichael Whether a seasoned horse person, or new rider, a Scott Carmichael clinic can help riders work more confidently and effectively with their horses. Scott, an AQHA Professional Horseman and Judge, divides the day into groundwork ~ to gain respect and control first ~ riding exercises, and a thorough explanation of bits and spurs. We’re presenting some of the highlights of Scott’s groundwork exercises that are a surefire way to help you and your horse work as a team.

Groundwork Basics

Before getting on a horse’s back, ground work will ensure you’re safe and your horse understands what you are asking.

Leading ~ Respect begins on the ground. Create a bubble around you. Your horse should never enter that ‘bubble’ without your invitation. You may enter his, but he cannot decide to enter yours. When leading a horse should stay to the side and back and don’t look at their eye as you lead. “Never let your horse lead you; his throat latch should not pass your shoulder.” Scott demonstrates that as soon as your horse passes your shoulder he is leading you, and you must take action. With the end of the rope, or your foot if you’re agile, correct the horse by thumping his chest. Back the horse to the place you began. Every time you lead your horse, use that opportunity to train. A good leading horse will also be

a good horse to trailer load. Scott recommends using a war bridle to teach a horse to come to pressure. “Better than a chain that can hurt a horse’s nose, a simple looped war bridle or even a long, soft lead can teach a horse to come toward you.” Scott warns that many horses jump into the forward, but with a long lead, such as a soft lariat, you can be out of their way. Remember to release pressure the moment they move forward.

Getting a horse to lower head

~ It’s important to have a horse willing to lower his head for you. Scott demonstrates applying pressure to a horse’s poll until it gives. “Stop as soon as there is some movement downward,” Scott explains, “in a short time you can have a horse that will bend nearly to the ground.”

Sacking out ~ Even an older horse

can benefit from sacking out exercises. Scott likes to use an empty feed bag, puffed out and duct-taped close making its neck a handle. “Leave a bit of grain in it to make noise,” he suggests. Introduce the bag to the horse slowly. Let him sniff it, rub it slowly and gently on his neck. “Increase the intensity of your movements gradually, and whatever you do on one side, you must do on the other as we all know the bag coming from the other side is a whole new experience to a horse.” Eventually build till the point you are swatting the horse all over his body. If an area gives him a particular problem, keep at it until he learns it’s no big deal. If you stop after a reaction, you’ve taught the horse that was the appropriate response.

Keep control of your horse’s body, keep a horse’s feet moving when they are worried. You don’t want them locking up. Scott suggests sacking out with different objects, too, in order to introduce your horse to as many things and situations as possible while you are on the ground. Sacking out will help your horse deal with ‘scary’ movements and help you have a more enjoyable relationship.

Ground tie ~

“Ground tying is the ultimate show of respect by a horse.” Scott demonstrates how to teach a horse to ground tie by allowing the lead to touch the ground and then backing away from the Safely teaching a horse to lift her foot. animal. “As soon as he moves, return him to the same position would be dangerous to work closely you started.” Repeat until he stands and with, wrap a soft lead around their reward. ankle and pull until you get movement. Let go as reward, increasing gradually until they pick up their foot readily. Picking up feet ~ Farriers will

appreciate your working on making your horse give his foot easily. Start slowly by working your hand down your horse’s leg moving toward the hoof. “Stand close to them; wait for them to give to you, do not forcefully grab their foot. If you have a kicker, or a horse that

Top Tips

“If you think it will happen, it probably will.” Scott suggests thinking positively about your riding even before you get to the barn to help allay fear. We can choose to build either fear or confidence in our minds.

Sacking out 2011 ~ Spring Rein



We make our horses one-sided. “Many horses are actually more muscled on the left side due to our habit. Then we ask them to be centered when we work them and it’s no surprise they are not.” Work both sides; learn to mount and dismount from both sides. “A horse looks for ways to get out of pressure. A horse will try many different ways to get out of a situation, so it’s up to us to continue to correct until they do what we’re asking ~ it’s only after they do it correctly that we reward with release.”

“Give a horse a job to do when he is behaving poorly. Keep his feet moving. Teach a horse to think, not just react.” “Read your horse. Don’t let your horse make decisions for you.” “It’s as easy to teach a horse to be bad as it is to be good; they learn from release, so be careful you’re not reinforcing the wrong behavior.” b

Rein is honored to present more of Scott Carmichael’s training tips in the upcoming issues. Scott is offering more clinics on horsemanship, showmanship, and show preparedness, and is always available for training and lessons.

Scott Carmichael is an AQHA Professional Horseman and AQHA Judge. He has trained multiple futurity champions and placed in the top five in almost all the major NSBA futurities. Scott trains Western Pleasure and all-around horses at his farm in Fenwick, Ontario. Prior to starting his own operation, he spent several years working under some of the top trainers in the Western Pleasure industry while living in Texas. Always eager to learn more, last winter Scott travelled to Australia and worked on a large Thoroughbred breeding farm.

Introducing mare to sack 44

A good kick in the butt will always get their attention.

E q u i n e B a c k T h e r a p y

2011 ~ Spring Rein




Braids are best left frayed and fuzzy.

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2011 ~ Spring Rein

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hy s i e u g q n S Fri &


Fences aren’t built for us to stay behind, they are built to help test our problem solving skills.

2011 ~ Spring Rein



Big Girls Don't Cry! Hopefully, better weather is on the way so we can all get out and enjoy our horses ~ without having to spend several hours de-mudding the hairy beasts! It’s always exciting to see the new Spring/Summer colors coming out of the Equestrian Brands and this year, plus-sized specialists Fuller Fillies have a palette of soft, feminine but practical colors to tempt us. ‘Hot off the trail’ are the new ‘Piper’ Breeches; made from a robust but lighter-weight, woven fabric which is super-retentive and fabulously flattering; with front pockets for all our bits and bobs and a smart matching belt for a perfect finish, the Piper also feature contrast piping around the pockets and down the outer leg ~ gorgeous detailing often forgotten on larger sizes! The Piper are available in either Black Pinstripe/Grey piping or Grey Check/Pink


piping. Being Fuller Fillies there is also a matching top; the ‘Polo’ is just the thing for Summer Trailriding as it is long sleeved with a collar to protect the back of your neck from the sun, and is made from lightweight, fast-wicking polyester. With a plain block color to match the Piper, the Polo has a deep V of either Purple (on the Black) or Pink (on the Grey) with white piping on both which keeps the Polo looking smart…the top is loose around the bosom but fitted to the hip which gives the most flattering outline for big gals! On the back of increasing demand from Western Riders, Fuller Fillies have brought out an additional ‘Bootleg’ style, (they already offer Denim Bootlegs.) Very similar to their ever-popular ‘Puppi’ Jods in fit and styling, the only difference is the flared lower leg, which has

also been cut longer to sit over your boots. In a light Tan shade, the new ‘Flare’ matches the ‘Wescot’ waistcoat, which was brought in last year – together they make for the perfect Western get-up! Readers might also like to check out the ‘Talli’ Hunt shirt; although brought out to meet the demands of the Hunt crowd, the Talli is such a comfortable top that we wouldn’t want you to miss out… fast-wicking, white stretch fabric with a soft, brushed inner, the Talli has a ¼ zip to the neck and subtle piping to the bodice which gives a lovely, semi-fitted shape that makes the most of feminine curves. For a list of Fuller Fillies’ Stockists & Web-Retailers in the USA & Canada visit: www.fuller-fillies.com and select the ‘Where To Buy’ button followed by a click on the ‘USA’ or ‘Canada’ options.

Deer must be feared. They put jumpers to shame; so you must take your human as far away from them as possible,so they don’t get any ideas.

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Disclaimer: The advice given in these responses does not replace advice given by your own horse. There is no warranty or liability assumed. These responses are for entertainment purposes only.

Counter Canter, donkeys, happiness And head shaking...


: Dear Fringe, Why won’t my horse counter-canter? And what’s the best way to teach lead changes?


: Why won’t you wear your

shoes on the opposite feet? Doesn’t feel right, does it? Okay, that was kind of ‘mare-ish’ of me, but that’s about the way it feels. Horse’s do not want to fall, and a counter-canter just makes us feel like we’re going to tip over. Now, here’s a secret about countercantering, it’s a great way to teach the flying lead change. (I whispered that because everybody in the barn will not be pleased I told you!) Start from the counter-canter. And, when you ask for the lead change, be dramatic! Ask like you’re physically swapping the leads yourself. One leg way off, the other leg hard on. (In my head I hear that as a “Da-DUM”) I’m practising flying lead changes with Squishy, but for some reason cats resist changing anything.



: Dear Fringe, Why does my horse hate the donkey? : He has no job! None that I can see anyway. Oh sure, sure, he stays up all night and makes noises at those coyotes. He gets grain that horses should have, for doing nothing! And he’s never asked to do anything but wear a silly hat. (Okay, maybe it’s good he has to wear the silly hat or I might have to... ) All right, the donkey can stay.


: Dear Fringe, What can I do to make you happy? : Repeat after me, “Carrots, apples, grain, good hay, face scratches.” Oh ya, and a job. We like jobs. Please don’t get mad at us if we don’t figure out what you want, either. Maybe you need to ask differently. We are happy when you are happy, too.


: Fringe, My horse always shakes his head in the crossties. What is that about? : ITCHY FACE! Or, your horse knows it bugs you. Perhaps your crossties are especially noisy... ohhh, love noisy stuff. Look at me, look at me! Oops, sorry, little side-tracked there. Basically, horses love to find something to do all the time. And if it happens to be annoying, all the better! f

Just when you think you have accomplished a lot, there is always another pile to make.

2011 ~ Spring Rein



Time for a new Trailer?

Trailer Shopping 101: Know Your Horse

By Janet Shaffer, Lazy B Trailer Sales, Inc.

If you’re thinking about getting a new trailer, you should know not only what works best for you, but also what works best for your horse. (As many of us know, what works for one horse, may not work for another.) Before spending a dime, pay attention to the following: • Is the trailer an appropriate size? Horses can feel claustrophobic in a too-small trailer, especially if they are inexperienced travelers. Make sure there is enough light for the horse, room to spread his legs if he needs to, and enough headroom that the horse isn’t cramped. It is very important that your horse can lower his head and cough when necessary to clear his respiratory tract. • Does the trailer offer adequate ventilation and protection from the elements? Windows and roof vents provide good ventilation, but should close securely when needed. Wood trailer floors also allow extra airflow. • Is the trailer safe for your horse? There should be no broken parts or sharp edges inside or outside the trailer. • Is there room to stash extras? There should be sufficient room for your horse’s tack and any additional items you carry on a regular basis. • Does everything in the trailer work right? Dividers, posts, and breast and butt bars should move freely and


release easily in case of emergency, but should be strong enough to handle normal wear and tear. • Is the trailer safe for you? An exit door is crucial if you need to leave the trailer quickly. An exit door also provides another way to reach your horse in case of an emergency. Ideally, you should be able to reach each horse you are trailering without unloading any other horses. • Is the trailer designed for safe loading? If the trailer has a ramp, it should be solid and provide adequate traction. If the trailer is a step-up, the height should such that your horse can easily enter, and should be wide enough that the horse can turn around to unload headfirst. • Is the trailer safe to tow? Make sure the trailer has no structural damage, and that the lights, brakes, and breakaway brakes all work. Also, make sure the tires are in good condition. • Is the trailer strong enough? The trailer must be sturdy enough to hand your horses and equipment, and hold up well in case of an accident. • Can your tow vehicle handle the load? No matter how perfect the trailer, it is unsafe to exceed your vehicle’s towing capacity. If you can’t safely haul the trailer and a full load, it’s time to consider another vehicle.

Picking a particular brand, model, or size doesn’t mean a thing if the trailer isn’t a good fit for you and your horse. Paying attention to the details ensures happy hauling! How to Find the Right Used Trailer If a custom-built trailer isn’t in your budget, it’s still possible to find what you need. Larry Mangrum, sales representative at Lazy B Trailer Sales, Inc., says “The secret to finding the right trailer is to make two lists ~ one of musthaves, and the other of extra options. Then visit a reputable dealer, and search both local publications and websites such as HorseTrailerWorld (www.horsetrailerworld. com), HorseTrailerTrader (ww.horsetrailertrader.com), and Trailer Traders™ (www. trailertraders.com) to see what’s available in your area and price range. If you’re clear about the necessities, it’s much easier to find exactly what you need.”

Remember, as much as you think you know, your horse knows more.

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2011 ~ Spring Rein




Professional farriers study extreme case

Research Shows Value of Blue-Green Algae for Horses Even with a 30-year background in the management of horses’ feet, Master Farrier Ernie Frye was overwhelmingly impressed with how one nutritional product as simple as blue-green algae could impact the health of the horse’s foot. Wayne Blevins, owner of E3Live For Horses, a blue-green algae product, said that Ernie Frye wrote him about a horse that had been plagued with a chronic and significant crack for years and year, rendering the horse lame and unusable. “I sent Ernie a supply of E3AFA, which is a powdered form of the blue-green algae. When I saw the photo of this horse’s hoof, I knew it was really serious. We’ve had incredible success with cracks over the years, but this was one of the worst cases I’ve seen ~ and I was a farrier for 25 years.” Unlike many professions where research is done in a laboratory, farriers typically do their research and trials in the field on live horses. Wayne and Ernie decided to feed the horse, whose name is ‘Streak,’ a heavy dose of E3AFA for an initial period, and not do any kind of farrier work on the animal, including no trimming, until they saw any kind of positive result from the blue-green algae. “Ernie’s camera puts a date stamp on all photos,” states Wayne, “so we could track


any changes. We were more than pleased with the solid hoof growth from the coronary band within six weeks ~ and this is after years and years of this poor horse not growing any healthy foot because of that crack and being completely lame because of it.” After 16 weeks of Streak being fed E3AFA, his foot continued to grow healthy material, allowing the farrier to help the animal with trimming and corrective shoeing. “There is no doubt that this horse would have been put down if the E3AFA didn’t completely turn around the health of this hoof,” reflects Wayne. “And the really extraordinary thing about this product is that it affects all aspects of the horse’s health, including their mind, performance and attitude. I believe people are becoming more astute about how nutrition affects everything in a person’s life, from physical health to mental well-being. The same is true of horses. By providing horses with a complete nutritional source as inclusive as E3AFA for horses, we give them every opportunity to achieve and maintain optimal health.” For more information about E3Live For Horses and E3AFA, visit www.E3LiveForHorses.ca or call 877.433.3412.

Always have ‘frosh week’ for the new kid ~ teaches them manners (most of the time) as soon as they step into your field.

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Dare to be different. The appaloosas seem to pull it off.


It’s not about how you fall; it’s all about how you land.

the paddock

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Honouring the life of your horse. Barry & Mary Hunter 4844 Marion Street Dorchester, ON N0L 1G4




Dinner always comes faster if you stand at the fence and stare.

2011 ~ Spring Rein



the feedbag

food worth leaving the barn for Maple-Glazed, Hot Chops Hot and sweet. (Just like our cowboys!) You be the judge of how much spice you want in your life.

Ingredients 1/2 cup flour 4 pork chops 1/4 cup cider vinegar 1/3 cup maple syrup 1 Tbsp cornstarch 1-2 Tbsp wing sauce (your call!) 2 Tbsp butter 3 Tbsp water 2/3 cup packed brown sugar Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 375F. Combine flour, salt, and pepper in a plastic bag. Place the chops into the mixture and shake. Drop chops into your pan, with a pat or two of butter and brown on both sides.


Once they’re nicely browned, put them into a casserole dish or oven-friendly, pan. Bake, uncovered, until juices run clear. (If your chops are about an inch thick, it should take about 30 to 35 minutes. Keep an eye on them.) Meanwhile, back at the skillet, pour in all the liquid ingredients except the syrup, get them boiling, reduce the fire, and add the syrup. Simmer for five minutes or until it’s nice and thick. Add the cornstarch to some water, whisk it ‘til it’s smooth, then add to the sauce. Bring the sauce back up to a boil, then turn it off, and pour it all over the chops in the casserole dish, broil them for about four minutes. (You might want to add a bit more maple just on the plated chops... depends how carried away you got with the hot sauce.)

Dinner’s Ready this is nutty Sweet Potatoes Ingredients 2 large sweet potatoes 2 Tbsp sugar 2 Tbsp milk 1 egg, beaten 1 Tbsp butter, melted 1/4 Tsp vanilla

TOPPING: 2 Tbsp chopped pecans 2 Tbsp brown sugar 1 Tbsp flour 1 Tbsp melted butter


Preheat oven to 350F. You can peel, chop, and drain your sweet potatoes, or you can do it the easy way ~ bake them in their skins for 30 to 40 minutes (‘til they’re soft), then slit them down the middle and squish ‘em out into your dish. After you get the mash into a casserole pan, mix in the sugar, milk, egg, butter, and vanilla until blended. Make up the topping, spoon it onto the sweet potatoes, and bake, uncovered, for about half an hour. Don’t let the topping burn!

Never pick up your foot the first time you’re asked. Make them work for it.

Here are the recipes, now all you have to do is find someone who will make it for you while you’re at the barn

Bean There, Yum that Ingredients 3 cups cooked, French-cut green 1 Tbsp olive oil 1 Tbsp white sugar 1/2 Vidalia onion (or pearl onions) 1 Tbsp mint leaves crushed Handful of pine nuts (optional) Salt and pepper to taste

Directions Now, we won’t tell if you use fresh, frozen, or even canned beans, but get them ready before you do all the rest. Slice the onion and pull apart into rings. Heat the oil and sugar in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the onions rings and cook them until they are browned and tender. Add them to your beans and mix it up with the left overs from the pan. Top with mint and pine nuts (if you can find them). Season with salt and pepper to taste.

2011 ~ Spring Rein

Tira-Miss You When You’re Gone Ingredients 1 16 oz tub, mascarpone cheese (Now, don’t go all cheap on this. Tiramisu must be made with mascarpone or the whole recipe won’t work. Then you’ll be telling your friends, ‘Oh, Rein’s recipe was a hot mess.’ Nope, we warned ya!)

6 egg yolks 3/4 cup white sugar 2/3 cup milk 1 1/4 cups whipping cream 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup espresso or strong cowboy coffee

(Let it cool down, you’re going to sticking your lady fingers in there... and the cookies)

2 tablespoons brandy

(Grand Marnier is recommended, or a wonderful orange flavor)

2 packages ladyfinger cookies 2 Tbsp dark, cocoa powder 1 square, sweetened, dark baking chocolate, shaved into curls


Directions Making Tiramisu is a a bit like making lasagna. First, whisk the yolks and sugar together in a sacuepan, then add milk and cook over a medium heat. Keep stirring and don’t let it scald. Let it rolling boil for about a minute, then remove from heat, pour into a dish, and cool in the fridge. Now, beat the whipping cream with the sugar until stiff. Fold the mascarpone into the cooled yolk mixture, and mix until smooth. Now, get some plastic bags and wear them like mittens (so you don’t get your fingers all over the fingers), and dip the cookies into the espresso until they are soaked. If you leave them too long they crumble. Layer the fingers into a pretty serving dish, and spread half of the cheese mixture over it, then spread half of the whipped cream. Then another layer of fingers, and the rest of the cheese and the whipped cream. (Basically, repeat till it’s all used up.) Sprinkle with cocoa and curls. Refrigerate at least four hours before serving.



Grain buckets are the best toys; blankets look better with some rips.


Photo credit: Jane McCormack Massaro, Spotless

the horse with a sense of humor

J.D. was ‘one of those horses.’ You know the type, the ones you swear are laughing at you from the other side of the barn. He learned to untie a slip knot, would wrap it around his neck, back up about two feet, then nicker until I noticed. Every single time I tied him up. Fun. He learned how to unlock his stall door latch, then would free his stable mates, and when they ran out for pasture, would eat all their grain. He was the horse the whole barn talked about. I never knew whether to be embarrassed or proud. He kept me on my toes. I’m a sucker for a character, and of all the horses I’ve own, he’s the horse I miss the most. J.D. was an equine comedian. Do you have one? We’d love to hear all about your horse’s antics! Email us at editor@reinmagazine.com and we might include your stories!


Spotting the Equine Comedian

Moves, just a bit, each time you move when you’re trying to catch him in the field. Usually, while refusing to be caught, will lead you to the muddiest part of the paddock. Has learned what annoying habit drives you bonkers the quickest. Be it, bucket thumping, teeth against the bars, or calling incessantly for friends while you’re in a lesson or show. Times farts until you are next to the judge.

Leans, heavily, while you’re cleaning his feet. Will straighten up if you glare ~ he has no idea what you’re angry about! Is a bloater. Will fill gut with air just as you go to tighten the saddle, and will gaze innocently upon you when the saddle slips from his back (taking you with it). Saves the pooping until you a) bring him into the clean barn, b) as soon as you pick out his stall, and/or c) when you are cleaning his back feet. Has mastered the fine art of water bucket pooping.

Eat like you have broken into the grain room, sleep like it’s fresh pine bedding, and run like you’re racing the wind.

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