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Dr. Nicole Calloway Rankins is creating waves of change within her field of medicine as an OB/GYN. She recognized that women are not being given enough of a voice throughout their pregnancy and childbirth journey and has established several unique approaches to combat this issue. She works in person with her patients at the hospital, virtually through her online childbirth class, and via streaming services in her pregnancy and birth podcast. She says, “I put the birthing person at the center of their birth experience in a way that's not done enough in our birth culture.” Along with supporting all pregnant and birthing people, she also spends time combating the particularly overwhelming disparities that exist for Black women. For Dr. Calloway Rankins, work has become synonymous with women ’ s health advocacy.

Amplifying and Empowering the Voices of Pregnant Women

To improve pregnancy experiences for all birthing people, Dr Calloway Rankins works tirelessly to educate women with evidence-based, unbiased information She says, “I’m really passionate about empowering women with information and education so that they can advocate for themselves, understand that they have a voice, and know how to use that voice when it comes to pregnancy and birth ”

Dr Calloway Rankins reaches many women through her podcast All About Pregnancy & Birth, her virtual birth education class, and in-person when working at the hospital The podcast may be the first of its kind, hosted by an OB/GYN and oriented towards pregnant women

Currently, the All About Pregnancy & Birth podcast has been downloaded over 250,000 times In order to provide resources to as many women as possible, Dr Calloway Rankins made sure to provide many free options alongside the paid services she offers For example, there are free resources available on her website www ncrcoaching com, including a birth plan course, over 80 podcast episodes, and special quick reference guides For a small fee, interested women are able to access the birth education class as well That class includes about eight hours of education modules, a closed Facebook support group, downloadable tip sheets, and more

Tuning in to All About Pregnancy & Birth will introduce the listener to all topics relating to maternal health The podcast episodes include evidence-based information presented by Dr Calloway Rankins, powerful childbirth stories, and featured special interviews Topics covered include general pregnancy topics such as managing pain in labor (episode 28), breastfeeding (episode 69), and nutrition while pregnant (episode 42) In addition to straightforward content, Dr Calloway Rankins is renowned for her pleasant voice and non-judgmental approach to discussing occasionally controversial topics

The birth education class produced by Dr. Calloway Rankins empowers women to make their own decisions about their birth and then advocate for themselves. Empowering components of her birth class include guidance on how to choose the right facility and delivery team, information about doulas, questions to ask before any intervention, and warning signs to monitor in the postpartum period.

Combating Disparities in Maternal Healthcare

Existing literature documenting disparities for Black women ’ s maternal health is well-known, and yet Black women continue to suffer significantly compared to their white counterparts. According to the peer-reviewed medical journal Obstetrics & Gynecology and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Black women suffer pregnancy-related deaths three to four times more frequently than white women. Black women are not protected from these complications by accomplishments like education, income, or fame. Data from the CDC shows that a Black woman with a college degree is almost twice as likely to die from pregnancy-related mortality than a white woman without a high school diploma. There are many factors contributing to these increased Black maternal health risks; however, systemic racism is the primary reason cited within academic and medical literature.

Dr. Rankins advocates for eliminating these disparities, including via podcast episodes such as “Episode 10: Staying Safe & Alive During Pregnancy & The Postpartum Period” and “Episode 72: How Structural Racism & Implicit Bias Create Disparities in Maternal Care for Black Families.” The podcast includes coverage of medical issues that are more common in Black women and methods to prevent them if possible, such as pre-eclampsia (episode 36), gestational diabetes (episode 56), or COVID-19 (episode 58). She also stresses the importance of self-advocacy for pregnant Black women, considering their increased risk for pregnancyrelated mortality. According to Dr. Calloway Rankins, for these women, “If you don’t advocate for yourself, it can literally be life or death.”

Becoming a Healthcare Changemaker

Considering the heartbreaking prevalence of racial disparities in maternal health, it is incredibly important for all healthcare providers to work together on these issues Anyone who already works in healthcare or is interested in the field can be part of this change The biggest piece of advice from Dr Nicole Calloway Rankins is, “Be open to recognizing that you probably have some biases in place, and then change them ” It is normal to have these biases, but, if left unchecked, they can lead to negative assumptions and dangerous results She also recommends truly listening to women and encouraging them to ask questions Even if you do not work in healthcare, you are still able to tackle systemic racism by addressing your own biases

If you are passionate about making a difference in maternal health safety for Black women, consider reaching out to organizations such as the Black Mamas Matter Alliance. For those interested in following experts in the field of maternal health disparities, Dr. Calloway Rankins recommends Dr. Karen Scott at the University of California, San Francisco or Dr. Joia Crear Perry from the National Birth Equity Collaborative. Stay up-to-date on all topics related to maternal health by following Dr. Nicole Calloway Rankins!

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