5 minute read
Connecting through understanding
There’s an art to prospecting. And it’s not just about finding new leads; it’s about connecting and building trust with people to ensure a strong network and a steady stream of client listings into the future. Lee Woodward, real estate trainer and author, takes a fresh perspective on a familiar part of the sales process.
Supermarket giant Aldi is thriving because they understand their target market so well. They know how to connect with people in such a way that they queue up at the door on Specialbuys days. What’s Aldi’s point of difference when it comes to specials? It’s that you never know what you’re going to get (people love a surprise).
Similarly, Apple is killing it because they too know their customers exceptionally well. To truly connect with your tribe, you also need to become exceptional at understanding your target market and learning how they tick.
One of the most incredible things about the real estate industry is that everybody is moving at some point. This is true no matter how the property market is fairing. So why wouldn’t prospecting be on everyone’s daily radar? It’s the one activity that will keep the pipeline flowing in your business.
Putting prospecting on the menu
“I make it a point to regularly ask agents what prospecting they are currently doing or are planning to do in the future, and it astounds me how often I am faced with a vacant look in response,” says Lee. He believes there are two key reasons for failing to prospect on a regular basis — fear of rejection and the fact that many have never monitored what works and what doesn’t.
He notes, “If agents knew what worked for them, it would be on their prospecting menu. Imagine going to a restaurant and discovering there’s no menu. When the waitress asks for your order, how would you know what to select if you have no idea what’s on offer? Prospecting is no different. You need a menu of proven methods that work, from which you can make a selection."
Lee’s latest book, How to Prospect for Future Business in Real Estate, provides readers with an extensive prospecting menu because it recognises that not all methods will suit all people. Drawing on 30-plus years in the industry and collaboration with some of the best in the business, Lee provides a clear, practical understanding of the techniques, the approach, the words and the thinking that will help you find and connect with people who are thinking of moving. Most importantly, he outlines how to develop genuine longterm relationships based on trust.
The trust factor
“In order to build trust, you have to understand that real estate is about service first and foremost. Nail that part, and the sales and financial rewards will follow. Whether you’re new to the industry or a seasoned professional who has lost momentum and needs to get back on track. The old way of door-knocking and cold calling is not what prospecting is about at all,” Lee says.
“Even the word ‘prospecting’ has the wrong connotations. It conjures up thoughts of nervous exchanges of unwanted information with total strangers who don’t want to hear from you, let alone get to know you. That’s why I included the words ‘future business’ in the title of this book.
“Future business is the truth behind what we do. Every day when you’re interacting and chatting with people, it’s about generating future business, and it never ends. The longer you are around the better and easier it will become, because people will observe you helping other people. They will get to know you as someone they can have a chat with, engage with, and do business with.”
Lee is teaming up with REINZ to deliver a virtual training event that delves into leading strategies for connecting with people and converting your prospects into listings. Lee will share a ten-point plan for building your prospecting programme and, for all attendees, provide a copy of the e-book, How to Prospect For Future Business.
Prospecting for future business - REINZ virtual event with Lee Woodward and more
A virtual meeting of minds, Prospecting for future business will explore prospecting in an ever-changing landscape where connections and trust are key. Lee will be joined by a second keynote speaker and a kiwi success panel, which will discuss processes, marketing and growing your business.
The main, half-day virtual event takes place Wednesday, 15 June from 11.15am to 3.00pm. To maximise learning, Lee will host two follow up sessions via Zoom on Wednesday, 22 June (10.00am to 10.45am) and Wednesday, 29 June (10.00am to 10.45am).
Tickets are on sale 17 March.
If you are interested in enrolling your team, contact us at education@reinz.co.nz.
Lee Woodward
Head of Digital Education, Realtair Academy