W O R D S A N D A N A LY S I S – F L O R A H A R L E Y
T H E W E A LT H R E P O R T 2 0 2 1
ictionaries usually nominate a word of the year. But 2020’s upheaval resulted in so many linguistic gymnastics that Oxford Languages, publisher of the Oxford English Dictionary, felt compelled to issue an entire report on the phenomenal rate of language change and development during the year. It’s a reflection of the rapid change we have all been living through. To gauge its ongoing influence we spoke to geopolitical analysts, wealth advisors and managers, combined with the results of The Wealth Report Attitudes
We look to the future and assess the biggest potential influences on wealth creation and preservation that readers of The Wealth Report should be considering during 2021 and beyond
Survey, to identify some of the biggest risks and opportunities in wealth creation, growth and preservation. Here are the top five.
Time to reassess and research Medium risk High risk
High opportunity
High opportunity When we asked Attitudes Survey respondents what issues were most worrying their clients, Covid-19 unsurprisinglyMedium came opportunity out on top at High risk 80%. But nearly 90% see new investment opportunities in a post-pandemic world.
With more time to reassess every element of our lives, including our businesses and investments, the number of new companies being set up is rising (see chart on page 15). “We are entering a new economic cycle and the prospects for wealth creation and growth are huge,” says David Bailin, Chief Investment Officer at Citi Private Bank. The availability and greater adoption of technology will aid this, and just under half of our survey respondents find technology as a disruptor exciting. Bailin adds: “The ability to gather and analyse financial data is only