HIPP Menü für Babies

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Zum Frühstück For breakfast Milch | Milk HiPP PRE Bio Combiotik

von Geburt an

HiPP 1 Bio Combiotik®

von Geburt an

HiPP PRE organic Probiotic Formula

HiPP 1 Organic Infant Formula

HiPP 2 Bio Combiotik®

HiPP 2 Organic Follow-on Formula

HiPP 3 Bio Combiotik®

HiPP 3 Growing-Up Formula

HiPP HA1 Combiotik®

HiPP HA1 Probiotic Formula

HiPP HA2 Combiotik®

HiPP HA2 Probiotic Formula

from birth

from birth

n. d. 6. Monat

after 6 months

ab 10. Monat

from 10 months

von Geburt an

from birth

n. d. 6. Monat

from 6 months

Guten-Morgen-Müsli | Good Morning Cereals Apfel-Banane mit Babykeks 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Birne in Apfel mit Dinkel 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Feines Bircher Müsli 190g

n. d. 6. Monat

Apfel-Pfirsich mit 7-Korn 190g

n. d. 6. Monat

Apple-banana with baby-biscuit

Pear with apple and spelt

Bircher muesli

Apple-peach with 7-corn

after 4 months

after 4 months

after 6 months

after 6 months

Tee | Tea Bio Fenchel-Tee (Beutel)

ab 1. Woche

Früchte-Tee (Instant)

ab 8. Monat

HiPP 3 Growing-Up Formula Fruit Tea (Instant)

from 1st week

from 8 months

Milch- & Getreidebreie | Porridge & Cereals Bio-Milchbrei Banane Zwieback

ab 4. Monat

Bio-Getreidebrei Feine Hirse mit Reis & Mais

ab 4. Monat

Bio-Milchbrei Feine Früchte

ab 6. Monat

Bio-Baby Bircher Müsli

ab 6. Monat

Bio 7-Korn Müsli

ab 12. Monat

Organic porridge banana-rusk

Organic multigrain porridge millet with rice & corn

Organic porrdige fine fruits

Organic baby bircher muesli

Organic 7-corn muesli

= Für Babys mit erhöhtem Allergierisiko. For Babys with a higher risk to develop an allergy.

from 4 months

from 4 months

from 6 months from 6 months

from 12 months

Mittags For lunch

Gemüse | Vegetables Reine Pastinaken 125g

n. d. 4. Monat

Gemüse-Allerlei 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Früh-Karotten mit Kartoffeln 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Buntes Gartengemüse mit Süßkartoffeln

n. d. 6. Monat


Mixed Vegetables

Baby carrots with potatoes

Mixed vegetables with sweet potatoes

after 4 months

after 4 months after 4 months

after 6 months

Menüs | Meals Gemüse Risotto 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Karotten mit Kartoffeln und Bio-Rind 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Spaghetti Bolognese 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Gemüsereis mit Bio-Hühnchen 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Vegetable risotto

Carrots with potatoes and organic Beef Spaghetti with meat sauce

Vegetable rice with organic chicken

Bio Schinkennudeln mit Tomaten & Karotten 190g

after 4 months

after 4 months after 4 months after 4 months

ab 6. Monat

Organic ham noodles with tomatoes & carrots

after 6 months

Karotten mit Mais und Kalb 190g

ab 6. Monat

Bio Schinkennudeln mit Gemüse 190g

ab 8. Monat

Spaghetti mit Tomaten und Mozzarella 190g

ab 8. Monat

Carrots with corn and veal

Organic ham noodles with vegetables

Spaghetti with tomatoes and mozzarella

after 6 months after 8 months

after 8 months

Reis mit Karotten und Bio-Pute

ab 8. Monat

Pasta Bambini - Rigatoni Napoli

ab 12. Monat

Spaghetti Bolognese

ab 12. Monat

Rice with carrots and organic turkey

Pasta Bambini - Rigatoni Napoli

Spaghetti with meat sauce

after 8 months

after 12 months

after 12 months

FĂźr zwischendurch For in between

Erdbeere mit Himbeere in Apfel 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Pfirsich in Apfel 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Marille in Apfel 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Banane & Pfirsich in Apfel 190g

n. d. 4. Monat

Ă„pfel mit Bananen 190g

n. d. 4 Monat

Waldbeeren in Apfel 190g

ab 6. Monat

Strawberry with raspberry in apple

Peach in apple

Apricot in apple

Banana & peach in apple

Apple with banana

Wildberries in apple

after 4 months

after 4 months

after 4 months

after 4 months

after 4 months

after 6 months


For supper Gute-Nacht-Brei Babykeks 190g Good Night Pap baby Biscuits

n. d. 4. Monat after 4 months

Weiters haben wir noch für Ihr Baby Furthermore products for your baby Früchteriegel | Bar of fruits Apfel-Banane Hafer

ab 1 Jahr

Joghurt-Kirsch in Banane

ab 1 Jahr

Himbeere in Banane-Apfel

ab 1 Jahr

Apple-banana oats

Yoghurt-cherry in banana

Raspberry in banana-apple

after 1 year

after 1 year

after 1 year

Müsli-Riegel | Bar of cereals Butterkeks in Apfel-Vanille

ab 1 Jahr

Getreide & Apfel Pfirsich

ab 1 Jahr

Butter biscuit in apple-vanilla

Wheat & apple peach

Zum Knabbern | Bar of nibble Zwieback | Rusk Reiswaffeln | Rice waffer Butterkekse | Butter biscuits Änderungen vorbehalten & Produkte können variieren Subject to alterations & products can vary

after 1 year

after 1 year

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