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Alex Portnoy: I love to restore patients' confidence in their smiles

Alex Portnoy, a doctor who recently joined NextGen Dental & Orthodontics’ team, talks about his professional path, as well as the opportunities that NextGen Dental & Orthodontics provides to patients.

w hen D i D you re A lize th At you w A nte D to become A D entist?

Most children will say they want to be firefighters and astronauts when they grow up. I knew I wanted to be a dentist since I was seven years old.

As a young kid, I was very active and dedicated a lot of time to kick boxing which taught me discipline of the mind and the body. It made me strong and forced me to push myself even if it hurt to do so. It was around this time that I started learning about my grandmother’s role in dentistry. She graduated from Odessa’s Dental Technical w here D i D you receive your e D uc Ation?

College in 1937. She made crowns for teeth out of old gold coins that were minted when Russia was ruled by czars. I had found the art of dentistry fascinating from that point on.

Post high school, I found my way into an elite Pre-Dental program at Nova Southeastern University in Miami, Florida. I met a lot of likeminded, aspiring and ambitious people there that I am proud to call my friends today. Anything is possible in life but having a great network of people by your side makes it much better! y ou A re currently workin G for n extGen Dent A l & o rtho D ontics. w hy D i D you choose this clinic?

Through perseverance and the discipline of the mind, which I learned in my childhood kickboxing class, I was accepted into a number of dental schools. Ultimately, I decided Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine – Downer’s Grove, IL was the best fit for me. The grind of dental school with a pandemic right in the middle of it taught me to be fierce in cultivating the life I want yet remaining graceful when finessing my way around challenges. Everything I hoped to accomplish was solely in my hands.

As a dental intern under the mentorship of the exceptional Dentist, Dr. Gary Beyer and his wonderful team, I knew NextGen Dental & Orthodontics was my dream job post-graduation. Being with this practice for three years has given me a boost into a highperformance, driven work flow.

NextGen Dental & Orthodontics has state of the art 3D imaging t ell us A bout your P rofession A l P l A ns f or A n APP ointment P le A se feel free to c A ll our office loc Ate D At 201 e s tron G s t. s uite 4 w heelin G , il At 847-947-2651 or check out our website www. next G en D ent A lonline.com ! and scanning, a microscope, and a wonderful team. Working with specialists, Dr. Beyer and I were able to redevelop our implantology department and improve our endodontics department. w here D o you G et your ins P ir Ation?

I love that I can help both kids and adults of all ages save their teeth, get out of pain, improve their health and restore confidence in their smile. One of the best feelings is seeing in real time hopeless rotten teeth replaced with beautiful new implants. There is nothing more heartwarming and rewarding for me than to hear my patients compliment me on my work as their dentist.

In the coming months, I hope to continue the digital evolution at our practice by bringing 3D printed appliances. From cosmetic cases designed on the computer, to nightguards, sleep appliances and even (implant fixed) dentures. Nearly everything we need will soon be made in house so that the turnaround time, from start to finish, can be reduced from weeks down to as little as hours.

Being trilingual, I have already helped hundreds of Russian, English and Spanish speaking patients understand the causes of their infections and delivered treatment to help improve their oral health. I have seen patients with many failing root canals, broken down third molars and numerous cavities and missing teeth. As a general family dentist,

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