Dear All, This is the story in pictures, of the first 4 ½ years for everyone at Centre for Engineering & Science, University College Absalon in Kalundborg. It has been a fantastic journey with and in Kalundborg, where we started in August 2016 with one employee and an approval to start a Bachelor of Engineering programme in Biotechnology. Since then we have established four study programmes, welcomed 250 students and more than 30 employees at the centre, resided for a year at Kalundborg Gymnasium, built a temporary campus with laboratory facilities, and contributed to the development of Kalundborg as a thriving study town. A lot has happened, and a lot has changed during the years! Thank you to everyone, who has been at Campus Kalundborg, as a student, employee or partner, you all know who you are. We very much look forward to write the next chapter of Campus Kalundborg at our new campus, opening in 2021. And last - but definitely not least - to our very first class of graduated B. Eng. In Biotechnology: We wish you the best of luck, and apologize that you did not get to ’live’ at the new campus. We hope you will come to visit. We hope you will enjoy the book, and feel as excited about it as we are. Kathrine Bisgaard Christensen Head of Studies
First draft of the study programme for Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology! Planning an entire education requires a large amount of post-its! November 2016
Dorthe and Kathrine take a first look at the facilities at Kalundborg Gymnasium with a representative from the Student Council, November 2016
The first office for Center for Engineering & Science at Kalundborg Gymnasium, January 2017
At campus Kalundborg we evolve in many ways. Now we have moved from post-it-planning to whiteboard-planning. Here, semester 2 is constructed, February 2017
Our new premises (entrance and offices) at Kalundborg Gymnasium, March 2017
Planning the first schedules for the engineering students, April 2017
Campus Kalundborg welcomes more new employees and lecturers with breakfast in our new meeting room at Kalundborg Gymnasium, August 2017
The establishment of the B. Eng. Programme in Kalundborg was celebrated at a large reception for employees, students, and stakeholders. We received many nice gifts, and among these lab coats for all students from Novozymes, September 2017.
Study start with social activities. 8
Study start! Students were sent out on a quest around campus solving various ‘engineering’ tasks at each station. Looks like some of the tasks were quite challenging.
Study start with social activities. Lecturer Christian Møller Pedersen and Head of Center Dorthe Kjær Pedersen are the judges of the newspaper + duct tape task: Build the tallest construction within the timeframe using as many papers as you like and one roll of duct tape.
Visiting Kalundborg Forsyning in relation to Project 2 Applied microbiology on semester 2.
One of many plans and drawings for the temporary campus to be placed next to Kalundborg Gymnasium. This is the version with one 2-story building; as you all know we ended up with two 2-story buildings, May 2018.
The containers are arriving, and we look forward to see and experience how our temporary campus will be like, June 2018.
The lounge area the day before study start August 2018. We just managed to unpack all the furniture in time, and pictures were hung on the walls early in the morning before official study start at 9 am, August 2018.
The lounge area in December 2020 – it has changed quite a bit since 2018
Homemade laboratory equipment for the course Chemical Unit Operations. Students are measuring the time it takes for peanut M&Ms to fall through the liquid between the two black markers, so they can calculate the viscosity of the fluid. Apparently a lot of M&Ms were needed for this hightech experiment.
First staff meeting at the new temporary campus in room A1.04. There were tables and chairs for the students in all the classrooms, but someone seems to have forgotten those for the meeting room, September 2018.
Details of yet another semester, this time semester 2 in spring 2018, January 2018.
Study start for our second biotechnology-class. Tutors (Mikkel and Sam) were at the station to welcome the students coming in with bus and train to Kalundborg, August 2018.
More laboratory work for the course Chemical Unit Operations, this time it is the extraction of beta-carotene from carrots, October 2018.
Visit at Novo Nordisk, site Kalundborg with semester 1 students from the international class in relation to the course Project 1 Industrial Biotechnology, November 2018.
Visit at Ørsted, Kalundborg, with semester 3 students in relation to the course Chemical Unit operations, November 2018.
As the first students on a new programme and campus, you also have to be (role-) models for future students. Numerous photo- and film sessions have taken place at our campus, all to illustrate student life in Kalundborg.
Communications exercises in the course Project 3 Fermentation. Verbal communication, where one student has a diagram of complex geometric shapes and is describing them verbally to the other who then has to reproduce the diagram (without ever seeing the original).
The ‘beer-bridge’ exercise in written communication. Students are given rolls of paper, scissors, sticking tape, an egg, and a can of beer. One half of the group in isolation has to design, and develop written instructions how to build a paper structure that can support the beer while an egg is rolled underneath it (without breaking the egg or spilling the beer). The other group then has to construct the structure from the written instructions only, and with no verbal help (or laughter!) from anyone else. 24
Social activity with dinner and bowling for all students, December 2019
Students and lecturers are helping out at Biotekmesterskaberne 2020 in Kalundborg, January 2020.
Employees from the engineering programmes at Center for Engineering & Science visits NOV in Kalundborg.
Posts on social media from happy students during their engineering internships in spring 2020.
In March 2020, COVID-19 came to Denmark and all of us had to work and study from home, spring 2020.
SYMB has become a valuable partner for us in Kalundborg in 2020, where they arrange various events targeted at our students, fall 2020.
The local media and press have written a lot of great articles about our campus and students from the very beginning of our journey.
New Campus 2021
Campus Kalundborg 36
J. Hagemann-Petersens Allé 4 4400 Kalundborg Tlf. 7248 2000