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Some clever ideas transpire by chance, or even by mistake, and then there are ingenious choices we make strategically to overcome obstacles. That’s how the essence of Portrait came about in Rome in 2006, a result of the determination to vanquish incompatible architectural limits, according to traditional standards, with a 5-star hotel. A discreet entrance, almost like a private dwelling, the absence of a lobby or shared areas, apart from a small lounge on the first floor, and a gorgeous terrace on the seventh floor, ensured the success of this first address.

After all, the art of hospitality is what makes a memorable experience. The perfect recipe consists of 50% destination and 50% the human factor, as well as all the intangible elements of an experience which makes a real difference, and which makes any place a special somewhere you always want to return to

PORTRAIT aims to put in contact the portrait of the city with the portrait of the guest, creating a virtuous encounter between the beauty of its surroundings and the personality of the individual, couple or family who come to visit us, their tastes and preferences , and where we seek to care for and cultivate the meaning and motivations of their travels, with the desire in having our guests feeling fulfilled and leaving with indelible, beautiful, and happy memories.

This is the Portrait, and this is its mission.

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