By Andrea Dora Thomsen,
Contributing Research Associate
Serge DeSilvaRanasinghe, Managing Editor,
KIM ELLIS: “PRESENCE AND RESEARCH IS PIVOTAL IN AUSTRALIA’S LEADERSHIP IN EAST ANTARCTICA AND THE SOUTHERN OCEAN.” Though often overlooked in the public consciousness, Antarctica is becoming increasingly important to Australian national interests. This is exemplified by the Australian Antarctic Strategy and 20 Year Action Plan, both of which predicate a vision for Australia’s future engagement in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. In an exclusive interview, WA DEFENCE REVIEW spoke to Kim Ellis, Director of the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD), about Australia’s ongoing leadership role in maintaining Antarctica’s status as a natural reserve devoted to peace, science, and environmental protection.
Davis is the most southerly Australian Antarctic station. It is situated near the Vestfold Hills, on the Ingrid Christensen Coast of Princess Elizabeth Land. The station is about 20km from the edge of the continental ice sheet. © Australian Antarctic Division. Photographer: Greg Stone.