Release Magazine (R96) March/April 2017

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mar apr 2017

voice of persecuted christians

Beaten and jailed – but not BROKEN

News, stories and prayer requests from persecuted Christians worldwide

Welcome by Paul Robinson, CEO

In Matthew 5:44 Jesus tells his listeners to love their enemies and ‘pray for those who persecute you’. There are many ways to show forgiveness, but praying for your persecutors must surely be one of them. It’s what Jesus Himself did on the cross and what Stephen did as he was about to be martyred in Acts 7:60. Did Stephen’s prayer lead directly to the conversion of the zealot Saul who was watching on and who would later become the Apostle Paul? We may never know for sure this side of eternity, but undoubtedly it would have played a part. And if Stephen had refused to appeal for those about to stone him, would Saul have been converted as he was? Again only God knows the answer. But if it did lead to his conversion, we have Stephen’s prayer to thank for the early spread of Christianity to the Gentiles. In Sri Lanka today another believer is also responding to Jesus’ command. His name is Pastor Priyantha and you can read his story on page 12. Despite being attacked, his family threatened and having his church destroyed, this pastor says about his persecutors: ‘I know they are still angry with me, but I pray for them.’

Praying for persecutors

What an amazing response; one that is not uncommon among those we meet. Their faithfulness in following Jesus’s command is inspiring for us but also leads me to wonder what will be the impact on their society because of their prayers for their persecutors. What ‘Sauls’ will find Jesus as a result? What communities in Sri Lanka will be changed? But what relevance does this have for us, here in the UK and Ireland, who don’t experience the same levels of persecution as our brothers and sisters around the world? Well, it is vital that we pray for those who persecute our Christian family. We are part of the same Body of Christ with whom Jesus identifies completely – in Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:4) Jesus confronts him with: ‘Why do you persecute me?’ not ‘Why do you persecute my people?’ (my emphasis). If Jesus identifies so intimately with His followers, then we must too. Wherever the Body of Christ, of which we are an interconnected part, is being persecuted, we must respond likewise – praying for persecutors as well as the persecuted.

Do something special That’s why this year we are focusing the Great Outdoors Church Service (see page 17 and back page) on praying for those who attack Christians, whether in the UK and Ireland or overseas. It is the same Jesus who is being persecuted and who commands us to pray for those responsible. So this May 21, as well as praying for our persecuted family, let’s remember the persecutors. Who knows, your prayers might just lead to the conversion of a 21st Century ‘Saul’.

Find out more about the Great Outdoors Church Service on Sunday, May 21, at Cover photo: Young Indian Christian Raju was attacked by Hindu extremists, but is determined to keep telling people about Jesus. See page 14.

Contents 14


GOOD NEWS Thank you for your cards


Faith under fire Punitive sentences for Christian workers




in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains


‘TOUCHED BY YOUR LOVE’ How you are helping Christian families in northern Iraq


RELEASE & YOUR CHURCH Join the Great Outdoors Church Service

FINDING FAITH in Cairo’s Garbage City


RELEASE POTENTIAL Indian Christian Raju was beaten and jailed – but not broken


12 ‘I FORGIVE’ says Sri Lankan pastor Priyantha


‘pray for those who persecute you’ Reflection by Archbishop Ben Kwashi

voice of persecuted christians

Release International: PO Box 54, Orpington BR5 4RT - T: 01689 823491- E: - © 2017 Release International - Registered Charity 280577. The ministry of Release International Ltd, a company limited by guarantee in England, No. 1506576. Registered office: Times House, Throwley Way, Sutton SM1 4JQ. All personal data/sensitive personal data herein are processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Further details are available from Release International. Stock images may be used to protect those we serve.


@releaseinternational #ReleaseInt



Release helps Christians in the UK and Ireland to actively engage with their persecuted brothers and sisters around the world: praying with them, standing with them, helping them, and learning lessons of true Christian discipleship with them.

Faith under fire

Pastor banned from holding meetings Pastor Hamid Shabanov (pictured) from north Azerbaijan has been banned from holding church meetings – yet again. The Baptist leader has been told his church is illegal because it’s not registered, even though he’s been trying to register it for 20 years. In the latest assault on his church’s religious freedom, police raided a prayer meeting at Pastor Hamid’s home and held those present for several hours, including children. Hamid and another church member were later formally charged with holding an illegal meeting, convicted and issued with a fine. • Please pray for Pastor Hamid and his church as they consider how to respond to this latest ban.

Czech aid worker given life sentence A Czech Christian aid worker has been sentenced to life in prison for spying, which in Sudan’s system means at least 20 years behind bars. His real ‘crime’ was to help a student who had been badly injured at a demonstration.

‘The Government is already demolishing churches. Release calls on Sudan to respect the rights of Christians and others and to release these men, whose only crime was compassion.’

Petr Jašek, who is in his mid-50s, was sentenced in Khartoum in January.

Petr Jašek and the others were accused of funding rebel movements in areas such as South Kordofan and Darfur. The charges arose after an act of compassion towards a student from Darfur who was badly burnt during a protest in 2013. All three men are appealing against these punitive sentences.

Two co-defendants were also sentenced to a total of 12 years each for helping Petr Jašek. They were Sudanese nationals Rev Hassan Abduraheem and Abdulmonem Abdumawla. ‘We are very shocked by the ruling,’ said our Chief Executive Paul Robinson. ‘Sentencing aid workers for spying highlights the growing hostility in Sudan towards Christians and the church – as does the severity of the sentence.


• Pray that God will comfort and strengthen Petr and the others so they will not lose heart. Ask God for wisdom for the legal team and that their appeal will be successful.

FREE ANDREW Clockwise from left: Petr Jašek, Abdulmonem Abdumawla and Rev Hassan Abduraheem. Inset photos: World Watch Monitor and MEC.

Christian leader still detained

Pakistani Christian leader Aslam Pervaiz Sahotra has been detained in jail awaiting bail since March 2015 when Taliban suicide bombers attacked two churches in Youhanabad, Lahore, leaving 16 dead and over 100 injured. Following the attack, two Muslims were killed by a mob in retaliation — leading to the arrest of hundreds of Christians in the area. While most have been released, Mr Aslam Sahotra remains in prison as a suspect. He has suffered ill health during his detention.

Please write to the Turkish authorities to ask for the release of imprisoned pastor Andrew Brunson.

US pastor Andrew Brunson (pictured) has been behind bars in western Turkey since October 2016 – because officials suspect he’s a ‘terrorist’. In fact, he and his wife, Norine, love Turkey and have served its people for the past 23 years. Their nightmare began when they were summoned to Turkey’s Interior Ministry. They thought they were being called to a meeting to discuss their application for permanent residency. Instead, they were arrested and detained. Norine was released after two weeks, but Andrew was charged with having links to the Gulen movement which the Government blames for last year’s attempted coup. More than 40,000


• Ask God to protect, encourage and strengthen Andrew while he is in prison. Pray that Andrew will be released immediately so that he and Norine can continue their ministry.


• Please write to Turkey’s Minister of Interior to ask for Andrew’s release using the sample letter and contact address given at free-andrew.

Prisoners of Faith email alert

The Pakistan Christian Congress in January appealed to the Government for his release, after his family received death threats and demands for money. • Pray that he will be released soon, along with other Christians awaiting bail.

people were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the failed plot. However, Christian leaders fear that the Turkish authorities are taking advantage of current insecurity to clamp down on Christianity.

Receive the latest news of Christians who have been imprisoned for their faith by requesting our free monthly Prisoners of Faith email alert. Norine Brunson stands outside the detention centre where her husband has been held since last October.


Call: 01689 823491 or use the attached card.



in unexpected places

Our S2S groups are transforming the lives of needy Christian women, some of whom work as rubbishpickers in Cairo’s ‘garbage city’

Your prayers and gifts are enabling vulnerable Christian women to find their true identity in Christ — and to forgive those who persecute them. By Release’s Jack Norman. The Apostle Paul once described believers as fragile ‘jars of clay’ which yet, incredibly, contained ‘the light of the knowledge of the glory of God’ (2 Corinthians 4:6-7). Sometimes I know how cracked and weak I can be, but I also know, by God’s grace, the marvellous treasure that this ‘jar of clay’ holds! On my recent visits to Egypt I have been amazed by the strength of the church which has survived nearly two millennia: keeping the flame of faith burning despite pressure and persecution from the beginning. At times I forget that despite the heroic stories of faith I hear from persecuted believers, they all, like me, carry their treasure in lives that need from time to time to be strengthened, even rebuilt. On my last visit to Cairo, I was privileged to visit the predominantly

Christian ‘garbage city’ on the edge of the capital. God challenged me from Psalm 113 to know that even though I feel powerless at times, He is the God who sits above the heavens, and who actually stoops down to the earth: ‘He raises the poor from the dust, and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes, with the princes of His people. He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord’ (Psalm 113:7-9). We can confidently put our trust in God who engages with the world and the people He created. I saw this first-hand in the Strength to Stand (S2S) groups which, thanks to your prayers and gifts, are enabling poor Christian families to stand firm in the face of continuing persecution. In the words of one of the facilitators I met, these groups are helping to 6

‘immunise’ believers against the lure of Islam. This word immunise may sound strange, but some Christian girls are being groomed by young Muslim men from an early age with the promise of marriage and a better life. Since the majority of Christians in Egypt live in poverty, this is a powerful enticement. The S2S groups are having a powerful impact: helping these young women grow in their sense of self-worth and in understanding their Christian faith. This makes the lure of a ‘better life’ less attractive and equips them to resist these approaches. As you can read opposite, God is also using these groups to enable His people to love and pray for their persecutors in powerful ways. As Jesus Himself said: ‘Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you’ (Matthew 5:44). See page 18 for Archbishop Ben Kwashi’s reflection on praying for our enemies.

‘I try to forgive’ Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, Release’s Strength to Stand groups are strengthening poor Christian women in Egypt through the power of the gospel. As a result of practical training and encouragement, lives are being transformed. ‘I try to forgive the people who oppress or do bad things to me,’ said young mother Salama, a member of one of the S2S groups. ‘I can at least

Stock photo

pray for them, even if I cannot do anything else.’ Another mother, Nanu, said: ‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, God is always beside me. He turns these fearful things into good things.’ All names have been changed. Stock photos have been used to protect those we serve.

As our Release Women Programme Manager explained: ‘Lives are being changed and faith is growing because women recognise their worth in Jesus. They then go on to share what they have learnt with their families and communities.’

ReleaseWomen #LoveKillsHate

Photo: Reuters/ Asmaa Waguih.

Newsletter of Release Women Spring 2017

Will you help persecuted Christian women? Your gift could help to set up more Strength to Stand (S2S) groups in Egypt – and transform the lives of even more Christian women, their families and communities. Release’s S2S groups provide practical training and discipleship so that vulnerable Christian women realise their identity in Christ, and are empowered to serve Him. Members of S2S groups learn together how to love and forgive those who oppress them, and work together to overcome their problems. ‘We’ve been really excited to see how these small groups have taken off,’ said our Release Women Programme Manager. ‘Their needs are very great and we have requests to start more groups.’

Please make a gift today by using the attached card, by calling 01689 823491or at


Embrace Grace to help in time of need In this edition of Embrace we want you to be inspired and equipped to pray for your sisters in Christ. Some of the stories will be familiar, others such as Mangamma’s, below, may be new, but all of them are of a dear sister who is suffering because of her Christian faith and all of them need our faithful prayers and support. ‘Please pray for me, for my children and for my church.’ That was Mangamma’s quiet plea to Release staff when they met her a few months ago. On a terrible night last summer a group of Indian communists abducted her husband John, a pastor, from outside their home in Laxmipuram village. As they began beating him Mangamma tried to intervene. For doing so she was taken inside her home and beaten herself. She contacted friends in the village, and some time later her husband’s body was found in the forest. He had been stabbed in the back and hit on the back of his neck with an axe. What had prompted this murderous attack? The communist activists, known

voice of persecuted christians

in India as Naxalites, recruit people for their cause in the area where John and his brother had been preaching the gospel and establishing churches. Time and again the Naxalites had found that when people turn to follow Jesus Christ they are not interested in supporting and following a Maoist, revolutionary agenda. In other words, the gospel (and its impact on people’s lives) got in the way. And so John became a martyr for Christ. He had previously been threatened and told that if he stopped preaching the group would let him live. Mangamma, who has four children, was still in something of a state of shock when Release staff met her. She is being supported by Release’s partner in India, but her story – and her plea – should prompt us to pray. Writing to struggling, suffering Christians, who were in danger of falling away, the writer of Hebrews declares: “Let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:14-16; ESV).


Grace to help in time of need. As our high priest Jesus opens the way to God for us; he makes grace possible. Because of Jesus we can come to God – sinners though we are – with confidence. Through him we discover God’s mercy – because we are sinners; and God’s grace to help – because we live in a world that is hostile to Christ and the gospel. Here is our response to Mangamma’s story and plea. Here is what we would want her to know. Here is how to pray for her – and others like her. Use the prayer points on the back page to pray for Mangamma and others like her.

Release Women: Connecting Christian women in the UK and Ireland with their suffering sisters around the world.

Read more testimonies from Egypt by requesting the latest edition of Release Women’s newsletter Embrace. Call 01689 823491 or use the attached card.

Together we can help Egyptian believers to overcome hatred with love.


PRAYER for Egypt

Lord, You are King of creation, You rule over all the nations, Your name alone is exalted. Break through in power in Egypt today! Let there be a rich harvest of new believers who are passionate for You. Please protect all Christian ministries and churches, give wisdom and insight to Your people and restrain those who would cause them harm.

Request our free DVD about persecuted Christians in Egypt by using the attached card

We pray for unity in the Body of Christ and for the anointing of Your Holy Spirit to revive our nation. Lord, let Your name be exalted. Amen.

By a Release partner in Egypt 8

Good News

OVERWHELMED BY YOUR LOVE! Release volunteer Phil (pictured) was overwhelmed to receive hundreds of cards in the run-up to Christmas – to be forwarded with your love to partners and Christian prisoners of faith around the world. Most of the cards included Bible verses, prayers and short encouraging messages, and many had been hand-crafted. ‘Thank you so much for sharing your love in this way,’ said Phil.


We’re glad to report two recent breakthroughs for Christian prisoners of faith. Bob Fu of our partner China Aid told us that Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who is serving a 12year jail sentence, has now been permitted to have a copy of the Bible. The only condition is that he has to read it quietly! He is also delighted that his wife has been allowed to visit him once a month.

Samir Chamek

And Algerian prisoner of faith Samir Chamek, a 33-yearold theatre actor, has had his original five-year term reduced to one year, following appeal. He was detained in 2016 after cartoons of Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, had been shared on his Facebook page.

Thank you for praying for prisoners of faith.


Your chance to make a difference: Glasgow to Edinburgh Cycling Challenge James, our Development Manager for Scotland, is looking for at least ten cyclists to join him for a sponsored ride from Glasgow to Edinburgh on Saturday, May 27. ‘Participants can choose to cycle for a particular country where persecution is an issue,’ said James. ‘They can also wear a T-shirt with a picture of the country’s flag.’ He’s hoping that each person could raise £200 to support persecuted Christians. ‘And we’ll have one main break, when we can spend some time praying.’ Find out more by emailing jfraser@releaseinternational. org or by calling him on 07977 936554.



BOMBS Sudan’s ruthless President al-Bashir is trying to wipe out Christian communities in the Nuba Mountains by bombing them from the skies. You can help to sustain our persecuted family by providing medicines, action packs and Bibles. In Sudan, Christians in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan face both poverty and armed conflict.

Court for his personal involvement and approval of war crimes, including genocide, in Darfur.

The Sudanese military regularly bombs Christian communities there using Antonov bombers – part of their campaign to eliminate all Christian villages, churches, hospitals and schools in the region.

Our partner Voice of the Martyrs has for many years supported beleaguered Christian communities in the Nuba Mountains by distributing bulk quantities of medicines, action packs and Bibles.

Crude bomb shelters (pictured) have been constructed outside schools to protect the children when the bombers approach.

Near-impossible conditions

Sudan’s President Omar Hassan al-Bashir — who came to power in a military coup in 1989 — has a reputation for ruthlessness. He made history in 2009 when he became the first sitting head of state to be indicted by the International Criminal

Yet for half the year torrential monsoon rains and almost impassable roads make this a huge task. During the rainy season, it can take days of digging to get trucks through the muddy roads to their destination. But it is worth all the effort. One of our partner’s field leaders told us about a pastor who rode nine


For half the year, monsoon rains and rutted roads make distributing aid almost impossible.

hours by donkey to attend a pastors’ conference in the region and to get Bibles for his congregation. ‘I’m thankful to this organisation for this conference and for the gift of Bibles in our own languages,’ the pastor said. ‘Most of us don’t have Bibles, and you could find a church having only one Bible for the pastor. Now we have more that we can share with believers.’ • Ask God to protect Christian families in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains who endure regular bomb attacks. Pray too for the safe distribution of medicines, action packs and Bibles.

Re ea d S

SUDAN Khartoum Nuba Mountains

PLEASE HELP PROVIDE MEDICINES, ACTION PACKS AND BIBLES Will you make a gift today to provide essential medicines, action packs of vital supplies and Bibles for our suffering family in the Nuba Mountains?

South Kordfan


Your gift will be used to help hard-pressed Christian families, and tangibly demonstrate that they have not been forgotten. • £10 could provide much-needed Bibles for persecuted Christians.

SUDAN Population: 36.7 million Capital: Khartoum Government type: Presidential republic Religion: Muslim 90 per cent; Christian 5 per cent; other 5 per cent

• £25 could pay for an action pack for a Christian family, including a mosquito net, clothes, cooking utensils, soap and more. • £50 could help buy essential medicines for primary health clinics serving both Christians and others. Many of the government hospitals and clinics lack basic medical supplies.

Your support is vital. Please show your love for our persecuted family by: • Using the attached card • Calling: 01689 823491 • Giving online at



‘I forgive’ Militants attacked Pastor Priyantha, threatened his wife and children, and destroyed his church. Instead of hating his attackers, he has chosen to forgive them and pray for them. ‘One Sunday morning a group of Buddhist monks and local people interrupted our church service,’ said Pastor Priyantha, who leads a small congregation in rural Sri Lanka. ‘They started throwing chairs around and tearing up our Bibles. I tried to reason with them. In the end I kneeled in front of the altar and prayed: “Lord, take this situation into Your hands.” ‘One of them hit me on the head with the guitar and I fell on the ground. My boys saw this and were terrified. Later they burnt down my church and threatened me and my family, telling us to leave the village.’

Despite these terrible events, this courageous pastor and his wife chose to stay in the village to continue to preach the gospel. ‘We have been through a lot,’ said his wife. ‘But I believe that God has brought us this far and He will not forsake us.’ Priyantha added: ‘I have forgiven the monks and the villagers who caused so much trouble and pain to us. I know they are still angry with me, but I pray for them.’ • Pray that God will protect Pastor Priyantha and his family as they continue to serve Him.

Watch the moving testimony of Pastor Priyantha and his family in our new 4-minute video Love Kills Hate in Sri Lanka. Watch it now at

PLEASE GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK ON THE FILM Please let us know 1) What you liked/disliked about it. 2) Whether you watched it, or will watch it, on your own, in a home group or prayer meeting and/or as part of a church service. 3) Has it encouraged you to respond in a) prayer b) giving? 4) Would you also require it as a download and/or a DVD version? Please email your response to Thanks for taking the time to respond. It is much appreciated and will help us to improve our video production.


CHRISTIANS TARGETED IN SRI LANKA Nov-Dec 2016 NOV 14 During a religious festival a Buddhist monk falsely accuses the pastor of a church in Polonnaruwa district, using obscene language. The next day a mob attacks the pastor’s home with stones. NOV 26 A pastor in Jaffna district receives a legal letter denying building approval for his church. He is told to obtain permission from the Ministry of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs. However, Sri Lankan law requires no such approval. DEC 7 An Assemblies of God pastor in Polonnaruwa district is officially questioned about his worship activities and false allegations that he was unethically converting villagers. Later the Divisional Secretary accuses the pastor of breaching the peace and tells him to leave the area. One villager threatens to kill the pastor. DEC 7 A Buddhist leader in Gampaha district asks local police to stop Christians meeting in their home for prayer. The officer-in-charge says they can continue, if they do not disturb the peace. Source: Release partner.

This church in Paharaiya, north-western Sri Lanka, was destroyed by a mob in January. Photo: World Watch Monitor.

Sign the petition A non-legislative directive from the Sri Lankan Government, known as Circular 2008, is being used to discriminate against Christians and to close churches and prayer meetings. Our partner has asked Release supporters in the UK and Ireland to petition the Sri Lankan Government to cancel the Circular. We want to collect as many signatures as we can by April 30, and present these to the Sri Lankan High Commission in London. ‘Signing the petition, and asking others in your church to sign, will pressurise the Government to take effective steps,’ says our partner. The Sri Lanka petition is enclosed with this magazine; it can also be downloaded from

Your opportunity to support persecuted Christians in Sri Lanka Believers in Sri Lanka face pressure from both militant Buddhists and local authorities who are trying to stamp out Christianity by closing churches and prayer meetings. Courageous Christians such as Pastor Priyantha and his family (see opposite) need our prayers and support so they can continue to share the gospel. ‘We have been through a lot,’ said his wife. ‘But I believe that God has brought us this far and He will not forsake us.’ Your gift can help persecuted Christians in Sri Lanka by providing: • free legal advice for pastors • education for vulnerable Christian children • s pecial camps for teaching and encouragement

Please make a gift today by using the attached card, by calling 01689 823491 or at


Despite being attacked, Raju is committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus.

Beaten and jailed – but not BROKEN

New resources for Lent Keep your eyes peeled for our new Lent initiative, which you can find at

The experience of young Indian Christian Raju challenges us to think of what following Jesus really means. Raju, aged 23, was converted in his teens and first got involved in gospel outreach four years ago. When several members of his family were converted, people in his village began to notice. One evening last year, after a service in his church, a group of about 50 Hindu extremists caught him and took him to the central market place where they beat him severely. Detained Then they called the police and accused him of fraudulently converting people. He was kept in a

police cell for three days before being released. When asked how others might pray for him, Raju’s immediate response was: ‘Pray that I will win many more souls for Jesus!’ And when a Release staff member met him a few months later he radiated a godly joy. ‘I am privileged to suffer for Christ,’ he said. ‘It’s an honour.’ Raju is determined to continue telling people about Jesus: ‘because I know God loves me.’


International Missions Trip 2017 We have limited spaces available for our 2017 international missions trip. For more information: • call 01689 823491 • email us at potential@

Help young people in your church reach their true potential

‘It’s certainly not boring!’ Says our latest Change Maker, first-year theology student Amy from Northern Ireland.

As part of my course at uni, I have to volunteer for four hours a week in a Christian organisation or church. I thought and prayed long and hard about what I should do. I chose Release, as I had no previous understanding of persecuted Christians. I had some knowledge of persecution from studying Religious Studies at A-level, but this was something I really wanted to learn more about. The Change Makers mentoring programme has given me the opportunity to engage with young people, do talks in schools and churches, organise publicity and fundraising events, take part in church weekends, and meet people who are passionate about supporting persecuted Christians. I’d be lying if I said this programme didn’t stretch or challenge me – it certainly hasn’t been boring! One of the things that touched me the most was meeting Pastor Tandin, from Bhutan, who told me how much he appreciated the cards and letters he’d received from Release supporters when he was

Our Change Makers resources have had a revamp: a new year, a new look!

Student Amy (right) spreads the word about Release Potential at her Christian Union.

in prison. This helped me see the reality of persecution – and how even just sending a card can make such a difference. When I hear stories of people being beaten or killed, my heart is deeply challenged to remember that this is real. And that this is happening simply because of their faith in Jesus Christ. If I were in their country, I’d be persecuted for standing for Jesus or even writing this right now.

You Tube

Get hold of our new materials by calling 01689 823491 or from Please also consider giving details of the Change Makers programme to your youth leader, or young people and students who might be interested.

I’m really looking forward to meeting persecuted brothers and sisters overseas, and to support them. This is something that I will be doing this summer and I am very excited. It’s a once-in-alifetime opportunity! If you’re a young person or student aged 17-23, Change Makers could be amazing for you too. The programme gives you unique opportunities to develop skills and grow in discipleship to be more like Jesus. So I challenge you: find out more today!

FOLLOW US Twitter @RPConnection

Change Makers is our unique 12-month flexible mentoring course for young people aged 1723 years old. The course enables each Change Maker to learn from the powerful experiences of persecuted Christians — and understand how to help our persecuted family through fundraising, prayer, mission, support and campaigning.



PROSPECTUS Release Potential works with young people, students and youth workers to engage them with the pain, passion and grace experienced by persecuted Christians today. Our Change Makers programme is a flexible year-long initiative. It encourages young people aged 17-23 years old to join a movement of believers who support and act on behalf of their global family. We are recruiting young people, who want to take a closer look at the foundations of their faith. To explore what it really means to be a follower of Jesus, and are prepared to count the cost of following Him. At Release Potential we support many Christians overseas who count the cost of following Jesus every day; we try to show compassion and encourage those who are suffering. If you decide to get involved, Change Makers will encourage, challenge and equip you to use your skills and deepen your compassion as you learn from Christians who are persecuted for Jesus' sake. So if you are ready for the adventure of being a disciple of Jesus, join us, and become a Change Maker. If you are successful in your application, you will be assigned a Release Potential mentor who will connect with you either via Skype or in person on a regular basis. We want to find out what you are passionate about so we can resource and support you, as well as challenge you with opportunities to support Change Makers around the world who are facing extreme persecution.


Your gifts are being used to help displaced Christian families in northern Iraq.

‘Touched by your love’

Food aid is distributed to displaced families.

Thanks to your generous support of our Christmas appeal, we are able to help desperate Christian families survive the harsh winter conditions in northern Iraq. Our recent Christmas appeal raised more than £14,000 to provide food and other aid to displaced families in Kurdistan, many of whom have fled for their lives from Islamic State (IS) terrorists. Previously, a mother, Samira, told us how she had fled with her four young children from the town of Qaraqosh when IS attacked. After a hazardous journey — during which she almost lost two of her children — she reached Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan and was able to receive help from our partner ‘Majed’ (not his real name).

lentils and tinned food. He was also able to give 100 children toys as Christmas presents.

Your support brought joy ‘The toys we gave to the children put a great smile on their faces,’ said Majed. ‘They had footballs to kick, which brought joy to the camp. ‘Many people were so pleased to receive your help and were touched by your love.’

‘The toys we gave to the children put a great smile on their faces’

In addition the authorities gave Majed permission to distribute 1,000 Bibles and other Christian literature to displaced families. ‘The church is growing,’ he said. ‘By seeing practical help they saw God’s love.’

Since then, thanks to your gifts, Majed has been able to help 400 displaced families by providing rice, sugar, oil,

The authorities have also noted his compassionate ministry, and have thanked him for his hard work and love. 16

‘Now we have regular meetings to discuss ways of helping refugees,’ said Majed. • Thank God for the way that Majed has been able to help these hundreds of displaced families. Please pray that God will enable them to return to their homes soon. nov dec 2016

voice of persecuted christians

Running from Islamic State

Please support our Christmas appeal to provide urgent help to vulnerable Christian families in northern Iraq

Our Christmas appeal highlighted the plight of Christian families in Iraq who left everything to flee from Islamic State terrorists.

Great Outdoors Church Service

your church

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Show solidarity with persecuted Christians by holding a Sunday meeting in the open air. This is an important way of identifying with Christians around the world whose church buildings have been closed or destroyed by those opposed to the gospel. We suggest you meet outside on Sunday, May 21, 2017 — but feel free to choose another Sunday if you wish.

Stories, prayers, sermon notes and more can be downloaded from Please talk to your church leaders and make the most of this opportunity to pray for and support persecuted Christians.


Bob Brian

a Release speaker to your church To request a speaker for your church or fellowship group, please contact your nearest Development Manager:


Two men of God who faithfully served Release as members of the Board of Trustees for many years died in December.

Geoff Alexander


Geoff Alexander became a committee member of what was then Christian Mission to the Communist World (CMCW) in 1977. In 1980 he joined the Board and continued to serve for the next 36 years. Bob Brian joined the CMCW committee in 1973 and served as Treasurer before being appointed Chairman in 1979; a post he held until 1996. Both men became involved through their personal links with Rev W. Stuart Harris, who established the mission in 1968. Together they helped to guide the ministry during its restructuring following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and collapse of communism in Europe.

New direction CMCW, which had focused on persecution under communism, then broadened its vision to serve persecuted Christians worldwide, later changing its name to Release International. ‘We honour the contributions of both men,’ said Release CEO Paul Robinson. ‘They faithfully served both God and persecuted Christians, laying firm foundations for our ministry today.’


North of England Tel 07969 361557

Geoff Central England & Wales Tel 01234 271855


South of England Tel 07540 530153


Ireland Tel 028 9334 0014

James Scotland Tel 07977 936554

Kate (Release Women) Tel 01689 823491


‘Pray for those who persecute you’

Photo: Andrew Boyd.

Rt Rev Benjamin Kwashi, Archbishop of Jos, Nigeria, reflects on how God asks His people to pray the impossible.

God Himself fought on behalf of Jehoshaphat and his army, setting ambushes against the enemy, who then turned against one another. Israel did not record any casualty: the Lord did everything! We can see how those who put their trust in God do not see shame.

‘You have heard that it was said, “Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of Your Father in heaven.’ (Matthew 5:43-45)

Praying for those who persecute us may look weak, feeble and helpless – but that is precisely when God works. He is aroused by our humility, helplessness and vulnerability. He hears the prayers of the persecuted.

Jesus commanded his disciples to love their enemies and to pray for their persecutors as His divine strategy.

God is not absent from the persecuted. In fact, prayer in these circumstances is the only option, it is the only lifeline and only means of hope.

It may not look practically workable in the face of clear evil, wickedness and outright persecution. However, the strategy of Jesus remains the only way to win – both now and in the end. Jesus knows that it is not possible for us alone to confront systematic persecution, which may have the full support of the state apparatus, and win. My experience has shown that whenever a persecuted people make the attempt at self-defence they are likely to be arrested by the same state apparatus that should have provided their security in the first place. There is no chance of winning or of justice for the persecuted: the persecuted always stand to lose. So therefore: ‘Pray for those who persecute you’.

For example, King Jehoshaphat was once faced with a difficult battle situation after Judah was invaded, which he had no hope of winning (2 Chronicles 20). So, admitting his own weakness, he prayed: ‘We have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you’ (2 Chronicles 20:12).

‘The battle is not yours, but God’s’ God then spoke through Jahaziel to encourage both Jehoshaphat and the whole assembly of Judah: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s’ (v15). During the battle itself Jehoshaphat ‘appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendour of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army’ (v21).


The persecuted church is the only church that wins all its battles on its knees. The Apostle Paul was converted through the prayer of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. The church grew, increased in number and spread throughout the world – despite the persecution that lasted for hundreds of years. Persecution cannot kill the church, but a lack of praying Christians can. Where there is fervent prayer, there is less grumbling, complaining, faithlessness and hopelessness. The great reward for praying cannot be compared to the crushing pains of persecution. Persecutors of Christians will never have the last word because we know that Jesus has won the victory.

Loving your enemies One Sunday morning a mob of 20 villagers, as well as some Buddhist monks, interrupted Pastor Priyantha’s church service. They beat him up and threatened to kill him. Pastor Priyantha is fighting back with the only weapon he knows how to use: love. He forgave his attackers and is continuing to share the good news of Jesus with those who persecute him. Will you help persecuted pastors such as Priyantha to love their enemies by sending a gift to Release today?

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Great Outdoors

Photo: Al Gordon

Church Service

LOCKED OUT: Members of the GKI Yasmin church in Bogor, Indonesia, have been forced to hold outdoor meetings ever since their building was closed by the authorities in 2010.

Sunday, May 21, 2017* Stand with persecuted Christians by holding your Sunday service in the open air. Download stories, prayers, sermon notes and more from * or any Sunday of your choice

prayershield MARCH / APRIL 2017

Nankpak lost his entire family in an extremist attack on his village – but his faith has held firm.

March 2017


Heavenly Father,

Wednesday 1: Church

Thank you that you are above all things and outside of time. You see the end from the beginning. I pray that my brothers and sisters will be encouraged today to know that you order their days and you know what the future holds for them. Lord, you prepare good works in advance for them to do (Ephesians 2:10). Help my persecuted family – and me – to trust you more each day. You are all we need. Amen.

leaders say that they’re witnessing a systematic attempt to ‘cleanse’ the mainly Muslim north of Nigeria of Christianity, through sustained violence. Ask God to protect His people in this region. Thursday 2: The Christian

Association of Nigeria has accused security forces of ‘turning a blind eye’ when heavily armed Fulani Muslims attack Christians. Pray that the military and police will step up their response.

Friday 3: Pray that God will provide for Christians who have been driven from their farms. Many are going hungry and Christian leaders are calling on the Government to help avert a famine. Saturday 4: Ask God to raise up a generation of strong Christians among Nigeria’s youth. Thank God for the overcoming faith of Nankpak (pictured): he says he’s prepared to serve God wherever he’s called. His entire family were killed by militants.

prayershield Sunday 5: Pray for

Release associate ministries distribute Christian literature for all ages to build up the church in China.

Christians in a Releasesupported camp for those fleeing violence in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states. Pray that this support will remind them they are not forgotten.

Kenya Monday 6: Pray that God

will provide for the work of our partners in Kenya, continue to strengthen their faith and bless their work. Thank God that they are seeing people turn to Christ.


Tuesday 7: Pray for three young people in Kenya who have recently turned to Christ. They’re under great pressure to renounce their decision: relatives are blaming recent sickness and poor grades at school on their conversion.

Saturday 11: Chinese

Wednesday 8: Ask God

Sunday 12: Pray that every Chinese person who receives Christian literature through Release-funded projects will hear God speaking to them through His word – and pray they will respond.

to protect Somali believers in Kenya whom one of our partners supports. They face stiff opposition and are at high risk of violent attack. Thursday 9: Thank

God for protecting Pastor ‘Jeremiah’ and his family. He has received death threats so they’ve had to move home – but so far they have remained safe. Friday 10: Pray that God

will raise up young leaders in Kenya. Thank Him for the ones Pastor Jeremiah is helping to train.

officials are continuing to clamp down on churches, especially unregistered ones. Pray that officials will have a change of heart towards Christians, seeing them as a force for good, not a threat.

Monday 13: Since July

2015, China has detained more than 230 human rights lawyers and activists, many of them Christians, and in many cases tried to portray them as corrupt and criminal. Pray for an end to this injustice.

Tuesday 14: Ask God to

heal and restore Christian lawyer Li Chunfu, released on bail in January. He appeared

to have had a severe mental breakdown after being kept in an illegal detention centre. Wednesday 15: Christian lawyer Li Heping has been detained since July 2015 and has reportedly been tortured with electric shocks. He has been involved in cases defending church leaders. Thursday 16: Christian

lawyer Jiang Tianyong has been held illegally since November. A state-run newspaper recently alleged Jiang had leaked state secrets. Pray for his release.

Friday 17: Ask God to protect Christian lawyer Zhang Kai who spent seven months in jail in 2015-16 for his defence of persecuted churches. He was recently detained for a further two days. Saturday 18: Pray for members of Fuxing Church in Hebei province who were attacked and badly hurt by hired thugs when

prayershield the congregation protested against the demolition of their church. Sunday 19: Huang Yan has

been refused vital surgery in China – apparently because of her involvement with leading Christians and human rights activists. Pray she receives the treatment she needs. Monday 20: Ma Huichao

recently received a three-year sentence simply for holding a Bible study in Xinjiang province. Pray that God’s presence will be very real to her in prison. Tuesday 21: Pastor

Gu ‘Joseph’ Yuese from Zhejiang was recently rearrested and charged with misappropriation of funds. He was held for two months last year on suspicion of ‘embezzlement’.

Friday 24: Yaser Mosibzadeh, Saheb Fadayee and Mohammed Reza Omidi were sentenced to 80 lashes each for drinking communion wine. Their appeal was scheduled for February. Pray that their faith will not be shaken by their ordeal. Saturday 25: Prisoner

of faith Maryam Naghash Zargaran had her jail sentence extended after being allowed time out on medical parole. Her health remains poor: pray for her swift release. Sunday 26: Five Christian

friends were arrested last August during a picnic in Firuzkuh. Pray that their case will come to court soon. Hadi and Amin remain behind bars, while Amir, Ramiel and Mohamad have been released on bail.

Wednesday 22: Pastor

Yang Hua from Guizhou was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in jail in December – after being charged with ‘illegally holding state secrets’. His health has suffered because of abuse in jail.

Monday 27: Pray that God will strengthen and sustain His people in Sudan, despite ongoing persecution. Pray that they will be a ‘well-watered garden’ in a ‘sun-scorched land’ (Isaiah 58:11) which will draw many to Christ. Tuesday 28: Czech Christian Petr Jasek (pictured) was given a life sentence for ‘spying’ in January. His co-defendants, Sudanese nationals Pastor Hassan Abduraheem and Abdulmonem Abdumawla, were each given sentences totalling 12 years, mainly for ‘abetting’ Petr. Their crime was providing medical support to a Darfuri student. Pray their appeals will be successful. Wednesday 29: Pastor Kowa Shamaal, who was tried with Hassan, Abdulmonem and Petr (above), was acquitted for lack of evidence. Pray that God will protect him and his family. Thursday 30: Pray for justice for Bahri Evangelical Church in Khartoum which has had several of its buildings damaged or destroyed since investors ‘bought’ the land in 2013 without the church’s consent.

Iran Thursday 23: Pray for

Iran’s underground church and particularly its leaders. Pray that the Iranian authorities will cease to see Christians as a threat to the Islamic republic.


Petr Jasek has been given a life sentence for ‘spying’ in Sudan.

Friday 31: Pray for wisdom for Pastor Hafez of Bahri Evangelical Church and other church leaders facing demolition orders on their property. The state has just appointed its own lawyers to 25 such churches.


The Bishop of Lewes prays with a sister in Christ in Pakistan.

APRIL 2017

Pakistan Saturday 1: Thank God

for strengthening the bonds of love between UK and Pakistani Christians through Release ministry trips such as the one the Bishop of Lewes, Rt Rev Richard Jackson, took part in (pictured).

Sunday 2: Pray for a

radical shift in attitudes towards religious minorities in Pakistan, where intolerance appears to be growing.

Monday 3: Praise God that Release had a positive meeting at the Pakistan High Commission in London recently when it handed in its petition calling for repeal of the blasphemy laws. Tuesday 4: Thank God that

a Pakistani Senate committee has reportedly been debating how to prevent the country’s blasphemy laws being applied

unfairly. Pray that they will act to stop the widespread abuse of these laws. Wednesday 5: Ask God to protect Senate committee members who have reportedly been debating the blasphemy laws. Many hardliners in Pakistan consider even criticising the laws as blasphemy. Thursday 6: Babu Shahbaz of Kamahan village near Lahore was accused of writing his name on a copy of the Koran, then ripping up its pages. Babu is reported to be a Christian evangelist – and illiterate. Locals say the man accusing him of ‘blasphemy’ is a business rival. Friday 7: Pastor Judoon went missing after offering support for Babu Shahbaz (above) and becoming involved in his blasphemy case. Ask God to protect him and his family. Saturday 8: Pray for the release of human rights

activist Aslam Pervaiz Sahotra and another Christian detained after the suicide bombing of two churches in Lahore in March 2015. They are apparently being held in connection with rioting after the blast, which left two Muslims dead. Sunday 9: Extremists have threatened the family of Aslam Pervaiz (above), demanding they pay extortion money or face being killed. Pray that the Pakistan authorities will act swiftly to protect this family. Monday 10: ‘Sara’, 17, has been in hiding since she was kidnapped, brutally abused and left pregnant. Pray Release partners will secure justice for her: poor Christian families are treated as ‘second-class’ citizens.

Azerbaijan Tuesday 11: Pastor Hamid Shabanov from Aliabad has been told his church is illegal because it’s not registered. He’s been trying to register it for 20 years and has long been persecuted. Pray for wisdom as he considers the future of his ministry. Wednesday 12: Police raided a recent prayer meeting at the home of Pastor Hamid (above) and held those present for several hours, including the children. Pray for courage and strength for his congregation. Thursday 13: President Ilham Aliyev declared 2016 a ‘Year of Tolerance’

prayershield for Azerbaijan. Pray that Azerbaijan’s Government will allow greater religious freedom, in accordance with its national constitution.


for Easter Good Friday: As we

remember Jesus’ death on the cross today, let’s pray for our Christian brothers and sisters around the world, including those in Azerbaijan, who are persecuted for His name’s sake. Easter Saturday: Pray for Baptists in Azerbaijan who have suffered years of harassment and discrimination from local officials. Pray that their congregations will grow in faith and in number. Easter Sunday: Let’s celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead by praising God that the same power that raised our Lord from the grave lives in His people today. Pray that our persecuted brothers and sisters will have a fresh understanding of what that means for their lives. Easter Monday: Just as Jesus’ friends and disciples were overcome with joy to see Him alive again, let’s pray that our persecuted family will rejoice today to know that He has the victory over sin and death.

Egypt Tuesday 18: Continue to

pray for those affected by January’s bomb attack on St Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo. At least 25 people, most of them women and children, were killed in the blast.

Wednesday 19: The Cairo

church bombing (above) prompted fears of a return to the anti-Christian violence of 2013, after the military’s overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi. Pray Christians’ fears will not come to pass.

Thursday 20: Thank

God that Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi was quick to show solidarity with Christians after the Cairo bomb attack (above). Pray

Christians pray in St Mark’s Cathedral, Cairo, the target of January’s bomb attack.

that his Government will take firm action to protect the Christian minority. Friday 21: Pray that our brothers and sisters in Egypt will know that God is faithful and He never changes. Pray that they will stand firm against the temptation to seek revenge or give in to fear. Saturday 22: Pray for Christians in the Upper Egypt village of Al-Nagameesh where a mob went on the rampage, destroying homes and businesses. The attack followed rumours that Christians had turned a community centre into a church. Sunday 23: Legislation, passed last August, has imposed further restrictions on the building of churches in Egypt. Some extremists appear to interpret this

Saturday 29: Malik,

a former Muslim teacher, was beaten unconscious by relatives in east Uganda when he told them he’d become a Christian. His mother turned to Christ after seeing how Malik was persecuted. Sunday 30: A Muslim was sent to murder Bishop George Edweu during a church service in Amuria but the would-be assassin became a Christian during that service instead. The Holy Spirit convicted him as he sat waiting to kill the preacher: praise God!

Susan’s powerful testimony about God’s love is touching many lives in Uganda.

as a licence to challenge Christians’ right to worship. Pray that officials will uphold this right. Monday 24: Pray that God will thwart the plans of Islamist militant groups in Egypt.

Uganda Tuesday 25: Susan’s father held her captive in a shed for months to try to force her to renounce Christ. His plan failed. Susan (pictured), who has ongoing health problems as a result, now tours churches across the country, encouraging people to pray for persecuted Christians.

Wednesday 26: Ask God to protect all those who are turning to Christ in Uganda: pray that their numbers will multiply. Thursday 27: Pray for Peninah and her three children. Extremists pulled down their home in eastern Uganda after the family turned to Christ. They’re now homeless; Peninah has received death threats. Friday 28: Masked men raided a church in Obokora village, Pallisa district, and attacked several church members, including Pastor Erod. A Muslim had reportedly been healed at the church the previous day.

Sources: China Aid; Christian Solidarity Worldwide; Forum 18; Human Rights Watch; Middle East Concern; Mohabat News; Morning Star News; Release partners and contacts; Reuters; VOM USA.

Lord Jesus, Risen Lord and Saviour, you have conquered sin and death through your resurrection. I praise you that no one is excluded from your grace and everyone is invited into your family. Jesus, please touch the hearts of those who persecute your people, accost the prison guards with your love and overwhelm the torturers with your mercy. Help me, Lord, to see everyone as you see them, even those I find hard to love. Amen. © Release International 2017 Names in inverted commas have been changed to protect identities.

Release International, PO Box 54, Orpington BR5 4RT Tel: 01689 823491 Email: Registered Charity 280577 All personal data/sensitive personal data herein are processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Further details are available from Release International.

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