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2019 The definiTive guide To higher educaTion

� Digital DepenDence � 12 eDucation Destinations � current trenDs in the eDucational lanDscape � experiential learning

Digitalization The boon and bane of our existence www.counsellingpoint.com


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MAxIMIze YouR TOEFL® PRePARATIon TIMe — Without spending a Dirham

Preparing to take an English test can be a big deal, especially for those who have an intended score in mind. Constraints on time and energy can add even more pressure — it seems that just when you need to dedicate more time to studying, you have less time than ever before due to finishing up classes, applying to schools and trying to fit in time with family and friends. Understanding these constraints and sympathizing with the pressure that students are under, ETS offers an abundance of easy-to-use resources to help you maximize your TOEFL® prep time and focus your efforts where you can make the most difference. And you can do so without adding another constraint — financial resources. ETS offers more (and better) free resources to help students prepare for the TOEFL test. Resources focus on helping students learn where your skills gaps are and how to fill them, as well as the format of the test and the types of questions you will come across.

An Abundance of Free Resources The first place to visit is www.TOEFLGoAnywhere.org. This site gives a great overview of all of the resources that ETS provides. From here, students can access test prep tools and tips, such as free, unlimited access to past TOEFL iBT® questions from all four sections of the test. You can also access fun activities, such as “The Great Grammar Challenge,” and additional study tips through the TOEFL TV channel. The site is a good resource for you to learn about studying abroad, understand your “study personality” and access planning tools.

After you’ve checked out TOEFLGoAnywhere, the next priorities are to visit and follow the TOEFL Facebook® page and download the TOEFL Go!® Global Official app. These are two easy ways for you to incorporate learning into your everyday activities so you can accumulate knowledge without adding a big time commitment. The TOEFL Program’s Facebook page offers tips and advice, motivational messages, and videos in English. The app, which offers free access to sample questions and insider tips, is available through the Apple® App Store and Google® Play.

The Insider’s Guide While incorporating small learnings throughout the day is beneficial, ETS offers a much more comprehensive online study course, called TOEFL® Test Preparation: The Insider’s Guide, available at www.edX.org. It’s free, and it’s absolutely wonderful because it’s taught by ETS experts who actually work on the development of the TOEFL test. Through the course, participants can: • learn how to improve their English skills and understand what they can do to achieve their best TOEFL score. • become familiar with the format of the test. • watch videos, review sample questions and take short quizzes. • receive pretest speaking and writing scores. • interact with TOEFL test developers. • access discussion boards to chat with peers from all over the world.

For more information about all of the free resources available to you, visit www.ets.org/toefl


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Letter from the editor Dear Readers, I'm delighted to present to you the 8th edition of the Head Start handbook, my sincere attempt at equipping students, their families and counsellors with the information needed to navigate the often overwhelming voyage of career exploration and the requisite steps in the higher education journey. In this edition, we have focused on how the pervasive presence of technology has impacted careers, communication, relationships and the learning experience. Sharing perspectives, views and ideologies at the click of a button is now the norm. Whether it's the president of a nation or an infant, every human being has a voice. Globally, the vast majority of internet usage is facilitated by a mobile device and the internet is proving to be the window to the world. While Mark Zuckerberg maintains that "By giving people the power to share, we are making the world more transparent"; millennials are also becoming slaves to the digital world. The young entrepreneur Craig's initiative, Lock and Stock that helps our youth become more focused by using an app that shuts out all social media while in school, the IB mom's journey on helping her son to make the transition to university, some of the tools and techniques that helped her, the perspective of the dean of Abu Dhabi University on digitalization in education and a social commentary on the digital revolution by Ramya and Karun, these are just some of the edition's highlights. We have also updated information on twelve top education destinations, the prerequisites, processes, transnational student trends, and the tools that schools need to use to inculcate 21st century skills in our young students. 'The world is flat', a new initiative that allows young people to immerse themselves in experiential learning has been showcased here to allow you to seek opportunities to enhance your learning both inside and outside a classroom setting. A big thank you to the people who contributed to this handbook - Ramya Menon, Tara Pillay, Amanda Abraham, Puneet Rathi, Sreethi Nair Owais Kazi and Karun Menon. My advertisers, the designer Shabuddin Sayed, the marketing manager, Deepakk, my greatest strength - my family, all my well-wishers, students and friends, a zillion 'thankyous'! Our shared vision makes this book a reality and serves as a guide to hundreds of students. Students, you give me a life of purpose, the resilience to hang in there when the going gets tough and the desire to dream. We are in this rollercoaster ride together. Let's continue to make this an awesome experience, learn from the bumps on the road and embrace the challenges on the path to success!

Rema Menon V.


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Table of Contents










Digitalization: 10 Managing our relationship with technology

experiential learning: 142 World is Flat





Is Social media reality, the real story or just a rosy hued version of our lives? Digital literacy: not an option but a compulsion What Adolescents Really Need from Parents

138 IB Mom's journey




88 49 Professional Qualification: 96 The way of the future 102 eDucation: 110 32 uae Schools 114 44 Why schools should 118 teach the curriculum of the future, not the past

USA Canada Australia India Malaysia Singapore Germany

124 Switzerland

DeStinationS: 52 United Arab Emirates

128 New Zealand


146 My page

United Kingdom

132 Ireland



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impact of technology on children Brain Impairment- Studies are showing the longer children spend looking at the screens on tablets and phones, the more they run the risk of damaging their brain structure and function. Parts of the brain begin to atrophy because children are not receiving the human interactions that develop those areas. Most of the damage occurs in the brain’s frontal lobe and considering the frontal lobe undergoes massive changes from puberty until the midtwenties, this is very significant for a developing child. Excessive screen time is a stimulant that results in many children suffering from sensory overload, lack of restorative sleep, and a hyper-aroused nervous system. Most of these children are impulsive, moody, and can’t pay attention.

MANAGING OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH TECHNOLOGY When we grew up, the closest thing we had to the Internet was the local library. A mobile phone was something you played with by tying long pieces of string to tin cans. We even had walkie talkies, which were really cool. Our television programmes started in the afternoon and generally you only had two or three channels to choose from. Wireless was an old-fashioned word for the radio and digital addiction wasn’t even a thing. The Millennial Generation has had a very different childhood experience. The explosion of technology in recent decades has been significant and has impacted young children considerably. The number of electronic toys for children and teens has slowly replaced “regular toys”. Books have been replaced by e-readers, board games by apps, even pets have been replaced with apps and robotic equivalents that claim to be just like the real thing. Smartphones have clearly become an indispensable part of our lives and society, keeping us connected and aware of minute-to-minute breaking news, weather systems, even changes in marital status of pop icons and celebrities. Part of this “convenience” in allowing us to remain connected, are the ever-present alerts, pings and rings that identify an incoming text, email or breaking news story. The end result of the constant dopamine stimulation from our devices leaves us addicted and curious, and unable to disregard incoming texts and emails. 10


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Damage also occurs to the insula region of the brain, which houses our capacity to develop empathy and compassion for others, and our ability to integrate physical signals with emotion. Aside from the obvious link to violent behaviour, these skills dictate the depth and quality of personal relationships.

Digital addiction Studies show children as young as three years old are being given their own tablet device and children 10 years old are being given their own smartphone. Looking around, it’s not uncommon to see just about every child who can hold a phone in their hands, glued to the mobile screen. Once they work out that there is an entire world accessible to them through that little device, it becomes their most treasured possession. Research on video games has shown dopamine is released during gaming and that cravings or urges for gaming produces brain changes that are similar to drug addiction. Thus, digital addiction is born. The word “addiction” brings to mind alcohol and drugs. Yet, over the past 20 years, a new www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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type of addiction has emerged - addiction to social media. This may not cause physical harm, such as those caused by tobacco and alcohol, but it has the potential to cause longterm damage to our emotions, behaviour and relationships. Addiction may seem a bit of a strong word to use in the context of social media, but addiction refers to any behaviour that is pleasurable and is the only reason to get through the day. Everything else pales into insignificance. The harm lies in the change in behaviour of millennials. Their addiction means spending increasing amount of time online to produce the same pleasurable effect, and it means social media is the main activity they engage in above all others. It also means taking away attention from other tasks, experiencing unpleasant feelings from reducing or stopping interaction with social media and restarting the activity very soon after stopping completely. We should also be concerned about the effect of social media on sleep and doing less “offline�, such as making time for work responsibilities and direct face-to-face social interaction. It has also been linked to depression and loneliness, both of which may be the cause or the effect of social media addiction. Millennials report compulsively checking social network profiles and updates. There is a potential for them to make riskier decisions and become victims of online exploitation.


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They often mistakenly believe that, if things go wrong, they will get help from their online community, even if this community consists of relative strangers.

the harm goes beyond excessive screen time The brain is not the only body part being affected by electronic devices. Studies all over the world are saying the microwave radiation (which is how all wireless devices send and receive data) coming off a phone or tablet, is causing biological harm through long-term exposure. Recent studies have found links between brain and heart cancer from long-term exposure to microwave radiation, and much more. In all of the research two elements seem to be most significant: long-term exposure effects and amount of exposure.

lacking self-reflection Most of us rely partly on the ability to reflect on our thinking, feeling and behaving to form our own selfimage. The problem with social media is that selfimage relies mainly on others and their opinions. A recent study found higher narcissism in millennial college students, compared with previous generations. This does not bode well for a society where self-reflection is key to making informed and balanced decisions.



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"The behavioral addiction of smartphone use begins forming neurological connections in the brain in ways similar to how opioid addiction is experienced by people taking Oxycontin for pain relief— gradually," explained a news release. Researchers concluded that being addicted to the technology powering social media technology may actually have an adverse effect on nurturing and developing new social connections.

Solutions exist

Loneliness, the researchers believe, stems from the absence of body language and other social cues normally associated with face-to-face communication. The issue is is that visual signals can't be interpreted when people use texting as form of communication. The researchers also pointed out that these same students are also repeatedly multitasking while studying, eating, or attending class and watching other forms of media. This incessant level of activity doesn’t allow you to physically or mentally decompress and relax. This leads to a phenomenon known as "semitasking," in which people are engaged in two or more tasks simultaneously. In other words, it is hard to perform both tasks well, so that the quality of one unfortunately suffers.

Of course, mobile phones have tremendous value as well. If you are ever in a serious road accident the first thing you need to do is call for emergency services from your mobile phone. The list of benefits of technology is enormous too. But wireless technology – like any other technology – must be treated with respect and caution.



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So what do you do as a parent, when your children are quite literally digitally addicted to their wireless internet devices? And you probably are as well. For parents and children the answers are complex: You can’t simply tell them not to use the device, especially if you use one. That road leads to a lot of arguments and eventually a breakdown in your relationship.

our role as adults As adults, we are often found guilty of overprotecting our children. Until recently, we could bubble wrap them to make sure nothing untoward and inappropriate reached them until the time they were ready to receive it. We can't do that anymore. Yes, there are parental control settings on iPads, passcodes on mobiles and the child lock option www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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on televisions. Yet, they're exposed - to conversations interspersed with foul words, discussions on sensitive topics, episodes of adult humour, inappropriate forwards on WhatsApp, adult rated shows on YouTube, and more. And, it's not just cyber exposure for which we need to be wary - our environment, in general, has changed; it's more casual, open and relaxed. Add to it the fact that the young adults today have a mind of their own - leaving us with limited decision-making powers to help them make correct, age-appropriate choices. Our children have access to multiple devices at home and school, and therefore, are exposed to content much earlier than is developmentally appropriate. So, our ability to control what they consume is limited. These influences can lead our children to react with behavioural and emotional responses that are at odds with their environment and settings. Certain things that adults need to realize are:-

We're in this together It is important that parents realise that the need of the hour is for them to take collective action towards bringing up a better generation. We're all in this together; the changes I bring about in my home will be successful only if they're supported by other homes (as a society).



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it's not about judgement It's important to regularly review with whom your children keep company. It is also a parental task to screen for age and the interface used in case of potential red flags. You must ensure that you have literally seen these friends in action - at your home, their homes, at the malls, etc. You must not rest assured unless you do your due diligence as to the influence they might be having on your children. This is not an exercise in judgment, but in protection. This can result in great, educational and influential conversations with your children about values and help you to really understand their templates for making friends and how to have healthy friendships. It is increasingly difficult to shield children from exposure to inappropriate words or actions. At home we could have limits on what they watch. Keep an eye on their playgroups as well. Any usage of inappropriate words needs to be corrected immediately, irrespective of the place. Many parents have reservations about correcting their kids in front of others. It is important to make them understand the misdemeanour immediately instead of putting it off. At a young age, most children lack the awareness to differentiate between what are acceptable and unacceptable words.


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an open dialogue Young adults are so tech-savvy that parents sometimes feel out of their depth or get overwhelmed. We have to be aware that some of them are viewing content that is not age appropriate - sometimes consciously, sometimes unwittingly. While a few service providers like Etisalat, and programmes like Net Nanny, are able to put in place filters that block unsuitable content, we have to regularly have an open dialogue with the youth. We need to discuss the pros and cons of technology and caution them about the hidden dangers of the Internet. They should be taught not to download unknown/random programmes or click on links from emails that are of unknown origin. We must create values in our homes around how much of the digital world enters our environments. We should not have children behind closed bedroom doors with electronic devices. Phones and tablets must be removed, especially before bedtime, to protect sleep and keep children's curiosity in check.

Stay alert The best practice is to regulate from an early age; however, whenever you become aware, set limits for the amount of time on devices, download the best parental controls and regularly check what content the settings allow through the filter. Ensure device usage only in the communal areas of the home. We need to ask ourselves how conscious we are being of the dangers of smartphones before we gift them to our kids. They can't be relied upon to be moderate or not explore freely. They will run into inappropriate content for sure. Also, keep in mind that children end up using their devices under the influence of friends. Peer influence can be both positive and negative..

a circle of trust The most important thing is to have open communication and impress upon the young that they should be careful and vigilant. We should make it possible for them to confide in us if one of their friends is dabbling with inappropriate content or experiencing cyber-bullying. Peers may label the child a 'snitch' so such sensitive matters should be handled discreetly both by parents and the school administration. Empathy and a healthy trust between the adult and child can do wonders for a relationship, and ultimately impacts their world-view. It boils down to the sense of morality you www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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instill in your child while portraying yourself as a parent who's willing to understand a child's perspective.

Set a good example As the old adage goes - practice what you preach. As responsible adults we should be able to set good examples. Parents, and adults in general, must model device usage and content choices. Kids are always watching our behaviour with keen interest, and they end up doing what they see us doing.

Meeting halfway While devices can be good babysitters - even teaching aids - one needs to think about how our children need to manage their relationship with technology. Parents should not confuse tech and content oversight with a lack of trust. It is a matter of child protection as, at worst, the Internet or social networking platforms have content that can negatively impact children and cause emotional difficulties. Parents are often advised to keep computers in common areas, but today, the material is available even on handheld devices with inappropriate content that pops up on be it on YouTube, Facebook or Snapchat. Natural curiosity can get the better of a child, and then it may become a regular pastime. A few kids may accidentally download content or post personal data that could make an easy target for predators. Whatever the situation, we need to be mindful of the potential dangers associated with this and equip youngsters to be discerning.

the Bottom line Social media and its attendant problems is here to stay. The earlier we as parents and teachers realize its impact and devise ways and means to utilize it to the maximum while reducing its ill effects, the better it will be for us as a society. - Karun & Rema Menon V


http://theconversation.com/digital-addictionhow-technology-keeps-us-hooked-97499 https://theconversation.com/social-mediais-as-harmful-as-alcohol-and-drugs-formillennials-78418 https://www.wirelesseducation.org/digitaladdiction-what-do-we-do-as-parents/ HEADSTART 2019


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A breathtaking shot of a romantic beach getaway in Greece, a moving poem about the love between a husband and wife, an endearing video of great friends jamming together and a series of stories about a fantastic week with the ‘work fam’. This is what we all encounter on a daily basis when scrolling through our endless social media feeds. Incessant stories of success, larger than life gestures and unbelievable good fortune. But how real is the social media reality? Are all your friends really leading such perfect lives? Is the story on Instagram the true story and is the update on Snapchat a snapshot of what is actually happening? The stark reality is that it is not hard to manipulate social media. Just as a movie is filmed, it’s easy to


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‘film’ a version of your life to present on your social media platforms. Unconsciously you too are guilty of this. When was the last time your Facebook or Instagram update read: ‘Went to work, came back, ate and slept’. It’s always things like, ‘Having lunch with the squad’ or ‘Road tripping with the friends’ or ‘ Just bought my new car!’. But is every day about eating fancy lunches, buying cars and road tripping? No. We choose to share ‘news worthy’ aspects of our life. Not mundane everyday reality. The consequence obviously is that we only see the more dramatic elements of other people’s lives and as a result feel that we are lacking in adventure. Personally, I cannot count the number of times, we, as a group of friends, have commented on an acquaintance’s ‘happening’ life,



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purely based on the updates they share on social media. The reality could be very, very different. The thing to remember while consuming the content we see across social media outlets, is that, this is just a page, or sometimes even a paragraph of the actual story. That friend of yours, who has just been gifted a Tiffany’s ring may not necessarily be the happiest wife. That college roommate of yours who was just made VP has probably not rested for the last 20 weekends. And that friend who is constantly posting bright smiling pictures, is probably crying inside. One of the scariest aspects of this is that people go to extreme lengths to maintain this dramatic online profile. The need to remain relevant and exciting on social media has led to many people even losing lives to silly



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challenges and nonsensical pranks. What you show or see on social media should not become the entire focus of our lives. Instead of lamenting about how your life is not as interesting as your best friend’s is on social media, enjoy the wonderful moments you could have in reality. When you go for dinner with your friends the next time, instead of getting that perfect shot of the steak, eat it, and see if it actually tastes good! In an age when depression, social anxiety and other mental isolation is becoming virulent, it’s important for us to remember that what we see or hear online need not be the real story. Learn to use your judgement, read between the lines, and don’t become victims of unhappiness because of the social media ‘reality’. Don’t focus on dressing the mutton as lamb, maybe look for a real lamb instead.


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“Digital literacy”

not an option But a coMpulSion



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The World Economic Forum has announced the 4th Industrial Revolution that marks the new era of information transfer. Technology is the new face of this evolution and thus the vital source of transformation of information. Knowledge acquisition, skill development and creative applications are linked to the much broader mediums since the advancement of technology throughout the years. The explosion of information on digital platforms is beyond human imagination and it is impossible to shy away from it; in fact, it is highly essential to adapt to the progression and utilize it wisely. The methods of education have expanded through this growth as well. Information has improved to become quicker and easier to access. Associating with this growth is an advantage, as knowledge is improved in the process as well. Looking at the future, all upcoming job opportunities are re-configured with the advancement of the digital world. All industries have or will acknowledge the era of digital technology for better outcomes, thus job opportunities will evolve around the competency in digital literacy. The six drivers of change of future work skills are; extreme longevity, rise of smart machines and systems, computational world, new media ecology, super-structured organizations and finally a globally connected world. These drivers of change indicate that the digital world is the key platform for the future. A person’s ability to explore, interpret, use the information to articulate their ideas through the varying digital platforms will become a key competency for holistic success. Being a digital citizen is becoming a paramount need to survive in society. How do we get ready to face these unavoidable changes? – A question that needs very close attention and action. The answer to this question is multidimensional, however the key is getting clear awareness and understanding of using the digital platforms with a high degree of care and etiquette. The seeds of use of digital platforms should be correctly sowed at all levels. Every individual in society holding their own roles and responsibilities needs a very strong understanding of when, what, where, why and how to use the digital platforms. The 21st Century Brain has got a “google/yahoo/ snapchat/Twitter/Instagram” part that uses endless information available and often struggles to interpret and use the resources it is receiving in a meaningful www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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way. Our future lies in better understanding how we get our students and ourselves to effectively use the free flowing information, some of which is fake, responsibly. There are many myths related to digital literacy that holds us back, some of them are – all technology is great, information published in internet is valid, digital literacy should be taught as a separate skill, it is an inborn skill, technology can replace teachers… thus goes the list. This clearly shows that it is a shared responsibility of society to create well rounded digital citizens. UAE, an evolving, technology hub is ahead of the game in the making its citizens and residents digitally aware and literate. The nation has moved towards conceptualizing the importance of the a digital savvy world and has created all platforms poised to showcase the knowledge, competencies and innovation it can produce. The vision of the Rulers clearly reiterate that nothing is impossible if we are prepared to open ourselves to learning and implementing positive change. The government entities, their policies, industries, education and the common man is being prepared with the same vision that reinforces the belief that the “future is in our hands”.

Dr. Sreethi nair

Dean, University College Abu Dhabi University www.adu.ac.ae



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in a Q&a, neuroscientist ron Dahl explains how parents can help younger teens avoid depression and anxiety as they become more independent. (interviewed by Jill Suttie) The following is an abridged version of an interview with Ron Dahl, a neuroscientist and Professor of Human Health and Development at the University of California, Berkeley. Dahl, one of the leading experts on adolescent development talks about how parents can best help their budding teenagers.

JS: Some of your research suggests that parents—maybe even more than peers—have an important role to play in helping prevent adolescent depression. How do parents affect their young teens? rD: People think that for adolescents, it’s all about

peers and peer groups; but it’s not only that. They care and value being admired by adults, too—caring teachers, coaches, and parents. Yes, there’s an increased reliance


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on peers, but it’s not one or the other, and there are individual differences. For some kids at higher risk for anxiety or depression, it seems as if the parent role may be more dynamic and more important for longer. If they are struggling with issues of self-identity and where they fit in, it may be because those things are precarious for them, and a parent can provide extra scaffolding that helps them get through.

JS: But how do you get adolescents to listen to you, especially depressed adolescents? rD: What you’ve got to do is ask your adolescents a

series of questions or get them to reflect with you a little bit, helping them identify something they want to do, and then giving them some approaches or ways to think about their situation. If we wait until things have unraveled to a large degree, coming in as a parent and trying to change them is really hard to do. Staying involved and monitoring and building on your relationship can help promote autonomy in a way that actually brings you close.



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JS: your research has shown that adolescents need a lot of social support, and that this is reflected in their brain physiology. How do you explain the relationship between social support and physiological changes in the brain?

For adolescents, the intensity of emotion around being evaluated is even more remarkable. Neural systems evolved to make those assessments—to be extra vigilant in adolescence with respect to: Am I valued here? Do I fit in here? Do I belong?

rD: First of all, there is no experience we have that doesn’t have some biological form. For example, we use a term—social evaluative threat—to talk about the fear one feels that someone’s going to evaluate you. More than for physical danger, social evaluative threat creates a powerful physiological response, because for much of human history, being accepted within the tribe was important for our survival.

What’s relevant about that for anxiety and depression is that depressed and anxious young people replay these questions over and over through rumination and worry. Think about an experience when you were in middle school where you made one tiny mistake—maybe you were misunderstood or someone disrespected you in some way or you felt embarrassed. Those experiences cause a powerful physiological response. And if you mentally



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replay the scenario over and over, each time the neural systems will fire and fire. The physiological correlates in the brain are just reflecting patterns of behavior and emotion that get activated in those situations.

JS: Knowing that adolescents are focused on social scrutiny, it seems that being able to manage one’s worried thoughts and emotions could be beneficial for navigating that successfully. What can parents do to help their teens this way? rD: The feeling of being valued and competent, feeling good about ourselves, is shaped a little by what people tell us; but it’s shaped a lot by our experience of actually


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being competent. This is important, because sensitive parents have the right idea: They want to say the right thing and give their kids a message that they are good at something. But that may ring hollow if you’re telling your child he’s a good student and he gets a bad grade, or if you’re telling your child she’s a good athlete, but she doesn’t make the team. What’s needed instead is a mastery curve experience—where your kids work at something, they struggle, but they get better and better at it. A mastery curve creates one of the most solid supports for adolescents, and it’s rewarding, too. It’s part of the reason why kids who won’t spend three hours a day doing anything else will spend 14 hours a day playing video games.



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Children need to learn through their own experiences— such as graded exposure, where they face something a little difficult, see they can handle it, then try something a bit harder still. This is an opportune time to help them find a path to mastery, through patterns of experience.

JS: How can parents support their kids in gaining mastery experiences? RD: We developmental scientists tend to use the term scaffolding a lot. The idea is that parents provide support; but you only use scaffolding to the point that it’s needed. The art of weaning this away is where the action is. Anything that feels like a parent trying to direct a kid toward what they [the parents] think the adolescent should do is likely to be counterproductive. At a practical level, you want to create a context that gives them a range of options and let them find something relatively pro social and healthy to explore. Wise and well-resourced parents with insight do this intuitively.

JS: What is the role of purpose in all of this? rD: What gives you the feeling of an expanded sense

of self is being able to contribute to something larger than yourself. Wise people have been writing about this long before neuroscience came along. I often use the term “igniting passions” as part of what’s happening biologically as puberty sets in, and these ignited passions can be attached to various things—a particular activity, a particular person, falling in love for the first time. But

it can also attach to a sense of purpose and meaning, and that’s a wonderfully positive framework for thinking about what’s happening in kids’ brains at this time.

JS: you’ve studied how kids handle peer rejection and found it’s important for parents to model calm behavior themselves in stressful situations. Do you think parental stress is a factor here? rD: We humans tend to think that the content of our

words is what’s most important, and we forget that the tone of voice and the feeling conveyed are really powerful signals. We can be saying exactly the right words and be conveying a message we’re not even aware of. This is particularly true of anxious kids, because they are particularly sensitive to this. The most important cue about whether the environment is safe is the parent’s emotions. One thing we’ve learned from our work is that if you’re trying to push away the negative, you’re actually engaging and activating the negative. Trying not to be anxious or angry is not going to work. You’ve got to activate the positive. It’s not just about being calm. That’s hard to do—you can’t fake it. Kids have good phony meters. But finding something you like about your child and what they did, and connecting to that and feeling good about that, or finding a source of gratitude to share, become important in preventing negative spirals. I think increasingly our models around depression are less about diminishing the negative and more about promoting the positive.

-Adapted from an article published by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley




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Gulf Medical university


ulf Medical University is one of the most popular medical education destinations in the Gulf region. GMU has emerged as the biggest private medical university in the region with the addition of new programs, prestigious regional and international collaborations, multiple global accreditations, increasing student numbers and its transformation into the region’s only private Academic Health System. Undergraduate programs include: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD), Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D), Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (BBMS), Associate Degree in Pre-Clinical Sciences (ADPCS) and Bachelor of Science courses in Anesthesia Technology, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Medical Imaging Sciences and Nursing. Masters programs include: Joint Masters in Health Professions Education with FAIMER, US & CenMEDIC, UK; Master in Public Health in collaboration with the University of Arizona, US; Master of Physical Therapy, Master in Clinical Pharmacy in collaboration with Virginia Commonwealth University, US & Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi; Masters in Environmental Health and Toxicology; 30


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Masters in Periodontics and Masters in Endodontics. GMU enjoys a robust collaboration with a number of prestigious universities around the world, such as the University of Arizona, Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee - USA, University of Saint Joseph School of Pharmacy in Connecticut, German Heidelberg University, University of Ghana, Medical University of Lublin, Tokyo Medical Dental Universityas well as research institutes such as the Gustave Rossi Cancer Research Institute – France.


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university’s student community is approximately 2000-strong today, hailing from more than 80 countries

GMU uses latest technology in the classrooms for teaching and training students. One of the most prominent uses of technology in teaching is the Virtual Patient Learning (VPL), a simulation program based on Artificial Intelligence. The Gulf Medical University’s Academic Health System (GMUAHS) links the healthcare, medical education and research functions together. Research is an important strategic direction of GMUAHS. The Thumbay Research Institute for Precision Medicine leads research in the field of cancer biology and immunology, through international collaboration with France, Poland and Korea. GMU attracts students from new countries each year, and the University’s student community is approximately 2000-strong today, hailing from more than 80 countries. The student population is growing every year. The well-organized alumni network has professionals pursuing successful


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healthcare careers around the world. The growing stature of GMU is evident from the regional and international recognitions it continues to receive. In 2017, GMU was ranked among the top 50 medical universities in the Middle East, and bagged Gold at the prestigious Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Awards 2018. GMU also secured top positions in e-learning regionally and globally at the Wharton QS-Stars Reimagine Education Conference & Awards 2018 - USA, also obtaining 5 stars in teaching and community engagement. GMU also received the Dubai Quality Appreciation Award this year, for the 2017 assessment cycle. The strategic plans of Gulf Medical University include increasing its global footprint by setting up three new medical university campuses in three different countries. GMU aspires to transform into a researchbased university by 2025.

gMu was ranked among the top 50 medical universities in the Middle east, and bagged gold at the prestigious Sheikh Khalifa excellence awards 2018.



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The UAE education landscape is constantly evolving. Unlike the situation a decade back when people were forced to look outside the UAE for good quality education, today, due to the collaborative efforts of the Ministry of Education, KHDA and various educational entities, the UAE has plenty of courses to offer students. As per the KHDA's latest report, there are currently 194 private schools in Dubai with students from 182 nationalities following 17 different curricula. This is the tenth year of Knowledge and Human Development Authority’s (KHDA) Dubai school inspections and out of the 194 schools in Dubai, 166 schools were part of the 2017/18 inspection cycle with a total of 281,432 students. Abu Dhabi Emirate currently has around 185 private schools operating in three regions; Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and the Western Region. The Private Schools & Quality Assurance Sector caters for approximately 200,000 students of different nationalities including the 50,000 32


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Emirati students which is 25% of the total number of students registered in private schools. With such a large student population, the development of a quality private education system is a crucial foundation required to help achieve Abu Dhabi’s Economic Vision for 2030. The 104 schools inspected in the 2017/2018 academic year scored 34 percent better than their peers inspected in the previous year, according to the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK).

Abu Dhabi, unlike Dubai, does not inspect all of the schools in the emirate in one year, but spreads inspections over two. Consequently year on year comparisons are not like for like. In 2017/18 63 schools in Abu Dhabi were inspected, 39 in Al Ain, and two in the Al Dhafra Region. In total four schools were rated Outstanding, 12 Schools Very Good, 27 schools Good, 53 schools were deemed Acceptable, and eight schools Weak. According to the ADEK, in terms of curricula, 25 British schools were assessed, 32 US Schools, 23 Ministry of Education schools, and 11 Indian schools. In terms of percentage, and based on the 2017/18 inspections, only schools that follow the British curriculum are most likely to be rated Good or better (56 percent Good, 44 percent acceptable), followed by US schools (53 percent good, 41 percent acceptable, six percent weak), and then Indian curriculum schools (36 percent Good or better, 55 percent Acceptable). Just 13 percent of Ministry of Education schools inspected provide a Good quality of education. A further 78 percent were deemed Acceptable, and nine per cent are considered Weak.


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Some of the most popular curricula on offer include:

international Baccalaureate The IB diploma is designed as an academically challenging and balanced programme of education that prepared students aged 16 to 19 for success at University and life beyond. IB diploma students study six subjects at higher or standard level. Students must choose one subject from different subject groups thus ensuring breadth of experience in languages, Social Studies, the experimental sciences and mathematics. The sixth subject may be an arts subject chosen from group 6, or the student may choose another subject from group 1 to 5. At least 3 and not more than 4 subjects are taken at higher level (recommended 240 teaching hours), the others at standard level (150 teaching hours). Students can study these subjects, and be examined in English, French or Spanish. The International Baccalaureate has already educated over 1 million students since it was founded more than


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40 years ago, earning a reputation for quality education, high standards, consistent and rigorous assessment, and leadership in international education. It synthesizes the best research and practice from a range of national systems with the wealth of knowledge and experience in international schools. The IB’s programmes for students aged 3 to 19 help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalising world. At present there are a further 1 million IB students at approximately 4000 schools in 144 countries studying the PYP, MYP and Diploma programmes. Students take a written exam at the end of the programme. The highest total that a diploma holder can be awarded is 45. The marks awarded for each course ranges from 1 to 7, with 7 being the highest. A score of 24 or above must be secured to be granted a diploma along with satisfactory performance in CAS. Up to 3 points can be granted for the extended essay and theory of knowledge. Universities in USA may offer credits for high scores in the IB.



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Nationally and Internationally Accredited Programs COLLEGE OF




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Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


ABET Accredited ABET Accredited ABET Accredited ABET Accredited ABET Accredited


• International partnerships with institutions spread over four continents add a global perspective to your education through study abroad, dual and joint degrees, our 2+2 programs or short-term exchange options. Students can choose from countries such as Australia, Brazil, Malaysia, South Korea, France, UK, and USA.

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Partnership agreements include a dual degree undergraduate program with Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, 2+2 programs with Monash University, Australia and University of Tampa, USA. Students can also enroll for short-term exchange programs with Neoma Business School in France and Nottingham Trent University in the UK.

POSTGRADUATE • Master of Business Administration (MBA) with specializations in Aviation Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Project Management, International Human Resources Management, Finance, Human Resource Management, Tourism and Event Management (in collaboration with Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia)



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with specializations in Training & Development, Organizational Leadership, Strategic Human Resource Management

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(A Master of Global Management from University of Tampa, USA and an Executive Master of Business Administration from Abu Dhabi University) Dual Award Degree

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British curriculum Schools The International GCSE (IGCSE) is an internationally recognised qualification which was designed as a secondary school qualification for pupils overseas but it is now being adopted by an increasing number of schools and colleges in the United Kingdom in preference to the standard GCSE. IGCSEs are the same qualification level as a standard GCSE and the qualifications are considered by many to be a more rigorous preparation for A-levels. IGCSEs offer progression to 'A' Level, BTEC vocational courses, and other similar qualifications that are recognised internationally and by the University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). IGCSE is offered to students in over 150 countries and is gaining popularity in the UK.World-wide over 1.5 million students enter IGCSE exams every year.

a level courses A Levels are considered the Gold Standard of the British education system and abilities, even in later life are still



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measured against it. Because A levels are usually studied over a two year period each syllabus is divided into two halves or “AS & A2 Levels�. Whilst each half covers approximately the same amount of material, the conceptually harder elements will nearly always be found in the second "A2" half. Generally, AS and A2 will each consist of two units. Each unit leads to a corresponding exam. Examinations are normally in June, although you may be able to arrange to sit some exams in January You can start an A Level course at any time but you can only sit your examination in an appropriate examination window. To prepare for A Levels, students should have a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade C and above or equivalent qualifications. These would ideally include English and Mathematics. Various subjects are on offer and can differ from school to school. Students can also prepare and appear for exams privately through the British Council with permission from the school.


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• Joint Masters in Health Professions Education with (FAIMER), United States & CenMEDIC, United Kingdom • Master in Public Health in collaboration with The University of Arizona, United States • Master of Physical Therapy • Master in Clinical Pharmacy (MPHARM in Clinical Pharmacy) in collaboration with Virginia Commonwealth University, United States & Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi • Master in Environmental Health and Toxicology BACHELOR PROGRAMS UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS

• Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery • Doctor of Dental Medicine • Doctor of Pharmacy • Bachelor of Physiotherapy • Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences • Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Sciences • Bachelor in Medical Imaging Sciences • Bachelor of Science – Anesthesia Technology • Bachelor of Science in Nursing • Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Registered Nurses (Bridging) • Associate Degree in Pre-Clinical Sciences MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS


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Apart from this, some schools provide, Cambridge IGCSE curriculum for 14-16 year olds, leading to globally recognized Cambridge IGCSE qualifications. It is part of the Cambridge Secondary 2 stage. Schools worldwide have helped develop Cambridge IGCSE, which provides excellent preparation for the Cambridge Advanced stage including Cambridge International AS and A Levels and Cambridge Pre-U, as well as other progression routes. It incorporates the best in international education for learners at this level. It develops in line with changing needs, and is regularly updated and extended. Cambridge IGCSE teachers can draw on excellent resources, training and advice from subject experts. Assessment for Cambridge IGCSE includes written and oral tests, coursework and practical assessment. Schools have the option of assessing learners using only external examinations or, in most subjects, combining examinations with coursework. Coursework is set and marked by the teacher and externally moderated by Cambridge. Teachers






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Cambridge, or who possess suitable experience of marking coursework may carry out this assessment. In most subjects there is a choice between core and extended curricula, making IGCSE suitable for a wide range of abilities. Each learner’s performance is benchmarked using eight internationally recognised grades. There are clear guidelines which explain the standard of achievement for different grades. Cambridge IGCSE examination sessions occur twice a year, in May/June and October/November. Results are issued in August and January. Assessment for Cambridge IGCSE includes written and oral tests, coursework and practical assessment. Schools have the option of assessing learners using only external examinations or, in most subjects, combining examinations with coursework. Coursework is set and marked by the teacher and externally moderated by Cambridge. In most subjects there is a choice between core and extended curricula, making IGCSE suitable for a wide range of abilities. Each learner’s performance is benchmarked using eight internationally recognised grades. There are clear guidelines which explain


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the standard of achievement for different grades. Cambridge IGCSE examination sessions occur twice a year, in May/June and October/November. Results are issued in August and January. Some institutions in America give credits to A level students.

Btec courses: BTECs are career-based qualifications designed to give students the skills they need to move on to higher education or go straight into employment. When combined with academic learning in a school or college (or as a stand-alone course in further or higher education), a BTEC develops a range of practical knowledge and skills which help learners to prepare for – and progress in – their chosen career. More employers and Higher Education institutions than ever before are choosing BTEC-qualified candidates for their academic and practical knowledge and skills Some schools in the UAE now offer BTEC qualifications as well. BTECs are graded using a Pass (P), Merit (M), Distinction (D) and Distinction* (D*) scale. Depending on the size of your course, you may receive one, two or three grades.

central Board of Secondary education There are 119 CBSE schools in the Gulf Council and each GCC country is represented by a Chapter Convenor who co-ordinates with each other. In UAE, there are 84 schools offering an Indian curriculum.. These schools follow the curricula of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) or International Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE). According to KHDA statistics, around 58,000 students currently attend schools offering an Indian curriculum in Dubai alone.

succeed in a multi-cultural, technologically sophisticated environment that places intellectual and emotional quotient on par. Students who graduate are eligible for admission to any school in any part of India or other parts of the world. The All India S.S.C Examination of the Central Board has been recognized as a qualifying examination for admission to Indian as well as foreign Universities. Hindi is taught as a compulsory second language up to Grade 7. The student has a choice of opting for French from Grade 8 onwards. Arabic is a compulsory language for all grades up till Grade 10 and optional for Grades 11 & 12.

Scheme of Studies Secondary (grade 9 and 10) These 2 crucial years of school life are spent almost exclusively in preparing the child to appear for the All India Secondary School Examination conducted by CBSE, New Delhi. Core Syllabus - English, Arabic, Hindi / French, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Science, (History, Geography, Economics, Civics and Political Science, Disaster Management), Computer Science, Art Education, Work Experience, Physical and Health Education.

The Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) conducts final examinations every spring for All India Senior School Certificate Examination (AISSCE) for Class 10 and 12.The board also annually conducts the AIEEE for admission to undergraduate courses in engineering and architecture in numerous colleges spread over India. It also conducts NEET for admission to medical colleges in India. The curriculum is so designed as to inspire the students to acquire and use the knowledge and skills needed to www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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Senior Secondary (grade 11 and 12) The AISSCE conducted by CBSE, New Delhi has been recognised as a qualifying examination for admission to Indian as well as foreign Universities. The school offers various streams of study at this level example: Science, Commerce or Arts. The electives offered may be changed under instructions from the Board. Compulsory Subjects include - English Core, General Studies, Physical and Health Education & Work Experience.

council for the indian School Certificate Examinations With its affiliation to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi, India, some schools follow the curriculum of the CISCE Board and prepares students for the ICSE examination in the Secondary School and ISC examination in the Higher Secondary School. The Board and the curriculum framework provide a platform for diversity of intelligence in children and provide multiple avenues to focus on the student’s potential.

The Indian Certificate of Secondary education or icSe examination is an examination conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination. a private, nongovernmental board of school education in India, for class 10,. It has been designed to provide an examination in a course of general education, in accordance with the recommendations of the New Education Policy 1986 (India), through the medium of English. The examination allows secure suitable representation of Governments responsible for schools (which are affiliated to it) in their States/ Territories. Private candidates are not permitted to appear for this examination.

In all subjects other than Science and Computers, students must submit compulsory coursework assignments. In groups I and II they count for 20% of the student's performance in the subject; in group III the assignments count for 50%. In Science and Computers, students are tested on their laboratory work. In subjects where there is more than one paper, the mark in the subject is calculated by taking the average of all papers in the subject. Candidates appearing for the examination have to study seven subjects, with anywhere from 1 to 3 papers in each subject. This makes for a total of 8-12 papers, depending on the subjects. The certificate has international equivalence and enables students to transfer to International Universities.

american curriculum Schools The American curriculum is based on American standards of achievement in all subject areas, supported by a huge range of co-curricular activities that ensure students have the opportunity to develop fully as individuals. It includes enquiry-based, hands-on teaching methods and learning strategies geared to individualized instruction. Any American curriculum refers to a broad and balanced Kindergarten to Year 12 [K-12] program commencing with entry to Kindergarten at age 5 and concluding with the award of the American High School Diploma on successful completion of Grade 12, at age 17. The American diploma is accepted for entrance by all US universities and colleges, and is increasingly recognized by international schools of higher education. To cater to the needs of the diverse community; schools offer a range of course options and curricula. Some schools in UAE offer a combination of two curricula. Some may have a British system along with IB while others like the SABIS schools offer APs or advanced placement along with A levels. The costs, facilities and structure vary greatly.The choice is yours to make.

Source: http://www.cie.org.uk/qualifications/academic/middlesec/igcse/subjects http://www.edexcel.com/International/Documents/Edexcel-Capabilities-Final-UnitedKingdom.pdf http://www.cie.org.uk/qualifications/academic/middlesec/igcse/overview http://icseguide.com/icse-board-open-its-doors-to-information-seekers/ http://www.cisce.org/council.html http://cbse.nic.in/welcome.htm www.khda.gov.ae www.adec.ac.ae/en 42


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Why schools should teach the curriculum of the future, not the past

Hadi partovi Founder and ceo, code.org This article is part of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions Robots, artificial intelligence, automation – no longer the stuff of science fiction movies. Overwhelming evidence shows the shift in what the workforce needs is already underway and that it will continue to grow much larger in the future. All around the world, leaders from government and industry debate the future of work and the changes brought by technology and automation. Despite this, the world is not reacting fast enough to update our system of education. According to analysis of 750 occupations by the McKinsey Global Institute, 51% of job activities are highly susceptible to automation – and that’s through 44


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adapting currently demonstrated technology alone. It’s also important to note that these activities span jobs across industries as well as skill and wage levels. This indicates that automation is much less likely to lead to the mass unemployment predicted by alarmists but is almost certainly going to necessitate the redefinition of most occupations and requisite skills.

US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014.

Image: O*Net, McKinsey www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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I n o ne st u d y, c o m p u t e r science trailed only the ar ts in terms of c lasses sc h ool c h ild ren liked th e most.

Image: REUTERS/Oswaldo Rivas 17 Sep 2018

What are we doing to prepare future generations to thrive in this changing landscape? A student that begins primary school today will graduate from university in the mid-2030s and their career will last through 2060 or beyond. While we can’t predict exactly what our workforce’s needs will be in in the middle of the century, we already know they are changing and will continue to change with the rate of technological advancement. Yet, in most schools you visit in 2018, you see teachers teaching the exact same subject matter as they taught in 1918: reading, writing, math, science, history and foreign languages. Debates about the future of education centre on changing how we teach, to embrace technology in the classroom, but there is almost no debate about changing what we teach. Any discussion of the future of work should go hand-in-hand with a discussion of the future of curriculum. Problem-solving, creative thinking, digital skills and collaboration are in greater need every year yet are not taught in our schools. Even when schools teach digital www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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skills, they focus on how to use technology – how to create a document or a presentation – rather than how to create technology. Some of the topics we teach today will no longer be essential in the 2030s: handwriting is increasingly obsolete, complex arithmetic is no longer done by hand, and the internet has replaced the need to memorize many basic facts. We are faced with the challenge of redefining a foundational education to keep up with the evolution of skills required to solve problems, innovate and succeed. But, as a society, we are failing to meet that challenge and consequently failing to adequately prepare the next generation for the future. To prepare all students with the creative, collaborative and digital problem-solving skills of the future, schools must teach computer science as part of the core curriculum. Computer science is not just about coding. It is also about computational thinking, interface design, data analysis, machine learning, cyber security, networking and robotics. Learning computer science HEADSTART 2019


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DuBai international acaDeMic city MarKet reSearcH StuDy revealS FinDingS on gloBal StuDent recruitMent practiceS anD international StuDent groWtH MarKetS For 2018 104 universities from 41 countries provide insights into global student recruitment practices. India to Overtake China as Fastest-growing International Student Target Market for Universities. Dubai-uae: october 9th, 2018 – Dubai International Academic City (DIAC) and BMI Media, a leading student recruitment event organiser, followed up their first market research study on the priorities and preferences of transnational students in 2017 with new research entitled, “Transnational Student Mobility and University Trends in 2018: University Marketing Methodologies, Offerings and Student Recruitment Strategies”, which launched at the 2018 BMI Global Education Fair.

Managing Director of DIAC, said: “Globalisation has transformed the education landscape, fuelling the rise of borderless higher education and a growing transnational student market worldwide. This trend plays a key role in bridging barriers and bringing countries closer together. Our second study with BMI Media helps broaden our understanding of the motivations and student recruitment practices of the world’s higher education institutions, as well as the obstacles universities face when recruiting students from abroad.”

The report, which focuses on transnational student growth around the world, target markets for recruiting transnational students and core insights into student recruitment, surveyed 104 universities from 41 countries across six continents, with a majority of these universities being based in the USA, UK, Canada and the UAE.

He added: “Through our research, we aim to continue driving the development of higher education, and identify opportunities for universities, students and agents alike. The UAE is a growing higher education hub with 83 per cent of the UAE universities surveyed experiencing growth and the student numbers at DIAC increasing by seven per cent over the previous academic year. The government’s recent changes to residency visa regulations for students will definitely support this trend.”

Sixty-eight per cent of the institutions have been in operation for over 30 years, while 38 per cent of respondents have more than 20,000 students, indicating long standing and reputable universities. Fourteen per cent of the participating universities were offshore International Branch Campuses (IBC’s), located in the UAE, China, Malaysia and more. One of the main results of the study showed that India is widely perceived as the fastest-growing market for transnational student recruitment, in addition to a majority of surveyed institutions anticipating increased marketing activities in India in the next twelve months, putting China at a close second place. The bi-lateral economic and commercial ties between India and UAE are at an all-time high; with relations being strengthened across a range of areas including trade, investment, energy, artificial intelligence and space. UAE universities can expect to benefit from these strengthening relationships with an increased number of Indian students travelling to the UAE for university studies. Speaking at the launch of the study, Mohammad Abdullah, 46


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While most universities perceive India as the fastestgrowing market for transnational student recruitment, the country topping that list is currently still China, closely followed by India, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. These findings highlight the increasing willingness of students from across emerging markets to pursue higher education abroad. Rupert Merrick, Director at BMI Media, said: “In partnership with DIAC, we set out to conduct the second research study to shed light on the growth markets for transnational students and the strategies universities employ to attract them. Our findings have confirmed that the education landscape is shifting. For instance, we were intrigued to learn that most of the educational institutions surveyed expect India to become the fastest-growing student market, a position that was dominated by China for the past decade.”


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Other key findings of the study include: • The demand for transnational education is on the rise. Forty-two per cent of the respondents witnessing growth of up to five per cent in the academic year 2017/2018. Whilst only 14 per cent recorded a loss in transnational student number, 60 per cent of which came from the U.S. where universities are experiencing a well-documented decline due to current government policy across a range of issues. Locally, 80 per cent of UAE universities experienced transnational student growth. • The biggest obstacle for transnational student growth is government policy, especially in the USA and the UK. The current US visa regulations and foreign policy deter students from going to that country, while in the UK, Brexit has created uncertainty for students from the European continent regarding their poststudy working rights. The second-ranked obstacle is the comparative cost of the higher education programmes, followed by a lack of funding, economic factors abroad and visa issues. • The most effective student recruitment activities are agent recruitment events, followed by student recruitment fairs and digital advertising, which are considered critical for universities seeking to attract international students. Among the least effective methods are various forms of traditional marketing, such as print, television and radio advertising. Over the past years, emerging education hubs such as the UAE and Malaysia have provided viable alternatives to established destinations such as the USA, UK, Australia and Canada. With a focus on Business, Management and STEM-related subjects which receive the highest uptake in student numbers – paired with simplified application processes and supportive government policies, universities are in a strong position to increase enrolment numbers of transnational students. www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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encourages creativity, problem-solving, ethics and collaboration – skills which aren’t just important for technical careers in the developed world, but valuable for every career in all economies. What’s more, in a study of how students felt about their classes, computer science and engineering trailed only the arts in terms of classes they liked the most.

as part of the academic core. Beyond the US, more than 25 countries have announced plans to expand schoolday access to computer science. This group includes the UK, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Argentina, Ecuador, Italy, Malaysia, Sweden and Thailand.

Education leaders should discuss removing aspects of the curriculum of 1918 to make room for the curriculum of 2018. Computer science shouldn’t be relegated to after-school clubs, robotics contests or hackathons. It shouldn’t be accessible only at a premium but taught as part of the primary and secondary school day, accessible to all students.

Teaching computer science in schools may sound intimidating but it is an idea that generates hope. It inspires teachers and engages students. Even though the majority of the world’s teachers don’t have experience in computer science and many of the world’s schools lack connected computers, these are problems we can and should solve. Countries such as Brazil, Chile and Nigeria are building plans to tackle these challenges and the rest of the world should follow suit.

Our schools should teach the curriculum of the future, not just the curriculum of the past. Already, many countries have begun to embrace computer science as part of their national curriculum. In the US, 44 states have changed policies to recognize computer science

The future of work may be uncertain but there is one thing that is absolutely clear: computer science will be in greater demand than ever before and every student, in every school, should have an opportunity to learn it as part of the curriculum.

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Professional Qualifications:

The way of The fuTure The demands of the workplace are changing as market trends evolve and industries become more competitive. And that change brings with it the need for a new type of working professional. Organisations are looking for highly skilled employees, who have an in-depth and specialised knowledge in their field and who can adhere to international standards and code of conduct of professionalism. With so many individuals contending for the same objective, how can one stand out and be certain of a clear career progression? The answer to achieving these goals is earning a Professional Qualification (PQ). We have picked out some professional qualifications which we think may be best suited for you:

1. Association of Chartered Certified accountants (acca) ACCA is one of the largest and fastest growing global accountancy bodies, with the Big Four Accounting and Audit firms being one of the largest employers of ACCA Members and Affiliates. Providing more than just accounting knowledge, the ACCA qualification prepares students for business, instilling in them the professional skills, value and ethics to enable them to succeed in international business.

2. chartered Finance analyst (cFa) The CFA charter is an investment credential that, for more than 60 years, has been the global standard for embodying the integrity, dedication and advanced skills needed to build a stronger, more accountable financial industry. The CFA is one of the world’s most highly respected and challenging credential in the finance and investment industry.

3. Certified Management Accountant (CMA) For over 40 years the Certified Management Accounting (CMA) designation has served as the benchmark for excellence in the field of

management accounting. Achieving the CMA demonstrates your professional expertise in wfinancial planning, analysis, control, decision support and professional ethics – skills that are in demand by organisations all around the world.

4. chartered institute of personnel and Development (cipD) CIPD is committed to championing better work and working lives, building HR capabilities, shaping ideologies and setting a benchmark for excellence in HR and L&D for more than a 100 years. CIPD members globally represent the most influential senior HR leaders from the world’s leading organisations and next generation of HR professionals. CIPD qualifications focus on HR in a business context and equip professionals with skills valued by employers.

5. chartered institute of Marketing (ciM) The CIM is the world’s leading professional marketing body with over 28,000 members worldwide. The range of world-renowned qualifications are designed for professionals at all levels in their career, whether it is someone just starting out in their career or is an experienced marketer. A CIM qualification is built to enhanceone’s marketing capability and network at an individual and business level, providing professionals with the practical skills to handle strategic marketing decisions in various contexts. The above qualifications are among few of the many you can undertake to enhance your career and take it to the next level. An expert in any field is highly valuable, and by demonstrating expertise through a professional qualifications, one can join this exclusive pool of professionals.

amanda abraham Professional Lecturer

For more advice regarding any of these qualifications please contact: +971 5 0384 8850


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MODUL brand stands for more than 100 years of excellence in education it’s widely recognized as Austria's leading private international university and is owned by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the largest provider of private education in Austria.

MODUL University ranks 3rd in Europe and 12th globally for its profound research and publications. IN EUROPE




MODUL University’s Foundation Programme helps student to understand their potential and be prepared for the Undergraduate Degree.



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Master of Science in Sustainable Development, Management & Policy invites students from diverse backgrounds to explore sustainability through a multidisciplinary lens. Graduates analyse conditions and problems related to sustainability and come up with creative solutions.

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ODUL’s long standing equity in education spans a century long since the inauguration of the MODUL Tourism College on 20 October 1908 making it the oldest educational institute to offer hospitality & tourism education. Since then, accolade after accolade have earned MODUL the equity it has today in Europe and across the globe with the Alma Matter spanning the seven continents. Founded by Dubai Investments PJSC and DACH Advisory, In September 2016, and after almost a century long legacy in Austrian education, MODUL’s education found a new home-outside-home in Dubai, UAE - with the inauguration of MODUL University Dubai on 10 Oct. 2016 to welcome students from over 70 nationalities. MODUL University Dubai offers 360-degree higher education degrees in business, tourism, hospitality, sustainability, public governance and new media technologies, entrepreneurship and leadership, as well as a foundation programme and professional education short-courses.

As the first and only Austrian university in the MENA region, MODUL University Dubai is committed to bringing first-class Austrian education standards and its profound research expertise to Dubai and the wider region. It aims at nurturing a diverse, mixed-gender, multinational student population who join MODUL from all over the world while serving the local community and the UAE Government’s agenda in pursuit of excellence and bridging the ever-growing skillset gap between higher education and the industry through introducing innovative approaches


+971 4 510 1400 | 800 MODUL admissions@modul.ac.ae www.modul.ac.ae

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uniteD araB eMirateS The vision of the UAE’s leaders is to make the UAE a knowledgebased economy and a major education hub in the Middle East. The Ministry of Education has released a policy document outlining a strategy for educational development in the UAE up to the year 2020 based on several fiveyear plans. The UAE is already known for its well-considered international education strategies. Last year, the British Council published its Shape of Global Higher Education report based on an analysis of international higher education policies across 38 countries. The UAE was ranked #2 for quality assurance and degree recognition, and # 5 for openness and mobility. UAE is home to a wide range of universities, both public and private. UAE citizens can attend government institutions free of charge. According to the UAE Ministry website, ninetyfive percent of all girls and 80 percent of boys enrolled in the final year of secondary school apply for admission to a higher education institution. International students studying in the United Arab Emirates are now be eligible for a five-year student visa, replacing the one-year visa term in place until now. In addition, plans are being finalised to allow students performing exceptionally well to apply for a 10-year residency and students who live as dependents of their parents in the UAE to apply for a visa extension after graduation. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice 52


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President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, announced this in May 2018. The news comes as the UAE works to lessen its reliance on the oil and gas sector and to move the country further along its path to becoming a knowledge based economy. The UAE hosts the second-highest number of university branch campuses in the world after only China. Dubai is home to more than 200 nationalities today and 90% of the city’s population comes from abroad, which is one reason why international branch campuses are such a natural fit. There are 52 institutions in Dubai that offer higher education programmes. Many offer a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programmes. Dubai International Academic City and Knowledge Park are purpose-built zones in Dubai that provide facilities and infrastructure for higher education. They have attracted institutions from all around the world to provide highquality international degrees. Other purpose-built areas that include higher education institutions are Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), Dubai Healthcare City, and Dubai Silicon Oasis. According to KHDA, there are 432 academic programmes available in Dubai. The majority (227) of these programmes are Bachelor’s degrees, and a further 141 programmes are at Master's level. The programmes cover a wide range of fields of study. Many (39%) are within


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the field of business, and there are also programmes in information technology, engineering, law, media and design, education, social studies, Islamic studies, health and medicine, and natural and physical sciences. Dubai has put in place specific processes to ensure institutions provide quality education to the student community. The University Quality Assurance International Board (UQAIB) was established by KHDA to assure the quality of education at international branch campuses. UQAIB uses a validation model to ensure that the academic programme delivered in Dubai is the same accredited programme taught at the institution’s home campus. All higher education institutions located in Dubai’s Free zones must undergo the UQAIB quality assurance process. This process complements the Commission for Academic Accreditation(CAA). The CAA is a function of the federal Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which licenses and accredits all higher education institutions outside the Free Zones. UAE currently has 78 licensed institutions offering 950 programmes. In 2018, DIAC had a total of 94 new degrees offered by its universities. This includes 39 new Bachelor Degrees, 47 new Masters Degrees and 8 new PHD Programmes Public universities include the UAE University that awards over 70 undergraduate degrees and several



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BitS pilani, Dubai campus Creating Leaders in the field of Technology

BITS Pilani, Dubai is the branch campus of the internationally reputed Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India, an university ranked among the top 200 universities in the QS University Rankings Asia 2018 and the top 250 universities in Times Higher Education Asia Rankings 2018. Recently the Institute also received the "Institute of Eminence" status from the Govt of India, a status awarded to only 3 private Institutes in the entire country. It is among the top and pioneering institutions in Dubai, and successfully serving the student community from UAE and other countries since the year 2000. aiSWarya iyer B. E. Computer Science Currently employed as: Sr. Analyst, Business Intelligence Dell, Bengaluru, India "From the most knowledgeable and approachable faculty to a bunch of passionate like-minded souls, BitS gave me everything. it's a nurturing campus where one learns to be a leader, to take up roles that would help in betterment of society, to follow your passion and to exhibit your talents"

The Dubai Campus offers Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programmes in Engineering and Technology. Dedicated to the field of engineering education, BITS Pilani is one of the largest educational institution in Dubai International Academic City (DIAC). It has achieved great prominence among the region’s educational institutions by adapting itself to the diverse milieu, use of technology and modern facilities. Students enrolled at BITS Pilani also have a unique advantage of undergoing a 7½ month Internship programme (Practice School) in companies, as a part of the programme, providing a great opportunity for them to get hands-on experience and a real life professional exposure, helping them in a smooth transition from the classroom environment to the professional world. The Institute has linkages with more than 300 reputed Industries in the U.A.E. and India to offer internship to the students. 54


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anKit patel d Electronics B.E. Electrical an Engineering, yed as: Currently Emplo USA , CA ., Inc ple Ap

. i, Dubai campus dy at BitS pilan y from india to stu an opportunity to earn an wa the all me ca "i . ve me ational exposure" ssion here ga Securing admi marvelous intern e coupled with a gre de ed dit cre ac

With an highly impressive campus comprising of multiple academic blocks, separate hostels for men and women, very good sports facility. more than 30 modern scientific and engineering laboratories, smart classrooms etc, BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus, is a high tech smart centre of education. A Cisco Telepresence Conference Room and Classroom which has the stateof-the-art high-definition video conferencing facilities comprising of large multiscreen displays and highfidelity multichannel sound system facilitates use of knowledge, skills and instructional expertise of the faculty and professionals from other universities and industries across the globe. A Creative Lab has been set up for encouraging students to realize their innovative ideas with 24x7 working opportunity. The Entrepreneurship Incubation Centre caters to the entrepreneurial spirits of our students which has led to the success stories of several BITS students winning business idea competitions, creating startup companies and becoming successful entrepreneurs. The graduates of BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus are placed in blue chip organizations around the world and are living testimony of high standards of teaching. Several meritorious students have won scholarships for higher studies and secured admissions in universities like Stanford, Cornell, Harvard, MIT, etc.


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pus. n an ure".

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post graduate ones; Doctoral degrees will also be offered in the coming years. The all women institution, Zayed University established in 1998 has campuses in Abu Dhabi and Dubai and is organized into five colleges—Arts and Sciences, Business Sciences, Communication and Media Sciences, Education, and Information Systems while Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), UAE’s largest higher educational institution with an enrollment of over 16,000 UAE nationals was founded in 1988 with four campuses. Various other vocational and technical educational centers include the Emirates Institute for Banking and Finance, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company Career Development Center, Petroleum Institute, (Now merged with Khalifa University) Dubai School of Government, Dubai College of Tourism etc. Because of global partnerships, a number of international universities are opening campuses or programs in the UAE. Free trade zones such as Dubai Knowledge Park, Dubai International Financial Centre, RAK Free Zone and Academic City host some of the finest institutions

with state-of-the-art infrastructure. Students from the ME region are benefitting from these educational opportunities housed in multi-university complexes. As per the Abu Dhabi Education Council, in 2012, there were 18 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) operating in Abu Dhabi. Each emphasizes particular fields of study or programs, but all aim to prepare well-qualified graduates for the labor market. In addition, some have a specific mission to focus on research and advance knowledge. Besides the 18 institutions, there are four HEIs that prepare students directly for military or police careers. There are three federally accredited institutions in Ras Al Khaimah – the American University of Ras Al Khaimah, Higher Colleges of Technology, and the Ras Al Khaimah Medical and Health Sciences University. Apart from this, there are several institutes operating in the free trade zones. At present, there are about 7,000 students, with 1,500 of them in free zones. Bath Spa University and University of Sterling are two of the latest universities to join RAK Education Zone.

Source: DIAC 56


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types of Higher education providers (Hep) operating in Dubai: As per the KHDA website, Dubai has 62 HEPs; 39 in Free Zones and 23 outside Free Zones. Since the introduction of the Free Zones in 2003, the number of HEPs has increased significantly from four in 2002 to 39 HEPs for the academic year, 2017-2018.

Hep Branch: A university, college, academy, or institute located in a Dubai Free Zone, which acts for, on behalf of, and in the name of a HEP headquartered outside a Free Zone (usually in another country). Hep local (private/government): A university, college, academy, or institute which provides academic programmes leading to the awarding of higher education qualifications. HEP Locals can be either funded privately or by the Dubai government. These institutions are licensed by the Ministry of Education (MoE) with programme accreditation by the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA). These institutions may also obtain international accreditation.

Hep Federal: A university or college which provides academic programmes leading to the awarding of higher education qualifications. HEP Federals are established by federal decree.


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Currently there are ten Free Zone clusters that are home to the largest number of HEP Branches in Dubai. These are located in three different Free Zones: Dubai Knowledge Park (DKP) 7, Dubai Internet City (DIC) 8 and Dubai International Academic City (DIAC) 9. Other Dubai Free Zones hosting HEPs are Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) 10, Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC)11, Dubai Health Care City (DHCC)12, Dubai Silicon Oasis (DSO)13 and Dubai South14.

education System The higher education institutions in UAE offer higher national diplomas, certificates, undergraduate and postgraduate studies. While some of these are awarded by local institutions, others are branch campuses of institutions from countries such as Canada, United States, the UK, Australia, India, Pakistan, France and other European countries. The duration of courses vary depending on the parent institution. The country now has 78 recognised institutions offering more than 950 accredited programs. The Council for Academic Accreditation, functioning under the Ministry of Education is entrusted the task of accrediting programmes. The stringent measures followed by the CAA to ensure quality of service delivery, streamlines procedures and safe guards the interest of



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raK Medical & Health Sciences university RAK Medical & Health Sciences University was established in 2006 under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, with the vision to be the leading Medical and Health Sciences University in the UAE. The university is dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence and committed to prepare graduates with critical skills to join the medical and healthcare fields in the 21st Century.

The University is the first in UAE to commence the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program in September 2011. M.S. in Pharmacy programs commenced in September 2012. The university provides system-wise, integrated and updated curriculum as well as training in clinical skills from first year of study. The latest teaching methodology such as team-based learning and case-based learning is used to facilitate learning in small groups. Clinical training and internship is offered in government hospitals at Ras Al Khaimah and Fujairah which are having more than 800 patient beds.

Study programs include: � Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) � Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) � Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) � M.S. Clinical Pharmacy � M.S. Pharmaceutical Chemistry � M.S. Pharmaceutics � Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) � RN-BSN Bridge Program (for working nurses holding Diploma to upgrade to BSN) � Master of Science in Nursing -4 Specialties - Adult Health Nursing, Psychiatric – Mental Health Nursing, Pediatric Nursing & Community Health Nursing.

The campus has a well-equipped library and lecture halls. Its multipurpose laboratories help in practicing clinical skills. There is a separate English Language Centre for facilitating TOEFL & IELTS tests. The student –teacher ratio of 5: 1 facilitates personalized teaching. A new academic block for Pharmacy and Nursing programs and a new large sports complex housing gyms and indoor sports facilities has been added to the existing facilities. Transportation facility to nearby emirates is provided. Hostel and student visa are also provided if required. RAKMHSU has 1300 plus students enrolled in its programs belonging to 45 nationalities. The university offers a co-education campus. RAKMHSU’s well-qualified staff and faculty are drawn from 32 different countries.

All programs are accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE and the degrees are accepted Internationally. RAK College of Medical Sciences (RAK COMS) is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools http://www.wdoms.org/ RAK College of Dental Sciences is listed in WHO directory of Health Professions http://www.emro.who.int/hped/

The next academic session commences in the first week of Sept 2019 for which students may fill in the online application form at our website from Feb 2019 onwards and attach copy of the 12th grade marks, TOEFL/IELTS and relevant documents. Students can also enquire regarding admission formalities by e-mailing admissions@rakmhsu.ac.ae

For more details visit www.rakmhsu.com 58


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Apply online from February onwards for the Sept 2019 session at www.rakmhsu.com

www.counSEllingpoinT.com HEADSTART 2019 For admission related enquries please email admissions@rakmhsu.ac.ae

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students. The growing importance of the higher education sector to Dubai’s economic development is supported by Resolution 21, which entitles graduates from all private universities in Dubai to have their degrees certified by KHDA, and guarantees that their qualifications will be recognised by the public and private sector in Dubai.

Types of Qualifications Schools, colleges, Universities and Institutes in the UAE offer a variety of programmes from various countries to suit the country’s multi-cultural society. One can get a two year vocational program or BTEC from the UK, a three year Indian or British degree or a four year American or Canadian one, the choice is yours. Vocational courses varying from jewellery design, sound engineering, and film production to hotel management are on offer along with traditional degree options in a wide variety of specializations. To meet the country’s growing needs, institutions are designing newer programmes that will improve employability and make the younger generation skilled, contributing citizens.

application process Students can fill forms online or approach institutions directly to seek admission. Most institutions need to see a



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minimum of 12 years of schooling. If you seek enrolment directly after O levels, you would need to do a foundation year. Based on the programme of study sought, there will be a minimum requirement in terms of grades or marks secured. This could vary with each institution.

admission requirements The majority of institutions in the UAE have a September intake. Some offer summer programmes and a few have a January intake. Most institutions require a TOEFL or IELTS score to demonstrate English proficiency. Some establishments conduct their own entrance exam. The varying norms of entry requirements make it advisable to contact and reconfirm with institutions individually.

Deadlines Admissions open in April and offers are made through September. Admissions get finalised after the schools’ final exam results are announced between May and July. Increasingly, institutions are offering a Spring intake where classes begin in January/ February. International students applying from overseas are advised to secure their residence visa in time for the commencement of the programme.


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Fees, Finances & Scholarships Costs vary greatly between institutions and can range from AED2000 to AED6000 a month. Some of the institutions offer merit scholarships. Scholarships are also offered by some leading business houses and MNCs, criteria for this could vary.

visas For all male students above the age of 18, a student visa is mandatory. To secure this, the institution requires the following documents: • Student Visa Application Form (Student Entry Permit) • Eight passport size photographs taken with a white background • Student Enrolment Contract. This is required for Knowledge Village students. • An official offer letter without any conditions • Four photocopies the applicant’s passport (including pages showing UAE visit visa or residence visa, if application is made locally)

• Copy of a personal bank statement showing minimum of AED30,000; this should be recent and have the stamp and signature of a bank official. Alternatively a financial sponsorship letter from parents or guardians indicating their willingness to bear the financial responsibility for the tuition and cost of living. • A copy of the receipt showing payment of full tuition and student visa charges • Forms related to the visa processing can be secured from the sponsoring institution. Health Insurance is mandatory and an annual fee ranging from AED1200 to AED2000 will be charged for the same. Students seeking sponsorship for visa need to bear the costs and this may range from AED 6,000 to AED 7,000/. Costs will also be incurred during the annual renewal of visa and a sum of AED 1,200 to 2,200/ may be charged for every visa renewal. These amounts can vary depending on the current laws and individual institution’s rules.

Source and Web Sites of use Commission for Academic Accreditation - www.caa.ae Knowledge and Human Development Authority- www.khda.gov.ae Ras Al Khaimah Institutions - www.rakftz.com Abu Dhabi - www.adec.ac.ae Dubai Knowledge Park- www.dkp.ae Academic City- www.diacedu.ae www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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The University is a hive for innovative thinkers – students who want to learn in a supportive, personal environment and who will enter the world of work as entrepreneurs and leaders who think and operate globally.

from around the world from its prestigious, global partner institutions. Many students spend a period of their studies abroad, gaining experience of other cultures, languages and work practices.

Regent’s offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in:

Student are actively encouraged to undertake internships and work experience as part of their degree studies, and the University’s careers advisers are on hand to help and support them to achieve their career goals.

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Regent’s graduates go on to build successful international careers in a range of industries, as well as becoming entrepreneurs, starting their own companies, or returning to ensure the continuing success of family businesses. A higher than average number of Regent’s graduates move directly into graduate-level jobs, with starting salaries that compare very favourably with other UK universities. With more than 19,500 alumni in over 160 countries, Regent’s graduates remain members of our community, wherever they may be in the world through a network of Regent’s Clubs. Attending Regent’s means you become a member of a group of like-minded individuals, and those links last a lifetime.

For further details, call +44 (0)20 7487 7505 or email enquiries@regents.ac.uk


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Your Regent’s story starts here

Regent’s University London is London’s only independent, not-for-profit university, with a highly cosmopolitan community based in royal Regent’s Park and Marylebone. The University is a hive for innovative thinkers. We offer a supportive personal environment, individual attention and a truly global perspective. We offer undergraduate degrees in: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Business & Management Fashion & Design Film, Media & Performance Liberal Arts & Humanities Psychology

We accept applications all year round. +44 (0)20 7487 7505 enquiries@regents.ac.uk

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uniteD KingDoM

The UK higher education is an internationally recognized system, and it’s standard and quality is guaranteed by official bodies like the Qualifications Curriculum Authority (QCA). This independent body recognises the quality of the university’s teaching and general facilities and RAE examines the Research Assessment Exercise and publishes its findings every five years. The assessment results are freely available on the internet. The Higher Education funding councils also provide information on quality assurance through the UK- wide Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. There is a wealth of choice in courses when it comes to higher education in the UK. There is also a good mix of highly established institutions which are hundreds of years old, and more recent establishments to choose from. Many provide degrees with a strong vocational foundation and enjoy good links with businesses and professional organisations. A huge advantage is the opportunity to hone your English language skills or learn English as part of the university preparation or foundation programme. Students who wish to pursue an academic education may select a three or four year undergraduate degree followed by post graduate studies or research. Entrance qualification is a minimum of three A level qualification or its equivalent. As an alternative, students can enroll in 64


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an access, foundation or bridging course before enrolling in the degree programme. Students who want vocational training can combine their training with job-related skills. Apart from Universities and institutes, UK also has further education colleges that offer courses to adults over 18 years of age that make them more employable. By combining vocational education with academic study, one can gain skills in broad occupational areas, together with an academic content that is accepted as entry to a degree course. Some universities may offer Sandwich programs which include work experience. The degrees enable you to join the workforce sooner so it becomes financially affordable. www.educationuk.org provides comprehensive information for anyone considering studies in the UK along with links to local British Council offices.

current trends This year's 'Patterns and Trends in UK Higher education 2018' report presents data on students and staff at UK higher education institutions covering a 10-year period that has seen a transition to new higher education funding systems in England and Wales, and ongoing challenges related to restrictions on public funding following the economic downturn at the beginning of this period. www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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tHe uK HigHer eDucation Sector In the 2016–17 academic year, there were 2,316,475 students at higher education institutions in the UK. 1,764,895 (76.2%) were undergraduates and 551,580 (23.8%) were postgraduates. 77.6% (1,797,545) were studying full time, with 22.4% (518,925) studying part time. Figure 1 breaks down the student cohort further; undergraduates are divided into ‘first degree’ and ‘other undergraduates’,1 while postgraduates have ‘taught’ and ‘research’ groupings.2 In the same academic year, UK higher education institutions employed 419,585 staff, of whom 49.3% were on academic contracts, 11.9% were from EU (non-UK) countries, and 8.1% from non-EU countries (where nationalities were known). In 2016−17, there were 1,012,425 entrants to higher education institutions in the UK, 56,400 fewer than in 2007−08. However, total student numbers have fluctuated over the period and across different types of study, with record numbers of full-time undergraduates and postgraduates in 2016-17 international StuDentS In 2007–08, 14.8% of students were from non-UK domiciles (4.9% from other EU countries and 10.0%


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from non-EU countries). In 2016–17, the proportion of non-UK students had increased to 19.1% (5.8% other EU and 13.3% non-EU respectively). After a period of growth between 2006–07 and 2011–12, the number of EU students fell by 13.3% in 2012–13 compared with the previous year. This largely reflects funding changes in England, where tuition fees increased in 2012–13. In Scotland, for example, where EU students have the same fee status as home students and therefore the number of EU entrants increased by 6% in 2012–13. EU student numbers in England have since recovered and are 12.3% higher than in 2012−13. Changes to students and staff at UK higher education institutions include the following: • In 2007–08, 14.8% of students were from non-UK domiciles. In 2016–17, the proportion of non-UK students increased to 19.1% (5.8% other EU and 13.3% non-EU respectively). • Between 2007−08 and 2016−17, the total number of staff at UK higher education institutions increased by 12.7%, from 372,340 to 419,590. https://universitiesuk.ac.uk/facts-and-stats www.universitiesuk.ac.uk



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Hi, my name is Chandreyee,

and I am studying in the Faculty of Media & Communications at Bournemouth University. Bournemouth reminds me of my home in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It is situated in a gorgeous natural region of the UK, with miles of clean sandy beaches. Just like the sea, Bournemouth has more than meets the eye.�

Placements for everyone As well as a beautiful location, another great reason to choose Bournemouth University is our guarantee that all undergraduate students will have the opportunity to go on a work placement as part of their degree. We believe that a degree should equip you with the skills you need to jump straight into a chosen profession. This begins from day one of your studies, so you’ll have the skills you need to make an immediate impact when you start your placement. Working with some of the biggest organisations around the world gives us a truly global reputation. This means that our students are able to secure some incredible work placements, because

employers know exactly what they are getting from a BU placement student. In fact, of all BU graduates who undertook a placement as part of their degree, 29%* went on to do more work for their placement company after the placement ended. To discover more about BU, contact your Regional Manager James Littlewood on jlittlewood@bournemouth.ac.uk

www.bournemouth.ac.uk 66


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* BU Alumni Survey 2017, based www.counSEllingpoinT.com on 1,194 responses.

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Developing global thinking Our Business School is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Only 5% of business schools around the world have achieved this.

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in buildings, facilities and IT by 2018.


HS2019-1-148PGS-FINAL-PAGINATION.indd 67

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application process The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) co-ordinates applications to full time first degrees, foundation degrees, Higher National Diplomas etc. ‘Apply’ section in the UCAS site leads you to the online application system. One can apply to five institutions through the UCAS. You can only submit one application in each application cycle. You would need to provide the email address of an academic referee who will then be invited by UCAS to send a reference letter. The application fee for this service can be paid online by credit card. UCAS allows you to track your application status.

admission requirements Prospective international students should demonstrate proficiency in English by furnishing an IELTS or PTE Pearson Test of English score. If you do not meet the required level of English, you could enroll in an English language preparation course. Entry Requirement may vary for each type of course and subject. College prospectuses will list them under ‘Minimum Entry Requirements’. As part of the UCAS form, you are asked to write a personal statement. This descriptive account gives you the opportunity to speak about your academic and personal goals and tell the institutions not just about



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your academic capability but also the kind of activities you have undertaken both within school and outside. Apart from this, courses like Law, Medicine, Dentistry etc may need entrance exams like LNAT, UKCAT, or BMAT and interviews. Students hoping to pursue Art, Architecture or Film may have to submit a portfolio. It is best to check the requirements on line before preparing your UCAS application.

Deadlines Students, who wish to apply for the Medicine, Dentistry or veterinary science programmes, would need to apply before 15th of October and can opt only for four institutions. This deadline is shared by Oxford and Cambridge as well. For all other programmes, international students can apply up until the end of June but 15th January is the preferred deadline. Most institutions will give you conditional acceptance based on your predicted grades and previous academic history if you apply before your Board exam results are declared. Some of the institutions offering Law would need you to sit a national exam called LNAT – National Admission test for Law. For Medical entrance you would need BMAT(Biomedical Admission Test) or UKCAT(UK Clinical Aptitude test) and an interview while admission departments of Art,


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Film and Architecture may want to see your portfolio. Each institution sets its own admission criteria. Academic records of applicants are reviewed as part of the admissions process. The university year is usually from September to April, with intakes in September and January. As the application process is competitive and deadlines vary, it is best to apply six to eight months before the start date of the desired programme of study. It is also advisable to apply to multiple institutions to avoid disappointment.

Fees, Finances & Scholarships UK course fees vary depending on what you are going to study and for how long. The cost of foundation courses may range from 5000 to 12000 pounds, Other courses range between 7 to 20,000 pounds a year, You will need to visit the websites or contact the universities that you are considering for precise information on course fees and financial help available to you. However, competition for study grants is intense and most often you would need to be nominated by the Government. If you wish to attend an institution in UK, you should apply for scholarship well in advance. Some institutions offer bursaries or fee waivers toward your room and board.

objective and transparent. To apply, you need to gain 40 points. This includes 30 points for a “confirmation of acceptance for studies” (CAS) from the university, college or school where you want to study. Your chosen place of study must be on the UKBA's official Register of Tier 4 sponsors(approved education providers) This register is designed to ensure that you are applying to join a genuine institution. The remaining 10 points comes from demonstrating that you can afford to cover your fees and living costs to study in the UK. This has been put in place to help you avoid any financial difficulties that might affect your ability to complete your studies. The first year’s tuition fees and living expenses should be in the bank for a period of one month before one applies for the visa. This rule is strictly followed by the VFS that does the processing.

visas You can find out if you need a visa on the UK Border Agency website. Applying can take some time, so it is important to apply well in advance of your intended date of travel. There are a number of different types of visas available. Most students will apply under Tier 4 student applicant category discussed here. Tier 4 (Child) student: You can apply as a child student under Tier 4 of the points-based system if you are between 4 and 17 years old. If you are between 4 and 15 years old, you must be go to the UK to be educated at an independent fee-paying school.

tier 4 You can find the latest information on the UK Border Agency website. For adult Tier 4 (general) and child students coming on Tier 4(Child) student visas, the UK has a points-based visa system which is designed to be www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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University of Dundee The University of Dundee was founded in 1881 and became a college of St Andrews University in 1897. In 1967 we became independent once again. With around 18,000 students, we offer an excellent range of undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees. Many of our master’s degrees have both January and September start dates. Our friendly campus, world-class teaching and fantastic facilities make us one of the best places to study in the UK.

We are: • One of the World’s Top 200 Universities (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2018) • A Gold award winner in the Teaching Excellence Framework 2017 • Top 10 in the UK for student satisfaction (National Student Survey 2017) • A leading university for graduate employment with 95.8% in work or further study six months after graduation (Destination of Leavers From Higher Education in the United Kingdom, June 2017) Dundee occupies a stunning position on the east coast of Scotland, overlooking the River Tay where dolphins can be seen playing. The city and its surrounds offer a high quality of living; city life combined with open space. Our compact city campus has an ideal location in the heart of Dundee, only a five-minute stroll from the shops, arts and leisure venues, yet it remains quiet and relaxed and provides for all aspects of student life. Most of our students live within a 10-minute walk of campus. In Dundee the cost of living is approximately 14% lower than the UK average which means that your money should go further. Dundee is a city with spirit and the University is at the heart of it. Discover Dundee where leaving home feels like coming home.

Find out more at: dundee.ac.uk 70


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You can apply for a Tier 4 (General) student visa to study in the UK if you are 16 or over and you: have been offered a place on a course • can speak, read, write and understand English • have enough money to support yourself and pay for your course - the amount will vary depending on your choice of institution and location • are from a country that’s not in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland • meet the other eligibility requirements. There will be no change to the rights and status of EU nationals living in the UK nor UK nationals living in the EU, while the UK remains in the EU. This situation could change after BREXIT

It costs £335 to apply for this visa from outside the UK. You must pay £335 per person for any dependants. You’ll also have to pay health care surcharge as part of your application.

When to apply

How long you can stay You can arrive in the UK before your course starts: up to 1 week before, if your course lasts 6 months or less up to 1 month before, if your course lasts more than 6 months How long you can stay depends on the kind of course you’re doing and what study you’ve already completed. For current information, do visit the website of the Embassy in your country of residence.

The earliest you can apply for a visa is 3 months before you start your course. You’ll usually get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks.



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EXPLORE CREATE SUCCEED Dating back to 1824, Manchester Metropolitan University is home to over 38,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, including a diverse community of 3,000 international students from 120 countries.

The University is undergoing a £400m major capital investment programme to facilities, buildings and public spaces, and is the UK’s greenest university**.

* Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2017 ** People and Planet University League 2017

The University is ranked in the world’s top 200 universities under 50 years old*.

We provide our students with regular employability events, including advice workshops, industry networking, guest speakers and careers fairs, as well as careers advice during their studies and for life after graduating. 93% of our graduates go straight into employment or further study within six months of graduating.

ENHANCE YOUR CAREER OPPORTUNITIES www.mmu.ac.uk/international

Top Tips for Developing your Career through Employment or SelfEmployment by David Taylor, Management and Enterprise Programme Coordinator, Business School, Manchester Metropolitan University • Find the right University course for you. • Have purpose in life both inside and outside the University, and demonstrate an ethos which encompasses this purpose. • Learn to trust others in order to refine and test out your thinking. • Develop your networks in light of your personal and business needs. • Seek out a mentor you’re inspired by and can help guide you. • Learn from failure and be reflective • Be concise when communicating with others and always be able to justify the points you make. • Understand the market and industry you are looking to work in, clearly outline who your key customer is, and always put this customer at the centre of everything you do.

Manchester Metropolitan University is situated in the heart of Manchester, a city whose economy is currently flourishing and attracting businesses and investment. Students at Manchester Met gain advantage through the University’s close links to companies and organisations. Many of our courses offer an optional internship or work placement opportunity and professional accreditation. Our Accounting and Finance degree, for example, offers maximum exemptions for ACCA and CIMA and an optional internship. For many courses, such as Business Management, enterprise is a core part of the curriculum. This creates a demand from employers for the University’s graduates, which is reflected in higher graduate employment rates and starting salaries. In addition, Manchester Met students can participate in an extensive and innovative career and employability package. Professional careers advice is available during your studies and after graduating. Manchester Met’s Careers and Employability website (www.mmu. ac.uk/careers) is an excellent source of information on finding work, preparing applications and interviews, and making the most of the skills you have gained during your study. The site also describes some of the services provided to our students including the Future Skills Award (www.mmu.ac.uk/futures) and Mentor Me, our Career Mentoring Programme that matches professional mentors with Manchester Met students, providing a valuable opportunity for students to gain an insight into the world of work.

craFting tHe perSonal StateMent, SoMe DoS anD Don'tS Your UCAS application is incomplete without a personal statement. The statement is your opportunity to demonstrate in words what your life experiences have been, what your passions are and most importantly, it supports your application to the four/five universities or colleges. Remember that you have only 46 lines to articulate why you’d like to study a particular course and those skills and experiences that you possess that show your passion for your chosen field. Dos when writing your personal statement • Do use your best English and don’t let spelling and grammatical errors spoil your statement. • Do show that you know your strengths and can outline your ideas clearly. Use words you know will be understood by the person reading your statement • Do be enthusiastic – if you show your interest in the course, it may help you get a place. • Do expect to produce several drafts of your personal statement before being totally happy with it. • Do ask people you trust for their feedback. 76


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Don’ts when writing your personal statement • Don’t exaggerate – if you do you may get caught out at interview when asked to elaborate on an interesting achievement. • Don’t rely on a spellchecker as it will not pick up everything – proofread as many times as possible. • Don’t leave it to the last minute – your statement will seem rushed and important information could be left out.


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Source and Web Sites of use: • Central Admissions Service: www.ucas.ac.uk • Association of Colleges in UK and Wales www.aoc.co.uk • Association of Colleges in Scotland www.ascol.org.uk • UK Accreditation Council www.the-bac.org • Information on UK Education: www.britishcouncil.org/me www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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• Information on scholarships: www.educationuk.org/scholarships • Quality Assurance Agency: www.qaa.ac.uk • English Test: Int’l English Language Testing System: www.ielts.org • UK Visa Information: gov.uk tier 4 visas: www.gov.uk/tier-4-general-visa • Comprehensive information studying in the UK www.educationuk.org • Trends: www.universitiesuk.ac.uk HEADSTART 2019


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THE PLACE OF USEFUL LEARNING Located in the heart of Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city, the University of Strathclyde is a leading international technological university with a reputation for delivering academic excellence. With over 22,000 students from more than 100 countries, Strathclyde offers a thriving international community, with innovative learning and excellent facilities. We are transforming our campus, investing £650 million over the course of the current decade, with developments including the new £31 million Strathclyde Sport building and a £60 million Learning & Teaching Hub. As a 5-star QS rated University (2017-20) and winners of eight Times Higher Education Awards in seven years, including University of the Year and Business School of the Year, we have a world-wide reputation for teaching and research excellence.

Discover Glasgow and Scotland

The city centre campus offers students access to Glasgow’s world-class architecture, vibrant nightlife, a diverse culinary scene, internationallyacclaimed museums and galleries, and an amazing city-centre shopping experience. Only a short journey from the Trossachs and the Highlands, our students are also perfectly positioned to explore everything Scotland has to offer. From exploring stunningly dramatic landscapes, fresh water lochs and hiking ‘Munros’, to football, rugby, golf, snow sports, mountain biking and much more. There’s never been a more exciting time to study in Glasgow and Scotland! 78


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Discover more at www.strath.ac.uk or contact international@strath.ac.uk +44 (0)141 548 2913. www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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We are the university of Strathclyde ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP PORTFOLIO OF £1.6M INDUSTRY PARTNERS INCLUDE GLAXOSMITHKLINE, ROLLS-ROYCE, BOEING & ASTRAZENECA The Place of Useful Learning Discover more at www.strath.ac.uk Contact us: international@strath.ac.uk +44 (0)141 548 2913 The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263 www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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According to Education USA, there are over 4000 accredited Universities and colleges spread over the 50 states of America. Of these, more than 650 are public four year institutions while more than 1,100 are public two year institutions. These public state-run institutions have a assistance tend to be limited. There are over 2000 four year private institutions both for private institutions mostly have higher tuition and fees be provided. The plethora of course offerings provided by the institutions spread over the country is mind boggling. Should or GPA be an issue, students can also consider enrolling at a community college for a two year Associate degree. On successful completion of the two year programme, they could transfer to another institution to complete their degree. While choosing an institution, it is important to consider factors like size, location, costs, ďŹ nancial aid, research opportunities, international student services and entry requirements. As there are so many institutions and programmes to choose from, you need to invest considerable amount of time in researching options and identifying the right ďŹ t.



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latest Statistics Based on recent data collected in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) at the Department of Homeland Security, international undergraduate enrollment increased consistently from nearly 350,000 in fall 2012 to nearly 451,000 in fall 2016 but dropped to about 441,000 by fall 2017.,Between 2016 and 2017, international undergraduate enrollment in S&E fields remained steady, rising only 0.2% or 360 students, while declining 3.8% in non-S&E fields during this time. The decline may reflect a smaller influx of international students in the United States, a declining proportion of them staying in the United States than in the past, or a combination of these two factors. In fall 2017, the top five countries sending S&E undergraduates to the United States were the same as in the previous year: China, Saudi Arabia, India, South Korea, and Kuwait. Compared to fall 2016, the number of S&E undergraduates from China, India, and Kuwait enrolled in fall 2017 increased (by 3%, 11%, and 4%


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respectively) while the number from Saudi Arabia and South Korea declined (by 18% and 7% respectively). At the undergraduate level, in 2017 40% of international students were enrolled in S&E fields. Within S&E, the broad fields with the highest enrollment of international students are engineering, computer sciences, and the social sciences (particularly economics). In the most recent academic year, the number of visa holders increased in computer sciences and mathematics (by 11% and 5% respectively). The largest declines in international student enrollment were in engineering and social sciences (5% and 3% respectively) and also in non-S&E (4%). In 2017, the proportion of undergraduate students enrolled in S&E fields was 50% or higher among students from Kuwait, Turkey, Malaysia, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, similar overall to previous years. Engineering enrollment data compiled by the American Society for Engineering Education provides a glimpse into future undergraduate engineering degrees and student interest in the field (Yoder



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2017). In the last 10 years, undergraduate engineering enrollment has been on the rise. The number of fulltime undergraduate engineering students enrolled increased by 63% between 2006 and 2015, to about 610,000. Full-time freshman enrollment followed a similar pattern, peaking at 150,000 in 2015, the highest since 1982, indicating that interest in an engineering career is high. The baccalaureate is the most prevalent S&E degree, accounting for nearly 70% of all S&E degrees awarded. S&E bachelor’s degrees have consistently accounted for roughly one-third of all bachelor’s degrees for at least the past 15 years The number of S&E bachelor’s degrees awarded rose steadily from about 400,000 in 2000 to more than 650,000 in 2015 During this period, the number of bachelor’s degrees awarded increased fairly consistently, although to different extents, in all S&E fields. The exception was computer sciences, where the number increased sharply from 2000 to 2004, dropped as sharply through 2009, but has been increasing again since then.



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Total international enrolment (that is, both undergraduate and graduate) fell by nearly 4% last year. Undergraduate numbers dipped by just over 2%, and graduate enrolment fell more sharply with a nearly 5.5% decline. Foreign undergraduate enrolment in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and math) was essentially flat between 2016 and 2017. The overall drop in international undergraduate numbers is attributed to declining enrolment in non-STEM fields. The enrolment decline is more pronounced at the graduate level. In percentage terms, both STEM and non-STEM programmes saw roughly the same dip in 2017 (around 5–6%). With respect to absolute numbers, however, the drop was more pronounced in the STEM fields. This will be an interesting indicator to watch closely in 2018, given the heavy proportion of international graduate enrolment in STEM subjects. Source: US National Science Board's Science and Engineering Indicators on International Undergraduate Enrollment


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application process

Supporting documents

One of the easiest ways to apply to multiple universities is through a service such as Universal College Application, Coalition Application, or Common Application. Some schools want you to directly apply through their website. Use the www.applytexas. org website for schools in the Texas system and the UC common application for the ten schools in the California system .

You would need to submit transcripts of the last three years, one or more essay, information on extracurricular activities including sports, voluntary work and leadership initiatives undertaken; information on summer courses/internships etc. Your teacher and/or counsellor will be invited to send confidential letters of recommendation online along with the profile of the school. Students will also be asked to send TOEFL and SAT/ACT scores directly from the Education Testing Service and College Board. An IELTS or PET score can be submitted instead of the TOEFL to demonstrate English proficiency. Some institutions would need SAT II subject tests as well. Certain schools may not require SAT scores from international students. Also, ACT scores may be submitted in lieu of the SAT. www. actstudent.org has information on the ACT. Please note that supplementary forms may be required from you so ensure that you read instructions carefully. Students who wish to pursue Art, Design or Architecture will also be required to submit a portfolio. Extracurricular pursuits and internships undertaken need to be reported and are looked upon favorably. If you wish to apply for an early decision or early action, the deadline is usually in November. You can visit individual websites for the specific dates. Students wishing to apply for admission to University of California for the fall term must submit an application by November 30th of


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the year prior to enrolment. Most other institutions have a January 1 deadline for the Fall intake under regular decision. For the January intake, applications must be sent in by October.

institution that they are entered into SEVIS before they apply for a visa. Upon receiving the I-20 form, students are required to pay a SEVIS fee online at www.fmjfee.com and take a printed copy of this receipt to the visa interview.


US immigration policy requires that all foreign students submit proof of financial support for their studies. The financial guarantee may take the form of a bank statement or a letter from a sponsoring agency. For updated information on documents needed, visit the Embassy website.

Merit based scholarships are granted on academic merit. There are also grants awarded to students who have demonstrated financial need. Some universities need additional forms and essays for scholarship consideration while at others, every applicant is automatically considered for scholarship at entry.

visa process The process of applying for an F-1 student visa begins with acceptance to an American college or university. Following admission, the educational institution in the United States will issue a Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant Student Status (I-20 form) and provide that to the student. Sponsoring academic institutions are required to enter accepted foreign students' names into SEVIS, the Student and Exchange Visitors Information System. Students should verify with their sponsoring academic



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Documents needed during the visa interview: Form I-20A-B, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status-For Academic and Language Students or Form I-20M-N, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (M-1) Student Status for Vocational Students. You will need to submit a SEVIS generated Form, I-20, which was provided to you by your institution. You and your school official must sign the I-20 form. Online Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application, Form DS-160. Visit the DS-160 webpage to learn more about the DS-160 online process. A passport valid for travel to the United States with a


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validity date at least six months beyond the applicant's intended period of stay in the United States (unless country-specific agreements provide exemptions). If more than one person is included in the passport, each person desiring a visa must complete an application. One (1) 2x2 photograph. A MRV fee receipt to show payment of the visa application fee. The SEVIS I-901 fee receipt.

applicants should also provide the following documents: Transcripts and diplomas from educational institutions attended; Scores from standardized tests required by the educational institution such as the TOEFL, SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, etc.(As applicable); Financial evidence that shows you or your parents who are sponsoring you have sufficient funds to cover your tuition and living expenses during the period of your intended study. For example, if you or your sponsor is a salaried employee, please take original bank statement. If you or your sponsor owns a business, please take

business registration, licenses, etc. and original bank statements.

Source and web sites of use: www.collegeboard.com (Information on SAT) www.toefl.org (English proficiency test) www.educationuSa.state.gov: EducationUSA website University and College Search www.collegeboard. com / www.petersons.com Accreditation:www.chea.org Post graduate Admissions: www.gre.org (Graduate Record Examination) Graduate Management Admission Test: www. gmat.org / www.mba.com Medicine College Admission Test: www.aamc. org/students/mcat Law School Admission Test: www.lsat.org Science and Engineering Indicators 2018 U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, special tabulations (2017), Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) database.

There are two Education USA centers in U.A.E. one located in the American Embassy premises in Abu Dhabi and the other in the American Consulate in Dubai. They can be contacted by emailing EducationUSAAbudhabi@state.gov or EducationUSADubai@state.gov www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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Canadian universities are known for their high quality and excellence in academic standards and are consistently ranked among the top universities internationally. While Canada’s quality of education and standard of living are among the highest in the world, the cost of living and tuition fees are generally lower than in other countries. Canada’s universities offer more than 15,000 undergraduate and graduate degree programs – as well as professional degree programs, diplomas and certificates – in a broad range of disciplines. Canada ranks among the most multicultural nations in the world. Regardless of ethnic origin, international students feel at home in the diverse and welcoming communities and campuses. There were about 1,034,000 full-time, 281,000 part-time and an estimated 400,000 continuing education students in 2017. Source: Universities Canada estimates, 2017. According to Canadian University Survey Consortium, Graduating University Student Survey, 2018, 56%benefit from handson learning More than half of today’s undergraduates benefit from experiential learning – such as co-ops, internships and service learning – as part of their university education.60 university entrepreneurial hubs: Canadian universities are home to more than 60 business incubators, accelerators and start-up programs that help fuel Canada’s entrepreneurial economic growth. Source: 88


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Universities Canada and Startup Canada, Joint survey, 2017.56%benefit from hands-on learning-More than half of today’s undergraduates benefit from experiential learning – such as co-ops, internships and service learning – as part of their university education. Source: Canadian University Survey Consortium, Graduating University Student Survey, 2018. Universities Canada is the voice of Canadian universities, at home and abroad. It is a membership organization providing university presidents with a unified voice for higher education, research and innovation. Universities Canada, formerly the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, advances the mission of its 96 member institutions.. The association is a non-governmental, membership-based organization headquartered in Ottawa. More than one million students are heading to Canadian university campuses this fall, where they will gain the skills and knowledge to reach their potential in our rapidly changing world. More than 60% of all international students in Canada come from five sending markets: China, India, France, South Korea, and the US – with the US supplanting Saudi Arabia for the number five spot this year. As the following chart reflects, nearly two-thirds come from Asia, and almost half from East Asia alone.


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coMMunity collegeS in canaDa Community colleges are government-regulated postsecondary institutions offering 1- to 2-year academic and pre-professional certificates, diplomas, 2-year associate's degrees and even 3- and 4-year specialized bachelor's degrees. More than 150 community colleges represent approximately 900,000 full-time and 1.5 million part-time learners at over 900 campuses across Canada. Close to 6,000 international students come to Canada for community college study each year. Community colleges fill a unique niche in Canada's education system, combining high quality, comprehensive academics with employer-centred programs, industry connections and internship opportunities. Community colleges offer academic courses in the arts and sciences as well as specialized career and language training. The college itself may be a general education school offering a variety of programs in different fields (such as health, business, technology, trades, academic upgrading, applied and creative arts, social services, hospitality and university preparation), or it may be a single field-, industry- or culture-specific college (for example, college of forestry, art and design, justice and public safety, or Native studies). Community colleges may also be faith-based, offering specialized Christian programs in leadership, ministry and theology.



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Canadian University Dubai (CUD) brings the world-renowned Canadian education system to a world-renowned city. Located in the heart of Dubai's downtown business district, CUD is at the forefront of developing the UAE's knowledge-based through a range of industry-focused undergraduate, continuing education and corporate training programs. Canadian University Dubai (CUD) was established in 2006 to deliver high-quality undergraduate, graduate, continuing and corporate education in the UAE, and to provide a gateway for students to pursue higher education opportunities in Canada. Located in the heart of downtown Dubai, each of our academic programs is based on Canadian curriculum and education principles, giving students the opportunity to obtain a Canadian education while experiencing the unique culture and values of the United Arab Emirates. We have over 100 different nationalities that call our University home and our diverse student

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community is building bridges across cultures and continents in one of the world’s most dynamic cities. A vibrant student life provides something for everybody, from sports to concerts, and various international trips in between. Students are also involved in many different types of social activities, including community fundraising, team building, and networking events. CUD’s Faculty of Management is a leader in management education in the UAE and throughout the Gulf region. World-class academics from Canada, the United States, and Europe deliver undergraduate

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and graduate programs that provide global perspectives on modern-day business challenges in a multi-disciplinary learning environment. With a new range of Bachelor-level majors, from Forensic Accounting to Events and Tourism Management, we have added to our traditional portfolio of industry-relevant, employmentfocused programs that will prepare students for business leadership roles in the increasingly globalized marketplace.

The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture is a highly innovative, multi-disciplinary faculty that combines academic specialists with stateof-the-art facilities in both the engineering and architecture fields. From day one, students are encouraged to be creative, innovative and selfstarting in their chosen discipline. The Faculty offers a wide range of dynamic, technology-driven programs and has recently launched Electrical Engineering degrees in electronics and mechatronics. We collaborate with a number of international partners, both in the delivery of its curriculum and in its pursuit of first-class research. Students graduating from this Faculty have gone on to further their studies in Canada, or take on challenging and rewarding roles in industry, both locally and internationally. Our programs in the Faculty of Communication Arts and Sciences are fascinating, fast-paced, and ever-evolving. Communication skills, both oral and written, are among the most valued attributes among graduate employees of any industry.

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Whether your interest is in Public Relations, Marketing, Journalism or in the Social, Healthcare or Environmental sciences, you will graduate from this Faculty with strong oral, written, and visual communication skills, well-equipped to enter the job market and ready to shine in many roles, industries and work settings. Our new Bachelor of Arts in Psychology will provide students with a range of interpersonal skills and an in-depth knowledge of human behavior and thought processes that will help them excel in a variety of career fields as well as pursue graduate studies. All our students benefit from a learning experience that combined theoretical knowledge development with hands on practical experience of tackling real world issues. With a reputation for Academic excellence, the university attracts professors, researchers and professionals of the highest caliber. Across all Departments, faculty members bring experience of work in industry and professional practice alongside international qualifications and experience, which combine with the University’s state of the art facilities, labs and Learning resource Centre, to provide an outstanding educational experience.

canadian university Dubai +971 4 321 9090 info@cud.ac.ae


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Compared to universities, community colleges have smaller classes, more options for offcampus courses, a greater ratio of laboratory space to classroom space, more interactive teaching, more co-op and practicum opportunities and more inclusive admissions requirements. Many community colleges have university transfer agreements, so you can transfer your credits toward a university degree program.

application process The University year is usually September to April, intakes being September and January. As the application process is competitive and the deadlines vary, it is best if to apply six to eight months before the start date of the program. Most students apply to multiple institutions. American curriculum students will need to send a SAT score. For students from other curricula, although SAT is not mandatory, some institutions may require it for scholarship consideration. It is best to check admission requirements of individual institutional websites. For undergraduate admission, academic records from grade 9 to the most recent will be reviewed as part of the admissions process. A good academic profile is given preference. Extracurricular activities are looked upon favorably by Canadian institutions. Students who wish to take up commerce related subjects should take up 92


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Mathematics in high school. Prospective international students should demonstrate proficiency in English or French as per the language of instruction in the institution/s being considered. Test of English as a Foreign language (TOEFL) the International Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test de francais international (TFI) are the tests necessary. Preparatory courses before the commencement of the program may be needed for those with inadequate scores. The province of Ontario, Alberta and that of British Columbia have a centralized application system for admission. The Ontario Universities Application center (OUAC), Ontario’s application hub started in 1971 and can be accessed by visiting www.ouac.on.ca Some Universities want you to include ID slips that they will mail you once you have done the initial application. British Columbia’s centralized application system can be accessed through myBCampus. To apply to Alberta, visit its centralized online application and transcript transfer system through www.applyalberta.ca. After completing the online application, you would need to send all supporting documents like transcripts, reference letters, essays, proof of language proficiency etc. so that your application gets reviewed and processed. Remember to include your student ID number for easy reference. Professional courses like Medicine, Dentistry, law, architecture etc may need one more test as a pre requisite.

Student permit Student visas, or study permits, are required when studying for more than six months. They are issued by


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Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Depending on circumstances, an international student may wish to apply for a student work permit as well. To obtain a student visa, the student must have a letter of acceptance from a Canadian school, college, university or other educational institution. The student must then fill out an application in his or her own country of residence and submit it to CIC for approval, paying the processing fee. Other documentation may also be necessary, depending on the student's country of origin. In addition to academic studies, the study permit allows students to work part-time for their educational institution in some cases. However, students may also wish to investigate a student work permit, which also allows for off-campus part-time work. The navigation tabs will take you to more detailed stepby-step instructions on what to do before you apply, who can apply, how to apply and what to do after applying. There is also information on medical examination requirements, where to find visa offices both in and out of Canada, how to extend your stay, and information on travelling to the US while in Canada on a student visa.

Working as an international Student Working as an international student in Canada may be possible on your study permit, or you may require a separate work-visa. This depends on who your employer is and how many hours of work are available. A work-visa does not guarantee employment, but will allow you to take advantage of the opportunities that are already available.



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There are several kinds of work available to an international student, with different permit requirements.

on-campus employment International students in Canada can work part-time for public post-secondary educational institutions, and at some private institutions, using their study-permit.

off-campus employment Students who wish to work off campus must apply for a student work permit. You must be a full-time student for at least six months before you can apply. Once granted, the work-permit will allow you to work up to 20 hours a week off campus during the school term or during school breaks. There may be restrictions on types of employment available, or a medical examination may be required. Your student work permit is valid for as long as your study visa.

co-op or internship Some programs include work-experience (also called co-op) in their curriculum. You must apply for the student work permit as well as the study permit if you are enrolled in such a program.

temporary Foreign Worker program visa A final option is to apply for a work visa under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. This allows you to work full-time during your studies. As it is a temporary visa, it is important to allow yourself enough time in Canada to complete your studies. If you are a full-time student, your spouse or common-law partner may apply for a work visa while you are studying.

Source and web sites of use:

www.univcan.ca/universities/facts-and-stats/internationalization-at-canadian-universities-quick-facts/ www.univcan.ca/programs-and-scholarships/scholarship-partners-canada/ www.univcan.ca/ www.schoolsincanada.com/Community-Colleges-In-Canada.cfm Canadian Embassy Abu Dhabi: www.abudhabi.gc.ca Study Permits: www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/study.asp



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Australia has the third highest number of international students in the world behind only the United Kingdom and the United States despite having a population of only 23 million. Australia has over 22,000 courses across 1,100 institutions. It has five of the 30 best cities in the world for students based on student mix, affordability, quality of life, and employer activity – all important elements for students when choosing a study destination. In its report for year-to-date June 2018, Department of Education and Training reports just under 627,000 international students in Australia. This represents an 11% increase over the same period for 2017. The higher education and VET sectors that are driving nearly all of that growth this year, with overall year-overyear increases of 15% and 14% respectively through June 2018. With more than A$200 million provided by the Australian Government each year in international scholarships, they are making it easier for students to come and experience the difference an Australian education can make. There are now more than 2.5 million former international students who have gone on to make a difference after studying in Australia. Australia is considered one of the world’s most diverse and welcoming countries. In fact, of Australia’s 23 million population, almost half (47%) of all Australians were either born overseas or have one parent born overseas. More than 260 languages are spoken in Australian homes: in addition to English, the most common are Mandarin, Italian, Arabic, Cantonese and Greek. As per the StudyinAustralia website, Australia



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was recently ranked as the fourth happiest country in the world behind only Norway, Denmark and Sweden. There are in total, 41 universities; of these, 38 are government funded or public and three are private. These institutions offer Bachelor’s degree, and post graduate qualifications including Masters, graduate certificate, post graduate diploma, Masters, MPhil and PhD. Apart from this, Australia has several vocational institutions who offer skill based courses that are practical and industry linked. Some of them offer pathway programmes to Universities. The Government funded Technical and Further education institutes (TAFE) offer excellent vocational training. National agencies monitor teaching, learning, administration and research in institutions. Most Bachelors degree programmes are three years in duration while Masters level courses are one and a half to two years in duration. Students who need to improve their English proficiency, can enroll in one of the private language centers or take a pre- sessional course at one of the universities or vocational centres. Australia has a national regulatory and quality agency for higher education – the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). It was established by the Australian Government to monitor quality, and regulate university and non-university higher education providers against a set of standards developed by the independent Higher Education Standards Panel. In addition, student rights are protected by law under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS)


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As an international student on a student visa, you must study with an institution and in a course that is registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). CRICOS registration guarantees that the course and the institution at which you study meet the high standards expected by international students. You can search for courses and institutions on the Study in Australia website. Along with the ESOS Act and National Code, there are also regulatory and quality assurance organisations for higher education and VET institutions. These government organisations are responsible for registration/ re-registration of institutions and accreditation/reaccreditation of courses.

entry criteria To be accepted to study on a student visa in Australia you will need to demonstrate a sufficient level of English language proficiency, and meet minimum academic requirements.


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academic requirements The academic requirements (including evidence of English language skills) you need to study in Australia will vary depending on the level of education you want to study. Institutions can have different entry requirements, so read the course information on their website carefully and contact them to ask for advice. Here is some general guidance on entry requirements for the different levels of study: english language - Entry requirements vary between institutions, and according to the level of English language course you want to study. Schools - Entry requirements vary between schools depending on the state or territory you will be studying in. Academic performance and ability is considered during the application process. Vocational education and training - In most cases there are no entrance exams for VET institutions. However, some courses may have specific pre-requisite subjects or work experience requirements.



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Higher Education Undergraduate - To gain entry into an Australian undergraduate course you will need to have an Australian Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (Year 12), or the overseas equivalent. Some undergraduate courses may also have specific pre-requisite subjects. Higher Education Postgraduate - As well as the satisfactory completion of at least one degree at undergraduate level, your institution may take research ability or relevant work experience into consideration.

application process The academic year commences in February/March and ends in October/November. There are usually two intakes per year; one at the beginning of the academic year ie February and the second in June/July. Students would need to start the application process at least 3 months in advance. English language courses are offered all through the year. You can apply directly to an Australian education institution via an online form or visit an agent that represents several Australian institutions. Individual institution would have varying admission criteria based on the programme and level of study. It is best to visit the relevant web site for specific deadlines and admission requirements.



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Finances The costs of studying in Australia depend on the institution and the level of study you choose. As an international student, your tuition fees are payable before you study. You can use the Course Search on this website to find courses and see details such as their tuition fees. There may be additional costs for your course, including course materials and access to institution facilities.

Scholarship There are many scholarships, grants, and bursaries which can help support you financially with your studies in Australia. They are offered by the Australian Government, education institutions, and a number of other public and private organisations. To learn more, visit: www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/global/australianeducation/scholarships

visa requirements

The student visa you need depends on your chosen course of study. As a guide, the typical key requirements you will need to meet are: • Issued an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) certificate.


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Meet the Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement Sufficient funds for airfares, course fees and living costs. English language proficiency. Meet health and character requirements. Acceptable Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

overseas Student Health cover Australia has a special system of health cover for international students called Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). It will help you pay for medical or hospital care you may need while you’re studying in Australia; it will also contribute towards the cost of most prescription medicines and an ambulance in an emergency. When studying in Australia, you will need OSHC for yourself, and any family travelling with you, before you arrive. It is a requirement of your student visa that you maintain OSHC for the duration of your time on a student visa in Australia. To study in Australia you'll need to apply for both admission to an institution and also for a student visa from the Australian Government. There are a number of steps you must go through including: • Deciding on your preferred course and institution. • Submitting your application to the institution. • Receiving and accepting a Letter of Offer.



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• Receiving your electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE). • Applying for your student visa. There is a range of entry requirements that you will need to meet both for you institution application and your visa application. This can include: • Academic requirements. • English language requirements. • Evidence of funds to support your study. • Overseas student health cover. • If you're already living or working in Australia, you may still be able to apply to study here as an international student. Australia introduced a simplified student visa framework (SSVF) on July 1st 2016. Under the SSVF all visa applications by international students and education agents are processed online by creating an account on ImmiAccount

Evidence of financial capacity If you need to provide evidence of financial capacity, you will be able to demonstrate this by providing one of the following:

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• evidence of funds to cover travel to Australia and 12 months’ living, course and (for school aged dependants) schooling costs for the student and accompanying family members • evidence that you meet the annual income requirement • an Acceptance Advice of Secondary Exchange Students (AASES) form (secondary exchange students only) a letter of support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade or Department of Defense.

character requirements Everyone who wants to enter Australia must be of good character and will be assessed against the character requirements. You must answer a number of character related questions on your visa application form and the information you provide will be used to assess your character. You might be asked for more information. For updated information please visit, the government website.

Source and web sites of use:: The Australian Government: www.australia.gov.au Study in Australia: www.studyinaustralia.gov.au Visa regulations: www.border.gov.au


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India’s university system as it exists today started in 1857 with three essentially British creations – the Universities of Madras, Calcutta and Bombay. But now in 2015, there are more than 700 universities and 35,000 colleges catering to more than 30 million students spread across every state and union territory. India’s demographic trend means it will soon overtake China as the world’s largest population, and with an average GDP annual growth of 8% over the last decade, its middle classes that demand higher education will swell to over 500 million people in the next ten years.

many different types, sizes, specializations and origins, some state-run, others private.

Higher education enrolment in India has exploded over the past decade, and doubled from 14 million to 28 million students between 2007 and 2013 alone. And no wonder the expansion of higher education has been a key focus: more than half of India’s massive population (1.3 billion people and counting) is under the age of 25 and it is projected to be one of the world’s youngest countries by 2020.

A total of 75 top universities in India feature in the first ever QS Indian University Rankings, with mainly IITs in the top 10. Aside from the science and technology specialists, some of the highest-ranked comprehensive universities are the University of Hyderabad (ranked seventh in India), the University of Delhi (eighth), the University of Calcutta (11th) and Jadhavpur University (12th).

With the world’s second largest population, after China, and a fast-growing and influential economy, India’s higher education system has undergone rapid expansion over the past few decades. It now has the distinction of being one of the largest higher education systems in the world (after China and the US) – and, to an outsider, perhaps one of the most complex. There are thousands of colleges and universities in India to choose from, of

India has traditionally been seen as a country that sends rather than receives international students, but a large number of students from elsewhere are now choosing to study in India, with the country welcoming more than 30,000 international students every year.

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India’s higher education system was ranked 26th in the world in the QS Higher Education System Strengths Ranking 2018, and is especially well-known for the quality of its education in engineering and technology subjects, spearheaded by the Indian Institute of Science and the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). There are currently 23 of these, located around the country, focusing mainly on engineering, technology and science disciplines.


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Here are some quick facts that make India the rising country for higher education: • India is among the top 5 countries globally in present research output, with 23 universities ranking high in global top 200! • In the last 20 years alone, 6 Indian scholars have been awarded the Nobel Prize across varied categories. • India has 700+ universities with over 35000 colleges in higher education; in fact, it is the second largest education system in the world. • ICCR (Indian Council of Cultural Relations) yearly offers over 3,350+ scholarships to international students for traditional courses ranging from Indian classical dance, Ayurveda, and music and various other programmes. • ICCR scholars are today enrolled in more than 120 institutions, including the top IITs and NITs, sectors across 18 states. Most students are from SAARC and African countries. • International giant corps Google, Microsoft, Apple etc are searching for intellectual minds in India. • Various education, scholarships, loans and other financial aids are available for studying in India today. • India’s immense open online courses, started by


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several research universities, jointly enroll 60% of the world’s entire student population. India’s higher education institutions are led by the highest standards of morals and accountability, with every individual being accredited and peer-reviewed. With well and student-oriented learning-driven model of education, India has not only surpassed its enrollment numbers but has spectacularly enhanced its learning outcomes. The promise of excellence and equity has made India’s higher education system worth imitating. Over the years, with the evolution of the ‘knowledge economy’, learning and work have become indivisible, making on-the-job learning and up-gradation a requisite. ICT tools have helped achieve a higher education to millions of deserving students in far-off areas who would otherwise have no admittance to university education.

Keen to study in India? We strongly believe the recent implementations suggest students to foster quality and equity and transparent framework of education. To conclude, the perks of getting an Indian education will not just help you build a secure future, but a stable career. - Report by QS World Rankings

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World class education at affordable cost It is said that by 2030, India will emerge as the youngest nations in the world. Over the last two decades, India has astonishingly transformed its higher education landscape by creating a widespread access to low-cost and highquality university education for students of all levels. Taking this forward, the Study in India an initiative by the Education Promotion Society for India(EPSI) in alignment with the HRD Ministry of India directives, with effective use of technology, are enhancing the longstanding strain between quality and cost. According to the recent research by FAIRFX currency exchange, “India is one of the cost-effective places to study�.

engineering and technical education The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are a group of autonomous prestigious engineering and technologyoriented institutes of higher education established and declared as Institutes of National Importance by the Parliament of India. The IITs were created to train scientists and engineers, with the aim of developing a skilled workforce to support the economic and social development of India.

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They have a common admission process for undergraduate admissions, using the Joint Entrance Examination (popularly known as IIT-JEE) to select around 8,000 undergraduate candidates a year. Postgraduate admissions are done on the basis of the GATE, JMET, JAM and CEED. About 15,500 undergraduate and 12,000 graduate students study in the IITs, in addition to research scholars. There are also, 8 IIITs in Hyderabad, Allahabad, Bengaluru, Delhi, Bhubaneshwar, Jabalpur, Gwallior, Calcutta and 8 IIMs in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Indore, Lucknow, Kozhikode, Shillong and Ranchi. The National Institutes of Technology (NITs), are colleges of engineering and technology education in India. They were originally called Regional Engineering Colleges (RECs). In 2002, the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, decided to upgrade, in phases, all the original 17 Regional Engineering Colleges (RECs) as National Institutes of Technology (NITs). There are currently 20 NITs, the latest being NIT, Agartala and Karaikal (Union territory of Pondicherry). The Government of India has introduced the National Institutes of Technology (NIT) Act 2007 to bring 20 such institutions within the ambit of the act and to provide them with complete autonomy in their functioning. The NITs are deliberately scattered throughout the country


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in line with the government norm of an NIT in every major state of India to promote regional development. The individual NITs, after the introduction of the NIT Act, have been functioning as autonomous technical universities and hence can draft their own curriculum and functioning policies.

Medicine Indian Medical Institutes are known worldwide for providing medical education of international standards. There are 18 university level institutions and 785 medical colleges offering undergraduate Programmes in medicine and related areas (including pharmacy, Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathic and nursing). All medical/ dental/ pharmacy/ nursing colleges in India are recognised and regulated by the statutory bodies’ i.e. Medical council of India / Dental Council of India / Pharmacy Council of India / Indian Nursing Council at central level.

entrance exams As per new orders from the Supreme Court, the premedical test was replaced by NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test). NEET-UG (Undergraduate) is conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). It has replaced the All India Pre Medical Test (AIPMT) and other individual MBBS and BDS exams conducted by states or colleges themselves. AIPMT was standardized all over India to and was one of the few competitive exams based completely on merit, until 2006 when reservations for SC, ST and OBC were included.

agricultural/veterinary education India is the preferred destination for agricultural education including study of animal sciences, dairy and fishery sciences. There are 40 renowned university level institutions and more than 199 colleges offering various courses in Agriculture. Undergraduate Programmes are offered in 11 major disciplines and postgraduate Programmes in as many as 65 different specialisations. All universities also offer Ph.D Programmes in these specialisations. The universities offering medical educations in Indi/a are under the control of an apex national body, Indian Council for Agricultural research (IICAR), which is responsible for the promotion and coordination of agricultural research and higher education in various branches of Agriculture and Allied Science in India.

Management courses To meet the growing demand of management professionals, India started its first formalised management educational Programme in the late 1950s. Today, India has 600 institutes offering Programmes in management at undergraduate and postgraduate

NEET will function exactly like the international entrance examinations like GMAT etc., Like in the case of GMAT, a student will apply to individual colleges with the same score. Other criteria can be sorted out at the time of counselling, but there will be no dilution of existing quotas. As mentioned, the students will thus go through a regular process of counselling for the state colleges and will have to provide domicile details so as to be enlisted in the state merit lists. This will ensure that state colleges seats are filled and satisfy the 85% quota of state medical colleges. www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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levels with prestigious institutes like the Indian Institute of management (IIMs). All management colleges/ institutes in India are recognised and regulated by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), a statutory body of Government of India. Natural/Applied Sciences/Liberal Arts and Humanities Students from all over the world come to the Indian shores for study of Natural and Applied Sciences, Liberal Arts and Humanities, the reason- India has a wealth of resources, from infrastructure to faculty. A variety of Programmes are available in traditional liberal arts and humanities. There are 162 traditional universities and more than 7,494 colleges offering degree in Science/ Arts / Commerce. Undergraduate Programmes are offered in more than 150 disciplines and post graduate in 50 more than 50 specialisations.

Hotel Management and tourism The degrees offered by the Indian institutions in Hotel Management and Tourism studies equip students with all required skills and knowledge to effectively discharge supervisory and managerial responsibilities in the hospitality industry. With 24 Institutes of Hotel Management (IHMs) and 6 Food Craft Institutes spread all over the country, India offers three-year degree Programme in hotel management and catering technology. The Indian Institute of Travel and Tourism Management (IITM) offers short term courses designed for travel and tourism studies.

Fashion and Design technology India has always been the hub of textile and garment trade. There are as many as 75 institutes in India that offer courses in fashion, design technology and related fields. Training at these institutes is imparted keeping in mind the demands of the international market. The institutes are equipped with latest technologies, laboratories, workshops, design and research centres, libraries, and computers.

undergraduate courses: Undergraduate courses, in general, are of three years leading to Bachelor degrees in Arts, Science, Commerce, 108 HEADSTART 2019

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etc. As of this year Delhi University has introduced four year Bachelor’s programmes. Undergraduate courses leading to a first degree in professional subjects like Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy are of a longer duration ranging from four to five and a half years. Most of the engineering courses take four years, to complete while the medical courses are about five and a half years long.

postgraduate courses:Postgraduate Courses in Arts, Science, Engineering and Medicine are usually for two years ending with the award of a Master's degree. Some universities and institutes offer a diploma or a certificate course of shorter duration. However the duration of these courses varies from university to university. Doctoral courses like M Phil and PhD are available only at the university colleges. These courses involve research work under a guide, leading to thesis submission and viva-voce.

application process: Most Colleges and Universities in India begin their academic term in June/July. The application process varies from Institution to institution and from state to state. Institutions start distributing application forms four to six months before the commencement of classes. Students must have completed 12 years of schooling to be eligible to apply. The competition for seats is intense and the cut-off percentages for entry can be extremely high as www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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there are more applicants than seats. Most professional courses have prerequisite qualifying examinations, some of which are all India level while others are state level. Some institutions offer Management seats or charge higher fees for their self-financing sections. Minority groups get preference and some seats are reserved for them. Some courses such as architecture require aptitude tests. Most private institutions offer foreign nationals and non resident Indians seats. The costs for these spots are much higher and some institutions have special entry tests before admission. The result of these tests along with board exam results is used to determine the student’s eligibility for admission. International students and non-resident students can secure admission through a scheme called Direct Admission for Students Abroad (DASA). To be eligible, the student must have studied in a foreign institution for the last three years. For more information on this, visit Education Consultants of India. The site also lists institutions they work with. www.educationindia4u.nic.in Admission to Foreign Nationals/Persons of Indian Origin/ Non-Resident Indians/Overseas Citizen of India to undergraduate programmes in premier Technical Institutions is being offered under DASA scheme of MHRD since the academic session 2001-02. The admissions to various UG and PG programmes of premier Institutes of India under the DASA scheme will be coordinated by Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India for the year 2018-19.


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please note: 1. The SAT score for admission in DASA 2018-19 is to be sent to MNNIT Allahabad. The Institute code is 7563. For clarifications, email: dasa2018@mnnit.ac.in

costs: Indian institutions offer quality education at affordable prices. Estimated cost for an undergraduate degree is about USD 10,000 for all three years. Living costs also are comparatively low and can range from USD 1200 to 2000/. Fees under Management quota tend to be higher. Scholarships are available for academic merit or under sports quota.

visas Internationals desirous of studying in India would need to submit the following documents: • A valid passport • Provisional acceptance letter for an accredited institution • A health certificate It is best to contact the nearest Indian diplomatic mission for updated information and guidance. Source and websites of use: www.ugc.ac.in: Information on Universities www.dasanit.org www.educationindia4u.nic.in Education Consultants of India www.aicte.ernet.in: All India Council for Technical Education www.mospi.gov.in/sites/default/files/ publication_reports/Youth_in_India-2017.pdf www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/EY_-_ Higher_education_in_India/$FILE/EY-highereducation-in-india.pdf www.studyinindia.org

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Malaysia’s strategic location in the region and recognition as a liberal, multi-ethnic country has made it an attractive study destination. It is fast becoming a popular study destination for international students, thanks to the government's initiatives to ensure a high quality of education and also because it offers ‘value for money’. Malaysia’s commitment to being a worldclass knowledge economy – and a regional education hub – received a boost with the launch of its higher education strategy: The Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) Malaysia currently hosts 170,068 international students from 160 countries studying there. One of many reasons why international students choose Malaysia is because of its costeffective, high quality tertiary education. By choosing to study at a foreign university branch campus in Malaysia, the student will study the same course and will be awarded the same degree as that of the main campus; however, the student will pay lower tuition fees and spend less as the cost of living in Malaysia is considerably lower. In addition, depending on the course, students can choose to spend part of their studies at the main campus Malaysia accounts for two per cent of the international student population around the world. The education sector offers a variety of higher educational programmes as well as professional and specialized skill 110 HEADSTART 2019

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courses that are competitively priced. Branch campuses of reputed Australian and British institutions also have been established in Malaysia. Universities from UK, USA, Canada, Australia, France, Germany and New Zealand offer twinning, franchised and external degree programmes in partnership with Malaysian institutions. In 2017, Malaysian institutions enrolled over 170,000 international students, with most coming from Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Nigeria, India, and Pakistan.The government, with private-sector partners, has set up two education zones as sites for international branch campuses, and there are now 10 foreign branch campuses in the country from the UK, Australia, India, the Netherlands, and China. A ten-year blueprint for higher education sets out ambitious goals through 2025, with respect to enrolment targets and with regard to improved performance or Malaysian institutions in regional and global rankings. Malaysia continues to build its international enrolment, and aims to host 250,000 foreign students by 2025. The Malaysian government has been instrumental in the establishment of two higher education zones in


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collaboration with private partners: EduCity Iskandar and Kuala Lumpur Education City. Investment in educational infrastructure has also been linked to the country’s strategic plans for economic development..Such zones have also helped Malaysia to become a popular host country for international branch campuses. The EduCity Iskandar campus, for example, is currently home to foreign institutions such as New Castle University Medicine Malaysia, University of Southampton Malaysia, Netherlands Maritime Institute of Technology, and University of Reading, Malaysia. There are 20 public universities, 91 private universities & university colleges and 10 foreign university branch campuses. The affordable cost of quality tertiary education is one of many reasons why international students choose Malaysia. For example, you can acquire a UK engineering degree (3 years) in Malaysia through a franchised degree programme at an estimated USD21,000, whereas the tuition fee of the same degree programme at the host university in the UK is about USD48,000/.The ministry is concentrating on awarding large amounts of research funding under its Fundamental Research Grant Scheme.

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enrolling at a 'licensed' private educational institution Students must confirmwhether the institution of their choice has been 'licensed' and 'approved' before enrolling. To safeguard the interests of international students, all private schools, international schools, private colleges, private universities and foreign university branch campuses in Malaysia must obtain approvals from the relevant regulatory bodies of the Malaysian government. These approvals include:

primary and Secondary education Private Schools and international schools which offer primary and secondary education - these institutions must be licensed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia and the Ministry of Home Affairs (Malaysian Immigration Department www.imi.gov.my in order to accept international students.

tertiary education Private higher educational institutions which offer tertiary education - besides obtaining approval from the Ministry of Higher Education, these institutions need to ensure that the courses offered are endorsed by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency. As such, students are advised to check with the institution concerned or online at www.mqa.gov.my to determine if their intended course of study is endorsed or accredited by MQA. In addition, these institutions need to be licensed by another authority i.e. the Ministry of Home Affairs (Malaysian Immigration Department) to accept international students. The Immigration Department will issue a 'Student Pass' to every international student enrolled at these institutions.

enrolling at a public university Public universities offer postgraduate studies and limited places for bachelor's degree programmes to international students. Funded by the government, these public universities are allowed to recruit international students for full-time undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Their courses are assured by MQA and the Immigration Department will issue a 'Student Pass' to every student enrolled by these universities.

applying to Study at a Malaysian institution Applying to study at the Malaysian institution of your choice is simple. Just complete the relevant International Student Application Forms for your chosen course and return it to the institution of your choice with the following documents and fees: • Certified copies of all relevant examination results and academic certificates (preferably with copies translated in English if documents are in another language) • A completed accommodation form (if accommodation is required) • Photocopy of valid international passport - all pages 112 HEADSTART 2019

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• Photocopy of identity card • Most recent passport sized colour photograph (4 to 6 copies) • Personal medical health report • Application fees (ranging from US160 to US250, usually non-refundable) You may obtain the application form online from the institution's website or from the institution's overseas representative in your country. You will be asked for evidence of your academic achievement and proficiency in English. Ideally, you should apply about two months before start of the programme.

application for Student pass

getting an offer from the institution


Processing your application usually takes 5-7 days. If you are accepted, the institution will issue an 'Offer of Place' letter. This letter will confirm the full-time course details, commencement dates, and enclose an invoice for the tuition fee, miscellaneous fees and accommodation fees. Following which, you make arrangements for the payment of fees. The institution will issue a receipt upon confirmation of payment.

Before leaving the country for Malaysia, you should inform the educational institution of your port of entry (airport), flight number, arrival date and time. Upon arrival at the airport in Malaysia, the educational institution’s representative will receive you at the immigration checkpoint. Within 2 weeks of your arrival, the educational institution will submit your passport to the Immigration Department, which attaches the student pass sticker.

Next, the educational institution will apply for an approval for a student pass from the Malaysian Immigration Department in Malaysia on your behalf. This will take approximately 14 working days, provided all documents are in order. The institution will then proceed to notify the student regarding the status (approved or rejected) of the application for the student pass. With the receipt of the Immigration's approval letter through the Institution, you can prepare for your journey to Malaysia. You do not need to apply for a separate visa to enter Malaysia.

Source: www.studymalaysia.com and MEPC-Malaysian Education Promotion Center Source and websites of use: Ministry of Education Malaysia www.moe.gov.my, www.educationmalaysia.gov.my Malaysian Qualifications Agency www.mqa.gov.my Study Malaysia Online Course Search: www.studymalaysia.com important contact address: Malaysia Education Promotion Centre Dubai, UAE Consulate General of Malaysia 83, Street 10D, Mankhool P.O. Box 114140 Dubai Tel : +9714-398 5843 Fax : +9714-327 5151 Email: mepc@eim.ae


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Although small, in the realms of higher education and research, Singapore is highly reputed. A whole series of global reports have recognized Singapore as a world leader in research and innovation over the past few decades. In recent years, it’s been ranked seventh in the 2015 INSEAD Global Innovation Index, third in IMD’s 2014 World Competitiveness Rankings and second in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report for 2014-15. Within this context of global competitiveness and innovation, universities in Singapore are also gaining growing recognition, as Asian nations more generally strengthen their position in the global education market. Singapore’s two leading universities are now both ranked within the world’s top 15, and the city itself is ranked 14th in the QS Best Cities, reflecting its combination of educational excellence, high quality of life, and diverse student community. There are 34 universities in Singapore, of which six are 114 HEADSTART 2019

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national. The two best-known, the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) both feature very highly in the 2018 QS World Ranking and offer courses in a wide range of subjects to their student populations of over 30,000 each. Singapore has the reputation as one of the leading economic and business centres of the world. Its geographical position makes travel within the Asian region very easy and affordable. It has a successful free market economy with a vibrant lifestyle. Despite its cosmopolitan population, its history as a centre of trade and entrepreneurialism positions it closer to the West than its neighbours. While Chinese, Malay, and Tamil are also official languages, English is widely spoken and understood by 75% of the five million strong population and is the officially designated language for the education system. The education system in Singapore revolves around the premise that every student has unique aptitudes and interests. They have evolved from the old-school British www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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system, adopting a flexible approach to allow you to develop your potential to the fullest. Most institutions offer merit based scholarships Moreover, students can fast track programmes and transfer into parent campuses in UK or Australia. Even as other countries in the region are accelerating their international recruitment efforts, Singapore is taking a step back. This is because there are not enough university spaces to meet local demand. The city-state capped international enrolment in 2011, well short of a long-standing goal to attract 150,000 students by 2015. Public subsidies and grants for foreign branch campuses in Singapore are now more constrained as well in the wake of several high-profile closures. The government continues to encourage international partnerships in Singapore but with a greater emphasis on increasing capacity to meet local demand

nanyang technological university Previously ranked only one place down from NUS, NTU overtook NUS in 2018 to now be Singapore’s highestranked university in both the QS World University Rankings® and the QS Asia University Rankings, ranked 11th in the world and first in Asia. NTU is highly regarded for its engineering courses, and in the QS World University Rankings by Subject it’s in the global top five for the broad subject area of engineering & technology, and is also ranked for civil engineering. In recent developments, NTU enrolled the first batch of students at its new Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine in the summer of 2013, as part of a collaborative venture with the UK’s Imperial College London.

Singapore Management university If accounting, finance and business management are courses that you seek to pursue, the Singapore Management University, is the place to be. It is well ranked in these areas of specializations. They also strong programmes in computer science, economics, law and statistics.Ranked 441-450 in the World University Rankings and 71stin Asia, the university also places within the global top 100 for accounting and finance and business and management in the QS World university Ranking by subject.

other international universities in Singapore Apart from this, Singapore is home to a selection of recently established collaborative institutions. These bring together universities in Singapore with leading universities around the world. One example is the Singapore University of Technology and Design, developed in partnership with the US’s MIT and China’s Zhejiand university. Launched in 2011, Yale-NUS College is another international collaboration. It is the first liberal arts college in Singapore, as a partnership between the National University of Singapore and Yale University. These

national university of Singapore Singapore’s most reputed, National University of Singapore is currently ranked 15th in the QS World University Rankings, and second in the QS Asia University rankings 2018. Aside from this, the school is now ranked seventh in the world for the engineering and technology broad subject area, and eighth for chemical engineering. It’s also within the top 10 for social sciences and management..


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collaborations reflect a wider focus on internationalization and innovation among universities in Singapore, which is generating a growing selection of exciting options for prospective students. Applications for entry and visa formalities are handled by the university to which you are applying. Each university has minimum entry requirements. The closing date for normal applications is in February of the year of entry. The rise of the National University of Singapore (NUS)) to the top of the QS University Rankings :Asia is the latest evidence of Singapore’s strengthened position as a regional education leader. Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU) also jumped in the rankings.

entry requirement: Apart from exacting academic requirements, for applicants whose mother tongue is not English, the individual universities will set their required IELTS/TOEFL scores. Individual institutions will have varying entry requirements. Visit the institutional websites for the details.

Fees and Funding Tuition fees vary widely between institutions and courses. International students can apply for a tuition grant which is administered by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and offered to all admitted students. 116 HEADSTART 2019

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visa procedures

Most of the scholarships are for Singapore nationals but a few are on offer for international students. For a list of scholarships and eligibility, please visit the website. www.moe.gov.sg/admissions/scholarships/sia

A foreigner who has been accepted by an educational institution to pursue full-time study in Singapore will need to apply for a Student's Pass. The requirements and procedures for a Student’s Pass differ slightly depending on the type of educational institution in which you intend to study. You will need the following documents/ information to complete your Student's Pass application, please have them ready before you apply:

cost of living: An international student in Singapore spends on average about S$750 to S$2,500 a month on living expenses. The amount of course, varies depending on your individual lifestyle and course of study. Working during school term You can work during the school term without a work pass if you meet all of the following criteria: You are a full-time matriculated or registered student in one of the approved institutions. You hold a Student Pass issued by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).Additionally, your work needs to meet one of these requirements: It is for a maximum of 16 hours a week. It is under an industrial attachment programme conducted by your university or educational institution. The industrial attachment can be either compulsory or elective but it must contribute towards your graduation requirements.

• The Registration Acknowledgement Letter from the institution you plan to attend • Your travel document bio-data page • Your personal information, including the list of countries you have previously resided in, your educational background, employment history and financial support • Your parents’ personal information (if applicable) • Your residential address and contact details in Singapore • Your recent, passport-sized, digital, colour photograph • You must submit your Student’s Pass application using the eService at least one month and not more than two months before your course begins. • A non-refundable S$30 processing fee is payable. If your application is successful, ICA will issue you an InPrinciple Approval (IPA) letter. Your Student’s Pass will only be issued if you meet all the conditions stipulated in this letter. You must then bring all the documents listed in your IPA letter to ICA.

Source and websites of use: www.moe.gov.sg/admissions/internationalstudents/general-info www.mom.gov.sg/ www.ica.gov.sg/#/pass/studentpass/apply QS Top Universities website


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Germany is fast becoming a highly sought after destination for higher education. Students are not only drawn by Germany’s status as a leading world economy, but also by the modest tuition fees for international students as well as immigration policies that support the interests of a majority of students in staying and working in Germany after graduation. Germany became one of the first major destinations to reach its ambitious growth target for international enrolment. It is currently the sixth leading study destination worldwide, in terms of total student numbers. Among the primary challenges facing Europe is the refugee crisis. The programmes “Integration of Refugees in Degree Programmes” (Integra) and “Welcome – Students Helping Refugees” are doing much to meet this challenge at German higher education institutions. In addition, the DAAD, Germany’s most important stakeholder in international higher education and research marketing; has increased its activities in the crisis regions in order to offer young people better prospects for the future. To date, 40 Syrian and 40 Jordanian students have begun master’s degree courses at one of four Jordanian universities through the “New Perspectives for Young Jordanians and Syrians” programme. The DAAD is awarding further scholarships to young Syrians for study in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Turkey through the new EUfunded “HOPES” programme In 2017 the DAAD provided funding for about 140,000 German and international students, academics and researchers through its range of programmes, implemented a large number of cooperation projects between German and international higher education institutions, and supported an increasing number of transnational education and research projects in higher education. Awarding worldwide “scholarships for the best” is one of the DAAD’s core tasks. In 2017, 40,000 applications were processed in competitive selection procedures through which over 13,000 highly qualified students, graduates, doctoral candidates, academics and researchers were selected for an internship, study, a research or teaching stay in Germany and abroad. Crucial to the success of this process is the work of the selection committees. University instructors on the 52 selection committees of the individual funding programmes assisted in making the funding decisions 118 HEADSTART 2019

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for DAAD scholarships. The DAAD’s funding portfolio ranges from short term measures, such as sponsoring conference attendance, internships and university summer courses to funding master’s and doctoral theses, as well as research and teaching visits for university instructors and academics. Students wishing to study in Germany can choose from more than 12,000 degree programmes and subjects offered at 340 state (public) and state-recognized higher education institutions. Each of the 16 states in Germany has its own higher education laws and guidelines. They can join a research oriented programme at a Universität (university) or a more practice-focused course at a Fachhochschule (university of applied sciences), or an artistic programme at one of the many Kunst-, Film-, or Musikhoch-schulen (college of art, film or music). If you already hold a degree, you can also choose to enter a postgraduate or doctoral programme for advanced qualifications. Universitäten: Universities and equivalent institutions are greatly focused on research and teaching. Most Universities offer courses in practically all subject areas while some universities choose to specialize in a particular field. If you want to study at a German university, you will need a “Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” – or “university entrance qualification”. This is a schoolleaving certificate which qualifies you for university study. If your secondary-school certificate is deemed insufficient for study in Germany, you will have to attend a foundation course (“Studienkolleg”) before you are allowed to enroll.

with the institution regarding the medium of instruction before enrolling for courses. The academic year is generally divided into two sixmonth semesters; the winter semester normally begins in October while the summer semester begins in April. Course duration is around three months in the summer semester and four months in the winter semester. Students can use the non-lecture period to revise material taught in the previous semesters or to complete internships. Besides the state (public) higher education institutions, a number of private universities also operate in Germany that generally offer subjects from the fields of law, economics and business administration and social sciences. Private universities often maintain close contacts with companies in order to give their graduates an edge and better career prospects. Once you have decided on which university or course you want to pursue, it’s time to look at the requirements for university applications.

FacHHocHScHule (FH): FHs were especially established to give students a chance to engage in the more practical studies and applied research. Subjects offered by FHs cover fields like technology, business, IT, design, social fields, education, nursing and applied natural sciences. KunSt-, FilM-, or MuSiKHocH-ScHulen: Colleges of art, film and music offer artistic-creative subjects – like fine art, industrial and fashion design, stage design, graphic art, instrumental music or singing. There are even special media-oriented colleges that train directors, camera operators, authors, film-makers and other TV or media professionals. Not all of the courses taught are in English-medium, students should check www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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application requirements for universities

of their knowledge of German. A good idea is to check with the relevant university's International Office. You can find more information.

To study at a university in Germany one needs a "Hochschulzugangsberechtigung" (HZB), or higher education entrance qualification. This establishes that an applicant has the required educational qualifications to undertake university education in Germany. An international higher education entrance qualification lets you study at a German university, provided that the international certificate of education is recognised as higher education entrance qualification in Germany. Your school-leaving certificate is usually recognised as a university entrance qualification in Germany if you come from an EU country, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway or Switzerland and your certificate is also recognised as a university entrance qualification there. If your existing higher education certifications do not meet the accepted criteria, you can participate in a preparatory course at a German university. This is where you, together with other international students, develop the technical and cultural requirements to successfully study in Germany. To see if adhere to all the requirements of a German University check out the DAAD website for more information. In most German Universities the language of instruction is German. This does not generally apply for students in international courses or certain post-graduate courses. Anyone only wanting to study in Germany for one or two semesters may also not be required to provide evidence

Financial requirements

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In order to fulfill student visa requirements, you will need to show proof that you have, or have access to, around €7,908 per year (US$8,722) or €659 (US$727) per month to cover your living costs, although you may find you need more, depending on your lifestyle and spending habits (the average student spends €800/US$877 a month).

How to apply For most subjects, you can apply directly to the international office of the university. Alternatively, you can use the website www.uni-assist.de, a centralized admissions portal for international students, run by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), although not all universities use this. You may wish to apply for numerous courses and universities separately to increase your chances of being admitted. At many German universities it’s possible to apply for admission twice a year – to commence studies either in the winter or summer semester. The summer semester runs from March to August atFachhochschulen (Universities of Applied Sciences) and April to September at universities; the winter semester is from September to February and October to March respectively.


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In general, applications for winter enrolments need to be made by 15 July, and applications for summer enrolments by 15 January. However, application deadlines vary between institutions, and the same institution may set different deadlines for each program – be sure to carefully check the specific dates for your chosen course. It’s recommended to submit applications at least six weeks before the deadline, to ensure time for corrections or additions if any information is missing. You should expect to receive a formal acceptance or rejection approximately one to two months after the deadline has passed. The specific documents required and application process will be set by each institution, but you’ll typically be asked to submit: • A certified copy of your high-school diploma or previous degrees, and any other relevant qualifications in the original language • A translated overview of your course modules and grades • A passport photo • A copy of your passport (personal information and photo ID page) • Proof of language proficiency (a test certificate or online equivalent) To ensure the best chances of acceptance, take care to provide all the documentation requested, make sure all your documentation is certified (copies of documents also need to be certified by the awarding school), and check that you’ve filled out all your information correctly before submitting your application. An application fee may be charged. For some subjects, there is a nationwide cap on the number of students who can enroll. For these subjects (mostly life sciences), students from the EU (plus Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein) need to apply through the Foundation of Higher Education Admission. Students from outside the EU should apply as normal. Funding A wide range of scholarships for German and Foreign students especially post-graduates and researchers are offered by Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD). A searchable web-based scholarship database is available to students on the www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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DAAD website: www.daad.de/offices orwww.fundingguide.de). DAAD has an office in Abu Dhabi which can provide all the support you will need to study in Germany.

visas Admitted students need to submit the following documents to apply for a visa, • Letter of admission • Proof of Health Insurance Cover • Proof of Financial Resources • Documents related to Previous Educational Qualifications • German Language Proficiency Certificate or Plan for Intensive Language course in German • Minor students would need a letter of consent from the person(s)responsible for their care and custody A student visa is generally issued for a period of 3 months. If the study period is longer, you must contact the foreigner’s authority (Aus-landerbehorde) to apply for a residence permit. The Residence permit is initially issued for 2 years but can be extended for a further period of 2 years. -Source: Study in Germany website, DAAD. DAAD Information Center Gulf Region Electra Street (Pizza Hut/ T.G.I. Friday's Building, P1) Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Source: www.daad.de www.higher-education-compass.de DAAD Annual Report 2017

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HoSpITalITy manaGemenT – a global education for careers without boundaries

According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the worldwide tourism industry is forecast to provide 90 million new job opportunities by 2027, resulting in a strong market demand for new skilled talents. Recruiters in leading hospitality and luxury organisations place an emphasis on hiring talents with a global mindset, cross-cultural abilities and international experience.

International learning experience Founded in 1954, Les Roches enrolls close to 2,700 students from 100 different countries across a global network of campuses in Switzerland, Spain and China. A diverse campus environment with different cultures and customs prepares students for this global industry, where not only guests, but also colleagues come from all corners of the world. Les Roches offers students the unique opportunity to seamlessly transfer between its campuses in to gain international exposure. Thanks to its leading position and a strong recognition within the hospitality industry, Les Roches provides graduates with a competitive advantage for employment.

Swiss educational model Ever since British alpinists discovered the Swiss mountains 150 years ago, the Alpine republic is considered the birthplace of modern tourism. To satisfy the needs of travellers for accommodation and recreation, hotels, sanatoriums and spas opened their doors to an illustrious clientele from European aristocracy and industrial families who came to the Swiss Alps for winter sports or treatments. The rising demand of hotels for qualified staff led to the establishment of the first hotel schools who all had the same purpose: the holistic education of future hoteliers. This required hotel management students to learn all practical aspects of kitchen, service and rooms division management, as well as accounting, human resources and other business management courses. The acquired knowledge is then applied during two semester-long internships in hotels and other services-related sectors.

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Global career opportunities Internationality is one of the main criteria for hospitality recruiters when they interview candidates: The next generation of leaders are required to adapt quickly to unfamiliar surroundings and practices, be culturally fluent and master multiple languages. This focus on internationality pays off as it opens broad career opportunities without boundaries across the globe. In 2018, Les Roches was ranked among the top three institutions for employer reputation in hospitality and leisure management (QS World University Ranking). Today, 92% of Les Roches students have signed an employment contract or received multiple job offers upon graduation to become future leaders in one of the most dynamic and exciting industries in the world.

The digital advantage In order to prepare students for new business realities, Les Roches has integrated new technologies to enhance interactive connectivity between campuses and provide global educational experiences. Les Roches is equipping entrepreneurial students with the digital advantage to succeed in new technological environments by creating innovation labs and start-up incubators. Les Roches prides itself in promoting an entrepreneurial spirit throughout its collection of programs and campuses, empowering students to drive leadership and innovative solutions by working on their own business projects. All these aspects combined are what make Les Roches a unique higher education institution.

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Disrupter. Innovator. Game changer. Launch your world-class career with an education that is as entrepreneurial as you are.


With four campuses across three continents, Les Roches is the most global and entrepreneurial hospitality management school. We prepare you with the leadership skills, business experience and industry connections for career success.


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E carl.lowasser@sommet-education.com





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Switzerland claims the top spot in the Human Freedom Index (HFI) 2017, replacing Hong Kong as No 1 out of 159 countries evaluated around the globe. It continually ranks as one of the safest countries in the world. The 2018 Environment Performance Index (EPI) ranks Switzerland in top position, mainly because of its use of hydroelectric power and its highly efficient public transportation system. A well-preserved environment easily accessible by public transport, safe cities (and countryside), excellent public healthcare and an excellent infrastructure make living in Switzerland very pleasant. Swiss universities offer a wide range of courses of study at all levels (bachelor, masters, doctorate) at different institutions of higher education (academic universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education) and in different languages (German, French, Italian, English). The Swiss educational system is as varied and exciting as the Swiss landscape. Mirroring the diversity of languages, cultures and history in Switzerland, it is built on a complex interplay between the Confederation, the cantons and the communes. The Swiss higher education system is very selective. Studying at a Swiss university will of course always involve a solid base in theoretical foundation. Your classes, seminars and projects will, however, be strongly linked to research conducted at your institution. Swiss universities are dedicated to the task of forming highly skilled, creative, innovative, multilingual and culturally open graduates. Swiss authorities are committed to making sure that the universities are substantially funded for this task.

A bachelor’s degree is the first step in scientific tuition, allowing students to acquire a methodological and scientific approach to their education. In the Bologna system, one academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits, which are equivalent to 1,500 to 1,800 hours of study. This includes contact hours (lectures, seminars, practical work, etc.), as well as independent study at home or in a library. Attainment of a bachelor’s degree requires three years of full-time study (180 ECTS credits). A bachelor’s degree is a pre-requisite for enrolment in a master’s programme. It can in some cases lead directly to a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS). All bachelor programmes are open to students in possession of a valid upper-secondary school diploma, a Swiss Matura or a foreign degree that has been deemed equivalent. With their different histories, approaches, and research focus, as well as their language diversity, the 10 cantonal universities and the 2 Federal Institutes of Technology are poised to usher a multicultural Switzerland into the future. They all share a drive for quality in teaching and research, an ambition for excellence, the flexibility to cater to a multitude of demands, and the foresight to anticipate future requirements and challenges. This results in their consistently being ranked among the best universities in the world. Students learn directly from researchers. Academic excellence is mainly based on an outstanding framework for junior and senior researchers and on the principle of competition. There are several national research funds in Switzerland where scholars compete for funding – for basic research or for R&D. Apart from being an innovation hotspot, Switzerland is also highly successful in international competition for research funds. The complete list of accredited Swiss Higher education institutions and criteria for admission is given in the website www.swissuniversities.ch/en/higher-education-area/ studying/studying-in-switzerland/ The Swiss higher education system comprises three types of universities:

research universities

These universities offer tertiary education leading to Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD degrees and undertake basic research. The standard admission requirement is 124 HEADSTART 2019

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an academic baccalaureate. Besides the ten cantonal research universities, this type of university also includes the federal institutes of technology and science.

universities of applied Sciences

These universities offer programmes leading to Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Teaching and research at universities of applied sciences have a strong practical focus. The standard admission requirement is a completed apprenticeship (dual occupational training including theoretical training at a vocational school and practical training at a company) and a vocational baccalaureate, to be earned after the completion of basic training. Switzerland currently has seven public universities of applied sciences and one private, state-recognised institution.

universities of teacher education

Together with other teacher training institutions, universities of teacher education are responsible for training a sufficient number of qualified teachers for all levels of compulsory education. Their remit includes teaching, research & development, further training / additional training, services (documentation centres, expert reports, consultancy, etc.). As a rule, students may transfer from one type of university to another by fulfilling additional requirements. Other university institutions, supported by the federal government, include the «Institut universitaire des hautes études internationales et du développement (IHEID)» in Geneva, the «Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB)» in Sion, and the «Stiftung Universitäre Fernstudien Schweiz» in Brig.

application process

Whether you intend to study a bachelor's (first cycle), master's (second cycle) or PhD degree (third cycle) in Switzerland, you will have to submit your application to the university or college of your interest. Your school will examine the submitted documentation, will check whether you are eligible for the study program or course you applied for and will issue a proof of registration in the event you are finally admitted.In general, universities and colleges in Switzerland ask foreign students to submit the documentation described below in order to evaluate their academic eligibility: • The filled-in application form for the selected study program or course. Most schools in Switzerland have online application systems www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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• A recent passport-sized photo • A notarized copy of your foreign certificates. If you are applying for first-cycle studies (undergraduate), you will have to submit a notarized copy of your schoolleaving certificates. If you are applying for a secondcycle program (master's), you will have to submit a notarized copy of your bachelor's degree. And if you are applying for a PhD degree, you will have to submit a notarized copy of your master's diploma


The Swiss Government grants university scholarships to foreign students who have graduated from university or, to a limited extent, university of applied sciences or advanced arts programmes. Detailed information on the application requirements for the scholarships, the relevant countries, and how to apply are provided by the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS):

visa procedure

UAE Students and families wishing to study in Switzerland, need to process applications through VFS Global. The details are given on the VFS Global website. Required application documents • Three forms of “Application for long stay visa (visa D)” filled and signed • Four passport-size photographs • Passport (valid three months beyond the planned stay) • Letter of acceptance issued by a Swiss university • Proof of payment of the registration and tuition fees –original and copy • Proof of sufficient financial means for coverage of living costs in Switzerland for the duration of schooling (provide evidence of having 21,000 CHF or 19,200 EUR at the beginning of each year of your studies) • Letter of institution in case all expenses for the study will be covered by scholarship or loan • CV • Letter of motivation • Commitment to leave Switzerland on completion of studies

Source and web sites of use:

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neW zealanD

New Zealand is rated in international surveys as one of the world’s most peaceful, least corrupt countries. The 2017 Global Peace Index, which compares 162 countries for the risk of personal violence, rates New Zealand as the world's second safest country after Iceland. Transparency International’s 2017 Corruption Perception Index ranks New Zealand the least corrupt country in the world, equal with Denmark. It is therefore, one of the safest and friendliest places you can choose for your studies. It is the size of the UK or Japan but with a population of only 4.6 million people, so it gives you room to breathe and the space to be yourself, states the New Zealand Government website. New Zealand has eight state-funded universities, 16 Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPS) and about 550 Private Training Establishments (PTEs), which include English language schools. Universities offer higher degree-level education. Programmes are research-led and generally academic rather than vocational. QS World University Rankings, ranked New Zealand universities in the top 3% in the world. Besides these, New Zealand also hosts 23 Polytechnics or Institutes of Technology, as well as around 860 privately owned training establishments, which offer a wide range of vocational courses. They have established a Code of Practice for the pastoral care of international students. Read more on www.minedu.govt.nz/gota/international According to statistics released by Ministry of Education, New Zealand, student numbers, during the 2016 calendar year, the number of international fee-paying students was 121,735. This represents growth of 6.8% when compared to the 2015 calendar year, for which the number of international fee-paying students was 113,985. The school sector experienced the largest growth of 13%. Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) and universities experienced growth in student numbers of 7% and 6% respectively. Growth in student numbers at unfunded PTEs offset a decrease in student numbers at funded PTEs, with overall growth in student numbers of 6% for the sector. 128 HEADSTART 2019

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System of education Higher education in New Zealand follows a semester system like the British universities. Students pursuing higher education in New Zealand need to have selfdirection as most courses are taught via lectures, labs and tutorials. A bachelor’s degree in the country typically takes three years, and students can get an Honours degree after another year of study. However, bachelor’s degrees in some special fields take much longer to complete. Candidates can pursue a Master’s degree after completing their bachelor’s. Doctoral studies require either a Master’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree with Honours.

application process The first semester starts during the month of February and is over by the end of June. The second semester starts in July and finishes in November. Some universities have a three-semester pattern where the semesters begin in February, July and November.

admission requirements The requirements for entry are course and institute specific. However certain aspects can be considered uniform. Entry into colleges and universities in New Zealand mandate 13 years of education. Students from the Indian curriculum will be accepted directly into the programme provided the board exam result is 75% and above. For all those with less than 75%, the yearlong foundation is mandatory. A student with high school marks that are less than 75% would first be enrolled in one of the polytechnics for one year until he/she improves his/her grades and will then be moved to a university for a Bachelors degree. Further requirements need to be confirmed with the institution you are applying to. Most tertiary institutions need you to prove that you have a reasonable grasp of the English language.It is always best to apply three months to six months before the commencement of your course. That way, one can find out all the specific requirements for admission and work towards attaining them. While applications can often be done online, you’ll still need www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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to post or courier some documents, such as certified copies of academic certificates and transcripts, proof that you can meet the institution’s English language requirements, and a recent résumé or curriculum vitae.

Finances & Scholarships Undergraduate study can cost about NZ$18,000– $25,000 a year, depending on your course. It can cost up to $40,000 a year for postgraduate courses. The cost of studying a Diploma or Post-Graduate Diploma in New Zealand may cost NZ$ 10,000 to NZ$ 20,000 approximately per year, while cost of studying for a Post Graduate Diploma may be anywhere between NZ$ 15,000 and NZ$ 30,000. All international students are required to have medical


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insurance when in New Zealand. This can be arranged before you leave home, or your institution will arrange insurance for you when you enroll. International students in New Zealand are eligible for a wide variety of scholarships through the government, educational institutions, foreign governments, and private funding sources. Commonwealth Scholarships for candidates from developing countries to study in New Zealand are available at Masters or doctoral level. For Masters Degrees, the scholarships are tenable for up to two years. For doctorates, the maximum scholarship length is four years. Candidates are required to study/ research full-time. See more in Commonwealth Scholarships, including nominating agencies on the website. Source(www.newzealandeducated.com)

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visas The New Zealand Immigration Service only grants visas to students who have enrolled for a course in an NZQA or New Zealand Qualifications authority accredited institution. The documents required include: • An offer of place from an approved provider • Evidence that you have enough money to pay your tuition fees • Your passport and acceptable passport-style photo(s) • Proof of funds – $15,000 per year, to cover your living expenses • A copy of your air ticket home, or proof that you have enough money to buy one • An accommodation guarantee, if you’re under 18 • Your visa application fee • You may also be asked to provide a medical certificate and chest x-ray, and a police certificate.

please note: 1. Post-study work visa (open). This visa gives you up to 12 months to get a job in a field related to your studies. While you are looking for a job in your field, you are allowed to work in any job to support yourself. 2. Post-study work visa (employer assisted). This visa lets you stay in New Zealand to gain work experience for a further two years (or three years if work experience is required as part of a professional registration). This visa relates to a specific job with a specific employer. Kindly visit the Embassy website for updates.

Source and websites of use: www.studyinnewzealand.govt.nz – Institutional profiles and information on studies in NZ. www.studyinnewzealand.govt.nz/how-to-apply/visas/ www.educationcounts.govt.nz

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The higher education system in Ireland consists of the university sector, institutes of technology and private independent colleges. The entry requirements for international students to higher education are determined individually by each institution and are generally based on national examination performance and English language aptitude. Irish higher education institutions offer degrees at ordinary and Honours Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate levels and undergraduate and postgraduate diplomas over a full range of disciplines The Irish Government invests over 782 million annually in research in Ireland's higher education institutions. The impact of this funding is that Ireland's higher education institutions now lead the world in an increasing number of fields. They are in the top 1% of research institutions in the world in terms of research impact in 19 fields, spanning natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities. This creates a unique opportunity both at the undergraduate and postgraduate level to join 132 HEADSTART 2019

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research programmes that are driving innovation and changing lives. A study, entitled 'The Internalisation of Irish Higher Education' combines survey data and interviews with directors of international offices, faculty and both international and Irish students to arrive at a multiperspective exploration of internationalisation in Irish higher education. International students numbered 4,180 in 2000/01; by 2012/13 the count was 10,980. Currently, 10.6% of total enrolments in Irish HEIs are international and they represent an increasingly diverse range of countries. The study notes that recent increases have come from China, India, Brazil, the US, and Saudi Arabia. Total foreign enrolment in Irish universities numbered nearly 17,000 in 2017, with another 4,200 students in Institutes of Technology and 2,200 more in specialist colleges that year. A quarter (25%) of Ireland’s foreign university students study health and welfare, with another fifth in arts and humanities and the same proportion in business, www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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administration, and law programmes. The next most popular programmes are engineering, manufacturing, and statistics. International student respondents also cited “Ireland’s location in Europe, tuition fees which are cheaper than in other English-speaking countries, and the ease of application through institutional websites” as factors that “gave Ireland advantages over other countries.” An institution’s reputation and the availability of a certain course are the most important considerations for students choosing Ireland (92% and 91%, respectively), but nearly as important is safety. “Personal safety (89%) emerged just ahead of “the cost of study” and “research quality” (87% each) as well as “the cost of living (86%) in the top 5 reasons students choose Ireland. On the whole, international students are happy to have chosen Irish higher education. The 2016 i-graduate International Student Barometer found that Ireland is performing better than the global average in terms of student satisfaction in a number of areas, including the welcoming and supportive environment that visiting students find in the country. In Ireland, you’ll find a unique ecosystem that sees academic researchers working hand-in-hand with small home-grown and start-up companies in partnership with some of the most powerful multinationals on the planet through a programme for shared research projects developed by Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland. In a new development, the Irish government has extended the period during which foreign graduates of master's and doctoral programmes may remain and work in the country after their studies. Under Ireland’s Third Level Graduate Scheme, international students completing advanced degrees may stay in Ireland to seek employment, work for up to 40 hours per week, and/or apply for a further work permit or green card. Until recently, graduates from outside the European Union/ European Economic Area were entitled to stay and work in Ireland for up to 12 months after graduation. However, this term has now been extended to 24 months for those completing recognised degrees at either Level 9 (master’s degree or post-graduate diploma) or Level 10 (doctoral degree) of the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). As per the Education in Ireland website, eligible graduates who have studied in Irish higher education institutions and whose award is granted by a recognised www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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Irish awarding body at masters or PhD level can remain in Ireland for two years to seek employment. The new extension is welcomed as a way to fill the skills gap and to improve the employability of postgraduate students emerging from Irish higher education institutions. Non-EU/EEA students completing Level 8 programmes (honours undergraduate degrees) will continue to have a 12-month stay back option, whereas those completing a Level 7 qualification (ordinary undergraduate degree) will also remain eligible for a six-month stay back. The new 24-month stay back option appears to be aimed at boosting Ireland’s international competitiveness as a study destination. The possibility of gaining valuable post-study work experience makes Ireland a very attractive option for international students.

tuition Fees: Tuition costs vary considerably depending on the institution and the study programme. Tuition costs do not remain static, so it is important to check the fees with the institutions you are considering applying to.

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average course fees

applying for a Student visa

Tuition fees for 2016/2017 for non-E.U. students at a higher education institution are as follows: Tuition for Medicine and related courses range from Euros 45,000 to 52000 while business can be Euros 9750 to 18,000, science and technology Euros 9750 to 22000 and arts and humanities Euro 9750 to 20,000/ At the post graduate level, Medicine and related can be up to Euro 31,000 while engineering can be 9250 to 24000 while business can range from 9250 to 34,500/ Arts and Humanities vary from 9250 to 22000 and science and technology can range from Euro 9250 to 45,000/

You must make your visa application on-line using the AVATS online facility. The visa application facility is available worldwide and must be used by all applicants. You should read the visa application details very carefully. If you do not provide the documentation required, your visa will be refused. Your application will only be processed when the on-line form is completed AND the required documentation, passport photograph and appropriate fee are received by the relevant office as indicated by the on-line system.

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Some points for you to note. When making an application you must: • Complete the online form • Check the Irish Embassy details where your documentation is to be sent • Provide a passport sized photo • Ensure your passport is valid for 12 months • Pay the application fee • Provide a signed letter of application which explains why you require the visa • A Letter of Acceptance from the Irish university, college or school, confirming you have been accepted and enrolled on a course of full-time education, involving a minimum of 15 hours organised daytime tuition each week. o This letter must name the applicant and verify the title/duration of the course o It should also confirm the amount of fees payable for your course, and that this amount has been paid. o If the college has taken out medical insurance on your behalf, details of this must be contained in this letter of acceptance. If it is not arranged by the college, you must organise this yourself and provide evidence with your application.

evidence of payment of Fees Evidence that all fees have been paid prior to the visa application being submitted. • You should apply as early as possible for your visa as it normally takes eight weeks for it to be processed but in busy periods it may take longer than this. • You can check online to see if your visa has been processed (using your Visa Application Number). This list is updated weekly. • If you get approval for a visa, the Embassy to which you sent your documents will affix a stamp. insurance Non-EU nationals are required to hold medical insurance for the duration of their stay in Ireland. This is an immigration requirement and the immigration authorities will require proof of medical insurance. Scholarships There are hundreds of scholarships available for international students from a wide variety of sources such as the Government of Ireland, the Irish higher education institutions and other organisations. A complete list is given on this website: www.educationinireland.com/en/How-Do-I-Apply-/ Tuition-Costs-Scholarships/Scholarships/

Source: www.educationinireland.com/en www.educationinireland.com/en/How-Do-IApply-/Get-Your-Student-Visa/ www.educationinireland.com/en/News/Ireland24-Month-Stay-Back-Option-.html


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an iB MoM’S Journey

We walk a delicate line don’t we, especially those of us whose children have flown the coup, to go study at a faraway place? I can still remember the rigorous years of the IBDP, with the Extended essays, the 3 higher level subjects and the CAS requirement creating a bubble of anxiety. Thrown into this cocktail was the arduous task of University applications. The final 2 years of high school was not without challenges. Having counselled students for a number of years, I knew that my young man would need some guidance and direction. So a road map with deadlines was created and I was the GPS lady. This was, I think, my biggest contribution towards our Project ‘University bound’. So Year 12 saw my young man hit the ground running, having already shortlisted his preferred Universities, so there was ample time to address the various Uni 138 HEADSTART 2019

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applications as well as to continue addressing his 3 high level subjects and extended essays of the IBDP. We encouraged him to develop his portfolio and that really helped with the University essays. Much has been written about the different parenting styles, the helicopter parent now usurped by the lawnmower parent. As parents we need to know when to step back, to step in,when to hover, when to lawn mow and so on. I think there is a need to do all of the above at some point or the other. Many a time my calm GPS lady sound has morphed into a shrill shriek. Many a time I stepped in to do a quick grammar check on his essays, so that he could go for his theater rehearsals. Often, family has sat together to brainstorm a particularly challenging topic, always being careful to suggest and not impose. Many a time we have planned days when we watch movie reruns, play Monopoly ( poke fun at my reactions) and just chill. www.counSEllingpoinT.com

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I am grateful that as parents we were able to support him through the rigors of the IB as well as the disappointment of rejection letters from his dream universities. He is now well settled in his new home for the next 4 years. The University of British Columbia( I am not an agent nor am I suggesting that this Uni is for everyone) was the perfect choice for him and both his father and I felt so happy to hear him say that he feels he’s has been there for ages and it felt as if the University has embraced him into its fold(after only a couple of weeks). A number of factors are responsible for this.

keeping in mind the bigger picture, not just the 4-year academics and examine personal preferences.

The online application, easy and not intimidating. (I say this because some of those applications can get very complicated) The quick turn around and once the offer was made, guidance was given every step of the way. There were online sessions for Science specific students, sessions on how to use the portal to choose subjects and more importantly how to make smart choices. There were real faces behind the online voices, faces that students would meet once they arrived at the university. There was a session for parents as well. This made our decision easier especially when our son was also holding a terrific scholarship offer from one of the University of California colleges. I would say, ask questions,

Ask and help will arrive. This is one thing I continually tell my son, to never be hesitant about asking for help whether its academic or social. Every university has a cell that handles varied situations. But it's up to the child to come forward seek help. As parents, keep that communication going. Most of the time we can sense from the timbre in their voice that maybe all is not well.


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An example of how this particular University showed its human side in spite of its size is the way the University family clinic sprung into action on receiving my mail about an unfortunate dog biting incident which involved my son, a day before we left from Dubai. Don’t ask! By the time we landed, everything was in place, an appointment with the doctor at the Department of communicable disease in town and a map to the place.

A 15 hour plane ride away, it's not easy to visit our children who study so far away. The time difference requires careful planning to when to talk etc. Things are easier nowadays with technologies that enable us to video call and chat. Many parents talk of the need to

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let go and allow our children to handle responsibilities, to make mistakes, learn from them and toughen up. I agree with all of them. However every child is different and there are those that may require a little more hand holding. The air of bravado may rapidly disappear and while universities do have adept pastoral counselling, it may be difficult for them to identify moments of stress until it is very apparent. So what do we do as distant parents of young adults. The challenge is to find the right balance, to tread the middle line between a hovering parent and one that has let go. Provide a safety net but encourage independence. I know it's hard sometimes but this is a great opportunity for our children to blossom and become confident caring adults. Here are some tips that I have found useful for us parents: Call and text often. Don’t expect immediate replies. That blue double tick on whatsapp gives me so much happiness, just to know that my message has been read. We need to accept the fact that we will never know all aspects of our children’s life. It is ok. However ask questions to show your concern but don’t be nosy. That for many is a sure fire way of clamming up. Most of the time they will share their experiences but at their pace. It may come as a shock when your normally high performing child in the top 10 percentile is now struggling to bring up their scores from a 60s. Remember it’s a period of transition for them, everything is different from inside the classroom to outside. So what we can do is to nudge them gently to consider talking to a teaching assistant. Keep a list of useful numbers of campus resources so it's easy to then direct your child to someone who can help. Send food! Send surprises. Having been a hostel kid in my teens, I cannot begin to tell you how excited we get when packages arrive especially when chocolates are involved. Never ever call/email professors to ask for clarifications on behalf of your child. They don’t want to hear from you. Encourage your child to seek help, explore syllabus. There may be answers there.

CPSC classes? There’ s a guessing game that we play and through that I am able to subtly suggest sitting closer to the front. ( I am a firm believer that the front benchers pay more attention specially when there are more than 250 students) For those of you, starting on your university journey, planning is essential. Before you know it, monstrous deadlines loom. Start early (essential) and create a road map with clear deadlines. I promise you, ticking those tasks off brings about so much of happiness. Develop your portfolio, look for gaps and start thinking of how to plug them. Look up online platforms where you can create a presence like isuuu, wix, yudu and so on. This portfolio will be what you will fall back on when you start addressing University application essays. Don’t compromise on your chosen track of study. Examine and compare course programs.Don’t be pressured to only look at Ivy leagues or Russell group Universities. Sometimes a smaller university may suit you better. Continue to work hard at your school. These are the last 2 years of your school, enjoy them. Take part in stuff happening there, bond with your school mates. Trust me school friends are your friends forever. Take care of yourself, eat healthy and exercise! During moments of stress, a brisk walk or run can work wonders. My dear students immerse yourself into this wonderful journey of self-discovery. I wish you good luck.

tara pillay

IB Mom/Academic counselor

Don’t preach overtly. Do it subtly. One of my favorite questions to ask my son is where do you sit for your 140 HEADSTART 2019

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grEAt tHingS nEvEr CAmE

frOm COmfOrt zOnES contact: t: +971 4 397 8846 M: +971 50 564 2709 e: avi127@eim.ae www.counsellingpoint.com

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World is Flat

an intervieW WitH puneet ratHi, FounDer oF tHe initiative, WorlD iS Flat

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What is World is Flat?

What is the underlying principles?

World is Flat (WIF) came into existence with the vision of helping people, especially youth develop both self and the society with a positive mindset, to build a better world through human connect. The organization started in Netherlands in 2015 and shifted its headquarter to Dubai in 2017. We have some of the best brains as the Board of Advisors to guide us and mentor us to achieve our vision.

These programs have been created with the purpose of providing students an opportunity to explore themselves, understand others, build connections, enhance skills and capabilities and be ready for the next level of their life – like Universities for school students and Jobs for University students. This not only helps in building their profiles and resume and but also enhances their confidence: making them truly Global Citizens.

What are some of the activities you are engaged in?

How do students and families come to know about this amazing opportunity?

WIF conducts experiential and out-of-classroom programs for students in schools and Universities. These program range from: • Volunteering program in 55 countries • Educational and Cultural Programs in 75+ countries covering almost all continents • Research based program with NUS and NTU, Singapore • Youth Exchange program in China with the Government • Theme based programs in many counries including a Culinary based program in Bulgaria • Summer programs in Ivy league Universities in USA

Students and parents are referred by schools & universities. Our parent organization in the UAE also has a large database of students who could be interested in these programs.


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is it very expensive? The programs are not at all expensive and are designed to give very high value for money for students. A week Volunteering program in Thailand with food and stay in hostel etc costs just AED 4200 including flights. Students also get a global certificate with this.

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can you share some feedback of past students, and teachers? Most students, teachers and parents find the programs very enriching, engaging and innovative. These are not available to most students as the present education focuses on class-room learning and we are giving them the opportunity to become global citizens by out-ofclassroom experiential programs. “The learning and the trainer was very good”. “We learnt so much about Design Thinking and are using it for our projects in GRIP”. The intention is to give best exposure to children at affordable prices.

Do you give bursaries to meritorious students? We give special awards to students who are talented and passionate about a subject. We have partnered with International Olympiad Foundation (IOF) in UAE and will be offering programs and awards to high academic achievers.

When is your next intake/project? Our intake for the programs happens all through the year for most of the programs as we have programs for students in more than 75 countries. However, our most sought after Global Research Immersion Program (GRIP) at NTU and NUS Singapore has limited intake. The next one is starting on December 14, 2018. These are two top 11 and 12 Globally ranked universities. The GRIP batch from 2018 are travelling to Singapore for final presentations in November and December 2018. The next program for Youth Exchange in China is due in January 2019. We have a large group going to Sri Lanka in March 2019.

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What is your plan for the next 2 years? Our plan is to expand the reach and bring many innovative programs for children in this region. We are also expanding our operations to USA, Lebanon & India through our partners and we hope that by 2020 we will have presence in more than 20 countries. We will also start excepting foriegn students in Schools and Universities to the UAE. These are not tourism programs but enriching programs for culture, education, experience and exploration.

What is your website address? The website is www.worldisflat.nl PuneetRathi is Founder of World is Flat, which started in Netherlands and moved to UAE and is now part of Meccademia Group. He is a passionate professional who wishes to better connect the youth of the world through experiential programs across globe.


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