Portuguese Tradition: Celebrating New Year’s Eve
P RACTICE P ORTUGUESE L EARNING S TUDIO — Strictly European Portuguese Since 2012 Click on the link to check out an unlocked Premium Feature New Year’s Eve Shorties episode!
In Portugal, A noite de Ano Novo (New Year's Eve) is full of traditions and superstitions. Normally, the Portuguese like to celebrate the arrival of the new year as a group, and they usually meet in the main squares of their cities where, in addition to socializing with family members, they also take the opportunity to hang out with their friends. Especially striking on New Year's Eve in Portugal are the countless foguetes e espetáculos de fogo de artifício (rockets and fireworks shows). But, even though there are celebrations in many cities, it is on the Ilha da Madeira (island of Madeira) that the most famous fireworks shows take place. The Portuguese are a very proud people (when it comes to) their traditions, so they like to celebrate certain festive dates in special ways:
Show Me o Dinheiro (the Money)! Superstition says that you can attract dinheiro (money) in the new year by eating chocolate (chocolate). Another superstition says that you should hold some money while stepping up onto a chair, using your right foot first, to signify moving up in life and attracting richness. An older belief that dates back to the 19th century says that you should put uma nota (a bill) inside your right shoe, and make the first purchase of the year with it. You can also attract money by tossing a coin in the air and/or hopping on your right foot at midnight. Just in case those aren’t enough, why not put uma folha de louro (a bay leaf) in your wallet and leave it there o ano todo (the whole year)? Interesting side note: In Brazil, they attract money by chewing seven sementes de romã (pomegranate seeds) on New Year’s Eve and wrapping them in a napkin to store in their wallet. Two More • Eat 12 raisins at midnight – one for each of the the 12 clock strikes. For each passa Feliz Ano Novo (raisin) you eat, you make one desejo (wish). (Happy New Year) Superstitions
• Don’t eat poultry as your last meal of the year or your happiness could fly away like a bird!