24 minute read
Joyful moments
The joy ride
Listening to yourself and joining ‘the joy ride’ is what will bring you home, says Lissa Foley-Hughes. Elysia Fryer catches up with the founder of Life & Lillies, on a mission to help women bring joy, fun and adventure into their lives, amid very uncertain times
It’s a busy, deadline-looming Friday. Things seem to be cranking up a gear as the world starts to wake up again. The rush of back-to-back Zoom calls and busy weekend plans are creeping through those mindful, weekend thoughts. I started the day with a sunrise yoga practice on the beach, putting me in a positive mindset, ready for a productive day of list-ticking and deadline hitting. But as time ticks on and the 5 o’clock Friday rush approaches, it’s easy to fall back into the rush of day-to-day life. I’ve got a 3 o’clock call to squeeze in before a flurry of emails fall in and thoughts turn to how many dinner dates and brunch plans I can squeeze into one weekend. Luckily, for me, the conversation I’m about to have with Lissa Foley-Hughes, founder of Life & Lillies, is one that I can take into the final moments of my working week. A positive influence and a refreshing look at how you shouldn’t let life run away with you. I fire up the Zoom call and a big beaming smile is waiting on the other side. A bright and buzzy Lissa, fresh off the back of a week with the dogs in the Lake District. Lockdown restrictions are gradually being lifted and life as we know it is looking up. But as I chat about recent events with Lissa, we both agree that it’s important we continue to give ourselves the time to breathe - time to reflect and understand what it is we want from life. Like many in lockdown, life looks a lot different for Lissa, but much of what she has achieved in recent months comes down to years of research and realisation. Let’s go back to the beginning… “Yogalillies was my original baby,” explains Lissa. “That was 15 years ago now - wow! It was my first outing into the wellness world. We were the first dedicated yoga studio to open in Newcastle,” she adds. “I guess into about year 10, I started to suffer a lot from burn-out. I didn’t realise that at the time. I didn’t know what it was because nobody talks about that in the wellness industry. There’s this pressure that you should have it all sorted out in your own head - your job is to teach it to others. “It started my exploration into why I was feeling so... the only way I can describe it is ‘blah’. I’d ticked everything off - success, business, helping people, meaningful life - all of those things that society says you need to feel like you’re living a really good life - but inside, I was very... joyless, shall we say. “So, I wanted to find out why I was feeling that way. There wasn’t much literature out there, so I did what everybody says you should do and took a trip somewhere. I escaped for a little while to Italy. I went on a creative retreat and whilst I was there something just shifted inside. It felt like I was back to me again.” It was the lightbulb moment we all hear about. That moment in time when it all ‘just clicks’ into place; right where it should be. But admittedly, for Lissa, she had experienced this moment several times, for many different reasons, but this time it just felt different. A time to really change and listen to that ‘joyful’ voice inside. “When I came back home after that I started to do a bit of coaching - mind work that I’d never really explored on my spiritual yoga path. It wasn’t really something that was prevalent in the yoga world.

“My previous career was very much about the power of the body and the breath, rather than the power of the mind. So, the more I started researching into this realm of thoughts, I started to discover more and more women of a certain age - starting to get into their 40s - are all going through this very similar thing. They’ve got the children, the house, the husband, the business, the career, and you get to a certain point where society tells you you should be happy now - you’ve got everything. But there’s still something inside that triggers the ‘is this it?’ thoughts. “I discovered that it’s called a transition. It’s not a change, it’s a transition that we go through. It’s not an external change that we need anymore, it’s an internal change. We need to get back to who we are, what lights us up, and most importantly, what brings us joy.” The Italy trip helped Lissa change direction, and once she had made that leap of faith, it was time to bring those positive changes into daily life. “Starting every day with intentional joyful practice is what changed me. I knew what I needed to do, I just needed to put it into practice to help me get my mojo back. “Joyful practice is all about cutting out the noise. For me, it was time to stop seeking outwards and start going right back within to what it is that brings me joy. Once you know what that is, it’s then allowing it in. We all know what lights us up and we all know the emotions that joy brings, but allowing it is the difficult thing.” And it isn’t something that ‘just clicks’ - it takes time, research, guidance, mentoring, and sometimes a good bit of ‘being in the right place at the right time’. For Lissa, Italy is a place that makes her feel at home. It makes her feel comfortable and confident in her own skin, and thoughts. “Italy is a place that really brings out my creative side,” says Lissa. “And I think that’s why it helped me in my journey to where I am now - that, and spending a lot of time outdoors with my two dogs. “But also, there was a lot of educating involved. I studied spiritual texts, I interviewed women and I delved deep into how the mind actually works. “So the next step was, once we learn how to calm our thoughts, what do we do? We’re extremely stressed - something is missing in our lives - so we go and do yoga and meditate. But then, after we leave the studio, we’ve made those changes, but our thoughts are still the same. So, we’re still stuck in this cycle of, I’m stressed - I’ll fix it - I’m stressed - I’ll do yoga. Yes, that helps to a certain level, but we need to know how to make the final changes we need, and that all comes down to the mind. “Our thoughts are our reality. We become our reality. We can put a bandaid on, but to really understand that we have the power to change how we think, we need to be on board - on the ‘joy ride’. Then we can then change our reality. “I looked at in-depth studies in metaphysics, history, coaching, therapy - just talking and understanding. I guess I’ve always been a seeker.” What is so fascinating about Lissa is that she found herself in a position, became aware of it, studied it, and did something about it. Yes, it may have taken some time to get to where she is now - her new Life & Lillies journey - but having the drive and confidence to change your path and ‘do the do’ is really inspiring. “I guess I was the experiment for my own path,” she laughs. “I’d done the yoga, put myself through creating a studio - helping everybody else - ticking the boxes for living a fulfilling life, but it got to a point where I forgot about joy. I thought to myself, ‘this is meant to be fun - this life that we’ve been given, this beautiful gift. It’s meant to be joyful, it’s not meant to be a struggle’.” So now, life is about giving back to people in the same position she found herself in. “I created Life & Lillies because everything I do comes from a deep desire to connect more with people. Five years ago when I was struggling with this, it’s a place I wish I had known about. “I was searching for community, to get an understanding of what it is I was going through. And I think creativity is a great way of building community. “Through my painting and journaling, what I’ve discovered is that, as human beings, creating is what we’re supposed to be doing. Everything is creation. And it’s not just about the glitter, it’s about having the power to create our lives.” Life & Lillies is about celebrating the ability to live freely. To seek happiness and to let joy take control of our lives. Whether it’s one-to-one coaching, a creative workshop, or an idyllic retreat in France or Italy, Life & Lillies is based around community and shared experiences. “Whether you’re a mum, a dog owner, a wife, or a business owner… your identity just gets lost in the rush of day-to-day life,” Lissa explains. “Life & Lillies is about taking some time to find yourself again. “What I’ve discovered is that a lot of women don’t know what brings joy to their lives anymore, so it’s about excavating what it is that brings them joy, then putting things into practice.” Lissa explains that we spend much of our time looking to others and wasting our energy on worrying about what happens next. But in reality, although speaking to friends and family and seeking guidance from mentors is helpful, the wisest person in your path is yourself. “But the hardest part is listening to

yourself,” she says. “Sitting with who you are for a while and cutting out the noise is the best way. That’s what happened when I was in Italy. “We are like computers, there are only so many files that can stay open until the computer crashes. It’s the same with the mind, but I think when you start opening up your creative side and enjoying nature, you become more open to what it is you actually need.” Looking at Lissa’s new business venture, the lockdown period seems like the perfect time to launch, but it wasn’t an intentional move, she tells me. It’s been bubbling for a while. “I think, because of COVID, we have realised that we can pretty much do whatever it is we want to do. “I think now, with the online world, we can start our own businesses - we don’t need that much funding now. Values have changed. Reinvention is the word that keeps coming up in my meditations, and I think it’s down to us to do it now. I’m aware it takes a lot of courage, but if you’re passionate about something, it is always possible.” The response to Life & Lillies has been huge - because of Lissa’s previous Yogalillies community, but also because of the time, research and personal commitment that has gone into this creative new concept. “When I have started a business or a project, it’s always been at a time when I really needed something. The studio came about because I really needed yoga in my life. I didn’t want to go to the gym anymore, I wanted to create a community. “And I think it’s exactly the same concept with Life & Lillies. I want to nurture women as we start to move through this change.” When she’s not painting, journaling or exploring the North East countryside, Lissa has plans in the pipeline for 2021 retreats, with the first set to take her - and her creative community - back to where it all began, in Italy. “2021 is all about the retreats, but for now, I’m hoping to get back to workshops between the coaching, which is available now. My ‘Joy Ride’ community is proving very popular.” It’s been quite the learning journey for Lissa, and now it’s all about sharing that experience to help others. Sharing joy... “I start the day with, ‘how can I feel joy today?’ - if you set that intention in the morning, your brain starts to look for joy. I find my own joy by painting, coming up with new creative ventures that I can get excited about, and getting out in nature with the dogs. “We have the most beautiful beaches, countryside and woodlands here, so I like to make the most of that. I’m definitely a forest person. It’s that old cliche of ‘tree hugging’ - but honestly, I’m like a madwoman, put me in a forest and everything just becomes more clear. “We live in Whickham, so we have Chopwell Wood, Slaley Forest and Kielder all nearby - I love going off-piste a little. With two Irish Setters, you’ve got to let them go. We follow the deer tracks, so we go wherever the deers wander off to. We usually end up at the top of a mountain or by the river. We don’t always know where we’re going. “Everyday you can find something new, and that’s what I love most about being out and about in nature. Life’s a journey after all.” This 3 o’clock call has quite literally led to an unexpected ‘joy ride’ - a weekend awakening, and a positive light at the end of this very uncertain tunnel we find ourselves in. Time again to slow down, love more, worry less and enjoy the journey.
Finding space
Soul soothing summer reads…

Forget the brain-teasing drama of crime thrillers and the sickeningly sweet, heart-racing nature of romance novels, try something different this summer and settle into these soulsoothing reads instead. They will soften your experience of life and open your mind to a sense of something bigger than your day-to-day existence.
OLD MASTERS >> Old, sometimes ancient, philosophical writings have influenced us as people throughout time and the messages contained within them rarely seem to date. The wisdom shared in these texts can be reimagined to provide comfort and guidance in the midst of a fast, full and complex modern life: Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu: A classic Chinese text, written over 1,500 years ago by the man considered to be the father of Taoism (or ‘living in harmony with the way’). You can find many translations in print, all a little different, all worth a read. The Prophet—Kahlil Gibran: Almost one hundred years old, this book is a sequence of poetic fables that offer an alternative take on universal aspects of life, such as work, love and time.
MODERN-DAY SAGES >> A handful of special poets manage to write in a way that enables the reader to consider the big, often existential questions in a gentle and somewhat ordinary manner. Try reading anything by David Whyte, a living poet who writes, and speaks (try finding his stunning audio pieces) in a way that touches the soul, deeply. A good place to start is ‘The House of Belonging’ or ‘The Bell and the Blackbird’ though all of his work is beautiful. John O’Donohue also wrote about the ordinary in a very magical way. His work is rooted in Celtic spirituality, though it is very accessible and because of its grounded nature, is particularly supportive in times of turmoil or big life-transition. Kent Nerburn manages to somehow elevate the ordinary into something sacred, inviting us to consider the beauty of possibility in our everyday lives. ‘Small Graces’ is a particularly special book with something in it for everyone.
SOUL-STIRRING POETRY >> All of these poets write short pieces that will simultaneously calm you down and wake you up. They write of the breadth of life - love and loss, the land, big questions, tiny blessings, pain, joy. All of it visceral, all of it elemental and coursing with energy. All of it deeply rooted in the confusion, wonder and of course truth in what it is to be alive: Victoria Erickson - ‘Edge of Wonder’ and ‘Rhythm and Roads’ Nayyirah Waheed – ‘Salt’ Rupi Kaur – ‘The Sun and her Flowers’ and ‘Milk and Honey’ Nikita Gill – ‘Wild Embers’ Beau Taplin – ‘Bloom’ and ‘Words of You’ You’ll find all of these poets on social media too, which is a great way to test out their content.
I wish you a safe and peaceful summer. Take care for now, Laura
Little moments

Reforming routine and tackling those back to school blues
September 2020 will definitely be significant for families. The prospect of sending your children back to school may be daunting for both you and them, especially after such an extended break. For most children, they haven’t stepped inside their school since the end of March and when they return, it won’t be the same as they remembered. Children may well be carrying around a mixed bag of emotions in the lead up to their return to school. Initially, some may appear excited, others withdrawn, and some angry that they have to go back to formal education. Children may have concerns about rekindling friendships, remembering the rules and routines, or focusing on their work again. So, how can we prepare our children and set them up for success? The first thing I would say is take your child’s lead. Invite them to tell you how they feel about the return. Don’t plant the anxiety seed by asking ‘are you worried about going back?’ - but do give them ample opportunities to talk. I always advocate acknowledging, naming and validating your child’s feelings. For example: “From what you’ve said, it sounds like you’re feeling nervous about going back to school because you haven’t been there for a while. I completely understand. I felt like that about going back to work. What would make you feel better?” Try hard not to dismiss their feelings by telling them not to be silly or that they have nothing to worry about. Be mindful of nonverbal cues denoting anxiety, such as regression with sleeping habits, toileting, eating habits or mood swings, or physical ailments such as a bad head and sore stomach. Your children may need extra reassurance at this time, so be readily available for extra cuddles and one-on-one time. Be positive yet truthful. You can have factual conversations about how it is rare that children become ill from COVID-19 and how staff will be there to look after them as best they can. In addition, show them how they can keep themselves safe, too. Giving children ownership is a way of increasing self-esteem. Remind them again about the importance of hand washing, physical distancing and coughing or sneezing into their elbows. Corrina Atkinson Photography

A few weeks before the return, try to introduce the school routine at home. Reinstate sensible bedtimes and wake-up times. Eat meals and have snacks at the same time they would on a school day. Try on uniforms and PE kits. If you have younger children, make PPE for dolls and teddies so they become accustomed to it. If your child is especially anxious, reach out to the school and ask them for a phone call - or if possible, a walk-around video so you can see the changes. Preparation is key in helping children feel safe and secure. Finally, be gentle and kind with your child, the school and yourself. We’ve all been in the same pandemic storm but in very different boats. If you are feeling overly concerned, your stress will trickle down to your children, regardless of how well you try to disguise it. Make sure you are looking after yourself and get support if you need to, because your children are relying on you to be their strength. Nadia x
Nadia McSheffrey is founder of The Tranquil Treehouse. Nadia works with parents to help them be the parent they want to be and find tranquillity in their family lives. She also works with children and teachers to support their own emotional wellbeing. For more information and daily parenting support, follow her at: thetranquiltreehouse.com and on Facebook and Instagram @tranquiltreehouse
10 of the best beauty products for DIY pampering at home

For a while, we’ve been chefs, teachers, stylists and cleaners, among many other things. Lockdown life also forced us into finding our feet with our own at-home beauty regime. Here are 10 products we’ve been loving in lockdown... LOVELY LOCKS >> MONPURE focuses on the unsung hero of healthy hair - the scalp. From a stimulating scalp mask and clarifying scalp scrub, to follicle boosting serum, hydrating scalp serum and strengthening shampoo and conditioner, a MONPURE hair kit gives your luxe locks plenty of love.
We are back!
SILK TOUCH >> SEAMS is a handbag-must. Originally created for couturiers and seamstresses, it’s a brilliant go-to to help soothe and moisturise. The Silk Touch Hand & Nail Oil helps to achieve healthy cuticles, soft skin and nourishing nails. The Silk Touch Hand & Nail Oil - £22, seamsbeauty.co.uk ease. NEOM Time to Sleep - £50, beautybay.com

VERY BERRY >> The perfect exfoliating mask for resurfacing, smoothing and brightening the skin. Use once or twice every week to achieve a lighter, brighter and beautifully fresh complexion. MONAT Berry Refined Scrub - £54, monatglobal.com

STROKE OF MAGIC >> There’s no doubt about it, these brushes will change PARIS Self-Tanning Hydrating Facial (60ml)
your beauty regime forever. This super set gives you the tools to put the fun back into makeovers. Soft and seamless, the brushes work wonders all over the face, from foundation application, to concealer, eyeshadow and lip lining. Elite Black 3 Brush Set - £76, net-a-porter.com

THAI FUSION >> Jo Loves’ new Mango Thai Lime fragrance celebrates Thailand’s £70, cultbeauty.co.uk
most vibrant culinary flavours. Packing in the punchy aromas of mango, kaffir lime and black pepper, this scent is enough to whisk you away to warmer climes with an explosive burst of sweet, sharp and zesty flavours. Mango Thai Lime 100ml - £115, joloves.com
PURE & SIMPLE >> This ESPA duo work together in perfect harmony. You’ll feel like you’re bathing in the ocean as you soak in the Grounding Crystals, perfectly followed by a deep cleanse using the Purifying Polish - an exfoliating balm harmonising ancient rituals to revitalise the mind, body and soul. A must-have pamper pair this summer! The Grounding Crystals - £35, The Purifying Polish - £54,

Nourish & Stimulate Scalp Mask - £63, Clarifying Scalp Scrub - £63, Follicle Boost Hair Density Serum - £96, Hydrate & Soothe Scalp Serum - £96, Strengthening Silk Protein Shampoo - £36, Strengthening EssenceConditioner - £36, monpure.com
DARE TO DREAM >> Struggling to slip back into your normal routine? NEOM’s Time to Sleep set ensures a great night’s sleep - and then some! Infused with lavender, chamomile, ylang ylang and cedarwood, this dreamy duo is designed to help you drift away with
GOLDEN GLOW >> Can’t get away this summer? This skin saviour will bring the holiday to your home. A lotion that works to hydrate and bronze your complexion over time, gliding effortlessly onto the face to defend the skin from environmental aggressors while giving a bronzed radiant look. SISLEY- £97, spacenk.com

PLUMP & PROTECT >> Cult Beauty is now stocking Kate Somerville, and it’s the news we’ve all been waiting for. The serum is developed to calm redness and irritation, retain moisture, plump and protect the skin from pollutants. It will transform your skincare regime just in time for summer. Kate Somerville DeliKate Recovery Serum (30ml) - espaskincare.com
EFFORTLESSLY FLAWLESS >> Giving an effortless, flawless look for the summer months, Laura Mercier’s Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 30 is a perfect go-to for a dewy, no-makeup-makeup look. A good-for-you hydrating complex made up of macadamia and kukui seed oils that help keep skin hydrated all day long. Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer SPF30 (50ml) - £35, harveynichols.com

And we are ready to give you the treatments you deserve after lockdown. Before we get into it though, I would just like to wish everyone health and happiness, and I hope the past few months haven’t been too hard on you. It’s been a rough ride, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel
Here at the novellus aesthetics, we want to bring back a little normality to your lives (safely, of course) and give you those long-awaited treatments that you’ve missed. We’ve had hundreds of messages from you, asking us which treatments are best for dull, post-lockdown skin, so here’s our top recommended treatments; First up, our Perfect Peel is a perfect (pardon the pun) way to turn your skin around for a post-lockdown glow. This treatment will revitalize skin with a deep, below surface peel to brighten, smooth and give you that summer radiance. Over the course of 5-7 days, the top layers of your skin peel off revealing fresh, beautiful skin beneath, so while many of us are working from home, why don’t you take advantage now! Another of our favourite treatments for glowing skin is Microneedling, a multipurpose, impactful skin treatment that can treat a range of concerns, from ageing or acne scarring to hair loss. If you’re wanting something a less invasive, but still powerful, a great treatment is Dermaplaning, which helps to improve the texture of your skin, giving it a youthful glow. Another option, if you’re uncomfortable coming in for treatment right now, is our tailored skincare regimes. We stock a range of cosmeceutical skincare, with active ingredients to target many different skincare issues and to maintain excellent skin health. We are offering virtual skincare appointments over video call and shipping products out, so if you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! Please remember that all skin-types are different. At novellus, we create bespoke skincare solutions for each of our patients, to make sure that you get the most out of your treatment. Book your consultation today with our team of medical professionals, and create your own bespoke package.
Dr Steven Land novellusaesthetics.co.uk 0191 695 0450 1 Benton Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 1QU @NovellusAesthetics @novellus_ncl
H a p p y h a i r d a y s

After 15 long weeks of lockdown, hairdressing salons are back in business. Hooray! Who’d have ever thought that anyone could go that long without a hairdo? In recent weeks, hair stylists across the land have been faced with the challenge of dealing with post-lockdown hair disasters. With widespread news of box dyes getting thrown on and DIY hair cuts, we were all set to face the most challenging time of our careers. However, we are beyond thrilled to report that the vast majority of you gorgeous people have steered well away from the kitchen scissors and box colours, managing more than three months - actually closer to six in some cases - without the desperate need to get creative. It’s like music to our ears and has truly made these first weeks back in the salon an absolute joy. Not only has it been wonderful to see you all, but also very rewarding getting you back to your former glory. For those who did take the DIY route, then let’s just say you learnt the hard way! Or shall we say, your husband did, as from what we’ve witnessed, there seems to be a hot new fashion trend for men. Very short, square hairlines and wonderful patches of skin scattered throughout - almost leopard print-like. Very fetching indeed. However, we’re not sure this trend will be catching on anytime soon. On a serious note, everyone has been wonderful and simply loved being back in the salon. With two-metre social distancing between salon chairs, our team wearing visors, clients wearing face coverings and hand sanitisers scattered throughout the salon, we’re back up and running with all safety measures in place. When we opened the doors on Saturday 4 July it felt like Christmas morning. Our teams were super excited to get back to doing what they love and the clients were delighted to be back in the salon chair, chatting and being pampered. The positive energy and good vibes have continued well into July and August, and we’re just loving having everyone back getting lovely locks. We definitely feel clients all over the UK have a newfound love for their hairdresser! They say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. Well, there’s never been a truer word spoken. Long may these happy hair days continue!