REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
REMUS Âť 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
Made in Austria
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
REMUS Innovation Kompetenz im Bau von Abgasanlagen Seit über zwei Jahrzehnten entwickelt und fertigt REMUS qualitativ hochwertige Sportauspuffanlagen für PKW und Motorrädern. Darüber hinaus beliefert die REMUS Gruppe zahlreiche Fahrzeughersteller als Erstausrüster mit Komponenten und kompletten Abgasanlagen. Das hochmoderne REMUS Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum bietet weitreichende Möglichkeiten zur Entwicklung von Abgasanlagen. Neben der mechanischen und thermischen Auslegung sowie Optimierung steht natürlich die Entwicklung des typisch sonoren REMUS Sounds im Mittelpunkt. Die Kombination aus hochwertigen Werkstoffen, modernsten Bearbeitungs- und Verfahrenstechnologien sowie hochqualifizierten Mitarbeitern garantieren Produkte der Spitzenklasse mit höchster Form- und Passgenauigkeit. Stay Tuned! Ihr REMUS-Team
REMUS Innovation – competence in sport exhaust systems Since over two decades, high quality sport exhaust systems for cars and motorcycles are produced and manufactured at REMUS. Furthermore, the REMUS group produces OE components and complete OE exhaust systems for numerous well known vehicle manufactures. The REMUS Research and Development centre offers extensive possibilities in the development of exhaust systems. Beside the mechanical and thermal design and optimization, the creation of the well known sonorous REMUS sound is one of the most important development targets. The combination of high quality raw materials, modern machining and special process technologies together with highly qualified employees results in first class products of perfect shape and fitting accuracy. Stay tuned! Your REMUS-Team
Armin Schwarz
Armin Schwarz
Christian Petrakovits
Richard Lietz
Martin Karlhofer
Karl Wendlinger
Raimund Baumschlager / Thomas Zeltner
Klaus Bachler
Richard Lietz
REMUS Âť 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
Richard Lietz
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
REMUS von der Rennstrecke auf die Straße Seit mehr als 20 Jahren setzt REMUS gemeinsam mit den Piloten aus dem REMUS Racing Kader Standards im Rennsport. Darüber hinaus überträgt REMUS die im Rennsport gewonnenen Erfahrungen konsequent auf die Straße. Daraus resultieren eine perfekte Abstimmung jeder einzelnen Sportauspuffanlage auf das jeweilige Fahrzeug, eine perfekte Passform und natürlich der unverkennbare, sonore REMUS Sound - der „Sound der Sieger“.
Bernd Weiskircher
Egal ob Rallye oder Rundstrecke, Formelauto oder Wüstenbuggy, REMUS Produkte überzeugen auf allen Terrains und in allen Klassen. FIA GT-Champion Karl Wendlinger, Le Mans Series-Gewinner Richard Lietz, Wüstenfuchs Armin Schwarz oder der 9-fache Rallye-Staatsmeister Raimund Baumschlager – alle setzen auf die Produkte des Marktführers REMUS und das mit nachhaltigem Erfolg seit vielen Jahren. Moderne Sportauspuffanlagen sind das Optimum für Fahrer und Auto. Sie überzeugen durch perfekte Performance, perfekte Passform und perfekten Sound. Vertrauen auch Sie auf die weltweite Nr. 1 bei Sportauspuffanlagen – vertrauen Sie auf REMUS.
REMUS – race track technology for road use Since more than 20 years, REMUS sets standards in motorsports together with the drivers of the REMUS racing team. In addition, REMUS transfers this experience persistently onto the streets. The result is a perfectly tuned sport exhaust system, with perfect fitment and of course the perfect sonorous REMUS sound, the “Sound of Champions”.
Andreas Aigner / Daniela Ertl
Race track Tested
Either off-road or circuit, formula sport or desert buggy, products from REMUS convince on all terrains and classes. FIA GT Champion Karl Wendlinger, Le Mans Series winner Richard Lietz, desert king Armin Schwarz or 9 time Rally Champion Raimund Baumschlager – all of them trust in the products of the market leader REMUS, all sharing the same success since many years. State of the art sport exhaust systems are the optimum for driver and car. They convince with top performance, perfect fitment and sonorous sound. Trust the worldwide number 1 in sport exhausts – trust REMUS.
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
oberflächenveredeltes Titan
›› Kugelstrahlverfestigter Volltitan-Leichtbau ›› Bis zu 50% Gewichstreduktion ›› Bis zu 7% Leistungssteigerung ›› Rennsport erprobt ›› EG-Genehmigung
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes REMUS Titanium 2 die oberflächenveredelte Volltitan-Leichtbau Anlage. Neben gesteigerter Performance und reduziertem Gewicht sorgt die Kugelstrahlverfestigung als Finish der REMUS Titanium 2 Anlage für eine Verdichtung der Oberfläche und exklusive Optik. Konsequenter Leichtbau, übernommen aus den REMUS Rennsportanlagen, sowie spezifisch auf jeden Motortyp abgestimmte Geometrien und Innenkonstruktionen sind Garant für High-End-Abgasanlagen für sportlich orientierte Fahrer. Parameter wie Abgasgegendruck, Strömungs- und Schwingungsverhalten wie auch thermische und mechanische Belastungsfaktoren wurden von REMUS Ingenieuren im Entwicklungsprozess analysiert und stetig optimiert. Durch den Einsatz modernster Technologien und langjähriger Entwicklungserfahrung ist es REMUS gelungen, Abgasanlagen wie sie nur im Rennsport eingesetzt werden auch für sportliche Straßenfahrzeuge anzubieten. Ausgewählte REMUS Titanium 2 Anlagen werden mit einer EG-ABE ausgeliefert und entsprechen in vollem Umfang den Richtlinien der Straßenverkehrsordnung.
REMUS Titanium 2 surface treated full titanium lightweight construction.
surface treated titanium ›› shot-blasted full titanium lightweight construction ›› up to 50% weight reduction ›› up to 7% performance increase ›› race track tested ›› EC homologation
The shot-blasted REMUS Titanium 2 system convinces with surface compaction and gives an exclusive appearance together with the increased performance and the reduced weight of a full titanium system. Consistent lightweight construction taken from REMUS racing exhaust systems as well as specific geometries and internal constructions for each engine type lead to high-end-exhaust systems inspiring sport-oriented pilots. In the development process numerous parameters like backpressure, flow and vibration characteristics but also thermal and mechanical stress factors were analysed and taken into extensive consideration by the REMUS engineering crew. Due to the usage of newest technologies and ongoing experience, REMUS offers exhaust systems used on race tracks also for sports cars. Selected REMUS Titanium 2 systems are delivered with EC-homologation and fulfil requirements of the road traffic regulations.
w w w. r e m u s .e u /t i t a n i u m
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
REMUS CAT-BACK-SYSTEM ›› Optimal auf die Motorleistung abgestimmter Rohrdurchmesser ›› Optimiert auf Strömungsverhalten und Abgasgegendruck ›› Mit EG-Genehmigung
›› Perfect matched tube diameter for optimal engine performance ›› Flow and back pressure optimized ›› With EC homologation
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
2 x Ø 84 mm R65
1 x Ø 98 mm R65
1 x Ø 98 mm Street Race
1 x Ø 84 mm Street Race
REMUS Cat-Back-Systeme – maximale Leistung und perfekter Sound
REMUS cat back systems – maximum power and perfect sound
Die für ausgesuchte, sportlich orientierte Fahrzeugmodelle von REMUS entwickelten Cat-Back-Systeme garantieren maximale Leistungs- und Drehmomentsteigerung und überzeugen mit einem der heißesten Sounds, der jemals in den REMUS Sound Design Studios entwickelt wurde.
REMUS develops cat back systems for selected sportoriented vehicles. They convince with power and torque increase and have one of the hottest sounds ever created in the REMUS sound design laboratory.
Die komplett aus Edelstahl gefertigten REMUS Cat-BackSysteme sind mit einem strömungstechnisch optimierten Innenleben ausgestattet, das in Kombination mit einem erweiterten Strömungsquerschnitt für perfekte Leistung und den bekannt sonoren REMUS Sound sorgt. Die Erkenntnisse aus diversen Rennsporteinsätzen mit REMUS Cat-Back-Systemen fließen direkt in die Serienfertigung ein und ergeben gemeinsam mit den bekannt hohen REMUS-Qualitätsrichtlinien ein Produkt der Spitzenklasse.
The entire stainless steel systems are equipped with flow optimized internals and feature big bore tubing which is perfect for performance and the well-known sonorous REMUS sound. The experience gained during several race track test sessions with REMUS cat back systems, flow straight into the production line. Together with the REMUS high quality standards, the result is a product with outstanding performance.
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
REMUS Powersound 3 Anlagen in einer - geiler Sound inklusive!
EG-ABE Sound EC approved Sound
| 3 exhausts in one - hot sounds assured!
Racing Sound
Racing Sound
ohne Genehmigung without EC approval
ohne Genehmigung without EC approval
›› 100% Edelstahl ›› Stufenloses Power- und Sound-Tuning ›› Zahlreiche Designvarianten ›› Endrohre wechselbar
Wechselbare Endrohre
›› Zwei- oder Vierrohrausführungen in Edelstahl oder Edelstahl - Carbon
›› Perfekte Passform und einfache Montage
›› Mit EG-Genehmigung
04G ›› 100% Stainless steel ›› Variable power and tuneable sound ›› Extensive tailpipe designs ›› Changeable tailpipes ›› Two or four tailpipe versions in Stainless Steel or Carbon
2 x Ø 76 mm
›› Perfect fit and easy installation ›› With EC homologation Warnhinweis: NICHT zugelassen bei geöffneter Klappe! Warning: UNLICENSED with open valve control!
2 x 92 x 78 mm
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes Stufenlos verstellbare Klappensteuerung / Adjustable valve control
Wechselbare Endrohre / Changeable tailpipes
Im Handumdrehen zum Racing SOUND In no time to Racing SOUND
1 x 150 x 85 mm Twin-Stream
2 x Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
1 x Ø 102 mm
2 x Ø 84 mm
2 x Ø 84 mm Street Race
2 x Ø 76 mm
1 x Ø 98 mm Street Race
1 x Ø 110 mm Carbon
1 x Ø 90 mm
1 x 135 x 75 mm Rallye-Design
1 x 92 x 78 mm
1 x 142 x 72 mm
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
Mehr Endrohrdesigns und das aktuelle Lieferprogramm finden Sie unter More tail pipe designs and the complete product range can be found on
REMUS Hot Sounds
Perfekte Passform und absolut geiler Sound!
2 x Ø 84 mm schräg/angled
2 x Ø 84 mm Street Race
2 x Ø 84 mm
2 x Ø 102 mm Future Design
1 x 140 x 72 mm
1 x 135 x 75 mm Rally Design
1 x 150 x 85 mm Twin Stream
2 x Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
2 x Ø 76 mm Rally Design
1 x Ø 98 mm
31 1 x 82 x 67 mm
1 x 135 x 75 mm
2 x Ø 90 mm
2 x Ø 84 mm
1 x Ø 98 mm
1 x 140 x 72 mm
11 1 x 120 x 74 mm
1 x Ø 98 mm Street Race
1 x Ø 98 mm
2 x Ø 84 mm
| Perfect fitment and absolutely hot sound!
2 x Ø 90 mm
2 x Ø 84 mm Rally Design
2 x Ø 84 mm EDITION
2 x Ø 102 mm
78 2 x Ø 84 mm
Die roten Nummern entsprechen den letzten beiden Ziffern der Artikelnummer der dazugehörigen Schalldämpfer! | The red numbers represent the last 2 digits of the exhaust system part number!
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
REMUS-Sound for Safety – ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur Verkehrssicherheit Die sicherheitstechnisch erforderliche Kommunikation zwischen Fußgängern und KFZ-Lenkern beschränkt sich neben der optischen Wahrnehmung im Wesentlichen auf das Hören eines sich annähernden Fahrzeuges. Speziell im innerstädtischen Verkehr bei Geschwindigkeiten unter 50 km/h stellen Elektrofahrzeuge durch Ihre Lautlosigkeit eine nicht zu unterschätzende Gefahr für andere Verkehrsteilnehmer, im Besonderen für Fußgänger und Radfahrer, dar. Genau hier setzt REMUS-Sound for Safety an: Ein drehzahlabhängig gesteuerter Soundgenerator verhilft Elektrofahrzeugen zu einem motorähnlichen Sound, der in der Lautstärke keinesfalls störend wirkt, aber dennoch für die nötige Aufmerksamkeit anderer Verkehrsteilnehmer sorgt. Mit dem innovativen System soll einerseits durch Nachrüstlösungen und in weiterer Folge durch Anlagen für die Erstausstattung E-Mobility hörbar gemacht werden.
REMUS-Sound for Safety – a fundamental contribution to road safety standards The safety-related required communication between pedestrians and vehicle drivers is beside the optical appearance mainly limited to the acoustic mechanical generated sound. Especially inner-city at a speed range below 50km/h electric vehicles are dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists due to their soundlessness. Here REMUS-Sound for Safety shows its big advantage: A rpm-related sound generator helps the vehicle to transmit an engine-like sound, not too loud but loud enough to cause attention of other road users. This innovative system is available for retrofitting electric vehicles and in the future, be made available for E-mobile solutions within OEM projects to ensure a safety sound is present.
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes REMUS Responder
Gaspedal / Accelerator pedal
Der REMUS Responder verbessert in erheblichem Ausmaß das Ansprechverhalten des Motors über eine Modifikation der Gaspedalkennlinie. Verbessertes Ansprechverhalten, verkürzte Reaktionszeit und damit deutlich mehr Fahrspaß warten auf jeden Fahrzeuglenker nach dem Einbau des REMUS Responders. Durch die Anbindung an den Originalsteckverbindungen des Gaspedalsensors ergibt sich eine einfache und rasche Montage des REMUS Responders. Die „Plug & Play“-Lösung ist ebenso rasch demontierbar, wodurch in wenigen Minuten der Originalzustand wieder hergestellt werden kann. Der REMUS Responder ermöglicht vier verschiedenen Betriebsmodi – von ultrasportlich bis eco – wodurch jeder Fahrzeuglenker das für ihn passende Ansprechverhalten frei wählen kann.
• • • •
4 Levels
REMUS Responder
Für Modelle von
The REMUS Responder improves engine response in a significant dimension by modification of the gas pedal characteristic. Improved response, reduced response time and a lot more driving pleasure are given to every driver after fitting the REMUS Responder. Due to the mounting at original plug-in connecting points of the gas pedal sensor the installation of the REMUS Responder can be done very quick and easy. The plug & play solution can also be removed in a couple of minutes, if the initial level is required. The REMUS Responder offers four different operating levels – from sporty to economical – to be chosen by the driver, selecting his favoured response level.
| for vehicles of
• Alfa Romeo • Audi • Bentley • BMW • Cadillac • Chevrolet • Chrysler • Dacia • Fiat • Ford • Hyundai • Kia • Lancia • Mahindra • Maybach • Mercedes • Mini • Mitsubishi • Nissan • Opel • Porsche • Renault • Saab • Seat • Skoda • Smart • Ssang Yong • Suzuki • Volkswagen • Wiesmann Das aktuelle Lieferprogramm finden Sie unter
Erhöhtes Ansprechverhalten Verkürzte Reaktionszeit Mehr Dynamik Variable Leistungsstufen
• • • •
Higher response Reduced response time More dynamic Variable power levels
| The complete product rnage can be found on
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
auch für BENZINMOTOREN! / also available for petrol engines!
Plug & Play Powertuning Der REMUS Powerizer ermöglicht durch das Optimieren verschiedenster Steuerparameter eine signifikante Steigerung von Motorleistung und Drehmoment über einen weiten Drehzahlbereich. Der REMUS Powerizer wird mittels eines im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Kabelstranges direkt an der Serienelektronik des Fahrzeuges angesteckt, wodurch eine einfache Montage gewährleistet ist. Mit dem Serien-Einspritzkennfeld als Basis, also als Grundlage für seine Funktion, erreicht der REMUS Powerizer in Zusammenarbeit mit der Serienelektronik des Motors ein völlig neues Level an Intelligenz und damit Kontrolle über den Motor.
• Reduktion des Treibstoffverbrauches bis zu 15% • Leistungssteigerung bis zu 25% • Spürbare Anhebung des Drehmoments • Einfache Montage Plug & Play Powertuning The REMUS Powerizer enables via optimized mapping parameters a significant increase in horsepower and torque throughout the complete engine RPM range. The REMUS Powerizer is joined to the engine by connecting the supplied wiring loom to the original electronics of the vehicle. This allows easy and simple installation – plug and play. The original injection mapping is used as a basis and is the ground platform from which the REMUS Powerizer in conjunction with the original electronics of the engine reaches a totally new level of intelligence to control the engine parameters.
• Reduction of fuel consumption up to 15% • Horsepower increase up to 25% • Noticeable increase in torque • Easily installed – plug and play!
Tail pipes The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
not embossed, inner connection Ø 54 mm length = 360 mm 006097 0505
tail pipe Ø 90 mm, not embossed
006097 0501
tail pipe 92x78 mm, not embossed
006097 0503
tail pipe Ø 76 mm, not embossed
006097 0505
006097 0501
006097 0503
UNIVERSAL-sport exhaust 30-150 kW without homologation suitable for vehicles from 30 - 150 kW outer measurements: 190x120x380, connection inner Ø 51 mm, incl. clamp 001090 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
001090 0509
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm
001090 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
001090 0540T
Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 140x72 mm
001090 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe Ø 90 mm
° 001090 0595T
001090 0509
Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe Ø 90 mm
001090 0540P
001090 0540T
001090 0595P
001090 0595T
001090 0505
without homologation suitable for vehicles from 30 - 150 kW outer measurements: Ø 133x390 mm, connection inner Ø 51 mm, incl. clamp 002090 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
002090 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
002090 0570F
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
1) 002090 0570TD
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
002090 0505
002090 0501
002090 0570F 002090 0570TD
without homologation suitable for vehicles from 30 - 150 kW outer measurements: 210x150x430 mm, connection inner Ø 51 mm, incl. clamp ° 003092 0509
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm
003092 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
003092 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
° 003092 0596P 003092 0596T
001090 0509
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 90 mm Sport exhaust with 2 titanium tail pipes Ø 90 mm
003092 0570
003092 0506
003092 0596T 003092 0596P
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
UNIVERSAL-sport exhaust 30-200 kW without homologation suitable for vehicles from 30 - 200 kW
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
outer measurements: 190x120x380; step connection outsideØ 51 / 57 / 63,5 mm; silencer inner pipe Ø 65 x 1,5 mm; incl. clamp 001490 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
001490 0570TD
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
001490 0570TD
Race tr ack Tested
001490 0505
without homologation suitable for vehicles from 30 - 200 kW outer measurements: 210x150x430 mm; step connection outsideØ 51 / 57 / 63,5 mm; silencer inner pipe Ø 65 x 1,5 mm; incl. clamp 003492 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
003492 0570TD
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
003492 0570F
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
° 003492 0572F
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 102 mm Future Design
1) 003492 0572TD
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
003492 0542
003492 0570TD
003492 0570F
003492 0572F
003492 0572TD
without homologation suitable for vehicles from 30 - 200 kW outer measurements: Ø 145 mm, silencer length 350 mm; with step connection Ø 65 mm / Ø 60 mm / Ø 55 mm 002905 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled
002905 8598B
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled "burned"
Body clamp
00 98
Sound insert
002905 8598B
002905 8598
UNIVERSAL-sport exhaust 30-250 kW without homologation suitable for vehicles from 30 - 250 kW connection Ø 76 mm 002805 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled, Connection Ø 76 mm
° 002805 8598B
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled "burned", Connection Ø 76 mm
Body clamp
00 98
Sound insert
002805 8598
002805 8598B
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Alfa Romeo Part no.
ALFA ROMEO The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Mito, type 955, 2008=> 1.4l 58 kW (955A1000); 1.4l T-Jet 114 kW (199A8000); 1.4l TB 88 kW (198A4000) ° 022508 0514SS
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm angled
Giulietta, type 940, 2010=> 1.4l TB 88 kW (198A4000); 1.4l TB Multiair 125 kW (940A2000) ATTENTION: For mounting the L/R sport exhaust, the original rear skirt (part no. 156090485) & original bracket (part no. 51820445) must be used! 025010 0598C
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R 025010 0000
Connection tube for mounting on 1.4l model
025010 1598C
Sport exhaust centered with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race (Sport exhaust & Connection tube only fits as a complete system!)
025010 0598C
025010 1598C
025010 0000
Giulietta, type 940, 2010=> 1.8l TBi 173 kW (940A1000) REMUS Cat-Back-System 025010 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of the front silencer
025010 0300
Front silencer
025010 1598C
Sport exhaust centered with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race Front silencer (or Racing tube) & Sport exhaust only fits as a complete system!
Alternative: REMUS Titanium2 Sport Cat-Back-System 025010 0300TI
Titanium2 front silencer
025010 1598TI
Titanium2 sport exhaust centered with left/right each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Front silencer (or Racing tube) & Sport exhaust only fits as a complete system!
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
025010 1598C
025010 1598TI
100 % Stainless steel
025010 0300
025010 0300TI
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Alfa Romeo Part no.
145 1.9l TD 66 kW, 1995=>; 2.0l TD 66 kW type 930, 1998=> 1) 025096 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
147, 2001=> 1.6l 77/88 kW; 2.0l 110 kW; 1.9l JTD 85/103 kW
147 Facelift, 2005=> 1.6l 77/88 kW; 1.9l JTD 74/85/110 kW ° 025001 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, only for 1.6l 77/88 kW & 2.0l 110 kW models
025001 0300
Front silencer, only for 1.6l 77/88 kW & 2.0l 110 kW models
025005 0570F
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
025005 1570F
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design (only for Facelift 1.9l JTD / 1.6l from 2005)
° 025001 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm (not for facelift, rear skirt must be cut!)
° 025001 0540T
Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 140x72 mm (not for facelift, rear skirt must be cut!)
025005 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (only for 1.6l 77/88 kW)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
025001 0000
025001 0540P
025005 8598
025005 0570F
025005 1570F
025001 0540T
147, 2001=>
1.6l 77/88 kW; 2.0l 110 kW
147 Facelift, 2005=> 1.6l 77/88 kW 025005 6598KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm "REMUS 65"
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Alfa Romeo Part no.
155 1.9l TD 66 kW, 1995=> 1) 026096 0509
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm
Race tr ack Tested
155 2.5l TD 92 kW Mod. 1995 1) 027095 0509 1) 3) 027095 0562
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm Racing Look
027095 0562
027095 0509
156 Sedan / Sportwagon 1.9l JTD 77 kW, 1998=>; 1.9l JTD 85 kW, 2004=>; 2.4l JTD 100 kW, 1998=>; 2.0l JTS 122 kW, 2002=>; 2.5l V6 24V 140 kW, OCT1997=>; 2.4l JTD 100 kW, 2000=> 027098 0509
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm
156 Sedan / Sportwagon 1.6l 88 kW, 1997=>; 1.8l 106 kW, 1997=>; 2.0l 114 kW, 1997=>; 2.0l 114 kW, 2000=> ° 026098 0509
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm
159 Sedan / Sportwagon 1.9l JTDM 88 / 110 kW, 2005=>; 1.9l JTS 118 kW (A939A6000) ° 026005 0570
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Alfa Romeo Part no.
159 Sedan / Sportwagon 1.9l JTS 118 kW (A939A6000); 2.2l JTS 136 kW, 2005=>; 3.2l Q4 191 kW (939A000); 1.9l JTDM 88 / 110 kW, 2005=>; 2.4l JTDM 147 kW ATTENTION: When mounting on 1.9l JTDM/1.9l JTS models, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 026205 0000
Y-tube for mounting L/R system on 1.9l JTDM/1.9l JTS models
026205 0570L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
026205 0570R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
(L/R system only fits as a complete system! For 1.9l JTDM/1.9l JTS models, order the Y-tube!)
026205 0570L
026205 0570R
166, type 936, Nov1998=> 2.0l 114 kW; 2.4l JTD 100 kW; 2.5l V6 24V 140 kW; 3.0l V6 24V 166 kW ° 027598 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
GTV / Spider 3.0l V6 141 kW, 1995=>; 2.0l 16V TS 110 kW, 1995=>; 3.0l V6 24V 162 kW, Mod. 1997=>; 2.0l TS 114 kW, 1998=>; 3.2l V6 176 kW, 2003=> 028095 0549
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm angled
Brera, 2006=> / Spider, 2007=> 2.2l JTS 136 kW; 3.2l JTS 191 kW; 2.4l JTDM 154 kW (939A9000) 028006 0584SL
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
028006 0584SR
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
028006 0584SL
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
028006 0584SR
100 % Stainless steel
AUDI Part no.
AUDI The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
A1, type 8X, 2010=> 1.2l TFSI 63 kW (CBZA); 1.2l TFSI 77 kW (CBZB); 1.4l TFSI 90 kW (CAX); 1.6l TDI 55 kW (CAYA); 1.6l TDI 66 kW (CAYBB); 1.6l TDI 77 kW (CAYC) ATTENTION: When mounting on Diesel models the original hanger (part no 6Q0 253 144F) & the 2 original bolts (part no N0195269) must be used! When mounting on 1.2l TFSI & Diesel models, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 044008 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
A2, type 8Z, 2000=> 1.4l 55 kW; 1.4l TDI 55 kW 043000 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
A3, type 8L, SEP1996=> 1.6l 74/75 kW; 1.8l 92 kW; 1.8l 92 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 kW ATTENTION: When mounting on 1.6l models, the VW bracket (part no 1J0253144) must be used! AD0016
Distance tube H for 1.6l model
045096 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, not for Diesel
045096 0300
Front silencer, only for 1.6l 74/75 kW models
° 045096 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
045096 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
045096 0572F
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 102 mm Future Design
3)° 045096 1511
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
1) 3) 045096 1568
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
045096 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
045096 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
° 045096 1540P
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
1) 045096 1540T
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 titanium tail pipe 140x72 mm
046297 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (only for 1.6l 74/75 kW, 1.8l 92 kW)
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 046297 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0000 11
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
045096 0502
046297 8598 >>>>>>>>>>
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
AUDI Part no.
>>>>>>>>>> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
045096 0506
045096 0572F
045096 1511
045096 1568
045096 0540P
045096 0586P
045096 1540P
045096 1540T
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 66
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
046297 099
0000 16 A3, type 8L, SEP1996=> 1.6l 74/75 kW; 1.8l 92 kW AD0007
Distance tube U for 1.6l model
045096 6584KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
A3, type 8L, 1997=> 1.6l 81 kW; 1.8l Turbo 110 / 132 kW; 1.9l TDI 74 / 81 / 96 kW 046097 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, not for diesel models
046097 0300
Front silencer, not for diesel models
046097 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
3)° 045096 1511 1) 3) 045096 1568 ° 045096 1540P 1) 045096 1540T
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 titanium tail pipe 140x72 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 046297 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0000 11
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 046097 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system >>>>>>>>>>
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Race tr ack Tested
AUDI Part no.
>>>>>>>>>> choose from following tail pipe package: The World Leader in Sportexhausts
0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Race tr ack Tested
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0010 11
3) 0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
045096 1511
045096 1568
046297 099
0000 16
045096 1540P
045096 1540T
046097 0502
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 66
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
046097 199
A3, type 8L, 1997=> 1.8l Turbo 110 / 132 kW
045096 6584KR
100 % Stainless steel
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
AUDI Part no.
A3, type 8P, 2003=> 1.6l 75 kW; 1.6l 85 kW
A3, Facelift type 8P, 2009=>
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1.6l 75 kW (BSE)
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust system consisting of: 044504 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
choose from following tail pipe package: (rear bumper must be cut) 0000 04G 3) 0000 11
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
044504 098
0000 04G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 01
0000 05G
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 66
0000 78
0000 84C
0000 84CS
A3, type 8P, 2003=> 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 2.0l TFSI 147 kW; 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 100 / 103 / 125 kW AD0032
Distance tube C1 for mounting 796005 098 on 2.0l TDI 125 kW model
Distance tube T5 for mounting 796005 098 on 1.9l TDI 77 kW model
Distance tube U5 for mounting 796005 098 on 2.0l FSI 110 kW & 2.0l TDI 103 kW models
Sport exhaust system consisting of: 796005 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
3) 0000 11
0000 01
796005 098
0000 70
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
0000 04G
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
AUDI Part no.
A3, type 8P, 2003=> 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 103 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
ATTENTION: when mounting the the L/R-system the rear skirt hast to be cut for the right side tail pipe acc. to the enclosed template! PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2)° 796005 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0010 11
3) 0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
796005 199
A3 Sportback, type 8P, 2004=> 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 103 kW PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2)° 045004 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
3) 0000 11
0000 01
045004 099
0000 70
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
0000 04G
A3 Sportback, type 8P, 2005=> 2.0l TFSI 147 kW Sport exhaust system consisting of: ° 046006 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
3) 0000 11
>>>>>>>>>> 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
AUDI Part no.
>>>>>>>>>> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
046006 098
A3 Cabrio, type 8P, 2008=> 1.8l TFSI 118 kW (BZB, CDA); 2.0l TFSI 147 kW (CAW); 1.9l TDI 77 kW (BLS); 2.0l TDI 103 kW (CBA) 046508 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
S3 Quattro, type 8P, 2007=> 2.0l TFSI 194 kW (BHZ) 046007 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
80 Sedan / Avant, / Coupé / Cabrio type 89 1.4l 48 kW, JUL1986=>; 1.6l 55 kW, JUL1986=>; 1.6l 51 kW, JUN1987=>; 1.8l 55 kW with & without cat., JUL1986=>; 1.8l 65 kW with & without cat., JUL1986=>; 1.8l 66 kW, JUL1986=>; 1.8l 66 kW with & without cat., JUN1989=>; 1.8l 82 kW, JUL1986=>; 1.9l 83 kW with & without cat., JUL1986=>; 2.0l 85 kW, FEB1987=>; 2.0l 83 kW, JUN1988 042587 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
80 Coupé / Cabrio type 89 & 90 Coupé / Cabrio type 89 2.0l 85 kW; 2.2l 100 kW; 2.3l 98 / 100 kW 045087 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
AUDI Part no.
A4 B5 Sedan & Avant, type 8D, 1995=> 1.6l 74 kW, 1995=>; 1.8l 92 kW, 1995=>; 1.9l TDi 66 kW, 1995=>; 1.9l TDi 81 kW, 1996=>; 1.9l TDi 85 kW, 1996=> 046095 0542
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
Race tr ack Tested
A4 B5 Quattro Sedan & Avant, Typ 8D, 1994=> 2.8l 128 kW, 1994=>; 2.6l 110 kW, 1994=>; 1.8l Turbo 110 kW, 1994=>; 2.8l 142 kW, 1997=>; 2.4l V6 121 kW, 1997=>; 1.9l TDI 81 kW, 1996=>; 2.5l TDI V6 110kW, 1997=> ° 048095 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
S4 B5 Biturbo Sedan & Avant, type 8D, 1999=> 2.7l Biturbo 195 kW ° 047599 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
S4 B6 Quattro Sedan & Avant, type 8E, 2003=> 4.2l 253 kW ° 049203 0570TDL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
° 049203 0570TDR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Turbo Design (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
049203 0570TDL
049203 0570TDR
A4 B6 Quattro Sedan & Avant, type 8E, 2001=> 1.8l Turbo 110 kW ° 040501 0570FL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
° 040501 0570FR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
040501 0570FL 100 % Stainless steel
040501 0570FR
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
AUDI Part no.
A4 B6 Sedan & Avant, type 8E, 2001=> 2.0l 96 kW; 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 1.9l TDI 85 kW, 2004=> 1) 046001 0400 046001 0570F
Middle silencer, not for 2.0l FSI 110 kW
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
046001 0570F
Race tr ack Tested
046001 0400
A4 B6 Sedan & Avant, type 8E, 2005=> 1.6l FSI 75 kW ° 044004 0570F
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
A4 B6 Sedan & Avant, type 8E, 2001=> 2005 (not for facelift) 1.8 Turbo 110 / 120 kW; 2.4l 125 kW 046502 0570FL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
046502 0570FR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
046502 0570FL
046502 0570FR
A4 B6 Quattro Sedan & Avant, type 8E 2.5l TDI 132 kW, 2001=>; 1.9l TDI 96 kW, 2002=> ° 047001 0588L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
° 047001 0588R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
047001 0588L
047001 0588R
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
AUDI Part no.
A4 B7 Sedan & Avant, type 8E, 2005=> 1.9l TDI 85 kW; 2.0l TDI 100 kW; 2.0l TDI 103 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
° 046208 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Race tr ack Tested
A4 B7 Sedan & Avant, type 8E, 2005=> 2.0l TFSI 147 kW; 2.0l TDI 125 kW 046005 0570FL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
046005 0570FR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
046005 0570FL
046005 0570FR
A4 B7 Quattro Sedan & Avant, type 8E, 2004=> 2.0l TFSI 147 kW; 2.0l TFSI 162 kW "DTM"; 3.0l V6 TDI 150 kW; 3.0l TDI 171 kW, 2006=> ° 048005 0570FL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
° 048005 0570FR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
046005 0570FL
046005 0570FR
A4 B6 Cabrio, type 8H, 2002=> 1.8l Turbo 120 kW, 2003=>; 2.4l 125 kW, 2002=>; 2.4l 120 kW, 2003=>; 3.0l V6 162 kW, 2002=>; 2.5l TDI 120 kW, 2003=> (rear skirt must be cut) 046603 0598CL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
046603 0598CR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
046603 0598CL
046603 0598CR
RS4 B5 Avant Quattro, type 8D, 2001=> 2.7l 280 kW ° 047501 0576R
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust electro-polished with 2 tail pipes 102x65 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
AUDI Part no.
A4 B8 Sedan & Avant, type 8K, 2008=> 1.8l TFSI 88 KW (CAB); 1.8l TFSI 118 kW (CAB); 2.0l TDI 105 kW (CAG)
A5 Coupé, type 8T, 2007=>
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1.8l TFSI 118 kW (CAB); 1.8l TFSI 125 kW (CAB)
Race tr ack Tested
ATTENTION: For mounting the L/R-system, the rear skirt of the Audi A4 6 Cylinder model & the required original exhaust hanger must be used! 046008 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R (only for Audi A4 Sedan & Avant type 8K) 048208 0000
Y-tube for mounting of L/R system on 4 cyl. models
048208 0570SL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled
048208 0570SR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled (Y-Connection tube & L/R only fits as a complete system!)
046008 0556
048208 0570SL
048208 0570SR
A4 B8 Sedan & Avant, type 8K, 2008=> A5 Coupé, type 8T, 2007=> 2.7l TDI 140 kW (CAM)
A4 B8 Quattro Sedan & Avant, type 8K, 2008=> A5 Quattro Coupé, type 8T, 2007=> 3.0l TDI 176 kW 048008 0570SL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled
048008 0570SR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
048008 0570SL
048008 0570SR
A5 Coupé, type 8T, 2007=> 2.7l TDI 140 kW (CAM)
A5 Quattro Coupé, type 8T, 2007=> 3.0l TDI 176 kW 048008 0570SL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled
048008 0570SR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
048008 0570SL
048008 0570SR
A4 B8 Quattro Sedan & Avant, type 8K, 2008=> A5 Quattro Coupé, type 8T, 2007=> 3.2l V6 FSI 195 kW (CAL) 048208 0570SL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled
048208 0570SR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
048208 0570SL Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
048208 0570SR 100 % Stainless steel
AUDI Part no.
S5 Quattro Coupé, type 8T, 2008=> 4.2l FSI V8 260 kW (CAU) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
S4 B8 Quattro Avant, type 8K, 2010=> 3.0l TFSI 245 kW 049108 0556L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
049108 0556R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
alternativ: REMUS Titanium2 sport exhaust 049108 0584LRTI Titanium2 sport exhaust left and right with each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm
049108 0556L
049108 0556R
049108 0584LRTI
A6 C4 Sedan & Avant, 1994=> 100 C4 Sedan & Avant, 1990=> 2.6l 110 kW, 6 Zyl.; 2.8l 128 kW, 6 Zyl.; 2.5l TDI 85 kW; 2.5l TDI 103 kW 048591 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
A6 C4 Quattro Sedan & Avant, 1994=> 100 C4 Quattro Sedan & Avant, 1990=> 2.6l 110 kW, 6 Zyl.; 2.3l 98 kW, 5 Zyl.; 2.8l 128 kW, 6 Zyl. AD0017 ° 047591 0506
Distance tube K for mounting on 2.3l models Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
A6 C5 Sedan & Avant, type 4B, 1997=> APR2001 1.8l Turbo 110 KW; 2.4l 121 KW; 2.8l V6 142 kW; 1.9l TDI 81 KW; 2.5l TDI 110 kW, 1997=> & 2001=> 046597 0506
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
AUDI Part no.
A6 C5 Quattro Sedan & Avant, type 4B, 2001=> 2.5l TDI V6 132 kW ° 047101 0505L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
° 047101 0505R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
(L/R only fits as a complete system!)
047101 0505L
047101 0505R
A6 C6 Quattro Sedan & Avant, type 4F, 2004=> 3.0l V6 160 kW; 3.2l V6 188 kW; 3.2l FSI 188 kW; 2.7l TDI 132 kW; 2.7l TDI 140 kW, 2008=>; 3.0l TDI V6 155/165 kW; 3.0l TDI V6 171 kW; 3.0l TDI 176 kW (CDY)
A6 C6 Allroad Quattro, type 4F, 2007=> 3.2l FSI 188 kW; 2.7l TDI 132 kW; 3.0l TDI V6 171 kW; 3.0l V6 160 kW 048004 0505L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
048004 0505R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
048004 0505L
048004 0505R
A6 C6 Sedan & Avant, type 4F, 2004=> 2.0l TFSI 125 kW, BPJ; 2.4l V6 130 kW; 3.2l FSI 188 kW; 2.0l TDI 100/103 kW, 2005=>; 2.7l V6 TDI 132 kW, 2005=> 049004 0505L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
049004 0505R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
049004 0505L
049004 0505R
RS6 C5 Avant Quattro, type 4B, 2002=> 4.2l 331 kW ° 049102 0514ML
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm with flat, angled rolling
° 049102 0514MR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm with flat, angled rolling (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
049102 0514ML
049102 0514MR
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
AUDI Part no.
RS6 C6 Avant, type 4F, 2008=> 5.0l TFSI V10 426 kW (BUH) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
° 049508 0300
Front silencer RACING, without homologation
° 049508 0504GL
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
° 049508 0504GR
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
049508 0504GL
049508 0504GR
049508 0300
A6 C7 Sedan Quattro, type 4G, 2011=> 3.0l TDI 150 kW (CLAB), 3.0l TDI 180 kW (CDUC)
A7 Sportback Quattro, type 4G, 2011=> 3.0l TDI 180 kW (CDUC) 048011 0570SL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled
048011 0570SR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
048011 0570SL
048011 0570SR
A8 Quattro Sedan, type D2/4D, 1994=> 4.2l 220 kW 049194 0546R
Sport exhaust electro-polished with 2 tail pipes 90x75 mm
A8 Quattro Sedan, type D3/4E, 2003=> 3.7l 206 kW; 4.2l 246 kW; 4.0l TDI 202 kW; 3.0l TDI 171 kW, 2004=>; 4.2l TDI 240 kW, 2006=> 049103 0505FL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm Future Design
049103 0505FR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm Future Design (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
AUDI Part no.
TT, type 8N, NOV. 1998=> 1.8l Turbo 110 kW; 1.8l Turbo 5V 132 kW ATTENTION: when mounting the L/R-system, the rear skirt of the Audi TT Quattro (part no 8NO 807 421A GRU unpainted) must be used. 045098 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer
045098 0300
Front silencer
045098 0570S
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled
045099 1570S
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
045098 0570S
045099 1570S
TT Quattro, type 8N, 1999=> 1.8l Turbo 165 kW; 1.8l Turbo 132 kW AD0057
Distance tube A5 for 132kW model for mounting onto original front silencer!
045299 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer
045299 0300
Front silencer
045299 0570S
Sport exhaust centered with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
045299 0570S
045299 0300
TT, type 8J, 2007=> ATTENTION: when mounting the L/R-system, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.8l TFSI 118 kW (CDAA); 2.0l TFSI 147 kW (BAW) 046006 1100 ° 046006 0584C 046006 1584C
Downpipe with Racing cat, without homologation, (catpipe with Racing cat, up from header, front silencer applied) Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race Sport exhaust centered with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
045299 0570S
046006 0584C
046006 1100
TT Quattro, type 8J, 2006=> 3.2l 184 kW 048506 1570TD
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
048506 1598C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
048506 1598C
048506 1570TD
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
AUDI / BMW Part no.
Q3, type U8, 2011=> 2.0l TDI 103 kW (CFFB); 2.0l TDI 130 kW 045011 0584CS
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
Race tr ack Tested
045011 0584CS
Q5, type 8R, 2008=> 2.0l TFSI 155 kW (CDN) 046009 0598CL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
046009 0598CR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
046009 0598CL
046009 0598CR
Q7, type 4L, 2006=> 4.2l 257 kW; 3.0l TDI 171 kW; 4.2l TDI 240 kW (BTR) ATTENTION: When mounting on 3.0l TDI use Y-pipe 049107 0000! 049107 0000
Y-tube for mounting on 3.0l TDI models
049107 1598C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
049107 1598C
049107 0000
BMW 1 Series E87 (without aerodynamic package) ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! ATTENTION: fits only on vehicles with 204D4 engine <=MAR2007! 118d 2.0l Diesel 89 kW (204D4), 2004=> <=MAR2007; 120d 2.0l Diesel 120 kW (204D4), 2004=> <=MAR2007 ° 086004 0507
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
1 Series E81/E87 ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 118d 2.0l Diesel 105 kW (N47D20A), APR2007=>; 118d 2.0l Diesel 100 kW (N47D20C), 2008=>; 118d 2.0l Diesel 105 kW (N47D20C), 2008=>;
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
120d 2.0l Diesel 130 kW (N47D20), APR2007=>;120d 2.0l Diesel 120 kW (N47D20C), 2008=>; 120d 2.0l Diesel 130 kW (N47D20C), 2008=> ° 086007 0504
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
1 Series E8, (without aerodynamic package) ATTENTION: suitable for M Tech rear skirt! ATTENTION: fits only on vehicles with N45B/N46B engine <=FEB2007! ATTENTION: the rear skirt must be cut acc. to the enclosed template when fitting tail pipes 0400 04G & 0400 70! 116i 1.6l 85 kW (N45B), 2004=> <=FEB2007; 120i 2.0l 110 kW (N46B), 2004=> <=FEB2007 PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 086104 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0400 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0400 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0400 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight, staggered (for M-Tech rear bumper, no cutting necessary)
0400 05G
0400 70
0400 04G
086104 099
1 Series E81/E87 ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 116i 1.6l 89 kW (N43B16A), MAR2007=>; 118i 2.0l 105 kW, 2008=>; 120i 2.0l 120 kW (N43B20A), 2008=> 084007 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
1 Series E88 Cabrio ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 118i 2.0l 105 kW, 2008=>; 120i 2.0l 120 kW (N43B20A), 2008=> ° 084507 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
1 Series E82 Coupé / E88 Cabrio ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
120d 2.0l Diesel 130 kW (N47D20A/N47D20C), 2007=> ° 086307 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
1 Series E82 Coupé / E88 Cabrio ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! ATTENTION: when mounting the L/R-system, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 135i 3.0l 225 kW (N54B30A), 2008=> ° 088108 0578
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm
088108 0504G
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R without homologation 088108 1578
Racing Sport exhaust system with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm, without homologation
088908 1584C
Racing Sport exhaust system with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race, without homologation
088108 0578
088108 0504G
088108 1578
088908 1584C
1 Series F20, 2011=> ATTENTION: when mounting the L/R-system, the right side skirt outlet must be cut as per the enclosed template! 116i 1.6l 100 kW (N13B16); 118i 1.6l 125 kW (N13B16) 084011 1583C
Sport exhaust centered with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
084011 1583CS
Sport exhaust centered with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
084011 1583CS
084011 1583CS
1 Series F20, 2011=> ATTENTION: when mounting the L/R-system, the right side skirt outlet must be cut as per the enclosed template! 116d 2.0l 85 kW (N45D20K1); 118d 2.0l 115 kW (N47D20U1); 120d 2.0l 135 kW (N47D20C) 085011 1583C
Sport exhaust centered with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
085011 1583CS
Sport exhaust centeret with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
085011 1583C
100 % Stainless steel
085011 1583CS
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
3 Series E30 Sedan / Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 316i E30 73 kW with & without cat, JUL1988=>; 318i E30 75 kW with & without cat, MAR1985=>; 318i E30 83 kW, SEP1987=>; 318i E30 85 kW with & without cat, SEP1988=> 1) 084088 0000 084088 0505
connection tube for models until 9/88
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
3 Series E30 Sedan / Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 320i/320ix E30 95 kW with cat, JUL1985=>; 320i/320ix E30 95 kW with cat, NOV1988=>; 325i/325ix E30 125 kW with cat, NOV1986=>; 325i/325ix E30 125 kW with cat, NOV1988=>; 325i/325ix E30 125 kW with cat, DEC1986=> 3 Series E30 Cabrio 320i/320ix 95 kW with cat, DEC1986=>; 325i/325ix 125 kW with cat, DEC1988=> 087087 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
087087 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
087087 0506
087087 0504
3 Series E36 Compact ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 316i 1.6l 75 kW 084094 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
3 Series E36 Compact ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 318Ti 1.8l 103 kW, 1994=>; 318Ti 1.9l 103 kW, 1995=> ° 085094 0541
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm angled
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
3 Series E36 Sedan / Touring / Cabrio / Coupé ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
316i 73 / 75 kW, 4 Zyl., AUG1990=>; 318i 85 kW, 4 Zyl., AUG1990=> 084091 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
084091 0506
3 Series E36 Coupé ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 318iS 1.8l 103 kW, SEP1991=> ° 085092 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
3 Series E36 Sedan / Touring / Coupé / Cabrio ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 320i 110 kW, 6 Zyl, 4V, AUG1990=>; 323i 2.3l 125 kW, 1995=> (323i without homologation) 086091 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm, not homologated for 323i
086091 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
086091 0540P
086091 0586P
3 Series E36 Sedan / Touring / Coupé / Cabrio ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 325i 141 kW, 6 Zyl, 4V, AUG1990=> 087091 0548
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
3 Series E36 Touring / Coupé / Cabrio ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 328i 2.8l 142 kW, MAR1992=> <=APR1999 ( Touring <=OCT1999) ° 087095 0506 087095 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
087095 0506
100 % Stainless steel
087095 0586P
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
3 Series E46 Compact ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 316TI 1.8l 85 kW, 2001=>
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
085001 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Race tr ack Tested
3 Series E46 Compact ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 320td 2.0l td 110 kW, 2002=> ° 086002 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
3 Series E46 Sedan / Touring / Coupé ATTENTION: When mounting on models with M Tech rear skirt, the outlet must be cut along the original contour! 316i 1.9l 77 kW, 1999=>; 316i 1.8l 85 kW, 2001=>; 318i 1.9l 87 kW, 1998=>; 318i 2.0l 100/105 kW, 2002=>; 318CI 2.0l 87 kW, 2000=> 086101 0300
Front silencer
086101 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 086101 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0000 11
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 086101 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0010 11
3) 0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
086101 0300
086101 0300 >>>>>>>>>>
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
086101 099
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
086101 199
3 Series E46 Sedan / Touring / Coupé ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 316i 1.9l 77 kW, 1999=>; 316i 1.8l 85 kW, 2001=>; 318i 1.9l 87 kW, 1998=>; 318i 2.0l 100/105 kW, 2002=>; 318CI 2.0l 87 kW, 2000=> 086101 6584KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
3er E46 Coupé / Cabrio ATTENTION: When mounting on vehicles with M Tech rear skirt the oe-cutting has to be enlarged along to the oe-cutting-line! 318CI 2.0l 105 kW, 2002=> 085002 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
3 Series E46 Sedan / Touring / Coupé ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 318d 2.0l 85 kW, SEP2001=>; 320d 2.0l 110 kW, SEP2001=> ° 086001 0504
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
3 Series E46 Sedan / Touring / Coupé ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 320i 2.0l 110 kW, 1998=>; 323i 2.5l 125 kW, 1998=>; 328i 2.8l 142 kW, 1998=>; 323CI Coupé 2.5l 125 kW, 1999=>; 328CI Coupé 2.8l 142 kW, 1999=> 088098 0596P
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 088098 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0000 11
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 088098 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0010 11
3) 0010 66
088098 0596P
088098 099
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
088098 199
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
3 Series E46 Cabrio ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 323CI 2.5l 125 kW, 2000=> ° 087000 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
3 Series E46 Sedan / Touring / CI Coupé / CI Cabrio ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
320i 2.2l 125 kW, 2000=>; 325i 2.5l 141 kW, 2000=>; 330i/330ix 3.0l 170 kW, 2000=> 089000 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
089000 0588
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 089000 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: (not for Coupé/Cabrio) 2) 089000 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0010 70
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 98C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
089000 0502
089000 0588
0003 78 089000 099
0003 04 089000 199
3 Series E46 Sedan / Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 330d/330xd 3.0l Diesel 135 kW, 1999=>; 330d/330xd 3.0l Diesel 150 kW, 2003=>
3 Series E46 Coupé ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 330Cd/330Cdx 3.0l Diesel 150 kW, 2003=> ° 087099 0504
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
3 Series E90 Sedan / E91 Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! ATTENTION: when mounting the L/R-system, the rear skirt must be cut! Only for vehicles with N46 engine!
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
318i 2.0l 95 kW (N46), 2005=>; 320i 2.0l 110 kW (N46), 2005=>
Race tr ack Tested
PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 082005 099
PowerSound Sport exhaus system with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 68
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design, not for Touring models
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 082005 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0152 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0152 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
082005 099
0003 78
0003 68
0152 14M
0152 04G
0003 04
082005 199
3 Series E90 Sedan / E91 Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! ATTENTION: Only for vehicles with N52 engine! 325i 2.5l 160 kW (N52), 2005=> (Anschluß innen Ø 70 mm); 330i 3.0l 190 kW (N52), 2005=> PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 088105 099
PowerSound Sport exhaus system with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 088105 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0152 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0152 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0003 78
0003 04
0152 14M
0152 04G
088105 099
088105 199
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
3 Series E90 Sedan /E91 Touring / E92 Coupé / E93 Cabrio 318i 2.0l 105 kW (N43B20A); 320i 2.0l 125 kW (N43B20A), 325i 2.5l 160 kW (N52), <=SEP2007 (Anschluß innen Ø 65 mm); 330i 3.0l 200 kW (N52), <=SEP2007 The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
ATTENTION: 325i/330i for original & M Tech rear skirt! Only for vehicles with N43B20A & N52 engines! 085007 0000
Connection tube for mounting on 318i/320i models
Sport exhaust system consisting of: 085007 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 68
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design, not for Touring models
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
085007 0000
Connection tube for mounting on 318i/320i models
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 085007 198
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0152 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0152 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0003 78
0003 68
0152 14M
0152 04G
0003 04
085007 098
085007 198
3 Series E90 Sedan / E91 Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 318d 2.0l Diesel 90 kW, 2005=>; 318d 2.0l Diesel 105 kW, 2008=>; 320d 2.0l Diesel 120 kW, 2005=>; 320d 2.0l Diesel 130 kW (N47D20A), 2008=> Sport exhaust system consisting of: 086505 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
086505 098
100 % Stainless steel
0000 78
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
3 Series E90 Sedan / E91 Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 330d 3.0l Diesel 170 kW, 2005=>; 330xd 3.0l Diesel 170 kW, 2005=>
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust system consisting of: 087005 098
Race tr ack Tested
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
088206 0584CSR
088906 0584CL
088906 0584CR
087005 098 0000 78
3 Series E92 Coupé ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 330xd 3.0l Diesel 170 kW, 2006=> Sport exhaust system consisting of: 087005 098
Main silencer
0500 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
0500 04 087005 098
3 Series E92 Coupé / E93 Cabrio ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! ATTENTION: The rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 335i / 335ix 3.0l 225 kW, 2006=> 088206 0506L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
088206 0506R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
088206 0584CSL
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
088206 0584CSR
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
088906 0584CL
Racing Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race, no homologation
088906 0584CR
Racing Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race, no homologation (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
088206 0506L 088206 0506R
088206 0584CSL
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
5 Series E34 Sedan / Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
525i E34 2.5i 141 kW 6 Zyl. 4V, AUG1989=>; 530i E34 3.0i 138 kW, OCT1987=>; 535i 3.5i 155 kW with & without cat, OCT1987=> ° 088091 0300 088091 0504
Front silencer Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm (Front silencer & Sport exhaust only fits as a complete system!)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
088091 0300
088091 0504
5 Series E34 Sedan / Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 525TDS 2.5l TDS 105 kW, 1992=> 088592 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
5 Series E39 Sedan / Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 520d 2.0l Diesel 100 kW, SEP2000=>; 525d 2.5l Diesel 120 kW, SEP2000=>; 530d 3.0l Diesel 142 kW, SEP2000=> 087500 0000
Connection tube for mounting on 520d models
087500 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
087500 0502
5 Series E39 Sedan ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! When mounting on 530d models use original BMW bracket part no 18201433957! When mounting on 520d models, use enclosed distance tube! 520i 2.0l 100/110 kW, SEP1996=>; 523i 2.5l 120/125 kW, SEP1996=>; 525i 2.5l 141 kW, SEP1996=>; 528i 2.8l 142 kW, SEP1996=>; 530i 3.0l 170 kW, SEP1996=>; 520d 2.0l Diesel 92/100 kW, SEP1996=> <=SEP2000; 525tds 2.5l tds 105 kW, SEP1996=> <=SEP2000; 530d 3.0l Diesel 120/135 kW, SEP1996=> <=SEP2000 087501 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
087501 0584C
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
5 Series E39 Sedan ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 535i 173 kW; 540i 210 kW, 1996=> 089096 0542
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
Race tr ack Tested
5 Series E60 Sedan / E61 Touring ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! ATTENTION: L/R-system not for E61 Touring models! ATTENTION: when mounting the L/R-system, the right side skirt outlet must be cut as per the enclosed template! 520i 2.2l 125 kW, 2003=>; 523i 2.5l 130 kW, 2006=>; 525i 2.5l 141 kW, 2003=>; 525i 2.5l 160 kW, 2006=>; 530i 3.0l 170 kW, 2003=>; 530i 3.0l 190 kW, 2003=> 086003 0578
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of (only for E60 Sedan): 086003 198
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0010 11
3) 0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
086003 0578 086003 198
5 Series E60 Sedan / E61 Touring ATTENTION: 087003 0584C also for M Tech rear skirt! 087003 198 not for M Tech rear skirt! ATTENTION: when mounting the L/R-system, the right side skirt outlet must be cut as per the enclosed template! 520d 2.0l Diesel 120 kW, 2003=>; 520d 2.0l Diesel 120 kW (204D4), 2008=>; 525d 2.5l Diesel 130 kW, 2005=>; 525d 2.5l Diesel 120 kW, 2005=>; 525d 3.0l Diesel 145 kW (306D3), 2008=>; 525xd 2.5l Diesel 130 kW, 2005=>; 525xd 3.0l Diesel 145 kW (306D3), 2008=>; 530d 3.0l Diesel 155/160 kW, 2003=>; 530d 3.0l Diesel 170 kW, 2005=>; 530d 3.0l Diesel 173 kW (306D3), 2008=>; 530xd 3.0l Diesel 170 kW, 2005=>; 530xd 3.0l Diesel 173 kW (306D3), 2008=> 087003 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of (not for M-Tec rear skirt): 087003 198
Main silencer
0172 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
087003 0584C
087003 198
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
0172 04G
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
5 Series E60 Sedan ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
535d 3.0l 200 kW, 2004=> 088005 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
5 Series E60 Sedan ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 545i 4.4l 245 kW, 2003=>; 550i 4.8l 270 kW, 2006=> 089106 0578
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
089106 0578
5 Series F10 Sedan / F11 Touring, 2010=> For standard & M-Tec rear skirt! ATTENTION: when mounting the L/R-system, the right side skirt outlet must be cut as per the enclosed template! 523i 2.5l 150 kW (N52B30A); 523i 3.0l 150 kW (N53B30A); 528i 3.0l 190 kW (N53B30A); 520d 2.0l 120/135 kW (N47D20C); 525d 3.0l 150 kW (N57D30A); AD0153
Distance tube Z6 for mounting on BMW F10 Sedan/F11 Touring 520d models
087510 0000
Connection tube for mounting on BMW F10 Sedan 523i/528i models
087510 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
087510 0584CS
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
087510 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
087510 1584C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
087510 1584CS
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
087510 1556
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
087510 0584C
087510 0584CS
087510 0556
087510 1584C
087510 1584CS
087510 1556
5 Series F10 Sedan, 2010=> ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! ATTENTION: The rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 535i 3.0l 225 kW (N55B30) 089010 0584CL
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
089010 0584CR
Sport exhaust right witch 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089010 0584CL
100 % Stainless steel
089010 0584CR
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
6 Series E63 Coupé ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 645CI E63 4.4l 245 kW, 2004=>; 650CI E63 4.8l 270 kW, 2006=> 089204 0598CL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
089204 0598CR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
(L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089204 0598CL
089204 0598CR
6 Series F12 Cabrio ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 640i 3.0l 235 kW (N55B30A) 089011 0598CL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
089011 0598CR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089011 0598CL
089011 0598CR
7 Series E32 Sedan ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 730i 138/145 kW, AUG1986=>; 735i 155 kW, AUG1986=>; 735i 162 kW with & without cat., AUG1986=> ° 088088 0300
Front silencer
° 088088 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm (Sport exhaust & front silencer only fits as a complete system!)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
088088 0300 088088 0506
7 Series E38 Sedan / 7 Series E38 L Sedan ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 730i/730iL 3.0l 160 kW, 1994=>; 735i/735iL 3.5l 173 kW, 1995=>; 740i/740iL 4.4l 210 kW, 1994=>; 750i/750iL 5.4l 240 kW, 1994=> ° 088093 0548L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
° 088093 0548R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
088093 0548L
088093 0548R
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
7 Series E65 Sedan ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
735i 3.6l 200 kW, 2002=>; 745i 4.4l 245 kW, 2002=> ° 089202 0534
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 102x68 mm
7 Series E65 Sedan ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 3.0l Diesel 160 kW, 2003=> ° 089203 0534
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 102x68 mm
8 Series E31 Sedan 850i 5.0l 220 kW 089188 0550L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes 78x92 mm angled
089188 0550R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes 78x92 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089188 0550L
089188 0550R
1 Series M Coupé E82, type M-V, 2011=> 3.0l 250 kW (AAU) 088511 0000
Racing replacement tube, pre-cat back, Main cat & front silencer omitted, without homologation
088511 1584C
Sport exhaust centered with left/right each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
alternativ: REMUS Titanium2 sport exhaust 088511 0000TI
Titanium2 Racing replacement tube, pre-cat back, main cat and front silencer omitted, without homologation
088511 1584TI
Titanium2 sport exhaust centered with left/right each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm
088511 1584C
088511 1584TI 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
M3 E46 Coupé 3.2l 252 kW, 2001=> 088001 1562
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm RACING-Look
088001 1584C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
088001 1562 088001 1584C
M3 E92 Coupé / E93 Cabrio 4.0l V8 309 kW (S65B40A), 2007=> 089107 1000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of middle silencer
089107 0000
Connection tube for mounting of Sport exhaust L/R onto original middle silencer
089107 0556L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
089107 0556R
Sport exhaust right witch 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
089107 0584CL
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
089107 0584CR
Sport exhaust right witch 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
089107 0584CSL
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
089107 0584CSR
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
089107 0584CL-US Racing sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race, without homologation 089107 0584CR-US Racing sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race, without homologation (L/R only fits as a complete system!) alternativ: REMUS Titanium2 sport exhaust 089107 0584LTI
Titanium2 sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm, fits on original middle silencer
089107 0584RTI
Titanium2 sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm, fits on original middle silencer (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089107 0556L
089107 0584CL
089107 0584CR
089107 0556R
089107 0584CSL
089107 0584CSR
089107 0584LTI
089107 0584CL-US
089107 0584CR-US
089107 0584RTI
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
Z3 R/C Roadster / Coupé 1.9l 103 kW, 1996=> <=SEP1998 The World Leader in Sportexhausts
085596 0549
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm angled
Race tr ack Tested
Z3 R/C Roadster / Coupé 1.8l 85 kW, 1996=> <=SEP1998 084596 0549
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm angled
Z3 R/C Roadster / Coupé 2.8l 141 kW, 1997=> <=SEP1998; 2.8l 141 kW, 1998=> <=SEP1998 ° 088097 0549
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm angled
Z3 R/C Roadster / Coupé 2.8l 142 kW, SEP1998=>; 2.0l 110 kW, APR1999=> 088099 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Z3 R/C Roadster / Coupé 3.0i 170 kW, 2000=> ° 088000 0504
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
Z4 E85 Roadster 2.5i 141 kW, 2003=>; 3.0i 170 kW, 2003=> 088003 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Z4 Z85 Facelift Roadster / Coupé 2.5l 130 kW, 2006=>; 3.0l 195 kW, N52B30A 088506 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Z4M Roadster / Coupé M85 3.2l 252 kW, 2006=> ° 089006 0504L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
° 089006 0504R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089006 0504L
089006 0504L
Z4 E85 Roadster 2.0l 110 kW, N46, 2008=> ° 084008 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
Z4 E89 Cabrio sDrive 23i, 2.5l 150 kW (N52B25A), 2009=>; sDrive 30i, 3.0l 190 kW (N52B30A), 2009=> 088009 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
Z4 E89 Cabrio sDrive sDrive 35i, 3.0l 225 kW (N54B30A), 2009=> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
089009 0598CL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
089009 0598CR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089009 0598CL
089009 0598CR
M Roadster/Coupé Roadster M50 3.2l 239 kW, 1997=>; Coupé M50 3.2l 236 kW, 1997=> ° 089097 0504L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
° 089097 0504R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089097 0504L
089097 0504R
M5 E60 M560 5.0l 373 kW, 2005=> ° 089305 0506L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
° 089305 0506R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089305 0506L
089305 0506R
M6 E63 M560 Coupé/Cabrio 5.0l 373 kW, 2006=> ° 089306 0572TDL
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
° 089306 0572TDR
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 102 mm Turbo Design (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089306 0572TDL
089306 0572TDR
X1 E84 xDrive ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! Not for vehicles with panorama glass roof! xDrive 20d 2.0l 130 kW (N47D20C), 2009=>; xDrive 23d 2.0l 150 kW (N47D20D), 2009=> 086009 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
086009 0584C
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
BMW Part no.
X1 E84 xDrive ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! Not for vehicles with panorama glass! xDrive 25i 3.0l 160 kW (N52B30a); xDrive 28i 3.0l 190 kW (N52B30A) 088509 0584C
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Race tr ack Tested
X3 E83 ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 3.0l 170 kW, 2004=> 086204 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
X3 E83 ATTENTION: for original & M-Tech rear skirt 2.0l Diesel 130 kW (N47D20), MAR2007=> ° 086507 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
X3 E83 ATTENTION: for M Tech rear skirt! 2.0l Diesel 110 kW, 2005=>; 3.0l Diesel 150 kW, 2004=>; 3.0l Diesel 160 kW, 2006=> ° 088006 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
X3 F25 xDrive, 2011=> 3.0l 225 kW (N55B30A) 088011 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
BMW Part no.
X5 E53 ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
3.0l 170 kW, 2000=>; 4.4l 210 kW, 2000=>
Race tr ack Tested
089100 0588L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
089100 0588R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089100 0588L 089100 0588R
X5 E53 ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 3.0l Diesel 135 kW, 2001=>; 3.0l Diesel 160 kW, 2004=> 089201 0556L
Diesel-Sound-System Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
089201 0556R
Diesel-Sound-System Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089201 0556L
089201 0556R
X5 E70 ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! 3.0l Diesel 173 kW, 2007=>; 3.0l sd Diesel 210 kW (306D5), 2008=> 088007 1549
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm angled
X5 E70 ATTENTION: for original & M-Tech rear skirt! 3.0l si 200 kW (N52B30A), 2007=>; 4.8l 261 kW, 2007=> ° 089307 0000
Connection tube for mounting on 3.0l si 200 kW model
089307 1549
Sport exhaust L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm angled
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
X6 E71 xDrive ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! xDrive 35d 3.0l 210 kW (306D5); xDrive 30d 3.0l 180 kW (N57D30A), 2010=> 088010 1586S
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Diesel-Sound-System Sport exhaust L/R with 1 each carbon tail pipe Ø 110 mm
Race tr ack Tested
X6 E71 xDrive ATTENTION: not for M Tech rear skirt! xDrive 50i 4.4l 300 kW (N63B44A), 2008=> 089208 1556
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled, without homologation
X6M, 2010=> 4.4l V8 408 kW REMUS Titanium2 sport exhaust 089210 1598TI
Titanium2 Racing sport exhaust centered with left/right each 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm, without homologation
CHEVROLET Corvette C4, 1992=> 5.7l 207 kW 1) 109495 0572LR
Sport exhaust electro-polished left with 2 tail pipes Ø 102 mm
1) 109495 0572RR
Sport exhaust electro-polished right with 2 tail pipes Ø 102 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
109495 0572LR
109495 0572RR
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Corvette C6, 2007=> 6.0l 299 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
° 109207 0516L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream, without homologation
° 109207 0516R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream, without homologation (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
089201 0556L
089201 0556R
Camaro, type LLT, 2009=> 3.6l V6 224 kW REMUS Cat-Back-System, without homologation 109011 0000
Cat-Back Connection tube, without homologation
109011 0598CL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race, without homologation
109011 0598CR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race, without homologation (L/R & Connection tube only fits as a complete system!)
109011 0598CL
109011 0598CR
CHRYSLER / DODGE / JEEP 300C Sedan & Touring, 2004=> 3.5l V6 183 kW (can only be fitted with connector 119404 0000); 5.7l V8 250 kW ° 119404 0000
Connection tube for mounting on 3.5l V6 model
° 119404 0570FL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
° 119404 0570FR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design (L/R only fits as a complete system! For 3.5l V5 is also the Connection tube necessary!)
119404 0570FL
119404 0570FR
PT Cruiser 1.6l 16V 85 kW, 2002=>; 2.0l 104 kW, 2000=>; 2.2l CRD 89 kW, 2002=> ATTENTION: The rear skirt must be cut! 116000 0598C
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Jeep Cherokee, 2001=> 2.4l 108 kW; 3.7l V6 155 kW; 2.5l Diesel 105 kW; 2.8l Diesel 110 kW 1) 119101 0500
Main silencer
1) 119101 0602
Connection tube with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
(Main silencer & Connection tube only fits as a complete system)
119101 0602
119101 0500
Jeep Grand Cherokee, 2005=> 5.7l V8 240 kW ° 115405 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Jeep Grand Cherokee, type WH, 2005=> 3.0l CRD 155 kW ° 118005 0602
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4, type WL, 2011=> 5.7l V8 259 kW (ACP) 359411 0585SL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 127 mm angled
359411 0585SR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 127 mm angled
359411 0585SL
359411 0585SR
Viper RT/10 8.0l 294 kW 119596 0675LR
Slip on tail pipe 102x65 mm left, without homologation
119596 0675RR
Slip on tail pipe 102x65 mm right, without homologation (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
119596 0675LR
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
119596 0675RR
100 % Stainless steel
CITROËN Part no.
CITROËN The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Saxo, SEP1991=> 1.4l 55 kW; 1.5l Diesel 40 kW ° 662091 0000 662091 0507 3) 662096 0568 662096 0595P ° 662096 0595T
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 90 Ø mm Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 90 Ø mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
662096 0568
662096 0595P
662096 0595T
662091 0507
Saxo VTR / VTS VTR 1.6l 65 kW, 1996=>; VTS 1.6l 87 kW, 1996=>; VTS 1.6l 16V 87 kW, 2001=> ° 124096 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, not for Model 01
° 124096 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
124096 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 90 Ø mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
124096 0595P 124096 0570
ZX, type N2 1.8l 74 kW, JUN1992=>; 1.9l 88 kW, JUL1991=>; 2.0l 89/112 kW, JUN1992=>; & Turbo Diesel 1) 126091 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
126091 0505
Xantia II, 1998=> 1.9l TD 66 kW; 2.1l TD 80 kW 1) 126598 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
Xsara, 3 & 5 door, 1997=> <=2002 (not facelift!) 1.4l 55 kW; 1.6l 65 kW; 1.8l 66/74/81 kW; 1.9l Diesel 50 kW; 1.9l TD 66 kW; 2.0l Diesel 66 kW, AUG2000=> ° 125097 0507
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
CITROËN Part no.
Xsara VTS, 3 & 5 door, 1998=> 2.0l 120 kW 126098 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Evasion, 1994=> 1.9l TD 66 kW; 2.0l 89 / 108 kW; 2.1l TD 80 kW; 2.0l HDI 80 kW, 2001=> ° 666201 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
C1, 2005=> 1.0l 50 kW Sport exhaust system consisting of: 121005 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
121005 098
0000 14M
0000 01
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 16
0000 83C
0000 83CS
C2, 2003=> C3, 2002=> 1.4l 54 kW; 1.6l 16V 80 kW; 1.4l HDI 50 kW
C2 VTS, 2005=> 1.6l 16V 90 kW 122603 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
C3 Pluriel, 2003=> 1.4l 54 kW; 1.6l 16V 80 kW ° 122503 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
CITROËN Part no.
C3 Facelift, 2009=> ATTENTION:The rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1.1l 44 kW; 1.4l VTi 70 kW; 1.6l VTi 88 kW 122510 0556
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
C3 Facelift, 2009=> ATTENTION: When mounting on 1.4l HDI & 1.6l HDI models, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.4l HDI 50 kW, 1.6l HDI 68 kW 125010 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
DS3, 2010=> ATTENTION:The rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.4l VTi 70 kW, 1.6l VTi 88 kW 122510 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
DS3, 2010=> ATTENTION: When mounting on 1.4l HDI & 1.6l HDI models, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.6l THP 115 kW (5FR); 1.4l HDI 50 kW, 1.6l HDI 68 kW
DS3 Racing, type S, 2011=> 1.6l 152 kW 125010 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
C4 Hatchback, 5doors, 2004=> 1.6l HDI 66 kW 666002 0588
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
666002 0588
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
CITROËN Part no.
DS4, type N, 2011=> 1.6l 82 kW (9HR); 1.6l 88 kW (HCB); 1.6l 147 kW (5FU) AD0154
Distance tube A7 for mounting on 1.6l 82/88 kW
125011 1504
Sport exhaust L/R with each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
125011 1504
C5 Sedan, 2001=> until production no. 94-26 ATTENTION: production no. Is found on A or B pillar near the door! Only for models with cone connection! 2.0l HDI 80 kW ° 126001 0588
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
C5 Break, 2001=> until production no. 94-26 ATTENTION: production no. Is found on A or B pillar near the door! Only for models with cone connection! 2.0l HDI 80 kW 126201 3502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
C5 Sedan, 2001=> ATTENTION: Only for models with cone connection! 2.2l HDI 16V 98 kW 126501 0588
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
C5 Sedan, MAR2001=> ATTENTION: Only for models with cone connection! 2.0l 16V 100 kW 126002 0588
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
C5 Sedan, 2001=> ATTENTION: Only for models with cone connection! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
3.0l V6 24V 152 kW 128002 0588
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ă&#x2DC; 84 mm Edition
DAEWOO / CHEVROLET Espero Sedan, 4 doors, 1995=>& Mod. 1997 2.0l 77 kW 1) 166097 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Nubira, 4 door, 1997=> 1.6l 78 kW; 2.0l 98 kW 1) 164597 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
DAIHATSU Sirion, 1998=> 1.0l 40 kW 1) 141098 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Sirion, 2000=> 1.3l 75 kW 142000 0507
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Charade Classic Sedan 1.5i 16V 66 kW 1) 142595 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
FERRARI 348, type F119D 221 kW 198091 0596R
Sport exhaust electro-polished with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm, without homologation
199095 0564R
Sport exhaust electro-polished with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm RACING-Look, without homologation
355 3.5l 280 kW
360 Modena F131, 2000=> 3.6l 294 kW 199003 1578
Sport exhaust electro-polished with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed, without homologation
F430 / F430 Spider 4.3l 360 kW 199006 0500
Sport exhaust without tail pipes, suitable for orignal tail pipes, without homologation
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
FIAT Part no.
FIAT The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
500, type 312, 2007=> 1.2l 51 kW (169A4000) 182507 0514S
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm angled
182507 0554
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 70mm staggered
° 184007 1514SS
Sport exhaust with L/R 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm angled (no homologation for 1.2l 51 kW)
182507 0514S
182507 0554
184007 1514SS
500, type 312, 2007=> 1.4l 74 kW (169A3000); 1.3l JTD Multijet 55 kW (169A1000) 184007 0000 ° 184007 0300 184007 0554 ° 184007 1514SS
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer Front silencer Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm staggered Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm angled
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
184007 0000
184007 0300
184007 0554
184007 1514SS
500 Abarth, 2010=> 1.4l 99 kW
500 Abarth Esseesse, 2010=> 1.4l 118 kW 182510 1598C
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
FIAT Part no.
Seicento, type 187, 1998=> 0.9l 29 kW; 1.1l 40 kW; 1.1l 40 kW Sport ° 181098 0000 181098 0531
Connection tube for mounting on 0.9l model
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 82x67 mm
Race tr ack Tested
181098 0531
Panda, type 169, 2003=> 1.1l 40 kW; 1.2l 44 kW 182004 0541
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm angled
Punto, type 176 incl. Cabrio 1.1l 40 kW (only in combination with 192093 0300); 1.2l 43/44/54 kW; 1.6l 65 kW; 1.3l 16V 63 kW, 1997=> ° 182093 0300
Front silencer
° 182093 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
182093 0570
Punto 1.7l TDS 51 kW 1) 184594 0300 184594 0570
Front silencer Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
Punto GT Turbo 1.4l 96 kW, SEP1997=>; 1.4l GT Turbo 98 kW, 1993=> 185093 0300
Front silencer
185093 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
FIAT Part no.
Punto, type 188, 1999=> 1.2l 44 kW, 2002=>; 1.2l 44 kW; 1.2l 59 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
° 182099 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
° 182099 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
182099 0584C 182099 0506
Punto, type 188, 1999=> 1.8l HGT 96 kW; 1.9l JTD 59 kW; 1.9l JTD 63 kW, 2005=> 3)° 185099 0568
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
185099 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
185099 0568 185099 0540P
Grande Punto Hatchback, type 199A 3 & 5 door, 2005=> 1.3l JTD MJT 55 kW; 1.3l 16V JTD MJT 66 kW; 1.9l JTD MJT 91 kW; 1.4l T-Jet 88 kW (198A4000) AD0035
Distance tube F1 for mounting on 1.3l JTD MJT 55 kW model
° 186507 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, only for 1.4l T-Jet models
186505 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, only for 1.9l JTD models
Sport exhaust system consisting of: 186505 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
186505 098
0000 16
0000 70
100 % Stainless steel
0000 78
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
FIAT Part no.
Grande Punto Hatchback, 3 and 5 door, 2005=> Grande Punto Facelift Hatchback, 3 and 5 door, 2009=> 1.2l 48 kW; 1.4l 55 kW
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 186505 099
Race tr ack Tested
PowerSound Sport exhaus system with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 186505 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0010 98C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0010 70
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
186505 099
0000 16
0000 70
0000 78
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
186505 199
Tipo 2.0l 16V 107 kW 1) 186090 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Bravo, 1995=> 1.4l 55/59 kW 1) 182596 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
182596 0532 Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
FIAT Part no.
Bravo, type 198, 2007=> 1.4l 16V T-Jet 88 kW (198A4000) 185001 0532
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
° 185001 1588
Race tr ack Tested
185001 0596P
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes 90 Ø mm
185001 0532
185001 1588
185001 0596P
Brava, 1995=> 1.4l 12V 55 kW; 1.4l 12V 59 kW; 1.9l Diesel 48 kW AD0029
Distance tube B for mounting on 1.9l Diesel model
186096 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
Stilo, type 192, 3 & 5 door, 2001=> 1.2l 59 kW; 1.6l 76 kW; 1.8l 98 kW, 2002=>; 2.4l 125 kW ° 185002 9999 185001 0532 ° 185001 1588 185001 0596P
Mounting kit for 1.2l 59 kW model Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes 90 Ø mm
185001 1588
185001 0596P
185001 0532
Ulysse 2.0l 89 / 108 kW; 1.9l TD 66 kW; 2.1l TD 80 kW; 2.0l HDI 80 kW, 2001=> ° 666201 0506
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
FIAT / FORD Part no.
Barchetta, 1995=> 1.8l 96 kW 185095 0300
Front silencer
185095 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
(front silencer & Sport exhaust only fits as a complete system!) complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
185095 0532
185095 0300
FORD Ka, 1996=> 1.3l 37 / 44 kW ° 202097 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Ka II, 2009=> 1.2l Duratec 51 kW (AAAA) 182507 0514S
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm angled
182507 0554
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 70mm staggered
° 184007 1514SS
Sport exhaust with L/R 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm angled (no homologation for 1.2l 51 kW)
182507 0514S
182507 0554
184007 1514SS
Ka II, 2009=> 1.3l TDCi 55 kW 184007 0554 ° 184007 1514SS
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm staggered Sport exhaust with L/R 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm angled
184007 0554
184007 1514SS
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Race tr ack Tested
FORD Part no.
Fiesta, MK4, 1996=> Fiesta, facelift MK5, type: JAS/JBS, OCT1999=> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
1.25l 55 kW; 1.3l 37 kW; 1.3l 44 kW; 1.8l Diesel 44 kW ° 202096 0503
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 76 mm
Fiesta, MK6 type JH1/JD3, 2002=> 1.2l 55 kW; 1.3l 8V 51 kW; 1.4l 16V 59 kW; 1.6l 16V 74 kW AD0031
Distance tube J for mounting on 1.3l model
204002 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
Fiesta, Sport ST150 MK6, type JD3, 2004=> 2.0l 110 kW ° 206505 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Fiesta, MK7, type JA8, 3 & 5 door, 2009=> 1.25l Duratec 60 kW (SNJA) 202009 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Fiesta, MK7 Sport, type JA8, 2009=> 1.6l TI-VCT Duratec 88 kW (HXJA) 204009 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
204009 0584C
Fusion, type JU2, 2002=> 1.4l 16V 59 kW; 1.6l 16V 74 kW 202702 0532
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
FORD Part no.
Fusion, type JU2, 2002=> 1.4l TDI 50 kW ° 202602 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Escort 3 & 5 door incl. Cabrio 1.8l 77 kW type GAL incl. cabrio type ALL, 1994=>; 1.8l 85 kW type AAL/ABL inkl. cabrio type ALL, DEC1995=>; 1.8l TD 66 kW type AAL/ABL incl. cabrio type ALL, DEC1996=> (only rear muffler!) RS2000, type GAL, 1994=> 2.0l 110 kW BUEGEL E
Bracket E for mounting front silencer on the RS2000
° 205092 0300
front silencer
° 205092 0541
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm angled
205092 0300
205092 0541
Escort Estate 1.6l 65/66 kW type GAL ab AUG1992=>; 1.6l 65/66 kW type ANL, DEC1995=>; 1.8l 77 kW type GAL, JAN1992=>; 1.8l 85 kW type ANL, OCT1997=> ° 205092 0300 205092 2501
front silencer Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
205092 0300
205092 2501
Focus Fastback, type DAW/DBW, OCT1998=> 1.4l 55 kW; 1.6l 74 kW; 1.8l 85 kW; 2.0l 96 kW; 1.8l TD 66 kW <=OCT2000 AD0053
Distance tube for mounting on 1.4l model
Distance tube for mounting on 1.6l model
206598 0300
Front silencer (only for 1.4l 55 kW, 1.6l 74 kW)
° 206598 0501 206598 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 90 Ø mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
206598 0501
206598 0595P
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
FORD Part no.
Focus Fastback, type DAW/DBW, OCT1998=> 1.4l 55 kW; 1.6l 74 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Distance tube V1 for mounting on 1.4l model
206598 6598KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm "REMUS 65"
Focus Fastback, type DAW/DBW, OCT1998=> 1.8l 85 kW; 2.0l 96 kW AD0007 ° 207098 6598KR
Distance tube U for mounting on 1.8l model REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm "REMUS 65"
Focus Fastback, OCT2000=> 1.8l TDCI 85 kW, 2001=>; 1.8l TD 66 kW, OCT2000=> ° 206501 0601
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Focus RS, type DBY, 2003=> 2.0l 158 kW 206003 0570TD
Main silencer & Connection tube with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
Focus II Hatchback, 2004=> 1.4l 59 kW; 1.6l 74/85 kW; 2.0l 107 kW; 1.6l TDCi 66/80 kW AD0016
Distance tube H for mounting on 1.4l 59 kW model
Distance tube W1 for mounting on 1.6l 74/85 kW model
° 204004 0601
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Focus II ST Hatchback, 3 door, 2006=> 2.5l 166 kW ° 205005 1570F
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
205005 1570F
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
FORD Part no.
Focus II Facelift Hatchback, type DA3, 2008=> 1.4l 59 kW (ASDA); 1.6l 74 kW (SHDA) ° 206308 0500
Main silencer
° 206508 0604
Connection tube left with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R ° 206308 0500 206508 1604
Main silencer Connection tube L/R with each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm (Main silencer & Connection tube only fits as a complete system)
206308 0500
206508 0604
206508 1604
Focus II Facelift Hatchback, type DA3, 2008=> 1.6l TDCI 66 kW (HHDA); 1.6l TDCI 74 kW (G8DC/MTDA); 2.0l TDCI 81 kW (EXDA); 2.0l TDCI 100 kW (G6DD/G6DB/G6DG) 206008 0000
Connection tube for mounting on 1.6l TDCI engine necessary!
206508 0500
Main silencer
° 206508 0604
Connection tube left with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R 206008 0000
Connection tube for mounting on 1.6l TDCI model
206508 0500
Main silencer
206508 1604
Connection tube L/R with each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm (Main silencer & Connection tube only fits as a complete system)
206508 0604
206508 1604
206508 0500
Focus II RS, type DA3, 2009=> ATTENTION: fitment only possible in combination with front silencer or Racing tube! 2.5l Duratec 224 kW (JZDA) REMUS Cat-Back-System 207010 0000
Racing tube Ø 70 mm instead of front silencer, without homologation
207010 0300
front silencer Ø 70 mm
207010 1585S
Sport exhaust Ø 70 mm centered with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 127 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
207010 0000
207010 1585S
207010 0300
Mondeo 93, 1995=> 1.8l TD 65 kW 1) 205595 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
FORD Part no.
Mondeo 97 Sedan, 1997=> 1.8l TD 66 kW type BAP, BFP The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1) 205597 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Mondeo 93 & 97 Sedan (right side outlet) 2.0l 16V 97/ 100 kW type BAP, BFP, GBP; 2.0l 16V 96 kW type BAP, BFP, Mod. 1997=>; 2.0l 16V 96 kW type BAP, BFP, AUG1997=> 1) 205593 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R 205593 0000
Connection tube
205593 0507L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
205593 0507R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm (Sport exhaust L/R & Connection tube only fits as a complete system!)
205593 0501
205593 0000
205593 0507L
205593 0507R
Mondeo 01 Sedan, type B5Y, 2007=> ATTENTION: the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 2.0l TDCi 85 kW Sport exhaust system consisting of: 206006 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
1003 05G
2 Diesel tail pipes Ø 90 mm straight with emission exit downwards
1) 1003 78
2 Diesel tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed with emission exit downwards
0003 78
0003 04
1003 05G
0003 04
1003 05G
206006 098
Mondeo 07 Sedan / Fastback / Estate, type BA7, 2007=> 1.8l TDCi 74 kW (FFBA); 2.0l TDCi 96 kW (AZBA); 2.0l TDCI 103 kW (QXBA) Sport exhaust system consisting of: 205007 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
1003 05G
2 Diesel tail pipes Ø 90 mm straight with emission exit downwards
1) 1003 78
2 Diesel tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed with emission exit downwards
205007 098
100 % Stainless steel
0003 78
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
FORD Part no.
Mondeo 07 Estate, type BA7, 2007=> S-Max, 2007=> ATTENTION: Ford Mondeo IV Estate - the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template!
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
2.5l Turbo 162 kW (HUWA) 207007 0570L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
207007 0570R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
Race tr ack Tested
(L/R only fits as a complete system!)
207007 0570L
207007 0570R
C-Max, 2004=> 2.0l TDCi 100 kW 205004 0512
Main silencer with Connection tube & 1 tail pipe 120x74 mm
Galaxy ATTENTION: only for models without outlet in rear skirt! 2.0l 85 kW, JAN1996=>; 2.3l 107 kW, 1997=>; 2.8l VR6 128 kW, JAN1996=>; 1.9l TDI 66 kW, JAN1996=>; 1.9l TDII 81 kW, 1997=>; 1.9l TDI 85 kW, 2001=> 955001 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
Puma, SEP1997=> 1.7l 92 kW 204097 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Puma, 1998=> 1.4l 66 kW ° 202598 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Cougar, type BCV, 1998=> 2.0l 96 kW (EBDA); 2.5l V6 125 kW (LCBA) ° 207098 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
HONDA Part no.
HONDA The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Civic, type ED7 1.6l 80 kW, NOV 1987=>; 1.6l 81 kW, NOV 1989=>
Civic CRX 16V type ED9 3 door 91 kW, JUN 1988; 96 kW, NOV 1987=> 254088 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Civic, 3 door, SEP1991=> ATTENTION: using twin tail pipes, the rear skirt must be cut! 253092 8598(B) is only homologated together with front silencer 253092 0300! ATTENTION: when mounting 253092 8598(B), the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1300 DX type EG3 55 kW; 1500 GTI type EG4 66 kW; 1500 LSI type EG4 66 kW; 1500 VEI type EG4 66 kW; 1600 ESI type EG5 92 kW; 1.4i 55 kW type EJ9 Mod. 96; 1.4iS 66 kW type EJ9 Mod. 96; 1.5i VTEC 84 kW type EK3 Mod. 96 253096 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
° 253092 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
253092 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
253092 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
° 253092 0300
Front silencer, only for 1.5l 66kW EG4
253092 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled, only for 1.5l 66 kW EG4
° 253092 8598B
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled "burned", only for 1.5l 66 kW EG4
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
253096 0505
253092 0584C
253092 0502
253092 0540P
253092 8598
253092 0300
253092 8598B
Civic, 4 door, SEP1991=> 1500 LSI/AT type EG8 66 kW; 1600 ESI type EH9 92 kW
Civic Coupé type EJ1 1.6l 92 kW, 1994=>; type EJ1 / EJ2 1.5l 74kW, 1994=>; type EJ6 1.6i 77 kW, 1996=>; type EJ9 1.4iS 66 kW Mod. 96; type EK3 1.5i VTEC 84 kW Mod. 96 ATTENTION: when fitting twin tail pipes the rear skirt must be cut! 253094 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
253094 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled, only EJ1/EJ2, EG8, EJ9
253094 8598 253094 0502
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
HONDA Part no.
Civic, type EG9, 4 door, SEP1991=> <=1995 1.6l VTI 118 kW 255092 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Civic CRX Coupé, type EH6, APR1992=> 1.6l 92 kW 254092 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Civic, 5 door 1.4l 66 kW type MA8; 1.4is 66 kW type MA8; 1.4i 55 kW type MP2, 1997=>; 1.5l VTEC 66 kW type MA9; 1.5i VTEC 84 kW type MP3; 1.6l 83 kW type MB1 ° 254095 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Civic, 3 & 5 door, 2002=> type EU7 5doors 1.4l 66 kW; type EP1 3doors 1.4l 66 kW; type EU8 5doors 1.6l 81 kW 254002 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Civic type-R, type EP3, 3 door, 2002=> 2.0i 147 kW ° 256002 0502 256002 8598 ° 256002 8598B
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled "burned"
256002 8598
256002 8598B
256002 0502
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
HONDA Part no.
Civic type-R, FN2, 2007=> 2.0l 148 kW (K20Z4) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
255007 198
Sport exhaust without tail pipes, fits on original tail pipes
Race tr ack Tested
Civic, 2006=> ATTENTION: When mounting on 1.4l i-DSI models, the original Honda chrome tail pipes have to be used ( 18310-SMG-E02 & 18320-SMG-E02). Additionally the mounting kit 254006 9999 has to be used! 1.4l i-DSI 61 kW type FK1; 1.8l i-VTEC 103 kW type FK2
Civic type S, 2008=> 1.8l i-VTEC 103 kW type FN1 254006 9999
Hardware set for mounting on 1.4l i-DSI model
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 254006 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
254006 9999 254006 199
Accord, type CG8, 1999=> type CG8 1.8i ES 100 kW; type CG9 2.0i ES 108 kW 255099 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Legend, type KA7/KA8, 1991=> 3.2l V6 151 kW 1) 258090 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
258090 0502
Legend V6, 1997=> 3.5l V6 151 kW 1) 258097 0502
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
HONDA Part no.
Shuttle, 1995=> 2.2i ES 110 kW 1) 256395 0549
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm angled
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Integra type-R, DC2, NOV1997=> 1.8l 140 kW ° 255098 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
S2000, 1999=> 2.0l 177 kW ° 258599 0300
Front silencer
° 258599 0580TDL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 115 mm Turbo Design
° 258599 0580TDR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 115 mm Turbo Design
(front silencer & Sport exhaust only fits as a complete system!) complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
258599 0580TDL
258599 0580TDR
CR-V, 2007=> 2.0l i-VTEC 110 kW type RE5 (R20A2); 2.2l i-CTDi 103 kW type RE6 (N22A2) 252007 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102mm
CR-Z, type ZF1, 2010=> 1.5l Hybrid 84 kW (LEA1-1002161) REMUS Cat-Back-System 253011 6584C
Connection tube (instead of front silencer) & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
HUMMER The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Hummer H1 6.0l V8 TDI 151 kW ° 269503 0500
Sport exhaust with tube
Hummer H2, 2004=> 5.9l 237 kW ° 269506 1515M
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes 142x72 mm, without homologation
HYUNDAI Getz, 2003=> 1.1l 46 kW; 1.3l 60 kW; 1.5l CRDi 60 kW, 2005=>
Getz facelift, 2007=> 1.1l 49 kW; 1.4l 74 kW; 1.5l CRDi 65 kW ° 282007 0532 282007 8598
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled, not for Diesel
282007 8598
Elantra, type XD, 2002=> 1.6l 66 kW ° 284102 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Accent, 1999=> 3 & 5 door 1.3l 55 kW 2000=>; Hatchback type LC 1.5l CRDi 60 kW, 1999=> ° 282000 0502
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
HYUNDAI Part no.
Accent, 2007=> 1.4l 16V 71 kW ° 283007 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Tiburon Coupé, 1996=> 2.0l 102 kW ° 286096 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Tiburon Coupé, type CF11, 1999=> 2.0l 102 kW ° 286099 0570F
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
i30 Hatchback, type FDH, 2011=> 1.4l CVVT 77 kW (G4F4) 365007 0533
Main silencer with Connection tube with 1 tail pipe 102x68 mm
iX35, FWD & AWD, 2010=> 2.0l CVVT 120 kW, 1.6l GDI 99 kW, 2.0l CRDI 100 kW 286011 1584C
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Veloster Coupé, 3 door, 2011=> 1.6l 103 kW (G4FD) 284011 0700
Sport exhaust (fits onto the original skirt integrated tail pipes)
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Genesis Coupé, type BK20/BK38, 2011=> 2.0l 156 kW (G4KF); 3.8l V6 224 kW (G6DA) REMUS Cat-Back-System
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
287011 0000
Cat-Back Connection tube for mounting on 2.0l 156 kW
289011 0000
Cat-Back Connection tube for mounting on 3.8l V6 224 kW
289011 1584C
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84/98 mm Street Race
(Sport exhaust & Connection tube only fits as a complete system!)
289011 1584C
JAGUAR XK Coupé & Cabrio, 2006=> 4.2l 219 kW 339106 1572TD
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
KIA Sorento, type JC 5 door, 2002=> 2.5l CRDi 103/125 kW 1) 367002 0602
Connection tube with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Cee'd, Hatchback, 2007=> 1.4l 16V 77 kW (G4FA) 365007 0533
Sport exhaust with connection tube with 1 tail pipe 102x68 mm
Cee'd, Hatchback, 2007=> 1.6l CRDi 66 kW (D4FB) 365207 0533
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with connection tube with 1 tail pipe 102x68 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Sportage, FWD & 4WD, 2010=> 2.0l CVVT 120 kW, 1.6l GDI 99 kW, 2.0l CRDI 100 kW 286011 1584C
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
LANCIA Z, type 220, MAR1995=> 2.0l 108 kW; 2.1l TD 80 kW, 1997=> ° 666201 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
LAND ROVER Range Rover Sport, 2005=> ATTENTION: When mounting on 2.7l Td V6 use 2 x AD0082! 4.2l V8 287 kW; 2.7l Td V6 140 kW; 3.6l Td V8 200 kW AD0082
Distance tube X5 for mounting on 2.7l TdV6 (2x necessary)
1) 709105 0300
Front silencer for 4.2l V8, without homologation
709105 0580TDL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 115 mm Turbo Design
709105 0580TDR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 115 mm Turbo Design
709105 0598CL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
709105 0598CR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
(Sport exhaust L/R only fits as a complete system! For 2.7l TdV6 additional 2x Distance tube X5)
709105 0598CL
709105 0580TDL
709105 0598CR
709105 0580TDR
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
LEXUS The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
GS 300 3.0l 156 kW 1) 909094 0541L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm angled
1) 909094 0541R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
909094 0541R
909094 0541L
LS 400 4.0l V8 180 kW 1) 909093 0542L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
1) 909093 0542R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
909093 0542L
909093 0542R
LOTUS Lotus 300 Sport, 1994=> 1) 416094 0509R
Sport exhaust electro-polished with L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm, without homologation
MAZDA 2, 2007=> 1.3l 16V 63 kW (ZJ); 1.5l 16V 76 kW (ZY) PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 453007 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
453007 099 >>>>>>>>>> 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
MAZDA Part no.
>>>>>>>>>> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
0000 16
0000 70
0000 78
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
Demio 1.3l 46/53 kW, 1998=>; 1.5l 75 kW, 2000=> 453000 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
323F, 5 door, type BG 323 Hatchback, 3 door, type BG 1.3l 49/54 kW; 1.6l 62/63kW, AUG1989=>; 1.6l 65 kW, JUL1991=>; 1.8l 76/92 kW, AUG1989=> ° 454091 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
323C, 3 door, 1994=> 1.8l 84 kW 1) 456095 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
323, type BA 323P 1.3l 54 kW; 323P 1.5l 65 kW, 1997=>; 323F 5 door 1.5l 65 kW, 1994=>; 323C 1.5l 65 kW, 1994=> ATTENTION: 323C 3 door => the rear skirt must be cut! 453097 0542 ° 453097 0540P
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 140x72 mm
453097 0540P 453097 0542
323F, type BA, 5 door, 1994=> 1.8l 84 kW ° 455094 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
455094 0542 Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Race tr ack Tested
MAZDA Part no.
323F, type BJ, 1998=> 1.3l 54 kW; 1.3i 16V 53 kW, 2001=>; 1.5l 65 kW; 1.6i 16V 70/72/73,5 kW, 2001=>; 1.8l 84 kW; 2.0l DITD 66 kW, 1999=>; 2.0l DITD 74 kW, 2001=> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
453098 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Race tr ack Tested
323 Sedan, 1998=>, type BJ, 1999=> 1.3l 54 kW; 1.3i 16V 53 kW, 2001=>; 1.5l 65 kW; 1.6i 16V 70/72/73,5 kW, 2001=>; 1.8l 84 kW type BJ; 2.0l DITD 66 kW type BJ, 1999=>; 2.0l DITD 74 kW, 2001=> 1) 453598 3502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
3, (3/4/5 door), 2003=> 1.3l 62 kW; 1.4l 59 kW; 1.6l 77 kW; 2.0l 110 kW 456003 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm, for original bumper
3, (3/4/5 door), 2004=> 1.6l CD 80 kW ° 456004 0570 456204 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm, for original bumper Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm, for Sport bumper
456204 0570
3 Facelift, (3/4/5door) (Chassis No. ******261962), 2006=> 1.6l 62/77 kW; 2.0l 110 kW 456305 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm, not for Sport bumper
3 MPS, type BK, Hatchback, 2007=> 2.3l 191 kW, L3 ° 456208 0514SS
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm angled
456208 0514SS 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
MAZDA Part no.
Premacy 1.8l 74 kW, 1999=>; 1.8l 84 kW, 1999=>; Facelift 1.8i 74 kW, 2001=>; Facelift 2.0l DiTD 74 kW, 2001=> 453098 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
5, 2006=> 2.0l CD 81 kW 456006 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
626, 1992=> incl. 1996 1.8l 77 kW; 2.0l 85 kW 4 & 5 door; 2.5l V6 121 kW 5 door ° 456092 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
626 type GF Fastback & Sedan, 1997=> 1.8l 66 kW; 2.0l 85 kW; 2.0l 100 kW; 2.0l DITD 80 kW, 2001=> 456097 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
456097 0501
6 Sedan & Hatchback, 2002=> 2.3l 16V 122 kW ° 456502 0505L 456502 0505R
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
456502 0505L
456502 0505R
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
MAZDA Part no.
6 Sedan & Hatchback, type GG, 2002=> 1.8i 88 kW; 2.0i 103 kW; 2.0l Diesel 88/100 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
456502 0505R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R 456502 0000 ° 456502 0505L 456502 0505R
Y-tube for mounting the left side of L/R system Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm (only in Connection with Y-tube) Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm (Y-tube & Sport exhaust L/R only fits as a complete system!)
456502 0000
456502 0505L
456502 0505R
6 Wagon, type GY, 2002=> 1.8i 88 kW; 2.0i 103 kW; 2.0l Diesel 88/100 kW ° 456502 3505R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
456502 3505R
6 Facelift Sedan & Hatchback, type GG1, 2005=> 2.0i 108 kW; 2.3l 16V 122 kW 456505 0505L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
456505 0505R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
456505 0505R
456505 0505L
6 Facelift Sedan & Hatchback, type GG1, 2005=> 1.8i 88 kW; 2.0l Diesel 89/105 kW 456505 0505R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R 456502 0000
Y-tube for mounting the left side for L/R-system
456505 0505L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm (only in Connection with Y-tube)
456505 0505R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm (Y-tube & Sport exhaust L/R only fits as a complete system!)
456502 0000
100 % Stainless steel
456505 0505L
456505 0505R
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
MAZDA Part no.
6 MPS Sedan, type CG, 2005=> 2.3l 191 kW ° 457005 0700
Silencer system from cat. back (Oversize System Ø 65 mm), consisting of: front tube, Y-tube,
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Silencer left & right with oval outlet - fitted within original bumper
Race tr ack Tested
6 Sedan & Hatchback, type GH, 2007=> 1.8l 88 kW 456508 0570R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R 456508 0000
Y-tube for mounting the left side for L/R-system
456508 0570L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm (only in Connection with Y-tube)
456508 0570R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm (Y-tube & Sport exhaust L/R only fits as a complete system!)
456508 0000
456508 0505L
456508 0505R
6 Sedan & Hatchback, type GH, 2007=> 2.0l 108 kW (LF); 2.5l GTA 125 kW 456508 0570L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
456508 0570R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
456508 0570L
456508 0570R
6 Sedan & Hatchback, type GH, 2007=> 6 Sedan & Hatchback Facelift type GH, 2010=> 2.0l CD 103 kW; 2.2l CD 136 kW; 2.2l CD 95 kW; 2.2l CD 120 kW; 2.2l CD 132 kW 455008 0570R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm (not for 2.2l CD 136 kW)
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R ° 455008 0000
Y-tube for mounting the left side for Sport exhaust L/R (not for 2.2l CD 136 kW)
455008 0570L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
455008 0570R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm (Y-tube & Sport exhaust L/R only fits as a complete system!)
455008 0505L
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
456508 0505R
100 % Stainless steel
MAZDA Part no.
6 Wagon, type GH, 2007=> 6 Wagon Facelift, type GH, 2010=> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
2.0l CD 103 kW; 2.2l CD 136 kW; 2.2l CD 95 kW; 2.2l CD 120 kW; 2.2l CD 132 kW ° 455008 3570R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm (not for 2.2l CD)
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R ° 455008 0000
Y-tube for mounting the left side for Sport exhaust L/R (not for 2.2l CD)
° 455008 3570L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
° 455008 3570R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm (Y-tube & Sport exhaust L/R only fits as a complete system!)
455008 3570L
455008 3570R
MX-3, SEP1991=> incl. 1993 1.6l type EC 65 kW; 1.8l V6 type EC 98 kW ° 454091 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
MX-5, type NA 1.5l 66 kW, 1995=>; 1.6l 85 kW, JUN1990=>; 1.8l 96 kW, 1993=>
MX-5, 1997=> 1.6l 66 kW; 1.8l 96 KW 454090 0000
Connection tube for mounting on type NA
454097 0000
Connection tube for mounting on models up to and incl. 1997
454097 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
454090 0000
454097 0501
MX-5, type NB, 1998=> 1.6l 81 kW; 1.8l 103 kW; 1.8l 107 kW 455098 0507
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
MX-5, type NC1, 2005=> ATTENTION: when fitting tail pipes 0010 14M / 0010 16 the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.8l 93 kW; 2.0l 118 kW
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 456005 199
Race tr ack Tested
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 142x72 mm
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 01
0010 05G
0010 83C
0010 83CS
0010 70
0010 98C
0010 14M
456005 199
RX8, 2003=> 1.3l 170 kW 452003 1598C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
CX-7, 2008=> 2.3l DISI 191 kW (L3) Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: ° 457008 198
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 70
tail pipe set L/R with each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0010 98C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
457008 198
MERCEDES A-Class W168 long & short wheelbase ATTENTION: can only be fitted in combination with connection tube! A140 1.4l 60 kW, OCT1997=>; A160 1.6l 75 kW, OCT1997=>; A170 1.7l CDI 66 kW, 1998=>; A190 1.9l 92 kW, 1999=> ° 503098 0000
Connection tube for mounting on short wheel base
° 503001 0000
Connection tube for mounting on long wheel base
° 503098 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
1) 503998 0505RC
Highly polished RACING-Silencer with 1 tail pipe Ø 90mm "REMUS RACING", without homologation
503098 0532
503998 0505RC
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
A-Class W169 A170 1.7l 85 kW, 2004=>; A200 2.0l 100 kW, 2004=> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
° 506004 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Race tr ack Tested
A-Class W169 A150 1.5l 70 kW, 2004=>; A160CDI 2.0l CDI 60 kW, 2004=>; A180CDI 2.0l CDI 80 kW, 2004=>; A200CDI 2.0l CDI 103 kW, 2004=> ° 506104 0607
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
B-Class W245 B180CDI 2.0l CDI 80 kW, 2005=>; B200CDI 2.0l CDI 103 kW, 2005=> 506105 0607
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
190E W201 1.8l 80 kW, OCT1989=>; 2.0l 83 kW, FEB1985=>; 2.0l 85 kW, FEB1985=>; 2.0l 87 kW, JUL1985=> <=DEC1990; 2.0l 90 kW, AUG1982=> <=DEC1990; 2.3l 97 kW, JUL1986=> <=DEC1990; 2.3l 100 kW, JUL1986=> <=DEC1990 506082 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
190E W201 2.0l 90 kW, DEC1990=>; 2.3l 100 kW, DEC1990=>; from Chassis no. 1A611777 oder 1F815882; 2.6l 118 kW, JUL1986=>; 2.6l 122 kW, JUL1986=>; 2.5l TD 93 kW, NOV1987=> 506091 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
C-Class W202 Sedan & Estate, MAR1993=> incl. Mod. 98 ATTENTION: use AD0047 when mounting on C180/C200/C200D/C220D, JUN1997=> C180 89/90 kW; C200 100/120 kW; C220 110 kW; C200 Diesel 55 kW; C220 Diesel 70 kW; C250 Diesel 83/110 kW; C230 110 kW; C230 compressor 142 kW; C240 V6 2.4l 125 kW, JUN1997=>; C280 6 Zyl. 142 kW; C280 2.8l 145 kW, JUN1997=> AD0047
Distance tube R1 for mounting on C180/C200/C200D/C220D models from 06/1997
509097 0548
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
509097 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
509097 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
509097 0548 100 % Stainless steel
509097 0540P
509097 0586P
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
C-Class W203 Sedan & Estate C180 2.0l 95 kW, 2001=>; C200 2.0l compressor 120 kW, 2000=>; C200 1.8l compressor 120 kW, 2002=>; C200CGI 1.8l CGI 125 kW, 2004=>; C220CDI 2.2l CDI 100/105 kW, 2000=>; C200CDI 2.2l CDI 85/90 kW; C220CDI 2.2l CDI 105 kW; C180K 1.8l Kompr. 105 kW; C230K 1.8l Kompr. 141 kW AD0014
Distance tube Z for mounting the Sport exhaust on original front silencer
506000 0000
Connection tube for mounting on diesel models (no Distance tube Z necessary)
° 506000 0300 506000 0506 ° 506000 0548
Race tr ack Tested
Front silencer (not for C180 / C180K models) Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
506000 0548 506000 0506
C-Class W203 Sedan & Estate C240 2.6l 125 kW, 2000=>; C320 3.2l 160 kW, 2000=>; C270CDI 2.7l CDI 125 kW, 2001=>; C240 2.6l 120 / 125 kW; C270CDI 2.7l CDI 120 / 125 kW; C320CDI 3.0l CDI 165 kW 1) 508100 0300 ° 508100 0548
front silencer, not for Diesel Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
508100 0548
C-Class W203CL C180 Coupé 2.0l 95 kW, 2001=>; C200 Coupé 2.0l compressor 120 kW, 2001=>; C230 Coupé 2.3l compressor 141 kW, 2001=> (without homologation); C220 Coupé 2.2l CDI 105 kW, 2001=> ° 506001 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
C-Class W204 Sedan, 2007=> C-Class W204 facelift Sedan, 2010=> C200K 1.8l compressor 135 kW; C180 CDI 2.2l 88 kW; C200 CDI 2.2l 100 kW; C220CDI 2.2l CDI 125 kW; C250 CDI 2.2l 150 kW; 506507 0517
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 138x90 angled, rolled, embossed
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
C-Class W204 Sedan, 2007=> C-Class W204 facelift Sedan, 2010=> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
C230 2.5l 150 kW; C230 4matic 2.5l 150 kW; C280/C300 3.0l 170 kW; C280/C300 4matic 3.0l 170 kW; C350 3.5l 200 kW; C350 4matic 3.5l 200 kW; C350 CGI 3.5l 215 kW; C320 CDI 3.0l 165 kW; C320 CDI 4matic 3.0l 165 kW; C350 CDI 4matic 3.0l 170 kW 509007 0517L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe 138x90 mm angled, rolled, embossed
509007 0517R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe 138x90 mm angled rolled, embossed (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
509007 0517L
509007 0517R
E-Class W124 200E 2.0l 87 kW, JUN1989=>; 200CE Coupé 2.0l 87 kW, JUN1989=>; 230E 2.3l 97 kW, JUN1989=>; 230CE Coupé 2.3l 97 kW, JUN1989=> ° 506085 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
E-Class W124 Estate 200TE 2.0l 87 kW; 220TE 110 kW, 1993=>; 280TE 145 kW, 1993=>; 220TE 110 kW, 1994=>; 300TE 132 kW; 300TE 24V 162 kW; 320TE 162 kW, 1993=> AD0047
Distance tube R1 for models with Connection Ø 50 mm
506585 0000
Connection tube for 220TE/280TE/300TE/320TE from 1993
° 508091 0501
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm (Connection tube for mounting necessary!)
508091 0501
E-Class W124 ATTENTION: fits on original rear skirt without modification! 220CE Coupé 2.2l 110 kW ab Mod. 94; 200CE Cabrio 2.0l 100 kW ab Mod. 94 ° 506594 0548
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
E-Class W210 Sedan E320 V6 3.2l 165 kW, 1997=>; E280 V6 2.8l 150 kW, 1997=>; E430 V8 4.3l 205 kW, 1997=> ° 508597 0542
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
E-Class W211 Sedan & Estate E220 CDI 2.2l CDI 110 kW, 2002=>; E220 CDI 2.2l CDI 100 kW, NOV2001=> ° 506203 0509M
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm with flat, angled, rolling
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
E-Class W211 Sedan & Estate E200 compressor 1.8l 120 kW, NOV2001=>; E240 2.6l 120/130 kW, 2002=>; E240 4matic 2.6l 120/130 kW, NOV2001=>; E280 3.0l 170 kW, 2005=>; E320 3.2l 165 kW, 2002=>; E320 4matic 3.2l 165 kW, NOV2001=>; E350 3.5l 200 kW, 2005=>; E500 5.0l 225 kW, 2002=>; E500 4matic 5.0l 225 kW, NOV2001=>; E270CDI 2.7l CDI 120 / 130 kW, 2002=>; E280 CDI 3.2l 130 kW, NOV2001=>; E280 CDI 3.0l CDI 140 kW, 2005=>; E320 CDI 3.2l CDI 150 kW, 2002=>; E320 CDI 3.0l CDI 165 kW, 2005=>; E400 CDI 4.0l 191 kW, NOV2001=> 509502 0509ML
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm with flat, angled rolling
509502 0509MR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm with flat, angled rolling (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
509502 0509ML
509502 0509MR
E-Class type 212 E350 CGI Blue Efficiency 3.5l 215 kW (272983); E350 3.5l 200 kW (272980); E350 4matic 3.5l 200 kW (272977); E500 5.5l 285 kW (273971); E500 4matic 5.5l 285 kW (273971); E350 CDI 3.0l CDI 170 kW (642850); E350 CDI Blue Tec 3.0l CDI Blue Tec 155 kW (642850) 509009 0554L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 70 mm
509009 0554R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 70 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
509009 0554L
509009 0554R
S-Class W221, 2005=> S350 3.5l V6 200 kW; S500 5.0l V8 285 kW 509405 0504L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
509405 0504R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
509405 0504L
509405 0504R
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
CLK W208 Coupé & Cabrio ATTENTION: When mounting on CLK models the rear skirt has to be slightly cut! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
CLK200 2.0l 100/120 kW, 1997=>; CLK230 compressor 2.3l 142 kW; CLK 280 2.8l 145 kW; CLK320 3.2l 160 kW, 1997=>
Race tr ack Tested
509097 0548
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
509097 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
509097 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
509097 0548
509097 0586P
509097 0540P
CLK W209 Cabrio CLK 240 Cabrio 2.6l 125 kW, 2003=>; CLK 320 Cabrio 3.2l 160 kW, 2003=>; CLK 500 Cabrio 5.0l 225 kW, 2003=>; CLK 240 2.6l 120 kW; CLK 270CDI 2.7l CDI 120/125 kW; CLK 320CDI 3.0l CDI 165 kW 509303 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
CLS Coupé 219K CLS 350 Coupé 3.5l 200 kW, 2004=>; CLS 500 Coupé 5.0l 225 kW, 2004=>; CLS 320CDI Coupé 3.0l CDI 165 kW ° 509304 0517L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe 138x90 mm angled, rolled embossed
° 509304 0517R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe 138x90 mm angled, rolled embossed (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
509304 0517L
509304 0517R
SLK R170 SLK200 2.0l 100 kW, SEP1996=>; SLK230 compressor. 2.3l 142 kW, SEP1996=>; SLK200 compressor. 2.0l 141 kW, SEP1996=>; SLK200 compressor. 2.0l 120 kW, 2001=> 507596 0300
front silencer
507596 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm (front silencer & Sport exhaust only fits as a complete system!)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
507596 0300
507596 0506
SLK R170 SLK320 3.2l 160 kW, 2000=> 508500 0300
front silencer
508500 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm (front silencer & Sport exhaust only fits as a complete system!)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
508500 0300 100 % Stainless steel
508500 0506
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
SLK R171 SLK200 Cabrio 1.8l compressor 120 kW, 2004=> 505004 0554L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm
505004 0554R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
(L/R only fits as a complete system!)
505004 0554L
505004 0554R
SLK R171 SLK280 3.0l 170 kW, 2004=>; SLK350 3.5l 200 kW, 2004=> ° 509004 0554L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm
° 509004 0554R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
505004 0554L
505004 0554R
SLK R172 SLK200 1.8l 135 kW (271861); SLK250 1.8l 150 kW (271861); SLK350 3.5l 225 kW (276956) 509011 0504L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
509011 0504R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
509011 0504L
509011 0504R
SL R129 ATTENTION: from September 1995 (Facelift R129) use 507096 0000! (slide connection instead of flange connection) 280SL 142 kW; 280SL 2.8l 150 kW; 300SL 170 kW; 300SL 140 kW; 300SL 24V 170 kW; 320SL 3.2l 165/170 kW; 500SL 5.0l 235 kW; 500SL 240 kW ° 507096 0000 507093 0510
Connection tube for mounting on revised models from Sept. 1995 Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 135x75 mm
SL R230, 2003=> SL600 5.5l V12 368 kW 509403 0504FL
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Future Design
509403 0504FR
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Future Design (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
509403 0504FL Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
509403 0504FR 100 % Stainless steel
M-Class W163 ML 320 3.2l 160 kW, 1997=>; ML 430 4.3l 200 kW, 1997=>; ML 400 4.0l CDI 184 kW, 2002=> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
° 509102 0500
Sport exhaust (without tail pipes)
° 509102 0602
Connection tube with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm (Sportschalldämpfer und Rohrbogen nur gemeinsam montierbar!)
509102 0602 509102 0500
MINI Mini Cooper type MK II & Cabrio, with & without cat. 1.3l 39 kW (12A2D); 1.3l 37 kW (12A2B); 1.3l 45 kW (12A2A); 1.3l 46 kW (12A2E); 1.3l 46 kW (12A2L) 701592 9999
Hardware kit for models without cat
701599 0562
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm Racing Look
701599 0562
One & One Cabrio R50, 2001=> / 2002=> / 2004=> 1.6l 66 kW
Cooper & Cooper Cabrio R52, 2001=> / 2002=> / 2004=> 1.6l 85 kW
Cooper R56, 2006=> 1.6l 88 kW
One R56 N12, 2007=> 1.4l 70 kW ATTENTION: when mounting to 2001 models, use original BMW bracket (part no. 18 20 7 521 427) of the 2002 model! ATTENTION: when fitting the L/R system, the spare wheel & the spare wheel cover can no longer be used! ATTENTION: when fitting the L/R system, the rear bumper must be cut as per the enclosed template! AD0009
Distance tube F for mounting on 1.2l 59 kW model
754006 0300
Front silencer (only for R56)
754006 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
° 754006 1505
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
754006 0300
754006 0507
100 % Stainless steel
754006 1505
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
MINI Part no.
Cooper R56, 2006=> 1.6l 88 kW
One R56 N12, 2007=>
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1.4l 70 kW 754006 6598KR
Race tr ack Tested
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm "REMUS 65"
One R50, 2004=> 1.4l Diesel 55 kW PowerSound system consisting of: 2) 752504 099 0303 04
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
0303 04 752504 099
Cooper S R50, 2002=> 1.6l 120 kW
Cooper S R53 & Cooper S Cabrio R53, 2004=> 1.6l 16V 125 kW (no homologation) 754502 5584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race, (tail pipe position in the middle of the rear skirt)
Cooper S R56, 2007=> 1.6l 16V 128 kW PowerSound system centered consisting of: 2) 755006 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 70
tail pipe set 2 tail pipes Ø 102 mm
0010 98C
tail pipe set 2 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0010 70
0010 98C
755006 099
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
MINI Part no.
Cooper S Cabrio R57, 2009=> 1.6l 128 kW (N14B16A), 1.6l 135 kW (N18B16A) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Cooper S Coupe R58, 2011=> 1.6l 135 kW (N18B16A) PowerSound system (in the middle) consisting of: 2)° 755009 099
PowerSound Main silencer (middle system) with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 70
tail pipe set 2 tail pipes Ø 102 mm
0010 98C
tail pipe set 2 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0010 70
0010 98C
755009 099
Cooper Cabrio R57, 2009=> 1.6l 88 kW (N12B16A) ° 754009 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Cooper S Clubman R55, 2008=> 1.6l 128 kW (N14B16A) 754008 0598CLR
Sport exhaust left & Sport exhaust right with each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Street Race
Cooper S Countryman R60 4x4, type UKL/X, 2010=> 1.6l Turbo 135 kW (N18B16A) 754011 1598C
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
MITSUBISHI Colt, type CAO, 1992=>
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1.3l 55 kW; 1.6l 83 kW; 1.8l GTI 16V 103 kW
Race tr ack Tested
Colt, type CJO, 1996=> 1.3l 55 kW; 1.6l 66 kW
Colt, 3 door, SEP2001=> 1.3l 60 kW BUEGEL C
Bracket C for mounting on GTI 16V model
552092 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Colt CZT, type Z30 3 door, 2004=> 1.5l Turbo 110 kW 555004 0507 ° 555004 1507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Lancer Sedan, 2003=> 1.3l 60 kW; 1.6l 72 kW 556003 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Lancer Station Wagon, 2003=> 1.6l 72 kW; 2.0l 99 kW 556003 3505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Lancer Sedan, type CY0, 2008=> 2.0l DI-D 103 kW (BWC) 555008 0512
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 120x74 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Lancer Evolution VII, 2001=> 2.0l Turbo 206 kW 556001 0580TD
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 115 mm Turbo Design
Lancer Evolution VIII, 2004=> 2.0l Turbo 195 kW
Lancer Evolution IX, 2006=> 2.0l Turbo 206 kW 556006 0580
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 115 mm
Lancer Evo X, type CZ0, 2008=> 2.0l Turbo 217 kW 556008 1570P
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm polished
Galant Sedan / Fastback, 1997=> 2.0l 100 kW; 2.5l V6 24V 120 kW; 2.4l GDI 110 kW
Galant Sedan 4 door, 2001=> 2.0l 98 kW BUEGEL G
Bracket G for mounting on 2.5l V6 / 2.4l GDI model
556097 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Carisma, type DAO, 1995=> 1.6l 66 kW, 1995=>; 1.6l 73 kW, (Facelift) 1999=>; 1.8l 85 kW, 1995=>; 1.8l GDI 92 kW, 1997=> & 2000=>; 1.9l 66 kW, 1998=>
Carisma Sedan, 4 door, 2001=>
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1.6l 16V 76 kW 째 555099 0548
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
Carisma, 2001=> 1.9l DI.D 75 kW 째 555001 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Space Runner/Wagon, type N10, 1993=> 1.8l 90 kW 1) 556093 0500
Sport exhaust (without tail pipes)
1) 556093 0601
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm (Main silencer & Connection tube only fits as a complete system!)
556093 0601
Space Wagon Allrad 2.0l 98 kW 1) 557593 0500
Sport exhaust (without tail pipes)
1) 557593 0601
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm (Main silencer & Connection tube only fits as a complete system!)
557593 0601 557593 0500
Space Star, 2001=>, 2003=> 1.9l DI-D 75/85 kW 555502 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Eclipse, 1996=> 2.0l 107 kW, 1996=>; 2.0l 104 kW, 1997=> 557097 0506
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Sigma, type F10, <=MAR1991 3.0l V6 130/151 kW 1) 558091 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
NISSAN Micra, type K10, 10/1988=> 1.2l 40 kW 1) 602590 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Micra, type K11, 1992=> 1.0l 40 kW; 1.3l 55 kW ° 602092 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Micra, type K11, SEP2000=> 1.0l 44 kW ° 601002 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Micra, type K11, 2002=> 1.5l Diesel 42 kW ° 601102 0501
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
NISSAN Part no.
Micra, type K12, MAI2005=> 1.2l 48 kW 602005 0588 1) 602005 0512
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 120x74 mm
602005 0588
Race tr ack Tested
602005 0512
Micra C+C Cabrio, 2006=> 1.4l 16V 65 kW ° 602505 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
Almera 3 & 5 door, 2000=> 1.5l 66 kW; 1.8l 16V 84 kW ° 605000 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Almera Fastback, 5 door, 2000=> 2.2l 16V TD 81 kW 606200 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Primera GT, type P11, Mod. 1997=> 2.0l 110 kW ° 607097 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Primera Sedan, type P12, DEZ2001=> <=MAI2002 1.8l 16V 85 kW 605002 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
NISSAN Part no.
Primera Touring, type P12, DEZ2001=> <=MAI2002 1.8l 16V 85 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
° 605002 3501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Primera Sedan, type P12, 2002=> 2.2l TDI 93 kW ° 606302 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Primera Touring, type P12, 2002=> 2.2l TDI 93 kW 606302 3501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78mm
X-Trail & X-Trail 4x4, 2003=> ATTENTION: the plastic cover has to be removed or cut! 2.0l 16V 103 kW; 2.2l Di 100 kW; 2.2l Di 16V 84 kW; 2.5l 121 kW ° 606303 1501
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Juke, 2010=> ATTENTION: the rear skirt must be cut! 1.6l 86 kW (HR16); 1.6l 140 kW (MR16); 1.5l dCi 81 kW (K9K) 604011 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Qashqai, type J10, 2WD & 4WD, 2007=> 1.5l dCi 78 kW (K9KH2); 2.0l dCi 110 kW (M9R) ° 606507 1514M
Sport exhaust L/R with each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
606507 1514M 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
NISSAN Part no.
Qashqai, type J10, 2WD & 4WD, 2007=> 2.0l 16V 104 kW (MR20)
Dualis 4WD (Japan model not stated in homologation)
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
2.0l 101 kW 606207 1514M
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust L/R with each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
606207 1514M
100 NX GTI, type B13 , JAN1991=> 2.0l 105 kW ° 606091 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
350Z, 2003=> 3.5l V6 206 kW, 2003=>; 3.5l V6 221 kW type Z33, 2006=> 609003 1570S
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled
370Z Coupé & Cabrio, type Z34, 2010=> 3.7l 241/243 kW (VQ37) 608509 1585S
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 127 mm angled
608509 1585S
GT-R, type R35, 2009=> 3.8l 357 kW (VR38) 609009 1100
Cat replacement tube, without homologation
609009 1585S
Sport exhaust L/R Cat-Back with each 2 tail pipes Ø 127 mm angled
Alternative: REMUS Titanium2 Cat-Back-System 609009 1585STI
Titanium2 sport exhaust left and right, cat-back, with each 2 tail pipes Ø 127 mm angled
609009 1585STI
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
OPEL Part no.
OPEL The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Corsa B, DEC1992=> 1.2l 33 kW; 1.4l 44/60 kW; 1.5l TD 37/49 kW
Corsa B, Mod. 1994=> 1.0l 40 kW 3 cylinder, 1997=>; 1.2l 16V 48 kW, 1998=>; 1.4l 60/66 kW; 1.6l 78 kW; GSI 16V 80 kW; 1.7l D 44 kW AD0003
Distance tube M for mounting on 1.0l model
° 622594 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer
° 622093 0300
Front silencer for Connection ID Ø 45 mm
622594 0300
Front silencer for 1,4l 66KW, 1,6l 78KW, 1.0l 40kW, GSI 16V 80 KW, 1.2l 16V from 1998
3)° 622093 0568
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
622093 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: ° 622093 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0000 11
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
622594 0000
622093 099
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
622093 0568
622093 0540P
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Corsa C 1.0l 12V 43 kW, 2000=>; 1.0l 16V 44 kW, 2003=>; 1.2l 16V 55 kW, 2000=>; 1.2l 59 kW, 2005=>; 1.4l 16V 66 kW, 2000=>; 1.8l 16V 92 kW, 2000=> 1.3l CDTI 51 kW, 2003=>; 1.7l DI 16V 48 kW, 2000=>; 1.7l DI 16V 55 kW, 2000=>; 1.7l CDTI 74 kW, 2003=> AD0045
Distance tube O1 for mounting of Sport exhaust on original front silencer for 1.0l model
622503 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer (only for petrol engine)
622503 0300
Front silencer (only for petrol engine)
3) 622503 0568 622503 0507
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
° 622503 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
622503 0512
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 120x74 mm
622503 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (only for 1.0l, 1.2l)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
622503 0568
622503 0532
622503 0512
622503 8598
622503 0507 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
OPEL Part no.
Corsa C 1.0l 12V 43 kW, 2000=>; 1.0l 16V 44 kW, 2003=>; 1.2l 16V 55 kW, 2000=>; 1.2l 59 kW, 2005=>; 1.4l 16V 66 kW, 2000=> AD0031
Distance tube J for mounting on 1.0l model
622503 6584KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Corsa D, with original rear skirt, 2006=> ATTENTION: when fitting tail pipes 04G, 78, 02, 84C, 98C, 14M & 16, the rear skirt must be cut. ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.0l 44 kW (Z10XEP); 1.2l 59 kW (Z12XEP); 1.4l 66 kW (Z14XEP); 1.0l 48 kW (A10XEP), 2010=>; 1.2l 51 kW (A12XER), 2010=>; 1.2l 63 kW (A12XER), 2010=>; 1.4l 74 kW (A14XER), 2010=> AD0095
Distance tube K6 for mounting on 1.0l 44 kW model with 622006 099
Distance tube I6 for mounting on 1.0l 44 kW model with 625006 1570
Distance tube F for mounting on 1.2l 59 kW model with 625006 1570
PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 622006 099
Powesound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
Alternative: Sport exhaust L/R (not for 1.0l 48 kW/1.2l 51/63 kW, 1.4l 74 kW) 625006 1570
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
186505 098
625006 1570
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 16
0000 70
0000 78
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
Corsa D, with original rear skirt, 2006=> ATTENTION: the rear skirt must be cut! 1.0l 44 kW (Z10XEP); 1.4l 66 kW (Z14XEP) AD0003
Distance tube M for mounting on 1.0l model
622106 6598KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm "REMUS 65"
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
OPEL Part no.
Corsa D, with original sport rear skirt, 2006=> ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
1.0l 44 kW (Z10XEP); 1.2l 59 kW (Z12XEP); 1.4l 66 kW (Z14XEP); 1.0l 48 kW (A10XEP), 2010=>; 1.2l 51 kW (A12XER), 2010=>; 1.2l 63 kW (A12XER), 2010=>; 1.4l 74 kW (A14XER), 2010=> AD0095
Distance tube K6 for mounting on 1.0l 44 kW model with 622106 099
Distance tube I6 for mounting on 1.0l 44 kW model with 625106 1570
Distance tube F for mounting on 1.2l 59 kW model with 625106 1570
PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 622106 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
Alternative: Sport exhaust L/R (not for 1.0l 48 kW/1.2l 51/63 kW, 1.4l 74 kW) 625106 1570
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
622106 099
625106 1570
0000 01
0000 05G
0000 70
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 98C
Corsa D, with original sport rear skirt, 2006=> 1.0l 44 kW (Z10XEP); 1.4l 66 kW (Z14XEP) AD0003
Distance tube M for mounting on 1.0l model
622106 6598KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm "REMUS 65"
Corsa D, with original rear skirt, 2006=> ATTENTION: when fitting tail pipes 04G, 78, 02, 84C, 98C, 14M & 16, the rear skirt must be cut. ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.3l CDTi 55 kW (Z13DTJ); 1.3l CDTi 66 kW (Z13DTH); 1.7l CDTi 92 kW (Z17DTR) Sport exhaust system consisting of: ° 625006 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R 625006 1570
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
625006 098 >>>>>>>>>> 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
OPEL Part no.
>>>>>>>>>> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
625006 1570
0000 16
0000 70
0000 78
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
Corsa D, with original sport rear skirt, 2006=> ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.3l CDTi 55 kW (Z13DTJ); 1.3l CDTi 66 kW (Z13DTH); 1.7l CDTi 92 kW (Z17DTR) Sport exhaust system consisting of: 625106 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R 625106 1570
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
625106 098
625106 1570
0000 01
0000 05G
0000 70
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 98C
Tigra A Coupé, 1994=> 1.4l 66 kW; 1.6l 78 kW ° 622594 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer
622594 0300
Front silencer
622594 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
° 622594 0511
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
622594 0511 622594 0532
Tigra Coupé & Cabrio, 2004=> 1.4l 66 kW (Z14XEP); 1.8l 92 kW (Z18XE) 622503 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
622503 0512
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 120x74 mm
622503 0512 622503 0507
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Race tr ack Tested
OPEL Part no.
Kadett E 1.4i, JUN1989=> 44/55 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
° 622591 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
Race tr ack Tested
Kadett E Caravan 1.3l, 1.6l, 1.8l, 2.0l GSI 622591 3502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Astra F-CC Fastback, <=Chassis no. T ... 1.4i 44/55/60 kW, JUL1991=>; 1.6i 52/55/74 kW; 1.8i 66 kW; 2.0i GSI 85 kW; 1.7l Diesel 42/50 kW; 1.7l TD 60 kW
Kadett E, JUN1989=> 1.4i 44/55 kW ° 622001R 622591 0000 ° 622591 0400 1) 622591 0502 ° 622591 0586P
Cat. replacement tube for 1.8l 66 kW, 2.0l 85 kW, without homologation Racing tube without homologation Middle silencer Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
622591 0502
622591 0586P
Astra F-CC Fastback, <=Chassis no. T ... 2.0i GSi 16V 110 kW ° 626091 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
Astra F Caravan, <=Chassis no. T ... 1.4i 44/55/60 kW, JUL1991=>; 1.6i 52/55/74 kW; 1.8i 66 kW; 2.0i GSI 85 kW; 1.7l Diesel 42/50 kW; 1.7l TD 60 kW ° 622001R 622591 3502
100 % Stainless steel
Cat. replacement tube for 1.8l 66 kW, 2.0l 85 kW, without homologation Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
OPEL Part no.
Astra F Caravan, Chassis no. T ... => 3-point-mounting 1.8l 16V 85 kW; 2.0l 16V 100 kW (not for automatic) 1) 626095 2502
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Astra F Sedan, Chassis no. T ... => 3-point-mounting 1.4l 44/55/60 kW; 1.6l 55/74 kW; 1.8i 66 kW; 1.7l Diesel 42/50 kW; 1.7l TD 60 kW ° 622591 0400 1) 622596 2504
Middle silencer, not for 1.7l Diesel 42/50 kW Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
622591 0400
622596 2504
Astra F Sedan, Chassis no. T ... => 3-point-mounting 1.8l 16V 85 kW; 2.0l 16V 100 kW (not for automatic) 1) 622096 2502 622096 2504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
622096 2502 622596 2504
Astra G-CC Hatchback 3/5-doors (flange connection), 1998=> 1.4l 16V 66 kW (X14XE); 1.6l 55 / 62 kW (Z16SE), <=Chassis no. Y5326827; 1.6l 16V 74 kW (Z16XE), <=Chassis no. Y5326827; 1.6l 16V 76 kW (Z16XEP), <=Chassis no. Y5326827 1.8l 16V 85 / 92 kW (Z18XE), <=Chassis no. Y5326827; 2.0l 16V 100 kW (X20XEV); 2.0l 16V 117,7 kW (X20XER OPC); 2.2l 16V 108 kW (Z22SE); 1.7l TD 50 kW (X17DTL) 1.7l DTI 16V 55 kW (X17DT); 2.0l DI 16V 60 kW (X20DTL); 2.0l DTI 16V 74 kW (Y20DTH), JUL2002=>; 2.0l DTI 16V 92 kW (Y22DTR), JUL2002=> 626098 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, only for 1.6l 74 kW, 1.8l 85 kW, 2.0l 100 kW
626098 0300
Front silencer, only for 1.6l 74 kW, 1.8l 85 kW, 2.0l 100 kW
625598 0509
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm, suitable in combination with a towbar
626098 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
° 626098 0540P 626098 8598
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (only for 1.4l, 1.6l, 1.8l)
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2)° 626098 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
3) 0000 11
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design >>>>>>>>>>
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
OPEL Part no.
>>>>>>>>>> Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
2) 626098 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
3) 0010 11
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
3) 0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
625598 0509
626098 0502
626098 8598
626098 0540P
626098 099
626098 199
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 66
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Astra G-CC Hatchback 3-/5-doors (flange connection), 1998=> 11.4l 16V 66 kW (X14XE); 1.6l 55 / 62 kW (Z16SE), <=Fg.Nr. Y5326827; 1.6l 16V 74 kW (Z16XE), <=Fg.Nr. Y5326827; 1.6l 16V 76 kW (Z16XEP), <=Fg.Nr. Y5326827 1.8l 16V 85 / 92 kW (Z18XE), <=Fg.Nr. Y5326827; 2.0l 16V 100 kW (X20XEV); 2.0l 16V 117,7 kW (X20XER OPC) AD0006
Distance tube T for mounting on 1.4l & 1.6l 55/62 kW models
626098 6584KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
Astra G-Caravan (flange connection), 1998=> 1.4l 16V 66 kW (X14XE); 1.6l 55 / 62 kW (Z16SE), <=Chassis no. Y6126676; 1.6l 16V 74 kW (Z16XE), <=Chassis no. Y6126676; 1.6l 16V 76 kW (Z16XEP), <=Chassis no. Y6126676 1.8l 16V 85 / 92 kW (Z18XE), <=Chassis no. Y6126676; 2.0l 16V 100 kW (X20XEV); 2.0l 16V 117,7 kW (X20XER OPC); 2.2l 16V 108 kW (Z22SE); 1.7l TD 50 kW (X17DTL) 1.7l DTI 16V 55 kW (X17DT); 2.0l DI 16V 60 kW (X20DTL); 2.0l DTI 16V 74 kW (Y20DTH), JUL2002=>; 2.0l DTI 16V 92 kW (Y22DTR), JUL2002=> 626098 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, only for 1.6l 74 kW, 1.8l 85 kW, 2.0l 100 kW
626098 0300
Front silencer, only for 1.6l 74 kW, 1.8l 85 kW, 2.0l 100 kW
625598 3509
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm, suitable in combination with a towbar
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
625598 3509 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
OPEL Part no.
Astra G-Sedan (flange connection), 1998=> 1.4l 16V 66 kW (X14XE); 1.6l 55 / 62 kW (Z16SE), <=Chassis no. Y2230812; 1.6l 16V 74 kW (Z16XE), <=Chassis no. Y2230812; 1.6l 16V 76 kW (Z16XEP), <=Chassis no. Y2230812 1.8l 16V 85 / 92 kW (Z18XE), <=Chassis no. Y2230812; 2.0l 16V 100 kW (X20XEV); 2.0l 16V 117,7 kW (X20XER OPC); 2.2l 16V 108 kW (Z22SE); 1.7l TD 50 kW (X17DTL) 1.7l DTI 16V 55 kW (X17DT); 2.0l DI 16V 60 kW (X20DTL); 2.0l DTI 16V 74 kW (Y20DTH), JUL2002=>; 2.0l DTI 16V 92 kW (Y22DTR), JUL2002=> 626098 0000 째 626098 2502
Race tr ack Tested
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, only for 1.6l 74 kW, 1.8l 85 kW, 2.0l 100 kW Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
626098 2502
Astra G-CC Hatchback (flange connection) 2.0l Turbo 141/147 kW & OPC (Z20LET); 2.0l DTI 74 kW (Y20DTH), JUL2002=> <=Chassis no. 3500000; 2.2l DTI 92 kW (Y22DTR), JUL2002=> <=Chassis no. 3500000
Astra OPC, 2000=> 2.0l 117,7 kW (X20XER) 째 626102 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar
626102 0502
Astra G Sedan (flange connection) 2.0l Turbo 141/147 kW & OPC (Z20LET); 2.0l DTI 74 kW (Y20DTH), JUL2002=> <=Chassis no. 3200000; 2.2l DTI 92 kW (Y22DTR), JUL2002=> <=Chassis no. 3200000 째 626102 2502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar
626102 2502
Astra G Caravan (flange connection) 2.0l Turbo 141/147 kW & OPC (Z20LET); 2.0l DTI 74 kW (Y20DTH), JUL2002=> <=Chassis no. 3600000; 2.2l DTI 92 kW (Y22DTR), JUL2002=> <=Chassis no. 3600000 째 626102 3502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar
626102 2502
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
100 % Stainless steel
OPEL Part no.
Astra G Coupé & Cabrio (flange connection) 1.6l 74 kW (Z16XEP), <=Chassis no. Y8155193; 1.6l 76 kW (Z16XE), <=Chassis no. Y8155193; 1.8l 85/92 kW (Z18XE1/Z18XE/X18XE1), <=Chassis no. Y8155193; 2.2l 16V 108 kW (Z22SE) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
626098 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, only for 1.6l 74 kW, 1.8l 85 kW
626098 0300
Front silencer, only for 1.6l 74 kW, 1.8l 85 kW
625000 0549
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm angled
° 625000 0568
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
625000 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (not for 2.2l 16V)
625000 8598B
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled "burned" (not for 2.2l 16V)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
625000 0568 626098 0300
625000 8598
625000 8598B
625000 0549
Astra G Coupé, 2001=> (flange connection) 2.0 Turbo 141/147 kW (Z20LET); 2.0l DTI 74 kW (Y20DTH) <=Chassis no. 3800000; 2.2l DTI 92 kW (Y22DTR) <=Chassis no. 3800000 626001 0502 3)° 626001 1568
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design (not for Diesel)
626001 1568 626001 0502
Astra G-CC Hatchback, 3 & 5 door (slip connection) 2.0l DTI 74 kW (Y20DTH) 2003=>,Chassis no. 3500001=>; 2.2l DTI 92 kW (Y22DTR) 2003=>,Chassis no. 3500001=> ° 626103 0502 626103 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar! Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar!
626103 0506 626103 0502
Astra G-Sedan (slip connection) 1.6l 55/62 kW (Z16SE), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y2230813=>; 1.6l 76 kW (Z16XEP), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y2230813=>; 1.6l 74 kW (Z16XE), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y2230813=>; 1.8l 85/92 kW (Z18XE), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y2230813=> 624503 2502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar!
Astra G Sedan (slip connection) 2.0l DTI 74 kW (Y20DTH), 2003=>,Chassis no. 3200001=>; 2.2l DTI 92 kW (Y22DTR), 2003=>,Chassis no. 3200001=> 626103 2502
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar!
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
OPEL Part no.
Astra G Caravan (slip connection) 1.6l 55/62 kW (Z16SE), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y6126677=>; 1.6l 76 kW (Z16XEP), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y6126677=>; 1.6l 74 kW (Z16XE), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y6126677=> 1.8l 85/92 kW (Z18XE), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y6126677=> ° 624503 3502
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar!
Race tr ack Tested
Astra G Caravan (slip connection) 2.0l DTI 74 kW (Y20DTH), 2003=>,Chassis no. 3600001=>; 2.2l DTI 92 kW (Y22DTR), 2003=>,Chassis no. 3600001=> ° 626103 3502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar!
Astra G Coupé & Cabrio (slip connection) 1.6l 62 kW (Z16SE), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y8155194=>; 1.6l 76 kW (Z16XEP), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y8155194=>; 1.6l 74 kW (Z16XE), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y8155194=> 1.8l 85/92 kW (Z18XE), 2003=>,Chassis no. Y8155194=> 624803 1511
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
Astra G-Coupé (slip connection) 2.0l DTI 74 kW (Y20DTH), 2003=>,Chassis no. 3800001=>; 2.2l DTI 92 kW (Y22DTR), 2003=>,Chassis no. 3800001=> 625503 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Astra H Hatchback, 2004=> Astra H GTC Coupé, 2005=> ATTENTION: must be cut as per the supplied template when fitting on vehicles with sport rear skirt! 1.4l 55/66 kW (Z14XEP); 1.6l 77 kW (Z16XEP); 1.6l 85 kW (Z16XER); 1.8l 92 kW (Z18XE); 1.8l 103 kW (Z18XER) ° 626004 0300
Front silencer (no homologation for 1.8l 103 kW & 1.6l 85 kW)
626004 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled (no homologation for 1.6l 85 kW)
626004 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (only for 1.4l, 1.6l 77 kW)
° 626004 8598B
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled "burned" (only for 1.4l, 1.6l 77 kW)
PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 626004 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 68
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: >>>>>>>>>>
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
OPEL Part no.
>>>>>>>>>> 2)° 626004 199 The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0112 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0112 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
626004 8598B 626004 0556
626004 8598
0003 78
0003 68
0112 66
0112 04G
0003 04
626004 099
626004 199
Astra H Hatchback, 2004=> Astra H GTC Coupé, 2005=> 1.4l 55/66 kW (Z14XEP); 1.6l 77 kW (Z16XEP); 1.8l 92 kW (Z18XE) AD0006
Distance tube T for mounting on 1.4l & 1.6l 55/62 kW models
° 626004 6584KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
Astra H Hatchback, 2004=> ATTENTION: must be cut as per the supplied template when fitting on vehicles with sport rear skirt! 2.0l Turbo 125 kW (Z20LEL) PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2)° 626204 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 68
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2)° 626204 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0112 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0112 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0003 78
0003 68
0112 66
0112 04G
0003 04
626204 099
626204 199 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
OPEL Part no.
Astra H 3 & 5 door Hatchback, 2005=> Astra H GTC Coupé 3 door, 2005=> 2.0l Turbo 147 kW (Z20LER) 626005 0502
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Astra H Hatchback, 2004=> Astra H GTC Coupé, 2005=> ATTENTION: must be cut as per the supplied template when fitting on vehicles with sport rear skirt! 1.7l CDTI 59 kW (Z17DTL); 1.7l CDTI 74 kW (Z17DTH); 1.9l CDTI 88 kW (Z19DTH); 1.9l CDTI 110 kW (Z19DTH) Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 626404 198
Main silencer
0112 04G
Tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0112 04G 626404 198
Astra H Caravan, 2004=> 1.4l 55/66 kW (Z14XEP); 1.6l 77 kW (Z16XEP); 1.8l 92 kW (Z18XE); 1.8l 103 kW (Z18XER) PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2)° 626104 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 68
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
0003 78
0003 68
0003 04
0003 68
0003 04
626104 099
Astra H Caravan, 2004=> 1.7l CDTI 59 kW (Z17DTL); 1.7l CDTI 74 kW (Z17DTH); 1.9l CDTI 88 kW (Z19DTH); 1.9l CDTI 110 kW (Z19DTH) Sport exhaust system consisting of: ° 626504 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 68
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
1) 1003 78
2 Diesel pipes Ø 84 mm embossed with emission exit downwards
0003 78
1003 78
626104 099
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
OPEL Part no.
Astra H Twin Top, 2006=> 1.6l 77 kW (Z16XEP); 1.6l 85 kW (Z16XER); 1.8l 103 kW (Z18XER) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust system consisting of: 624006 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 01
0000 05G
0000 70
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 98C
624006 098
Astra J Hatchback, type P-J, 2009=> ATTENTION: the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.7l CDTI 81 kW (A17DTR); 1.7l CDTI 92 kW (A17DTR) 625009 1584C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Astra J Hatchback, type P-J, 2009=> ATTENTION: the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.4l 64/74 kW; 1.4l Turbo Ecotec 103 kW; 1.6l Ecotec 85 kW (A16XER) 625009 0504G
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight cut
625009 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
625009 1584C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
625009 0504G
625009 1584C 625009 0584C
Vectra A Sedan, 1993=> 2.0l 16V 110 kW, 1993=>; 2.0l 16V 100 kW, 1994=>; V6 125 kW ° 625593 0300 625593 2502
Front silencer Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
625593 0300 625593 2502
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
OPEL Part no.
Vectra A 2000, JAN1989=> <=1993 2.0l 16V 110 kW
Vectra A 4x4, JAN1989=>
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
2.0l 16V 110 kW; 4x4 Sedan, 65 kW without cat.; 85 kW with cat.; 95 kW without cat. 627001R ° 626089 0596P
Race tr ack Tested
Cat. replacement tube for Calibra 4x4/Vectra 4x4 2.0l 110 kW, without homologation Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Vectra B Fastback / Sedan / Caravan, 1996=> Vectra B Facelift Sedan / Fastback / Caravan, 1999=> 1.6l 16V 74 kW, 1996=>; 1.8l 16V 85 kW, 1996=>; 1.8l 16V 92 kW, 2001=>; 2.0l 16V 100 kW, 1996=>; 2.2l 16V 108 kW, 2001=>; 2.5l V6 125 kW, 1996=>; 2.6l V6 125 kW, 2001=> I500 2.5l V6 143 kW, 1998=>; 2.0l DI 16V 60 kW, OCT1996=>; 2.0l TDI 16V 74 kW, OCT1997=>; 2.0l DTI 16V 74 kW, 1999=>; 2.2l DTI 16V 88 kW, 2001=>; 2.2l DTI 16V 92 kW, 2001=> 625099 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, only for 1.8l 85 kW, 2.0l 100 kW, 2.5l V6 125 kW
625099 0300
Front silencer, only for 1.8l 85 kW, 2.0l 100 kW, 2.5l V6 125 kW
625099 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled, not suitable in combination with a towbar
625099 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm, suitable in combination with a towbar!
625099 0596P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 90 mm, not suitable in combination with a towbar
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
625099 0300
625099 0542
625099 0504
625099 0596P
Vectra C Sedan, 2002=> 1.6l 74 kW; 1.8l 81 kW; 1.8l 16V 90 kW; 2.2l 108 kW 625002 0588
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
625002 0588
Vectra C Sedan, 2002=> 2.0l DTI 74 kW; 2.2l DTI 16V 92 kW 626302 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Vectra C GTS, 2002=> 3.2l V6 155 kW, 2002=>; 3.0l V6 CDTI 130 kW (Y30DT), 2004=> 628203 0570L
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
628203 0570R
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
628203 0570L
628203 0570R
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
OPEL Part no.
Vectra C Caravan, 2004=> 1.8l 90 kW; 2.0l 129 kW (Z20Net); 1.9l CDTI 88 kW (Y19DT); 1.9l CDTI 110 kW (Y19DTH); 2.0l Dti 74 kW; 2.2l Dti 86/92 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Distance tube C for mounting on 1.8l 90 kW model
627004 0578L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed, incl. Connection tube
Vectra C Caravan, 2004=> ATTENTION: when mounting L/R system on 1.8l 90 kW, 2.0l Dti 74 kW, 2.2l Dti 86/92 kW, 2.0l 129 kW, 1.9l CDTI 88/110 kW models. the OE bracket (part no GM 90 466 668 - 96 - 239 >EPDM<) must be used. 1.8l 90 kW; 2.0l 129 kW (Z20Net); 1.9l CDTI 88 kW (Y19DT); 1.9l CDTI 110 kW (Y19DTH); 2.0l Dti 74 kW; 2.2l Dti 86/92 kW; 2.2l Direct 114 kW; 3.0l CDTi V6 130 kW; 3.2l V6 155 kW AD0021
Distance tube C for mounting on 1.8l 90 kW model
627004 0578L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed, incl. Connection tube
627004 0578R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed, incl. Y tube (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
627004 0578L
627004 0578R
Insignia Sedan & Fastback, type 0G-A, 2008=> ATTENTION: Left system - when fitting on "SELECTION" models the rear bumper must be cut as per the enclosed template. ATTENTION: Mounting of the L/R-system is only possible in combination with the Y-pipe. The rear bumper must be cut as per the enclosed template, alternatively use the original rear bumper of the OPEL Insignia 2.8l V6 (part no GM 13269546). 2.0l CDTI 81 kW (A20DTC); 2.0l CDTI 96 kW (A20DTH); 2.0l CDTI 118 kW (A20DTH) 626008 0598CL
Diesel-Sound-System Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R 626008 0000
Y-tube for mounting the L/R Sport exhaust system
626008 0598CL
Diesel-Sound-System Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
626008 0598CR
Diesel-Sound-System Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
626008 0598CL
626008 0598CR
Insignia 4x4 Turbo Sedan & Fastback, type 0G-A, 2008=> 2.0l Turbo 162 kW (A20NHT) AD0145
2x Distance tubes U6 for mounting necessary!
626008 0598CL
Sport exhaust left with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
626008 0598CR
Sport exhaust right with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
626008 0598CL
626008 0598CR
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
OPEL Part no.
Calibra & Calibra 4x4, FEB1990=> 2.0l 85 kW; 2.0l 16V 110 kW 627001R ° 626089 0596P
Cat. replacement tube for Calibra 4x4/Vectra 4x4 2.0l 110 kW, without homologation
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Calibra 16V & V6, 1993=> 16V 110 kW , Mod. 1993=>; V6 125 kW Mod. 93; 16V 100 kW, 1994=>; 16V 100 kW (X20XEV) 626093 300 ° 626093 0542
Front silencer Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
Omega B Caravan, 1994=> 2.0l 85/100 kW ° 626094 3548
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
Omega B Sedan, 1994=> 2.5l V6 125 kW; 3.0l V6 155 kW ° 627094 0548
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
Omega B Caravan facelift, OCT1999=> 2.0l Diesel 74 kW; 2.2l DTI 16V 88 kW, 2001=>; 2.5l TD 96 kW; 2.5l Diesel 100 kW 1) 627099 3506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
OPEL Part no.
Meriva, 2003=> 1.4l 66 kW (Z14XEP); 1.6l 64 / 74 kW (Z16XE/Z16SE); 1.6l 77 kW (Z16XEP); 1.8l 92 kW (Z18XE); 1.3l CDTI 55 kW (Z13DTJ); 1.3l CDTi 51 kW (Z13DT); 1.7l DTI 55 kW; 1.7l CDTI 74 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
625303 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Signum, 2002=> 1.8l 90 kW (Z18XE); 2.0l 129 kW (Z20Net), 2004=>; 1.9l CDTI 88 kW (Y19DT), 2004=>; 1.9l CDTI 110 kW (Y19DTH), 2004=>; 2.0l DTI 74 kW (Y20DTH); 2.2l Dti 86/92 kW (Y22DTR) AD0021
Distance tube for mounting on 1.8l 90 kW necessary!
° 627003 0578L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed, incl. Connection tube
Signum, 2002=> ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system on 1.8l 90 kW, 2.0l Dti 74 kW, 2.2l Dti 86/92 kW, 2.0l 129 kW, 1.9l CDTI 88/110 kW models use original OPEL bracket (part no. GM 90 466 668 - 96 - 239 >EPDM<) 1.8l 90 kW (Z18XE); 2.0l 129 kW (Z20Net), 2004=>; 1.9l CDTI 88 kW (Y19DT), 2004=>; 1.9l CDTI 110 kW (Y19DTH), 2004=>; 2.0l Dti 74 kW (Y20DTH); 2.2l Dti 86/92 kW (Y22DTR); 2.2l Direct 114 kW (Z22YH); 3.0l CDTi V6 130 kW (Y39DT); 3.2l V6 155 kW (Z32SE) AD0021
Distance tube for mounting on 1.8l 90 kW necessary!
° 627003 0578L
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed, incl. Connection tube
° 627003 0578R
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed, incl. Connection tube (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
627003 0578L
627003 0578R
Zafira, (flange connection), 1999=> 1.6l 16V 74 kW (Z16XE / Z16XEL) <=Chassis no. Y2230812; 1.6l 16V 76 kW (Z16XEP), <=Chassis no. Y2230813; 1.8l 16V 85 kW (Z18XE), <=Chassis no. Y2230812; 1.8l 16V 92 kW (Z18XE), 2001=> <=Chassis no. Y2230812; 2.2l 16V 108 kW (Z22SE), 2001=> <=inkl.2003; 2.0l DI 16V 60 kW; 2.0l DTI 16V 74 kW (Y20DTH), <=JUL2002 626099 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Zafira (flange connection), 2002=> ATTENTION: mounting a towbar on DTI models is not possible! 2.0l Turbo 147 kW, Z20LET; 2.0l DTI 74 kW, Y20DTH,, JUL2002=> <=Chassis no. 32166315; 2.2l DTI 92 kW, Y22DTR,, JUL2002=> <=Chassis no. 32166315
Zafira OPC, AUG2001=> 2.0l 16V Turbo 141 kW, Z20LET 626002 0588
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Antara, type L-A, 2007=> ATTENTION: the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 2.4l 103 kW (Z24SED); 2.0l CDTi 110 kW (Z20S); 3.2l V6 167 kW (Z32SE)
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: ° 626007 198
Race tr ack Tested
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0411 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0411 70
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0411 05G
0411 70
626007 198
GT, 2007=> 2.0l Turbo 194 kW 626008 1556
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
PEUGEOT 106, 1996=> ATTENTION: when fitting 662091 8598 the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.0l 33 kW; 1.1l 40 kW; 1.4l 55 kW; 1.5l Diesel 40 kW 662091 0507 3) 662096 0568 662096 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 90 Ø mm
° 662096 0595T
Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 90 Ø mm
° 662091 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (only for 1.1l 40 kW)
662096 0568
662096 0595P
662096 0595T
662091 8598
662091 0507
106, type 1C 1.1l 44 kW; 1.4l 55 & 69 kW; 1.6l Rallye 74 kW; Diesel ° 662091 0000 662091 0507 3) 662096 0568 662096 0595P ° 662096 0595T
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 90 Ø mm Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 90 Ø mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
662096 0568
662096 0595P
662096 0595T
662091 0507
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
PEUGEOT Part no.
106 GTI, 1996=> 1.6l 16V 87 kW 664096 0596P
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Race tr ack Tested
107, 2006=> 1.0l 50 kW Sport exhaust system consisting of: 121005 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
121005 098
0000 14M
0000 01
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 16
0000 83C
0000 83CS
205, type 20A, 20C, 20D, JUL1987=> 36 kW, 44 kW, 55 kW ° 661088 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
205 GTI, 1984=> type 741B, 741C, 20C, 20D; 1.6l 76/83 kW
205 GTI, CTI cat., 1987=> 1.9l 75/88 kW, RX up to 1988 1) 662084 0562
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm Racing Look
1) 662084 0511
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
662084 0562 662084 0511
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
PEUGEOT Part no.
205 GTI, type 20C, 1988=> 1.9l 88 kW with cat.
205 CTI, type 20D
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1.9l 75 kW with cat., 205 GT 1) 665088 0511
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
1007, 2005=> 1.4l 54 kW; 1.6l 80 kW; 1.4l HDI 50 kW 122603 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
206, type 2, 1998=> ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system, the right side of the rear skirt must be cut! 1.1l 40 / 44 kW; 1.4l 55 kW; 1.6l 65 kW; 1.6l 16V 80 kW, 2001=> 662598 0570F
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Future Design
662598 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 90 Ø mm
662598 0595T
Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 90 Ø mm
° 662598 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (not homologated for 1.4l model)
662598 0595P
662598 0595T
662598 8598
662598 0570F
206, type 2, 2001=> 1.6l 16V 80 kW, 2001=> 663098 6598KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm "REMUS 65"
206, type 2, 1998=> 1.4l HDI 50 kW, 2004=>; 1.9l Diesel 51 kW ° 664098 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
PEUGEOT Part no.
206 GTI, 1999=> 2.0l GTI 16V 99 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
206 CC, 2001=> 2.0l 100 kW 666099 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
666099 0595T
Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 90 Ø mm
666099 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 90 Ø mm
666099 0570
662598 0595T
662598 0595P
666000 0595T
666000 0595P
206 CC Cabrio, SEP2000=> 1.6l 80 kW; 1.6l 16V 80 kW, 2002=> 665001 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
206, 2000=> 1.6l HDI 16V Turbo 80 kW, 2005=>; 2.0l HDI 66 kW, 2000=> 666000 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
° 666000 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 90 Ø mm
° 666000 0595T
Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 90 Ø mm
666000 0501
206 SW Sport, 2002=> 2.0l HDI 66 kW ° 666102 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
206 RC, 2004=> 2.0l 130 kW Sport exhaust system consisting of: 665004 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 66
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
665004 098
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
PEUGEOT Part no.
207, 3 & 5 door, 2006=> 1.4l 55/65 kW PowerSound system consisting of: 2) 662506 099
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
Race tr ack Tested
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 11
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 662506 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 11
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 70
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
662506 099
662506 199
207, 3 & 5 door, 2006=> 1.4l HDI 50 kW; 1.6l HDI 66/80 kW Sport exhaust system consisting of: ° 664006 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 664006 198
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream >>>>>>>>>>
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
PEUGEOT Part no.
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 70
0000 78
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
664006 098
664006 198 0000 83C
207 "Active" & "Active Pro", 3 & 5 door, 2006=> 1.6l HDI 66/80 kW Sport exhaust system consisting of: ° 664506 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 01
0000 05G
0000 70
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 98C
0000 70
0000 98C
664506 098
207 GT, 2007=> 207 CC, 2008=> 1.6l Turbo 110 kW (5FX); 1.6l 16V 88 kW (5FW) Sport exhaust system consisting of: ° 664007 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
664007 098
306 Hatchback, 1993=> incl. 1997 1.1l 44 kW; 1.4l 55 kW; 1.6l 65 kW; 1.8l 74 kW; 1.9l Diesel 43/50 kW; 1.9l TD 66 kW ° 665097 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
° 665097 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 90 Ø mm
° 665097 0595T
Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 90 Ø mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2)° 665097 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race >>>>>>>>>>
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
PEUGEOT Part no.
>>>>>>>>>> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
665097 0595P 665097 0505
665097 0595T
0000 70
0000 98C
665097 099
306 Hatchback, 1993=> 2.0l 16V 110/112 kW; 2.0l 89 kW ° 665094 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
306 Cabrio, 1994=> 1.8l 74 kW; 2.0l 89 kW ° 666094 0509
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm
306 Sedan, <=1997 1.8l 74 kW; 1.9l Diesel 66 kW; 2.0l 89 kW 1) 665096 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
306 Cabrio, 1997=> 1.6l 65kW; 1.8l 74 kW; 2.0l 97.4 kW 666097 0509
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm
306 GTI Hatchback, 1997=> 2.0l 16V 120 kW 666098 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
PEUGEOT Part no.
306 Sedan, 1997=> 1.9l Diesel 50 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1) 665598 0508
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 80x65 mm
Race tr ack Tested
306 Sedan, 1997=> 1.9l TD 66 kW 1) 666598 0508
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 80x65 mm
307 3 & 5 door, 2001=> 307 SW, 2002=> 1.6l 16V 80 kW 664002 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
664002 0584C
307 3 & 5 door, 2001=> 307 SW, 2002=> 2.0l 100 kW 666002 0588
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition, not for HDI models
666002 0588
307 CC, 2004=> 2.0l 100 kW PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 666004 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0001 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm with socket Connection
0001 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight with socket Connection
0001 70
0001 05G
666004 099
308 Hatchback, 2007=> 1.6l VTI 88 kW (5FW) 665007 0588
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
PEUGEOT Part no.
406 Sedan / Coupé 1.8l 81 kW, 1995=>; 1.6l 65 kW, 1997=>; 2.0l 97 kW, 1995=>; 2.0l HDI 66 kW, 1999=> ; 2.0l HDI 80 kW, 2001=> 665099 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
406 Sedan / Coupé, 1997=> 3.0l V6 140 kW; 3.0l V6 152 kW, 2001=> ° 668097 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
407 Sedan, 2005=> 2.2l 16V 116 kW 666305 0512
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 120x74 mm
407 SW, 2004=> (not for 2008 model) 1.6l HDI 80 kW; 2.0l HDI 100 kW; 2.2l HDI 125 kW; 2.7l HDI 150 kW 667506 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
806 type 221, 1994=> 1.9l TD 66 kW; 2.0l 89/108 kW; 2.1l TD 80 kW; 2.0l HDI 80 kW, 2001=> ° 666201 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
RCZ, 2010=> ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system, the right side of the rear skirt must be cut as per enclosed template! 1.6l THP 115 kW (5FV); 1.6l THP 147 kW (5FU) 664010 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race (not for 147 kW model)
666010 1584C
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
664010 0584C
666010 1584C
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
PORSCHE Part no.
PORSCHE The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Boxster S type 987, 2006=> 2.7l 180 kW;: 3.2l 206 kW 686006 1705
Racing Sport exhaust system without cat., without homologation, with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Cayman S type 987, 2006=> 3.4l 217 kW 686006 1705
Racing Sport exhaust system without cat., without homologation, with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Cayman S Facelift type 987, 2009=> 3.4l 235 kW 689009 1798C
Racing Sport exhaust system without cat., without homologation, with 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm Street Race
alternativ: REMUS Titanium2 sport exhaust 689009 1798TI
Titanium2 Racing sport exhaust left and right, pre cat-back, main cat. omitted, with 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm, without homologation
689009 1798C
689009 1798TI
Boxster Facelift type 987, 2010=> 2.9l 188 kW (MA120)
Boxster S Facelift type 987, 2010=> 3.4l 228 kW 689308 1798C
Racing Sport exhaust system without cat., without homologation, with 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm Street Race
alternativ: REMUS Titanium2 sport exhaust 689308 1798TI
Titanium2 Racing sport exhaust left and right, pre cat-back, main cat. omitted, with 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm, without homologation
689308 1798C 689308 1798TI
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
PORSCHE Part no.
911 type 996, 2003=> 3.6l 309 kW (M9670)
911 Turbo type 996
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
3.6l Turbo 331kW (M96/70E)
Race tr ack Tested
911 GT2 type 996 3.6l 355kW (M96/70SL); 3.6l 340kW (M96/70S) 689003 1506
Sport exhaust incl. Racing catalytic convertor with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76/90 mm, Ø 70 mm inner tube, without homologation
911 Carrera / Carrera Cabrio type 997, 2006=> 3.6l 239 kW
911 Carrera S / Carrera S Cabrio type 997, 2006=> 3.8l 261 kW 689305 0100
Header left/right, without homologation
689305 1100
cat. tube left/right with metallic Racing cat., without homologation
689305 0500LR
Sport exhaust L/R, with homologation, for mounting on REMUS & original front system
689305 0606SLR
Tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm angled (689305 0500LR & 689305 0606SLR only fits as complete system!)
Alternative: tail pipe set mounting on original rear silencer for 3.8l 261 kW 689305 0706SLR
Tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm angled, with homologation
689305 0706SLR
911 Turbo, type 997 3.6l Turbo 353 kW (M97/70) 688007 1574
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76/84 mm incl. Cat
Alternative: Racing System without homologation 688207 1574
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76/84mm, incl. Racing Cat, without homologation
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
PORSCHE Part no.
Panamera Turbo type 970, 2009=> 4.8l V8 Turbo 368 kW (M4870) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
689309 0300
Front silencer, cat. back
689309 1572S
Sport exhaust system with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm angled with integrated valve control system (Sport exhaust and front silencer only fits as a complete system!)
Alternative: REMUS Titanium2 Sport Cat-Back-System 689309 0300TI
Titanium2 front silencer, cat-back
689309 1598STI
Titanium2 sport exhaust left and right with each 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm angled, with integrated valve control system
(Sport exhaust and front silencer only fits as a complete system!) complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
689309 1572S 689309 1598STI + 689309 0300TI
Cayenne I Turbo type 955, 2002=> 4.5l Turbo 331 kW 689203 1598C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm Street Race
Cayenne, 2007=> 4.8l V8 Turbo 368 kW 689207 1506S
Sport exhaust L/R with each 2 tail pipes Ø 90mm angled
Cayenne II S Hybrid type 958, 2010=> 3.0l 245 kW (M06EC)
Cayenne II Turbo type 958, 2010=> 4.8l V8 Turbo 368 kW 688010 1598C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm Street Race
alternativ: REMUS Titanium2 sport exhaust 688010 1598TI
Titanium2 Sport exhaust centered with left/right each 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm
688010 1598C
688010 1598TI 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Cayenne II S V8 type 958, 2011=> 4.8l V8 294 kW (M4802) 688010 1598C
Racing Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm Street Race, without homologation
689010 1598C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm Street Race
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
alternativ: REMUS Titanium2 sport exhaust 688010 1598TI
Titanium2 Racing Sport exhaust centered with left/right each 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm, without homologation
689010 1598TI
Titanium2 Sport exhaust centered with left/right each 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm
688010 1598C (689010 1598C)
688010 1598TI (689010 1598TI)
RENAULT Twingo I 40 kW, 1993=>; 40 kW, 1997=>; 1.2l 43 kW, 2001=>; 1.2l 16V 55 kW, 2001=> ° 732001 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
Twingo II, 2007=> 1.2l 55/56 kW (D4FJ7)
Twingo II GT, 2007=> 1.2l 74 kW (D4FK7) 732007 0533
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 102x68 mm
Twingo II, 2007=> 1.5l dCi 47 kW (K9K17) 733007 0533
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 102x68 mm
Clio I, type B / C57, <= 1996 1.2l 40 kW; 1.4l 55 kW; 1.8l 65 kW ° 732090 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Race tr ack Tested
RENAULT Part no.
Clio I, type B / C57, JAN1991=> 1.8l 16V 99 kW; RSi 1.8l 81 kW, 1993=>; 1.9l Diesel The World Leader in Sportexhausts
° 736091 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Clio II, 1998=> 1.2l 40 / 43 / 55 kW; 1.4l 55 kW; 1.4l 55 kW, 2001=>; 1.4l 72 kW, 2001=>; 1.4l 16V 72 kW, 2000=>; 1.4l 16V 72 kW, 2001=>; 1.6l 66 kW; 1.6l 16V 79 kW, 1999=>; 1.9l Diesel 47 kW type: B, 1999=> 1.5l dCi 48 kW; 1.9l dTI 59 kW, 2001=> 732501 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
3)° 734098 1511
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
732501 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2)° 734098 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0010 98C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0010 70
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
734098 1511
0000 16
0000 70
0000 78
0000 83C
732501 0532
732501 0540P
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
Clio II Sport, 2000=> & 2001=> 2.0l 16V 124 kW 736000 0568
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
736000 0596P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 90 mm
° 736000 0596T
736000 0568
Sport exhaust with 2 titanium tail pipes Ø 90 mm
736000 0596P 736000 0596T
Clio III, type R, 3 & 5 door, 2005=> (not for models SEP2009=>) 1.1l 55 kW; 1.2l 48 kW (D4FD7); 1.2l 74 kW (D4FH7); 1.2l 57,5 kW (D4FE7); 1.4l 72 kW; 1.6l 65 / 82 kW; 1.5l dCi 50 / 63 / 78 kW; 1.5l dCi 63 / 76 kW (K9KZ7); 1.5l dCi 68 kW (K9KZ7 DPF); 1.5l dCi 76 kW (K9KZ7 DPF) Sport exhaust system consisting of: 734006 098
Main silencer >>>>>>>>>>
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
RENAULT Part no.
>>>>>>>>>> choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
734006 098
0000 01
Clio III Sport, type R, 2006=> 2.0l 145 kW ° 736006 1503
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 76 mm
R19 Chamade, 1989=> 1.7l 54/65/66/67 kW, 1.8l 65 kW, 1.9l TD 66 kW 1) 734089 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
734089 0501
Mégane Coach 2 door, 1996=> RT 1.6l 66 kW; RT 2.0l 83,5/108kW; 1.9l TDI 72 kW, 1997=>
Mégane Coupé Phase II type: DA, 1999=> 1.4l 16V 70 kW; 1.6l 16V 79 kW; 1.9l dTi 72 kW 734596 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 90 Ø mm
Mégane 5 door, 1996=> 1.6l 55 / 66 kW; 2.0l 83,5 / 108 kW; 1.9l Diesel 47 / 68,5 kW; 1.9l TDI 72 kW, 1997=> AD0006 ° 734096 0504
Distance tube T for mounting on diesel models Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm (not suitable in combination with a towbar)
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
RENAULT Part no.
Megane Scénic RX4, 2000=> 2.0l 101,5 kW; 1.9l dci 75 kW, 2001=> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
735500 1505
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Megané Phase II, type BA, 5 door, 1999=> 1.4l 55 kW; 1.4l 16V 70 kW; 1.6l 16V 79 kW; 1.9l dTi 72 kW ° 734099 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Megane II 3 & 5 door, Megane II Scenic 1.4l 60 / 72 kW; 1.6l 75 / 77 kW, 2005=>; 1.6l 83 kW; 2.0l 16V 98,5 kW; 2.0l Turbo 120 kW, 2005=>; 1.5l dCi 60 / 74 kW; 1.5l dCi 63 / 78 kW, 2005=>; 1.9l dCi 66 / 85 / 88 kW; 1.9l dCi 66 / 81 / 85 / 96 kW, 2005=>; 2.0l dCi 110 kW, 2006=> ° 734004 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
Megane II 4 door, Megane II Grand Tour, Megane II Coupé-Cabrio 1.4l 60 / 72 kW; 1.6l 75 / 77 kW, 2005=>; 1.6l 83 kW; 2.0l 16V 98,5 kW; 2.0l Turbo 120 kW, 2005=>; 1.5l dCi 60 / 74 kW; 1.5l dCi 63 / 78 kW, 2005=>; 1.9l dCi 66 / 85 / 88 kW; 1.9l dCi 66 / 81 / 85 / 96 kW, 2005=>; 2.0l dCi 110 kW, 2006=> ° 734004 2578
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
Megane III RS Coupé, type Z, 2010=> 2.0l TCE 184 kW (F4RM8) 736010 0700
REMUS Cat-Back-System, sport exhaust centered, cat-back, incl. front silencer, fits in combination with the original rear skirt integrated tail pipe
Alternative: REMUS Titanium2 Sport Cat-Back-System 736010 0700TI
Titanium2 sport exhaust centered, cat-back, incl. front silencer, fits in combination with the original rear skirt integrated tail pipe
736010 0700TI 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
RENAULT Part no.
Laguna Sedan, type RXE, 1994=> Laguna Sedan, type B56, 1998=> 1.6l 79 kW, 1998=>; 1.8l 66 kW; 1.8l 88 kW, 1998=>; 2.0l 83 kW / 103 kW; 3.0l V6 123 kW; 3.0l V6 24V 140 kW, 1997=>; 1.9l dTi 72 kW; 2.2l Diesel RT 66 kW; 2.2l TD 83 kW, 1996=> ° 736094 0502
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Laguna II Grand Tour, 2001=> 2.2l 16V dCi 110 kW; 2.0l Turbo 120 kW, 2004=>; 2.0l Turbo 125 kW, 2004=>; 2.0l Turbo 150 kW, 2005=> 736202 3588
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Edition
Espace IV, type JK, 2002=> 1.9l dCi 88 kW, 2003=>; 2.2l dCi 110 kW, 2002=> ° 736302 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Grand Espace IV, type JK, 2002=> 2.2l dCi 110 kW ° 736402 3502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Safrane, 1997=> 2.2l TD 83 kW 1) 736597 0509
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
100 % Stainless steel
ROVER / SAAB / SEAT Part no.
ROVER The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
416 Si Sedan, 1996=> 1.6l 82 kW ° 704096 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
75, 2000=> 2.0l 16V CDT 85 kW ° 756000 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
SAAB 9-3, 3 & 5 door and Cabrio, 1998=> 2.0l 96 kW 1) 785598 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
SEAT Arosa, type 6H, 1997=> 1.0l 37 kW; 1.4l 44 kW 792597 0533
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 102x68 mm
Arosa, type 6HS, 2001=> 1.4l PD TDI 55 kW ° 952501 0532 3)° 953501 0568
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm TWIN-Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design, central outlet
952501 0532 953501 0568 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
SEAT Part no.
Ibiza, type 6K, APR1993=> 1.0l 33kW; 1.3l 40kW; 1.4l 44kW; 1.6l 55 kW =>1995; 1.9l Diesel 47 / 50 kW; connection Ø 42mm 790596 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Ibiza Cupra, type 6K, 1997=> 2.0l GTI 16V 110 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 / 81 kW 796097 9999
Connection tube for mounting the exchanged front silencer
796097 0548
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
Ibiza, type 6K GP 01, 1999=> 1.0l 37 kW; 1.4l 44 kW; 1.4l 44 kW, 2001=>; 1.4l 55 kW, 2001=>; 1.9l TDI 66 / 81 kW ° 791099 0596P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Ibiza, type 6L, 3 & 5 door, 2002=> ATTENTION: when fitting 792502 8598(B) the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! ATTENTION: for mounting of 792502 05… on 1.2l models, the original bracket of the 1.2l model (6Q0 253 144 H) has to be replaced by the original bracket of the 1.4l model (6Q0 253 144 G) 1.2l 12V 47 kW; 1.4l 63 kW, 2007=>; 1.4l 16V 55/74 kW AD0003
Distance tube M for mounting on 1.2l model
° 792502 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
° 792502 8598B
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled "burned" (only for 1.4l)
° 792502 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
792502 0584C
792502 8598B 792502 0586P
Ibiza, type 6L, 3 & 5 door, 2002=> 1.4l TDI 55 kW; 1.9l SDI 47 kW; 1.9l PD TDI 74 / 96 kW ° 795002 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
SEAT Part no.
Ibiza, type 6J, 2008=> 1.2l 51 kW (BZG); 1.4l 63 kW (BXW); 1.6l 77 kW (BTS) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
794508 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Ibiza, type 6J, 2008=> 1.4l TDI 59 kW (BMX); 1.9l TDI 66 kW (BXJ); 1.9l TDI 77 kW (BLS) 795008 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Altea, type 5P, 2004=> 1.4l 63 kW, 2006=>; 1.6l 75 kW; 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 2.0l TFSI 147 kW; 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 100 / 103 / 125 kW AD0092
Distance tube G6 for mounting 796005 098 on 1.4l 4V 64 kW model
Distance tube C1 for mounting 796005 098 on 2.0l TDI 125 kW model
Distance tube T5 for mounting 796005 098 on 1.6l 75 kW & 1.9l TDI 77kW models
Distance tube U5 for mounting 79605 098 on 2.0l front silencer 110 kW & 2.0l TDI 100/103 kW models
Sport exhaust system consisting of: 796005 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
3) 0000 11
796005 098
0000 04G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Altea, type 5P, 2004=> 1.4l 63 kW, 2006=>; 1.6l 75 kW AD0135 AD0082 ° 794005 6584KR
100 % Stainless steel
Distance tube Q6 for mounting on 1.4l 63 kW model Distance tube X5 for mounting on 1.6l 75 kW model REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
SEAT Part no.
Altea, type 5P, 2004=> ATTENTION: when fitting L/R-system, the rear skirt must be cut at the right side as per the enclosed template! 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 100 / 103 kW
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2)° 796005 199
Race tr ack Tested
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0010 11
3) 0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0010 01
0010 02
0010 04G
0010 05G
0010 11
0010 14M
0010 16
0010 66
0010 78
0010 83C
0010 83CS
0010 84C
0010 84CS
796005 199
Altea XL, type 5P, 2007=> 1.8l TSI 118 kW (BYT) 796007 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Leon, type 1M, <=OKT2000 1.8l Turbo 132 kW 1) 795000 0568
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
795000 0568
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
SEAT Part no.
Leon, type 1M, 2000=> 1.4l 16V 55 kW; 1.6l 74 kW; 1.6l 16V 77 kW; 1.8l 20V 92 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 kW; 1.9l TDI 81 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Distance tube H for mounting on 1.4l & 1.6l models
3)° 045096 1511
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
1) 3) 045096 1568
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
° 045096 1540P
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
1) 045096 1540T
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 titanium tail pipe 140x72 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 046097 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0010 11
045096 1511
045096 1568
045096 1540P
3) 0010 66
045096 1540T
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0010 01
0010 02
0010 04G
0010 05G
0010 11
0010 14M
0010 16
0010 66
0010 78
0010 83C
0010 83CS
0010 84C
0010 84CS
046097 199
Leon, type 1P, 2005=> 1.4l 63 kW; 1.6l 75 kW; 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 2.0l TFSI 136 / 147 kW; 2.0l TFSI 147 kW "FR"; 2.0l TFSI 177 kW "Cupra"; 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 100 / 103 / 125 kW; 2.0l TDI 125 kW "FR" AD0092
Distance tube G6 for mounting 796005 098 on 1.4l 64 kW model
Distance tube T5 for mounting 796005 098 on 1.6l 75 kW & 1.9l TDI 77kW models
Distance tube U5 for mounting 796005 098 on 2.0l front silencer 110 & 2.0l TDI 100/103/125 kW models
Sport exhaust system consisting of: 796005 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
3) 0000 11
796005 098
100 % Stainless steel
0000 04G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
SEAT Part no.
Leon, type 1P, 2005=> 1.4l 63 kW; 1.6l 75 kW AD0135
Distance tube Q6 for mounting on 1.4l 63 kW model
Distance tube X5 for mounting on 1.6l 75 kW model
° 794005 6584KR
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
Leon, type 1P, 2005=> ATTENTION: when fitting L/R-system, the rear skirt must be cut at the right side as per the enclosed template! 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 100 / 103 kW Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2)° 796005 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0010 11
3) 0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0010 01
0010 02
0010 04G
0010 05G
0010 11
0010 14M
0010 16
0010 66
0010 78
0010 83C
0010 83CS
0010 84C
0010 84CS
796005 199
Cordoba & Cordoba SX 3 door model 1.6l 55kW (Model 1995); 1.6l 74 kW; 1.8l 66 kW; 1.8l 16V 95 kW; 2.0l 85 kW; 1.8l 16V 95 kW; 1.9l SDI 47 kW; 1.9l TD 55 kW; connection Ø 50 mm ° 791093 0300 791096 2507
Front silencer Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
791093 0300 791096 2507
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
SEAT Part no.
Toledo, type 1L 1.6l 52 / 54 kW, MAY1991=> <=1995; 1.9l Diesel 50 / 55 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1) 792591 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Toledo, type 1L, 1996=> 1.8i GT 16V 92 kW; 2.0i 85 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 kW; 2.0l 16V 110 kW; with new large rear skirt ° 795596 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Toledo, type 1M, 1999=> & 2001=> ATTENTION: When mounting on 1.4, 1.6, 1.9l SDI models, use original VW bracket (part no 1J0 253 144)! 1.4l 55 kW; 1.6l 74 kW; 1.8l 92 kW; 2.3l V5 110 kW, 1999=>; 2.3l V5 125 kW, 2001=>; 1.9l SDI 50 kW; 1.9l TDI 66/81 kW; 1.9l TDI 110 kW, 2001=> AD0016
Distance tube H for mounting on 1.4l, 1.6l & 1.9l SDI models
796501 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Toledo, type 5P, 2005=> 1.6l 75 kW PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 796204 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 11
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 02
796204 099
0000 66
0000 70
100 % Stainless steel
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 04G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
SEAT / SKODA Part no.
Toledo, type 5P, 2005=> 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 100 / 103 kW; 2.0l FSI 110 kW PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 796504 099
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
Race tr ack Tested
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 11
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 98C
1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0000 70
1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
0000 02
796504 099
0000 66
0000 70
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 04G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
Exeo, type 3R, 2009=> 1.8l Turbo 110 kW (CFM); 2.0l TDI 105 kW (CAG); 2.0l TDI 125 kW (CAH) ° 046208 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Alhambra 2.0l 85KW, 1996=>; 1.9l TDI 66 / 81 KW, 1996=>; 1.9l TDI 85 kW, 2001=> 955001 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
SKODA Fabia, type 6Y, JAN2000=> (not for station wagon) 1.4l 16V 74 kW; 1.4l MPI 50 kW; 1.4l 55 kW, 2002=> 1) 805002 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
SKODA Part no.
Fabia, type 6Y (not for station wagon), JAN2000=> 1.9l TDI 74 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Fabia, type 5J (not for station wagon), 2007=> 1.4l TDI 51 / 59 kW; 1.9l TDI 77 kW 806007 0504 1) 805002 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
806007 0504 805002 0502
Fabia RS, type 5J, 2011=> 1.4l 132 kW (CAVE) 804010 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Octavia Sedan & station wagon, type 1U, 1997=> 1.6l 55/74 kW; 1.8l 92 kW; 2.0l 85 kW, 2000=>; 1.9l TDI 66/81 kW ° 805097 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
Octavia Sedan & station wagon, type 1Z, 2004=> 1.6l 75 kW; 1.6l FSI 85 kW; 1.8l TSI 118 kW (BZB); 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 103 kW PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 805004 099 0303 04
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
805004 099
0303 04
Octavia RS Sedan & station wagon, type 1Z, 2006=> 2.0l TFSI 147 kW 805005 0504
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm, without homologation
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Superb I Sedan, 2002=> 1.8l Turbo 110 kW; 2.0l 85 kW; 2.8l V6 30V 142 kW; 1.9l PD TDI 74 / 96 kW; 2.5l TDI 114 kW 956001 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
SMART Smart Fortwo (BR450) 0.6l 40 kW ° 501000 0533
Sport exhaust with cat. with 1 tail pipe 102x68 mm (tail pipe left)
SUBARU Impreza 4WD Turbo model 1994 & model 1997; 2.0l Turbo 155 kW
Impreza WRX 4WD, 2000=> & 2002=> 2.0l 160 kW; 2.0l 165 kW type EJ 20, SEP2002=>
Impreza WRX STI, 2002=> 2.0l 195 kW
Impreza WRX STI DCCD, 2006=> ATTENTION: when fitting L/R-system for WRX STI DCCD, the PVC cover must be cut as per the enclosed template 2.5l WRX STI DCCD 206 kW 846000 0000 ° 846000 0400 846100 0506 ° 846000 1568 846100 0540P ° 846100 8598
Racing tube without homologation, not for 2.0l Turbo 155 kW model Middle silencer, not for 2.0l Turbo 155 kW model Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled incl. front silencer (only for 2.0l 160/165/195kW)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
846000 0000
846000 0400
846100 0506
846100 0540P
846000 1568
846100 8598
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
SUBARU Part no.
Impreza WRX STI, 2002=> ATTENTION: REMUS is not liable for consequential damages due to the power increase of this Racing system! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
2.0l 195 kW Racing complete system without homologation! ° 848000 1100
Racing cat. pipe with metallic Racing cat. Ø 76 mm (without homologation) instead of original cat.
° 848000 0000
Racing tube Ø 76 mm (without homologation) instead of front silencer
° 848000 0573RC
Racing Sport exhaust Ø 76 mm (without homologation) with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm angled (Only fits as a complete system!)
848000 0000
848000 1100
848000 0573RC
Impreza Hatchback, type G3, 2007=> 1.5l 79 kW (EL15) 845007 0580
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 115 mm
Impreza Hatchback, type G3/20 (GH7), 2007=> 2.0l 110 kW (EJ20) 846007 0580
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 115 mm
Impreza Hatchback WRX Sti, type G3, 2008=> ATTENTION: REMUS is not liable for consequential damages due to the power increase of this Racing system! 2.5l 221 kW (EJ25) 847008 0000 ° 847008 1557
Racing tube instead of front silencer, without homologation Sport exhaust L/R each 1 tail pipe 185x85 mm
Alternative: Racing complete system without homologation (can only be fitted together) ° 848008 1100
Racing downpipe
° 848008 1000
Racing cat.
848008 0000
Racing tube
° 848008 1504P
Racing Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm (Only fits as a complete system!)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
847008 0000
847008 1557 >>>>>>>>>>
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
>>>>>>>>>> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
848008 1000
848008 1100
848008 0000
848008 1504P
Impreza Sedan WRX Sti, type G3, 2010=> 2.5l 221 kW (EJ25) 847010 0000
Racing tube instead of front silencer, without homologation
847010 0300
Front silencer
847010 0584CL
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
847010 0584CR
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race (Only fits as a complete system with either Racing tube or front silencer!)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
847010 0000
847010 0300
847010 0584CL
847010 0584CR
SUZUKI Swift Hatchback 3 & 5 door, type MZ, 2005=> 1.3l 66 kW; 1.3l 68 kW; 1.5l 74 kW 852005 0000 ° 852005 0300
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer Front silencer (only for 1.3l 66 kW)
PowerSound Right-System 2) 852005 099
PowerSound Main silencer (right system) with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0400 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0400 07
1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
0400 05G
0400 07
852005 099
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
SUZUKI Part no.
Swift Hatchback 3 & 5 door, type MZ, 2005=> 1.3l 66 kW; 1.3l 68 kW; 1.5l 74 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
° 852005 6598KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm "REMUS 65"
Race tr ack Tested
Swift Sport, type MZ, 2007=> 1.6l 16V 92 kW (M16A) 852005 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead front silencer
PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 856007 199 0411 05G
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
0411 05G 856007 199
Swift 4x4, type MZ, 2007=> 1.3l 68 kW (M13A) ° 852007 0512
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 120x74 mm
Swift, type NZ, 2010=> ATTENTION: the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.2l 69 kW (K12B) 852010 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
852010 0554
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 70 mm
852010 1583C
Sport exhaust L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
852010 0505
852010 0554 852010 1583C
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Wagon R+, type EM, 1998=> 1.0l 48 kW; 1.2l 51 kW 4WD 1) 852098 0500
Main silencer
1) 852098 0633
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe 102x68 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
(Main silencer & Connection tube only fits as a complete system!)
852098 0633
852098 0500
SSANG YONG Kyron, M200, 2004=> 2.0l Xdi 104 kW 866004 1617
Connection tube with L/R each 1 tail pipe 138x90 mm angled rolled embossed
Rexton, 2005=> Rexton II, 2006=> 2.7l Xdi 121 kW ° 867506 1617
Connection tube with L/R each 1 tail pipe 138x90 mm angled rolled embossed
TOYOTA Aygo, 2006=> 1.0l VVT-i 50 kW Sportauspuffanlage bestehend aus: 121005 098
wählen Sie aus nachfolgendem Endrohrpaket: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
121005 098
0000 14M
0000 01
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 16
0000 83C
0000 83CS
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
TOYOTA Part no.
Starlet, 1996=> 1.3l 16V 55 kW ° 902596 0501
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Yaris, 2006=> 1.0l 51 kW
Yaris, type XP9(a), 2009=> 1.3l VVT-i 74 kW (1NR-FE), 2009=> ° 902006 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Yaris, 2006=> 1.4l D-4D 66 kW 903006 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Yaris Sport, type XP9, 2007=> 1.8l VVT-i 98 kW (2ZR-FE) 905007 0570TD
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
Corolla Hatchback, 1993=> 1.4l, 1.6l, 2.0l Diesel
Corolla Hatchback, 1995=> 1.3l 55 kW ° 903093 0501
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
TOYOTA Part no.
Corolla Hatchback, type E11, 1997=> 1.4l 63 kW; 1.4l 71 kW, 1999=>; 1.6l 79 / 81 kW; 1.6l 81 kW G6-R type E11, 1999=>; 2.0l Diesel 53 kW 902597 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Corolla Hatchback, type E12U 3 & 5 door, 2002=> <=JUL2004 1.4l VVT-i 71 kW; 1.6l VVT-i 81 kW; 2.0l D-4D 66 / 81 kW ° 905502 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Corolla TSport, 2002=> 1.8l VVTL-i 141 kW 905002 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
Corolla Verso, type R1, 2004=> 1.6l VVT-i 81 kW; 1.8l VVT-i 95 kW; 2.0l D-4D 85 kW ° 906004 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Auris, type E15UT(A), 2007=> 2.0l D-4D 93 kW Sport exhaust system consisting of: 906007 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
1) 1003 78
2 Diesel-tip(s) Ø 84 mm embossed with emission exit downwards
906007 098
0003 78
0003 04
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
1003 78
100 % Stainless steel
TOYOTA Part no.
Auris, type E15J(a), 2007=> 1.6l VVT-i 91 kW (1ZR-FE) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
904007 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Carina, type T19U, Sedan / Liftback / Tourer, 1996=> 1.8l 79 kW; 2.0l 93 kW; 2.0l TD 61 kW
Carina, type T19, Sedan / Liftback / Tourer, APR1992=> 1.6l 79 kW;2.0l 98 kW AD0004
Distance tube A for mounting on 1.6l & 1.8l models
Distance tube L for mounting on 2.0l TD model
° 906096 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Avensis Sedan & Liftback type T25, 2003=> 1.6l 81 kW, 2003=>; 1.8l 95 kW, 2003=> 905003 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Avensis Sedan & Liftback, type T25, 2003=> 2.0l VVT-i 108 kW, 2003=>; 2.0l D-4D 85 kW, 2003=> 906003 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Avensis Tourer, type T25, 2003=> 1.6l 81 kW, 2003=>; 1.8l 95 kW, 2003=> ° 905003 3502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Avensis Tourer, type T25, 2003=> 2.0l VVT-i 108 kW, 2003=>; 2.0l D-4D 85 kW, 2003=> ° 906003 3502
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
TOYOTA Part no.
Avensis Verso, AUG2001=> 2.0l VVT-i 110 kW; 2.0l D-4D 85 kW 째 906002 0500
Main silencer
째 906002 0601
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
(Main silencer & Connection tube only fits as a complete system!)
906002 0500
906002 0601
Previa 2.4l 115 kW, 2000=>; 2.0l D-4D 85 kW type R3, 2001=> 째 906500 0501
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
RAV 4, LWB, 2000=> 1.8l 2WD 92 kW; 2.0l 4WD 110 kW; 2.0l 4WD D-4D 85 kW, 2001=> 906000 1509
Sport exhaust with 1TP 135x75 mm
RAV 4, type XA3, 2006=> 2.0l VVT-i 112 kW; 2.2l D-4D 100 kW; 2.2l D-4D 130 kW 째 906506 1617
Connection tube with L/R each 1 tail pipe 138x90 mm angled rolled embossed Not in combination with a towbar!
MR-2, type W2, 1989=> 2.0l 115 kW with cat.; 2.0l 129 kW, 1994=>; 2.0l 16V 125 kW type W20, 1997=> 907089 0501
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
TOYOTA Part no.
MR-2, type W3, 2000=> 1.8l VTI 103 kW 905000 1505
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
Race tr ack Tested
Celica, type T18, 1990=> 1.6l 77 kW; 2.0l 115 kW 905090 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
905090 0584C
Celica, type T20, 1994=> 1.8l 85 kW ° 905094 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Celica, type T20, 1994=> 2.0l 129 kW; 2.0l GT 125 kW, 1997=> 906094 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Celica, type T23, 1999=> 1.8l VVT-i 105 kW 905099 0500
Main silencer
905099 0670TD
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm Turbo Design
905099 0698C
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race (Main silencer & Connection tube only fits as a complete system!)
905099 0670TD
905099 0500
905099 0698C
Celica, type T23, T-Sport, 2000=> 1.8l VVTL-i 141 kW 905001 0500
Main silencer
905001 0698C
Connection tube with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race (Main silencer & Connection tube only fits as a complete system!)
905001 0500 100 % Stainless steel
905001 0698C
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1.0l 37 kW, 1998=> 792597 0533
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 102x68 mm
Lupo ATTENTION: When mounting on 1.2l TDI models, use original VW bracket (part no 3A0 253 674 A)! 1.0l 37 kW type 6X, OCT 1998=>; 1.2l TDI 45 kW type 6E, 1999=>; 1.4l 55 kW type 6X, OCT 1998=>; 1.4l TDI PD 55 kW type 6X1, 2000=>; 1.7l SDI 44 kW type 6X1, 2000=> AD0008
Distance tube O for mounting on 1.0l & 1.2l TDI models
° 952501 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
3)° 953501 0568
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design central outlet
952501 0532
953501 0568
Fox 3, door type 5Z, 2005=> ATTENTION: when fitting tail pipes 04G, 78, 02 & 14M, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.2l 40 kW (BMD); 1.4l 55 kW AD0003
Distance tube M for mounting on 1.2l 50 kW model
PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 955005 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
955005 099
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Fox, 3 door, type 5Z, 2005=> 1.4l TDI 51 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust system consisting of: ° 955005 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
955005 098 0000 01
Polo 2 type 86C, 1985=> 33 / 40 / 47 / 55 / 57 kW
Polo G40 Coupé 1.3l G40 83/85 kW AD0003
Distance tube M for mounting on 33/40 kW models and for Racing tube!
953091 0000
Racing tube without homologation, not for G40 model
953091 0505
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
953091 0000
953091 0505
Polo 3, type 6N, OCT1994=> 1.0l 33 kW; 1.4l 44 kW; 1.6l 55 kW
Polo 3 Facelift, type 6N, 1999=> 1.0l 37 kW; 1.4l 40 / 44 kW; 1.4l 16V 55 kW 1) 952995 0300
Racing front silencer, without homologation
° 952095 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
952095 0596P
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
952095 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
952095 0532
952095 8598
952095 0596P
Polo 3, type 6N, 1995=> 1.4l TDI 55 kW, 2000=>; 1.9l Diesel 47 kW, 1995=>; 1.9l SDI 47 kW, 2000=> ° 956096 0532
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Polo 3, type 6N, 1996=> 1.4l 16V 74 kW; 1.6l 88 kW
Polo 3 Facelift GTI 16V, type 6N2 , 2000=>
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1.6l GTI 16V 92 kW AD0006
Distance tube for mounting on 1.4l model
954000 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
Race tr ack Tested
Polo 4, type 9N, 2001=> Polo , Facelift, type 9N3, 2005=> 1.2l 40/47 kW, 2005=>; 1.2l 47 kW, 2001=>; 1.4l 16V 55/74 kW, 2001=>; 1.4l 55 kW, 2005=> 952601 0548
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
Polo 4 GTI Facelift, type 9N3, 2006=> 1.8l Turbo 110 kW (BJX) ° 955506 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Polo 5, type 6R, 2010=> ATTENTION: when fitting on 1.2l 44/51 kW models the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.2l 44 kW (CGPB/CHFA); 1.2l 51 kW (CGPA); 1.4l 63 kW (BXW/CGGB) 952510 0598C
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
Golf Cabrio, type 155 1.8l 70 kW, AUG1985=>; 1.8l 72 kW, JUL1989=> 955089 0570
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
955089 0595P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe Ø 90 mm
955089 0570
955089 0595P
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Golf II, AUG1985=> all models with cat, from chassis no. 19-6-18001 onwards; 1.3l 37 / 40 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Golf II, AUG1987=> from chassis no JB 000001 onwards; 1.6l 62 / 66 / 79 / 82 kW AD0008
Distance tube O is necessary for fitment!
1) 952085 0300 955083 0400 1) 955983 0400 955083 0504
Front silencer Middle silencer Racing middle silencer, without homologation Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
955083 0400
955983 0400
955083 0504
Golf II, with & without cat., 1985=> 1.8l 62 kW
Golf II, with & without cat. & Edition (connection Ø 50 mm) 1.8l 66 kW (& Edition connection Ø 50 mm)
Golf II, with cat & Edition (connection Ø 50 mm) 1.8l 79 kW
Golf GTI II, SEP1983 1.8l GTI 8V 82 kW AD0006
Distance tube T for mounting on Cat. models with central muffler!
955083 0400
Middle silencer
955083 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
955983 0400
955083 0504
Golf II GTI 16V, without cat., 1985=> 1.8l 16V 102 kW
Golf II GTI 16V, with cat. 1.8l 16V 95 kW
Golf II Edition (connection Ø 55 mm) 1.8l 66 / 79 kW 955085 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of middle silencer
955085 1300
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer
° 955085 0300
Front silencer
955085 0400
Middle silencer
955085 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
955085 0300
100 % Stainless steel
955085 0400
955085 0506
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Golf II G 60 =>MAY1989 1.8l 118 kW with cat. ° 955090 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Golf III, JUL1991=> Golf III Cabrio, JUL1991=> Golf III Cabrio Facelift type 1EXO (Golf IV Cabrio), 1998=> 1.4l 40 / 44 kW; 1.6l 55 kW; 1.8l 55kW 954092 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of central silencer
954092 0300
Front silencer
954098 0584C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
954098 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
° 954098 0540T
Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 140x72 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
954098 0540P
954092 0300
954098 0540T 954098 0584C
Golf III, JUL1991=> Golf III Cabrio, JUL1991=> Golf III Cabrio Facelift type 1EXO (Golf IV Cabrio), 1998=> 1.6l 74 kW (only rear silencer); 1.8l 66 kW; 2.0l GTI 85 kW; 1.9l SDI 47 kW (only rear silencer); 1.9l TD 55 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 kW; 1.9l TDI 81 kW ° 955592 0300 955592 0000 ° 955594 0300
Front silencer for 85 kW model Racing tube without homologation, instead of main silencer for 66 kW model Front silencer for 85 kW model, connection Ø 55mm
955594 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of Main silencer for 85 kW model
954592 0400
Main silencer for 66 kW, TD 55 kW, TDI 66 kW models
955592 0400
Main silencer for SDI 47 kW, 85 kW models
955592 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø76 mm
955592 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
955592 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (only for 1.6l, 1.8l, 2.0l GTI)
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 955592 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0000 11
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
955592 0000
955592 0400
955592 0504
955592 0540P
955592 8598 >>>>>>>>>>
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
955592 099
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Golf III VR6, JUL1991=> 2.8l VR6 128 kW
Golf III GTI 16V 2.0l 16V 110 kW 959092 0300
Front silencer
959092 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of middle silencer
959092 0400
Middle silencer
° 959092 0502 959092 0596P
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 90 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
959092 0300
959092 0000
959092 0502
959092 0400
959092 0596P
Golf III Syncro, 1995=> 1.8l 66 kW; 2.9l VR6 140 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 kW 959096 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
Golf III Estate, 1992=> Vento, 1992=> 1.4l 40 / 44 kW; 1.8l 55 kW 954092 0300 ° 955093 2502
Front silencer Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
954092 0300
100 % Stainless steel
955093 2502
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Vento, 1992=> 1.8l 66 kW; 2.0l 85 kW; 1.9l TD 55 / 66 kW; 1.9l SDI 47 kW, 1995=> ° 955592 0300
Front silencer for 85 kW model
° 955594 0300
Front silencer for Connection 55 mm
955592 0400
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Middle silencer for 85 kW model
° 956092 2502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
° 956092 2540T
Sport exhaust with 1 titanium tail pipe 140x72 mm
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
955592 0300
955592 0400
956092 2502
956092 2540T
Golf IV, type 1J, OCT1997=> ATTENTION: When mounting on 1.4, 1.6, 1.9l SDI, use distance tube AD0016! ATTENTION: When mounting on 1.4, 1.6, 1.9l SDI models, use original VW bracket (part no 1J0 253 1449! ATTENTION: when fitting 046297 8598, the rear bumper must be cut as per the enclosed template! 1.4l 55 kW, 1998=>; 1.6l 74 / 75 / 77 kW; 1.8l 92 kW; 2.0l 85 kW, 1999=>; 2.3l V5 125 kW, 2001=>; 1.9l SDI 50 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 KW AD0016
Distance tube H for mounting on 1.4l, 1.6l & 1.9l SDI models
045096 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, not for Diesel models
045096 0300
Front silencer, only for 1.4l 55 kW, 1.6l 74/75/77 kW models
° 045096 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
045096 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
045096 0572F
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 102 mm Future Design
3)° 045096 1511
Sport exhaust L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
1) 3) 045096 1568
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
045096 0540P
Sport exhaust with 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
045096 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
° 045096 1540P
Sport exhaust L/R each 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
1) 045096 1540T
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 titanium tail pipe 140x72 mm
046297 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (only for 1.4l, 1.6l, 1.8l, 2.0l)
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 046297 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0000 11
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
045096 0506
045096 0572F
045096 1511
045096 1568
045096 0586P
045096 1540P
045096 1540T
046297 8598
045096 0540P
045096 0502 >>>>>>>>>>
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
046297 099
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Golf IV, type 1J, OCT1997=> 1.4l 55 kW, 1998=>; 1.6l 74 / 75 / 77 kW; 1.8l 92 kW; 2.0l 85 kW, 1999=>; 2.3l V5 125 kW, 2001=> AD0007
Distance tube U for mounting on 1.4l & 1.6l models
045096 6584KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
Golf IV, type 1J, OCT1997=> ATTENTION: when fitting 046297 8598. the rear bumper must be cut as per the enclosed template! 1.6l FSI 81 kW, 2002=>; 1.8l Turbo 110 kW; 2.3l VR5 110 kW type 1J, 1998=>; 1.9l TDI 74 / 81 / 85 / 96 / 110 kW (incl. PD- Pumpe-Düse) 046097 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, not for Diesel models
046097 0300
Front silencer, not for Diesel models
046097 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
3)° 045096 1511
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
1) 3) 045096 1568
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
° 045096 1540P
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 stainless steel tail pipe 140x72 mm
1) 045096 1540T
Sport exhaust with L/R each 1 titanium tail pipe 140x72 mm
046297 8598
Sport exhaust polished with 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm angled (only for 1.6l FSI, 2.3l VR5)
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 046297 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 01
1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0000 02
2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 05G
1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0000 11
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 046097 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
3) 0010 11
3) 0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation). >>>>>>>>>>
100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
>>>>>>>>>> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
046097 199
046297 099
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
045096 0502
045096 1511
045096 1568
045096 1540P
045096 1540T
046297 8598
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 11
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Golf IV, type 1J, OCT1997=> 1.6l FSI 81 kW, 2002=>; 1.8l Turbo 110 kW 045096 6584KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
Golf IV R32, type 1J, 2002=> 3.2l V6 177 kW 1) 958202 0698C
Connection tube left & right with each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
Bora, type 1J, NOV1998=> Bora Estate, type 1J, JUL1999=> Golf IV Estate, type 1J, JUN1999=> ATTENTION: When mounting on 1.4, 1.6, 1.9l SDI models, use original VW bracket (part no 1J0 253 144)! 1.4l 55 kW; 1.6l 74 kW; 1.8l 92 kW; 2.0l 85 kW; 2.3l V5 125 kW, 2001=>; 1.9l SDI 50 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 kW; 1.9l TDI 74/81 kW; 1.9l TDI PD 85 / 96 kW AD0016
Distance tube H for mounting on 1.4l, 1.6l & 1.9l SDI models
956099 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
956099 0586P
Sport exhaust with 2 stainless steel tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
956099 0502
956099 0586P
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Race tr ack Tested
Golf V, type 1K, 2003=> Golf V Plus, type 1KP, 2005=> The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
1.4l 55/59 kW; 1.4l FSI 66 kW; 1.6l 75 kW ° 954003 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76mm
° 954003 0566
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 954003 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0002 78
PowerSound Connection tube left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm
0002 68
PowerSound Connection tube left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
0002 86
PowerSound Connection tube left with 1 Carbon tail pipe Ø 110 mm
0002 02
PowerSound Connection tube left with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
954003 0504
954003 0566
0002 78
0002 86
0002 68
0002 02
954003 099
Golf V, type 1K, 2003=> Golf V Plus, type 1KP, 2005=> 1.4l 55/59 kW; 1.6l 75 kW AD0021
Distance tube C for mounting on 1.4l model
Distance tube U6 for mounting on 1.6l model
° 954003 6584KR
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
Golf V, type 1K, 2003=> Golf V Plus, type 1KP, 2005=> 1.6l FSI 85 kW; 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 / 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 100/103 kW PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 956003 099
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0002 78
Connection tube left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm
0002 86
Connection tube left with 1 Carbon tail pipe Ø 110 mm
3) 0002 68
Connection tube left with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
0002 02
Connection tube left with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Alternative: PowerSound Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 2) 956003 199
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system system
choose from following tail pipe package: 0012 78
tail pipe set Connection tubeL/R with each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm
0012 86
tail pipe set Connection tubeL/R with each 1 Carbon tail pipe Ø 110 mm
3) 0012 68
tail pipe set Connection tubeL/R with each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Rallye-Design
0002 78 956003 099
100 % Stainless steel
0002 86
0002 68
0002 02
956003 199
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Golf V, type 1K, 2003=> Golf V Plus, type 1KP, 2005=> 1.4l FSI 66 kW; 1.6l FSI 85 kW; 2.0l FSI 110 kW
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Distance tube R6 for mounting on 1.4l model
Distance tube U for mounting on 1.6l model
° 956003 6584KR
Race tr ack Tested
REMUS 65 Cat-Back-System, front silencer & Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm "REMUS 65"
Golf V GT, type 1K, 2006=> 1.4l Turbo 125 kW Sport exhaust system consisting of: ° 956006 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
3) 0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
3) 0000 11
0000 04G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
956006 098
Golf V GTI, type 1K, 2004=> 2.0l TFSI 147 kW
Golf V GTD, type 1K, 2004=> 2.0l TDI 125 kW
Golf V GTI Edition 30, type 1K, 2007=> 2.0l TFSI 169 kW (BYD) ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! AD0032
Distance tube C1 for mounting on 2.0l TDI 125 kW model
957004 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer, not for 2.0l TDI model
957004 0300
Front silencer, not for 2.0l TDI model
956207 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
Sport exhaust system consisting of: (not homologated for GTI Edition 30!) 957004 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 11
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 83C
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 83CS
1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race >>>>>>>>>>
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
>>>>>>>>>> Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: (not homologated for GTI Edition 30!) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
957004 198
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 11
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
956207 0556 957004 098
957004 198
0000 04G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 78
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Golf V GTI, type 1K, 2004=> 2.0l TFSI 147 kW 957504 1100
Racing cat.pipe with metallic Racing cat. (pipe Ø 70mm), without homologation
957504 0300
Racing front silencer, (pipe Ø 70 mm) without homologation
957504 0506
Racing Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm (pipe Ø 70mm), without homologation (Only fits as a complete system!)
957504 0506
Golf V R32, type 1K, 2006=> 3.2l V6 184 kW 958006 5598C
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm Street Race
Golf V Estate, type 1KM, 2007=> 1.6l 75 kW; 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 103 kW PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 955505 099 0303 04
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
955505 099 100 % Stainless steel
0303 04
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
VW Golf VI, type 1K, 2011=> 1.2l 77 kW
VW Golf VI Cabrio, type 1K, 2011=>
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
1.2l TSI 77 kW (CBZ)
Race tr ack Tested
ATTENTION: The rear skirt must be cut as per the enclosed template! 952508 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 TPØ 84 mm angled
952508 0584CS
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
952508 1584C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
952508 1584CS
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
952508 0584CS 952508 0556
952508 1584CS
952508 1584C
Golf VI, type 1K, 2008=> 1.4l 59 kW (CGG) ° 954003 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Golf VI, type 1K, 2008=> Golf VI Plus, type 1KP, 2009=> 1.4l TSI 90 kW (CAXA); 1.4l TSI 118 kW (CAVD) 953008 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Golf VI, type 1K, 2008=> 2.0l TDI 81 kW (CBD); 2.0l TDI 103 kW 954008 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Golf VI, type 1K, 2008=> 1.4l TSI 90 kW (CAXA); 1.4l TSI 118 kW (CAVD); 2.0l TDI 81 kW (CBD); 2.0l TDI 103 kW 953508 5598C-SET Set consisting of: Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm Street Race centered in „R-Look“ Rear diffuser centered for VW Golf VI in carbon optic
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Golf VI GTI, type 1K, 2009=> 2.0l TSI 155 kW (CCZ) The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
957004 0000
Racing tube without homologation, instead of front silencer
956008 1598C
Sport exhaust L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
956008 1598C
957004 0000
Golf VI R, type 1K, 2010=> 2.0l TSI 199 kW (CDLF) REMUS Cat-Back-System 956010 0000
Racing tube Ø 70 mm instead of front silencer (original pipe must be cut) without homologation
956010 0300
front silencer Ø 70 mm (original pipe must be cut)
956010 5598C
Sport exhaust Ø 70 mm centered with 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm Street Race incl. Connection tube Ø 70 mm (fits on original front silencer with adaptor)
Alternative: REMUS Titanium2 Sport Cat-Back-System 956010 0300TI
Titanium2 front silencer Ø 70 mm (original exhaust has to be cut)
Titanium2 sport exhaust Ø 70 mm centered with 2 tail pipes Ø 98 mm incl. connection tube Ø 70 mm (fits with adapter onto original front silencer) complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation). 956010 5598TI
956010 0000
956010 0300
956010 5598TI + 956010 0300TI 956010 5598C
VW Golf VI Cabrio, type 1K, 2011=> 1.2l TSI 77 kW (CBZ)
VW Golf VI, type 1K, 2011=> 1.2l 77 kW ATTENTION: The rear skirt must be cut as per the enclosed template! 952508 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipe Ø 84 mm angled
952508 0584CS
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
952508 1584C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
952508 1584CS
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
952508 0556
952508 0584CS
952508 1584C
952508 1584CS
Jetta Sedan, type 1 KM, 2005=> 1.6l 75 kW; 1.6l FSI 85 kW; 2.0l FSI 110 kW; 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 103 kW PowerSound Sport exhaust system consisting of: 2) 955505 099 0303 04
955505 099 100 % Stainless steel
PowerSound Main silencer with valve control system 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
0303 04 Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Eos Cabrio, type 1F, 2006=> ATTENTION: when fitting on 2.0l FSI 110 kW, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system on 2.0l TFSI 147 kW, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template!
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
2.0l FSI 110 kW; 2.0l TFSI 147 kW
Race tr ack Tested
Sport exhaust system consisting of: ° 957306 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0000 04G
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0000 66
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0000 11
1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0000 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0000 14M
1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0000 84C
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0000 16
1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0000 84CS
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
Alternative: Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: ° 957306 198
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 66
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Rallye-Design
0010 11
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 135x75 mm Rallye-Design
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
957306 098
957306 198
0000 04G
0000 11
0000 14M
0000 16
0000 66
0000 78
0000 84C
0000 84CS
Scirocco II, type 53B , 1987=> 1.6l 53 kW; 1.8l 66 kW; 1.8l 70 kW 953087 0502
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm, not homologated
Scirocco III, type 13, 2008=> ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! 1.4l TSI 90 kW (CAXA); 1.4l TSI 118 kW (CAV) 952508 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
952508 0584CS
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
952508 1584C
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race (also for "Rieger" rear skirt)
952508 1584CS
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race (also for "Rieger" rear skirt)
952508 0556
952508 0584CS
952508 1584C
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
952508 1584CS
100 % Stainless steel
Scirocco III, type 13, 2008=> ATTENTION: when fitting L/R system, the rear skirt must be cut as per the supplied template! The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
2.0l TFSI 147 kW (CAW); 2.0l TDI 103 kW (CBD) REMUS Cat-Back-System 955008 0300
Front silencer only for 2.0TFSI 147 kW
955008 0556
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm angled
955008 0584CS
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
REMUS Cat-Back-System 955008 0300
Front silencer only for 2.0TFSI 147 kW
955008 1584C
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race (also for "Rieger" rear skirt)
955008 1584CS
Sport exhaust L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race (also for "Rieger" rear skirt)
Alternative: REMUS Titanium2 Sport Cat-Back-System 955008 0300TI
Titanium2 front silencer
955508 1584TI
Titanium2 sport exhaust centered with left/right each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm (also for "Rieger" rear skirt)
complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
955008 0300
955008 0556
952508 0584CS
955008 0300 955008 0300TI
955008 1584C
955008 1584CS
955508 1584TI
Scirocco III R, type 13, 2010=> 2.0l TSI 195 kW (CDL) REMUS Cat-Back-System 956510 0000
Racing tube Ø 70 mm instead of front silencer, without homologation!
956510 0300
Front silencer Ø 70 mm
956510 1580
Sport exhaust Ø 70 mm centered with L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 115 mm Front silencer (or Racing tube) & Sport exhaust only fits as a complete system!
Complete exhaust system from cat. back: all sport exhausts in connection with front silencer (with/without homologation acc. to description) or Racing tube (without homologation).
956510 0000
956510 0300
956510 1580
Beetle, 1998=> & Beetle Cabrio, 2003=> 1.4l 55 kW; 1.4l 16V 55 kW, 2001=>; 1.6l 74 / 75 kW; 1.8l Turbo 110 kW; 2.0l 85 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 / 74 kW; 2.3l 110 kW; 2.3l V5 125 kW, 2001=> AD0016
Distance tube H for mounting on 1.4l & 1.6l models
955098 0506
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 90 mm
955098 0506 100 % Stainless steel
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Passat B4, type 35i, Sedan & Estate, OCT1993=> 16V 115 kW 1) 956093 0504
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Passat B5, Sedan & Estate, 1997=> & 1999=> & 2001=> 1.8l Turbo 110 kW; 1.8l Turbo 125 kW (export version); 2.3l VR5 110 kW; 2.8l 142 kW (export version); 1.9l TDI PD 74 / 85 / 96 kW 956001 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
Passat B5, type 3B, W8 Sedan, 2002=> 4.0l W8 202 kW 959102 0504FL
Sport exhaust left with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Future Design
959102 0504FR
Sport exhaust right with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm Future Design (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
959102 0504FL
959102 0504FR
Passat B6, type 3C, Sedan & Estate, 2005=> ATTENTION: when fitting on 1.6l, the rear skirt must be cut as per the enclosed template! 1.6l 85 kW; 2.0l FSI 110 kW Sport exhaust system consisting of: 956005 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 04
0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
0003 04
956005 098
Passat B6, type 3C, Sedan & Estate, 2005=> 1.9l TDI 77 kW; 2.0l TDI 103 / 125 kW
Passat CC, type 3CC, 2009=> 2.0l TDI 103 kW (CBA); 2.0l TDI 125 kW (CBB) Sport exhaust system consisting of: 956007 098
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 04
0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
0003 04
956007 098 Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
Passat B6, type 3C, 4motion, Sedan & Estate, 2005=> 2.0l FSI 110 kW 4motion; 2.0l TDI 103 kW 4motion Sport exhaust system consisting of:
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
956507 098
Race tr ack Tested
Main silencer
choose from following tail pipe package: 0003 78
2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0003 04
2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
0003 78
956507 098
0003 04
Touran, type 1T, 2003=> 1.4l TSI 103 kW (BMY); 1.6l FSI 85 kW; 1.9l TDI 74 kW; 1.9l TDI 66 kW (BRU); 1.9l TDI 77 kW (BKC/BLS); 2.0l TDI PD 100 / 103 kW AD0021 ° 955003 0502
Distance tube C for mounting on 1.6l front silencer models Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Sharan I ATTENTION: only for models without rear skirt cut out 2.0l 85 kW, JAN1996=>; 2.8l VR6 128 kW, JAN1996=>; 1.9l TDI 66 kW, JAN1996=>; 1.9l TDII 81 kW, 1997=>; 1.9l TDI 85 kW, 2001=> 955001 0542
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm angled
Transporter T4, JUN1990=> & 1998=> T4 Camper 1.8l 49 kW; 2.0l 62 kW; 2.5l 81 kW; 1.9l Diesel 44 kW; 2.4l Diesel 57 kW; 2.5l TDI 111 kW type 7DZ, 1998=>
T4 Caravelle 1.9l Diesel 50 kW; 2.5l TDI 75 kW; 2.8l VR6 103 kW
T4 Transporter & Multivan II, 2001=> 2.8l V6 150 kW automatic FWD ° 955091 0507
Sport exhaust with 1 tail pipe 97x80 mm
Transporter T5, 2003=> 1.9l TDI 63 / 77 kW; 2.5l TDI 96 / 128 kW 957003 0502
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
Tiguan, type 5N, 2007=> 1.4l TSI 110 kW (BWK); 2.0l TSI 125 kW (CAW); 2.0l TFSI 147 kW (CAW); 2.0l TDI 103 kW (CBA); 2.0l TDI 125 kW (CBB) 955007 0000
Connection tube for mounting on 2.0l TSI, 2.0l T front silencer, 2.0l TDI 125 kW
955007 0578
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
955007 0578
Touareg I, type 7L, 2003=> 3.2l V6 162 kW; 2.5l TDI 128 kW; 3.0l TDI V6 165 kW
Touareg II Facelift, type 7L, 2007=> 3.0l TDI 165 kW (BKS) ° 958003 0500
Sport exhaust (without tail pipes)
° 958003 1678
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm, for model 03, not for facelift model
° 958008 1678
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm, for facelift model 07 (Sport exhaust & tail pipe set L/R only fits as a complete system)
958003 0500 958003 1678
Touareg I, type 7L, 2003=> 5.0l V10 TDI 230 kW ° 959303 1578
Sport exhaust with L/R each 2 tail pipes 84 mm embossed
VOLVO C30, 2007=> 1.6l 74 kW; 2.0l 107 kW 976007 0532
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 82x67 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
VOLVO Part no.
S40/V40, 2001=> 1.8l 90 kW The World Leader in Sportexhausts
° 974501 0548
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes 74x65 mm angled
Race tr ack Tested
S40 Sedan, 2004=> V50 Estate, 2004=> 2.4l 103 kW; 2.4l 125 kW; 2.5l T5 162 kW ° 977004 0000
Connection tube instead of front silencer, only for 2.5l 162 kW, homologated only in connection with REMUS rear muffler
° 977004 1533
Sport exhaust L/R with each 1 tail pipe 102x68 mm
S80 V8 Sedan, 2006=> 4.4l V8 232 kW Sport exhaust system L/R consisting of: 979206 098L
Main silencer left
979206 098R
Main silencer right (L/R only fits as a complete system!)
choose from following tail pipe package: 0010 01
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 92x78 mm
0010 78
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm embossed
0010 02
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes 92x78 mm
0010 83C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 04G
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm straight
0010 83CS
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 05G
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 90 mm straight
0010 84C
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Street Race
0010 14M
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 142x72 mm
0010 84CS
tail pipe set L/R each 2 tail pipes Ø 84 mm Carbon Race
0010 16
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe 150x85 mm Twin Stream
0010 98C
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 98 mm Street Race
0010 70
tail pipe set L/R each 1 tail pipe Ø 102 mm
979206 098L
0000 16
979206 098R
0000 70
0000 78
0000 01
0000 02
0000 04G
0000 05G
0000 14M
0000 83C
0000 83CS
0000 84C
0000 84CS
0000 98C
XC90 4WD, 2002=> 2.5l 154 kW; 2.9l 200 kW; 2.4l Diesel 120 kW 977003 0504
100 % Stainless steel
Sport exhaust with 2 tail pipes Ø 76 mm
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
The World Leader in Sportexhausts
Race tr ack Tested
Errors & omissions excepted! The latest developments can be found under => from, <= until; 1) As long as stock lasts! 2) ATTENTION: it is not allowed to change the valve setting as per public traffic regulations! If the valve setting is changed, the exhaust is no longer EC-homologated & no longer street legal. Only for race purposes! 3) ATTENTION: Rallye Design & Racing Look tail pipes is not suitable for diesel models as the rear bumper will be stained from soot! Attention: Unless stated otherwise our sport silencers only fit the standard rear skirt!
100 % Stainless steel
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
REMUS Fashion Mehr aus der REMUS Boutique finden Sie unter / More REMUS fashion can be found on
0380D - REMUS Damen T-Shirt schwarz, bedruckt, Gr. S-L
0380H - REMUS Herren T-Shirt schwarz, bedruckt, Gr. S-XL
0380D - REMUS Lady T-Shirt black, printed logo, sizes S-L
0380H - REMUS T-Shirt man black, printed logo, sizes S-XL
0360D - REMUS Damen T-Shirt schwarz, bedruckt, Gr. S-XL
0361H - REMUS Herren T-Shirt schwarz, bedruckt, Gr. S, L-XXL
0360D - REMUS Lady T-Shirt black, printed logo, sizes S-XL
0361H - REMUS T-Shirt man black, printed logo, sizes S, L-XXL
REMUS » 1 Brand for more than 5000 Different cars & bikes
New Collection 0351CE - Custom Exhaust Damen Hoody, hochwertige Ausführung, Gr. S - L 0351CE - Custom Exhaust Lady Hoody, premium quality, sizes S - L
0350CE - Custom Exhaust Hoody, hochwertige Ausführung, Gr. S - XXL 0350CE - Custom Exhaust hoody, premium quality, sizes S - XXL
0371 - REMUS Lederjacke Retro Style Material: Soft Rindleder, schwarz, permanentes Innenfutter, Polyester, leicht wattierte, herausnehmbare Innenjacke, Polyester Komfort & Ausstattung: 2 Innentaschen (1x mit Reißverschluss), 4 Außentaschen mit Reißverschluss, Gr. XS-XXL
0353CE - Custom Exhaust Damen T-Shirt, Gr. S - L 0353CE - Custom Exhaust Lady T-Shirt, sizes S - L
0371 - REMUS leather jacket Retro-Style Material: Soft cow leather, black, fixed lining, polyester, removeable slightly padded inner waistcoat, polyester Comfort/features: 2 inner pockets (1 with zip), 4 outside pockets with zips, sizes: XS-XXL
P0631 - REMUS Sporttasche Material: Boden (schwarz) 600D Nylon mit Coating, Oberteil (rot) 420D Nylon mit Coating Größe: LxBxH: 74x32x32 cm, Volumen: ca 76 Liter
0352CE - Custom Exhaust T-Shirt, Gr. S - XXL 0352CE - Custom Exhaust T-Shirt, sizes S - XXL
P0631 - REMUS sport bag Material: bottom (black) 600D Nylon with Coating top (red) 420D Nylon with Coating Size: LxBxH: 74x32x32 cm Volume: ca 76 liter
0303CE - Custom Exhaust Base Cap 0303CE - Custom Exhaust Base cap
REMUS Innovation GmbH Dr.-Niederdorfer-Straße 25 A-8572 Bärnbach phone/Tel: 0043 (0)3142 / 69 00 - 0 fax/Fax: 0043 (0)3142 / 69 00 - 291
Made in Austria
[Händlerkatalog / dealer catalogue / E 01.12]
GKB Import bv Rijksweg West 55-57 9608 PB Westerbroek (gr) Nederland Tel: 0031 (0)50 404 24 50 Fax: 0031 (0)50 404 25 67 Email: Internet: Irrtümer und Änderungen vorbehalten! 36 Monate Garantie auf alle Anlagen mit EG-Genehmigung! Keine Garantie auf Racinganlagen! / Errors and omissions excepted! 36 months warranty is given on all systems with EC-approval! No warranty on Racing products!
REMUS Innovation GmbH Dr.-Niederdorfer-Straße 25 A-8572 Bärnbach phone/Tel: 0043 (0)3142 / 69 00 - 0 fax/Fax: 0043 (0)3142 / 69 00 - 291
Made in Austria
[Händlerkatalog / dealer catalogue / E 01.12]
WWW.REMUSUSA.COM REMUS Distribution / MaxMOTO Inc. 1365 63rd. St. Emeryville, CA 94608 P: 510.595.3300 F: 510.595.3304 Irrtümer und Änderungen vorbehalten! 36 Monate Garantie auf alle Anlagen mit EG-Genehmigung! Keine Garantie auf Racinganlagen! / Errors and omissions excepted! 36 months warranty is given on all systems with EC-approval! No warranty on Racing products!