Pattern magic l Arm chair and Table

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pat t er nmagi c f ur ni t ur e Thi sdesi gncoupl ei sent i r el ymadeofwood, eco-sust ai nabl eand1 00%r ecycl abl e. Thi scombi nat i on, t abl eandar mchai r , el i mi nat est heuseofal t er nat i ve el ement sandwast eofmat er i al sandi sopt i mi sedi nt er ms ofvol umewhendi sassembl ed.

t abl eandar mchai r

Justpl ywood andgl ue Bot ht abl eandar mchai rar eassembl edbygl ui ngl ayer sof pl ywoodt oget herandl ett hem seti nwoodencl amps. By doi ngso, t hear mchai rcanbeshi ppedi naboxt hat ’ sonl y 1 300x550x40mm. Thet abl ecanbeshi pedi naboxofonl y 1 700x550x30mm. Theassembl ycanbedoneei t herasaDI Y pr oj ectathome, orbyt hest or ewer ei t ’ spur chased. The

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car dboar dboxi sani nt er act i vepackagewhi chexpl ai nsyou how t oassembl ei t .

opt i mi sedvol umewhendi sassembl ed

i nf l uencet heshapeby gr ai nr ot at i on Thewaypl ywoodbendsi nt hepat t er nmagi car mchai rand t abl ei suni que. I nsomepl acesi tbends, i not herpl acesi t doesn’ t . Tocr eat et hebendandshapes, t hegr ai noft he woodi sr ot at edi nsect i onsoft hepl ywood( l i ghtbr own col or ) . Thi scr eat esst i f f nessi nonedi r ect i on, buti sf l exi bl ei n t heot her . Br i ngi ngt hesel ayer st oget heri nt her i ghtpl ace l et st hecur vesandshapeoccur .

uni queconst r uct i on

pat t er nmagi c ar mchai r Pat t er nmagi car mchai randt abl ehaveacl oser el at i onshi p t ohow cl ot hesar emade. L i kecl ot hes, t hesedesi gnesar i se f r om af l atandf or mabl emat er i al f r om whi chi sapat t er ni s cutandf i xedatcer t ai npl aces. Byusi ngonl ypl ywoodt hese pr oductel i mi nat et heuseofal t er nat i veel ement sand

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wast eofmat er i al s. Pat t er nmagi car mchai randt abl eshow t hatnocompr omi sei sneededwheni tcomest o eco-sust ai nabi l i t y, 1 00%r ecycl abl eandbeaut i f ul desi gn.

eco-sust ai nabl eand 1 00%r ecycl abl e

pat t er nmagi c Tabl e Theuni quewayt hepat t er nmagi car mchai randt abl ear e desi gned, pr oducedandassembl edr esul t si nal i ghtyet t hought f ul sol ut i on. Thi sdesi gnl anguageofl ayer sof pl ywoodconnect edatspeci f i cpl aces, openst he

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oppor t uni t yt oacompl et ef ami l yofbeaut i f ul f ur ni t ur e.

l ow wei ght


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Desi gnphi l osof y ` Tome, qual i t yandpassi onar et hemai nval uest oachi eve i ndesi gn. Cr eat ef r om t hehear tandf i ndt hat cont r adi ct i onswi l l compl i menteachot herper f ect l y. Sust ai nabl edesi gnseemst obef ort hef or t uned. Eco-sust ai nabi l i t yshoul dnotbeauni quesel l i ngpoi ntbut r at heradesi gnt er m. Bydoi ngso, bot hdesi gner sand



manuf act ur er scancomet oget herandenr i cht hewhol e wor l dwi t huncompr omi si ngpr oduct st obet r ul ypassi onat e about .

Cr eat ef r om t hehear tandf i ndt hatcont r adi ct i ons wi l l compl i menteachot herper f ect l y

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