PDF/Book Loyal to a Fault: How to Establish New Patterns When Loving Others Has Left You Hurting by Courtney J. Burg
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Stop letting the dysfunction of your childhood and family affect the person you can be today. Learn how to create realistic expectations for relationships with people you can't quit. Some of the deepest traumas we face today are the result of generational wounds. These are the curses that are passed down to us and inherited without our permission. The conflict arises when these behaviors are so deeply woven into our family systems that they begin to clash with who God is and what He has planned for His followers. Often it becomes easier to submit to the way "things have always been" which leaves you shrinking, editing, and bending yourself to fit in. Many choose comfort and compromise over stepping into the life God has called them to live, and suffering ensues. The damage and destruction suffocate our relationships, are detrimental to our mental health, and are recycled through our parenting. In Loyal to a Fault, Courtney Burg helps you break free from generational curses
by: Taking a belief inventory to investigate how you have been shaped and the impact of early conditioning. Uprooting the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck and claiming the beliefs you truly want. Recognize the only person you can change is you and identify past wounds for healing. Learning how to end the legacy of mistrust. Reframing what it means to love and be loyal to those who matter most. When you reclaim what God says is true for you and set down what isn't, you set others free to do the same. Learn to confront the lies dictating your words and behaviors and take authority over your fears.