3 minute read
July Events
By Fritz Esker
Welcome to Night Vale
For those unfamiliar with the show, Welcome to Night Vale is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small town of Night Vale, a desert community rife with supernatural events. The show is rich with dark humor and New Orleanians can see a live performance of it at the Civic Theater on July 12. Tickets and information, CivicNOLA.com.
David Blaine
Groundbreaking magician David Blaine is embarking on his first-ever North American tour. On July 16th, he’ll be taking his show to the Saenger Theater. No two performances on the 40-city tour will be the same and his magic is guaranteed to both shock and amuse audiences. Tickets and information, SaengerNOLA.com.
Tales of the Cocktail
The international spirits industry will come to New Orleans from July 18-23 for seminars, events, and tastings at this year’s Tales of the Cocktail. One of the highlights is The New Orleans Cocktail Tour, which gives participants a tour of the French Quarter and a history of the bars and cocktails that influenced bars around the country. Tickets and information, TalesOfTheCocktail.com.
Jun 1-Oct 1 New at NoMA: Recent Acquisitions in Modern and Contemporary Art, New Orleans Museum of Art. Information, Noma.org
Jun 1- Jul 9 Beyond the Canvas: Contemporary Art from Puerto Rico, Newcomb Museum. Information, NewcombArtMuseum.tulane.edu
Jun 29-Jul 2 esseNCe Festival, Mercedes-Benz Superdome. Information, Essence.com/Festival-2017
Jul 4 Independence Day French Quarter Fireworks, French Quarter. Information, Go4thOnTheRiver.com The Tempest, Lupin Theater. Information, NewOrleansShakespeare.org
Jul 8 Roger Waters - Us + Them Tour, Smoothie King Center. Information, SmoothieKingCenter.com
Jul 12 Welcome to Night Vale, Civic Theater. Information, CivicNOLA.com
Jul 12 New orleans shakespeare Festival at Tulane - Play Reading series: othello, Lupin Theater. Information, NewOrleansShakespeare.org
Jul 13 New orleans shakespeare Festival at Tulane Presents shakespeare Movie Night, Lupin Theater. Information, NewOrleansShakespeare.org
San Fermin en Nueva Orleans
New Orleans Running of the Bulls founder Mickey Hanning speaks about this year’s event.
HAVE YOU EVER wANTED to run with the bulls, but blanched either at the cost of a plane ticket to Spain or the thought of being gored by a bull? If so, San Fermin en Nueva Orleans (NOLAbulls.com) is for you. Roller derby girls chase revelers through the streets with plastic bats. The 11th annual celebration is from July 7-9 (the run itself is on the 8th).
Are there any new features to this year’s San Fermin? We’ve got two new acts at the after-party…DJ RQ Away will open things up and the Zydepunks are back in New Orleans after years away! We’ve been asking them to play for us for years, and this year I almost didn’t make my obligatory inquiry. Decided to keep the traditions going and was shocked with a quick “Yes, I think we can this year!”
How would you sell it to someone who’s never
attended it? It’s the most fun you can have before 9 a.m. anywhere in the world. You get to enjoy a city that adores pageantry, lunacy and cocktails and be home by noon having experienced a weekend’s worth of fun…all for just $40.
When you first started it, did you ever imagine it would get as big as it
has? No chance. When we discussed it back in ’07, I said I’d be happy if 50 people showed up. 200 did. I thought in its heyday, we’d be about 300 strong. In year two, we got 700.
Is it for all ages or should
it be adults only? By design it was for adults, but we’ve made it more family friendly. We don’t encourage anyone under 10 to run in the streets with that many people around. As for the afterparty, it’s really geared for adults, but I don’t think it’s harmful…to bring the kids. n
Jul 13-23 The Little Mermaid, Rivertown Theaters for the Performing Arts. Information, RivertownTheaters.com
Jul 14 Bastille Day Fete, New Orleans Museum of Art. Information, BastilleDayNOLA.com
Jul 15 The Victory Belles, The Stage Door Canteen. Information, NationalWW2Museum.org
Jul 19 New orleans shakespeare Festival at Tulane Presents By Any scenes Necessary, Lupin Theater. Information, NewOrleansShakespeare.org Jul 22-23 Big easy Rollergirls - sweat Fest 2017, Lakefront Arena. Information, arena.uno.edu
Jul 25 Idina Menzel, Saenger Theater. Information, SaengerNOLA.com
Jul 27 Meek Mill & Yo gotti: Against All odds Tour, Lakefront Arena. Information, arena.uno.edu
Jul 28 sabrina Carpenter, Saenger Theater. Information, SaengerNOLA.com
Jul 29 The Blind sensation of Comedy - Blowfish Jacobs, Lakefront Arena. Information, arena.uno.edu