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Packaging Asia
Flexible Packaging
News, February 2016 Sponsor by :
Supported by : Eterna, FUMA, SMS Nilpeter, Valco
Acknowledge by :
Daftar Isi : Why Embracing Standards is Important?
Page 6
Flexible Packaging Market
Page 13
Global Label Award
Page 16
LabelExpo Europe 2015
Page 18
Take Over 2015
Page 24
Aqcuisition Pemara Labels
Page 28
Pemara Makes Cutting-Edge Digital Carton
Page 30
Label Market 2016 and Beyond
Page 32
Cold Foil
Page 34
Beverage Trends 2016
Page 40
McDonald’s Introduces New Packaging
Page 45
Online Fresh
Page 46
Future Of Packaging
Page 47
New Packaging for Dairy Foods
Page 50
Fefco Award 2015
Page 52
Fefco Technical Seminar 2015
Page 54
Smurfit Kappa got Red Dot Award
Page 59
Reed Exhibitions Visiting KCCA
Page 68
Targets in Corrugated Printing Tone Scale
Page 71
PackPrint Event 2016
Page 75
Dear Readers On this issue we will cover you the Label Expo Brussels – the 2 yearly innovation show on the Label Industry asr as well as Fefco Barcelona - Tecnology Innovation on the Corrugated Industry. On the label the digital started to go on its peak Labelexpo Brussel success with 648 exhibitors from 40 countries - including 98 from Asia. The eight halls represent a total of 34,500 sqm of stand space and 33,000 visitors are expected. Labels industry growth is 4-6 percent worldwide, said Fairley, with Europe growing at 5.7 percent, taking global volume of label stock up to 50 billion sqm with a value of $80bn. Pressure sensitive holds a 50 percent market share globally, with glue applied at 30 percent and shrink sleeves representing the sector with the fastest growth. FEFCO Barcelona got a new record of 958 representatives of the Corrugated Board Industry gathered in Barcelona on October 28-30 with their business partners for FEFCO’s Technical Seminar to showcase opportunities offered by the latest smart technologies. FEFCO hosted the seminar “industry 4.0” that will change the corrugated packaging sector. Health conscious is the trend today, therefore bottled water will likely surpass carbonated soft drinks within the next two years as the largest beverage category by volume (read the complete coverage on the Beverage Trend 2016) Lets a look of the primadona of packaging materials – flexible packaging - which still has an annual growth of 3.4% overth e next five years, and is expected to reach $248 billion by 2020. The main players are Amcor (9%), Bemis (6%), Sealed Air (4%) then Constantia, Dai Nippon Printing and Printpack (each 2%). Flexible packaging is the most economical method to package, preserve and distribute food, beverages,other consumables, pharmaceuticals and other products that need extended shelf life. Smithers Pira draws on its most recent market data to identify the four key trends which are driving the market for flexible packaging: (1) Downgauging (2) Bio-derived and bio-degradable (3) CHILD-GUARD child-resistant slider & AmLite by Amcor - metal-free – 2 awards winning (4) The Zip-Pak The world boundary is getting less and less. The big companies, especially the investment fund – acquire either machine manufacturing, material manufacturing or converter companies (flexible,label and corrugated companies). "Acquisition will broaden customerbase and offer current customers a wider range of products." Therefore eventhough Asia dominate label market with 42 % market share, while Europe, at 25 percent, and North America just 19 percent – but the 2 big label companies from North America has set up a big plant in Singapore while the other one just acquired Super Label (Malaysia, Indonesia, China) as well as CCL making cooperation with Master Label (biggest in Indonesia). Constantia also acquired Pemara (Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam). With this development as well as MEA – Indonesia really need to focus more on the quality and efficiency. Therefore this month event in Jakarta about ICC COLOR MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE would be one of the solution to increase quality wile reducing waste as the designers and printers will be able work together to produce consistent color results across the print production process. The full day conference will be held in conjunction with NPES's inaugural member trade mission to Indonesia, which will provide an in-country opportunity to promote U.S. technologies and companies. The event is cooperation NPES with USA; the International Color Consortium (ICC); Indonesia Print Media Association (PPGI); and, supported by the PoliMedia School. This event will bring together nearly 200 print leaders from throughout Indonesia. We will make full color of the presentation on our next issue. For the warmup we cover on this issue why standardization is very important on printing, And if you need further training on the packaging matter, please join our packaging training www.firstpackagingasia.com Next month Reed Exhibitions will host SinoCorrugated South, SinoFoldingCarton, SinoFlexoGraphy and China Packaging Container at the GD Modern Exhibition Center in Houjie Town, Dongguan, from April 14 to April 16, 2016. The combined events will integrate all kinds of local and international packaging science and technology resources, leading to packaging and printing technology innovation and development. Please join the event or otherwise you will give you full overage on the next issue. Last but not least this Monkey Year will boost our wealth….. Happy Reading ….
Why Embracing Standards in the printing industry is Important ? The following post was submitted by Color 2015 sponsor, X-Rite Pantone. Author: Ray Cheydleur, Printing and Imaging Product Portfolio Manager, X-Rite Pantone Many industries rely on standards and technical specifications to bring an independent perspective to their production processes. In the world of print, some people think only manufacturers and software vendors need to understand color standards. This, of course, isn’t the case. Embracing standards and specifications can help printers set clear expectations, solve practical problems, and improve productivity by bringing a systematic perspective to their entire print workflow. What’s the difference between the Standards and Specifications? Industry Standards are maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and provide rules, guidelines, and characteristics for common and repeated activities to help printers achieve the best possible output. Specifications contain technical guidelines, often incorporating
standards and provide detailed descriptions of the required criteria for a piece of work, such as print targets, aims, and ICC profiles. With the advent of hybrid printing—that is, printing components of the same job or for the same client with multiple printing technologies—it has become increasingly necessary to print to standards. Producing materials on a variety of offset, flexo, or digital devices; running prints using two different technologies or processes; or printing locally to save transportation costs—these can all result in an ambiguous exchange of print-related data which can result in inconsistent quality. Standards help bridge the gap so everyone is speaking the same language. Controlled Lighting for OBAs ISO 13655 and ISO 3664 aren’t new, but they have had a significant impact on
reproduction of process of process printing printing across across standards standards work work this year. this year. They They help helpreproduction a range of substrates of substrates and and technolotechnoloprinters printers deal deal with with the the impact impact that thata range It alsoIt provides also provides standardized standardized print print optical optical brightening brightening agents agents (OBAs) (OBAs)gies. gies. specifications that that brand brand owners owners and and havehave on color. on color. TheseThese are chemicals are chemicalsspecifications specifiers specifiers can use canto use predict to predict and and that that are added are added to paper to paper to make to make it itprint print specify the quality the quality of requested of requested work.work. look look brighter brighter and and whiter. whiter. ISO 13655 ISO 13655specify This standard contains contains two parts. two parts. Part 1Part 1 specifies specifies the kind the kind of light of light to measure to measureThis standard describes the methodology the methodology for better for better with, with, and ISO and3664 ISO 3664 the color the color of light of to light todescribes exchange exchange in theinworkflow the workflow based based view view with, with, so they so they interact interact with OBAs with OBAs in indatadata on color quality quality and and a colorimeta colorimetthe the samesame way—establishing way—establishing agreeagree-on color ric-based process process control. control. It also It also mentment between between visualvisual checks checks and andric-based provides provides a way a way to achieve to achieve similarsimilar measured measured evaluations. evaluations. appearance appearance resultsresults between between printing printing processes with with different different colorcolor gamuts. gamuts. Adopting Adopting thesethese standards standards can require can requireprocesses provides 2 provides the first theset firstofset reference of reference new new measurement measurement equipment, equipment, lamps, lamps,Part 2Part characterization datadata sets that sets that meetmeet or viewing or viewing booths, booths, plus the plus specificathe specifica-characterization the criteria laid out laidinout Part in 1, Part providing 1, providing tions tions and workflows and workflows that enable that enable it, so it, it so itthe criteria different different reference reference printing printing has taken has taken somesome time time for everyone for everyone to tosevenseven conditions, from from smallsmall gamut gamut to to get behind get behind them.them. However, However, if youif print you printconditions, larger-than-standard analog analog printing printing to specifications, to specifications, havehave brightened brightenedlarger-than-standard gamut. stocks, stocks, or do or something do something otherother than thangamut. you have an established an established color-mancolor-manon-press on-press proofing, proofing, following following thesetheseIf youIf have workflow, workflow, implementing implementing ISO/PAS ISO/PAS standards standards is theis only the only way way to address to addressagedaged will be willa be piece a piece of cake of cake because because the realities the realities of today's of today's market market and and1533915339 reference reference print print conditions conditions consistently consistently deliver deliver the color the color consistenconsisten-thesethese comply comply with GRACoL, with GRACoL, SWOP, SWOP, and even and even cy your cy customers your customers expect. expect. ISO ISO 12647-2. 12647-2. In fact, In fact, SWOPSWOP and and GRACoL GRACoL 2013 2013 use these use these exactexact characcharacterized terized reference reference printing printing conditions. conditions. Universal Universal file format file format for digital for digital colorcolor communication communication Correct Correct and accurate and accurate colorcolor communicommunication cation is critical is critical to anto efficient an efficient workflow workflow in theinGraphic the Graphic Arts, Arts, and communicatand communicating ing colorcolor datadata electronically electronically has has become become a hota topic hot topic for printers. for printers. The The ColorColor Exchange Exchange Format Format (CxF™) (CxF™) helpshelps by laying by laying the foundation the foundation for the forunamthe unambiguous biguous communication communication of color. of color. It’s It’s defined defined in a completely in a completely openopen way way so so that that all aspects all aspects of a ofcolor a color can can be be communicated, communicated, eveneven whenwhen the applithe application cation and and the color the color communication communication features required required are unknown. are unknown. CxF isCxF is Printing Printing digitally digitally across across multiple multiplefeatures able able to extend to extend the information the information set toset to technologies technologies the needs of a new of a application new application without without ISO/PAS ISO/PAS 1533915339 describes describes standard standardthe needs affecting general general usability. usability. practices practices for hybrid for hybrid printing. printing. UsingUsing a aaffecting gray gray balanced balanced approach, approach, the goal the goal of of CxF version 3, originally 3, originally developed developed by by this standard this standard is to isenable to enable the best the bestCxF version
X-Rite, has moved to a standard that can be used by everyone to share color data at all steps in the workflow, from brand owner through to production. ISO CxF/X (ISO 17972-1:2015) with additional parts provides a framework for exchanging everything from target data to spot color tone values. It ensures an accurate and efficient exchange of digital standards, measurements, and metadata. Many companies and products have already benefited from CxF—the communication solution of choice; and now that it is an ISO standard, many more can share the advantages. Sharing quality data Known as PQX, Print Quality eXchange was developed by industry volunteers to facilitate transmission of performance data between the print supply chain, allowing brand owners to assess and track relevant production and quality data. PQX uses XML and incorporates CxF/X to carry measurement data plus additional metadata that CxF/X does not directly support. Initiated as an IDEAlliance® project, PQX falls within a new series of workflow documents started in ISO TC130 and is
currently in the testing phase. PQX is a great example of how industry experts are joining forces to do the necessary pre-work before presenting a technical specification or an international standard to the committees for review. It doesn’t end there These are just a few of the specifications and standards that are important for printers to understand. And since standards are constantly being updated and refined to support evolving printing challenges, it’s more important than ever to stay informed in order to remain competitive in the market. You can find out more about what is happening in the world of standards by visiting the NPES workroom and the ISO TC130 list of published and in-process standards. Learn About Color Reproduction First-Hand If you’ve seen promotions about our upcoming Optimizing Digital Color from Your Digital Press workshop and wondered how this training would benefit you on the job, take a lesson from the Publications team here at Printing Industries of America. We recently got some firsthand experience with how color reproduction changes
PressPress workshop, was was able able to to Digital workshop, whenwhen a jobashifts from from the offset presspress to toDigital job shifts the offset a look ouratimages, troubleshoot a at look our images, troubleshoot the digital press,press, and our the digital andbest our resource best resourcetake take diagnose the issues, and and walk walk us us diagnose the issues, was workshop leader DaveDave Dezzutti. was workshop leader Dezzutti. and and through the solutions. through the solutions. So, how and what did did So, did howwe didget wethere get there and what SomeSome of the and and necessary of problems the problems necessary we learn from from the experience? we learn the experience? adjustments included: adjustments included: appeared darker whenwhen • Images appeared darker In theIn past, at Printing Industries Press Press• Images the past, at Printing Industries on digital press.press. The adjustprinted on digital The adjustwe we havehave always produced our our printed always produced needed here here werewere minimal needed minimal color-related titles titles on aonlithographic color-related a lithographic mentsments involved lightening the image involved lightening the image presspress because accurate colorcolor repro-repro- and and because accurate middletone adjustments in in with some middletone adjustments duction is critical whenwhen discussing the the with some duction is critical discussing Photoshop. DaveDave indicated Adobe Photoshop. indicated science and control of color. But over science and control of color. But over Adobe the darkening is a isprobable the darkening a probable the years most most of ouroftitles migratthe years our have titles have migrat- that that of the (gray(gray component of GCR the GCR component ed toed digital short-run production, and and resultresult to digital short-run production, present in production replacement) present in production our most recent book,book, ColorColor Printing our most recent Printing replacement) presses. presses. Excellence, made that that transition to to inkjetinkjet Excellence, made transition digital printing as well. it would digital printing as Knowing well. Knowing it would of color. In one sensitive • Overlap of color. In one sensitive be printed on the production be printed on iGen4 the iGen4 production• Overlap it was important that that the the graphic it was important press,press, our our digital production staff staff graphic digital production in a in simulated screen pattern a simulated screen pattern assured us the would be able to to dots dots assured uspress the press would be able However, despite the the didtouch. not touch. However, despite handle the color reproduction to meet handle the color reproduction to meet did not greatgreat care,care, whilewhile working in in editor’s working the needs of thisoftopic. But we the needs this topic. Butdid weneed did need editor’s Illustrator, to allow a reasonaAdobe Illustrator, to allow a reasonato dotoa do littlea behind-the-scenes work work to to Adobe little behind-the-scenes of white space between ble amount of white space between makemake sure we on a on fewaof theof the ble amount suregot wethere got there few eacheach dot, dot, in the printed in digitally the digitally printed moremore color-critical images. color-critical images. proofs, the the dots dots still bumped up up proofs, still bumped eacheach otherother unacceptably. against unacceptably. ColorColor Printing Excellence developed Printing Excellence developed against recognized this problem as as recognized this problem from from the need to update ColorColor and Its the need to update and Its DaveDave from from the trapping that that was was resulting the trapping Reproduction, Third Third Edition, whichwhich had had resulting Reproduction, Edition, To produce this this built the intosystem. the system. To produce beenbeen printed on an press.press. That That built into printed onoffset an offset image, he advised printing critical image, he advised printing meant a lota oflotthe used used in in critical meant of images the images separately, with with trapping this page separately, trapping Excellence werewere picked up from the the this page Excellence picked up from off, and the page in to in to turned off, tipping and tipping the page original text, text, and and thosethose images had had turned original images during binding. the book during binding. beenbeen optimized for offset production. optimized for offset production. the book As the worked on the and and Aseditor the editor worked onlayout the layout buildsbuilds couldcould not reach 100%100% • Color not reach proofs for review throughout the editoproofs for review throughout the edito-• Color This same image included a density. This same image included a rial process, he noticed therethere werewere density. rial process, he noticed of process colorscolors (cyan(cyan and and of process inconsistencies between the images, inconsistencies between the images, buildbuild such such as the digital versions beingbeing as the digital versions darker than than the the earlier offsetoffset darker earlier printing, and and thesethese werewere differ-differprinting, ences that that wentwent beyond the the ences beyond paper used.used. paper We’reWe’re luckylucky to betoable to turn be able to to turn to our in-house experts and and staff staff our in-house experts consultants whenwhen problems like like consultants problems thesethese surface. Technology and and surface. Technology Research Analyst DaveDave Dezzutti, Research Analyst Dezzutti, who who is also the instructor of the is also the instructor of the Optimizing Digital ColorColor from from Your Your Optimizing Digital 9
magenta) compared against the process colors themselves. These colors would have been produced as a solid color on an offset press, but in the digital proof, when inspecting the image with a loupe, the color was not solid. Dave explained that this is because the digital press “builds” color, whereas an offset press would print straight cyan and magenta dots because they are the primary print colors. To satisfactorily produce the image, we had to turn off trapping and, in the right hand image, reduce the density of the individual cyan and magenta to 85% to more closely match the left-hand dots when viewed through a loupe. This allowed the values to be exactly the same, which is what the illustration, used as a demonstration of additivity failure and proportionality failure, demanded. For a team that doesn’t have a lot of color management experience, Dave was a valuable resource. His years of hands-on experience enabled him to quickly recognize problem areas and then walk us through the necessary
steps to fix them—easily translating his technical know-how to fit our knowledge level. What did we take away from the experience? 1. When working on a cross-process project, it’s important to be aware of the restraints of the digital process. Just because an image reproduced accurately on press once doesn’t mean it will reproduce well again when the output changes. 2. We also have a better grasp of what the terminology means when it comes to adjusting color on an image. The process for “lightening” an image, for example, isn’t necessarily intuitive, and you could end up wasting time making the wrong adjustments. 3. We also now have a clearer understanding of what could be wrong when color images don’t reproduce as expected on a digital press.
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The Flexible Packaging Market The global market for flexible packaging is forecast to grow at an annual average rate of 3.4% over the next five years, and is expected to reach $248 billion by 2020. This dynamic packaging sector offers huge potential for technology suppliers, packaging converters and brand owners. Flexible packaging is the most economical method to package, preserve and distribute food, beverages, other consumables, pharmaceuticals and other products that need extended shelf life. It can be designed with barrier properties tailored to fit the products being packaged and their end-uses, whereas other barrier packaging formats generally provide a one-size-fits-all approach. Flexible packaging can now be made in a wide variety of innovative shapes, sizes and appearances, and can include components, such as handles; and opening and reclosing features, such as zips and spouts. The main players are Amcor (9%), Bemis (6%), Sealed Air (4%) then Constantia, Dai Nippon Printing and Printpack (each 2%)
Smithers Pira draws on its most recent market data to identify the four key trends which are driving the market for flexible packaging: 1. Downgauging Flexible packaging uses less resources and energy than other forms of packaging. It provides significant reductions in packaging costs, materials use and transport costs as well as certain performance advantages over rigid packaging. Use of flexible packaging can minimize package transport costs between the converter, packer/filler, retailer and end user. It not only takes up less space when empty than rigid packaging, but can also be constructed on the spot from roll materials at the filling location, thereby minimizing transportation of ready-formed empty packaging. 2. Bio-derived and bio-degradable technologies In the past few years, a number of new product launches involving bio-based plastic packaging have taken place. The proliferation of bio-based plastic films continues with polylactic acid (PLA), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and
poly-trimethylene terephthalate (PTMT) showing the most promise on the truly materials side of the equation, and thermoplastic starch (TPS) films on the petroleum replacement side. Brazil’s Braschem Green PE has made large strides on the latter, with much of the PE consumed in Brazil coming from locally grown sugar cane raw materials. Braschem is having some success outside of its own region as well, with the large US-based bakery Bimbo Bakeries USA recently switching its Eureka! Organic Bread bags from petroleum based PE to Braschem’s sugarcane based materials. While these bags are only 36% bio-based, this represents a significant change, especially in a package that is usually considered very low cost. Emerald Packaging, a US–based flexible packaging converter, has launched a bag for potatoes that is manufactured partly from potato starch. The film is 25% potato starch resin and 75% low-density polyethylene mixture. Emerald claims that the film is stronger than 100% low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film. New and award-winning First introduced in 1994, Pactech’s Medi-CRREO Pouch represented the 14
first patented flexible and reclosable child-resistant pouch packaging. More than 20 years later, the company saw an opportunity to further evolve the reclosable feature and improve consumer engagement with the package. The Pactech team approached Presto for a solution: the CHILD-GUARD child-resistant slider. Earlier this year, the pouch was recognized as a Gold Winner in the 2015 DuPont Awards for Packaging Innovation. It also received a Gold Award for Technical Innovation from the Flexible Packaging Association. Another pouch innovation AmLite by Amcor - metal-free packaging technology. Since the package is metal-free, customers can use metal detection after the packs are filled and sealed, for added product protection and safety. “Packaging that shows the product inside increases consumer trust and the likelihood of purchase. For sensitive products however, this was typically not a practical option, and they were hidden behind aluminum-based or metallized packaging. AmLite gives packaging designers and marketing teams a cost competitive alternative.” In a lifecycle assessment, AmLite provided a 40% carbon footprint
reduction reduction and and 21% weight 21% weight reduction reduction • Provide • Provide technical technical field field compared compared to standard to standard Alu-based Alu-based support support that that includes includes operaoperamaterials. materials. AmLite AmLite can can be used be used for afor a tionaltional training, training, product product range range of ambient of ambient wet and wet and dry food dry food start-up start-up and and trouble-shoottrouble-shootproducts, products, as well as well as medical as medical and and ing. ing. personal personal carecare products products like powders like powders and and lotions. lotions. PACKAGING PACKAGING is theisway the way for brands for brands to to The Zip-Pak The Zip-Pak uniquely uniquely flexible flexible packpackcommunicate communicate to the to customers the customers aging aging solution: solution: through through design, design, colorcolor and and feel. feel. • Assemble • Assemble an experienced an experienced Miriam Miriam Walsh Walsh LiscoLisco has has designed designed teamteam of Zip-Pak of Zip-Pak packaging packaging packaging packaging for cheese, for cheese, to chocoto chocoexperts experts to provide to provide recomrecomlate, late, to coconut to coconut oil. “Our oil. “Our goalgoal is notis not mendations mendations and and equipment equipment only only to provide to provide our clients our clients with with greatgreat options options on the onexisting the existing packpackpackaging packaging but but to give to give themthem the the age age design. design. toolstools to excite to excite the food the food buyers,” buyers,” she she • Provide • Provide technical technical expertise expertise says.says. and and advice advice to resolve to resolve a a number number of manufacturing of manufacturing issues, issues, including including sealing sealing compatibility compatibility with with sealant sealant layers, layers, and and zipper zipper crushcrush to to provide provide maximum maximum pouch pouch accessibility. accessibility. • Provide • Provide ongoing ongoing training training and and support support to a to regularly a regularly changing changing teamteam of Hershey of Hershey line line operators operators to ensure to ensure proper proper material material handling handling and andmaintain maintainquality quality standards. standards.
29 September - 2 October 2015, Brussels Expo
Global Label Award Winners Announced Former Finat president Kurt Walker was presented with the R. Stanton Avery Lifetime Achievement Award at a ceremony held at Labelexpo Europe in Brussels. Sponsored by Avery Dennison, the award recognizes an individual who has made a key contribution to the label industry over a minimum of 25 years. HP Indigo won the Award for Innovation for companies with more than 300 employees, sponsored by Flint Group Narrow Web, for its HP SmartStream Mosaic software. Mosaic generates infinite design variations from a ‘seed’ pattern using an innovative graphics algo-
rithm and was first used for a Coca-Cola promotion in Israel. The Award for Innovation for companies with up to 300 employees, also sponsored by Flint Group Narrow Web, went jointly to GEW and Lake Image Systems. Lintec won the Sustainability Award, sponsored by Xeikon, for its KP5000 label face material, which uses 80 percent post-consumer recycled PET while maintaining the performance characteristics of virgin PET. Also announced at the Gala dinner, attended by over 500 guests, were the winners of the 'Best of the Best' World Label awards.
professional networking packaging community
education sharing
WHO WE ARE First Packaging Asia will facilitate the process of education and training for the packaging industry. Primary goal is to provide a platform for players in the indonesian packaging industry to network, learn and exchange ideas. We arrange monthly seminar for flexible packaging, label, folding carton as well as corrugated industry. General training such as : - Packaging Fundamentals - Packaging Design - Food & Beverage Packaging - Cosmetic & Personal Care Packaging Basic Printing Package : - Design - Prepress Printing (enhance for packaging prinitng) - Intro to Flexo - Advanced Flexography
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Guest arrivalArgha Karya Prima
Mr Jimmy-PGGI and Mr Untung-Royal Standard
29 September - 2 October 2015, Brussels Expo
Labelexpo Europe Keynote Reflects Upbeat Industry Opening the 30th anniversary edition of Labelexpo Europe at the Brussels expo, Tarsus Labels & Packaging group managing director Lisa Milburn confirmed that this is the biggest show yet, with 648 exhibitors from 40 countries - including 98 from Asia. The eight halls represent a total of 34,500 sqm of stand space and 33,000 visitors are expected. Labels industry growth is 4-6 percent worldwide, said Fairley, with Europe growing at 5.7 percent, taking global volume of label stock up to 50 billion sqm with a value of $80bn. Pressure sensitive holds a 50 percent market share globally, with glue applied at 30 percent and shrink sleeves representing the sector with the fastest growth. Turning to machinery, Fairley identified two trends: a growing interest in mid-web presses for higher productivity, and the rapid growth of digital. ‘Half of all narrow web presses installed in Europe last year were digital, with inkjet now representing
35 percent of all new digital press installs.’ Fairley predicted that on current trends, digital will be the dominant press technology in the next 4-5 years. Gallus launches DCS 340 press Gallus announced the commercial launch of the DCS 340 digital converting system, developed in a joint project with Heidelberg and FujiFilm. The DCS 340 press images at 1200 x 1200dpi and runs at 50m/min in up to eight color- a seven color extended gamut set plus White. It integrates UV flexo print units and finishing modules from the ECS 340 ‘granite’ press. According to Heidelberg’s head of digital development Jason Oliver, a key feature is the integrated Heidelberg Prinect workflow – the first time this has been developed to control both conventional and digital print modules. Inks for the DCS 340 are provided via Heidelberg’s Saphira consumables program, priced ‘at a level appropriate for the market’.
Packprint Workshop Workshop opens opens at Labelat LabelMPS MPS announces announces Domino Domino as digital as digital Packprint partner partner expoexpo Europe Europe 20152015 Nilpeter and and Xeikon Xeikon havehave helped helped MPS MPS launches launches at Labelexpo at Labelexpo Europe Europe Nilpeter the the Packprint Packprint Workshop Workshop a new a new flexoflexo presspress integrating integrating a a openopen feature areaarea of Labelexpo of Labelexpo Europe Europe Domino Domino N610iN610i UV inkjet UV inkjet print print engine engine feature with with strong strong interest interest again again driven driven and and Esko Esko digital digital frontfront end.end. 2015,2015, shown in the in opportunities the opportunities for label for label The The 330mm 330mm (13in)(13in) widewide EF Symjet EF Symjet shown printers looking looking to diversify to diversify their their presspress offersoffers up to up6-colors to 6-colors with with a a printers offering. Labelexpo Labelexpo Europe Europe 20152015 is is whitewhite option option and and printsprints at speeds at speeds offering. the fifth the fifth consecutive consecutive year year that that the the ranging ranging between between 50-7550-75 m/min. m/min. flagship flagship showshow in theingroup’s the group’s portfolio portfolio hosted hosted a dedicated a dedicated feature feature HP unveils HP unveils colorcolor automation automation suitesuite for for has has areaarea addressing addressing opportunities opportunities in in WS6800 WS6800 package printing. printing. TheyThey havehave grown grown HP Indigo HP Indigo today today unveiled unveiled its Color its Color package in strengthen and and prominence prominence Automation Automation Package Package for for the the in strengthen year-on-year, with with 20152015 continuing continuing WS6800 WS6800 digital digital press.press. It uses It uses the the year-on-year, this trend. press’ press’ inlineinline spectrophotometer spectrophotometer and and this trend. new new Esko-powered Esko-powered Labels Labels & Pack& PackThis year’s showshow sees sees Paul Paul Teachout Teachout aging aging Print Print Server Server capabilities capabilities to to This year’s present a Nilpeter a Nilpeter FA-4*FA-4* for printing for printing allowallow converters converters to quickly to quickly and and present unsupported films films and flexible and flexible packpackeasilyeasily match match spot spot colors. colors. Key Key unsupported aging, with with a multilayer a multilayer film film fromfrom features featuresinclude includeautomated automated aging, Synthogra, consisting consisting of a of polyester a polyester on-press on-press colorcolor match, match, continuous continuous Synthogra, later,later, thin thin metallized metallized middle middle colorcolor calibration calibration and and import/export import/export outerouter and and a polyethylene a polyethylene layerlayer on on of media of media fingerprint. fingerprint. ‘Once ‘Once a job a job layerlayer the inside, shown shown in this in instance, this instance, has been has been fingerprinted, fingerprinted, it can it can thenthen the inside, Xeikon’s Xeikon’s FrankFrank Jacobs Jacobs be moved be moved between between different different HP HP whilstwhilst followed him by himpresenting by presenting shortshort run run Indigo Indigo presses presses and and the color the color is guaris guar- followed folding folding carton carton printing printing usingusing a a anteed anteed to remain to remain consistent. consistent.
Xeikon 3500, including four varieties of chocolate packaging that had been personalized. Nick Coombes, moderating the twice daily workshops, opened proceedings by outlining the potential flexible packaging and folding cartons present to narrow web printers. ‘The label market accounts for 15 percent of the global package printing market, with flexibles and cartons four to five times the size of the label market. Soma debuts CI flexo at Labelexpo Press manufacturer Soma Engineering has used Labelexpo Europe 2015 to introduce the label market to its Optima mid web CI flexo press, with live demonstrations of two jobs, and the changeover from a 7-color to a 6-color job. Avery Dennison demos new products and promotes sustainability. Avery Dennison introduced a number of new products at the show starting with an expansion of its adhesive technology in TrueCut geared specifically for paper substrates. TrueCut is designed to 20
increase conversion speeds and adheres effectively on cardboard and during low temperature applications. The adhesive is said to give up to a 100 percent higher conversion speed compared with industry standards and can minimize set up time between rolls.
AB Graphic unveils converting equipment developments
AB Graphic has launched at Labelexpo its ‘Big Foot’ 50-ton capacity hot foil/embossing module with a rotating foil feed to allow for feeding foil along and across the web direction. Tony Bell, ABG’s sales director, said: ‘The benefits of this new module are numerous: increased capacity, minimal foil wastage, the ability to run multiple foils and embossing in the same module.’ The company has also launched a fully-rotary servo-driven Converter Series 3, redesigned to reduce overall footprint and set-up waste on job changes. The Labelexpo converter is demonstrated with a fully automatic Vectra turret rewinder.
‘In response ‘In response to customer to customer feedback feedback label.label. ABG has ABGdesigned has designed a Labelexa Labelexwe have we have increased increased the flexibility the flexibility of po of po competition competition label label wherewhere the machine, the machine, allowing allowing customers customers to customers to customers will see willhow seethe how peel theand peel and run a run much a much widerwider rangerange of materials of materials revealreveal label,label, produced produced on the on the without without the need the need for mechanical for mechanical Digicon Digicon SeriesSeries 3’s crossover 3’s crossover unit, isunit, is changes,’ changes,’ said said Bell. Bell. ‘The ‘The overall overall created created using using the the delaminadelaminadesign design is much is much more more in keeping in keeping with with tion/relamination tion/relamination module, module, web web our Digicon our Digicon range, range, using using fewerfewer parts parts turnbar turnbar and crossover and crossover unit, with unit, an with an to increase to increase manufacturing manufacturing efficienefficienopportunity opportunity to peel to the peelbanana the banana to to cy, and cy, operating and operating on a on new a new PC PC win a win prize. a prize. basedbased system system whichwhich allowsallows remote remote access access monitoring.’ monitoring.’ Also new Also isnew the is the Domino Domino launches launches N610iN610i integraintegraDigicon-Lite Digicon-Lite 3, faster 3, faster than its than predeits predetion module tion module cessorcessor and with and awith wider a wider web width web width Domino Domino DigitalDigital Printing Printing Solutions Solutions has has and and largerlarger unwind unwind and and rewind rewind launched launched the the N610i N610i integration integration capacities. capacities. ‘With ‘With options options of running of running module, module, forming forming part of parta of digital a digital in-line,in-line, using using cold cold foil and foil and super super hybridhybrid system, system, all based all based on itson its varnish, varnish, and a and rotary a rotary optionoption with with proven proven 7-color 7-color digitaldigital label label press.press. interchangeable interchangeable tooling tooling to die to die Visitors Visitors to stand to stand 9A60 9A60 can can view view head,head, it’s perfect it’s perfect for those for those wanting wanting first-hand first-hand the new the new N610i N610i variant, variant, a simple, a simple, compact compact and economic and economic integrated integrated with with an AB an Graphic’s AB Graphic’s converting converting solution,’ solution,’ Bell commentBell commentDigicon Digicon 3, including 3, including flexo, flexo, varnishvarnished. ed. ing, ing, laminating laminating and and die-cutting die-cutting stations. stations. ‘The ‘The new new N610i N610i ink jet ink jet In addition In addition to these to these new machines new machines integration integration module module enables enables our our and and modules, modules, the company the company has has customers customers to configure to configure a digital a digital also created also created a number a number of interesting of interesting hybridhybrid press press that that meetsmeets their their sample sample jobs to jobs demonstrate to demonstrate individindividbusiness business needsneeds now but now offers but offers signifi-signifiual machine ual machine capabilities. capabilities. One One of cant of flexibility cant flexibility to reconfigure to reconfigure the line the line these these is a banana is a banana ‘peel ‘peel and reveal’ and reveal’ for future for future requirements. requirements. Customers Customers
now have the option to purchase the N610i either as a standalone digital press Also featured on the stand are two K600i digital print modules, integrated onto a GraphiMecc web inspection and finishing line, printing black variable data and demonstrating Domino’s new digital foiling system. This system for brand protection, authenticity and product embellishment combines the benefits of variable data content digital printing with the conventional cold-foiling process. It uses the K600i to print a digital adhesive and create the image area prior to UV-curing and delamination. Unlike some inkjet systems that print metallic ink to provide a foil-like effect, Domino’s digital cold foil system is based on real metallic foil to provide a higher quality finish and enables the use of security and decorative holographic images within the foil.
AWA discusses global release liner industry
The total global labelstock market is pegged at 21.5 billion sqm. While the Asian market represents 37 percent of the total, it is the least homogeneous with significant difference in growth dynamics in different regions. Europe represents 29 percent of the total labelstock market and is estimated to be growing at 29 percent. North America represents 25 percent of the global market with growth rate of 2.5 percent.
Comparing the growth by substrate, Reardon said there is an increase in the global film release liner market. As per the report, it stood at 17 percent in 2014, a two percent increase from 2008. ‘Film is continuing to reduce the reputation of paper labelstock but we don’t see film replacing paper in the foreseeable future. Clear-on-clear labels are a big growth area especially in the beverage segment,’ said Reardon. ‘Linerless penetration stands at 20 percent globally which is about the same as it was two years ago and one of the main applications being direct thermal.’ 60% of all label volume used in FMCG is rectangular, so requirement of different shapes should not be a problem to make a transition. Dan Muenzer, vice president marketing, Constantia Flexibles, discussed competitive label technologies and said that prime labeling represents 45 percent of all pressure-sensitive constructions worldwide, including leadership positions in both food and beverage applications. Muenzer said that three to 5% of all labels are made using in-mold labeling. He pointed out that e-commerce is going to change the type of packaging a lot of brands use. ‘It could be an opportunity for pressure sensitive but it is going to be different.’ One thing to worry about, he said, is growth of direct print on containers.
ADJUSTABLE ANVIL CYLINDER The wide range of materials and ever thinner liners make special demands on all die-cutting components. Adjustable anvil systems permit a variable adaptation of the gap to the respective requirements. However, in some applications problems arise with conventional systems, in particular with cutting-through, larger working widths and high production speeds. After long research and development work, we present the GapControl® which overcomes these limitations. You can adapt the gap to your needs flexibly and with great accuracy. The system is convinding with highly precise double-sided gap adjustment and its particularly stable construction which even makes cutting through possible without any problems.
Easy and Flexible Handling
The GapControl® is very simple and flexible to operate. The unit has two control knobs on its frame which adjust the gap individually for the drive and operator side in order to compensate one-sided weat, inaccuracies in the cutting tool, as well as fluctuations in material thickness. The adjustment steps are less than a micron, so that even the smallest corrections can be made. Adjustment is possible both at a standstill and when the machine is running. The display of the adjustment elements is calibrated so that a display of “zero” (0000) coresponden to gap of 480 microns. If the knob is turned in the plus direction, the cutting pressure is increased (the gap gets smaller). If the knob is turned in the minus direction, the cutting pressure is decreased because the gap between the cylinders become greater.
Advantages ● ● ● ● ●
Very stable and low-maintenance system Cutting-through also possible with no problems No resonance/vibration problems No temperature increase in cylinder Simple installation and removal
● Solid, Hardened Cylinder ● Supported by Hardened Support Roller or blocks ● Bearer Ring Running Free on Underside ● Ball Race in bearer rings with minimum tolerance (through compression from above)
Cutting tool GapControl Support roller Sketch : Pressure course (transferred from above through the bearer rings to the support roller)
ACQUISITIONS "Acquisition will broaden customer base and offer current customers a wider range of products." The world boundary is getting less and less. The big companies, especially the investment fund – acquire either machine manufacturing, material manufacturing or converter companies (flexible, label and corrugated companies). Pemara Label Australia with factories in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam acquired by Constantia Flexible, an Austrian companies. While Constantia itself just acquired by Wendel Group from OEP (one equity partner) wham acquired Constantia in 2009. The big group would like to become one stop supply for their customer, Bobst acquire Nuova Gidue to enter the label market, while Flint Group acquire Xeikon to enter Digital Industry. The brand solution from Europe, Matthew International acquired Schawk, Inc (SGK) in 2014 for US$ 577 million. As SGK very strong in America and Asia, The combination of both companies make them the most powerful “Brand Solution” in global world, Huhtamaki acquires Positive Packaging to become India’s leading flexible packaging converter for $336 million (€247m) last September 2014.
After acquired Bella Prima, Amcor’s Managing Director and CEO, Ken MacKenzie said: “Indonesia is an attractive market for flexible packaging given its rising per capita income and changing retail formats. The Bella Prima acquisition gives Amcor the opportunity to broaden its product portfolio in attractive end market segments and deepen our relationships with key customers. Given the expected synergy benefits, it is anticipated returns will exceed 20% by year three.” US-based commercial packaging giant Graphic Packaging International will be acquiring 100% shares for Colorpak, which operates as a folding carton supplier in Australia and New Zealand. Shares prices for Colorpak have soared up to 31% after the takeover bid was announced, reports The Sydney Morning Herald. The
firm operates through two facilifirm operates through two faciliMelbourne and Sydney tiesties in in Melbourne and Sydney in in Australia,and andanother anotherone onein in Australia, Auckland,New NewZealand. Zealand.TheThe Auckland, three plants have combined three plants have a a combined capacityto toannually annuallyconvert convert capacity around38,000 38,000of ofpaperboard paperboard around intofolding foldingcartons cartonsforforfood, food, into beverage and consumer prodbeverage and consumer prodmarkets. uctuct markets. Whileononthethelabel labelbusiness business While Constantiaacquired acquiredPemara Pemara Constantia Labels.ThisThisMelbourne-based Melbourne-based Labels. Pemara produces self-adhesive Pemara produces self-adhesive labelsfrom fromplants plantsaround aroundthethe labels region(factories (factoriesin inIndonesia, Indonesia, region Malaysia, Vietnam), and is also Malaysia, Vietnam), and is also a a leaderin indigital digitallabel labelprint print leader solutions. solutions. Bobst acquires majority stake Bobst acquires majority stake in in Nuova Gidue Nuova Gidue Last year Bobst Group acquired Last year Bobst Group acquired percent Nuova Gidue, 65 65 percent of of Nuova Gidue, thethe Italian manufacturer narrow Italian manufacturer of of narrow and mid web printing presses, and mid web printing presses, as as
it looks grow its presence in the it looks to to grow its presence in the label segment and establish ‘our label segment and establish ‘our leadership in short packaging leadership in short runrun packaging solutions’.Bobst Bobst further solutions’. hashas thethe further option purchase remaining option to to purchase thethe remaining shares in Nuova Gidue. shares in Nuova Gidue. With technologies Nuova With thethe technologies of of Nuova Gidue,Bobst Bobstwillwillextend extendits its Gidue, already wide range printing already wide range of of printing and converting options, and and converting options, and thethe purchase confirms strategy purchase confirms its its strategy of of expansion label industry. expansion in in thethe label industry. Bothorel,head headof ofBobst’s Bobst’s ErikErikBothorel, web-fedbusiness businessunit unitand anda a web-fed memberof ofthetheBobst BobstGroup Group member executive committee, said: ‘We executive committee, said: ‘We wantto togrow growin inthethelabel label want segment and establish leadsegment and establish ourour leadershipin inshort shortrunrunpackaging packaging ership solutions. innovative technolsolutions. TheThe innovative technologies of Nuova Gidue in flexograogies of Nuova Gidue in flexographyand andoffset offsetcan canbebeeasily easily phy integrated into existing prodintegrated into ourour existing prodlines. uctuct lines. Flint Group acquires Xeikon and Flint Group acquires Xeikon and establishes digital digital printing printing establishes business business Flint Group acquired digital Flint Group hashas acquired digital print specialist Xeikon, which print specialist Xeikon, which willwill formthethebedrock bedrockof ofits itsnew new form Digital Printing Solutions division. Digital Printing Solutions division. Xeikondesigns, designs,develops developsand and Xeikon delivershigh-end high-enddigital digitalcolor color delivers presses and consumables presses and consumables forfor thethe globalcommercial, commercial,document, document, global labeland andpackaging packagingmarket market label segments, distributing its products segments, distributing its products through a worldwide sales and through a worldwide sales and service network. service network. FlintGroup Groupsaid saidXeikon’s Xeikon’s Flint products and services products and services willwill bebe
the foundation of a newly created division to be called Digital Printing Solutions. This new division of Flint Group will further broaden the group’s conventional and digital printing solutions, offering a ‘unique proposition of equipment, consumables and services across its global markets’. Wim Maes, Xeikon CEO, will become president of Flint Group Digital Printing Solutions, and said: ‘We are very pleased to be joining Flint Group’s global organization and excited by the opportunities this acquisition presents to accelerate business growth. Xeikon has shown that dedication to the digital label, folding carton, commercial and document printing market segments has paid off in terms of market share, customer satisfaction and financial contribution. American Industrial Partners acquires Goss International American Industrial Partners (AIP), a middle-market private equity firm focused on acquiring North American-headquartered industrial businesses, has completed the acquisition of Goss International and its subsidiaries from Shanghai Electric Corporation. The transaction closed on September 18, 2015. ‘American Industrial Partners is a like-minded, forward-thinking 26
organization and we are excited to leverage their industry, operational, and financial expertise to support our culture of innovation and customer collaboration,’ said Rick Nichols, CEO of Goss. ‘In partnership with AIP, we look forward to building on our market leading position and executing a strategic growth plan focused on providing our highly-valued customer base with the highest-quality portfolio of innovative products and aftermarket parts, services and enhancements.’ Wendel agrees deal to acquire Constantia Flexibles from OEP Funds advised by One Equity Partners (OEP) and the H. Turnauer Foundation have agreed to sell Constantia Flexibles to French investment house Wendel Group, valuing the business at around 2.3 billion EUR (2.8 billion USD). Constantia Flexibles is a manufacturer of flexible packaging products and labels. OEP acquired the company in 2009, when it took over the majority of Constantia Packaging AG, and
75 percent of Constantia respective shareholding in the holdsholds 75 percent of Constantia respective shareholding in the Flexibles, remaining Company. to this capital Flexibles, with with the the remaining 25 25 Company. Prior Prior to this capital percent owned byH. the H. Turnauer increase, Maxburg Capital Partners percent owned by the Turnauer increase, Maxburg Capital Partners Foundation. finalized the Purchase Wendel Foundation. finalized the Purchase from from Wendel a minority in Constantia of a of minority stakestake in Constantia Constantia Flexibles supplies its Flexibles for €100 million representConstantia Flexibles supplies its Flexibles for €100 million representproducts to numerous multinational of the capital. products to numerous multinational ing ing 11% 11% of the shareshare capital. companies and local market Following capital increase, companies and local market lead-leadFollowing this this capital increase, the food, pet food, pharmaWendel’s investment in ers iners theinfood, pet food, pharmaWendel’s total total investment in ceutical beverage industries. Constantia Flexibles amounts ceutical and and beverage industries. Constantia Flexibles now now amounts Constantia Flexibles employs to €571 million and Wendel remains Constantia Flexibles employs over over to €571 million and Wendel remains people in almost 80 group the controlling shareholder of com8,0008,000 people in almost 80 group the controlling shareholder of comcompanies delivers to over with 61.4% its capital. companies and and delivers to over panypany with 61.4% of its of capital. customers worldwide. In 2013, 3,0003,000 customers worldwide. In 2013, the company achieved of Matthew International acquired the company achieved sales sales of Matthew International acquired 1.63 billion EUR earnings and earnings of 233 Schawk Inc (SGK) in 2014 for US$ 1.63 billion EUR and of 233 Schawk Inc (SGK) in 2014 for US$ million EUR. Since investment, 577 million million EUR. Since OEP’sOEP’s investment, 577 million grown bypercent 73 percent Matthews is one of 20 thelargest 20 largest sales sales havehave grown by 73 Matthews is one of the and earnings 76 percent. publicly traded companies in and earnings by 76by percent. publicly traded companies in southwestern Pennsylvania southwestern Pennsylvania with with 'This acquisition represents a signifiabout 800 local employees 'This acquisition represents a signifiabout 800 local employees and and milestone in Wendel’s 2013-17 worldwide, according to the cant cant milestone in Wendel’s 2013-17 5,3005,300 worldwide, according to the strategy, which consists in investing of Lists. a marketing strategy, which consists in investing 2014 2014 BookBook of Lists. It's a It's marketing two billion EUR the top-tier services and memorialization two billion EUR in theintop-tier unlist-unlistservices and memorialization com-comed companies in Africa, byend the of end this year, ed companies in Africa, NorthNorth panypany that, that, by the thisofyear, America and Europe.” The acquisiwill greatly its brand business America and Europe.” The acquisiwill greatly growgrow its brand business tion of Constantia by Wendel withmerger the merger with Schawk. tion of Constantia by Wendel is theis the with the with Schawk. significant the flexible most most significant deal deal in theinflexible packaging industry Amcor’s Matthews a leadership position packaging industry sincesince Amcor’s Matthews has ahas leadership position acquisition of Alcan the Alcan in brand in brand business in Europe, acquisition of the assetsassets in in business in Europe, whilewhile is strong in both the United 2009.2009. SGK SGK is strong in both the United States its Schawk, States and and Asia Asia with with its Schawk, Constantia Flexibles acquired Brandimage and and Anthem. Anthem. Constantia Flexibles acquired Brandimage Pemara Matthew's brand solutions business Pemara LabelLabel Matthew's brand solutions business Wendel contributes €31million a be will an be $850 an $850 million annual Wendel contributes €31million to a to will million annual capital increase to finance acquisibusiness the companies two companies capital increase to finance acquisibusiness whenwhen the two of Afripack Pemara. brand operations are combined tions tions of Afripack and and Pemara. This This brand operations are combined as as investment realized in SGK ledSGK by SGK investment has has beenbeen realized in SGK and and led by CEO CEO DavidDavid respect of amillion €50 million capital Schawk. Schawk, whose father respect of a €50 total total capital Schawk. Schawk, whose father increase by Constantia Flexibles. Clarence started the business increase by Constantia Flexibles. Clarence started the business in thein the Wendel, theTurnauer H. Turnauer Foundawill join alsoMatthews' join Matthews' Wendel, the H. Foundaearlyearly 1950s,1950s, will also tion and Maxburg Capital Partners, board. "We have a global powertion and Maxburg Capital Partners, board. "We have a global powera long - term investment house that nobody else the world a long - term investment firm firm house that nobody else in theinworld backed by RAG the RAG Foundation can compete Schawk backed by the Foundation can compete with,"with," DavidDavid Schawk participated in proportion to their said Monday. participated in proportion to their said Monday.
Acquisition of Pemara Labels Group Constantia Flexibles Group continues to strengthen its position in the Southeast Asia labels market by acquiring the Australian company Pemara Labels Group. The parties agreed not to disclose any financial details and the transaction is expected to close in the next few months. Melbourne-based Pemara was founded in 1966 and produces self-adhesive labels (pressure-sensitive labels), in-mould labels and Fix-a-Form ™ leaflet-labels. It is also a leader in digital print solutions. Pemara supplies to leading national and multinational companies from the consumer goods (FMCG), pharmaceutical, as well as food and beverage sectors across the Asia Pacific region. ”With its excellent managerial experience, leading technology and more than 20 years of experience in Asia, Pemara is a great addition to Constantia Flexibles,” said Mike Henry, Executive Vice President and Head of the company’s Labels
division. “We can expand our regional footprint and thus support our multinational customers with their global expansion. In addition, we increase our position in the home and personal care (HPC) market.” Privately-owned Pemara achieved sales of approximately 30 million euros in the financial year ended June 2015 and currently employs more than 300 employees. It operates four plants in Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, along with sales offices in Sydney (Australia) and Manila (Philippines). “Pemara is delighted to be joining Constantia Flexibles. We have been searching for a strong global partner,
and and believe believe we have we have found found a great a great match match with with Constantia Constantia Flexibles’ Flexibles’ Labels Labels division,” division,” said said Andrew Andrew McNamara, McNamara, Group Group Managing Managing Director Director of Pemara. of Pemara. “We “We are particularly are particularly pleased pleased that that the staff the staff and and management management are continuing are continuing with the withbusiness the business to become to become part part of this of global this global packaging packaging group. group. We We see asee stronger a stronger future, future, whenwhen considering considering the the many many synergies synergies we will werealize will realize with Constanwith Constantia Flexibles’ tia Flexibles’ Labels Labels division.” division.” Constantia Constantia Flexibles Flexibles Labels Labels Division Division is the is the world’s world’s fourth fourth largest largest labellabel manufacturer manufacturer supplying supplying the food, the food, beverage beverage and personal and personal carecare industries. industries. The The Labels Labels Division Division has has annual annual revenues revenues of more of more thanthan 500 million 500 million euroseuros and and supplies supplies over over 1,0001,000 global global customers, customers, including including multinational multinational corporacorporations tions and and locallocal market market leaders. leaders. It operates It operates nineteen nineteen production production facilities facilities on four on contifour continentsnents and and has has over over 2,0002,000 employees employees focused focused on providing on providing innovative innovative labeling labeling solutions. solutions. Pemara Pemara is Constantia is Constantia Flexibles’ Flexibles’ second second acquisition acquisition in 2015 in 2015 following following the acquisition the acquisition of Afripack of Afripack in South in South Africa, Africa, which which is expectis expected toed close to close in theincoming the coming weeks. weeks. Constantia Constantia Flexibles Flexibles is one is one of the of world’s the world’s leading leading manufacturers manufacturers of flexible of flexible packagpackaging products ing products and and labels. labels. The Group The Group supplies supplies its products its products to numerous to numerous multinational multinational corporations corporations and and locallocal market market leaders leaders in in the food, the food, pet food, pet food, pharmaceuticals pharmaceuticals and and beverage beverage industries. industries. In total, In total, Constantia Constantia Flexibles Flexibles has has over over 3,0003,000 customers customers worldworldwide.wide. OverOver 8,4008,400 employees employees in almost in almost 80 80 Group Group companies companies around around the world the world supply supply innovative innovative solutions solutions on aon global a global level.level.
Pemara Makes Cutting-Edge Digital Carton Investment Australian converter Pemara has invested in an HP Indigo 30000, the first in the Asia-Pacific region, to enhance its production of digitally printed folding cartons. Australian packaging and label printer Pemara has become the first in the Asia-Pacific region to install an HP Indigo 30000 sheet-fed digital press, which has seen it make a major upgrade to its printing footprint with the move to a new facility in Notting Hill, Melbourne, required to house its latest press investment. Pemara is a 100 percent privately-owned business established in 1966 with four printing plants and five sales offices across South East Asia and Australia. Its plant in Malaysia has been operational for more than 20 years, while a plant in Vietnam is now over a decade old. An Indonesia facility was founded in 2008, with operations in the Philippines added last year and a state-of-the-art plant recently built at its new Melbourne premises produces flexo, combination and digital labels and cartons. In Australia, its office in Sydney serves to provide sales and customer service support, as well as experienced technical assistance, while Melbourne is home to the company’s headquarters. Pemara supplies a wide range of products including self-adhesive labels, IML labels, lidding, digital cartons and multi-page labels to the pharmaceutical, food, personal care, household 30
and industrial markets. It also produces roll stamps for Australia Post. Its press portfolio covers both conventional and digital technology, including two web-fed HP Indigo presses used for digital label printing. This now sits alongside the sheet-fed press model in the Melbourne facility as one of a handful of installations around the world of the HP Indigo 30000 and the first in the Asia-Pacific region. Pemara’s printing technology is supplemented by cutting, creasing, folding and gluing equipment for complete in-house production of folding cartons. The in-line Tresu iCoat 30000, featured as part of the HP Indigo 30000 platform, provides a complete range of varnishes from the high gloss UV to matte finishes. In the cartons space, Pemara converts material, dependent on the application, up to 600 microns in thickness, into folding, crash bottom and reverse tuck cartons, sleeves and POS units. Pemara said its desire for innovation is primarily driven by the need to offer the world’s latest efficiencies to best support local manufacturers with the investment in the HP Indigo 30000 made in response to customer
demand demand for the for benefits the benefits of digital of digital in in their their shortshort and and medium medium run run carton carton work.work. “Many “Many of our of our FMCG FMCG and and pharmaceutical pharmaceutical customers customers love love the HP theIndigo HP Indigo process process for labels,” for labels,” says says DaleDale Monsbourgh, Monsbourgh,SalesSalesand and Marketing MarketingManager Managerat at Pemara. Pemara. “They “They havehave beenbeen asking asking for similar for similar benefits benefits for for their their shortshort and and medium medium and and run carton run carton requirements.” requirements.” “HP “HP Indigo Indigo digital digital print print technology technology “ F u “r tF hu er tr h - eris a perfect is a perfect fit forfitthe formarkets the markets in in more, more, this exciting this exciting tech-techwhich which we have we have experience experience and and nology nology enables enables effective effective expertise.” expertise.” solutions solutions to to counterfeiting counterfeiting by by introducing introducing serialization serialization with with the the “More “More and more and more manufacturers manufacturers wantwant capabilities capabilities to include to include a unique a unique just-in-time just-in-time supply, supply, flexibility flexibility of turnaof turnacodecode on every on every carton. carton. This This also also round round and and art changes art changes to hold to hold less less creates creates incredible incredible possibilities possibilities for for packaging packaging stockstock and and to have to have a a FMCG FMCG brands brands to offer to offer personalization personalization reduced reduced environmet environmet impact.” impact.” to their to their markets,” markets,” sayasaya Monsbourgh. Monsbourgh. “We “We see in see our in chosen our chosen markets, markets, that that Pemara Pemara sees sees the B2 theformat B2 format of the ofHP the HP this technology this technology is a is perfect a perfect fit and fit and Indigo Indigo 30000, 30000, along along with with quickquick the knowledge the knowledge and and experience experience we we make-ready make-ready and and turnaround turnaround times, times, havehave in working in working with with HP Indigo HP Indigo for for the removal the removal of platemaking of platemaking costs,costs, over over years, years, provides provides a combination a combination consistency consistency of color of color and and excellent excellent unrivalled unrivalled in theinindustry.” the industry.” registration registration as key as benefits key benefits that that drewdrew the company the company to invest to invest in theintechnolthe technology. ogy.
by David by David Pittman Pittman
Major Upgrade Late last year Permara revealed its plans for a major upgrade to its Notting Hill, Melbourne, printing facility to accommodate the planned acquisition of the first ever HP Indigo 30000 in the Asia-Pacific region. Six months later the state-of-the-art-facility is running complete with HACCP and FSSC 22000 certification as well as ISO 14001 accreditation. 31
LABEL MARKET 2016 AND BEYOND When I visited Labelexpo last September – I realize that at present there were more digital presses on display (96) than there were flexo presses (74). While all the big layer of narrow web whom traditionally having flexo and offset also make their venture to digital solution. Either their own solution or cooperation with digital printer manufacturers. I talked to some Label Printer and surprise their comment that very soon the label will be printed in Digital majority instead of Flexo ? I argue how it will be possible. He said Label mostly is very small piece as well as the volume not that much and used for quite a high value product as well. Flexo will be exist and still in the market for the wide web, not for the label industry. We have to see it in the next 3 years what will be happened and lets see is there any other innovation on the next Drupa which will be happened just in the next 4 months.
Therefore it will be mistake if the printer do not consider this digital transformation and the opportunities for the new technology – better quality, easier to print and fast delivery as well. And of course one of the most important feature of digital printing is personalization, so creation are beyond the limit. This capabilities is what the consumers goods need as they go toward faster time to market, smaller lot sizes and market differentiation. As the digital printing manufacturer is too much (96) – there would be a shake-out and the one come with quality, easy operatin and economic scale will be the winner. Do not take for granted that the larger suppliers will always survive. Most of them are having inkjet technology. Even companies like Xeikon were exploring inkjet combined with their own print technology. Inkjet printing is expected to grow at twice the rate of electrophotography. Since 2010, inkjet’s share has
nearly nearly tripled tripled to to 35 35 percent percent of of thethe owner owner to to design design new new and and innovainnovadigital digital installed installed base. base. tive tive packaging packaging that that allow allow quality quality and and freshness freshness to to bebe seen seen through through At At present present you you can can start start to to invest invest in in thethe packaging. packaging. Digital Digital printing printing from from low-cost low-cost 4-col4-color or entry entry machines machines right right upup to to 8-col8-col- While While onon thethe beverage beverage personal personal or or and and hybrid hybrid presses. presses. Its Its started started as as markets, markets, consumers consumers want want a more a more lowlow as as45,000 45,000 USD USD forfor reasonable reasonable unique unique and and individual individual experience, experience, quality quality4-color 4-colordigital digitalpresses. presses. likelike personalized personalized decorated decorated cans, cans, Whichever Whichever configuration configuration is chosen, is chosen, and anda awider widerrange rangeof ofproduct product 2016 2016 willwill bring bring closer closer thethe fully fully autoauto- varieties varieties that that allows allows them them to to contincontinmated mated processing processing of of digital digital webs. webs. ueue to to discover discover new new products. products. WeWe Key Keyelements elementshere hereinclude includethethe seesee how how Coke Coke is using is using thisthis opportuopportufurther further refinement refinement of of laser laser die-cutdie-cut- nitynity tremendously tremendously with with their their new new ting; ting; digital digital application application of of cold cold foilfoil campaign. campaign. using using UVUV curable, curable, jet-able jet-able adheadhesives; sives;UVUVinkjet inkjetspot spotand andflood flood And And more more and and more more no-label no-label look look varnishing; varnishing;automated automatedslit slitand and become become a trend a trend onon thethe PS PS Label Label back back knife knife positioning; positioning; and and turret turret ‘premiumize’ ‘premiumize’their theirproducts productsand and rewinders rewinders working working with with or or without without brand brand image image as as it can it can clearly clearly show show final final inspection inspection systems. systems. thethe inside inside products products which which pack pack onon thethe clear clear containers. containers. TheThe PS PS Label Label some some also also move move to to schrink schrink label label or inmold or inmold – though – though thethe label labelindustry industrystillstillestimated estimatedwillwill grow grow about about 4%4% in in 2016. 2016. With With thethe movement movement of of thethe technology technology and and target target market market – the – the only only way way to to survice survice is remain is remain flexible. flexible.WeWe may may notnot survive survive tomorrow tomorrow – if–today if today wewe stillstill doing doing thethe business business in a in way a way likelike yesterday. yesterday.Follow Follow thethe trend. trend. Take Take thethe challence. challence. Market Market Trend Trend Consumer Consumer buying buying food food and and beverbeverage age markets markets based based onon what what they they see, see,thisthistrend trendpush pushthethebrands brands
Cold Foil with waxes or silicones, which are not designed for lamination. Most UV inks are silicone free and are cold foil-friendly out of the bucket.
COLD FOILING is now considered standard for most converters, but it still requires adequate preparation and process control. More label buyers today expect printers to be able to apply metallic foil to their labels. Foil application is now such an industry standard that a printer may have trouble competing without this ability. The easiest and most cost-effective way to apply foil on a web press is with cold foil printing. Basically, cold foil is really expert UV lamination. Flexo presses fitted with a UV curing lamp and a laminating tower can run foil and need: • an appropriate nip roll • simple press rewebbing • UV cold foil adhesive • a roll of cold foil No 1. USE THE RIGHT INKS. Print with inks designed for lamination, such as UVitec's UV inks which are designed for this application. Basic waterbase inks are formulated
No 2. WEB THE PRESS FOR UV WET LAMINATION Cold foil wet lamination works by flexo printing an image with a UV cold foil adhesive, then nipping foil with a hard nip roll and curing with a UV lamp, then stripping foil waste right after the UV lamp. The process is simple once you master the eight variables. No 3. FIND A PRESSMAN WITH A GOOD ATIITUDE This must be someone wanting to learn a new process. My father used to say, 'Everything is HARD before it is EASY.' If a pressman believes that something won't work, he work to prove it. No 4. USE RIGHT ANILOX Since cold foil is really expert UV lamination, double check that you have the right anilox for the process. The lines per inch of a roll determines fine image resolution but cold foil needs more coating weight than regular flexo printing because you are trying to wet both the label stock and the foil. Begin with an anilox with a higher bcm count. For applying cold foil on film stock use a 4.25-5 bcm anilox roll. Paper label stocks should use a 5.5-7 bcm anilox roll.
Semigloss papers will need a primer A COLD FOIL FOIL NIP NIP Semigloss papers will need a primer No 8. No INSTALL 8. INSTALL A COLD for the pinhole-free results and and SYSTEM for best the best pinhole-free results SYSTEM moremore glue glue laydown. InstallInstall a cold foil nip that that is laydown. a cold foil system nip system is suitable for your presspress and and at least suitable for your at least NO 5.NO USE DOCTOR BLADE 85-9085-90 durometer, very very hard.hard. The nip 5.AUSE A DOCTOR BLADE durometer, The nip Whatever givesgives you you better flexoflexo system should mount as close to the Whatever better system should mount as close to the printing will give you better looking as possible, and and the web printing will give you better looking UV lamp UV lamp as possible, the web cold cold foil. foil. HardHard stickysticky backback tapetape pathpath fromfrom the nip should be be the point nip point should tendstends to yield excellent solid solid colorcolor straight into into the UV and and exit exit to yield excellent straight the lamp UV lamp results - use-medium tapetape in order to to around a stripping roll right behind results use medium in order around a stripping roll right behind try coarse halftones. Very Very light light kiss kiss the lamp with with no turns. The The nip nip try coarse halftones. the lamp no turns. impression yieldsyields sharpsharp test test and and system can can be air or or impression system be powered, air powered, image edges. manual. The foil enterenter the nip image edges. manual. Theshould foil should the nip fromfrom a small idler idler roll at a a small rollbetween at between a NO 6. USE TRUE COLD FOIL FOIL ADHE45 degree angle around the the NO 6. A USE A TRUE COLD ADHE- 30 and 30 and 45 degree angle around SIVE.SIVE. rubber roll, which will help smooth rubber roll, which will help smooth SinceSince cold cold foil cures with with UV light nipping against foil cures UV light out the out foil the before foil before nipping against through the adhesive, you will printed labellabel substrate. through the adhesive, youwant will want the newly the newly printed substrate. an excellent UV adhesive for the an excellent UV adhesive for the best best adhesion, and and crispcrisp image BETTER WEB WEB TENSION adhesion, image No 9.No 9. BETTER TENSION detail with with few or noorpinholes. Make sure sure to carefully inspect the the detail few no pinholes. Make to carefully inspect foil web pathpath fromfrom roll-to-roll fromfrom foil web roll-to-roll Many ink companies make a cold tower unwind fromfrom Many ink companies make a cold the lamination the lamination tower unwind foil adhesive that that worksworks with with silversilver idler idler roll toroll idler roll, to the foil adhesive to idler roll, to nip, the from nip, from and and light light gold,gold, but once you put out of but once you aput a the nip the to nipUV to lamp, UV lamp, outthe of UV the UV darker cold cold foil like goldgold in in lamplamp to the roll and fromfrom darker foil copper like copper to stripping the stripping roll and the the presspress the the cold cold foil foil transfer roll up waste transfer idler-to-idler idler-to-idler roll to up the to the waste declines on one side side of the or or rewind. LookLook for diagonal stressstress lines lines declines on one of web the web rewind. for diagonal the other, or stops entirely. fromfrom one side the the the other, or stops entirely. one of side offoil thetofoil toother. the other. FromFrom the last to the the idler last idler to nip thethe nip foil the foil No 7. COMPATIBLE LABELLABEL should be absolutely mirror-smooth No SELECT 7. SELECT COMPATIBLE should be absolutely mirror-smooth STOCK & PAPERS with with no wrinkles. If not, the nip STOCK & PAPERS no wrinkles. If not, the and nip and ColdCold foil looks best best over over smooth pressure needneed to be foil looks smooth laminating laminating pressure to be substrates, so plan for success as as re-set. See ifSee theif foil 'jumps' or or substrates, so plan for success re-set. theweb foil web 'jumps' you get by identifying which with with everyevery rotation of the youstarted get started by identifying which skips skips rotation of foil the foil film and labellabel stocks workwork best best with with unwind. Sometimes the the brake on on film and stocks unwind. Sometimes brake your your inks and presspress environment. the laminating arm arm has a 'tick' or a or a inks and environment. the laminating has a 'tick' Start Start with with whitewhite and and clearclear film labelspot spot on the or the film label- bad bad on brake, the brake, or arm the arm stock, and and high high glossgloss paper labellabel leansleans down at anatangle. stock, paper down an angle. stock. Semigloss papers will need a stock. Semigloss papers will need a coating for best foil results. SinceSince coating for best foil results. cold cold foil isfoil likeis the usedused for for like ribbons the ribbons thermal transfer, TT label stocks tendtend thermal transfer, TT label stocks to print well with cold cold foil. foil. to print well with
Feel the tension on the operator side and also the gear side of the press to see if one side or the other is baggy. To straighten a leaning lamination tower, loosen the mounting bolts and put one or two pieces of poly tape in-between the bracket and wall of the press to help shim up the arm until it is straight. No 10. ARTWORK REDUCTION Graphics for the cold foil plate should be cut back between .15 and .2 points, about twice the amount used for bar width reduction for barcodes in order to compensate for image spread. This will allow for accurate graphics and reverse foil images. You will be surprised how good your cold foiling will become with this technique. Be careful to not adjust positive text smaller than 14 point - a bit of common sense in the art department is important here. No 11. CHECK YOUR UV LAMP SYSTEM Before trying cold foil be sure that reflectors are clean, and make sure
you have reflectors, since half of the cure power comes from reflectors. Make sure that the bulb is fairly new, with no ink, foil or debris stuck to the bulb. Minimum UV lamp power for running cold foil is 400 watts per inch-you should be able to run silver and light gold. If you are serious about cold foil or UV lamination then get a lamp with 600 watt per inch power capability so that you can run darker colored foils, matte foils and run with faster speed when needed. No 12. HIDDEN PROBLEMS It has been said that if you don't know you have a problem, ask your wife. Just so, if you want to reveal problems with your flexo printing and press, print silver cold foil, and your press defects will be magnified and more visible. Every improvement made for better flexo printing pays off with cold foil. Eliminate wrinkles (which cause foil voids), loosen the pressure on the cold foil nip and carefully add just enough pressure until you see the foil want to bind, and back off. Check to make sure that the foil laydown into the lamp looks as smooth as a mirror and also out of the UV lamp to the stripping roll. Compile from Tom Brough Article
Value-adding gravure unit for optimum printing quality with solvent-based inks. Designed especially for printing metallic inks, opaque white, and special coatigs.
Seminars Schedule 2016
19th January
Flexo Foundation
17th March
NPES Color Seminar
5th April 20th April
Beverages Packaging Flexo Foundation
17th May
Packaging Material
15th June
Packaging Design Foundation
27th July
Flexo Foundation
10th August 30th August
Packaging Fundamental Intro to Rhotogravure
6th September 21th September
Flexo Advance Color for Packaging Designer
19th October
Flexo Foundation
23th November
Flexo Advance
Jl.Gaharu 1 Blok F02 No. 010 T Delta Silicon 2, Lippo Cikarang
021- 95405305
Food and beverage industry
BEVERAGE TRENDS 2016 Niche concepts are gaining acceptance as some consumers shift away from past category staples. Consumers should expect to see continued changes in the beverage industry in 2016, with better-for-you brands from large and small companies that communicate a story about purpose, ingredients and function. Sugary sodas and fruit juice beverages will continue to forfeit shelf space to drinks that promise energy, nutrition and satiety, all while being formulated with fewer, simpler ingredients, and less calories from sugars. “Today’s consumers want healthier refreshment, variety and convenience in their beverages,” said Gary Hemphill, managing director of research, Beverage Marketing Corp. (B.M.C.), New York. “It’s no wonder bottled water will likely surpass carbonated soft drinks within the next two years as the largest beverage category by volume in 40
the U.S.” Most traditional beverage categories continue to struggle and lose ground to newer niche concepts, said Mr. Hemphill. This includes plant-based waters, raw/pressed juices and non-dairy probiotics. “While the overall fruit beverage category has struggled in recent years, the super-premium segment is experiencing growth,” he said. “The products tend to be expensive, but they target a higher-end consumer who can afford them.” When it comes to carbonated soft drinks, Indra Nooyi, chief executive officer of PepsiCo, Inc., Purchase, N.Y., summed up her view of the category when she told investors in October 2015, it’s “a thing of the past,” according to the Associated Press. Ms. Nooyi said she expected the company’s snack and bottled tea businesses to drive sales in the future.
On target On target with tea with tea debuted debuted the R.-T.-D. the R.-T.-D. format format ‘made ‘made The PepsiCo The PepsiCo c.e.o. c.e.o. is onistarget on target with withfromfrom the best the best stuff on stuffearth.’ on earth.’ Tea has Tea has ready-to-drink ready-to-drink (R.-T.-D.) (R.-T.-D.) tea, tea, as the as thebeenbeen evolving evolving since, since, and and today today is is category category only only continues continues to grow, to grow,recognized recognized as as a better-for-you a better-for-you with with B.M.C. B.M.C. estimates estimates showing showing a abeverage beverage choice.” choice.” 6.5% 6.5% increase increase in volume in volume salessales fromfrom 20142014 to 2015. to 2015. Whenever Whenever possible, possible, SteazSteaz sources sources Fair Trade-certified Fair Trade-certified ingredients ingredients and is and is “Tea“Tea is well is well positioned positioned as a as healthy a healthymindful mindful of sugar of sugar content. content. refreshment refreshment beverage,” beverage,” Mr. Mr. Hemphill Hemphill said.said. “Growth “Growth is coming is coming“The “The lightly lightly sweetened sweetened products products rely rely fromfrom higher higher end end products. products. AdditionAddition-on organic on organic canecane sugar, sugar, whilewhile our our ally, ally, therethere has has beenbeen a solid a solid tracktrackzero zero calorie calorie beverages beverages include include record record of category of category innovations innovations with withstevia,” stevia,” Mr. Mr. Kessler Kessler said.said. “Most “Most variation variation in tea in tea typestypes as well as well as asrecently recently we introduced we introduced an unsweetan unsweetflavors.” flavors.” enedened line, line, which which allows allows consumers consumers to appreciate to appreciate the the full flavor full flavor of of A category A category leader leader that that fits this fits thisbrewed brewed green green tea.”tea.” description description is Steaz, is Steaz, a linea of line R.-T.-D. of R.-T.-D. organic organic green green tea tea and and energy energyThe unsweetened The unsweetened line contains line contains no no beverages beverages marketed marketed by The byHealthy The Healthycalories calories but features but features natural natural flavorflavor Beverage Beverage Co., Co., Doylestown, Doylestown, Pa. The Pa. The(dragonfruit, (dragonfruit, lemon lemon or passionfruit) or passionfruit) premium premium beverages beverages are all arebased all basedand and somesome fiber fiber (4 grams (4 grams per 16-oz per 16-oz on brewed on brewed organic organic green green tea, tea, a acan)can) fromfrom inulin,inulin, which which addsadds somesome naturally naturally concentrated concentrated source source of ofcalorie-free calorie-free natural natural sweetness sweetness and and antioxidants. antioxidants. mouthfeel. mouthfeel. SteveSteve Kessler, Kessler, co-founder co-founder of Steaz, of Steaz,Green Green tea provides tea provides a small a small amount amount attributes attributes the growing the growing popularity popularity of ofof naturally of naturally occurring occurring caffeine. caffeine. R.-T.-D. R.-T.-D. tea tea to improved to improved product productSteaz’s Steaz’s energy energy beverages beverages derive derive quality. quality. “Fifty-some “Fifty-some yearsyears ago,ago,additional additional natural natural caffeine caffeine fromfrom moms moms mixed mixed up some up some tea powder tea powderorganic organic guarana guarana and organic and organic yerba yerba and and sugarsugar and and called called that that iced icedmate. mate. tea,”tea,” he he said.said. “Then “Then Snapple Snapple 41
Delivering energy and satiety Without a doubt, consumers desire for energy is fueling the growth of R.-T.-D. tea, as well as R.-T.-D. coffee beverages, with protein-enhanced energy beverages poised to be the next popular energy drink platform. Relying on natural energy — protein for endurance and plant-sourced caffeine for alertness — the drinks complement clean label efforts. Protein also has established itself as a satiety-inducing macronutrient, fashioning it essential for weight loss and weight management regimes. New York City-based Skinnygirl debuted Skinnygirl Protein Tasty Nutrition Shakes to help calorie-conscious women meet their daily protein goal. The shelf-stable 11.5-oz shakes come in two dessert-inspired flavors — chocolate brownie and vanilla bean sundae — and contain only 80 calories and zero grams of sugar. Optimum Nutrition, Aurora, Ill., a sports nutrition company, is introducing the Trusource brand of dairy protein beverages (R.-T.-D. and dry mixes) exclusively to Kroger stores. Protein Java is a R.-T.-D. iced coffee beverage packed with 16 grams of protein and caffeine. Each 8-oz can contains 100 calories, 1.5 grams of fat and a mere 4 grams of sugar. The line also includes two protein powder mixes (one enhanced with caffeine) and R.-T.-D. protein water. Premium coffee beverages Coffee is about the energy jolt, and the R.-T.-D. coffee beverage segment long has been dominated by bottled Frappuccino, but is changing. Like tea, coffee is going high-end.
The Trusource line includes two protein powder mixes (one enhanced with caffeine), a ready-to-drink protein water and an iced coffee beverage. During the five-year period from 2010 thru 2014, U.S. volume sales of R.-T.-D. coffee sold through all channels increased 48.1%, from 50.6 million gallons in 2010 to 89.7 million gallons at the end of 2014, according to the B.M.C. It is estimated the volume growth from 2014 to 2015 will be almost 19%, the largest-growing beverage format, though still an overall small segment compared to carbonated soft drinks and bottled water. Chicago-based Mintel explained that although the R.-T.-D. coffee segment is small, its popularity with coffee drinkers is growing. “Growth is expected to continue through 2020, with the chance for additional gains as consumers increase their R.-T.-D. coffee volume consumption,” said Elizabeth Sisel, beverage analyst at Mintel in the recently published U.S. Coffee 2015 report. The category has great opportunity for growth as long as it continues to evolve to meet drinker preferences and needs. The report states that premium and artisanal brews, indulgent flavors and better-for-you
formulations formulations all have all have the ability the ability to tocan can contains contains 80 calories, 80 calories, 13 grams 13 grams positively positively impact impact growth. growth. And,And, the theof fat, of zero fat, zero grams grams of sugar of sugar and and 1 1 hottest hottestthingthingin incoffee coffeeis isgramgram of protein. of protein. cold-brewed cold-brewed technology. technology. Also Also known known as cold as cold press,press, this type this type of ofBetter-for-you Better-for-you bubbles bubbles coffee coffee is brewed is brewed without without heatheat for afor aWhileWhile focusing focusing on carbonated on carbonated soft soft long long period period of time. of time. drinksdrinks may may not be not as be much as much of aof a priority priority for PepsiCo for PepsiCo as it as hasit been has been in in ColdCold brewing, brewing, at aat local, a local, oftenoftenthe the past,past, consumers consumers still still crave crave artisan artisan level,level, is paving is paving the way the way for an for anbubbles. bubbles. Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial beverage beverage entire entire new new category category within within the thedevelopers developers recognize recognize this and this and are are R.-T.-D. R.-T.-D. coffee coffee beverage beverage segment. segment.concocting concocting sodasoda for for today’s today’s One One example example is the is the namesake namesakeconsumers. consumers. signature signature drinkdrink fromfrom MojoMojo ColdCold Brewed Brewed Coffee Coffee Inc., Inc., Wenham, Wenham, Mass.Mass.“While “While traditional traditional sodasoda has lost hasmore lost more thanthan $1 billion $1 billion in the in past the past five years, five years, Cold-brewed Cold-brewed coffee coffee is getting is getting a aeveryevery otherother sparkling sparkling alternative alternative functional functional twist twist with with the introduction the introductioncategory category has been has been in double-digit in double-digit of Grass of Grass Fed Fed Coffee. Coffee. Cold-brewed Cold-brewedgrowth growth over over the same the same period,” period,” said said coffee coffee is getting is getting a functional a functional twist twistDavid David Lester, Lester, chiefchief executive executive officer officer with with the introduction the introduction of Grass of Grass Fed Fedof Obi, of Obi, Santa Santa Cruz,Cruz, Calif.Calif. “Consum“ConsumCoffee, Coffee, fromfrom the namesake the namesake compacompa-ers haven’t ers haven’t fallenfallen out of outlove of love with with ny based ny based in LosinAngeles. Los Angeles. Sold Sold in 8-oz in 8-ozbubbles, bubbles, but but they they are are avoiding avoiding cans,cans, the beverage the beverage is described is described as assugar, sugar, artificial artificial sweeteners sweeteners and and “premium “premium butter butter coffee coffee cold coldgenetically genetically modified modified ingredients.” ingredients.” brewed, brewed, the evolution the evolution of energy.” of energy.” Specifically, Specifically, the the beverage beverage uses usesDriven Driven by increased by increased demand demand for for grass-fed grass-fed butter butter imported imported fromfromsparkling sparkling beverage beverage options, options, Celsius Celsius Germany, Germany, which which is said is said to contain to containHoldings Holdings Inc., Inc., BocaBoca Raton, Raton, Fla., Fla., is is healthy healthy fats, fats, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals and andgrowing growing its namesake its namesake “healthy “healthy antioxidants. antioxidants. The The formulation formulation also alsoenergy energy drink” drink” line with line with grape grape and and includes includes M.C.T. M.C.T. oil (medium-chain oil (medium-chainwatermelon watermelon varieties. varieties. The The R.-T.-D. R.-T.-D. triglycerides), triglycerides), which which is said is said to boost to boostcollection collection has has clinical clinical datadata that that fat burning fat burning and and energy energy whilewhile curb-curb-showshow drinking drinking Celsius Celsius before before ing appetite, ing appetite, and and organic organic chicory chicoryexercise exercise may may help help burnburn up to up93% to 93% extract, extract, which which is ais source a source of ofmoremore bodybody fat fat whilewhile providing providing vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals and and inulininulin fiber.fiber.healthy healthy clean clean energy. energy. Further, Further, With With no added no added sugar, sugar, a single-serve a single-servestudies studies showshow that that consuming consuming a a singlesingle 12-oz12-oz drinkdrink containing containing a a meremere 10 calories 10 calories can can burnburn 100 100 calories. calories. The drinks The drinks are fueled are fueled by a by proprietary a proprietary blend blend of of ginger, ginger, green green tea, tea, guarana, guarana, taurine, taurine, guarana, guarana, and vitamins and vitamins B-complex B-complex and and C. “In C. recent “In recent months, months, the the beverage beverage cate-category goryhas hasreflected reflectedan an increased increased consumer consumer interest interest in in sparkling sparkling drinks,” drinks,” said said GerryGerry David, David, chiefchief executive executive officer officer 43
of Celsius Holdings. “We invested more than a year of R.&D. into these new products to ensure their authentic flavor and function.” The crafty trend Along with the trend in sparkling comes the concept of “craft,” which is expected to gain traction in the non-alcoholic sector. Craft suggests small batch and authentic, often using local, natural ingredients. Such artisan beverages appeal to consumers seeking out simple products made by real people, not mass produced via automation. Obi Probiotic Soda is an organic, low calorie soda that features live probiotics derived from kefir cultures and juices, and is sweetened with stevia. This is exemplified by Obi Probiotic Soda, a low-calorie, live probiotic organic soda derived from kefir cultures and juices and sweetened with stevia. In development for more than five years, at the heart of Obi is its proprietary water kefir culture that contains 20 strains of live probiotics and lacks the acidic taste associated with many probiotics. Each 12-oz serving features 2 to 5 grams of natural (no added) sugar and only 10 to 20 calories. “Our goal as a company is to make healthy choices fun and accessible for everyone,” Mr. Lester said. “We believe that’s the best way to make a material impact on diet-based disease in the U.S. Consum44
ers don’t want to choose between something that tastes good and something that’s good for them.” While kefir cultures are known for naturally producing effervescence in beverages, Obi uses carbon dioxide to produce its bubbles. “We carbonate our drinks,” Mr. Lester said. “Consistency is a key product attribute for mainstream consumers.” This is true even with craft products. The future is functional Obi is a combination of nature and science, Mr. Lester said. “Our understanding of probiotics has accelerated in the last five years,” he said. “Our bodies are made up of 90% bacterial cells and studies are now showing links to mood, neurological function, skin health and immunity, as well as (the more widely known) digestive health. I don’t think we’ve even scratched the surface of the potential for this category.” Mr. Hemphill said, “The success of energy drinks has proven consumers’ openness and willingness to purchase products with functional benefits, such as probiotics. But it is challenging to find functional innovation that resonates broadly with today’s consumers.” Formulators appear to be up to the task, knowing that beverages are no longer simply thirst quenchers. That’s a thing of the past. The future of the beverage sector is make every calorie and ingredient count in terms of purpose and function. by Donna Berry
McDonald’s Introduces New Packaging Outlook McDonald's has unveiled new product packaging in its US outlets. The fast food chain has introduced colourful carry-out bags, fountain beverage cups and sandwich boxes with bold typography.
McDonald's global marketing senior director Matt Biespiel said: "Every day, 69 million customers visit McDonald's around the world and this new packaging will be a noticeable change.
This new packaging is expected to be expanded across its chain of restaurants throughout the year, totalling to more than 36,000 outlets worldwide.
"It was fun to join these ideas together and create playful pieces that connect our customers to the brand."
McDonald's said: "The new look is simple, fresh and consistent with the company's vision to be a modern and progressive burger company." "It was fun to join these ideas together and create playful pieces that connect our customers to the brand."
Last June, McDonald's introduced a cardboard-made packaging called McBike, which can be fastened onto the handlebars of a bicycle. The bag can be unfolded into a tray and hold a burger, fries and a drink.
The packaging is fun and modern and in line with the firm's commitment to source 100% of its all fibre-based packaging from recycled or certified sources by 2020.
“ Online Fresh” Online Grocery Shopping App HappyFresh Sees Double-Digit Growth in Indonesia, Asia by 2020 in Jakarta. The market for online grocery shopping in Indonesia and other Asian countries could see a double digit growth in market turnover to be worth S$19 billion ($13 billion) by 2020, driven by the rise of the young, working class population in urban areas across the region, according to Jakarta-based grocery shopping smartphone app HappyFresh. In a statement received by the Jakarta Globe on Monday (1/2), HappyFresh projected that middle and upper class consumers in Indonesia are set to drive the trend of online grocery shopping ahead. “We are seeing an 'uberization' of the retail industry in Asia. The outlook has never been more promising," Markus Bihler, chief executive officer of HappyFresh, said in a statement on Monday, referring to the on-demand ride-sharing app Uber. "Opportunities abound in this region with its sophisticated food-loving consumers, growing wealth and rapid urbanisation. The continued increase in mobile adoption and broadband penetration has helped boost our online grocery sales." Traffic congestion, a phenomenon
that's notorious in Jakarta and Surabaya, is also a big factor for people to start shopping for their grocery online, according to HappyFresh. The smartphone app noted that working mothers currently outnumber all other customers in terms of online grocery shopping, with dairy products and produces, such as milk and eggs among the top purchases. Young professionals and expatriates followed with top buys in tomatoes, spaghetti and chicken breast, according to a statement. The startup, which secured a $12 million funding led by Singapore's Vertex Venture and Sinar Mas Digital Venture last year, allows users in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand to shop for groceries through a smartphone app. In Indonesia, HappyFresh partners with Ranch Market and Lotte Mart. "As a differentiator, HappyFresh partners with supermarket retailers, particularly the [small and medium-sized enterprises] who do not have the capacity or ability to invest in technology, to go digital and reach out to new set of customers," Bihler said.
The Future of Packaging dynamic food and beverage industry, manufacturers constantly need “ Into the not only cope with increasing consumer demands, but also keep up with the latest trends and continuously innovate to retain consumer interest. Packaging is literally the face of a product and brand, so what can manufacturers do to keep their products in the eye of consumers?
With one-third of food produced for human consumption lost or wasted globally, amounting to about 1.3 billion tonnes per year, there is an urgent need to reduce food waste. Fortunately, this is an area where packaging technology can play a strong role, and where the economic, human and environmental benefits are compelling. Packaging plays a vital role in securing and protecting food and beverage products, however as technology advances and consumers become more discerning, the design of packaging has become as important as its function. To compete successfully, food companies need to look for unique ways to strengthen the emotional connection between consumers and their brands. Packaging is an often overlooked but powerful way of communicating to consumers, while protecting and growing a brand.
As food companies rethink their packaging to create compelling designs with better quality materials, we look at these key trends and developments in more detail to see how they can help drive commercial and ecological benefits in 2016 and beyond. Holistic Packaging, More Than Mere Design While Asian consumers are generally most interested in the product inside the packaging, first impressions are important and packaging tells consumers why products and brands are different. It is important to make packaging stand out from the competition with the use of colour, materials and design. As more people eat and drink on-the-go, they want packaging that is easy to open, hold, use and reseal. For example, beverages must have openings that deliver a smooth and even stream to allow drinking while walking, and closures that seal tightly to avoid spillage.
addition,visual visualappeal appealis isRetail-Ready Retail-Ready Packaging Gaining In Inaddition, Packaging Gaining becoming increasingly important Traction becoming increasingly important as asTraction consumers want products To reduce costs warehousing, costs andand warehousing, consumers want products thatthat offerofferTo reduce as well as functionality, whileretailers retailers pushing more are are pushing for for more stylestyle as well as functionality, while on the move. retail-ready packaging (RRP), which retail-ready packaging (RRP), which theythey are are on the move. refers to packaging delivered refers to packaging delivered to ato a is therefore important to combineretailer retailer a self-contained in a in self-contained unit unit thatthat is is It is Ittherefore important to combine brand image emotionalimmediately immediately ready on-shelf ready for for on-shelf brand image andand the the emotional experiential of packagingproduct product display without need display without the the need for for andand experiential sideside of packaging its technical operationalassembling assembling or unpacking. or unpacking. RRPRRP is is withwith its technical andand operational to date, innovation gaining popularity traction popularity andand traction in in side,side, andand to date, innovation in ingaining packaging been spurringAsiaAsia Pacific. For example, retailers Pacific. For example, retailers in in packaging has has been seenseen spurring across product categories. Australiasuchsuchas asColes Colesandand Australia across product categories. Woolworths moving further down Woolworths are are moving further down online shopping increasinglythe the towards requiring pathpath towards requiring RRPRRP fromfrom WithWith online shopping increasingly outpacingin-store in-storesales, sales,foodfoodtheirtheir external suppliers. Woolworths’ external suppliers. Woolworths’ outpacing companies need design‘Five‘Five Easys’ concept: Easys’ concept: easyeasy to to companies alsoalso need to to design packaging digital shoppers identify; to open; to shelf; easyeasy to open; easyeasy to shelf; packaging withwith digital shoppers in inidentify; mind, as these shoppers do not haveeasyeasy to shop; to dispose, to shop; andand easyeasy to dispose, is is mind, as these shoppers do not have luxury of touching feeling attempt create suchsuch attempt to to create a a the the luxury of touching andand feeling a aoneone tangible product to help in theirbenchmark benchmark for RRP. for RRP. tangible product to help in their decision-makingprocess. process.Food Food decision-making companies consider Intelligent packaging is another packaging is another companies mustmust consider howhow theirtheirIntelligent products display on screen trend science thatthat waswas bornborn fromfrom science products will will display on screen andandtrend transported technologydevelopments. developments. howhow theythey will will be be transported andandandandtechnology delivered to customers. Examples include include modified modified Examples delivered to customers. Online shopping shopping presents presents Online opportunities to to customise customise opportunities packaging well—uploading packaging as as well—uploading a a picture of the consumer a soda picture of the consumer ontoonto a soda instance—and can,can, for for instance—and cancan helphelp supportbrand brandawareness awarenessif if support consumers share ‘creations’ consumers share theirtheir ‘creations’ via via social media channels. social media channels.
atmosphere packaging to prolonga a barcode radio-frequency atmosphere packaging to prolong barcode or or radio-frequency lifemeats of meats produceidentification identification (RFID) on packaging— the the shelfshelf life of andand produce (RFID) on packaging— colour-changingcancan trace report status as aswellwellas ascolour-changing trace andand report the the status of aof a technology packaging product through through the the entire entire technology on on packaging andandproduct labels to indicate freshness production Personnel labels to indicate the the freshness of ofproduction flow.flow. Personnel will will scanscan foods. consumers avoidthe the product or raw materials at key foods. BothBoth helphelp consumers avoid product or raw materials at key wasting still fresh despitepoints points along supply chain, wasting foodfood thatthat is stillis fresh despite along the the supply chain, andand date indicated a ‘best whenanyany number factors the the date indicated on aon‘best when number of of factors cancan be be used stamp conversely,determined. determined. used by’ by’ stamp and,and, conversely, This This not not onlyonly linkslinks all all avoid illness ingestion of foodssections sections of the operation; it enables avoid illness fromfrom ingestion of foods of the operation; it enables have spoiled before system audits as needed, at any thatthat have spoiled before theirtheirsystem audits as needed, at any anticipated expiration dates. point. anticipated expiration dates. point. Managing Optimising Anticipating Packaging Trends Managing AndAnd Optimising The TheAnticipating Packaging Trends Supply Chain future is not entirely unknown. Supply Chain The The future is not entirely unknown. By By of e-commerce rapidmonitoring monitoringlocal localandandglobal global The The rise rise of e-commerce andand rapid growth of online services developments in business, industry growth of online services suchsuch as asdevelopments in business, industry collect, which allowsandand environment while tracking clickclick andand collect, which allows the the environment while tracking consumers select goodsconsumer consumer attitudes sentiment consumers to to select theirtheir goods attitudes andand sentiment online collect them in-storethrough through social media, it is possible online andand collect them in-store social media, it is possible to to themselves, presents presents newnewanticipate anticipateemerging emergingissues issuesfor for themselves, challenges companies’ supplypackaging, packaging, if not ahead challenges for for companies’ supply if not get get ahead of of chains. example, returnsthem. them. The The mostmost prepared prepared chains. For For example, the the returns cycle is more complex when companies have a formal process cycle is more complex when foodfood is iscompanies have a formal process in in being transported be keptplace place for gathering processing being transported andand mustmust be kept for gathering andand processing particular temperatures temperaturesinformation information insights. Behind at at particular andand insights. Behind throughout supply chain cycle. every every packaging trend an impetus throughout the the supply chain cycle. packaging trend is anisimpetus sparkedit itwhether whetheran an thatthatsparked Of equal importance is traceability.advancement advancement in technology, a new Of equal importance is traceability. in technology, a new meat adulteration scandallaw,law, a more holistic approach The The 20132013 meat adulteration scandal a more holistic approach to to Europe highlighted highlighted the thedesign design a greater interest in in Europe or or a greater interest in in importance of being to tracepreserving preserving environment. importance of being ableable to trace the the environment. origin of goods the the origin of goods andand howhow theythey have to where WithoutThe The challenge for food companies have got got to where theythey are.are. Without challenge for food companies companies riskfailing of failingandand packaging manufacturers is not this,this, companies run run the the risk of packaging manufacturers is not to win of their customers, in adapting to trends once to win the the trusttrust of their customers, as asin adapting to trends once theythey are are as the more pressing threat established, in anticipating wellwell as the more pressing threat of aof aestablished, but but in anticipating andand contaminated supply chain. inspiring creation through contaminated supply chain. inspiring theirtheir creation through observation visionary thinking, observation andand visionary thinking, Depending on the complexity of theenabling enabling packaging to play an ever Depending on the complexity of the packaging to play an ever supply chain, of uniqueimportant important in our modern supply chain, the the use use of unique rolerole in our modern lives.lives. datasets including an order date datasets including an order date or or serialised sequence Ryan Nowak, senior director, timetime or or a a serialised sequence Ryan Nowak, senior director, number, generally through the use Packaging Technology Integrated number, generally through the use of of Packaging Technology Integrated Solutions APMEA Solutions APMEA
New Packaging for Dairy Foods Proves Less is More Dairy foods are always popular items at home, in restaurants and in schools. Now more than ever, we seem to be eating dairy outside of mealtime, snacking more on cheese, yogurt and milk. New, smaller packaging unveiled each year makes this new habit easier and more fun. When compared to the mini cup, the traditional inflight option, the stick pack touts some impressive benefits. Stick packs help save crucial inflight weight by weighing up to 45% less than the cups, and because the sticks are up to 50% less bulky, they also require less storage space and produce less on-board waste. Milk in a Stick is also easy-to-open, has contemporary styling, and uses strong, flexible materials. Because of the stick’s long shape, the packaging format allows for more branding and graphics than the traditional mini cup. Another new milk package makes it a lot easier to pack milk for the kids in their school lunches because of its small 50
size. The carton pack combiblocXSlim from SIG Combibloc (sig.biz) is available in volumes of 80, 90, 100, 110, 125, 150 and 180ml and is shaping up to be a best-seller. In Asia, the US and Africa, the carton pack has been very well-received. And now the smallest possible volume size of 80ml is also on the market for the first time in Indonesia. With its unique size range this new packaging format allows brands to reach different demographic target groups, expand their footprint to new parts of the stores, and succeed where other packaging formats fall short. The advantages of a carton pack include first and foremost its convenience, its product protection qualities and its good environmental characteristics. Single-serve, portable and convenient are the buzz words in today’s dairy culture as new packages emerge to satisfy these consumer desires. The market is expanding as package sizes are decreasing; proving that in this market, less is more.
Corrugated INDUSTRY
Some of today’s most exciting corrugated suppliers’ new ideas were rewarded with prizes at the Technical Seminar in Barcelona, hosted by FEFCO, the European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers. Innovative concepts in digital printing, box making, and workplace safety were awarded coveted trophies on Friday, October 30, at the end of the three-day FEFCO event. At Friday’s closing ceremony, the FEFCO Production Committee, the competent authority in FEFCO, awarded prizes in four categories: Best Innovation, Most Inspired New FEFCO Sympathiser Member, Health and Safety and Best Presentation. FEFCO Secretary General Angelika Christ pointed out that the awards looked at new developments within specific areas including raw materials, corrugator machinery, printing techniques, process control systems, energy saving potentials as well as environmental issues. “Who of you in the industry does not believe in the perfect box?” she asked. The most prestigious FEFCO prize was for Best Innovation, for which there were gold, silver and bronze awards. Gold Award: Jakob Bovin, Bobst Mex, for his presentation, “The Digital Print Revolution”. Speaking without
notes, Jakob Bovin charmed audiences with his explanation of the forthcoming digital printing revolution and how it would impact the converting processes. Silver Award: Olof Ronquist from EMBA Machinery, for his presentation “The Perfect Box”, EMBA new technology is offering improved feeding, Non-Crush Converting™, Liquid CreaserTM, providing less cracking and better folding. All these combined give the perfect box!
Once again, this this Bronze Award: Wolfram Verwüster, Bronze Award: Wolfram Verwüster,• Best • Presentation: Best Presentation: Once again, DurstDurst Group, for his was won by Göpfert compaaward was won by Göpfert compaGroup, for presentation his presentationaward Ralf Ralf Schiffmann and and Markus “Durst Water Technology – CorrugatSchiffmann Markus “Durst Water Technology – Corrugat-ny: ny: collected the award for their ed Digital Printing Machine” presented Digital Printing Machine” present-Haupt Haupt collected the award for their ing water-based inks that go away “WellenWerk journal presentation, “WellenWerk journal ing water-based inks that go awaypresentation, from from Göpfert”. from from UV and generates truly truly green UV and generates greenNewsNews Göpfert”. print print results. results. • Health and and Safety: This This special • Health Safety: special was exceptionally awarded to to • Most Inspired new new FEFCO member: • Most Inspired FEFCO member:prizeprize was exceptionally awarded AstridAstrid Odeberg Glasenapp from fromStefan Buchner from from Smurfit Kappa, Stefan Buchner Smurfit Kappa, Odeberg Glasenapp Innventia won won the the prizeprize for her not for spotlight but to Germany notafor a spotlight but to Innventia for herGermany his his outstanding speech presentation “Leading in corrugated presentation “Leading in corrugatedhonor honor outstanding speech board research” and and the positive 4.0, Our Goal,Goal, Our Our Inspira“Safety 4.0, Our Inspiraboard research” the positive“Safety that that will will help help the the industry contribution in research for the industry contribution in research for thetion”tion” industry. improve its safety performances. improve its safety performances. industry.
A new record of 958 representatives of the Corrugated Board Industry gathered in Barcelona on October 28-30 with their business partners for FEFCO’s Technical Seminar to showcase opportunities offered by the latest smart technologies. The event recorded a new high interest in the corrugated sector (+ 23% compared to 2013) and amongst the exhibitors with 110 stands and 76 exhibitors on hand. FEFCO hosted the seminar to examine how the so-called “industry 4.0” will change the corrugated packaging sector. Participants looked at how technologies like the cloud, big data, the internet of things, and intelligent automation will raise industry quality, reduce waste, and speed up production. Delegates were able to follow, connect and interact during the event through a special FEFCO mobile app. It’s a hard act to follow but you can be sure that we are committed to meet this challenge so that the Technical Seminar 2017 is an even greater success! FEFCO Technical Seminar at a glance • 958 delegates • 45 countries • 76 exhibitors • 110 stands • 2.5 days of intense work and networking • 17 conference speakers • 47 spotlights in 6 sessions over 2 days
• 6 Awards • A dedicated event mobile App used In his President’s Address, FEFCO President Roberto Villaquiran urged the corrugated industry and its partners to think about how new technologies could help create better, more sustainable products, at a lower cost. “Our production and processes will aim at highest quality as we serve our customers and respond to their demand for zero defects. We and our suppliers need to focus on a safe environment for our employees, for the benefit of all. We must believe in our strengths if we are to win the battle,” he said. “However, we cannot manage our future without suppliers that understand and support a need for change. Let’s use Corrugated 4.0 to step up our technology base so that we can meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.” The programme included a variety of issues, including: • How to organize smart factories in a flexible and efficient way • What customers want from the corrugated industry • How real-time data can improve productivity, quality and energy efficiency in Industry 4.0 • How business value can be found in supply chain data The Barcelona seminar showed how intelligent machines and processes,
According According to Roland to Roland Berger‘s Berger‘s ThinkThink new new detection detection systems, systems, digital digital Act Act atotal atotal investment investment volume volume of of printing, printing, and and precision precision engineering engineering 1,3501,350 bn €bn will€ be willnecessary be necessary within within can can help help re-shape re-shape the the industry industry to to next next 15 years 15 years in Europe in Europe Source: Source: become become moremore flexible, flexible, innovative, innovative, Roland Berger. Berger. ThinkThink Act. Act. Industry Industry sustainable, sustainable, cost-efficient cost-efficient and and safe.safe. Roland 4.0: the 4.0: new the new industrial industrial revolution revolution – – how how Europe Europe will succeed. will succeed. March March Industry Industry 4.0 4.0 20142014 Approaches Approaches for the for corrugatthe corrugatIndustry Industry 4.0 =4.0 Digitisation = Digitisation ed industry. ed industry. The basic The basic principle principle of Industry of Industry 4.0 is4.0 is that that by connecting by connecting machines, machines, workwork Full computerised Full computerised process process control control : : pieces pieces and and systems, systems, businesses businesses are are • Process • Process models models and and simulation simulation creating creating intelligent intelligent networks networks along along based based on big ondata big data the the entire entire valuevalue chain chain that that can can toolstools • Integrated horizontal horizontal & vertical & vertical control control eacheach otherother autonomously. autonomously. • Integrated quality quality management, management, flexibility. flexibility. process process design design and and innovainnovaSome Some examples examples for Industry for Industry 4.0 are 4.0 are NewNew tive steps for smart for smart products products machines machines which which can can predict predict failures failures tive steps • Substitution • Substitution of mechanic of mechanic convertconvertand and trigger trigger maintenance maintenance processes processes ingmore by more flexible flexible technologies technologies autonomously autonomouslyor orself-organized self-organized ing by (design, lot size, lot AM) size, AM) logistics logistics which which reactreact to unexpected to unexpected (design, • Flexible • Flexible line configuration, line configuration, flexible flexible changes changes in production. in production. grade change change management management 17841784 Industry Industry 1.0 (steam 1.0 (steam engine) engine) grade • Digital • Digital printing printing and and functionalizafunctionalizaProduction Production by mechanised by mechanised machines machines usingusing water water and and tion tion steam steam Strengthen Strengthen current current position position : : • Performance • Performance excellence excellence based based 18401840 Industry Industry 2.0 2.0 (work-sharing, (work-sharing, on process simulation simulation economy economy of scale) of scale) Bulk Bulk on process • Optimized • Optimized involvement involvement in the in the production production usingusing assemassementire valuevalue chain chain bly-line bly-line workwork and and electricity electricity entire • Flexibility • Flexibility as a as challenge a challenge 19691969 Industry Industry 3.0 3.0 (IT +(IT robots) + robots) Connectivity Connectivity : : Automised Automised production production usingusing • Invest • Invest in IT in solutions IT solutions including including big big robots, robots, electronic electronic and and IT IT datadata exploitation exploitation supported supported systems systems New New technologies technologies : : 20102010 Industry Industry 4.0 4.0 (digitisation) (digitisation) • Material • Material science, science, modellation, modellation, Buyers‘ Buyers‘ markets| markets| Mutability| Mutability| Additive Manufacturing Manufacturing Resource Resource efficiency efficiency |Inter|Inter- Additive • R&D • R&D participation participation in networks in networks net of netthings| of things| Individualised Individualised bulk bulk production production |Full |Full integraintegration tion of of customers customers and and Qualify Qualify People People partners partners FrankFrank Miletzky Miletzky of the of the research research institute institute Papiertechnische Papiertechnische Stiftung Stiftung Source: Source: A. Bauer. A. Bauer. PTS Coating PTS Coating Symposium, Symposium, 2015 2015 (PTS)(PTS) told told the audience the audience that that moremore and and moremore areasareas of industry of industry would would Europe Europe has has to increase to increase industrial industrial become become smartsmart over over the next the next few few valuevalue added added fromfrom 15 %15today % today (in (in years. years. “The “The corecore of 4.0ofare 4.0the arecyber the cyber average) average) to more to more thanthan 20 % 20 % physical physical systems,” systems,” he he said.said. This This
means extremely complex embedded systems of production, logistics, engineering and management processes, and interacting means of data collecting sensors and physical actors. Christoph Merle, from food giant Migros-Industry, gave a customer's view on the corrugated industry, saying that he expected the sector to be 100% sustainable by 2040. “Our partners have to improve their agility. We need flexible partners. And we need better integration with our supply chain,” he said. “We feel industry 4.0 will affect our industry in a tremendous way. And it is a prerequisite for us to stay in the business." Peter Flieher from business consultants T.CON said ever-demanding customer requirements meant that the industry needed to be supported by different new technologies. “This requires real-time data,” he said. “You should know what is going on in the mill. You need immediate answers on how much energy is being consumed. The evolution is changing the industry.” Stefan Bauer, from Witron said that Industry 4.0 would have a profound change on business, as more and more things become smart, using technologies like the cloud and big data. “The core of 4.0 are the cyber physical systems,” he said. “We will have an interactive, self-controlling system for production.” One of the most engaging debates concerned digital printing, and what this means for the industry. There were many examples of how it has already changed markets, how it will add value and – eventually – volume, and whether its adaptability meant it was more than what one speaker called
“just another way of putting the cheese on the pizza.” Walter De Smedt, Smurfit Kappa speculated on the new challenges in adapting to industry 4.0. “Corrugated products are genius products. But after one hundred years of having corrugated boards in our lives, it is time to improve them,” he said, pointing out that despite its long experience, the industry still had to ask deep questions about why it is not delivering better products – and he challenged the corrugated industry suppliers to build better machines. Ralf Schiffmann from Göpfert explained how the difference between the industry 3.0 and 4.0 is from fixed automation to intelligent automation. “Workstations are automatically connected. The internet of things connects everything automatically. Everything will be in a place of performance just in time. There is even automatic loading of trucks by robots,” he said, adding that one key advantage is to shift from preventative maintenance to predictive maintenance. “The key to understanding this is to imagine what your machine would say if it could talk to you.” Wolfram Verwüster from Durst Group described how digital had already changed industrial markets, reducing production times and costs. “It’s just transferring data from A to B,” he said. However, the high quality offered by the new technologies made it especially interesting. “Cost cannot be the only reason to invest in digital,” he said. Jakob Bovin from BOBST looked at how digital printing would impact
processes. He said the key benefits movie, ‘Minions’. is about processes. He said the key benefits movie, ‘Minions’. “It is “It about fasterfaster in more effective production, turnaround less waste, lay inlay more effective production, the the turnaround time,time, less waste, lowerlower opportunity for new products, shorter he said. opportunity for new products, shorter risk,” risk,” he said. to market, streamlined timestimes to market, and and streamlined production. The challenges, howevCorrugated production. The challenges, howevLars Lars EngelEngel fromfrom BHS BHS Corrugated er, were in selling the idea of value explained automated corruer, were in selling the idea of value explained how how automated corruagainst volume, building digital gators would 4.0 environagainst volume, building digital gators would workwork in a in 4.0aenvironpre-press capabilities, the orgament. “Corrugated all about pre-press capabilities, and and the orgament. “Corrugated 4.0 is4.0 all isabout nizational production impact. preventing human nizational and and production impact. preventing human errorserrors and and to identify potential reducing complexities. Infuture, the future, “You“You needneed to identify potential new new reducing complexities. In the products services are not it should be possible toarun a corruproducts and and services that that are not it should be possible to run corrupossible analogue technolopeople or less,” possible with with analogue technologatorgator with with threethree people or less,” he he he said. He predicted the entire gies,”gies,” he said. said.said. He predicted that that the entire added chain would added valuevalue chain would be be Alexander Cartellieri Conprinta interconnected to the internet Alexander Cartellieri fromfrom Conprinta interconnected to the internet of of looked at Preprint 4.0 and analysed things. personnel reduction, looked at Preprint 4.0 and analysed things. “So “So personnel reduction, the differences in digital production precise quality quantity, the differences in digital production precise quality and and quantity, no no compared to analog. His conclusion bottlenecks, speed. is a clear compared to analog. His conclusion bottlenecks, high high speed. It is aItclear Preprint 4.0 could paradigm change.” was was that that Preprint 4.0 could savesave paradigm change.” millions for production any production plant, millions for any plant, not not because – unlike analog it Marek Motylewski Mondi leastleast because – unlike analog - it - Marek Motylewski fromfrom Mondi would be very to small do small explained the science behind would be very easyeasy to do explained the science behind mois-moisorders. role in corrugator Production. orders. ture’sture’s role in corrugator Production. “Maintainingproper propermoisture moisture “Maintaining Ronen HP asked it content is essential for quality Ronen ZioniZioni fromfrom HP asked whatwhat it content is essential for quality and and would to digital. go digital. performance,” he said, saying would take take to go “The “The big big performance,” he said, saying that that opportunity high-speed, it had to between be between 7.59.0% to 9.0% opportunity lies lies in in high-speed, it had to be 7.5 to high-quality printing,” he said. according to paper the paper high-quality printing,” he said. With With according to the type.type. The The digital expected challenge is such digital expected to to growgrow 49% 49% challenge is such that that eveneven the the between he asked change of season modifies between now now and and 2019,2019, he asked change of season modifies the the whether industry could humidity moisture whether any any otherother industry could humidity and and thus thus the the moisture boast so much growth. He pointed content in the production. boast so much growth. He pointed to to content in the production. “My “My Amazon decorated boxed dream is to have a fantastic control how how Amazon had had decorated boxed dream is to have a fantastic control images of minions, the minions, system,” he said. with with images of the fromfrom the the system,” he said.
Packaging Solution www.tosijasindo.com tosijkt@cbn.net.id +62 21 75902726
ClearVision systems ensure every box is perfect before it is sent to the customer. With over 300 installations worldwide, the visonary companies in the industry are using these systems to change the competitive landscape.
Flexoseal Glue System Options BoardRunner Non-Contact and Contact Extrusion Features Valco Melton’s all electric model 900 glue valve. The valve provides unparalleled high speed performance with over 250 million cycles before simple maintenance is needed. The impact resistant carbide plunger tip and engineered ceramic seat provide extreme durability. The 900 valve’s powerful coil results in extremely accurate and repeatable glue patterns, in contrast to pneumatically systems. Easily switch from inside to outside gluing with no tools required. The patented applicator heads allow for quick removal for changing number of beads and bead spacing.
BoardRunner Tri-Valve Non-Contact Features three 524 series, all-electric glue valves (up to 4 valves per side). The 524 series non-contact valves offer a ceramic tip/carbide plunger design for extended service life with less maintenance. Can provide staggered pattern starts to match lead and trail tab angle, even in “auto-glue” system mode. The non-contact method eliminates product skew that can be caused incertain contact gluing applications. Features a tip-sealer design that prevents nozzle plugging during periods of down time. Full valve and tip-sealer status can be viewed on Valco Melton’s OT-120 tpuchscreen control. The Tri-Valve BoardRunner® with 900 valve attachment allows for inside / outside gluing from one side of the machine. Flexibility to apply primarily top down, non contact with the option to apply contact, bottom up when required.
Kappa Wins Red Dot Award Smurfit Kappa has received a prestigious Red Dot Award 2015 for its innovative ‘Protective Wings’ packaging solution designed in partnership with technology customer Acer. One of 7,451 entries to the Communication Design category of the 2015 competition, Smurfit Kappa’s clever solution to ship Acer devices beat tough competition to be awarded the globally-renowned quality seal for design alongside 568 other projects. Tech companies often rely on complex, multi-part packaging with synthetic components. Acer wanted to change that. They challenged Smurfit Kappa to find a way of returning repaired tablets and laptops to customers in a simple, sustainable way. Rolf Krajcer, Smurfit Kappa Sarstedt, and Jolanta Mirowski, Smurfit Kappa Service, responded with an innovative design called Protective Wings, under the project lead of Frauke Busch. The new Protective Wings pack is constructed from a single piece of FSC certified corrugated board, using specially folding wings as a buffer zone to lift and protect the device from free-floating during transport. The outside of the erected pack is minimalist, but its uses are diverse as different versions suit the shipment of a variety of different devices, from tablets to laptops and smartphones.
Simple assembly also means packers can build up to 120 tablet boxes per hour – three times more than before – while it has reduced damages caused in transit to zero. Overall, it uses 36% less material and costs less to produce than the previous Acer packaging. “Sustainability and high quality standards are firmly anchored in Acer’s business culture”, said Wilfried Thom, Acer Region Manager Central Europe. “In cooperation with Smurfit Kappa, we have developed a suitable form of packaging for our product return shipment service which offers an innovative design, sustainable materials and excellent convenience. Along with the tremendous feedback from customers, the receipt of the Red
Dot Award for the packaging concept is a particularly valuable acknowledgement of our constant endeavours in the field of sustainability.” Boris Maschmann, CEO Smurfit Kappa Germany, added: “The Protective Wings design is the perfect example of a deceptively simple piece of packaging that’s the result of a collaborative process inspired by innovation and expertise. It’s fantastic that the Acer project has received a Red Dot Award; we’re immensely proud the work of the team has been recognised alongside the best creative design talent in the world.”
More info: www.smurfitkappa.com
SMS C300 is a modified tapioca starch product, applied in a corrugated board adhesive formulations. SMS C300 is suitable for use on single facer and double backer for all types of corrugated board and glue kitchen
Easily Dissolved character as peak viscosity during dissolution is low Stable Viscosity gives a more consistent operate on the machine and a better board quality Good Water Retention which leads to better bonding strength Less Consumption Less Consumption of glue due to better distribution allowing good bond strength with less glue
www.tosijasindo.com tosijkt@cbn.net.id Packaging Solution +62 21 75902726 60
Across Every Link of the Packaging Processing Industry Chain: 2016’s Mega 4-in-1 Packaging Expo Set for Dongguan First in the global packaging market rankings, China has great prospects for development, with a market capacity of more than RMB 1 trillion (USD 158.2 billion). With large volumes of packaging data and corresponding technical content, the Chinese packaging industry still needs to improve in terms of technical content, equipment automation, intelligence and numerous other areas. How to overcome bottlenecks and enhance core competitiveness has become a key industry focus.
Potential-Rich Four Exhibitions in One to Usher in a New Era Packaging of goods is a key step before they enter the market. Furthermore, packaging cannot be made without various kinds of packaging materials and machines. The consumption of China’s packaging products has matched that of global development in a fast-rising period. With the rapid expansion of the retail market, end user use of various types of packaging products is fast expanding.
In order to promote technology development in China’s packaging industry, to improve the technical content of Chinese packaging equipment, and enhance communication within the industry, Reed Exhibitions will host SinoCorrugated South, SinoFoldingCarton, SinoFlexoGraphy and China Packaging Container at the GD Modern Exhibition Center in Houjie Town, Dongguan, from April 14 to April 16, 2016.
To boost progress and development in the packaging industry, in 2016, two new competitive events, SinoFlexoGraphy and China Packaging Container will be introduced to the already successful SinoCorrugated South and SinoFoldingCarton.
The combined events will integrate all kinds of local and international packaging science and technology resources, leading to packaging and printing technology innovation and development.
This integration of the entire packaging manufacturing industry chain, through SinoFlexoGraphy and China Packaging Container, sees the debut of two new shows feature flexoprinting equipment technology and various material packaging containers, consumables and designs, including flexible packaging, labeling, end users and many other wide packaging manufacturing and application areas.
purchasing decision makers With With its higher scalescale effect, the comits higher effect, the com-and and purchasing decision makers bined event will span a 67,000 sqm sqmkeepkeep up-to-date with with industry bined event will span a 67,000 up-to-date industry follow development exhibition area,area, representing a comexhibition representing a com-information, information, follow development network with with industry peers, prehensive showshow focused on the prehensive focused on thetrends, trends, network industry peers, develop business. entire packaging and and printing indusentire packaging printing indus-and and develop business. try. try. Locally and and internationally Locally internationally Collocated Exhibitions: A New renowned suppliers will showcase renowned suppliers will showcaseFour Four Collocated Exhibitions: A New for Industry Development flexoflexo printing equipment, and and many printing equipment, manyPhase Phase for Industry Development over over 10 years of developing packaging products made by packpackaging products made by pack-AfterAfter 10 years of developing its converting events, aging container machines. These will willand innovating aging container machines. These and innovating its converting events, Exhibitions has has integrated cover everyevery kind kind of equipment, cover of equipment,ReedReed Exhibitions integrated resources to meet the the advanced advancedtechnology, technology,whole wholeindustry industry resources to meet of major locallocal and and internasolutions and and consumables, services, solutions consumables, services,demands demands of major internausersusers of packaging printing. In In designs and many along the inthe entire designs and many along in entiretionaltional of packaging printing. the event organizer will invite packaging chain, in addition to to2016,2016, packaging chain, in addition the event organizer will invite enterprises, tradetrade associmanufacturing equipment, technolmanufacturing equipment, technol-well-known well-known enterprises, associand trade professionals to join ogy ogy and and consumables in the consumables in corruthe corru-ations, ations, and trade professionals to join South, SinoFoldinggated and and folding carton industries. gated folding carton industries.SinoCorrugated SinoCorrugated South, SinoFoldingCarton, SinoFlexoGraphy and and China Carton, SinoFlexoGraphy China Container. All events will will The The exhibitions will will fully fully integrate exhibitions integratePackaging Packaging Container. All events a totally new new look look for Reed multiple industry resources, thereby multiple industry resources, therebyfeature feature a totally for Reed packaging shows, and and be be providing an all-in-one platform for forChina’s providing an all-in-one platform China’s packaging shows, to a to high standard. trade, visiting, studying, investigating trade, visiting, studying, investigatingheld held a high standard. and and networking. A greater number networking. A greater number SouthSouth 20162016 will be of buyers with with big budgets and and high highSinoCorrugated of buyers big budgets SinoCorrugated willabe a showshow for corrugated equippurchasing intent will will be be onsite. purchasing intent onsite.tradetrade for corrugated equipconsumables and and technology These will include end end usersusers of food, These will include of food,ment, ment, consumables technology The event will display commodities, and and medicine packcommodities, medicine pack-in Asia-Pacific. in Asia-Pacific. The event will display cardboard equipment aging. Exhibitors will be placed, aging. Exhibitors willwell be well placed,corrugated, corrugated, cardboard equipment related consumables, driving therefore, to better understand therefore, to better understandand and related consumables, driving in the corrugated market demand, secure orders, and anddevelopment market demand, secure orders, development in the corrugated SinoCorrugated SouthSouth is anis an break through tradetrade bottlenecks. break through bottlenecks. industry. industry. SinoCorrugated excellent platform on which to meet excellent platform on which to meet buyers, find find business Visitors will will see see moremore products, Visitors products,purchasing purchasing buyers, business expand into into emerging updated technologies, end end users,users,matches, updated technologies, matches, expand emerging promote your your brand and and comprehensive market trends and andfields,fields, comprehensive market trends promote brand with with industry peers. superior solutions to help researchers superior solutions to help researchersnetwork network industry peers.
SinoFoldingCarton 20162016 will focus on onfor the of food, beveragSinoFoldingCarton will focus forpackaging the packaging of food, beveragAsia’s post-print, high-end folding medicines, digital, Asia’s post-print, high-end foldinges, commodities, es, commodities, medicines, digital, carton packaging printing enterprisgifts and more. carton packaging printing enterpris-cloth, cloth, gifts and more. es to exhibitors face-to-face es give to give exhibitors face-to-face communication opportunities with withThe exhibits will span 67,000 sqm sqm and and communication opportunities The exhibits will span 67,000 visitors that that havehave big budgets and andinclude products fromfrom over over 700 700 visitors big budgets include products high high purchasing intent. The event will willlocally and and internationally renowned purchasing intent. The event locally internationally renowned help help folding carton businesses assess Additionally, 200+200+ packfolding carton businesses assessexhibitors. exhibitors. Additionally, packdemand, buildbuild their their brands, break containers, raw materials and and demand, brands, breakaging aging containers, raw materials through bottlenecks and and seizeseize new newdesign service suppliers will showthrough bottlenecks design service suppliers will showopportunities within target markets. over over 1,4001,400 units units of corrugated, opportunities within target markets. casecase of corrugated, folding carton, flexoflexo printing, and and folding carton, printing, SinoFlexoGraphy 20162016 will will give give a packaging manufacturing SinoFlexoGraphy apaper paper packaging manufacturing widewide range of green packaging as well as over 1,0001,000 range of green packagingequipment, equipment, as well as over professionals a more comprehensive of consumables. An anticipatprofessionals a more comprehensivekindskinds of consumables. An anticipatunderstanding of of new new flexible locallocal and and international understanding flexibleed 33,000 ed 33,000 international printing equipment, technologies, together with with over over 200 media printing equipment, technologies,visitors, visitors, together 200 media and and entire solutions in theinprocess of ofand and association delegates, will be entire solutions the process association delegates, will be green packaging to to improve will be supreme green packaging improveon site. on The site. event The event willabe a supreme purchasing efficiency, upgrade for China to present itself itself purchasing efficiency, upgradeopportunity opportunity for China to present production structures and and boostboostto the global paper packaging production structures to the global paper packaging production efficiency. industry, showcasing its modern production efficiency. industry, showcasing its modern technologies, largelarge scalescale and and growtechnologies, growChina Packaging Container 20162016 will willing influence. China Packaging Container ing influence. showcase packaging containers, showcase packaging containers, materials and and design services, Influence: Building a materials design services,International International Influence: Building a including four four sections: paper packExhibition Platform including sections: paper pack-PrimePrime Exhibition Platform aging containers, plastic packaging Exhibitions consistently lever-leveraging containers, plastic packagingReedReed Exhibitions consistently containers, modern and and traditional media containers,metal metalpackaging packagingagesages modern traditional media containers, and and glassglass packaging events to important containers, packagingto promote to promote events to important containers. The event will enhance markets across the world. containers. The event will enhancepackaging packaging markets across the world. matchmaking by targeting invitaactivity consistently attracts matchmaking by targeting invita-This This activity consistently attracts tions tions at over 5,0005,000 packaging and and tradetrade visitors en masse. at over packagingbuyers buyers visitors en masse. researchers, and and purchasing deci-deci-With With the full of many locallocal researchers, purchasing the support full support of many sion makers fromfrom numerous industries international tradetrade associations, sion makers numerous industriesand and international associations,
2016’s mega packaging event is set to scale new heights of excellence. In preparation for the shows, Reed will send representatives to Turkey, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Spain and many other developed and emerging corrugated regions, to further promote the shows by attending important local meetings. During these outreach activities, the Reed delegates will collaborate with local industry associations, as well as equipment suppliers and corrugated box factories. To the upcoming combined event, Reed will invite packaging and printing industry association leaders, elite enterprise representatives and others to Dongguan. Over 100 locally and internationally renowned trade associations will attend and support. Among them will be the ICCA, ACCA, TAPPI, AICC MEXICO, KCCA, AIFMP, CBMA, Vietnam Packaging Association, HKCPMA, TPICA, Guangdong Packaging Technology Association, Huanan Packaging Federation, Shenzhen Packaging Technology Association and the Chongqing Packaging Association. Reed will also organize high-level purchasing delegations representing businesses to visit. Additionally, Reed will continue to intensify the issuing of invitations to international visitors by engaging
over 10 international call centers in Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, the Middle East, South America, North America and Beijing. These call centers will understand local markets and use that knowledge to invite local visitors and ensure a high quality standard of attendee. For exhibitors, the shows will be the ideal platform on which to expand global market share, and maximize the return on their participating investment. The combined exhibitions, together with the inclusion of industry elites and the participation of corrugated professionals, will elevate the shows and place participants in position to reap lasting rewards from this exercise in the future. Although industry development is restricted by many factors, progressive development trends remain. China’s packaging industry continues to advance and innovate. The combined exhibitions, which will boost industry innovation, will highlight the latest information, advanced equipment and leading theories in China. All this will serve to drive the country forward. For more information, visit the official SinoCorrugated South 2016 website: http://www.sino-corrugated.com/
About About ReedReed Exhibitions Exhibitions Greater Greater China China Exhibitions, Beijing Beijing Read Read ExpoExpo Reed Reed Exhibitions Exhibitions Greater Greater China China is anis anExhibitions, Guanghe Exhibitions, Exhibitions, Reed Reed Huabai Huabai affiliate affiliate of Reed of Reed Exhibitions, Exhibitions, which whichGuanghe Exhibitions, Henan Henan Reed Reed ExpoExpo has has overover 3,7003,700 employees employees worldworld-Exhibitions, Hongda Exhibitions, Exhibitions, and and Reed Reed ExpoExpo wide. wide. Globally, Globally, Reed Reed organizes organizes overoverHongda China Kuozhan. Kuozhan. 500 500 exhibitions exhibitions and and conferences conferences in inChina 43 countries 43 countries each each year,year, serving serving 43 43 Currently, Reed Reed Exhibitions Exhibitions Greater Greater industries industries in the in the Americas, Americas, Europe, Europe,Currently, China has has overover 500 500 employees employees the the Middle Middle East,East, Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific and andChina serving 12 fields: 12 fields: electronics electronics manumanuAfrica. Africa. In 2014, In 2014, Reed Reed attracted attracted overoverserving facturing and and assembly; assembly; machine machine 7 million 7 million participants participants fromfrom around aroundfacturing metal metal processing processing and and industrial industrial the the world world to its to events, its events, helping helpingtools,tools, materials; packaging; packaging; life sciences life sciences customers customers to complete to complete transactions transactionsmaterials; medicine, medicine, health-care, health-care, beauty beauty worth worth billions billions of dollars. of dollars. Reed Reed ExhibiExhibi-and and cosmetics, cosmetics, leisure leisure sports, sports, gifts gifts tionstions is a member is a member of the of RELX the RELX Group, Group,and and home home furnishings; furnishings; automotive automotive a provider a provider of professional of professional informainforma-and and aftermarket; lifestyle; lifestyle; lottery; lottery; publishpublishtion tion and and workwork process process programs. programs. The Theaftermarket; ing; ing; real real estate estate and and tourism; tourism; marine, marine, RELXRELX Group’s Group’s businesses businesses cover cover energy, oil and oil and natural natural gas;gas; and and science, science, medicine, medicine, law, law, risk control risk controlenergy, broadcasting, broadcasting, television, television, music music and and and and various various B2B business B2B business fields. fields. entertainment. entertainment. OverOver 30 years 30 years of rapid of rapid development, development, In 2014, Reed Reed Exhibitions Exhibitions Greater Greater Reed Reed Exhibitions Exhibitions Greater Greater China China has hasIn 2014, China hosted hosted 50+ 50+ exhibitions, exhibitions, which which grown grown into into China's China's foremost foremost exhibiexhibi-China attracted overover one one million million visitors visitors tion tion organizer, organizer, with with ninenine outstanding outstandingattracted overover 40,000 40,000 exhibitor exhibitor represenrepresenmember member companies companies today: today: Reed Reedand and tatives. At our At our events, events, overover 30,000 30,000 ExpoExpo China, China, Reed Reed Sinopharm Sinopharm ExhibiExhibi-tatives. suppliers suppliers took took part, part, occupying occupying booth booth tions,tions, Reed Reed Huabo Huabo Exhibitions, Exhibitions, Reed Reed space totaling totaling overover 1.6 million 1.6 million sqm.sqm. Huaqun Huaqun Exhibitions, Exhibitions, Shanghai Shanghai Lixin Lixinspace www.reedexpo.com.cn www.reedexpo.com.cn
www.tosijasindo.com tosijkt@cbn.net.id +62 21 75902726
tosijkt@cbn.net.id +62 21 75902726 www.tosijasindo.com
The BCS AutoBOX is quite simply the most advanced box making machine available today. Using serve control, this machine can automatically change from one style and size of box to another in just seconds. All tools are controlled through the simple touch screen and set themselves automatically, so whether you need to produce small boxes, large wraps or more complicated boxes, the BCS AutoBox can make them all at the touch of a button. To complete the potential of the BCS AutoBOX, there is also a range of additional modules available specifically engineered to add increased efficiency and build in even greater to you box making solution. 1. Produce over 100 box styles including 0411, partitions, trays, 0201, pallet boxes and more. 2. Speeds of up to 1.200 boxes/hour 3. Uses 25% of the energy of conventional machines 4. Fully auto-set via touch screen 5. Make blank witches from 100mm to 2600mm x unlimited length 6. Run all types of corrugated, even plastic. Only BCS now has a Just in time solution to short run low cost box making. Our customers can now offer a complete solution to their customers. No longer 5 days + delivery, or custom sizes are extra ! or we can supply filler. Point being if you ship cartons you not only pay for the filler you pay extra for shipping fees, be it courier or air freight. The oversize box could be a complete layer of product ! Your end user may needs 100 / 200 boxes per week, not 1000 which entails a big invoice and having cartons he might not use for a month. This a small manufacturer takes up valuable racking / floor space, for product he did not for a month. With the AutoBox one to two minute set up time and print and variable data. You will have the edge.
E: www.tosijasindo.com tosijkt@cbn.net.id +62 21 75902726
Reed Exhibitions Visiting Korea Corrugated Packaging Case Industry Association (KCCA) Looking into South Korean Corrugated Industry New Trends, Expecting the Upcoming SinoCorrugated South 2016 On November 11, 2015, representatives of Reed Exhibitions visited Korea Corrugated Packaging Case Industry Association in Seoul, South Korea. During the visit, Reed representatives investigated the South Korean corrugated industry, looking into the industry overview and market layout, and promoted SinoCorrugated South 2016 successfully. Mr. Shin, director of KCCA, Mr. Ryu, manager of KCCA, and Mr. Joo, manager of KCCA warmly received representatives of Reed Exhibitions. Mr. Shin also discussed and analyzed the South Korean corrugated market in depth.
Mr. Shin said that South Korean corrugated market is in the phase of integration like enterprises resource integration for the promotion of facing up to the constantly changing market. Nowadays, South Korean corrugated factories present the following layout: 5 first tier factories, nearly 110 second tier factories, 600 third tier factories, among of them, 5 large factories take up 63.4% of the market share. According to the paper usage, most of the paper depends on importing. Important importers are China and India. Besides, the corrugated manufacturing equipment from corrugated packaging enterprises also rely on importing. Important importers are
corrugatedindustry. industry.Meanwhile, Meanwhile, Germany, Germany, Japan Japan andand others. others. TheThe corrugated Reed alsoalso promotes promotes thethe upcoming upcoming allowance allowance for for importing importing equipment equipment Reed SinoCorrugated South South 2016. 2016. from from other other countries countries is around is around 3% 3% to to SinoCorrugated 5%.5%. KCCA KCCA affirmed affirmed a belief a belief thatthat SinoCorSinoCorrugated South South will will provide provide a premier a premier According According to to thethe association, association, in in rugated platform.TheTheassociation associationhashas 2014, 2014, South South Korea Korea made made a paper a paper platform. already organized organized associates associates to visit to visit consumption consumption of of 4,294 4,294 kiloton. kiloton. TheThe already event event for for many many times times so as so as to to South South Korean Korean corrugated corrugated board board thethe help members members to know to know thethe developdevelopproduction production waswas 5.3 5.3 billion billion square square help trends, trends, explore explore thethe new new equipequipmeters, meters, accounting accounting for for 2.4% 2.4% of the of the ing ing ment andand latest latest technologies. technologies. Mr. Mr. world’s world’s corrugated corrugated production, production, andand ment confirmed confirmed thatthat thethe show show is ais a 4.9% 4.9% of Asia. of Asia. 92%92% South South Korean Korean corrucorru- ShinShin unique platform platform thatthat they they will will orgaorgagated gated paper paper areare recycling. recycling. In addiIn addi- unique associates associates to visit to visit SinoCorrugatSinoCorrugattiontion to the to the useuse of base of base paper paper in food in food nizenize South South 2016 2016 as usual. as usual. packaging, packaging, thethe others others areare thethe useuse of of ed ed Representatives of Reed of Reed Exhibitions Exhibitions recycled recycled paper. paper. Since Since most most of the of the Representatives took took a visit a visit to the to the local local corrugatcorrugatSouth South Korean Korean corrugated corrugated paper paper relys relys alsoalso factories factories in Seoul in Seoul to looking to looking intointo on on importing, importing, thethe rawraw paper paper price price ed ed demands demands of local of local market market andand fluctuations fluctuations will will have have a direct a direct impact impact thethe what they they expect expect from from thethe events, events, on on thethe sales sales price price of of corrugated corrugated what which will will better better serve serve thethe developdevelopboxes. boxes. Currently, Currently, 90%90% South South Korean Korean which ment of corrugated of corrugated industry. industry. corrugated corrugatedenterprises enterprisesproduce produce ment both both corrugated corrugated boxes boxes andand cartons. cartons. more more information information on the on the events, events, Scale Scale management management is the is the trend trend of its of its For For development. development. Through Through thethe introducintroducvisitvisit thethe official official SinoCorrugated SinoCorrugated tiontion of Mr. of Mr. Shin, Shin, we we have have a deeper a deeper South South 2016 2016 website: website: http://www.sino-corrugated.com/ understanding understanding of the of the South South Korean Korean http://www.sino-corrugated.com/ 69
Packaging Solution www.tosijasindo.com tosijkt@cbn.net.id +62 21 75902726
ETERNA LEAD EDGE FEEDER Allows consistent and precise feeding of wide range corrugated board with various board quality. Unique polyurethane wheel surface with grid lifter and air cushion ensures smooth feeding of warp boards with consistency and register accuracy. Front gauge position back and forth adjustable to accommodate variation in gripper margin Fine vacuum suction adjustment through invertor adapts to wide range of stock
DIECUTTING SECTION Safety door and diechase safety locking system to ensure safe operation. Complete lost sheet control throughout the entire machine. Centerline system compatible to Centerline II for quick change over and short set up time. Air cushion underneath the cutting plate for easy cutting plate
STRIPPNG SECTION Heavy duty double action stripping system to ensure positive stripping
Centerline system compatible to Centerline II for quick stripping die set up.
Front, back and side joggers to ensure neat stacking
Motorized upper frame suspending hoister.
Non-stop delivery ensures continuous productivity
Quick lock stripping pins used for quick set up of simple stripping work.
Batch counter output
Targets in Corrugated Printing Tone Scale Cordes Porcher identifies ways to diagnose, treat and prevent specific printing issue. These are only suggestions and have been shown to solve problems in other corrugated plants. In the process of fixing a printing problem it is important not to override safety mechanisms or operate equipment in such a way that you run the risk of injuring personnel or damaging materials or damaging materials or equipment. A simple way to thing about a target is as follows: “as the target is, so is the job”. In order for print jobs to be successful, process guidelines or signposts must be used and present for every job. These indicators provide any printing operation with the ability to consistently run the job the first time and every time thereafter. These indicators are commonly referred to as “target”. Targets are successful for a very simple reason. They are consistent and require no personal interpretation of the operator. The subjectivity of the results is removed from the
process and objectivity is restored. Following is the continuation of several columns in m y series on “Targets in The Printing Process”. Target name: Tone Scale Description. This target is comprised of tints, which vary from the smallest dot to solid. This is not graduated screen but a selected set of percentages, which provide in formation on the performance of the printing process and its variables. The target can be designed in many geometric shapes. The most common is a square or rectangle. Functions purpose. The tone scale’s primary functions is to asses applied ink film thickness by the following methods: 1. Dot gain, 2. Print contrast A Secondary use is to monitor impression of anilox roll to plate and plate to substrate. The result of these two point of dot gain. Lastly,
these simple devices serve as checks and balances in the printing process between the pressroom and the prepress house. This is achieved by placing a pair of scales in the file, which will later print. One scale will be adjusted for dot gain or cut back. The second scale will not be adjusted for dot gain. These opposing scales provide confirmation of f the prepress and the press room. If the uncorrected scale f=does not match the data from the fingerprint, then the press room must look for solutions. If the uncorrected scale does not match the associated numbers, prepress must find a solution. Location in printed sheet. These devices can be located anywhere on the sheet. The extent of the tonal range should be determined by the space available. When space is limited, the following (table) is not good guideline to follow. The target orientation should be grouped together as pairs with the solid block pointing to the lead edge.
Note Targets are of little use if they are removed in the inline converting process. Targets should be placed on flaps which will be hidden from view when the box is converted. Characteristics/uses. This single target is probably the most underutilized troubleshooting toll available to the corrugated industry. This target provides assessment of the following. 1. Impression: anilox to plate and plate to substrate. 2. Ink film thickness: ink metering and use. 3. Confirmation of performance: dot gain as a function of the press and dot gain as a function of prepress correction. Advance warning. This target is best used for indicating changes in ink film thickness during the press run. The target will begin to >>close up<< from both directions. In other words, the highlights and shadows will fill in. These changes will be confirmed with an increase in dot gain and a decrease in print contrast. Key areas to focus on ate those variables which influence in film thickness.
Some examples Some examples • Volume of anliox chosen against • Volume of anliox chosen against line screen of image. line screen of image. • Anilox metering system out of • Anilox metering system out of adjustment or in of of adjustment or need in need replacement, suchsuch as aasworn replacement, a worn doctor blade. doctor blade. • pH viscosity of the off is off • and pH and viscosity ofinks the isinks target. target.
The key is theismonitoring of of Thehere key here the monitoring inks film A large solid solid is inksthickness. film thickness. A large is just ajust bigadot. As a As result, it is just big dot. a result, it is just as influenced by film as influenced by thickness. film thickness. This This change in ink film film is change in ink is perceived as change in colour. perceived as change in colour. If black is being printed, a If black is being printed, a change may may not be This isThis is change notseen. be seen. especially true in printing kraft.kraft. especially true in printing
Authors note note Authors 1. A1. doctor blade is a is quality A doctor blade a quality control device. The tone scalescale control device. The tone will be first early warning will the be the first early warning indicator that that this this should be be indicator should changed or adjusted. changed or adjusted. 2. One question that that is always 2. One question is always asked is: >>is:we solid solid asked >> run we large run large coverage. Do we this ifthis weif we coverage. Doneed we need are not dots?dots? << Yes. are printing not printing << Yes.
For For example, working with with one one example, working printer, the consumption of inkoffor printer, the consumption inkafor a blackblack on kraft job was reduced by by on kraft job was reduced one kit. achieved by by oneThis kit.was This simply was simply achieved monitoring the the tonetone scalescale and and monitoring controlling pH pH and and viscosity as as controlling viscosity indicated by the in the indicated by shifts the shifts in tone the tone scale. Shift Shift in colour or inkorfilm scale. in colour inkthickfilm thicknesses, which werewere onceonce impernesses, which imperceptible, could now now be perceived. ceptible, could be perceived.
Composated (All percetages print as specified)
Smallest Printing
10% (gain Specified)
Smallest Dot (Gain Specified) 73
Die Maker Equipments Die Board Cutting Stripping Tools Sample Making www.firstpackagingasia.com FIRST CUT merupakan produk diecut dan berbagai tooling untuk produksi corrugated (flatbed die cuter), folding carton, flexible circuit ataupun greeting card. Tim kami telah berpengalaman untuk memproduksi diecut dari berbagai macam folding boxes dan corrugated boxes. Pengalaman dari tim kami akan memastikan pembuatan produk yang berkualitas, biaya yang ekonomis dan efisien. Setiap proyek akan diteliti oleh tim berpengalaman kami dengan memperhatikan secara detail apa saja yang dibutuhkan agar produksi Anda menjadi lebih produktif dan lancar. Kami bersedia memberikan saran ataupun internal training di perusahaan anda jika dibutuhkan. Pengalaman dan skill tim kami dilengkapi dengan
teknologi terbaru dilengkapi dengan peralatan yang memadai: • Software khusus untuk kemasan • Laser cutting machines • Automated rule processing cutting • Automated bending machines • Sample Plotter Kami memiliki data base yang lengkap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan customer kami, baik corrugated (FEFCO) maupun folding carton/ECMA dan display boxes, Software khusus kami untuk kemasan dapat mempersiapkan gambar detail yang tepat dan efisiensi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan customer kami (sesuai dengan permintaan dari Brand Owner).
produksi dengan minimum waste. Software kami akan mengikuti kriteria dari material yang digunakan arah dari flute atau grain dari kertas dengan secara otomatis memilih arah yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi. Membuat design male, female, dan front edge strippers dengan tingkat keakuratan yang tepat. Stripping sistem yang didesain dengan menggunakan dynamic stripping system. Kami juga menyediakan jasa pembuatan Sample atau contoh untuk : Cartons Corrugated boxes Display boxes Labels Bags Flow wraps
Kami dapat membuat layout dengan otomatis baik untuk single atau multiple nesting yang memastikan efisiensi pada
Peralatan Penunjang : CAD system for cutting out cartons Die cutting and creasing
PACK AND PRINT EVENT 2016 9-12 Mar 2016 The 24th CHINA PRINT EAST (SHANGHAI), Shanghai, China 25-28 Apr, 2016 CHINAPLAS 2016 - The 30th International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries Shanghai New International Expo Centre, PR China (Pudong) 27-28 Apr, 2016 Hong Kong International Printing & Packaging Fair takes place at the AsiaWorld-Expo (AWE) 5-8 April 2016 International Trade Show & Conference on Plastics, Petrochemicals, Printing and Packaging INDIA EXPO MART, GREATER NOIDA, DELHI NCR, INDIA May 1 – 3, Toronto: Bakery Showcase 2016 Trade Show & Conference, national baking industry event at the International Centre. Sponsored by the Baking Association of Canada. More information at www.baking.ca, or contact Ahmet Mutaher via e-mail at : amutaher@baking.ca or at 905-405-0288, ext. 22 May 17-20, Mexico City: EXPO PACK México 2016, packaging technologies and materials exhibition by PMMI-The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies. At Centro Banamex. To register, go to: www.packexpo.com May 31 – June 10, Düsseldorf, Germany: drupa 2016, global trade fair for print and cross-media technologies and solutions by Messe Düsseldorf GmbH. At Messe Düsseldorf Fairgrounds. Contact Messe Düsseldorf (Canada) at 416-598-1524 or visit : www.drupa.com
June 23, Toronto: The Business of Water: Canadian Water Summit 2016, by PAC, Packaging Consortium. At Hilton Toronto. Contact Lisa Abraham of PAC via e-mail at : registration@watersummit.ca or go to : www.watersummit.ca October 4-7, Tokyo: Tokyo Pack 2016, packaging technologies exhibition by the Japan Packaging Institute. At the Tokyo Big Sight Exhibition Center. To register, go to: www.tokyo-pack.jp/en October 8-11, Las Vegas: International Baking Industry Exposition 2016 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. More information at : www.ibie2016.com October 12-14, Nairobi, Kenya: East Afripack 2016, regional processing, packaging and converting technologies exhibition by Ipack-Ima Spa. At the Kenyatta International Conference Center. To register, go to: www.ipackima.it October 19-26, Düsseldorf, Germany: K 2016, international trade fair for the global plastics and rubber industries by Messe Düsseldorf GmbH. At Messe Düsseldorf Fairgrounds. Contact Messe Düsseldorf (Canada) at 416-598-1524 or visit: www.mdna.com November 6-9, Chicago, Ill.: PACK EXPO International 2016, international technologies exhibition by PMMI-The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies. Concurrently with Pharma EXPO 2016, pharmaceutical and packaging conference and trade show by ISPE (International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering). Both at McCormick Place. To register, go to: www.packexpo.com
Happy Monkey Year www.firstpackagingasia.com