First Packaging Asia News December 2016

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Flexo So Good 4 Tren Cetak USA 6 K2016 9 Heidelberg Setting New Standards 17 Ink High Speed Printing 18 PPGI 19 Doctor Blade Basic 22 Softex Indonesia 26 DS Smithe for Lunette Cup 27 Indonesia E-Commerce 28 LabelExpo Americas 2016 30 Digital Brand Owner 34 Digital Benefits 35 Food & Beverage Industry Food and Beverage Industry in Indonesia 38 Food Trends 39 Savoury Snacks Market 2020 44 Making Food Smell & Taste Better 46 Benefits of Drinking Beetroot 47 Soap Packaging 48 Natural Way to Reduce Sugar 51 Corrugated Industry ACCA Meeting’s 56 CCE 2016 South East Asia 62 Maccma 68

2016 will soon be over. In general, the world economy is still weak and is likely to continue into next year. Indonesia inflation is still good - less dari3%. Our 5.1% growth target announced by the government for next year is quite realistic. According to the survey done by PRIMIR Indonesia will become no 3 growth countries in the world and no 2 in Asia after India. Diperkirakan hingga tahun 2020 Flexible Packaging akan tumbuh sekitar 9% dan corrugated 5.4%. When print packaging growing well, the commercial printing is going down about 40% from 2007. During the K show last October, there were some important innovations, both machineries and materials. With the increasing price of material as well as production costs, effieciency is a necessity and a must. Therefore on this issue we cover about the high printing ink as well as how to handle doctor blade. Innovation is the key of our sustainability in this business. We have to be innovative, understand the needs of the customer. For example DS Smithe has been successfully fulfill the need of Lunette Cup from Findland. When Lunette Cup found their innovation for woman hygiene – they request DS SMithe to provide them with the right packaging to distribute their products as well as to display it for sale. If we manage to fulfill the need of the customer, I believe what important for the customer is not just a low price but cooperation to get sales together. In the food & beverage section, we cover the savoury snacks, healthy beverage (beetroot) as well as the right packaging for soap On the corrugated industry we cover the ACCA meeting conference, CCE exhibition in Bangkok as well as the annual dinner of Maccma. Happy Reading Tuti Buntaran – Chief Editor

UTECO seminar on “Flex So Good” Last September 2016, Uteco Converting SpA organised the “Flexo So Good” event with suppliers and printers at its headquarters in Colognola ai Colli (VR) Several companies including 3M Italy, Prades, Sun Chemical, Simec Group, Rossini, Asahi Photoproducts, Camis, IεtC/Gama and Grafikontrol participated in the first edition of this event. Using the technologies and consumables offered by these companies, the Onyx fiexo printing press installed at the Uteco ConverDrome technology centre performed impressive print demonstrations. Technicians demonstrate a job changeover on the Onyx XS Eco One with EB curing in such a short time. During the event Mr AIdo Peretti, CEO of Uteco make comment about Industry 4.0 Uteco has been started applied Industry 4.0 by connecting all parts of the machine and they can exchange information. In the first instance they have the installation at their customer and they can integrate the electronic mechanical systems with logistics, global management of the press and the production line, and so on. Just like their competitor Uteco has been working on these aspects for a long time, in terms of obtaining direct feedback from the operators, and from the management system used by the customer including logistics. This system has been used in their work, for many years. Uteco has been successfully apply SAP on their planning system as well. Another important aspect of industry 4.0 is the company organization. Mr Peretti came from the automotive industry and have introduced a lot of innovative management philosophies in terms of just-in-time, and quality - Six Sigma for example. By applying six Sigma they can do lean engineering with all their other supply chains and logistic systems, manufacturing, and the organization of their factories. This is due to the fact that now they need to introduce this system into their three factories in Italy and the USA and also with their partner supplier plants in Italy and abroad. This means they must also have a management system in terms of information. Firstly they introduce, for example, SAP, which is an enterprise resource planning

(ERP) system. It is not so easy to introduce SAP for printing machine manufacturing our kind of business, as the concept is more useful for mass produced fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). However, they have been successful in introducing SAP into their organization, and so now SAP Italy and Europe are using Uteco as a reference worldwide as a success story. And now Uteco also trying to integrate this kind of global manufacturing organization with their key selected suppliers so that we have the complete supply chain which is more and more able to use in Industry 4.0 concept and philosophy. Mr Peretti also the president of Centrexpo, vice president of the Acimga association, and part of Confindustria, the general confederation of Italian industry. So together with Italian government and associations they also continue pushing to introduce the Industry 4.0 concept. The event which emphasis on the EB Curing, a very advanced technology for flexo printing. Eventhough electronic beam curing has been introduced by others earlier, but their competitor were not succeed yet. Therefore Uteco has worked a lot with Sun Chemical to develop a special printing ink. Uteco spent a lot of time with the president of this company in the USA to push them to optimize the chemistry of the ink. Uteco also has working on the press and has some patents for this kind of application. In addition they have sold the first machine with this new advanced EB technology to an important Italian supplier of Kimberly Clark and has been successfully in operation.

Packaging Solution +62 21 75902726

Trend Percetakan di Amerika Serikat “Saya membaca artikel yang menarik pada NPES newsletter. Dinyatakan sejak tahun 2000, Industri Percetakan di Amerika Serikat telah melalui berbagai perubahan yang luar biasa. Jumlah pengiriman mengalami penurunan sekitar 40% dan lebih dari 30% pemain di industri ini mengalami penurunan bisnis. Dan diperkirakan dalam 5 tahun kedepan 7.000 – 8.000 perusahaan percetakan akan tutup.

Di masa mendatang Industri Percetakan Komersial Amerika Serikat akan terus bergulat dengan penurunan jumlah cetakan. Maka sangatlah penting untuk melihat trend konsumen serta arah dari ekonomi Amerika Serikat serta industri yang berhubungan dengan percetakan (Teknologi, Periklanan, Penerbitan dan Kemasana). Kita harus jeli untuk melihat peluang bisnis baru apa saja yang ada. Pengusaha percetakan yang dapat melewati hari ini dan tetap menjadi perusahaan yang menguntungkan – pastilah perusahaan yang sudah dapat merumuskan model bisnis percetakan yang sesuai dengan trend pasar serta telah melakukan inovasi yang diperlukan. Berdasarkan perkembangan diatas, maka NPES melakukan penelitian baru (PRIMIR) “Print Industries Market Information and Research Organization” yang berjudul “The Future of Print in the U.S. - Landscape, Implications and Opportunities,”(masa depan

dari industri Percetakan Amerika Serikat implikasi dan kesempatan yang ada. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan konsumen lebih memlih mendapatkan berbagai produk yang ditawarkan dibandingkan dengan hanya memberikan pillihan berbagai material saja. Konsumen juga mengharapkan percetakan memberikan kemampuan lebih baik dalam menggunakan teknlogi terbaru, termasuk personalisasi, perubahan jalur dan metode periklanan secara digital yang dilakukan, dimana kesemua hal tersebut akan menghasilkan dampak yang signifikan pada percetakan secara komersial. Disamping itu tren perubahan preferensi konsumen, siklus produk yang lebih pendek, kesadaran terhadap lingkungan hidup, akan menjadikan peluang yang lebih baik pada bidang kemasan. Konsolidasi pada industri percetakan secara komersial dari Amerika Serikat akan terus berlanjut. Saat ini, industri percetakan telah jenuh dengan

Tahun 2001 terdapat 42.521 percetakan dengan 800.000 tenaga kerja; sedangkan ditahun 2014 terjadi penurunan menjadi hanya 29.590 percetakan dengan453.000 tenaga kerja

jumlah kapasitas yang berlebihan, pihak pembeli dalam dua sampai tiga tahun kedepan akan mencari sesuatu hal yang dapat memberikan kenaikan terhadap bisnis mereka. Pihak penjual akan digerakkan oleh merosotnya jumlah keuntungan akibat dari tingkat persaingan harga yang sangat berat. Amerika Serikat merupakan pangsa pasar terbesar dalam industri percetakan. Akan tetapi, dengan munculnya tantangan perekonomian saat ini, China mulai mengambil alih di tahun ini. Merosotnya industri ini tercermin dari menyusutnya investasi dan juga berkurangnya tenaga kerja. Percetakan yang ingin mencapai kesuksesan / keberhasilan harus bersedia melakukan perubahan dengan mulai meninggalkan mesin cetak konvensional dan mulai merencanakan hal-hal baru yang dibutuhkan konsumen, seperti menyediakan pelayanan yang baru dan melakukan perbaikan terhadap sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki.

trend kemasan yang sangat menarik, karena pada presentasi tersebut tidak hanya menganai kemasan di dunia atau di Amerika Serikat, namun juga mencakup trend dan peranan Indonesia di dunia serta kemasan apa saja yang merupakan kesempatan emas bagi kita pemain di industri cetak kemasan di Indonesia.

Mereka yang gagal dalam beradaptasi akan cenderung diakusisi oleh percetakan yang lebih besar dan berkembang. Demikian pula dengan pihak vendor juga harus melakukan adaptasi yang cepat terhadap model bisnis dan inovasi mereka (baik dalam hal produk dan kemitraan dengan pihak percetakan). Jika anda ingin membaca laporan ini lebih detail dapat menghubungi Rekha Ratnam e-mail :

Berbeda dengan percetakan komersial, percetakan kemasan berkembang dengan pesat berbarengan dengan berkembangnya ekonomi dan meningkatnya pendapatan kelas menengah. Cetak kemasan diperkirakan akan tumbuh 5.2% dari 2016 – 2020 dan akan mencapai US$ 286 milliar pada tahun 2020. Corrugated merupakan pangsa terbesar pada cetak kemasan di dunia diikuti Kemasan Flexible (2) dan folding carton (3). Negara berkembang merupakan pendorong dari peningkatan di industri cetak kemasan, Diperkirakan negara

Trend Cetak Kemasan Sementara bulan Oktober lalu NPES berkunjung ke Indonesia and Chairman dari NPES – Mr. Thayer Long memberikan presentasi mengenai 7

berkembang akan mencapai 41% dari produksi dunia, dimana pada tahun 2011 hanya 33%. Cina merupakan pangsa tersebar dari negara berkembang yang diramalkan setelah tahun 2016 akan melebihi Amerika Serikat.

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tahun 2014 menjadi US$130 miliar pada tahun 2020. Industri Corrugated diperkirakan akan tumbuh 9.4%. Indonesia mulai membuka investasi asing sejak July 2015.

Diperkirakan industri cetak kemasan akan mencapai $2.3bn pada tahun 2020, atau equivalent dengan ratarata pertumbuhan 9.5% - dua kali pertumbuhan GDP Indonesia. • Industri kemasan flexible dan label akan berkembang pesat. Dan permintaan akan kemasan yang lebih baik seperti makanan yang diawetkan, minuman dan juga kebutuhan rumah tanggan (seperti pembersih). • Dengan meningkatnya harga material dan juga kenaikan biaya bahan bakar, maka dibutuhkan innovasi untuk kemasan yang lebih murah (flexible dan karton) untuk meningkatkan penjualan.. • Pengusaha local dan multinational akan bersaing dengan ketat baik dari segi mutu produksi maupun desain kemasan • Pengusaha lokan perlu meningkatkan kualitas produksinya untuk memenuhi standar international.

Peningkatan terbesar akan terjadi di Asia Pacific terutama India, Indonesia dan Vietnam. Industri cetak kemasan di Indonesia diperkirakan 5 tahun mendatang akan menjadi negara ke 3 yang pertumbuhannya terbesar di dunia. Hal ini didorong oleh factorfaktor berikut : • Meningkatnya pertumbuhan golongan menengah yang secara otomatis meningkatkan kebutuhan mereka akan produk yang dikemas – secara otomatis pengusaha cetak kemasan yang effisien akan meningkat penjualannya. Pertumbuhan ini akan terus berlanjut mengingat 28% dari penduduk Indonesia berusia dibawah 15 tahun. • Meningkatnya e-commerce di Indonesia dari US$12 milliar di

Tantangan yang dihadapi meningkatnya upah butuh dan kurangnya tenaga ahli dibidang ini merupakan kendala yang sulit untuk ditanggulangi. Menekan tingginya tingkat inflasi merupakan pekerjaan rumah yang harus diperhatikan juga. Tuti Buntaran 8

Hundreds of Students Hit the K Show as Companies Seek New Workers engage interested students at their booths. Companies prepare special information to welcome prospective workers who visit. This helps guard against companies not having enough lime to engage students while they are trying to sell their offerings to prospective customers.

Plastics processing is a major industry in Germany, employing some 300,000 workers. But the sector is facing a major reality check as a full one-third of the workforce is expected to retire over the course of the next decade. That type of major turnover has the processing community’s attention. So at K 2016, processing companies are bringing hundreds of students to the show floor with the hopes of sparking an interest in the profession from those up-and- comers. The 100,000 jobs are in addition to the normal job churn the industry creates, so this has companies standing up and paying attention.

“We need to attract more younger people for the plastics industry. But it’s not so well-known because we have no big brand names in Germany or Europe producing for us, and it’s a problem,” said Oliver Möllenstädt, managing director of the German Association of Plastics Converters. In Germany, just like in other countries, the plastics industry does not enjoy the best reputation in some people’s view. We have to try to change those opinions.

The program includes sessions for students to learn about the industry as well as individual companies that


K2016 - News ►►► Reifenhäuser:

Alpine runs first-ever 11-layer

The show is ‘best ever’ K

It’s an industry first — an 11-layer blown film line, It’s also a first for Hosokawa Alpine, The line running at K 2016 has an 11-layer, fully nested spiral die. That consists of 11 cylinders inside each other, each one precisely machined with channels and spirals for a specific layer of the film, taking the melt from the extruders. The spiral die allows all the extruders to be on the same level.

In 2013, Reifenhäuser large stand was emblazoned with the words “The Extrusioneers.” This year, Reifenhäuser has gone with the most consistent trend of K 2016, the words “Industrie 4.0” overlooking the busy stand. Ulrch Reifenhäuser, managing director of Troisdorf, Germany- based Reifenhäuser and chairman of the K exhibitors’ council, explained his view of industry 4.0 is a philosophy. It’s not a thing to be offered right now; it’s a way of thinking about how to use data.

“The big advantage of a cylinder, it’s the strongest shape you can have,” said Jay Ragusa, vice president of engineering at Alpine American. The round shape also has no points where material can accumulate and create gels, hurting the quality of the film, he said. Making the spiral dies is a major feat. “The dimensions of the distribution spirals are critical. To do it right, needs extraordinary technology,”

Machines nowadays are highly complicated and we take lots of data. We measure, we control the machines, and we have statistics. We can document what the quality is. But these are more or less all single datas. So Industry 4.0 means how to bring this (data) together. How to find (the right) algorithms.”

Hosokawa Alpine is running different variations of materials during the show, depending on the day. Every day, the line is running an EVOH barrier layer in the center, sandwiched between two layers of nylon and two tie layers. That gives the company three layers on each side to change around.

In his view, Industry 4.0 will only really become a reality once we know exactly what it is we’re looking for. Having data is one thing. Knowing what it means to the whole process is another. “It’s not just a plan; it’s a must,” Reifenhäuser said. He sees it being all about customer value, “if they’re willing to pay, then we made the right decision, this is the proof.” He said he had signed contracts on the stand.

The blown film machinery maker is using barrier materials, tie layers and additives from material from DuPont Co., Kuraray Co. Ltd. and Ube Industries Ltd. Base resins come from ExxonMobil, Dow Chemical Co. and Total SA. One major feature is the ability to stop the multilayer barrier line each night. 10

ExxonMobil launches new grades of Exceed XP PE

CCL buying Innovia for $1.13 billion

ExxonMobil Chemical Co. launched two new grades of Exceed XP polyethylene at K 2016, which is a good thing because by the end of next year, the firm will have a lot more PE to sell. The new Exceed grades are aimed at films for greenhouse, food lamination and soft-shrink applications.

In what is being described as a “highly strategic opportunity,” CCL Industries Inc. is buying Innovia Group for $1.13 billion. Innovia makes co-extruded, biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) films that are used for labels, packaging and security applications, CCL said. The company is well known for making polymer money. The acquisition is expected to bring $570 million in sales and $155 million of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization to CCL, a Toronto-based labeling and packaging company, for 2017.

The grades are commercial now and have been sampled by 100 customers worldwide, according to Larry Gros, global polymers product and applications development manager for Houston-based ExxonMobil. One of those customers is Vietnamese flexible packaging maker Thanh Phu, which was looking for a more recyclable solution for laminated packaging.

“Strategically, CCL has been looking for a way to get closer to the materials science of our industry for quite some time. And we’re very pleased to have landed on a business that I think is a very good fit for our technology and our customers and our markets,” CCL CEO Geoffrey T. Martin said on a conference call to discuss the acquisition.

At K 2016, 13 equipment makers are running demonstrations with ExxonMobil materials. Windmöller & Holscher, Jinming, Bandera and Reifenhäuser are running 5-layer POD blown film with Exceed XP. Hosokowa Alpine is running 11-layer blown film and Sun Centre is making three-layer blown film, both also with Exceed XP.

Innovia, based in Wigton, United Kingdom, has 1,200 employees and five production sites in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Australia and Mexico. Its Atlanta-based U.S. subsidiary, Innovia Films Inc., was ranked at No. 37 in the most recent Plastics News ranking of film and sheet makers in North America with an estimated $215 million in sales for the region. The company holds the top position in providing polymer banknote substrate in the world and also is ranked first in BOPP pressure sensitive label films, CCL said.

That material and Vistamaxx propylene elastomers are being used to make 3-layer blown film by Lung Meng. Colines, Xinle Huabao and SML are running cast film and extrusion coating with Exceed, Vistamaxx and Enable metallocene PE. Downstream converting applications with Exceed, Enable and Vistamaxx are being made by Hudson-Sharp, CMD and Starlinger.


K2016 - Haitian Pushes Modularity for Cost-Effective Production For Chinese injection machine maker Haitian International Holdings Ltd. one of the keys for K 2016 is flexibility. In an Oct. 21 news conference, the company unveiled a strategy it called modularization, which it said represents the evolution of its injection press design to allow more flexibility for processors in choosing how their equipment is configured. Haitian board member Helmar Franz said it means building both its all-electric presses and servohydraulic models in a way that they are “regularly optimized” to allow their customers to more easily mix and match components between models. “We will develop the all-electric machine in models, so one of these models you can combine with the model from the servo machine as it is required by the customer,” he said. “Another customer can take the clamp and combine here. Another can take the injector and put it here.” He said the company believes the

Haitian is one of the world’s biggest makers of injection molding machines measured by number of machines, it’s easily the largest, making 26,000 presses in 2015 and it sells machines worldwide. The company tripling sales to $1.3 billion in 2015, from 2005.

strategy will help customers find the best combination of flexibility, productivity and price for them. Franz said modularization could help more easily build machines for countries at different levels of industrialization. Haitian, which sells two-thirds of its machines in China’s very pricesensitive market, also sought to put what was probably a more cost-conscious spin on the K show discussions of Industry 4.0, the deeper integration of information technology and manufacturing. “With our system partners and with many of our customers, we are discussing a sensible approach to Industry 4.0, and we are weighing opportunities and possibilities, albeit with a sense of proportion,” Franz said. “I don’t see a crisis,” Franz said. “I only see a crisis for people who did not adapt to the changes.” At the show, the company presented several machines, highlighted by what it said was the European premiere of the Venus IIp model from its Zhafir subsidiary. The machine was making an ice container with an in-mold label and featured an automated production cell. It also showed a Zhafir Zeres series machine, a servo-electric model, making cosmetic sealing caps. As well, its booth included a Haitian Jupiter II two-platen model producing an engine cover with a Mucell process, and one of its Haitian Mars II machines, which account for 70 percent of sales and have been the company’s growth engine. By Steve Toloken, Plastics News Staff

K2016 - Stronger Economy Expected for Developing Nations The plastics processors, resins suppliers and machinery manufacturers that do business in developing nations will encounter better market conditions in 2017 than they have had during the past couple of years. By definition, developing economies tend to experience volatile business cycles, so timing your investment is critical.

only affect Chinese demand for manufactured goods from Europe, but also it would be a big problem for the developing nations that have a large exposure to Chinese demand for commodities. For the near-term, it appears that these fears have been allayed, and the best description of the deceleration in Chinese GDP growth is “soft-patch” rather than “hard landing.” However, it must still be acknowledged that the transition in the Chinese economy may hit a few bumps in the coming years.

The leading indicators are currently progressing through the earlyrecovery phase of the business cycle, so 2017 may be an auspicious time to initiate your investment strategies in the emerging market countries. The forecast is based on expectations of continued gradual improvement in global market demand, particularly from the advanced economies of the U.S. and Europe.

Beyond China For most other regions in Asia, economic growth will remain solid if not downright robust. India’s GDP is expected to register the strongest growth of all the world’s major economies in the coming year. Our forecast calls for India’s GDP to expand by at least 7 percent in 2017, which will continue the trend of strong growth. India’s government introduced important tax reforms and other policy actions in recent years.

The steady growth in global demand should also be sufficient to stabilize the ongoing transition in the China from an export-driven economy to one that is based on domestic REAL GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT consumption of both EMERGING ECONOMIES goods and services. Annual percent change *Forecast The economic COUNTRIES 2014 2015 2016* growth rate in China CHINA 7.3 6.9 6.5 has decelerated in RUSSIA 0.7 -3.7 -1 recent years, and in INDIA 7.2 7.6 7 the first half of 2016, there were fears that BRAZIL 0.1 -3.8 -3.5 a hard-landing was MEXICO 2.2 2.5 2 imminent. DEVELOPING EUROPE 2.8 3.6 3 A serious economic slowdown in China would not

2017* 6.5 0 7 0 2.5 3.5











Sources: International Monetary Fund, Moutain top Economics & Research inc.


These have raised confidence levels for both consumers and businesses.

to support a more rapid expansion of its industrial capacity.

The result will be increased consumer demand and private sector investment. The continued, albeit gradual, rise in demand for commodities and consumer goods in the world’s largest export markets will generate accelerating growth in the economies of Southeast Asia (denoted on the table as the ASEAN-5) in 2017. As a result of increased investment in these countries during the past few years, their economies are presently enjoying a period of steady productivity gains and vigorous economic growth. There is little to suggest that this trend will not continue for the next few years.

Under current conditions, an annual growth rate of 2.5 percent in its GDP is about all that can be expected in terms of long-term economic growth. Recent fiscal reforms will help to attract the necessary investment, but it will take a few years for this process to produce more rapid growth in industrial capacity. One of the most intriguing regions in 2017 and beyond will be the emerging and developing countries in Europe. These countries have enjoyed a trend of solid economic growth in recent years, but the ongoing refugee crisis, recent terrorist attacks and the recent coup attempt in Turkey have created an environment of heightened uncertainty. The forecast for this region assumes that most of these countries will continue to benefit from increased trade with their European neighbors, and also a continuation of the trend of rising popularity with tourists who are drawn to their cultural charms at reasonable prices. But it cannot be overlooked that many of these countries are currently exposed to the some of the world’s biggest geopolitical and humanitarian crises.

After two years of steep recession, the forecast for the Brazilian economy calls for stability in 2017. I do not expect the economy to grow next year, and for most of the country, it will likely feel as if they are still in a recession. But for plastics manufacturers who are looking to invest in Brazil, it appears as if the worst of the cyclical downtrend is over. A wait-and-see strategy may be prudent for some, but 2017 will likely offer many opportunities to others to invest in Brazil at highly favorable terms.

These crises may represent a longterm benefit to these economies, and particularly the local plastics industry, because immigrants have historically provided a strong source of overall economic growth to the European economy. But the present situation may be a case of too much, too fast, and the immediate problems stemming from populism and nationalism may explode before the eventual benefits from immigration start to accrue.

The outlook for the Mexican economy calls for steady-to-better market conditions for 2017. Export demand for Mexican products was noticeably weaker in 2016 than it was the prior year, but a steady acceleration in exports to the U.S. should prevail in 2017 and beyond. The biggest impediment to a faster recovery for the Mexican industrial sector is a need for infrastructure upgrades and other types of structural reforms necessary 14

K2016 - Sumitomo Demag Increasing Capacity for Machines A surge in incoming orders is leading Sumitomo Demag to increase capacity for injection molding machine production in Germany. The company, owned by Sumitomo Heavy Industries in Japan, is set to hit 236 million euros ($282.3 million) in 2016 sales and has a bulging order book worth 260 million euros. The fast growth in orders in 2016 has mainly from customers in the packaging sector.

In 2017-2020, the company is aiming to grow its sales in transplants, where customers in one region look to grow globally and move production to new facilities in other regions. The company has been opening its own subsidiaries in many countries, most recently announcing a new subsidiary in Spain, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery Espaùa S.L., started operations in Valencia on Nov. 1. The U.S. and Southeast Asia are the next markets to receive Sumitomo Demag’s investment in after-sales. The company has a well established subsidiary in Strongsville, Ohio, which will be strengthened in 2017 with the hiring of more service technicians.

Sumitomo Demag is investing in new machining equipment at its facility in Schwaig, Germany. Andreas Schramm, chief technical officer, said the goal is to increase machine production capacity by 20 percent next year at Schwaig and its other German facility in Wiehe. The company has a third machine production facility in Ningbo, China. In recent years, Sumitomo Demag has focused on growing its business in the packaging sector, while the company will continue to develop in markets where it has traditionally been strong, such as automotive, its forward plans involve growing promising areas.

Technology Development At K 2016, Sumitomo Demag showed a new approach in its technology development. It is launching the second generation of its IntElect range of all-electric injection molding machines, which were developed on a common platform in collaboration with Sumitomo Heavy Industries. 15

The group said the new IntElect is the first all-electric injection molding machine with a standard platform worldwide and comes equipped with specific direct drives. “The target is to utilize all benefits from the Sumitomo group,” Schramm said. It is the result of a huge amount of work from group teams in Japan and Germany, he said. “I think we can be proud of this development.” The benefits of the shared platform approach include the ability for common purchasing across the group.

production of thin-walled packaging. he high-speed injection molding machine produces decorated cups in a four-cavity mold in a cycle time of 1.75 seconds. In the demonstration, a high-speed robot enters from the side, placed the labels in the stationary mold half and removed the four completed cups on the moving side, which were then stacked. Sumitomo Demag said: “The exhibit illustrates the maximum speed currently possible and the highest available system productivity for the production of IML-decorated plastic containers.” Helping Sumitomo Demag with this achievement are partner companies: Verstraete IML, based in Maldegem, Belgium, providing IML labels; Brink BV of Harskamp, the Netherlands, providing robot, gripper technology and injection mold; and Borealis of Austria, supplying polypropylene.

More than 55,000 electric machines from the Sumitomo Group (including Sumitomo machines made in Japan) are installed around the world, and this enables IntElect users to benefit from many years of expertise in the area of electric drives pooled in the group, said Sumitomo Demag. At K 2016, the next generation of IntElect machinery was demonstrated with an IntElect 50-110 machine. It producing a resealable dosing closure in a Borealis polypropylene with a melt flow index of 20. The mold from Horst Hähl Kunststoffspritzguss & Werkzeubau GmbH has two cavities to produce closures weighing 7.6 g with a diameter of only 38 mm, and thin walls ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 mm. The new IntElect is equipped with the company’s new NC5 Plus control with a capacitive touchscreen.

The other high-speed display is from an El-Exis SP 420 machine using an injection compression process to produce four thin- walled polypropylene trays in a 2.2 stack mold. Cycle time is 3.5 seconds. The injection compression process involves depositing plasticized material in the cavity prior to complete mold closure. The closing movement supports the even distribution of the plasticized material in the cavity, reduces the injection pressure requirement and the required clamping force, ensures that the pressure is distributed evenly and, as a consequence, reduces the residual stress in the finished part. The benefit of the injection compression approach is that warping due to shrinkage is reduced, which enables thinner walls and lower weight of the molded packaging.

Electrified 4.0 Sumitomo Demag has chose the motto “Electrified 4.0” for K 2016, and it’s the speed of its packaging technology that could be described as electrifying. The group has two high-performance El-Exis SP machines demonstrating packaging applications: the SP 200 producing an in-mold labeling (IML) application, and the SP 420 demonstrating the 16

By David Eldridge, Plastics News Europe

Theresia Bauer, Minister of Science, Research and the Arts for the German state of Baden-Württemberg, observes the latest digital technology from Heidelberg

Heidelberg is Setting New Standards by Investing Some €50 Million in The New Innovation Hub In the presence of Theresia Bauer (Green Party), minister of science, research and the arts for the German state of Baden-Württemberg, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) officially launched its new development center project at the company’s Wiesloch-Walldorf site. In 2018, the center for around 1,000 working places will be home to the world’s most state-of-the-art research facility for the printing industry.

Alongside traditional offset printing, digital printing will also be part of the future and will ensure that the sector enjoys continued growth. It caters in particular to the trend toward flexible and personalized extremely short runs. Digital 4D printing — the printing on three-dimensional objects made from all kinds of materials — also underscores this trend. It enables customized printing of glass, wood, plastic and other materials.

Heidelberg is setting new standards by investing some €50 million in the new innovation hub. This will create the No. 1 competence center in the printing industry, which has a global annual turnover of around €400 billion, a figure that is increasing. Heidelberg’s facility in Wiesloch-Walldorf will be home to a state-of-the-art research facility. Despite the difficult economic situation in recent years, the company at no time cut its research budget, focusing instead on developing new, innovative products and services. The printing industry now requires new applications and control technologies.

Heidelberg is the first company to have developed a number of digital presses for industrial use. What’s more, customers’ presses are networked with Heidelberg, which enables new services to be offered. As a result, maintenance work can be carried out and materials such as inks supplied promptly. Industry 4.0 is now part and parcel of Heidelberg, because speed is vital in both the offset and digital worlds. “Combining development, service, and production at a single location close to the customer will make us even faster and more efficient in the future,” Stephan Plenz, member of the Heidelberg Management Board responsible for equipment, said.


Ink for High Speed Printing Ink should never be a limiting factor for a flexographic press achieving speeds that surpass as much as 2,000 fpm. In fact, most printers want high speed inks that will minimize downtime for print defects. They also want a stable print process over a prolonged run, where there are minimal defects through material fatigue to plates, stickyback, blades and other press consumables.

combination of raw materials should be considered for high speed presses. Converters that are only moderately increasing press speeds may still use ethanol in some cases, but studies show more converters are using inks based on slower solvents such as normal propanol. Diacetone alcohol and a variety of glycol ethers are solvents that would help slow down the drying of ink on press even further. As more converters have invested in high speed presses, there has been a significant shift in the solvents used for the flexo printing process.

Converters who have invested millions of dollars in high speed presses as a way to improve efficiencies want to make sure they maximize that spending by using the right ink for high speed presses. By doing so and by avoiding downtime and wasted print, converters will maximize efficiencies in the workplace and stretch their dollars even further. There are three basic formulary principles to making an ink perform well at higher speeds-slower drying, excellent resolubility and strong colors/opaque whites.

The key challenge is to develop an ink solvent blend that both meets the needs of high speed presses and maintains stability. Inks are typically not mono solvent, but contain a mix of solvents that can include a percentage of alcohol, acetates and glycols. The speed range for a variety of solvents that can be used for high speed inks.

SLOWER DRYING As press speeds increase, the ink drying speed needs to be slower. Historically, inks that are based on ethanol tend to dry too fast, so as press speeds increase, a different

High speed presses shear the inks more severely by exacerbating the volatility of the solvents, and it is critical the ratio of these ink blends stays the same during the pressrun. If the solvency changes over time 18

The speed range for a variety of solvents that can be used for high speed inks - photo courtesy of Sun Chemical.

during the run, then the inks are not stable and equally capable of causing defects even with a slower, dry ink blend.

Headspace Vial Solvent A

EXCELLENT RESOLUBILITY Resolubility refers to the balance required between the ink resins and the solvent blend of the formulation. If the ink has poor resolubility, the resin cannot redissolve the partially dry ink on the anilox roller/ plate, so that it is transferred cleanly for the next impression. In the microseconds where the ink comes in contact with the anilox in the doctor blade chamber and the plate comes in contact with the ink in the cells of the anilox, the ink has to resolubilize. Resins will tend to retain or hold onto the solvents they are more soluble in. Figure 2 shows a headspace vial with an evaporated solvent blend (Solvent A + B) above a high speed ink with a general resin chemistry of rosin ester vs. polyamide.

containing a higher level of alcohol, while a higher proportion of acetate should favor resolubility of rosin ester. Dynamic resolubilization of ink resins on the anilox depends upon print speed and solubility parameters of polymer and solvent. Poor matchups will contribute to dirty printing due to excessive drying in the anilox or poor bond strength for lamination to undesired retention of solvents.

There is a different ratio of solvents (a blend of alcohol and acetate) in the headspace composition above the ink than the solvent ratio in the ink. Polyamide selectively absorbs alcohol and releases more acetate into the headspace, and is less tolerant of acetate compared to rosin ester. Polyamide should be more readily resolubilized in a blend

STRONG COLORS/OPAQUE WHITES As press speeds increase, typically the anilox volumes must decrease. This is due to the defect of misting. Misting typically occurs when too much ink is applied, yielding a fine dust that settles on the press equipment. Misting is seen when the deeper aniloxes are used (above ˜6.0 - 7.0 bcm), so the best solution is to move

Solvent B

Solid Powdered Resin

Solvent/resin interactions


to shallower aniloxes which minimize the defect. However, even with a shallower anilox, the expectation is that the same color strength will need to be delivered. This forces the ink strength to be higher. In summary, using finer aniloxes to get the same color strength requires a stronger ink.

tests in cut solvent, to validate good resolubility. The easiest parameter to check is color strength. The ink can be applied at the right film thickness and measured to the standard. Opacity can be checked with either an opacity meter or a spectrophotometer to confirm the ink film thickness and opacity specification.

PREDICTIVE MEASUREMENTS FOR HIGH SPEED INKS The message from flexographic printers is that they want high speed inks delivered to them which require minimal time for testing and trial. That means ink manufacturers need to do the testing in house to accurately predict good performance on press. Testing can start by picking and choosing solvents that dry at the speed desired. Solvents can be measured through gas chromatographs to make sure the right amount and type of solvent are used. A variety of lab methods, such as tap out tests and transfer tests, are then used to validate ink consistency. These tests allow the ink manufacturer to look for any changes in the consistency of the various solvents over long printruns. Solvents which showed significant changes in balance can be noted for what would perform best when it comes to the ideal ink drying speed. Resolubility is then tested by measuring the ability for the resins and pigment dispersions to be rewetted from the dry ink form back to the wet ink form.

The challenge is that after all this testing and finding the “ideal� variables, it is still difficult to get an ink that works to a manufacturer’s satisfaction. Although all predictive tests passed successfully, some inks had a wider operating window for long term, high speed success. Using proprietary techniques, there became a way to measure key differences in the ink performance based on a variety of key attributes. These predictive tests can help printers obtain measurements that will correlate with the press speeds that inks can achieve and decrease amount of waste due to the generation of substandard product and lost press time. Current predictive tests have to date been 85 percent accurate with every ink that is formulated being run, analyzed and entered into the database. As the database gets larger and larger, tests will be refined to predict on press results. This affects the full gamut of the project design, from raw material selection and product-design to manufacturing techniques.

Based on the solubility parameters of the resins and solvents, inks and resins are chosen for solubility parameter testing, wet ink dispersion tests in cut solvent, and dry ink resolubility

Jim Felsberg Marketing Chemical



Membantu Anda untuk pembuatan plate Flexo, Baik untuk narrow maupun wide web applikasi

Finger Print Elements


Flexible Packaging Tag & Label Pre-Print Corrugated

Process Control Solid Color Patches - Proses dan Spot Color Overprint/Trap Patches Gray Balance Patches Tone Scales Vignettes Barcodes Line danType elements

Mechanical Control Registration Targets Impression & Blur targets Solid Ink Color Patches Printer Control Target Prepress Control Target

Pencatatan Data Catat semua proses dan kondisi pada waktu dilakukan Fingerprint. Ukur beberapa sample untuk memperkirakan hasil yang dapat dicapai dan apa saja kendala-kendalanya

Doctor Blade Basics

This article is intended as a basic overview of the doctor blades currently available in the flexible packaging industry. It is square one for someone who is beginning to analyze their printing facility’s needs and challenges, as well as an insight into the impact doctor blades can have. If you’re already working with doctor blades, this article is a good way to find out if it’s time for an update. The doctor blade and anilox roll are two key components to achieving the perfectly matched colors and tonal ranges we find in modern flexographic printing. Every year, our industry spends millions of dollars on new presses, graphics, digital prepress and mounting systems. Produc-

ing better and more consistent printed packaging is always the goal, as companies compete for their share of the market. Yet no matter what other investments are made, the success or failure of a print job is often determined by how well a doctor blade meters the ink off the anilox roll during a pressrun. How doctor Blades work The doctor blade is mounted in such a way that it uniformly meters the ink from the anilox prior to distribution onto the printing plate. Key factors of success include: • Angle of blade to anilox roll (per press specs) • Correct pressure of blade needed to roll (the least needed) • Perfect alignment with the anilox axis of rotation • Correct blade design, size and material for both press and job • Easy and fast replacement as the blades wear out

Your basic doctor blade working as it should images courtesy of Pamarco

Using the designated size specified for each press

Failure to adhere to these six factors will result in varied ink distribution and may reduce the life of the anilox roll. As the doctor blade scrapes (or meters) away the excess ink from the anilox roll, it then coats a precise film of ink onto a printing plate. The amount of ink reaching the plate determines the accuracy of the printed image on the film, paper or corrugated substrate. It is important to note two things. Anilox rolls often cost thousands of dollars; however, if they are cared for and maintained correctly, one can last years in many print applications, so long as they avoid being inadvertently damaged in handling or cleaning. Second, on the opposite end of the price spectrum, doctor blades cost very little and are designed to wear out smoothly in an attempt to maintain consistent ink metering for distribution throughout the print cycle. Changing and checking blades often can avoid print issues and damage to the anilox roll. MOUNTING SYSTEMS & BLADE TYPES • Lamella/stepped blade: With a variety of lengths, step blades provide clean and consistent metering due to a thinner contact edge, but they also wear out faster for the same reason • Beveled blade: This type of edge allows for immediate metering. It is a very common blade, but a downside is that the “contact edge” will increase as it wears against the anilox. This results in

a variation of the ink film applied during the printrun Square edge blade: This slit blade provides a square edge. These blades are not smooth and therefore are not suggested for doctoring. Their best use is as a containment blade made of plastic Rounded blade: Both sides of this blade have a smooth round metering edge that seats and remains constant throughout the run. They mount either constant throughout the run. They mount either note that they are still razor sharp blades and need to be handled safely.

MATERIALS The material from which a doctor blade is constructed can have a great effect on how it performs, how long it lasts and even the type of job it works best with. • Carbon steel: Either blue or white carbon steel blades are common and mostly vary in cosmetics. High quality carbon steel is strong and allows the running of a thin-

ner blade successfully. Do not try to save money on cheap blades if you are using steel. Debris from inferior steel on ceramic may get caught and rub against the anilox, causing streaks and scoring on the roll Stainless steel: An alternative when corrosion is an issue. These are softer than carbon steel and will tend to wear faster on ceramic anilox rolls. Debris from stainless steel blades on ceramic may get caught, causing print image streaks or scoring of the roll Plastic blades, UHMW: These have become popular due to some improvements in wear; specifically, they are unaffected by corrosion and safer in use. Typically used in corrugated applications, they tend to be thicker and work as effectively as steel blades for doctoring. Plastic works great for a containment blade in a chambered system Composite blades: One of the most promising and evolving innovations in the anilox/doctor blade relationship. Technology has allowed thinner blades with improved spring strength and structure to operate in the most challenging pressroom environments. The benefits include long wear life, being unaffected by corrosion, and being structurally rigid for clean and even metering of ink across the anilox roll. In addition, these new composite blades are less likely to damage or wear out a roll, saving thousands of dollars in new or recovered aniloxes. The best composite blades are an exact replacement for OEM metal blades and are an innovation directly correlated to improved ink

metering and reduced damage to anilox rolls COMMON BLADE SELECTION PROBLEMS The flexographic print process is definitely not a “one blade fits all” trade. Using that mindset can lead to anyone of a number of problems. Some of the more common occurrences seen in pressrooms around the world include: • Anilox scoring: When metal particles or filings from abrasive steel blades contaminate inks. These pieces get trapped under the blade, initially causing streaks in ink film and eventually, permanent score lines on the anilox roller surface • Poor safety record: Press technicians often cut themselves on sharp steel and composite fiber type blades • Short blade life: Distorted or worn blades may result in increased downtime and a more frequent need for change or adjustment • UV ink spitting: Often the effect of cell pressure being released as the blade meters the anilox. This is most prevalent with UV ink systems and can be addressed by anilox and blade selection • Inconsistent print: When ink tones vary or change due to blade wear or distorted and wavy blades. Many of these problems are improved with a simple change of the doctor blade used in a specific print application. “Producing better and more consistent printed packaging is always the goal, as companies compete for their share of the market. Yet no matter what other investments are made, the success or failure of a print

job is often determined by how well a doctor blade meters the ink off the anilox roll during a pressrun.” IMPROVE CONSISTENCY & BLADE LONGEVITY A press operator should have a deep understanding of the ins and outs of doctor blades. But as a quick run through before starting a job, here is a checklist to help dot your “i’s and cross your “t’s: • Proper setup of blade • Correct blade holder and end seal • Correct blade to anilox lpi and volume • The right blade type to ink • Lightest possible blade pressure • Good press maintenance • Clean and filtered ink • Optimum viscosity inks for job The blade should always be set at the minimum pressure to create a good wipe; this is done by ensuring the geometry of the mount and blade is accurate. The blades should fit tight without leaving waves and the ink film should be designated only by the roll, so there is no excessive ink. My personal experience has been derived from more than 35 years in the printing industry, most of which has specifically been in flexographic printing; from narrow and wide web to corrugated, and even screen and pad printing. Flexographic printing is a process with innumerable variables; print issues are virtually never the result of a single aspect in the process. Successful printing requires a great deal of measure and control to be consistent. The following is a short list of items that, in my opinion,

have the greatest overall impact in getting the best out of printers for the longest possible time: • High quality anilox with the right lpi/bcm • The best doctor blade possible • Consistent film or digitally imaged mask • Correctly processed printing plates • The right cushion mounting tape or sleeve • Ink managed, clean and measurable • A high quality chambered doctor system • A well managed roll cleaning plan. It is worth considering and testing the new composite doctor blades and choosing options that will protect the expensive anilox rolls used in your presses. Innovations in doctor blade technology make it possible for every company to invest in these high quality composite offerings. They are proven to run long and clean, and are less likely to cause expensive “scoring” or accelerated wear and damage to the anilox roll. Andrew J. Reida - Pamarco

SOFTEX INDONESIA History & Heritage "We cater to the needs and improve the quality of life of Indonesia’s family"

The journey of Softex Indonesia began in the early 1970’s, in a singlet shirt factory under the name of PT. Mozambique Jakarta. During this time the company’s shareholders discovered the need for modern sanitary napkins through female employees who took home the remains unused fabric to use as sanitary napkins. As a woman and especially an entrepreneur, our founder saw this as an opportunity. She decisively took the ultimate steps to make the needed investment that led to the birth of PT. Softex Indonesia, the first manufacturer of sanitary napkins made in Indonesia. In the following decade Softex Indonesia came to dominate the Indonesia’s sanitary napkins market. Softex brand became synonymous with sanitary napkins from a company that truly understand the need of modern Indonesian women. The 1990s arrived with a challenge. Globalization brings in similar products from across the world. At the height of the Asian economic crisis, Softex poured all its energy and use its decades of experience and domestic expertise to come up with new products to enter new categories to meet the expanding needs of consumers at every stage of life. In

the decade that followed Softex Indonesia once again dominated the Indonesian open type baby diaper market with its Softlove, Sweety and Happy Nappy brands. By the turn of the century, Softex Indonesia has grown by leaps and bounds to allow it to stand shoulder to shoulder with some of the largest world players within the industry. In the year of 2000, within its main factory area of 8 hectares and more than 2000 highly motivated personnel (second factory became operational in 2010; third domestic factory in Sidoarjo, East Java, operated in 2012), productivity reached billions of units per year. As a leader in the category of disposable hygiene products, PT. Softex Indonesia is determined to continue to stay as a leading player in the personal health and hygiene pindustry. Various CSR activities are regularly carried out to continue to improve the quality of life of women and families across Indonesia. Factory & Outlet: Jl. Bandengan (d/h: Jl. Mozambique), Jakarta. New Marketing & Sales Office : TAMAN KEBON SIRIH II No. 3A, Jakarta

DS Smithe for Lunette Cup The best feminine hygiene products are not tampons or pads like you may think! The Lunette menstrual cup is the future of feminine protection. Lunette is user-friendly tampon alternative. It’s naturally hygienic, made from silky-soft medical grade silicone. Eco-logical every month: reusable for years to come, save money & the planet. Lunette means more freedom and less hassle — you can wear it up to 12 hours and overnight!

Stylish, durable packaging that promotes sales The challenge: to create durable and ecological packaging that looks good. The challenge was to create packaging for the Lunette menstrual cup that looks good, is ecological and facilitates transport. The packaging also had to convey the high quality of the product. DS Smith designed both the packaging and a transportation solution for the packages which can double as a display stand in stores. As the packaging had to reflect the high quality of the Lunette menstrual cups, the packaging was printed on both sides and the surfaces were finished with a matte varnish. The primary packaging includes a biodegradable window film which means that the product can be seen when inside the package, yet the packaging is hygienic and completely recyclable. The corrugated cardboard packaging is durable, as is the transportation solution which can also be used as

a display stand at the stores and it protects the products during transit and therefore reduces the amount of product loss. The impressivelooking packaging tells the Lunette story which supports sales and the success of the company. The result: Stylish, tempting, ecological and effective packaging • Stylish packages tempt buyers and share the story of the Lunette menstruation cups • The packets are easy and quick to put on display in their store ready display stands • The sales packages and the display stand protect the product and can be transported without any damage • The packaging is completely recyclable, as the corrugated cardboard is made of fiber and the window films are biodegradable, and this tells the customer that the manufacturer cares about the environment.

Indonesia E-Commerce Market E commerce is a hot topics nowadays. Just in November 2 big event focus on these. The “e2eCommerce Indonesia 2-3 November, 2016 at Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta and Retail Indonesia e commerce 2016 by Terrapin in Pullman Central Park Jakarta last 16-17 November 2016. According to Ministry of Communication and Information, Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia has nearly a third of its 250 million population able to access the Internet, and seven in ten of whom do so on their smartphones. The eCommerce market is expected to reach USD130 billion by 2020, making the country the third largest market in Asia behind China and India. Indonesia presents much opportunity for e-commerce among other emerging Asian economies, with current projections putting this archipelago nation’s e-market at $130 billion by 2020 (coming third behind China and India). With an estimated annual growth rate of 50 percent and strong mobile-first initiatives, retailers have a unique opportunity in Indonesia to focus on developing truly mobile platforms to help facilitate e-market growth, particularly in the consumer packaged goods (CPGs) sector.

Mobile-first Indonesia Indonesia has established itself as one of Asia’s foremost mobile-first nations, with aStatCounter report estimating that in 2015, more than 70 percent of Indonesia’s internet traffic originated from mobile devices. Further evidence that Indonesians have embraced mobile-first initiatives comes from social media, with Indonesians having the highest mobile Facebook usage rate worldwide, with 63 million users in 2015. Further projections put Indonesians’ future Facebook access via mobile being almost 99 percent by 2018, showing a true dominance over desktop platforms. The mobile-first path that Indonesia has taken also allows retailers to focus on creating truly mobile functionality, presenting unique opportunities to dominate in the retail space. Indonesian e-commerce startups and funding E-commerce startups founded in Indonesia or targeting it as an untapped market are growing exponentially, something reflected in increased interest in startup fundraising within the archipelago nation. e-Commerce, an end-to-end e-commerce service provider, closed a Series A venture capital round of $10.7 million, while raising another $10

million in funding ahead of a planned Series B raise later in 2016; this action is being led by MDI Ventures, a VCinitiative launched by Indonesian telecom giant Telkom Indonesia. Indonesia’s e-commerce market is on track to be one of the largest in Asia. Jakarta-based grocery delivery appHappyFresh raised an impressive $12 million Series A round in 2015, with investors led by Vertex Ventures andSinar Mas Digital Ventures. HijUp, another Indonesian e-commerce

startup, closed a second seven-figure seed funding round from investors, including Fenox Venture Capital and 500 Startups. However, the behemoth of all Indonesian deals so far comes in the form of Tokopedia, an online marketplace that raised an impressive $100 million round led by Softbank andSequoia Capital. Mid- and laterstage investors should definitely keep an eye on Indonesian startups, which are clearly having very little trouble finding early-stage interest and investment.





3 AN










4th Largest Population in the World

Internet Users

Active Social Media Users

Mobile Users

Smart Phone Ownership




Bank Account Penetration in 2014

New Banking Agents in 2015 Alone, Based in Rural Areas

Enrolled in New National e-ID Programme

US$ 8237m


US$ 327


e-Commerce Market in 2016

User Penetration of e-Commerce

Average e-Commerce Revenue per User

Purchased a Product or Service Online in the Last 30 Days



Expected Middle Class Growth from 2014 to 2030

Aged Between 15 and 64



Literacy Rate-Identical for Boys and Girls

Students Taught by 2.6m Teachers Across 250k Schools



Breaking all previous records, the 15th edition of Labelexpo Americas saw 17,407 label and package printing professionals descend on Rosemont’s Donald E. Stephens Convention Center from 13 – 15 September. As well as posting an 8.5% increase in attendee numbers, the show was also the largest in its history with a show floor size of over 18.600 sqm Featuring more than 455 exhibitors including over 100 first time exhibitors. Key press unveilings included BOBST’s M6 mid-web inline UV flexo press, the K600i from Domino, the Durst-Omet hybrid system which sees Omet XFlex X6 modules integrated into Durst’s Tau 330 UV platform, HP Indigo’s 8000, the Digital One from Mark Andy, MPS’

latest EF technology, the PANORAMA, FA-4* and the 22” FA-6* flexo press from Nilpeter and the Xeikon CX3 digital press. The Digital Finishing Experience showcased how to take advantage of short run opportunities in and packaging personalization, seasonal variations and product fragmentation. Daily presentations were held throughout the show’s three day run with live working demonstrations of Delta ModTech’s Spectrum Finishing System and folded cartons on the Xeikon FDU. Durst Stated that during the Label Expo America they have a lot of new

Tau 330

Graphium FFEI

customers came particularly from Latin America, which is an important and growing market for them. Indeed Labelexpo Americas was a huge success for Durst. We announced important steps forward in the capabilities of our label product portfolio. They also make announcement for the integrating of Tau 330 with near-line pre- and postpress finishing solutions will cooperate with OMET. FFEI Andy Cook, the Managing Director, stated that Labelexpo Americas 2016 was another great show for them. They show live demo of their inkjet Hybrid press, Graphium, running virtually non-stop. HP Indigo Labelexpo Americas 2016 allowed them to demonstrate how their complete end-to-end solutions are driving a digital labels and packaging revolution and reinventing how converters engage brands. More than 200 press demonstrations for worldwide customers took place at the show, and the HP team closed

many deals for the now commercially available HP Indigo 8000 as well as the HP Indigo 20000, 30000 and WS6800 digital presses.” KODAK Kodak showcased the latest evolution of Kodak's fully-integrated digital flexo plate-making solution KODAK FLEXCEL NX System '16 powered by the NX Advantage, including new Advanced DIGICAP NX Patterning and patented Advanced Edge Definition technologies. Labelexpo Americas 2016 was an overwhelming success and booth traffic increased 30% compared to 2014. Attendees who visited Kodak were able to see first-hand the full breadth of the Kodak Packaging portfolio and wide range of label and packaging print applications utilizing flexo, digital inkjet, letterpress and packaging workflow solutions.” MPS Kees Nijenhuis, Vice President, MPS Systems North America: “MPS Systems North America is proud to announce that records have been broken at

HP Indigo 8000

MPS : EF 430 Labelexpo Americas 2016: a record number of visitors at the MPS booth as well as record North American sales at the show. At Labelexpo, MPS introduced together with EMT the Chameleon RobustCut side load die station. Also, MPS started a partnership with Kodak which resulted in three live press demonstrations at the MPS booth, pushing the limits of flexo. The interest has been overwhelmingly positive. MPS demonstrated its flagship flexo press: the EF. The EF automated multi substrate press was built in MPS’ North American facility in Green Bay (WI). MPS invested heavily in a North American organization including local assembly, sales, marketing and customer service. After starting a local organization, MPS grew significantly in the North American market in the past years.” Nilpeter Paul Teachout, VP of Sales & Marketing, Nilpeter USA Inc: “We found the level of attendance made in-depth customer interaction possible, and had many interested and relevant - mainly North and South American visitors stop by our booth. Our intentions this year at

Nilpeter Panorama Labelexpo Americas were to make a statement, and we did just that. Not only did we bring the next generation of dynamic packaging solutions, but we also presented them in a brand new and inviting booth design. The sophistication of our equipment matched that of our booth, and both were very well received. We think it was very clear what our position is, and how we expect to deliver the solutions for the next generation. OMET Claudio Semenza, Sales Director, OMET Americas Inc: “We are always glad to be part of Labelexpo Americas. As each and every year, the 2016 edition was a great success and a good opportunity to express our commitment to the US market. Our booth attendees and loyal customers proved once again their interest for our brand product selection.

XFlex X6

Beyond the high-end machines that make OMET well known on worldwide market, such as the Varyflex and the XFlex X6 (on demo at Labelexpo), the general appreciation of our innovative new machine, the iFLEX, was a good launching point for the developing activity of our Demo Center in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. Our intent is to strengthen OMET’s presence across the US territory, by providing our clients an even closer, attentive, and timely pre- and postsales service experience. The new Demo Center is an easily reachable location for the Americas to have an up-close, individual and customized experience.” RotoMetrics Their booth has been visited with over 1,000 customers during 2016 Labelexpo Americas. Customers got to learn about the enhanced performance of our AccuSeries flexible dies, the improved dimensional stability of magnetic cylinders, new pressure sensitive material movement solutions. Mike Weinhold, Senior Vice-President of Sales, Marketing and Product


Development, Verso: “Labelexpo Americas 2016 was three days of nonstop excitement and activity. The flow of attendees through the exhibit hall was constant, and our ability to engage these individuals and share the Verso Specialty Papers story made this event extremely beneficial for us. Labelexpo Americas is the show to attend to learn about the latest advances in key and emerging technologies as well as industry trends, changes and developments.” Wink Labelexpo Americas gives Wink great support for continuing their growth strategy for the Americas. Most visitors were particularly interested in our adjustable anvil roller GapControl®, which allows for maximum variability in die-cutting and is very helpful when converting downgauged liners. Our range of SuperCut ‘Special’ flexible dies also gained much interest; especially our long-life MCR coating was highly appreciated as solution for die-cutting abrasive materials in very long runs.”

Wink Product

Digital Packaging for Brand Owners In the digital era, packaging must be able to change quickly and react to the fast-paced world to be the winner for the brand owners. Poitevin, Mondelez’s senior associate principal scientist, next-generation packaging, was joined by Marco Bernasconi, Nestlé’s head of worldwide packaging, and Maayan Reshef, CEO and co-founder of Israel-based branding agency Shake Design. Both Mondelez and Nestlé have been exposed to the benefits of digital printingalrea dy, with their respective Oreo festive cookie packaging campaign in North America and Perrier pilot project using street art designs, as seen at Labelexpo Europe 2015, recent examples. Mondelez International’s plan to growh the E-Commerce Revenues to $1 billion by 2020 (Mondelez International, Inc. is a global snacking powerhouse, with pro forma 2014 revenue of more than $30 billion). One of the plan is having OREO Colorfilled Invites Fans to Personalize Packaging of OREO Cookies for the First Time Ever Just In Time For Holidays last November.

packaging of original OREO cookies at As a limited time offer, OREO Colorfilled turns the iconic cookie’s wrapper into a canvas for imagination and personalization during the holiday season. OREO Colorfilled encourages fans to tap into their inner artist to transform a pack of OREO cookies into a personal holiday expression. Each custom Colorfilled pack is priced at $10 – with $5 nationwide shipping for each order – and while the ways you can color are limitless, the packs are not, only available while supplies last. Also available for purchase are t-shirts featuring the artist designs complete with fabric markers for coloring in. 1. Choose your art 2. Color it 3. Add holiday icons and greetings, and 4. Write a message – boom, you’re done!

A first-time-ever experience for the brand that lets fans customize the 34

Digital Benefits Both of these highlighted one important part of the digital package printing equation:speed to market. While the Perrier pilot project was intended as a project to allow Nestlé to see what could be achieved, the reaction to the brand’s use of digital and the requirements to get personalized bottles on the shelf, it was realized in little over a month. Mondelez’s Oreo campaign took 89 days go from ideation to being delivered to the consumer. A normal cycle using conventional print may take up to nine months to go from idea to the shelf, and even longer if validation and qualification tests are required.

revenue generator for a short period, and is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what can be done with digital printing.’ Shake Design’s use of digital printing was to reinvigorate an 80-year-old confectionery brand. Packaging for the Strauss Group’s, which translates as chocolate cow, has featured a cow as the primary graphic since the middle of the last century. To update the look, refresh the brand and find a new way to engage with younger consumers, HP SmartStream Mosaic was used to create one million different wrappers that were designed to be folded into a cow, with the campaign named ‘Origamoo’.

The projects also acted as a lever to gain the attention of the companies’ respective marketing teams to the benefits of digital, and how they can open up new avenues of engagement with consumers. ‘The reaction on social media was huge. Kim Kardashian posted an image of herself with a pack of Oreos to her eight million followers. The campaign created a short-term uplift in the value of sales, with packs normally selling in-store for around 2.50 USD but consumers willing to pay 10 USD for a personalized version. ‘It was a great

‘Strauss wanted to bring new life and excitement to an established brand and we initially thought about having 20 different designs on the shelf to create an impact. Then it grow to unlimited different design. It created a wow effect, and did a wonderful job on shelf. They also invited consumers to fold their packaging, photograph it and share on social media. ‘The campaign achieved two things: it introduced refreshing and colorful packaging to the shelf, and engaged and connected a new generation of consumers with an 80-year-old brand.’

The street art-inspired collection premiered in 2014 with positive reactions from art enthusiasts around the globe. The alliance with L’Atlas is just the beginning, though, as there are art installations around the globe planned for the rest of 2015 with Perrier. L’Atlas states, “Perrier is a brand that is part of my history, as it is for millions of people all over the planet. Teaming up with Perrier means vastly expanding my means of expression and my capacity for universality.”

L’Atlas’ creative, edgy designs are a daring new look for the mineral water company. Striking designs appear on the original, grapefruit, and lime slim cans and glass bottles, and the maze-like artwork is delightfully different. The hypnotizing artwork will be seen by countless consumers, a benefit to both the artist and Perrier. Perrier is doing something out of the ordinary and supporting the arts, giving buyers the chance to view the company as more than just a sparkling natural mineral water brand. This Perrier Street Art limited edition collection will be available for purchase at most major retailers starting last October.

Food and beverage industry


FOOD AND BEVERAGE INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA Indonesia is predicted to enter the world’s Top 10 economies by 2030. With a population of 253 million, over 50% of ASEAN population, the market potential for international exporters is staggering. Indonesia’s food imports are now worth over US$ 40 billion. The appetite for international high quality food & hospitality products is fuelled by a 90 million strong middle class. One of the industry that always sustain from crisis is food and beverage industry. But to make it really ressession proof, we have to be creative in our marketing, especially in this digital world where customer loyalities is decreasing.

Mr Adhi S Lukman, the Chairman of Indonesian Foood & Beverage Association (GAPMMI) informed us that the growth of food and beverage industry in 2016 is much higher than 2015. The investment in the food and beverage industry up to September 2016 already par to the whole year of 2015. And this year with the success of tax amnesty program, we expect the next year investment even getting higher. Mr Adhi also mentioned that Asia and South East Asia food and beverage market will be bigger the Europe or even America food and beverage industry. He is very optimist for 2017. We expect the growth of food and beverage in 2016 about 8.5%. And next year we expect next year it will growth 8.5% as well. There will be new rising star products such as cereal for breakfast, local snacks which also has potential for export market. We believe the local food if packed and design well it will become the rising star of food and beverage export market. In addition food and beverage of the healthy leaving as well as halal food also will become the future trend. We expect the halal food from Indonesia will be able to penetrate muslim market in Japan, China, Korea, England, United States as well as European market, too. One of the most important things to growth well in these market – INNOVATIONS – it could be improvement in the ingredients, packaging or come with a real new products. Food and Beverage industry in Indonesia contribute 33% to the Domestic Products Bruto of the non oil & gas sectors. Therefore,

the government always support this industry. The Industry Minister, Mr. Airlangga Hartato has made promise to assure the availability of the raw materials for this industry The local players as to be more innovative as the multinational is coming more and more to Indonesia in both ingredient as well as the finish products. Foreign investment has reach 1.5 billion US$ in 2015 and furthermore 1.6 billion US$ up to September 2016. E-commerce according to Mr Adhi has to be embrace wisely and in a creative way. Almost all food and beverage products now can be purchased on line. And this trend is increasing tremendously. Mayora Marketing Director also make the same comment that we have to be more creative with more and more multinational players entering Indonesia market. One of their creatiave product is Mie Mewah (Luxurious Instant Noodle) which indeed enter the market successfully.


Food Trends From Clean to Clear Label

Thirty-seven per cent of U.S. consumers find it very or extremely important to understand ingredients on a product label, and 91% believe food and beverage options with recognizable ingredients are healthier. One in 10 new products launched last year in the United States had an “organic” claim, and new products launched globally with a “G.M.O.-free” positioning grew more than 40% in 2014 with no signs of slowing, according to Innova Market Insights.

More in Store for Protein

From microalgae to insects, alternative sources of protein are getting a second look. Protein has been prevalent for years, bolstered by claims promising satiety and sustained energy. Global new product launches with a protein claim grew more than 31% from 2013 to 2014, Innova said. While dairy proteins are still showing strong growth, pea protein and other plant-based sources are expected to surge. Soy leads the pack, featured in 12.8% of total food and beverage launches last year, followed by whey (8.2%) and pea (2.8%).

Convenience for Foodies

A continued interest in home cooking has inspired a number of new product offerings that engage foodies with fresh, premium solutions for meal preparation. Expect to see growth in ethnic dishes available in meal kit formats and specialized ingredients in the baking aisle. “Obviously, we still care about convenience, but we are seeing a shift to more premium products,” said Yasemin Ozdemir, market analyst for Innova.


Marketing to Millennials

Representing a third of the global population, the tech-savvy and socially engaged generation known as millennials is less brand loyal than older consumers and less responsive to traditional marketing strategies, Innova said. Rather, companies may best connect with this demographic, which is between the ages 15-35, by establishing an identity or positive reputation, offering value-added packaging or novel formulations and flavors, and appealing to millennials’ desire for individuality and personalization. “To reach this consumer, it’s important to have social media strategies in place,” Ms. Ozdemir said.

Snacks Rise to The Occasion

With the proliferation of snacking come a number of opportunities to appeal to specific needs and occasions. Consumers crave energy in the morning, indulgence in the evening and convenience throughout the day — and recent product launches target these specific moments of consumption. A variety of portable breakfast snacks has emerged, including Udi’s Gluten-Free frozen breakfast burritos, Erin Baker’s Breakfast Cookies range, and V8 Protein Shakes from the Campbell Soup Co. For nighttime nibblers, leading chocolate brands have introduced miniature, unwrapped candies in recent years. Snack manufacturers have a large, untapped opportunity to develop healthy, portable and easy-to-eat smaller meals as the line between snacks and meals continues to blur, Innova said.

Good Fats, Good Carbs

“Made with real butter” is a rising claim on new product labels, as more consumers gravitate toward fats and oils perceived as healthy in favor of artificial margarines that may be high in trans fats. Similarly, carbs have made a comeback, with an emphasis on ancient grains, sweet potatoes and other complex carbohydrates pushing refined carbs and sugars to the back of the shelf. “Whole grains, ancient grains, and oats have all resurfaced,” Ms. Ozdemir said. “It’s not about low-calorie options anymore.” Expect further growth for new product launches with sugar-free claims, as product developers consider such naturally sweet ingredient alternatives as coconut oil.


New Routes for Fruit

Fruits and vegetables are stepping into the spotlight as a nutritional boost to packaged products and a stand-in for artificial colors and flavors. A third of Americans choose fruit as an afternoon snack, and dried fruit and fruit-based snacks are gaining popularity over fruit-flavored snacks, which are associated with high sugar and little nutritional value. Fruits are adding a health halo to confectionery products, too, with 9.4% of total confectionery launches in 2014 containing fruit or vegetable ingredients. Vegetables are sneaking into such snacks as fruit bars and fruit pouches, adding health appeal and flavor novelty.

A Fresh Look at Frozen Innovative products and new positioning are refreshing the frozen category. Such freezer-case stalwart brands as Birds Eye are championing the nutritional and convenience benefits of segment with claims like “picked and frozen within four hours.� Frozen foods also are being promoted as creating less waste as fresh products, and with more single households than in years past, companies are developing more portion-size and resealable options.. New freezing technologies are driving innovation in frozen fruit, with 198 patents tracked for frozen fruit technology in 2013 compared with 145 in 2010.



professional networking packaging community

education sharing

WHO WE ARE First Packaging Asia will facilitate the process of education and training for the packaging industry. Primary goal is to provide a platform for players in the indonesian packaging industry to network, learn and exchange ideas. We arrange monthly seminar for flexible packaging, label, folding carton as well as corrugated industry. General training such as : - Packaging Fundamentals - Packaging Design - Food & Beverage Packaging - Cosmetic & Personal Care Packaging Basic Printing Package : - Design - Prepress Printing (enhance for packaging prinitng) - Intro to Flexo - Advanced Flexography

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Savoury Snacks Market Could Reach US$138 Billion by 2020 Representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7,9%, the worldwide savoury snacks market is projected to rise from US$ 94,5 billion in 2015 to US$ 138.2 billion by 2020, according to consumer insight firm Canadean. Growth is expected mainly from the Asia Pacific (13.7%) and Eastern European (7.3%) regions, while the Latin America region is expected to register a moderate CAGR of 3.2 percent. “Rising urbanisation levels and busier lifestyles are impacting the eating habits of consumers, who are increasingly replacing main meals with more flexible, light and convenient snacking options. Changing consumer preferences and the growing trend of ‘snackification’, which represents a significant portion of everyday eating routines is driving the demand for portable and on the go formats,” sad Rashmi Mahajan, analyst for Canadean.

Large, developing countries with low per capita consumption levels represent opportunities for growth, such as China (0.8 kg of savoury snacks per person in 2015) and India (1kg/ person). In contrast, the US and UK records high levels snack consumption, at 9.5 kg and 7 kg per person respectively. The global savoury snacks market is also highly fragmented, with the top five brands (Lay’s, Doritos, Prinhles, Cheetos, and Ruffles) holding less than 16 percent market share in 2015. Bourbon Petit holds a 20 percent market share in Japan, and is one the major brands in the Asia Pacific region. Additionally, the report showed that the health and wellness trend has impacted the eating habits of consumers in developed markets, who tend to base their snacking choices on nutritional value and quality. This means consumers in developed countries are

spending more on premium varieties of snacks, while consumers in emerging countries like Brazil, China and India mostly base their snack on value and experimentation. Consumers also seek novelty, looking for different and exotic flavours in their snacks. “Despite the regional differences in snacks consumption, innovation in flavours remains an important differentiating factor globally, as consumers across all ages opt for products offering new and unusual consumption experiences.Examples include nacho chips in papdi chaat flovour in India, maize snacks in a tangy fruit chutney flavour in South Africa, popcorn in strawberry can cream flavour in the UK and potato chips in chocolate chilli flavour in France,� Mr Mahajan added. Asia Pacific Food Industry October 2016 Magazine

Making Food Smell & Taste Better with Natural Aroma Molecules In order to make healthy food more appetising, sceintists are looking beyond tapping into taste buds. A recent study by the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) showed that adding natural aromas could make food seem tastier. The Researchers had volunteers smell real fruit juice aroma compounds through an olfactoscan device, which delivers a steady stream of smell to the user through a tube. One by one, isolated molecules were added to find out which ones would change people’s perceived sweetness of the juice. It was found that some molecules caused them to perceive the juice to be far sweeter than it really was, compare with samples featuring no added aroma. The aroma compounds were isolated using a device called the Gas Chromatograph-Olfatometry Associated Taste. In a previous study, head researcher Dr Thierry Thomas Danguin added ham odour to flan, which made volunteers perceive

more saltiness in the dish. Changes to just aroma alone made some volunteers believe that a flan made with 40 percent less salt tasted the same as a regular version. “Most consumers know that they should be eating more healthful foods made with reduced amounts of fat, sugar and salt. But this is problematic because these are the very ingredients that make many of the foods we like taste so delicious,” Dr Thomas-Danguin said. “Based on our lab work, we’ve come to believe that aromas can help compensate for the reduction of fat, sugar and salt in healthful foods and make them more appealing to consumers.” Promising advances in this field could mean that aromatically treated foods containing less fat, sugar and salt may be as appetising as the real thing in the future. Asia Pacific Food Industry October 2016 Magazine.

Drinking Beetroot Helps Muscle Recovery. But Not Way You Expect Beetroot juice can help reduce pain and hasten recovery, but these health effects did not involve antioxidants, a recent study published in the journal Nutrients showed. University sports team players who participated in the study consumed either beetroot juice (BTJ) or a placebo after completing a sprint test. Researchers recorded the results of tests including countermovement jumps and reactive strength, along with blood tests. The participants who consumed BTJ had 7.6 percent higher countermovement jumps than the placebo group 72 hours after the sprint test. Reactive strength index was also higher than the placebo group during all points. The findings found that “the benefical effects of BTJ were shown to be unrelated to systemic changes in oxidative stress or other biochemical markers of muscle damage.” The unexpected findings run counter to the initial prediction that antioxidant elements of beetroot juice would be beneficial to post exercise recovery particularly the betalain pigments which give beetroot its distinctive colour.

The researchers called for further investigations, as “there are a number of possible candidates” that could explain the performance boost, but “it was beyond the scope of this study to examine the role of other mechanisms by which BTJ could attenuate muscle damage.” A previous study conducted by Saint Louis University found that subjects who ran after consuming whole beetroot had a performance increase over those who consumed a placebo. Other studies ob betalain found potential antiinflammatory aspects and other health benefits. Beetroot is a popular fruit among consumers due to its purported fruit health effects, and is commonly consumed as juice.

Asia Pacific Food Industry October 2016 Magazine.

this case. They also protect us from various germs and hence from many diseases.

Soaps occupy a very essential and distinct place in our lives and have become a necessity for us today. They constitute one of the very primary grocery items for us because they have become an inescapable requirement in this enormously polluted world. Our face and skin need a daily treatment, as it gets exposure to thick smoke and a considerable amount of dust which sticks to the skin.

Soaps have also become an important part of global economy. Soap industry is making a remarkable contribution to a world market, and if the soap industry is closed, the world has to face a decline of almost $3.1 billion annually. 87% of this is contributed by liquid soaps and 23% by the solid bar soaps. That shows the standing of soap industry which reflects the light on the importance of soaps in our life. This industry is highly grossing worldwide because of the prominence and undeniable role of soaps in our lives.

As we are exposed to them and this treatment is provided by the soap. We cannot enjoy medical dermal treatments on a daily basis, and for this purpose, the cheaper and easy-to-available soaps are the best option to take care of our skin. Apart from pollution, different secretions like oil are secreted by the skin which causes the skin to look greasy and dull, and soaps play the role of the last and immediate rescue in

Soap Packaging As soaps are a necessity for us, so their quality cannot be forsaken as it will have adverse effects on


our health. So, soaps also need an efficient and effective packaging to protect them from the atmosphere. These are made in such a way that pollution doesn’t cause any damage to their properties, and generally, they are made to compete with the pollutants, but pollution is not the only danger for the soaps from which they require packaging. A well-organized packaging is needed for the soaps too. There is always a risk of smashing up or damage to the products, so is the case with soaps. To retain the shape and posture of these soaps packaging is improvised keeping all these threats in mind.

by their appearance. The designs should be intricate; styling should be spick and span, colors should be selected carefully, and the tag lines should be organized very carefully to achieve the very motive. Beautiful Packaging for Beauty Products Packaging for the beauty products should be made voguish and trendy as per the product accordingly. Manufacturers should keep the following features in mind to make the packaging faddy and up-to-the-minute;The manufacturers shall prefer interesting designs. Mostly floral patterns are liked as ordinarily the buyers for these beauty products are women.A famous personality or public figure must be chosen for doing the brand endorsement.

Soap packaging is one of an essential need for soaps. A good packaging means a good promotion for the product. These boxes should be made with a core motive to allure and attract the maximum number of people to make them your customers. In this world which is entirely beauty oriented, people are enticed by the goods that have the conspicuous appearance and can catch your eyes. It is said that the packaging speaks for the product that is enclosed in it so the packaging of soaps should be made appealing. Thus, soap box manufacturers should consider this fact and then improvise the packaging accordingly. The packaging should be done by having a goal that the customer is awe-struck

Color combinations also play a very vital role in attention grabbing so they shall be selected wisely which means according to the climate and product.High-resolution graphic printing is also an option and can be utilized for making your product looks brighter and attractive.Different type of packaging box also gets the attention. If your packaging is distinct from others, it surely helps you stand out amongst others and gains you consideration. Pillow box packaging is a decent option to consider.


Modernity, style, and beauty are liked by everyone irrespective of the gender whether male or female. To get the attention or customers and win the market it is a necessity of companies to come up with elegant and trendy covers.

Author of this quote: Sylvia Day, a Bestselling author of New York Times who mentioned about pleasant appearance of packaging in her famous book Bared to You: A Crossfire Novel. A bit of creativity in the packaging can change the entire scenario, and you can leave an impact on the market which is necessary for winning the market. You can use Kraft boxes which are a very elegant and efficient packaging option. They are not commonly used nowadays which adds to their ability to compete efficiently in the market. These boxes are made of cardboard which is a very cheap and by far the best packaging medium available. Pillow boxes and window boxes can also be considered as remarkable options available.

These boxes will prove very helping in spellbinding the market and creating a friendly consumer-oriented business. Improvisation of Soap Packaging When managing to the package of the soap, there are many things that we have to consider. If we think like a manufacturer, then our principal motive must be to minimize the cost associated with packaging and use such means for packaging that we get the finest packaging for our product with minimum expenses incurred. Moreover, the packaging box should be made trendy as has been explained earlier because it has a profound impact on our success in the market. The strength of the boxes is another feature that should be focused on. Packaging shall be accommodative, sustainable and durable.

They provide better protection to the product because they can resist pressure more than alternatives for packaging available. They also keep them safe from the environmental hazards that may alter the chemical composition of your product. They are also very heat resistant so can avert the melting of your soap due to the screeching heat.

“The world would see the beauty of the packaging, but only I knew the man inside it and how precious he was. His intimate smiles and his deep husky laugh, the gentleness of his touch and the ferocity of his passion were all reserved for me.�


A Natural Way to Reduce Sugar in Bakery and Confectionery Stevia is emerging as a major global commodity as the food industry embraces it as a natural, sweet and zero calories ingredients. It is fast being used in virtually every food sector, including bakery and confectionery. By Chris Peterson, communications manager and Maria Teresa Scardigli, Excutive Director, International Stevia Council worldwide were overweight in 2014, and 600 million were considered obese. Additionally, 42 million children under the age of five were reported overweight in 2013.

Stevia extracts have long been considered suitable for a broad range of product from beverages to table top sweetners. And combined with the right ingredients stevia can be incredibly useful for healthy baking. The potential benefits are huge. Nations around the world are facing an obesity epidemic. Stevia, used as a common sweetener or a confectionery ingredient, can be part of he solution.

Likewise, diabetes is a major cause for concern across the globe. The International Federation of Diabetes reports that by 2040, one in every 10 adults will have diabetes worldwide, and according to the 7th edition of The International Diabetes Federation’s World Atlas on Diabetes 2015 report, China has the highest number of people with diabetes, at 107 million India and the United States rank next, with 69 million people and 29 million people, respectively. Excess sugar consumption has been implicated as part of the problem for

A Global Obesity Epidemic Obesity and diabetes are quickly a top concern for health care community and global regulators. Since 1980, obesity rates have more than doubled, according to 2015 statistic from the World Health Organisation. Nearly two billion adults 51

the obesity and diabetes epidemics. An excess of sugary drinks, snacks and baked goods have become dietary staples instead of occasional treats. However, new products especially beverages have embraced stevia to either complement or replace sugar. Baked goods and confections are also sugar heavy products with potential for sugar reduction.

An Eye on Sugar Reduction Governments and policy makers around the world are increasingly worried about what is now being called the “obesity epidemic”, and the fallout on a global scale is devastating. From diabetes to heart disease, health officials are calling for decreases in calorie intake. Stevia a 100% naturally derived in calories sweetener can be a part of the solution to calorie and sugar reduction in food, beverage and confectionery.

The last few years have seen a dramatic refocusing of attention on sugar reduction in both products and recommendations for daily personal diets. Here are just a few notable examples :

In 2015, the World Health Organization recommended limiting fats and sugars to combat obesity. In 2015, England’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition recommended guidelines to reduce the daily intake of calories from added sugars to 5% of total calories, or 7 tea spoons daily. In 2014, Mexico raised taxes on sugary drinks to one peso per litre to combat the country’s growing obeisty epidemic. The US Food and Drug Administration, as part of its proposal to update the nutrition facts label of packaged foods, proposed including a percent daily value for added sugars, which amounts to 50 g or less of sugar for a 2.000 calories diet. This percent daily value is based on the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines recommendations that the daily intake of calories from added sugars not exceed 10% of total calories.

As more regulatory and scientific bodies follow suit, stevia is well positioned to continue to take 52

the lead as a mainstream, natural sweetener. Already, stevia is approved for use as an ingredient in more than 100 countries, and more than five billion consumers around the world have access to stevia products.

The sweetness found in the stevia plant is resealed by steeping its dried leaves in waters, filtering and separating the liquid from the leaves and stems, and further purifying the plant extract with either water and/or food grade alcohol all conventional plant extraction methods. The result is a naturally sourced, high intensity sweetener that is zero calorie and 200-300 times sweeter than sugar. The reason for the sweetness of the stevia plant lies in the existence of certain sweet compounds in the plant’s leaves known as steviol glycosides.

Companies around the world, including those selling ingredients and bakery and confectionery goods, are introducing stevia into their products. Not only does this give those businesses options for avoiding sugar taxes, but it encourages a healthier lifestyle for consumers. Stevia : A Safe, Natural Solution Stevia extract is one of the most positively viewed non sugar sweeteners, according to data from the International Stevia Council. Its strength lie in its naturalness and the fact that it adds zero calories when used as an ingredient. The potential implications for bakery and confectionery could be huge.

There are between 30 and 40 known glycosides in the stevia leaf with stevioside and rebaudioside A being the most prevalent. Purified stevia extracts are up to 200-350 times sweeter than sugar, they are heat and pH stable, are zero calorie and do not impact blood glucose levels at the levels of use. Stevia in Bakery and Confectionery Bakery and confections are challenging categories for sugar reduction. It is a two part challange for developers in these categories because they need to replace not only the sweetness but also the functionality of sugar. Stevia provides only the sweetness portion. Bulking agents such as fibres and complex carbohydrates are therefore required for browning, mouthfeel, and performance. Research has found that stevia works well with bulking agents in sweetness potency and improvement of sweetness quality.

For decades, high purity stevia leaf extracts have been approved for use in foods and beverages in Japan. In the last five years, leading food and safety and regulatory agencies across the world have issued positive safety opinions on and/or allowed the safe use of purified stevia leaf extracts in foods and beverages. What extractly is stevia, and how are the extracts used for sweetness? Stevia is a small shrub native to the region of South America where the borders of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil meet. There are 240 close relatives of stevia and they are all herbs or shrubs originating from the tropical and semitropical areas of North, central and South America.

Bakery products are a logical place for sugar reduction via stevia extract. From a consumer standpoint, stevia is an enormously attractive option. International Stevia Council research 53

indicated that key consumer drivers include naturalness and sustainability both of which are key strength of stevia. The more consumers are aware of stevia, the more likely are to recognise the benefits.

Within this context, the growth of the stevia industry is accelerating on a global level. The International Stevia Council estimates the global value of the sweetener market to be roughly US$ 70 billion, with sugar accounting for US$ 60 billion. The group also estimate that the stevia industry alone will grow by more than US$ 10 billion over the next 20 years.

According to a 2015 International Stevia Council online global consumer sentiment survey of English Speaking adults, stevia is the second most discussed low and no calories sweetener, behind only aspartame. Further, compared with all other low and no calorie sweeteners, stevia mentions enjoy the highest positive sentiment.

As the world continues to fight sugar related obesity, market potential and public perception are on the side of stevia. It’s an ingredient with enormous potential in the boarder fight for a helathier global population and bakery and confectionery are an obvious place to start.

The study examined all online social media English global conversations between June 2013 and September 2015. A calculation of “net Sentiment� score distinguishes positive mentions versus negative ones, with results as follows : stevia (+65 net sentiment), sucralose (+31 net sentiment), aspartame (-48 net sentiment), sucrose (+43 net sentiment) and high fructose corn syrup (-20 net sentiment).

Asia Pacific Food Industry October 2016 Magazine 54

Corrugated INDUSTRY


Minutes of the ACCA’s 3rd Management Committee Meeting (2015-2017) held on 27th August 2016, 10.20am at the Pan Pacifiic Hotel, SINGAPORE Mr Kinardo Ang-ACCA President, as Chairman of this ACCA’s 20th Annual General Meeting, gave a warm welcome to all participants present. He introduced Mr Hou Tseng-Fu together with Mr Sam Chen as CTCCA representatives for this meeting because Mr Frank Cheng was unable to attend. He also introduced and welcomed Mr Ravi Kasemsarn, President of Thai CPA for his first time participation at ACCA meeting. Mr Phua Thye Hin-CBMA President, as host, welcomed all participants especially the members from various overseas countries. He wished them a comfortable stay and the meeting a successful one. Chinese Taipei Mr Sam Chen (CTCCA) expressed his appreciation to be in Singapore and the opportunity to meet up with various old friends including Mr Philip Wong. He then presented the PowerPoint slides on the update of Chinese

Taipei’s corrugated industry. Taiwan GDP Forecast this year only 1.06% (516.9 billion US$) which is an increase from 0.65% only last year though in 2014 the GDP growth reach 3.92%. The average labor cost in 2015 increase to 48.490 from 47,300 in 2014 while unemployment rate also increase to 4.06% comare to 3,88 % the year before. Total Demand of Corrugated estimated to decrease a little bit to 2,081 from 2,127 in 2015. In Taiwan corrugated used by the following industries : Food (17%), Beverage (15%). Paper (19%), Agriculture 9%, Electronic 8%, Textile and chemical each 6% - and others 21%.

Recovered Paper sources from local 84,2% and imported from Japan 6,3% and America 7.3%. As the demand down – the consumption of Recovered Paper is decrease as well to 3,479.000 compare to 3,772,000 the year before. The E-commerce trend will make the corrugated case keep increasing (about 12% yearly). The trend of B2B increase 15%, while B2C only increase 11%. He ended up the presentation by stressing that Innovation, Efficiency & Low Cost is the Key to Success! Hong Kong Mr. Philip Wu (HKCPMA) presented the update of Hong Kong’s corrugated industry. Political Climate in Hong Kong becoming more and more unstable as young Generation against government politics as well as there are conflict between Political parties. On the Economy side Retail continues to drop still. Descending Residential and Commercial Property Price. Tourism getting worse as Hong Kong residents conflict with Mainland Tourists. Shanghai Disney construction completed. Japan, England Currency dropped a lot. Unemployment rate in July 3.4%, while 2016 GDP Growth: 2.3% Hong Kong GDP Growth in July up 1.6% At present Hong Kong Packaging Companies facing Tough competition

due to Price and Payment Terms wars due to strong cmpetition with Domestic Enterprises. And the situation continuous with Box plants selling/closing down. Some retiring from Paper Industries and there are Enterprise transformation. The Challenges for Hong Kong Packaging Companies are oversupply especially due to economic growth slow down and the effect of high Labor Cost and high costing on peripheral accessories. (E.g. Tapioca Starch, Fuel, logistic etc. ). The currency also still not stable. In addition Strict and inconsistent Government Regulations for Environmental Laws. The export also still weak an Strong domestic competition continue. China Paper Prices keep increasing as of China WASTE Paper Prices . The Trends would be Companies Consolidation, Paper Price going upward while product price drops and Manufacturing moving inland China or to new developing countries Malaysia Mr Alex Soon (MACCMA) presented the update of Malaysia’s corrugated industry. Malaysia GDP growth set to slow to 4.4pc in 2016, *PERFORMANCE OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION INDEX FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY TO JUNE 2016

Economic Outlook-Export 2015 vs 2016 Products Total Exports Food Beverages and Tobacco Crude Materials, Inedible Mineral Fuels, Lubricants, etc Animal and Vegetable Oils and Fats Chemicals Manufactured Goods Machinery and Transport Equipment Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles Miscellaneous Transactions and Commodities

January-June 2015 January-June 2016 % RM bll RM bll Change

-Malaysia’s Industrial Production Index for the period of January to JUNE 2016 expanded by 3.5% as compared to the same period of the previous year. The expansion was supported by the increase in all three indices: Manufacturing (4.1%); Mining (0.8%) and Electricity (8.9%). Malaysia Inflation Rate at 16-Month Low Consumer prices in Malaysia rose 1.1 percent year-on-year in July of 2016, compared to a 1.6 percent gain in June and market estimates of a 1.2 percent increase. It was the lowest inflation figure since March 2015 as prices of food eased while cost of transport declined further and cost of housing & utilities were steady. Malaysia Average Monthly Wages in Manufacturing 2012-2016 Wages in Manufacturing in Malaysia increased to 3181.60 MYR/Month in June from 3058.40 MYR/Month in May of 2016. Wages in Manufacturing in Malaysia averaged 2779.76 MYR/ Month from 2012 until 2016, reaching an all time high of 3260.70 MYR/Month in December of 2015 and a record low of 2391 MYR/Month in August of 2012. Wages in Manufacturing

368.33 12.57 2.13 9.17 64.36 22.10 28.87 35.65 152.23 39.27 1.98

372.88 14.39 2.44 10.66 51.49 22.00 30.80 35.29 160.50 43.21 2.10

4.55% 1.82% 0.31% 1.49% -12.87% -0.10% 1.93% -0.36% 8.27% 3.94% 0.12%

in Malaysia is reported by the Department of Statistics Malaysia Demand of corrugated board increase to 1.130.000 tons fro, 1.080.000 tons on preious year, while supply increase fro 1260.000 tons to 1.275.000 tons. Average Paper Price from April quite stable in the range of 2.320 RM/ton for liner while increase in mediup and recycle liner of 50 RM per ton Corrugated case trend • Generally, the demand for corrugated case soften after Hari raya • Severe competition - Tender and E-Bidding. • New & upgraded machineriesincrease capacity • Pressure from increasing labour cost. • Manpower issue • Pressure on weak RM Indonesia Mr Jeffri Tan (PICCI) presented the update of Indonesia’s economy and corrugated industry Economic growth was weaker than estimated in the first quarter of 2016. The GDP growth

reached 4,92 % (y/y) in Q1/2016 where this growth was estimated to pace slightly above 5 % (y/y). However, this Q1/2016 GDP growth was still better than growth recorded in the Q1/2015. The economic growth in Q1/2016 was mainly supported by rising government investment. The government revised the 2016 state budget with USD 984m expenditure cuts due to slower economic growth and low commodities prices. Consequently, this year economic growth projection has been trimmed to 4,9 % - 5,3 % from the previous estimate of 5,0%5,4%. In 2016 state budget, extra state revenue (1,3 % of GDP) is expected to be generated by the Tax Amnesty bill. Tax amnesty law offers Indonesian citizens a nine-month window in which to declare previously untaxed assets at home and abroad to pay a low tax rate. CORRUGATED BOX INDUSTRY HIGHLIGHT • 1st semester of 2016, the industry has enjoyed production output increase as well as selling price increase as the result of a combination both “paper supply shortage” early this year and big moslem festival in early july • The corrugated box demand has dropped about 10-15 % after big moslem festival which is normal cycle • Domestic paper price has been stable since early this year Current domestic CM price is USD 460/MT and USD 500/MT for test liner Singapore Mr Phua Thye Hin (CBMA) presented the update of Singapore’s corrugated industry.

Economy Outlook Positive Singapore excellent infrastructure will continue to attract/retain high value manufacturing to ride on recovery in USA . MIT helps to promote Food Industry (ready meal) for export. The 2 IR continue to boost good demand in F& B industry. Political stable. Negative Government tightens the foreign worker supply further with more increase in foreign worker levy and reduce the number. These will have impact to local SME. Continue slowing down on China Economy. European financial austerity measures will suppress demand. “Brexit” adds to the export woes. On y-o-y basis, NODX rose 0.6% as compared to a 3.2% decline in May due to the expansion in nonelectronic r-export outweighed the drop in electronic NORX. On a y-o-y basis, NODX to all the top 10 NPDX markets, except Taiwan, the US, HK, South Korea and Malaysia, decreased in June 2016. The largest contributors to the NODX decline were China, Indonesia and the EU. Industry Demand increase slightly on Food and Beverage but decrease on others. Total deman in 2015 90.000 tons and 2016 estimated will be less

Ave-2nd H’14

Ave-1st H’15

Ave-2nd H’15

Ave-1st H’16

Ave-3rd Q’16







Kraft Top












to 88.500 tons. While paper price decrease. Thailand Ms Varna Sudasna (TCG) pointed out that her presentation slides are a joint effort of TCG and Thai CPA. She then presented the update of Thailand’s corrugated industry. Economic Situation • H1/2016: GDP growth rate registered at 3.4% Thai economy was rely on public investment. However, household income contracted, causing by shrinking exports, drought and the high level of household debts • H2/2016: GDP is forecasted to grow by 3.5% High productivity of agriculture sector and government spending on infrastructure will drive Thai economy. Household incomes have not been recovered and export is expected to contract from sluggish global demand Thailand has move to industry 4.0 – creativity + innovation for smart Thailand. Food and Beverages H1/ 2016 Peak season during Summer High promotional campaign to increase sales. Strong beverage and snack demands. Frozen chicken exports on the rise. Low global consumer confidences caused by IUU, Tier3 issues while while on H2/2016 Consumer confidence lifted as TH was upgraded to Tier2 WL (+) Food:

Ban on chicken export to Korea to be lifted, expecting strong export. Sluggish snack and instant noodle demands, low pineapple availability (-/O) Beverage: Contracted during low season, producers launching new products, good coconut juice export Challenges: Weak global demand, competition from TPP Electrical Appliances H1/ 2016 Consumptions maintained or slightly down as drought hit agricultural sector leading to stagnant consumption in grassroots level. However, Air conditioner/refrigerator rose in Summer (domestic and exports) while on H2/2016 Demand remain stabilize Expecting more investments from government’s super cluster incentive, while recovery from drought will drive consumptions However, appliances exports will contract from weak global economy (+) Copy Machine / Washing Machine: Export sector rose (O) Electrical Fan: Stabilize Challenges: Sluggish consumer confidence, Weak export. Consumer Products H1/ 2016 Demand generally stagnant Intensive promotional campaign among producers, especially skin and hair care products. Both domestic and export stabilized but rose in neighboring countries. While on H2/2016 Lifting export demand to CLMV and Japan, domestic increase moderately Thailand remains production hub. Consumers demand natural ingredient item (+) Diapers

and convenience products Strong demand in ’16 (+)Skin/ Hair care: Increasing export portion. Producers implement more promotional campaign to stimulate sales Challenges: Low oil price and sluggish consumer confidence Trend and New Product in THAILAND • Automation Investment in order to increase productivity and improve product quality. • Growth of High print quality . Change from Post print to Pre print and Off set. Small lot size and Merchandised display : Digital Print • Law & Regulation Enforcement

• • • • • • • •

Pricing Quality On-time delivery Excellent Communication Integrity Technical Compentence Environmental Protection Supplier and Subcontracter compliance The Walt Disney Company’s Internasional Labor Standards and Disney’s Code of Conduct for Suppliers • Supplier financial stability • Willingness to share business risks with The Walt Disney Company

After the meeting we join the CBMA annual dinner. As usual the dinner was a very warm evening with full of enjoyment. Delicious Food – ravel and enterntaintment as well. The committee having such a happy time celebrating their annual dinner.

IWAY Standard

Minimum Requirements for Environment and Social & Working Conditions when Purchasing Products, Materials and Services.

Responsible Sourcing

• Child Labor • Labor Hour (60hr/week, 48 regular hours and 12 hours of overtime) • Health & Safety Work Environment • Environment Management

CCE - SOUTH EAST ASIA 2016 It has been quite a long time we do not have a corrugated exhibition in South East Asia. Formerly Singapore held the exhibition every 2 years. As well as in Europe there were no Corrugated Exhibition since the last one in 2000. And finally CCE started the Europe Corrugated Exhibiton again in Munich in 2013 and next March 2017 will be their 3rd Exhibition. With the success on Munich 2013 and 2015. Finally CCE enter Asia with CCE South East Asia, held in Bangkok last 21-23 September 2016. The event presents raw materials, consumables, corrugating line and equipment, corrugated and carton converting equipment, design and CAD/CAM, MIS and plant scheduling systems, printing equipment, cutting, creasing and die-cutting equipment. Cardboard and carton demand in Thailand is increasing in very year such as Thai printing market has value of approximately $100 million. Its

accounts for 3.5% of country’s GDP. The overall paper export is $112.83 million. However, the export of packaging products hit $184 million. Mr. Ravi Kasemsarn, President of Thai Corrugated Packaging Association and Managing Director of Sarnti Packaging Co.,Ltd making comment about the Corrugated Market in Thailand and SEA region. He believe in the strong grow of the industry though the challenge would be on innovation updates and apply them to our significant economies of scale. The Innovation of Technology will be a highlight all Corrugated Producers will need help with to enhance our business opportunities. We really need comprehensive tools improving our production for more efficiency and more productive economies of scale. Corrugated packaging is far beyond than an ordinary box. More valueadded creates more applications i.e Corrugated Box can apply - ready on

shelf - with attractive design. Printing technology should help Corrugated Packaging as a strategic tool, apart from the design the quality of printing is a real matter to attract the end users when they see options on a shelf in a retail store. Therefore “Pre Print� technology should be one of the technical development to improve the quality and capacity.� He also added that the impact from the consumption of the growing young middle class and their varying lifestyles, plus the range of choices in each product selection creates a more challenging and wide ranging demand on corrugated packaging applications. It means all of the Thai Corrugated Producers need to improve their offer and become more competitive. While Mr.Montri Mahaplerkpong President of Thai Pulp and Paper Industries Association and Corporate Marketing Director SCG Packaging PCL give his view where the industry will grow in the next 3 years. Corrugated packaging trend in the next 3 years is expected to grow at 3% in Thailand and 5% in ASEAN. The industry will grow together with the domestic manufacturing industries, which perform high growth rates and expansion potentials in food &

beverage, FMCG and automotive industries. It is highly likely that Thailand will be selected to be corrugated paper production base in the future as Thailand is the main raw material producer in the region with a promising production capability from the upstream to the downstream processes - a complete cycle. Moreover, Thailand is also the origin of raw materials and able to manage them systematically. There are also an immense number of quality domestic packaging and corrugated paper producers with capacities to manufacture quality packaging and be able to address wide ranges of industrial needs and applications. In addition, the liberalization of ASEAN Community (AEC) contributes to the growth of border trades and development of infrastructures and land bridges to facilitate transportation of goods from Thailand to neighboring countries. All of these factors contribute to the growth and expansion of the commerce of Thailand, which will affect the corrugated packaging industry growth as well. Furthermore, the packaging paper manufacturers in Thailand and in Vietnam have also expanded their production capacity (0.4 million tons and 1.1 million tons, respectively). The incremental

production capacity is a part to support the growth of corrugated sheet and corrugated packaging paper factories in order to compete in the AEC market. During the three days of the exhibition, visitors are able to gain comprehensive insights into the latest products and manufacturing technologies, industry trends and development. There were plenty of opportunities for establishing new business relations and for networking with other industry professionals throughout the show. Through seminars Lecture topics The workshops throughout the event, including three days in the name of “The CCE Industry Seminars” which holds the key concepts Building a Better Board to promote and develop the production of the packaging industry in Thailand and. ASEAN. The program of the seminar on the first day on Wednesday, September 21, 2559, held under the theme “The Significant of an Innovation Development”, presented to the concept of innovation to increase efficiency of production is more like a seminar on CAD. Design for Packaging & POP Displays The program of the seminar on the second day on Thursday, September

22, 2559, held under the theme “Industry Economic Outlook”, which was released on the concept of developing a holistic corrugated packaging industry. Highlights along the way open forum driven by these corrugated packaging industry luminaries and leading corporations. Mr.Yao Hailun the International Department Manager of Xi’an Aerospace-Huayang Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd making his presentation on preprint. Afterward the audience who had registered got the opportunity to see the Xian Huyang preprint machine installation in Bangkok corrugated plant as well. On 2nd day after the exhbition – there were a networking parties. This party not just to introduce the exhibitors and the visitors, it was also an introduction to the beautiful and yummy Thai Food Culture. Indeed Thai Food decoration as nice as the Thai people wellcome us. The program of the seminar, the third day on Friday, September 23, 2559, held under the theme “New Century of Corrugated World” presents the concepts of development and further business opportunities for industrial corrugated packaging such as a seminar on Digital. Decoration of

Corrugated for Display Purposes by Fujifilm and how to eliminate delamination on corrugated with the new products from SMS Corporation, while afternoon conference will host by Rodicut and Kiwiplan for process management on Corrugated Plant. I also love the Thai Packaging Association booth. Meeting with all furniture from corrugated as well as they put innovative interactive products with Corrugated, too and thanks to the committee of the MacBrook who had made this event to successful and confortable for alll of us. Thanks dear Wendy and all her staff, too. Tuti Buntaran – FPA Editor

Die Maker Equipments Die Board Cutting Stripping Tools Sample Making FIRST CUT merupakan produk diecut dan berbagai tooling untuk produksi corrugated (flatbed die cuter), folding carton, flexible circuit ataupun greeting card. Tim kami telah berpengalaman untuk memproduksi diecut dari berbagai macam folding boxes dan corrugated boxes. Pengalaman dari tim kami akan memastikan pembuatan produk yang berkualitas, biaya yang ekonomis dan efisien. Setiap proyek akan diteliti oleh tim berpengalaman kami dengan memperhatikan secara detail apa saja yang dibutuhkan agar produksi Anda menjadi lebih produktif dan lancar. Kami bersedia memberikan saran ataupun internal training di perusahaan anda jika dibutuhkan. Pengalaman dan skill tim kami dilengkapi dengan

teknologi terbaru dilengkapi dengan peralatan yang memadai: • Software khusus untuk kemasan • Laser cutting machines • Automated rule processing cutting • Automated bending machines • Sample Plotter Kami memiliki data base yang lengkap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan customer kami, baik corrugated (FEFCO) maupun folding carton/ECMA dan display boxes, Software khusus kami untuk kemasan dapat mempersiapkan gambar detail yang tepat dan efisiensi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan customer kami (sesuai dengan permintaan dari Brand Owner).

produksi dengan minimum waste. Software kami akan mengikuti kriteria dari material yang digunakan arah dari flute atau grain dari kertas dengan secara otomatis memilih arah yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi. Membuat design male, female, dan front edge strippers dengan tingkat keakuratan yang tepat. Stripping sistem yang didesain dengan menggunakan dynamic stripping system. Kami juga menyediakan jasa pembuatan Sample atau contoh untuk : Cartons Corrugated boxes Display boxes Labels Bags Flow wraps

Kami dapat membuat layout dengan otomatis baik untuk single atau multiple nesting yang memastikan efisiensi pada

Peralatan Penunjang : CAD system for cutting out cartons Die cutting and creasing

The BCS AutoBOX is quite simply the most advanced box making machine available today. Using serve control, this machine can automatically change from one style and size of box to another in just seconds. All tools are controlled through the simple touch screen and set themselves automatically, so whether you need to produce small boxes, large wraps or more complicated boxes, the BCS AutoBox can make them all at the touch of a button. To complete the potential of the BCS AutoBOX, there is also a range of additional modules available specifically engineered to add increased efficiency and build in even greater to you box making solution. 1. Produce over 100 box styles including 0411, partitions, trays, 0201, pallet boxes and more. 2. Speeds of up to 1.200 boxes/hour 3. Uses 25% of the energy of conventional machines 4. Fully auto-set via touch screen 5. Make blank witches from 100mm to 2600mm x unlimited length 6. Run all types of corrugated, even plastic. Only BCS now has a Just in time solution to short run low cost box making. Our customers can now offer a complete solution to their customers. No longer 5 days + delivery, or custom sizes are extra ! or we can supply filler. Point being if you ship cartons you not only pay for the filler you pay extra for shipping fees, be it courier or air freight. The oversize box could be a complete layer of product ! Your end user may needs 100 / 200 boxes per week, not 1000 which entails a big invoice and having cartons he might not use for a month. This a small manufacturer takes up valuable racking / floor space, for product he did not for a month. With the AutoBox one to two minute set up time and print and variable data. You will have the edge.


E: +62 21 75902726

Malaysian Corrugated Carton Manufacturers’ Association (MACCMA) Established in 1988, MACCMA serves as an umbrella body to safeguard the interests of its members in the Malaysian corrugated carton industry. Started with 16 members spread over the many states of Peninsula Malaysia. 19 years later the members expand to 35 ordinary members and 32 associate members. Among some of its objectives are to represent industry members in communicating with the government and other relevant ministries, enhance the technical capabilities

of members to cater to the growing variety of products demanded by the market as well as serve as a platform to encourage networking and problem solving between members. The Committee has given deep thought to this and two very important and far-reaching decisions were made towards this end, viz.:• 1995 Companies/firms in trades related to our industry can now apply to be Associate Members of MACCMA. •

1996 MACCMA was one of the founding member of the Asian Corrugated Case Association (ACCA) and was further elected to be the 2nd. Vice-President of the first Executive Committee. In 2001, MACCMA became the President of ACCA for a term of 2 years.

In recent years, MACCMA has held meetings/worked with various government departments like MIDA, Customs, MITI and

DOE on behalf of its members on various issues affecting the corrugated industry. MACCMA has also held educational seminars, overseas study trips, annual dinners and social gatherings for the benefit of its members. MACCMA always celebrate their annual party with dinner for the whole members as well as they will invite the members of ACCA. I love the dinner

party as every year they have a different theme. Last year Hawaian and this year Bollywood. Have a look on some of the very interesting photos (including my photos). This kind of event with tighting the friendship of all the members and build up their love to the corrugated industry. During this event each members of the ACCA and MACCA will exchange gift.

Packaging Solution +62 21 75902726

ETERNA LEAD EDGE FEEDER Allows consistent and precise feeding of wide range corrugated board with various board quality. Unique polyurethane wheel surface with grid lifter and air cushion ensures smooth feeding of warp boards with consistency and register accuracy. Front gauge position back and forth adjustable to accommodate variation in gripper margin Fine vacuum suction adjustment through invertor adapts to wide range of stock

DIECUTTING SECTION Safety door and diechase safety locking system to ensure safe operation. Complete lost sheet control throughout the entire machine. Centerline system compatible to Centerline II for quick change over and short set up time. Air cushion underneath the cutting plate for easy cutting plate

STRIPPNG SECTION Heavy duty double action stripping system to ensure positive stripping


Centerline system compatible to Centerline II for quick stripping die set up.

Front, back and side joggers to ensure neat stacking

Motorized upper frame suspending hoister.

Non-stop delivery ensures continuous productivity

Quick lock stripping pins used for quick set up of simple stripping work.

Batch counter output

Packaging Solution +62 21 75902726

ClearVision systems ensure every box is perfect before it is sent to the customer. With over 300 installations worldwide, the visonary companies in the industry are using these systems to change the competitive landscape.

Flexoseal Glue System Options BoardRunner Non-Contact and Contact Extrusion Features Valco Melton’s all electric model 900 glue valve. The valve provides unparalleled high speed performance with over 250 million cycles before simple maintenance is needed. The impact resistant carbide plunger tip and engineered ceramic seat provide extreme durability. The 900 valve’s powerful coil results in extremely accurate and repeatable glue patterns, in contrast to pneumatically systems. Easily switch from inside to outside gluing with no tools required. The patented applicator heads allow for quick removal for changing number of beads and bead spacing.

BoardRunner Tri-Valve Non-Contact Features three 524 series, all-electric glue valves (up to 4 valves per side). The 524 series non-contact valves offer a ceramic tip/carbide plunger design for extended service life with less maintenance. Can provide staggered pattern starts to match lead and trail tab angle, even in “auto-glue” system mode. The non-contact method eliminates product skew that can be caused incertain contact gluing applications. Features a tip-sealer design that prevents nozzle plugging during periods of down time. Full valve and tip-sealer status can be viewed on Valco Melton’s OT-120 tpuchscreen control. The Tri-Valve BoardRunner® with 900 valve attachment allows for inside / outside gluing from one side of the machine. Flexibility to apply primarily top down, non contact with the option to apply contact, bottom up when required.

News ►►► Amcor Buys Chinese Flexible Packaging Company Amcor announced the RMB 185 million (USD 28 million) acquisition of Hebei Qite Packing Co. Ltd. (Qite). Qite has one plant located in Hebei, North China and the business generates sales of over RMB 180 million (US$28 million) from the sale of flexible packaging products to large domestic customers within the dairy and food segments. Amcor currently has a total of eleven flexible packaging plants in China, including two plants in close proximity to Qite in Northern China. Once fully integrated, Amcor will have an even stronger platform to grow the business in this region. Inclusive of synergy benefits this acquisition will generate strong returns for shareholders within three years.

printing market,” explained Heering, adding that its results would be made available to the member companies of both associations. NPES and the VDMA share information on the content of basic and advanced training in an increasingly digital environment. “We can learn from each other—and, in some cases, also prevent that our industry reinvents the wheel two or even more times,” Heering said, explaining that, as a long-term objective, he hopes for joint industrial standards for digital networking, harmonized qualification as well as broad market research that can profit from the assessments and experience made on both sides.

NPES And VDMA Printing and Paper Technology Continue Transatlantic Collaboration NPES The Association for Suppliers of Printing, Publishing and Converting Technologies and the German VDMA Printing and Paper Technology Association met at the NPES 2016 Annual Conference and PRIMIR Fall Meeting, held November 14–16, in Marco Island, Florida, to continue the dialogue between the two associations.

Esko launches new version of its industry-leading Cape Pack 16 palletization solution Cape Pack 16 from Esko (www.esko. com), the unique industry standard in palletization software, has been redesigned from the ground up to offer cloud-based functionality in a SaaS/subscription model and features an entirely new database structure. With Cape Pack 16, users can quickly share critical up-to-the-minute information with colleagues around the corner or around the globe to speed up design and approval processes, cutting cycle times and delivering faster time to market.

Dr. Markus Heering, Managing Director of the VDMA, and NPES President Thayer Long announced that the ongoing cooperation in the field of international market research would deliver first results very soon. “At the moment, we are carrying out a joint study of the global packaging

Kim Karl, Esko’s Cape Product Manager, explains, “Cape Pack has been helping operations build the most efficient carton and pallet designs since 1994, with more than 10,000 installs serving more than 30,000 users. Now it is even easier to use. We have added functionality based

on customer feedback to improve productivity in the palletization process. It is a graphically rich multilingual solution that takes advantage of Esko’s graphics technology and is backed by Esko’s market-leading worldwide sales and support organization for peace of mind.” Cape Pack users report the solution can save an average of 10% of the packaging, palletizing, storage and shipment costs for each product evaluated or designed. In addition, efficient palletization means fewer trucks on the road, less CO2 emissions, and fuel savings with fewer miles driven. As a result of all of this, the solution has paid for itself in days, or even hours, in many companies.

Karl adds, “In this transition from desktop to cloud, we have paid attention to making it user friendly and easy to learn across the many industries we support. Initial reaction from early users has been enthusiastic. They report it is clean and easy to use, they love it, and they agree that Cape Pack 16 meets all of our goals and makes their job easier.” Cape Pack 16 is available in a monthly or yearly subscription that moves it from a capital to an operating expense, important for many organizations. Cloud features are also available now and support mobile use on iOS and Android. Trial versions can be found online at :

SMS C300 is a modified tapioca starch product, applied in a corrugated board adhesive formulations. SMS C300 is suitable for use on single facer and double backer for all types of corrugated board and glue kitchen

Easily Dissolved character as peak viscosity during dissolution is low Stable Viscosity gives a more consistent operate on the machine and a better board quality Good Water Retention which leads to better bonding strength Less Consumption Less Consumption of glue due to better distribution allowing good bond strength with less glue

Packaging Solution +62 21 75902726 +62 21 75902726 +62 21 75902726

Pack and Print Event 2017 Jan 18-20, 2017 IC Packaging Technology Expo Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan. Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd. February 6-8, 2017 The 10th Annual Packaging Conference Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, Florida – USA March 01 – 02, 2017 Packaging Innovation 2017 National Exhibition Centre Birmingham, United Kingdom March 7 – 10, 2017 AUSPACK The Whole Process in One Package Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park Mar 09-11, 2017 Bali Allpack Indonesia Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Balikpapan, Indonesia March 16- 17, 2017 ASEAN Pharma Packaging Conference Singapore March 21-23, 2017 CCE International, Corrugated & Carton Exhibition 3rd International Exhibiton for the Corrugated and Folding Carton Industry Munich Trade Fair Centre, Germany Mar 22-24, 2017 InnoPack Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo), Jakarta, Indonesia Mar 21-23, 2017 Propak Vietnam Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center, Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam March 29-2 April, 2017 Icorrugated Expo 2017 National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) April 2017 SinoCorrugated 2017 The World’s Leading Corrugated Manufacturing Show Shanghai New International Expo Center, China

May 04-10 , 2017 INTERPACK Processes and Packaging Leading Trade Fair. It is possible to register for Interpack 2017 online at Dusseldorf, Germany Jun 14-17, 2017 Propak Asia BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok Exhibition Services Ltd. Jul 12-14, 2017 ProPak China 2017 SNIEC Pudong Shanghai, Shanghai, China. August 3-6, 2017 Packplus 2017 New Delhi, India Septemeber 6-8 , 2017 ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA Exhibition for fresh fruit and vegetable marketing in Asia which focuses exclusively on the fresh produce sector and related value chain for the whole Asian region. September 20 - 23 , 2017 6th International Packaging and Printing Exhibition for Asia BITEC, Bangkok September 25-28 , 2017 LABELEXPO EUROPE 2017 is our flagship show and the largest label event in the world. Brussels Expo, Belgia Sep 25 - 27, 2017 Pack Expo Las Vegas Convention Center United States Of America SEPT 26 - 28 , 2017 PPMA 2017 NEC BIRMINGHAM November 01 – 04 , 2017 ALLPACK INDONESIA 2017 Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia

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