Why Compact Exterior Grade is so «High Light fastness»?
To produce Compact laminate for Exterior Grade are select the best decorative papers : solid colors , woodgrains or fancy designs, from the most important Decor Paper producers. These papers are made utilizing color pigments with the highest lightfastness to grant high resistance to UV ray avoiding color fading or change over time with sun exposure.

Color Fading
Abet improve this lightfastness property protecting the HPL with a special PVDF film that grant the colors stability and Light-Fade Resistence
The HPL laminate utilize decor papers made with pigments that reflect in the visible spectrum.
On the right it show, on the Color Space plane, the complementary theory. Red is the complementary of Green and Yellow is the complementary of is Blue

Pigment formulation

The colors we see depend from the electrons movements inside the pigments molecules . When sun light fight an electron it jump from one atoms orbital to an other (E1-->E2 ; E1-->E3)

The electron absorb some wave length energy (es: green) and reflect to our eyes the color complementary (es: red) emitting its wave length returning in E1 position (E2--> E1).
If the pigment is not high lightfastness the bonds between the atoms (es. CH2=CH2) are broken due to light photons energy, the electrons movements between the atoms are stopped and the color disappear in few days or some years depending the pigment lightfastness.
To avoid the light-fading , the Compact Exterior Grade is protected by a special transparent PVDF film to preserve for years the colors stability (balcony, table and façade).

C I C –C e n t r e I n t e r n a ti o n a l d e C o n f e r e n c eA l g e r i

C I C –C e n t r e I n t e r n a ti o n a l d e C o n f e r e n c eA l g e r i