Here at we aim to bring you the most up to date and biggest news stories from around the globe... Our initial offering is to focus on the larger stories happening in the US and around the globe. Our marketing team will be working hard identifying our most popular news stories and areas then advising us how to expand based on our readers requirements. We will be whatever you tell us you want us to be..
Don’t Play With tigers at the Zoo
A young man around the age of 19 or 20 was recently killed at a zoo in New Delhi. According to witnesses, the young man stepped over the low fence surrounding the tiger enclosure to get a closer look and fell into the moat...
Attempting to Right Decade-Old Wrongs
a 93-year-olD man has been chargeD With accessory to murDer by german Prosecutors in over 300,000 cases connecteD to his Work at the auschWitZ concentration camP. this man is believeD to have removeD any luggage neW arrivals to the camP brought along With them..
Full-fledged fashionista
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