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Developable Lands
This map shows constrains on development, locations of current buildings, and the land area in Lenox that is currently developable. In Lenox, most land that has been permanently protected is located in the mountains on the eastern and western sides of town.
The floodplain and wetlands around the Housatonic River prevent development in most of the northeastern part of town. Most buildable land exists in a roughly wedge-shaped area that runs through the middle of town. Within this wedge the major restrictions are 200-foot river resource areas, wetlands, and 100-foot wetland buffers. Most past development in town has occurred in this area (which corresponds with the valley floor) and most future development will continue to be sited here.
Most developable land in Lenox is zoned for residential development with lot sizes greater than one acre. Houses could continue to sprawl throughout the white areas on the map, stressing the town’s resources and requiring extensive infrastructure improvements. If additional open spaces are not planned for these areas and they are filled in with houses, current parks and recreation areas may become overused.
Development restrictions include:
• Land permanently protected by the town, state, and federal government.
• Conservation restrictions, which are voluntary legal agreements between a landowner and a conservation organization. Landowners keep their land but permanently restrict future development and land use.
• State Wetlands Protection Act restrictions including
• Wetlands
• 100’ buffer zones around wetlands
• Rivers
• 200’ River Resource Areas on both sides of rivers
• The 100-year floodplain
• Steep Slopes over 25 percent do not completely restrict development but make building very expensive.
Lands under Chapter 61 protection are not included as development restrictions because the protection is temporary and can be revoked at any time. Lands under the jurisdiction of the Scenic Mountain Act are also not included because development is allowed if it follows certain rules.