Fawcett newsletter

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Fawcett News December 2009

Happy Holidays! Can you believe it is almost 2010? I don’t know about you, but this year seemed to really fly by! It seems like just yesterday that I was writing our last holiday newsletter to you. As busy as the holidays are for everyone, it always amazes me that we still think of this time of year as an opportunity to reflect. Who do we love? What do we really want in the new year? What am I going to give my friend who has everything!? That last one aside, when I think about this past year, I remember an important lesson that we learned together here at the office. We want to share our story with you, in hopes that you can benefit too.

Š 2009-2010 Fawcett Law

As some of you may recall from last year’s newsletter, Chip Fawcett, senior partner, passed away right before the holidays. That being said, it was an interesting year of transition here at Fawcett & Fawcett. We all had to work through our own adjustment to Chip’s absence individually, and also as a group. You see, there is a natural readjustment that happens when someone you love passes. After the initial emotional impact has begun to soften, the practical side is addressed. In our case, Chip, who was loved and respected by all of us, handled all of the business’ finances and accounts. Being a firm that specializes in the preparation of important documents, we all knew where Chip’s documents were. There was no question of where his will was, or where his bank statements were. But we never thought to ask him the small things, like, ‘Where do you keep this important file in your computer?”, or, “ Where do you keep the online banking login information in case we need to access it?”, or even simply, “How does your filing system work?” We had fallen into the dangerous place called….. the comfort zone. So how did this happen? In this instance, I believe that it was because of trust. We all have worked together for so long that we all trusted each other to handle our own aspect of the business. We trusted and cared for Chip so much that we never even thought that one day he wouldn’t be here to take care of everything. And when we lost him, we suddenly had to figure out his unique system of organization. As difficult as it was, we all are so proud that we were able to work through it together.

2 © 2009-2010 Fawcett Law

So, as the year comes to a close, we begin the journey into a new year with new opportunities. We want to remind you of the importance of being prepared and being mindful of where your comfort zones are. Here is a list of important documents that you should keep in a safe place, such as a fire resistant safe, or a bank security box: * Auto Titles * Household inventory * Veteran’s papers * Bonds and stock certificates * Important contracts * Passports * Birth certificates * Citizenship papers * Marriage certificates * Adoption papers * Divorce decrees * Last Will and Testament * Advance directives * Powers of attorney * Death certificates * Deeds * Trust Documents * Tax Returns and supporting documents The next step that most people forget is to let someone you trust know where you keep these documents. And as an added note, if you have important files on your computer, or other important items, please let someone know where they are. Even if you keep a “LIFE FILE” on your desktop with instructions, please do it. A few minutes of your time can save your loved ones unnecessary stress and frustration. Being prepared is the best present of all. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday and a prosperous new year. © 2009-2010 Fawcett Law


Happy Holidays from Myrna, Bonnie, Carmina and Jen

Fawcett Law Firm

Š 2009-2010 Fawcett Law

730 24th Street, NW, Suite 15, Washington, DC 20037 Office: 202.797.8852 Fax:202.797.7716 no_reply@keynotepro.com

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