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The Official Monthly Publication of the Diocese of Lafayette

Acadiana Catholic

October 2011

Volume 27

Number 10

Louisiana Catholics gather to work for the repeal of the death penalty LAFAYETTE Citing the fact that all of the states with the most executions are former slave states, Sister Helen Prejean was guest speaker for a gathering of Catholic leaders from across the state who came together for a one-day organizational meeting to work for the repeal of the death penalty. Hosted by the office of the Pro-Life Apostolate for the diocese, participants began the day’s event with an opening prayer service, followed by an overview of the LCCRDP campaign. Bishop Michael Jarrell of Lafayette welcomed guests and offered a reflection during the opening prayer service in Fusilier Hall at Immaculata Center in Lafayette. In her presentation, Sister Helen emphasized that as pro-life Catholics, we must be concerned not only for innocent life, for the elderly, but for all life. She stated that “The core of the journey in my own life is to respect the dignity of all life.” She said that poverty plays a big role in how the death penalty is administered. “To follow Je-

“We oppose capital punishment not only for what it does to those guilty of horrible crimes, but for what it does to all of us as a society. Increasing reliance on the death penalty diminishes all of us and is a growing sign of disrespect for human life. We cannot overcome crime by simply executing criminals, nor can we restore the lives of the innocent by ending the lives of those convicted of their murders. The death penalty offers the tragic illusion that we can defend life by taking life.” —U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops Sister Helen Prejean was the featured speaker for an organizational meeting to work for a repeal of the death penalty. Photo by P.C. Piazza

sus, we must go and stand on the side of people who are poor,” she added. Most of those on death row have been represented by court-appointed legal counsel who are not able to devote the time researching a case that private attorneys would. Citing Pope John Paul II in

1999 who came out against the death penalty, Sister Helen said that forgiveness is a gift of grace. The pope said that all life must be held as sacred; the unborn, the terminally ill, those who society says have “no quality of life.” (Continued on page 4)

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo offers statement for Pro-Life Month By Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Chairman, Committee on ProLife Activities, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops September 26, 2011 This October the Catholic Church throughout the United States will observe Respect Life Month, an annual tradition now in its fortieth year. Beginning on October 2, 2011—Respect Life Sunday— Catholics across the nation will join together to witness to the inherent equality and transcendent value of every human being. In countless liturgies and events we will give thanks to God for the gift of human life, and pray for his guidance and blessings on our efforts to defend the most vulnerable members of the

human family. We will voice our opposition to the injustice and cruelty of abortion on behalf of those victims whose voices have been silenced. At the same time, we will remind the living victims of abortion— the mothers and fathers who grieve the loss of an irreplaceable child—that God’s mercy is greater than any human sin, and that healing and peace can be theirs through the sacrament of reconciliation and the Church’s Project Rachel Ministry. The theme chosen for this year’s Respect Life Program is, I came so that all might have life and have it to the full. In this brief explanation of his mission (cf. John 10:10), Jesus refers both to (Continued on page 43)

Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, answers questions from the press June 16 about the bishops’ statement on physician-assisted suicide during the annual spring meeting of the U .S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Bellevue, Wash. (CNS photo/Marcus Donner, Reuters)

Former N.O. Archbishop Philip M. Hannan, confidante of JFK, defender of unborn, dies at 98 NEW ORLEANS At press time, the Acadiana Catholic received news of the death of Archbishop Philio M. Hannan, retired, of New Orleans. Due to space limitations, the Acadiana Catholic will run a complete story on the Death of Archbishop Hannan in the November 2011 edition. The following is an excerpt from the New Orleans Clarion Herald diocesan newspaper. Retired New Orleans Archbishop Philip Matthew Hannan, a WWII paratroop chaplain who befriended and secretly counseled John F. Kennedy during and after his historic march to the White House as the first U.S. Catholic president, died Thursday, Sept. 29, at 3 a.m. at the age of 98.

Acadiana Catholic

Page 4 October 2011

White Mass for medical professionals to be offered October 18 MAMOU A “White Mass” will be celebrated for all the men and women working in the medical professions at St. Ann Catholic Church in Mamou, on the feast day of St. Luke the Evangelist, Tuesday, October 18 at 6:30 p.m. St. Luke was a first century Syrian physician and a gentile from Antioch who accompanied St. Paul on some of his journeys to spread the Good News (see 2 Tim 4:10-17b). Between 70 and 85 AD, St. Luke authored one of the four gospels as well as the Acts of the Apostles. He was also a physician and is,

Acadiana Catholic

ACADIANA CATHOLIC (ISSN0888-0247) (USPS507-760) is published monthly for $12 per year by the Southwest Press, 1408 Carmel Ave., Lafayette, LA 70501-5306. Periodical postage paid at Lafayette, LA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Acadiana Catholic, 1408 Carmel Ave., Lafayette, LA 70501-5306

therefore, the patron saint of the whole medical profession. Every year on the Feast of St. Luke, Catholic churches throughout the world take this opportunity to honor those who work in the medical profession. This is similar to the Red Mass, which gathers members of the legal professions for prayer, and the Blue Mass, which gathers members of law enforcement for prayer. Father Mark Melançon, pastor of St. Ann, said: “I am very pleased to begin this annual tradition in Mamou. As a church community, we at St. Ann relish this opportunity to pray with the many men and women who work daily to help keep us physically well. As a minister of spiritual wellness, I personally look forward to praying together to our God, The Divine Physician, and ask that He continue to bless your good work.” The homilist for this mass will be Deacon James Davis. Deacon Davis, a husband, father, and grandfather, was ordained a deacon for the Diocese of Lafayette in 2000. He has served as a chaplain for Hospice of Acadiana for over 9 years.

Official Monthly Newspaper for the Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana Copyright 2011

Publisher Most Rev. Michael Jarrell, D.D. Bishop of Lafayette

Editor/Director Deacon Thomas R. Sommers (337) 261-5513 Marketing Director Business Mgr / Advertising Director Patrick Breaux (337) 261-5518 or (337) 235-7704 / Staff Writer Stephanie R. Martin (337) 261-5512 Contributing Writer Kathleen Toups Theological Consultants Msgr. H.A. Larroque, J.C.D. Father Curtis Mallet, J.C.L. Vicars General The Diocese of Lafayette serves eight civil parishes with population of 331,000 Catholics. Published monthly. Deadline for news and advertising copy is noon of the 15th day of the month preceding publication. For renewal subscriptions, the name of your church parish and your address label (if available) are requested. The publisher and editor reserve the right to reject, omit or edit any article or letter submitted for publication. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Lafayette and/or the Acadiana Catholic cannot be held liable, or in any way responsible for the content of any advertisement printed in this paper.

Diocese of Lafayette Web page:

From the Daily Advertiser, June 27, 1984, “Ervy Broussard takes a break during renovations of St. John’s Cathedral. Workers are preparing to install a marble floor. The project is expected to be completed this fall.” Staff photo by P.C. Piazza

All of those in the medical professions are invited, doctors, nurses, physical therapists, chiropractors, medical technicians, emergency personel, psychologists, counselors, pharmacists, hospital and clinic administrators, etc. For more information, please call the St. Ann rectory office at (337) 468-3159 or visit their website at

Louisiana Catholics gather to work for the repeal of the death penalty Continued from page 3

Throughout the day, participants from Louisiana dioceses learned about the Louisiana Catholics Committed to the Repeal of the Death Penalty campaign; they were familiarized with resources designed to help educate and organize Catholics around the Church’s teaching on this important issue, they were advised on how to make diocesan plans of action, and nurture a state-wide Catholic network for alternatives to the death penalty. The day’s activities ended with closing prayer and sending forth.

Acadiana Catholic

Father Ed Duhon to speak at St. Thomas More School LAFAYETTE Father Ed Duhon, associate pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Broussard, will be the featured speaker at the Parents for Light gathering in the St. Thomas More Catholic High School Chapel on October 24, 2011. The evening event begins with refreshments and fellowship at 5:30 p.m., followed by Father D u h o n ’s presentation. The event will Father Ed Duhon end with an hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. In addition to STM students, parents, and faculty, guests from throughout the diocese are invited to attend this event. The STM Parents for Light is a monthly speaker program hosted by parent volunteers to foster the parent-student relationship in Spiritual Formation. For more information, email us at, “like” us on Facebook at Parents4LightSTM and/or follow us on twitter at

‘Learning about the Catholic Faith’ adult education program in Morse MORSE As part of a program designed to reach out to those who are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church, as well as those who may be Catholic but

October 2011 Page 5 have not received First Communion or Confirmation, sessions will be offered The program will be on the second and fourth Sundays, beginning at 4:00 p.m. and ending about 4:50 p.m. The first session will be Deacon Tom Sommers on Sunday, October 9, 2011 at Immaculate Conception Church Parish Hall beginning. The program is sponsored by the church parishes of St. John the Baptist, Lyons Point; Immaculate Conception, Morse; St. Aloysius, Midland; St. Margaret, Estherwood and St. John the Evangelist, Mermentau. Deacon Tom Sommers will serve as moderator with assistance by Harold Lachausse. Deacon Sommers said, “We’ll frequently have a priest, a deacon or lay person come and share with us some aspect of the faith.” For further information please call Deacon Sommers at 3847703.

Official: Effective September 6, 2011 Father Michael Bouzigard, SJ, has been assigned as parochial vicar at St. Chrles Borromeo Parish, Grand Coteau. Msgr. Richard Greene, VE, is appointed to the position of ecumenical officer of the Diocese of Lafayette, in addition to his present parochial assignments. Bishop Michael Jarrell

Bishop of Lafayette

Tom Costanza to be featured as keynote speaker

LAFAYETTE Tom Costanza, Executive Director of the Office of Justice & Peace, Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of New Orleans, will serve as the keynote speaker at the 11th annual Campaign Against Poverty workshop. The workshop is sponsored each year by the Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Justice & Peace, will take place on Saturday, October 29 at the Immaculata Center in Lafayette. Mr. Costanza’s presentation is entitled “Understanding the Economics of Poverty.” The doors of the Immaculata Center will open for registration at 8:30 a.m., and the event is scheduled to conclude at 2:00 p.m. The cost is $15 per person. Those in need of earning Catechist certification credits or hours will be awarded (Level IV, Catholic Social Teaching, 3 credits, 2 hours) for attending. The workshop also provides an excellent educational opportunity for all priests, deacons,

Tom Costanza

deacon candidates, parish leaders and pastoral council members, service center directors and board members, community organizers, prison ministers, teachers of both public and private schools, and JustFaith graduates. Those interested in requesting display space for the workshop should contact the Office of Justice & Peace at (337) 261-5545 for further details.

Acadiana Catholic

Page 6 October 2011

Pope to visit Benin Nov. 18-20 to release postsynod document on Africa By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) Pope Benedict XVI will make his second trip as pope to Africa, visiting Benin Nov. 18-20 to sign and distribute a letter reflecting on the 2009 special Synod of Bishops for Africa. The synod focused on “the church in Africa in service to reconciliation, justice and peace.” At the end of the synod, the bishops gave the pope 57 proposals for action on the part of church leaders and the faithful, including a call for a new spirituality to counter bad government, ethnic tensions, disease, exploitation by multinational companies and the cultural agenda of foreign aid organizations. Pope Benedict used the propositions as the basis for the postsynodal apostolic exhortation that he will sign Nov. 19 in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Ouidah, Benin, and will present formally to African bishops the next day during a Mass in Cotonou. With six-hour flights to and from Benin, the pope is sched-

uled to spend less than 50 hours on the ground in Benin, but his schedule still includes separate meetings with government representatives, with African bishops and with children. He also is scheduled to pray at the tomb of the late Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, who died in 2008. The Benin cardinal had retired as dean of the College of Cardinals in 2002 and was succeeded by then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Here is the schedule for the trip as released by the Vatican Sept. 28. Times listed are local, with Eastern Standard Time in parentheses: Friday, Nov. 18 (Rome, Cotonou) – 9 a.m. (3 a.m.), Departure from Rome’s Fiumicino airport for Cotonou. – 3 p.m. (9 a.m.), Arrival ceremony at Cotonou’s Cardinal Bernardin Gantin International Airport. Speech by pope. – 4:30 p.m. (10:30 a.m.), Visit to the Cotonou cathedral. Speech by pope. Saturday, Nov. 19 (Cotonou,

Ouidah, Cotonou) – 7:30 a.m. (1:30 a.m.), Mass in private in chapel of apostolic nunciature in Cotonou. – 9 a.m. (3 a.m.), Meeting with members of the government, representatives of state institutions, members of the diplomatic corps and representatives of the principal religions in the presidential palace in Cotonou. Speech by pope. – 9:50 a.m. (3:50 a.m.), Courtesy visit with President Thomas Yayi Boni in the presidential palace. – 11:15 a.m. (5:15 a.m.), Visit to the tomb of Cardinal Gantin in the chapel of St. Gall Seminary in Ouidah. Meeting with priests, seminarians, religious and laity in the courtyard of the seminary. Speech by pope. – 12:15 p.m. (6:15 a.m.), Visit to the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Ouidah and signing of the postsynodal apostolic exhortation. Speech by pope. – 5 p.m. (11 a.m.), Visit to the “Peace and Joy” Center of the Missionaries of Charity at St. Rita parish in Cotonou. Speech

by pope. Meeting with children at the parish. – 6:45 p.m. (12:45 p.m.), Meeting with the bishops of Benin in the apostolic nunciature. Speech by pope. – 7:30 p.m. (1:30 p.m.), Dinner with the bishops of Benin and members of the papal entourage in the apostolic nunciature. Sunday, Nov. 20 (Cotonou, Rome) – 9 a.m. (3 a.m.), Mass and presentation of the postsynodal apostolic exhortation to the bishops of Africa in Cotonou stadium. Homily by pope. Recitation of the Angelus. Remarks by pope. – 12:15 p.m. (6:15 a.m.), Lunch with members of the special council for Africa of the general secretariat of the Synod of Bishops and with the papal entourage in the apostolic nunciature. – 4 p.m. (10 a.m.), Farewell ceremony at Cardinal Gantin airport. Speech by pope. – 4:30 p.m. (10:30 a.m.), Departure for Rome. – 10 p.m. (4 p.m.), Arrival at Rome’s Ciampino airport.


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Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 7

October schedule for Tell the People

LAFAYETTE The Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Radio/TV Ministry would like to remind everyone to tune in for Tell the People every Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. on KATC TV-3. Each episode of Tell the People features “Local Catholic News” with Stephanie Bernard, “Inside the Diocese” with Trista Littell, “What it Means to be Catholic” with Father Michael Champagne, CJ, and “Interview with the Bishop” with Bishop Michael Jarrell and Msgr. Richard Greene, VE. On October 9, Trista Littell will interview Michelle Roberts about the upcoming Woman-to-Woman Conference in Lafayette. Later in the program, Father Champagne will give Part 3 of his discussion on the Third Commandment, as well as offer some insights into the changes of the Roman Missal. Lastly, in recognition of October as Respect Life Month, Msgr. Greene and Bishop Jarrell will discuss the Pro-Life Apostolate. On October 16, special guest Arlene Hebert will appear to talk about a local series of pro-life books. Father Champagne will conclude his discussion on the Third Command-

ment and once again highlight some of the changes in the Roman Missal. On October 23, Ed Boustany (Director, Office of Justice & Peace) will be on hand to provide information about the upcoming Campaign Against Poverty Workshop in Lafayette. Father Champagne will move forward with his review of the Ten Commandments. On October 30, Faye Drobnic (Office of Worship) will appear to discuss the upcoming series of television segments on the changes to the Roman Missal. Tell the People will be pre-empted by this series on November 6, 13, and 20. All area Catholics who were unable to attend one of the regional Roman Missal Workshops held during the month of September are encouraged to tune in for the series. The implementation of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal will occur on the first Sunday in Advent (November 27). Additional viewing times for Tell the People—and the Roman Missal series—will be offered on AOC and KDCG TV-22. For specific airing dates and times, please refer to the programming schedules available at and www.kdcg. com.

American Dream becoming unreachable for a larger segment of the country WASHINGTON (CNS) Jon Proctor knows the road to self-sufficiency is a long one. It’s even longer when the weekly paycheck totals a little more than $200. “We’re trying to get back on our feet,” the 55-year-old divorced father of six says, explaining how he’s scheduled only about 30 hours a week stocking shelves at a Safeway supermarket on the overnight shift. Proctor, a Vietnam-era Army veteran, has been employed at Safeway for four years, moving among several stores in the Maryland suburbs of Washington and now in Alexandria, Va., where he stays in Christ House, a transitional housing residence for single men. Life, he admits, is far different than when he worked 15 years as an electrician earning

up to $18 an hour and later was a bouncer at a bar earning as much as $500 a night. The broad-shouldered Proctor landed at the residence run by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, Va., 18 months ago when his 25-year marriage dissolved. He moved out of the couple’s comfortable Bethesda, Md., home with little more than clothing. “I’m one of the few who’s been on top and now at the bottom,” he told Catholic News Service. “So if anybody’s out there who has the same feeling of ‘Hey I’ve got it made,’ don’t count on it because you could be in my situation in a heartbeat.” Proctor is among the growing number of Americans living in poverty as revealed by U.S. census data. In 2010, 15.1 percent of Americans -- 46.2 million people, an all-time high in terms of numbers -- were living in poverty, according to statistics released Sept. 13. It was the third straight year poverty rose in the country.

Acadiana Catholic

Page 8 October 2011


Howard James Taylor ARNAUDVILLE A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. John Francis Regis Catholic Church in Arnaudville, for Howard James Taylor, 61, who passed away on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at M.D. Anderson Medical Center in Houston, Texas. Father Brian Taylor was celebrant with Fathers Bill Ruskoski and Gary Schexnayder as concelebrants. Bishop Michael Jarrell of Lafayette was seated in the sanctuary. Mr. Taylor served in the U S Army during the Vietnam War. He retired from Vallero after 20 years of service. Interment followed at St. John Francis Regis Cemetery in Arnaudville. Survivors include his wife, Vicki Callandret Taylor of Arnaudville; his sons, Father Brian James Taylor, Lyle Taylor and his wife, Sara Forsse of Arnaudville, Kyle Taylor and his wife, Nancy Hatton of Arnaudville,

and Jonah Taylor and his wife, Melissa Vannice of Salt Lake City; his daughter, Tara Richard and her husband, Adam Richard of Arnaudville; honorary step son, Blane Matherne; four brothers, Wilfred Taylor and his wife, Maria, John Ray Taylor and his wife, Cynthia, Rogers Taylor and his wife, Gail, and Earl Taylor and his wife, Lynnie; five sisters, Mary Lou Hebert and her husband, Wesley, Margaret Menard, Merle Mouton and her husband, Richard, Maddie Lalonde and her husband, Kevin, and Maxine Lalonde and her husband, Reynoldo. He also leaves behind his brother in law, Nathan Callandret and his wife, Effie Ducote; his father in law, Edmond Callandret and several grand children; his step grandson; numerous nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews. He was preceded in death by an infant daughter, Monique Kai Taylor; his parents, Walter and Elia Frederick Taylor; his brother, Robert ‘Bob’ Taylor; his mother in law, Shirley Callandret, his brother in law, Robert Menard; and his sister in law, Linda Guidry Taylor.

Pro-life groups offer practical items and help to pregnant women WASHINGTON (CNS) For women facing unplanned pregnancies, the price of disposable diapers alone can be daunting. That’s because they cost an estimated $800 per year and are just one expense among many. And that’s why Mimi Eckstein, director of the Denver Archdiocese’s Gabriel Project – which supports pregnant women and new mothers – makes sure she has plenty of diapers in all sizes to offer new mothers. In fact, she noticed Sept. 23 that the office was running out of large diapers and was planning to put out a call to local parishes to conduct a diaper drive. Providing diapers is one of the very practical services this local group offers to help expectant and new mothers, especially in today’s tight economy. “The church is right here,” said Eckstein who has seen the number of women seeking help increase since she began doing this work a decade ago. Two years ago the ministry moved from a diocesan office to a home named Gabriel House. The house, affiliated with the diocesan Respect Life Office and primarily run by volunteers, provides space to store items from formula to baby furniture and a place to meet with women and provide spiritual and emotional support. The ministry is part of a nationwide effort among Catholic parishes and dioceses to provide more hands-on help to pregnant

women. Project Gabriel, which began in 1991 in Corpus Christi, Texas, promotes parishionerbased counseling for pregnant women. Parishes that provide this program often place billboard signs on their property with the message “Pregnant? Need Help?” along with a phone number. Serrin Foster, president of Feminists for Life, said practical support from parishes and pregnancy centers is key to the pro-life movement. which she pointed out is not just “saying no to abortion but yes to life.” She also calls this kind of support a way to “connect the dots” and particularly help poor women.

St. Landry Catholic Church offers cemetery tours OPELOUSAS St. Landry Church is sponsoring cemetery tours with the theme, “Every Spirit has a Story.” Tours will be on Saturdays, October 8 and 15 at 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. and on Sundays, October 9 and 16 at 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. in the historic St. Landry Catholic Church cemetery. The tours are not handicapped-accessible. Donations of $10 per person will be used for the restoration of historic gravesites. For more information, call 337-942-6552 or 308-3474.

October Ordination Anniversaries Father Augustine Serran, SVD Oct. 7, 1999 Father Jeremy O’Neil, OSB Oct. 14, 2000

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Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 9

Acadiana Catholic

Page 10 October 2011

‘La Vida Importa’ Por Obispo Michael Jarrell

rvicios del Obispo (Bishop Services Appeal, BSA) para el año 2012 comienza este mes. Más de 80,000 familias Católicas habrán recibido las cartas con la solicitud al llamado. Los fondos que se recaudan a través de este llamado son una fuente de ingresos para la Diócesis muy importantes. Desde que se inició el BSA, en el año 1973, se ha generado más de 46 millones de dólares provenientes de generosos donantes en la Diócesis. Espero que todos lean los materiales informativos que se han enviado por correo y puedan hacer una donación, de acuerdo a sus posibilidades. Estoy verdaderamente agradecido con todos los donantes. Cada año, en el mes de octubre, los católicos en los Estados Unidos celebran el Mes del Respeto a la Vida. Este Mes del Respeto por la Vida comenzó años atrás con un enfoque casi exclusivo en el tema del aborto, ya que es un ataque directo a la dignidad de la vida humana. Permanece, para los católicos Pro-Vida, como una inquietud primordial. Sin embargo, existen otros asuntos que deben ser tratados. Algunos de estos asuntos están destacados en una serie de ocho folletos publicados por el United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos) y titulados, “Life Matters” (La Vida Importa). Estos folletos se pueden encontrar en la página web: (hacer clic en Respect Life Program (Programa de Respeto

a la Vida). Un folleto que me interesa mucho trata sobre el tópico de la tecnología reproductiva. Encuentro que muchos católicos no se dan cuenta de los asuntos morales que se involucran. Existen estudios que se han llevado a cabo que muestran que una de cada seis parejas casadas enfrenta problemas de infertilidad. Algunas parejas se apoyan en la tecnología, es decir, en métodos como la fertilización vitro. El problema moral es que este procedimiento siempre involucra la destrucción de los embriones humanos. Es un procedimiento que es moralmente cuestionable por la misma razón que es el aborto – concretamente, por la dignidad inherente de la vida humana. Las parejas casadas frecuentemente tienen un fuerte deseo de tener hijos, y esto es muy bueno. Pero, en el caso de la fertilización invitro, el método es inmoral. Otro folleto se titula, “Life Matters: Embryo Research.” (La Vida Importa: Investigación de los Embriones). Una forma de dicha investigación es el tan bien publicitado trabajo con células de embriones, aquellas que derivan de embriones humanos. En el proceso, el embrión es destruido. En años recientes se ha tenido mucho éxito en las investigaciones sobre las células de embriones derivadas de otras fuentes. Tales investigaciones, que ya han producido buenos frutos, deben ser fomentados. Un tercer folleto lleva el título, “Life Matters: To the End of our Days.” (La Vida Importa: Hasta el fin de nuestros Días) Éste trata de varios temas sobre el término de la vida que son asuntos tan urgentes en nuestra sociedad hoy en día. La ofensa mayor es la eutanasia, también llamada asesinato por misericordia. Esta práctica de acabar con la vida de ciertas personas cuyas vidas se consideran que no tienen valor ha existido por milenios. Las sociedades Cristianas han considerado siempre

que esto moralmente es reprensible y han promulgado leyes para prevenir la práctica. Estas leyes están bajo ataque hoy en día por personas con una mentalidad secular. Es importante que los católicos permanezcan vigilantes en la protección de la vida humana. Una variación es la práctica del suicidio asistido que ha sido legalizado en varios estados. Suena muy humano decir que una persona tiene el derecho poner fin a su propia vida y que está bien que otros, hasta los doctores, asistan en este suicidio. Sin embargo, el punto de vista de los cristianos es que la vida humana proviene de Dios y El es el Maestro de la vida. Las personas que deciden que deciden por el suicidio son personas que frecuente sufren de depresión, o tienen alguna enfermedad mental o sienten la presión de tomar una decisión. Las personas que se acercan al final de sus vidas frecuentemente enfrentan soledad y depresión y quieren terminar ese sentimiento de soledad y dolor. Lo que necesitan es amor, comprensión y cuidado paliativo para el dolor físico. El asesinato directo de estas personas es una línea moral que no debe cruzarse. He dado un breve tratamiento a unos asuntos muy complejos. Hasta los folletos a los cuales hago mención son relativamente breves. Pero son asuntos de suma importancia en nuestra sociedad y toda persona razonable debe tener esta preocupación. El tema de este año sobre el Mes de Respeto a la Vida está basado en las palabras de Jesús, “Yo he venido para dar vida a los hombres y para que la tengan en plenitud.” (cf. Juan 10.10). La belleza del mensaje cristiano es que toda vida humana es valiosa. Merece la protección de la ley y el respeto de todos. El Papa Juan Pablo II habló acerca del “Evangelio de la Vida.” Este es el tema central de nuestros tiempos.

Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 11

‘Life Matters’ By Bishop Michael Jarrell

The 2012 Bishop’s Services Appeal kicks off this month. By this time, over 80,000 Catholic households have received appeal letters. Funds raised by the Appeal are an important source of Diocesan income. Since 1973 when the BSA began, it has brought in over $46 million from generous donors in the Diocese. I hope everyone will read the informative materials in the mail and make a donation, each according to his ability. I am truly grateful to all donors. In October each year Catholics in the United States observe Respect Life Month. This observance began years ago with an almost exclusive focus on the issue of abortion, which is a direct attack on the dignity of human life. It remains as the primary concern of pro-life Catholics. Yet, there are other issues which must be addressed. Some of these are featured in a series of eight pamphlets published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and entitled, “Life Matters.” These may be found online at (click on Respect Life Program). One pamphlet which interested me treats the

topic of reproductive technology. I find that many Catholics are not aware of the moral issues involved. Studies show that one in six married couples faces the problem of infertility. Some turn to technology, that is, to methods like in vitro fertilization. The moral problem is that this procedure always involves the destruction of human embryos. It is a morally objectionable procedure for the same reason that abortion is—namely, because of the inherent dignity of human life. Married couples often have a strong desire for a child, and this is a good thing. But in the case of IVF, the means is immoral. Another pamphlet is entitled, “Life Matters: Embryo Research.” One form of such research is the well-publicized work with embryonic stem cells, those derived from human embryos. In the process, the embryo is destroyed. In recent years much success has been realized from research on stem cells derived from other sources. Such research, which has borne good fruit already, should be encouraged. A third pamphlet bears the title, “Life Matters: To the End of our Days.” It discusses various end of life issues which are so pressing in our society today. The most egregious offense is that of euthanasia, also called mercy killing. This practice of killing certain persons whose lives are deemed worthless has been around for millennia. Christian societies have always found it morally reprehensible and have enacted laws to prevent the practice. Those laws are under attack to-

Rosary celebration at Immaculate Heart Church LAFAYETTE Immaculate Heart of Mary Couples of Hope and Family Ministry in Lafayette will be celebrating Our Lady of the Rosary on October 19, 2011 beginning at 6:30 p.m. The celebration begins with a candlelight procession to the church.

day by persons with a secular mentality. It is important for Catholics to remain vigilant in the protection of human life. One variation is the practice of assisted suicide which has been legalized in several states. It sounds very humane to say that a person has a right to end his own life and that it should be all right for others, even doctors, to assist in the suicide. Yet, the Christian view is that human life comes from God and He is the master of life. Persons who decide on suicide are often depressed, or have other mental illnesses, or they feel pressure to make such a choice. People approaching the end of life often face loneliness and depression and they want to end that loneliness and pain. What they need is love, understanding and palliative care for physical pain. The direct killing of such persons is a moral line which should not be crossed. I have given brief treatment to very complex subjects. Even the pamphlets to which I referred are relatively brief. But these are important issues in our society and every thinking person should be concerned. The theme of this year’s Respect Life Month is based on the words of Jesus, “I have come that all might have life and have it to the full.” (cf. Jn. 10.10) The beauty of the Christian message is that all human life is valuable. It deserves the protection of law and the respect of all. Pope John Paul II spoke about the “Gospel of Life.” It is the central issue of our time.

The Rosary will be recited in five different languages: Polish, French, Spanish, Portuguese and English. All parish and school organizations and committees are asked to participate in the celebration. Celebrant for the evening’s prayer liturgy and procession will be Father Thomas James, SVD, VE, pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. The public is cordially invited.

Acadiana Catholic

Page 12 October 2011

Youth from the diocese experience World Youth Day By Olivia Sack MADRID, SPAIN From August 16th to August 21st the city of Madrid, Spain, was taken over by the young Catholics of the world for World Youth Day. This event occurs every three years in a different country each time and it is centered in gathering the Christ-centered youth of the world. Over 2 million gathered to hear Pope Benedict XVI proclaim his message “to remain firm in the faith and to embrace the beautiful adventure of proclaiming it and witnessing to it openly with their lives.” The fact that millions of people from multiple continents travelled to one city to gather in the name of Jesus Christ is something that is truly inspiring to all who question how strong the faith is today. A group from Lafayette attended this event through Magnificat Travel and experienced the phenomenon first hand. Attendees with the Lafayette group that went, spoke highly of the experience as a whole, saying that the atmosphere was ex-

A priest distributes Communion to pilgrims during the closing Mass of World Youth Day celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI at Cuatro Vientos airfield in Madrid Aug. 21. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

tremely powerful. These teens said that seeing so many others that held a common religion and goal to strengthen the faith was empowering and inspiring, coming in contact with so many faithful teenagers from places like Australia, Ireland, Spain, and many more countries around the world. The group travelled not only to Madrid but also all across West-

ern Europe to experience holy places such as Lourdes and St. Peter’s Basilica. The entire trip was one of religious formation and strengthening through fun and loving experiences. One mother, Crissy Campo, who accompanied the group and took her two 16 year old daughters, Madison and Morgan, said, “I hoped by taking the pilgrimage to World Youth Day and by visiting these holy places and shrines, the girls and I would grow in faith and be blessed with the many graces that come along with these encounters.” The twin girls, juniors at St. Thomas More Catholic High School, agreed that the trip was a great way for them to grow in faith and have fun while doing so. Making friends from across the globe seemed to be a favorite aspect of many World Youth Day travel-

ers, as well as experiencing the presence of the Pope. Joshua Murphy, a senior at Teurlings Catholic High School, said that one of his favorite parts of the experience was the Way of the Cross devotion at World Youth Day through the streets of Madrid. He also said that due to the large numbers it was difficult to hear and understand Pope Benedict XVI, but he enjoyed the experience of participating with youth of different cultures and backgrounds. Joshua also stated that what he took away from the event was the feeling of being surrounded by people who were more than just lukewarm in their faith and how empowering that feeling was. These religious encounters help form the young Catholics of the world and create a feeling of strength and hope to remain steady in the faith. Bishop Michael Jarrell stated, “I am pleased that so many young Catholics have remained faithful despite the many dangers to faith which are so numerous in our world. Their experience of life in Christ will be a life-long asset to themselves and to the Church.” This festival of Christian values really gives power to those young people in attendance and inspires the world to follow in their path of witnessing to Catholicism. The next World Youth Day is set to take place in Rio De Janeiro in 2013, in place of 3 years (2014), due to Brazil hosting the FIFA World Cup in 2014. (See related story on page 33)

Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 13

Marriage Anniversary Mass honors 38 couples

As part of the Marriage Anniversary Celebration, Bishop Jarrell presented all registered couples with a certificate in honor of their anniversary. Pictured above with the bishop are Margaret and Patrick Barnaba, who are celebrating 40 years of marriage this year. Photo courtesy of Don & Jan Studio

LAFAYETTE The Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Marriage & Family Life recently held its annual Marriage Anniversary Celebration honoring couples who have been married for 25 or 40 years. The principal celebrant and homilist of the Mass, which was hosted by St. Mary Church in Lafayette, was Bishop Michael Jarrell. Concelebrants included Frs. Jude Halphen (Director, Office of Marriage & Family Life), Harold Trahan (Pastor, St. Mary’s), Gregory Chauvin, and Jared Suire. Deacon William Schambough also assisted in the celebration., and music was provided by organist Deborah Duhon and Cantor Dave Domingue. The Mass was an opportunity for all couples in attendance to participate in the renewal of their wedding vows. Additionally, Bishop Jarrell presented all couples who were registered for the occasion with a certificate in honor of their special anniversaries. This recognition was

extended to a total of 22 couples who are celebrating their 40th anniversary and 16 couples who are celebrating their 25th anniversary during the year 2011. Altogether, they represented more than 1,200 years of married life. On February 26, 2012, St. Peter Church in New Iberia will host a Marriage Anniversary Celebration for those who will be celebrating 50, 60, or more years of marriage during the year 2012. Registration for this event will open on January 2 and close on February 10; registration will not be accepted at the door on the day of the Mass, and only registered couples will receive certificates. Registration forms may be printed from the diocesan website,, under the Marriage & Family Life section. Forms may also be obtained by contacting the office at (337) 261-5653. All forms should be returned to: Office of Marriage & Family Life, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501.

LAFAYETTE Holy Cross Church in Lafayette will celebrate a special Mass in honor of all those in its faith family who have died during the past year. The Mass will take place on Saturday, October 29 at 4:00 p.m. (Anticipated Mass). Those who have passed away will be remembered with candles bearing their

names placed on the altar for the Mass. Near the end of the Mass, the names of the deceased will be read out loud as the candles are lit. Family members will be invited to take the candles home afterwards. For further information, please contact Holy Cross Church at (337) 984-9636.

Commemoration of the faithful departed on Oct. 29

Page 14 October 2011

Acadiana Catholic

Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 15

Acadiana Catholic

Page 16 October 2011

African American Youth Congress welcomes Damon Owens

LAFAYETTE The 2011 African American Youth Congress is scheduled for Saturday, November 19 on the grounds of St. Thomas More High School in Lafayette. The event will begin at 8:00 a.m. and conclude at 6:00 p.m., with various workshops planned for throughout the day. This year’s congress will also feature keynote speaker Damon Owens. Mr. Owens is the founder of Joy-Filled Marriage in New Jersey, a non-profit organization which provides training, resources, and support for engaged and married couples. He and his wife Melanie currently serve as coordinators of the Natural Family Planning Program for the Archdiocese of Newark (NJ), and are founders of the New Jersey Natural Family Planning Association. Mr. Owens has also served as the national spokesman for L.E.A.R.N. (Life, Education, And Resource Network), the national network of independent African-American pro-life

School; Catholic Devotions and Sacramentals; Cyberbullying; Rap: Music or Noise/Influence/ Feelings; Church and Teens; and Racial Dysfunctions and Stereotyping. Afternoon sessions will be devoted to Guy Talk and Girl Talk: Issues in the Black Community. Registration forms for the 2011 African American Youth Congress are currently available on the diocesan website, www., under the Office of

Black Catholic Ministries. The forms may be printed and submitted to the address provided, along with the $35 registration fee for those who register before November 4; early registration also includes lunch and a congress t-shirt. After November 4, the registration fee will be $40, and neither lunch nor a t-shirt is included. To request additional information, please contact the Office of Black Catholic Ministries at (337) 261-5694.

St. Genevieve 7th graders Damon Owens

organizations. For more than 10 years, he has called attention to the disproportionate effect of anti-family and anti-life issue within the black community. Morning workshops to be offered during this year’s congress will include: Unhealthy/ Healthy Relationships; Theology of the Body; The Mass-Changes to the Roman Missal; Role Models; Life After High

St. Genevieve School in Lafayette is proud to announce that 13 of its 7th-graders have qualified for the Duke Talent Identification Program. This means that they are qualified to take the ACT this year, based on their national percentile score of a 95 or higher in major subtests of the Stanford Achievement Test last March. Photo submitted by St. Genevieve School

PRAY FOR YOUR DEPARTED CLERGY Deacon Ulysse Boudreaux, Oct. 3, 2007 Deacon Ivy J. Miller, Oct. 5, 1997 Bishop Warren L. Boudreaux, Oct. 6, 1997 Father Anthony Verhoeven, Oct. 6, 1936 Father Jean Fidele Paradis, Oct. 8, 1988 Father Frederick Colle, Oct. 9, 1921

Father Frank Charles, SVD, Oct. 13, 1999 Father Ovila Forget, Oct. 15, 1978 Father Louis Castel, Oct. 16, 1936 Father Philemon Cloutier, Oct. 19, 1979 Msgr. Henri Hamel, Oct. 20, 1976 Father William Van Straaten, Oct. 23, 1974 Msgr. Curtis Vidrine, Oct. 23, 2000



October 2011 2

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time


Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time



Holy Hour for Vocations, Saint Patrick Church, Lafayette, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.


Weekday Priests’ Retreat, St. Charles Retreat Center, Moss Bluff

Msgr. George Mollo, Oct. 25, 1951 Msgr. Fernando L. Roy, Oct. 27, 1989 Father William E. Allen, Oct. 28, 1946 Father Philip L. Keller, Oct. 31, 1941


Nov. 1, 2011 — All Saints’ Day - Diocesan Offices closed Nov. 1, 2011 — “Food for the Journey” Speaker Series, Crowne Plaza Hotel , Lafayette, 11:30 a.m. lunch, 12:10 - 12:45 p.m. speaker.



Weekday Lunch in the Word , St. Peter Parish Hall, New Iberia, 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.



Diocesan Offices closedColumbus Day

Mission intention:



Nov. 3, 2011 — Quarterly Meeting Nov. 7, 2011 — Holy Hour for of the Newly Ordained Priests and Vocations, St. Patrick Church, their Mentors, Fatima Church, Lafayette, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Lafayette, Begins at 6:00 p.m. Nov. 7, 2011 — Divine Mercy Nov. 4-6, 2011 — Rachel’s Night, St. Peter Church, New Vineyard Retreat, Pre-registration Iberia. For further information call required. Contact the Office of John Manes at (337) 369-3021. Pro-Life Apostolate at (337) 2615607 for further information.

St. Francis of Assisi, Religious “Food for the Journey” Speaker Series, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lafayette, 11:30 a.m. lunch, 12:10 - 12:45 p.m. speaker.


October general intention:

That the terminally ill may be supported by their faith in God and the love of their brothers and sisters. That the celebration of World Mission Day may foster in the People of God a passion for evangelization with the willingness to support the missions with prayer and economic aid for the poorest Churches.


Nov. 2, 2011 — RPC Meeting, St. Edward Church, New Iberia, 6:30-9:00 p.m.

The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions



St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor 3rd annual Singles Retreat, Immaculata Center, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Workshop for the Laity, Central Region: “Understanding the Changes in the Mass” Our Lady of Fatima Church, Lafayette , 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.


Our Lady of the Rosary 4th Annual Bishop’s Golf Classic at Lake Charles Country Club, 8:00 a.m.



“How to Keep the Romance Alive - Our Time Together: A Revitalizing Couples Night” at the Petroleum Club, 111, Heymann Blvd., 6:30-9:00 p.m.

RPC Meeting, St. Rita Church, Catahoula, 6:30-9:00 p.m.

Weekday Vermilion Parish Area Principals’ Meeting, St. Edmund Church, Eunice, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m..




Weekday Companions Along the Journey (Bereavement Support Group), Immaculata Center, 6:00-8:00 p.m.




St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor Woman-to-Woman Catholic Conference, Lafayette Cajundome Convention Center, 8:00 a.m. South Region High School Youth Rally, St. Joseph Elementary School, Jeanerette, 1:00-4:00 p.m..


Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass of Remembrance for Deceased Deacons and Deceased Wives of Deacons, Immaculata Chapel, 2:00 p.m.


St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr Priests’ Retreat, St. Charles Retreat Center, Moss Bluff




Thirty-first Sunday

St. Luke, Evangelist

Rosary Makers Meeting, Immaculata Center, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.


Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time





Weekday Quiz Bowl for High Schools, Immaculata Center, 8:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.


St. John de Brebeuf and St. Isaac Jogues, Priests and Martyrs, and their Companions, Martyrs “Monthly Manna” Ecumenical Lunchtime Speaker Series, Forest Restaurant, Franklin, 11:00 a.m. $10 fee for meal.


Weekday Circle of Grace Training Workshop sponsored by the Office of Christian Formation, Immaculata Center, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Vocations Supper for Young Women, Bishop’s Resdience, 6:30 p.m.




Weekday WRAC (West Region Advisory Council) Meetings, Rayne Catholic Elementary School

Day of Reflection for Principals, St. Leo IV Church, Roberts Cove, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.


Weekday Council of Priests’ Meeting, Immaculata Center, 9:30 a.m.


Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles



Safety & Crisis Management Training, Immaculata Center, 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.



Acadiana Catholic

Page 18 October 2011

Implementation of Roman Missal revisions inches closer

by Stephanie R. Martin LAFAYETTE In preparation for the implementation of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal, the Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Worship recently held five regional workshops to help introduce and explain these changes to the lay people. The presentations were made by Msgr. Keith DeRouen, Director of the Office of Worship, and all those in attendance received a copy of “A Parishioner’s Guide to the Revision of the Roman Missal” which was based on material provided by the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. During the workshops, Msgr. DeRouen explained to the people that all of the revisions being implemented have been designed to fulfill two main purposes. The first is to provide a text that is more faithful to the original Latin. The second is to stir the people—clergy and laity alike—from complacency so that everyone is reminded that the true purpose of the Roman Catholic liturgy is to bring people into the presence of the living God. “The liturgy invites all of us— ministers and participants—to reflect on where we are going [into the presence of God],” said Msgr. DeRouen. “I truly believe that through this new translation, the Holy Spirit is asking the Church to shake off the dust of over-familiarity. . .what has become so engrained has now changed.” When provisions made by the Second Vatican Council in 1962 first al-

musical settings of the Gloria, the Sanctus, and the Memorial Acclamation. This preliminary step was approved during the spring meeting of the U.S. bishops, in order to allow the people an opportunity to familiarize themselves with these parts before the start of the Advent and Christmas seasons. Not all church parishes may have introduced them, however, since it was stipulated that any early introduction of these parts had to be sung, not spoken.

Pray for our priests In addition to the regional workshops for the lay people of the Lafayette Diocese, Msgr. Keith DeRouen (Director, Office of Worship) also recently made a presentation focused on the upcoming changes in the Roman Missal to the students of Opelousas Catholic School. The presentation took place inside St. Agnes Chapel on the school campus. Photo submitted by Opelousas Catholic School

lowed the Roman Catholic liturgy to be translated into other languages, the primary concern in this process was to preserve the essential “meaning” of the Latin text. Thus, the translations incorporated certain changes that allowed each language to accommodate its differing vocabulary and grammatical structure in order to avoid potential misinterpretation or confusion. Though the “meaning” of the prayers was indeed kept intact, these accommodations oftentimes simplified the Latin text, and consequently removed some of the original lyrical flow from the liturgy. In 2001, Pope John Paul II declared that the Roman Catholic Church was

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ready to focus on a more literal translation of the Mass, utilizing a more formal grammatical style and a wider vocabulary range. In doing so, this new translation will rejuvenate the original lyrical quality of the Latin and will also reflect the changes that have occurred over the past 30 years. For instance, several saints have now been added to the liturgy, in recognition of those who were canonized by Pope John Paul II during the years 1979-2000. Catholics in the Lafayette Diocese will also have an opportunity to learn more about the implementation of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal by tuning in to a special series being produced by the Office of Radio/TV Ministry. The threepart series is set to air on the three consecutive Sundays—November 6, 13, and 20—leading up to the actual implementation on November 27 (First Sunday in Advent). The series will utilize footage filmed during the afore-mentioned regional workshops, and will be shown at 11:00 a.m. each Sunday on KATC TV-3. Prior workshops for priests, deacons, musicians, and catechists have been presented throughout the earlier parts of 2011, and last month many church parishes introduced the new

Listed below are the priests for whom Catholics are asked to pray daily. The calendar is sponsored by the Serra Club of Lafayette. Oct. l Pope Benedict XVI Oct. 2 Bishop Michael Jarrell Father Richard Wagner, SSJ Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Father Arthur Warren Oct. 5 Father Daniel White, SJ Oct. 6 Father Andrew Whitman, SJ Oct. 7 Father Lawrence Abara Oct. 8 Father Ambrose Akalawu, CSSP Oct. 9 Father Joseph Alexander Oct. 10 Msgr. Robert Angelle Father Chester Arceneaux Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Father Jules Arceneaux Oct. 13 Father Michael Arnaud Oct. 14 Father Arockiam Arockiam, SVD Oct. 15 Father Justin Arockiasamy, SVD Oct. 16 Father Herbert Bennerfield Oct. 17 Father Lloyd Benoit Oct. 18 Father Paul Bergeron Oct. 19 Father Conley Bertrand Oct. 20 Father Chester Bienvenu Oct. 21 Father Paul Bienvenu Oct. 22 Father William Blanda Oct. 23 Father Howard Blessing Oct. 24 Father Martin Borcherding Oct. 25 Father Kevin Bordelon Oct. 26 Father Francis Bourgeois Oct. 27 Father Millard Boyer Oct. 28 Father James Brady Oct. 29 Father Joseph Brasseaux, OSB Father Allen Breaux Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Father John “Buddy” Breaux

Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 19

Celebrate Mass of Thanksgiving Youth

LAFAYETTE Holy Cross Church in Lafayette will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving and Hope for all those who have been affected by breast cancer—as well as other types of cancer—on Tuesday, October 18. The Mass is scheduled for 7:00 p.m., and Holy Cross pastor Father Howard Blessing will serve as the celebrant. Participants will have the opportunity to register for door prizes and add their personal intentions to a basket of prayer intentions. Also, those in attendance will receive a special memento to take home. After the Mass, everyone is invited to enjoy some light refreshments in the vestibule of the church. For further information, please contact Holy Cross Church at (337) 984-9636.

ROBERTS COVE The West Region of the Lafayette Diocese will host its annual “Celebrate Youth” event from 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 12. This year’s hosting church parish will be St. Leo IV Church in Roberts Cove. The event will include free food, drinks, music, and games for all. “Celebrate Youth” is for young people in grades 6th-12th. Anyone over the age of 18 must be training according to the Lafayette Diocese’s Safe Environment policy, and all youth participants must be pre-registered and accompanied by an adult chaperone. Registration is limited to the first 300 participants, and further details may be requested by contacting Eva Cormier at (337) 783-7394 or Janeth Harrington at (337) 258-0073.

St. Bernard Student Council

St. Bernard School in Breaux Bridge is proud to introduce the 2011-2012 SBS Student Council. Pictured above from left to right are: (first row) 4th grade reps Adeline Miller and Emma Breaux, 5th grade reps Jace Knott and Kaitlyn Guidry, (second row) faculty sponsor Ms. Ashley Butler, 7th grade rep Ben Guidry, 6th grade reps Jackson LeBlanc and Caleb Hebert, 7th grade rep Krista LeBlanc, (third row) 8th grade rep Tyler Marsocci, treasurer Olivia Huval, secretary Anna Huval, sergeant at arms Alex Breaux, vice president Landon Roberts, president Justin Blanchard (President), and 8th grade rep Kenzie Dupont. Photo submitted by St. Bernard School

Grief presentation on Nov. 15

MAURICE The West Region of the Lafayette Diocese will sponsor a special presentation on the topic of grief on Tuesday, November 15, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Church in Maurice. The speaker will be Sarah Brabant, PhD, CSO, CFLE, FT. Dr. Brabant is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She received her PhD from the University of Georgia in 1973, and throughout her career she has presented numerous papers, workshops, and lectures on death and bereavement. She has also contributed more than 50 articles which have appeared in professional journals, and is the author of the book Mending the Torn Fabric: For Those Who Grieve and Those Who Want to Help Them. For three consecutive years, representatives of the West Region of the Lafayette Diocese have worked with Dr. Brabant to coordinate an annual presentation which has been hosted by various church parishes in the region. This past spring, Dr.

Dr. Sarah Brabant

Brabant was also featured at the 2011 West Regional Conference, where she presented “Love Tenderly—Bereaved Children and Teens: The Need to Recognize, Affirm, and Empower.” The presentation on November 15 is open to all those who wish to attend. For information on additional grief resources and ongoing grief support groups within the West Region, please contact St. Michael Church in Crowley at (337) 783-7394, or St. Therese Church in Abbeville at (337) 893-5631.

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Acadiana Catholic

Page 20 October 2011

New Orleans Provincial Council meets in Lafayette

“BE FIRE!” By Graham N. Smith

Prelates from throughout the state of Louisiana gathered at Immaculata Center in Lafayette recently for the New Orleans Provincial Council meeting. Pictured above is the opening Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael Jarrell with concelebrants Bishop Robert W. Muench of Baton Rouge, center; Archbishop Gregory Aymond, New Orleans, third from the right, Bishop Glen John Provost, Lake Charles, second from the right and Auxiliary Bishop Shelton Joseph Fabre, New Orleans, right. Other clergy from throughout the diocese also concelebrated.

Yo u ’ r e m i n d ing your own business and a voice says, “Leave all this. I want you to go somewhere for me.” Putting aside the obvious questions that arise when we start hearing voices, you’d probably want to ask, “Where am I supposed to go?” The answer will be, “I’ll let you know when we get there.” Basically, that was Abraham’s call, when God told him to leave behind all that he knew and go “to a land that I will show you.” (Gen. 12:1) God promised to make Abraham a great nation but left out a lot of details about what this trip would require. Nevertheless, Abraham took his wife, his close family and his servants and headed out – at age 75. That’s also more or less the call that Jesus gave Peter, Andrew, and the rest of the twelve who followed Him: “Come with me and I’ll make you fishers of men.” (Mt. 4:18-22). No details, just the invitation, but they went. And when He sent them out, they were to rely totally on what God provided and to stay where He directed: “Take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money, nor let no one take a second tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there and leave from there . . . Then they set out and went from village to village proclaiming the good news and curing diseases everywhere.” (Lk. 9: 3-4, 6) “The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” (1 Cor. 4:20). God’s word, proclaimed in faith, can bring about wonderful events well beyond our own abilities. It brings hope, that most precious of all things. Would a deep conviction that God called you be enough to send you wandering for years carrying a precious cargo to a destination that you don’t yet know? That’s the premise of “The Book of Eli,” a very violent but haunting movie set in the aftermath of a nuclear war that has swept away civilization, leaving behind rubble and scat-

tered small groups of people trying desperately to survive. Eli hears a voice that leads him to dig under some debris, and there he finds intact a Bible – the last in existence. The voice tells him to carry that Bible westward to a place where it will be safe, but doesn’t tell him where that will be. His path will be laid out for him, the voice says, and if he has faith he will be protected against anyone or anything that seeks to harm him. So, Eli sets out on foot through the wilderness. For thirty years he wanders, reading his Bible day by day and literally guarding it with his life. He brutally fights off armed hijackers who would kill to take what he carries, and firmly resists efforts to persuade him to surrender it. Eli will not be turned aside. He prays and moves on, always to the west. Finally, someone does take Eli’s Bible and shoots him, leaving him to die. But even then, Eli struggles to his feet and begins to walk down the crumbling roadway, heading westward, compelled by the call God gave him. With help, he reaches San Francisco Bay. Unknown to him, Alcatraz Island has become a gathering place for books and other tools needed to rebuild civilization. It is the destination he’s been seeking. When Eli arrives on Alcatraz he announces that he has a King James Bible, although the one he’d carried for so long is gone. “It’s beat up,” he says, “but it will do the job.” Before his wounds take his life, he dictates it all, from the start of Genesis to the end of Revelations. In all his years of wandering, Eli has committed every word to memory. He has become his Bible. Because of Eli’s obedience, the Gospel will spread in print again as the world starts over. Jesus tells us, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent are taking it by force.” (Mt. 11:12 NAB) For Eli, that violence was real. For us, the threats may be economic or social. So, here’s what I ponder. Am I “sold out” for God enough that, like Eli (and Abraham), I’d go where the Lord sends me, even if I don’t know where I’d end up? A great deal may depend on my answer. And on yours.

Acadiana Catholic

Priests for Life head is needed for work in Texas, Bishop Zurek says WASHINGTON (CNS) Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, remains a priest in good standing in the Diocese of Amarillo, Texas, said Msgr. Harold Waldow, vicar for clergy in the diocese. Msgr. Waldow told Catholic News Service Sept. 13 that Bishop Patrick J. Zurek only suspended Father Pavone’s ministry outside of the diocese because the well-known pro-life priest is needed for work in Amarillo. Bishop Zurek in a decree Sept. 6 ordered the 52-year-old New York-born priest to return to Amarillo and announced it in a Sept. 9 letter to his fellow bishops. He pointed to “persistent questions and concerns” from clergy and la-

October 2011 Page 21 ity about how the millions of dollars donated to Priests for Life are used as the reason for suspending Father Pavone’s ministry outside the diocese. “He’s here to be obedient to the bishop and try to work with the bishop,” Msgr. Waldow said. “He’s going to have assignments, and he will be put on our payroll and given health care and other benefits like any other priest of the diocese.” For his part, Father Pavone returned to Amarillo the evening of Sept. 13 from Birmingham, Ala., where he had been taping programs for the Eternal Word Television Network for more than a week. Both Msgr. Waldow and Father Pavone said no meeting was immediately scheduled with Bishop Zurek, who left the diocese the afternoon of Sept. 13 for two weeks. Msgr. Waldow clarified Bishop Zurek’s concerns in

Carencro Catholic Prayer Warriors

Each week before the school Mass at Carencro Catholic School, the Carencro Catholic Prayer Warriors pray a rosary. They dedicate a decade to: 1) the priest; 2) the school’s faculty and staff; 3)the students; 4)the parents/guardians; and 5)weekly school intentions. Pictured above are prayer warriors Annette Guidroz, Andrea Miller, Julie Castille, Michael Castille, and Marie Sonnier. Photo submitted by Carencro Catholic School

a Sept. 15 statement, saying there is a “dispute” about the audits of two of Priests for Life’s affiliated agencies, Rachel’s Vineyard, an abortion healing ministry, and Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, a lay Catholic association. “Because there is a dispute ... (it) does not mean that Father Pavone is being charged with any malfeasance or being accused of any wrong doing with the financial matters of Priests for Life,” the statement said.

‘Courage’ is a support group for people with same-sex attraction LAFAYETTE “Courage” is a support group helping Catholic men and women to live in accordance with the Church’s pastoral teaching on homosexuality. There is a Courage chaplain provided by the diocese who supports the group. Interested individuals may contact the Courage Support Line at (337) 232-0074. Please leave a voicemail message including first name only and a phone number in order that a Courage member may

call with further information. Email messages may be left at Confidentiality is assured. Courage maintains a website at

October Birthdays Father George Thychery Father Francis Bourgeois Father Gene Tremie Father Michael Delcambre Father Michael Long Vu Father Mario Romero Deacon Joseph Comeaux Father Aaron Melancon Father James Fallon Father Paul Bienvenu Father Kendall Faulk Father Ferdinand Derrera, SJ Msgr. Russell Harrington Father Jude Halphen Father Jeremey O’Neil, OSB Father Michael Russo Father Gil Dutel Father Kevin Bordelon Deacon Tam Minh Tran Father Brian Taylor Msgr. Douglas Courville, JCL Father Arthur Warren Deacon Joe Trahan Deacon Robert McDonner Father Ruben Primor Father Henry Broussard Deacon Randy Hyde

Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 14 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 20 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Oct. 29 Oct. 30

Acadiana Catholic

Page 22 October 2011

September Food for the Journey – A challenge to go forth joyfully By Kathleen Toups LAFAYETTE A challenge to “go forth joyfully” was given by Father Chester Arceneaux to those attending the September 6 Food for the Journey program. Father Arceneaux, rector of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, emphasized, “I stand here, not as a priest, preaching how you must be, I stand here as a fellow brother in Christ, struggling for holiness, to have a good relationship with God.” “We (adults) have a responsibility to plant the seeds. Young people don’t see their parents living the faith. Are we committed to the truths of the Gospel?” he asked. “God loves us” Father Arceneaux added. “He sent His Son into the world not to condemn, but to love Him. How beautiful the prayers we have, rosaries, novenas, special devotions, all ways to achieve holiness. But if they don’t lead us to God, what good are they if we still can hold anger in our hearts.” He recalled at the World Youth Day (which he attended); Pope Benedict XVI urged the young people to reconciliation with the Divine Mercy. Obtain forgiveness, be reconciled with God the Father, free yourselves from

the slavery of sin. We can love anyone, even our enemies, if we share this love of our brothers and sisters,” he said, quoting the Holy Father. “The Cross often frightens us,” Father Arceneaux noted, “Yet the Cross is God’s ‘yes’ to mankind. We complain in adversity, asking ‘does God really love us?’ Jesus on the Cross was the total agape of love. “Does joy reign in our hearts? You know it is hard to find a joyful person. Too often we complain instead of giving thanks for our blessings. We should love our enemies, pray for our persecutors; remember the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to find peace,” he continued. “People long for someone to be kind. Kindness goes a long way and leaves an impression. The Pope challenged us to do our best and said what we can’t handle, the Holy Spirit will do the rest, “Father Arceneaux said. “Be gentle with your family, have love and compassion, the call to holiness is a call to become like Christ. He sent the example of gentleness. Remember God is a God of love. We need to witness to this. Every good deed is written down and God knows our witness. We are building heavenly treasure as we serve humbly

Pictured above, from the left, Father Thomas James, SVD, VE Episcopal Vicar for the Central Region; Father Chester Arceneaux, pastor of the Cathedral of Jt. John the Evangelist and guest speaker for the September Food for the Journey series; and Mrs. Mary Bergeron, Executive assistant to Father James.

and faithfully before God,” Father Arceneaux emphasized. In conclusion Father Arceneaux sang a favorite song, “How Beautiful the Body of Christ,” emphasizing the importance of sharing the faith and reflecting the Divine Presence to the world. Father Arceneaux, a native of Lafayette, has held pastoral assignments at St. Theresa, Abbeville; Our Lady of Wisdom, Lafayette, and presently at the Cathedral. In opening remarks he praised and thanked Father Floyd Calais, who preceded him in Abbeville, for his example of

“faith and zeal for souls, which built the foundation of my priesthood.” Father Arceneaux was introduced by Mary Bergeron, executive assistant to Father Thomas James, vicar for the Central Region which sponsors Food for the Journey. She thanked Gayle Landry, chairman of the arrangements committee and her team for making arrangements. This was the seventh anniversary of Food for the Journey which has provided a series of outstanding clergy speakers from the Central Region since 2004.

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Page 24 October 2011

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Page 26 October 2011

2010-2011 Bishop’s Services Appeal Gifts as of August 31, 2011


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total. pledge

down. payment

8.monthly payments

5..monthly payments

$240.00.. $200.00.. $160.00... $120.00.. $100.00.. $80.00.. $48.00..

$48.00.. $40.00.. $32.00.. $24.00.. $20.00.. $16.00.. $9.60..

$24.00.. $20.00.. $16.00.. $12.00.. $10.00.. $8.00.. $4.80..

$38.40.. $32.00.. $25.60.. $19.20.. $16.00.. $12.80.. $7.68..

2011-2012 Goal:

2..monthly payments


$96.00 $80.00 $64.00 $48.00 $40.00 $32.00 $19.20

how to make a gift to the

2011-2012 bishop’s services appeal: Give online at Look for a letter from Bishop Jarrell in your mail. Look for a Pledge Envelope in your Parish church.



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Acadiana Catholic

Page 30 October 2011

A Vacation with the Lord

Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House, Grand Coteau, La. (337) 662-5410

God Calls Our Name Sometimes poetry can express our thoughts and feelings in unique ways. I particularly admire the poetry of my friend, Laurie Trumps. In the poem that follows she speaks of the way God called her name on a special day in her life. Cold Desert Morning I’ve memorized it: The way You whispered once My name, Like it was a mysterious, fragile, living thing. It was in your whisper That I heard The sound Of my name, As though, for the first time, It echoed, Held firmly against your chest, In your stillness. My name Moved, New and pure, Through me In just the way The fog moves off the mesa, On cold, clear desert mornings. –Laurie Trumps Life brings with it disappointments, set-backs and suffering. We are often forced to abandon our dreams and to find new ways to live when things don’t go as we hoped. If we can hear deep within us, God whispering our name, we can find the courage to walk forth, embraced by the endless love in that whisper. We often live our lives tossed about by our longings and our restlessness. We forget that God is calling us by name. We forget that we are the beloved. Our restlessness will continue unabated until we hear the sound of God’s voice once more; hear his loving voice calling us by name. Father George Ausenbrenner S.J. tells us that, “It is the ex(Continued on page 43)

Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 31

Five needs of young people By Roy Petitfils

As you read this brief list, don’t think “I do this.” or “I don’t do this” but rather “How well do I meet this need in the young people in my life?” “What is one thing I can do, one shift I can make to do better in this area?” 1. Attention: such a basic human emotional need that we often take it for granted when life gets busy and other things become more urgent. Young people especially need our attention. Contrary to what some suggest, our greatest fear is not rejection (per se) but being ignored. When we attend to young people in a very real way, they experience us “seeing them” and thus validate their presence as

Registration for VLCFF

LAFAYETTE An error occurred in the September edition of the Acadiana Catholic, when it was published that registration for Cycle 7 of the VLCFF was open. There will be no Cycle 7 for the year 2011, although registration is now open for Cycle 1 of the 2012 calendar year. A complete 2012 schedule is currently available at www. The Lafayette Diocese’s partnership with the University of Dayton Institute for Pastoral Initiative allows individuals within the diocese to participate in the VLCFF (Virtual Learning Com-

worthwhile. 2. To Feel Heard: We all need to feel heard, but this is especially important for children and adolescents. Hearing a young person involves more than simply listening to them. It involves a committment on our part to listen to them until they feel heard. And very often until they (while talking) become clear on what they’re trying to say. 3. Intimacy: We are created to live in union with God. We participate in that union sacramentally and in relationships in this life. More than anything else young people desire a meaningful relationship with their parents (or other significant adults) but when they cannot get that, they will settle for other people, things and experiences. 4. Access to the Sacred: Youth don’t need religious data as much as they need us to provide and create for them spaces where they can “connect” with the Sacred. In addition to Mass, these include retreats, mission trips, prayer experiences, times of silence and fo-

munity for Faith Formation) at the cost of $40 per course. VLCFF courses may be applied toward a Certificate in Catechesis, or as the continuing education hours required by the Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Catholic Schools. Registration for Cycle 1 of the 2012 calendar year will close on January 4, 2012, and courses will be conducted from January 8-February 11. Course topics will include Designing a Parish Catechetical Plan; Digital Catechesis: Web Literacy; Roman Missal; Vision for Catholic Youth Ministry; and more. Offered courses do vary from cycle to cycle, and a complete listing may be accessed at www.vlc.

cused meditation. As young people learn to access the sacred in a focused way the foundation is laid to access the sacred in the events of everyday life. 5. A Safe Place: This isn’t always a geographical place. For many youth, home and school are not safe places which drivethem to seek relational safey. Teens often say “When I’m with _______ I feel like everything’s going to be OK.” Many adolescents find this in their friends and in a special way in their boyfriends and girlfriends. Even when these relationships are short and/or transient, teens still experience them as vital because they meet such an important need in their lives. Roy Petitfils is a counselor at Pax Renewal Center where he specializes in counseling teens, young adults and couples. He leads workshops, retreats and parish missions throughout the US. Visit him on the web at or contact him at

For further information on the partnership between the University of Dayton Institute for Pastoral Initiative and the Lafayette Diocese, please contact the Office of Christian Formation at (337) 261-5550.

To subscribe to The Acadiana Catholic call (337) 261-5650

Acadiana Catholic

Page 32 October 2011

Dominican sister celebrates feast day

Incomplete Seminary Burses Your Contributions Help Educate Future Priests ALEX ALBERT is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Albert. He is in his fourth college year at St. Joseph Seminary College, St. Benedict, La. He is sponsored by Our Lady of Wisdom, Lafayette.

Sister Magdalene Soileau, O.P., originally of Ville Platte. recently celebrated her feast day during her home visit in July. Family and friends gathered for a Mass of Thanksgiving for the gift of her vocation. Father Clinton Sensat, center, was the celebrant. Sister Mary Magdalene teaches at St. Gertrude’s in Cincinnati, Ohio. Pictured above, from the left, Lyse Soileau, sister; Jennabeth Bergeron, neice; Benjamin Bergeron, nephew and godchild; Michelle Soileau, mother; Jillian Bergeron, neice; Father Sensat; Sister Mary Magdalene; Emilyse Bergeron, neice; Kayra Bergeron, sister; and Ted Soileau, father.

Mark Miley receives ministry of acolyte

Come & See event Sisters of St. Benedict

HALES CORNERS, WI Seminarian Mark Hugh Miley received the ministry of acolyte in a liturgical rite at Sacred Heart School of Theology in Hales Corners, Wisconsin, on October 5, 2011. M i l e y ’s Mark Miley h o m e church parish is Sacred Heart in New Iberia. He is the son of Mrs. Iona Colton Miley and the late Mr. M.H. Miley.

Ferdinand, Indiana October 14 through 16, 2011 A “Come and See” event for single, Catholic woman between the ages of 18 to 40 will be available. Get to know the Benedictine sisters, share in their community life and prayer, and meet other women who are considering religious life - no pressure, no commitment! For more information or to register online, visit www.thedome. org/vocations, call Sister Michelle Sinkhorn at 800-734-9999, or email

MATTHEW BARZARE, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Barzare, is in his Second Theology Year at Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans. He is sponsored by St. Anthony, Eunice.

DONALD BERNARD is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bernard. He is in his first college year at St. Joseph Seminary College, St. Benedict, La. and is sponsored by St. Pius X, Lafayette

PAYTON BOURQUE is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jared Bourque. He is in in his first college year at St. Joseph Seminary College, St. Benedict, La. and is sponsored by Holy Cross, Lafayette. JOSEPH BOUSTANY, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boustany is in his Second college year at St. Joseph Seminary College, St. Benedict, La. He is sponsored by Our Lady of Fatima, Lafayette.

Photos by Paul Kieu

219 Msgr. Wm. J. Teurlings Burse #1 13,417.00 236 John E. Lee Jr. Burse 9,324.60 239 St. Joseph Burse 9,076.48 242 Lee C. Lavergne Burse 7,079.73 244 Rev. Julian Van Exem Burse #2 12,524.06 248 Msgr. Alphonsus Martel Burse 11,000.00 253 Serra Club Burse 15,034.49 254 Rusty Randol Burse 1,742.76 260 St. Theresa Burse #2 5,697.46 266 Paul and Mary Karre Burse 2,105.00 268 M/M Willie Fournet Burse #2 570.65 271 Msgr. Joseph Van Brero Burse 710.00 272 Msgr. P. Alexandre Borel Burse 1,625.00 274 Msgr. Emery Labbe Burse 6,310.00 278 Msgr. Daniel Bernard Burse 3,674.64 281 Rev. Harry Van Tiel Family Burse 3,969.00 283 Noemie L. Petitijean Burse 1,000.00 284 Msgr. Daniel Habetz Burse 6,590.00 286 P.J. Reiners Burse #2 9,500.00 288 Rev. Oscar Drapeau Burse 2,000.00 290 Rev. P.G.J. Kemps Burse 1,000.00 291 Lucille M. Griffin Memorial Burse 5,000.00 292 Anonymous Burse 10,470.00 293 Msgr. Fernand Gouaux Burse 4,770.00 294 Robert A. Frey Memorial Burse 7,360.00 297 “A Priest” Burse #2 7,400.00 308 Harold/Ruby Moreau Family Memorial Burse 5,000.00 309 Libby Holcombre Memorial Burse 2,000.00 318 Msgr. Marcel Murie 5,260.00 319 Rev. Marcel & Alfred Gaudet #5 1,942.80 322 Rev. Jean Fidele Paradis #2 5,000.00 323 Charlene Richard 3,030.00 326 Fr. Raphael Gauthier #2 3,757.17 327 Msgr. Albert Bacque #2 325.00 330 Rev. Verbis Lafleur #3 7,600.00 332 Ben & Louisa Larriviere #2 3,750.00 337 Colonel, Chaplain Kenneth A. Bienvenu, USAF, Burse #2 14,214.99 340 Rev. James Doiron 2,272.17 346 Msgr. Alexander O. Sigur Memorial 2,250.00 348 Rev. J. Wilson Matt & Mire Families 450.00 351 Rev. Alcide Sonnier Burse #2 11,300.00 352 St. Edmond Church Parish (In memory of Frs. Dowling & Murray, SM) 9,000.00 354 Catholic Daughters #3 10,200.63 355 Gabriel Lucas Seminary Memorial Fund (Morse) 15,000.00 356 Mrs. Louise L. White Memorial Fund 10,110.00 358 Therese Esteves #5 7,516.49 359 St. Peter’s Parish – New Iberia 10,422.35 363 Ramona Crosby Bennerfield Burse 2,155.52 364 St. Jude Burse #2 8,030.00 366 A. Otis and Etta B. Hebert Memorial Burse 5,000.00 367 Bishop Edward J. O’Donnell Burse 3,545.00 368 Rev. J.C. Speyrer Burse 10,000.00 370 Msgr. C. Burton Mouton Burse 10,700.00 375 Msgr. Charles Marin 100.00 376 Bishop Jeanmard Burse 4,464.00 377 Marie Louise Franques Kenneth N. LaCaze Burse 3,000.00 378 Bishop Gerard L. Frey Memorial Burse 12,522.00 379 Rev. Moise Hebert #2 3,403.61 380 Lay Honorees #7 3,200.10 381 In memory of Mrs. Dorphi Duhon 2,181.50 382 Rev. Raymond Robitaille #2 11,000 383 James Kerney Bourque Memorial Burse 3,930.00 384 Bishop Schexnayder Mem. Vurse #3 940.19 385 Rev. Mike Bakowski Memorial Burse 3,000.00 386 Coignard/Gremillion Burse #2 1,500.00 387 Gabriel Lukas Memorial Fund (Morse) 194.21 JULY-AUGUST DONORS 330 Carroll/Richard Lafleur 100.00 330 Carroll/Richard Lafleur 100.00 385 Dr. George & Sandra Bakowski Foundation 200.00

Seminary life still influences singer’s performances on opera stage

By Michael Swan TORONTO (CNS) When bass-baritone Mark Doss takes the stage as King Thoas in “Iphigenia in Tauris,” an altar of sacrifice stands at the middle of the Four Seasons Centre stage. It is familiar territory for Doss. Doss has played Thoas in Christoph Gluck’s successful opera before. He premiered the role with the San Francisco Opera. But Doss’ knowledge of altars and sacrifice goes deeper than the roles he has played. Doss, 54, arrived at classical singing by way of the seminary.

His love of liturgy and sacred music eventually spilled over, and his voice found a natural home on the operatic stage. Thirty years later, Doss’ experience of life in the seminary still influences his approach to opera. “I’m the kind of person who really deals with the words,” Doss said. “It comes from that background -- the Gospel as the Word of God -- and you see it’s a really powerful thing. So, why go away from something that’s really powerful?” As a singing actor, Doss has little patience with directors who

impose interpretations that don’t fit the text. He feels most fulfilled on stage when he can make the words his own. He traces his love of words and drama to his experience as a lector at Mass when he was studying for the priesthood with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. Doss went to St. Joseph’s College in Rensselaer, Ind., from 1976 to 1978, entering the seminary as a very traditional young Catholic with strong memories of serving Mass in Latin when he was 7 or 8 years old. He walked into the maelstrom

of change that characterized the American church of the 1970s. For two years, Doss made the seminary chapel his home. It was the place where he worshipped, prayed and practiced singing. Looking back, Doss thinks he probably should have opted for a monastery rather than the sort of apostolic community represented by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. “I would have been happy as a Benedictine,” he said. The Benedictine vow of stability would contrast with the career Doss eventually made.

Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 33

Local youth and leaders offer insights on World Youth Day LAFAYETTE Several young people and their leaders attended World Youth Day in Madrid recently. Following are a few short reflections from participants who went on the World Youth Day pilgrimage, which was organized by Family Missions Company. “Our pilgrimage to Madrid was filled with so many blessings. I never imagined that in just two weeks I could experience so much of what it means to be the Universal Church! The theme of this year’s World Youth Day was ‘Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith’ – and I really felt that this was the common thread running throughout all the days we spent in Europe. Our group leaders from Family Missions Company were constantly reminding us that Christ had to be at the center of everything in order for our pilgrimage – and the many sacrifices it entailed – to be meaningful and memorable for us. The efforts made by the entire group to remain prayerful, to have an ‘attitude of gratitude,’ and to be humbled by the realization of our ‘littleness’ in light of so much beauty and history, were so fruitful. We were given the opportunity to remember St. Thomas More at the site of his imprisonment and martyrdom in London, to sing hymns in a chapel dedicated to the Catholic Martyrs of Córdoba, to pray before the tombs of St. Peter, St. Paul, and Blessed John Paul II in Rome – and of course, we had the chance to hear the Vicar of Christ, Pope Benedict XVI, speak to our hearts in Madrid. I will never forget the sound of the Holy Father’s voice when he addressed the crowd of two million pilgrims at Cuatro Vientos: ‘My dear young people! I thank you for your joy!’ We are so fortunate to have a pope who loves us so very much.” – Emily C. Byers (24 yrs.) Our Lady of Fatima, Lafayette “For me, World Youth Day was an unforgettable event. You could say that it’s like a little piece of Heaven on earth. When I was told that I could go, I didn’t feel very fortunate or think it would be anything that important. Then, once we got to Madrid I realized what was happening, and how special that place and all of those people really were. It’s really an event of supernatural magnitude. It was there that it hit me – how very small the two countries

Emily Byers, a parishioner of Our Lady of Fatima, Lafayette, left, and Alyse Spiehler, Our Lady of Wisdom, Lafayette, are pictured against a crowd of participants of World Youth Day. (more to come)

that I’ve lived in (Venezuela and the United States) are when they’re compared to the whole Church and the whole world. It was an event that increased my hope. When I saw that many good people gathered together, I realized that those who follow the ways of the world are, and always will be less than those who follow and love God our Father.” – Luis Alberto Blanco Credes (20 yrs.), St. Jules, Lafayette “World Youth Day, for me, was a life-changing experience. ‘Thy kingdom come’ is a prayer we say most every day in the Our Father. What is it like though,

if God’s kingdom comes? As I stood amongst the millions in a dusty airfield before our Holy Father, I had the unshakable feeling that I was in the kingdom of God. Almost two million youth gathered to be with the Pope, in the presence of God, was God’s kingdom on Earth. We are His people, and we are His Church. To be amidst that great gathering of the church blessed me so much, to know the magnitude of what I am a part of, even if it is only a small example. Two million people is only a small portion of the Catholic Church, and

Pictured above with banner is Luis Alberto Blanco Credes, St. Jules, Lafayette.

it was still so many people! If the Catholic Church stood up, raised our voice, and called for the change God wants, it would happen! God would win if we, His Church, fought the battle. This is something that World Youth Day has taught me so much. Praise be to God.” – Alyse Elizabeth Spiehler Our Lady of Wisdom, Lafayette(16 yrs.) “The Universal Church – there we were, amid a sea of youth. It was a sensory overload: the sights, the smells, the sounds. And though we were two million individuals, we were one Church. Where else can two million added together equal one? Where else but the Catholic Church! We prayed the Rosary and sang songs of praise. We socialized with one another – as much as we could, at least. The language barrier was difficult in the beginning, but at some point we realized that you don’t have to translate a smile; it’s the same in every language. I am a full-time foreign missionary. I have travelled to many countries and seen many things, but this was my very first pilgrimage to World Youth Day. It was truly remarkable. Seeing the Pope, Our Holy Father, sent chills down my spine. I couldn’t believe it was him! I suppose what struck me the most in my experience of WYD was when two million noisy, rambunctious teenagers fell silent before the Blessed Sacrament. That huge sea of people was suddenly still when everyone stopped and fell on their knees before the Eucharist. You didn’t have to translate what was going on; we all knew. Only something miraculous, only JESUS, could get two million people to be still and quiet all at once. We are one Church, one Body IN CHRIST. I no longer have any doubt about that.” –Breanne Saldivar Missionary with Family Missions Company, Abbeville “Thank you, young people! You rejuvenate the Pope, inspire the Church, and refresh a world thirsty for hope and courage. ... The Pope thanks you for your affection and sends you out as ambassadors of the joy that our world needs.” – Pope Benedict XVI, WYD Madrid 2011

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Page 34 October 2011

Franciscan University stands against HHS Mandate undermining religious liberty Calls citizens to public action STEUBENVILLE, OH On September 22, Father Terence Henry, TOR, president of Franciscan University of Steubenville, submitted a public statement protesting new guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services that force Catholic institutions to choose between faith and health care. These guidelines, slated to take effect August 1, 2012, require all individual and group health insurance plans, including self-insured plans, to cover all FDA-approved contraception and sterilization procedures (76 Fed. Reg. 46621, August 3, 2011). “By making this insurance coverage mandatory, our government has violated the consciences of people of faith and infringed on our rights to practice our religious beliefs,” Father Henry’s statement said. “Mandatory contraception and sterilization coverage in college student insurance plans force Catholic colleges to

undermine our missions as Catholic institutions.” The so-called “religious exemption” Father Henry said, “will very likely not protect Franciscan University of Steubenville or hundreds of other Catholic colleges, schools, and organizations,” including Catholic hospitals, nursing homes, and social service agencies, which serve people regardless of religious affiliation. Father Henry’s statement ended with a plea to “repeal the HHS regulations and protect the religious freedom of Catholics and people of all faiths.” Commenting on the University’s decision to stand publicly against the new HHS regulations, Michael Hernon, vice president of Advancement at Franciscan University, said, “Franciscan University felt compelled to speak out because this unprecedented government mandate is an outrage against men and women of faith


and a clear violation of our First Amendment rights.” Hernon noted that the deadline for public comment is September 30 and urged concerned citizens to act now by making their own public comments. “We call upon

people of good conscience to stand with Franciscan University and the many other faith-based groups affected by the HHS mandate, which is nothing less than an attack on our freedom of conscience.”

CDA scholarship winners named

Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court of Assumption #1672, Franklin, scholarship winners for the 2011 school year are pictured above. From the left, are, Carolyn Higdon and Christian Glorioso, senior winners from Hanson Memorial High School and Tanner Guillotte, also from Hanson, is rthe eighth-grade scholarship winner. Carolyn is the daughter of John and Sheri Higdon of Centerville and plans to attend LSU in the fall majoring in Theater Management. Christian is the son of Neile Lorenzo and Chris Glorioso of Franklin and will also be attending LSU majoring in Mass Communications. Christian was also named as a state scholarship winner and has received an additional check from the Louisiana State Catholic Daughters court. Tanner is the daughter of Tammy and Kevin Guillotte of Franklin and will be entering Hanson this school year as a freshman. Photo submitted by Marie Schexnayder

Breakfast with the Principal

The Hope That Saves

Procession to Sunday Mass, St. Joseph’s Church, Mutunguru, Kenya

Eighth grade students at Our Lady of Fatima School in Lafayette were recently treated to “Breakfast with the Principal.” Mr. Herb Boasso, Jr. used the opportunity to speak to the students about the importance of being leaders for the school, setting a good example and helping the younger students. Photo submitted by Our Lady of Fatima School

Pray and Give Generously on

8PSME .JTTJPO 4VOEBZ October 23, 2011 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith | Pontifical Mission Societies

Certified Recognition Masters

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October 2011 Page 35

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October 2011 Page 39

Hunters for the Hungry food drive

LAFAYETTE The annual Hunters for the Hungry food drive will be held from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 9, with various drop-off locations throughout Acadiana. The drive encourages local sportsmen and their families to clean out their freezers and donate frozen, processed game, fowl, and fish in an effort to help provide meals to the impoverished in Acadiana. “This is such a worthy cause,” stated Bob Giles, chairman of this year’s drive. “Meat is the most difficult food item to provide to the needy, as it is expensive and hard to preserve.” Donations will be collected at the following locations on October 9: Lafayette - UL Cajun Field Carencro - Carencro Fire Station Crowley - Salvador’s Jewelry & Gifts Eunice - Eunice Fire Station Henderson - Henderson Nina Fire Station Youngsville - First Assembly of God Church (Verot School Rd.) Opelousas - Nissan of Opelousas Jennings - Our Savior’s Church

Junior Clavers Brown Bag Project

Junior Clavers of District IV recently gathered at the Robicheaux Center in Lafayette to take part in the 2011 Knights of Peter Claver Brown Bag Project. This annual, nationwide endeavor encourages all junior courts and councils to come together and donate items found on the wish lists of local shelters. This year’s needs focused on toiletries and cleaning supplies for The Faith House of Lafayette and The Assist Agency of Crowley. Participants included Ct 51, Ct 76, Ct 84, Ct 206, Ct 242 Br 84 and Br 242. Photo submitted by Janece Riser



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Acadiana Catholic

Page 40 October 2011

Public Square Rosary Oct. 15

NEW IBERIA All are invited to attend a Public Square Rosary in New Iberia from 12:00 noon until 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 15. The rosary will be prayed in front of New Iberia’s city hall on Main Street, in honor of the 94th anniversary of Our Lady’s

Apparitions in Fatima, Portugal. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this event, and pray publically for the future of America. Rosary groups and youth groups are welcome. For further details, please call (337) 560-1508 or (337) 367-5068.

St. Francis students receive safety vests

The Iota-Egan Lions Club presented St. Francis School of Iota with safety vests which are to be worn by the children while on field trips. On hand for the presentation are front row, left to right, Austin Hebert, Chloe Smith, Brinna Hebert, Jake Johnson, Savannah Smith and Addison Brignac. Second row making the presentation to the school are Fred Lantz, Donald Smith with the Iota-Egan Lions Club, Cindy Habetz, principal of St. Francis, and Sissy Lantz, also with Iota-Egan Lions Club. Photo furnished by St. Francis School

Circle of Grace Workshop

LAFAYETTE A Circle of Grace training workshop will be held from 6:008:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 26 at the Immaculata Center in Lafayette. This workshop will assist catechists/teachers in using the Circle of Grace program to its fullest potential. It will also count as Level II, II, IV, V, or VI: Safe Environment Continuing Education (2 credits). The Circle of Grace program allows children and youth to identify uncomfortable situations long before any inappropriate touch may occur. The program helps children and youth to identify early on when they are uncomfortable with a situation and includes ways to seek the help of a trusted adult. The Circle of Grace program is

self-contained for each grade (K12), with everything needed to teach the material, and program goals are met in all grades. The training workshop is recommended for all parish and school Safe Environment Coordinators, catechetical leaders, and catechists/teachers. It is being offered at no charge, although an RSVP is required no later than Friday, October 21. This may be submitted to Lynne Broussard in the Office of Christian Formation, by telephone at (337) 2615550 or e-mail at lbroussard@

“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that have received--only what you have given.” ― St. Francis of Assisi

Called to the Lamb’s Supper

At Sts. Peter & Paul School in Scott, sixth grade students recently participated in a spiritual reflection entitled “Called to the Lamb’s Supper” as a way of studying their faith and embracing the school year. Photo submitted by Sts. Peter & Paul School

Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 41

Sacred Heart School holds faith rally

A member of Dumb Ox Productions is pictured above leading a session on “Theology of the Body” for students of Sacred Heart High School in Ville Platte. Photo furnished by Sacred Heart School

VILLE PLATTE Sacred Heart High School began the 2011-2012 school year with a Faith Rally on August 18. The rally’s theme was “Theology of the Body for Teens.” The entire student body was involved in the event, which featured talks, small group discussions, games, and praise and worship music. The presenters were Brian Butler and Greg Boudreaux. Butler and Boudreaux are members of Dumb Ox Productions, whose mission is to help teens pursue their vocations through prayer and chastity. Butler was instrumental in creating the successful Theology of the Body for

Teens and for Middle-School programs. The faith rally preceded the senior retreat held that weekend and served as its guiding theme. The senior retreat was an overnight retreat staffed by TOBET (Theology of the Body Evangelization Team). Through the teaching of Blessed Pope John Paul II, Theology of the Body has become an important way for modern culture to understand the dignity and holiness of human sexuality. Rather than succumb to the temptations of the world’s idea of sexuality, the Theology of the Body gives teenagers a way to bring their faith into their interpersonal relationships.

Recent & upcoming events at St. Thomas More High School

LAFAYETTE St. Thomas More Catholic High School recently celebrated an Academic Pep Rally to honor 737 students for their scholastic achievements and perfect attendance during the 2010-2011 school year. Now in its 16th year, the theme of this year’s rally was “Climbing the Charts,” which showcased STM’s version of American Idol with faculty and staff. Faculty, students, spirit squads and band members performed theme-related routines and skits throughout the event. “This is a way to honor all students who have achieved excellence, and show appreciation to our community sponsors,” noted Tyler Hayes, STM senior and Student Chairperson. The Academic Pep Rally also served as a platform to publically announce the National Merit semi-finalists for the first time. Congratulations go out to STM seniors Leah Wyatt, Luke Osborn, and James Whipple, as well as to

commended scholars Stephanie Mounger and Nolan Edwards. St. Thomas More would also like to remind everyone that on October 24, Parents for Light will host a 5:30 p.m. gathering in the campus chapel. The evening will begin with refreshments and fellowship, followed by a presentation from Father Ed Duhon, Associate Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Broussard. The evening will close with an hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. In addition to STM students, parents, and faculty, guests from throughout the diocese are welcome to attend. The STM Parents for Light is a monthly speaker program hosted by parent volunteers to foster the parent/student relationship in spiritual formation. For more information, please email STMParents4Light@gmail. com, “like” the Facebook page Parents4LightSTM, or follow on Twitter at

Holiday Market planned for Sts. Leo-Seton

St. Thomas More would also like to recognize its 61 seniors who were recently commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers. Photo submitted by St. Thomas More High School

3rd annual St. Bernard School Fall Fest set for October 29

Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School of Lafayette “Merchants & Mistletoe” committee has been busy organizing its upcoming holiday market scheduled for Friday, Nov. 11 from 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. in the school gymnasium. Merchants and artisans will be offering: artwork, jewelry, home décor and accessories, outdoor items, monogrammed items, women’s and children’s clothing, gourmet treats and much more available for purchase. Concessions will also be available. Sts. Leo-Seton is located at 502 St. Leo Street which is on the frontage road at the intersection of I-49 & I-10. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door the day of the market. For ticket purchase and more information please call 337.314.0808. Shown at a recent committee meeting are, from left to right: Tonya LeBlanc, Dana Roger, Debbie Touchet, Felicia Richey and Leah Naquin. Photo furnished by Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School

BREAUX BRIDGE All are invited to attend the 3rd Annual St. Bernard School Fall Fest on Saturday, October 29. The event will be held on the school campus, which is located along the banks of Bayou Teche in downtown Breaux Bridge. The event will start with the Crusader Classic 5-K Run/Walk & Boo-Dash 1-Mile Fun Run. Later, the day will continue with

the Gumbeaux on the Bayeaux cooking competition, with special guest judges the Kleibert family from the television show Swamp People. Admission is free, and all are encouraged to come out and enjoy a day of carnival games, interactive activities, live music, great food, and fun! For more information, please contact St. Bernard School at (337) 332-5350.

Pray for our seminarians Father Kevin Bordelon Vocation Director Diocese of Lafayette

Neil Pettit St. Mary, Mother of the Church Lafayette

Michael DeBlanc St. Joseph Parks

Jesse Davis Our Lady of Wisdom Lafayette

Max Harrington Our Lady of Fatima Lafayette

Joseph Boustany Our Lady of Fatima Lafayette

Payton Bourque Holy Cross Lafayette

Taj Glodd St. Theresa Crowley

Michael Richard St. Bernard Breaux Bridge

Branson Cambre St. Pius X Lafayette

Sal Istre Our Lady of Fatima Lafayette

Photography by Paul Kieu (*Phography by P.C. Piazza)

Dustin Dought St. Genevieve Lafayette

Charles “Billy” Massie St. John Cathedral Lafayette

Brian Harrington St. John Cathedral Lafayette

Sam Fontana St. Pius X Lafayette

Alex Albert Our Lady of Wisdom Lafayette

David Rozas St. Peter Carencro

Rev. Mr. William Schambough St. Anthony Eunice

Travis Abadie St. Elizabeth Seton Lafayette

Bro. Nicholas DuPre Community of Jesus Crucified St. Martinville

Rene Pellessier St. Mary, Mother of the Church Lafayette

John Miller St. Landry Opelousas

*Patrick Broussard St. John Cathedral Lafayette

*Andre Metrejean Our Lady of Wisdom Lafayette

Bro. Brian Webre Community of Jesus Crucified St. Martinville

Chris Cambre St. Pius X Lafayette

Donald Bernard St. Pius X Lafayette

Matthew Barzare St. Anthony Eunice

Matthew Hebert St. Mary Magdalen Abbeville

Quinn Hebert Our Lady of Wisdom Lafayette

*Mark Miley Sacred Heart New Iberia

*Garrett Savoie Assumption of the B.V.M Mire

Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 43

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo offers statement for Pro-Life Month Continued from page 3

our hope of eternal life, to be restored through his death and resurrection, and to our life in this world. By following Jesus’ new Commandment of unselfish love, our lives can be richly fulfilling, and marked by joy and peace. In contrast, treating others as either means or obstacles to one’s selfserving goals, while never learning to love generously, is an impoverished way to live. Viewing life as a “zero sum” game, in which advancing one’s interests requires putting aside the needs of others, can lead to callous unconcern for anyone who is especially weak, defenseless, and in need of our help. The unborn child, the aging parent who some call a “burden” on our medical system, the allegedly “excess” embryo in the fertility clinic, the person with a disability, the cognitively impaired accident victim who needs assistance in receiving food and water to live—each today is at risk of being dismissed as a “life unworthy of life.” Jesus’ promise of “life to the full” is especially poignant today, when our culture and sometimes our government promote values inimical to the happiness and true good of individuals and society. We face increasing attempts to expunge God and religious discourse from public life. This promotes the dangerous proposition that human beings enjoy no special status by virtue of their Godgiven humanity. Some now even seek to eliminate religiously motivated people and organizations from public programs, by forcing them to violate their moral and religious convictions or stop serving the needy. The same forces, aided by advertising and entertainment media, promote a selfish and demeaning view of human sexuality, by extolling the alleged good of sexual activity without love or commitment. This view of sex as “free” of commitment or consequences has no place for openness to new life. Hence contraceptives are promoted even to young teens as though they were essential to women’s well-being, and abortion defended as the “necessary” back-up plan when contraceptives fail. And fail they do. Studies report that most women seeking abortions were using contraception in the month they became

pregnant. Again and again, studies show that increasing access to contraception fails to reduce rates of unplanned pregnancies and abortions. Both these trends—a distorted view of sexuality and a disdain for the role of religion—are exhibited by the Department of Health and Human Services’ recent decision on the “preventive services” to be mandated in virtually all private health plans under the new health care law. The Department ruled that such mandated services will include surgical sterilization and all FDA-approved contraceptive drugs and devices—including the abortifacient drug “Ella,” a close analogue to the abortion pill RU486. The decision is wrong on many levels. Preventive services are aimed at preventing diseases (e.g., by vaccinations) or detecting them early to aid prompt treatment (e.g., screening for diabetes or cancer). But pregnancy is not a disease. It is the normal, healthy state by which each of us came into the world. Far from preventing disease, contraceptives can have serious health consequences of their own, for example, increasing the risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease, such as AIDS, increasing the risk of breast cancer from excess estrogen, and of blood clots that can lead to stroke from synthetic progestin. Mandating such coverage shows neither respect for women’s health or freedom, nor respect for the consciences of those who do not want to take part in such problematic initiatives. The “religious employer” exemption offered by the Department is so extremely narrow that it protects almost no one. Catholic institutions providing health care and other services to the needy could be forced to fire their nonCatholic employees and cease serving the poor and vulnerable of other faiths—or stop providing health coverage at all. It has been said that Jesus himself, or the Good Samaritan of his famous parable, would not qualify as “religious enough” for the exemption, since they insisted on helping people who did not share their view of God. All these misguided efforts to foster false values among our youth, to silence the voice of moral truth in the public domain,

and to deprive believers of their constitutionally-protected right to live according to their religious convictions, must be resisted by education, public advocacy, and above all by prayer. The founders of our nation understood that religion and morality are essential to the survival of a freedom-loving society. John Adams expressed this conviction, stating: “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” Catholics must not shrink from the obligation to assert the values and principles we hold essential to the common good, beginning with the right to life of every human being and the right of every woman and man to express and live by his or her religious beliefs and well-formed conscience. As Pope Benedict XVI reminded us last year in one of his Ad Limina addresses to visiting bishops, “a society can be built only by tirelessly respecting, promoting and teaching the transcendent nature of the human person.” That common nature transcends all accidental differences of age, race, strength, or conditions of dependency, preparing us to be one human family under God. During this Respect Life Month, as we celebrate God’s great gift of life, let us pray and reflect on how each of us might renew our commitment and witness to “respecting, promoting and teaching the transcendent nature of the human person,” thereby shoring up the foundations of a society sorely in need of this guidance.

A Vacation with the Lord Continued from page 30

perience of God’s love that can expand and enthuse a human heart with that joyous intensity for which our hearts are always yearning and struggling.” On retreat we re-discover this experience of God’s love as our hearts are expanded and we experience the joy of the Lord. Conversely, as we grieve our losses and surrender our suffering we build our trust in this great love,

God’s personal love for us. Not only does God say our name, he carves it on the palm of his hand: Isaiah 49:15b-16 states,I shall not forget you; Behold, I have carved you on the palm of my hand. This is an image from a prewedding celebration in Israel at the time of the writing of this scripture. On the night before the wedding, the bride would be with her friends, and the bridegroom with his buddies, in a similar way as we do today. During the bachelor party, the groom would actually carve his bride’s name on his palm. Later, the bride would wrap his injured palm in her shawl. This image is given to us in Isaiah so that we might see the passionate and individual love that God has for each of us. Our names are truly carved upon his hand; he is scarred out of love for us. Come on retreat with us at Our Lady of the Oaks. God is always calling your name; take some quality time to really listen. Lyn Holley Doucet Director Spiritual Formation: Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House

Jesuits urged to pray, think, act to promote ecological responsibility

ROME (CNS) Jesuit communities around the world have been asked to make their buildings more energy efficient, help the farmers they work with use sustainable agricultural practices and launch programs in their universities to promote both theological reflection and scientific research on protecting the environment. A 68-page special report on ecology, “Healing a Broken World,” was published in mid-September by the Jesuit headquarters in Rome. The report called on Jesuits and their collaborators to confront their own resistance and “cast a grateful look on creation, letting our heart be touched by its wounded reality and making a strong personal and communal commitment to healing it.” Written by an international task force of five Jesuits and a laywoman, the report called for biblical and spiritual reflection on the gift of creation and an understanding of environmental protection as a justice issue, since it is the poor who suffer first and most severely from the destruction of environment.

Acadiana Catholic

Page 44 October 2011

Principals treated to barbecue

The Office of Catholic Schools held an area principal’s meeting at Trinity Catholic, St. Martinville. The men cooked for the principals serving up huge plates of barbecue, rice dressing, potato salad, green beans casserole, and peach cobbler. Photo submitted by Office of Catholic Schools

Vermilion Catholic students visit State Pen

Recently the sophomore class at Vermilion Catholic in Abbeville went on a field trip to Angola State Penitentiary. The trip is used as an educational opportunity to re-enforce the Catholic values taught at Vermilion Catholic High School. Pictured above are the sophomore students at the entrance to the penitentiary. Photo furnished by Vermilion Catholic School

Give to the Bishop’s Services Appeal

Hanson Memorial announces 3rd annual TailGator Food Fest

Hanson students are preparing for the annual “Battle of the Paddles” as part of the 3rd annual Tail-Gator Food Fest. Photo furnished by Hanson Memoria Catholic School

Franklin The Hanson Memorial High School Parent – Teacher Organization extends an invitation to the public for the third annual Tail-Gator Food Fest featuring the Battle of the Paddles. This years’ festivities will take place on Saturday, November 5th. The event will take place on the Hanson Campus, and features a gumbo and jambalaya cook-off. Over 20 cooking teams are expected to prepare their versions of these two popular Louisiana staples. Cooking teams will begin preparing their cuisine at 6:30 a.m. and the food judging will begin at 11:30 a.m. Everyone is invited to come out and taste the Southern fare of the competing teams, and vote for their favorite through the People’s Choice Award. The Festival will feature mu-

sic, silent auction items and arts and crafts. Carnival games, laser tag and other games will be available. Festival goers can also participate in a one-mile fun run, cake walk, and horseshoe pitching tournament. For more information, to enter a cooking team, or donate to the auction, contact Keith Comeaux at 280–2668, or call the Hanson High School office at 828-3487.

Office of Catholic Schools hosts inservice

The Office of Catholic Schools is hosting a science in-service with a company called PASCO on science probes. A national rep is conducting a hands on inservice for twenty six of diocesan Catholic schools.

Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 45

Guest commentary

The elderly are a blessing, not a burden By Sister Constance Carolyn Veit, lsp As the 20th century came to a close, the United Nations celebrated the International Year of Older Persons, heralding the vision of “A Society for All Ages.” The first years of the new millennium have been anything but that, with the abandonment of frail seniors during natural disasters from New Orleans to Japan, the legalization of assisted suicide in several U.S. states and foreign countries, and political rhetoric that seems to consider the growing population of seniors merely as a drain on our health care system and the federal budget. Is this the society for all ages we envisioned in 1999? Rather than looking upon the growing numbers of older persons as a burden, Pope Benedict – like his predecessor, Blessed John Paul II – has called them a blessing for society. “Every generation can learn from the experience and wisdom of the generation that preceded it,” he affirmed in speaking to the elderly at St. Peter’s Residence in London last September. The Pope insisted that “the provision of care for the elderly should be considered not so much as an act of generosity but as the repayment of a debt of gratitude.” The Pope’s words should give us pause. We might also recall a bit of Biblical wisdom: “With your whole heart honor your father; your mother’s birth pangs forget not,” Sirach tells us. “Remember, of these parents you were born; what can you give them for all they gave you?” (Sir 7:28). Sirach admonishes us, “My son, take care of your father when he is old; grieve him not as long as he lives. Even if his mind fail, be considerate with him; revile him not in the fullness of your strength. For kindness to a father will not be forgotten, it will serve as a sin offering – it will take lasting root.” (Sir 3:12–14). To realize all that we owe the elderly and to honor them as a blessing, perhaps we need to slow down a bit and look at each

one as if they were our own parent or grandparent. Maybe we need to see ourselves in them – for we too will be old one day, if we are blessed to enjoy a long life. Perhaps what we really need to do is to look upon the elderly as Pope Benedict does – as persons imbued with inviolable dignity, and thus worthy of our respect and care, simply because they have been made in the image and likeness of God and are sustained by his Providence. “Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary,” Benedict said in his first homily as Pope and again to the elderly last September in London. “Life is a gift, at every stage from conception until natural death, and it is God’s alone to give and to take.” This October American Catholics will once again observe Respect Life Month. When we think of pro-life activities, we naturally think of the unborn, and rightly so. But this year, we would do well to reflect on the elderly – the contributions they have made to our families and society, their wisdom and experience, the care and assistance they need and the respect they deserve as human persons created in God’s image. The U.S. Bishops recently published a statement on assisted suicide entitled “To Live Each Day with Dignity” ( toliveeachday/). It is a valuable read for anyone who cares about the dignity of human life. As Little Sisters of the Poor, we are committed to the accompaniment and care of the needy elderly, following the advice of our foundress, Saint Jeanne, who said, “Never forget that the poor are Our Lord … Making the elderly happy, that is what counts!” We are caregivers – not politicians or policy makers. But we do know that caring for the elderly poor is growing more difficult all the time because of funding cuts, a chronic shortage of qualified professional and paraprofessional care givers, and the attitudes of a society becoming increasingly callous with regard to the sacredness of human life. During this Respect Life

Month we invite you to pray for the triumph of the Culture of Life, to advocate for better financing of care for low-income seniors and better educational programs and benefits for caregivers, and simply to cherish the elders in your own family or community. Sister Constance Carolyn Veit is director of communications for the Little Sisters of the Poor in the United States.

Patriarch encourages pilgrimages to bolster Jerusalem’s Christians

quantity.” Just as only a small amount of salt is needed to flavor food, he said, “I hope we can do our work as a small, small group, to be an example of witness, of charity, to be a bridge between these people, to be an element of peace, an element of tolerance.” A significant portion of his work as patriarch of Jerusalem – the equivalent of an archbishop for a patriarchate that includes all Latin-rite Catholics in Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan and Cyprus – includes traveling the world to visit the displaced Christians of the region. He noted that last year’s Synod for Bishops on the Middle East included a focus on the diaspora “and our obligation to visit them and their obligation to come back or to help with a project as much as possible.”

Fireside Catholic Publishing announces 23rd annual scholarship essay contest

Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal of Jerusalem gestures during an interview with a Catholic News Service reporter during an interview at the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation in Bethesda, Md., Sept. 20. (CNS photo/Bob Roller)

BETHESDA, Md. (CNS) The Latin patriarch of Jerusalem says the dwindling population of Christians in his city needs to be bolstered by the support of Christians around the world and by their visits as pilgrims. In an interview Sept. 20 at the suburban Washington offices of the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation, Patriarch Fouad Twal told Catholic News Service that the Christian population in Jerusalem is about 10,000 – Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians combined. There are about 240,000 Muslims and 455,000 Jews. He said the small number of Christians “reminds us about the words of the Lord, ‘You will be the salt of the earth,’ and salt is the small

Fireside Catholic Publishing will hold its 23rd annual scholarship contest for academic year 2011-2012. Five seniors currently enrolled in a Catholic High School will receive $1,000 each. The winners are selected anonymously by a panel of national judges based upon their essay submissions. The essay topic is, “How is your religious education influencing your life”. The 2010-2011 winners were: Hannah Chapman, Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School, Beaumont, TX; Claire Mispagel, Cor Jesu Academy, St. Louis, MO; Olivia Reed, St. Cecilia Academy, Nashville, TN; Alexandrea Collell, Rosary High School, Fullerton, CA and Mary Claire McGlynn, Althoff Catholic High School, Belleville, IL. Only one participant is permitted per school so many schools have contests to determine which student will represent them. Each student must submit a student and faculty application. For more details students should speak with their school religion department chair or guidance counselor who have been notified of contest details. For a complete list of previous winners and more details go to:

Acadiana Catholic

Page 46 October 2011

St. Michael’s Back to School Mass Monthly Manna scheduled for Oct. 19

At the “Back to School Mass� to start off the school year, St. Michael School in Crowley recognized 27 seventh-grade students who merited academic recognition by Duke University. The students participated in the 2011 Academic Talent Search and scored 95 percent or higher on one or more sections—or designated sub-sections—of their last spring SAT test. They will have the opportunity to sit for the ACT or SAT this fall with college-bound juniors and seniors. Photo submitted by St. Michael School

US ABORTIONS BY THE NUMBERS Of the 1.1 million women in the U.S. who obtained an abortion in 2008, 42 percent had incomes below the federal poverty level. (CNS graphic/Emily Thompson) (Sept. 26, 2011)

OF THE 1.1 MILLION WOMEN in the U.S. who obtained an abortion in 2008: WHITE 36%



42% had incomes below poverty level

89% were in the first

FRANKLIN The Regional Pastoral Council of the South Region will host its next meeting of Monthly Manna on Wednesday, October 19 at the Forest Restaurant in Franklin. The gathering will begin at 11:00 a.m., with lunch served at 11:30 a.m. at the cost of $10 per person. The presentation is scheduled for 12:00 noon and will be made by Father Rusty Richard, Pastor of St. Martin de Tours Church in St. Martinville. Dr. Carl Lane served as the speaker for the September meeting of Monthly Manna. Accompanied by his wife Denise, Dr. Lane led those gathered on a journey focused on early Christian art. He explained that in the 1920’s, archaeologist uncovered what is believed to be the oldest known Christian church near the area of Syria. Among the treasures discovered in this finding

12 weeks of pregnancy


Source: Guttmacher Institute Š2011 CNS

Dr. Carl Lane (left), Pastor of St. Mary Episcopal Church in Franklin spoke at the September meeting of Monthly Manna. Standing next to him is Deacon Jerry Bourg. Photo submitted by Deacon Jerry Bourg

was a mural of the Good Shepherd, which is consequently the oldest known form of Christian art. Dr. Lane related that it was the Second Council of Nicaea, which was held in 787, that affirmed the place of art in Christian devotion. The Second Council of Nicaea distinguished between adoration given to God and veneration of saints, holy places, and holy things. Following the lead of the Second Council of Nicaea, the eastern churches developed a robust spirituality tied to icons. When one stared into the eyes of an icon, the notion was that one was staring through them into the eyes of the saint, or Christ. Conversely, the saint or Christ himself stared back—and into—the viewer. Dr. Lane concluded by reminding listeners that although art has long since aided Christians in meditation, there is also a challenge in remembering the distinction found in the early centuries. Faithful Christians must never forget this distinction between adoring God on one hand, and the veneration of images on the other. For more information on the Monthly Manna program, please contact Deacon Jerry Bourg, Regional Assistant in the South Region, at (337) 923-4591.


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Acadiana Catholic

October 2011 Page 47

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