day life on mars r e n e e j a c o b s p o l i m o d m a s t e r f a s h i o t r e n f o r e c a s t i n
a s n d g
t r e n d a p p l i c a t i o n b o o k o u t e r s p a c e t r e n d
t h i e r r y m u g l e r spring/summer 2 0 1 4
brand history
- founder thierry mugler created his first eponymous line in 1973; opened the first thierry mugler boutique in 1978 in paris - clarins, the parent owner of the mugler name shuttered the rtw aspect of the brand in 2003 but continued to produce the profitable angel fragrance - mugler designed costumes for theater and ballet productions, and was recently c o m m i s i o n e d f o r b e y o n c e ’ s “ s a s h a f i e r c e � t o u r. h e a l s o worked as a director for for cirque du soleil, and singer george michael
...and now
- nicola formichetti named creative director in september 2010 - presented his first collection for the brand, f a l l / w i n t e r 2 0 11 , i n j a n u a r y 2 0 11 , a l o n g w i t h womenswear designer sÊbastien peignÊ - before his mugler appointment formichetti worked as fashion director of dazed & confused magazine, and c o n t r i b u t e d t o v m a g a z i n e a n d h a r p e r ’ s b a z a a r. h e gained notoriety and an internet following as stylist and fashion director to pop icon lady gaga
brand essence, vision, mission
brand essence -
sensuality female empowerment theatricality “womanity�
- empower women to feel strong, sexually voracious and in control - designing clothing for the woman who does not want to blend into the crowd - i n a m e r i c a n h i s t o r y, thierry mugler came to fame during a second 2nd wave of feminism and fighting for women’s rights in the workplace - mugler designed for the coming of age of working woman, who value self-expression and voracity
identifiers -
metal bustier exaggerated hourglass with extreme shoulders, and hips, tiny waist robotic, hard metal structures shine and sparkle
- putting control into the hands of women - theatricality and pushing boundaries - g l a m o u r, s e n s u a l i t y, m a g i c , f i e r c e , f e m i n i n e - e m p h a s i s o n i n t e r a c t i v i t y, p a r t i c i p a t i o n a n d community of women sharing ideas and accomplishments - awards loyalty benefits for multiple purchases
summary of key trend ideas day life on mars examines outerspace in three sub-contexts: 1. walking the surface of the red planet from the point of view of a visitor during daylight hours 2. looking down from space onto the surface or earth or an alien planet and seeing 2-dimensional textures of massive 3-dimensional structures 3. reflecting on the history of the atlantis space shuttle missions through the lens of an analog camera, which captures both the soft light of non-digital film, but also the cold, stark, barren reality of heavy machinery
color full seasonal color palette
day life on mars main trend ideas
- earth and mars are twin planets; if mars’ past is earth’s present, is mars’ present is earth’s future? - sensual but imperfect curvature found in nature - g r a i n y, p o w d e r y, c r y s t a l i n e t e x t u r e s o f u p close surfaces; familiar elements creating unfamiliar combinations - imagination as fuel for the absurd, is outer space inside or outside of the human mind?
unknown landscapes
r e d q u a r r y
i o
r x
o i d
b a r r e n
d d
u s e v i
n e
v t
a r
p a
t l
t t
e a
r u
o i
r p
r l
a e
e a m
r u
h d
suggested color combinations
martian mesa
e a r t h m u d
w a t e r ?
negative 140 c
d i
y e
olympus m o n s
s t o r m y
washed h a l o
mineral p i n k
r c
suggested color combinations
recollected machinations
c r a t e r s h a d o w
m a r s h u n t e r
s u l f e r
negative 140 c
o c h r e d u s t
m a r t i a n m u d
c o p p e r
suggested color combinations
pattern and texture -
powdery finish irregular linearity natural imperfections mix of matte and shine
d u s t f a l l
pattern and texture
dueling surfaces
- contrast of smooth and rough - raised surfaces or embellishment - matte metallic muted shine
- supple structured fabric for volume - leather, tafetta, organza, - reinforced or doubleface fabric
stand alone
silhouette scratchy lines
- jagged borders - erradic, unpredictable - rounded edges, not points
silhouette sinuous curves
- folds of fabric - oscillating waves - curvature evoking rolling topography