Ma's Kitchen - Desserts

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Apple Coconut Squares INGREDIENTS 125g Margarine ½ tsp grated Lemon Rind 1 cup Sugar 2 Eggs 1½ cups Plain Flour Salt 2 cups sweetened Apple Pulp 1 cup Coconut

METHOD Cream margarine, lemon rind and half the sugar. Add one egg. Work in flour and salt. Press into base. Cover with apple pulp. Beat other egg and the other half of the sugar and blend in coconut. Spread over apple. Bake in moderate oven for 20-30 minutes. Serve with cream, custard or ice cream.

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Apple Crumble INGREDIENTS 1 large can Pie Apples (or freshly-cooked) 1½ cups Self-Raising Flour 125g Butter 1½ cups Brown Sugar 6 tbsp Nestle Malted Milk Powder 1 tsp Cinnamon Coconut Rolled Oats

METHOD Place apples in pie plate. Rub butter into remaining ingredients and crumble over apples. Bake in moderate over for 30-35 minutes.

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Apple Snow INGREDIENTS 2 tsp Gelatin Âź cup Hot Water 1 tbsp Lemon Juice 2 cups Stewed Apple 1 tbsp Sugar 1 Egg White Salt

METHOD Dissolve gelatin in hot water, add lemon juice and sugar. Stir into apple pulp. Chill to thicken slightly. Beat egg white with salt until stiff. Beat into apple mixture and beat until thick and foaming. Return to fridge.

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Apricot Swansdown INGREDIENTS 3 tsp Gelatin Ÿ cup Hot Water Small can Apricots 2 Eggs, separated 1 tsp Lemon Juice ½ cup Sugar Shredded or Desiccated Coconut

METHOD Dissolve gelatin in hot water and add apricot syrup. Put apricots through coarse sieve or slice, mix with syrup. Beat egg yolks with half of the sugar, add to apricot mixture, then add lemon juice. Chill. Beat egg whites until stiff with remaining sugar. Fold through thickening apricot mixture. Add coconut or decorate top.

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Apple Tart INGREDIENTS Pie Crust: 1 cup sifted Flour 1 tsp Baking Powder ½ tsp Salt 2 tbsp Sugar ½ cup Butter 1 tbsp Vinegar Filling: 3 cups Grated Apple 1 cup Sugar 2 tbsp Flour ½ tsp Cinnamon Icing Sugar

METHOD Combine flour, salt and sugar lightly with a fork, cut in the butter and blend with fork until mixture looks like shortbread dough. Stir in vinegar with fork. Spread dough thickly on bottom of a spring-form pan and then spread thinly about 2cm up the sides. Combine all the filling for the tart (except icing sugar) and spread evenly over dough. Bake 1 hour, remove from oven and cool. Remove from pan, sift icing sugar over tart and serve with cream.

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Baked Apples* INGREDIENTS 4 Green Apples ½ cup finely chopped Dates 1 tbsp chopped Walnuts 1 tbsp grated Lemon Rind ½ cup Water ½ cup Brown Sugar 30g Butter ¼ tsp Ground Cinnamon ¼ tsp Ground Nutmeg

METHOD Cut core out of apples, peel the top ¼ of the apple. Mix the dates, walnuts and lemon rind and press into hole made by removal of core. Put apples in loaf tin. Combine water, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon and nutmeg in a small saucepan and bring to boil. Pour over the apples. Bake in moderate oven for 1¼ hour, basting with the liquid several times. Serve with ice-cream of whipped cream.

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Baked Custard INGREDIENTS 1 Egg, beaten 1 tbsp Sugar 1 cup Milk Drops of Vanilla

METHOD Mix all ingredients, top with nutmeg and place in ovenproof dish. Place dish in larger dish containing ½cm of water. Cook in moderate oven until set. *Variations: Bread and Butter Pudding - As above but place small squares of white bread, buttered, at base and pour custard mixture on top. Add a few sultanas and top with nutmeg. Rice Pudding - As baked custard mixture but add 2 or 3 tablespoons of cooked rice. Top with nutmeg.

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Baked Raisin Roll INGREDIENTS 1½ cups Self-Raising Flour 1 tsp Butter 1 Green Apple Pinch of Salt Milk Raisins ž cup Sugar 1 cup warm Water 2 tsp Butter

METHOD Sift flour and salt, rub in butter and make a soft dough with milk. Roll out and spread with sliced apple and thick layer of raisins. Roll up. Place in ovenproof dish. Dissolve sugar and butter in water and pour over roll. Bake in moderate oven for 1 hour, basting at intervals. *Banana can be used instead of apple.

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Banana Delicious* INGREDIENTS 4 medium Bananas 2 Eggs 1 cup Coconut 1 tbsp Lemon Juice 2 tbsp Caster Sugar 2 tbsp Apricot Jam

METHOD Peel bananas and slice into ovenproof dish - sprinkle with lemon juice. Put eggs and sugar in a bowl and beat well. Add coconut and apricot jam and mix well. Pour mixture over the bananas and bake for 25 minutes. Serve with cream or ice-cream.

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Blancmange INGREDIENTS 300ml Milk 2 dessertspoons Sugar Bay or Peach Leaf 2 level tablespoons Cornflour 3 drops Essence Lemon Rind

METHOD Blend cornflour with some of the milk. Put remainder of the milk on to boil with sugar and bay/peach leaf. When nearly boiling, lift out leaf and stir in blended cornflour. Stir well and cook for 3 minutes after it comes to boil. Add essence, lemon rind and pour into a wet mould to set.

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Canned Fruit Jelly* INGREDIENTS 2 tsp Gelatin 75ml Hot Water Small tin Canned Fruit (peaches, apricots, pears, etc.) 1 tbsp Lemon Juice 2 tbsp Sugar

METHOD Add gelatin to hot water, stir until dissolved. Add sugar and lemon juice and stir until dissolved. Add fruit then set in fridge. *Variations: Canned Fruity Whip -- Leave until jelly thickening. Then whip until thick and foamy. Canned Fruit Sponge - Leave until jelly thickening. Beat until thick and foamy and add then beaten white of 1 egg. Canned Fruit Bavarian - Leave until jelly thickening. Fold through ½ cup cream whipped until stiff.

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Carrington Mould INGREDIENTS Gelatin Small Can Fruit (e.g. Peaches, Apricots, Pears), drained Sugar 1 tbsp Lemon Juice ½ cup Milk Vanilla Hot Water Cochineal

METHOD 1st Layer - Dissolve 3 level tbsp (1 envelope) gelatin in ¾ cup hot water, add 3 dessertspoons sugar, lemon juice and strained juice. Arrange slices of fruit on dish and cover with some liquid. Set. 2nd Layer - Dissolve 1½ tsp gelatin in ¼ cup hot water, cool and add to milk, then add 1 dessertspoon sugar and few drops vanilla. Pour onto first layer and set. 3rd Layer - Take leftover liquid from first layer. Colour red with cochineal. When cold pour onto milk layer. Set.

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Caramel Filling (for small pie) INGREDIENTS 1 tbsp Butter 1 cup Brown Sugar 1tbsp Plain Flour Pinch of Salt 1 cup Milk 2 Egg Yolks, beaten Drops of Vanilla

METHOD Put sugar, butter, flour in saucepan on low heat, stir until melted. Add milk and egg yolks. Add vanilla and salt. Cook slowly and stir until thickened. Cool slightly and pour into cooked pie shell.

Cheese Cake: Basic Crumb Crust METHOD This is made by rolling sweet biscuits such as ‘Nice’ into crumbs with rolling pin and adding melted butter. To this can be added cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger as desired. Press into base of tin. 7 inch tin: 6 oz sweet biscuits and 3 oz butter 8 inch tin: 8 oz sweet biscuits and 4 oz butter 9 inch tin: 10 oz sweet biscuits and 5 oz butter

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Apricot Cheese Cake INGREDIENTS Crust: 9 inch tin (see .p87) Filling: Âź cup Sweetened Condensed Milk Âź pint Cream 2 tbsp Lemon Juice 8 oz Cream Cheese Topping: 1 cup Apricot Jam 2 tbsp Water 2 tbsp Sugar 1 tsp Gelatin

METHOD Refrigerate crust while preparing filling. Sieve cream cheese, add condensed milk and lemon juice. Beat until smooth. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into prepared crumb crust. Refrigerate while preparing topping. Soften gelatin in 1 tbsp water. Combine jam, sugar, and remaining water. Stir over heat until sugar dissolves, bring to boil. Boil without stirring for 2 minutes. Remove form heat, strain, add softened gelatin, stir until dissolved. Cool slightly, spoon over cream cheese filling. Refrigerate.

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Pineapple Cheese Cake INGREDIENTS Crust: 8 inch tin (see .p87) Filling: ¼ cup Lemon Juice 8 oz Cream Cheese 2 Eggs, separated 3 tbsp Water 1 dessertspoon grated Lemon Rind 1 cup Sugar 1 tbsp Gelatin ½ pint Cream Topping: ¼ cup Lemon Juice ½ packet Lemon Jelly 1 tbsp White Wine 1 dessertspoon grated Lemon Rind ½ cup Hot Water ¾ cup canned Crushed Pineapple

METHOD Beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth, add lemon rind and juice, beat to combine; add egg yolks and beat for 2 minutes. Soften gelatin in the water, dissolve over hot water, cool slightly, beat into cheese mixture. Whip cream; beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Fold cream into cheese mixture very carefully, then fold in egg whites. Spoon carefully into prepared case. Refrigerate until firm. Dissolve jelly in hot water, add juice and rind of lemon and wine. Stir in undrained pineapple. Refrigerate until point of settling. Spoon carefully over cheesecake. Refrigerate for several hours.

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Chocolate Cheese Cake INGREDIENTS Crust: 5 oz Plain Chocolate Biscuits ¼ tsp Cinnamon 2 oz Butter Filling: 5 oz Dark Chocolate ¾ cup Sugar 1 Dessertspoon Cocoa 1 cup Sour Cream 1 lb. Cream Cheese 2 Eggs 1 tsp Vanilla ¼ pint Cream, whipped Topping: Grated Chocolate Cherries

METHOD Crush the biscuits. Mix with cinnamon and melted butter and press on bottom of 8 inch spring-form tin. Melt the chocolate in top of double pan. Cream the cheese and sugar until smooth and fluffy. Add eggs separately, beating well each time. Add cocoa and vanilla and sour cream and beat well. Pour into crumb crust and bake in slow oven for 1½ hours. It may appear moist in the centre, but will set as it cools. Turn off heat and cool in oven with door slightly open. Decorate with cream, cherries and chocolate.

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Chocolate Blancmange INGREDIENTS 3 dessertspoons Cornflour 1 pint Milk 1½ dessertspoons Cocoa Pinch of Salt Sugar and Vanilla to taste

METHOD Mix cornflour and cocoa together, then mix to a smooth paste with a small quantity of milk. Heat remainder of milk with salt and sugar added, then stir in cornflour, slowly. Bring slowly to the boil, stirring all the time. Boil gently for 10 minutes keeping it well stirred all the time. Add vanilla to taste. Pour into wet mould and leave until set.

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Delicious Lemon Pudding INGREDIENTS 2 tbsp Butter 4 level tbsp Self-Raising Flour 1 cup Milk 他 cup Sugar 2 Eggs, separated 1 Lemon

METHOD Cream butter and sugar. Add sifted flour and grated rind and juice of lemon. Beat egg yolks with milk and add slowly. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into mixture. Put in greased pie dish. Bake in moderate oven for 30 minutes.

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Lemon Meringue Pie Filling INGREDIENTS 2 level tbsp Plain FLour 2 level tbsp Cornflour 1 cup Sugar 1 cup Boiling Water 1 tbsp Butter 2 Egg Yolks 2 Egg Whites ½ cup Lemon Juice Grated Lemon Rind

METHOD Make flour and cornflour paste with lemon juice. Add sugar, egg yolks, grated rind. Pour on boiling water slowly and stir. Heat until thickened. Add butter. Pour into pie shell. When cool, beat egg whites with extra sugar and top lemon filling to form meringue. Place under griller to brown.

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Lemon Pudding* INGREDIENTS 1 cup Sugar 1 Lemon 2 tbsp Arrowroot (or Cornflour) Yolks of 2 Eggs, well beaten 1 dessertspoons Butter 1 pint (600mL) Boiling Water

METHOD Blend arrowroot with a little cold water. Add egg yolks, sugar, lemon juice and grated rind. Add boiling water. Heat and stir until thickened. Mix butter well through and pour into buttered pie dish. When cold, cover egg whites stiffly beaten with a little sugar and brown top in oven.

Lemon Sago INGREDIENTS 5 oz Sago 3 tbsp Sugar 3 Lemons 1½ pints Water 2 tbsp Golden Syrup

METHOD Put a lemon rind in water, boil half an hour, then add sago, golden syrup and juice of the lemons. Boil until clear and put in moulds.

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Passionfruit Mallow Pie INGREDIENTS Pastry: 2 oz Self-Raising Flour 1 oz Custard Powder 2 tbsp Sugar 2 tbsp Milk or Water 2 oz Plain Flour Pinch Salt 2 oz Butter or Margarine Filling: 2 oz Butter Pulp of 2 or 3 Passionfruit Ÿ cup Lemon Juice 1 Egg ½ cup Sugar 2 dessertspoons Cornflour

METHOD For the pastry, sift dry ingredients, then rub in butter. Mix to firm dough with milk or water. Roll out and place in a pie dish. Prick base. Bake in hot oven for 15-20 minutes. Cool. For the filling, place sugar, butter, water and cornflour (blended with lemon juice) in a saucepan. Stir until it boils. Add passionfruit and simmer for 3 minutes/ Remove from stove and add beaten egg yolk. Cool slightly and pour into pastry case. Beat egg white stiffly with extra sugar. Brown in oven.

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Foolproof Pavolva INGREDIENTS 2 Egg Whites Pinch of Salt 1½ cups Castor Sugar 1 tsp White Vinegar 1 tsp Cornflour ½ tsp Vanilla 4 tbsp Boiling Water

METHOD Place all ingredients in a glass bowl and beat with a electric beater on highest speed until stiff peaks form (15-20 minutes). Pipe or pile onto greased foil covered tray. Bake in centre of moderately hot oven (190C) for 10 minutes. Pavlova will rise at this point. Reduced heat to 140 degrees and bake for a further 35 to 45 minutes. Turn off and allow pavlova to cool in oven. This will result in the pavlova being crisp on the outside and soft inside. * For fan force oven, temperatures 30 degrees less.

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Peach Butterworth INGREDIENTS 3 rounded tbsp Brown Sugar 1 heaped tbsp Plain Flour 1 Egg Yolk 1 tbsp Margarine 2 cups Milk 1 small tin Peaches

METHOD Melt margarine and brown sugar. Then add flour and stir well. Slowly add milk and egg yolk. When thickened, pour over peaches on base of pie dish. Beat egg white with sugar until stiff, place on top of mixture and brown.

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Peach Honey Roll INGREDIENTS 2 cups Self-Raising Flour ½ level tsp Salt 3 oz Margarine Milk to mix 1 small tin Peaches ¼ cup Brown Sugar Syrup: ½ Peach Syrup and ½ cup Water ½ cup Honey Lemon Juice

METHOD Sift flour and salt, rub in margarine, add milk. Roll out to about ¼ inch thick. Spread with drained chopped peaches, sprinkle with brown sugar. Roll up and cut into sections. Bring combined syrup ingredient to boil. Pour over roll. Bake in moderate oven, basting now and then.

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Peach Kuchen INGREDIENTS 1 packet Buttercake Mix ½ cup toasted coconut 4 oz Margarine 26 oz tin Sliced Peaches, drained ¼ cup Sugar ½ tsp Cinnamon 1 cup Sour Cream 1 Egg

METHOD Combine cake mix and toasted coconut in a bowl, then rub in softened margarine until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Press into base and up sides of an 8 inch by 12 inch slab tin. Cook in moderate oven for 10-15 minutes. Arrange peach slices on semi-cooked pastry, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Blend sour cream and beaten egg and pour over peaches. Cook in moderate oven for 10-15 minutes until topping is set.

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Pineapple Custard Marshmallow INGREDIENTS 850g tin Crushed Pineapple 2 Eggs, separated 1 tbsp Caster Sugar 1 tsp Vanilla Essence 3 tsp Cornflour 1 cup Milk 3 tsp Gelatin 1 tbsp extra Caster Sugar

METHOD Drain pineapple, reserve Âź cup syrup, spoon pineapple over base of serving dish. Combine eg yolks, sugar, vanilla essence, cornflour and milk in a pan. Whisk over heat until slightly thickened, pour over pineapple. Sprinkle gelatin over reserved syrup in bowl. Stand bowl in small pan of simmering water. Stir until gelatin is dissolved; cool slightly. Beat egg whites in a small bowl with electric beater until firm peaks form, gradually add extra sugar; beat until dissolved. Gradually beat in gelatin mixture, beat until well combined. Spread over custard layer in dish, refrigerate several hours or until firm. Sprinkle with toasted flaked almonds, if desired.

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Prune Dessert INGREDIENTS 1½ cups Self-Raising Flour 2 oz Margarine ½ cup Milk Pinch of Salt 2 oz Butter Grated Lemon Rind Cinnamon 1 cup Water ½ cup Sugar Prunes, cooked and stoned

METHOD Mix flour, salt, margarine and milk into a dough. Roll out to ¼ inch thick. Cover with cooked, stoned prunes, lemon rind, cinnamon and roll up. Place in oven dish. Boil water (or juice from prune cooking), sugar and butter. Pour over roll. Cook ½ hour in moderate oven. Baste often.

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Rhubarb Cobbler INGREDIENTS Rhubarb Sugar 1 piece Root Ginger (optional) 1 tbsp Plain Flour Water Topping: 1 cup (200 mL) Self-Raising Flour ½ cup Brown Sugar ½ cup Rolled Oats ¾ cup (150 mL) Milk Pinch of Salt 3 oz Margarine Lemon Rind, finely grated

METHOD Cook the rhubarb with sugar and ginger (if desired). Thicken with flour in a little water. Rub margarine into flour, salt, brown sugar and rolled oats, lemon rind and then enough milk to make scone-like dough. Spread over rhubarb. Cook in moderate oven until the topping is crisp and browned.

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Spanish Cream (aka Angel’s Food) INGREDIENTS 3 tsp Gelatin 3 tbsp Hot Water 2 Eggs, lightly beaten 3 tbsp Sugar ¼ tsp Salt ¾ pint Milk 1 tsp Vanilla

METHOD Add sugar and salt to milk. Heat slowly until nearly boiling. Pour over lightly beaten egg yolks and return to heat. Continue stirring until mixture thickens and breaks into curd. Remove from stove. Dissolve gelatin in hot water and add carefully to mixture. Add essence. Beat egg whites stiffly and fold through mixture. Set in refrigerator.

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Steamed Apple Sponge INGREDIENTS Cooking Apples 1 oz Butter 1 Egg 1 small cup Self-Raising Flour 2 oz Sugar Little Milk

METHOD Stew apples in saucepan. Rub butter into flour, add well-beaten egg with sugar. Add to milk to make a thick batter. Pour over apples, put the lid on and cook for about 20 minutes.

Steamed Custard INGREDIENTS 1 Egg 2 drops Vanilla 1 level dessertspoon Sugar ½ pint Milk

METHOD Beat ingredients together. Put in ovenproof basin. Stand in saucepan with about 2 inches water and steam until set.

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Steamed Date Pudding INGREDIENTS ½ cup Sugar 1 cup Flour 1 cup Dates 1½ tbsp Butter 1 cup Milk 1 tsp Spice 1 tsp Baking Soda

METHOD Mix all dry ingredients except baking soda. Boil the milk and add the butter, then add the soda mixed in a little cold milk once the butter is melted. Steam for about 2 hours.

Trifle (Chantilly)* INGREDIENTS Light, rich Cake Custard Whipped Cream Stewed or Canned Fruit Raspberry Jam or Sherry

METHOD Scoop out centre of cake (or cake cooked in a ring pan). Fill hollow with fruit, custard, raspberry jam/ sherry and pile up with whipped cream.

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Steamed Jam Pudding INGREDIENTS ½ cup Strawberry Jam 60g Butter ½ cup Caster Sugar 1 Egg 1½ cups Plain Flour 1 tsp Baking Powder ½ cup Milk

METHOD Grease a 4-cup pudding bowl and spread jam in the base. Beat butter, sugar and egg until smooth and creamy. Sift flour and baking powder and add to mixture. Add milk and mix well. Spread carefully on top of jam. Cover bowl with foil, pressing edges to seal. Place pan in boiling water 5 cm deep. Put lid on pan, Turn heat to low and simmer 1¼ hours. Keep refilling water. When cooked, run knife around the edge of the pudding and tip onto a serving plate.

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Tapioca Cream INGREDIENTS 3 dessertspoons Tapioca 1 cup Water ž pint Milk 2 Eggs 2 level tbsp Sugar Vanilla Essence

METHOD Soak tapioca on cold water overnight. Drain. Place in double saucepan with milk and sugar, cook about 1 hour, or until soft, stirring occasionally. Add beaten egg yolk gradually, and stir a few minutes longer. Beat egg whites stiffly and pour the hot custard on to them gradually, beating all the time. Add essence. When cool, place in glass dish and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Trifle (Delicious)* INGREDIENTS Stewed or Canned Fruit Âź lb. Preserved Ginger, cut in pieces Whipped Cream Sponge Fingers, moistened with Fruit Juice 1 pint Custard

METHOD Place layer of drained fruit in bottom of glass dish and cover with sponge fingers. Sprinkle over with preserved ginger, and over all ingredients pour custard and decorate with whipped cream.

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Upside-Down Cake INGREDIENTS 125g Butter ¾ cup Caster Sugar 1 Egg 2 cups Plain Flour 2 tsp Baking Powder ¾ cup Milk 1 large Banana, mashed 75g Butter, melted ½ cup Brown Sugar 1 cup well-drained Crushed Pineapple Cream to serve

METHOD Beat butter, sugar, egg until smooth. Sift in flour and baking powder and mix. Add milk and mashed banana. Spread melted butter on base of 20cm square tin. Carefully spread crushed pineapple over butter and pour batter evenly over pineapple and bake in moderate oven (180C). When cooked, tip out on plate and serve warm with cream.

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‘No Fuss’ Christmas Pudding INGREDIENTS 250g Sultanas 125g Currents 250g Raisins 60g Mixed Peel 125g Glace Cherries 1 Cooking Apple 125g Almonds 2 tbsp Brandy or Sherry 1 cup firmly packed Brown Sugar 1 tsp Vanilla 1 tsp finely grated Lemon Rind 1 tsp Ground Cloves 4 Eggs 1 cup Self-Raising Flour 1¼ cup soft White Breadcrumbs (grate when bread slightly frozen) 250g Butter or Margarine

METHOD Put sultanas, currents, raisins, mixed peel, glace cherries, apple and almonds chopped in a bowl. Sprinkle with spirits and leave 2 hours or overnight, if possible. Cream butter and sugar, add vanilla, lemon rind and spices. Beat eggs, add to mixture and beat well. Add fruit mixture, then sifted flour and breadcrumbs. Turn into heatproof basin which has a round of greaseproof paper at base. Fill a little above ¾. Cover with foil and tie with string or rubber band to keep foil covering the boil. Put in a saucepan of boiling water - enough to come halfway up the basin when placed in saucepan. Steam (just bubbling) for 4 hours and then 2 hour on Christmas Day OR 5 hours on making and 1 hour Christmas Day. You must check from time-to-time to keep keep water up the basin. Don’t allow water to completely dry up! * 1kg Mixed Fruit can be substituted for sultanas, currents, raisins, mixed peel, cherries and almonds. * Recipe can be made ¾ mixture: 750g fruit and others ¾ of other quantities / ½ mixture: 500g fruit and others ½ of other quantities.

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Impossible Pie INGREDIENTS 4 Eggs 125g Soft Margarine ½ cup Plain Flour 2 tsp Vanilla 2 cups Milk 1 cup Sugar 1 cup Coconut

METHOD Put all ingredients in together and mix well. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour in 180C oven (or 150C for fan-forced) using a 10 inch pie plate or two 7 inch pie plates. Sprinkle the top with nutmeg before cooking if desired. Thanks for reminding me of this recipe Joan and Jean.

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