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Police 10111 - Nelspruit Call Centre 013 751 6000 - Nelspruit (City of Mbombela) 013 790 2720 - Malelane 013 793 7321 - Komatipoort 013 780 8300 - Tonga Local Municipality 013 790 0990 - Nkomazi Local Municipality Customer Care Service Fire/Rescue/Emergency 013 753 3019 Extension 1 - Nelspruit Fire Department Ambulance 084 124 - ER24 013 753 2285 - EMS (Provincial Hospital) Hospital 013 780 9000 - Tonga Hospital 013 781 3000 - Shongwe Hospital Disaster & Traffic 013 753 3331 - City of Mbombela 013 712 2222 - Umjindi 013 235 1788 - Thaba Chweu 082 806 1611 - Nkomazi 0800 212 752, 013 797 2067 - Bushbuckridge Water and Electricity 086 003 7566 - Extension 1 Eskom (Electricity supply problems) 013 752 6839 - Silulumanzi (Burst pipe and Sewerage line blocks) Vehicle Breakdown 080 011 5200 - Van Wettens Breakdown Services 013 753 2977 - Car Towing Services National Helplines 080 005 5555 - Childline 086 132 2322 - Lifeline 080 001 2322 - Aids Helpline 086 143 5722 - Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 083 900 6962 - Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Animal Welfare Service Contacts 082 755 8687 - SPCA Lowveld 013 753 3247 - State Vet Nelspruit (Domestic and Farm Animals) 013 759 5300 - Parks Board (Wild Animals) 082 372 3350 - Snake Catchers Chris Hobkirk 072 299 8455 - Snake Catchers Johan Louw 072 452 2405 - Snake Catchers Darred Joubert 083 628 1827 or 082 445 2162 - Elephant and Rhino Poaching (Anti-Poaching Unit) 082 372 3350 - Problem Animals (Monkeys, Baboons, Porcupines, etc.) 082 825 8735 - Care for Wild Rehab Centre (Rehab of Injured Wild Animals)



Emergency Numbers...inside front cover

Malelane.................................................. 10

Map.......................................................2 & 3

Hectorspruit........................................... 15

Executive Mayor’s Foreword.............. 4

Komatipoort........................................... 16

Welcome to Nkomazi............................... 5

Marloth Park.......................................... 18

History....................................................... 6

Kruger National Park........................... 19

Nkomazi Local Municipality................ 9

General Information............................. 20

Published by: Creative Solutions + 27 83 648 8700 Research and Editorial: René Hartslief Photography: René Hartslief and Johan Swanepoel Design: Dianne Fraser - Creative Solutions

The contents of this publication which includes photographic images is protected by the Copyright Act of South Africa and may not be reproduced in any format whatsoever.








EXECUTIVE MAYOR’S FOREWORD The Tourism sector in Nkomazi is one of the most thriving sectors in our local economy. Nkomazi continues to attract large numbers of tourists to the tranquil and scenic beauty of our landscapes, the warm cultural and historical heritage of our people like the Samora Machel Monument and our wild life in both the Kruger National Park as well as our very own Marloth Park. The hospitality industry in Nkomazi continues year-on-year to improve its product offering and have turned Nkomazi to a much-loved tourist hot-spot in the province. As a municipality, we continue to support our tourism sector by creating positive infrastructure and secondary services to enable our operators to thrive. We have adopted this stance not only to support the role played by our tourism sector, but more importantly because we understand the importance of our tourism sector as one of the key drivers for economic growth and job creation within our municipality. One of the secondary platforms that we have started to implement to support the sector is the publication of this booklet. We believe that the regular publication of this booklet will ensure that domestic and international tourists will get a proper glimpse into the tourism products that Nkomazi has to offer. We will in the same spirit encourage our tour operators to ensure that they support and promote the brochure in their platforms to ensure that it reaches as many people as possible. We believe that members of the public and tourists will find the publication exciting and insightful on matters of tourism within Nkomazi


Executive Mayor Councillor TS Khoza

Malachite Kingfisher

WE WELCOME YOU AND WE GREET YOU WITH A SMILE!! Nkomazi tourism campaign is a manifestation of the pride that we have for our district. Through this campaign, we aim to promote and boost the image of our district and market it as a preferred tourist destination. Our local municipality boasts magnificent landscapes, superb climate and welcoming communities with rich and diverse culture. The cultural aspects of our communities include traditional ceremonies, music, handcrafts, architectural styles, cuisines, our houses and warm hearts as we embrace all our friends visiting Nkomazi The tourism industry in our district has the potential for substantial and sustainable growth which is positive for our economic growth and creation of jobs and prospects for better quality of life. It is an important foreign exchange earner that makes a significant contribution to economic development. As Nkomazi Local Municipality, we are ready to work together with our communities in an endeavour to make our district one of Africa’s most desirable tourist destinations. When tourists visit our district they spend money on accommodation, aircraft, entertainment, both traditional and contemporary, renting vehicles, guided tours and many other souvenirs. The expenditure helps sustain jobs and create wealth by boosting business revenue. The manner in which we treat our visitors becomes a marketing tool that converts our visitors into our Tourism Ambassadors who will spread goodwill all over the world on behalf of Nkomazi. It was with these thoughts in mind that Nkomazi Local Municipality compiled this brochure for you. We hope you will find this brochure useful to explore your own potentials and to get involved in tourism yourself. Have a safe journey and remember – tourism is everyone’s business! Nkomazi Local Municipality



HISTORY It is difficult to imagine an area of greater historical, scenic and wildlife diversity anywhere in the world, and a journey to South Africa would not be complete without a visit to Mpumalanga. The Place of the Rising Sun is already rated as one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations. Anecdotes abound the story of Jock of the Bushveld, a Staffordshire bull terrier whose hunting exploits during his life in the lowveld were immortalised in the story of the same name, by the famous pioneer Sir Percy Fitzpatrick. Attractions range from game viewing and bird watching, to scenic drives across the valleys and peaks of the vast Drakensberg escarpment. Historical sites and villages, old wagon routes and monuments mark events and characters who passed before in search of adventure and wealth. Those who seek the mystique and diversity of the African bushveld, the natural drama of both the scenery and the wildlife, or simply to relax in the variety of environments offered by the province, will be welcomed by all the people of Mpumalanga, the land and the people time chart. Throughout the Mpumalanga hills and mountains there are hundreds of examples of San (bushman) art. This art serves as a window looking into the lives of the San hunters and gatherers who inhabited the area centuries before the arrival of the Nguni people from the north. The region abounded with all types of game, plants, birds and insects. The rivers ran full, providing for the needs of these early inhabitants. Later came the first of the Nguni people who arrived with herds of cattle, and mined red ochre in the hills south of Malelane. Early smelters, which pre-date the main Nguni influx, have been excavated, indicating that the use of iron and copper was well advanced during these years. Similarly, early pottery fragments and sculptural artifacts unearthed in the hills on the Long Tom Pass, notably the “Lydenburg heads” have been described as a major art find. Around 1400 AD the second Nguni migration arrived from the north with their vast herds of cattle. These people had advanced the art of iron smelting and built stone-walled houses for their settlements. In the mountains above Barberton scientists have found traces of “Stromatolites”, the remnants of blue-green algae formed 3500 million years ago when oxygen was added to the earth’s atmosphere in significant quantities to create the first evolutionary step towards life forms. The creation of the Swazi nation as we know it today commenced at the time of King Ngwane. The area, which was then demarcated by tribal boundaries, was referred to as KaNgwane, a name that still stands. Clans forged friendships with other clans through marriage and for safety of numbers, while frequent raids against neighbouring clans served to replenish cattle herds and to extend tribal lands. The movements of tribal chiefs through the region had a profound effect on the formation and bonding of nations. Most notable was the influence of Zulu king Shaka, whose empire stretched southwards from the Swaziland border to the Tugela River. Shoshangane, who escaped from Zululand and settled in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, was the founder of the Shangane people, while Mzilikazi, after being forced to flee Zululand to escape the wrath of Shaka, travelled through the region on his way north to establish an empire in southern Zimbabwe. His passage was marked by death and destruction as he sought to subjugate the Ndebele people. Mpumalanga was populated by warrior clans who for centuries roamed the hills and plains in search of grazing for their cattle and safety for their people. Theirs was a life of war and survival as the centres of


Ancient tools

power moved from one clan to another. The oral tradition passed down in the folklore of the people is today an important record of the lives and tribal history of the inhabitants. Red ochre mines at Dumaneni, 6km south of Malelane, and at Lion Cavern, a site in the Ngwenya mountains, are some of the oldest mining sites in the world which attest to the early presence of man in Mpumalanga, some 46 000 years ago. The red ochre - ludvumane in siSwati, which means ‘four times the sound of thunder’ emphasises the importance of this mineral to early African civilisations. Ochre was used by chiefs and diviners, who covered their bodies with a mixture of this deep red mineral and animal fat in order to endow themselves with power. Later, San (Bushmen) used ochre both to decorate their bodies and in the manufacture of pigments. Examples of San (Bushman) rock art can be found throughout the province, marking the passage of these hunter-gatherers. Early indications of the presence of the species Australopithecus and Homo erectus take us back to the dawn of time, placing Mpumalanga in the cradle of the emergence of civilisation in Africa. The Ndebele are a Nguni people. During the third and fourth centuries they migrated to the Zebedelia and Pretoria areas in a series of migrations, and it was in this region that they established their tribal lands during the mid-17th century. Today a bronze sculpture of the Ndebele leader Nyabela stands outside the Mapoch Caves, to remind the descendants of this brave and proud people of their turbulent past. The Ndebele people of north west Mpumalanga now live in the area around Dennilton where, after a century of struggle, they were granted land on which to re-establish their people, who had been scattered throughout South Africa by war and restrictive legislation. The history of these people has been one of hardship and turmoil as successive waves of foreigners invaded their historic homeland.The Swazi people can trace their origins to a region in Kenya on the slopes of Mount Kenya, some 140km north of Nairobi. They arrived in Southern Africa under their chief, Dlamini, and settled initially near Maputo. The tribe then moved southwards to the Pongola River and later still into present day Swaziland where it developed its Swazi identity under King Sobhuza I (1815-1836) and later his son, King Mswati II. The latter was credited with uniting the many clans into one nation. Mswati II also set out to enlarge his empire by attacking his northern neighbours to as far north as Venda and the Limpopo River. King Mswati was a cruel and determined leader, whose army was greatly feared. However, in one engagement, his army attacked the Pulana clan in the valleys of the Blyde River Canyon. The Pulana succeeded in defeating the Swazis by hurling rocks down on them from the cliffs above. The survivors of this battle, fearing reprisals if they returned to their king, settled to the north of Swaziland in small pockets, where the same families live to this day. The Shangane people sprang up when Manukosi Shoshangane Nxumalo, a fighting general in Zwide’s Ndwandwe army, was defeated by Shaka’s army in Zululand and driven north of the Inkomati River, where he established a new kingdom in the Gaza Province of Mozambique. Over the years his empire grew through alliances with local chiefs and through war, until it extended to as far north as the Zambezi River. When Shoshangane died in 1856 he was succeeded by one of his two sons, Mawewe. The new king, in turn,



fell victim to inter-family fighting and was deposed by his brother Mzila. Years of fighting throughout the region then weakened the Shangane empire, and in the absence of strong leadership the clans scattered through a wide area of Mpumalanga, the Northern Province and Mozambique. Today the Shangane nation is once again well defined stretching from south of Bushbuckridge into the Northern Province, and eastwards into Mozambique. The Pedi, who occupy the land across the northern border of Mpumalanga in the Northern Province, have had a strong influence on the history and development of Mpumalanga through the years. Many of their leaders have contributed meaningfully to the development of the province, and are set to continue to do so. Mpumalanga today is made up of a truly diverse mix of nations, the product of a pioneering history that attracted armies, adventurers and travellers from all corners of the world. They came to farm the land, to prospect for minerals, to hunt big game, or as businessmen to trade and prosper from the many economic opportunities that arose as the region developed. Others arrived from Europe to lay the railway from Maputo to Pretoria. Today the names of the descendants of these pioneers are often remembered in the names of towns, mountains and rivers across the province.



• MALALANE • HECTORSPRUIT • KOMATIPOORT • KAMHLUSHWA • MARLOTH PARK • MATSAMO Nkomazi (Malelane) The Nkomazi Local Municipality is located in the eastern part of the Ehlanzeni District Municipality of the Mpumalanga Province. The municipality is strategically placed between Swaziland (North of Swaziland) and Mozambique (east of Mozambique). It is linked with Swaziland by two provincial roads and with Mozambique by a railway line and the main national road (N4), which forms the Maputo Corridor. The Malalane and Crocodile Bridge entrance to the Kruger National Park are found in this area. The Nkomazi valley is a narrow, green wedge of land that borders two countries and is considered to be one of the most fertile regions in the whole of South Africa. It’s also unique in that you could conceivably have breakfast in South Africa, lunch in Swaziland and dinner in Mozambique, all while leisurely taking in the numerous tourism attractions that the area has to offer. Nkomazi is also home to the Malalane Kruger Gate, which allows access to the Big Five and plenty of other animals in the world-renowned wildlife sanctuary. Various guesthouses and lodges operate within the area ensuring that tourists still get the African experience even outside the gates of the Park.

Crocodile Bridge

Sugar Cane


Malalane means “small lala palms” and was officially established on 6 July 1949. The Sugar Industry, which was established in 1965, had a great impact on the economy of Malalane. It was still a village with 320 people and a primary school for 105 scholars. There were only 23 buildings or structures in and around the town, including a hotel, two banks, two filling stations, two shops and four churches. The erection of the sugar mill, between 1965 and 1967, meant that TSB (Transvaal Suiker Beperk) had to provide housing for their workers. There were no houses in Malalane to buy or to rent and TSB had to undertake the building of 70 homes in the town. Facilities for sport and recreation had to be made available. The factory’s personnel were housed close to the mill in its own little town known as Mhlathi Kop. Malalane (formerly Malelane) is a farming town in Mpumalanga, South Africa situated on the N4 national highway. The farms in the region produce sugarcane, subtropical fruit and winter vegetables. The town was proclaimed in 1949 after which it was named. The origin of the name is disputed but was corrupted from the Swazi. Either the expression “eMlalani” which means place of the palms, or the expression “lala” which means to sleep are accepted origins of the name. The town started as the first rest-stop between Lourenço Marques and Pretoria. SAMORA MACHEL MONUMENT The Tupolev Tu-134 carrying President Samora Machel of Mozambique and his companions crashed at Mbuzini in the Lebombo Mountains on Sunday 19th October 1986, whilst returning to Mozambique from a meeting in Zambia. President Samora Machel and 34 others perished in the crash. The cause of the crash is as yet unresolved. Also on board the plane were members of Machel’s staff and prominent politicians. Among those who died were four Soviet crew members, two Cuban doctors and the Zambian and Zairean ambassadors to Mozambique. Only nine people survived the crash. The monument was designed by Mozambican architect, Joes Foraz. It consists of 35 steel tubes symbolizing the number of lives lost in the crash. The pillars cast long shadows over the base and the wind causes permanent whisperings through incisions in the pillars. It was unveiled by President Nelson Mandela on the 19th January 1999. As a tribute by the South African Government to an outstanding African Leader the memorial site was upgraded in 2006. Among other facilities erected are an exhibition area and an amphitheatre. Directions: from the N4 east of Malelane take the R570 (Jeppes reef road) or the R571 Komatipoort and follow the information signs. Turn left from the R571 and follow the road over the mountain to Mbuzini, a distance of about 30km. MATSAMO - A short history of the Swazi The area of what is now Swaziland has been inhabited by various different ethnic groups of people for a very long time. In eastern Swaziland human remains dating back 100,000 years belonging to the oldest homo sapiens have been discovered. The Bushman as is evident from the large number of San (Bushman) cave paintings


were among the first inhabitants of this region. The Swazi themselves arrived relatively late in history. The Swazi have their origins in East Africa around the great lakes, speaking siSwati having its origin predominantly in the Nguni group of Languages. In the late 15th century as part of the general southward expansion of the Nguni the Swazi’s crossed the Limpopo River to settle in southern Tongaland (now part of Mozambique). They remained here under their Chief (Dlamini I) for about 200 years until they moved into the fertile Pongola valley which is now part of South Africa. Economic pressure and land shortages soon resulted in a number of skirmishes and battles with the neighbouring Ndwandwe clan, which ultimately resulted in a further migration of the Swazi into what is now central Swaziland. From here the Swazi’s by way of absorption and conquest of Sotho and baPedi people built up a large Kingdom. Ngwane III established his headquarters in Zombodze. His grandson Sobhuza further expanded the Kingdom of Swaziland by absorbing Sotho, Tsonga and Nguni chiefdoms. His rule was marked by the “Mfecane” when the Zulu under Shaka threatened the entire sub region. Sobhuza met Shaka’s advances with diplomacy, giving two of his daughters to the Zulu King. He outlived Shaka and brought peace and prosperity to all his subjects. The Swazi under Sobhuza went on to defeat the Zulus under Dingane at Hlatikulu. Sobhuza I is regarded as the founder of pre-colonial Swaziland. He is also credited with bringing maize (now the staple food for southern Africa) from the Portuguese to the subcontinent. At the death of Sobhuza I, the mother of Sobhuza’s son Mswati II became Queen Regent until Mswati became of age. His influence and power gradually grew to envelope the area from the Limpopo in the north the Pongola River in the south and the Crocodile River in the west covering an area of about three times the size of modern Swaziland, today forming part of South Africa including the area where Matsamo is situated. Hence, more Swazis live in these areas in South Africa as South African citizens, than those living in the Kingdom of Swaziland itself. The Swazi were the dominant power in the region for a period of 15 years. In 1865 when Mswati died he left a strong nation ruled by a cohesive ruling class. King Mswati was to be the last truly independent ruler of Swaziland for the next 100 years. A period of peace followed under the Queen regent prior to the reign of Mbanzeni. At this time the relationship between the Swazi People and the arriving white settlers was friendly and co-operative. Swazi’s treated both British and Boers as allies. However both groups of whites had their own agenda. The Boers were looking for both arable land and a route to the sea where they could establish a port of their own, thereby avoiding the hated British. The British in return was reluctant to lose the trade provided by the Boers. To aggravate matters gold was found in Swaziland in 1882, leading to hundreds of European settlers rushing to Swaziland. Although Mbanzeni frequently asserted the sovereignty of the Swazi, he had no control over the whites and he was coerced into granting land concessions and prospecting rights. These often clashed with the rights of customary land usage. In the 1881 Pretoria Convention, Swaziland was guaranteed its independence but its borders were defined. This independence meant that Swaziland lost large parts of its territory including the Matsamo area. King Mbanzeni died in 1889 and was succeeded by King Ngwane V also known as King Bhunu. Without consulting the Swazi, in 1894, the two white powers concluded a convention whereby the Boer Republic of Transvaal was granted control over Swaziland and it ceased to be an Independent State. After the AngloBoer War (1899-1902) Britain made Swaziland a protectorate and the Transvaal became part of the Union of


South Africa, taking with it two-thirds of Swaziland. At the death of King Ngwane in 1899 the wife of King Mswati II Labotsibeni Mdluli took over the reign. In this troubled time when the Swazi came to grips with the loss of sovereignty, the queen Mother fought to get the land and independence back, petitions were sent to Britain, delegations of the Swazi went to lobby in Britain. Most legal arguments were lost on technicalities. Labotsibeni organised a campaign to buy back the lost land from the British and Boers, to this effect many Swazi went to work in the mines in South Africa. Gradually land was returned to the Swazi, until in 1968 about two thirds of the land had reverted back to the Swazi Nation. Labotsibeni recognized the changing times and the need to introduce western style education to her people, she therefore started the Swaziland National School, and Sobhuza became one of its first students. Sobhuza went on to study at Lovedale college in South Africa were he came into contact with many future leaders of Africa. Sobhuza became a founding member of the ANC. In 1922 King Sobhuza II was installed as Paramount chief of Swaziland and King to the Swazi nation. He took over from his grandmother Gwamile, who had been Queen Regent whilst he was underage. King Sobhuza died in 1982 after 60 years on the throne; he died as the longest reigning monarch. King Mswati III ascended the throne in 1986 at the age of 18. He is the youngest reigning monarch in the world. Matsamo Cultural Park is named after Chief Matsamo, a prominent Shongwe Chief and contemporary of King Mswati II, who was the first Swazi Chief who resided permanently in the area and established 13 rural villages between 1840 and 1925. Today this area is under control of the Matsamo Tribal Authority. Although the residents of these thirteen villages are today still predominantly Swazi in custom and traditions, they are part of the diverse South African Nation. MATSAMO CUSTOMS AND TRADITION CENTRE - Day Tours to the Village Tourists visiting the park participate in a guided tour for one and a half hours through the village and are treated to folk dancing, other cultural performing arts, food and drinks. Day tours of the area and the local rural communities are arranged on request. Guides are well informed members from the community with extensive experience in hosting guests assuring that the time spent at Matsamo will both be interesting and entertaining. Combo packages which include a tour, show and breakfast, lunch or dinner are also available. The tour consists of exploring a traditional African village, organised around family relationships and household activity areas and places for special occasions such as religious ceremonies. Traditions of farming communities are central to social life, settlement patterns, animal husbandry, agriculture, technology and trade. Guests may wander through the village with its many huts and seclusions, each allocated for a specific social function and interact with the villagers as they go about their daily activities. Traditional African crops are cultivated, the Nguni cattle herd can be seen, traditional food is prepared and ancient crafts are being practised. Old customs are recalled and one can marvel at the harmony which exists between man and nature in Africa. For a moment in time guests will be part of the family and remembered long after they have gone. The highlight is certainly the song and dance performed by the villagers, which usually results in keen participation by guests. The alfresco restaurant “African Theatre”, set in true African aesthetics is nestled in a peaceful setting with cobbling water and a panoramic view. It has two covered wings, each seating 65 people and an open-air terrace seating 70 people. For functions 300 people can be accommodated. The restaurant “Edladleni” can seat 60 people and is available for private groups. A buffet breakfast is served 7 days a week from 7h00 until 11h00 and a buffet lunch blended with a taste of Africa from 12h00 to 15h30.



MAHUSHE SHONGWE GAME RESERVE Mahushe Shongwe Game Reserve is located in the lowveld in Malelane in the far eastern sector of the Mpumalanga province. The reserve was established on community lands, where residents benefit in many practical ways through conservation programmes initiated by the Mpumalanga Parks Board.

 The reserve is small but highly concentrated with various species of acacias alongside Russet, Bushwillow and Tamboti. The seasonal Mzinti River is lined with Jackalberry and Sycamore Fig Trees. The reserve is home to the rare Impala lily, which is under severe threat through increasing loss of habitat.

 There are many species of herbivores that have been re-introduced to the Mahushe Shongwe Game Reserve such as Kudu, Waterbuck, Impala and Burchell’s Zebra (these are most commonly seen). Other wildlife that can be seen at Mahushe Shongwe Game Reserve are Nyala, Warthog and Vervet Monkeys. There are also small carnivores that can be seen at Mahushe Shongwe Game Reserve such as the African Civet, Blackjacked Jackel, Banded Mongoose and Large spotted Genet. Mahushe Shongwe Game Reserve is a birdwatchers’ paradise - birds that can be seen include the Pinkthroated Twinspot, Yellowspotted Nicator, Purplecrested Lourie, Gorgeous Bushshrike, Woodland Kingfisher, Scops owl, Pearlspotted owl, Whitefaced owl, Barn owl, Giant Eagle Owl, Wahlberg’s Eagle, Brown Snake Eagle, Lizzard Eagle and Little Sparrowhawk. DRIEKOPPIES DAM The dam, along with Maguga in Swaziland forms part of the Komati Basin Water Authority project, part of Driekoppies extends into Swaziland.

The dam lies in the lowveld with year round warm weather, is close to the Kruger National Park, Malelane Gate, so you can combine your fishing trip with some Big 5 game viewing.

 Best of all though Driekoppies is populated by some very big largemouth bass. Fish in the 3 to 4 kg range are being caught in the abundant structure that is a feature of the dam. By all accounts big creature baits dropped into the standing trees in 10 metres of water will often elicit a strike. It goes without saying that big fish and loads of drowned trees call for heavy tackle and line.

Facilities are very scarce at this stage, no accommodation, slipway or ablutions are available so be prepared to rough it but the fishing is worth it.

Driekoppies Dam

Bass Fish


SELATI SUGAR MILL Transvaal Sugar Limited was founded in 1965, in the Onderberg region of the South Eastern Transvaal Lowveld, now Mpumalanga, the place of the rising sun, this area is legendary for the early mining potential, as a hunting ground and for the beautiful unspoilt natural environment. In this pristine valley where nature is largely undisturbed, the hot sunny climate and the fertile soils lend themselves to the highest quality sugar cane in the country growing alongside other healthy and exotic subtropical fruits like litchis, mangos, bananas and citrus. Along with the traditional commercial farmers are a substantial number of small growers including new projects currently being developed at Hoyi, Mabuna, Madadeni and Spoons, all of whom supply 3,5 million tons of excellent sugar cane reaped from 34 000 hectares. RCL Foods Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd state of the art mills and refinery at Komati and Malelane are able to produce 600 000 tons of sugar annually which is marketed under the mystical SELATI “in the footsteps of my father”.. brand with its renowned red sun icon and original Selati “weave” decoration. With the gradual deregulation of the South African sugar industry it has become necessary for RCL Foods Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd to broaden their strategic vision to include, in addition to low cost production, for closer focus on consumer and trade needs in terms of new products, packs and distribution channels. Since the commissioning of the company’s first sugar mill in Malelane in 1967 RCL Foods Sugar and Milling (Pty) Ltd has experienced tremendous growth, and in 1994 a second sugar mill was established south of Komatipoort and a third acquired in 2009 in Pongola. MALELANE GATE Malelane Gate is on the Crocodile River, about 50km upstream from Crocodile Bridge. Be warned, it is one of Kruger’s busiest gates and there are often long queues of cars waiting to get into the Park at weekends and during school holidays. The Malelane area has long been an area of human habitation. Just south of the entrance gate is the ancient ochre mining site of Dumaneni. Kruger historians JJ Kloppers and Hans Bornman believe that over 100 000 tons of red ochre were mined at Dumaneni between 46 000 and 28 000 years ago. The San appeared to have been the first miners, using ochre for artistic and medicinal purposes. Iron-Age smelters found at Dumaneni indicate that the mine was operative during the Iron Age, which began in southern Africa approximately 2 000 years ago. Red ochre has long been associated with power. Malelane Gate Explorer Options • Matjulu Loop (S110); 23km back to main road; (1,5 hours) tar and dust road into the heart of the southern biome, mixed woodlands and mountains with reputation for good sightings; • Crocodile River Road (S114, S25) to Crocodile Bridge; 141km, 5,5 hours; dust road; thorn thickets and riverine bush; good for cheetah; • Main Road to Skukuza (H3); 64km; 2,5 hours; beautiful drive through rolling hills of mixed woodlands, interesting sightings around Afsaal; • Afsaal to Pretoriuskop (H2-2); 34km; 1,5 hours; historic drive along the old transport riders’ route; past Ship Mountain into the south-western foothills; often good for rhino, eland and hyaena.


Kwa Madwala Private Game Reserve

Kwa Madwala Private Game Reserve

Hectorspruit’s fame lies in the role it played during the South African (Anglo Boer) War. Despite being at the very reaches of South Africa’s eastern borders, or perhaps because of this, General Louis Botha and other leaders began a guerrilla campaign from here that kept them in the playing field for an extra 18 months. Today the town is a fair sized agricultural centre that serves the myriad surrounding farms that specialise in sugarcane, subtropical fruits (obviously, given the weather) and vegetables. Whilst the origin of a town’s name is usually superfluous, in Hectorspruit’s case it is fairly interesting, considering that the name once belonged to a dog. This particular dog was owned by the chief surveyor of the Pretoria - Delagoa Bay railway line, so he possibly had an important role to play. Certainly he was well enough loved to provide a town and its stream with his name. Situated due east of the Rest Camp in the southern reaches of the Hectorspruit rests on the popular N4 that connects it with to the east and to the west. This narrow corridor is called the Maputo-Nelspruit development corridor because it is a narrow slip of land that links Swaziland with the Kruger. Many visitors pass through Hectorspruit because of its position in the Maputo Nelspruit development corridor. In the surrounding hills and valleys you can find San rock engravings, whilst the banks of the Crocodile River are atmospheric. KWA MADWALA PRIVATE GAME RESERVE This 4-star bush lodge is situated on a 2,000-hectare private game reserve near Kruger National Park. It offers daily game drives, traditional Boma dinners and lodges with bush-view private terraces. Each air-conditioned lodge at Manyatta Rock Camp Kaw Madwala has an en suite bathroom with double sink and an open-air shower. Lodges also have a furnished outdoor terrace, some with sunrise views over the Lembobo Mountains. Manyatta Rock Camp’s accommodation is very unique and combines extremely creative architecture with its simplistic elevated rock environment.
 Looking like giant rocks our unique dome shaped bedrooms are scattered across the rock outcrop with fabulous views out across the bush from the private wooden deck of each unit. Manyatta has been skillfully designed to blend in with the surrounding natural environment and to ensure that all rooms offer a private wooden deck for bright mornings and lazy afternoons overlooking the African bush. An outside shower and chairs on the deck make the decks very popular with guests. Manyatta Rock Camp’s staff conduct daily bush drives. Guests can also schedule day trip to nearby Mozambique. KMIA Nelspruit Airport is a 60-minute drive away. South African cuisine cooked with fresh, local ingredients is served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Traditional fireside Boma dinners take place every other night. Rustic Day Spa offers a variety of massage treatments. Camp facilities include an observation deck and outdoor swimming pool. Kwa Madwala also arranges elephant back safaris, hiking tours and microlight flights.



The word Komati comes from the Swazi word, “Nkhomati”, which means “river of cows”. Komatipoort is situated near the Kruger National Park, on the Western slopes of the Lebombo Mountains. The Lebombo mountains form a natural barrier between South Africa and Mozambique. Today, Komatipoort is a quiet, sedate town. Malaria is under control, but it remains one of the hottest places in South Africa, with summer temperatures averaging about 33 degrees celcius, and balmy winter temperatures of around 26 degrees celcius. Komatipoort is a railway and customs centre as well as producing agricultural products like vegetables and subtropical fruits. The Crocodile River reaches the end of its course when it becomes a tributary of the Komati River. At the confluence of the Komati and Crocodile Rivers is the town of Komatipoort. This quaint town is only 8km from Crocodile Bridge Gate and 50km from Malalane Gate, two of the well known gates of the Kruger Park. The town is only 3km from the Lebombo Border Post. Komatipoort, in the 1890’s was hot and feverous and Malaria was endemic.The Komatipoort of those days was a wild and uproarious construction camp for the railway being built from Lourenco Marques (now called Maputo). During the Anglo/Boer War, the town was used as a base by Lieutenant-Colonel Steinaecker and his “Forty Thieves”. This group was later enlarged to become “Steinaecker’s Horse”. They were a bunch of mercenaries and bushwackers and were recruited by the British in order to fight Boer guerillas in the bushveld. With one of the most perfect winter climates the country has to offer, Komatipoort lies at the point at which the Komati and Crocodile rivers meet on the western slopes of the Lebombo Mountains, which form a natural barrier between South Africa and Mozambique. Marketed as “more than just a stopover“, Komatipoort is essentially a quaint, border post town just three kilometres from the Lebombo border post into Mozambique.



Komatipoort is situated in the Kruger Lowveld region of Mpumalanga in South Africa, sitting in the confluence of the Crocodile and Komati Rivers. The town is approximately 8km from the Crocodile Bridge Gate leading to the Kruger National Park and only 5km from the border to Mozambique. Komatipoort is the main rail and road link between South Africa and both Swaziland and Mozambique. The town is small and peaceful with the perfect winter climate of early 20°C, however it is also one of the hottest towns in South Africa in summer, with temperatures reaching upper 40°C. The towns name is derived from the Komati River and the word ‘poort’ meaning mountain pass referring to the natural barrier of the Lebombo mountain range between South Africa and Mozambique. Mozambique’s former President Samora Machel died in a plane crash near Komatipoort, in the Lebombo mountain range. Marking the accident site is the Samora Machel Monument. Many tourists opt to stay in Komatipoort for ease of access into the Kruger National Park. The tranquil tree-lined streets and friendly locals make the town inviting to those that seek solace from a hectic city life. Whilst this may make it sound like a quiet little town on the way to nowhere, nothing could be further from the truth. Komatipoort lies just 8 kilometres from the Crocodile Bridge gate into the Kruger National Park, 5 kilometres from the Mozambique border and only 65 kilometres from the Swazi border, making day trips to each of these places incredibly easy. Routes from Crocodile Bridge Gate: • The main tar road north to Lower Sabie (H4-2) • Towards the Lebombo area (S28) in an easterly direction • Going in a western direction on the Crocodile River Road into Biyamati (S25) • On a northerly route with the H4-1 going to Skukuza, via the Randspruit Road (H5) Crocodile Bridge Gate is the most eastern entrance to Kruger National Park. Crocodile Bridge Gate can be entered in from the N4 road. The N4 travels along Nelspruit and Malelane into Komatipoort. It is one of the hottest areas, going over 40 degrees C (104 degrees F) in summer. It’s also in close proximity to the border gate between South Africa and Mozambique. Crocodile Bridge Gate is named after the Crocodile River. For those who are heading into the south-eastern section of the Park, Crocodile Bridge is the most direct way of doing so. With Crocodile Bridge having a high concentration of game, wildlife viewing opportunities are high and exciting. A short distance from the gate, you will find Crocodile Bridge Camp - equipped with a petrol (gas) station, essentials and food. Please note that this camp usually floods during heavy rainfall.


Marloth Park is both a town and a nature conservancy, which means that it is close to perfect for nature lovers or those that really want to experience the wild beauty of this continent unhindered by development, urbanisation, or even fences. Marloth Park is situated on the border of the world-renowned Kruger National Park. The town and its people are particularly committed to the fauna and flora that makes this part of Mpumalanga so special. Therefore, they adhere to strict regulations regarding the hindering of the animals’ natural movement, and allow many of these species to cross this border freely and with no threat. In so doing, Marloth Park retains its biodiversity and is loyal to the variety and natural prosperity of South Africa. Animals can be seen grazing, wondering the veld gracefully, or drinking from the mighty Crocodile River; just metres away from the homes of Marloth Park. In fact, almost half of the town’s land area is parkland, which caters to the plants and animals of the southern part of Kruger, which have chosen this as their natural habitat. Visitors to Marloth Park can look forward to seeing four of the Big Five; namely lion, leopard, buffalo and rhino. Elephants are only seen within Kruger itself, though, and can often be spotted quenching their thirst on the banks of the Crocodile River. There are more than 350 recorded avian species here. These include the fish eagle, bat hawk, sanderling, grey-headed gull, Damara tern, hawk eagle, plum-coloured starling, brown-headed parrot, black-headed oriole, lilac-breasted roller, black stork, Bateleur eagle, crested barbet, Marabou stork, Scops owl (or white-faced owl), colourful kingfisher species, spoonbill, eagle owl and martial eagle. Other wildlife to keep an eye out for includes various antelope species, giraffe, zebra and ostrich.

Bokmakierie Bird Hippopotamus



The first stone age hunters roamed the plains in search of game half a million years ago. Later the plains were inhabited by modern day bushmen who have left fascinating rock paintings all over South Africa. The Kruger National Park contains over one hundred sites of these paintings. The very first ranger in the reserve was Paul Bester who made his residence in a rustic rondavel (hut) which is now the site of the headquarters camp, Skukuza. Documents concerning the History of the Kruger National Park can be viewed at the Skukuza Library. Hundreds of Europeans and farmers came to the Lowveld lured by rumours of gold and the great quantity of valuable commodities such as ivory and skins. The number of game decreased dramatically due to hunting and trading of animal skins and horns. The Kruger National Park is a living memorial to President Paul Kruger and those who have upheld his vision of a protected wilderness reserve which will forever remind us of that which we are so dangerously close to losing. President Paul Kruger was told about the rapid destruction of wildlife in the area by hunters, after which he succeeded to persuade the Transvaal parliament to establish a protected area for wildlife in the Lowveld region. The flagship of the South African national parks, Kruger is home to an impressive number of species: 336 trees, 49 fish, 34 amphibians, 114 reptiles, 507 birds and 147 mammals. Man’s interaction with the Lowveld environment over many centuries - from bushman rock paintings to majestic archaeological sites like Masorini and Thulamela - is very evident in the Kruger National Park. These treasures represent the cultures, persons and events that played a role in the history of the Kruger National Park and are conserved along with the park’s natural assets. The world-renowned Kruger National Park offers a wildlife experience that ranks with the best in Africa. Established in 1898 to protect the wildlife of the South African Lowveld, this national park of nearly 2 million hectares, SANParks - Kruger National Park is unrivalled in the diversity of its life forms and a world leader in advanced environmental management techniques and policies. The Kruger National Park opened to the first visitors in 1927. The park stretches 380km from North to South and is 60km wide. It boasts 16 distinct ecosystems, 2 million hectare prestine Africa and the ‘Big Five’ which include the white rhino and the endangered black rhino, the elephant, the lion, the most elusive leopard and the buffalo. Entrance gates opening times: Oct - Mar: 05:30 • Apr - Sep: 06:00 Camp gates opening times: Oct: 05:30 • Nov - Jan: 04:30 • Feb - Mar: 05:30 • Apr - Sep: 06:00 Camp gates closing times: Aug - Oct: 18:00 • Nov - Feb: 18:30 • Mar - Apr: 18:00 • May - Jul: 17:30


The park has the following camps: Bushveld Camps • Berg-en-dal is situated on the southern bank of the Matsulu Spruit • Bia Miti • Ximumini • Pretoriuskop is one of the oldest camps with thick bush and long grass in the surroundings • Lower Sabie has thick riverine vegetation - hippo’s and lions • Skukuza (the one who sweeps clean) is the biggest, most popular camp, admin capital. • Satara is the second largest camp - buffaloes and the predators that follow them eg lions • Olifants Camp is on a cliff overlooking the Olifants River • Letaba is halfway into the full length of the park, famous for the Elephant Hall of Fame hosting the actual tusks of the renowned magnificent seven elephant bulls. These were popular for the way they displayed their tusks: Jumbo, Maponyane, Ndlulamithi, Xangu, Xingwedzi, Jawu and Gambagu



R570 JEPPES REEF ROAD Matsamo Customs Umbovu Guest House Mamli Guest House Lumavu Guest House Umlumati Lodge

TELEPHONE 013 781 001 072 504 1095 013 781 0702 082 477 3118 072 055 3005

TONGA ROAD Elangeni Lodge 013 780 8021 Sivutsa Lodge 013 780 8030 Nicos Lodge 013 785 7901 Far East Country Lodge 081 405 9086 Elizagrace Lodge 072 189 4590 STEENBOK Steenbok Guesthouse 0714934510 RESTAURANTS IN MALELANE Debonairs 013 790 0055 Chicken Licken 013 790 0414 KFC 013 790 0311 Nandos 013 790 0341 Steers 013 790 1551 Duck ‘n dive saloon 013 790 1258 Fishaways 013 790 1343 Wimpy 013 790 1720 Hungry Lion 0137900344 Diner at spar 0137900235 The Deck 013 790 1246 Hamilton Restaurant 082 461 4974 Red Falcon Spur 0137900797 TOUR OPERATORS Budzatja Safaris 0823448628 Hylton Ross Touring 0833107489 TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Schoemansdal Driekoppies dam 0137810317 Jeppes Reef Matsamo customs 0137810014 Mbuzini Samora Machel Monument 0722536682 Tonga Mahushe Shongwe Game Reserve 0137977025 Hectorspruit Kwamadwala Private Game Reserve 0137904214 Masibekela Masibekela Recreation park 0137900245


AREA EMAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE MALELANE Belvedere on the river Hamilton Lodge Selati 103 Guest House Bezuidenhout B&B Rio Vista Lodge River House Lodge Mhlati Guest Cottage Pestana Kruger Lodge Barnstormers rest Paradise Creek Cycas Guest House Kambaku river lodge Khandizwe River Lodge

013 790 1449 082 461 4974 013 790 0978 013 790 0728 013 790 1246 013 790 1333 013 790 3436 013 790 2500 013 790 0686 082 824 5506 082 447 3792 083 273 6881 082 568 8802

HECTORSPRUIT Buhala Lodge Buffalo Hotel Tebukhosi Lodge Kwamadwala Game Lodge Mjejane River Lodge

083 272 2150 083 393 7981 079 589 4057 013 790 4214 013 792 7000

MARLOTH PARK Beyond The Boma Phumula Kruger Lodge Grand Kruger Lodge Bona Ngwenya Lodge Crocodile Kruger Lodge Turaco Lodge Maqueda Lodge Needles Lodge Jabula Lodge African Bush Camps Royal Kruger Lodge Kruger Inn Backpackers Kruger River Self-catering Mvuradona Safari Lodge Migrate Bush House

082 826 4684 083 775 2173 082 651 4567 082 257 8700 082 570 8172 083 383 6183 082 450 4089 079 190 9805 084 366 3664 082 585 0365 031 566 1013 071 673 8484 083 460 0407 078 423 9663 081 590 8696

KOMATIPOORT Komati River Chalets Eco Lux Boutique Country Link Lodge Stoep CafÊ Restaurant Ngwenya Lodge Villa-Candilabra Hotel Crocodile Bridge Lodge Elephant Walk Retreat Trees Too Guest Lodge Sundown Lodge Border Country Inn Kruger view backpackers Pioneer Guesthouse Acasia guesthouse Theos Guesthouse Buckler’s Africa Lodge

013 793 7623 013 793 8333 013 793 7243 083 457 3909 013 793 9300 082 464 6550 013 793 7859 013 793 7543 013 793 8262 013 793 8009 062 937 5529 013 793 7373 082 352 2488 013 793 7847 082 968 9974 083 212 1354



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