APD Protest

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4 | The CNM Chronicle


April 1-7, 2014

APD protests spark controversy amongst community By Rene Thompson Editor in Chief

Demonstrators took to the streets on Tuesday, March 25 and Sunday, March 30 to protest against the Albuquerque Police Department’s use of force and killing of Albuquerque citizens; specifically James Boyd, who was shot and killed while squatting in the Northeast Heights Foot Hills at Copper Trailhead, on March 16, and protests eventually ended in people being dispersed by tear gas at Girard Blvd and Central Avenue and at APD headquarters twelve hours after protests began on Sunday. Since the first protest on Tuesday that brought more than 1,000 people to the event, there has been a massive media frenzy online and many took to the internet on social media sites to voice their concerns, whether people were in support of APD or against APD’s use of force. Former student and Activist with the ANSWER Coalition, Joel Gallegos said that this whole situation had blown up because it had been a long time coming and that the city should not be surprised by the blowback that occurred in the protest event on Sunday. ANSWER stands for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism, but also helps with organizing many protest events throughout Albuquerque, and Gallegos said that is why the ANSWER coalition is around, to give people the

opportunity to participate in a safe way that is organized. “The police were wrong to escalate the situation with a paramilitary response,” Gallegos said. Gallegos said that whether it is direct action, civil disobedience, or political action, that the coalition wants to encourage folks to get involved. History major, Zachary Case, who was at the Sunday event earlier in the day to observe protesters, said that he never saw protesting as a real way to change anything. Case said that there were many touching stories at the event from people who had lost loved ones to police violence. “I love freedom of speech and freedom of assembly; it’s just not exactly certain what will happen from all this,” he said. Former President of ECOs, Stephen Martos said he believes people should be supporting APD instead of protesting them, because the police force is an essential part of the community. Martos said that APD is necessary to serve and protect, but that there are times when that does not always ring true, as in the recent officer involved shooting. “You cannot improve the situations by creating enemies, but instead by making partners. We are partners with our police force and are responsible for bringing our community together,” Martos said. The Department of Justice has had an ongoing investigation of APD since Nov. 2012, after numerous

misconduct lawsuits had cost Albuquerque taxpayers more than 24 million dollars in 2010 alone, according to a justice.gov D.O.J. press release and the Albuquerque Journal. APD has been dealing with threats and personal information of officers being leaked from the activist and hacking group Anonymous, as APD’s website was attacked on Sunday which kept their site down for most of the day, Police Spokesman, PHOTO BY RENE THOMPSON Simon Drobik said in a statement. Protestors gather outside of APD headquatores at 400 Roma Ave. NW. Gallegos said that politicians do not stand with the people It is necessary to alert involved,” he said. our lawmakers and those Case said that police administering training in should not be militarized— order to improve in the ways period, and that the city is we are failing, but Martos just trying to control the said that some of these propopulation instead of pro- testers have lost sight of what tecting them. the real issue is, which is the Case said that he excessive force of APD. believes that if a cop is going “What is sad is they have to assault someone, then that done this in the name of the person should have the James Boyd whom nobody right to defend themselves. worried about before he died. “This has been going on If the community cared so in Albuquerque since I was much, then they would have a little kid, and I remember been out there helping him there being issues of police with food, water, shelter and brutality in our city since healthcare,” Martos said. then,” he said. According to justice.org, PHOTO PROVIDED BY STEPHEN MARTOS Martos said that he the Violent Crime Control This logo has been seen on APD supporters Facebook believes that there are and Law Enforcement Act of pages. two camps of people 1994 prohibits state and local march in the streets protesting, with those governments from engaging start talking about prob- without a specific permit. that are truly interested in a pattern or practice of lems until the people “We can’t control in improving the APD, misconduct by law enforcemake it a problem. what others do, and we and those who are only ment officers that deprives He also said there might not agree with the interested in stirring the individuals of federally-prois a city ordinance that tactics used last night waters, because they are tected rights. allows protesters to but we fully support and only focused on negativity.


More than 1,000 protestors showed up at the event on Tuesday, March 25.

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