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Michael and Joey del Prado

Michael and Joey del Prado have been married for close to 30 years and have three grown children: Francis; Bernadette; and Angela, who is married to Ken parents of granddaughter Amanda. Michael’s career as a global healthcare industry executive allowed them to live in several countries; wherever they have lived, they have been active in the ministries of the local Church, often in leadership roles.

The del Prados, natives of the Philippines, moved to the United States in 2013 when Michael became head of the surgical group of his company. They volunteered as lectors and Eucharistic ministers at their parish, St. Martin of Tours, in New Hope, Pennsylvania. Joey established a Mother’s Prayer Group while Michael got involved in the Men’s Ministry. They started a community rosary every Saturday Mass. In 2015, Michael was appointed to the Parish Leadership Council and started an adult faithformation initiative.

In 2015, Joey suffered a near-fatal brain aneurysm. Still, she launched the Foundation for the Poor which is focused on educating and helping children in India, Africa, and the Philippines. Every Tuesday, she makes meals for Caring for Friends. Michael earned a master’s degree in theology and Christian ministry from Franciscan University in 2020. He supports the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals and Couples for Christ in the Philippines and the United States. He has also been supporting the establishment of the Center for the New Evangelization at Franciscan University and advising the university on its strategy and international expansion.

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