2023 Impact Report - RENEW International

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RENEW International



Table of Contents 02

Year in Review


Parish Catalyst


Be My Witness


Why Catholic?


Baptism Matters


Open Our Hearts


Advent: The Lord is Near


Grieving the Death of a Loved One


Pastoral Services & Parish Mission




Sister Honora


RENEW Africa


In Memoriam


Pilgrimage of Peace


Financial Statement






RENEW Garden


Honoring Our Supporters




Ways to Connect


RENEW International

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” – Isaiah 43:18–19a God’s words, spoken through the prophet, strike a chord that resounds throughout the Scriptures: renewal. Christianity is optimistic, emphasizing that renewal—rebirth—is always possible, no matter what obstacles we encounter. Still, God does not call us to wait around for renewal to happen on its own but rather to take the initiative, relying on God’s help. Our name, RENEW International, makes it clear that we believe in renewal and that our mission is to facilitate it among Catholic men and women and Catholic parishes. RENEW has done this effectively in the past, but our leadership and our staff recognize that ever-changing social and economic conditions present new challenges today. Many dioceses and parishes don’t have the financial resources they used to have. Church attendance has declined over several decades. Participation in parish life has not entirely recovered from the interruption of the pandemic. Without forsaking RENEW’s historic values and objectives, our team has responded to such obstacles—adopting prudent budgets and carefully controlling expenses; developing new print and virtual products; strengthening its sales staff; upgrading the sales potential of its website; revising its pricing and shipping policies; and adopting new and more aggressive marketing strategies. In these efforts, RENEW honors the past without living in the past, evolving in an evolving world, listening to the prophetic and teaching voices as expressed through the ongoing Synod, and depending as always on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and on your support. Yours faithfully,

Donald J. Whittam Chair, Board of Trustees

IMPACT Report 2023

After each baptism, the celebrant tells the child, “You have become a new creation.” It’s an exciting expression that, in a different context, applies to RENEW International as we reflect on the past year and continue building our future. RENEW is “new” in that, while continuing to invite Catholics to share their faith in small groups, we became a multifaceted ministry by merging with Parish Catalyst, which helps parishes learn how to thrive, and by becoming the administrator of CUSA (for two years), an apostolate of people with chronic diseases and/or disabilities. RENEW is “new” in that, during the past year, our staff has expanded the reach of Parish Catalyst—for example, by offering one-day “Dynamic Discipleship” workshops customized to meet the needs of individual parishes. And RENEW is “new” again in that we have launched Eucharist Matters, an online program for parents of children preparing for First Communion. And, recognizing that Latinos are the fastest-growing segment of the American Catholic Church, RENEW began increasing its Spanish-language small-group resources and planned a more user-friendly experience for Latinos visiting our website. In addition, we continue to enhance our small-group offerings; now in progress are a revised version of the Grateful Living process that was so successful in the Diocese of Jefferson City as well as several new programs on topics including the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist; navigating conversations about polarizing issues; and the art of accompaniment. In the spirit of the Synod on Synodality, which has taken root in our home Archdiocese and in the Universal Church, we undertake all these new endeavors confident of your prayers and support, for which we are eternally grateful. Sincerely yours in Christ,

G. Gregory Tobin President and Executive Director



RENEW International

The Parish Catalyst program engages pastors and parish leaders in collaborative learning and strategic planning. Offerings include webinars, on-site workshops, and Learning Communities. The Learning Communities are the heart of Parish Catalyst. Teams gather four times over 18 months during which — through learning, collaboration, and strategic planning parish innovation is ignited and implemented, producing measurable change. We launched three Learning Communities during this period, one virtual for two parishes and two in-person—in Ventura, California and Paterson, New Jersey—each with seven parishes. During the fiscal year, we worked directly with more than 40 parishes and, through our webinars, with hundreds around the world. We hosted 10 webinars averaging 175 registrations each. These included our milestone 50th webinar. We also facilitated 12 on-site workshops at parishes around the country.

Parishioners from seven parishes in the Santa Barbara Region of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California, joined Learning Community 12 at the Mission Basilica San Buenaventura in Ventura.

Participants interact in small groups during a “Pioneering Leadership” workshop conducted for the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, by John Poitevent, Parish Catalyst process director. The workshop was held at the Church of St. Paul Inside the Walls in Madison. Seventeen parishes participated in the workshop.

IMPACT Report 2023

Be My Witness Be My Witness is a faith-sharing process, inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical letter The Joy of the Gospel, which responds to the Church’s call to a “new evangelization.” The process envisions evangelization—that is, bearing witness to Christ—as the vocation of every Christian, not only of clergy and religious. Most Rev. Bernard A. Hebda, archbishop of St. Paul-Minneapolis, points out in the introduction that the call to evangelization, most recently repeated by Pope Francis, was first made by Jesus himself. The 12 sessions in this process help men and women refresh their faith in Jesus and, as the author writes, discover “the small but significant ways that our words and our actions can bring the presence of Christ into our increasingly secular world, in particular through the social ministry of the Church.” In June 2023, the pastoral team facilitated two virtual sessions to promote Be My Witness. Participants using Be My Witness have shared with us that this small-group experience has been transformative and has helped build a sense of community in the parish. A distinct process, Sean mis testigos, which has the same goals as Be My Witness, is not a translation but rather a unique resource created specifically for Latino Catholics. A small Christian community from Mary, Mother of God Roman Catholic Church in Hillsborough, New Jersey, engages in faith sharing with Be My Witness from RENEW International.



RENEW International

Why Catholic? Why Catholic? is a comprehensive review of the Catechism of the United States presented in four volumes, each with 12 faith-sharing sessions. The process was introduced nearly 20 years ago and has been revised and updated several times since. Each volume helps participants explore one of the four “pillars” of the catechism—The Profession of Faith, Christian morality, Christian prayer, and the sacraments. The Spanish version of the resource is ¿Por que ser católico? While Why Catholic? can still be offered as a full four-year experience—which has been the practice for many years—parishes are also embracing the option of choosing the best book for their members as a starting point with a commitment of one year at a time. For example, as a result of its synodal listening sessions, the parish leadership at the church of St. Anne in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, selected Why Catholic? Believe on the Profession of Faith, as its starting point for small-group faith sharing.

IMPACT Report 2023

In order to help parishes maximize their resources and still provide quality faith formation, RENEW offers Baptism Matters, an online program for parents and godparents who are preparing for their child’s baptism. The program consists of a series of learning modules that busy adults can complete at home at their own pace. The program also envisions and facilitates in-person encounters with baptismprep teams and other parents and godparents. Baptism Matters presents the sacrament as initiation An animated scene from the Baptism Matters learning module “The People Are the Church.” into a community, the Church and more particularly the parish. The presentations are designed to encourage young adult parents to apply this vision to themselves and to resolve to accompany their child on a lifelong journey of faith and discipleship. Baptism Matters also includes learning modules for parish staff, offering counsel on how to greet parents—whether or not they are active Catholics—in ways that will make them feel welcome and inspire them to think of the parish as a spiritual home for them and their children.



RENEW International

Open Our Hearts RENEW International offers two faith-sharing resources for Lent. Lenten Longings and its Spanish-language counterpart, Reflexiones en Cuaresma, include prayers, reflections, and action steps inspired by the gospel readings for each Sunday of the season. Open Our Hearts and Abramos nuestros corazones, written by Sister Donna Ciangio, O.P. and Father Thomas B. Iwanowski, provides small-group faith-sharing elements based on the Sundays of Lent as well as reflections for individual use for every day of the penitential season. As Sister Donna explains in the introduction, the purpose of Open Our Hearts “is not simply to listen, pray, and learn about our faith but also to put that faith into action … change the way you live each day so that your life will more closely reveal to the world the Kingdom of God.” Both resources are available for each of the three liturgical cycles.

IMPACT Report 2023


Advent: The Lord is Near RENEW International offers its participants three resources for Advent: Advent Awakenings, Waiting with Joy, and the newest resource, Advent: The Lord is Near. Like the earlier programs, the new one will be available in three editions, one for each liturgical year. In addition to presenting sessions based on the gospel readings for the Sundays of Advent, Advent: Deacon Charles Paolino, managing editor at RENEW International, is the The Lord author of Advent: The Lord is Near. is Near includes a personal reflection for every day of the Advent season with many of the reflections focusing on the images and experiences of everyday life.


RENEW International

Grieving the Death of a Loved One Grief after the death of a friend or family member can feel like a solitary experience, but it touches everyone and, in most cases, more than once in a lifetime. Such a loss can cause emotional and spiritual turmoil that is unique to each person. To validate the emotions survivors feel and help them navigate their personal journeys to peaceful acceptance, RENEW International offers Grieving the Death of a Loved One and its inculturated Spanishlanguage counterpart, El Duelo por la muerte de un ser querido. Based on an earlier RENEW publication, this faith-sharing resource includes six small-group sessions that are ideal for use by a parish bereavement team or by any Catholic adults who seek a way forward through faith and the support of others.

“This publication accurately identifies and validates the myriad of thoughts and feelings associated with profound grief while couched in a safe and supportive Christian community.” Jane Francis Garrison, O.P. BCC National Association of Catholic Chaplains

IMPACT Report 2023

Pastoral Services and Parish Mission The Pastoral Services Team accompanies parishes and small Christian communities participating in RENEW’s core processes: Why Catholic?, ARISE, Be My Witness, and Grateful Living. Accompaniment—staying with participants rather than simply creating and selling processes—is a service that distinguishes RENEW from other organizations in this field. The pastoral team consists of in-house staff and five pastoral consultants in various parts of the country who shepherd parishes and through our processes, conducting workshops for parish coordinators and small-group leaders. A focus this year has been accompanying parishes that desire to continue their small-group experience after a process has concluded. During this fiscal year, the Pastoral Services Team began revising the ways in which parish-wide experiences can be offered. The team was working with parish leaders to design more customized approaches to RENEW’s resources. In particular, the team was designing a new approach to implementing Be My Witness. The team provided a two-part virtual information session on Be My Witness and presented a review of the process for the whole RENEW staff.

Mare Ernesto, associate director of pastoral services, participates in a webinar on Dignity and the Death Penalty, focusing on the Theology of Life as encountered in the writings of Sister Helen Prejean, a leading advocate for abolition of capital punishment. Dignity and the Death Penalty was inspired by Sister Helen’s work and written with her cooperation and counsel.



RENEW International

Our Neighborhood Parish During this fiscal year, the RENEW pastoral team cultivated a relationship with the combined parish of St. Bernard of Clairvaux and St. Stanislaus Kostka, located across the street from our offices in Plainfield. In the fall of 2022, the pastoral team facilitated a listening session for parishioners who, for the first time, shared with each other their joys, challenges, and hopes for the parish. Based on that session and consultation with the pastor, Father Marcin Fuks, What, Me Holy? was offered as a first small-group faith sharing-experience in the parish, facilitated by a RENEW staff member. Participants gathered weekly during the Lent and Easter seasons. We are now exploring steps to build on this inaugural encounter with RENEW’s neighborhood parish.

IMPACT Report 2023 13

CUSA CUSA, the apostolate for men and women with disabilities or chronic illnesses, celebrated its 75th anniversary with a jubilee Mass on December 8, 2022, at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in South Orange, New Jersey. RENEW International has been the administrator of CUSA since January 2022. The Mass was live streamed for CUSA members around the country. CUSA received the 2023 “Spirit of RENEW” award presented at RENEW’s annual Gala dinnerdance in June. Also in June, CUSA was the subject of an expansive article, “CUSA: A Ministry of Connection,” in the national Franciscan RENEW International President G. Gregory Tobin shows the papal blessing bestowed on CUSA, in recognition of its 75th anniversary, to Joan Donnelly, former president of the magazine St. Anthony CUSA Board of Directors; Anna Marie Sopko, former CUSA administrator; and Dolores Steinberg, editor of The CUSAN, the apostolate’s semiannual magazine. Messenger.

Mare Ernesto, associate director of pastoral services at RENEW, has been the administrator of CUSA since the partnership with RENEW was formed in January 2022.


RENEW International

Sister Honora Sister Honora Nolty, O.P., retired after many years on the staff of RENEW International, has continued to volunteer as our spiritual advisor and has helped in many other ways. Although “retired” from RENEW, Sr. Honora, a member of the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville, New York, is very active, particularly in her community’s focus on environmental issues. Sr. Honora hosted a RENEW webinar marking Earth Day in April, 2003. She was also a guest on a webinar in May marking “Laudato Si’ Week.” She has been a strong proponent of RENEW’s small-group program Creation at the Crossroads by Father Edward J. Ciuba. The faith-sharing resource was inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical letter on care of our common home, Laudato Si’. The sisters in Amityville are committed to a seven-year action plan in response to the encyclical.

“What is so new and challenging about Laudato Si’ is that it calls us to a new understanding of who God is and a realization that the human race is not the center of the universe. … The challenge for each of us is to do something and be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.” Sr. Honora Nolty, O.P. The CUSAN Summer 2022

Sister Honora Nolty views a graphic about photosynthesis at her office at RENEW.

IMPACT Report 2023 15

RENEW Africa Father Ludwe Jayiya, director of the national RENEW Africa office, has been systematically contacting the dioceses of South Africa to increase participation in RENEW programs. Father Ludwe visited the Archdiocese of Johannesburg and met with parishioners there. Some have signed up for another RENEW program and others wish to continue with RENEW Africa. Among those Father Ludwe met with was Duncan Hyam, a tireless supporter of RENEW, who in the spring of 2023 recorded the 300th episode RENEW On the Air, a faith-sharing broadcast on Radio Veritas. Father Jerry Browne, former director of the national office, visited the Diocese of Mthatha in southeast South Africa on behalf of RENEW. Father Jerry conducted a workshop with Bishop Sithembele Anton Sipuka and the pastoral team. They were very enthusiastic and have bought some materials. The Diocese of Oudtshoorn in the southern part of the country has reached out to Father Ludwe, and he will be visiting there in October.

A group of parishioners gathers in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg for a presentation by Father Ludwe Jayiya on RENEW programs available in South Africa.


RENEW International

In Memoriam The RENEW International family was diminished by the death on January 21, 2023, of Jennifer Bober, our marketing manager since 2015. Among the many tasks she performed to present RENEW to the Catholic world, Jennifer was a familiar and joyful figure in webinars associated with our faith-sharing programs. Jennifer, an accomplished singer and musician, served for many years as a cantor at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in South Orange, New Jersey, and she often sang at RENEW liturgies and retreats. Jennifer had an unshakeable faith in God, an infectious laugh, and an upbeat personality, even in the face of terminal cancer. “I have a chronic, terminal illness,” she once wrote, “it does not define me…. It is only a small part of who I am. I am still a sister, a friend, an employee, a musician, a writer, an artist, and, most importantly, a woman of faith. I am so much more than my diagnosis, and my faith centers me.” We miss her and honor her memory.

Blessing of the Animals RENEW staff members gathered with their pets on October 4, the Feast of St. Francis Assisi, for the Blessing of the Animals. From left, Mare Ernesto, Dawn MacDonald, Deacon Charles Paolino, Jennifer Bober, Marissa Espinosa, Gianna MacDonald (seated), and Cynthia Chovan-Dalton.

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Pilgrimage of Peace In a spiritual journey sponsored by RENEW International, a group of men and women traveled to the Holy Land in October 2022. The pilgrimage, which had been postponed because of the Covid pandemic, took the travelers to historic places including Tel Aviv, Tiberias, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Nazareth, and Jerusalem. Sister Theresa Rickard, O.P., former president of RENEW, and Father Anthony Randazzo, pastor of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Westfield, New Jersey, were the spiritual leaders of the pilgrimage. Members of the pilgrimage group pose for a photo in Jerusalem. In the background is the Al-Aqsa Mosque, built in the seventh century on the site of the Second Jewish Temple.

Father Anthony Randazzo celebrates Mass with the pilgrimage group.

Members of the pilgrimage group pray at the Western Wall, built by Herod the Great as part of his reconstruction of the temple.


RENEW International

Financial Summary RENEW International Key Statistics Full Year Ended June 30 (dollars in thousands)



Operating Revenue



Operating Expenses



Operating Loss



Endowment Income






Assets (without Endowment)






Total Assets



Total Net Assets



RENEW International

Cost Allocation: (% by type, dollars in thousands) $104 6%

$192 9%

$237 14%

$300 13%

$1,324 80%

$1,763 78%

FY 2022 Actual Process Costs

Development Costs

FY 2023Actual Gen & Admin Costs

For full audited financial statements, visit www.renewintl.org.

IMPACT Report 2023 19

Development RENEW gratefully shares its mission with donors including individuals, foundations, and businesses that make direct gifts or participate in our annual Gala. They make it possible for us to develop new faithsharing programs and counsel participating small groups and parishes. Donors also help us provide free webinars, online faith-sharing experiences, blogs, videos, and apps. Their support enables us to offer programs such as Parish Catalyst to parishes that otherwise might not be able to afford them. Finally, the generosity of our supporters is helping us build a more userfriendly website and online bookstore to serve those seeking information about programs and publications. Thank you!

Net development revenue Annual Fund $57,500 Capital Campaign $72,800 Grants $325,000 Gala $173,600


RENEW International

RENEW Gala RENEW International presented its annual Gala on June 8 at the Pleasantdale Château in West Orange, New Jersey. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of awards to RENEW honorees. The Gala, the 24th such event, succeeded in large part thanks to the volunteer committee: John Corcoran, Livvy Dinneen, Joan Donnelly, Addie and Rick Moore, Jeanette Walton, and Carol and Robert Williams. The Infernos provided musical entertainment, and this year they were joined by a special guest, singer Keaton Douglas. The Gala was streamed live and was made available for later viewing on YouTube. The Gala raises funds through sponsorships, tickets, journal ads, and a silent auction. The event produced net revenue of $173,600.

Greg Tobin, president of RENEW International, presents the Spirit of RENEW Award to Dolores Steinberg, left, editor of The CUSAN magazine, and Joan Donnelly, former president of the CUSA Board of Directors.

Father Robert B. Stagg, pastor of the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, received the Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler Memorial Award, named after a RENEW founder. In addition to his leadership of one of the state’s largest and most innovative parishes, Father Bob has served the Church in many capacities, including formation of new pastors.

IMPACT Report 2023 21

Karen and Eric Dill received the President’s Award. Karen participated in RENEW’s initial Why Catholic? program. She is a member of a faith-sharing group that has participated in nearly all of RENEW’s resources. Karen has been a leader in catechesis and adult faith-formation in several parishes. Eric has served as a member of RENEW’s Board of Trustees for nearly 20 years, including 12 as Chair. Karen is a Eucharistic minister and Eric is a lector and an eighth-grade catechist.

Addie Moore, left, a member of the Gala committee and longtime RENEW volunteer, joins Sister Honora Nolty, O.P., at the Gala. Sister Honora was a RENEW staff member for many years and now volunteers as spiritual director.

Keaton Douglas entertains Gala guests to the music of The Infernos. Keaton is a consultant, counselor, and author in the field of addiction and recovery, particularly in the context of Catholic spirituality.


RENEW International

RENEW Garden RENEW International honors and memorializes its extended family on the grounds of its headquarters in Plainfield, New Jersey, including the garden that has been the scene of many liturgies and social gatherings. Trees and shrubs have been planted as tributes and memorials, statues have been donated as tributes, and a pattern of pavers has given supporters of RENEW an opportunity to recognize friends and loved ones. A statue of St. Francis of Assisi was donated by Denise Rover in memory of her parents, Francis and Dolores Rover. A statue of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, was donated by Mary Sheehan to honor her sister, Dolly Donahue.

A tree was planted to memorialize Msgr. Thomas A. Kleisser, co-founder and longtime president of RENEW.

One of the many engraved pavers is a memorial to Kevin Lawler, former member of the Board of Trustees.

IMPACT Report 2023 23

Honoring Our Supporters The ministry of RENEW International is made possible in large part by the generous gifts of individual donors, foundations, and businesses. Their generosity has been indispensable in allowing us to continue our work connecting faith and life. Our donors, honorees, and volunteers are partners in our work, and we thank them all.

President’s Society - $20,000 and above

Partners in Mission - $5,000 and above

The Robert Brunner Foundation


James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc.

The Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ – Rev. Robert B. Stagg, pastor

The Lynch Foundation Mary Noel and William J. Page Les and Eileen Quick Frank and Mimi Walsh (Sandy Hill Foundation) G. Gregory Tobin USCCB Catholic Communication Campaign John Clark and Jeanette Walton The William E. Simon Foundation

Patrons of RENEW - $10,000 and above The Achill Island Foundation Eric and Karen Dill George and Patricia Erdman James B. Kubinak and Mary T. Lynch Jack Norris SOMOS Community Care (Mario Paredes)

CUSA Eric G. and Elizabeth Koch Beth Lawrence Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner Walter I. and Lynn Rickard Gregory Romanzo Denise A. Rover Reverend Robert B. Stagg Michael A. and Ida Tropiano Carol and Robert Williams

Sponsors - $1,000 and above The Bank of America Charitable Foundation Martha Bauer Bryan Berndt Victoria and Thomas Carey Robert W. Dempsey Leonard C. and Colleen DiTomaso Margaret Dolan

RENEW Supporters during the period July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023 +Deceased


RENEW International

Joan Donnelly

Robert Bocchino

Paul and Kathleen Foley

Kenneth Boroson

Diane Forastiero

Anthony C. and Maggie Browne

Joseph and Patricia Ann Franzetti

Patrick T. and Veronica E. Brunnock

Martin and Susan Garofalo

Mark S. Bushere

Robert and Jennifer Gregory

Michele Calise

Gerri Harold

Robert and Mary Callander

The Healey Family Foundation

David Calnan and Mary Lee Clanton

Thomas and Mary Healy

Donald A. and C. Hollis Caminiti

Jennifer M. Jehn

Fred Marra and Donnamarie Carrai

Robert “Pat” and Sharon Kane

Michele Castagna

Walter P. and Kathleen Kennedy

Michael and Cynthia Chovan-Dalton

Eileen Leonard and Dale Hagstrom

Christine Lagana and Joseph Lagana

Thomas Meloro

The Church of St. Bernard of Clairvaux and St. Stanislaus Kostka, Plainfield, NJ – Rev. Marcin Fuks, pastor

Patricia Murphy and John Kennelly Mario Paredes Barbara and Dominick Preziosi, Jr. Most Reverend Michael Saporito Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, NY John and Jamee Stanley William I. and Marianne Strasser Dennis and Diane Stripe The Parish Community of Saint Helen, Westfield, NJ – Msgr. Thomas Nydegger, pastor

John J. and Alison D. Corcoran, Jr. Kevin Costello John D’Angelo David and Marlene Hawes Dr. Donald DeFabio Alice Dillon Teresa Doyle Brian E. and Mary T. Dugan Joseph R. Duggan

James Tucci

Mare Ernesto

Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr.

Paula Flynn

Laurence J. Walsh

John Fontana

Donald J. and Elizabeth H. Whittam

Thomas P. Giblin JoAnne Giordano

Friends - $100 and above

Keith and Elisabeth Goggin

Anonymous (2)

Michael A. Granata

Mary Ellen Angress

Patricia Gray

Archdiocese of Newark – His Eminence Joseph Cardinal Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D., Archbishop

Darren Guy

Teresa Barry Dr. Alice Beal and Hon. William Kuntz, II Patricia E. Becker

Marilyn Haggerty Catherine and Michael Hennessey Kathleen Powers Holmes Carlotta Jennings

IMPACT Report 2023 25

Craig Johnson Robert Justich Kenneth R. Pesta and Andrea R. Pesta Claire Kenney Paul and Judith Kleissler Robert J. Kleissler Joseph and Yutsuan Weiyeh Ku Joan R. Lalonde Jennifer Leitner

The Monsignor Thomas A. Kleissler Legacy Society

M. Therese Liddy

Members of the Legacy Society make a gift to RENEW that will endure beyond their lifetimes. The following have named RENEW International as the beneficiary of a planned gift.

Kyle Lippman Eileen Lynch Deirdre Trabert Malacrea and Richard F. Malacrea, Jr. Robert and Fran Manning Joseph Patrick Martinez Max Bussel & Co. Jackie McGee Carol McIntyre Patricia McKenna John McTague Lisa McWhinnie Merrill Lynch Richard and Janet Michalowski Susan Munroe Sister Honora Nolty, OP Michael and Julie O’Brien Charles and Patricia Paolino Stephanie Peddicord Thomas and Theresa Potenza William M. and Diane K. Prentice, Jr. Presentation Knights of Columbus Patricia Ramella C. William Reilly Peter A. and Carolyn M. Seibel Monsignor Timothy Shugrue Joseph Smith Marie St. Cloud

Msgr. Edward J. Ciuba Margaret and +Robert Graham Lynn Hull +Msgr. Thomas Ivory John Kennelly +Msgr. Tom Kleissler +Deceased

+Kevin Lawler +Barbara Miller Jack Norris +Kathy Norris Mary Noel Page +Elizabeth Quinlan C. William Reilly


RENEW International Suzanne Stack

Mary Jane Gannon

Michael Stein

Terry Giannetto

Wendy Lane Stevens

Joseph and Marion Greco

Vincent and Mary L. Sweeney

Linda Hanlon

Suzanne Sykes

Marilou Heim

Andy Tabar – Lake Digital

William Heinbokel and Renee Trabert

Carol and John Tobin

William P. and Barbara A. Hennig

Eugene V. and Suellen K. Tozzi

Sarah Hines

Craig Tubiolo

Robert and Mary Beth Howath

Rev. Randall Vashon

Wanda R. Hussey

Patricia Verdon

Yvette Hutchins

Nicholas and Donna Vero

Vita R. Lanza

Maryann Walsh

Sister Mary Lechtenberg, OSF

Thomas E. and Ann White

Madeleine Lee and Kenneth Fagan

MaryEllen Woodstock

Mary Ann Leynes John and Rita Linehan

Supporters up to $99

Peggy and Charlie Lockwood


John J. and Patricia K. Magovern

Amazon Smile

Richard E. and Kelly M. Maltagliati

Christine and Douglas Anderson

John and Mary McEnerney

Joseph Baricelli

Michael G. and Susan A. McGuinness

Marilee Beyer Jennifer Bober+ Russell E. and Candice Borner Shirley Bowling Marguerite Boyce Samuel and Laura Byrnes Muriel and William Cagney Susan M. and Vito Capurso Stephanie and Thomas Caputo Richard Cerbini Janice Cuttingham and Alfred Petit Gerald Dalzell Julia Dillon Diane Dunne Eileen Fox Mary Anne Fusco

Barbara and Dominick Preziosi Jr. were among the guests at RENEW’s 2023 Gala Dinner Dance. Dominick is a member of RENEW’s Board of Trustees.

IMPACT Report 2023 27 Linda Nash William and Barbara O’Sullivan PayPal Giving Fund Barbara and Fred Prince Robert Ramundo Joseph Reardon Denise and Christopher Reece Geoffrey S. Richards Genevieve Richards-Wright Gloria Secchia Michael and Mary Singer Richard and Anna Spalckhaver Anthony and Flora Spera Joseph Stanziani Mary Lou Thompson Richard and Germaine Trabert Eleanor Wall Patricia Wiley and Wendy Miller Carolyn Winchester Harry W. Wolverton Michael and Ida Tropiano are photographed at RENEW’s 2023 Gala Dinner Dance. Michael is a former member of RENEW’s Board of Trustees.

An elaborate ice sculpture graced RENEW’s annual Gala Dinner Dance at the Pleasantdale Château in West Orange, New Jersey.

Bobby Gregory, who received the Spirit of RENEW Award at the Gala in October 2021, attended the 2023 event.


RENEW International

In-Kind Donations (Gifts of Goods and Services) Anonymous (2)

Lisa Meehan and Grey Warner

16 Prospect Street Wine Bar and Bistro

Rick and Addie Moore

Adventure Aquarium

Patricia Murphy and John Kennelly

Alstede Farms LLC

New York Giants


News Corp

Bowlero Corporation

Paper Mill Playhouse

CBS Television Stations

The Philadelphia Flyers

Michael and Cynthia Chovan-Dalton

Denise and Christopher Reece

Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club, Bedminster, NJ

Seastreak, LLC

Hubspot Hyatt Hills Golf Complex, Clark, NJ Robert “Pat” and Sharon Kane Kat Kuo Design Reverend Thomas Looney, C.S.C. Mayo Performing Arts Center

SOJO Spa Club Stress Factory Dennis and Diane Stripe G. Gregory Tobin Trader Joe’s – Westfield, NJ Turning Point – Westfield, NJ John Clark and Jeanette Walton

Guests of SOMOS at RENEW’s 2023 Gala pause on the dance floor to capture a selfie.

We thank all our friends, volunteers, and supporters not mentioned here. Truly, we could not continue this ministry without you.

IMPACT Report 2023 29

Leadership STAFF President and Executive Director G. Gregory Tobin

Development Cynthia Chovan-Dalton Director Alesha Curry Development Associate John Corcoran Senior Advisor and Major Gift Officer

Sales and Marketing Eileen Lynch Director Laura DePalma Marketing Manager Melanie Haddock Regional Account Executive Dawn MacDonald Customer Service Representative

Pastoral Services and Parish Mission Darrin Nelson Director Mary Ann Ernesto Associate Director John Poitevent Process Director, Parish Catalyst Joseph Baricelli Resource Support Sr. Ruth Bolarte, I.H.M. John Fontana Dr. Sourette Fougère Sr. Chela Gonzalez, O.P. Sr. Honora Nicholson, R.S.M. Sr. Janet Schaeffler, O.P.

RENEW Africa Rev. Ludwe Jayiya Director Charmaine Woolard Administrator



Julia Dillon Senior Managing Editor Deacon Charles Paolino Managing Editor

Joseph Baricelli Manager Sonja Williams Administrative Assistant

Human Services

Finance Denise Reece Controller

Jana Venkataramanan Senior Advisor

Volunteer Staff Bill Ayres Alice Hugh Brown Diane Forastiero

Sharon Krause Sister Honora Nolty, O.P.

RENEW staff at the 2023 Gala: Front row, from left, Jana Venkataramanan, Alesha Curry, Mare Ernesto, Eileen Lynch, Joseph Baricelli, Laura DePalma, and Cynthia Chovan-Dalton. Back row, Sonja Williams, Julia Dillon, Dawn MacDonald, Darrin Nelson, Denise Reece, and Greg Tobin.


RENEW International

Members of the RENEW International Board of Trustees attended the 2023 Gala Dinner Dance. From left, front row, Craig Johnson, Lisa Meehan, Joan Donnelly, Victoria Carey, and Dominick Preziosi; back row, Eric Dill; Gregory Tobin, president and executive director; Don Whittam, board chair; Patricia Murphy, board secretary; and Martin Garofalo.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES G. Gregory Tobin President and Executive Director Donald J. Whittam, Chair Patricia A. Murphy, Secretary Vincent Sweeney, Treasurer Victoria Carey Livvy Dinneen Alejandro Fernández-Colmenárez Eric Dill Joan Donnelly Martin Garofalo Jennifer Jehn

Craig Johnson Robert P. “Pat” Kane Rev. Thomas P. Looney, C.S.C., Ph.D. Lisa Meehan Joan Mulderig Rev. Abraham Orapankal Mario Paredes Dominick Preziosi Walter I. Rickard Felipe “Flip” Sanchez Dennis Stripe William Simon Jr., Advisor to the board

CORPORATE BOARD Cardinal Joseph William Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D., Chair Very Reverend John J. Chadwick, S.T.D. Sr. Donna L. Ciangio, O.P., M.A., D. Min. Sr. Patricia Wormann, O.P., M.Div., M.S.W. Reverend Timothy G. Graff

IMPACT Report 2023 31

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Young adults We’re posting Theology on Tap events occurring all over the country and good news stories about Young Adult Ministry. “Like” us: www.facebook.com/RENEWToT

Watch us! View testimonials, good news stories, and workshops at: www.youtube.com/RENEWInternational


RENEW International

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The RENEW Prayer Gracious God and Father, We are your people, embraced by your love. We thank you for your presence with us throughout all time. Create us anew through Jesus Christ, your Son. Liberate us from all that keeps us from you. Send your Holy Spirit, enabling us to recreate our world and restore justice. Heal us from every form of sin and violence. Transform us to live your Word more profoundly. Reconcile us so enemies become friends. Awaken us to the sacred; nurture our relationships. Enliven our parishes; reunite our families. Fill us with joy to celebrate the fullness of life. Empower us to be a community of love growing in your likeness by the grace of Christ our Lord. Amen

OUR MISSION To renew personal faith and parish life—unlocking the power of small groups by equipping the people of God to share their Catholic faith and live it every day.

RENEW International 1232 George Street Plainfield, NJ 07062-1717 USA renewintl.org

@ 2022 RENEW International

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